Sunday, April 24, 2016

Resurrection Sunday

When should the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), celebrate the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)?

Most people, who call themselves "Christians", celebrate a holiday of some sort in the Spring to commemorate the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  The day that most of these groups commemorate the resurrection of the Man of Truth falls on a Sunday.  They do not agree on which Sunday, or even what to call the holiday. 

So we will call the day, that various groups commemorate the resurrection of the Man of Truth, "Resurrection Sunday".  This will give the same generic name to a common event, that is observed on different days, by different groups, with different names.

Some of them use the Roman system, to determine when to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  Some who use the Roman system, call Resurrection Sunday, "Easter", while others using the Roman system call Resurrection Sunday, "Passover". 

The waters are furthered muddied by, who celebrate "Easter", doing so on the same day, that others using the Roman system, who celebrate "Passover".  In some places where the Roman system is used, the words "Easter" and "Passover" are used interchangeably for Resurrection Sunday.

Other people who call themselves "Christians", uses one of the Jewish systems to determine when to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. 

Various groups within Judaism, celebrate "Passover" based on different criteria.  Broadly speaking, there is the Rabbinic system, that uses the Rabbinic calendar, and the Observation system, that is based on the facts on the ground in Israel. 

Inside the Observation system, there is contention about what constitutes the conditions, that determine the day when the month "Abib", that contains "Passover" begins.  Even when people determine what day "Passover" falls on using either of these systems, there is still disagreement over whether "Passover" should be celebrated at the beginning or the end of the day. 

So there can be as much as a full month some years, between when "Passover" is celebrated by those who use the Rabbinic system and those who use the Observation system.  This Jewish "Passover" does not fall on a Sunday most years, but it is used to determine "The Feast of Firstfruits", that does fall on a Sunday, which can also be thought of as Resurrection Sunday.

Yet others use the Greek system, to determine when to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  Those who use the Greek system, only call Resurrection Sunday, "Passover".  It is based on a completely different formula than the Roman system, so that Greek "Passover" almost always falls after Roman "Easter/Passover", sometimes by more than a month.  Because of the confusion of "Easter/Passover" in the Roman system, sometimes people mistakenly call Greek "Passover", "Greek Easter", even though the Greeks call it "Passover".

Just to add to the confusion, the "Passover" that those using the Roman system are celebrating, is usually a few days after the Passover that Jews are celebrating.  Just to tangle the whole mess a little bit more, the "Passover/Easter" of the Roman system, is actually not on the Passover of the Jewish system, but instead usually falls on "The Feast of Firstfruits" on the Jewish system.  Part of the confusion arises from many Jewish people referring to three different holidays, that run together over an eight day period, collectively as "Passover".

Needless to say, this leads to a lot of confusion. 

For example, in this year, 2016, most people who call themselves "Christians" in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany, and parts of France celebrated "Easter" on March 27 as Resurrection Sunday, while those in the rest of Western Europe celebrated "Passover" as Resurrection Sunday on the same day.  However, those who use one of the Jewish systems, will celebrate "Passover" on April 21, or April 22, and celebrate Resurrection Sunday as "The Feast of Firstfruits" on April 24.  Lastly, those who use the Greek system, will celebrate Resurrection Sunday as "Passover" on May 1. 

So those who call themselves "Christians", are using three different dates, in three different months, with holidays that have three different names, to celebrate the exact same event.  What a tangled mess!

The first step to untangling this mess, is a little history, of how things got to be in such a mess to start with.  We will begin by examining the calendar systems, used by these various groups to determine when Resurrection Sunday occurs.

Before there were calendars, people just went by lunar cycles, called months (from the word, "moon").  Each month started, the day after the moon went dark, and lasted until the moon went dark again.  In like manner, a year was measured from one summer to the next.  Since twelve months spanned an average of 354 days, some years contained 12 months and other years contained 13 months.

The original calendar was the Babylonian calendar.  This was a lunar calendar.  This calendar had 12 months per year, with alternating lengths of 30 and 29 days per month.  There were 354 days in a year, regardless of the seasons.  The Assyrians and Persians used this calendar was well.  Even today, the Muslim calendar uses this purely lunar calendar, without any seasonal adjustment.  That is why a Muslim holiday like Ramadan, can be in Winter one year, and be in Summer a decade later.

The Greeks used the Macedonian calendar, that improved upon the Babylonian calendar. This lunar calendar was based on the 19 year Metonic cycle, invented by the Greek astronomer and mathematician, Meton.  This calendar used months, that started on the day after the calculated astronomical "New Moon" (Dark Moon), resulting in 12 lunar months per year, resulting in 354 day years like the Babylonian calendar.  However, to ensure that the first month of each year always contained the Spring Equinox, Meton added a leap month, after the sixth month, in years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, and 17 of the nineteen year cycle.  Lastly, he added a leap month at the end of the 19th year of the cycle.

Julius Caesar found the Macedonian calendar hard to work with.  In particular, he wanted a calendar system that could be used to make food rationing in the winter easier, by making it easier to calculate the number of days until barley, the first crop to ripen after winter, would be ready for harvest.  So he had a solar calendar created, where the position of the Earth relative to the Sun, would be approximately the same each year, on the same date on the calendar.  This solar calendar had months of alternating lengths of 31 days and 30 days, with the last month, February having 29 days.  He knew that a solar year was approximately 365 and one quarter days, so every fourth year, leap year, there would be a leap day added to February, making it to be 30 days long.  The first month of this calendar, March, also contained the Spring Equinox, but it set the Spring Equinox to March 21, because the Spring climate change began about three weeks earlier.  So there were three months for each of the four seasons.  This calendar was known as the Julian Calendar.

When Augustus became the Roman Emperor, the Roman Senate renamed the sixth month to August in his honor, just as they had previously renamed the fifth month to July, in honor of Julius Caesar.  Augustus did not like that his month had one less day than the month of Julius Caesar, so he made August to have 31 days, changed the months after August to alternate between 30 days and 31 days, and changed February to have only 28 days in a normal year.  He kept the leap day, so every fourth year, leap year, February had 29 days.  Even though this modified Julian calendar would be more properly called the Augustan calendar, the name never stuck, and it is still referred to as the Julian calendar to this day.

