Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Stupid Zone

How can you escape The Stupid Zone?

When I was a kid, I watched reruns of The Twilight Zone on television.  Some of these episodes were so memorable, that I remember them to this day, even though I only saw them once, more than forty years ago.

The premise of The Twilight Zone, was there was an imaginary world, where everyday logic, reason, and common sense, did not always apply.  Most of the time, those who crossed into The Twilight Zone, were not even aware that they had crossed into it.  In some episodes, there would be entire groups of people trapped in the Twilight Zone, with only one or two people, who realized that things were not right, but they could not convince anyone around them, that things were not right.  Most of the people around them, seem to have some sort of going-along-to-get-along mentality, that put them in a state of denial, that they were living in The Twilight Zone.

The opening narration for The Twilight Zone changed each season, except for the final season.  In the opening narration of the second season, the audience is told that there was a signpost ahead that showed that they were about to enter The Twilight Zone.

I have encountered something like The Twilight Zone in real life, that I call The Stupid Zone.  This is an imaginary world that some people live in, where everyday logic, reason, and common sense, do not apply.  Most of the time, those who have cross into The Stupid Zone, were not even aware that they have crossed into it.  Sometimes, there are entire groups of people trapped in The Stupid Zone, and but a few of them have come to realize that something is not right, but are unable to convince the rest of the group, that things are not right.  Most of the people in the group, seem to have some sort of going-along-to-get-along mentality, that puts them in a state of denial, that they are living in The Stupid Zone.

Like the narration of the second season of The Twilight Zone, there are signs, that tell people, when they are about to enter The Stupid Zone.  There are also signs that make it obvious that they have entered The Stupid Zone.  These signs are not hard to spot for anyone who is willing to question, whether or not what they are hearing, or saying, fits in with everyday logic, reason, and common sense.

What are some of the signs that tell you, that people have entered The Stupid Zone?

One sign is that people cannot distinguish between fact and opinion.  Someone will say something that can only be their opinion, but those who follow them will take it as fact.

Another sign is that they take everything a particular person says, as factual without investigation.  For example, they will be adamant that everything a person they follow says is fact, because that person said it, without even considering if it is indeed factually accurate.  They do not investigate the facts for themselves.

Another sign is that they will engage in circular logic.  They will insist that point A must be true because point B is true, and point B must be true because point A is true.  They do not allow any point to be foundational.

Another sign is their rejection of anything that contradicts their theory as evidence.  Their theory is true on its own, and only facts that support their theory are acknowledged as true.  They will not consider all of the facts.  The facts are based on their theory instead their theory being based on the facts.

Another sign is they are living in Egypt - that place dominated by denial.  They do not want to know what the facts are about the subject of their theory.  They do not want to examine if their theory is reasonable or logical in view of the facts.  They simply deny anything as being true that contradicts their theory.

Another sign is that they play the victim card.  If anyone makes it plain that their theory contradicts facts and logic, then they will start claiming that they are being oppressed because they belong to some group.  The oppression of the group might be historically accurate - or not, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of their theory.

How do people cross into The Stupid Zone?

They cross into the Stupid Zone by laziness.  It takes work to determine if what someone is telling them is factually true and logical.  People cross into the Stupid Zone by deciding on the truthfulness of something without considering all of the facts (Proverbs 18:13).

They cross into the Stupid Zone by intimidation.  They are intimidated by others into not examining the facts for themselves, or questioning if the story they are being told is logically possible.  People cross into the Stupid Zone by being afraid of other people (Proverbs 29:25).

They cross into the Stupid Zone by admiration.  They do not examine what someone who they admire tells them to see if it is factually true and logical.  That admiration is often based on something unrelated to the subject like appearance or athletic ability.  People cross into the Stupid Zone by putting their trust in other people (Jeremiah 17:5)

Why do people stay trapped in The Stupid Zone?

They stay trapped in the Stupid Zone out of convenience.  If one thing they have believed turns out to not be factually true or logically possible, then they might have to examine a lot of other things and make a lot of adjustments.  This might cause a lot of disruptions in their lives and conflicts with other people.  It is more convenient to just stay in the Stupid Zone.  People stay trapped in the Stupid Zone, because it is easier than examining their beliefs (Proverbs 26:16).

They stay trapped in the Stupid Zone out of pride.  They might have to admit that they were wrong about one or more things, if they decide to let facts and logic prevail.  This might damage their reputation among their peers, and cause other people to examine everything else they have said, to see if those things are factually true and logically possible.  This is a implicit admission that they are not perfect.  People stay trapped in the Stupid Zone because they are too proud to admit that they are wrong (Proverbs 13:10).

They stay trapped in the Stupid Zone out of tradition.  They have to admit that others were wrong about one or more things, if they decide to let facts and logic prevail.  They will have to start examining all of the traditions they were handed down, to see if they are factually true and logically possible.  This is a implicit admission that those who handed down the tradition were not perfect.  People stay trapped in the Stupid Zone by trusting in their traditions (Colossians 2:8).

How can you escape The Stupid Zone?

