Monday, October 30, 2017


What is wrong with Halloween?

A good place to start is with the word "Halloween".  The word "Halloween" came from a contraction of "All Hallows Evening".  "All Hallows Evening" was later called "Hallows Even", then "Hallow E'en" and finally "Halloween".

"All Hallows Evening" was the beginning of a three day festival called "Allhallowtide".  The next day was called "All Saints Day" to remember so-called Saints.  The last day was called "All Souls Day" to remember regular people, who called themselves "Christians", who had died.

"All Hallows Evening" was a day of remembrance of all martyrs.  Sometime before the universal persecution of Rome, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) had developed a tradition of building churches on the site, where a member of their local congregation was killed for their faith.  They would then commemorate the day of the death of the martyr each year by meeting together to pray to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) on that day.  They would pray to have the strength to follow the example of their local hero.

This left a patchwork of observation dates across congregations, with one congregation observing one day for a local martyr, and the next nearest congregation observing an entirely different date.  Once the Roman universal persecution began in 95 AD, many of the local congregations soon began running out of dates.  There were simply more martyrs than dates on the calendar.

The problem was somewhat lessened by declaring only certain martyrs to be "Saints", and only observing their dates. Still, many congregations would have too many remembrance dates to be practical.  There were also arguments over which martyrs were worthy to be called a "Saint".  Finally, there was the problem that sometimes multiple Saints died on the same date, often together.

So, the False Church of Rome established the first of May as All Saints Day to commemorate the death of those deemed to be "Saints" in 610 AD.  The evening before, "All Hallows Evening", was to commemorate the death of ordinary martyrs.  By this time, people had stopped praying to be faithful like the martyrs, but instead started praying to the Saints.

In 835 AD, All Saints Day was moved to the first of November.  This was done, so it would fall on the same day as the Druid holiday called "Samhain".  Although the Germans called this holiday by another name, it was the day when they, as well as the Celts, commemorated the dead with pagan customs.

Finally, in 1030 AD, All Souls Day was added after All Saints Day.  "All Souls Day" was to remember regular people, who called themselves "Christians", who had died.  This day was observed by praying for those who were stuck suffering in Purgatory after death, so they would be admitted into Heaven.

This completed the three day festival of the False Church of Rome called, "Allhallowtide".  So, the first thing wrong with Halloween, is that at best, it is a holiday of the False Church of Rome.  This entire festival is contrary to the Book of Truth (The Bible).

There is nothing wrong with being inspired by the faithfulness of martyrs.  However, these martyrs are part of the Children of Truth, and not their Master (Matthew 23:8-10).

The Children of Truth are to strive to be like their Master (Luke 6:40).  The Children of Truth are to strive to be like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (1 John 4:15-17).

So, instead of praying to be like one of the martyrs, the Children of Truth should be praying to be like the Man of Truth.

People are not to pray to dead people, even if they are declared to be "Saints", for every necromancer (anyone who talks to dead people) is an abomination to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:11-12).  The Man of Truth taught the Children of Truth to pray to the Father of Truth (Matthew 6:6).

The Children of Truth are to pray to the Father of Truth in the name of the Man of Truth (John 16:26-27).  They are to thank the Father of Truth for all things in the name of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:20).

So, instead of praying to the Children of Truth who have died, the Children of Truth are to pray to the Father of Truth in the name of the Man of Truth.

The Children of Truth are not to pray for people to escape Purgatory after death.  It is as useless as being baptized for those who died (1 Corinthians 15:29).  No one cannot change the state of someone else after they die (Revelation 22:11).

When people die in their sins, they suffer unending punishment in fire (Mark 9:43-48).  Those who suffer in this fire, cannot be removed from this fire, no matter who prays for them (Luke 16:22-26).  There is no escape from the Chamber of Horrors.

When people die in the Man of Truth, they go to be with the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:6-8).  The Children of Truth will always be with the Man of Truth (Philippians 1:21-23).   They are literally better off dead.

So, instead of praying for the dead to be saved, the Children of Truth are to carryout the Great Commission, and tell living people the Good News, so the living can come into the House of Truth.

As bad as this three day festival of the False Church of Rome is, it is only a small part of what is wrong with Halloween.

Many of the customs of Halloween, as celebrated in countries populated by descendants of the Celtic and Germanic people, like the United States, come from the Druid holiday called, "Samhain".

Although, this holiday was not part of Celtic Christianity in its original form, the Druids were successful in getting many of the customs of Samhain infused into celebrations of All Hallows Eve, after the False Church of Rome moved All Saints Day to fall on the same day as Samhain in 835 AD.

In order to explain Samhain, a brief explanation of seasons is in order.  There are three different systems for defining the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter involved.

Julius Caesar set up the Julian Calendar, that is still commonly used today, with a few adjustments made over the years.  On his calendar, the year began on the first of March.  (This is why December is literally "tenth month", even though it is the twelfth month on modern calendars.)  The reason for this was that the first season of the year for Julius Caesar was Spring.  His definition of Spring was Climatic Spring, when the weather became warm enough that life began to spring out of the ground.

The Romans had observed that this came about three weeks before the Spring Equinox, so they set the beginning of Spring to be the first of March, with the Spring Equinox occurring on the the twenty second of March.  Each season was broken into three months, to mark the early, mid, and late portion of each season.  So Climatic Summer began with June, Climatic Autumn began with September, and Climatic Winter began with December.

So in this system for defining the seasons, the first day of Spring is not the Spring Equinox, as people commonly think.  Under the Climatic system developed by the Romans, the Spring Equinox is more properly "the equinox that occurs in the Spring".

This is another system of defining seasons by the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.  In this system, Astronomical Spring begins on the Spring Equinox, Astronomical Summer begins on the Summer Solstice,  Astronomical Autumn begins on the Autumn Equinox, and Astronomical Winter begins on the Winter Solstice. In the Astronomical system, the year begins with the Winter Solstice.

The Celtic and Germanic people had an entirely different system for defining seasons.  They defined seasons by how much sunlight there was each day.  In this Solaric system, Solaric Winter began on the midway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice.  This is around the sixth of November on modern calendars.  The other seasons began on the midway points of the Astronomical Seasons as well.  Solaric Spring began around the third of February, Solaric Summer began around the fifth of May, and Solaric Autumn began around the fourth of August.

This system defined Winter as the quarter of the year with least amount of sunlight and Summer as the quarter of the year with the most amount of sunlight.  (Climatic seasons lag Solaric seasons by about a month due seasonal lag.  Seasonal lag is caused by the time it takes the climate to respond to a change in the amount of sunlight, usually about a month.)

The Celtic and Germanic people marked each day as starting with sunset, so that the day was darkness followed by light.  In the same way, the year began with the start of Solaric Winter, so that the year was darkness followed by light.

The first day of each season was marked with a holiday.  The first day of Solaric Winter, the beginning of the year, was marked by Samhain.  The first day of the other seasons were marked by Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh.

After the Romans, and then the False Church of Rome, took over the areas where the Celtic and Germanic people lived, there were some adjustments made by both sides to create a single syncretic calendar.  This calendar allowed their holidays to be combined into new "Christian" holidays.  These new "Christian" holidays went by the names established by the False Church of Rome, but most of the practices of the corresponding Celtic and Germanic holidays were incorporated into their observations.  All Saints Day and Samhain were both moved to the first day of November.  Most of the practices of Samhain were done during the night time portion, that began at sunset on the last day of October.  So, those practices were continued on "All Hallows Evening", better known as Halloween.

(Imbolc was moved to the second of February, and became "Ground Hog Day".  Beltane was moved to the first of May, and became "May Day".   Lughnasadh was moved to the first day of August, and became "Transfiguration Day" or "Lammas" (a contraction of "Lamb Mass").)

