Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Feast Of The Pilgrims

What feast did the Pilgrims celebrate?

There have been many questions about the American holiday called "Thanksgiving". 

First, there is the question of when was the first Thanksgiving.

Although San Juan, Puerto Rico (a US territory) is the oldest city founded by Europeans inside any possession of the United States, there is no record of any type of religious or observation to give thanks to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) when the headquarters of the False Church of Rome for the New World was established there in 1511, or when the city was founded in 1521 by colonists from a nearby failed Spanish colony.

There are claims that the first day for giving thanks to the Father of Truth was at Saint Augustine, Florida on its founding on 8 September 1565.  However, there was no day set aside for giving thanks to the Father of Truth on that day, but rather a normal mass of the False Church of Rome was held.

Next, there are claims that the first day for giving thanks to the Father of Truth was at San Elizario, Texas on 30 April 1598.  However, what was actually celebrated on that day was "La Toma" (Taking Possession) to celebrate claiming that part of Texas for King Philip II of Spain.

Jamestown was founded in Virginia in 1607 as the first English colony, but there are no indications that there were any celebrations other than the Eucharist (communion).  Indeed, these colonists were mostly interested in acquiring wealth and had little interest in spiritual matters.

However, a ship arrived in 1619 to establish an addition to Jamestown Colony called Berkely Hundred.  The London Company that sent the ship gave orders that the day the ship arrived was to be set aside for giving thanks to the Father of Truth as a yearly holiday.  So, the first annual yearly holiday called Thanksgiving in what became the United States was celebrated on December 4, 1619.

So, why are the Pilgrims remembered at Thanksgiving?

Though the Berkely Hundred Thanksgiving was first, it is not what is commemorated every year by Thanksgiving in the United States.  

Thanksgiving celebrates the legacy of the Pilgrims, even though they were not the first English colony, nor the most successful colony, nor the first to set aside a day for giving thanks to the Father of Truth.

The fact is that Thanksgiving as we know it was never celebrated by the Pilgrims.  It was created as a conglomeration of three different celebrations and religious observations that they held in two different years.

In 1621, apparently 25 September (Tuesday) through 27 September (Thursday), Wampanoags and Pilgrims celebrated together for three days.  This celebration was a time for giving thanks to the Father of Truth for a bountiful harvest.

There was no beer at this first Thanksgiving celebration.  There was a general lack of ingredients like barley, and the small barley crop was used for bread.  However, there was wine at this first Thanksgiving celebration in Plymouth Colony.

Wild Concord grapes grew in abundance around Plymouth Colony.  This first Thanksgiving was held at the time of their harvest.

In 1623, in July two more ships came to Plymouth Colony bringing in other colonists, most of whom were what the Pilgrims referred to as "The Strangers".

("Stranger" was applied to any European that was not a Pilgrim.  They got the term from the Book of Truth (The Bible).  A stranger was anyone who was not a descendant of Israel, but lived among the descendants of Israel (Exodus 12:49).)

There was a drought when the Strangers arrived.  

After that, a third ship arrived in late September looking for supplies, when the Pilgrims were observing a fast where they prayed for rain.  Rain came and a few days later, Pilgrims and Strangers joined together in a feast that lasted for over a week that ended in early October to give thanks to the Father of Truth for a bountiful harvest.  Again, there were grapes and wine, but no beer.

The third ship left for England a couple of days later.

The only single day religious observation among these three events was the one day fast for rain in late September.  The celebration of giving thanks with the Wampanoag lasted three days, and the holiday of giving thanks with the Strangers lasted over a week.  There was no one day holiday called "Thanksgiving".

For this reason, some have argued that the Pilgrims actually fasted on the first Thanksgiving.  However, that was not a day when they were giving thanks for a bountiful harvest, but rather one that was spent praying for their harvest to be saved.

Many aspects of these three different events have been combined to make a single day holiday called, "Thanksgiving".  

For example, the Pilgrims and their Native American friends went turkey hunting on the morning of the first day and killed enough for everyone to have turkey for a week.  This is the source of the tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving.

However, they also caught an abundance of fish and the Wampanoag gave them five deer that they had killed in a short hunting trip on the second day of this three day celebration.  This was more meat than they could eat before it spoiled, but the Wampanoag taught them how to smoke meat to make it last through the winter.

This holiday was mostly celebrated between mid September to mid October in various states after this, always on Thursday, the day of the week that they spent feasting on the meat they had gotten on the previous two days in 1621.  It often to coincide with the time of the ripening of wild Concord grapes in each local.

So, since the Pilgrims were not celebrating a single day holiday called Thanksgiving at the end of November, then what were they celebrating?

The answer to that question begins with understanding the religion of the Pilgrims.

There were many groups among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) that disagreed with many of the teachings of the Church of England. These teachings were inherited from the False Church of Rome.  Some groups tried to purify the Church of England of these teachings from within.  They were called Puritans.

However, some Puritans gave up all hope of purifying the Church of England from these practices.  They advocated complete separation from the Church of England.  They were known as Separatists.

However, the Separatists were not all in agreement with each other.  Some were Calvinists, but others were not.

Most Separatists rejected celebrating the holidays of the False Church of Rome.  They wanted nothing to do with these holidays that came from idol worship.  In "The Mensch who killed Christmas", they would have been those who heeded the warnings of the Mensch.

Among those Separatists which were not Calvinists, was a group of Separatists who followed the teachings of Robert Browne.  They were known as Brownists.

Brownists took the Book of Truth as the final authority in all matters.  They not only did not observe the holidays of the False Church of Rome, but they took things a lot further in following the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) than other Separatists.  

Brownists observed the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), because the Man of Truth said that these commandments were still in effect as long as Heaven and Earth were still standing (Matthew 5:18).

So, Brownists asked the Father of Truth, "What's for dinner" and only ate what He said was food.  They also knew who changed the Sabbath, so they congregated on Saturday - the actual Sabbath.  

The holidays Brownists celebrated were those that form the acts of The Greatest Play Ever.  They knew that it's not just a Jewish thing to keep these holidays.  

Brownists knew that these were the holidays of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 23:1-4).  They knew when these holidays occurred, including the three that happened in the Fall (Leviticus 23:5-38).  They knew that these were not holidays created by Moses (Leviticus 23:44).  

Brownists knew that the Man of Truth kept these holidays, including the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) (John 7:2-10).  They knew that Paul the Jew kept these holidays with the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 20:6).  They knew that Paul the Jew continue to observe holidays like The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), also called The Fast, because everyone fasted on that day (Acts 27:9).

Some Brownists took separation from the Church of England even further when they were persecuted by the English government for their observing different holidays than the rest of England.  They decided that they had to not just separate from the Church of England, but from England itself.  So, they fled to Leiden, Holland.