Stop being lazy and search out the facts for yourself.  If someone tells you that the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary, then look in the dictionary for yourself, instead of just taking their word for it.  Stop being one of the sheeple.

Only the simple minded believe every story they hear, while the prudent search out the facts (Proverbs 14:15).  Some people tell compelling stories in order to deceive the simple minded (Romans 16:17-18).

If you hear a report that someone is doing evil, then ask questions and search out the facts for yourself, to verify that the report is true (Deuteronomy 13:12-14).

When the Samaritans accused Jerusalem of being a rebellious city to Artaxerxes, they asked for the facts to searched out (Ezra 4:13-15).  When the facts were searched out, he found that Jerusalem was a rebellious city (Ezra 4:17-19).

When the Jews told Darius that Cyrus had commanded that the Temple be rebuilt, they asked for the facts to be searched out (Ezra 5:13-17).  When the facts were searched out, he found that Cyrus had commanded for the Temple to be rebuilt (Ezra 6:1-5).

You should be like Job and search out the facts (Job 29:16).  You should not believe any story that anyone tells you, until you search out the facts for yourself (Proverbs 18:17).

Knowledge and understanding only come from searching out the facts (Proverbs 2:2-4).  Honor comes from searching out the facts (Proverbs 25:2).

For this reason, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told people to search out the facts about him (John 5:39).   For this reason, the Bereans were commended for searching out the facts, instead of just taking the word of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 17:10-12).

If someone tells you that they have a revelation from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then search out the facts from the Word of Truth to see if it agrees with the Word of Truth, instead of just taking their word for it (1 John 4:1-3).

If you want to escape the Stupid Zone, then you must be willing to search out the facts for yourself (2 Timothy 2:15).  You must be willing to make the effort to rightly divide the Word.

Remember that Rule 51 applies to everyone - sometimes you are wrong.

Even the greatest of people can sometimes be wrong (Ecclesiastes 4:13).  Even the Man of Truth had to grow in wisdom (Luke 2:52).

You should not think more highly of yourself than you should, for you will sometimes be wrong like other people (Romans 12:3).  You must avoid thinking that you cannot be wrong, when someone regarded as less intelligent disagrees with you (Romans 12:16).  You must be careful to not esteem yourself as better than others (Philippians 2:3).

Do not fear people, but remember that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wants you walking in truth

If you will trust Him, then you will not be afraid to search out the facts, because it might cause conflict with the proud (Psalm 40:4).  You will search out the facts, because you will not be afraid of other people (Psalm 56:11).  You will search out the facts, because your confidence is not in other people (Psalm 118:8). You will search out the facts, instead of trying to please other people (Luke 16:15).

You will search out the facts, so that you do not sin out of ignorance (Numbers 15:28).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of the power of the Gospel (Romans 1:13-16).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of His righteousness (Romans 10:3). You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of His plans for Israel (Romans 11:25-27).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of His requirement to live righteously after being baptized in water (1 Corinthians 10:1-6).  You will search out the facts , so that you are not ignorant of the gifts of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of the trouble of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) and His power to deliver them (2 Corinthians 1:8-11).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of the devices of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (2 Corinthians 2:11).  You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of the Resurrection and the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). You will search out the facts, so that you are not ignorant of His mercy that delays His judgment (2 Peter 3:7-9).

How can you keep other people from dragging you into the Stupid Zone?

Remember that you can only tell other people the facts, but you cannot make them believe the facts or apply logic to the facts.

You can lead an atheist to evidence, but you cannot make them think.  If someone is determined to believe the greatest fairy tale ever told, instead of the story told by the evidence, you cannot change their mind.  You need to avoid getting in pointless debates over pseudo-science that contradicts the evidence, so that you are not dragged into the Stupid Zone (1 Timothy 6:20-21).

If someone is determined to stay in the Stupid Zone, then they will not listen to facts or reason (Proverbs 15:12).  There is no helping someone who is wise in their own conceit (Proverbs 26:12). They refuse to believe any evidence that prevents them from doing whatever they want (2 Peter 3:3-6).

If you try to give them facts, and reason with them, they will only despise and mock you (Proverbs 9:7-8).  They will not even listen to their own father (Proverbs 13:1).  Pride keeps them trapped in the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 14:3).

You need to let them go, so that you do not get dragged into the Stupid Zone with them (Proverbs 14:6-8).  You need to mark those, which seek to cause division by refusing to leave the Stupid Zone, and avoid them (Romans 16:17).  Those who refuse to acknowledge the truth become proud, but know nothing, and only want to constantly argue, because they are not interested in knowing the truth, so do not waste your time on them (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

So, if you do not want to be dragged into the Stupid Zone, then you must not engage in unprofitable striving over words (2 Timothy 2:14).  You must shun pointless debates (2 Timothy 2:16).  You must avoid being trapped into discussions of stupid questions that can only end in strife (2 Timothy 2:23).  You must avoid answering stupid questions and engaging in useless discussions, that do nothing but drag people into the Stupid Zone (Titus 3:9).

How can you help other people escape the Stupid Zone?