So, most of the customs that people associate with Halloween came from Samhain.  In order to understand better what is wrong with Halloween, we need to examine those practices in their original context.

On Samhain, it was believed that it was easier to come in contact with the Aos Si, which are Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), than any other time of the year.  (Some of the Aos Si were also called Fairies, because they appeared in the form of "fair" (beautiful) young women, usually with wings.)  These spirits were greatly feared, especially the Horned God.  It was also believed that the souls of the dead would return to their homes on this night.  (People would set out plates with food for them at the table, and keep a seat open for them by the fireplace.)  Lastly, people were concerned, that the dead would seek revenge on this night, for any perceived injustice that they had faced in life.

For these reasons, a number of practices developed for the celebration of Samhain.  Most of these practices are commonly carried out on Halloween today.  Here are some of these common Halloween practices derived from Samhain, and their original purpose:

1.  Decorations and costumes

People dressed up like ghosts, dead people, and the like, to disguise themselves from the souls of the dead.  In order to keep the souls of the dead away from their homes, they disguised their yards as graveyards, in the hopes that the souls of the dead will be confused.  They often used other emblems  of death, like coffins, skeletons, and skulls, to make the scene more convincing.

2.  Bonfires

Originally, the Druids would build a wicker man around a human sacrifice on Samhain, and set it on fire to appease the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si, especially the Horned God.  This practice was banned by the Romans, and then the False Church of Rome, but continued for centuries in remote areas.

Later, the practice was changed to setting fires where the bones of the recently departed were burned.  They would gather around these bone fires for protection from the vengeful souls of the dead, and the Aos Si.  The words "bone fire" was later contracted to form the word "bonfire", which people still gather around on Halloween to this day.

3.  Jack-o-lanterns

Carved turnip lanterns were originally used to ward off the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si.

After the False Church of Rome recast Samhain as All Hallows Eve, these carved turnip lanterns came to remind people to pray for the release of their loved ones from Purgatory.  The faces of these carved turnip lanterns were carved to show the torment that those in Purgatory were experiencing, until someone arranged for them to be released.

These carved turnip lanterns were much later called "Jack-o-lanterns".  This name came from a myth about a thief named Jack, who was forced to wander the Earth at night after death, with an ember from Hell in a carved out turnip as his lantern.  So, these carved out turnip lanterns first became known as "Lanterns of Jack", or "Jack-o-lanterns" in 1837 AD.  Jack-o-lanterns were first brought over to the United States by Irish immigrants around that time.  The first known case of one being carved from pumpkin was in 1866 AD.

4.  Trick or Treat

Food was also set as offerings for the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si, and as refreshments for the souls of the dead.  Originally, Druids in their hooded outfits that hid their face, would collect and eat these offerings, because it was believed that these Druids were possessed by these spirits and souls on Samhain.  

If the Druids were not pleased with the offering for some reason, they would paint a hexagram (a six-pointed star in a circle) in blood, sometimes human, on the door of the house.  This was supposed to mark the house as cursed.  This was known as putting a hex on a house.

When a hex was put on a house, it meant that the Aos Si, and the vengeful souls of the dead, would bring wrath upon it.  One of the inhabitants would usually die that night, supposedly from the curse, but usually it from was poison, or an "accident" carried out by the Druids.

Sometimes, the Druids would mark an individual person with a hexagram in blood on their chest.  This was supposed marked them as cursed in the same manner.  This was known as putting a hex on someone.

When a hex was put on a person, they usually did not live until morning, unless they managed to escape.  One reason was that their neighbors would hunt them down and kill them, often by stoning, to appease the Aos Si, and the vengeful souls of the dead.  This sacrifice was thought to protect the community from the wrath of these spirits and souls on Samhain, especially the Horned God.

After the False Church of Rome recast Samhain as All Hallows Eve, this practice of putting out food to appease the Aos Si, and the vengeful souls of the dead, and putting hexes on houses and people, were replaced with new customs derived from the old customs.

Instead of food being placed outside of each house to be consumed by hooded Druids, people wearing disguises to conceal their identity, would go from house to house to eat soul cakes, carrying turnip Jack-o-lanterns.  Those who ate the soul cakes, would then pray for the souls of those dear to the owner of the house, who were in Purgatory.  Those who did this were known as guisers or soulers.

Any house that did not offer soul cakes to the guisers or soulers, was subject to dreadful pranks, that replaced putting a hex on a house or person.  These pranks were typically annoying, like having their outhouse tipped on its door when occupied.  Sometimes the pranks were damaging to property, but not harmful to people, like setting an unoccupied outhouse on fire.  These pranks were attested to as an old practice on All Hallows Eve among the Scots and Irish in 1780 AD.

By 1895 AD, guisers had expanded from praying for the souls in Purgatory in exchange for soul cakes, to accepting treats and money, in exchange for NOT carrying out a Halloween prank on the occupants.

Like Jack-o-lanterns, another wave of immigrants from Ireland brought this form of extortion to North America.

The first known case of guisers in North America were children in Canada in 1911 AD.  The first known instance of guisers asking for treats in North America was in 1915 AD.  The first known case of guisers in the United States was in Chicago in 1920 AD.  This practice of guisers demanding treats and money to NOT carry out a Halloween prank, was first called "Trick or Treat" in Canada in 1927 AD.

This term did not appear in the United States until 1934 AD.  It was not well known in America, until a major publication wrote about it in 1939 AD.

It was then popularized throughout America by candy makers in California.  Of course, an entire industry for creating Halloween costumes also emerged, mostly in cities with large populations of newly arrived Irish immigrants.  Halloween then became the commercialized holiday that many people know it as today. 

5.  Halloween Games

The Celtic and Germanic tribes used hazel nuts in games of divining a good match between unmarried men and women on Samhain.  They believe that the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si, would show them, whether or a match was good, through the roasting of hazelnuts.  One person would grab two hazelnuts.  They would then name one after themselves, and the other after their desired spouse.  They would then lay both nuts next to each other on the edge of a fire pit to roast.  If one of the nuts moved away from the other one as it roasted, then it was taken as a sign from these spirits that the match was a bad match.  However, if the nuts remained still until they were roasted, then it was a sign from these spirits that it was a good match.

Then the Romans introduced the apple tree to Celtic Lands, as a symbol of Pomona, the goddess of fruit trees.  They also introduced various games involving apples to the Celtic and Germanic tribes that they conquered.  These games were also meant to give signs from Pomona, about who to marry.  These apple games were soon incorporated into Samhain celebration for the same reasons as hazelnut games.

The most popular of these apple games was bobbing for apples.  The first unmarried person to bite into an apple and remove it from the tub with their teeth, had been selected the Aos Si to get married next.

Another variation involved biting an apple suspended on a stick with a candle on the other end.  The first to bite the apple had been selected to get married.  However, anyone who got hot wax from the candle on their face, was thought to have been marked by the Aos Si to remain single for the next year.

People would also peel an apple into one long peeling, and toss the peeling over their shoulder.  They would then look at the shape of the apple peeling to see if appeared to form a letter.  If it did, then this was thought to be a message from the Aos Si, revealing the first letter of the name of their future spouse.  There were similar games involving dropping egg whites into boiling water, or molten lead into cold water.

The introduction of glass and mirrors by the Romans brought about scrying on Samhain, as another means to determine a future husband.  Unmarried women were told, that if they sat and stared into a mirror on Samhain night, then the Aos Si would show them their future husbands in the mirror.  However, if the Aos Si showed them a skull instead, then they were being shown that they would die before marriage.

Long before the Romans came, the Celtic and Germanic people would place stones, each representing the person who laid it, in the shape of a ring in the pit, where the wicker man was burned on Samhain night. The next morning, they would check to see if any of the stones had moved from their original position.  If a stone had moved, they believed that the Aos Si had shown them, that the person who laid the stone would die before the next Samhain.

