Saturday, March 30, 2013

Four Busy Days

Have you ever wondered what went on between the time when the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) died and when he appeared to his Apostles after his resurrection?

When was the Man of Truth dead anyways?

The Man of Truth said that he would be in the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40).  The Man of Truth was dead before sunset on the day of preparation when the Passover lambs were slain for the high Sabbath of the first day of the Feast of Unleavened bread when the Passover meal was to be eaten (Mark 15:42-44).  When Mary Magdalene arrived before sunrise on the first day of the week (Sunday) she found that the Man of Truth had already rose from the dead (John 20:1-2). 

So the Man of Truth was dead all of three nights (Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night) and all of three days (Thursday day, Friday day, Saturday day) as he had said.  He actually died on Wednesday shortly before sunset and rose again on Sunday sometime after the three AM change of the Roman guards and before Mary Magdalene arrived which was before sunrise.  

So why do people celebrate Good Friday if the Man of Truth died on Wednesday?

Good Friday was a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with the actual death of the Man of Truth.  The lie that the Man of Truth died on a Friday was made to fit a pagan calendar that came from Babylonian sun god worship.  This lie was easy to perpetrate on people that did not understand the meaning of the word "Sabbath".  Sabbath means "Ceasing", not "seventh", and any day that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) commands that people cease from their normal activity to carryout His activity is called the Sabbath regardless of which day of the week it occurs on.  It was not the regular weekly Sabbath that started on Friday night when the Man of Truth had to be buried before it started but it was instead the high Sabbath (the First day of the Feast of Unleavened bread started on Wednesday night that year) that started on the evening after the Preparation day when the Passover lamb was killed. 

This lie that the Man of Truth died on a Friday like all lies ultimately came from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) (John 8:44).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) should want nothing that belongs to the Father of Lies in their lives so they can be like the Man of Truth (John 14:30).  The Father of Truth desires that the Children of Truth walk in the truth (3 John 1:4)

What happened to the body of the Man of Truth during these three days?

Notice that his body was in a grave near the surface of the Earth while he was in the heart of the Earth (Matthew 27:58-60).  The women came to the tomb at the beginning of the fourth day after the death of the Man of Truth so they could perfume the body of the Man of Truth before decay set in (Luke 24:1).  Decay does not set in until the fourth day after death in the dry climate around Jerusalem (John 11:38-39).  The body of the Son of Man did not experience any decay because he was resurrected (Acts 2:31).

What did the Man of Truth do while he was in the heart of the Earth?

When Abraham was told to burn Isaac, who was a picture to the Man of Truth, after slaying him on a platform of wood (Genesis 22:8-10).  In like manner the sin sacrifice, which was a picture of the Man of Truth, was to be burned with fire after it was slain (Exodus 29:16-18).  The Lowest Hell is a place where the Father of Truth pours out the fire of His wrath upon those that under His curse (Deuteronomy 32:22).  The Man of Truth was also burned in the Lowest Hell before he was delivered (Psalm 86:13).  Hell is down from every point on the surface of the Earth because it is in the heart of the Earth (Ezekiel 31:17).  The Father of Truth casts all into the Lowest Hell that are under His curse (Luke 12:5).  The Lowest Hell is where the rich man suffered when he looked up to see Abraham (Luke 16:22-24).  Shaul (Saul aka Paul) was willing to suffer in Hell under the curse of the Father of Truth in the place of Israel and it is not possible that Shaul loved Israel more than the Man of Truth loved the entire human race (Romans 9:2-4).   The Man of Truth was under the curse of the Father of Truth in our place because he had been hung on a tree (Galatians 3:13).  The Man of Truth went to the Lowest Hell before he ascended (Ephesians 4:9). This is how far the Man of Truth was willing to go because of his love for you.

The Man of Truth was not just a tourist in Hell - he was there on a mission.  All that time the Man of Truth trusted that the Father of Truth would not leave him in Hell (Psalm 16:10).  The Man of Truth came to Hell to end the captivity of the Children of Truth in the Upper Hell so that the Father of Truth might dwell among them (Psalm 68:18). While the Man of Truth was in the Lowest Hell he could see the righteous in the Upper Hell where the Children of Truth waited (Luke 16:25-26).  This is the paradise where the repentant thief went to after he died (Luke 23:41-43). While the Man of Truth was in the Lowest Hell he preached to the spirits of the Angels of Lies that were destroyed before the flood of Noah (1 Peter 3:19-20). The Man of Truth then preached the Gospel to those that had died and were in the Upper Hell so that they could believe the Gospel (1 Peter 4:6).

Once the work of the Man of Truth in Hell was over, the Father of Truth called him home to finish the job of saving the human race.  The Father of Truth released the Man of Truth from Hell when He raised him from the dead (Acts 2:24-27).  When the Man of Truth left Hell he took those that had been held captive in the Upper Hell with him (Ephesians 4:8).   The Man of Truth took the keys of death and Hell with him when he left Hell (Revelation 1:18).

When did the Man of Truth appear to the Apostles?

The Man of Truth did not show himself to his Apostles until the fourth day was ending (Sunday evening) (John 20:19).

What did the Man of Truth do between when he rose before sunrise of the fourth day (Sunday morning) and when he showed himself to his Apostles (Sunday evening)?

The Man of Truth waited for his Apostles to leave the tomb (John 20:10).  Then the Man of Truth revealed that he had been resurrected to Mary Magdalene shortly after sunrise when the gardeners showed up (John 20:14-16).  The Man of Truth would not let Mary touch him because he had to ascend to where his father was to finish the job of saving the human race (John 20:17). The Man of Truth had to ascend to the Highest Heaven just as he had descended to the Lowest Hell so he could fill all things (Ephesians 4:10).  When he ascended into the Highest Heaven he entered the Holy Place to pour out his own blood to complete our redemption from sin (Hebrews 9:11-12). The Tabernacle and the two Temples had only been copies on Earth to mirror the real Temple in Heaven where the blood of the Man of Truth would permanently remove sin instead of only temporarily covering sin up (Hebrews 9:23-26). Every burnt offering from Abel forward was only a demonstration on Earth of the offering that the Man of Truth would make complete in Heaven (Hebrews 12:22-24).

Was this resurrection of the Man of Truth a one time event or is there more to come?