These Brownists were the Pilgrims.

The Pilgrims continued to publish books and tracts with their teachings in English from Leiden.  They  smuggled these books into England continually.  More and more people became Brownists.  The King of England was concerned that this would cause a civil war.  

The King of England could not send people to Holland to arrest the Pilgrims, because Holland had made it plain that such action would be a breach of its sovereignty.  Holland was the only ally of England at the time, since most of the rest of Europe was still under the control of the False Church of Rome.  

However, after living in Leiden for a while, the Pilgrims realized that Human Secularism was perhaps an even greater problem than the Church of England.  So, they decide that they needed to not just separate from England, but to separate from Europe.

So, when the Pilgrims sent a representative to the King of England asking for a charter for them to start an English colony in the New World, he was all too glad to grant it. It was a no lose proposition for him.

If the Pilgrims were successful, then England would have another colony in the New World.  If not, then they certainly would not be able to cause any more problems for England.  Also, their publishing books in Holland and smuggling them into England, which was leading to ever greater resentment of the Church of England in England, would come to an end.

So, that in the Fall of that first year in the New World, 1621, they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, which ran from 21 September to 28 September.  They simply invited the Wampanoag to join them for three days of that eight day feast - 25 September (Tuesday) thru 27 September (Thursday).

The first two days they hunted and fished with the Wampanoag.  On the third day, Thursday, they had a grand feast featuring the meat they got from hunting.  On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, 28 September (Friday), they took down their temporary shelters and congregated together.

(Note that England and its colonies did not adopt the Gregorian Calendar until 1752.  The Pilgrims and those Englishmen who encountered them were still using the dates given by the Julian calendar in their writings.  This means that 21 September 1621 fell on a Friday for the Pilgrims, while it fell on a Tuesday for most of Europe.)

Then in the Fall of their third year in the New World, 1623, they sought the Father of Truth for rain during a fast.  This was the Fast of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) that fell on 25 September 1623.  This was just after the arrival of the third ship.

This was a one day observance like Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims then observed the Feast of Tabernacles from 30 September to 7 October.  This is the celebration joined in by those from the third ship that stopped by the colony to get supplies.

The rain that saved their crops ended a couple of days later, and the ship was able to return to England laden with supplies, including pumpkins. 

Thus began the association of pumpkins with Thanksgiving, instead of grapes.

The Pilgrims found it providential that there was such an abundance of wild Concord grapes in their colony.  The wild Concord grapes that were eaten and the wine that was made from them were associated with the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Feast of Tabernacles is also a harvest festival that occurs when the fruit has been gathered in (Leviticus 23:39-43). Everyone is to bring in part of their harvest for a feast and make sure that everyone, even Strangers, have plenty to eat (Deuteronomy 14:22-27).  The Feast of Tabernacles is the time to bring in the wine at the end of the grape harvest (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).

The grapes native to the land of Israel start ripening just before the start of Summer at the earliest and finish ripening a couple of days before the Fall Equinox at the latest.  So, the grapes native to the land of Israel are always finished ripening before the start of the Feast of Tabernacles.

However, the wild Concord grapes native to America do not start ripening until about the last week of August and do not finish ripening until the last week of November.  There have even been cases where clusters of wild Concord grapes have been harvested after cold weather set in and killed the vine that grew them.  

(Even cultivars derived from wild Concord grapes that have been introduced into the land of Israel do not finish ripening until November in the Golan Heights.)

This has led to confusion over when the Pilgrims had the three events that inspired Thanksgiving, with the first week of September being the earliest possible date and last week of November being the latest possible date.

However, pumpkins finished ripening right before the Feast of Tabernacles where the Pilgrims lived. So, pumpkins became a more reliable indicator of the time of the Feast of Tabernacles than wild Concord grapes for the Pilgrims.

Also, pumpkins were introduced to the Pilgrims by the Wampanoags and were definitely part of the feast in 1621.

Lastly, pumpkins are indigenous to the New Word, and most are grown in the northern United States where the Pilgrims held their observations of the Feast of Tabernacles.  Pumpkins are definitely more American than apple pie.

Pumpkins also play a part in answering another question:

Why is Thanksgiving observed in November? 

Answering this questions begins with clarifying some misconceptions about when the Pilgrims had their celebration for giving thanks for a bountiful harvest each year.

Some historians have suggested that the Pilgrims were celebrating Michaelmas, and it became transformed into Thanksgiving. 

Michaelmas was observed as a harvest festival in England on 29 September every year.  It was close to the time of the Feast of Tabernacles in 1621 and 1623. The Feast of Tabernacles in 1621 ended one day before Michaelmas and the Feast of Tabernacles in 1623 began one day after Michaelmas.

Michaelmas was a day devoted to the archangel Michael.  The Book of Truth warns against worshiping angels (Colossians 2:18-19).  

As Brownists, the Pilgrims certainly did not celebrate Michaelmas.  In fact, Michaelmas is the very kind of thing that they came to the New World to get away from!

Another source of confusion is how the Pilgrims made yearly proclamations of the time of their celebration.  Some years, they were celebrating in September and other years in October.  This is because the Feast of Tabernacles is based on a lunar calendar, which causes it to move around in a one month window on the Julian and Gregorian calendars for same reasons as Easter.

As more of the Strangers moved into Plymouth Colony, the nature of the celebration began to change.

Eventually, the Strangers had a one day civil celebration to commemorate the Thursday when Wampanoags and Pilgrims feasted together on the meat that they had gained hunting the previous two days.  So, they shrunk the eight day Feast of Tabernacles for giving thanks to the Father of Truth down to a single day observation like the Fast.  The date of this civil holiday was declared by the governor of the colony and varied from year to year.

For a while, it occurred on the last Thursday of the Feast of Tabernacles, which was still being observed by the ever shrinking percentage of Plymouth Colony who were Pilgrims.  This still placed it after the pumpkin harvest there.

As the Strangers moved out of Plymouth Colonies to other colonies, they took the tradition of setting aside a Thursday after the pumpkin harvest to give thanks to the Father of Truth.  

Governors of other colonies began making yearly declarations of a day of thanksgiving to the Father of Truth on a Thursday following the pumpkin harvest.  Many colonies eventually set this holiday of Thanksgiving to be the first Thursday after the latest possible date for the pumpkin harvest.

By the time of the American Revolution, all thirteen colonies were observing Thanksgiving.  Ironically, Plymouth Colony, where it had started, cease to exist and had been absorbed into Massachusetts Colony.

However, the time of the pumpkin harvest was not consistent from one colony to another.  So, in a northern colony like Vermont, Thanksgiving could be in September, while in a southern colony like Georgia, it could be in October.

