Playing With Broken Toys
Can people really keep the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) today?
When I was a kid my dad gave us three boys a couple of air pistols and walkie-talkies for Christmas one year. They were some of the coolest gifts we ever got.
The air pistols looked just like the 45 caliber pistols that spies and military men used. You had to cock them in the exact same way and they had a safety that worked exactly the same way. They were made of black heavy metal. They were pretty close to an exact replica of the real thing except they shot air pellets instead of bullets. If we had ever went into town or anything like that with these pistols then we probably have ended up on the ground in hand cuffs. They looked that real.
The walkie-talkies were real walkie-talkies that you could communicate up with each other for up to five miles. They were professional grade just like the game warden might use. We were so excited to have them.
Well, it did not take long for the air pistols to stop shooting pellets. They used a CO2 cartridge that ran out pretty quickly. Eventually, when you cocked them they would not shoot out any pellets but they still sounded like a gun with a silencer being shot. We used our imagination and they were suddenly spy guns with silencers. We were pretty poor and became very adept at playing with broken toys.
The walkie-talkies lasted a lot longer, but we still had a problem. These guns and walkie-talkies had came in sets of two but there was three of us. We really did not have everything we needed to do what we could have done with one more of each. So instead of someone being left out we devised plans to make do with what we had.
Sometimes one of us would only have a walkie-talkie and be the boss of the good guys. Another one of us would only a pistol and be the bad guy that the good guys were hunting. The other one of us would have both a walkie-talkie and a pistol. It was his job to take out the bad guy before the bad guy took out the boss of the good guys.
Sometimes two of us would be a team of bad guys who each had a walkie-talkie and a pistol. The other one would have some other weapon like the be be gun (unloaded, of course) or our rubber knife or even our bow with suction cup arrows. The good guy had to take out both bad guys.
There were countless variations. We always found ways to have fun with other things as well by using them differently than their original purpose when they no longer worked right or were missing major parts of the set. We were masters at playing with broken toys.
In similar manner, there are many of us who are trying to keep the Feasts of Truth without many of the things available to keep those Feasts of Truth according to what is written in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law). We are playing with broken toys.
There are seven of these Feasts of Truth each year (Leviticus 23:4-36). All of these Feasts of Truth involve making animal sacrifices by fire (Leviticus 23:37-38).
This is true about Passover (Pesach) (Exodus 34:25). This is true about the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzot) (Numbers 28:17-25). This is true about Firstfruits (Bikkurim aka Reishit Katzir). This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot aka Pentecost aka First Fruits (of the wheat harvest) ) (Numbers 28:26-31). This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) (Numbers 29:1-6). This is true about the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur aka The Fast aka Judgment Day) (Numbers 29:7-11). This is true about the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot aka the Ingathering) (Numbers 29:12-38).
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were to only go to the place that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) chose to make these sacrifices (Deuteronomy 12:5-7). Until they were settled in the Promised Land this law was not in effect (Deuteronomy 12:8-9). Every since the time that they were settled in the Promised Land then this law went into effect (Deuteronomy 12:10-14).
Not only that, but the men who are from 20 to 60 years of age were to appear before Him for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles (Exodus 23:14-17). Once they settled in the Promised Land then they were only to appear before the Father of Truth in the place that He chose for these feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16).
This is a real problem for anyone who is trying to keep the Feasts of Truth according to the instructions in the Law of Truth and insists that all of the Children of Truth must do so. When the Children of Truth first settled in the Promised Land then the Father of Truth chose Shiloh as the place for the Tabernacle to rest where these sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth could be performed and the Children of Truth could appear before Him for these feasts (Joshua 18:1). Then He chose Jerusalem to build His Temple as the only place where the Feasts of Truth were to be carried out (2 Chronicles 6:4-10). There is no place to fulfill all of these commandments concerning the sacrifices and all of the Children of Truth appearing before Him since the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD as the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had warned that it would be (Mark 13:1-2).
It could be argued that we could make sacrifices on altars of earth and stone like the Children of Truth did before they entered the Promised Land. They only built these altars everywhere that Father of Truth lead them in the wilderness until the Tabernacle was built (Exodus 20:24-26). After that they were to only offer sacrifices for the Feasts of Truth like Passover at the place that He chose (Deuteronomy 16:2-6). It is rebellion to burn these types of sacrifices on any altar other than the one in the place that He chose (Joshua 22:29).