The Father of Truth made sure that everyone understood that the Man of Truth had freed the Children of Truth from death.  The Father of Truth resurrected some of the Children of Truth that had been buried in Jerusalem after he had resurrected the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:52-53).  These were probably ones that had died recently like Lazarus and the repentant thief since David, who had died about a thousand years earlier, was not resurrected (Acts 2:29).  All of the Children of Truth will be raised from the dead so that death will be completely swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54-55).  Since the Man of Truth was resurrected all the Children of Truth go to Heaven to be with the Man of Truth when they die instead of being held captive in the Upper Hell (2 Corinthians 5:8).  The Man of Truth had died to destroy the power of the Father of Lies to hold people captive by the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15).  The Man of Truth was only the firstborn of those that will be resurrected from the dead (Colossians 1:18).  One day, all the Children of Truth that have died will also be resurrected right before those Children of Truth that are still alive are given an incorruptible body without first dying (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).  Finally, those that Children of Truth that come into the House of Truth afterwards will be resurrected right before the Man of Truth begins his reign over the Earth as the last phase of the first resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6).

Sadly, there is another resurrection for those that do come into the House of Truth and remain there (Daniel 12:2).  This resurrection is for those that neglect to come into the House of Truth after all that the Man of Truth has done to save them (Hebrews 2:2-4).  This resurrection is for those that remained Children of Lies so that they can spend eternity with the Father of Lies because they would not come into the House of Truth (Revelation 20:10-15).

Which resurrection will you have?

You can have the first resurrection if you will come into the House of Truth by giving the Man of Truth control over every aspect of your life because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-11).  You can have the better resurrection if you will refuse to leave the House of Truth under any circumstances (Hebrews 11:35-36).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Have you been passed over?

When is good to be passed over?

Have you ever worked hard to get a promotion only for it to be given to someone else?  Have you ever pursued a job that went to someone else?  Have you ever been the last one picked in school for a team?  Have you ever not made the team?

Have you been passed over?

Is being passed over always a bad thing?  In the Nazi death camps, sometimes the prisoners would be lined up and a Nazi officer go down the line to call prisoners out of the line.  Sometimes they would pass over one prisoner and call out the prisoners on each side of that prisoner.  The prisoners that had been called out were then executed.  The prisoners may not have known it that day but they had all been marked for death but some were passed over.  It was good to have been passed over.

Have you been passed over?

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) was with the enemies of those that oppressed the Jews and ultimately Germany paid a high price for their mistreatment of the Jews.  Their water, their food supplies, their health, and their wealth were destroyed by those that the Father of Truth had raised up against Germany.  Germany lost twenty million people in WWII.  Germany lost one third of its population just as they had killed one in three Jews in the countries involved in the war.  Much of this death occurred through the carpet bombing of cities by the US Air Force.  The US Air Force had marked ever city in Germany for death but some were passed over.  It was good to have been passed over.

Have you been passed over?

In like manner, the Book of Truth (The Bible) tells of a time when people in Egypt were marked for death but some were passed over.  Like Germany those in Egypt were also jealous of the blessing of the Father of Truth that was on the Jews (Exodus 1:9).  Those in Egypt also held the Jews against their will and forced them into hard labor (Exodus 1:10-11).

The Father of Truth brought deliverance to the Jews in Egypt just as he had done in Germany.  The Father of Truth polluted the water of those that oppressed the Jews (Exodus 7:19-21).  The Father of Truth destroyed the food supplies of those that oppressed the Jews (Exodus 9:3-7).  The Father of Truth destroyed the health of those that oppressed the Jews (Exodus 9:8-11).  The Father of Truth destroyed the wealth of those that oppressed the Jews (Exodus 11:2-3).  The Father of Truth marked for death the firstborn of everyone in Egypt (Exodus 11:4-6).  The Father of Truth killed all that were marked for death (Exodus 12:29-30).

However, the Father of Truth made a way for those that had been marked for death to be passed over.

A lamb was to live among the Jews so that it would be familiar to them and then slain by them (Exodus 12:3-6).  They were to place the blood of the lamb on the door frame of their house (Exodus 12:7).  They were to eat the flesh of the lamb so they could be passed over  (Exodus 12:8-10).  They were to be ready to leave Egypt at any moment (Exodus 12:11)  The Father of Truth, not some Angel of Death, would pass over anyone that had been marked for death but was in the house that had been marked by the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:12-13).  It was good to have been passed over.

Have you been passed over?

This opportunity to be passed over was first announced to the Jews but was available to anyone that would obey the instructions.  Those Gentiles that had feared the Father of Truth had escaped destruction before (Exodus 9:18-21).  The Jews that had been marked for death could only be saved by remaining in the house that had been marked by the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:21-23).  Those Gentiles from many nations that had been marked for death but had heeded the warning of the Father of Truth were also passed over and left Egypt with the Jews (Exodus 12:37-39).  The Father of Truth had made no difference between the Jews that obeyed Him and the Gentiles that obeyed Him for He passed over all that obeyed Him.  It was good to have been passed over.

Have you been passed over?

All those that had came from those who were passed over were to celebrate being passed over forever as if they were personally being passed over (Exodus 12:14).   There was to be no leaven in their houses when they celebrated (Exodus 12:15-20).  Only those Jews that had been circumcised could celebrate being passed over (Exodus 12:43-45).  Only those that were in the house could partake of the lamb that caused them to be passed over and none of its bones could be broken (Exodus 12:46).  All that were circumcised were to celebrate being passed over (Exodus 12:47).  Any Gentile that wanted to celebrate being passed over had to be joined to the nation of Israel by being circumcised (Exodus 12:48).  There was no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles that wanted to celebrate being passed over (Exodus 12:49).  It was good to have been passed over.

Have you been passed over?

The truth is that we have all been marked for death because of our disobedience to the Father of Truth (Romans 5:12).  All that have been marked for death will be killed by the Father of Truth (Revelation 21:8).

However, the Father of Truth has made a way for those that have been marked for death to be passed over.  The Father of Truth sent a lamb, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), so we could be passed over (John 1:29).

The Man of Truth lived among the Jewish people so that he was familiar to them (Matthew 13:54-56).  The Man of Truth was slain by those that were familiar with him (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15).  Those Jews that believed the Man of Truth would be like those that ate the flesh of the lamb so they could be passed over (John 6:57-63).   Those that are passed over are to be ready to leave the Earth at any moment (Matthew 24:42-44). The Father of Truth, not the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil), will pass over those that had been marked for death but have came into the House of Truth that is marked by the blood of the lamb (John 3:36).  It is good to be passed over.

Have you been passed over?