So, in 1777, the Continental Congress proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving.  

Like the first and eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, this national day of thanksgiving was a day where people were to rest from their usual work and recreational activities to congregate together to give thanks to the Father of Truth for a bountiful harvest and other blessings throughout the year.

When George Washington became the first American President, he made a yearly proclamation of the date of this national day of thanksgiving.  Most American Presidents that came after him did the same, except for Thomas Jefferson.

However, this did not really bring any kind of uniformity among the states.  

The day proclaimed each year as a national day of thanksgiving could never coincide with the day observed by every state.  So, in some states people would observe the national day declared by the president, some would observe the day determined by their state, and some people would observe both.

So, in 1863, President Lincoln called for a nation day of thanksgiving for the bountiful prosperity of America despite the ravages of the Civil War that as raging.  Thanksgiving has been observed as a national holiday ever since that time.

President Lincoln set the date to be yearly on the last Thursday of November.  This date insured that the last pumpkin harvest in the United States, the second Florida pumpkin harvest, would always be over by Thanksgiving. 

(Florida has two pumpkin planting seasons, one in March and one in August.  Pumpkins are ready to harvest around 100 days after planting.  So the end of the second Florida pumpkin season is towards the end of November.)

This date also allowed Thanksgiving to replace Evacuation Day, a de facto national holiday on 25 November to commemorate the day the British finished evacuating at the end of the American Revolution.

So, how did Thanksgiving get moved to fourth Thursday of November?

Every American president after Lincoln continued to declare the last Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving Day until 1939. 

President Franklyn Roosevelt declared the fourth Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving Day, since 1939 had five Thursdays.  He did this at the request of the founder of the department store that became Macy's, so there would be a longer Christmas shopping season.  

(Most Americans refused to engage in Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving, because they did not want any distractions from the importance of the purpose of Thanksgiving.)

He then declared the third Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving Day in 1940 and 1941, since it those years had four Thursdays and he wanted to extend the Christmas shopping season.

This led to the same confusion that President Lincoln had ended.  About half the states celebrated Thanksgiving on the day declared by President Roosevelt, about half celebrated Thanksgiving on the day established by President Lincoln, and a few celebrated both.

So in 1942, the American Congress passed a law setting Thanksgiving Day as the fourth Thursday of November every year, which was a compromise with President Roosevelt.  The date of Thanksgiving has been set at that every since then.

However, this began to move Thanksgiving away from its meaning.

This focusing on the pursuit of wealth over the pursuit of the Father of Truth has led to the disintegration of Thanksgiving.

For most Americans, Thanksgiving is no longer a day for putting aside pursuits of business and personal pleasure to spend giving thanks to the Father of Truth for every good thing in their life.  For them, it has became a day to eat too much food and pursue pleasure by doing things like watching football. 

For some of them, a few minutes of Thanksgiving are spent in giving thanks to the Father of Truth.  For the rest, there is not even the thought of giving thanks to the Father of Truth for anything.

For some, Thanksgiving has became just another opportunity to increase their wealth.

For many, Thanksgiving is nothing more than preparation day for the season of spending money that they do have to buy other people things that they do not need, so they can impress people that they do not like.  They are poised to jump into debt with no thought of escaping the Christmas Trap.  Like turkeys, Thanksgiving is not really a good thing for them. 

This change away from the original purpose of Thanksgiving came about through a subtle influence of the descendants of immigrants who did not come to America to worship the Father of Truth.  They have no connection to the Pilgrims or the Father of Truth, so they really have no connection to Thanksgiving.

It is not that different than how the Strangers and their descendants brought about Thanksgiving.

The Strangers were not Brownists like the Pilgrims.  They had no connection to the annual eight day camp meeting of the Pilgrims.  So, they created a one day religious holiday for giving thanks to the Father of Truth based on the different aspects of the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated by the Pilgrims.  

The Strangers especially focused on that Thursday in 1621 when Native Americans and European Americans feasted together as friends. 

(Since almost all of the Strangers were Separatists or Puritans, they still longed for the day when the Man of Truth would bring peace and cause all people to live in harmony with each other.  They too longed for his kingdom, where everyone would have plenty to eat.)

So, the Strangers had a civil authority declare the day of Thanksgiving each year, because their religious leaders could not agree on when to observe Thanksgiving.  This is because they did not understand why the Feast of the Pilgrims started on a different day in September or October every year.

So, the Strangers and their descendants created an American holiday called Thanksgiving that all of the American Children of Truth could celebrate together.

In the same way, the meaning of Thanksgiving has been changed to something completely different than the religious holiday that they intended.

So, now there are many in America who are against Thanksgiving altogether.

Some people are just party poopers.  They do not want to celebrate anything at anytime for any reason.

Some people see Thanksgiving as a yearly inconvenience to their endless pursuit of bigger, better, newer stuff.  

They loathe the one day interruption to their business.  They vainly imagine that everything they have that they got by their own hand.  They do not consider that the Father of Truth gave them their talents and health that allowed them to gain wealth.

Some people object to Thanksgiving because it is not a celebration commanded in the Law of Truth.  

They do not consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth.  If they did, then they would understand that the Children of Truth were right to celebrate many other things in the Book of Truth.  They would know that the Man of Truth celebrated Chanukah and the Children of Truth threw a Purim Party every year.  They would know that it is right to set aside a day to give thanks to the Father of Truth.

Some people object to Thanksgiving due to mistreatment of Native Americans by European Americans since the time of the Pilgrims.  They point to things like the Great Removal of the Five Civilized Tribes.

For these reasons, they and many Native Americans see Thanksgiving as nothing more a celebration of Europeans invading their homeland to take their land.  They see the arrival of the Europeans as the arrival of sickness, famine, disease, and war that devastated their population.

So, they call Thanksgiving by other names like "Unthanksgiving" and "Thankstaking".  

Is there anything for the First Nations to be thankful for at Thanksgiving?

The truth is that there was sickness, famine, disease, and war devastating Native Americans long before the day when worlds collided.  

The archeological evidence shows that there were signs great civilizations that were gone before the first European ever showed up.  These include the ruins of cities like Mesa Verde.

Yet, by the time the first Spaniard showed up in the American Southwest, there was no visible evidence of any of these cities nor was there any memory of them among the Native Americans.  The Pueblo tribe alone seemed to remember the Anasazi, which means "the Ancient Ones", who built Mesa Verde.

There is much evidence that plagues of some sort as well as famines brought on by droughts contributed to the rapid depopulation of these cities.

The Native Americans had no written language when Europeans encountered them, but archeological evidence shows that there were at least five written languages in their lands at one time.  This includes things like birch bark scrolls that contain a written language that no one has been able to decipher or even determine which tribe spoke that language.

