Saturday, July 27, 2013

Whose Report Will You Believe?

Can the mainstream sources be trusted?

When I was in Greece serving in the US Air Force there were seventeen terrorist incidents against American service men.  In fact, Greece had the second highest terrorism rate in the world in late 1980s.  (Israel had a very solid lock on first place.)  Everyone that was stationed in Greece was constantly trained in counter terrorism and briefed after each incident.

Several of these involved the use of  an IED (Improvised Explosive Device).  In one of the worst incidents an IED was placed into a stone wall and detonated as the US Army bus drove by.  Shrapnel tore into the bus injuring most of the passengers.  We were brief on the situation the next day and told what to do to prevent it from happening to one of the other buses that ran to a GSS (Geographically Separated Site). We were told to not give any information to anyone including our spouses about the incident because it could compromise the efforts of the intelligence community to apprehend the terrorists behind the attack.  The spouses and other civilians were also likewise told about the incident but in much less detail since they did not have the same need to know as us.  When my wife told me what she was told I could see that it all matched what I was told but was lacking certain important details.  We knew the truth but we could neither deny nor confirm it to anyone.

We were a small community in Hellenikon AFB (Air Force Base) of about 1800 individuals counting the civilians, the dependents and the Army, Navy, and Marine personnel attached to the base.  People in my unit went to church with people in the Army unit that was attacked along with many of the people that were involved in the treatment of the wounded and clean up of the aftermath.  These people were allowed to give testimonies in church services of how they had been protected as long as they did not divulge anything that was not public knowledge.  They could confide in other people with a high enough security clearance that had a need to know.  It was not long before I had a pretty good idea of exactly what had happened.  Not only that, but everyone was kept informed of the status of the casualties.  We were too tight knit of a community for anything serious to happen to anyone without everyone soon knowing about it.  We knew the truth for certain based on the word of those we served, the testimony of those that had been saved and our own experiences.

During this time my mother would send me video tapes of some of my favorite shows from the US because our SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with Greece would not allow the broadcast of American television shows.  She would often include the nightly news so I could stay abreast of what was going on in the world.  The tapes I received a few weeks after this particular incident all happened to have reports of the incident from all three of the major networks at the time. (ABC, NBC and CBS; there was no FOX channel in her area at the time.)

The reports that I saw on these networks made me lose all faith in the mainstream media to give me reliable information.  The reports agreed about the basic story that was general public knowledge but contradicted each other on some of the details.   The most shocking thing was their total exaggeration about the extent of the damage and the casualties.  They were simply wrong on how the terrorists had committed the attack. In some of the stories they were even wrong about who committed the attack.   These stories contradicted the report that I had from those I served, those that had been saved and my own experiences.

Whose report was I going to believe?

If I had been in America and had only watched one of their reports then I probably would have believed that report because I would have been ignorant of the truth.  Since I knew the truth I instead believed the report of those I served.

I have also been at the scene of several local news worthy incidents and have seen the same pattern repeated as that first time that my eyes were opened to the fact that the mainstream media is not always telling the truth.  In some of these cases I know for a fact that the mainstream media flat out lied when they gave their report because the authorities did not want the public to lose faith in the system and act out of panic.

I also paid close attention to development of the new reports following 911.  I noted that the number of planes and their fate changed for example.  At first, they reported that there were five planes counting one headed for Seattle that the US Air Force shot down instead of letting it cause casualties in Seattle.  (The President did not have the legal authority to command this action and the US Air Force did not have the legal authority to carry out such a command until the Patriot Act was signed into law about six weeks later.)  Then suddenly, they all began to report that there were only four planes.  There was no redaction or acknowledgment that they had been wrong about the number of planes.  They simply changed their story and acted like that they had always been reporting that there were only four planes.  I found it particularly interesting that for a while Peter Jennings kept saying that there were five planes and then summarizing the fate of only four planes.  The alternative news sources continued to report all five planes for a while and then they also suddenly did the exact same thing.

So which report should I believe?

I also noticed that one of the videos of the building collapsing was suddenly removed from all outlets.  In fact, my friend Anthony was watching the video when it was suddenly gone and the link to the video no longer existed. Again, there was no explanation.  The media outlets just acted like the video had never existed.

This video that showed an explosion that was only about one third of the way up from the ground in the first building that was struck while the plane had struck near the top of the building.  (The explosion was located at the place that the engineers of the building had designed for a demolition explosion when the building came to the end of its life and had to be taken down.)  This video showed that the terrorists could have already placed explosives in the buildings before the planes ever ran into the buildings.  The building would have came down either way but the planes were much effective advertisement for the terrorists.  This showed a much larger hole in our national security than just the one with our passenger planes. 

So which report should I believe?

I have developed a healthy skepticism of the mainstream media instead of just blindly believing whatever they tell me.  Of course, the alternative media outlets also have their fair share of people that report their own speculations as fact and that sometimes flat out lie in order to persuade others to their viewpoint.  Just because two types of sources are giving conflicting reports does not mean that either of them is really telling the truth.

Still it begs the question: whose report are you going to believe?

The only way to know whose report to believe is to inspect the reports of the reporters.   If you know the truth about what is being reported in some of the cases and the reports that you receive from a reporter consistently agrees with the truth that you already know then you can have a high level of confidence that in that reporter.   You can then believe their reports about other things as being the truth even though you have no real way to confirm them at the time.