This opportunity to be passed over was first announced to the Jews but it is available to anyone that will obey the instructions (Acts 26:20).  Those Gentiles that had feared the Father of Truth had escaped destruction before (Joshua 2:18-19).  The Jews that have been marked for death can only be saved by remaining in the house that had been marked by the blood of the lamb (Acts 4:10-12). Those Gentiles from many nations that had been marked for death but heed the warning of the Father of Truth will also be saved (Acts 11:17-18).  The Father of Truth had made no difference between the Jews that obey Him and the Gentiles that obey Him for He passes over all that obeyed Him (Romans 3:29-30).  It is good to be passed over.

Have you been passed over?

Those that have been passed over are to celebrate forever (Luke 22:15-20).  There is to be no leaven, that is to say sin, in the house of our lives (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  Only those Jews that had been circumcised in their heart can celebrate being passed over (Romans 2:28-29).  Only those in the House of Truth can partake of the Man of Truth that causes them to be passed over (John 15:4-6).  The Man of Truth is the lamb whose bones were not broken (John 19:33-36).  All that are circumcised in their heart are to celebrate being passed over (1 Corinthians 11:23-25).  Anyone that wants to celebrate being passed over has to be joined to Israel by having their heart circumcised (Ephesians 2:11-13).  There was no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles that want to celebrate being passed over (Romans 10:12-13).  It is good to be passed over.

Have you been passed over?

If not, then you can experience the true passover that the one in Egypt was only a shadow of (Hebrews 10:1).  You need to come into the House of Truth, rather you are a Jew or a Gentile, to be passed over by submitting yourself to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Luck Of The Irish

What is better than the luck of the Irish?

When I was in middle school, one of my classmates wore a green tee-shirt with the words, "Erin Go Braugh", emblazoned under a four leaf clover on Saint Patrick's day.  I asked him what, "Erin Go Braugh" meant, and he told me "Go with the luck of the Irish".  I did not know any Gaelic at the time so I took his word for it.  (Actually, it literally means "Irish until Doomsday".)

"Go with the luck of the Irish" seems to be a rather ironic statement considering the history of Ireland in general.  It turns out that "Go with the luck of the Irish" is an American expression that came about during the California gold rush when a disproportional amount of Irish prospectors found gold.  Most Americans did not like Irish people at the time and contributed any success that Irish people had to luck rather than hard work and ingenuity.  Of course, that has long changed now that many Americans of every color have Irish ancestry somewhere in the mix.  After all, America is the great melting pot.

The Irish came to America from Ireland but where did they come to Ireland from?  Most of the Irish, along with the Scots and Welsh came from an ethnic group known as the Celts.  The Celts first invaded the British Isles and Ireland from the main land of Europe around 500 BC.  There were obviously other people there before the Celts but the Celts came to dominate the entire area to the point of the culture of the original natives disappearing completely.  They were apparently assimilated into the the Celtic culture through intermarriage since modern day DNA shows that many people in Ireland share a non-Celtic ancestry with people in the Basque region.   Nonetheless, the people of Ireland, Scotland, Welsh and certain minorities in England today identify themselves as being Celtic.  There is Celtic music, Celtic literature, and efforts to keep Celtic languages from going extinct.  Of course, the granddaddy of all things Celtic is Celtic Christianity which gave the Celtic people the tools like writing to preserve all things Celtic and generally brought peace between the historically warring Celtic clans.

Where did Celtic Christianity come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Saint Patrick was not Irish and he was not Catholic.  He was not even named Patrick until he began his work in northern Ireland. His birth name was "Patricius".  He was captured by pirates and sold as a slave in Ulster in northern Ireland at age sixteen where he became a shepherd.  He spent six years in slavery during which time he learned the language and culture of northern Ireland.  He then escaped using a plan that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) showed him in a dream and went back home to the southern most part of present day Scotland that had been controlled by the Romans for a brief time.  He was actually of Roman and British ancestry.   He later had a dream where a man from Ulster (northern most part of Ireland where he had been enslaved) begged him to bring Christianity to the people of Ulster.  He returned to Ulster after completing his education that had been disrupted by his slavery.  

He then explained Christianity using everyday objects to the people of Ulster leading to the many of the ideas of Celtic Christianity.  For example, the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was explained as being like a wild goose because like the wind people did not know where they came from or where they were going.  Also the relationship between the Father of Truth, the Man of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) and the Spirit of Truth was explained as being like a three leaf clover that had three parts but one substance.  This is the most important symbol of Celtic Christianity that is the basis for the Celtic cross that is usually on Irish gravestones.  Patrick remained working among the Irish of Ulster and Connacht in northern Ireland until his death during which time he taught them how to read and write.  This was very important because the Bible as well as extensive Celtic literature was preserved in Ireland during the great chaos that ensued in mainland Europe with the fall of the Roman Empire.   Within one hundred years, the Celtic animism of northern Ireland had been totally replaced by Celtic Christianity.  Patrick was declared to be the patron Saint of Ireland by the Catholic church years after his death even though he was not even Catholic.  Even to this day, most of northern Ireland is not Catholic.  There is no more truth to idea that Saint Patrick brought Catholicism to Ireland than there is to catching a leprechaun will get you a pot of gold.

If Saint Patrick was not the first to bring faith in the Man of Truth to Ireland, then who was?

About the same time that Patrick went to northern Ireland, Pope Celestine I sent Palladius to Munster and Leinster in southern Ireland prevent the Catholics that were already there from falling into a heresy known as Pelagianism.  In fact, Catholicism had made its way into southern Ireland by the time of Ciaran the Elder who was the first bishop of Ossory in southern Ireland.  The Irish born Ciaran the Elder died before Saint Patrick was born.  However, even he was not even close to being the first in Ireland to tell people about the Man of Truth for there were already believers there when he arrived along with enough Catholics in Ossory to warrant a bishop to oversee them.  Faith in the Man of Truth had brought to Ireland by other Celts from the mainland of Europe by perhaps 200 AD or even earlier.

Where did these Celtic merchants and sailors get their faith in the Man of Truth that they shared?