The only other altars that were built outside of the place the Father of Truth chose were altars of consecration that were used for a one time sacrifice for the Children of Truth to consecrate themselves to Him. They were commanded to built an altar of stone when they first entered the Promised Land to offer sacrifices of consecration on Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:4-6). Joshua (Yah'shua aka Jehoshua) then built that altar of stone upon Mount Ebal to consecrate the Children of Truth after they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 8:30-32). Elijah in like manner built an altar of stone to consecrate all of the people that lived in the northern kingdom of Israel back to Him (1 Kings 18:30-39). There is simply no provision in the Law of Truth for building stone altars to keep the Feasts of Truth when there is no Temple.
Beyond that there is no single place for all of the Children of Truth to appear before the Father of Truth for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles without the Temple.
Without the Temple there simply is no way to keep the Feasts of Truth in the way prescribed by the Law of Truth . It is like playing with an electric train set and not having the locomotive. We are playing with broken toys.
For example, the Law of Truth says that anyone who cannot keep Passover at the regular time because they are not prepared or out of the Promised Land at the regular time is to keep Passover a month later (Numbers 9:10-12). The Law of Truth says those who are in the Promised Land and able to keep Passover must keep it in the way prescribed by the commandments concerning Passover (Numbers 9:13-14). This is why King Hezekiah kept the Passover in the second month in the Promised Land at the Temple (2 Chronicles 30:1-15). There is no record of the Children of Truth keeping the Passover after the destruction of the first Temple until the second Temple was dedicated (Ezra 6:15-22). There is simply no record in the entire Book of Truth (the Bible) of Passover ever being kept outside of the Promised Land or when the Temple was not standing. The fact is the commandments for Passover in the Law of Truth are all centered around the Children of Truth living in the Promised Land and the Temple standing in Jerusalem. The Law of Truth has absolutely no instructions for how to keep Passover when these conditions do not exist. Any attempt to keep Passover without these conditions being met is like playing with broken toys.
Can the Feast of Truth be kept at all outside of the Promised Land?
Fortunately, we do not have to speculate about this because the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) tells us the answer to this question. He was accused of teaching Jewish believers who lived outside the Promised Land to stop keeping the Feasts of Truth (Acts 21:20-21). Paul the Jew was advised to take part in fulfilling a vow to show that there was no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:23-24). He responded by going to the Temple to fulfill that vow to show that there was simply no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:26).
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread with the Children of Truth in Philippi (Acts 20:6). He still fasted for the Day of Atonement while he was in Crete (Acts 27:7-9). He observed Pentecost while he was in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 16:8).
Paul the Jew also referenced details about keeping Passover with the Children of Truth in Corinth showing that the largely Jewish congregation there was familiar with Passover (1 Corinthians 5:6-8). (Corinth had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world outside of the Promised Land at this time.) It might be that they were familiar with these details because some of them could have went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover there. This was was very common among Jews throughout the world until the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. However, it has already been shown that Jews outside of the Promised Land were keeping the Feasts of Truth outside of the Promised Land. So even though the Book of Truth does not emphatically record the Children of Truth keeping Passover outside of the Promised Land it is implied.
So it is obvious that even though there were Jewish Children of Truth outside of the Promised Land and unable to access the Temple that they were still trying to keep the Feasts of Truth in some manner. They were playing with broken toys.
How are the Feasts of Truth kept without making sacrifices and appearing before the Father of Truth at the Temple?
For example, the commandment concerning the Passover meal demands eating a lamb that has been roasted whole (Exodus 12:11). Yet we cannot kill the Passover lamb at the prescribed place since the Temple is no longer standing (Deuteronomy 16:5-7). So how can the Children of Truth keep Passover?
There are all sorts of answers that people have to this question because we are playing with broken toys.
Some people go ahead and roast a lamb whole for Passover. Other people keep Passover with just the shank bone of a lamb to symbolically stand for the lamb that they would have killed if the Temple was still standing. Some people keep Passover without having any lamb. Other people do not attempt to keep Passover at all since there is no way to keep it in the way commanded by the Law of Truth.
