Saturday, July 28, 2012

Who's your daddy?

What makes someone a father?

Some people grow up never knowing who their father is because not even their mother is sure.  Some people grow up knowing who their father is without ever actually knowing their father because he did not spend time with them.  Some people grow up knowing their father but wishing they did not because he does not treat them as a father should.  Some people grow up knowing their father as the best man they ever knew but he was taken away from them too soon.  Some people were begotten by one man but raised by another and are not sure which one is really their father.  All of these people need to know the answer to one question:  Who's your daddy?

The first question that must be answered to answer that question is: What is a father?

What makes someone a father?  Does begetting someone with a woman make them a father?  Does that even make them a man?

As in all things, knowing the answers to these questions begins with The Book of Truth (The Bible).  What does the Book of Truth say that makes someone your father?

The Book of Truth says a father is someone that provides for his children.  A father knows what his children need before they ask (Matthew 6:8).   A father feeds and clothes his children (Matthew 6:31-32).  A father only gives good things to his children (Matthew 7:9-11).  A father gives his children good and perfect gifts (James 1:17).

The Book of Truth says a father is someone that spanks his children when they need it (Hebrews 12:6-8).  A father spanks his children to drive disobedience out of them so they won't come to ruin (Hebrews 12:9-11).

The Book of Truth says a father is someone that lays up an inheritance for his children.  The inheritance belongs to the children (Matthew 21:38).  A father divides the inheritance among his children fairly  (Luke 12:13).  A father prepares for the welfare of his children instead of relying on his children to prepare for his welfare (2 Corinthians 12:14).

Who does a father count as his children?  Is only those that he begotten or is it also those that he has adopted?  Do adopted children have an inheritance?  Can a person be born into one family and then transferred to another family?

The Book of Truth says the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) can adopt us.  We can become children of the Father of Truth thru the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Jesus) (John 1:12).  The Father of Truth will give us the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that brings about our adoption whereby we can call Him "daddy" (Romans 8:15).  The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth so that we could be adopted into his family and call Him "daddy (Galatians 4:4-6).  The Father of Truth wants to call us His children because of His great love (1 John 3:1).

The Book of Truth says the adopted children also receive a part of the inheritance.  The Father of Truth is able to give the adopted children an inheritance (Acts 20:32).  The adopted children are joint heirs with the Man of Truth that was the only begotten son of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:17).  The adopted children are heirs because of the Man of Truth (Galatians 4:7).

The Book of Truth says that we can be born into one family and then transferred to another family.  The Father of Truth can take those that were no more related to Abraham than stones and bring them into the family that He promised Abraham (Matthew 3:9).  The Father of Truth can take those that descended from Abraham out of the family that He promised Abraham (Luke 13:28).  The Father of Truth can add those that he did not call His people to the family that He promised Abraham (Romans 9:26).  The Father of Truth can remove all but a remnant of those that He called His people from the family that He promised Abraham (Romans 9:27).

The truth is that there are really only two families in all the earth.  The truth is that only the Man of Truth was begotten by the Father of Truth as a free heir (John 1:18).  The truth is that the rest of us were born as slaves to the Father of Lies (John 8:33-35).  The truth is the rest of us were born into the family of the Father of the Lies (John 8:44).

The truth is that the Father of Truth has made a way for us to leave the family of the Father of Lies and come into His family where we were always meant to be.  Just as we became as slaves by being born the first time into the family of the Father of Lies in like manner we can only become free heirs by being born a second time into in the family of the Father of Truth (John 3:3). When we put out trust in the Man of Truth and come to live with him in the House of Truth, then there is a death in the family of the Father of Lies and a birth in the family of the Father of Truth.

The truth is we are all either children of the Father of Truth or children of the Father of Lies (1 John 3:10).  Who's your daddy?

You will become one of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) when you come into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth when you submit to the Man of Truth because you believe that his Father raised the only begotten Son from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

What is Truth?

What is truth?

This is the question that Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea, asked the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), but never waited for a reply (John 18:38). Pilate had worshiped idols but found no comfort in so doing.  Pilate had been given great authority but it had only brought him grief.  Pilate had great wealth but it had only caused him to be concerned that everyone around him was seeking to take it and that none of his acquaintances were sincere.  Pilate had many encounters with the most respected religious professionals in the land that claimed to represent the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) but they could only offer endless arguments based on conflicting traditions that they claimed were a greater truth passed down to them than what was written in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament).  The Man of Truth stood before him as a prisoner of Rome but Pilate was the one that was not free.

