Who killed Jesus?
Who killed the Man of Truth?
Every Spring, churches across America and around the world, put on Passion plays, about the death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). I have noticed over the years, that these plays have become much more focused on the Jewish culture of the time, when these events occurred. The action in their plays center around the three Spring Feasts of Truth that were being observed by the Man of Truth and his Jewish disciples: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits.
They show in these plays, that the death of the Lamb at Passover, was really about the death of the Man of Truth. They show in these plays, that removing the leaven for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, was really about sin being removed by the Man of Truth spending time in the grave. They show in these plays, that the raising of the Firstfruits was really about the resurrection of the Man of Truth.
Although these plays are often put on to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, it is no longer fashionable to call them "Easter plays". It is as if churches woke up, and suddenly realized that it's a Jewish thing to celebrate the Feasts of Truth that were being observed when these events occurred. They now realize that the Jewish followers of the Man of Truth would have said, "Happy Firstfruits!" to each other, instead of "Happy Easter!", to celebrate his resurrection from the dead.
They have been coming to understand, that these three Feasts of Truth are part of the entire set of the seven Feasts of Truth, which form The Greatest Play Ever. They just have not yet caught on, that it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate these Feasts of Truth, but that they are meant for all of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
Whenever I see one of these plays, I lose all composure and weep uncontrollably, when I hear the nails being hammered. One year, by the time I stopped weeping, the Man of Truth was ascending back to Heaven. However, for centuries, Jews have been weeping, whenever these Passion plays have been put on in Europe, for a completely different reason.
The Passion plays in Europe, especially Germany, for most of history were presented in a completely different manner, than the ones that I have seen in America. The Passion plays in America were presented to remind people, of what the Man of Truth did to save them from their sins. The Passion plays in Europe were presented to provoke people, into anger against their Jewish neighbors for the death of the Man of Truth.
These European Passion plays were very effective at putting all of the blame for the death of the Man of Truth on the Jewish people. Sometimes, the Gentile crowds would be whipped into a frenzy before the play was even over. They would then attack their Jewish neighbors, often beating them, raping their wives, killing their children, and burning their houses, while angrily shouting "Christ killers!".
So Passion plays in Europe brought tears to the eyes of Jewish people, because of the brutality that was heaped upon them for killing the Man of Truth.
Was this treatment of Jews justifiable? Did they really kill the Man of Truth?
A good place to start is by examining the case made against the Jews by their accusers.
Even the Jewish supporters of the Jewish King of Galilee, had joined with the Jewish religious professionals, to form a plot to kill the Man of Truth (Mark 3:6).
Judas (Judah aka Yahudah) the Jew accepted a bribe from the Jewish Priests, to betray the Man of Truth to them (Matthew 26:14-16). Judas the Jew then betrayed the Man of Truth to the Jewish Temple Guards (Matthew 26:47-50). The Jewish Temple Guards then arrested the Man of Truth, and took him to the Jewish High Priest (Matthew 26:55-57). The Jewish High Priest, the Jewish Priests, the Jewish Elders, and the Jewish Council, then put on a trial where false witnesses, which they had paid, made false accusations, so they could put the Man of Truth to death (Matthew 26:59-62). Then these Jewish leaders sentenced him to death for blasphemy, when the Man of Truth confirmed that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:63-66). Then these Jewish leaders and Jewish Temple Guards mocked and persecuted the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:67-68).
The next morning, these Jewish leaders took counsel to get the Man of Truth killed, and then took him to Roman governor, to carry out their plot (Matthew 27:1-2). Then these Jewish leaders made many accusations to the Roman governor against the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:11-14).
Even the Jewish King of Galilee persecuted the Man of Truth, and sent him back to the Roman governor, instead of saving him from death (Luke 23:6-11).
When the Roman governor sought to release the Man of Truth, these Jewish leaders stirred up the Jewish crowd to release a murderer instead (Matthew 27:15-21). Then these Jews demanded that the Man of Truth be crucified (Matthew 27:22-23). These Jews even agreed to be responsible for the death of the Man of Truth, instead of the Roman governor (Matthew 27:24-25).
Then the Jewish leaders, the Jewish crowd, and even the two Jewish thieves, who were being crucified with the Man of Truth, mocked him, while he was dying on the cross (Matthew 27:38-44). These Jews continued to mock the Man of Truth, right up to the moment that he died (Matthew 27:46-50).
While this might be an airtight case against those individual Jews involved, it is a very flimsy case against the entire Jewish race. There are many problems with this case. This case falls apart rather quickly, when you consider all of the facts.
First, the only Jews involved in the death of the Man of Truth, were those in Jerusalem. Even though Jerusalem was packed with Jews, from the Roman providences that made up Israel (Judaea, Antipas, Philippi, Decapolis), for Passover (Pesach), there were still far more Jews outside of Israel, than in it.