Similar problems exists for all of the Feasts of Truth. There simply are no clear cut solutions to these kind of problems because we are playing with broken toys.
Like my brothers and I, the best we can do is to make do with what we have because we do not have everything that is needed for things to work as they were originally intended. For example, we can keep those parts of commandments that do not involve the Temple.
We can cease from our regular work and congregate together to carry out His purposes just like we do on the regular weekly Sabbath (Leviticus 23:2-4). We can do all of the things on these extra Sabbaths that we should do on the regularly weekly Sabbath so that we are not Bored On The Sabbath.
This is true about the first and seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6-8). This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:16-21). This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24-25). This is true about the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-28). This is true about the first and eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:35-36).
We can also keep the commandments for each Feast of Truth that is particular to it but does not involve the Temple.
We can eat some sort of meal at Passover with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8). We can remove all of the leaven from our homes and eat only unleavened bread for the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15). This process of ridding our homes of leaven is described in Removing The Leaven. We can still honor the Father of Truth with the firstfruits of everything that He increases us with on Firstfruits (Proverbs 3:9). We can still give a free will offering to Him on the Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16:10). We can still blow shofars (trumpets) on the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24). We can still fast on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27). We can still build sukkot (booths) using tree branches on the first day and stay in them during the seven remaining days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:40-42).
Still despite all of these things that we can do to keep some semblance of observing the Feasts of Truth there is often much arguing among those who try to keep them over who is keeping them correctly and who is not. The truth is that is no correct way to keep the Feasts of Truth because there is no Temple and most of us are not living in the Promised Land. We should stop pretending that we are keeping the Feasts of Truth in the manner prescribed by the Law of Truth because we are playing with broken toys.
More than that the Gentile Children of Truth do not even need to keep these feasts at all. In fact, the Gentile Children of Truth cannot keep Passover because they are not circumcised (Exodus 12:48). They are not obligated to keep everything in the Law of Truth to be accepted by the Father of Truth as His Children (Acts 15:24). While Paul the Jew taught the Jewish Children of Truth to continue to keep the Feasts of Truth, there was no such commandment for the Gentile Children of Truth to do so (Acts 21:24-25). They do not need to eat the Passover lamb to commemorate being delivered from being in bondage to the Egyptians because the Man of Truth is their Passover lamb that delivered them from being in bondage to the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (1 Corinthians 5:7). We must never forget that the point of Passover is The Death of The Lamb.
If one of them becomes circumcised then they are no longer considered to be a Gentile and therefore must keep everything in the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3). This is because circumcision has absolutely nothing to do with being a Child of Truth but only with the covenant that was made with Abraham concerning the Promised Land as explained in A Cut Above The Rest. The Gentiles who have received The Better Circumcision are counted as the Children of Truth. They are not required to start playing with broken toys.
So the Children of Truth should stop fighting over the minute details of how to observe the Feasts of Truth because there is no correct way when they are playing with broken toys. The Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth should stop condemning the Gentile Children of Truth for not keeping these feasts. As already shown they are not commanded to keep these feasts and they are even forbidden by the Law of Truth from keeping Passover. In like manner, the Gentile Children of Truth should stop condemning the Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth as well. It has already been shown that there is liberty for the Jewish Children of Truth to keep the Feasts of Truth. There is also liberty in the Renewed Covenant for the Gentile Children of Truth to not keep the Feasts of Truth (Galatians 2:3-5). The Children of Truth are not to judge each other based on whether or not they are observing these kind of things because they are only shadows of the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:16-17). They should not be fighting over how they should be playing with broken toys.
The Father of Truth is more concerned with the His Children attending to The Weightier Matters of The Law than keeping the Feasts of Truth. The Feasts of Truth are part of The Lessor Matters of the Law.
The sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth were never sufficient to take away sin or they would not have had to keep being repeated year after year (Hebrews 10:1-4). It is only the blood of the Man of Truth, who the Feasts of Truth foreshadowed, that was sufficient to do this and replace any need for these sacrifices (Hebrews 10:5-10). The point of the Feasts of Truth is tell the story of the Man of Truth as The Greatest Play Ever.
