Thursday, March 30, 2017

The New Antisemitism

Why should Jews be concerned about the rise of Neo-Paganism?

Neo-Paganism is a movement of people in countries, that have self-identified as Christian countries for hundreds, or even well over a thousand years, to return to the pagan religions of their ancestors.
Neo-Pagans are not returning to the Greco-Roman Paganism that was merged with Christianity to form the False Church of Rome.  They are returning to the religions that their ancestors followed before they encountered the Romans.  
These religions are similar to each other, but with different names for their gods due to language differences, just like the Romans and Greeks worshiped the same gods by different names.

The religion of the Druids was the religion of the Celts.  The Germanic and Nordic peoples followed a similar religion with the same holidays and similar myths.  Neo-Pagans are seeking to return to these religions.
Some of those who join in the rituals of Neo-Paganism might seem quite average.

However, others involved in Neo-Paganism seem like anything, but average.  They sometimes dress in strange clothing, like something right out of the Lord of the Rings, or King Arthur, or Conan the Babarian, or some medieval horror movie.  They then gather with other people who do the same.  Sometimes, they have built entire towns similar to what their ancestors lived in, and have special gatherings there.

To be clear, not everyone who dress up like they are part of the cast of Medieval Times, is a Neo-Pagan for doing so.  Some people just do so because they like re-enacting that period of history, just like other people dress up as Confederate or Union soldiers, and meet with others who are similarly dressed, to re-enact a battle of the American Civil War.

However, many Neo-Pagans dress up to re-enact much more than just life as they image it was during the darkest ages of European history.  They are working to revive the pagan religions of Europe, before Christianity became the dominant religion of Europe.  They not only have public gatherings where the curious among the public are invited, but they also have private gatherings, where only those who have truly embraced the pagan religions of their ancestors, are in attendance.
Occasionally, there will even be cults of Neo-Pagans, where they seek to control some geographical area, where all of the secret rites of the pagan religions of their ancestors can be carried out.  Some of these are truly hardcore Neo-Pagans, who get the point that they cannot function outside of the Neo-Pagan world, which they have created.

Still, most people think of all, but the most hardcore Neo-Pagans, as harmless.  They might find it strange that their neighbors dress up like Druids, and head into the woods, every time there is a full moon.  Yet it does not matter to them, as long as these neighbors keep their yards mowed, and don't bother anyone else.

However, many Neo-Pagans are not easily identifiable as Neo-Pagans, by those who are not involved in Neo-Paganism.  In fact, many of them also attend the congregations of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  Some of them are even religious professionals in those congregations.

So why should the Children of Truth care if Atheists, and the like, are becoming Neo-Pagans?  Why should a trend among people, who do not even pretend to be part of the Children of Truth, moving from one non-Christian religion to another non-Christian religion matter to the Children of Truth?

So why should Jews, particularly those who are not part of the Children of Truth, be concerned about Gentiles leaving the House of Truth to become Neo-Pagans?  Why should a trend among those, who only pretend to be part of the Children of Truth, moving from a Christian in name only religious organization, like the False Church of Rome, to a blatantly non-Christian religion, matter to all Jews?

It should matter to the Children of Truth and all Jews, because the rise of Neo-Paganism will lead to the persecution of the Children of Truth and all Jews.

Neo-Pagans seek to be free from a society that has laws based on the Book of Truth (The Bible).  They want to do away with all influence of the Children of Truth over society, so they can live in a society that is based on the pagan religion of their ancestors.  Like their ancestors, they are at war with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and those who follow him.

The religion of the Book of Truth did not transform their societies in a day.  Most of the time, it took at least one generation.  During that time, people like Saint Patrick, faced tremendous persecution at times, from those who did not want to leave the pagan religions of their ancestors.  In fact, many of the Children of Truth were killed by those, who did not want people leaving the pagan religion of their ancestors to follow the Man of Truth.  The ancestors of the Neo-Pagans were at war with the Man of Truth, and those who followed him.  Sometimes, it took hundreds of years for that war to be won by the Children of Truth in a particular geographical area.

It should really be no surprise that Neo-Pagans are at war with the Children of Truth.  After all, the "gods" that they worship, rather they are idols, or rocks and trees, or some mysterious spirit of everything, are really Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods).  When they make sacrifices to these "gods", then they are making sacrifices to Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 32:16-17).  When they hold feasts in honor of these "gods", then they are feasting with Spirits of Lies (1 Corinthians 10:19-21).

So, Neo-Pagans are part of the kingdom of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), while the Children of Truth are part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).  These two kingdoms have always been at war with each other.  There can be no peace between the Children of Truth and those who worship Spirits of Lies (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

The Neo-Pagans are looking for a messiah, that they call by many different names, to bring in an age where they are in control.

The rise of Neo-Paganism at this time is a sign that the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) will soon be on the scene.  Neo-Paganism is rising because the world is being prepared for the reign of the Man of Lies.  During the reign of the Man of Lies, most of the world will return to the pagan religions of their ancestors (Revelation 9:19-21). 

Neo-Pagans have seen by experience over the centuries, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), which lives in the Children of Truth, is greater than the Spirit of Antichrist, which seeks to bring the Man of Lies into the world (1 John 4:2-4).

Neo-Pagans know, and frequently teach, that their messiah, the Man of Lies, cannot be revealed and gain control of the world, unless many people first leave the House of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4).  They understand that the Children of Truth have been preventing the Man of Lies from being revealed for centuries, and that they must be taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:5-8).  Their messiah cannot operate in the power of the Father of Lies, to bring the world back to the pagan religions of their ancestors, as long as the Children of Truth are resisting him with the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).

So, Neo-Pagans have infiltrated the congregations of the Children of Truth to get them to leave the House of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1-2).  Those in the congregations of the Children of Truth, who do not want to hear sound doctrine, will be drawn to the fables from the pagan religions of their ancestors (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

As Neo-Pagans grow in numbers, they also become more emboldened in their persecution of the Children of Truth.  Once again, many of the Children of Truth will have to give that last full measure of devotion in their fight to carry out the Great Commission in many places, where they have not faced that kind of persecution for centuries.  Still, they will fight without fear, because they know that they are literally better off dead.

So Neo-Paganism will lead to persecution of the Children of Truth, because it is driven by the Spirit of Antichrist.   Still, why should those Jews, who are not part of the Children of Truth, be concerned by that?

Whenever the Spirit of Antichrist stirs up persecution against the Children of Truth, then shortly thereafter the Spirit of Anti-Jewism always stirs up persecution against the Jews.  This is because the Jewish people are tied to the Gentile Children of Truth by the same everlasting covenant that gives them the Promised Land.

It is often hard for most Jews to see this connection because of the work of groups like the False Church of Rome.

The False Church of Rome has been able to hide that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, by substituting Pagan things like Ash Wednesday for the Jewish things found in the Book of Truth.  They did not want people to perceive that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.  Even though, it has always been about the Gentiles, they wanted it to only be about the Gentiles.  What they call "Christianity" is nothing like Celtic Christianity in its original form.

So, even though this connection might have been hidden, it is still there.  That is why, Neo-Paganism is not just against the Man of Truth and those who follow him.  It is also against the Father of Truth, and the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that He gave to Moses (Moishe).