However, if the reporter is not trustworthy then their report will not agree with the truth that you already know.  Another sign that they do not know the truth is that they keep changing their report.  Of course, if they change their report and then act like they had always been giving the same report that is even worse than ignorance.  They probably were purposely lying in the first place and want to distract you from their inconsistencies.  After all,  they want you to continue to trust that they are telling you the truth.

In like manner, I received two conflicting reports when my daughter went into her coma.  On the one hand I had the mainstream sources, the medical professionals, giving me a report about my daughter's future.  On the other hand I had alternative sources giving me a contradicting report about my daughter's future.  The report that I acted on would have a significant impact on the future of my entire family.  It all came down to one question.

Whose report was I going to believe?

I chose to believe the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources that most people believe.   The medical professionals assured me that the situation was dire.  They reported that her kidneys had been shut down by one medication and that this was allowing another medication to flood her brain in its undiluted form.  This undiluted medication was causing her brain to continue to swell continually larger.  There was a shunt in her head but it could not possibly relieve enough pressure to keep her brain from being destroyed.  All of these things were medical facts but the doctors then offered a report of her future based on speculation.  They insisted that that she would die.  The only trouble for them was that I refused to believe their report.  In fact, the neurologist got very angry at me and told me she had to die. My anger was riled up and I told him that doctors do not get the last word.  For ten days, my daughter was as good as dead as far as medical science was concerned and for ten days I insisted that she would live.  

I was not refusing to believe their report because I did not like it.  This was not a case of being in denial or not accepting the facts about her condition at the time.  This was not about doubting their competency or the seriousness of the condition.  In fact, after it was all over her primary doctor researched like cases where these two drugs had been used in this combination and she is the only person to have EVER not died after the kidneys shutdown. (The FDA no longer allows these two drugs to be given at the same time because of the 100% certainty of shutting down the kidneys and death by brain swelling once a person goes over the threshold.)  Since I knew the facts about her condition at the time why did I refuse to believe their report about her future?

I had already been given another report about her future from alternative sources that said that she would live.  That was over a decade ago when I had to decide whose report I was going to believe and she is still living proof that I believed the right report.  I'm now going to tell you why I believed the report of the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources.

These alternative sources are headed the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).  The Book of Truth (The Bible) was His Report.  This Report had already reported many things to me that I had been able to verify and not once had they been wrong.  The Book of Truth contains many statements of history and science that the facts have always support once they have been uncovered.  His Report has proven to be the truth so I can trust it.  Beyond that, I have came to into the service of the Father of Truth when I came into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) my absolute ruler in every area of my life.  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) delivered their report of the future of my daughter to me personally before she ever went into the coma.  I literally had inside information.  These alternative sources have never told me anything except the truth.  I had heard the testimonies of many trustworthy people that have been healed of all kinds of sickness by the Man of Truth and other examples of the trustworthiness of these alternative sources.  The Man of Truth had already healed me of illnesses that medical science had that said had no hope of being healed.  I knew the truth for certain based on the Word of The One I serve, the testimony of those that had been saved and my own experiences.

Why is it so important whose report you believe?

The report you believe will determine your future.

Consider the case of the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness of Paran.  The Father of Truth commanded Moses to select twelve men to scout out the land that He had promised as an inheritance to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Numbers 13:1-2). [The Hebrew word translated as "spy" is literally "scout".]  Moses sent out twelve men to scout out the land and report its condition (Numbers 13:17-20).  All twelve of these scouts came back and gave a truthful report of the current condition of the land (Numbers 13:27-29).  One of the scouts gave a good report about the future of the land based on the report of the Father of Truth had already given and apparently another scout agreed with him making them the alternative sources (Numbers 13:30). The other ten scouts were the mainstream sources and gave an evil report about the future of the land based on their own speculation (Numbers 13:31-33).  The mindless masses believed the report of the mainstream sources and planned their future accordingly (Numbers 14:1-4).  The alternative sources tried in vain to convince the mindless masses to believe their report instead so that they could have a better future (Numbers 14:5-9).  The mindless masses that had been persuaded by the mainstream sources would have shut down the alternative sources completely if they had been allowed to do so (Numbers 14:10).  The mindless masses that believed the mainstream sources came into the evil future that they believed while the alternative sources came into the good future that they believed (Numbers 14:29-30).  Their future was determined by whose report that they believed.

It is no different with you.  The facts of your present condition are not up for debate provided that you really know what they are.  The conflicting reports in question are those about your future.

Whose report will you believe?

The world, the mainstream sources, have many reports based only on speculation about the future.  These reports that it gives may look good or may look bad to your flesh but they will always contradict the report of the Spirit of Truth (Galatians 5:17).  Nothing that the mainstream sources tell the mindless masses is from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the head of the mainstream sources that controls the mindless masses that do not know the truth (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).  The story the mainstream sources tell about everything keeps changing throughout the ages because it is not the truth (1 Corinthians 8:5-6).  The head of the mainstream sources has been lying from the first and wants to distract you from his inconsistencies (John 8:44).  After all, the world wants you to continue to trust that it is telling you the truth.

