Saint Patrick
What did Saint Patrick really do?
Every year in Ireland, and in every place where large numbers of people of Irish descent have immigrated to, like the USA, there are celebrations of Saint Patrick's Day. This holiday falls on March seventeenth every year, to mark the anniversary of the death of the man, who was named, "Saint Patrick".
The stories about Saint Patrick are wild, and widely varied. The fact is, that most of them did not even surface, until Probus and Joscelyn began to write them in 1130 AD, more 500 years after Saint Patrick died. They did this, when the False Church of Rome sent them on a mission, to bring the Christians of Ireland, particularly northern Ireland, into submission to the False Church of Rome.
The fact is, that there are only two surviving writings of Saint Patrick, which might have even been embellished over the centuries, to use as possible eye witness accounts, of what Saint Patrick did during his lifetime. Everything else has to be surmised, based on the known practices of the congregations, that he started, as observed by others, years after he died. These external sources, that tell about the practices of the congregations, that he started, are certainly the most reliable source of information, about what he taught, since they are from various people, at various places, written at various times, but all tell of a similar, but factual, story.
None of these sources agree with the history of Saint Patrick, fabricated by Probus and Jocelyn. These sources have large gaps, if Saint Patrick really lived to the age 106, as Probus and Jocelyn record. They filled in these gaps, with whatever story helped them, in their goal of making Saint Patrick, to be seen as part of the False Church of Rome. The fact is, that no one knows the year when Saint Patrick was born - only the year that he died. Also, no one to this day knows, where he was buried, contradicting their claims, to have recovered his bones.
Saint Patrick could not have went to France, to have been educated by Saint Germain in Tours, as Probus and Jocelyn claimed, since according to the history kept by the False Church of Rome, the Franks (the Germanic tribe that France is named after), had not yet came under the sway of the False Church of Rome, at that time. There is no mention of Saint Patrick in any of the writings of the False Church of Rome, until more than 150 years after his death - and these first statements are largely negative in nature. In fact, the Venerable Bede, who lived less than two hundred years after Saint Patrick, does not even mention Saint Patrick, in his list of notable officials of the False Church of Rome, who had been working among the Celtic people of the British Isles, and Brittany, before his time. Archbishop Usher, part of the False Church of Rome, wrote in his book, "The Religion of The Early Irish", in 1150 AD, that no one from the False Church of Rome had successfully brought the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, until Saint Malachy, who died in 1148 AD. Saint Patrick was not even recognized as a "Saint" by the False Church of Rome, until after 1200 AD. Even the shamrock (three leaf clover) did not appear in literature, or else where, as being associated with Saint Patrick until 1675 AD.
Even his own writings, although they have been tampered with, to exaggerate and distort some of the miracles, contradict almost everything, that the False Church of Rome claims about him. His own writings say, that he was the son of a deacon, while the False Church of Rome says, that deacons were celibate. They show, that he never received help from the False Church of Rome, refused to recognize their authority, and taught doctrine that was contrary to the False Church of Rome. He also describes himself in his writings, as lacking in scholarly education. Saint Patrick also says, that he went back to Ireland ten years after his escape - not the twenty-one years, that were reported by Probus and Jocelyn. He gives a very different report of what he did, during the time period, when he supposedly went to France, to be educated in the ways of the False Church of Rome.
So in short, much of what has been reported about Saint Patrick, by the False Church of Rome, is based on lies, lies, and more lies. Saint Patrick has been declared, to have been part of the False Church of Rome, years after his death, when he was not around, to set the record straight. This is just like, what the False Church of Rome has done with Miriam the Jew (mother of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)), and Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter).
So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?
What he did not do, was create some mixture of practices found in the Book of Truth, and the practices of the Druids, that some people have mislabeled as "Celtic Christianity". This is evident, from what is recorded in his own writings, and those of his early critics.
Saint Patrick writes, of being persecuted mercilessly by the Druids, for turning people completely away from their religion. He records being imprisoned, and facing death on several occasions, by various Irish kings, who followed the Druids, because he would not compromise, by teaching anything, other than what he found the Book of Truth. He was famous in his day, for bringing down the four houses of the Druids, who held sway over the kings of Ireland. His famous miracle, of "driving the snakes out of Ireland", was originally a metaphor, for "driving the Druids out of Ireland". (The snakes were almost certainly symbolic of the Druids, since there is no evidence, that Ireland ever had any of these legless reptiles, living in it to begin with. The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), the Great Serpent, was the real source of their religion and power.) So it is certain, that Saint Patrick did not create some religion, that was a mix of the religion of the Druids, with the religion of the Book of Truth.