The deepest understanding of this play is the greatest benefit of keeping the Feasts of Truth. The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gives the Children of Truth this understanding when they celebrate each Feast of Truth year after year for the right reasons (John 16:13). The Law of Truth is spiritual and it can only be understood and obeyed with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because other people bully them into doing so through condemnation are actually sinning because they are not doing so in faith (Romans 14:23). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because the Spirit of Truth lead them to do so are the Children of Truth (Romans 8:14). They are not keeping the Feasts of Truth because they are under bondage to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth by the leading of the Spirit of Truth will get this benefit of understanding everything more clearly even though they are still playing with broken toys.
The truth is the Father of Truth is the one Who broke the toys when He took the second Temple away. He did this with the first Temple when Israel rebelled against Him (Hosea 2:11). The reasons for Him doing so with the second Temple are thoroughly explained in Whose Sabbath Are You Keeping.
The day is coming when we will no longer be playing with broken toys. The Man of Truth said that a third Temple will be built that the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) will desecrate after the Good News has been preached to every people group on Earth (Matthew 24:14-16). There then be a fourth Temple when the Man of Truth is reigning over the Earth where the sacrifices will resume as His Father intended (Ezekiel 44:11). The Law of Truth will be the law of entire Earth when he is reigning (Micah 4:2). Even the Gentiles from all over the Earth will be required to attend the Feast of Tabernacles when the fourth Temple is standing (Zechariah 14:16-18). We will no longer be playing with broken toys!
Of course it makes absolutely no difference how you are keeping the Feasts of Truth unless you first come into the House of Truth. It does not matter if you keep the Feasts of Truth or not until you come into the House of Truth. You do not come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or anything else in the Law of Truth but only through the redemption that came from the sacrifice made by the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:21). It is completely useless for you to try to come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or any other part of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:4). That is like playing with broken toys.
You can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:4-9). After you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will live in you (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of Truth will then begin to change you from the inside out so that you can keep the Law of Truth has the Father of Truth originally intended (Ezekiel 36:27). When you come into the House of Truth you will be on the path to no longer playing with broken toys.
Come into the House of Truth.
When I was a kid my dad gave us three boys a couple of air pistols and walkie-talkies for Christmas one year. They were some of the coolest gifts we ever got.
The air pistols looked just like the 45 caliber pistols that spies and military men used. You had to cock them in the exact same way and they had a safety that worked exactly the same way. They were made of black heavy metal. They were pretty close to an exact replica of the real thing except they shot air pellets instead of bullets. If we had ever went into town or anything like that with these pistols then we probably have ended up on the ground in hand cuffs. They looked that real.
The walkie-talkies were real walkie-talkies that you could communicate up with each other for up to five miles. They were professional grade just like the game warden might use. We were so excited to have them.
Well, it did not take long for the air pistols to stop shooting pellets. They used a CO2 cartridge that ran out pretty quickly. Eventually, when you cocked them they would not shoot out any pellets but they still sounded like a gun with a silencer being shot. We used our imagination and they were suddenly spy guns with silencers. We were pretty poor and became very adept at playing with broken toys.
The walkie-talkies lasted a lot longer, but we still had a problem. These guns and walkie-talkies had came in sets of two but there was three of us. We really did not have everything we needed to do what we could have done with one more of each. So instead of someone being left out we devised plans to make do with what we had.
Sometimes one of us would only have a walkie-talkie and be the boss of the good guys. Another one of us would only a pistol and be the bad guy that the good guys were hunting. The other one of us would have both a walkie-talkie and a pistol. It was his job to take out the bad guy before the bad guy took out the boss of the good guys.
Sometimes two of us would be a team of bad guys who each had a walkie-talkie and a pistol. The other one would have some other weapon like the be be gun (unloaded, of course) or our rubber knife or even our bow with suction cup arrows. The good guy had to take out both bad guys.
There were countless variations. We always found ways to have fun with other things as well by using them differently than their original purpose when they no longer worked right or were missing major parts of the set. We were masters at playing with broken toys.
In similar manner, there are many of us who are trying to keep the Feasts of Truth without many of the things available to keep those Feasts of Truth according to what is written in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law). We are playing with broken toys.