The alternative sources will tell you the truth about your future.  The Spirit of Truth will lead you to the truth about your future (John 16:13).  The Man of Truth never changes (Hebrews 13:8).  The Father of Truth never changes (James 1:17).  His Report never changes (Isaiah 40:8).  His Report is true (3 John 1:11-12).

The real question is: will you believe His Report (Isaiah 53:1)?

His Report says that the Father of Truth will heal those that obey Him (Exodus 15:26).   His report says that He sent sent His Word to heal those that foolishly disobeyed Him (Psalm 107:17-20).  His Report says that the Man of Truth was beaten terribly to take sickness from our bodies as surely as he was wounded to take away our sins (Isaiah 53:4-5). The only reason ever given for the Great Physician, the Man of Truth, being brutally whipped was to purchase our deliverance from sickness as surely as his crucifixion purchased our deliverance from sin (1 Peter 2:24). You can just as assuredly be healed from sickness by faith as you can be saved from your sins by faith.

You cannot have faith in His Report without first hearing His Report (Romans 10:17).  You need to think about His Report in all circumstances once you hear it (Philippians 4:8). 

Those that hear His Report must obey His instructions to be healed (Romans 10:16).  Faith is confidence in His Report that leads to action (James 2:17-18). Believing in the Father of Truth without enough confidence in His goodness to act on His Report makes you no better than the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka gods aka foul spirits aka spirits of sickness) (James 2:19-20).   It is acting on His Report that makes your faith effective in bringing the healing that He offers (James 2:21-23).  Faith is not wishful thinking or denying the facts of your present circumstances.  Faith is action that comes from believing His Report about your future.

There are many examples of people being healed because they believed His report and acted on it.  The blind and lame were healed when they went into the Temple because they believed that the Doctor was in the House and the time for their healing had arrived (Matthew 21:14).  The faith of the Samaritan leper caused him to be made whole when he went back to give praise to the Great Physician (Luke 17:15-19).

There is no clearer example of this truth than the woman with the issue of blood.  This woman was a good as dead as far medical science was concerned (Luke 8:43).  She crawled through the crowd with her last strength to touch the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth and she was healed (Luke 8:44).  Immediately the Great Physician knew that someone had been healed (Luke 8:45-46).  The woman gave testimony of her healing by the Great Physician (Luke 8:47).  The Great Physician said that she had been healed because of her faith (Luke 8:48).

Now you might be wondering about her faith.  Her faith in what?  Was there evidence of her faith before she was healed?  Did she set these conditions of touching his clothes to be healed herself?  Where did she ever get such an idea?  It is time to pull back the covers and reveal the the story behind the story.

Any woman that was issuing blood was to avoid touching with other people (Leviticus 15:19).  The woman with the issue of blood was forbidden to touch other people as long as she had the issue of blood (Leviticus 15:25).  His Report had said that there would be healing in the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth (Malachi 4:2). [The Hebrew word "kanaph" that is translated as "wings" is the same word used for the corners of a garment. It would be translated as "healing in the corners of his garment".] 

Now we shall reexamine this same story in the light of the rest of the story.

This woman had spent all that she had on doctors, the mainstream source, and suffered through all kinds of treatments but they gave her a report of a hopeless future (Mark 5:25-26). This woman pressed through the crowd because she believe the Report of the Father of Truth concerning the corners of the garments of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:27-28).  After she pressed through the crowd and touched the corners of his garments then she was healed (Mark 5:29).  The Great Physician knew that someone had been healed by touching the corners of his garment (Mark 5:30-31).  Then the Great physician looked at her (Mark 5:32). She came trembling and fell at his feet because the religious professionals of the day might have stoned her for making a crowd of people unclean and then touching a Rabbi in her condition (Mark 5:33).  Her pressing through the crowd was the proof of her faith before she was ever healed.  When she gave her testimony of what had been done then the Great Physician revealed that she was healed because she had believed the Report of the Father of Truth enough to act on it (Mark 5:33-34).

What doe His Report say about today?

The Children of Truth (followers of the Man of Truth) can still bring healing to others while the Great Physician is away when they believe His Report  (Mark 16:17-19).  It is worth noting that this only for those that believe His Report, not those that doubt His Report, argue with His Report, or cling to traditions that contradict His Report.  People can still be healed by the Great Physician through the Children of Truth when they believe His Report (Acts 14:8-10).  The Spirit of Truth works through the Children of Truth that believe His Report to bring healing to others (1 Corinthians 12:9).

Whose report will you believe?

Those that have hardened their hearts and refuse to obey the Father of Truth will not be able to hear His Report (Isaiah 6:9-10).  Those that do not know the Man of Truth cannot hear His Report (Matthew 13:14-15).  So they cannot be not have the faith to believe His Report (John 12:39-40).  Those that cannot believe His Report will not be healed through faith in His Report (Acts 28:24-27).

Whose report will you believe?

Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His Report cannot be convinced by any proof (John 12:37-38).  Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His report have no choice but to believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).  Hearing His Report will do you no good if you do not believe it (Hebrews 4:2).  

Whose report will you believe?

Your future will either be one of death or life depending upon whose report that you believe (Romans 6:23). Will you believe the report of the world that leads to death or His report that leads to life (Romans 8:6)?  Will you come into the House of Truth by putting the Man of Truth in charge of every aspect of your life because you believe the report that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)?