You must avoid striving with those determined to stay trapped in the Stupid Zone, but instead focus on helping those interested in learning the facts and willing to listen to reason (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

You can help them escape the Stupid Zone by giving them the facts, because they will not try to force the facts to fit into their theory (Proverbs 8:5-9).  You can help them escape the Stupid Zone, because they will listen to reason (Proverbs 9:4-6).

You can help them escape the Stupid Zone, by showing them the hurt that comes to those who refuse to leave the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 19:25).  You can help them escape the Stupid Zone, by showing them the punishment of comes to those who refuse to leave the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 21:11).

When helping people escape the Stupid Zone, make it easy as possible for them to verify the facts.   They need to know for themselves that what you are saying is factually accurate, so they can apply logic to those facts, and see the soundness of your reasoning.

That is why I give links to everything from the Book of Truth (The Bible) in these blog posts.  I also use as many facts as possible that can easily be verified, usually not requiring people to go any deeper than looking it up in Wikipedia. (Wikipedia usually has deeper references for those willing to go deeper.)  Lastly, if something is really obscure, then I will give very precise information about how to verify it.  The goal is to make it as easy as possible for people to escape the Stupid Zone. 

How can people completely escape the Stupid Zone?

Facts and logic are never at odds with anything from the Father of Truth.

The Father of Truth makes an amazing promise to be found by everyone who searches for Him with all their heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13). 

Whoever searches out the facts will gain an awe of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 2:2-5).  An awe of the Father of Truth makes people able to completely escape the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 1:5-7).  The ability to apply logic to the facts and come to the correct understanding begins with an awe of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 9:10).

The Father of Truth gives people the ability to search out the facts, apply logic to those facts, and come to the correct understanding (Proverbs 2:6-11).  He helps people completely escape the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 2:12-15).

The Father of Truth gave the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to help people completely escape the Stupid Zone (Psalm 19:7).  He gave the Word of Truth to give them understanding, so they can completely escape the Stupid Zone (Psalm 119:130).  The Book of Truth was written to help people completely escape the Stupid Zone (Proverbs 1:2-4).

The Father of Truth wants to reason with people, so that they will come into the House of Truth and escape the Stupid Zone (Isaiah 1:16-18).

People will come into the House of Truth, if they search out the facts and apply logic to them (Acts 18:4).  Facts and logic lead people into the House of Truth, and out of the Stupid Zone (Acts 18:19).  People have to intentionally choose to stay trapped in the Stupid Zone, by rejecting the facts and the application of logic to the facts, when they refuse to come into the House of Truth (Acts 24:24-25).

The only reasonable thing to do is to come into the House of Truth, when people search out the facts about what the Father of Truth has already done (1 Samuel 12:7-15).

The Spirit of Truth is given to those who come into the House of Truth, so they can completely escape the Stupid Zone (John 16:13).  The Spirit of Truth will help people search out the facts and correctly apply logic to the facts, so they can reach the correct conclusion (Ephesians 5:8-10).  No one can completely escape the Stupid Zone without the help of the Spirit of Truth (1 John 4:5-6).

For example, the Spirit of Truth guided me in searching out the facts, applying logic to those facts, and reaching the correct conclusion about the Sabbath.  I had not been able get satisfactory answers to my questions after ten years of asking both the leaders and the members of numerous Sabbath meeting congregations.  With the guidance of the Spirit of Truth, I was able to search out the facts for myself, and get all of my questions concerning the Sabbath answered in just two hours.  I finally understood who changed the Sabbath.

So, people can only completely escape the Stupid Zone after they come into the House of Truth.

The Spirit of Truth only is given to those who come into the House of Truth through the Man of Truth (1 John 4:13-15).

It is only reasonable to be certain of the resurrection of the Man of Truth, because it is the most well documented event of the entire Roman era.  The history given the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), particularly The Acts, have proven to be indisputable facts.  This event was known throughout the Roman world and beyond (Acts 26:23-26).

Anyone who will search out the facts concerning the resurrection of the Man of Truth, and apply logic to those facts, will come into the House of Truth to start escaping the Stupid Zone (Acts 17:30-31).  The only reasonable response to the resurrection of the Man of Truth is total surrender.

So completely escaping the Stupid Zone, starts with surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the fact that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


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Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Point of The Law

What is the point of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law)?

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) did not come to change the Law of Truth in any fashion (Matthew 5:17-18).  In fact, the position that the Children of Truth will have in his kingdom is determine by the degree that they taught others to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:19).  The Renewed Covenant is the Law of Truth being written on the hearts of the Children of Truth (Hebrews 10:15-17).  The very definition of sin is transgression of the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is the Spirit of the Law and cannot be opposed to the Law of Truth.

Yet, many of sets of commandments in the Law of Truth are specifically stated as only being in effect for those in the land of Israel, like the commandments concerning the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 13:5-7).  Other sets of commandments are specifically stated as only being in effect for those able to be in Jerusalem to carry them out, like killing of the Passover lamb (Deuteronomy 16:6-8).  Other sets of commandments are specifically stated as only being in effect when the Temple is standing, like the Priests and Levites performing their duties there (Deuteronomy 17:8-10).  This why the observance of Passover is not required of the Children of Truth today.