After a number of centuries, it became apparent that the Julian calendar had a subtle problem.  The Spring Equinox would slowly, but surely, occur later on the calendar over time.  This phenomenon is called Julian shift.  By the time of Pope Gregory, around 1580 AD, the Spring Equinox was occurring around March 31, ten days late, due to Julian shift.  So Pope Gregory, had the Gregorian calendar invented, by making the Gregorian correction, of not having a leap year in century years that were not evenly divisible by 400.  For example, 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years, but 2000 was a leap year.  He also had 10 days skipped in 1582, to return the Spring Equinox to occurring on March 21.  The Gregorian calendar is the common calendar, used by the world today to conduct business, even though many places, will also use another calendar, for determining when religious holidays occur.

Before 70 AD, the Sanhedrin determined whether or not there would be a leap month, based on facts on the ground in Israel.  This set the date for Passover.  Due to the long distance that people traveled to attend Passover, from places like Rome and Babylon, they would typically forecast, which years would have leap months, a few years in advance.  The exact details of how they determined this, are not known, but they kept historical data, about which years had leap months in the past, and probably used that data, as a basis for their determinations.

By 200 AD, most people who called themselves "Christians", consulted with their Jewish neighbors, to determine when the Jews were celebrating Passover, and used that date, to fix when to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, on the following Sunday, that they also called "Passover".

However, this all changed with the council of Nicaea in 325 AD.  In this council, the False Church of Rome, decided that "Passover" should have a universal date among everyone, who called themselves "Christians", and the only rule that they agreed upon for deciding that date, was that it could not be based, on when the Jews celebrated Passover.

Not everyone who called themselves "Christians", went along with this decision, particularly those who did not belong to the False Church of Rome.  For example, the congregations started by Saint Patrick, were reported, as still basing Resurrection Sunday on Passover, in 592 AD.

Eventually, the False Church of Rome settled on a formula, that defined "Passover" as the Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.  The Spring Equinox was always defined as March 21, even in years when it occurred on a different date.  The Julian calendar was still in use at this time.

Not long after that, Hillel II introduced the Rabbinic calendar, that is still in use today.  Jerusalem had been destroyed in 70 AD, and the Jews had been dispersed by the Romans throughout their empire in 135 AD.  The Sanhedrin could no longer rely on the facts on the ground in Israel, to make adjustments to their forecasts.  So he lead the Sanhedrin in creating a calculated calendar, that Jews could use, where ever they were scattered.

This Rabbinic calendar was based on the Macedonian calendar, with a few more adjustments of its own.  The months were given Babylonian names, like "Nisan" for the first month, and the leap month was moved, to always occur at the end of each leap year.  The leap years still followed the 19 year cycle of Meton, with years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 being leap years.  Also, the beginning of the first month would be adjusted sometimes by a day or two, to make sure that special Sabbaths in the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) did not fall on the regular weekly Sabbath.  This Rabbinic calendar is used by the Rabbinic system for determining the date of Passover to this day.  So those who use this system, have "Passover" being celebrated on April 22 this year, and Resurrection Sunday is on the Feast of Firstfruits, April 24, this year.

The False Church of Rome continued to have the same date for "Passover", which was called "Easter" in the westernmost countries of Europe, even after the False Church of Rome split into Roman and Greek halves in the Great Schism of 1054 AD.  However, because the Greek half did not recognize the authority of the head of the Roman half, Pope Gregory, when he made his correction in 1582, they continued to use the Julian calendar, instead of the Gregorian calendar, for determining the date of "Passover", until this day.  For this reason, the Greek half of the False Church of Rome is using 3 APR as the date of the Spring Equinox, 13 days after the astronomical Spring Equinox, as the basis for calculating "Passover" this year.  So those who are using the Roman system, Resurrection Sunday is on "Passover/Easter", March 27, this year, while those who are using the Greek system, Resurrection Sunday is on "Passover", May 1, this year.

Finally, since Israel became a nation in 1948, and the invention of electronic communications, it has been possible again, to determine the date of Passover, based on the facts on the ground in Israel.  This calendar, based on observation of the conditions in Jerusalem, is the Observation calendar.

One of the problems with the Observation calendar is, that it is subject to weather conditions and other such phenomenon.  For example, the first visible sliver of the New Moon for determining the first month of this year, was spotted in Perth, Australia and other points east of Jerusalem on April 8, but it could not be seen there due to hazy skies.  It still could not be seen on April 9, but most who used the Observation calendar defaulted to April 9 as the first day of the first month, because they knew, that the time between new moons could not be more than 30 days.  So strictly speaking, they still made a determination based on calculation, instead of observation.  So, not all of those using the Observation system, did agree on exactly when Passover was, with some using Apr 22, while other used Apr 23.  However, they still agree, that Resurrection Sunday is on the Feast of Firstfruits, April 24, this year.

So this explains why things are such a convoluted mess, but it does not really tell, when Resurrection Sunday should be celebrated.  The best way to determine that, is to examine the holidays, that the Children of Truth celebrated in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).

It has been noted, that the word "Easter", appears in English Bibles, so it is reasoned that the Children of Truth were familiar with Easter (Acts 12:4).  However, the Greek word translated as "Easter" in this verse is actually "Pascha".  "Pascha" is the Greek word for the Hebrew word "Pesach", which is called "Passover" in English.  It was translated as "Easter", because that is what the English called Resurrection Sunday, which other people using the Roman system, called "Passover", as previously noted.  So it was "Passover", that the Children of Truth were familiar with, not "Easter".

This is further confirmed by the preceding verse, which explicitly states, that this occurred during "The Feast of Unleavened Bread" (Acts 12:3).  Years later, Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread with the almost completely Gentile congregation at Philippi (Acts 20:6).  In like manner, half-Jewish, half-Gentile, congregation at Corinth was also in the habit of celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread (1 Corinthians 5:8).

It might seem odd, that the Gentile Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant were celebrating the same holidays as unbelieving Jews.  The reason for this begins by understanding the name, that they identified themselves by.  The Children of Truth called themselves, "Christians", as confirmed by Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter), in his epistle (1 Peter 4:14-17).  This word "Christian" that he wrote, literally means "Christ follower (Messiah follower)".

Simply put, these Gentile Children of Truth identified the Man of Truth, as their one and only Rabbi, and they were determined to follow him, by doing what he did (Matthew 23:8-10).  Since their Rabbi celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread, then they also celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matthew 26:17).

In order to understand, exactly what the Feast of Unleavened Bread has to do with Resurrection Sunday, it necessary to examine the Feast of Unleavened Bread a little more closely.  In order to understand the Feast of Unleavened Bread, it helps to understand the calendar of the Book of Truth (The Bible), which we will call the Biblical calendar. Like many things, the best place to begin, is at the beginning.

