The Observance Of Passover
Do people have to keep Passover to be saved?
I have been keeping Passover (Pesach) for many years now.
I did not grow up keeping Passover, and did not even understand that it was an annual observance, until after I read the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) for the first time, after I came into the House of Truth. Before that, I had always thought that it was a one-time event, which had occurred when the Hebrews were delivered from the bondage of Egypt.
Strictly speaking that is true. The original Passover was when who ever had the blood of the lamb on their door, their house was passed over when the first born were killed (Exodus 12:6-11).
However, I learned that they were commanded to commemorate that they were passed over, with an annual holiday called "Passover" (Exodus 12:42-43).
Still I saw no need to keep Passover, nor did I know anyone who did, nor did I have any clue how to keep Passover.
After many years, I felt lead by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to keep Passover . So I started reading up on how to keep Passover. At that same time, my wife told me that a friend of ours in our congregation had grown up keeping Passover. So, he and his wife agreed to let us come over to their house, and keep Passover with them at their house.
I was excited, but nervous when the day came. I had created my own Hagaddah, because I did not know where to get one at. I had made my own Seder plate, because I did not know where to get one of those either. I had learned how to cook everything as authentically as it was in ancient Egypt as possible. I just did not want to get anything wrong.
When the Seder (the Passover ceremony) started, our friends were so gracious. I had thought that it would be awkward to do, but it seemed so natural, like I had been doing it my whole life. Also, it turned out to be a lot more fun than I would have thought, since it was such a solemn event that was being commemorated.
We ended our Seder with a hearty proclamation of "Next year in Jerusalem!".
After that, there was no going back. Passover was an annual observation for my household from then on.
Overtime, the holidays from the Book of Truth totally replaced holidays with Pagan customs, like Easter. Once we had tasted the better things that come from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), those other things simply lost their appeal.
No one told us that we had to do these things. We discovered them ourselves in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), and were lead to put them into practice by the Spirit of Truth.
Yet, since that time I have heard countless people say things like, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) must keep Passover. I have even heard some say, that no can be saved unless they keep Passover.
Are they right? Do the Children of Truth have to keep Passover?
The best place to answer this question is by examining what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) says about the observance of Passover.
First, circumcised men must observe Passover (Exodus 12:43-44). Uncircumcised men must not observe Passover (Exodus 12:48).
So, Passover was observed again in the days of Joshua, after those born in the wilderness were circumcised (Joshua 5:5-10).
So, if men must observe Passover to be saved, then they must be circumcised to be saved.
Second, Passover must be observed in the place where the Father of Truth placed His name (Deuteronomy 16:5-7). That place is Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:36).
So, King Hezekiah revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem after many years (2 Chronicles 30:1-5). Years later, King Josiah revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 35:17-19). Then Ezra revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem, after the Jews returned from the captivity in Babylon (Ezra 6:18-19).
Centuries later, the parents of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) went to Jerusalem for the observance of Passover every year (Luke 2:41). Then the Man of Truth went to Jerusalem for the observance of Passover when he was grown (John 2:13).
So, if people must observe Passover to be saved, then they must observe it in Jerusalem every year to be saved.
Third, Passover must be observed with sacrifices made by the priests and Levites (Numbers 28:16-24). The priests and Levites must perform these sacrifices in the Temple (Deuteronomy 16:2-6).
So, King Hezekiah had to delay the observance of Passover to the second month, because the priests and Levites were not ready (2 Chronicles 30:1-3). King Josiah had the priests and Levites kill the Passover lambs in the Temple in accordance with the Law of Truth (2 Chronicles 35:10-17). Ezra had to delay the observance of Passover until after the Temple was rebuilt, so the priests and Levites could kill could kill the Passover lambs (Ezra 6:17-20).
So, if people must observe Passover to be saved, then the Temple must be in operation for them to be saved.
So, if people must observe Passover as prescribed by the Law of Truth to be saved, then no one has been able to be saved since the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
So, to say that people must observe Passover to be saved, is a thick slice of stupid with extra sauce on it.
Whoever says that we must observe Passover to be saved, is trusting in their own ability to keep the Law of Truth, instead of what the Man of Truth has done (Galatians 2:16). They have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4).
Whoever claims to be a teacher of the Law of Truth, and says that people must observe Passover in some matter other than what is written in the Law of Truth, which is the only way Passover can be observed without the Temple in operation, show that they plainly do not understand the Law of Truth (1 Timothy 1:5-7).
In fact, if the letter of the Law of Truth is going to be followed, then no one is saved, who observes Passover, because the Law of Truth would forbid them from doing so without the Temple in operation.
The truth is, that we cannot observe any of the Feasts of Truth as prescribed in the Law of Truth, without the Temple in operation. We are playing with broken toys.