Neo-Pagans are opposed to the Father of Truth for the same reasons as their ancestors - so they can do everything that He calls evil (Romans 1:21-32).  They are opposed to the sound doctrine of the Law of Truth, because they want to do the things that it calls evil (1 Timothy 1:9-10).

So Neo-Pagans are looking for their messiah to bring in an age, where they can be free to break every commandment of the Law of Truth.

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will exalt himself above the Father of Truth (Daniel 11:36-37).   Their messiah will sit in the Temple, and claim to be the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:3-5).

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will bring honor and worship to the Father of Lies as well (Daniel 11:38-39).  Their messiah, will lead them in blaspheming the Father of Truth, while they worship him and the Father of Lies (Revelation 13:4-6).

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will bring about a time of persecution upon the descendants of Israel (Yah'akob aka Jacob), that will be worst than the Holocaust (Jeremiah 30:4-7).  In fact, while one third of all Jews in the Earth died in the Holocaust, in this double Holocaust that their messiah will bring, two thirds of all Jews in the Earth will die (Zechariah 13:8).  Their messiah will unveil his true intentions for the Jewish people, once he desecrates the Temple (Matthew 24:15-22). 

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will wage a war of extermination against the Jewish people (Daniel 8:23-25).   The Father of Lies, whom their messiah will worship, is against the Jewish people, because they are the people that the Man of Truth was born into (Revelation 12:1-5).  So, the real god of the Neo-Pagans will also join in the war of extermination against all of the Jews on Earth (Revelation 12:13-16).  In fact, the real god of the Neo-Pagans will only make war on the Gentile Children of Truth, because of his rage against the Jewish people (Revelation 12:17).

So, Neo-Paganism will lead to Anti-Jewism.  As Europe has became more Neo-Pagan, it also has become more Anti-Jewish.  For example, the rise of Neo-Paganism in Ireland has lead to ever increasing anti-Israel sentiments.  This has lead to the death of the Celtic Tiger.

So Neo-Paganism is the new antisemitism, but the Children of Truth will overcome it.

This is not to say that the Children of Truth are at war with Neo-Pagans, exactly.  They are engaged in a war to save Neo-Pagans from the very Spirits of Lies that they worship (Luke 9:54-56).  These Neo-Pagans are blinded from their need to be saved, by the Father of Lies (2 Corinthians 4:3-5).  Neo-Pagans do the things that will bring them death, because they are controlled by the Father of Lies (Ephesians 2:1-3).

The weapons of the warfare of the Children of Truth are made for fighting against these Spirits of Lies (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  Their armor is made for protection from these Spirits of Lies during the battle (Ephesians 6:11-13)  They are engaged in a war against the Father of Lies, who seeks to destroy these Neo-Pagans (1 Peter 5:8-10).

The armor of the Children of Truth, which these Spirits of Lies can never overcome, is a life that is surrendered to obeying the Man of Truth in everything they do (Romans 13:12-14).   They no longer act as enemies of the Father of Truth, like Neo-Pagans act (Ephesians 5:6-8).

The Man of Truth has cast the darkness of Paganism out of their hearts (2 Corinthians 4:5-7).  They have nothing to do with the darkness that comes from these Spirits of Lies, because the Spirit of Truth works through them (Ephesians 5:9-12).  They have been called out of the darkness of Paganism, and into the light of the Man of Truth, so they can win the war that these Spirits of Lies wage against their souls (1 Peter 2:9-11).

They no longer do the things that Neo-Pagans desire to do, because they are part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 5:3-5).  They do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth, because they have left the kingdom of the Father of Lies, to become part of His kingdom (Colossians 1:10-13).

Since they have come into the House of Truth, they have learned how to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).  Since they have come into the House of Truth, they cannot be overcome with persecution by Neo-Pagans (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).

Every Jew can also overcome the new antisemitism of Neo-Paganism, by coming into the House of Truth.

The Father of Truth warned to not seek after pagan religions, but that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses who people must obey (Deuteronomy 18:14-15).  He said, that this Prophet would be like the Father of Truth, Himself living among the Jewish people, and speaking to them Himself (Deuteronomy 18:16-18).  He said, that whoever did not obey this Prophet, would be under His judgment (Deuteronomy 18:19).

The Man of Truth is that Prophet like unto Moses, and the Father of Truth will destroy everyone among the Jewish people, who do not obey him (Acts 3:19-23).  It is certain that the Man of Truth will destroy the new antisemitism, because the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead for this very purpose (Acts 17:29-31).

So Jews, and even Gentiles, can come into the House of Truth, by committing to obey the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Friday, March 24, 2017


Why is Neo-Paganism rising?

Neo-Paganism is a rising movement among people all over the world.  In fact, in Europe, United States, Canada, and Australia, Neo-Paganism has been the fastest growing religion for the more than a decade.  While adherents are still relatively small compared to those who call themselves Christians, Rabbinical Jews, and Muslims, it has still been growing at a rate of about sixty percent per year over the last decade in these countries.

This movement is strongest among those of Northern and Western European descent, although it is also growing among people who belong to other ethnic groups.  In some countries they are a significant part of the population.  For example, Estonia now has twenty percent of its population, who identify themselves as belonging to the neo-pagan religion of Maausk.

The first step to understanding why Neo-Paganism is rising, is understanding what Neo-Paganism is.  Neo-Paganism is a movement by members of an ethnic group to return to the ancestral religion of that ethnic group, before that ethnic group began to identify itself as being Christian.  It is not a single religion, but a movement to reconstruct and return to various ancestral religions.  These religions basically adhere to one of three different, but related, models.

The first model is polytheism.  This is classic idol worship.  The idols may be Norse, German, Roman, Greek, or other ethnic idols, but the story is the same.  These idols represent "gods" that control different aspects of nature and life.  The belief is that people must worship these "gods" in the right way, lest these "gods" become angry and send disaster upon them.  People are returning to worshiping the same idols as their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.

The second model is animism.  This similar to idol worship, but without the idols.  Everything has a spirit, including, but not limited to, rocks, trees, animals, the Earth, stars, moon, sun, and even abstract things like words.  The belief is that all of these spirits have to be worshiped in the right way to keep everything in balance, since they control different aspects of nature and life.  People are returning to worshiping rocks and trees like their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.

The third model is pantheism.  This is similar to animism, except there is only one universal spirit.  Everything is a different facet of that one universal spirit.  This spirit does not have any personality like the "gods" represented by idols, or even like the spirits of rocks and trees.  This one universal spirit is literally everything, and literally everything is this one universal spirit.  The belief is that people must worship, and cooperate with, this one universal spirit of everything to keep balance, since this one universal spirit is every aspect of nature and life.  People are returning to worship the same universal spirit of everything that their ancestors worshiped, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.

Of course, some of these ancestral religions combined, or have at least been reconstructed to combine, various elements of more than one of these basic models, although one of the basic models is usually dominant.  For example, some of these ancestral religions follow the polytheism model, but they have some elements of the other two models, like all of the "gods" being various manifestations of "The God", and all "goddesses" in like manner being various manifestations of "The Goddess", with these "gods" and "goddesses" interacting with the spirits of trees and rocks.