The very beginning of understanding any calendar, is understanding the structure of a day.  On the Biblical calendar, evening and morning are joined together as one calendar day (Genesis 1:5). The period without sunlight is called nighttime and the period with full sunlight is daytime.  There are two transition periods when it is neither nighttime nor daytime.  These are guard bands that provide complete separation between the time of no sunlight and the time of total sunlight.  The transition from daytime to nighttime, that begins at sunset, and lasts about an hour to nightfall, when all sunlight is gone, is evening.  The transition from nighttime to daytime, that begins about an hour before sunrise, daybreak, and lasts until sunrise, when total sunlight begins, is morning.  Since the evening begins each calendar day, and evening begins at sunset and ends at nightfall, then the transition from one day to another begins at sunset and ends at nighttime.  So sunset is typically used to mark when one day ends and another begins.

However, that is not totally correct, because the evening that comes at the end of a day, can also be regarded, as being the last part of that day (John 20:1-19).  The evening is technically the midpoint of the transition is between daytime to nighttime, when the light of the day, and the darkness of night, have became even.  So the last half of the evening, that ends with nightfall, is the start of a day, and the first half of the evening, that follows sunset, is the end of a day.  For this reason, some Rabbis use a 25 hour day for the Sabbath, where the Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday, and ends at nightfall on Saturday, just to be safe.  In reality, evening is a guard band between days, that is more of a grace period to account for human frailty.  So people should strive to get everything done by sunset on Friday, but have a little grace if something unexpected causes them to be a few minutes late.

The next thing to understand on the Biblical calendar, is the structure of a month, which is either 29 or 30 days.  The Hebrew word for "month", "Chodesh", also means "new moon" or more literally "renewed moon".  Each month starts when the moon is made new.  The period from one new moon to the next varies from 29.26 to 29.80 days, so a month on the Biblical calendar will either be 29 or 30 days.  In the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), the first day of the new month was to be marked with the blowing of trumpets over the sacrifices (Numbers 10:10).

The moon is made new, strictly speaking from an astronomical point of view, about one second after it becomes completely dark.  The moon is completely dark only at the moment of conjunction, when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, in its orbit.  The moon at the moment of conjunction is called the dark moon.  The crescent of the new moon becomes visible as early as twelve and half hours after the dark moon, under near perfect conditions, such as appearing as large as possible, because it is at the point nearest the Earth in its orbit, known as perigee, is well above the horizon, the skies are clear, and the viewer has excellent eyesight.

However, there is nothing in the Book of Truth, that says the moon is made new, when the crescent is first observed in Jerusalem, or anywhere else.  The fact is, that the moon is made new, whether anyone observes it or not, like in the case of the new moon, that was not observed on either the twenty-ninth day, or thirtieth day in Jerusalem this year, due to hazy skies, that was referenced earlier.   So if the moon goes dark one night, it is certain, that the moon is new the next night, whether the crescent is observed or not, and a new month on the Biblical calendar has began.  It would be even more accurate to say, that the a new month begins on the Biblical calendar, on the evening after the moon goes dark.

The next thing to understand on the Biblical calendar, is the structure of a year, which is either 12 or 13 months.  The year begins with the month, that the Father of Truth passed over the homes with the blood of a lamb on their door, when He killed the firstborn throughout the land of Egypt (Exodus 12:1-13).  This is the month of Abib, which literally means "the green ear of grain", meaning the month that the barley becomes ripe (Exodus 13:3-5).  The first month of the year is the month, when the barley will be ripe enough to be roasted and eaten, on the Feast of Firstfruits (Leviticus 2:14).

Since twelve months are usually 354 days, occasionally a thirteenth month, a leap month, has to be added, to ensure that the barley will be ripe enough to be offered on the Feast of Firstfruits.  This can be checked by squeezing a grain of barley between the thumb and forefinger, in the land of Israel.  If no liquid comes out, then it will be ripe enough.  It can also be reliably calculated by determining, if the Feast of Firstfruits would occur at least eleven days after the Spring Equinox, in Jerusalem.  If it would, then it is the first month of the new year, otherwise it is a leap month, and the new year will begin on the first day of the next month.

So in summary, a day begins at evening, a month begins on the day when the moon is renewed, and the year begins with the month, when the barley will be ripe enough to be offered at the Feast of Firstfruits.  So an explanation of the Feast of Firstfruits is needed.

The first step to understanding the Feast of Firstfruits, is the repeating cycle of seven days, that define the regular Sabbath.  The Father of Truth rested from His work of creation on the seventh day, so He set it apart as different than the other days, because He ceased from that work (Genesis 2:1-3).  In the same way, He gave the seventh day of each week as a Sabbath, a day for people to rest from their normal work, by ceasing from that work (Exodus 20:8-11).  The Father of Truth did not set aside a day of ceasing, the Sabbath, because He was tired, but because people need a day to rest each week, by ceasing from their work (Mark 2:27).  People enter into the rest that the Sabbath was made for, when they cease from their own work, like the Father of Truth ceased from His work (Hebrews 4:10).

The next step to understanding the Feast of Firstfruits, is the special Sabbaths.  The word "Sabbath" does not mean "seventh".  You do not count to seven in Hebrew like this: one, two, three, four, five, six, Sabbath.  Sabbath means "ceasing", because on a Sabbath, people are to cease from their normal work.  Certain holidays on the Biblical calendar are also a Sabbath, regardless of which day of the week they fall on.  For example, the day of Atonement, the tenth day of the seventh month, can fall on any day of the week, but it is also a Sabbath (Leviticus 16:29-31).  So every week ends with a regular Sabbath, but there are also special Sabbaths, that fall on certain days of certain months, that can fall on any day of the week, that are called "High Days" (John 19:31).

The next step to understanding the Feast of Firstfruits, is the relationship of the Feast of Firstfruits to Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Passover always occurs on the fourteenth day of the first month (Leviticus 23:5).  The Feast of Unleavened Bread always begins on the Fifteenth day of the first month, and lasts for seven days, with the first and last days being special Sabbaths (Leviticus 23:6-8).  The Feast of Firstfruits occurs on the day after the regular Sabbath (Saturday), which is a Sunday, that follows the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:9-11).