So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the Druids, mixed with the religion of the Book of Truth, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?
The best evidence of what he did do, comes from examining, what is recorded in his own writings, and what is recorded about the congregations, that he started, by their critics, within two hundred years of his death.
According to his own writings, Saint Patrick did the following. He went to a people that were not of his own ethnic group, because he was a Romano-British man (quite likely with Italian, and other non-Celtic ancestry, in the mix), while those he went to save, were pure Celts, who had never been under the influence of the Romans, and spoke a different language. He then preached the Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth. He did this with demonstrations of power, that were necessary to turn the people of Ireland away from following the Druids, due to their own demonstrations of power. The only name that he carried out his mission under, was that of the Man of Truth. He endured every hardship, and never ceased his work of starting congregations, who followed the Man of Truth, until the day he died. He spoken in tongues, and was apparently baptized in the Spirit of Truth.
The writings of the critics of the congregations he started, give a detailed picture of what he taught.
A delegation was sent by Pope Gregory in 597 AD, to bring the Celts, who followed the religion that Saint Patrick had taught, under submission to the False Church of Rome. The leader of the delegation, Augustine, reported, after meeting with the Celtic Children of Truth, that this would be very difficult due to the large number of differences between the two groups.
Every year in Ireland, and in every place where large numbers of people of Irish descent have immigrated to, like the USA, there are celebrations of Saint Patrick's Day. This holiday falls on March seventeenth every year, to mark the anniversary of the death of the man, who was named, "Saint Patrick".
The stories about Saint Patrick are wild, and widely varied. The fact is, that most of them did not even surface, until Probus and Joscelyn began to write them in 1130 AD, more 500 years after Saint Patrick died. They did this, when the False Church of Rome sent them on a mission, to bring the Christians of Ireland, particularly northern Ireland, into submission to the False Church of Rome.
The fact is, that there are only two surviving writings of Saint Patrick, which might have even been embellished over the centuries, to use as possible eye witness accounts, of what Saint Patrick did during his lifetime. Everything else has to be surmised, based on the known practices of the congregations, that he started, as observed by others, years after he died. These external sources, that tell about the practices of the congregations, that he started, are certainly the most reliable source of information, about what he taught, since they are from various people, at various places, written at various times, but all tell of a similar, but factual, story.
None of these sources agree with the history of Saint Patrick, fabricated by Probus and Jocelyn. These sources have large gaps, if Saint Patrick really lived to the age 106, as Probus and Jocelyn record. They filled in these gaps, with whatever story helped them, in their goal of making Saint Patrick, to be seen as part of the False Church of Rome. The fact is, that no one knows the year when Saint Patrick was born - only the year that he died. Also, no one to this day knows, where he was buried, contradicting their claims, to have recovered his bones.
Saint Patrick could not have went to France, to have been educated by Saint Germain in Tours, as Probus and Jocelyn claimed, since according to the history kept by the False Church of Rome, the Franks (the Germanic tribe that France is named after), had not yet came under the sway of the False Church of Rome, at that time. There is no mention of Saint Patrick in any of the writings of the False Church of Rome, until more than 150 years after his death - and these first statements are largely negative in nature. In fact, the Venerable Bede, who lived less than two hundred years after Saint Patrick, does not even mention Saint Patrick, in his list of notable officials of the False Church of Rome, who had been working among the Celtic people of the British Isles, and Brittany, before his time. Archbishop Usher, part of the False Church of Rome, wrote in his book, "The Religion of The Early Irish", in 1150 AD, that no one from the False Church of Rome had successfully brought the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, until Saint Malachy, who died in 1148 AD. Saint Patrick was not even recognized as a "Saint" by the False Church of Rome, until after 1200 AD. Even the shamrock (three leaf clover) did not appear in literature, or else where, as being associated with Saint Patrick until 1675 AD.
Even his own writings, although they have been tampered with, to exaggerate and distort some of the miracles, contradict almost everything, that the False Church of Rome claims about him. His own writings say, that he was the son of a deacon, while the False Church of Rome says, that deacons were celibate. They show, that he never received help from the False Church of Rome, refused to recognize their authority, and taught doctrine that was contrary to the False Church of Rome. He also describes himself in his writings, as lacking in scholarly education. Saint Patrick also says, that he went back to Ireland ten years after his escape - not the twenty-one years, that were reported by Probus and Jocelyn. He gives a very different report of what he did, during the time period, when he supposedly went to France, to be educated in the ways of the False Church of Rome.