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Chastening of the Lord

Does the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) every afflict His children with sickness?

When I was young I occasionally did somethings that I knew that my father did not want me to do.  Sometimes I was not caught right away and it appeared that I was getting away with it.  Sometimes I would realize that I was lucky that I wasn't caught and never did it again.  Other times I kept it up and I would invariably get caught by my father.  When that happened it was never pleasant.

Sometimes I would plead with my father by promising to not to do it again.   My father always seems to know if that was true or not and could not be fooled by any of his children.  If we were sincere then our punishment would be lessened or maybe even forgotten.  We dared not repeat an offense that was forgiven or that we had been chastised less than we deserved because we knew that if we did then we would get double punishment the next time.  However, if we were not sincere my father could always tell and off came the belt.  When he was done we knew that we would never do that same thing again.  He made Hell real to us because he loved us and we respected him for it.

Do not get me wrong.  I am not talking about abuse where a father might strike a child in a fit of rage and beats them senseless.  When this happens the father often feels bad about the incident and the child resents their father for his unfair treatment of them.  When a father does this it brings disrespect to him, not respect.  I am not talking about where a child is ignorant of the will of their father and the father punishes the child instead of instructing the child.  This unfair treatment of the child also brings disrespect to their father.   These show a lack of self control and a lack concern for the long term good of the child by the father.  I am talking about where I knew what my father wanted and I decided to do the opposite.  I am talking about either a lack of self control on my behalf or outright rebellion against the instructions of my father.

For example, when I was seven my uncle Tim was hiding in cable spool and firing bottle rockets at me. He hit my face with one.  I was terrified and swatted it away just before it exploded.  Then I was overwhelmed with uncontrollable rage.  I grabbed a can of gasoline from the porch and ran towards the cable spool that he was hiding in.  Once he realized what I was doing it was too late to escape from the cable spool in time.  Now he was terrified and was frantically trying to put out anything that might ignite the gasoline in the two seconds that he left before I began pouring the gasoline.  Just as I was in position to pour the gasoline I heard a sound that put terror in my soul.  It was my father telling me to stop.  I felt like a dead man walking.  My father asked us both what we were doing.  We both knew better than to try to do serious hurt to each other.  My father gave us both a sound whipping that we have not forgotten.  We never tried to do serious harm to a family member since.  We respected my father for his chastening us when we deserved it.

Years later, when we visiting my uncle Terry his neighbor kids started throwing rocks at us.  Again, I lost my temper and began throwing rocks back.  I'm not talking about gravel here.  I'm talking about the kind of rocks that could break bones.  Soon, my uncle Tim, myself , my brother and my sisters were all throwing rocks at the neighbor kids.  Again, my father showed up before anyone was seriously hurt.  He did not buy our self defense argument because we could have went to the trailer and told him.  He and uncle Terry would have talked to those kids parents and put a stop to it.  But instead I had lost my temper and had taken matters into my own hands.  All of seven us got a sound whipping for trying to cause other people serious harm.  He started with the oldest and ended with the youngest because the oldest were the most responsible.  We knew when he was done that we were not to try to seriously harm people when we could avoid it.  We respected my father for his chastening us when we deserved it.

You see my father knew that I had a terrible temper and if I did not learn to control it then I was going to one day seriously hurt or kill someone.  When that happened I would be truly sorry but it would be too late.  My father knew that I had to learn to master my temper or it would ruin my life.  That is why the punish was so harsh and certain when I let my temper overcome my better judgment.  It was never pleasant being chastised.  In fact it was like being in Hell for a few minutes.  Every painful moment seemed like an eternity.  The wounds were very painful but they healed in a few days.  On the other hand, the lessons stayed with me for a life time and have kept me from ruining my life.  He chastised me because he was looking out for my long term good.  My father loved me so he had to chastise me.  I respect him greatly to this day for it.

The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells us that the Father of Truth is the same way.  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) often acts as on older brother in administering the chastisement on behalf of his Father just as my father did when he chastised my uncle Tim.

The Father of Truth does not chastise us with the Word of Truth.  He rebukes us with his Word.  His public rebuke is better than a love that does nothing when we are wrong (Proverbs 27:5-6).   He rebukes the Children of Truth (those that follow the Man of Truth) with the Word of Truth often through his more mature children  (2 Timothy 4:1-2).

Sometimes words are simply not enough to keep people from destruction (Proverbs 29:1).  The Man of Truth not only rebukes those that will not repent but he also chastises them because he loves them (Revelation 3:19).

Sometimes the only way for the Father of Truth to get rebellion out of His Children is chastise them with a rod (Proverbs 22:15). [Note: The Hebrew word translated as "foolishness" literally means "rebellion" not silliness or ignorance.]   He will not spare the rod when your actions deserve it because He loves you (Proverbs 13:24). It may seem like you are in Hell when you are being chastised but He will not stop beating you with his rod until the rebellion is gone because He is saving you from being in Hell forever (Proverbs 23:13-14).  He rebukes you for sin and uses his rod to cause you to make wise choices (Proverbs 29:15).    This Good Father will literally beat the Hell out of you to save you from yourself. 