It is certain that the regular Sabbath is being referred to, instead of one of the special Sabbaths of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the day of the month would have just been given, to make it completely clear, like when the day of the month was given for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, even though it always occurs the day after Passover (Leviticus 23:5-6).  So it is the Sunday, that follows the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, that begins the day after Passover, when the barley grain must be ripe enough, to offer as the firstfruits of the land of Israel.

So Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits are all clumped together in a normally eight day period, in the first month of the Biblical calendar, that always occurs in the Spring.  Firstfruits always occurs on a Sunday, that usually occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Now, we are ready to show why the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant, celebrated Resurrection Sunday during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

The Passover lamb was to be eaten with unleavened bread on Passover (Exodus 12:8).  For this reason, Passover is referred to as the first day of unleavened bread, even though it occurs the day before the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Mark 14:12).

So "the Feast of Unleavened Bread" came to sometimes be used to refer to the entire eight days, including Passover (Matthew 26:17).  For the same reason, the entire eight day period, that includes the Feast of Unleavened Bread, is sometimes referred to as "Passover" (Luke 22:1).  Sometimes the fourteenth day of the month is called "the day of preparation", so that "Passover" really refers to the Feast of Unleavened Bread (John 19:31-42).  On the Rabbinic calendar in use today, Passover is seven days long, which is really the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

So "the Feast of Unleavened Bread", that the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant used to observe Resurrection Sunday, could have included Passover, and could have alternatively been called, "Passover".  This would seem fitting, because just as the Passover lamb is eaten without leaven, so also the Man of Truth was sacrificed without sin (Hebrews 4:14-15).

It was during the celebration of Passover, when the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth, that the unleavened bread represented his body, that would be broken for them, and the wine represented his blood, that would be shed, to bring about the Renewed Covenant (Luke 22:15-20).  So it was the death of the Man of Truth, that they were to make known, by eating unleavened bread and drinking wine in his memory, every time they celebrated Passover (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

The Passover lamb was to be roasted whole for Passover (Exodus 12:5-9).  To this day, the Greeks roast a lamb whole for "Passover", their name for Resurrection Sunday, because that is what they say, the Apostles of Truth told them to do, to remember the death of the Lamb.

The Man of Truth is the lamb that takes away the sins of the Children of Truth (John 1:29).  The Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant observed Passover, because the Man of Truth, is their Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7).  The Gentile Children of Truth have participated in the better Passover.  They recognized, that they will be passed over, when the Father of Truth brings death to the Children of Lies for their sins.

So the Man of Truth has made it possible, for sin to be completely taken away from the lives of the Children of Truth, when he died for them (Romans 6:4-11).  Therefore the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread for a complete week, because they were committed to living a life, that was completely free from sin (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  They recognized that removing the leaven for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, that immediately follows the Passover, was really about removing the sin, that immediately follows taking the deal, that was made possible by the death of the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth rose from the dead, on the day after the regular Sabbath, a Sunday, that followed the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is the Feast of Firstfruits (Matthew 28:1-7).  So, the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant celebrated the Feast of Firstfruits, which normally occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the Man of Truth was the firstfruits of those, who will be raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20).  The Feast of Firstfruits, that always falls on a Sunday, where the raising of the firstfruits, foreshadowed that the Man of Truth would be more than a dead Jesus, is the real Resurrection Sunday!

So, the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant used Passover to commemorate the death of the Man of Truth, the Feast of Unleavened Bread to mark that his death took away their sin, and the Feast of Firstfruits to celebrate his resurrection from the dead.  They greeted each other with "Happy Firstfruits!" on Resurrection Sunday!

Easter, and other such so-called Christian holidays, that include traditions that come from idol worship, were never celebrated by the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant.  They celebrated the Feasts of Truth found in the Law of Truth, that form the greatest play ever.  Since, they were known as "Christians", then the Feasts of Truth are the real Christian holidays.  These real Christian holidays were not only celebrated by the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant, but were also part of Celtic Christianity, in its original form.  These are the holidays, that Christians are suppose to use to celebrate everything about the Man of Truth, including Resurrection Sunday!

However, the resurrection of the Man of Truth is nothing to celebrate, until you come into the House of Truth.  The resurrection of the Man of Truth only guarantees judgment for everyone, who does not come into the House of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).  You come into the House of Truth, when you follow the Man of Truth, by doing what he commands, because you believe, that the Father of Truth resurrected him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  All who come into the House of Truth, will be resurrected to eternal life, just like the Man of Truth was resurrected, on Resurrection Sunday (1 Corinthians 15:20-23)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Dead Jesus

Why does it matter if the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) rose again?

Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, stated in his book, "Studies in Scriptures" (Vol. 5, 1899, p. 454), "The man Jesus is dead, forever dead".  He also said in the final volume of that book (Vol. 7, page 57), "We deny that He was raised in the flesh, and challenge any statement to that effect as being unscriptural.".

He is hardly the only person to call himself a Christian, and yet deny the resurrection of Jesus, nor is this teaching limited to Jehovah Witnesses. 

For example, a recent survey of clergymen in the Church of England, found that one third of these ministers deny the resurrection! 

Those who call themselves Christians, but deny the resurrection, are spread far beyond Europe.  In America, many speakers of the "Jesus Seminar", like Robert Funk and Marcus Borg, deny the resurrection.   Desmond Tutu, who helped bring an end to apartheid in South Africa, also denies that the resurrection literally happened.  These are among the many, who deny the resurrection of the Man of Truth, while calling for unity among everyone, who calls themselves Christians!

Their position is, that they can have unity with those who believe in the resurrection, because it simply does not matter, if the Man of Truth rose again or not.  As far as they are concerned, a dead Jesus is just as useful as a living Jesus.

The reasoning of those who advocate a dead Jesus, is that it was the death of the lamb, that brought about the removing of the leaven.  They argue that those, who have experienced the better Passover, have made cleansed from sin at the cross, and only need a dead Jesus to be saved.  They argue that a dead Jesus, is all that people need to go to Heaven when they die.  They point to the many things that the death of the Man of Truth accomplished on the cross, as proof that a dead Jesus is the only Jesus that people need.

The Book of Truth (The Bible) does say, that many things were accomplished by the death of the Man of Truth on the cross.