There are seven of these Feasts of Truth each year (Leviticus 23:4-36). All of these Feasts of Truth involve making animal sacrifices by fire (Leviticus 23:37-38).
This is true about Passover (Pesach) (Exodus 34:25). This is true about the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzot) (Numbers 28:17-25). This is true about Firstfruits (Bikkurim aka Reishit Katzir). This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot aka Pentecost aka First Fruits (of the wheat harvest) ) (Numbers 28:26-31). This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) (Numbers 29:1-6). This is true about the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur aka The Fast aka Judgment Day) (Numbers 29:7-11). This is true about the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot aka the Ingathering) (Numbers 29:12-38).
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were to only go to the place that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) chose to make these sacrifices (Deuteronomy 12:5-7). Until they were settled in the Promised Land this law was not in effect (Deuteronomy 12:8-9). Every since the time that they were settled in the Promised Land then this law went into effect (Deuteronomy 12:10-14).
Not only that, but the men who are from 20 to 60 years of age were to appear before Him for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles (Exodus 23:14-17). Once they settled in the Promised Land then they were only to appear before the Father of Truth in the place that He chose for these feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16).
This is a real problem for anyone who is trying to keep the Feasts of Truth according to the instructions in the Law of Truth and insists that all of the Children of Truth must do so. When the Children of Truth first settled in the Promised Land then the Father of Truth chose Shiloh as the place for the Tabernacle to rest where these sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth could be performed and the Children of Truth could appear before Him for these feasts (Joshua 18:1). Then He chose Jerusalem to build His Temple as the only place where the Feasts of Truth were to be carried out (2 Chronicles 6:4-10). There is no place to fulfill all of these commandments concerning the sacrifices and all of the Children of Truth appearing before Him since the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD as the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had warned that it would be (Mark 13:1-2).
It could be argued that we could make sacrifices on altars of earth and stone like the Children of Truth did before they entered the Promised Land. They only built these altars everywhere that Father of Truth lead them in the wilderness until the Tabernacle was built (Exodus 20:24-26). After that they were to only offer sacrifices for the Feasts of Truth like Passover at the place that He chose (Deuteronomy 16:2-6). It is rebellion to burn these types of sacrifices on any altar other than the one in the place that He chose (Joshua 22:29).
The only other altars that were built outside of the place the Father of Truth chose were altars of consecration that were used for a one time sacrifice for the Children of Truth to consecrate themselves to Him. They were commanded to built an altar of stone when they first entered the Promised Land to offer sacrifices of consecration on Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:4-6). Joshua (Yah'shua aka Jehoshua) then built that altar of stone upon Mount Ebal to consecrate the Children of Truth after they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 8:30-32). Elijah in like manner built an altar of stone to consecrate all of the people that lived in the northern kingdom of Israel back to Him (1 Kings 18:30-39). There is simply no provision in the Law of Truth for building stone altars to keep the Feasts of Truth when there is no Temple.
Beyond that there is no single place for all of the Children of Truth to appear before the Father of Truth for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles without the Temple.
Without the Temple there simply is no way to keep the Feasts of Truth in the way prescribed by the Law of Truth . It is like playing with an electric train set and not having the locomotive. We are playing with broken toys.
For example, the Law of Truth says that anyone who cannot keep Passover at the regular time because they are not prepared or out of the Promised Land at the regular time is to keep Passover a month later (Numbers 9:10-12). The Law of Truth says those who are in the Promised Land and able to keep Passover must keep it in the way prescribed by the commandments concerning Passover (Numbers 9:13-14). This is why King Hezekiah kept the Passover in the second month in the Promised Land at the Temple (2 Chronicles 30:1-15). There is no record of the Children of Truth keeping the Passover after the destruction of the first Temple until the second Temple was dedicated (Ezra 6:15-22). There is simply no record in the entire Book of Truth (the Bible) of Passover ever being kept outside of the Promised Land or when the Temple was not standing. The fact is the commandments for Passover in the Law of Truth are all centered around the Children of Truth living in the Promised Land and the Temple standing in Jerusalem. The Law of Truth has absolutely no instructions for how to keep Passover when these conditions do not exist. Any attempt to keep Passover without these conditions being met is like playing with broken toys.