Some sets of commandments sets of commandments in the Law of Truth are specifically stated as only being in effect for certain people, like circumcision was not required of men of other ethnic groups who lived among the descendants of Israel (Exodus 12:47-49).  It is for this reason, that the Spirit of Truth was poured out on the Gentiles, even though they had not been circumcised (Acts 11:3-16).

So, even though the Law of Truth is relevant today, not every commandment of the Law of Truth is in effect today.  More than four hundred of the commandments of the Torah, concern the Levites, the Priests, and the services of the Temple.  It should be evident that these commandments cannot be in effect today, when there is no Temple.  In particular, neither every aspect of the Sabbath, nor the Feasts of Truth can be observed in the way prescribed in the Law of Truth, since their observance revolves around sacrifices made by the Priests in the Temple.  Even when the Children of Truth do their best to observe the Feasts of Truth, they are still playing with broken toys.

However, some commandments in the Law of Truth are in effect for all people, in all lands, at all times.  These righteous commandments that were written in the Law of Truth, are the commandments of the the unchanging law, that existed before the Law of Truth was ever given to Moses.  The Renewed Covenant makes it very clear, that these righteous commandments of the Law of Truth are relevant to the Children of Truth today.

So, even though the Law of Truth is relevant today, the Renewed Covenant also makes it clear that no one can be made righteous by keeping the Law of Truth (Romans 3:19-20).   It says, that while the Law of Truth is righteous, that our the nature of our flesh is not righteous (Romans 7:16-18).  It says, while we want to do what the Law of Truth says is right, our flesh prevents us from doing so (Romans 7:25).  It says, that the Law of Truth cannot make us righteous, because our flesh makes it impossible to keep the Law of Truth enough to be righteous (Romans 8:3).  It says, that we must keep the Law of Truth perfectly, every day of our entire life, for it to make us righteous (Romans 10:5).  It says, that keeping the Law of Truth cannot make anyone righteous, because no one has kept the Law of Truth perfectly, every day of their entire life (Galatians 2:15-17).  It says, that if people had been able to be righteous by keeping the Law of Truth perfectly, every day of their life, then there would have been no need for the Man of Truth to die for their disobedience to the Law of Truth (Galatians 2:21).  It says, that everyone who seeks to be justified by keeping the Law of Truth, is under the curse of the Law of Truth, because they have not kept the Law of Truth perfectly, every day of their life (Galatians 3:10-12).

So, if the Law of Truth is relevant today, at least the commandments that can be kept today, but no one can be saved by keeping those commandments, then what is the point of the Law of Truth?

The Law of Truth shows us what sin look like.

The Law of Truth defines sin for us (Romans 3:20).  The commandments of the Law of Truth define which things are sinful (Romans 7:7).  These commandments tell us how terrible sin really is (Romans 7:13).  The Law of Truth was made to bring judgment upon sinners (1 Timothy 1:9-10).

The Law of Truth shows us what holiness looks like.

The Law of Truth is holy and every commandment of it is holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12).  The Law of Truth is good, if used as intended (1 Timothy 1:8).

The Law of Truth shows us our true condition.

The problem has never been the Law of Truth but us (Romans 7:14-16).  We are born with a sin nature in our flesh that is contrary to the Law of Truth (Romans 7:17-18). We cannot rid ourselves of this sin nature (Romans 7:19-20).  We cannot obey the Law of Truth in our natural condition, no matter how bad we want to (Romans 7:21-23).  The Law of Truth shows us that we have been sinners since birth, because we have all broken some commandments of the Law of Truth (James 2:9-11).

The Law of Truth shows us that we need to be saved from our sin nature.

Our inability to obey the Law of Truth would leave us miserable, if the Father of Truth had not sent the Man of Truth to deliver us from our sin nature (Romans 7:24-25).  The Man of Truth has given us the Spirit of Truth so we could delivered from our sin nature (Romans 8:1-3).  We can only overcome the sin nature of our flesh by letting the Spirit of Truth control our actions (Romans 8:4-6).  The only way to be saved from our sin nature is give control of our actions over to the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:7-9).  If we will give control of actions to the Spirit of Truth, then we will overcome the sin nature born in our flesh (Romans 8:10-13).  If we come into the House of Truth, then we will give control of actions over to the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:14-16).

So the point of the Law of Truth is that we must come into the House of Truth!

The point of the Law of Truth is that we can only do what it says is right through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:4).  The Man of Truth gives the ability to stop transgressing the Law of Truth when we come into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:16-17).  The Law of Truth was given, so we could see our inabiltity to do what it says is right, without faith in the promised Messiah (Galatians 3:19-22).  We no longer need the Law of Truth to bring us to faith in the Man of Truth, after we come into the House of Truth (Galatians 3:23-25).

When you come into the House of Truth, you will fulfill the desires of the flesh that are contrary to the Law of Truth, because the Spirit of Truth will lead you to fulfill the commandments of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18).  The commandments of the Law of Truth will be written on your heart instead of tablets of stone, so you can obey them from the heart (Hebrews 8:9-11).