It says, that preaching the cross brings people to salvation (1 Corinthians 1:16-18).  It says, that the Man of Truth came under the curse of the Father of Truth on our behalf, when he hung on the cross (Galatians 3:13).  It says, that the Children of Truth should bring glory to what he did on the cross (Galatians 6:14).  It says, that his death on the cross put an end to the enmity between Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:13-16).  It says, that his death on the cross demonstrated true obedience to the Father of Truth (Philippians 2:5-8).  It says, that his death on the cross made it possible, for people to come into the House of Truth, and be reconciled to the Father of Truth (Colossians 1:19-22).  It says, that he carried away our sins, when he suffered on the cross (1 Peter 2:21-24).

It says, that the blood that the Man of Truth shed on the cross, brought about the remission of sins (Romans 3:24-26).  It says, that his blood brought about justification (Romans 5:6-9).  It says, that his blood brought about forgiveness of sin (Ephesians 1:7).  It says, that his blood brought about redemption (Colossians 1:14).  It says, that his blood purges the conscience, of works that lead to death (Hebrews 9:14).  It says, that his blood makes it possible, for the Children of Truth to boldly draw near to the Father of Truth (Hebrews 10:19-22).  It says, that his blood sanctifies the Children of Truth (Hebrews 13:12).  It says, that his blood cleanses the Children of Truth from all sin (1 John 1:7).

It says, that the death of the Man of Truth, brought deliverance from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) and the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15).  It say, that his death was necessary to make the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) to be in effect (Hebrews 9:15-17).

Since his death on the cross, accomplished all of these things, those who advocate a dead Jesus say, that the Man of Truth did not need to rise again.  So they argue, that a dead Jesus is the only Jesus that people need.

Even Pontius Pilate knew better than this.  He had no problem, giving the body of the Man of Truth to Joseph of Arimathaea, when he asked for it (Mark 15:43-45).  He knew that a dead Jesus was powerless to do anything.

A dead Jesus has no power to be the Lord of the Children of Truth, who are living on the Earth (Romans 14:9).   A dead Jesus has no power to be the head of the Children of Truth, because the Man of Truth had to be the first one to be resurrected from the dead, in order to be the head of the Children of Truth (Colossians 1:15-18).

A dead Jesus has no power to cause the Children of Truth to live a righteous life, because that power comes from the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Romans 5:10-21).  A dead Jesus has no power to cause the Children of Truth to live a life of obedience to the Father of Truth, because that power comes from the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Romans 6:3-11).

A dead Jesus has no power to make intercession for the Children of Truth (Romans 8:34).  A dead Jesus has no power to nail the sentence of death for their sins to his cross, so that they could live again with the Father of Truth (Colossians 2:12-14).  A dead Jesus has no power to help the Children of Truth, when they face temptation (Hebrews 2:16-18).  A dead Jesus no power to save the Children of Truth to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:22-25).  A dead Jesus has no power to be an advocate for the Children of Truth, if they sin (1 John 2:1).

A dead Jesus has no power to come back to the Earth for the Children of Truth from Heaven (1 Thessalonians 1:10).  A dead Jesus has no power to bring the Children of Truth who have died, back to life, so that they can come back to Earth with him (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).  A dead Jesus has no power to appear a second time to bring salvation (Hebrews 9:26-28).  A dead Jesus has no power to judge, both those who are alive, and those who have died, when he returns to the Earth (2 Timothy 4:1).  A dead Jesus has no power to return to rule over the Earth, and make the Children of Truth into priests and kings, to rule with him (Revelation 1:5-7).

A dead Jesus has no power to fulfill what was written in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) about the Messiah of Israel, because the Original Covenant said, that the Messiah of Israel would both die for the sins of others, and then rise from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

So it really does matter, whether or not the Man of Truth rose again.  A dead Jesus is a powerless Jesus.

Those religious professionals, who advocate a dead Jesus, may appear to be godly, but they deny the power of the Man of Truth, that comes from the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  The Children of Truth have been warned to turn away from such religious professionals, because they are rebels against the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:5-8).

These religious professionals have ignored the third act of the greatest play ever, the raising of the firstfruits, that plainly pictures the raising of the Man of Truth from the dead.  This is what the Apostles of Truth taught, when they said, that the hope of the resurrection of the Children of Truth is based on the Man of Truth being the firstfruits, of those who will be raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

The Renewed Covenant plainly says, that the Father of Truth rose the Man of Truth from the dead, as witnessed by the Apostles of Truth (Acts 3:13-15).  The resurrection of the Man of Truth from the dead, is basis of the authority of the Apostles of Truth, to declare that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel (Romans 1:3-5).  The Apostles of Truth are false witnesses against the Father of Truth, if the Man of Truth did not rise from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:15).  The entire Book of Truth is useless, if the Apostles of Truth have lied about the resurrection, because the faith of the Children of Truth, is built upon the witness of the Apostles of Truth, that the Man of Truth fulfilled, what was written about the Messiah of Israel in the Original Covenant (Ephesians 2:18-20).

Most of all it matters, that the Man of Truth rose from the dead, because no one can come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth the Lord of their life, unless they first believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Good News

What is the Gospel?

In any church, congregation, or synagogue, where the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) gather, they will talk about the Gospel. 

However, they are not really in complete agreement about what the Gospel is. 

For example, some call themselves "Full Gospel" believers, because they believe that the Gospel includes provision for physical healing, while other groups, believe that the Gospel, only includes provision for forgiveness of sin.  There are other variations of the Gospel preached by different groups as well, which becomes apparent, when you ask each group, to clarify exactly, what they mean by the expression, "the Gospel".  Some groups even talk about different types of Gospels, like a "Social Gospel", that focuses on taking care of the poor.

All of this disagreement over exactly what is the Gospel, is needless.  If people will only examine everything that the Book of Truth says about the Gospel, then it will become apparent, what the Gospel is.

The first thing to understand is the literal meaning of the word "Gospel".  The word Gospel simply means, "Good News". So the question becomes: "What is the Good News?"

It is very important to define the Good News, because the Father of Truth only hears the prayers of the righteous, and the Good News brings health to the body (Proverbs 15:29-30).  There is no way to know, how to fully carry out the Great Commission, without first knowing, exactly what the Good News is.

The Good News was first told by the Prophets of Truth.

They told that the Messiah of Israel would preach Good News, that would bring righteousness (Psalm 40:7-10).  [The Hebrew root word "Basar" that means "news", is translated as various words and phrases, to convey the idea of the Good News being told, in different passages.  The Hebrew root word translated as "salvation", in verses like this, is literally the name of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).]  They told that the Messiah of Israel, who could tell the end from the beginning, would preach the Good News in Jerusalem (Isaiah 41:26-28).  They told the Messiah of Israel would preach the Good News, to set free all who were in bondage (Isaiah 61:1).