This desire to return to ancestral religions seems strange, whenever anyone compares how these ethnic groups fared under their ancestral religions to how they fared under Christianity.  For example, consider those who either worshiped idols, like the Vikings, or worshiped rocks and trees, like the Celts, did before these ethnic groups became Christian to various extents.

Everything we know about them, before they were introduced to Christianity, comes from the writings of other ethnic groups, like Greeks and Romans, because they were completely illiterate.  From these external sources we learn, that their average life span was about thirty-five years of age.  One of the reasons for this is, that they were constantly at war with each other - not to mention everyone else that they encountered.  Their total lack of sanitation and frequent human sacrifices could not have helped either.  It seems that the only thing they ever invented, were better, or more bizarre, ways of killing people.  This is why the Romans and Greeks referred to them as barbarians.

In short, before they were introduced to Christianity, they lived no different than the Native Americans north of Mexico lived, before the day when worlds collided.

It did not take long after the majority in these ethnic groups began to call themselves Christians, that everything changed.  They stopped being illiterate, and began producing great works of literature.  They stopped dying nearly as young, and started living longer to the point, that elder meant someone who was sixty years or older.  They stopped fighting with each other, and everyone else, all the time.  They improved their sanitation, and the human sacrifices came to an end.  They began to invent things that had peaceful uses like the printing press.

In fact, virtually everything that you can touch in the modern world was invented by their descendants, after they turned away from the pagan religion of their ancestors.  The further they got away from the pagan religion of their ancestors, the more enlightened they became.

These improvements came in proportion, and with the same speed, as their adoption of the religion taught in the Book of Truth (The Bible).  That is to say, the more their effective religion lined up with the Book of Truth, the more their societies improved, and the quicker their effective religion made this transition, the quicker these improvements to their societies came.

Their effective religion was what they actually put into practice.  The more people did things like wish each other "Happy First Fruits!" to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, and the less that they celebrated things like Ash Wednesday, then the more their effective religion was like the religion taught in the Book of Truth.  So things like Celtic Christianity, in its original form, was very similar to the religion taught in the Book of Truth.  This is evident in the actual teachings of Saint Patrick, which were far different in reality than what most people have been told.

So why would anyone want to go back to worshiping idols, rocks and trees, or some mysterious, unknowable, universal spirit of everything?

They want to turn away from worshiping the Father of Truth for the exact same reasons as their ancestors.

Their ancestors originally worshiped the Father of Truth, but did not want to live by His righteous commandments (Romans 1:18-20).  So they turned away from Him to worship idols - with or without the actual idols (Romans 1:21-23).  They created a religion where they worshiped the creation, instead of the Creator, so they could engage in every kind of sexual activity (Romans 1:24-27).  They did not want to remember the commandments of the Father of Truth, so they could do every evil thing that came to their minds, while pretending that they would not be judged by Him for doing these things (Romans 1:28-32).

So their ancestors began to make images of people, and animals, to worship them instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:16-18).  Their ancestors even worshiped things like the Sun, moon, and stars, without making any kind of image (Deuteronomy 4:20).

Their ancestors did all kinds of horrible things, when they worshiped everything except the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 29:16-18).  They would even sacrifice their own children to these idols (Psalm 106:37-39).  These children came from the sexual immorality that they committed during their idol worship (Jeremiah 2:19-20).

Their ancestors would get drunk during their festivals in the worship their idols to lose their inhibitions (Daniel 5:23).  They would be willing to do all of these things, because they would take hallucinogenic drugs (Revelation 9:20-21).  [The Greek word translated as "sorceries" is "phamakeia".  This is the Greek word that the English word "pharmacy" comes from.  This word is used for taking hallucinogenic drugs as part of idol worship in ancient Greek literature.]

So their ancestors went into idol worship because they did not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth.  In particular, they did not want the Father of Truth telling them what was the right partnership for love, or when was the right time for love.  Their rejection of His commandments concerning these things led to developing a religious system that encouraged drinking and/or taking drugs to lose all inhibitions, having sexual activities of every kind after that, and then murdering the children who were born from these events.  Worshiping idols, or worshiping trees and rocks, or the spirit of everything, made this seem moral and normal, since it was all in the context of a religious calendar with religious holidays, when most of these events would occur.

It is the same today.  Those who wish to return to the pagan religions of their ancestors, want to do so, in order to get drunk or high, engage in sexual activity of every kind, and then murder their own children through abortion, without feeling any sense of guilt or shame for their actions.  In fact, the pagan religions of their ancestors make them feel compelled to do these things.

Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that some people are attracted to the violence that it creates.  They want a religion that encourages them to pillage, plunder, rape, and murder other people.  They want a religion where they are promised to be rewarded by going to some place like Valhalla (Hall of the Slain) for dying a violent death in battle.

This rejection of the Father of Truth always leads to violence through deceit, and that is what cut the lifespan of their ancestors in half (Psalm 55:19-23).  The religion of their ancestors always leads to violence filling the land, when it becomes the dominant religion of the land (Ezekiel 8:15-17).
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it have been influencing other people to move towards it through popular media.  This is evident when examining some of the most popular content put out by some of the largest media companies.

For example, Marvel Comics plainly espouses polytheism with characters like Thor, who is even identified as the god of the same name from Norse polytheism.  In like manner, Disney plainly espouses animism with things like Pocahontas going to a tree, Grandma Willow, to see out advice.  Also LucasFilm plainly espouses pantheism with "The Force" in its Star Wars franchise.

These media companies appeal to the eyes of people with wondrous images, appeal to desires of their flesh with the costuming and actions of their characters, and give people a shared pride of life with great story lines, even though none of these things are from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).

Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that many people are disillusioned with Atheism.

They look at the nations that came under control of Atheists, like Nazi Germany, the USSR, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuban, and the like.  It is quite easy for them to see the death and destruction, that control by Atheists has brought upon the inhabitants.

Also, those who study out objectively the details of evolution, have realized that it is the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told.  It totally contradicts math and science - not to mention the story told by the evidence.  Not even the math and science of the First Nations coming over a mysterious, and unnecessary, land bridge called Beringia, cannot be worked out to match with actual observable science, or realistic mathematical models.

Yet mostly, they have turned their back on Atheism, because as a religion, it is totally unfit to survive.

All religions answer three basic questions:  1) How did we get here? 2) Why are we here?  3) Where are we going?  The answers to these questions given by Atheism:  1) By accident.  2) Existences is pointless.  3) Annihilation.  Atheism has to be the most depressing religion every devised by man.  So these people become desperate enough to look back to the pagan religion of their ancestors to find more suitable answers.

Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it, both religious professionals and laymen, have been subtly influencing other people from within the congregations of the Children of Truth to move towards it.  They move through congregations of the Children of Truth like a snake in the leaves.  They are counting on most of the Children of Truth not being able to see the hidden danger that they really are.  They call themselves "Christians", but they do not fit the definition of what is a Christian given by the Book of Truth.  They have no idea what the Book of Truth says, is the answer to the question posed by WWJD bracelets.  Instead, they espouse accepting others as "Christians", who embrace these things from the pagan religion of their ancestors, in the name of Christian Unity.