Can the Feast of Truth be kept at all outside of the Promised Land?
Fortunately, we do not have to speculate about this because the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) tells us the answer to this question. He was accused of teaching Jewish believers who lived outside the Promised Land to stop keeping the Feasts of Truth (Acts 21:20-21). Paul the Jew was advised to take part in fulfilling a vow to show that there was no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:23-24). He responded by going to the Temple to fulfill that vow to show that there was simply no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:26).
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread with the Children of Truth in Philippi (Acts 20:6). He still fasted for the Day of Atonement while he was in Crete (Acts 27:7-9). He observed Pentecost while he was in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 16:8).
Paul the Jew also referenced details about keeping Passover with the Children of Truth in Corinth showing that the largely Jewish congregation there was familiar with Passover (1 Corinthians 5:6-8). (Corinth had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world outside of the Promised Land at this time.) It might be that they were familiar with these details because some of them could have went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover there. This was was very common among Jews throughout the world until the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. However, it has already been shown that Jews outside of the Promised Land were keeping the Feasts of Truth outside of the Promised Land. So even though the Book of Truth does not emphatically record the Children of Truth keeping Passover outside of the Promised Land it is implied.
So it is obvious that even though there were Jewish Children of Truth outside of the Promised Land and unable to access the Temple that they were still trying to keep the Feasts of Truth in some manner. They were playing with broken toys.
How are the Feasts of Truth kept without making sacrifices and appearing before the Father of Truth at the Temple?
For example, the commandment concerning the Passover meal demands eating a lamb that has been roasted whole (Exodus 12:11). Yet we cannot kill the Passover lamb at the prescribed place since the Temple is no longer standing (Deuteronomy 16:5-7). So how can the Children of Truth keep Passover?
There are all sorts of answers that people have to this question because we are playing with broken toys.
Some people go ahead and roast a lamb whole for Passover. Other people keep Passover with just the shank bone of a lamb to symbolically stand for the lamb that they would have killed if the Temple was still standing. Some people keep Passover without having any lamb. Other people do not attempt to keep Passover at all since there is no way to keep it in the way commanded by the Law of Truth.
Similar problems exists for all of the Feasts of Truth. There simply are no clear cut solutions to these kind of problems because we are playing with broken toys.
Like my brothers and I, the best we can do is to make do with what we have because we do not have everything that is needed for things to work as they were originally intended. For example, we can keep those parts of commandments that do not involve the Temple.
We can cease from our regular work and congregate together to carry out His purposes just like we do on the regular weekly Sabbath (Leviticus 23:2-4). We can do all of the things on these extra Sabbaths that we should do on the regularly weekly Sabbath so that we are not Bored On The Sabbath.
This is true about the first and seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6-8). This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:16-21). This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24-25). This is true about the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-28). This is true about the first and eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:35-36).
We can also keep the commandments for each Feast of Truth that is particular to it but does not involve the Temple.
We can eat some sort of meal at Passover with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8). We can remove all of the leaven from our homes and eat only unleavened bread for the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15). This process of ridding our homes of leaven is described in Removing The Leaven. We can still honor the Father of Truth with the firstfruits of everything that He increases us with on Firstfruits (Proverbs 3:9). We can still give a free will offering to Him on the Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16:10). We can still blow shofars (trumpets) on the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24). We can still fast on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27). We can still build sukkot (booths) using tree branches on the first day and stay in them during the seven remaining days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:40-42).
Still despite all of these things that we can do to keep some semblance of observing the Feasts of Truth there is often much arguing among those who try to keep them over who is keeping them correctly and who is not. The truth is that is no correct way to keep the Feasts of Truth because there is no Temple and most of us are not living in the Promised Land. We should stop pretending that we are keeping the Feasts of Truth in the manner prescribed by the Law of Truth because we are playing with broken toys.
More than that the Gentile Children of Truth do not even need to keep these feasts at all. In fact, the Gentile Children of Truth cannot keep Passover because they are not circumcised (Exodus 12:48). They are not obligated to keep everything in the Law of Truth to be accepted by the Father of Truth as His Children (Acts 15:24). While Paul the Jew taught the Jewish Children of Truth to continue to keep the Feasts of Truth, there was no such commandment for the Gentile Children of Truth to do so (Acts 21:24-25). They do not need to eat the Passover lamb to commemorate being delivered from being in bondage to the Egyptians because the Man of Truth is their Passover lamb that delivered them from being in bondage to the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (1 Corinthians 5:7). We must never forget that the point of Passover is The Death of The Lamb.