Only those who lived in the land of Israel were required to be in Jerusalem for Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, each year (Exodus 23:14-17). The Temple in Jerusalem was the only place where anyone could kill the Passover lamb (Deuteronomy 16:3-6).
Those Jews, who were scattered among the nations, were not required to be in Jerusalem for Passover, because they were not in the Promised Land. They were exempt from being in Jerusalem for Passover, because they were too far away to make the journey each year - even for the make-up Passover of the second month (Numbers 9:10-12). This is why a great number devout Jews from all over the Roman Empire, and beyond, showed up in Jerusalem for Pentecost (Shavuot), which occurred more than a month after the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Acts 2:1-11). This is why Jews who were too far away, would collect their offerings that they gathered for each of these three first Sabbaths, until they could send them to Jerusalem with someone (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). [ The word "day" is not in the original Greek manuscripts, and is italicized in the King James Version to so indicate. It literally says "First Sabbath" in the original Greek manuscripts. This insertion of "day" for clarity has lead to a lot of confusion about who changed the Sabbath.]
Second, not every Jew who was in Jerusalem, was involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
The Jewish Apostles of Truth were not involved in his death (Matthew 10:2-6). Neither were the women who lamented for the Man of Truth while he hung on the cross (Mark 15:40-41). All of those Jews, who were beating their breasts in sorrow when the Man of Truth died, were not part of those involved in his death (Luke 23:48-49). Not even all of the Jewish leaders were involved in the death of the Man of Truth (Luke 23:50-52). His mother certainly was not involved in bringing about the death of the Man of Truth (John 19:26-28). The two Jewish leaders, who buried the Man of Truth, obviously were not involved in the death of the Man of Truth (John 19:38-40).
The truth is, that a very small part of all of the Jews in the world, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all. Even among those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in some manner, the majority of them were deceived by Jewish religious professionals and politicians. The truth is, that possibly less than one hundred Jewish men, out of several million Jews on the Earth at that time, were purposely involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
Third, all of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, have all died, and most of them did not even leave any descendants.
Those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, had told the Roman governor, that they and their children would bear all of the punishment for his death (Matthew 27:25). The Man of Truth had warned them, that they would be punished for his death, because he was the one spoken of by the Prophets of Truth, whom their ancestors had put to death (Luke 11:47-51). This was all accomplished by the Romans, thirty nine years after the death of the Man of Truth.
The Romans surrounded the city of Jerusalem, and then destroyed it completely (Luke 19:41-44). Jerusalem was surround by four Roman legions, plus the mercenary armies that the Romans hired, soon trapping those Jews, involved with the death of the Man of Truth, in Jerusalem, while those Jews, who followed the Man of Truth, escaped by heeding his warning (Luke 21:18-21). All of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, and their children, were either killed or sold into slavery by the Romans, as vengeance from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) upon those Jews, for killing the Man of Truth (Luke 21:22-24).
Many of those Jews, and their children, died at the hands of the Romans, while making sacrifices in the Temple (Luke 13:1-3). Many of those Jews, and their children, died from being crushed by stones, when the Romans brought down the walls of Jerusalem (Luke 13:4-5). Many of those Jews, and their children, were crucified by the Romans (Luke 23:28-31).
So there are no Jews left on the Earth, who were responsible for the death of the Man of Truth. Even the surviving descendants of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, make up a very small minority among all of the Jews, who live on the Earth today. So, there is absolutely no justification for this persecution of Jews for the death of the Man of Truth. The Jews, who live on the Earth today, did not kill the Man of Truth.
These accusations of "Christ killers", directed against the Jews, have no basis in fact. They are plainly work of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
Some people have said, that the Romans actually killed the Man of Truth, and then the Jews were scapegoated. They say, that if anyone should be persecuted for killing the Man of Truth, then it should Italians, particularly, those who live in Rome.
Is it justifiable to blame the Romans? Did they really kill the Man of Truth?
A good place to start is by examining the case made against the Romans by their accusers.
The Roman governor could have refused to go out to even talk to the accusers of the Man of Truth, since they would not come into the Roman Judgment Hall (John 18:28-30). The Roman governor could have refused to have a trial, since only the Roman governor could condemn the Man of Truth to die by crucifixion (John 18:31-32). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth, since he did not even know what Jewish law, that the Man of Truth was being accused of breaking (John 18:33-35). The Roman governor could have let the Man of Truth go, since he found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 18:36-38).
The Roman governor could have let the Man of Truth go, since not even the Jewish King of Galilee had found any evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (Luke 23:13-15).