However, the Father of Truth commands that there be no tolerance for those who call themselves His people, but worship the Sun, moon, and stars (Deuteronomy 17:2-5).  In fact, Josiah (Oshiyah) was called the greatest king who ever ruled by the Father of Truth, because he faithfully carried out this no tolerance policy, and observed the holidays of the Father of Truth instead (2 Kings 23:3-25).  Those Jewish kings who worshiped the Sun, moon, and stars, were dishonored by having their bones offered up a sacrifices to these things, when the Father of Truth brought judgment for doing these things (Jeremiah 8:1-3).  The worship of the Father of Truth cannot be merged with the worship these things (2 Corinthians 6:16).

Their efforts to merge Christianity and Neo-Paganism into some sort of hybrid religion, are no better than those who try to do the same with Islam to create Chrislam.  They are preaching another Gospel that was given by another Spirit and tells about another Jesus, who is different than the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told about in the Book of Truth.

Their disagreement with the words of the Book of Truth show that they are proud and know nothing (1 Timothy 6:3-5).  Those who seek to make some sort of friendship between the pagan religion of their ancestors, and the religion of the Book of Truth, are enemies of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).  So make no mistake, the love of the Father of Truth does not live in the heart of those who call themselves Christians, but love the things that come from Neo-Paganism (1 John 2:15-17).

Lastly, Neo-Paganism is rising, because most of the Children of Truth have never quite got everything from the pagan religion of their ancestors out of their practices, so they have left a foothold for Neo-Paganism in their effective religion.

The Children of Truth would never knowingly endorse worshiping what their pagan ancestors worshiped.  They would never knowingly participate in festivals and ceremonies of the pagan religion of their ancestors, that revolved around drinking, taking narcotics, sex of every sort with everything imaginable,and then murdering the children produced from these events.  They would never knowingly perpetuate the endless, senseless, violence that ultimately resulted from the pagan religion of their ancestors.  They certainly would not knowingly teach their children to follow the pagan religion of their ancestors.

Yet, they have left a shell of the pagan religion of their ancestors intact in their effective religion.  They have left a place for Neo-Paganism to plug into their effective religion, so that their children can be drawn away from the Father of Truth, and drawn back into the pagan religion of their ancestors.

They have done this in two ways.

First, they have done this by including many of the traditions from the festivals of the pagan religion of their ancestors in their holidays, sometimes including the name of the holiday.  This is what the Mensch who killed Christmas warned the people of Saints Ville about.

Second, they have done this by meeting on Sunday each week, without even questioning who changed the Sabbath.  Many of them are sincere in their desire to give one day a week to the Father of Truth.  Many of them are never bored on the Sabbath, because they are doing the right things on the wrong day of the week.  They just do not understand why it matters, that they meet on the actual Sabbath, instead of Sunday.

They inherited these things from the False Church of Rome, which had created a religious calendar that was pagan friendly.  Pagans were able to keep meeting together on the same day of the week that they were used to meeting on, in order to worship the Sun.  Pagans were able to keep celebrating many of their festivals, under new names, with the same traditions that they had always used in their worship of idols, or trees and rocks, or some spirit of everything.  They were able to keep doing the same things, but with a substitution of the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth for whatever they worshiped in their pagan religion.

This may sound like a fine way to evangelize pagans, but it is not.  The problem is, that the Father of Truth said for the Children of Truth to not to include anything from these pagan religions in their worship of Him (Deuteronomy 12:30-32).  Including these practices from pagan religions, gives an opportunity to those who follow after Neo-Paganism, to entice the Children of Truth back to the pagan religions of their ancestors, from even inside their own congregations (Deuteronomy 13:6-8).  This is exactly how the Jewish Children of Truth were turned back to the pagan religions of their ancestors (Psalm 106:34-36).

So Neo-Pagans can use the festivals and traditions that the Children of Truth are already familiar with, to slowly draw them back into the pagan religion of their ancestors.  They do this through the same process of a subtle influence that was used to move America from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage.  This is why the policy of the Father of Truth concerning everything from pagan religions, has always been one of smash and burn.

The Children of Truth should never use the customs from the pagan religion of their ancestors to carryout the will of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), like using the Satan Clause as an excuse to lie to their own children.  They should not make any room in their effective religion for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27). 

The Children of Truth should always be walking in truth. They should have nothing to do with anything from the dark pagan religions of their ancestors (Ephesians 5:8-11).

So Neo-Paganism is rising, because people have either left the House of Truth, or the Children of Truth did not fully obey the Father of Truth, by removing every last vestige of the pagan religion of their ancestors from their effective religion.

The Good News is, that Neo-Paganism will never bring an end to the religion of the Book of Truth.  Instead, the Man of Truth will bring an end to Neo-Paganism forever (Revelation 21:8).  When he rules the New Earth, there will be no vestige of Neo-Paganism left anywhere (Revelation 22:13-15).

Neo-Paganism can end for you today, if you have been participating in the worthless pagan religion of your ancestors.  You can start getting rid of every vestige of Neo-Paganism as soon as you recognize them, after you come into the House of Truth.

The shackles of Neo-Paganism are broken whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (John 8:34-36).  The Man of Truth breaks these shackles off of whoever makes him their king, when they come into the House of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Those who come into the House of Truth will be able to completely abandon Neo-Paganism, so they can rule with the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10).  Those who come into the House of Truth, will live according to the religion of the Book of Truth, instead of Neo-Paganism (1 Peter 4:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Monday, March 13, 2017

The Spirit Of Antichrist

What is the Spirit of Antichrist?

I had a friend who grew up in Russia.  He would discuss Russian and American history with me among other things.  It was impressive how well he knew American history.  He told me that he learned it in school in Russia.  It is sad that the Russian schools apparently take the study of American history more seriously than American schools.

However, what he really deepened my understanding of was Russian history.  He told me of the seven great leaders revered by the Russian people, starting with Grozny (Ivan the Formidable) and ending with Brezhnev.  They were revered because they managed to transform Russia in substantial ways.  However, it was also obvious that every single one of the seven great leaders in Russian history were brutal dictators. 

For example, he told me that Stalin probably killed more Jews than Hitler, but unlike Hitler he was an equal opportunity killer, and probably also killed more Russians than the Nazis.  In fact, Stalin was so brutal, that the last thing that Lenin told the Politburo before he died, was do not let Stalin be in charge.  However, everyone was so afraid of Stalin that he was put in charge almost immediately.

Later, I was reading about the history of the Jews in Russia.  I discovered that Stalin was not the only great persecutor of the Jews among Russian leaders.  All seven of the great leaders of Russia were great persecutors of the Jews.

After that, I went to the International Bible Museum that used to be in Tulsa.  This museum had displays that told the story of how the original manuscripts of the Book of Truth (The Bible) were preserved, and translated, until the King James Bible was produced.  Then the museum went on to show how the Good News had spread since then, with emphasis on the sacrifices that people made to spread it.  It had several displays for certain countries, where it showed the periods of greatest persecution of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) in those countries.

