Wife Or Concubine?
What is the difference between a wife and a concubine?
I had read in the Book of Truth (The Bible) about wives and concubines.
Some men, like Noah, had a wife (Genesis 8:15-16). Some men, like a certain Levite in days of the Judges, had a concubine (Judges 19:1). Of course, some men, like King David, had both (2 Samuel 5:13).
I became curious about the difference between a wife and a concubine, but none of the religious professionals I asked, really gave me a satisfactory answer. Some said, that "wife" and "concubine" were simply two words for the same thing. Some said, that a wife was part of the family, but a concubine was just a sex slave, or even a mistress. Some said, that a concubine was a second class wife, and the wife was over the concubines.
The truth is, that none of them really had an explanation that made sense. If wives and concubines were the same thing, then why say some man had a wife and a concubine? If the concubine was not part of the family, then why were the children they had considered part of the family? If the wife was over the concubines, who were second class wives, then what about case where a man had only a concubine, or had no concubines, but more one than wife? How could the concubine be a second class wife in the family, when she was the only woman married to the man?
It was obvious to me that there was some meaningful difference between a wife and concubine. The Book of Truth never uses any word without a reason, and it bothered to distinguish between the two. So, as I have had to do so many other times, I looked into this myself.
First, I confirmed that the Hebrew words translated as wife and concubine really are two different words, and not the same word, or variations of the same root word. The Hebrew word for "wife" is not connected to the word for "concubine" in any meaningful way. The word "concubine" never appears in the Renewed Covenant.
The word "wife" in Hebrew is simply the same word as "woman", just like in Greek.
The word "concubine" in Hebrew, "paligesh" is not associated with any other Hebrew word. It is however, related to the Greek word for concubine, "pallakis". They both appear to have came from the same foreign root word, which is probably a similar Aramaic phrase, "plag isha", that literally means, "half-wife". They are also similar to an ancient Phoenician word, "palig", that means, "softness and pleasure".
In modern Hebrew, the word "paligesh" is used for a mistress.
The Greek word, "pallakis", is literally an in-house mistress.
When I lived in Greece, this was not uncommon. In fact, the wife would often select a pallakis for her husband, when she went into menopause. My landlady selected her best friend, who was considerably younger, because she trusted her to not try to run off with the family money. The pallakis lived with them for a number of years. Although, she did not still live with them when I was there, she did come over to visit them frequently. We all ate dinner together more than once, since she was considered to be like family.
A similar word, "palagali", in ancient Sanskrit is used of a Sudra, which is a wife that is from a different caste than her husband. Lastly, the ancient Chinese word for concubine, literally means "accepted one", because the children that she produced, were considered to be accepted as legitimate children of the man, unlike any children that he might have from a woman, who was not part of the household.
So, a concubine is definitely not the same as a wife, but neither is she the same as a mistress, or a prostitute. She has a legitimate relationship with the man, but is lower in status than a wife.
A concubine can also be elevated to the status of a wife by the man. For example, Keturah became the wife of Abraham (Abram) after Sarah (Sarai) died (Genesis 25:1-4). She had previously been his concubine (1 Chronicles 1:32).
So, what is difference between a concubine and a wife, if they both can have a legitimate marriage relationship with the man, both can be sexually involved with the man, both can produce legitimate children for the man, and both can part of the family of the man?
The difference is primarily in their marriage arrangement.
A wife comes into marriage through an agreement between her family, especially her father, and the man. The man had to pay the father to marry their daughter. This is why Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) had to pay Laban for Rebekah (Genesis 29:17-19).
So when a man marries a wife, it is joining two families together. The family of the wife is now his family was well, and the family of the man was her family as well. In fact, this has been codified into law in most cultures.
For example, under English common law, and later American law, the man and his wife had the same legal obligations to the father, mother, brothers and sisters of their spouse, as they did to their own father, mother, brothers, and sisters. As far as the law was concerned, the father of the wife was the same as the father of the man to the man, and the same was true for the wife. This extended to brothers, and sisters as well. This is where the term in-laws comes from. In fact, their father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law were legally the same as their own father, mother, brother, and sister.