The chastening of the Lord is a blessing to the Children of Truth for it keeps them in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and out of Hell (Psalm 94:12-13).  The chastening of the Lord will not cause them to die in their sins even if they feel like they are going to die (Psalm 118:17-18). They are not to despise the chastening of the Lord because the Father of Truth does it for their long term good (Proverbs 3:11-12).  Those that despise His commandments will die (Proverbs 19:16).  This Good Father will not stop His chastening for your crying while there is still hope for you to repent (Proverbs 19:18).  This chastening is brought upon His Children to keep them from being condemned to Hell with everyone else (1 Corinthians 11:30-32).

The Father of Truth chastises the Children of Truth for their disobedience because they are part of His family (Hebrews 12:5-8).  This Good Father chastises them so that they will respect Him and obey Him so that they can live (Hebrews 12:9). This Good Father chastises His Children so that they can profit from being like their Father in their character (Hebrews 12:10).  This Good Father will make Hell real to them for a while so that they can enjoy being with Him for eternity (Hebrews 12:11).

What is the chastening of the Lord?  What is His rod?

The Father of Truth has several rods that He chastens His children with when they will not be reformed by His rebukes and one of them is sickness (pestilence) (Leviticus 26:23-25).  The chastening of the Lord can bring pain to the body and soul of His Children (Psalm 6:1-3).  When His children foolishly rebel against His commandments then they bring sickness on themselves (Psalm 107:17-18).  The chastening of the Lord can be a rod of physical sickness that creates pain like a woman going through childbirth (Isaiah 26:16-17).  This physical sickness that people bring on themselves can be beyond the ability of medical science to cure (Jeremiah 30:13-15).  Many of His Children are sick and die prematurely because they have not repented (1 Corinthians 11:28-30).  The Chastening of the Lord can make a man so weak from sickness that his hands hang down and his knees are weak (Hebrews 12:12).  The Man of Truth will sometimes cast the Children of Truth that refuse to repent into a bed of sickness (Revelation 2:21-22).
The point of this sickness is to bring His Children to repentance to save them from Hell (Job 33:18-20).  The chastening of the Lord is bring His children to a place of repentance (Job 34:31-32).  It is better that they should lose part of their body than to go to Hell (Matthew 5:29-30).  This sickness is to bring them to repentance so that they will be able to be live with the Father of Truth for all eternity (Hebrews 12:12-14).   His children are never getting a way with anything when they seem to not be suffering for their rebellion but are instead being given an opportunity to repent without suffering first (Revelation 2:20-21).

It is better that a few of the Children of Truth die from sickness than all of them to die in Hell (John 11:50). The Father of Truth cannot allow some of His Children to get keep getting away with rebellion unpunished or it will spread throughout their congregation causing many to go to Hell (1 Corinthians 5:6).  The Good Shepherd, the Man of Truth, will kill a few of the sheep with sickness to prevent the entire flock from being destroyed in Hell (Revelation 2:23).

Make no mistake, the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the one that actually oppresses people with sickness (Job 2:7). The Father of Truth only turns His children over to him for the destruction of their flesh with sickness so that they will repent and be saved from Hell (1 Corinthians 5:1-5).

The Father of Truth is the one that heals His children when they repent (Exodus 15:26).  This Good Father looks for His Children to repent so He can heal them (Isaiah 57:17-19).

The Father of Truth that chastises His children with sickness will heal them when they repent (Job 5:17-18). He will smite Egypt and then heal them when they repent (Isaiah 19:22). The same One that chastised you with sickness when you have sinned will heal you if you repent (Hosea 6:1).

There is no better example of the Father of Truth using sickness to bring repentance than King David.  King David was made king because he was a man that was in pursuit of pleasing the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 13:14).  This Child of Truth then despised the commandments of His Father when he sinned (1 Samuel 12:9).  This Good Father could not let him go unpunished even though King David admitted that he had sinned (1 Samuel 12:13-14).  Part of the chastisement of the Lord was sickness that lead to the death of the child that had been conceived as a result of his sin despite the tearful pleadings of King David (1 Samuel 12:15-19).  King David was chastised with the rod of a terribly painful sickness for his sin as well (Psalms 38:1-4).  This Child of Truth was afflicted with a terrible venereal disease for his adultery (Psalms 38:5-7).  This sickness got so bad that he was on the verge of death (Psalms 38:8-11).  King David finally repented from the heart for his disobedience so he asked to be forgiven and healed (Psalms 38:18-22).  This Good Father ended His chastisement and healed this Child of Truth when He knew that King David had repented and would be saved from Hell (Psalm 30:1-3).

You do not have to remain sick if you have sinned.  You can be healed of any disease.  Even if you have brought it on yourself by rebelling against Him.  This Good Father has provided for your healing.

The Father of Truth sent His Word to heal His Children when they cry out in repentance for their foolishly rebelling against Him (Psalm 107:17-20).  This Good Father promised to send the Man of Truth to endure stripes in the place of the sickness that the Children of Truth had brought upon themselves (Isaiah 53:5).  The Man of Truth is willing to heal you (Mark 1:40-41).  He only came to do the will of His Father so you can be sure that this Good Father wants you healed (John 5:30).  The Man of Truth was sent to heal all that have been oppressed with sickness by the Father of Lies even if it was they brought it on themselves (Acts 10:38).  The Man of Truth endured incredible pain so that you could repent and be healed (1 Peter 2:24-25).  He came to destroy every work of the Father of Lies including sickness (1 John 3:8).