When I got to the display for Russia, I realized that the seven greatest persecutors of Christians in Russia, were the same seven greatest persecutors of Jews in Russia.  The seven great leaders of Russia that my friend had told me about, were also the seven greatest persecutors of both Jews and Christians in Russia.

This pattern disturbed me, so I began investigating to see if this was just a Russian coincidence, or if it was a consistent pattern across all countries over the last two thousand years.  I found that there was a consistent pattern of leaders that were great persecutors of Jews invariably became great persecutors of Christians as well.

For example, six million Christians died in the Holocaust, the same number of Jews who died in the Holocaust.  At first, the Nazis went after the Jews, but then they went after the Christians as  well.  One reason was that so many Christians were helping Jews escape.  Hitler became so frustrated by this, that in one of his radio addresses, he angrily told his audience that they had to decide if they were Christians or Germans.

Six million Jews escaped from Europe with the help of these Christians.  Most of these six million Christians do not have a tree in "The Forest of the Righteous Among the Nations" at Yad Vashem in Israel, even though they literally traded their lives for the lives of the Jews they helped save.  One reason is that not even the name is known of many of these Christians.  Many of them were caught, shot on the spot, and by the world forgot.  They are not known by their names, but by the mass graves where they were dumped like so much garbage.

I also found, that those who were first great persecutors of Christians, also soon became great persecutors of Jews.  Most people know that the Christians were literally driven underground to live in the catacombs to escape Roman persecution.  However, most people are unaware that the Romans then turned their persecution upon the Jews, who also were driven to live underground in the catacombs.

This pattern also repeats frequently in the history of the False Church of Rome.

I also found that the reverse is also true.  Whenever a society allows Christians to flourish, it also allows Jews to flourish, and vice-versa.

So why is the treatment of Jews and Christians so intertwined?

Another pattern in history, begins to bring the reason to light, when it is discerned.

Like Jews, every place that Christians have gone to, has greatly benefited from their efforts.

For example, even though less than one percent of Japanese identify themselves as Christians, the Japanese refer to the current era that followed their last dark age era as the Christian era.  This is because Japan came out of its darkness, after Christian missionaries arrived.

Also India, where less than three percent of the people identify themselves as Christians, frequently honors Christians for doing great things for India.  For example, it has honored William Carey for giving India its first university, and Amy Carmichael for giving India its first orphanages.

This kind of thing has happened consistently across the ages.  More than half of the written languages of the world were created by Christian missionaries, like the Cyrillic alphabet used by Russians.  The majority of countries in the world had their first modern hospitals built by Christians.  Even today, the majority of water wells and modern agriculture in Africa has came from the efforts of Christians.

However, just like Jews, these benefits from Christians to these societies, have been followed a pattern of false accusations, that have turned the very people who were benefiting from the Christians, against them.  Invariably, after enough Christians were either killed or driven out, the society suffered greatly, usually ending up in some sort of dark ages, where it went backwards in every measurable sense.

Also like Jews, there was no good reason for this response. It was not rational.  It was not reasonable.  It was not logical.  This was the work of a Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) similar to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.  That Spirit of Lies is the Spirit of Antichrist.

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) works through the Prophets of Truth to convince people that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has come into the world as a flesh and blood man (1 John 4:2).  The Spirit of Truth works through the Children of Truth to spread the message that the Man of Truth died as a flesh and blood man, then rose again to save the human race (1 John 4:13-15).  The Children of Truth have been representations of the Man of Truth in this world throughout the ages (1 John 4:15-17).

However, the Spirit of Antichrist works through the Prophets of Lies to convince people that the Man of Truth has not come into the world as a flesh and blood man (1 John 4:3).  The Spirit of Antichrist works against the message that the Man of Truth came into the world as a flesh and blood man, because that is the only way that the Man of Truth could have paid the penalty for the sins of the human race (1 John 4:9-10).

Among the Children of Lies, there are those who have been representations of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) throughout the ages (1 John 2:18).  These representations of the Man of Lies often start out among the Children of Truth, but always leave them eventually, because they have not come into the House of Truth (1 John 2:19-21).  The Spirit of Antichrist always works through the Prophets of Lies, who might even seem to be Prophets of Truth, if you do not pay close attention to their message (1 John 4:1). 

These representations of the Man of Lies always deny that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel promised by the Father of Truth (1 John 2:22-23).  They deny that there is any need to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth to please the Father of Truth, since they deny that the Man of Truth came to this Earth as a flesh and blood man (2 John 1:6-9).

So the Spirit of Antichrist is behind all lies that lead to the persecution of the Children of Truth, to keep them from telling others the Good News about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth.  The Spirit of Antichrist uses the same strategy as the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and works with the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, because the Children of Truth are intimately connected to the Jewish people.

The Jewish people are the physical descendants of Israel (Jacob aka Yah'akob) (Genesis 37:9-13).  The Jewish people are who the Father of Truth used to bring the Man of Truth into this Earth (Revelation 12:1-2).

The Man of Truth was persecuted from the day he was born, because he will reign over the Earth as the Messiah of Israel (Revelation 12:3-5).  In a vain effort to prevent this from happening, the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) has sent the Spirit of Anti-Jewism to persecute the Jewish people (Revelation 12:13).  For the exact same reason, the Father of Lies has sent the Spirit of Antichrist to persecute the Children of Truth, who came into being as a result of the Jewish people (Revelation 12:17).

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism uses false accusations to stir up persecution against the Jews, because the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.  In like manner, the Spirit of Antichrist uses false accusations to stir up persecution against the Gentile Children of Truth, because they are tied to the Jewish people through the Everlasting Covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram).

Abraham was promised that people from every family on Earth would be blessed through his seed - the Messiah of Israel (Genesis 12:1-3).  Abraham would bring this blessing by commanding his children to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Genesis 18:18-19).  Abraham made the way for this blessing to come upon the Gentiles by offering up his only son, so the Father of Truth could offer up His Only Son (Genesis 22:16-18).

Then Isaac (Yitzakh), the only son of Abraham, then continued to make it possible for this blessing to come upon the Gentiles by continuing to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth, like his father Abraham (Genesis 26:1-5).  Then Jacob (Yah'akob aka Israel), the son of Isaac, and the father of the Jewish people, continued to make it possible for this blessing to come upon the Gentiles, by continuing to walk in the ways of Father of Truth (Genesis 28:13-16).

So there were Gentiles, who were joined to the Jewish people, even before the Jewish people were delivered from Egypt (Exodus 12:48-51).   These Gentiles were bound to the Jewish people by keeping the same Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) as the Jewish people (Leviticus 24:22).  These Gentiles went into the Promised Land to live under the Law of Truth with the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 31:11-13).

There have been other Gentiles, who are willing to submit to the Messiah of Israel, who came from David, the king of the Jews (2 Samuel 22:44-51).  The salvation of the Messiah of Israel is to be declared among Gentiles of every ethnic group on Earth, to mark those who will submit to the Messiah of Israel (1 Chronicles 16:23-25).  These Gentiles have been called by the name of the Messiah of Israel (Amos 9:11-12).