The Roman governor could have let him go, since he knew that the Man of Truth had only been delivered to be killed out to envy (Matthew 27:15-18). The Roman governor could have let him go, since the Father of Truth had warned his wife in a dream, to have nothing to do with the death of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:19). The Roman governor could have let him go, instead of a murderer, because he had found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (Matthew 27:20-23). Instead, the Roman governor washed his hands of all responsibility for the death of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:24).
The Roman governor had the Man of Truth scourged (John 19:1). It was Roman soldiers, who put a crown of thorns on the head of the Man of Truth, before mocking him, and beating him (John 19:2-3). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth after this, since he still found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 19:4).
The Roman governor then brought the Man of Truth out before the Jewish crowd, wearing the crown of thorns (John 19:5). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth after this, since he still found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 19:6).
The Roman governor could have let him go, since he was told, that the Man of Truth was the son of the Father of Truth (John 19:7-8). The Roman governor had the authority from Rome to release the Man of Truth, or to have him killed (John 19:9-10). Yet, the Roman governor was more afraid of the Roman Emperor, than the Father of Truth (John 19:12-15). So, the Roman governor sentence the Man of Truth to death (John 19:16).
It was Roman soldiers, who made the Man of Truth carry the means of his death to the execution site (John 19:17)!
It was Roman soldiers, who made someone else help the Man of Truth, carry the means of his death for the rest of the way, when the Man of Truth became too weak to continue (Mark 15:21)! It was Roman soldiers, who offered the Man of Truth a mild sedative when he arrived at the execution site (Mark 15:22-23)!
It was Roman soldiers, who drove the nails into the hands and feet of the Man of Truth, when he was crucified (John 19:18)! It was Roman soldiers, who placed the accusation of the Roman governor, above the Man of Truth on the cross (John 19:19-22)! It was Roman soldiers, who parted the clothing of the Man of Truth, and gambled for his tallit (John 19:23-24)!
It was Roman soldiers, who mocked the Man of Truth for the accusation made against him, while he was dying on the cross (Luke 23:36-37)!
It was Roman solders, who gave the Man of Truth vinegar, when he said, that he was thirsty, and then watched him die (John 19:28-30)!
When the Man of Truth died, it was a Roman Centurion, who admitted, that they had just killed the son of the Father of Truth (Mark 15:37-39)! When the Man of Truth died, it was a Roman Centurion, who admitted, that they had just killed a righteous man (Luke 23:46-47)!
While this might be an airtight case against those individual Romans involved, it is a very flimsy case against the entire Italian race. There are many problems with this case. This case falls apart rather quickly, when you consider all of the facts.
First of all, the only Romans involved in the death of the Man of Truth, were those in Jerusalem. Even though Jerusalem was packed with Roman soldiers, from the Roman providences that made up Israel (Judaea, Antipas, Philippi, Decapolis), who were assigned to keep the peace during Passover (Pesach), there were still far more Romans outside of Israel, than in it.
Not too surprisingly, Romans were scattered all of over the Roman Empire, including places like Philippi, a colony for retired Roman soldiers in Macedonia (Acts 16:12-21). Not too surprisingly, most Romans were hundreds of miles away in Rome, when these events occurred (Romans 1:15).
Also, Romans were not just Italians, but people of many ethnic groups, including Jews like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka The Apostle Paul) and Silas the Jew (Silvanus) (Acts 16:29-38). Everyone born in certain cities outside of Israel, like Tarsus, were Romans. because of the special status of those cities, no matter what ethnic group that they belonged to (Acts 21:39-40). Some men were Romans. because they paid a lot of money to become Romans, while other men were born as Romans (Acts 22:26-29).
Second, not every Roman who was in Jerusalem, was involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
There were Roman soldiers in Israel, who sought to know what the Father of Truth required of them (Luke 3:14).
For example, a Roman Centurion had the greatest faith in the Man of Truth in all the land of Israel (Matthew 8:8-10). This Roman Centurion loved the Jewish people, and had greater respect for the Man of Truth, than most of the Jewish people (Luke 7:2-7).
Another Roman Centurion in Israel feared the Father of Truth, gave money to help the poor among the Jews, and prayed continually to the Father of Truth (Acts 10:1-4). One of the Roman soldiers, under this Roman Centurion, was also devoted to the Father of Truth, whom the Roman Centurion sent on a mission to learn from a Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:5-8). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gave a vision to this Apostle of Truth, concerning the Roman soldier that had been sent to him (Acts 10:19-20). This Roman Centurion feared the Father of Truth so much, and loved the Jewish people so much, that the Father of Truth had sent an Angel of Truth to warn this Roman Centurion, that he needed to hear the message spoken by this Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:21-22). This Roman Centurion, waited with other Romans, to hear from the Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:24). This Roman Centurion had so wanted to know the will of the Father of Truth, so much that he had been seeking the Father of Truth through prayer and fasting, just to find out what His will was (Acts 10:30-33). These Romans were so quick to believe in the Man of Truth, that they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, before the Jewish Apostle of Truth was even done telling them about the Man of Truth (Acts 10:34-44).