The Book of Truth (aka The Bible) tells that story.  That story begins with who the Celts were in the first place and where they came from.  The Jewish historian Josephus, who was born a few years after the Man of Truth was crucified, tells us that the Celts were a subgroup of the Galatians that settled in a land called Cilicia (pronounced "Kel-ik-ee-ah" in New Testament Greek).  The Galatians were called Galatians by the Greeks because their skin color.  The Greek word translated as Galatian literally means "milk white skin".   Josephus says that the people that Greeks called Galatians were called the descendants of Gomer by the Jews.  The Jews had kept track of these things because they were entrusted with the Word of God (Romans 3:1-2).  Gomer was the son of Japheth who was the son of Noah (Genesis 10:1-2).   
Irish oral tradition, which was written down after Saint Patrick introduced formal writing of history, says that the Celts came from Riphath the son of Gomer which would make them related to the the people of Finland among others (Genesis 10:3).  

However, according to Josephus and other ancient writers, the Gauls and the Gaels were originally the same people group when they moved into Turkey from northern Middle East.  They were still able to speak to each other at that time.  It is possible that the Gaels arrived after the Gauls, causing there languages and genetics to diverge to some degree.  The Gaels later became known as Celts.

The linguist and genetic evidence shows that the Irish were not related to the descendants of Riphath, except for a possible connection between the maternal lines of some Irish and Finnish people.
Whatever the case, their history was inexplicably tied to Ashkenaz, whom the Germans came from, who was also a son of Gomer (Genesis 10:3).   The Galatians were called the Hurrians by the people of the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea where they migrated from. They were still in this area when Jeremiah the Prophet of Truth wrote around 600 BC that they would help the Medes destroy Babylon  (Jeremiah 51:27-29).

They were soon pushed out of their homeland by Turkish tribes and settled in Cilicia.  In Cilicia they had many encounters with the Greeks including the Ionians that greatly influenced them.  This is why the sacred isle of the Celts that is in the middle of the Irish Sea is named Iona.  The main group, then migrated north to central Anatolia to the area that was called Galatia.  Within a hundred years time, the majority of them migrated out from Galatia to western Europe.   They had spread throughout Europe from Switzerland to Spain to France, which the Romans called Gaul because it was occupied by the Galatians.  They had also migrated to Germany and even to the British Isles and Ireland.

These Celtic people were noted as worshiping animals, trees and the like without idols until the Romans influenced them to worship idols.  They sacrificed their children to the Spirits of Lies (demons aka devils aka unclean spirits aka gods), particularly by burning alive in a wicker man, until Julius Caesar stopped their practices through a great war which was similar to what Israel had done until Nebuchadnezzar stopped their practices through a great war (Psalm 106:37).   They worshiped in sacred groves of oaks on high hills similar to the idolatry that Israel had committed (Ezekiel 6:13).  They truly worshiped the creation instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25).  They committed all kinds of terrible acts because their ancestors had not retained the knowledge of the Father of Truth (Romans 1:28-31).  Like all Gentiles they were lost without hope (Ephesians 2:11-12).

It has been noted that the luck of the Irish seems to be mostly bad luck.  In fact, some have went so far as to say that it seems as if the Father of Truth hates the Irish considering all the bad things that have happened to them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The Father of Truth had all nations, including the Irish, in mind when He promised to bless all nations through the Seed of Abraham because Abraham had not withheld his son of promise from Him (Genesis 22:16-18).  The Father of Truth was preparing the Man of Truth for the salvation of all Gentiles, including the Irish, when they had forgotten Him just like the Jews (Isaiah 49:6). The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth to save the Irish as well as the Jews in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:3-4).

The language called Gallic by the Romans was called Celtic by those that spoke it.  It was testified by the historian Saint Jerome as still being spoken from Switzerland to Spain to France to Germany as well as Briton and Galatia by the fourth century AD although it would fade completely out of use everywhere except the British Isles, Brittany and Ireland within one hundred years.  There were plenty of speakers of Gaelic, the language of the Celts, when the Man of Truth was crucified and then resurrected.  The Father of Truth was now ready to put His plan to save the Irish into action.

First the Father of Truth sent his best man, Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) to bring the Gospel to Tarsus - the capital of the land of the Celts (Acts 9:30). Then the Father of Truth let it be known the door of salvation was open to the Gentiles (Acts 11:18).  Paul the Jew continued to work among the Celts of Tarsus until Barnabas came for him (Acts 11:25).  The Celts of Cilicia were among the first to assured that they did not have to become Jews through circumcision to be saved (Acts 15:23).  The Celts of Cilicia were the first Gentiles that Paul the Jew strengthened before he ever went on a single mission (Acts 15:41).  Then Paul the Jew went to Iconium, the major city of the Celts of southern Galatia, on his first mission trip (Acts 13:51).  Paul the Jew strengthen many of the Celts of Iconium to stand up under persecution on his way back home from his first mission trip (Acts 14:21-22).  The closest associate of Paul the Jew was well known to the Celts of Iconium (Acts 16:1-2).  Paul the Jew again strengthened the Celts of southern Galatia on his second mission trip (Acts 16:6).  Paul the Jew even strengthened the Celts of southern Galatia on his third mission trip (Acts 18:23).  Paul the Jew received an offering from the Celts of southern Galatia to help the poor, persecuted Jews of Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 16:1).   Paul the Jew even wrote an epistle to help the Celts of southern Galatia not be taken in by false doctrine (Galatians 1:2).  Paul the Jew even sent Crescens, a Celt from Galatia that he had trained, to keep the Celts of  southern Galatia on the right path when he knew that he was facing certain execution (2 Timothy 4:10).  The Father of Truth even sent Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon) to bring the Gospel to the Celts of northern Galatia (1 Peter 1:1).

Paul the Jew was a man of Tarsus, the capital of the land of the Celts, that understood how to reach the Celts (Acts 9:11).  Paul the Jew was a Jew of Tarsus that knew how to bridge the gap between the Jews and the Celts (Acts 21:39).  Paul the Jew was born and raised in Tarsus until he went to Jerusalem for his education at the feet of the greatest Biblical teacher of his day (Acts 22:3).  The Father of Truth had been preparing this Jewish man named Paul the Jew his whole life to take the Gospel to the Gentiles, particularly the Celts (Galatians 1:14-16).   The Irish were first brought the Gospel from those that could trace their faith back to the efforts of Paul the Jew.

The Father of Truth spent more attention on bringing the Gospel to the Celts early on than any other people group except the Jews.  The reason is obvious looking back through history.  The Celts of Cilicia and Galatia brought the Gospel to other Celts via their common language and culture until the Gospel spread all across western Europe until it finally reached Ireland by no later than 200 AD.  It has been primary people that descended from Gomer, including the English and most white Americans, that have brought the Gospel to almost everywhere else.