These Gentiles have joined themselves to the Jewish people (Isaiah 14:1).  The Father of Truth no longer counts these Gentiles as being separate from the Jewish people (Isaiah 56:3).  The Father of Truth will gather them together with the Jewish people (Isaiah 56:6-8).

These Gentiles are the children of Abraham, because they walk in the ways of the Father of Truth like Abraham (John 8:39).  These Gentiles have became part of the Jewish people by having their hearts circumcised, instead of their flesh (Romans 2:28-29).  They have become part of the Jewish People through obedience to the Messiah of Israel, and are no longer far off from them (Ephesians 2:11-13).  They have become part of the Israel that the Father of Truth always intended (Galatians 6:15-16).

These Gentiles have been grafted into the family tree of Israel, to replace any among the Jewish people, who would not walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Romans 11:17-20).  These Gentiles can only remain in the family tree of Israel, by continuing to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Romans 11:20-22).  Any of the Jewish people who return to walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, will als be grafted back into the family tree of Israel (Romans 11:23-24).  These Gentiles have only been able to be grafted into the family tree of Israel, because most of the Jewish people have refused to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth, but they cannot receive their inheritance in the Kingdom of the Man of Truth, until the Jewish people return to walking in His ways (Romans 11:30-32).

So the Father of Truth always had a secret plan to use the Jewish people to save the Gentiles.  These Gentiles were not an afterthought, because it has always been about the Gentiles.

Since most of the Jewish people have not walk in the ways of the Father of Truth, He has scattered them among all other nations, where they have lived as oppressed minority, who were often terrorized by most of the people, who were part of those nations (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).  The Father of Truth has allowed the Jewish people to continue to refuse to walk in His ways, until all of the Gentiles who will walk in His ways have been marked (Romans 11:25).

When the Jewish people decide to return to walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, then He will finish regathering them from among all nations, to fulfill all that He has promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 30:1-5).  When the Jewish people return to walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, then they will be completely saved, so the Father of Truth can bring about everything that He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Romans 11:26-29).

That will happen when the Man of Truth rules over all the Earth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4).  However, He cannot come back to begin his reign, until the Jewish people who live in Jerusalem are willing to submit to his rule (Matthew 23:37-39).  So the Gentile Children of Truth will not be able to be rewarded by ruling under the Man of Truth in His kingdom, until the Jewish people of Jerusalem submit to the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:10-12).

So the Gentile Children of Truth will rejoice with the people of Israel, when He destroys their enemies, because it will also be the destruction of their enemies (Deuteronomy 32:41-43).  When the Jewish people return to walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, it will be life from the dead for the entire human race, and time to reward the Gentile Children of Truth, who have become part of them (Romans 11:11-16).

The Gentile Children of Truth are part of a global conspiracy to put the entire world under the control of the King of the Jews.  The Gentile Children of Truth are so tied to the Jewish people, because they walk in the ways of the Greatest Zionist.

This is why so many German Children of Truth gave their lives to help so many of the Jewish people escape from the rest of the Germans, when Hitler ruled Germany.  This is why so many of the Gentile Children of Truth have helped the Jewish people return to the Promised Land.

So the Father of Truth has used the Gentile Children of Truth to provide little sanctuaries for the Jewish people, whenever they have been terrorized by the Gentile nations that they have lived among (Ezekiel 11:16).

The Spirit of Antichrist stirs up persecution again the Gentile Children of Truth through false accusations, just like the Spirit of Anti-Jewism does with the Jewish people, because the Children of Truth have been made part of the Jewish people.

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism works to destroy the Jewish people so the Man of Truth cannot rule over the Earth from Jerusalem.  The Spirit of Antichrist works to destroy the Children of Truth, so they cannot tell the Good News that the Man of Truth came in the flesh to people of every ethnic group, which will make it possible for the Man of Truth to rule over the Earth.  These two Spirits of Lies work together to accomplish the same goal.

This is why the Spirit of Anti-Jewism and the Spirit of Antichrist always work together.  These two groups are so tied together that the Spirit of Anti-Jewism has to work in a partnership with the Spirit of Antichrist.  So whenever one of these Spirits of Lies stirs up trouble for the one group, the partner Spirit of Lies soon stirs up trouble for the other group.

However, the persecution of the Spirit of Antichrist, that finds its greatest expression in the Man of Lies, will come to an end when the Man of Truth comes to rule over this Earth (Revelation 19:13-20).  The end of Anti-Jewism brought on by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, also means the end of the persecution of the Gentile Children of Truth brought on by the Spirit of Antichrist.  For this reason, the victory of the Jewish people celebrated at Purim, also foreshadows the victory of the Gentile Children of Truth.  The Gentile Children of Truth should celebrate Purim because it is not just a Jewish thing.

However, Purim finds its real celebration in those, who have come into the House of Truth.  The Father of Truth has circumcises the hearts of those who come into the House of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:6).  The heart of those who come into the House of Truth has been replaced, so they can walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  They come into the House of Truth through the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), where the Law of Truth is written on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-33).  They come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that he came in the flesh, and was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Liars And Theives

What is the most common type of theft?

Most people think of a thief as someone who takes something that belongs from someone else by stealth.  They perhaps think of a burglar who breaks into a house to steal things from the house.  They perhaps think of a shoplifter who goes through a store and hides small items in their clothing to avoid paying for them.  They perhaps think of a mugger who beats up an unsuspecting victim to get their wallet.  They perhaps think of someone like a bank robber, who holds a bank teller at gunpoint while demanding that their bag be filled with cash.  They perhaps think of a jewel thief who skillfully takes carefully guarded jewels from a museum.

While all of these are indeed forms of theft, they are no where the most common type of theft.  The frequency and damage of this kind of theft is minuscule compared to the frequency and damage of the most common kind of theft.

The most common type of theft is not performed by people that have a charge of theft on their criminal records.   The most common type of theft is not performed by people that most people would think of as criminals.  The most common type of theft is not performed by people with extraordinary dexterity.

The most common type of theft is performed countless times every day by what would appear to be law abiding citizens.  The most common type of theft is even performed by people who say that they are part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  The most common type of theft is performed so effortlessly, that those who perform it do not even sometimes realize, that they are thieves.  The most common type of theft is performed by lying in order to not give someone else what is due to them, or to get something from someone else that they do not owe.

When someone robs someone else of what they promised to give them, when they are able to give it - no matter how costly it will be to do so - then they are defrauding them.  When someone promises to give something that they know that they will not be able to give, in order to get something from someone else, they are defrauding them.  When people misrepresent their ability to do what they promised to do, in order to get people to take less than what was promised, then they are defrauding them.  When people lie about what someone else owes them, then they are defrauding someone else.  Fraud is lying to someone to not give them what is due them, or to get from them what they do not owe.  Those who so defraud people are liars and thieves.

Those who lie about anything, in order to hold back what is due to someone else, are liars and thieves (Leviticus 19:11-13).

So what are some of the ways that people defraud other people, and become liars and thieves?

Perhaps the most common way that people defraud other people, is in their marriages.

Those who are in a right partnership for love, must do what they promised when it is the right time for love.   Otherwise, they are liars and thieves.