After the wicker man was outlawed, they did the same in the bonfire that was burned.  

There were many other similar divination games played on Samhain.  These were often games of chance, like hiding objects in a cake, and giving guests pieces of the cake.  The object that the person found in their slice of cake, was supposed to convey a message the Aos Si about their future.

Another variation was the cake walk, where small cakes containing the objects were given to players, based on which square they were standing on when the game ended.  The players walked from stone to stone in a circle until a predetermined event occurred, like the wind blowing out a candle.  This was event was a sign from the Aos Si, that the players were aligned with future events.

Some of these games, like apple bobbing and cake walks, remain popular today at Halloween parties.  However, at modern Halloween parties, there are often other games and events for consulting with the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead, in a more direct way.

6.  Witches, Wizards, Seances, and Ouija Boards

Among the Celtic and Germanic people, witches were originally women, who were allegedly sexually involved with the Horned God.  They would often meet together naked in a secluded place in the woods to give themselves over as a group to the Horned God.  The Horned God would allegedly come to them in form of men.  These men were called wizards or warlocks.

The children that were born to these witches and wizards, were often sacrificed to the Horned God.  The women would also eat them as part of a marriage supper that they were sharing the wizards, who were possessed with the spirit of the Horned God.  They also were known to do the same with orphans that they captured.  They would drink their blood as well.

So, they were said to be "married" to the Horned God.  They did this to gain secret knowledge and power.  Among these powers were supposedly the ability to fly from place to place on brooms, and to cast spells. 

People would pay witches to curse other people, usually with a spell of some sort.  Sometimes, people would seek them out to cure them of various ailments.  In all cases, there was always some sort of process that the witch, and sometimes the people seeking their help, had to go through to get the desired results.

Often this process involved eating things that crawled on the ground, like toads and spiders, cooked into potions in a large caldron, along with shedding human blood.

Witches and wizards were often hated and feared, but they were allowed to continue because of the services that they provided.  They were believed to be able to communicate with both the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead.

In fact, on Samhain, it was believed that witches and wizards could allow the souls of the dead to take over their bodies, so that people could speak with those who had died.  In like manner, it was believed that the Aos Si could also take over their bodies, so that they could speak through them to tell people their future.  Since they could act as a communication conduit for the souls of the dead, and the Aos Si, they came to be called "mediums".

Once the Romans brought an end to the "marriage" of witches to the Horned God, witches and wizards became known for being familiar with the Aos Si.

These witches and wizards were not possessed by these spirits most of the time, but rather these spirits were thought to possess the black cats, bats, rats, crows, and similar creatures that they kept as pets.  These pets were called the familiar of the witch or wizard, on account of the familiar spirit that possessed the animals.

After the Romans introduced glass, these mediums also began using crystal balls for scrying.  They would see visions given to them by the Aos Si, whenever they stared into a crystal ball.  The vision might involve the future, or provide guidance for an important decision.

Witches and wizards also had procedures for contacting the souls of the dead, including seances.  In a seance, they led people in creating an atmosphere that was supposedly welcoming to the souls of the dead.  The souls of the dead would supposedly then speak through the leader of the seance, and sometimes through other participants.

Witches and wizards would also receive messages from both the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead, using a "talking board", that was similar to a Ouija board.

After the False Church of Rome merged Samhain into All Hallows Eve, the witches and wizards, who had went into hiding, would say that they got their messages and visions as a result of praying to the "Saints".  This allowed them to continue their ancient practices in a new way.

In all cases, Samhain was seen as the optimum time to communicate with both the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead.

Many of these same practices are still carried out today as part of some Halloween parties.

7. Halloween foods

Before the Romans came, roasted hazelnuts, honey, wheat kernels, and small cakes were the primary foods associated with Samhain.  All of these things were offered to the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si, in some manner.

The hazelnuts and wheat kernels were roasted at the edge of the fire pit where the wicker man was burned as a sacrifice to the Aos Si, especially the Horned God.  The honey was often heated at the edged of this fire pit and hardened into a candy similar to toffee.  The small cakes were likewise baked in the fire that consumed the wicker man.

Hazelnuts were thought to be the means for the Aos Si to impart wisdom to the eaters on Samhain.  Roasted wheat kernels were shared with the souls of the dead on Samhain, by eating some of the wheat kernels, and leaving the rest out for the souls of the dead.  The small cakes were usually made with ground wheat kernels, hazelnuts, and honey.  The small cakes were used to foretell the future on Samhain.

After the Romans introduced the apple tree, apples were added.  Due to the connection with Pomona, apples were thought to connect people to the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead, on Samhain.  Apples candied by being placed in heated honey, became part of Samhain.

Also, bonfires replaced the fires where the wicker man was burned, as the means of cooking the traditional foods of Samhain.

Also, as the Romans brought an end to cannibalism among witches and wizards, sweet treats in the shape of human body parts appeared.  Drinks that resembled blood in color were added as well, to remember the blood that the witches and wizards drank in toasts to the Horned God.

After the False Church of Rome brought an end to witches, treats were added that looked like spiders, worms, and the like, that the witches had used in making their potions.

After the False Church of Rome created All Hallows Eve, the small cakes of Samhain became soul cakes.

After sugar was introduced during the Crusades, the honey was replaced with molasses, and the new hard candy hardened at the bonfires, became known as bonfire toffee.  Also, full sized Halloween cakes, decorated with symbols of death like graveyards and skulls, were added.  These Halloween cakes were made to remind people that the Aos Si, and the souls of the dead, were among them on Halloween.

Soon, cinnamon was added to the melted sugar that the apples were dipped in, to create cinnamon apples.  These cinnamon apples were bright red, as a reminder of the blood that was shed in sacrifices for Samhain.

The spread of foods from the New World, and the introduction of Halloween to North America, brought more changes to the Halloween menu.

After Jack-o-lanterns began to be made from pumpkins, instead of turnips, roasted pumpkin seeds were added.  Also, pop-corn allowed caramel corn to became another food made with a roasted grain kernel and melted sugar, that had largely replaced honey.

Roasted sweet corn (maize) replaced roasted wheat kernels.  Peanuts also became a popular alternative to hazelnuts.  Apples were wrapped in caramel and rolled in peanuts.  This was similar to the apples being candied in honey at a bonfire, and then coated with hazelnuts.

Then the California candy industry started creating candies, shaped like things associated with Halloween, like Jack-o-lanterns.  After the California candy industry succeeded in popularizing Halloween across the United States, then other candies, like chocolate bars, began being marketed in Halloween themed packaging and shapes.

8. The Horned God

The Horned God basically was man-like from the waist down and goat-like from the waist up.  The Horned God was considered the opposite of Woden (called Odin by the Norse), the Spirit of Lies that is the inspiration for Santa Claus.

The Horned God was greatly feared by the Celtic and Germanic peoples, because they believed that the Horned God had the power of death.  The Horned God did not just have the power to bring death to an individual, but to bring death through famine, drought, and disease to the entire community.

The Celtic and Germanic peoples were in bondage to Druids, witches and wizards, through their fear of the Horned God.  They believed that the Horned God had to be appeased on Samhain night.

If a young virgin girl was selected to become "married" to the Horned God, but refused to do so, then she was tied to a stone table and stabbed through the heart.  Any man, who was perceived as having dishonored the Horned God in some way, was burned to death in the wicker man.  Most of the human sacrifices made on Samhain night, whether by burning someone alive in the wicker man, stabbing them through the heart on a stone table, or stoning them to death, were sacrifices to the Horned God.

The community made these sacrifices on Samhain night, because it did not want the Horned God to blame them for any slight.  Samhain was the night when the Horned God was to be appeased and celebrated.