The Law of Truth has fulfilled it purpose, when you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Social Gospel

What is wrong with a social gospel?

Today, there are people called Social Justice Warriors.  This is not just the fashion of the moment, but has been building for quite a while.

Th term "Social Justice Warrior" currently has a negative connotation.  It is usually means someone who likes to aggressively engage in meritless arguments over some social issue to gain validation of their personal identity.   They has no deep seated convictions about their social issue, other than they want people to take the side of whatever social group they identify themselves as belonging to.  They really do not care about justice being done to the social group.   The social group is just a means for them to gain some sort of personal benefit.

For example, a Social Justice Warrior might demand that the US government raise a tax on everyone who is not black, to give "reparation" money to African Americans for slavery, because they happen to be one eighth African American.  It does not matter to them, that slavery was not legal in half of the states before the Civil War, and never legal in any state that joined the Union after the Civil War.  It does not matter to them, that there were many black slave owners, particularly in the area of New Orleans.  It does not matter to them, that more than half of the population of the United States came from people who imigrated to America after the Civil War.  It does not matter to them, that many people of African descent immigrated to America after the Civil War and were never slaves in America.  It does not matter to them, that they might be living on land stolen from Native Americans through broken treaties.  What matters to them, is that they would personally benefit from such a tax.

In short, the term "Social Justice Warrior" has come to mean someone who exhibits rude behavior while arguing for "justice" for whatever social group they can identify with, in order to gain some personal benefit.  They do not care about justice for any group that they do not identify with, like for example, Native Americans.

The term "Social Justice Warrior" did not take on this negative connotation until 2011, when someone used it as an insult on Twitter.  This negative definition became more or less official when it was added to Urban Dictionary that same year.  Prior to that, it had a positive definition of someone outside of  an oppressed social group that was willing to fight for just treatment of that social group.  It had this positive definition since at least 1991.

During those twenty years, instead of "Social Justice Warrior" being a catch all phrase for people who were rude jerks to get whatever they wanted in the name of social justice, there were more specialized phrases for rude jerks that were tied to a particular social group like "Feminazi".

The great irony of modern Social Justice Warriors is that they are opposed to the Christian Right.  This is ironic because the term has its roots in those who preached a social gospel.  Those who preached this social gospel were the predessors of the Christian Right.

It is like the irony of those who want to live like they are married in Sodom using the rainbow as their symbol, when the rainbow was originally created to remind people that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) destroyed everyone on Earth who lived like that with a flood, but would not do so again.

Then there is the oxymoronic term "Social Justice Warrior Christian".  This amounts to a Christian who is opposed to the teachings of Christianity!

Stranger yet, are churches that seek to make their doctrine appealing to Social Justice Warriors.  This amounts to churches willing to abandon the teachings of Christianity, in order to bring Social Justice Warriors into Christianity.

In order to attempt to make any sense of this, we have to start with understanding what a Social Gospel is.

A social gospel is a gospel that seeks to bring about social justice by using Christian principles to resolve social problems.

On the surface, this sounds like a good thing.  After all, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are supposed to take action to bring about social justice to those in need.

Indeed, many worthwhile things have come from the preaching of a social gospel, including the civil rights movement that lead to eliminating institutional oppression of African Americans.

However, the preaching of a social gospel also lead to many other terrible things, like the Klu Klux Klan in America, Liberation Theology in Latin America, the Lord's Resistant Army in Africa, and a variety of "Christian" terrorist groups throughout Europe and Asia.

How could the preaching of a social gospel produce such radically different results?

This becomes clear when the social gospel is examined in detail.

At the core of the social gospel is a belief that the Children of Truth have been called to make the world fit for the rule of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

This idea comes from a line of what is commonly called the Lord's Prayer, where it says for the will of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Like many other things, this is taken out of context, and has lead to all kinds of erroneous conclusions.

The belief that the will of the Father of Truth has to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven before His Kingdom will come, has lead to people to create all kinds of institutions and movements to bring about His will on Earth.

The first problem is, that they do not pay enough attention to what is written in the Book of Truth to even understand this simple prayer.

This entire prayer is about asking the Father of Truth do things for the sake of the Children of Truth.

The Children of Truth are supposed to ask the Father of Truth to help them with their needs (Matthew 6:6-8).  So, this prayer starts with their acknowledgement of His ability to do so (Matthew 6:9).

They are to ask Him to give them the food that they need each day (Matthew 6:11).  They are to ask Him for the same forgiveness they need as they give forgiveness to others (Matthew 6:12).  They are to ask Him to take care for their need to avoid temptation, and their need to be delivered from trouble (Matthew 6:13).

In like manner, the Children of Truth are to ask the Father of Truth to cause His Kingdom to come, so their need for His Will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven can be met (Matthew 6:10).  The Kingdom that they need brought to Earth belongs to Him, so they must ask Him to bring it to Earth (Matthew 6:13).