A man could be both a follower of the Man of Truth, and a Roman, at the same time (Acts 22:8-25). The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was even kept by some Romans (Acts 23:27-29).
The truth is, that a very small part of all of the Romans in the world, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all. Even among those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in some manner, the majority of them were following orders, without any ability to know anything other than what they were told. The truth is, that possibly less than one hundred Roman men, out of several million Romans on the Earth at that time, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all.
Third, all of those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, have all died.
When the Romans surrounded Jerusalem, they took tremendous casualties digging the trench to surround the city (Luke 19:43). When the walls of Jerusalem fell, many Roman soldiers were crushed by the huge stones (Luke 19:44). The Romans were forced to bring in other Roman legions, and even hire mercenary armies, in order to lay siege to Jerusalem (Luke 21:20).
The Romans had great difficulty making the Temple desolate, for the Temple Mount served as a fortress within the walls of Jerusalem (Matthew 23:38). The Romans had to defeat the last of Zealots, who had taken control of the Temple, before they could remove the stones of the Temple off of the Temple Mount (Mark 13:1-2). The Romans took many casualties, before they brought an end to the worship of the Father of Truth at the Temple in Jerusalem (John 4:21). It was very costly for the Romans to take away the place where the Jews worshiped - The Temple (John 11:48).
The Roman Legion, that probably crucified the Man of Truth, was Fretensis - Legion X. This Roman legion was almost entirely decimated in the Great Revolt, when Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, thirty nine years after the death of the Man of Truth. In fact, the Great Revolt was one of the costliest wars in Roman history. Rome ended up being forced to send a sixth of its military to Judaea to fight the Great Revolt. When it did so, smaller revolts broke out across the Roman Empire, because there was no military prescence to enforce the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome). The Romans suffered terrible casualties for their involvement in the death of the Man of Truth.
So there are no Romans left on the Earth, who were responsible for the death of the Man of Truth. Even the surviving descendants of those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, make up a very small minority among all of the Italians, who live on the Earth today. So there is absolutely no justification for persecuting Italians for the death of the Man of Truth. The Italians, who live on the Earth today, did not kill the Man of Truth.
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
The Man of Truth was not the victim of some Jewish plot, but had already planned to be killed in Jerusalem, by the efforts of the religious and political leaders of the Jews (Matthew 16:21). The Man of Truth was not the victim of the Roman brutality, but had already planned to be abused, mocked, flogged, and killed by the Romans (Luke 18:31-33).
These events that lead up to the death of the Man of Truth, had all been written about by Moses (Moishe), and the rest of the Prophets of Truth (Luke 24:19-27). The Man of Truth was not the victim of anyone, but he willing laid down his life for others (John 10:15-18).
Those involved in his death, did not know what they were doing (Luke 23:34). No one, not even the Roman governor, could have brought about the death of the Man of Truth, without the consent of the Father of Truth (John 19:11). If the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) had really understood what was being done, then he never would have tempted people into killing the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:6-8). The Man of Truth died as part of the secret plan of the Father of Truth to save the human race.
The Man of Truth was fulfilling the plan of the Father of Truth to save the human race, when he allowed himself to be killed by the Romans, at the insistence of the Jews (Acts 2:21-23). So, the Man of Truth willing obeyed the commandment of his Father, to die on a cross (Philippians 2:8).
The Man of Truth chose to die on a cross for every person, who has ever sinned against the Father of Truth (Romans 5:6-8). The Man of Truth died for everyone, who ever sinned by transgressing the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
The Law of Truth is holy, and every commandment in it is holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). If one person could ever keep the Law of Truth without breaking it once, then they would be righteous and live forever (Romans 10:5). If one person could ever keep the Law of Truth without breaking it once, then the Man of Truth would not have needed to die on the cross (Galatians 2:21).
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
I did. My sin made his death necessary. My hands are the hands that drove the nails into his hands. This is why I cannot watch a Passion play without weeping uncontrollably, whenever I hear the hammer hitting the nails.
However, the truth is that I am not alone in killing the Man of Truth. The entire human race is guilty of killing the Man of Truth, for every single person has made his death necessary with their sin (Romans 3:23).
So, the Man of Truth is the Lamb, that the Father of Truth gave to take away the sins of the world, so people can come into the House of Truth (John 1:29). So, the Man of Truth is the true Passover Lamb, for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:7).
The Man of Truth will be the Lamb who takes away your sins, if you will come into the House of Truth, by making him the king of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Jews, Romans, and everyone else, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Every Spring, churches across America and around the world, put on Passion plays, about the death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). I have noticed over the years, that these plays have become much more focused on the Jewish culture of the time, when these events occurred. The action in their plays center around the three Spring Feasts of Truth that were being observed by the Man of Truth and his Jewish disciples: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits.