The Great Physician, the Man of Truth, has left the Children of Truth to bring his healing power to you while he is in Heaven (Mark 16:17-19).  When these interns act in his name then the Great Physician works through them to bring about healing in your body (Acts 4:10).  They can bring his healing power through the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) just like the Great Physician did (1 Corinthians 12:9).  As the Great Physician is in Heaven so are the Children of Truth in this world (1 John 4:17).

The Father of Truth longs for you to repent so that he can stop His chastisement (Jeremiah 31:18-20).   He wants to come to you with peace instead of a rod for chastising you but it is your choice (1 Corinthians 4:21).  If we will judge ourselves when we do wrong and repent then He will not judge us by chastening us (1 Corinthians 11:31).  If we will repent after we have been chastised then He will heal us (Hebrews 12:12-13).  If you have wronged another Child of Truth then you will have to tell them and ask for their forgiveness as part of your repentance so that you can be healed from your sickness (James 5:16).

Of course, we need to come into the House of Truth because the same Father of Truth that can chastise us with sickness to bring us to repentance can also cast us into Hell if we refuse to repent (Matthew 10:28).   You need to come into the House of Truth so you can obey from the heart (Romans 6:17). You need to end your rebellion against the rule of the Man of Truth and come into the House of Truth because you believe that this Good Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).   You need to repent from the heart and come into the House of Truth to do the will of this Good Father (Ephesians 6:5-7).   You can both be healed from sickness and escape Hell if you will come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 2:24).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

There is a Doctor in the House!

Does the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) still heal people today?

During my last year of high school I developed a serious illness in my intestines.  I would be going about my business when suddenly it would feel as if a clawed hand grabbed my guts and then squeezed and twisted them.

I had no health insurance and it cost me a week's wages just to see a doctor so I usually just kept working while I was sick until I recovered.   However, this condition did not get any better but only got worse.  Eventually, it got so bad that I had to go see a doctor.

The doctor said that I had "gastroenteritis". This was a catch all diagnosis that doctors gave for an infection of the gastrointestinal tract when they did not know what the specific issue was.  He gave me some medicine that caused me to spend a lot of time in the bathroom but did nothing to relieve my symptoms.  After a while I saved up enough money to go to a gastroenterologist with similar results.  This occurred several times until one of the specialists told me that medical science did not know exactly what was causing the excruciating pain in my intestines and there was no known way to cure it.  He advised me to not eat anything that contained oil or spice.  I was a college student and foods that were greasy or spicy made up half of my diet!  (Sugar probably made up the other half.)

I was desperate enough to try this.  So I started avoiding pretty much all foods that were either greasy or spicy in the least.  It was good bye to pizza, tacos, fried chicken and pretty much everything else except plain dry meats like roast beef or unseasoned chicken breast and plain carbohydrates like bread and plain noodles.  It did seem to help a little but it did not really cure me.  After a couple of years of this I still continued to have episodes.

I did not want to live this way the rest of my life but I was out of options.  I had spent all that I had on physicians and had suffered many things at their hands but I had only grown worse.  I needed there to be a doctor in the house that could actually cure me.

Then one day, my cousin invited me to go a meeting with him in Tulsa.  I asked if it was at a church and he assured me that it was not.  So I consented to go with him.

I had surrendered everything to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) by this point but I wanted nothing to do with churches.  The churches that most people attended in Northwest Arkansas did not really believe the Book of Truth (The Bible) and offered no real hope for overcoming any of my numerous issues.  I had read about healing in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) and I asked several of the ministers in my area if it was true.  Some said that those stories of healing were "spiritual" and that the Man of Truth did not really heal anyone physically.  Others said that the Man of Truth and the Apostles of Truth really did heal people back then but all of that died out with the last Apostle.  I got conflicting and confusing answers but they all had a common theme:  Healing was not for people today despite what the Renewed Covenant plainly seemed to say.  They were certain that there was not a Doctor in the House.

When I arrived at the meeting it was not in a church as my cousin had promised.  It was in what seemed to be a former warehouse of some sort.  There was a stage that had been assembled there with a band on it.  There were television cameras pointed at the preacher.  We sat in folding chairs instead of pews.  It certainly was not like any kind of church that I had ever seen.

The preacher began preaching that day on the subject what the Book of Truth said about healing.  He went over all of the verses from the Renewed Covenant that I had read and said that these verses meant exactly what they said.  I felt hope for the first time in years because he said that there was a Doctor in the House!

As he continued to expound upon the Word of Truth faith began to rise up in me.  Then he gave an invitation for anyone that was sick to come to the front to be healed.  He explained that He would lay hand on people and that through the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaKodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) the Man of Truth, the Doctor, would operate on them.  He also explained that some people might fall down when he touched them.  I was ready to meet the Doctor but I was determined to not fall down when I was up there.  I jump up out of my chair and ran to preacher because there was a Doctor in the House!

He laid hands on my head, barely touching me, and immediately I started falling backwards.  I  tried with everything in my being to not fall down but to no avail.  I was stiff as a board and had no power to do anything but fall.  When I got up I knew I was well!  There was a Doctor in the House!