Those Celts that do not accept the message of the Man of Truth will one day be destroyed when they join others against Israel (Ezekiel 38:5-7).   All who come into the House of Truth by believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead and submitting to the Man of Truth, Irish or otherwise, will be saved (Romans 10:9).  So instead of saying "Go with the luck of the Irish" it would be better to "Go with the Blessing of Abraham" by being counted as his seed (Galatians 3:29). 

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Crooked Furrow

How can you do what is right all of the time?

When I moved out to the Ozarks in Arkansas my grandpa still had a patch of about 10 acres where he would grow corn and potatoes to sell.   Not far from the patch he had a small pen in the corner where he kept his mules to plow that patch of land.  The jack was named "Samson" and the ginny was named "Delilah".  Even though my uncle had bought a tractor for working most of the farm, my grandpa still liked to plow his little patch with his mules as he had done since he was young.  He kept this up until Sampson and Delilah were too old for the work.  Only then did he finally relent and allow my uncle to plow that patch for him using the tractor.

Perhaps you have seen someone plow a field using a plow and mules, at least on TV or in the movies.  You have probably at least seen a plowed field of some sort in a book at school.  Have you ever noticed how the field is plowed in a pattern and how straight the furrows (trenches created by the plow) are?  When a field is plowed it is very important to keep the furrows straight to obtain the maximum harvest that the field can yield.  The trouble when plowing with mules is that they can have a mind of their own and easily get distracted causing them to turn to the left or to the right.  Even with a well trained pair of mules like Sampson and Delilah you have to keep looking ahead to be sure that your furrow is straight and be diligent to make adjustments.  Otherwise you can end up with a crooked furrow.

Of course, sometimes a new mule will decide that it wants to go where it wants to go despite the best efforts of the farmer to guide it.  If the farmers pulls hard on the reigns to straighten the new mule out then it will stiffen its neck.  When this happens the farmer has to stop plowing and either entice the mule to turn the right way or beat the mule on the wrong side of the head to get it to turn the right way.  The mule must learn to follow leading of the farmer or the farmer will end up with crooked furrows.  If a mule cannot learn to follow the leading of the farmer then the mule has lost its value to the farmer because the farmer cannot afford to have any crooked furrows.  A mule that would only make a crooked furrow ended up as glue.  An ox that would only make a crooked furrow ended up on the barbeque.

It is not that much different with us.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wants us to keep our furrows straight so that He can obtain the maximum harvest that the field of our lives can yield.

How can we avoid plowing a crooked furrow?

We will not plow a crooked furrow if we never turn to the right or left.

We must not turn to the left or the right of doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Deuteronomy 5:32).  We must read what is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible) daily to avoid turning to the left or the right of doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Deuteronomy 17:19-20).  We must speak what the Father of Truth said in the Book of Truth in every circumstance to avoid turning to the left or the right of doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Joshua 1:7).  We keep from turning to the left or right right of doing what the Father of Truth has commanded so that we will remain separate from those who do not love the Father of Truth and so we do not imitate them (Joshua 23:6-7).

How do we keep from being distracted into turning to the right or left of doing what the Father of Truth has commanded?

We will speak what the Father of Truth said in the Book of Truth in every circumstance if we are meditating [literally in Hebrew "muttering to ourselves"] what is written in the Book of Truth day and night (Joshua 1:8).  We will remain separate from those who do not know the Father of Truth when we meditate on the Law of the the Father of Truth that is written in the Book of Truth so that our field will produce the crop that the Father of Truth desires (Psalm 1:1-3).  We find comfort and peace in our sleep when we meditate upon the Father of Truth (Psalm 63:5-7).  We remember how great and powerful is the Father of Truth when we meditate upon what the Father of Truth has done (Psalm 77:11-13).  We attend to the ways of the Father of Truth and remember the Word of Truth when we meditate upon the commandments of the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:14-16).  We can stand up against those in authority that seek to turn us to the left or right from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when we meditate upon the commandments of the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:22-24).  We are full of hope when we meditate upon the commandments of the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:47-49).  We find shelter from those that deal perversely with us when we meditate upon the commandments of the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:77-79).  We never give up hope for a better tomorrow when we meditate upon the Word of Truth (Psalm 119:147-149).  Circumstances can never cause us to quit seeking after the Father of Truth when we meditate upon what the Father of Truth has already done for us (Psalm 143:3-6).  We can save both ourselves and those that will listen to us when we meditate upon everything that the Father of Truth has given us (Timothy 4:14-16).

What distracts us to turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded?

People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when the religious professionals that they relied on to keep them from turning aside are not immediately available (Deuteronomy 9:10-12).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they follow lies (Psalm 40:4).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they are entertained by those that have turned aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Psalm 101:3-4).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they do not want religious professionals to tell them that they need to do what the Father of Truth has commanded (Isaiah 30:9-11).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they refuse to let go of the lies that they have clung to for comfort, even to save their life (Isaiah 44:20).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they follow religious professionals that pervert the message that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) brought (Galatians 1:6-8).  People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when they listen to the empty words of religious professionals that do not understand what the Father of Truth has commanded (1 Timothy 1:5-7). 

People stiffen their neck like a mule or ox that will only plow a crooked furrow because they will not accept correction. Those that stiffen their neck are rebellious against the Father of Truth even when the religious professionals try to help them (Deuteronomy 31:27).  Those that stiffen their neck will not listen to religious professionals that tell them to do what the Father of Truth has commanded but only listen to religious professionals that tell them to be like those who do not love the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 36:12-14).  Those that stiffen their neck are full of pride (Psalm 75:5).  Those that stiffen their neck refuse to hear or heed the religious professionals who tell them do what the Father of Truth has commanded (Jeremiah 17:23).  Those that stiffen their neck have not submitted to the Man of Truth nor obeyed the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses so that they can plow a straight furrow (Acts 7:51-53).

People turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded and stiffen their neck because their flesh will not let them do what the Father of Truth has commanded (Romans 7:5).  There is no desire to do what is good in their flesh but only to do what is wrong (Romans 7:18-19).  That nasty flesh has surrounded their hearts to produce only that which is evil (Galatians 5:19-21).  As long as their heats are surrounded by nasty flesh they can only plow a crooked furrow.

What happens when we turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded?

Rulers take brides and pervert justice when they turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (1 Samuel 8:2-4). People deal unfaithfully with everyone and shoot straight with no one when they turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Psalm 78:56-57).  When people turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded they are following the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) (1 Timothy 5:15).