Husbands and wives owe sex to each other (1 Corinthians 7:2-3).  It is not alright for a husband to neglect having sex with his wife, because he is too busy traveling for his job.  It is not alright for a wife to neglect having sex with her husband, because she is not in the mood.  They both agreed to meet each others need for sex when they got married (1 Corinthians 7:4). 

They need to make whatever adjustments are necessary to keep their agreement.  Spouses, who neglect having sex with their spouses, are not doing what they agreed to do, and they are not giving to their spouses what is due to them (1 Corinthians 7:5).

They must continue to have sex together at the right time, unless there are circumstances beyond their control, that makes it physically impossible to do so.

One of these circumstances is being physically unable to have sex.  A man and his wife might be unable to physically have sex when they become old (Genesis 18:11-13).  Their ability to have sex may have died when they become old (Romans 4:16-19).  Their bodies might have become too weak to have sex (Hebrews 11:11).

One of these circumstances is a disaster.  A man may have to focus on making preparations to protect his wife from a disaster (Genesis 32:6-8).  A man may have to separate from his wife to protect her from a disaster (Genesis 32:22-24).  A man may have go away from his wife to get relief from a disaster in order to save her (Genesis 42:3-5).  A man may go away from his wife in order to save his own life from a disaster, once she is safe (1 Samuel 19:10-12).

One of these circumstances is war.  A man is not go to war if he is engaged to get married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 20:7).  A man is not go to war until a year after he has married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 24:5).  A man has to be physically separated from his wife during war to keep her safe (Numbers 32:25-27).  A man needs to be with his fellow soldiers during war (2 Samuel 11:11).

One of these circumstances is captivity.  David could not have sex with his wives as long as they were in captivity (1 Samuel 30:3-5).  He had to rescue his wives before he could resume having sex with them (1 Samuel 30:18).  The men in the days of King Hezekiah (Chez'qiah) could not have sex with their wives as long as their wives were held in captivity (2 Chronicles 29:6-9).

One of these circumstances is prison.  Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) had a wife (Matthew 8:14).  He could not have sex with his wife during the week when he was in prison (Acts 12:3-6).  He was still married to his wife many years later (1 Corinthians 9:5).  Despite not being able to have sex with his wife when he was in prison, he was a pillar among the Children of Truth, and was the chief Apostle of Truth to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9).

So anyone who cannot have sex with their spouse due to circumstances beyond their control, which makes it physically impossible to do so, is not robbing their spouse of what is due to them.

However, anyone who neglects having sex with their spouse for any other reason, is not doing what they vowed to do when they married, and is robbing their spouse of what is due to them.  They are liars and thieves.

Perhaps the next most common way that people defraud other people, is in their workplace.

Employers are not to change the wages that they agreed to give their employees, after they have performed the work (Genesis 31:7).  Employers are not to give their employees anything less than what was promised (Genesis 31:41-42).  Employers are to pay their employees at the time that they promised (Leviticus 19:13).  Employers are not to withhold the wages of their employees, so that can increase their own wealth (Jeremiah 22:13-16).  Employers are to give to their employees wages equal to what they have justly earned (Colossians 4:1).  Employers are not to give to their employees less than what they have earned, so the employer can live in luxury (James 5:1-5).  Employers who do not pay everything that was promised to their employees, are liars and thieves. 

Employers are to give their employees all of the time off that is due them (Exodus 20:8-10). Employers are to give their employees time off to observe holidays (Leviticus 23:7-36).  Employers are to give their employees off at least one day a week (Deuteronomy 5:12-14).  Employers who do not give all of the time off that is due to their employees, are liars and thieves.

Employers are not to demand more from the disadvantaged than others (Exodus 22:21-24).  Employers are not to take advantage of any foreigner who works for them (Exodus 23:9).  Employers are to treat foreigners the same way as everyone else (Leviticus 19:33-34).  Employers are treat the disadvantaged fairly (Deuteronomy 10:18-19).  Employers are not to take advantage of the poor and needy who works for them (Deuteronomy 24:14-15).   Employers are not to rob the disadvantaged of what is due them (Ezekiel 22:29).  Employers are not to oppress the disadvantaged by paying them less wages than others for the same work (Malachi 3:5).  Employers are do good to their employees without threatening them (Ephesians 6:8-9).  Employers who exact more work for less pay from the disadvantaged, are liars and thieves.

Employees are to serve their employer with all of their ability (Genesis 31:6).  Employees should perform their work with all of their might (Ecclesiastes 9:10).  Employees should perform work that is worth what they are being paid (Luke 10:7).  Employees are to work hard all of the time, and not just when their employers are watching (Ephesians 6:5-8).  Employees should never do nothing when they are being paid to do something (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9).  Employees who do less work than they agreed to provide to their employers, are liars and thieves. 

Employees should not seek to get more wages than what they agreed to work for (Matthew 20:8-14). Employees are to be content with the wages that they have earned (Luke 3:12-14).  Employees are to provide honest labor so that they may help others, instead of stealing (Ephesians 4:28).  Employees who look for ways to get more from their employers than the wages they agreed upon, are liars and thieves. 

Employees are to follow the rules of their employer at all times, so they can provide what their employer expects (Colossians 3:22-24).  Employees owe respect to their employers (1 Timothy 6:1-2).  Employees are to follow the rules of their employers without bickering, and show their employers that they are trustworthy (Titus 2:9-10).  Employees are to follow the rules of their employers, even if their employers do not treat them well (1 Peter 2:18-20).  Employees who do not provide the respect that is due to their employers by obeying the rules of their employer, as they agreed to do when they became employed, are liars and thieves.

Employers should not promote employees who do not deserve promotion, for it robs a deserving employee of the promotion that they deserve (Psalm 73:3-16).  The employee that has wisely developed the gift that was given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to benefit the employer should be promoted, instead of the employer just believing whatever story another employee told them (Proverbs 18:15-17).  Employees who do not work hard to carry out the orders of their employer should be fired, not promoted (Jeremiah 12:1-3).  Employees who make false claims to get promoted by employers. who do not investigate those claims, are liars and thieves.

The employee who is diligent in carrying out the orders of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 10:4).  The employee that is seeking after the good of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 11:27).  The employee that is diligent in their work should be promoted over those who are not (Proverbs 12:24).  Faithful and gifted employees should be set over other employees by their employer (Daniel 6:1-4).  Employees who are honest in everything they do should be promoted (3 John 1:2-4).  Employers, who do not promote those employees who they know deserve promotion, so they can promote someone else instead, are liars and thieves.

So anyone who does not treat employees or employers fairly, by not keeping the work agreement that they made to provide honest wages for honest work, or by participating in an undeserved promotion, are liars and thieves.

Another common way that people defraud other people, is in their loans.

Whenever someone defaults on a loan, without first selling everything they can to raise money to repay the loan, then they are lying about their ability to repay the loan (Psalm 15:4).  They simply are not willing to part with their stuff in order to repay the loan (Psalm 37:21).  They are keeping the money that is due to the lender, while claiming that they cannot get the money to repay the lender (Proverbs 3:27-28).  If they are not giving what is due to the lender, when they have the means to get it, then they are liars and thieves.