The Horned God was considered the father of all of the Spirits of Lies known as the Aos Si.  The Horned God was basically what they called the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).  In fact, most pictures of the Father of Lies found in the lands of Celts and Germans today, were inspired by ancient descriptions of the Horned God.

Samhain was created to honor and worship the Father of Lies, in the form of the Horned God.

In like manner today, the Father of Lies is honored on Halloween by people exalting his work of bringing death.  As Halloween has spread across America, many other emblems of death and the Horned God, from other cultures have been added to Halloween.

Along side the ghosts and skeletons, there has been added mummies, vampires, zombies, ghouls, and other undead creatures.  Witches and wizards have been joined by witch doctors, fortune tellers, shamans, and psychics in contacting Spirits of Lies.  Druids have been joined by undertakers, executioners, axe murders, serial killers, and cannibals.  Yards decorated as graveyards are accompanied by houses decorated as the scenes of the most gruesome murders, as well as torture chambers.  Jack-o-lanterns have been joined by emblems of the Horned God, like pentagrams (an upside down five point star in a circle).

Halloween is a celebration of death and the Father of Lies.

When these facts about Halloween are examined in the light of the Book of Truth, it becomes very apparent what is wrong with Halloween. 

Halloween is wrong because its practices are reflections of the practices of Samhain.  Samhain was wrong for so many reasons.

Samhain was wrong because it was created by the Druids.

People are not to determine the times based on observations of the sun, moon, and stars (Leviticus 19:26).  People are not to allow observers of times, like the Druids, to set times for them to carry out evil (Deuteronomy 18:12-14).

Samhain was wrong because people pretended to live among the tombs.

The Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) dwell among the graves, and eat vile things cooked in caldrons (Isaiah 65:2-4).  They use tombs for decorations, and honor graveyards (Matthew 23:27-31).

Those possessed by the Spirits of Lies live among the tombs (Matthew 8:28).  Living among the tombs is a sign of being possessed by a Spirit of Lies without restraint (Mark 5:2-4).

Turning your dwelling place into a graveyard, is like going into the wilderness to make an offering of human blood to the Spirits of Lies (Mark 5:5-9).  Living in a graveyard, is like meeting with Spirits of Lies naked in a secluded place in the woods (Luke 8:27).

Samhain was wrong because people sacrificed other people in fires, and burned the bones of the dead in fires.

People are not to sacrifice people in fires to a horned god like Molech (Leviticus 18:21).  (Molech had the head of a bull and the body of a man.)  Burning the bones of the dead in a fire, is a sign of judgment that belongs to the Father of Truth alone (Amos 2:1-3).

Samhain was wrong because it used enchantments, like Jack-o-lanterns, to ward off evil spirits and the souls of the dead.

People are not to use enchantments of any kind, including Jack-o-lanterns (2 Kings 17:17).

Samhain was wrong because it used extortion of the worst kind.

The Father of Truth plainly does not want people using extortion, like the Druids threatening to put a hex on anyone, who did not give them what they wanted (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Samhain was wrong because it used games of divination.

People are not to use divination of any kind (Deuteronomy 18:10).

Samhain was wrong because of witches and wizards.

People are to destroy the secluded places in the woods where witches and wizards are "married" to the Horned God in acts of harlotry (Exodus 34:12-16).  The Father of Truth is against witches and wizards for slaying their own children as sacrifices to the Horned God, which were conceived in the marriage bed of the Horned God (Isaiah 57:5-7).

People are not to make sacrifices to Spirits of Lies, like the Aos Si (Leviticus 17:7).  They are not to make sacrifices to Spirits of Lies, like the Horned God (Deuteronomy 32:16-17).  The are not to sacrifice their own children to Spirits of Lies, like the Aos Si and the Horned God, because this will bring the wrath of the Father of Truth upon them (Psalm 106:37-40).

People are to have no regard for people with familiar spirits, nor seek after the services of wizards (Leviticus 19:31).  Those who do so, become enemies of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 20:6). 

People suffer, when witches are allowed to live (Exodus 22:18).  People are to stone to death, those with familiar spirits, as well as wizards (Leviticus 20:27).

People are not to allow witches, wizards, people who talk to familiar spirits, or people who talk to the souls of the dead, to live among them (Deuteronomy 18:10-11).  Those who do these things, are provoking the Father of Truth to anger (2 Kings 21:6).   Those who do these things, are committing great evil in His eyes (2 Chronicles 33:6).

The Father of Truth will destroy all witchcraft (Micah 5:12).  Those involved in witchcraft will not live in His kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21).

Samhain was wrong because of the food.

Food is not to be given for the dead (Deuteronomy 26:12-14).

People are not to drink blood when they eat meat (Genesis 9:4).  The blood is to be poured out on the ground like water (Deuteronomy 12:16).

People are not to drink potions made from vile things in secret (Isaiah 66:17).

People are not to eat things offered to the Spirits of Lies, like the Aos Si (Acts 15:29).  They are to not eat these things, nor drink blood (Acts 21:25).  They are not to have a feast with Spirits of Lies like the Aos Si (1 Corinthians 10:20-21).

Samhain was wrong because it celebrated the Father of Lies and death.

People are not to worship the Father of Lies (Matthew 4:8-10).  The Horned God is a form that the Father of Lies took on (2 Corinthians 11:14).

The Children of Lies love death (Proverbs 8:36).  Their walking in the ways of the Father of Lies will bring them death (Proverbs 11:19).  Death is the work of the Father of Lies (Hebrews 2:14).

Death came upon people from sin (Romans 5:12).  Sin came from the Father of Lies (1 John 3:8).

Halloween is wrong because it is a reflection of Samhain.

The Children of Truth are no longer part of the wickedness celebrated by Halloween (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  These wicked things of the past have passed away, and they are to live a new life (2 Corinthians 5:17).  It is not right for them to keep a holiday, which has been set up to remind them of the practices, that they have been called to forsake and forget (Philippians 3:13-15).

The Man of Truth came down from Heaven and overcame the darkness (John 1:1-5).  The Father of Truth sent him to deliver people from the darkness (Colossians 1:12-13).  The Father of Truth has called the Children of Truth out of darkness and into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9)!

The Children of Truth have left off walking in darkness to walk in the light (Isaiah 9:2).  The Man of Truth has led them out of darkness into light (Matthew 4:16-17).  The Man of Truth has taken them out of the darkness, to free them from the power of the Father of Lies (Acts 26:18).  They have cast off the works of darkness to live in the light (Romans 13:12-14).

The Children of Truth no longer have anything to do with the darkness, that comes from the Father of Lies (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).  They no longer live in their former darkness (Ephesians 5:6-8).  They no longer have anything to do with the shameful things, which are done secretly in darkness (Ephesians 5:11-12).

The Children of Lies continue to walk in the darkness, while the Children of Truth walk in the light (John 3:19-21).

The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth to go into the grave to conquer it (Isaiah 53:8-10).  He was placed in a tomb after dying on a cross (Matthew 27:58-60).  He came out of that grave victorious over death (Matthew 28:5-9)!

Death could not hold the Man of Truth captive (Acts 2:22-24)!  He died to destroy death, so the Children of Truth could be free from the Father of Lies, who enslaved them through the power of death (Hebrews 2:14-15)!

The Children of Truth began having victory over the grave, right after the Man of Truth came out of the grave (Matthew 27:52-53).

The Father of Truth will break the power of the grave over the Children of Truth (Psalm 49:14-15).  The Father of Truth has promised that death will be swallowed up in victory (Isaiah 25:8-9).  The Father of Truth has promised to ransom the Children of Truth from the grave, and redeem them from the power of death (Hosea 13:14).  The Children of Truth will rise again to everlasting life, when death is swallowed up in victory, and the grave has no more victory (1 Corinthians 15:52-55).

The Law of Truth (Law of Truth) will keep the Children of Truth from death (Proverbs 13:14).  The fear of the Father of Truth will keep them from death (Proverbs 14:26-27). 