They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would come as a Good Shepherd, to take care of the flock of Israel (Isaiah 40:9-11).  They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel, would not be believed by most of the people of Israel (Isaiah 53:1-3).

They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel would go throughout the Earth (1 Chronicles 16:22-24).  They told, that a great number of people would tell the Good News of the Messiah of Israel, that is found in the Word of Truth (Psalm 68:11).  They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel would be told to every Gentile nation, as well as the Jews (Psalm 96:1-3).

They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would bring salvation to all nations (Isaiah 52:7-10).  They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would bring peace, by destroying the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) (Nahum 1:13-15).

So the Good News was first announced by the Prophets of Truth, especially in the books of The Prophets.  They said, that The Messiah of Israel would be the first to preach the Good News.  So what was the Good News that the Man of Truth preached?

The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, centered around the kingdom (Matthew 4:23).  The Good News about the kingdom, that the Man of Truth preached, was confirmed with demonstrations of supernatural power (Matthew 9:35).  The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was about the kingdom that the Father of Truth would give him (Mark 1:14).  The Man of Truth preached, that people must come into the House of Truth, if they believe the Good News of the kingdom (Mark 1:15).

The Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth, is to be preached to every Gentile nation, as well as the Jews, before the events that will bring about his kingdom, can begin (Matthew 24:14).

So the Good News centers around the kingdom, that the Father of Truth will give the Man of Truth.  This is the same kingdom, that the Prophets of Truth said, that the Messiah of Israel would rule.  So the Good News is best understood, by considering what the Prophets of Truth said, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel.

The Messiah of Israel would be born to rule over an ever expanding kingdom of peace and justice from the land of Israel (Isaiah 9:6-8).

The Children of Truth would tell the Good News about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel to all people (Psalm 145:10-12).  

The Messiah of Israel would destroy the kingdom of the Man of Lies, and set up a kingdom, which will take over all of the kingdoms that came before it (Daniel 2:43-45).  The Children of Truth would be given positions in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, after the kingdom of the Man of Lies is destroyed (Daniel 7:18-22). 

The Messiah of Israel would rule over people of all nations in his kingdom, including those who would be raised from the dead (Psalm 22:27-29).  All kingdoms would submit to the Father of Truth, when the Messiah of Israel rules over his kingdom (Psalm 68:29-33).  The Children of Truth would rule over all nations on Earth, as part of the kingdom of Messiah of Israel (Daniel 7:25-27). 

The Father of Truth would cause David, to once again be king over the people of Israel, in the land of Israel, when the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel comes upon the Earth (Ezekiel 37:22-25).  Jerusalem would be the capital of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Micah 4:6-8). 

The Messiah of Israel would rule over his kingdom, by loving what is right, and hating everything that is evil (Psalm 45:6-7).  The kingdom of the Messiah of Truth would be prepared for those, who keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Psalm 103:17-19).  The Father of Truth would cause the people of Israel, to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth, when the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel comes upon the Earth (Ezekiel 37:21-24). 

The kingdom of the Messiah of Israel would never be destroyed (Daniel 7:13-14).

So the Good News centers around the Man of Truth, coming to set up an everlasting kingdom.

The Good News is based on the fact, that the Man of Truth is the Son of the Father of Truth (Mark 1:1).  The Good News that the Messiah of Israel has arrived, is what the angels preached to the shepherds, when the Man of Truth was born (Luke 2:8-11).

The Good News that the Messiah of Israel has come, was confirmed by the miracles, that the Man of Truth performed (Matthew 11:2-5).  The Man of Truth preached the Good News, to set free all who were in bondage (Luke 4:18).  The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is coming, was accompanied by healing the sick, and delivering people from Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) (Luke 9:1-6).

The Children of Truth are to preach the same Good News of the kingdom, that the Man of Truth preached, using the same means as the Man of Truth.

The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel will come, because the King has come, is what the original twelve Apostles of Truth, were taught to preach (Luke 8:1).  

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, tells about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth (Acts 10:36-43).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel was confirmed, by the Father of Truth raising the Man of Truth from the dead (Acts 13:32-35).  The resurrection of the Man of Truth verifies the Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that was promised by the Father of Truth, will include people from all nations (Romans 1:1-6).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, hinges on the death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:1-24).

The Good News that the King has come, so the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel can come, is to be confirmed by demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth, and the baptism of the Spirit of Truth, that causes people to speak in tongues (Mark 16:15-18).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is part of the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that the Children of Truth are to preach (Acts 8:12-25).  The demonstrations of power of the Spirit of Truth is part of the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that the Children of Truth are to preach (1 Thessalonians 1:5).

The Good News of the Messiah of Israel, that they are to preach, has not been believed by most of the people of Israel (Romans 10:16).  Still, they are tell the people of Israel, the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel has come as the Good Shepherd, to take care of the flock of Israel, by being the perfect sacrifice for their sins (Hebrews 10:7-14).

The baptism of Gentiles in the Spirit of Truth, the demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth among the Gentiles, and writings of the Prophets of Truth, all bear witness, that the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is also meant for the Gentiles (Acts 15:7-17).  These demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth are meant to accompany the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, where ever the Good News is preached to the Gentiles (Romans 15:18-20).

The Children of Truth are to tell the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, to all people (Mark 13:10).  The Good News, that the Children of Truth are to preach, is that the Messiah of Israel has brought salvation to all nations (Romans 10:13-15).  The Good News, that the Children of Truth are to preach, is that everyone who believes, will have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 1:12-14).

The Children of Truth will be guided by the Spirit of Truth, to those who are ready to hear the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Acts 16:6-10).  They are to tell the Good News, that the Father of Truth will reward everyone according to their deeds (Romans 2:6-16).  They are to tell the Good News, that the Man of Truth will rule over his kingdom, by loving what is right, and hating everything that is evil (Hebrews 1:8-9).

So the Good News revolves around the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel.  The death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth are proof, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel will surely come, because the King has come.  The Good News is, that people can have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, because of what the Man of Truth did, to bring about forgiveness for their sins.  The Good News, includes the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and speaking in tongues, to show that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is meant for all people.  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is confirmed, with demonstrations of power by the Spirit of Truth.