However, we can have a rehearsal of the Feasts of Truth that make up the acts of the Greatest Play Ever. This is what Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) did with congregation in Corinth (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).
Even this is completely optional, for we are completely saved by faith in the Man of Truth, without observing any of the Feasts of Truth (Colossians 2:10-16).
Still, there is great benefit in the observation of Passover, if we are doing so, because we are following the leading of the Spirit of the Law of Truth. While the letter of the Law of Truth would kill us over the observation of Passover, the Spirit of the Law of Truth will give us life in the observation of Passover (2 Corinthians 3:6).
Passover has a significance for the Children of Truth, that is lacking for those who do not know the Man of Truth. They are not just reliving deliverance from Egypt, but they are remembering their deliverance from sin by the Death of The Lamb. They understand that the blood of The Lamb on the cross, will cause them to be passed over for destruction, just like the blood of the lamb on the door posts of the homes in Egypt, caused those homes to be passed over. They are remembering the better Passover that came from the blood of the Man of Truth being shed on the cross. They understand that they killed the Man of Truth, just like those passed over in Egypt killed the lamb.
They also understand the significance of the other two Feasts of Truth that occur with Passover. They understand that removing the leaven from their homes, is really a rehearsal of the Man of Truth removing the sin from their hearts. They understand that they should wish each other "Happy Firstfruits", because the raising of the First Fruits is about the raising of the Man of Truth from the dead. They understand that a dead Man of Truth could not complete the work of their salvation, so he had to rise from the dead on Resurrection Sunday.
They experience the observance of Passover in a profound way, that can only come from knowing that the Man of Truth is their Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7).
Rabbinic distort has robbed many Jews of the joy of Passover, because they do not understand that following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing. In like manner, many of the Children of Truth have been robbed of the joy of Passover, because they do not understand that the observation of Passover is not just a Jewish thing. The real joy of the observation of Passover comes from following the Man of Truth.
So the observation of Passover has many benefits for the Children of Truth, but salvation is not one of them. The observation of Passover did not bring us to salvation. Salvation brought us to the observation of Passover.
People are saved when they come into the House of Truth. They come into the House of Truth by the Lamb that takes away their sin, the Man of Truth (John 1:29). They come into the House of Truth, when they believe the message of the observation of Passover, that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so he could be their risen King (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
I have been keeping Passover (Pesach) for many years now.
I did not grow up keeping Passover, and did not even understand that it was an annual observance, until after I read the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) for the first time, after I came into the House of Truth. Before that, I had always thought that it was a one-time event, which had occurred when the Hebrews were delivered from the bondage of Egypt.
Strictly speaking that is true. The original Passover was when who ever had the blood of the lamb on their door, their house was passed over when the first born were killed (Exodus 12:6-11).
However, I learned that they were commanded to commemorate that they were passed over, with an annual holiday called "Passover" (Exodus 12:42-43).
Still I saw no need to keep Passover, nor did I know anyone who did, nor did I have any clue how to keep Passover.
After many years, I felt lead by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to keep Passover . So I started reading up on how to keep Passover. At that same time, my wife told me that a friend of ours in our congregation had grown up keeping Passover. So, he and his wife agreed to let us come over to their house, and keep Passover with them at their house.
I was excited, but nervous when the day came. I had created my own Hagaddah, because I did not know where to get one at. I had made my own Seder plate, because I did not know where to get one of those either. I had learned how to cook everything as authentically as it was in ancient Egypt as possible. I just did not want to get anything wrong.
When the Seder (the Passover ceremony) started, our friends were so gracious. I had thought that it would be awkward to do, but it seemed so natural, like I had been doing it my whole life. Also, it turned out to be a lot more fun than I would have thought, since it was such a solemn event that was being commemorated.
We ended our Seder with a hearty proclamation of "Next year in Jerusalem!".
After that, there was no going back. Passover was an annual observation for my household from then on.
Overtime, the holidays from the Book of Truth totally replaced holidays with Pagan customs, like Easter. Once we had tasted the better things that come from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), those other things simply lost their appeal.
No one told us that we had to do these things. We discovered them ourselves in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), and were lead to put them into practice by the Spirit of Truth.
Yet, since that time I have heard countless people say things like, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) must keep Passover. I have even heard some say, that no can be saved unless they keep Passover.
Are they right? Do the Children of Truth have to keep Passover?
The best place to answer this question is by examining what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) says about the observance of Passover.
First, circumcised men must observe Passover (Exodus 12:43-44). Uncircumcised men must not observe Passover (Exodus 12:48).
So, Passover was observed again in the days of Joshua, after those born in the wilderness were circumcised (Joshua 5:5-10).