The Father of Truth will deliver the soul of the Children of Truth from death, and keep them alive in times of famine (Psalm 33:18-19).  He will deliver them from death, and will not allow them to go hungry (Proverbs 10:2-3).

The Children of Truth have passed from death to life (John 5:24).

Those delivered by the Man of Truth from the Spirits of Lies, are to no longer act like they live among the tombs (Mark 5:15-16).  Those who are no longer possessed by Spirits of Lies, are to show everyone that their dwelling place is not a graveyard (Luke 8:35-36).

The Children of Truth should not make any space in their lives to the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).

So, the Children of Truth should not be observing a sugar coated rehearsal of the wickedness of Samhain.  They have no business being part of a memorial to the sick and twisted practices of Samhain.  The last thing they should be celebrating is a holiday honoring the Father of Lies.

They should not act like they are the living dead, who do not know the Father of Truth.  They should no longer to act like they are enslaved by the monster within, which causes people to do terrible things.  They should no longer to be wearing a costume, pretending to be part of the Children of Lies.

They should be like Saint Patrick, and have nothing to do with anything that came from the Druids.  They should recognize that Halloween is like Ash Wednesday.  They should follow the example of The Mensch Who Killed Christmas, when it comes to Halloween.  They should observe the Feasts of Truth instead, like those who wish each other "Happy Firstfruits!".

They should show people that they are the real deal.  They should let people know, that the friendly ghost that they are familiar with, is the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  They should be helping people to escape the Chamber of Horrors, that awaits those who remain in the darkness.

They need to tell people, to come into the House of Truth, and demonstrate that they have been given power over the Spirits of Lies, like the Aos Si (Mark 16:15-18).  They need to tell people, that the Man of Truth has been victorious of death and the grave (Romans 1:1-4).  They need to tell people, to surrender their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe that His Father gave him victory over death (Romans 10:9).  They need to tell people, that the Father of Lies has no power over those, who come into the House of Truth (James 4:7)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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Friday, October 20, 2017

The Real Israelites

Who are the real Israelites?

When I was living in Greece in 1987 AD, I got involved in a prison ministry.  Through this prison ministry, I met a couple from France named Andre and Elizabeth.

One day while I was visiting them, Andre started telling me about how all of the people of England and France were Israelites.  He told me that the Saxons were originally called "Isaac's sons", their name was then contracted to "Isaacsons", then later to "Sacsons", and finally to Saxons.  He said, that the Saxons came into France, and then England, because they were forced out of Germany by persecution.  He also told me, that many of the Saxons had not fled Germany, so many of the Germans were also Israelites.  Of course, since most white Americans were descendants of people from England, France, and Germany, they were also Israelites.

He proceeded to tell me about all these Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that were found in England, France, and Germany.  He was certain that everyone from these three countries were the real Israelites.

After I came back from Greece, I researched this further.  I found that this was a common teaching among white supremacists, except they took it even further.  They also cited even more evidence of ancient Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Andre had cited.  They went so far as to say that everyone with white skin, except for Jews, were descendants of the ancient Israelites.  They insisted that the Jews, who live in Israel today, were imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone with pure white skin ancestry.  They were certain that they were the real Israelites.

Since then, I have heard many variations of this same story by different groups.  I have encountered groups, who insist that all Israelites have black skin, and only Israelites have black skin.  I have heard the same thing about Native Americans as well.  They are both certain that they are the real Israelites.

In all cases, the story is the same.  They all cite some evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of their particular ethnic group.  They all say, that it proves that everyone in their ethnic group are Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group.  They all say, that the Jews, who live in Israel today, are imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone in their ethnic group.  They are all certain, that members of their ethnic group are the real Israelites.

There are probably similar stories for other ethnic groups besides these.  Collectively, these stories make everyone in the world to be Israelites, except the Jews, especially those in Israel.

So, does evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the homeland of an ethnic group, mean that all members of that ethnic group are the real Israelites?

The best way to answer this, is to consider the Greeks.

There is no country in the world, outside of Israel, with more evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Greece.

The evidence was everywhere when I lived there, right down to some of the "Greek" foods that I ate there, which I later learned were really "Jewish" or "Israelite" foods.  The archeological evidence in Greece shows a continual prescence of Israelites and Jews for at least three thousand years.  The Greeks have all kinds of Israelite customs, like keeping a holiday they called, "Passover", by roasting a lamb whole.

The Greeks do not just have this kind of evidence, but they also have continuous written history of this going back almost four thousand years.  While the ancestors of other ethnic groups making these claims, were living as illiterates in grass huts and the like, for two thousand years or more, the Greeks were documenting these things in cities of sculpted marble.

No one can make a stronger case, that all of their ethnic group must be Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group, based on the presence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than the Greeks.

So, based on evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of the Greeks, the Greeks must be the real Israelites.

So are all Greeks Israelites, and all Israelites Greeks? Are the Greeks the real Israelites?

I never heard the Greeks make any such claim, but that does not make the claim false.  The truth of this claim can be established by consulting the source of all truth, the Book of Truth (The Bible).

The Jews in Judaea thought that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was going to go to the Jews who lived among the Greeks as well as the Greeks (John 7:33-35).  Jews like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) are no better than Greeks, because both have sinned (Romans 3:9).  

Both Jews and Greeks will be rewarded according to their deeds (Romans 2:7-10). The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are commanded to not offend Jews or Greeks or each other (1 Corinthians 10:32).  Jews and Greek are joined together in the House of Truth, like separate body parts are joined together into a single body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14).

[In all of the above passages, the word for "Greek", "Ellens", is translated as "Gentile".  This is because all Gentiles in area of the former Greek Empire lived like the Greeks, especially in religion.  In each case, "Greek" is the literal translation.]

Jews as well as Greeks repented of their sorcery (Acts 19:17-19).  Paul the Jew preached repentance to both Jews and Greeks (Acts 20:21).

Paul the Jew preached the same message to first Jews, and then Greeks (Romans 1:16).  Yet, Jews and Greeks are not convinced by the same means to come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:22-24).

It should be evident, that Jews and Greeks are two different ethnic groups.

Israelites became like a different ethnic group than the Jews.  The Assyrians scattered them out of the northern kingdom called Israel (2 Kings 18:9-11).  The Jews remained in the southern kingdom called Judah (2 Kings 18:26-28).

Before the southern kingdom of Judah as scattered by the Babylonians, synagogues that housed individual congregations filled the southern kingdom of Judah (Psalm 74:3-8).  Undoubtedly, the same was true of the northern kingdom of Israel.

When Jews were scattered outside of the land of Israel, they created synagogues where ever they went (Acts 9:2).  These synagogues are where the descendants of Israel discussed the Law of Truth (Acts 15:21).

The Jews formed synagogues in Syria, which the Greeks had filled with their cities (Acts 9:19-20).  The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies in Cyprus (Acts 13:5).  The Israelites formed synagogues in the Greek colonies near the southern coast of Turkey (Acts 13:14-16).  Greeks were with the Jews in the synagogues in central Turkey (Acts 14:1).   The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies on the west coast of Turkey (Acts 18:19).

There was a synagogue in Thessaloniki in northeast Greece (Acts 17:1).  There was a synagogue in Berea in north central Greece (Acts 17:10).  There was a synagogue in Athens in south central Greece (Acts 17:16-17).  There was a synagogue in Corinth in southwest Greece, where Greeks as well as Jews met on the Sabbath (Acts 18:1-4).

Every place where the Greeks colonized or built cities, there were synagogues.  There were usually Greeks in these synagogues as well as Jews.  In fact, the word "synagogue" is actually a Greek word.

More than that, Jews and Greeks left the synagogue to learn from Paul the Jew together in the Yeshiva (school) of Tyrannus (Acts 19:8-10).