If one of them becomes circumcised then they are no longer considered to be a Gentile and therefore must keep everything in the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3). This is because circumcision has absolutely nothing to do with being a Child of Truth but only with the covenant that was made with Abraham concerning the Promised Land as explained in A Cut Above The Rest. The Gentiles who have received The Better Circumcision are counted as the Children of Truth. They are not required to start playing with broken toys.
So the Children of Truth should stop fighting over the minute details of how to observe the Feasts of Truth because there is no correct way when they are playing with broken toys. The Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth should stop condemning the Gentile Children of Truth for not keeping these feasts. As already shown they are not commanded to keep these feasts and they are even forbidden by the Law of Truth from keeping Passover. In like manner, the Gentile Children of Truth should stop condemning the Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth as well. It has already been shown that there is liberty for the Jewish Children of Truth to keep the Feasts of Truth. There is also liberty in the Renewed Covenant for the Gentile Children of Truth to not keep the Feasts of Truth (Galatians 2:3-5). The Children of Truth are not to judge each other based on whether or not they are observing these kind of things because they are only shadows of the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:16-17). They should not be fighting over how they should be playing with broken toys.
The Father of Truth is more concerned with the His Children attending to The Weightier Matters of The Law than keeping the Feasts of Truth. The Feasts of Truth are part of The Lessor Matters of the Law.
The sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth were never sufficient to take away sin or they would not have had to keep being repeated year after year (Hebrews 10:1-4). It is only the blood of the Man of Truth, who the Feasts of Truth foreshadowed, that was sufficient to do this and replace any need for these sacrifices (Hebrews 10:5-10). The point of the Feasts of Truth is tell the story of the Man of Truth as The Greatest Play Ever.
The deepest understanding of this play is the greatest benefit of keeping the Feasts of Truth. The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gives the Children of Truth this understanding when they celebrate each Feast of Truth year after year for the right reasons (John 16:13). The Law of Truth is spiritual and it can only be understood and obeyed with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because other people bully them into doing so through condemnation are actually sinning because they are not doing so in faith (Romans 14:23). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because the Spirit of Truth lead them to do so are the Children of Truth (Romans 8:14). They are not keeping the Feasts of Truth because they are under bondage to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18). Those who keep the Feasts of Truth by the leading of the Spirit of Truth will get this benefit of understanding everything more clearly even though they are still playing with broken toys.
The truth is the Father of Truth is the one Who broke the toys when He took the second Temple away. He did this with the first Temple when Israel rebelled against Him (Hosea 2:11). The reasons for Him doing so with the second Temple are thoroughly explained in Whose Sabbath Are You Keeping.
The day is coming when we will no longer be playing with broken toys. The Man of Truth said that a third Temple will be built that the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) will desecrate after the Good News has been preached to every people group on Earth (Matthew 24:14-16). There then be a fourth Temple when the Man of Truth is reigning over the Earth where the sacrifices will resume as His Father intended (Ezekiel 44:11). The Law of Truth will be the law of entire Earth when he is reigning (Micah 4:2). Even the Gentiles from all over the Earth will be required to attend the Feast of Tabernacles when the fourth Temple is standing (Zechariah 14:16-18). We will no longer be playing with broken toys!
Of course it makes absolutely no difference how you are keeping the Feasts of Truth unless you first come into the House of Truth. It does not matter if you keep the Feasts of Truth or not until you come into the House of Truth. You do not come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or anything else in the Law of Truth but only through the redemption that came from the sacrifice made by the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:21). It is completely useless for you to try to come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or any other part of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:4). That is like playing with broken toys.
You can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:4-9). After you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will live in you (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of Truth will then begin to change you from the inside out so that you can keep the Law of Truth has the Father of Truth originally intended (Ezekiel 36:27). When you come into the House of Truth you will be on the path to no longer playing with broken toys.
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Feasts of The Lord, Holidays, Moedim, Ozarks
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