They also lost technologies like smelting metal and the wheel.  

Metal artifacts with wooden handles that have been carbon dated before the arrival of the first European have been found in the American Southwest.  Yet, when the first Europeans came, the only metal objects among Native Americans were those made from copper, which is the only metal that exists naturally in a pure form.  

Also, Native Americans did not use wheels, despite a child's toy with wheels that was found, which was dated long before the arrival of the Europeans.

Native Americans were very adept at war before the Europeans showed up.  

When the Vikings tried to settle in North America around 1,000 AD, they were driven out by the Cree tribe.  Native Americans taught Europeans how to fight in their own style, which was crucial to the Americans winning independence from Britain.  Many of the tactics used by the American army were first developed by Native Americans.

Native Americans had became so adept from centuries of fighting each other before a single European set foot on any part of the New World.  Some tribes wiped out other tribes completely.

So, Native Americans, like all people, have always had sickness, famine, disease, and war devastating their populations.

In their case, according to the oral history of many tribes, there had been in a long decline in their numbers that started long before they ever saw a European.  

For example, the oral history of the Muskogee (Creek) Nation tells of a large empire they had, which traded as far away as Venezuela.  

This empire was destroyed by a massive civil war.  So, the descendants of the survivors from that war were confined to a much smaller area with a much smaller population by the time the first European encountered them.  

There is DNA, linguistic, and other evidence to support their oral history.

The cause of all misery experienced by Native Americans was being part of the human race.  Death - and everything that causes it - came from the sin that lived in the flesh that they inherited from the first man - Adam (Romans 5:12).

Like all people, the ancestors of Native Americans once knew the Father of Truth, but had turned away from him to worship things that He had created, instead of Him (Romans 1:21-23).  So, they began to do all kind of terrible things to each other (Romans 1:28-31).

So, Native Americans were alienated from the life that comes only from the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:17-19).  They were cut off from the source of all good gifts (James 1:17).

Yet, even though they had forgotten the Father of Truth, He had not forgotten them.

Native Americans were lost and without hope - until Europeans like the Pilgrims were sent to tell them how they could come back to the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).

Native Americans could not have ever heard the Good News, if Europeans like the Pilgrims had not been sent to tell them the Good News (Romans 10:14-15).  No one can believe the Gospel without first hearing the Word of Truth (Romans 10:16-17).

What some Europeans have meant for evil, the Father of Truth turned for good to the saving of many Native Americans (Genesis 50:20).  The Pilgrims were delivered by the Father of Truth from both English men and Native Americans to tell the Good News to the Native Americans that they were sent to (Acts 26:17-18).  The troubles that came upon Pilgrims in Europe brought about the Good News being taken further than it had ever been taken before - to Native Americans (Philippians 1:12).

In like manner, some European Americans have done some terrible things to Native Americans, but the Father of Truth has caused all things to work together for those Native Americans who have come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:28).  The temporary things that they have suffered cannot compare to the eternal things that they have gained (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

So, those Native Americans who have came into the House of Truth have been reconciled by the blood that the Man of Truth shed when he died a torturous death upon the cross, and are no longer alienated from the Father of Truth (Colossians 1:20-22).  They have been called out darkness to live in the marvelous light that comes from being part of the Children of Truth (1 Peter 2:9-10).

So, Native Americans really have more to be thankful for at Thanksgiving than anyone else. 

The Man of Truth is not just the hope of the Almodadi, but he is the hope of all people.

The Father of Truth so loved all people, that He gave the Man of Truth to die for all people (John 3:16).  He showed His love for all people by having the Man of Truth die for their sins while they were still His enemies, so they could be reconciled to Him (Romans 5:8-10).

The Father of Truth now commands all people to repentance, or they will suffer under the judgment that will come from the Man of Truth, whom He raised from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).  So, surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth (Romans 10:9).  Today, is your day to follow in the footsteps of the Pilgrims and experience the true meaning of Thanksgiving (2 Corinthians 6:1-2).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Monday, November 16, 2020

The Great Removal

How did The Five Civilized Tribes come to live in Oklahoma?

The Five Civilized Tribes are the Choctaw, Creek (Muskogee), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Cherokee tribes.  They are held in great esteem in Oklahoma.  People here are proud to being even a thirty-second part of one these tribes.

The Great Seal of the State of Oklahoma features The Five Civilized Tribes.  It was adopted from the Great Seal of the State of Sequoyah that The Five Civilized Tribes proposed in 1905 AD.  The blue on the flag of Oklahoma came from the flag used by the Choctaw Nation in the Civil War.

The Five Civilized Tribes have built all kinds of industries here - like producing high-tech military equipment - that goes beyond the cigarettes and casinos that most people think of.  They have produced notable artists, educators, statesmen, entertainers, athletes, and members of every noble profession.  They have fought bravely in the defense of the United States and have done Oklahoma proud.

However, they did not live near Oklahoma when Europeans first made contact with them.  They lived in the southeast United States, from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean.  So, how did these five great tribes come to live in Oklahoma?

This is best answered by answering some other questions about The Five Civilized Tribes.

What happened to the Five Civilized Tribes after George Washington ceased to be President?
The next President, John Adams, continued to follow the six point plan of George Washington.  He treated the Five Civilized Tribes as sovereign nations living within the borders of the United States.  He sent them aid for their efforts to advance their own civilizations to be on par with that of European Americans.  They were only subject to the same federal laws that applied to individual states and the terms of any treaties that were made with the federal government.
However,  the state governments constantly ignored the terms of these treaties.  This created ever greater tensions between these tribes and the state governments.  The worst of these by far was the government of Georgia.

Despite this, the Five Civilized Tribes made tremendous progress in adapting to living in American society, especially the Cherokee and the Choctaw.  Many of their leaders were college educated.  In fact, the largest private library of books in America was owned by one of the Cherokee chiefs.

However, things began to change for the worse when the first president from the predecessor of the Democratic party was elected.

In 1802 AD, Thomas Jefferson made a deal with the state of Georgia, for the federal government to aid Georgia in convincing the Cherokee and Creek to leave Georgia, in exchange for Georgia releasing its claims on the unorganized land to the west.  (These lands later became the states called Alabama and Mississippi.)

It was up to Georgia to negotiate with the Cherokee and Creek to buy their land.  However, most of the Cherokee Nation was not interested in selling their land, but the Creek eventually sold their land in Georgia east of the Ocmulgee River in 1805 AD.

Then in 1811 AD, a comet appeared over Creek territory.  Soon, Tecumseh, a Shawnee Chief whose name means "shooting star", came to one of the largest Creek cities.  He told the Creek there that the comet was a sign that he was to lead the Native Americans in uniting to defeat the United States.  He told them that the Great Spirit would soon send another sign to confirm this.  Not long after that, the New Madrid earthquakes, the largest earthquakes in modern history, occurred.  So many of the Creeks joined his cause.  They were called the Red Sticks.