I was so confident that there had been a Doctor in the House that after the meeting I went to Pizza Hut, ordered the largest size they had of my favorite pizza and ate the entire thing by myself!  If anyone else had any doubts that I had been healed that erased them because this would have sent me to the hospital or the morgue if I had not been healed.  I have never had any of these symptoms return in almost thirty years because there was a Doctor in the House!

The fact that I was healed is undeniable.  However, the real question is what does the Book of Truth say about there being a Doctor in the House.

The first thing to know is that this preacher did not heal me when he laid hands on me.  It was no different than when Abraham prayed for the people of Abimelech and then the Father of Truth healed them (Genesis 20:17).  The Father of Truth is the one that heals people (Exodus 15:26).  He is the one that heals the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to keep them out of the grave when they are as good as dead (Psalm 30:1-3).  He is the one that heals the Children of Truth of all of their diseases (Psalm 103:2-4).  The same One who saves people from their sins is the One who heals people (Jeremiah 17:14).

The Father of Truth sent His Word to heal those that are sick (Psalm 107:20). The Man of Truth is the living Word of the Father of Truth (John 1:1-3).  The Word became a man (John 1:14).  The Word was sent to carry out the will of the Father of Truth (John 5:30).

The Father of Truth said that the same Man of Truth who would be wounded to take away our sins would also be whipped to take away our sickness (Isaiah 53:5).  The Man of Truth would come with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2). (That is to say the corners of his prayer garment. [The corner of a tallit (prayer garment) is called a "kanaph" in Hebrews, literally a "wing".])

When the Man of Truth came he healed all manners of disease like a Doctor (Matthew 4:23).  Everywhere that the Man of Truth preached the Gospel people were healed (Matthew 9:35).  This Doctor mostly healed people where the Children of Truth gathered to worship on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-12).  The Doctor continued his healing ministry even though it upset the religious professionals (Matthew 12:13-15).   The Doctor healed the blind and lame in the House of the Father of Truth (Matthew 21:14).  There was a Doctor in the House!

No case was too hard for the Man of Truth for he even healed those that were missing body parts (Matthew 15:30).  No case was too hopeless for this Doctor for he even dared to touch those that disease had made untouchable (Mark 1:40-42). This Doctor healed those that other doctors could not help when they took hold of the wings of his garment (Luke 8:43-48).  This Doctor healed anyone that had faith in his ability (Luke 17:15-19). This Doctor continued healing anyone in need right up to the end of his practice (Luke 22:50-53).  There was a Doctor in the House!

The Man of Truth commissioned interns to bring healing to others in the same way as himself (Matthew 10:1).  These original interns only extended their practice to the people of Israel (Matthew 10:5-8).  New interns were trained to carry on his work of healing after the Doctor returned to the Father of Truth (Acts 14:8-10).  Later the practice of his interns was extended to the Gentiles (Acts 28:7-9).  There was still a Doctor in the House!

The Man of Truth has commissioned the Children of Truth as new interns in this current age as surely has he has commissioned them to bring people into the House of Truth (Mark 16:17-18).  When these interns lay hands on the sick the Doctor is the one that heals the sick (Acts 4:10). This Doctor healed all kinds of people that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) had oppressed with sickness because He was anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:38).  His interns heal people by the same Spirit of Truth as the Doctor (1 Corinthians 12:9).  The Father of Truth has placed interns among the Children of Truth to continue on the healing work of the Doctor  (1 Corinthians 12:28).  There should always be some interns among the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:30).  As long as the Children of Truth carry on his work there is a Doctor in the House!

When the Man of Truth begins his reign on the Earth he will heal the wounded (Isaiah 30:26).  When the Father of Truth replaces this universe with a new one healing will still be provided for all eternity (Revelation 22:2).  There will still be a Doctor in the House!

The Man of Truth has not ceased to bring healing to people (Hebrews 13:8).  The Man of Truth paid for your healing with the stripes from being whipped as surely has he paid for your salvation from sin with his death (1 Peter 2:24).  The Man of Truth heals people because he came to destroy every work of the Father of Lies (1 John 3:8).  There is a Doctor in the House!

Of course your body being healed of every disease is of no real value if you lose your soul because you never came into the House of Truth (Mark 8:36).  You need to come into the House of Truth to know the healer more than you need to be healed (Matthew 7:23).  You need to come into the House of Truth by following the Doctor's orders because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Where does sickness come from?

Where does sickness come from?

My daughter has almost never known a day without pain.  She has six conditions that medical science has labeled as "fatal".  As I write this she is in the hospital for her eightieth or so visit.  Illness has tried to define her life and the life of her family.   People sometimes ask me if I am mad at the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) because of her condition.  The truth is that I have never been angry at Him for this or any other illness because I know where sickness comes from.  I know because the Book of Truth (the Bible) tells me.

Perhaps you have experienced illness or even have had someone taken away from you at too early of an age.  Perhaps you have been wondering what many have wondered.  Where does sickness come from?

The first mention of physical pain was when the Father of Truth told Eve the consequences of her disobedience (Genesis 3:16).  The first mention of a physical problem was the barrenness of Sarai (Sarah) the wife of Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 11:29-30).  The first mention of a plague was when Pharaoh the king of Egypt sought to make Sarai his wife (Genesis 12:17).   The first mention of a woman dying in childbirth was Rachel when Benjamin was born (Genesis 35:17-19).  The first record of someone being sick was Jacob in the land of Egypt (Genesis 48:1-2).  The first recorded death from sickness was Jacob in the land of Egypt (Genesis 49:33).