Those that insist on turning aside shall be lead away with the other Children of Lies (Psalm 125:5).  Like a stiff necked mule those that will only plow a crooked furrow they shall be destroyed (Proverbs 29:1).  Since they despise the commandments of the Father of Truth and refuse to do them then like a worthless vessel they shall be ground into powder (Isaiah 30:12-14).

Perhaps if you look at your life so far you will see that you have been far from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded.  Perhaps you realize that you have been being entertained by those that have turned aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded. Perhaps you realize that the religious leaders that you have chosen to listen to do not tell you that you need to be doing what the Father of Truth has commanded.  Perhaps there are lies that you have refused to let go because it would be uncomfortable to do so.  Perhaps you can see that you have been plowing a crooked furrow.

You may have even became stiff necked.  You may have refused to listen to anyone that has tried to get you to do what the Father of Truth has commanded.  You may have insisted on going your own way no matter how disastrous things have turned out.  You may be able to see that you are need to change but you are too proud to admit it to anyone.  Perhaps you can see that you have been plowing a crooked furrow.

Is there any hope for you if you have plowed a crooked furrow?

Yes there is, for your life is not over yet.  You are no different than anyone else.

The Prophet of Truth knew that people would turn aside from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded and bring His judgment upon them as soon as the religious professionals who kept them in line were not around (Deuteronomy 31:29).  The Father of Truth knows that everyone has turned aside doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Psalm 14:2-4).  The Book of Truth says that that everyone has turned aside doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Romans 3:10-12).

The Father of Truth will accept you if you leave off plowing a crooked furrow and start plowing a straight furrow from now on (1 Samuel 12:20-22).  David plowed a straight furrow with only one crooked place in forty years time (1 Kings 15:4-5).  Jehoshaphat plowed a straight furrow for twenty five years despite not being able to prevent others from doing wickedly (1 Kings 22:42-43).  Josiah plowed a straight furrow without a single defect from when he was eight years old until the day he died (2 Kings 22:1-2).

You can have that nasty flesh that has surrounded your heart to make you stiff necked removed when you come into the House of Truth (Deuteronomy 10:16).  The Father of Truth will perform the surgery (Deuteronomy 30:6).  Those that have this surgery will not be destroyed no matter how crooked the furrow they plowed before the surgery (Jeremiah 4:4).  Those that have this surgery have been made into what the Father of Truth always desired (Romans 2:28-29). 

You will start plowing a straight furrow when you  come into the House of Truth to follow the Man of Truth wholeheartedly without ever looking back (Luke 9:61-62).  When you are working the field with the Man of Truth then you will find the burden of obedience to be light because the Man of Truth is strong enough to carry the weight (Matthew 11:29-30).  It is religious professionals that weigh people down with rules and traditions that are not from the Father of Truth (Matthew 23:4).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have put to death the the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:24).  The Children of Truth do not find the commandments of the Father of Truth to be too heavy to bear because they have confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action (1 John 5:2-4).

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will guide you to make every adjustment necessary to plow a straight furrow when you come into the House of Truth (John 16:13).  The Spirit of Truth leads the Children of Truth so that they do not turn to the right or left from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Romans 8:13-15).  The Children of Truth do not turn to the turn to left or right from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded when the Spirit of Truth leads them because they are under the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Galatians 5:18).  The Spirit of Truth produces in them the things that come from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded (Galatians 5:22-23).  The Children of Truth do not turn to the turn to left or right from doing what the Father of Truth has commanded because the Spirit of Truth writes the commandments of the Father of Truth in their hearts and minds (Hebrews 10:16).  The Spirit of Truth writes in the hearts and minds of the Children of Truth the very same commandments that the Father of Truth wrote in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Jeremiah 31:33).

You plow a straight furrow when you come into the House of Truth and stay there.  Come into the House of Truth by submitting to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead so that you will no longer plow a crooked furrow (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sleeping in Galveston

What causes people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

In 1900,  the deadliest storm in US history hit Galveston, Texas, killing as many as 12,000 people when a fifteen foot high storm surge ran over Galveston Island - whose high point was less than nine feet above sea level.  This high death toll was despite four days notice that the storm was coming from meteorologists in Cuba, and the efforts of two meteorologists who personally walked the beaches of Galveston, warning people to get off the island.  Practically no one paid any attention to the warnings, and the majority of people in Galveston died when the storm surge hit.

Why did all of these people die when they had been warned of the disaster?  Why did all of these people die when the opportunity of salvation was available to each and everyone of them?  Why could these people not see the eminent danger and flee for their lives?  What caused these people to be sleeping in Galveston?

Galveston at the time was the Las Vegas of the Gulf Coast.  Many people were too busy giving themselves over to wine and debauchery to let something like a hurricane shut down their party.  Other people believed the reports of the official government experts, who purposely did not let the full size of the storm be known, because they did not want to be blamed for causing a panic.  Still others were so wrapped up in the affairs of day to day life, that they really paid no attention to anything else, including the warnings of their imminent demise.  Finally, there were religious professionals, who assured the people that a good and loving God, would never use the weather to bring judgment on a place for its wickedness.  For these reasons, even though the people had eyes. they could not see and even though they had ears, they could not hear.  The warnings might as well been given to them while while they were in a deep sleep, for they could not understand the warnings nor act on them.  They were sleeping in Galveston.

What causes people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

The truth is the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) does use the weather to bring judgement on people for their wickedness.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells of the greatest weather disaster in the history of mankind.  In this disaster, almost everyone on Earth died, which could have easily been a quarter of a billion (250,000,000) people.  These people that died were not that much different those who had been sleeping in Galveston.

These people had not four days, but nine hundred and sixty nine years of warning.  Enoch, the first Prophet of Truth in history, had named his son Methuselah as a warning since his name means "when he dies it (the flood) will come" (Genesis 5:21-22).  The Father of Truth gave people nine hundred and sixty nine years to repent to avoid judgment (Genesis 5:21-22).  The Father of Truth warned the next Prophet of Truth that the disaster was coming soon, and what to do to be saved (Genesis 6:13-17).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) acted on the warning to be saved from the disaster (Genesis 6:18-22).  When Methuselah died, the door of salvation were still open for a week, to anyone who would heed the warning (Genesis 7:7-10).  However, once the judgment began, the door of salvation was shut (Genesis 7:11-16).  During that entire time, the Prophet of Truth, Noah, preached that people should live righteously to avoid the judgment that would come upon them (2 Peter 2:5).  Those people did not heed the warning, because they were like those who had been sleeping in Galveston.