So in short, much of what has been reported about Saint Patrick, by the False Church of Rome, is based on lies, lies, and more lies. Saint Patrick has been declared, to have been part of the False Church of Rome, years after his death, when he was not around, to set the record straight. This is just like, what the False Church of Rome has done with Miriam the Jew (mother of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)), and Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter).
So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?
What he did not do, was create some mixture of practices found in the Book of Truth, and the practices of the Druids, that some people have mislabeled as "Celtic Christianity". This is evident, from what is recorded in his own writings, and those of his early critics.
Saint Patrick writes, of being persecuted mercilessly by the Druids, for turning people completely away from their religion. He records being imprisoned, and facing death on several occasions, by various Irish kings, who followed the Druids, because he would not compromise, by teaching anything, other than what he found the Book of Truth. He was famous in his day, for bringing down the four houses of the Druids, who held sway over the kings of Ireland. His famous miracle, of "driving the snakes out of Ireland", was originally a metaphor, for "driving the Druids out of Ireland". (The snakes were almost certainly symbolic of the Druids, since there is no evidence, that Ireland ever had any of these legless reptiles, living in it to begin with. The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), the Great Serpent, was the real source of their religion and power.) So it is certain, that Saint Patrick did not create some religion, that was a mix of the religion of the Druids, with the religion of the Book of Truth.
So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the Druids, mixed with the religion of the Book of Truth, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?
The best evidence of what he did do, comes from examining, what is recorded in his own writings, and what is recorded about the congregations, that he started, by their critics, within two hundred years of his death.
According to his own writings, Saint Patrick did the following. He went to a people that were not of his own ethnic group, because he was a Romano-British man (quite likely with Italian, and other non-Celtic ancestry, in the mix), while those he went to save, were pure Celts, who had never been under the influence of the Romans, and spoke a different language. He then preached the Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth. He did this with demonstrations of power, that were necessary to turn the people of Ireland away from following the Druids, due to their own demonstrations of power. The only name that he carried out his mission under, was that of the Man of Truth. He endured every hardship, and never ceased his work of starting congregations, who followed the Man of Truth, until the day he died. He spoken in tongues, and was apparently baptized in the Spirit of Truth.
The writings of the critics of the congregations he started, give a detailed picture of what he taught.
A delegation was sent by Pope Gregory in 597 AD, to bring the Celts, who followed the religion that Saint Patrick had taught, under submission to the False Church of Rome. The leader of the delegation, Augustine, reported, after meeting with the Celtic Children of Truth, that this would be very difficult due to the large number of differences between the two groups.
In particular, he noted, that the Celtic Children of Truth met on the actual Sabbath (Saturday), that their religious leaders were married with children, they baptized people by total submergence in streams of living water, they used a different Latin translation of the Book of Truth (The Bible) than the False Church of Rome, and they had their own congregations, all of whom, completely rejected the authority of the False Church of Rome.
Other critics noted, that these congregations also only ate what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) called clean, observed the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) prescribed in the Law of Truth, used Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the death of the Man of Truth, prayed from the heart instead of prayer books, taught that the Man of Truth was the only mediator between the Father of Truth and people, and looked for the resurrection, when they would rise from the grave, to rule over the Earth with the Man of Truth.
Even the practice of observing the anniversary of the death of Saint of Patrick each year, by the congregations that he started, was a Jewish custom, that today is called a "yahzriet". The custom among those of Celtic descent to this day, is honor the memory of people on their birthday, like America used to do for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
It is also worth noting, that there is no record, in either his own writings, or the writings of the critics of the congregations, that he started, of any of the Celts being compelled to be circumcised. He was only interested in these Celts receiving the better circumcision, that is given by the Father of Truth.
So what Saint Patrick taught, was Celtic Christianity in its original form. He did not teach the Celts, to use the Satan Clause, to continue the practices of the Druids. He taught the Celts, to smash and burn everything, connected to the religion of the Druids. He taught the Celts to say, "Happy Firstfruits!" to each other, instead of "Happy Easter". He was not among those, who changed the Sabbath. He taught the Celts, that it does matter what they eat. He taught them, to avoid making the kind of mistake, that lead to the death of the Celtic Tiger.
Saint Patrick produced the sound of power as well. He is one of the few people in history, who fully carried out the Great Commission, personally.
In many ways, Saint Patrick was to the Apostle to the Celts of Ireland, similar to how Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), was the Apostle to the Greeks. Their lives have many parallels.