The borrower is to pay back the loan that they made an oath to pay back (Numbers 30:2).  They are do whatever they promised to do, even if they did not make an oath (Matthew 5:33-37).  They do not need an oath to do what they promised (James 5:12).  If they do not pay back what they promised, when they have the ability to do so, then they are liars and thieves.

So those who do not repay a loan, by claiming that they do not have the means to do so, when they actually have the means to repay the loan, are liars and thieves.

Another common way that people defraud others, is in their taxes.

The government has a right to collect taxes from people to prepare for disaster (Genesis 41:34-36).  The government has a right to collect taxes from people since it owns the land that they live on (Genesis 47:23-26).

The government has a right to force people into military and civilian service (1 Samuel 8:11-13).  The government has a right to tax people and take their land for the needs of the government (1 Samuel 8:14-15).  The government has a right to tax people and force them into its service because the government rules over them (1 Samuel 8:16-17).  People gave these rights to the government when they consented to be governed (1 Samuel 8:18-22).

The government has a right to tax the people that it governs (Luke 2:1-5).  Tax money belongs to the government since it created the money (Luke 20:22-25).  Taxes are the wages that are owed to the government for providing things like law and order (Romans 13:3-7).

People owe taxes to pay the wages of those who govern them.  People owe taxes to help pay the expenses of the country where they are living.  Whenever someone cheats on their taxes, they are really just lying about their finances to the government, so they can keep money that belongs to the government.  They are liars and thieves.

One last common way that people defraud others, is in tithes and offerings.

The Children of Abraham are those who do what Abraham (Abram) did (John 8:39).  The Children of Truth are the children of Abraham by demonstrating the same faith that Abraham had before he was circumcised (Romans 4:11-13).  Abraham is the father of everyone who lives in the same faith that he lived in (Galatians 3:7-9).  Those who have the faith of Abraham will do the works of Abraham (James 2:21-24).

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Maleki-tzedek aka Melchisedec) of everything he had, because Melchizedek was a priest of the Father of Truth (Genesis 14:18-20).  When Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, it was the same as paying tithes to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Hebrews 7:1-3).  Abraham paid tithes to someone who was greater than himself or the Levites (Hebrews 7:4-7).  In fact, the Levites themselves paid tithes to the Man of Truth, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:8-10).  The Levites paid tithes to someone, who was not part of those who received tithes in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), because he represented the Man of Truth (Hebrews 7:11-14).

Jacob (Yah'akob aka Israel) promised to give ten percent of everything to the Father of Truth as a sign that they were in covenant together (Genesis 28:20-22).  Tithes belong to the Father of Truth (Leviticus 27:30-32).  Tithes go to religious professionals, like the Levites, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (Numbers 18:21-24).  Even religious professionals, like the Levites, are to pay tithes (Numbers 18:25-26).  Religious professionals are to also pay tithes, even though they do not have a secular job, because it is a sign that they are in covenant with the Father of Truth (Numbers 18:27-30).

In like manner, the Ministers of Truth today, have a right to be supported by the Children of Truth, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (1 Corinthians 9:4-7).  Tithes belong to these religious professionals as their wages for the services that they provide, because they represent the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:8-11).  The Father of Truth has ordained that the Ministers of Truth be given wages by collecting tithes, just like the Levites (1 Corinthians 9:12-14).

The Children of Truth are to give offerings to build and maintain the place where they meet as well (Exodus 25:1-8).   They are to give offerings to send out Ministers of Truth to tell people outside of their congregation and their community the Good News (Romans 10:13-15).  They are to continually give offerings to support Ministers of Truth in other places so they can grow new congregations there (Philippians 4:14-16).

The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the poor, because the Father of Truth has promised to repay them for doing so (Proverbs 19:17).  They are to give offerings to help the poor among them (alms) (Matthew 6:1-4).  They are to give generously, because the Man of Truth has promised that others will give to them generously for doing so (Luke 6:38).

The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the Jewish Children of Truth in Israel, who face daily persecution from other Jews who have not came into the House of Truth (Romans 15:25-27).  They are to give offerings to show their love for the Father of Truth and to show love for other people like the Man of Truth did (2 Corinthians 8:5-9).  Those Children of Truth, who have not been reduced to begging, are to give offerings to share what they have with the Children of Truth who are in extreme need (2 Corinthians 8:13-15). 

The Children of Truth are to give offerings willingly from their heart because these offerings belong to the Father of Truth (Exodus 25:2).  Not only are the rich among the Children of Truth are to be generous in giving offerings, but also the poor (2 Corinthians 8:1-4).  They are to give offerings in accordance to what they have been given by the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 8:10-12).

The Children of Truth are to give these offerings cheerfully because they know that the Father of Truth loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:5-7).  They are to give these offerings because it will cause others to give glory to the Father of Truth, when they see the generosity of people who have come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:11-13).

The Children of Truth are to give these offerings, because the Father of Truth has promised to cause them to have everything that they will need, to carry out His will for their lives (2 Corinthians 9:8-10).  They are to give these offerings sacrificially, because they trust that the Father of Truth will give them everything that they need (Philippians 4:17-19).

So those who do not give tithes and offerings, are not keeping the covenant that they made with the Father of Truth, which makes them liars and thieves (Malachi 3:7-8).  They are liars and thieves because they do not trust the Father of Truth to do what He promised (Malachi 3:9-12).  Those who claim to have faith in the Father of Truth, but do not trust the Father of Truth enough to give Him the tithes and offerings that are due to Him, are liars and thieves (James 2:14-20).

So it should be apparent that the most common type of theft is that done by lying, which is called fraud.  People commit fraud in their marriages, by withholding sex that they promised to their spouse.  People commit fraud in their workplaces, by not giving their employer, or employee, what they are due.  People commit fraud in their loans, by not doing everything in their power to pay back what they promised.  People commit fraud in their taxes, by giving inaccurate information, so they can pay less taxes than they owe.  People even commit fraud against the Father of Truth, by not giving the tithes and offerings that they owe Him.

The Man of Truth warned, that those who want to gain eternal life should never defraud others, for that makes them liars and thieves (Mark 10:17-19).  Those who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, will have no part in the kingdom of his Father (1 Corinthians 6:8-10).  The Father of Truth will takes vengeance on all who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, because those who do such things despise Him (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8).  Liars and thieves will have their part in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

However, the Father of Truth does not treat ignorance in the same way as He treats rebellion.  Some people may not have realized that they owed some of these things before now.  They might have been told that they were not obligated to pay some of these obligations.  However, now that they know better, the Father of Truth is demanding that they no longer be liars and thieves, since He has raised the Man of Truth from the dead as proof that he will judge liars and thieves (Acts 17:30-31).

The Good News is that people can repent from being liars and thieves.  Those who are really the Children of Truth, completely abandon defrauding others, because they are no longer liars and thieves (1 Corinthians 6:8-11).  The Apostles of Truth never became liars and thieves, by defrauding others (2 Corinthians 7:2).

Anyone can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of their life to the Man of Truth, because they believed that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).  The Father of Truth will cause those who come into the House of Truth, to both desire and be able to do what they promised, so that they are no longer liars and thieves (Philippians 2:13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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