After three years of fighting, the United States army completely defeated the army of Tecumseh.  The war was ended with a new treaty, which punished the Creek Nation for not preventing the Red Sticks from joining Tecumseh in taking up arms against the United States.  The actions of the Red Sticks was contrary to the terms of their previous treaty.  So, the Creek Nation lost the rest of its land in Georgia and most of its land in Alabama.

Many of the Creek, including almost all of the surviving Red Sticks, fled to Florida, which was under Spanish control, and joined the Seminole Nation.  This caused the Seminole tribe to triple in size by 1815 AD.

Also that year, the United States set aside about a quarter of the modern state of Arkansas for the Cherokee Nation to move to.  The United States provided assistance to any of the Cherokee Nation that moved there voluntarily.  Over the next thirteen years, about a third of the Cherokee Nation moved there on their own and formed the Cherokee Nation (West).  There were no recorded deaths on these voluntary journeys.

The Seminole tribe was recognized as the Seminole Nation when the United States acquired Florida in 1821 AD.  The Seminole Nation made a treaty with the United States in 1823 AD to remain on a really large reservation in the middle of the Florida peninsula.  (The United States did not want the Seminole to return to piracy, but the reservation land was very suitable for cattle ranching.)

The Creek Nation was scattered over the southeast United States, but the main part of the tribe was confined to a small strip of land in Alabama in a treaty that they signed in 1826 AD.

President John Quincy Adams negotiated a treaty in 1828 AD with the Cherokee Nation (West) to move from Arkansaw Territory to Indian Territory.

Then came the Indian Removal Act of 1830 AD that President Andrew Jackson, the first president from the Democratic party, primarily authored.

Why was the Indian Removal Act created?

The reasons of President Andrew Jackson for seeking passage of this act were complex.

On one hand, he had a genuine concern about the well being of the Native Americans.  He had lived among and fought along side various Native American tribes at various times.  He was concerned about their dwindling numbers, largely caused by devastating diseases that they caught from Europeans.

There were also many European Americans, who wanted to exterminate all Native Americans.  It was impossible for the Federal government to protect these tribes from such people, when they were spread out over such a large geographical area.  While these tribes fought back, they were simply outnumbered, and there was a continual influx of more European Americans moving into their vicinity.

Then there was the problem of the state governments, who did not have jurisdiction over the tribes.

However, this concern was not a concern of only President Jackson.  Many in Washington did not want to have to send Federal troops to confront the state militias that were violating the terms of these treaties.  They were concerned that once fighting began between Federal troops and a state militia, that it would lead to a civil war.  (Which it did in 1861 AD.)

These concerns about Federal troops needing to be sent in to fight with a state militia to defend the Five Civilized Tribes were exasperated, when gold was discovered in Georgia in 1828 AD.

European American prospectors were constantly going into Cherokee land to pan for gold, contrary to the treaty that had been signed.  This lead to violate confrontations, and the state of Georgia sent its militia into Cherokee lands to aid the prospectors - another violation of treaty terms.

This wave of greed that was running through Georgia, made it all but inevitable that there would soon be a military confrontation between the Cherokee and the Georgia militia.  Then Federal troops would have to be sent in to defend the Cherokee.

President Jackson also wanted to avoid this, because he had ran for president as a champion of state rights.  He believed that state law should have precedence over federal law.

In particular, he supported the claims of southern states that they should be able to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery.  Sending in federal troops to protect the Cherokee from the Georgia state militia was contrary to this support of state rights.

Georgia was testing the limits of state rights.  Georgia wanted the Cherokee land in its borders, so prospectors could mine the gold, and the state could collect taxes and fees from the prospectors.  This would not just bolster the economy of Georgia, but of the surrounding states as well, and eventually benefit northern cities like New York City.

Georgia was willing to use the state militia to accomplish this, unless the Federal government would remove the Cherokee.  Georgia was even willing to have the state militia help in this removal.

So, President Jackson believed that the Five Civilized Tribes would safer, happier, and better able to develop into a more advance civilization quicker, if they were separated from European Americans and these state governments.

Although he had previous advocated relocating these tribes just across the Mississippi River to Arkansaw Territory, he realized that this was still too close to European Americans.  It was evident that the Five Civilized Tribes would have the same problems as they had in other states, when Arkansaw Territory became a state.

So, between the concerns of President Jackson, and the greed of many congressmen, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 AD was passed by a narrow margin and signed into law.

The act provided for the President of the United States to negotiate terms for a peaceful removal of the Five Civilized Tribes to Indian Territory via a land swap and payment for infrastructure improvements in their new lands.

However, things did not go as smoothly as President Jackson had envisioned. 

How was the removal of the Choctaw Nation to Indian Territory conducted?

The Choctaw Nation was having humiliating laws passed upon them by the state of Mississippi, even though they were not counted as citizens, and not allowed to have representation in the state legislature.  It was legislation without representation - the very same injustice that caused the United States to separate from Great Britain.

So, the Choctaw tribe made a treaty that allowed most of the tribe to move to a similar size piece of land in southern Indian Territory in 1831 AD.  This was to be done in three phases over a period two and a half years.

However, the federally supervised move to Indian Territory was done with such incompetence that the Choctaw Nation lost about a quarter of the tribe in these moves - largely due to disease.  One of their chiefs called the entire experience "a trail of tears and death".   This led to any path used for a federally supervised removal of Native Americans be called, "The Trail of Tears" in American culture.

Instead of learning from the experience, the federal government decided to use the removal of the Choctaw Nation as a model for all future removals of Native American tribes.

How was the removal of the Creek (Muskogee) Nation to Indian Territory conducted?

The Creek Nation signed a treaty in 1832 AD that divided the Creek land into individual allotments.  Each individual could decide to sell their allotment and move to Indian Territory, or remain on it and be subject to the laws of the state of Alabama.

However, the state of Alabama never really gave any chance for most of the individual members of the Creek tribe to decide for themselves.  European Americans started immediately invading these allotments and claiming them for their own.  Some members of the Creek tribe went ahead with selling their allotment and moving to Indian Territory to escape this mistreatment.  When other members of the Creek fought back, the government of Alabama sent the state militia to protect the European American violators of the treaty.

So, the Creek Nation decided to just move to Indian Territory, where it would receive a much larger piece of land, in 1834 AD.

However, some of the Creek Nation decided to stay behind and fight for their right to remain in Alabama.  They were eventually captured in 1836 AD, and force to relocate to Indian Territory.  The Creek Nation lost about a quarter of their tribe during these journeys to Indian Territory.