They both lived for years among the Celts, before they were sent on their missions (Acts 21:39). [Tarsus is the capital of Cilicia, the ancient homeland of the Celts. (The Greek word translated as "Cilicia" is pronounced "Kel-ik-ee-ah".) ] They both started many congregations, among the people that they were sent to (Romans 15:18-20). They both removed as many cultural barriers as possible, so that they might bring those of another ethnic group, into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20-22). They both were responsible, for the many congregations they started (2 Corinthians 11:28).
They both remained unmarried (1 Corinthians 7:7-9). They both remained unmarried, so they could focus all of their energy, on carrying out the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). They both taught, that even Apostles, like themselves, could be married (1 Corinthians 9:2-5). They both taught, that overseers, and workers in congregations, could be married with children (1 Timothy 3:1-13).
They both preached, that the Man of Truth was crucified, so people could come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:21-24). They both preached, that the Man of Truth was buried, and raised from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). They both preached, that the Man of Truth was returning to this Earth, to set up his kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:23-25). They both taught, that the Children of Truth will be resurrected, to reign with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:10-14)!
They were both baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and spoke in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:18). They both preached the Good News, with demonstrations of power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). They both had their message confirmed, with supernatural signs (2 Corinthians 12:12).
They both preached, that repentance was necessary, for people to come into the House of Truth (Acts 20:18-21). They both baptized people in living water, after they came into the House of Truth (Acts 16:13-15). They both declared the entire counsel of the Father of Truth, that revolves around the kingdom of the Man of Truth, when they preached the Good News (Acts 20:24-27).
They both met with the Gentiles, on the actual Sabbath, to teach them about the Man of Truth (Acts 13:42-48). They both observed the Feasts of Truth, with the Gentiles, that they brought into the House of Truth (Acts 20:6). They both did not compel Gentiles, to be circumcised, when they came into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:2-5).
They both taught people, to not eat at feasts dedicated to the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), while also eating at feasts dedicated to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:19-21). They both taught people, to turn away from the worship of the Spirit of Lies, and to turn to the worship of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9).
They both taught people, to pray from the heart (Philippians 4:6). They both taught, that the Man of Truth was the only mediator, between the Father of Truth and people (1 Timothy 2:5).
They both suffered terrible persecution (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). They both suffered persecution, for refusing to mix the practices of other religions, with what the Book of Truth taught (Galatians 5:11). They both continued to carry out the Great Commission, until the day they died, and encouraged others to do so as well (2 Timothy 4:5-7).
So the most influential man in the history of Ireland, was more like, the most influential man in the history of the Gentiles, than anyone in the history of the False Church of Rome. It was more than the luck of the Irish, that Saint Patrick was called by the Man of Truth, to go to Ireland, and preach the Good News. He could hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth, because unlike the leaders of the False Church of Rome, he really was a saint.
"Saint" is not some title, that the False Church of Rome can bestow upon people, who meet some criteria, that they choose. In the Book of Truth, the Father of Truth calls anyone, who turns from sin, a "saint" (Psalm 85:2-8). The word "saint" means "holy one", and is used to describes all of the Children of Truth, in the Book of Truth (Ephesians 2:16-19). [The Greek word "Agion", translated as "saints", is plural of the Greek word, where the English word "saint" comes from.] So it is appropriate, to call any of the Children of Truth, by the title of "Saint". Since "Patricia" was his name according to his own writings, ("Patrick" in Gaelic), then he can be called "Saint Patrick", without there being any necessity, for any connection between him and the False Church of Rome.
So then, you will become a saint as well, when you come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:3-7). You will come into the House of Truth, when you make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe with your whole heart, the Good News about the Father of Truth, raising him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). After you come into the House of Truth, then stay there, and like Saint Patrick, you will be worthy of the title "Saint", appearing before your name (Ephesians 5:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Other critics noted, that these congregations also only ate what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) called clean, observed the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) prescribed in the Law of Truth, used Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the death of the Man of Truth, prayed from the heart instead of prayer books, taught that the Man of Truth was the only mediator between the Father of Truth and people, and looked for the resurrection, when they would rise from the grave, to rule over the Earth with the Man of Truth.
Even the practice of observing the anniversary of the death of Saint of Patrick each year, by the congregations that he started, was a Jewish custom, that today is called a "yahzriet". The custom among those of Celtic descent to this day, is honor the memory of people on their birthday, like America used to do for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
It is also worth noting, that there is no record, in either his own writings, or the writings of the critics of the congregations, that he started, of any of the Celts being compelled to be circumcised. He was only interested in these Celts receiving the better circumcision, that is given by the Father of Truth.