They show in these plays, that the death of the Lamb at Passover, was really about the death of the Man of Truth. They show in these plays, that removing the leaven for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, was really about sin being removed by the Man of Truth spending time in the grave. They show in these plays, that the raising of the Firstfruits was really about the resurrection of the Man of Truth.
Although these plays are often put on to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, it is no longer fashionable to call them "Easter plays". It is as if churches woke up, and suddenly realized that it's a Jewish thing to celebrate the Feasts of Truth that were being observed when these events occurred. They now realize that the Jewish followers of the Man of Truth would have said, "Happy Firstfruits!" to each other, instead of "Happy Easter!", to celebrate his resurrection from the dead.
They have been coming to understand, that these three Feasts of Truth are part of the entire set of the seven Feasts of Truth, which form The Greatest Play Ever. They just have not yet caught on, that it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate these Feasts of Truth, but that they are meant for all of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
Whenever I see one of these plays, I lose all composure and weep uncontrollably, when I hear the nails being hammered. One year, by the time I stopped weeping, the Man of Truth was ascending back to Heaven. However, for centuries, Jews have been weeping, whenever these Passion plays have been put on in Europe, for a completely different reason.
The Passion plays in Europe, especially Germany, for most of history were presented in a completely different manner, than the ones that I have seen in America. The Passion plays in America were presented to remind people, of what the Man of Truth did to save them from their sins. The Passion plays in Europe were presented to provoke people, into anger against their Jewish neighbors for the death of the Man of Truth.
These European Passion plays were very effective at putting all of the blame for the death of the Man of Truth on the Jewish people. Sometimes, the Gentile crowds would be whipped into a frenzy before the play was even over. They would then attack their Jewish neighbors, often beating them, raping their wives, killing their children, and burning their houses, while angrily shouting "Christ killers!".
So Passion plays in Europe brought tears to the eyes of Jewish people, because of the brutality that was heaped upon them for killing the Man of Truth.
Was this treatment of Jews justifiable? Did they really kill the Man of Truth?
A good place to start is by examining the case made against the Jews by their accusers.
Even the Jewish supporters of the Jewish King of Galilee, had joined with the Jewish religious professionals, to form a plot to kill the Man of Truth (Mark 3:6).
Judas (Judah aka Yahudah) the Jew accepted a bribe from the Jewish Priests, to betray the Man of Truth to them (Matthew 26:14-16). Judas the Jew then betrayed the Man of Truth to the Jewish Temple Guards (Matthew 26:47-50). The Jewish Temple Guards then arrested the Man of Truth, and took him to the Jewish High Priest (Matthew 26:55-57). The Jewish High Priest, the Jewish Priests, the Jewish Elders, and the Jewish Council, then put on a trial where false witnesses, which they had paid, made false accusations, so they could put the Man of Truth to death (Matthew 26:59-62). Then these Jewish leaders sentenced him to death for blasphemy, when the Man of Truth confirmed that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:63-66). Then these Jewish leaders and Jewish Temple Guards mocked and persecuted the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:67-68).
The next morning, these Jewish leaders took counsel to get the Man of Truth killed, and then took him to Roman governor, to carry out their plot (Matthew 27:1-2). Then these Jewish leaders made many accusations to the Roman governor against the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:11-14).
Even the Jewish King of Galilee persecuted the Man of Truth, and sent him back to the Roman governor, instead of saving him from death (Luke 23:6-11).
When the Roman governor sought to release the Man of Truth, these Jewish leaders stirred up the Jewish crowd to release a murderer instead (Matthew 27:15-21). Then these Jews demanded that the Man of Truth be crucified (Matthew 27:22-23). These Jews even agreed to be responsible for the death of the Man of Truth, instead of the Roman governor (Matthew 27:24-25).
Then the Jewish leaders, the Jewish crowd, and even the two Jewish thieves, who were being crucified with the Man of Truth, mocked him, while he was dying on the cross (Matthew 27:38-44). These Jews continued to mock the Man of Truth, right up to the moment that he died (Matthew 27:46-50).
While this might be an airtight case against those individual Jews involved, it is a very flimsy case against the entire Jewish race. There are many problems with this case. This case falls apart rather quickly, when you consider all of the facts.
First, the only Jews involved in the death of the Man of Truth, were those in Jerusalem. Even though Jerusalem was packed with Jews, from the Roman providences that made up Israel (Judaea, Antipas, Philippi, Decapolis), for Passover (Pesach), there were still far more Jews outside of Israel, than in it.
Only those who lived in the land of Israel were required to be in Jerusalem for Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, each year (Exodus 23:14-17). The Temple in Jerusalem was the only place where anyone could kill the Passover lamb (Deuteronomy 16:3-6).