How was the removal of the Seminal Nation to Indian Territory conducted?

In 1832 AD, a treaty was negotiated with the Seminole Nation in Florida to move to Indian Territory, if the land was found to be suitable.  They were to live along side the Creek Nation.

The Seminole were concerned that the Creek Nation would take retribution upon them, because many of them were deserters from the Creek tribe.  So, seven of the chiefs went to Indian Territory to see if this was a suitable arrangement for the Seminoles.

The seven chiefs found the land suitable, and the members of the Creek tribe in Indian Territory assured them that the Seminole were welcome to live among them.  So, they signed a treaty for the Seminole Nation to move to Indian Territory in 1833 AD.

However, when they arrived in Florida, most of these chiefs renounced the treaty.  They stated that they did not have the authority to make an agreement for the entire tribe.  Still, some of the Seminoles went ahead and relocated to Indian Territory in 1834 AD.

In 1835 AD, the commander of Fort King read a letter from President Jackson to the remaining Seminole Chiefs.  The letter stated, that if the off-reservation Seminole did not move voluntarily per the treaty that they had previously made, then the US government would move them by force.

All but five of the most important Seminole chiefs agreed to move at the end of the year.  So, in 1836 AD the majority of the Seminole Nation moved to Indian Territory.

However, the remaining part of the off-reservation Seminoles began waging a war against the European Americans at the end of 1835 AD.  This war lasted until 1842 AD.

All captured Seminoles were treated as prisoners of war and forced to relocate to Indian Territory before being unshackled.  About three hundred Seminoles had stayed on the reservation, so they were allowed to remain there.  The war had been very expensive for the US to wage, and it was not worth it to pursue the remaining two hundred members of the off reservation Seminoles into the Everglades.

This however did not lead to peace.

European Americans kept trying to squat on the Seminole Reservation until President James Polk put a twenty mile (32 km) barrier around it in 1845 AD.

The Seminole eventually began to fight back, with groups of off reservation Seminoles attacking European American families.  The State of Florida then began making efforts to have all of the Seminole removed, and generally did what it could to make life uncomfortable for them.

So, in 1850 AD, seventy-four members of the Seminole tribe agreed to moved to Indian Territory via a water route that went through New Orleans.

In 1852 AD, sixteen off reservation Seminoles were captured and sent to Indian Territory as prisoners of war.

Finally, in 1854 AD, Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, decided to use force to remove the off reservation Seminole out of Florida.

The next year, another war between the United States and the Seminole Nation began.  For the next two years, the efforts of the United States army was largely ineffective, with it taking many more casualties than the Seminoles.

However, 1857 AD, a new commander, Loomis, arrived, who employed a new tactic using metal alligator boats to transport Marines.  This allowed him to effectively pursue the Seminole into the swamp.  He managed to capture many of the women and children of the off reservation Seminole as well as destroy their crops and villages.

Finally, a delegation of Seminole chiefs from Indian Territory came to Florida, and met with the chiefs of the off-reservation Seminoles in 1858 AD.

They informed them that the Seminole had been given their own tribal land in Indian Territory the previous year, which was separate from the Creek Nation.  Loomis also offered substantial money to each Seminole that decided to move to Indian Territory.

So the two main off-reservation chiefs agreed, and the last one hundred and sixty-three off-reservation Seminoles were moved to Indian Territory by the same water route as previous groups.

This left about 300 off-reservation Seminoles in Florida, in two small bands of less than thirty men on opposite ends of the state, plus single families scattered throughout Florida.

The Seminole Nation had no recorded losses in transit to Indian Territory, but it lost about a sixth of the tribe in Florida during twenty-six years of resistance to removal.

How was the removal of the Chickasaw Nation to Indian Territory conducted?

The Chickasaw Nation was told by the state of Mississippi that it was subject to state law in 1830 AD.   The state of Mississippi refused to recognized their treaty rights to operate as a sovereign nation.

So, the Chickasaw met President Jackson in Franklin, Tennessee and made a treaty to move to Indian Territory, if the land offered was suitable for the needs of the tribe.  They sent representatives to survey the land offered in Indian Territory.

The representatives returned in two years, and said that the land was not suitable.

However, the state of Mississippi was unwilling to do anything about the continual harassment that European Americans were heaping on the Chickasaw Nation.

So, the Chickasaw Nation made a new treaty in 1832 AD, where they agreed to move on their own to Indian Territory for about three million dollars.  This was followed by five years of internal fighting over how to accomplish their movement.

Finally, in 1837 AD, they paid the Choctaw about half a million dollars for the western part of their territory, and migrated to their new home in Indian Territory.  They lost about a sixth of their tribe on the journey - almost completely from disease.

They did not receive their payment of three million dollars from the federal government until right before the Civil War broke out in 1861 AD.

How was the removal of the Cherokee Nation to Indian Territory conducted?

When the Indian Removal Act was signed into law in 1830 AD, about one third of the Cherokee Nation (East) took the offer and moved to Indian Territory - losing hardly anyone on the journey.

The rest of the Cherokee Nation was divided about what to do by 1832 AD.  Many of the most educated pressed for negotiating the best deal the Cherokee Nation could get and remove the entire tribe to Indian Territory.  However, Chief Ross convinced the majority to not move.

Still, Chief Ross tried to negotiate a better deal with the United States government twice over the next two years, but both deals were rejected.

In 1834 AD, Chief Ross had made political maneuvers to silence his opposition within the Cherokee Nation (East).

In 1835 AD, Chief Ross made another offer for the Cherokee Nation to move voluntarily to Indian Territory for a sum of twenty million dollars.  (This was half the price of the Seminole War that ended in 1842 AD.)  Again, the United States and Georgia rejected the offer.

So, in 1835 AD, the opposition went and made a treaty for the removal of the Cherokee Nation (East) with the United States.

Chief Ross then had laws passed by the Cherokee Council against individuals abiding by the treaty.

However, by 1837 AD over two thousand members of the Cherokee Nation (East) realized the inevitable, so they took the assistance from the United States government offered, and relocated to Indian Territory with practically no losses on the journey.

In the spring of 1838 AD, the United States army rounded up about two thousand, eight hundred members of the Cherokee Nation (East), and forced them to march to Indian Territory.  About six hundred died on the forced march.

(Another one thousand two hundred escaped to the mountains outside of the Cherokee Nation (East).  They formed the Eastern Band of the Cherokee.)

The army stopped the removal in order to figure out how to conduct the removal better.  So, it rounded up the remaining twelve thousand members of the Cherokee Nation (East) into internment camps.  About three hundred and fifty members of the Cherokee Nation (East) died in the internment camps. 

