Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Simplicity Of The Gospel

What is required to be saved?

If you look at the doctrine of different denominations and congregations, to determine what is required to be saved, you can end up with radically different sets of requirements.

On the one extreme, you will find groups that basically say, "Just believe in Jesus, and when you die, you will go to Heaven.".  According to them, all you need to do to be saved, is admit that you are not perfect, which you are going to admit unless you are a total egotistical jerk, and then ask the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to forgive you for not being perfect, usually by repeating some prayer to that effect.   Now that you have said the magic words, you are free to go about living your life however you see fit, because you now have bought your fire insurance.  Nothing else is required, although your donations to their group usually called "tithes and offerings" will get you some extra points with the Father of Truth.

On the other extreme, you will find groups that have all kinds of requirements, which they say are necessary to be saved.

These requirements vary from group to group.  Some say, that you must to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to be saved. Some say, that you must not be baptized in the Spirit of Truth to be saved.  Some say, that you must be circumcised to be saved.  Some say, that you must not be circumcised to be saved.  Some say, that you must wear this to be saved.  Some say, that you must not wear that to be saved.  Some say, that you must do this or that with your hair, and facial hair for men, to be saved.  Some say, that you must not eat certain things to be saved.  Some say, that you must keep certain holidays to be saved.  Some say, that you must not keep certain holidays to be saved.  Some say, that you must keep every single commandment of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to be saved.  Some say, that you must not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth to be saved.

In fact, you can find groups that have requirements about everything imaginable in order to be saved.

Needless to say, all of these different sets of requirements to be saved, creates a lot of confusion.  Especially, since these sets of requirements from different groups, often contradict each other.  It makes it seem that it is so complicated to be saved, that no one can actually have any assurance that they are saved.

Yet, the Book of Truth says, that being saved is simple, but people have corrupted the simplicity of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:3).  In fact, people can corrupt the simplicity of the Gospel so much, that they end up preaching another gospel, based on another Jesus that was given by another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4).

It should be obvious that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) should be careful to not end up preaching another Gospel, that is based on another Jesus and that was given by another spirit.  This does not happen overnight usually, but by adding, or taking away, one requirement at a time.  It has not happen due to outsiders, but it has happened due to insiders as part of  the hidden danger.  This is how the simplicity of the Gospel got corrupted.

So how can the Children of Truth be sure that they are not corrupting the simplicity of the Gospel?

This starts by looking at what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says, is the simplicity of the Gospel.  The simplicity of the Gospel is easier to understand, when you understand exactly what is the Good News, which is called the Gospel.  When you understand what is a Christian, according to the Book of Truth that also helps.  Just by understanding, what the Book of Truth says about these two things, you will eliminate a lot of wrong answers.

However, it is even simpler than that.  Something that is simple should be able to be defined in a one sentence definition.  The Book of Truth gives a one sentence definition of what is required to be saved.  That is how simple the requirements to be saved really are.

What is that one sentence definition of what is required to be saved?

Being saved is as simple as making a commitment to obey the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Being saved is as simple as taking The Deal.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

So the simplicity of the Gospel is committing to obey the Man of Truth, because you have faith in the Father of Truth.  A commitment of obedience that comes from faith is the only requirement to be saved.

Faith begins with believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead.  No one can make a commitment to obey a dead Jesus.

The faith to do anything in the name of the Man of Truth comes from believing the report that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Acts 3:15-16).  Faith in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) rests on believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, as He had promised in the Original Covenant (Acts 13:29-37).

Faith that brings about the forgiveness of sins depends upon believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Acts 13:38-41).  Faith that brings about repentance is based on the assurance that the Man of Truth will judge everyone, who comes from believing that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).

Faith that brings righteousness depends upon believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 4:22-25).  Faith that brings freedom from sin depends upon believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 6:7-11).

Faith that is not worthless depends upon believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:11-17).  Faith to persevere through persecution comes from believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (2 Corinthians 1:8-10).