Are you like Pilate?  Are you in desperate need of the truth that will set you free?  Have you discovered that that your religion has brought you no comfort?  Have you found that those things that you thought would bring you joy have only brought you grief?  Have you realized the more stuff you accumulate the less peace you have?  Have the endless arguments of religious professionals tirelessly defending their traditions left you confused?  Are you like Pilate and asking "What is truth?"

Right after asking the question Pilate told the religious professionals that the he had found no fault in the Man of Truth.  Pilate acknowledged that the Man of Truth had nothing false in him.  Right in front of him had stood the only one that could answer his question!

Why didn't Pilate wait for an answer?  Why couldn't Pilate see the truth when the Man of Truth was standing right in front of his eyes?  Why didn't Pilate seek to know the truth from the Man of Truth instead of just acknowledging that there was nothing false in the Man of Truth?  Why didn't Pilate pursue the truth that would set him free?

The truth is that the question Pilate asked had no short answer other than the one the Man of Truth had given when he had identified himself as the Man of Truth. (John 18:37)  The only way for Pilate to know the truth was to pursue it by following the Man of Truth. (John 8:31-32)   This was problematic for Pilate in many ways.  Pilate was not a Jew. (John 18:35)  However the Man of Truth had only came to bring truth to the Jews at that time. (Matthew 15:24)  In order for Pilate to follow the Man of Truth he would have had to became a Jew through circumcision so Pilate would have lost his identity as a Gentile.  If Pilate became a Jew through circumcision, then Pilate would have to forsake every religious tradition that he had grown up with as an idol worshiper and instead embraced the holidays that the Father of Truth had established in the Book of Truth.  This could have lead to complete rejection by his friends and family.  Also Pilate would have been accused before Caesar of being an enemy of Rome by the Jewish religious professionals. (John 19:12)  If that had occurred, Caesar might have taken away his position of authority.  Caesar might have taken away his wealth.  Caesar might have taken away his life.  Also following the Man of Truth would have a required a commitment of his time and Pilate was busy.  Pilate would have to give up some of his other pursuits in order to know what is truth.  The cost of knowing what is truth was high in the eyes of Pilate.

Are you like Pilate?  Are you unwilling to follow the Man of Truth so that you can know what is truth?  Are you unwilling to lose your identity in your world so you can be identified with the Man of Truth?  Are you unwilling to forsake your religious traditions so that you can embrace the holidays that the Father of Truth has established in the Book of Truth?  Are you unwilling to risk losing your friends and family in order to be made a part of the family of the Father of Truth?  Are you unwilling to lose your place in this world so that you can come into the House of Truth?  Are you unwilling to give up some of your other pursuits in order to make time to know what is truth?  Is the cost of knowing what is truth high in your eyes?

The truth is there were no easy options for Pilate.  Pilate knew that there was nothing false in the Man of Truth. (John 19:6)  Pilate knew that the Man of Truth had been delivered to him because the religious professionals envied the Man of Truth. (Matthew 27:18)  Pilate knew that their envy sprang from people rejecting their traditions in order to follow the Man of Truth.  Pilate had been warned by the Father of Truth thru his wife to not reject the Man of Truth or that his wife would suffer greatly along side him. (Matthew 27:19)  Pilate had reason to believe her because she had been warned of several things in dreams before and they had all came to pass.  Pilate became more afraid when he learned that the Man of Truth was the son of the Father of Truth. (John 19:7-8)  Pilate found that there was no comfort in knowing that the Man of Truth is the Son of the Father of Truth because he was not following the Man of Truth.  Pilate understood that the cost of knowing what is truth would require paying a likely, but immediate, high one time set of payments but the cost of not knowing what is truth would require paying unavoidable, but delayed, immeasurably higher never ending payments.  Pilate chose to not know what is truth.

The truth is there are no easy options for you.  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaKodesh aka the Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is witnessing to you that there is nothing false in the Man of Truth so that you know it in your heart.  You know that many religious professionals are not following the Man of Truth in order to maintain their traditions.  You have been warned by the prophets sent by the Father of Truth to not reject the Man of Truth.  You have reason to believe the prophets because they have warned Israel of many things and all of them have came to pass.  You have learned that the Man of Truth is the son of the Father of Truth.  You will find fear, not comfort, as long as you know that the Man of Truth is the son of the Father of Truth until you start following the Man of Truth.  You are being told upfront that the cost of knowing what is truth will require paying a likely, but immediate, high one time set of payments but the cost of not knowing what is truth will require paying unavoidable, but delayed, immeasurably higher never ending payments.  Will you choose to know what is truth?

You can know what is truth by coming into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth by surrendering total control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Come Into The House Of Truth

Are you ready to stop being the maker of your own demise?
Come into the House of Truth.
Are you tired of being a slave to habits?
Come into the House of Truth.
Do you really want to be free?
Come into the House of Truth.
Haven't you suffered enough?
Come into the House of Truth.