The Cherokee Council realized the inevitable and asked for the removal to wait until summer was over.  When September came around, Chief Ross started negotiating to be in control of everything involving the removal - including control of the money.  After two more months of negotiating, the Army agreed to let the Cherokee Council be in charge of the removal.  So, the last of the Cherokee Nation wagon trains left the last internment camp in November of 1838 AD.

This late departure proved disastrous for the Cherokee Nation (East) as they went overland in wagon trains to Indian Territory as far north as Illinois in a particularly harsh winter.

By the time that the Cherokee Nation (East) finished arriving in Indian Territory in late March of 1839 AD, they had lost about two thousand, two hundred members on the journey.  This final removal over land in the winter is what the Cherokee Nation today refers to as "The Trail of Tears".

However, Chief Ross, the Cherokee Council, and their families went on a river boat that he purchased out of the removal money.  Of those on the river boat, only his wife died on the journey.

After the arrival of the Cherokee Nation (East) in Indian Territory, there was soon a war between it and the Cherokee Nation (West).  About everything that the Cherokee Nation (West) had built was destroyed.  So, most of the Cherokee Nation (West) members left Indian Territory to go Mexico or California in 1849 AD.

Those that remained in Indian Territory formed the Keetoowah Band of the Cherokee in 1859 AD.
By the time the Civil War was over in 1865 AD, the the Cherokee Nation (East) had many members more die at the hand of other members.  Also, many of their supporters of the Union had to flee to Kansas and many of their supporters of the Confederacy had to flee to Texas.
The Cherokee Nation (East) that remained in Indian Territory became known simply as the Cherokee Nation.  This is the tribe is considered to be part of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma.

What happened to the Five Civilized Tribes after the Great Removal?

The Five Civilized Tribes had some things in common with other immigrants.
Like European immigrants, most immigrated due to adverse circumstances, but others immigrated voluntarily for the hope of a better future.  Like European immigrants, they were able to bargain to some degree about when they would immigrate and what kind of assistance they would get to start over in their new land.

Like most African immigrants, the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory were not given an option about the location of the land that they would immigrate to. 

However, the immigration of all Native Americans was different than that the immigration of all other Americans in some important ways.

The immigration of Native Americans was entirely coerced by American presidents and negotiated with the American Congress.  Their immigration was carried out under guard by the American army.  Their migration was not to America from another land, but entirely inside of America.  
No other Americans have been systematically forced to immigrate from one part of America to another by the American government.

However, the Great Removal was unique among these unjust removals of Native Americans.  
Part of what made it unique was how the Five Civilized Tribes adapted to living in Indian Territory.  They chose to continue to live as civilized people despite the uncivilized way that they had been treated.  
The Five Civilized Tribes were determine to create something better in their new land than what they had left behind in their old land.  They created new schools and institutions of higher learning that often surpassed those of European Americans in nearby states and territories.  They refused to let past injustices shackle their future.

The Five Civilized Tribes were the first Native Americans to be forced to move to Indian Territory.  They set a model, which other tribes that were later forced to move there could follow.  They often helped other Native Americans adjust to living in Indian Territory.  They helped them learn how to live as Americans without losing their tribal identity.
When European Americans were allowed into Indian Territory, they treated them with the civility that their ancestors should have been treated with by European Americans.  They proved George Washington right in calling them the Five Civilized Tribes.

The Choctaw, Creek (Muskogee), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Cherokee tribes all adopted to the new land that they were removed to, but they did not forget the land they came from.
They named many of their towns in Indian Territory after the towns that they had left behind in their old lands.  These new towns in Indian Territory were often settled by the same people who lived in the towns with the same name in their old land.  
Broken Arrow, the City of Champions, is one such example.  So is Coweta, the next town south east of it.

They were able to do this, because unlike European immigrants to America, their entire town had been forced to move together in the Great Removal.  This made their immigration unique in American History.

Since then they have proven to be great Americans, but they still have a longing for complete autonomy.
There is reason to not let go of this hope.  It starts with looking at another more ancient Great Removal.

What was this more ancient Great Removal?
The Five Civilized Tribes are not the first set of civilized tribes living in cities to be systematically removed to another land inside of an empire by a ruling government composed of people from another ethnic group.  About 2500 years earlier, the same thing happened to the ten civilized tribes of Israel.

Like the European Americans, Asshur and his descendants the Assyrians, immigrated from a land far away from the land of tribes of Israel to a land near their land to build a new country with new cities (Genesis 10:9-12).
After many years, a ruler of the Assyrians came against the land of the ten civilized tribes of Israel and forced them to make an impoverishing treaty to be able to remain on their tribal land (2 Kings 15:19-20). 

Then the next ruler of the Assyrians claimed the land of some of the ten civilized tribes of Israel, took them from their cities, and began this ancient Great Removal by having the Assyrian army force their immigration under guard to another part of the Assyrian empire far from their tribal land (2 Kings 15:29).  He even did this to the civilized tribe of Israel that bordered the land of his own country (1 Chronicles 5:6-9).

So, these two rulers of the Assyrians impoverished and then removed half of the ten civilized tribes of Israel to another land far from their tribal lands in the first phase of this ancient Great Removal (1 Chronicles 5:26).
Then the chief ruler of the other tribes related to the ten civilized tribes of Israel made an impoverishing treaty with this second ruler of the Assyrians to help his tribes in a war against the ten civilized tribes of Israel and their ally (2 Kings 16:5-10).  Later, when the chief ruler of these other tribes sought more help from this second ruler of the Assyrians, he was forced to give even more to the ruler of the Assyrians, but still did not receive any help (2 Chronicles 28:16-21).

Then another ruler of the Assyrians came against the land of the remainder of the ten civilized tribes of Israel and forced their chief ruler to make an impoverishing treaty for their tribes to be able to remain on their tribal land (2 Kings 17:3).  When the chief ruler of the remaining civilized tribes of Israel broke the treaty and sought help to expel the ruler of the Assyrians, he was taken prisoner and the Assyrians waged war against the remaining civilized tribes of Israel (2 Kings 17:4-5).  
After winning the war, the ruler of the Assyrians had the remaining civilized tribes of Israel removed to another land far from their tribal lands and to live as minorities in the cities dominated by another ethnic group in the second phase of this ancient Great Removal (2 Kings 17:6).  Then the ruler of the Assyrians had other people immigrate into the land of ten civilized tribes of Israel (2 Kings 17:24).
However, just like the Five Civilized Tribes, some members of the ten civilized tribes of Israel escaped  removal and remained in their tribal lands as a minority among the other immigrants (2 Chronicles 30:6-11).