Faith in the power of the Father of Truth comes from believing that He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-21).  Faith to turn to the Father of Truth comes from believing that He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (1 Thessalonians 1:7-10).  Faith to obey the Man of Truth comes from believing that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (1 Peter 1:21-22).

Faith is confidence that leads to action.

Saving faith is, confidence in what the Father of Truth has said, that leads to acts of obedience (James 2:14-16).   Faith, that does not produce acts of obedience is not really faith at all (James 2:17).  Faith cannot exist without producing acts of obedience (James 2:18).  Even the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) believe that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, but tremble, because it does cause them to produce acts of obedience (James 2:19).

It was acting in obedience that made Abraham (Abram) become the father of faith (James 2:21-23).  No one can be justified by faith, if it does not produce acts of obedience (James 2:24-26).

It is not enough to be saved to just call the Man of Truth, "Lord", but people must obey him as their Lord to be saved.

The Man of Truth cannot be their Lord in name only, for they must do the will of the Father of Truth to be saved (Matthew 7:21).  The Children of Truth are those who obey the Father of Truth, because they love Him (1 John 5:1-3).

The Man of Truth cannot be their Lord unless they do their best to obey him (Luke 6:46).  It is those, who hear what the Man of Truth commands, and then who obey him that are saved (Luke 6:47-48).  Those who hear what the Man of Truth commands, and then do not obey him will perish (Luke 6:49).

Obedience to the Man of Truth has always been required to be saved.

Moses (Moishe) was the first one to speak about the need to obey the Man of Truth to be saved (Luke 24:26-27).  He said, that people must hear and obey the Prophet of Truth like unto himself, who the Father of Truth would raise up (Acts 3:22).  He said, that whoever did not hear and obey the Man of Truth, whom he spoke about would be destroyed from among the congregation of the Children of Truth (Acts 3:23).

Obedience to the Man of Truth is the proof of love for the Man of Truth (John 14:15).   No one can experience the love of the Father of Truth, or come to really know the Man of Truth, without obeying the Man of Truth (John 14:21).  No one can live in the love of the Man of Truth and experience the joy that he gives, without obeying him (John 15:9-11).

So the simplicity of the Gospel is not admitting, that you are not perfect, and then saying the magic words, to be saved.  The simplicity of the Gospel is making a commitment to obey the Man of Truth, because you have faith that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead to be saved.

This does not mean, that making this commitment to obey the Man of Truth is going to cause people to somehow instantly know everything that he commands, and know how to fully carry out those commandments.  The process of learning everything that he commands, and how to fully carry out those commandments can take a lifetime.  People are not saved by perfect obedience, but rather by a commitment to do their best to obey the Man of Truth, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead.

For example, the thief on the cross made a commitment to obey the Man of Truth, when he called the Man of Truth, "Lord", and demonstrated that he believed that the Father of Truth would raise the Man of Truth from the dead, when he asked, to have a place in the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Luke 23:42).  Since the thief on the cross did these two things, the Man of Truth said, that he was saved (Luke 23:43).

The thief on the cross had no opportunity to learn everything that the Man of Truth commanded, and how to fully carry out those commandments.  The thief on the cross was saved without learning everything that the Man of Truth commanded, and how to fully carry out those commandments.  He was certainly not saved by perfect obedience to those commandments.  He was saved, because he met the requirement of a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.

That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

However, if someone is committed to obeying the Man of Truth, then they will start doing what they can, to learn what he commands, and how to fully carry out those commandments.  They will grow in knowledge of how to keep his commandments.  They are not growing in knowledge of how to keep his commandments to be saved, but because they are saved.  They are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.

The commandments of the Man of Truth are all about, how to fully carry out the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).  He did come to do away with any of those commandments, but to teach people how to fully carry out those commandments (Matthew 5:17-19).

The Man of Truth taught that keeping the traditions of the Rabbis, which came from the Pharisees, was not the way to fully carry out those commandments (Matthew 5:20).  That is because, Rabbinic distort keeps people from fully carrying out those commandments.