The second problem is, that they have not been rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Since they do not understand that the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel, then they do not understand the Kingdom that they are to ask the Father of Truth to bring to Earth.  They do not understand that the Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was the good news of this kingdom.

The third problem is, that they do not know what the will of the Father of Truth is.

Since they do not study what is written in the Book of Truth enough to even get the point of this simple prayer, many of them have wrong ideas about the will of the Father of Truth.

For example, some who preached a social gospel believed that interracial marriage was contrary to the will of the Father of Truth, so they formed organizations like the Klu Klux Klan to keep black people separated from white people.  Others who preached a social gospel believed that the will of the Father of Truth was the opposite, so they formed the civil rights movement.

This confusion is not from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:33).

The root of this confusion is the phrase, "What would Jesus Do?".

This phrase first appeared in a book called "The Imitation of Christ" written around 1420 AD.  Charles Spurgeon, a noted Christian Zionist who supported the Impossible Dream, qouted the phrase from the book in a sermon in 1891 AD.  The phrase became the center of a book written in 1896 AD by Charles Sheldon, a social gospel preacher, called "In His Steps".  This book became one of the best selling books of all time, and the phrase was revitalized by his great-grandson Garret Sheldon, when he wrote an updated version in 1993 AD.  This expression exploded in popularity among Christians, resulting in the very popular "WWJD" bracelets.

The answer supplied by in the book written by Sheldon is that the Man of Truth would take action to correct social injustice.

However, as noted by historian Gary Willis in his 2005 book, "What Jesus Meant", subtitled "What Would Jesus Really Do", this answer given by social gospel preachers does not match up to the history of the Man of Truth recorded in the Gospels.

People do not know the answer to WWJD, because they do not study what the Man of Truth did.  Without study what the Man of Truth did, they can come to any answer they want to the question.

Since they have not studied what he did, they do not know that the Man of Truth came to demonstrate how to carry out the Law of Truth in the way that the Father of Truth always intended (Matthew 5:17-19).

They do not understand that the Law of Truth that gives the details of the will of the Father of Truth.  They do not understand that the Unchanging Law did not change in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  They do not understand the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is the Spirit of the Law.

The fourth problem is, that they end up trying to do in human strength, what only the Father of Truth can do His strength.

The earliest proponents of a social gospel taught that the Great Commission was for the Children of Truth to bring about the kingdom of the Father of Truth in the Earth.  This was the core of their message, but it does not agree with the message given in the Book of Truth.

The Book of Truth says, that world will only be made right by His Kingdom coming to Earth, so that the Man of Truth will cause His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Daniel 7:22-23).  The Man of Truth will take over the kingdoms of this world, and His Will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Revelation 11:15-18).

The fifth problem is, that a lack of study of the entire Book of Truth has made them suspectible to deception.

Since they either have not read the writings of the Prophets, or they do not believe them, then they cannot distinguish between the Doctrine of Truth and the Doctrine of Lies.

The sixth problem, is that many times those preaching this social gospel are not even part of the Children of Truth.

They have slithered into the congregations of the Children of Truth like a snake in the leaves.  They seek to distract the Children of Truth with social issues, to move them further and further away from the will of the Father of Truth through a subtle influence.

Many of the earliest proponents of a social gospel like Walter Rauschenbusch, did not even believe that the Man of Truth died to pay for the sins of individual people.  They were proponents of Liberal Theology, which denies that the stories and prophecies in the Book of Truth are historical and factual, but are meant to only be taken as allegories.

The seventh problem, is that the Children of Truth are so distracted by efforts to reform society through these efforts, that they do not see the hidden danger that it poses.

They become more concerned with achieving their social reform than they are in preaching the Good News.  They dare not offend those who want to bring about the same social reform, but follow the Book of Mormon or belong to the False Church of Rome.  They avoid mentioning the Man of Truth to not offend those decieved by Rabbinic Distort.  They will make no mention of the Father of Truth, so that they do not offend those taken in by the Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told.

Their efforts to reform society end up preventing the Children of Truth from carrying out the Great Commission.  Their social gospel eventually ends up excluding the preaching of the Gospel as they align themselves with unbelievers to achieve their social reform.

A social gospel without the preaching of the Gospel is no gospel at all.

This is exactly what is wrong with a social gospel.

A social gospel makes the Gospel ineffective in the lives of those who preach it, because the cares of this life have left no rooom in thier lives for the Gospel (Mark 4:19).   They have become so entangled in the affairs of this life, that they have left off teaching people how to carry out His Will on Earth (2 Timothy 2:2-4).  They have become so Earthly minded that they are no Heavenly good.

The Children of Truth should flee from those who preach a social gospel, because while they might appear to be part of the Children of Truth, they deny the power of preaching the Gospel (2 Timothy 3:5).

They do not believe that the preaching of the Gospel will bring about the will of the Father of Truth on this Earth.  They do not believe that the Man of Truth will bring His Kingdom to Earth after the Gospel is preached in all the world (Matthew 24:14).

The fact is, that seeking to bring about the will of the Father of Truth on Earth by the preaching of the Gospel, does appear to be a stupid plan on the surface (1 Corinthians 1:21).