For example, the father of the wife was the father, in law, of the husband. He was as legally obligated to take care of her father in his old age, as he was his own father. The same was true for his wife concerning his father.
Also, because two families were being joined together, the family of the wife could enforce the terms of the marriage contract, and even bring harm to the man, if he brought harm to his wife. A man that beat his wife, was subject to being beaten by her father and brothers. So the woman had protection of her rights, when she came into marriage as a wife.
In every sense, the life of the man and his wife are joined together by their marriage arrangement. They are partners working together to create a family, that will extend the family of both of their parents.
It is not so with concubines. Their marriage is not about joining two families together, but only about joining a man to a woman for the purposes of sex, and giving legitimacy to any children that come from the concubine.
In the past, concubines were typically slaves, homeless orphans, runaways, prostitutes, or other disadvantaged women, who lacked the protection of a family, before marriage. The husband did not pay anything to her father to marry her, and might have even been given the concubine by his wife.
For example, Jacob paid nothing to marry Bilhah (Genesis 30:2-4). This is why Bilhah was called his concubine, but Rachel was only ever called his wife (Genesis 30:1-4).
The concubine had to try to make the best bargain she can with the man, when they made a marriage arrangement. She had no one to enforce the agreement that they made, but had to rely on his honestly alone. She had no one to protect her from being harmed by her husband, but had to hope for him to treat her kindly at all times. The concubine was at the mercy of her husband at all times, and his treatment of her might have turned out to be entirely based on her performance, or his mood.
So, the life of a man and his concubine are not joined together in every sense by their marriage arrangement. They are not partners working together to create a family, that will extend the family of both of their parents.
Still, being a concubine was usually much better for a woman, than without being part of any family at all. The concubine was assured of some protection from her husband, particularly from other men, and her children were part of his family. She had a home, and was not subject to being sold like a slave. Most importantly, when her daughters married, they became wives, and not concubines.
So, a concubine was much better off than a slave, a homeless orphan, a runaway, a prostitute, or a disadvantaged woman. It is not hard to see why women slaves and the like, did not protest being made into a concubine.
So, the question is this for the married men: Are you married to a wife, or a concubine?
The sad truth is, that for many married men, the honest answer is you are married to a concubine - even among those who call themselves Christians.
The same question applies to married women: Are you a wife, or a concubine?
The sad truth is, that for many married women, the honest answer is you are a concubine - even among those who call themselves Christians.
A man takes care of the family of his wife, especially her parents when they are old. A wife takes care of the family of her husband, especially his parents when they are old. When a man and his wife do not take care of each other's families, then he has married a concubine.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) will not act like they have married a concubine, or they are a concubine, if their spouse has any family at all. It is their responsibility to honor the parents of their spouse when they are old, as if they were their own parents.
They have a greater responsibility to support the parents of their spouse, who became their parents when they married, than they even do to give offerings (Mark 7:9-13). If they do not do so, then they are worse than many of the Children of Lies (those who do not obey The Father of Truth because they do not love Him) (1 Timothy 5:4-8).
However, it does not end there. What if neither one of them has any of their parents or siblings to take care of? What if they are too far away from their parents and siblings to help, or even know if they need help? Can the marriage still be that of a wife, instead of a concubine?
Remember that Keturah became the wife of Abraham, after Sarah died (Genesis 25:1). She did this by taking care of the family of Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), in the place of Sarah. When she became the wife of Abraham, she became responsible for taking care of his son by Sarah, and not just the children that she bore to Abraham as his concubine. She was taking care of the family of her husband.
In like manner, Bilhah changed from concubine to wife, by taking care of the family of Jacob, besides her own children by him.
Bilhah had been the handmaid of Rebekah (Genesis 29:29). Rachel then gave Bilhah to Jacob, to bear children for Jacob on her behalf (Genesis 30:3). Soon, Bilhah had two children by Jacob (Genesis 30:5-7).