Those Jews, who were scattered among the nations, were not required to be in Jerusalem for Passover, because they were not in the Promised Land. They were exempt from being in Jerusalem for Passover, because they were too far away to make the journey each year - even for the make-up Passover of the second month (Numbers 9:10-12). This is why a great number devout Jews from all over the Roman Empire, and beyond, showed up in Jerusalem for Pentecost (Shavuot), which occurred more than a month after the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Acts 2:1-11). This is why Jews who were too far away, would collect their offerings that they gathered for each of these three first Sabbaths, until they could send them to Jerusalem with someone (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). [ The word "day" is not in the original Greek manuscripts, and is italicized in the King James Version to so indicate. It literally says "First Sabbath" in the original Greek manuscripts. This insertion of "day" for clarity has lead to a lot of confusion about who changed the Sabbath.]
Second, not every Jew who was in Jerusalem, was involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
The Jewish Apostles of Truth were not involved in his death (Matthew 10:2-6). Neither were the women who lamented for the Man of Truth while he hung on the cross (Mark 15:40-41). All of those Jews, who were beating their breasts in sorrow when the Man of Truth died, were not part of those involved in his death (Luke 23:48-49). Not even all of the Jewish leaders were involved in the death of the Man of Truth (Luke 23:50-52). His mother certainly was not involved in bringing about the death of the Man of Truth (John 19:26-28). The two Jewish leaders, who buried the Man of Truth, obviously were not involved in the death of the Man of Truth (John 19:38-40).
The truth is, that a very small part of all of the Jews in the world, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all. Even among those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in some manner, the majority of them were deceived by Jewish religious professionals and politicians. The truth is, that possibly less than one hundred Jewish men, out of several million Jews on the Earth at that time, were purposely involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
Third, all of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, have all died, and most of them did not even leave any descendants.
Those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, had told the Roman governor, that they and their children would bear all of the punishment for his death (Matthew 27:25). The Man of Truth had warned them, that they would be punished for his death, because he was the one spoken of by the Prophets of Truth, whom their ancestors had put to death (Luke 11:47-51). This was all accomplished by the Romans, thirty nine years after the death of the Man of Truth.
The Romans surrounded the city of Jerusalem, and then destroyed it completely (Luke 19:41-44). Jerusalem was surround by four Roman legions, plus the mercenary armies that the Romans hired, soon trapping those Jews, involved with the death of the Man of Truth, in Jerusalem, while those Jews, who followed the Man of Truth, escaped by heeding his warning (Luke 21:18-21). All of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, and their children, were either killed or sold into slavery by the Romans, as vengeance from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) upon those Jews, for killing the Man of Truth (Luke 21:22-24).
Many of those Jews, and their children, died at the hands of the Romans, while making sacrifices in the Temple (Luke 13:1-3). Many of those Jews, and their children, died from being crushed by stones, when the Romans brought down the walls of Jerusalem (Luke 13:4-5). Many of those Jews, and their children, were crucified by the Romans (Luke 23:28-31).
So there are no Jews left on the Earth, who were responsible for the death of the Man of Truth. Even the surviving descendants of those Jews, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, make up a very small minority among all of the Jews, who live on the Earth today. So, there is absolutely no justification for this persecution of Jews for the death of the Man of Truth. The Jews, who live on the Earth today, did not kill the Man of Truth.
These accusations of "Christ killers", directed against the Jews, have no basis in fact. They are plainly work of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
Some people have said, that the Romans actually killed the Man of Truth, and then the Jews were scapegoated. They say, that if anyone should be persecuted for killing the Man of Truth, then it should Italians, particularly, those who live in Rome.
Is it justifiable to blame the Romans? Did they really kill the Man of Truth?
A good place to start is by examining the case made against the Romans by their accusers.
The Roman governor could have refused to go out to even talk to the accusers of the Man of Truth, since they would not come into the Roman Judgment Hall (John 18:28-30). The Roman governor could have refused to have a trial, since only the Roman governor could condemn the Man of Truth to die by crucifixion (John 18:31-32). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth, since he did not even know what Jewish law, that the Man of Truth was being accused of breaking (John 18:33-35). The Roman governor could have let the Man of Truth go, since he found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 18:36-38).
The Roman governor could have let the Man of Truth go, since not even the Jewish King of Galilee had found any evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (Luke 23:13-15).
The Roman governor could have let him go, since he knew that the Man of Truth had only been delivered to be killed out to envy (Matthew 27:15-18). The Roman governor could have let him go, since the Father of Truth had warned his wife in a dream, to have nothing to do with the death of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:19). The Roman governor could have let him go, instead of a murderer, because he had found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (Matthew 27:20-23). Instead, the Roman governor washed his hands of all responsibility for the death of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:24).