However, the preaching of the Gospel, is the plan of the Father of Truth to bring about His will on Earth, and it only seems like a stupid plan to those who do not believe the Book of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:18).  His plan to bring about His Will on Earth is incomprehensible to those who rely on their own human effort to do so (1 Corinthians 1:19-20).  They can never understand the secret plan that is hidden in the Book of Truth.

They do not believe, that not one person is good on their own (Psalm 14:2-3).  They do not believe that the root of all social ills is, that every human being is born with a heart that is wicked and decietful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9).  They do not believe, that every person does evil to other people, because their heart is evil (Matthew 12:34-35).  They do not believe, that a society is sick and twisted, because the individuals who make up the society have sick and twisted hearts.

They do not believe, that each individual MUST repent of their own sin to enter into His Kingdom (Matthew 4:17).  They do not beleive, that each individual MUST believe the Gospel to enter into His Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15).  They do not believe, that each individual MUST be born again to enter into His Kingdom (John 3:3-7).  They do not believe, that total surrender is required to enter His Kingdom.

They do not believe, that the Spirit of Truth puts a new heart in each individual that wants do His Will, when they believe Gospel (Ezekiel 36:26).  They do not believe, that individuals become a new creation, when they believe the Gospel (2 Corinthians 5:17).  They do not believe, that the Father of Truth gives individuals both the desire and the abiltiy to do His Will, when they believe the Gospel (Philippians 2:13).  They do not believe, that His Laws are written on the hearts of individuals, when they believe the Gospel (Hebrews 10:15-17).  They do not beleive, that individuals are given a time to start over, when they believe the Gospel.

They do not believe, that they are commanded by the Man of Truth to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15-16).  They do not believe, that the Gospel has the power to change the individuals that make up a society (Romans 1:16).  They do not believe, that the indivuals that make up a society cannot change, unless someone preaches the Gospel to them (Romans 10:13-15).  They do not believe, that society will only change, when the individuals hear the Gospel and take the deal.

If they believed the Book of Truth, then they would never be willing to stop preaching the Gospel in order to bring about social reform.  What is worse, it is only the preaching of the Gospel that can bring about the social reforms that are needed, so that more of His Will can be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

It is a very demonstrable fact of history, that when the Gospel is brought into a society, the society begins to reform as more and more individuals believe the Gospel.  Just like the societies of the New World were reformed from the preaching of the Gospel, that began after the day when worlds collided, so also did the societies of the Romans, Europeans, and every other society has been reformed by the preaching of the Gospel.  When the individuals that make up a society stop being unjust, then the society stops being unjust.

Abandoning the preaching of the Gospel makes as much sense as Neo-Paganism.  If individuals stop being transformed by the preaching of the Gospel generation after generation, then their society will return to its original wicked state.

In fact, abandoning the preaching of the Gospel is the worst possible crime against society, for it is the most important thing.  Though someone might bring about some sort of short term reform that makes the lives of others better, this improvement is only temporary, while their torment in the Chamber of Horrors is eternal.  Those who do not warn people to turn from their sin and come into the House of Truth, hate those people with the worst kind of hatred.

When you give someone the opportunity to come into the House of Truth, then you have given them everything.  It is all that really matters.

The will of the Father of Truth being done on Earth as it is in Heaven, begins with people hearing the preaching of the Gospel and coming into the House of Truth.

Those who make the Man of Truth their king on Earth now, because they believe the message of the Gospel that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  When people come into the House of Truth, then they then live like the Man of Truth in this world (1 John 4:14-17).  Those who come into the House of Truth will act justly towards other people, and cause His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (1 John 4:18-21).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Social Justice

What does the Book of Truth (The Bible) say about social justice?

Social justice is doing justice to the afflicted, by taking care of them in their time of need.

People commonly cite the separation of the sheep and goats told by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), as being about social justice (Matthew 25:33-46).  The most common interpretation is, that whenever someone neglects anyone in need, it is the same as neglecting Man of Truth when he was in need (Matthew 25:45).

However, the Man of Truth is not talking about everyone in need, but only those who belong to his family (Matthew 25:40).  So, some have taken the separation of the sheep and goats to be about how people treated his forever family.

However, the Man of Truth is not even talking about his forever family in all ages.  He is talking about how a particular group of people is treated during a particular time in history.

He is talking about when he comes to set up his kingdom on this Earth, right after the Tribulation (Matthew 25:31).  He is not talking about separating individual people, but rather ethnic groups (nations) as sheep and goats, based on how they treated his ethnic group, the Jews, during the Tribulation (Matthew 25:32).

This passage is not about taking care of the afflicted in all ages.  This passage has nothing to do with social justice.

In fact, there will never be social justice throughout the Earth until the Man of Truth is king of the Earth (Micah 4:2-4).

However, this does not mean that we will not be held accountable for how we treated other people when they were afflicted.

The point of the parable of the Good Samaritan was that social justice is due to all people (Luke 10:25-37).

We will all have to give an account to the Man of Truth for our actions someday (Romans 14:10-12).  We will be found guilty if we neglect to do good to other people (James 4:17).