The commandments of the Law of Truth are holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12).  However, people are not holy, just, and good on their own (Romans 7:15-18).   So they cannot obey the commandments of the Law of Truth, no matter how hard they try (Romans 7:21-23).

People must have the Spirit of the Law to be obedient.  Therefore the Man of Truth taught that people must be born again through the Spirit of Truth (John 3:5-7).  The Law of Truth is from the Spirit of Truth, but people are not born with the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14).  People must have the help of the Spirit of Truth to obey the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 8:2-4).  They simply are unable to fully carry out the commandments of the Law of Truth, without the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:5-7).  So everyone who comes into the House of Truth is given the Spirit of Truth, so they can fully carry out the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 8:8-10).

So those, who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith will receive the better circumcision.  The circumcision that causes people to keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth is the one that matters (Romans 2:25-27).  This circumcision is not of the flesh by people, but of the heart by the Father of Truth (Romans 2:28-29).  This circumcision of the heart will cause them, to desire to keep His commandments and give them the ability to do so (Philippians 2:13).  This circumcision of the heart makes them complete in the Man of Truth, and there is nothing else that they need to do to be saved (Colossians 2:10-13).

When the commandments of the Law of Truth are written on their hearts, then it becomes natural for people to obey those commandments.  So people do not learn how to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth to be saved, but because they are saved.  They are saved, by meeting the requirement of a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

However, they do not learn every commandment of the Law of Truth at once, and they do not start obeying every commandment of the Law of Truth at once.  The Man of Truth plainly taught, that some of the commandments of the Law of Truth were more important than others, that must be obeyed first (Matthew 23:23).  People must learn to obey the weightier matters of the Law, before they learn to obey the lessor matters of the Law.

For example, the Spirit of Truth got rid of the monster within that threw me into homicidal fits of rage, before dealing with my bacon obsession by convincing me that it matters what I eat.

The Man of Truth taught, that people only needed to carry out two commandments - to love the Father of Truth and to love people (Matthew 22:36-39).  He said, that the rest of the commandments of the Law of Truth, are just the details of how to carry out those two commandments (Matthew 22:40).

The Man of Truth taught that these commandments can only be fully carried out, by those who have a heart that loves people (Matthew 5:21-47).  He taught that this is the only way to fully carry out these commandments in the way that the Father of Truth intended (Matthew 5:48).  Those who love people will carry out the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 13:8-10).

So those who are saved will keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth that define showing love to the Father of Truth and other people.

Since they are committed to obeying the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, then they will no longer break those commandments (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  They will keep those commandments, by following the Spirit of Truth, instead of by living under the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18).  Those who break those righteous commandments will not have a part in the kingdom of the Man of Truth, because they have not made him their king (Galatians 5:19-21).  The Spirit of Truth will change the heart of those who have made the Man of Truth their king, so that they no longer desire to break those commandments (Galatians 5:22-24).

So people do not keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth that define showing love to the Father of Truth and other people to get saved, but because they are saved.  They are saved by meeting the requirement of a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

So the Children of Truth are not set free from the Law of Truth, when they are saved, but rather are set free from everything hinders them, from showing love to other people by obeying its commandments (Galatians 5:13-14).

Yet, the Children of Truth do not have to keep every commandment of the Law of Truth to be saved.

Relying on their ability to do so to be righteous, instead having confidence in the Man of Truth to save them, is not how the Spirit of Truth came to live in them (Galatians 3:1-3).  The Children of Truth were made righteous, because they had faith, in what the Father of Truth had promised (Galatians 3:6-9).  None of them can be saved by keeping every commandment of the Law of Truth, because none of them have perfectly kept every commandment for their entire life (Galatians 3:10).  The Children of Truth are saved, because the Man of Truth, the only one whoever kept every commandment for his entire life, paid their penalty for not doing so (Galatians 3:11-13).  The Spirit of Truth, who gives them the ability to keep every commandment of the Law of Truth came to live in them, because they had faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 3:14).

People, who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith are still saved, even if they are not celebrating the right holidays.