The Roman governor had the Man of Truth scourged (John 19:1). It was Roman soldiers, who put a crown of thorns on the head of the Man of Truth, before mocking him, and beating him (John 19:2-3). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth after this, since he still found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 19:4).
The Roman governor then brought the Man of Truth out before the Jewish crowd, wearing the crown of thorns (John 19:5). The Roman governor could have released the Man of Truth after this, since he still found no evidence, that the Man of Truth had broken Roman law (John 19:6).
The Roman governor could have let him go, since he was told, that the Man of Truth was the son of the Father of Truth (John 19:7-8). The Roman governor had the authority from Rome to release the Man of Truth, or to have him killed (John 19:9-10). Yet, the Roman governor was more afraid of the Roman Emperor, than the Father of Truth (John 19:12-15). So, the Roman governor sentence the Man of Truth to death (John 19:16).
It was Roman soldiers, who made the Man of Truth carry the means of his death to the execution site (John 19:17)!
It was Roman soldiers, who made someone else help the Man of Truth, carry the means of his death for the rest of the way, when the Man of Truth became too weak to continue (Mark 15:21)! It was Roman soldiers, who offered the Man of Truth a mild sedative when he arrived at the execution site (Mark 15:22-23)!
It was Roman soldiers, who drove the nails into the hands and feet of the Man of Truth, when he was crucified (John 19:18)! It was Roman soldiers, who placed the accusation of the Roman governor, above the Man of Truth on the cross (John 19:19-22)! It was Roman soldiers, who parted the clothing of the Man of Truth, and gambled for his tallit (John 19:23-24)!
It was Roman soldiers, who mocked the Man of Truth for the accusation made against him, while he was dying on the cross (Luke 23:36-37)!
It was Roman solders, who gave the Man of Truth vinegar, when he said, that he was thirsty, and then watched him die (John 19:28-30)!
When the Man of Truth died, it was a Roman Centurion, who admitted, that they had just killed the son of the Father of Truth (Mark 15:37-39)! When the Man of Truth died, it was a Roman Centurion, who admitted, that they had just killed a righteous man (Luke 23:46-47)!
While this might be an airtight case against those individual Romans involved, it is a very flimsy case against the entire Italian race. There are many problems with this case. This case falls apart rather quickly, when you consider all of the facts.
First of all, the only Romans involved in the death of the Man of Truth, were those in Jerusalem. Even though Jerusalem was packed with Roman soldiers, from the Roman providences that made up Israel (Judaea, Antipas, Philippi, Decapolis), who were assigned to keep the peace during Passover (Pesach), there were still far more Romans outside of Israel, than in it.
Not too surprisingly, Romans were scattered all of over the Roman Empire, including places like Philippi, a colony for retired Roman soldiers in Macedonia (Acts 16:12-21). Not too surprisingly, most Romans were hundreds of miles away in Rome, when these events occurred (Romans 1:15).
Also, Romans were not just Italians, but people of many ethnic groups, including Jews like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka The Apostle Paul) and Silas the Jew (Silvanus) (Acts 16:29-38). Everyone born in certain cities outside of Israel, like Tarsus, were Romans. because of the special status of those cities, no matter what ethnic group that they belonged to (Acts 21:39-40). Some men were Romans. because they paid a lot of money to become Romans, while other men were born as Romans (Acts 22:26-29).
Second, not every Roman who was in Jerusalem, was involved in the death of the Man of Truth.
There were Roman soldiers in Israel, who sought to know what the Father of Truth required of them (Luke 3:14).
For example, a Roman Centurion had the greatest faith in the Man of Truth in all the land of Israel (Matthew 8:8-10). This Roman Centurion loved the Jewish people, and had greater respect for the Man of Truth, than most of the Jewish people (Luke 7:2-7).
Another Roman Centurion in Israel feared the Father of Truth, gave money to help the poor among the Jews, and prayed continually to the Father of Truth (Acts 10:1-4). One of the Roman soldiers, under this Roman Centurion, was also devoted to the Father of Truth, whom the Roman Centurion sent on a mission to learn from a Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:5-8). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gave a vision to this Apostle of Truth, concerning the Roman soldier that had been sent to him (Acts 10:19-20). This Roman Centurion feared the Father of Truth so much, and loved the Jewish people so much, that the Father of Truth had sent an Angel of Truth to warn this Roman Centurion, that he needed to hear the message spoken by this Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:21-22). This Roman Centurion, waited with other Romans, to hear from the Jewish Apostle of Truth (Acts 10:24). This Roman Centurion had so wanted to know the will of the Father of Truth, so much that he had been seeking the Father of Truth through prayer and fasting, just to find out what His will was (Acts 10:30-33). These Romans were so quick to believe in the Man of Truth, that they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, before the Jewish Apostle of Truth was even done telling them about the Man of Truth (Acts 10:34-44).