In fact, Greek was the language of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), just like Hebrew was the language of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).

This is the very Renewed Covenant, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to make with both the Jews and the Israelites (Jeremiah 31:31).

The Greeks are very connected to the Jews, even though they are a different ethnic group.  So, are Greeks the real Israelites, who were scattered by the Assyrians?

There is no difference between Jew and Greek in the House of Truth (Romans 10:12).  This does not mean that they have the same ancestry, because there is also no difference between men and women in the House of Truth (Galatians 3:28).  Jews are still compelled to be circumcised, while Greeks are not, even though both are equal partners in the House of Truth (Colossians 3:11).

Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka the Apostle Timothy) had not been circumcised, because his father was a Greek, while his mother was a Jew, so Paul the Jew circumcised him, because he was a Jew (Acts 16:1-3).  The Apostles of Truth did not compel Titus to be circumcised, because he was a Greek (Galatians 2:1-3).

If Greeks were the real Israelites, then Titus would have been compelled to be circumcised (Leviticus 12:1-3).  After all, even Paul the Jew continued to walk orderly in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Acts 21:24-26).

So, it is certain that Greeks are not Israelites, despite the exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland.

So, why is there an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland, if Greeks are not the real Israelites?

The Father of Truth warned the Israelites, that when they turned from Him to worship idols in the land of Israel, then he would scatter them among other ethnic groups, where they would worship the idols of their lands (Deuteronomy 4:25-28).  He said, that the Israelites would be scattered among all people, even to the furthest point on Earth from the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 28:63-65).  The Israelites being scattered among all ethnic groups, would be undeniable proof, that the Father of Truth does what He says that He will do (Ezekiel 6:8-10).

[The word nation in these passages literally means "Gentiles".  This Hebrew word is translated as the Greek word that means "ethnic groups" in the Septuagint.  So, it is all ethnic groups that the Israelites were scattered among.]

Since the Israelites started worshiping idols, soon after they arrived in the Promised Land, they soon started being scattered among other ethnic groups, who worshiped idols.  The Greeks had trade relations with cities near the land of Israel, and worshiped more idols than any other nation.  The Jews had been intertwined with the Greeks since before their arrival in Egypt.  In fact, the Jews and Greeks have been so connected throughout history, that their long relationship with each other can best be described as Greco-Judeo wrestling.

During this time, the Jews in Greece live in their own villages in every part of Greece.  They had their own neighborhoods in every large city.  In some cases, like Thessaloniki, the Jews were majority, where they made up seventy percent of the population, before the Nazis came.  This is why, there is an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece.

Sourmena, a suburb of Athens, where I lived, had been almost completely Jewish for at least two thousand years.  This only changed when the Jews of Sourmena sided with the Ottoman Empire in the Greek Independence War in 1821 AD.  Most of the Jews of Sourmena moved to Turkey, after the Greeks won the war, and created a new town there with the same name.  Still, they left their influence on Sourmena.  That is why, there was so much Jewish food found in the markets and homes of Sourmena, along with other Jewish customs that were still practiced there.

So this exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece, is not proof that the Greeks are the real Israelites.  It is evidence, that the Father of Truth scattered the Israelites among the Greeks as He had promised.  The same is true of all other ethnic groups.

So, Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, found among every ethnic group, serves as proof, that the Father of Truth scattered the real Israelites among all ethnic groups, as He had promised.

In like manner, the Father of Truth has also been gathering the people of Israel back to the land of Israel, as He promised (Deuteronomy 30:3).

The Impossible People live in the Impossible Land, and speak the Impossible Language.  They have created the Impossible Healthcare, the Impossible Military, the Impossible Economy, and the Impossible Government.  They fulfilled the Impossible Dream of Christian Zionists to form the Impossible CountryThe Real Jews, who live in Israel, show that the Father of Truth has sent the people of Israel to the ends of the Earth and back again, as He had promised.

Most of the descendants of Israel (Ya'acob aka Jacob), who live in Israel today, are Jews, whose ancestors lived in the southern kingdom of Judah.  So, they are not the Israelites, whose ancestors lived in the northern kingdom of Israel.

So, the real Israelites are not identified by skin color, or any other physical characteristic, nor are they Jews.  So, who are the real Israelites?

The real Israelites are the descendants of those from the northern kingdom.  They live as minorities among the every ethnic group on Earth (Deuteronomy 4:27).  While living as minorities among these ethnic groups, they have faced constant terror and persecution (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).

It did not matter, that the Jews in Germany had the same skin color, hair color, eye color, or other physical characteristics as the Germans, that they have gained through generations of inter-racial marriage.  There was something different about the appearance of many of them, that set them apart as Jews.  There were also some Jews, that nothing in their appearance set them apart from the Germans.  So, the Germans went through great lengths to find out, who were the Jews among them, no matter how much they looked like Germans.

It does not matter, if the real Israelites have come to look so much like the ethnic group, that they live among, that it takes great effort to determine, that they are not part of that ethnic group.  It does not matter, how much they behave like the ethnic group that they live among.  The real Israelites are defined by being descendants of Israel, no matter what they look like, or act like.

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism will always provoke the ethnic group that they live among, to persecute the real Israelites.  There will always be false accusations against the real Israelites, similar to the Jews being accused of being the people who killed the Man of Truth.

This is why groups like the Lemba tribe in Zimbabwe, and the Falash Mura in Ethiopia, have always been called foreigners, and persecuted by their neighbors, who have the same black skin, black hair, and dark eyes as them.

Some of the real Israelites, like the Bnei Manashe, whose name literally means, "children of Manasseh", even know which tribe of Israel that they came from.  Other of the real Israelites have had their identity hidden from them, but are still hated without a cause, by many in the ethnic group that they live among (Psalm 83:2-4).  Either way, there are two forces at work to identify the real Israelites.

However, the real Israelites will be fished out of the countries of the ethnic groups, by those who love them, to be brought back to the land of Israel, before they are hunted out of these countries, by those who hate them, to be driven back to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 16:13-16).  The Father of Truth has always had members of those ethnic groups, who have provided a little sanctuary for the real Israelites, until they return to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 11:16-17).

The real Christians will always stand up for the real Israelites.

The truth is, that anyone, whether they are part of the real Israelites or not, can come into the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.  The real Israelites were chosen to bring the Good News to the Gentiles, because it has always been about the GentilesThe simplicity of the Gospel is not about being one of the real Israelites.  The Children of Truth are not defined by being one of the real Israelites.

There is no difference between the descendants of Israel, and everyone else, in the House of Truth (Romans 3:28-30).  The Father of Truth is calling the real Israelites, and everyone else, into the House of Truth (Romans 9:24-27).  Everyone, who makes the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The River Will Flow

How can people never thirst again?

In the 1980's, one of the most popular Christian bands was White Heart.  The truth is, that I was never much of a White Heart fan, until their 1989 album "Freedom" was released.  I had never heard any of the songs from this album on the radio, but I felt lead by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to buy it.

It turned out to be one of the best albums that I have ever bought.  It was not just because of the radical departure in style that the band took from their previous albums, but also because of the depth of the lyrics.  However, it was more than just great music accompanied by great lyrics.  The Spirit of Truth was all over this album.  Many of the songs had a prophetic quality about them.

One of the band members said in the liner notes, that this was the album that the band had always wanted to make.  It was their last album that fulfilled their contractual agreement with Sparrow Records.  So the band apparently decided to follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth, and not be hindered by the concerns of the executives at their label.  The result was breath taking.