So what Saint Patrick taught, was Celtic Christianity in its original form. He did not teach the Celts, to use the Satan Clause, to continue the practices of the Druids. He taught the Celts, to smash and burn everything, connected to the religion of the Druids. He taught the Celts to say, "Happy Firstfruits!" to each other, instead of "Happy Easter". He was not among those, who changed the Sabbath. He taught the Celts, that it does matter what they eat. He taught them, to avoid making the kind of mistake, that lead to the death of the Celtic Tiger.
Saint Patrick produced the sound of power as well. He is one of the few people in history, who fully carried out the Great Commission, personally.
In many ways, Saint Patrick was to the Apostle to the Celts of Ireland, similar to how Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), was the Apostle to the Greeks. Their lives have many parallels.
They both lived for years among the Celts, before they were sent on their missions (Acts 21:39). [Tarsus is the capital of Cilicia, the ancient homeland of the Celts. (The Greek word translated as "Cilicia" is pronounced "Kel-ik-ee-ah".) ] They both started many congregations, among the people that they were sent to (Romans 15:18-20). They both removed as many cultural barriers as possible, so that they might bring those of another ethnic group, into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20-22). They both were responsible, for the many congregations they started (2 Corinthians 11:28).
They both remained unmarried (1 Corinthians 7:7-9). They both remained unmarried, so they could focus all of their energy, on carrying out the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). They both taught, that even Apostles, like themselves, could be married (1 Corinthians 9:2-5). They both taught, that overseers, and workers in congregations, could be married with children (1 Timothy 3:1-13).
They both preached, that the Man of Truth was crucified, so people could come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:21-24). They both preached, that the Man of Truth was buried, and raised from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). They both preached, that the Man of Truth was returning to this Earth, to set up his kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:23-25). They both taught, that the Children of Truth will be resurrected, to reign with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:10-14)!
They were both baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and spoke in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:18). They both preached the Good News, with demonstrations of power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). They both had their message confirmed, with supernatural signs (2 Corinthians 12:12).
They both preached, that repentance was necessary, for people to come into the House of Truth (Acts 20:18-21). They both baptized people in living water, after they came into the House of Truth (Acts 16:13-15). They both declared the entire counsel of the Father of Truth, that revolves around the kingdom of the Man of Truth, when they preached the Good News (Acts 20:24-27).
They both met with the Gentiles, on the actual Sabbath, to teach them about the Man of Truth (Acts 13:42-48). They both observed the Feasts of Truth, with the Gentiles, that they brought into the House of Truth (Acts 20:6). They both did not compel Gentiles, to be circumcised, when they came into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:2-5).
They both taught people, to not eat at feasts dedicated to the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), while also eating at feasts dedicated to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:19-21). They both taught people, to turn away from the worship of the Spirit of Lies, and to turn to the worship of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9).
They both taught people, to pray from the heart (Philippians 4:6). They both taught, that the Man of Truth was the only mediator, between the Father of Truth and people (1 Timothy 2:5).
They both suffered terrible persecution (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). They both suffered persecution, for refusing to mix the practices of other religions, with what the Book of Truth taught (Galatians 5:11). They both continued to carry out the Great Commission, until the day they died, and encouraged others to do so as well (2 Timothy 4:5-7).
So the most influential man in the history of Ireland, was more like, the most influential man in the history of the Gentiles, than anyone in the history of the False Church of Rome. It was more than the luck of the Irish, that Saint Patrick was called by the Man of Truth, to go to Ireland, and preach the Good News. He could hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth, because unlike the leaders of the False Church of Rome, he really was a saint.
"Saint" is not some title, that the False Church of Rome can bestow upon people, who meet some criteria, that they choose. In the Book of Truth, the Father of Truth calls anyone, who turns from sin, a "saint" (Psalm 85:2-8). The word "saint" means "holy one", and is used to describes all of the Children of Truth, in the Book of Truth (Ephesians 2:16-19). [The Greek word "Agion", translated as "saints", is plural of the Greek word, where the English word "saint" comes from.] So it is appropriate, to call any of the Children of Truth, by the title of "Saint". Since "Patricia" was his name according to his own writings, ("Patrick" in Gaelic), then he can be called "Saint Patrick", without there being any necessity, for any connection between him and the False Church of Rome.
So then, you will become a saint as well, when you come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:3-7). You will come into the House of Truth, when you make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe with your whole heart, the Good News about the Father of Truth, raising him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). After you come into the House of Truth, then stay there, and like Saint Patrick, you will be worthy of the title "Saint", appearing before your name (Ephesians 5:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Celtic Christianity, Druids, Great Commission, History, Saint Patrick
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