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is a message of repentance (Mark 6:12).  The Good News that they are to preach, is a message of forgiveness of sin, that comes from repentance, by those who put their trust in the Man of Truth (Acts 3:19-26).  The Good News that they are to preach, brings salvation to everyone, who believes it (Romans 1:16).

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is a testimony against everyone, who does not believe it (Matthew 10:14-18).  The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is coming, will always face opposition, from those who will not submit to the King (Acts 14:19-22).  The Good News is, that the Law of Truth will be used to condemn everyone, who rejects the rule of the King (1 Timothy 1:9-11).

The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is the sweet smell of life to those who believe it, but is the stench of death to those who reject it (2 Corinthians 2:12-16).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is a message of doom to those who reject it, but a message of salvation to those who believe it (Philippians 1:27-28).  The Good News is the promise of a place in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, to those who obey its demand of repentance, because they believe it, and the promise of everlasting punishment, to those who will not obey its demand of repentance, because they do not believe it (2 Thessalonians 1:4-10).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is only good news to those who repent, because they believe it (Hebrews 4:1-3).

So the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is only good news, for those who come into the House of Truth, when they take the deal that the Father of Truth offers. People must come into the House of Truth, by making the King of the kingdom, their king, because they believe the Good News, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Deal

What is the most important deal that anyone can ever take?

Two weeks ago, I had a long conversation with my mother, who we have always called, "Mom".  We discussed many things, but mostly, I talked to her about finally taking The Deal.  I had talked to her about taking The Deal before, but this time I was bolder than I had been in the past.  I had a sense, that it was time to lay all of the cards on the table, because my mother was finally ready to take The Deal.  Everything that had happened in the last year, was preparation for this moment.

About a year ago, Mom had a debilitating stroke.  After that, she would get better for a while, but then she would end up back in the hospital with another issue.  Over the last year, she had several strokes, kidney failure on her one remaining kidney, a devastating stomach virus, issues from her congenial heart failure, and a number of lung infections.  It has been a very rough year.

Mom had put me in charge of her legal, medical, and financial affairs, when the first stroke occurred.  My brother who lived near her, helped her out frequently in many other ways.  My younger brother also did what he could do, and was moving back to the USA from Germany, so he could move her in, so she could live with him, when she was able.  Still the burden of making the difficult decisions, was on my shoulders.

Over the course of this last year, my mother had several periods, where it seemed like, she was going into total dementia, but she recovered each time.  The worst case, when I thought that I might have her declared legally incompetent, turned out to be caused by the narcotic patch, that she had for pain.  Once I had that patch removed, her mind cleared up rather quickly, but not completely back to her pre-stroke state.

So I had to negotiate these episodes, in order to do what I could, to carry out her original instructions over the next year.  However, when I felt the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) prompting me to call her on that Sabbath (Saturday) two weeks ago, her mind was sharper than it had been at any time in the last year.  It had not been this sharp, since long before the first stroke had occurred.  It looked like, she was moving towards recovery, at least to the point that my brother could take her in, when he finished moving back from Germany.  Still I had a sense of urgency, that now was the time, to close The Deal with her.

So, we talked about many things.  After a while, she told me, that she was tired of fighting all of this sickness, and wanted me to stop asking the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to keep her on this Earth.  She knew, that I has hindering her from dying, in the same way, that my praying grandmothers had hindered me, from carrying out all of the evil desires of the monster within, before I came into the House of Truth.

So I starting laying all of the cards on the table.  I thanked Mom for telling me about the Father of Truth, taking me to church, and reading the Book of Truth (The Bible) to me, when I was young.  I let her know, that I knew, that she had suffered persecution from my father, for taking us to church, because he wanted us to go fishing with him on Sundays.  I thank her, for making sure, that I knew to come back home to the Father of Truth, after I went into a terrible dark place, after Grandpa (her dad) had died, when I was sixteen.  Then I went on to explain to her, that even though she had faithfully went to church each week, that it was not enough to save her.

Mom was also very supportive of my efforts in writing this blog.  She was among the first to join my Facebook page, and did everything that she could to show support.  She read some of my posts, even though she did not understand all of them.  She was proud of them, like a mother displaying the scribbled art of her child in kindergarten on her fridge.

I explained to her, that none of these things were going to save her.  I explained to her, that even reading the Book of Truth every day, was not enough to save her.  I told her, that she had to take The Deal, that the Father of Truth offers, to be saved.

So I began explaining The Deal, that the Father of Truth offers, to her.  I explained, that the Man of Truth said, that those who love him, obey him (John 14:21).

I explained, it was like how I have never smoked, drank alcohol, taken drugs, or gambled, because I had promised this to Grandpa, when I was young.  I explained, that I did not obey Grandpa out of fear, but rather out of love.  I reminded her, that Grandpa had no power to do anything to me, if I broke that promise.  I told her, that only my love for Grandpa, was strong enough to cause me to obey Grandpa.

I told her, that it was the same way with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). I made it clear, that our obedience to the Man of Truth, is the proof of our love for him.  I then pointed out, that she had not been obedient to the Man of Truth.  She admitted, that this was true.

I told her, that she could not be in the kingdom of the Man of Truth, unless she first made the Man of Truth, her king.  I told her that there was no salvation without repentance, and there was no repentance without total surrender to the Man of Truth.  I told her, that it was not enough, just to believe that the Man of Truth rose from the dead, but she had to make a commitment to be obedient to the Man of Truth.  I told her, that those who make this commitment, are the ones who will be saved.  I told her that this is The Deal, that the Father of Truth offers, and that she needed to take The Deal.

I also promised her, if she took The Deal, then I would know, that she would be safe, and I would quit hindering her from dying.  She told me, that she would think about it, and the call ended.

I tried to go see her on Sunday, but I was hindered from so doing so, because of what I needed to do to take care of my daughter in the hospital.  In fact, I was so worn out from dealing with everything, that I ended up, not even being able to call Mom on that day.  So I went to bed very late at night, intending to call her, as soon as I could the next morning, to see if she had finally taken The Deal.

Then on Monday morning, I was awakened from my sleep, and told that Mom had another stroke.  Over the next three days, I was told conflicting reports by the people who visited her, and the nurses that attended her.  Her doctor told me, that I had to make a decision, about whether to put her under great distress, by taking heroic measures, in the hopes that we might extend her life for a little while longer, or to put her in hospice, where she would be given comfort medications, until she died peacefully.

During those three days, I sought after the Father of Truth for wisdom, because what I would decide, was based on what she had decided.  I needed to know, whether or not, Mom had taken The Deal.