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) must endeavor to show love in a tangible way to those outside the House of Truth (1 Thessalonians 3:12).  However, they must take care of his forever family before they take care of those not in his forever family (Galatians 6:10).  However, they must start with their own physical family before anyone else (1 Timothy 5:8).

This includes their parents (Mark 7:10-12).  This includes their grandparents (1 Timothy 5:4). [The word translated as "nephew" means "grandson".  This was the original meaning of nephew.]  This includes their in-laws since the Children of Truth are to marry wives instead of concubines.

So, social justice is meant to start at home, but not end there!

The Children of Truth are to not to let strangers sleep in the street (Job 31:32).  They are to lodge strangers (1 Timothy 5:10).  They are to entertain strangers (Hebrews 13:2).

The Father of Truth has love for the stranger, and the Children of Truth should have that same love (Deuteronomy 10:18-19).

The Man of Truth was willing to talk to strangers who were shunned by others (John 4:9-10).  He sought to bring these strangers into the House of Truth (John 4:34-39).  He was willing to stay with these outcasts to bring them into the House of Truth (John 4:40-43).

The Children of Truth are to never ignore the plight of the sick (1 Samuel 30:11-13).  They are to visit the sick and do what they can to relieve their suffering (2 Samuel 13:6-10). They are to do what they can to help the disabled (Job 29:14-15).  They are to do what they can to take of those who have been wounded (Luke 10:30-37).

The Father of Truth heals the sick when the Children of Truth ask Him (Genesis 20:17).  He is the source of all healing (Exodus 15:26).  He will even visit those who brought sickness on themselves, in order to heal them (Numbers 12:10-15).

The Man of Truth was willing to touch those made untouchable by sickness to bring healing to them (Matthew 8:2-4).  He was willing to go to the house of sick strangers to bring healing to them (Matthew 8:5-8).  He had compassion on the sick, so he brought them healing (Matthew 14:14).

The Children of Truth are to never consider the wealth of a person in their treatment of the person (Exodus 23:6-8).  They are to remember that the rich and the poor have the same Maker (Proverbs 22:2). They are never to treat the poor differently than the rich because those who do so transgress the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (James 2:2-9).

The Children of Truth are to stand up to deliver the poor in their distress (Job 29:12-14).  Giving generously to the poor is proof that they have come into the House of Truth (Luke 19:8-10).

The Father of Truth promises to repay anyone who takes care of the poor (Proverbs 19:17).

The Man of Truth preached the Good News to the poor (Matthew 11:2-5).  The Man of Truth commanded that the Children of Truth give to the poor (Matthew 19:21).  The Man of Truth was in the habit of giving to the poor (John 13:29).

The Children of Truth are even to take care of their enemies (Exodus 23:4-5).  They are to seek to restore their enemies to health when they become sick (Psalm 35:11-14).  They are to loan money to their enemies in their time of need, even when they have no assurance of being paid back (Luke 6:32-35).

The Children of Truth are to bless their enemies, so their enemies can understand what the Father of Truth is like (Matthew 5:43-48).  They are to show love to their enemies, by helping to take care of their needs (Luke 6:27-31).  They are never to bring trouble to their enemies when their enemies bring them trouble (Romans 12:14).  Instead, they are to take care of their enemies, when their enemies are in need (Romans 12:17-21).

The Father of Truth gave His only Son to die in our place, while we still his enemies (Romans 5:8).

The Man of Truth restored the ear that was cut off of one of those who came to arrest him (Luke 22:49-51). The Man of Truth even asked the Father of Truth to forgive those who crucified him (Luke 23:33-34).  The Man of Truth died to save his enemies (Romans 5:6).

As the Man of Truth demonstrated social justice in this world so people could understand the love of the Father of Truth, so are the Children of Truth to demonstrate social justice in this world (1 John 4:15-17).

Your actions will speak for you. You will reap what you have sown (Galatians 6:7).

If you acted in mercy to relieve the afflicted, then you will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7).  If you withheld mercy from the afflicted, then mercy will be withheld from you (James 2:13).

The amount of mercy you reap will be proportional to the amount that you sowed (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

However, make no mistake, you can never sow enough mercy to reap all of the mercy that you need.  You must never think that acts of social justice can replace the most important thing in life.

You would have to not only give all that you have to reap eternal life but also keep every commandment of the Law of Truth (Matthew 19:16-21).  You could only reap eternal life from the Law of Truth if you kept every commandment perfectly every day of your life (Romans 10:5).  If you fail to keep any commandment at any time, then you have broken the entire law, and will not be able to reap eternal life (James 2:10-11).

You have sinned because you have not kept the Law of Truth perfectly all of your days (Romans 3:23).  The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).  No one can be justified by their works of social justice (Titus 3:5).

You cannot administer true social justice unless you come into the House of Truth, and the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) puts the love of the Father of Truth in your heart (Romans 5:1-5).  You can only come into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth king of your life because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  After you come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will make you able to administer true social justice (Galatians 5:22-23)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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