People are not saved, by celebrating the Festival of Lights.  People are not saved, by celebrating the Feasts of Truth that form the greatest play ever.  People are not saved by waving the leavened bread.  People are not saved by saying, "Happy Firstfruits!", instead of "Happy Easter".  People are not saved by using the right holiday to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  People are not saved by playing with broken toys.

People who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith are still saved, even if they are not observing the Sabbath.

People are not saved by giving the Father of Truth one a day a week.  People are not saved by knowing who changed the Sabbath.  

People who make a commitment of obedience, that comes from faith are still saved, even if they do not attend to the lessor matters of the Law of Truth.

People are not saved by knowing what's for dinner.  People are not saved by being circumcised, even though it is a cut above the rest.  People are not saved by wearing cloaks, aprons or handkerchiefs.  People are not saved by what is on their head.

No one can be saved by the works of the Law of Truth that are defined by these lessor matters of the Law of Truth (Galatians 2:16).  If no one can be saved by keeping the works of the Law of Truth, then no one is required to keep those commandments of the Law of Truth to be saved.  People are saved, by making a commitment to obey the Man of Truth that comes from faith in the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:14-17).  They are saved by meeting the requirement of a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

People who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith, are still saved even if they are celebrating the wrong holidays.

People are not saved by being like the Mensch who killed Christmas.  People are not saved by avoiding holidays like Ash Wednesday.  People are not saved by escaping the Christmas trap.

People who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith are still saved, even if they are wrong about a lot of things.

People are not saved by knowing when the Man of Truth was born.  People are not saved by knowing the language of the Renewed Covenant.  People are not saved by knowing what Saint Patrick really taught.

People who make a commitment of obedience that comes from faith are still saved, even if they are not baptized in the Spirit of Truth.

People are not saved by producing the sound of power.

While knowing the truth about all of these things, and putting them into practice can bring great blessings, those blessings do not include salvation.  The greatest blessing, that comes from knowing the truth about these things, and putting them into practice, is that it makes people more like the Man of Truth.  When someone discovers the truth about these things, and puts them into practice, they do not become more saved.

So no one is saved, by doing any of these things.  People do not learn to do these things to be saved, but because they are saved.  They are saved by meeting the requirement, of a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

So the Children of Truth are not saved by anything other than their commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  However, that commitment of obedience will cause them to live differently.  They were saved, and given the Spirit of Truth, so they could be like the Man of Truth in this world (1 John 4:13-17).  They become more like the Man of Truth, by walking in truth more.

After the Children of Truth come into the House of Truth, then they are to build upon that foundation, to become more like the Man of Truth, and they will be rewarded in accordance to how much they did to become more like him (1 Corinthians 3:11-14).  Some like the thief on the cross will find that they are a saved soul, but have lived a wasted life that produced no other reward (1 Corinthians 3:15).

It is so important, for the Children of Truth to become more and more like the Man of Truth.  This is because it helps them to bring others into the House of Truth.  The ultimate expression of love, that the Children of Truth can show to other people is to do their part in carrying out the Great Commission.  It is by learning how to fully carry out the Great Commission, that they become the most like the Man of Truth, and bring the maximum number of people possible into the House of Truth.

The simplicity of the Gospel makes it easy for people to know what is required to come into the House of Truth.  Once you strip away all of the noise, that confused denominations, congregations, and individuals tell people, that is required for them to be saved, then people will find that it is really just a simple choice:  Are they willing to make a commitment to obey the Man of Truth, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, so they will saved?

Perhaps you are one of those people, who were told to just admit that you were not perfect, and say some magic words, and you would be saved, but now realize that is not really true.  The truth is there is one simple requirement to be saved, that everyone must meet, and that is making a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

Perhaps you have wanted to be saved, but found the requirements to be saved, that other people told you about were just too hard for you to meet, but now you realize that is not really true.  The truth is there is one simple requirement to be saved, that anyone can meet, and that is making a commitment of obedience that comes from faith.  That is the simplicity of the Gospel.

The simplicity of the Gospel allows anyone, to come in the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth, the Lord of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13).

Come into the House of Truth!