It seems that sickness has happened to everyone every since Adam went into disobedience in the Garden of Eden.  Pharaoh and his people that worshiped idols were plagued but those that followed the Father of Truth did not fare any better.  Does sickness come from any where?

No curse ever comes upon anyone without a cause and sickness is no different (Proverbs 26:2).  The cause of pain in childbirth was the sin of Eve.  The cause of the plagues upon Pharaoh and his people was causing trouble to Abram the father of the Jews (Genesis 12:3-4).

But what about Sarai, Rachel and Jacob?  What caused them to suffer?  The cause in their cases was ignorance of where sickness comes from.

So where does sickness come from?

Sickness comes from not doing what the Father of Truth commands (Deuteronomy 28:58-61).   You invite sickness into your life every time that you are disobedient to what He has said (Psalm 38:3).  You can bring sickness into your life by your own sins.

This curse of sickness is not limited just to you but can extend to your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in place of you dying (Exodus 34:7).  This curse that extends to the third and fourth generation is mercy of the Father of Truth because He cannot justly allow you to get away with disobedience (Numbers 14:18).  If He gave people what they deserve as soon as they deserved it there would be no generations after them (Isaiah 1:9).  So my daughter's many genetic issues are the results of her ancestors disobedience.

Sickness can come from sin that is done in ignorance.  Ignorance is not bliss.  The Children of Truth can have their health destroyed when they have a lack of knowledge concerning where sickness comes from (Hosea 4:6).   All sin is transgression of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) regardless of one's knowledge of it (1 John 3:4).

Sickness comes from a lack of peace in your soul.  Envy will wreck your health (Proverbs 14:30).

Sickness comes from participating in sex in any fashion other than that intended by the Father of Truth.  Anyone that has sex of any sort outside of the bounds of marriage between a man and a woman is asking for a sexually transmitted disease (1 Corinthians 6:18).  Particularly those that abuse their bodies with homosexual acts (1 Corinthians 6:9).

Of course, sickness does not have to be the result of your personal disobedience nor the disobedience of your ancestors (John 9:1-3).  The curse can come because of someone else.

Abel suffered and died because of the sin of Cain (Genesis 4:7-9).  Murder was a sin that brought punishment before the Father of Truth ever gave the Law of Truth to Moses (Genesis 4:10-12).   He has plainly said in the Law of Truth "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13).   The Law of Truth did not make murder a sin but only revealed that murder was a sin (Romans 3:20).  Sin and its consequences existed from the moment that Adam disobeyed the Father of Truth (Romans 5:12-14).

In the same way the sin of others can bring you sickness.  The unfaithfulness of a wife can destroy the health of her husband (Proverbs 12:4).  Distressful news brought on by the sin of others can wreck your health (Habakkuk 3:16).

Since sickness comes from sin then sickness is the result of giving into temptation.  The Father of Truth is not the one tempting people so He is not the cause of sickness (James 1:13).  When people give into temptation because it appeals to their own desires then they sin and that brings the consequences of sin (James 1:14-15).  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the one that tempts people to give in their wrong desires (1 Corinthians 7:5). 

The Father of Lies often works like this to bring sickness.  First he tempts a religious professional like the prophet Balaam into believing a lie by offering something that the religious professional wants (2 Peter 2:15).  The religious professional then starts teaching a doctrine contrary to that of the Father of Truth to some people (Revelation 2:14).  Those people then cause others to transgress against the commandments of the Father of Truth (Numbers 31:15-16).  This transgression then brings the sickness upon the entire group including those who are innocent of the transgression (Numbers 25:1-9).

Ultimately the Father of Lies brings sickness to kill people by lying and getting others to lie (John 8:44).

The Father of Truth is not where sickness comes from.

He has promised to heal you of every disease if you will learn to obey His instructions (Exodus 15:26).  He will take sickness from you if you learn to walk in His ways (Deuteronomy 7:12-15).  If a community will learn to walk in His ways then not one of them will be sick or barren or miscarry or die young (Exodus 23:25-26).

The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to end this oppression of the Father of Lies called sickness (Acts 10:38).

The Man of Truth took a terrible beating that left him so bloody and wounded that he did not even look like a man anymore (Isaiah 52:14).  He suffered the consequences of sin in his body so that you could be healed in your body (Isaiah 53:5). He did this so that you could be healed of every disease (1 Peter 2:24).

Three times I have heard the "Your daughter is going to die - make funeral arrangements" speech from medical professionals and three times the Man of Truth has stood between her and death.  The Father of Truth is where healing and health comes from.  The Father of Truth desires above all things that you be in health (3 John 1:2).

The Father of Truth is waiting for you to come into the House of Truth so that you can be healed (Hosea 6:1).  The Man of Truth has suffered so that you can come into the House of Truth (Romans 5:19-21).  Those women that come into the House of Truth and remain there will not die in childbearing like Rachel did (1 Timothy 2:15).

You come into the House of Truth where you can learn to have health instead of sickness by surrendering everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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