One of those deep and prophetic songs that made this album stand out was, "The River Will Flow".  For those who have never heard this song, here are the lyrics:

There inside my dream
I heard the river roar
I stumbled through the darkened mist
But I could not find the shore

Then a voice within the mist
Said, "tell me what do you seek?"
I said, "I have a mighty thirst
But I feel so tired and weak"

He said, "I am the river
Full of power and truth
You've been looking outside yourself
When it's there inside of you"

And the river will flow
The river will flow
Through all of the times of your life
The river will flow
Oh, and the river is love
The river is peace
And the river will flow through the hearts
Of those who believe

So put your hand in mine
Oh, put your hand in mine
And let us all go down
And kneel by the river's side

We'll cry our tears of joy
Cry our tears of pain
We'll let them fall down from our eyes
To be washed in the sacred stream

Even the secret tears
Buried in our memories
Let them all be swept away
To the depths of the endless sea

And the river will flow
The river will flow
Through all of the times of your life
The river will flow
Ooh, the river is love
The river is peace
And the river will flow through the hearts
Of those who believe

Let it flow on down
Come on let it flow down
Gotta let it flow, my Lord
Streams of mercy flowing down

Flow, the river will flow
(Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow)
Through all of the times of your life
The river will flow
And the river is love
The river is peace
Ooh, and the river will flow through the hearts
Of those who believe

Gonna let it flow, now, now
Ooh, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord
I can feel it, feel it, feel Your streams
Oh Lord
Oh the mercy flowing down

The river will flow
Ooh, let Your love flow down
Ooh, it is Your love flowing down
Falling down

You can also hear it here .

This song has amazing depth because it speaks about what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has done through the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), is doing through the Man of Truth, and will do through the Man of Truth.

The River will flow.

The eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot aka the Feast of Booths) marked the end of the Feasts of Truth each year (Leviticus 23:34-37).  The eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles was the last high Sabbath of the year (Leviticus 23:39).

It was the grand finale of the Greatest Play Ever.

This day was the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that stood out from all other days.

The River will flow.

The Father of Truth had promised the day would come, when His anger at sin would be turned away, and that the waters of salvation would be poured out (Isaiah 12:1-3).   So on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, pots of water were poured out on the steps of the Temple, to remind everyone of this promise.

The Man of Truth went to the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2-10).  On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Great Day of the feast, the Man of Truth promised that the Spirit of Truth would flow like a river out of those, who come into the House of Truth (John 7:37-39).

The Spirit of Truth is the River that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) seek (Luke 11:10-13).

The River will flow.

The River is full of power (Acts 1:8).  The River is full of truth (1 John 5:6).

The Children of Truth do not need to be looking outside of themselves for the River, for the River is inside of them (Romans 8:9).

The River will flow through the Children of Truth all the times of their lives (John 14:16-17).

The River is peace (John 14:26-27).  The River is love (Galatians 5:22).

The River will flow through the hearts of those who believe (Ephesians 1:12-14).

The River will flow.

Over the first seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy bullocks, one per ethnic group, were offered for each of the seventy root ethnic groups, that all people came from (Numbers 29:12-32).  On the eighth day, only one bullock was offered for all people (Numbers 29:35-36).

This day was the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that stood out from all other days.

The River will flow.

The River carries the blood of the Man of Truth to bring redemption (Hebrews 9:12-14).  Just as the blood of only one bull flowed down to bring mercy to all people on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, so also the blood of the Man of Truth flowed down on the cross to bring mercy upon all people on the Great Day of his sacrifice (Revelation 5:9).

Streams of mercy were flowing down (1 Peter 1:2-4).  His mercy is still flowing down (1 Peter 2:10).

The River will flow.

Those waters of salvation that were poured out on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles came from the mikvot (baptismals) that were used to make people clean.  This cleansing allowed them could enter into the prescence of the Spirit of Truth, who lived in the Temple.  So, the waters of salvation were poured out to show that people would be cleaned from sin, and brought into the prescence of the Spirit of Truth.

This day was the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that stood out from all other days.

The River will flow.

John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) baptized people in the river, when they repented of their sins (Mark 1:4-5).   He then told everyone, that the Man of Truth would baptize people in the River (Mark 1:6-8).

On the Great Day of the resurrection of the Man of Truth, the River began to flow inside of those who believed, since the Man of Truth had cleansed them of their sin (John 20:20-22).

Forty days later, the Man of Truth told them to wait to be baptized in River (Acts 1:3-5).

Those who waited, heard the River roar (Acts 2:2).  Then they were baptized in the River (Acts 2:3-4).

On the Great Day of the Spirit of Truth, the River began to flow in power out of those who believed (Acts 2:16-18).

The River will flow.

On the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, there was an explosion of joy over the peace and prosperity brought by the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).

This day was the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that stood out from all other days.

The River will flow.

When the Saints go marching in, the Grapes of Wrath are crushed, and the Final Harvest is over, then the River will flow stronger than it ever has.  It will be the Great Day when the Man of Truth begins to reign over the Earth.

Just like the waters of salvation flowed down the steps of the Temple on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, so also will a river of life flow from the steps of the Temple on the Great Day, when the Man of Truth begins his reign over the Earth.

A tree lined river will flow out of from the East side of the Temple (Ezekiel 47:1-7).   This river will bring life to every place it flows, like the River (Ezekiel 47:8-12).  This river will flow out of Jerusalem into the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14:8).

The River will flow.

All of the descendants of Israel (Ya'acov aka Jacob) will flow into the land of Israel from all of the nations, like a mighty river (Isaiah 60:4-5).

Peace will flow out of Jerusalem like a river, and the nations will come into Jerusalem like a stream (Isaiah 66:12-13).  The Law of Truth will go out of Jerusalem like a mighty river, that brings peace and prosperity to the whole Earth (Micah 4:1-4).

People of all nations will stream into Jerusalem, like a mighty river (Isaiah 2:2-4).  All nations will come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16-19).

The River will give light to all nations (Isaiah 60:1-3).  The River will cover the Earth (Habakkuk 2:14).

Those who desire righteousness, will no longer have a mighty thirst (Matthew 5:3-6).

The River will flow.

The Children of Truth will have new bodies with flesh and bones, like that of the Man of Truth (Luke 24:36-39). Their blood will not flow through their new bodies to give them life (1 Corinthians 15:47-50).

The River will flow though their new bodies to give them life (1 Corinthians 15:42-46).

The Children of Truth will no longer feel tired and weak (Isaiah 40:30-31).

The River will flow.

The eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles ended living in temporary booths.

This day was the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that stood out from all other days.

The River will flow.

In like manner, when the reign of the Man of Truth over this Earth comes to an end after a thousand years, then the Great Day will come, that ends living in this temporary universe (Revelation 20:7-11).

This temporary universe will be put away like a sukkah (booth), when the Feast of Tabernacles has came to an end on the Great Day (Hebrews 1:10-12).

The River flowed to create this temporary universe that we live in (Genesis 1:1-2).  The River will flow to create a new permanent universe that we will live in forever (Isaiah 66:22).

The River will flow to destroy this temporary universe, and create a permanent universe, where only the righteous live (2 Peter 3:10-13).

The River will flow to cause this temporary universe to pass away, and the Children of Truth to live in a permanent tabernacle with the Father of Truth (Revelation 21:1-3).  In that eternal universe, the river of life will flow from the throne of the Father of Truth and His Son, with the tree of life lining the shores of the river (Revelation 22:1-2).

The River will flow.

We will cry our tears of joy, and our tears of pain, so they can be washed in the Sacred Stream, when the Father of Truth wipes them away (Revelation 21:4).

The River will flow to take away from the Children of Truth the memories of this temporary universe (Isaiah 65:17).  Even our secret tears, buried in our memories, will be swept away (Isaiah 65:16-19).  Like our sins, they will all be swept away to the depths of the endless sea (Micah 7:19).

The River will flow.

Perhaps, there inside your dream, you have heard the River roar (Ezekiel 43:2-4).

You may have stumbled through the darkened mist, but you could not find the shore (Isaiah 59:9-11).