I had hoped, that a total stranger would come up to me, and tell me something like, "The Lord told me to tell you such-and-such about your mother".  This kind of thing has happened to me several times before, but it did not happen this time.

Then on Wednesday night, I got a call from the hospital, saying that Mom would not going to live more than another 24 hours.  So, I took unscheduled PTO, and made the three hour drive to visit her.

When I got there, Mom was trying to remove her oxygen masks from her face.  She looked very frightened and confused.  I asked the nurse, if Mom was confused from the morphine, but the nurse told me, that Mom did not have any medication like that left in her system.  Her reaction was from general disorientation and discomfort.

However, when I held the hand of Mom, her looks of confusion and fear, slowly melted into peace.  I began to pray for her, quietly producing the sound of power, but this time things were different.

In the past, the Spirit of Truth would witness to me, that my prayers in tongues, were for her to recover, because she was not ready to leave this Earth.  This time however, there was no sense, that I was engaged in a struggle with the forces of darkness, to keep her on this Earth.  Instead, the Spirit of Truth was witnessing to my spirit, that Mom was safe, because she had taken The Deal.  The Spirit of Truth was witnessing to my spirit, that she was a Child of Truth, in the same way, that the Spirit of Truth witnesses to my spirit, that I am a Child of Truth (Romans 8:16).

When the doctor arrived, he explained to me what her conditions was, and what my options were.

She was paralyzed on the right side of her body, including her face.  She was on 100% oxygen through a machine that forced her to breath, and this was the last step that could be taken to help with her breathing, considering what was in the living will that she had written.  She might have a good chance of recovering from the stroke, if it were not for her other health issues.  If she did recover, it would be a long and painful process, but it was unlikely that she would ever recover.

One option, was to go ahead and put her on hospice.  He told me, that they would give her comfort medications that would put her to sleep, and then they would remove the mask.  Since she was on 100% oxygen, then she would die within minutes, after they removed the mask.

The second option, was to transfer Mom to a long-term care facility, where they could continue to take heroic efforts, to bring her into recovery.  However he did not think, that Mom would live until my brother arrived on his vacation, in two months, in any case.

Basically, the doctor was telling me, that the only way that Mom was going to make a full recovery, was if the Father of Truth performed a miracle.  Fortunately, I knew the Man of Truth, who did miracles.  He had stood between death and my daughter on three separate occasions, when medical science said, that she could not live.

Finally, he told me, that I could have a few days to discuss the options with the rest of the family, before deciding.

I had promised Mom, that I would stop hindering her from dying, by praying for her to remain on this Earth, if she took The Deal.  So I discussed it with her, even though, the medical personnel had told me, that she could not understand me.  I was counting on the Spirit of Truth to communicate to her spirit, what her body might not be able to process.

I reminded her, that dying was no big deal, for those who took The Deal.  I reminded her, that for the Children of Truth, dying is like waking up from a dream, but this life is the dream.  I reminded her, that the moment she takes her last breath, would be the moment she becomes alive.  I reminded her, that the moment that she leaves her body, would be the moment that she would be with the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:8).

As I talked to her, she did twice, what I had understood to be impossible for her to do, due to the paralysis of the right side of her face.  She smiled at me.  Once again, I was given evidence, that Mom had taken The Deal.

Still, even though Mom had taken The Deal, and I knew that she would be better off dead, it still did not seem like, it was quite time for her to leave this Earth.  For one thing, I wanted my brother in Germany to be able to say good bye to her, if at all possible.  So I told her, that I was going to try to get my brother over from Germany, if she was willing to stay on this Earth for a few more days.  When I left to go home, she was sleeping peacefully for the first time in several days.

I called my brother in Germany, and updated him about the situation.  He did not want her to suffer needlessly, but still he looked into, what it would take to get him over to the USA, to tell her goodbye.

By Friday night, it became clear that it would be an extreme hardship on my brother and his family, for him to come over to the USA, to say good bye to Mom.  Shortly after we decided, that he could not come over, we got a call saying, that the CO (carbon monoxide) levels in the blood stream of Mom, had risen to 36%, and she had fallen into an unresponsive state.

Her CO levels continued to rise, so that when I returned to the hospital on Sunday, she was completely unresponsive to everything.  Her heart was beating about 20 beats a minute, and her blood oxygen levels were very low.  My brother, who lived nearby, was there as well this time.  I called my brother in Germany, and someone held the phone to her ear, while he told her good-bye.  My daughter who had been in the hospital, also told her good-bye over the phone.  After everyone at the hospital had told her good-bye, then her blood oxygen levels dropped to zero.  So I gave the nurse permission, to take off the mask, when she asked.  I had no fears for Mom, because I knew that she had taken The Deal.

Mom soon drifted peacefully out of this world, and went to be home with the Man of Truth.

After this, another Child of Truth that I know, told me, that the Spirit of Truth had told them, that Mom was home with the Man of Truth.  I now had a third witness, that Mom had taken The Deal.

During the last six days, I have tried to be sad about Mom dying, but it has just been so hard to overcome the joy that I feel, now that I know, Mom took The Deal.  How can I be sad, when I know that Mom will never have another bad day, ever?  How can I be sad, when I know that my best days with Mom, are in front of me, and not behind me?

People have told me, that they are sorry for my loss, but all I can see is my gain.  Mom was part of my temporary family that I had with my brothers, but now she is part of my forever family that I have with the Man of Truth.  The closest I have come to crying, was when I spoke about Mom taking The Deal, at her funeral. Even then, those would have been tears of joy.

This joy that I have, the world did not give it, and the world cannot take it away.

This joy is not meant for me alone.  I am not anyone special, and by no means am I deserving of this joy.  I could not have this joy, if I had not first taken The Deal, that brought me into the House of Truth.

The Spirit of Truth comes to live in anyone, who takes The Deal (Romans 8:9).  This joy comes from the Spirit of Truth (Galatians 5:22). 

Anyone comes into the House of Truth, by taking The Deal that the Father of Truth offers, can experience this joy.  Even the thief that died with the Man of Truth, only got into the kingdom of the Man of Truth, because he took The Deal, by making the Man of Truth his king (Luke 23:42-43).  The Deal that Father of Truth offers, so people can come into the House of Truth, is this:  If you will commit to obeying the Man of Truth in everything, because you believe, that He raised the Man of Truth from the dead, then you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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