A man could be both a follower of the Man of Truth, and a Roman, at the same time (Acts 22:8-25). The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was even kept by some Romans (Acts 23:27-29).
The truth is, that a very small part of all of the Romans in the world, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all. Even among those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in some manner, the majority of them were following orders, without any ability to know anything other than what they were told. The truth is, that possibly less than one hundred Roman men, out of several million Romans on the Earth at that time, were involved in the death of the Man of Truth in any manner at all.
Third, all of those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, have all died.
When the Romans surrounded Jerusalem, they took tremendous casualties digging the trench to surround the city (Luke 19:43). When the walls of Jerusalem fell, many Roman soldiers were crushed by the huge stones (Luke 19:44). The Romans were forced to bring in other Roman legions, and even hire mercenary armies, in order to lay siege to Jerusalem (Luke 21:20).
The Romans had great difficulty making the Temple desolate, for the Temple Mount served as a fortress within the walls of Jerusalem (Matthew 23:38). The Romans had to defeat the last of Zealots, who had taken control of the Temple, before they could remove the stones of the Temple off of the Temple Mount (Mark 13:1-2). The Romans took many casualties, before they brought an end to the worship of the Father of Truth at the Temple in Jerusalem (John 4:21). It was very costly for the Romans to take away the place where the Jews worshiped - The Temple (John 11:48).
The Roman Legion, that probably crucified the Man of Truth, was Fretensis - Legion X. This Roman legion was almost entirely decimated in the Great Revolt, when Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, thirty nine years after the death of the Man of Truth. In fact, the Great Revolt was one of the costliest wars in Roman history. Rome ended up being forced to send a sixth of its military to Judaea to fight the Great Revolt. When it did so, smaller revolts broke out across the Roman Empire, because there was no military prescence to enforce the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome). The Romans suffered terrible casualties for their involvement in the death of the Man of Truth.
So there are no Romans left on the Earth, who were responsible for the death of the Man of Truth. Even the surviving descendants of those Romans, who were involved in the death of the Man of Truth, make up a very small minority among all of the Italians, who live on the Earth today. So there is absolutely no justification for persecuting Italians for the death of the Man of Truth. The Italians, who live on the Earth today, did not kill the Man of Truth.
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
The Man of Truth was not the victim of some Jewish plot, but had already planned to be killed in Jerusalem, by the efforts of the religious and political leaders of the Jews (Matthew 16:21). The Man of Truth was not the victim of the Roman brutality, but had already planned to be abused, mocked, flogged, and killed by the Romans (Luke 18:31-33).
These events that lead up to the death of the Man of Truth, had all been written about by Moses (Moishe), and the rest of the Prophets of Truth (Luke 24:19-27). The Man of Truth was not the victim of anyone, but he willing laid down his life for others (John 10:15-18).
Those involved in his death, did not know what they were doing (Luke 23:34). No one, not even the Roman governor, could have brought about the death of the Man of Truth, without the consent of the Father of Truth (John 19:11). If the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) had really understood what was being done, then he never would have tempted people into killing the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:6-8). The Man of Truth died as part of the secret plan of the Father of Truth to save the human race.
The Man of Truth was fulfilling the plan of the Father of Truth to save the human race, when he allowed himself to be killed by the Romans, at the insistence of the Jews (Acts 2:21-23). So, the Man of Truth willing obeyed the commandment of his Father, to die on a cross (Philippians 2:8).
The Man of Truth chose to die on a cross for every person, who has ever sinned against the Father of Truth (Romans 5:6-8). The Man of Truth died for everyone, who ever sinned by transgressing the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
The Law of Truth is holy, and every commandment in it is holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). If one person could ever keep the Law of Truth without breaking it once, then they would be righteous and live forever (Romans 10:5). If one person could ever keep the Law of Truth without breaking it once, then the Man of Truth would not have needed to die on the cross (Galatians 2:21).
So, who killed the Man of Truth?
I did. My sin made his death necessary. My hands are the hands that drove the nails into his hands. This is why I cannot watch a Passion play without weeping uncontrollably, whenever I hear the hammer hitting the nails.
However, the truth is that I am not alone in killing the Man of Truth. The entire human race is guilty of killing the Man of Truth, for every single person has made his death necessary with their sin (Romans 3:23).
So, the Man of Truth is the Lamb, that the Father of Truth gave to take away the sins of the world, so people can come into the House of Truth (John 1:29). So, the Man of Truth is the true Passover Lamb, for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:7).
The Man of Truth will be the Lamb who takes away your sins, if you will come into the House of Truth, by making him the king of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Jews, Romans, and everyone else, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Antisemitism, Easter, Passover
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