What caused these people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

These people had been living wickedly and did not want their party shut down (Genesis 6:5). The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that these people were so caught up in the day to day affairs of life that they paid no attention to the warnings of their imminent demise (Matthew 24:38).  Since they were asleep to what the Father of Truth was doing every single one of them drowned like those who were sleeping in Galveston (Luke 17:27).

In like manner, the nation of Israel had also fell asleep to what the Father of Truth was doing on account of their wickedness.  They were first warned by Moses, the great Prophet of Truth, that the Father of Truth would use a fierce nation to destroy them if they left the way of righteousness, about a thousand years before it came to pass (Deuteronomy 28:47-51).  Then they were warned over and over again by many Prophets of Truth until the disaster came (2 Kings 24:2).  They were even given the opportunity to avoid dying, until the day the judgment began (Jeremiah 38:17-18).  Finally, almost all of them were taken away, when the judgment came (Jeremiah 44:6).  Those people did not heed the warning, because they were like those that had been sleeping in Galveston.

What caused these people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

When they started taking credit for their prosperity, instead of remembering that they had been prospered by the hand of the Father of Truth, so that His covenant could be established on the Earth (Deuteronomy 8:17-18).  They would not give ear to the Prophets of Truth, when they were warned (2 Chronicles 24:19). They abused the Prophets of Truth, when they were warned (2 Chronicles 36:15-17).  They instead listened to the religious professionals, the Prophets of Lies, that told them what they could continue in sin, and be spared judgment from the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 28:10-16).  They sought after their own pleasure seven days a week, instead of seeking after the pleasure of the Father of Truth for the entire Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13).

They had eyes, but they would not see their need for the Father of Truth, nor hear His warnings, despite all that He had done for them (Deuteronomy 29:3-5).  They had ears, but they would not heed the warnings, like those on the beaches of Galveston (Jeremiah 5:20-22).  Since they refused to see what the Father of Truth was doing, and hear what the Prophets of Truth were saying, the Father of Truth gave their government and religious professionals over to a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka god aka unclean spirit), which caused them to be asleep to the warnings, as if they were badly drunk (Isaiah 29:9-10).  Their educated professionals could not know the truth, because the truth was sealed off from everyone, who had rejected what the Father of Truth said (Isaiah 29:11).  The rest could know not the truth, because they relied on their educated professionals to tell them the truth, instead of finding out for themselves (Isaiah 29:12).  These people went thru the religions motions, taught by these Teachers of Lies, in order to keep the commandments of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 29:13).  These people believed that their religious activities exempted them from the judgment of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 29:15-16). These people became a rebellious house, that refused to see the danger, or hear the warning, no matter what the Father of Truth did, or who He sent to warn them. (Ezekiel 12:2)  The Spirits of Lies had lead them to believe, that a good and loving God would never bring judgment on anyone that called themselves His children, no matter how wickedly they lived.  The Spirits of Lies lead them to be like those sleeping in Galveston.

Again, the nation of Judaea fell asleep to what the Father of Truth was doing, due to their wickedness.  They had been told by Moses, the great Prophet of Truth, that the Father of Truth would send another greater Prophet of Truth like him, who they must listen to (Deuteronomy 18:15).  The greater Prophet of Truth would only speak, what the Father of Truth said (Deuteronomy 18:18).  Anyone that did not listen to this greater Prophet of Truth, would come under the judgment of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:19).  This greater Prophet would be called HaMashiach (The Messiah [literally "The Anointed One"]) (Daniel 9:25).  This greater Prophet of Truth would die, for the sins of Israel (Daniel 9:25).

This judgment of the Father of Truth for not listening this greater Prophet of Truth, would be like the judgment that had came upon the nation of Israel, the first time when it did not listen to the great Prophet of Truth, Moses, but it would be greater in every way.  Their land would be made utterly desolate (Leviticus 26:32).  They would be forced to live among the Gentiles (Leviticus 26:33).  They would always live as a minority among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy 4:26-27).   They would be scattered to the ends of the Earth and forced to worship idols (Deuteronomy 28:64).  They would have no long term safety, or peace, but would instead live in constant fear of persecution (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).  They would not be welcome anywhere - even a slaves (Deuteronomy 28:68).  The Father of Truth would scatter them, so that none of the Gentiles could take credit, for the judgment of rejecting His Word (Deuteronomy 32:25-27).

All of this judgment has surely came upon the Jewish people, starting about two thousand years ago.  When Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD ,it was noted by those that came there afterwards, that they could hardly believe that a city had ever stood there, or that anything had ever lived around it.  When Mark Twain went there in 1867 AD, he reported that on his journey to Jerusalem from Haifa, that he did not see so much as a goat for three or four days.  The land was truly made desolate for almost 1800 years, instead of only 70 years, as it was in the first judgment.  The Jews did not have a nation of their own, from when they were thrust out of the land of Judea (which the Romans renamed Palestine after the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, to add insult to injury) in 135 AD, until 1948 AD.  During this time they lived among every Gentile nation, and always as a minority.  They were literally scattered to the ends of the Earth.  (I once met a Jew that had grew up in Rapa Iti which is the furthest inhabitable place on Earth from Jerusalem.)  They were often force to worship idols by the False Church of Rome, as Marranos, Conversos and the like. (Renaming an idol "Jesus" or "Mary" does not make it no longer an idol.)  They suffered terrible persecution, like the crusades, the pogroms and the Holocaust, every where they lived.  They have been denied entry into many countries over the years, including when F.D. Roosevelt refused the offer of Hitler for their transfer from Europe to the US, before the Holocaust, and when he blocked the St. Louis from coming to the US to save Jewish women and children from the ovens of Hitler.  The Jews were without their own country for almost 1800 years, instead of only 70 years, as it was in the first judgment.  There is no natural explanation for such treatment of people, who have almost always been beneficial to the country that was hosting them.  This has been the judgment of the Father of Truth for not listening to the Word of Truth concerning that greater Prophet of Truth that the great Prophet of Truth, Moses, said would come.

The Father of Truth sent that greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, in power, like the great Prophet of Truth Moses (John 5:36).  This greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, only spoke what the Father of Truth said (John 12:50). It is only by listening to this greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, that they could be saved from the judgment of the Father of Truth (Acts 4:12).  This greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, is called HaMashiach (The Messiah) but is more commonly called the Christ [literally "The Anointed One"] (John 1:41).  This greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, died for the sins of Israel (Acts 2:36).