Has religion made you weary?
Come into the House of Truth.
Do you long to quit carrying those heavy burdens lade on you by men?
Come into the House of Truth.
Have the religious professional only brought you more confusion?
Come into the House of Truth.
Are you ready for the tremendous transformation that transpires from transitioning from tradition to truth?
Come into the House of Truth.

Does your life look hopeless and your future bleak?
Come into the House of Truth.
Have you had enough of living a pointless existence?
Come into the House of Truth.
Do you want to do more than just suck air and occupy space?
Come into the House of Truth.
Don't you think there has to be a better way to live?
Come into the House of Truth.

Are the expectations of others grinding the life right out of you?
Come into the House of Truth.
Do you wear a mask that hides who you really are?
Come into the House of Truth.
Do you recognize that you desperately need to change?
Come into the House of Truth.
Don't you want to know someone that loves you for you?
Come into the House of Truth.

Would you like to understand the times that you live in?
Come into the House of Truth.
Would you like to know what to do in every situation?
Come into the House of Truth.
Would you like to know what the future holds?
Come into the House of Truth.
Are you ready to join the winning team?
Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth you are always welcome. In the House of Truth you find real acceptance.  In the House of Truth you are never just tolerated.  In the House of Truth you are always celebrated.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth you have nothing to fear.   In the House of Truth you are safe from every enemy.  In the House of Truth your deepest hunger is satisfied.  In the House of Truth for your thirst for justice is slaked.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth you are never forced into a mold.  In the House of Truth every mask is cast off. In the House of Truth you can finally be who you were made to be.

Come into the House of Truth.
In the House of Truth you learn how to overcome every obstacle.  In the House of Truth you become the hero that you've longed to be.  In the House of Truth you finally become what you were meant to be.

Come into the House of Truth.
In the House of Truth no lie can live.  In the House of Truth ever facade fades.  In the House of Truth every empty imagination vaporizes.  In the House of Truth every fear flees.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth religion dies.  In the House of Truth tradition no longer blinds.  In the House of Truth the commandments of men are nullified.  In the House of Truth the voice of confusion is silenced.  In the House of Truth the voice of God is clearly heard.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth there are no strongholds to imprison you.  In the House of Truth there are no chains to bind you. In the House of Truth you find real freedom.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth every ugliness is removed.  In the House of Truth every beauty is revealed. In the House of Truth you finally learn how to really love yourself.  In the House of Truth you find someone in the mirror that you really like.  In the House of Truth you see things as they really are.

Come into the House of Truth.

In the House of Truth you find a mercy that will not let you get what your actions deserve.  In the House of Truth you find a grace that will not hold back what your actions don't deserve.  In the House of Truth you find a love that gives beyond all reason. In the House of Truth you find a hope that never gives up.  In the House of Truth you find a strength that endures all things.

Come into the House of Truth.

The House of Truth is open to anyone that is just plain tired of being lied to.  The House of Truth always has room for another.  The House of Truth is so packed with love that the back door is cracked.  The House of Truth is filled with unending riches.  The House of Truth has provision for every need of every person.  The House of Truth contains healing for the sick.  The House of Truth is a wellspring of health to those that remain in her.  The House of Truth is a shelter from any storm.  The House of Truth gives rest to the weary.  The House of Truth brings stability to the mind.   The House of Truth imparts calmness of the soul to all who enter.  The House of Truth is filled with peace that goes beyond what man can understand.  The House of Truth is where you belong.

Come into the House of Truth.

The Father of Truth owns the House Of Truth.  The Father of Truth designed the House of Truth.
The Father of Truth laid the foundations of the House of Truth.  The Father of Truth wants children in the House of Truth.  The Father of Truth paid a terrible price so you could live in the House of Truth.

Come into the House of Truth.

The Man of Truth built the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth lives in the House of Truth. The Man of Truth invites you into the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth wants to dine with you in the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth wants to enjoy your company in the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth has prepared a room for you in the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth wants you to live with him forever in the House of Truth.

Come into the House of Truth.
The Book of Truth was written in the House of Truth.   The Book of Truth tells you about the House of Truth.  The Book of Truth tells you why you should live in the House of Truth. The Book of Truth tells you how to come into the House of Truth.  The Book of Truth tells you how to remain in the House of Truth.

Come into the House of Truth.

The Spirit of Truth also lives in the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth was sent out to bring you into the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth will guide you to the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth will tell you when you have arrived at the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth will open the door to the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth is calling you to come into The House of Truth.

Come into the House of Truth.

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