So, if men must observe Passover to be saved, then they must be circumcised to be saved.
Second, Passover must be observed in the place where the Father of Truth placed His name (Deuteronomy 16:5-7). That place is Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:36).
So, King Hezekiah revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem after many years (2 Chronicles 30:1-5). Years later, King Josiah revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 35:17-19). Then Ezra revived the observance of Passover again in Jerusalem, after the Jews returned from the captivity in Babylon (Ezra 6:18-19).
Centuries later, the parents of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) went to Jerusalem for the observance of Passover every year (Luke 2:41). Then the Man of Truth went to Jerusalem for the observance of Passover when he was grown (John 2:13).
So, if people must observe Passover to be saved, then they must observe it in Jerusalem every year to be saved.
Third, Passover must be observed with sacrifices made by the priests and Levites (Numbers 28:16-24). The priests and Levites must perform these sacrifices in the Temple (Deuteronomy 16:2-6).
So, King Hezekiah had to delay the observance of Passover to the second month, because the priests and Levites were not ready (2 Chronicles 30:1-3). King Josiah had the priests and Levites kill the Passover lambs in the Temple in accordance with the Law of Truth (2 Chronicles 35:10-17). Ezra had to delay the observance of Passover until after the Temple was rebuilt, so the priests and Levites could kill could kill the Passover lambs (Ezra 6:17-20).
So, if people must observe Passover to be saved, then the Temple must be in operation for them to be saved.
So, if people must observe Passover as prescribed by the Law of Truth to be saved, then no one has been able to be saved since the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
So, to say that people must observe Passover to be saved, is a thick slice of stupid with extra sauce on it.
Whoever says that we must observe Passover to be saved, is trusting in their own ability to keep the Law of Truth, instead of what the Man of Truth has done (Galatians 2:16). They have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4).
Whoever claims to be a teacher of the Law of Truth, and says that people must observe Passover in some matter other than what is written in the Law of Truth, which is the only way Passover can be observed without the Temple in operation, show that they plainly do not understand the Law of Truth (1 Timothy 1:5-7).
In fact, if the letter of the Law of Truth is going to be followed, then no one is saved, who observes Passover, because the Law of Truth would forbid them from doing so without the Temple in operation.
The truth is, that we cannot observe any of the Feasts of Truth as prescribed in the Law of Truth, without the Temple in operation. We are playing with broken toys.
However, we can have a rehearsal of the Feasts of Truth that make up the acts of the Greatest Play Ever. This is what Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) did with congregation in Corinth (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).
Even this is completely optional, for we are completely saved by faith in the Man of Truth, without observing any of the Feasts of Truth (Colossians 2:10-16).
Still, there is great benefit in the observation of Passover, if we are doing so, because we are following the leading of the Spirit of the Law of Truth. While the letter of the Law of Truth would kill us over the observation of Passover, the Spirit of the Law of Truth will give us life in the observation of Passover (2 Corinthians 3:6).
Passover has a significance for the Children of Truth, that is lacking for those who do not know the Man of Truth. They are not just reliving deliverance from Egypt, but they are remembering their deliverance from sin by the Death of The Lamb. They understand that the blood of The Lamb on the cross, will cause them to be passed over for destruction, just like the blood of the lamb on the door posts of the homes in Egypt, caused those homes to be passed over. They are remembering the better Passover that came from the blood of the Man of Truth being shed on the cross. They understand that they killed the Man of Truth, just like those passed over in Egypt killed the lamb.
They also understand the significance of the other two Feasts of Truth that occur with Passover. They understand that removing the leaven from their homes, is really a rehearsal of the Man of Truth removing the sin from their hearts. They understand that they should wish each other "Happy Firstfruits", because the raising of the First Fruits is about the raising of the Man of Truth from the dead. They understand that a dead Man of Truth could not complete the work of their salvation, so he had to rise from the dead on Resurrection Sunday.
They experience the observance of Passover in a profound way, that can only come from knowing that the Man of Truth is their Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7).
Rabbinic distort has robbed many Jews of the joy of Passover, because they do not understand that following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing. In like manner, many of the Children of Truth have been robbed of the joy of Passover, because they do not understand that the observation of Passover is not just a Jewish thing. The real joy of the observation of Passover comes from following the Man of Truth.
So the observation of Passover has many benefits for the Children of Truth, but salvation is not one of them. The observation of Passover did not bring us to salvation. Salvation brought us to the observation of Passover.
People are saved when they come into the House of Truth. They come into the House of Truth by the Lamb that takes away their sin, the Man of Truth (John 1:29). They come into the House of Truth, when they believe the message of the observation of Passover, that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so he could be their risen King (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!