What caused these people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

This greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, warned them of the coming disaster, and told them how to escape it (Luke 21:20-24).  However, for the most part, Israel did not accept this greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, that the Father of Truth raised up in their midst (John 1:11).  This greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, was mistreated like the other Prophets of Truth (Acts 7:52).

The religious professionals rejected this greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, because he would not submit to their religious system (Matthew 15:2).  These religious professionals had made the commandments of the Father of Truth null and void, thru their traditions (Matthew 15:3-6).  These Teachers of Lies went thru the religions motions, that they taught in order to keep the commandments of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 29:13).   These religious professionals enslaved people with religion, while making a show of their religious observance (Matthew 23:4-6).  These religious professionals sought a title, that meant that everyone must listen to them, like the greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, that the great Prophet of Truth, Moses, had said would come (Matthew 23:7-8).  The Man of Truth said, that these these religious professionals were blind guides, who did not know what was the most important things (Matthew 23:23-24). These religious professionals went about to establish their own righteousness thru their religious acts, instead submitting to the righteous of the Father of Truth, which was listening to the greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, whom the great Prophet of Truth, Moses, had said that they must listen to (Romans 10:2-4).

The people of Judaea relied on these religious professionals to show them how to keep the Law, that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Matthew 23:2).  It was because of this reliance on the religious professionals, instead of the Word of Truth, that they could not see that the Man of Truth was the greater Prophet of Truth, who had been promised by Moses, the great Prophet of Truth (Matthew 13:14-16).  It was because of this reliance on the religious professionals, instead of the Word of Truth, that they would not listen to the greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, whom Moses the great Prophet of Truth, had said that they must listen to (John 12:39-41).  Since they turned their eyes from the great miracles that the greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, had done to show that he was the one sent by the Father of Truth. and they stopped up their ears so that they could not hear the greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, then the Father of Truth gave them over to a Spirit of Lies, which made them as unaware of the danger as those that were in a deep sleep (Romans 11:7-8).  They were like those that were sleeping in Galveston.

How about you?  Do you understand the times we live in?  Or have you been given over to a Spirit of Lies that lulls you to sleep so that you do not recognize the danger?  Are you like those that were sleeping in Galveston?

You need to understand your times so that you can know what your country should do (1 Chronicles 12:32).  You need to be able to discern the signs of the times that we live in as easily as you can discern the signs of the weather (Matthew 16:3).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will guide you into all truth if you will listen to the truth (John 16:13). The Book of Truth will tell you of the judgment that will happen very quickly to those that refuse to see or hear the truth and how to escape it (Revelation 1:1).

This judgment will be so bad that if the Father of Truth did not stop it before it ran its full course then nothing would be left alive on planet Earth (Matthew 24:21-22).  This judgment will not be upon only one group of people like the judgments on Israel but upon the whole Earth like the flood. but the Father of Truth has provided a means of escape like always (Luke 21:35).  This judgment will also have a king of fierce countenance, the Man of Lies (Antichrist aka The Beast) that will bring terrible destruction similar to the judgments against Israel (Daniel 8:23-24).  This judgment will bring worst wars on the Earth than any that have already happened (Revelation 6:2-8).  This judgment will bring terror from the skies similar to the flood (Revelation 16:21).

Just as the death of Methuselah was a sign that the judgment of the flood would soon come we have been given a sure sign that the judgment of God will soon come upon the Earth.  The Father of Truth promised to the Jews back to the land that He gave them before the judgment comes (Deuteronomy 30:3-5).  The Father of Truth promised to use the Gentiles to accomplish this (Isaiah 49:22).  The Father of Truth promised to make Israel a nation once again in a single day (Isaiah 66:8).  The Father of Truth promised to bring the children of Israel back to the Land of Israel just as He would always have sanctuaries for them in their Diaspora (Ezekiel 11:15-17). The Father of Truth shall do this so the Gentiles will know that He alone is God (Ezekiel 28:24-26).   The Father of Truth promised to bring the Hebrew language back from the dead (Zephaniah 3:9).

The Father of Truth has brought the Jews to the land that He gave them. The Father of Truth has used Gentiles that have became Children of Truth, like Sir Isaac Newton, to bring the Children of Israel back to the Land of Israel.  The Jews declared their nationhood, fought their war, formed their government and the nation of Israel was recognized as a nation by the United Nation all in one day, May 14, 1948 as the Father of Truth had promised.  The Jews have come back from every nation on Earth just as there were always nations of refuge for them to run to during their entire Diaspora.  The Gentiles that do not know if there is a God, or who the one true God is, only need a map of the Middle East to answer that question.  Hebrew is the official language of Israel and has more than seven million speakers despite being as dead as Latin until it was revived about one hundred years ago. 

The Father of Truth has provided a means of escape from this soon coming judgement which is to come into the House of Truth  (Luke 21:36).  Those that are asleep to what the Father of Truth is doing and fight against this work of the Father of Truth will find themselves fighting against the Father of Truth just like those religious professionals that fought against the Children of Truth because they were asleep to what the Father of Truth was doing (Acts 5:38-39).  They are like those that were sleeping in Galveston.

What is causing people to be sleeping in the face of danger?

They are too concerned about accumulating wealth to stay in the House of Truth (Matthew 13:22).  They have let their desires for other things like sports to keep them doing what it takes to stay in the House of Truth (Mark 4:19).  They are too caught up in the day to day affairs of life to pay attention to the warnings of their imminent demise (Luke 21:34).  They are too entangled in the issues of this life to be in the fight against the World of Darkness (2 Timothy 2:4). 

It is not too late for you if you have been like those sleeping in Galveston.  The Spirit of Truth can take the scales come off of your eyes that have been keeping you from seeing (Acts 9:17-18).  Today is the time for you to wake up (Romans 13:11)!  The Man of Truth is ready to help you to see yourself as you really are so that you will not be over taken by disaster like those that were sleeping in Galveston (Revelation 3:17-19).

It is later than most people think. Time is short. It is way too late for business as usual.  If you do not wake up then you will not escape the danger.  Please heed the warnings and take refuge so that you do not become like those that were sleeping in Galveston.  Come into the House of Truth by surrendering your life and your rights to that greater Prophet of Truth, the Man of Truth, who you must listen to because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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