There is a voice within the mist, asking what you seek (Hebrews 10:15-17).

The River will flow.

So put your hand in mine.  Let us all go down, and kneel at the River side (John 4:23-24).

The River is inviting you to come into the House of Truth (Revelation 22:17).

The Man of Truth gives living water to everyone, who asks him for it (John 4:10).   Those who ask him for this living water will never thirst again, for the River will flow, and give them eternal life (John 4:13-14).  Those, who come into the House of Truth, will never thirst again (John 6:35).

The River will flow.

The love of the Father of Truth is flowing down for those, who have not yet come into the House of Truth (Romans 5:8).  The love of the Father of Truth is flowing down upon those, who come into the House of Truth (1 John 3:1-2).

All you have to do is commit to obeying the Man of Truth, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  The River will flow (1 John 3:23-24).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Final Harvest

What will happen to the Children of Truth after the Final Harvest?

Every autumn, there are all kinds of celebrations at the end of the harvest.  Where I grew up, Lincoln had the Arkansas Apple Festival at the end of the apple harvest.  In like manner, Tontitown had the Grape Festival at the end of the grape harvest.

These festivals are hardly new, nor are they limited to climatic fall (September - November).  Every spring, there was the Stillwell Strawberry Festival.  At the very beginning of climatic summer (June - August), there was the Jay Huckleberry Festival.

In like manner, there are three harvest festivals, one near the middle of climatic spring (March - May), one near the beginning of climatic summer, and one near the middle of climatic fall, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Exodus 23:14-16).  Each harvest seasons was a time of great joy, especially when the harvest was completed (Isaiah 9:3).

The first harvest festival was the Feast of Unleavened Bread, that occurs near the middle of climatic spring (Exodus 34:18).  This festival marked the beginning of the barley harvest, when the first sheaves of the barley harvest were offered up on the inner Feast of Truth called "Firstfruits", that occurred on the Sunday inside of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:10-11).  No one could eat of the barley harvest, until after the sheaves were offered up on Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:14).

The second harvest festival was the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot aka Pentecost), that marked the beginning of the wheat harvest (Exodus 34:22).  This festival occurs seven weeks after Firstfruits, near the beginning of climatic summer (Leviticus 23:15-21).  Like the barley harvest, no one was to eat of the wheat harvest, until first of the wheat was offered up on the Feast of Weeks (Numbers 18:12-13).

The third harvest festival was the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), when the last of the crops of the agricultural year were gathered in (Exodus 23:16).  This festival was near the middle of climatic fall, that marked the end of the fruit harvest (Leviticus 23:39-43).  Like the barley harvest, no one could drink of the new wine from the grape harvest, until the best of it was offered (Numbers 18:12).

No one could plant, or harvest, barley, wheat, or grapes, during the Year of Release (Leviticus 25:3-5). The Feast of Tabernacles marked the final harvest of the agricultural year, because it marked the end of the Year of Release (Deuteronomy 31:10).

So the grape harvest was the final harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles came after it.  The Feast of Tabernacles was the time of great rejoicing, that came after the final harvest (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).

This rejoicing during the Feast of Tabernacles, after the final harvest was over, was so important, that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were commanded to actually spend part of their tithe money, to buy whatever whatever food, and drink, especially wine, that they needed for rejoicing (Deuteronomy 14:22-26).

Wine can cheer people up (Judges 9:13)!  Wine can make people shout (Psalm 78:65)!  Wine can make people glad (Psalm 104:15)!  Wine can make people merry (Ecclesiastes 10:19)!  Wine can make people sing (Isaiah 24:9)!  Wine can make people rejoice (Zechariah 10:7)!

This is why King David gave everyone, who came to celebrate the placement of the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle of David, a flagon of wine (2 Samuel 6:17-19).  The wine was as important to the rejoicing, as the singing of praises to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (1 Chronicles 16:1-6).

So, right after the final harvest, there came a time of great joy for the Children of Truth.

Today, the Final Harvest is approaching.

The greatest harvest of souls in history will soon be ripe, and the Final Harvest will begin (Mark 4:26-29)!

Like the barley harvest began by men, marked the beginning of the long harvest season, so also the harvest of the people of Israel began by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), marked the beginning of the long harvest season (Matthew 9:33-38).  Like the wheat harvest began by men, marked the beginning of diversity of crops during the long harvest season, so also the harvest of the Gentiles began by the Man of Truth, marked the beginning of diversity of people during the long harvest season (John 4:35-38).  Like the grape harvest finished by men, marked that the long harvest season was over, so also the Final Harvest finished by the Man of Truth, will mark that the long harvest season is over (Revelation 14:12-16)!

In the Final Harvest, the Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) will be taken out of the congregation of the Children of Truth (Matthew 13:24-30)!  In the Final Harvest, the Children of Lies will be destroyed, while the Children of Truth will be preserved (Matthew 13:36-43)!

After the Saints go marching in, and the grapes of wrath have been crushed in the winepress of Jerusalem, then the time after the Final Harvest will begin!

The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Children of Lies have been destroyed (Psalm 5:10-12)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because they trusted in the Father of Truth (Psalm 32:10-11)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Children of Lies will never oppress them again (Psalm 35:25-27)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Man of Truth will be sitting on the throne of King David (Psalm 132:9-12)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Man of Truth will be reigning over the Earth from Jerusalem (Psalm 132:13-17)!

The Children of Truth will begin to experience unending joy, after the Final Harvest!  This is what the Feast of Tabernacles tells about as the seventh act of the Greatest Play Ever!  This is why the command to rejoice during the Feast of Tabernacles is so serious, that the Children of Truth are told to spend part of their tithes to do it!

The Final Harvest will bring about a time of great joy for the Children of Truth, but the Final Harvest has not yet began.  It will be obvious when the Final Harvest begins.

The final harvest of the grapes began with a shout (Isaiah 16:10)!  In like manner, the Final Harvest of souls will begin with a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)!

Until the Final Harvest begins, there is still a harvest going on! 

There was continual harvest of different kinds of fruit during the long harvest season, that came between the wheat harvest and the grape harvest (Exodus 22:29).  The Feast of Tabernacles came after the harvest of these different kinds of fruit ended (Leviticus 23:39-41).  The harvest of these different kinds of fruit continued all during the long harvest season (Deuteronomy 26:2).  There was always a harvest of some kind of fruit going on, before the final harvest (Nehemiah 10:35)!

In like manner, there has been a continual harvest of different kinds of people during the long harvest season, that came between the day, when the Man of Truth left the Earth, and the day, when He meets the Children of Truth in the air!  There has always been a harvest of some kind of people going on, before the Final Harvest!

Until the Final Harvest begins, the Children of Truth need to heed the warning of "People get ready!".  They need to learn how to fully carry out the Great Commission.  The need to be doing their part to carry out the Great Commission, because there is still a harvest going on right now!

The Children of Truth need to be wise enough to harvest souls (Proverbs 11:30)!  [The Hebrew word translated as "win" here means "to take" (in the harvest).]  The Children of Truth need to pray for more of them to join in the harvest, that is going on right now, because not nearly enough of them are working in the harvest (Luke 10:2)!  The Children of Truth need to be harvesting the fruit that is ripening, just before the Final Harvest begins (Romans 1:13)!

The Children of Truth harvest a soul, whenever someone decide to make the Man of Truth their king, because that person believed their witness, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)!  The Children of Truth begin harvesting souls, whenever someone becomes the first one to respond to their efforts (Romans 16:5)!  The Children of Truth gain help harvesting souls, whenever one of the souls they harvested, decides to help others come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 16:15)!  The Children of Truth harvest souls, whenever people are born again, through hearing them preach the Word of Truth (James 1:18)!  The Children of Truth need to keep harvesting souls, while they wait for the Final Harvest to begin (James 5:7-8)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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