However, this ruler of the Assyrians was not able to remove the other tribes related to the ten civilized tribes of Israel to another land at this time (2 Kings 18:7-11).  
Later, the next ruler of the Assyrians came against these other tribes related to the ten civilized tribes of Israel to force them into an impoverishing treaty to remain on their tribal land (2 Kings 18:13-16).
However, even when the next chief ruler of these other tribes abided by the terms of the treaty, this Assyrian ruler told them that they could only remain on their tribal land until he was ready to have them removed far away (2 Kings 18:31-32).  His new treaty would let them be removed to another land like their own (Isaiah 36:16-17).

So, in many ways the events of this ancient Great Removal are not that different than the events of the Great Removal.  It is not hard to see the same narrative played out by American presidents, the Five Civilized Tribes, and the other related Native Americans.  

After 200 years for the Five Civilized Tribes, and 2,700 years for the ten civilized tribes of Israel, there still remains one question:
Will the Great Removal ever be reversed?
The relationship with the Assyrians and the other tribes related to the ten civilized tribes of Israel eventually began to change for the better.
The next chief ruler of these other tribes was taken captive to a land thousands of miles from his tribal lands by the officers of a later ruler of the Assyrians (2 Chronicles 33:11).  However, when he was in the land of his captivity, he humbled himself greatly before the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), who then caused him to be returned to his tribal lands (2 Chronicles 33:12-13).  He then made the cities of his tribal lands stronger than before and led his people back to walking in the ways of their ancestors (2 Chronicles 33:14-17).

Many years later, the rulers of the Assyrians sent aid to the help these other tribes, plus the members of the ten civilized tribes of Israel that lived among them, in rebuilding what had been destroyed, after they had returned to their tribal lands from the lands when they had been removed to  (Ezra 6:21-22).  
This change in their relationship with the Assyrians only came after they admitted that they had brought this trouble upon themselves by not walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, and that the Assyrians had only been His means to punish them for their wicked ways (Nehemiah 9:30-33).  Yet even though they were back in their tribal lands, they were still under the rule of another government (Nehemiah 9:36-37).

It has only been recently that some members of these related tribes, plus some members of the ten civilized tribes of Israel that have lived among them, have returned to live in part of their ancient tribal lands with complete autonomy.

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have been used by the Father of Truth to turn the impossible dream of the impossible people returning to the impossible land to be ruled by the impossible government and speaking the impossible language into a reality.  As a result, some members of these related tribes, plus some members of the ten civilized tribes of Israel, live in the impossible country called Israel today, which sits on part of their ancient tribal lands and has complete autonomy.

So, this ancient Great Removal has been being reversed since 1870 AD.  In the near future, this ancient Great Removal will finish being reversed by the Greater Exodus.
The Father of Truth will bring all the descendants of those who were removed in this ancient Great Removal back to their tribal lands (Isaiah 11:11-12).  The Assyrians will build a massive highway to help them in their return (Isaiah 11:16).  That highway will later be extended through their tribal lands and into the land of their southern neighbor, when all three ethnic groups will live in their own lands and in harmony with each other under the blessing of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 19:23-25).
The Father of Truth will be finished with removing the ten civilized tribes of Israel and the tribes related to them to the ends of the Earth and back again.

In like manner, the Great Removal of the Five Civilized Tribes will be reversed under the reign of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
The Father of Truth owns the entire Earth and every person who lives in it (Psalm 24:1).  So, He has set the boundaries of the land of each ethnic group, including the Five Civilized Tribes, to live on (Acts 17:24-26). 
The Earth was originally divided among the nations that came from Noah (Noach) (Genesis 10:32).  
The Man of Truth will place every ethnic group back on its own land.
The Man of Truth has inherited the Gentiles as well as the descendants of Israel and the entire Earth (Psalm 2:6-8).  Since this is the case, the Father of Truth gave the Man of Truth to be both a covenant to the descendants of Israel and a light to all other ethnic groups (Isaiah 42:5-6).  
The suffering of the Man of Truth on the cross was too great to just be a covenant of salvation for Israel, so he was made a light to all other ethnic groups as well to bring salvation to the ends of the Earth and to rule over all people (Isaiah 49:5-8).  For this reason, these other ethnic groups and their rulers will seek him out (Isaiah 60:1-4).

So, the Man of Truth will be able to do reverse the Great Removal, because he will be absolute ruler over the whole earth and will break large countries into smaller nations (Psalm 2:9-12).  People of every ethnic group and language will serve him in a kingdom that will never be overthrown (Daniel 7:13-14).  Every nation will have to obey his decrees (Revelation 12:5).

When the Man of Truth is ruling over all the Earth he will treat both the descendants of Israel and the Gentiles justly to restore their health (Psalm 67).  He will settle disputes between nations in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), instead of them going to war with each other (Isaiah 2:1-4).  Strong nations will not be able force their will onto other nations and every nation will enjoy the fruits of their own labor (Micah 4:1-4).
The Man of Truth will cause all ethnic groups, including the Five Civilized Tribes, to be treated justly after this ancient Great Removal is finished being reversed by the Greater Exodus (Jeremiah 23:3-8).  When this ancient Great Removal is finished being reversed, it will bring about the correction of every injustice that has brought trouble to all ethnic groups, including the Great Removal of the Five Civilized Tribes (Romans 11:11-15). 
When this is done, the Great Removal of the Five Civilized Tribes, as well as that of everything ethnic group, including all Native Americans, will be reversed.

So, the First Nations will not just have their land restored, but their autonomy as well.  The Man of Truth is the hope of the Almodadi

However, there is another Great Removal that all people need reversed.

The first man and woman originally lived in a wonderful world where they were in fellowship with the Father of Truth (Genesis 3:8-9).  Then they were removed from that wonderful world to world of trouble and hard labor (Genesis 3:16-24).  Their sins against Him brought about the original Great Removal (Isaiah 59:2).  All their descendants have continued to suffer from the results of the original Great Removal (Romans 5:12-14).

Since the Father of Truth loved the human race, he sent His only begotten Son to make a way for them to return to Him (John 3:16).  He sent His Son to die on their behalf, so they could be restored to Him (Romans 5:8-11).  So, the Man of Truth died on a cross to reverse the original Great Removal (Colossians 1:19-22).
The Father of Truth then raised the Man of Truth to justify those who put their trust in His Son (Romans 4:22-25).

When the original Great Removal is finished being reversed, the human race will once again live in a wonderful world where they will be in fellowship with the Father of Truth (Revelation 21:1-4).
All who come into the House of Truth will have be part of this reversal of the original Great Removal.
You can have begin to experience the reversal of the original Great Removal in your own life by coming into the House of Truth. 

You can make the Man of Truth your king because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  All things will become new to you and you will be restored back into fellowship with the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).  You will start to regain those things that were lost in the original Great Removal (2 Peter 1:2-4).

Come into the House of Truth!

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