Afterwards, Rachel had Joseph by Jacob (Genesis 30:22-24). Then Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:16-18). Bilhah was still the concubine of Jacob after this (Genesis 35:19-22).
Bilhah was with Jacob when he returned to take of his father, Isaac, until his father died (Genesis 35:25-29). By the time that Joseph was seventeen, Bilhah was now the wife of Jacob, instead of his concubine (Genesis 37:2). Bilhah became his wife, by being a mother to Joseph, after Rachel died (Genesis 37:10).
So, when a woman is the wife of her husband, instead of his concubine, they both take care of the family of each other, beyond their own children.
The thing is, that when a woman is one of the Children of Truth, she is never without a family, even if she grew up as an only child, and an orphan on the street. She does have a father, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to make sure that she is treated right (Romans 8:16). She does have a brother, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to make sure that she is treated right (Hebrews 2:9-12).
Her husband had better treat her right, or her Father will repay him for his mistreatment of her (Romans 12:9-19). If he wants the Father of Truth to hear his prayers, then he had better treat His daughter with the respect of wife, as his partner in life to extend His family, instead treating her like a concubine (1 Peter 3:7).
Her husband had better be careful to always provide her with food, clothing, and sex, for he even has to provide these things for a concubine (Exodus 21:7-10). [
Her husband had better especially be careful, to never be physically abuse her, for her Father will avenge her (1 Thessalonians 4:3-6). Her Brother is able and willing to afflict great pain upon her husband, and then kill him, if he continues in abusing his sister, after being given a period of time to repent (Revelation 2:20-23).
The Father of Truth knows how to deal with a bully, and her husband had better bully His daughter.
For example, in the congregation that I attend on the Sabbath, not long ago, a woman asked for prayer, that the Father of Truth would protect her and her children from her abusive husband. I was leading prayer on that particular day, and the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) moved upon me. So I prayed this out loud with boldness, "If he does not stop the abuse, then break his arm, so he cannot abuse them."
The next week, she reported that he had intended to abuse them, but had an accident, and broke his arm. The doctor said, that it would months before he could resume using his arm. I hope that he learns to control his temper, for the Father of Truth will do worse to him, if he resumes the abuse.
I do have sympathy for this man, because I have known what it was like to be constantly terrorized by the monster within, that brings about sudden fits of rage, causing a person to do things, that they sincerely regret afterwards. Total surrender to the Man of Truth is the ONLY sure way to be free of this monster (John 8:32-36). I sincerely hope that the man will choose deliverance, instead of destruction, for the Father of Truth does not desire to destroy him (2 Peter 3:9).
In like manner, when the man is one of the Children of Truth, he will pay for the right to be married to his wife, even if he is homeless, and penniless. This is especially the case, if his wife is also one of the Children of Truth.
The man is to pay for her, by living a sacrificial life to take care of her, especially to pay her Father, if she is one of the Children of Truth (Romans 12:1). He pays for the right to be married to his wife, by giving his life, so she can live with him, like the Man of Truth gave his life, so the Children of Truth could live with him (Ephesians 5:25). He pays for her, by loving her as much as he does his own flesh (Ephesians 5:28-29).
His wife has no more right to give him cause to fornicate, by withholding her body from him, since she is being bought with a price, than the Children of Truth do to use their body to commit sin against the Father of Truth, since they have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). Since the man is paying for her, she had better not defraud him of sex (1 Corinthians 7:2-5). The Father of Truth will avenge the man on her for defrauding him, because this come from despising the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8).
This means that his wife must give him the sex that is due him, when it is the right time for love. Women who do not fulfill their promise by giving their husband what he is paying for, are liars and thieves. Even a concubine, owes this to her husband by virtue of their marriage arrangement. A wife should do more for her husband than a concubine.
She had better treat her husband as a wife, by giving him the respect that is due to him.
Her husband has bought the right to cancel her commitments (Numbers 30:6-8). The wife will not be accountable to the Father of Truth for her commitments, if her husband cancels them, soon after he learns of them (Numbers 30:10-12). Her husband will be held accountable to the Father of Truth, if he does not cancel them, soon after he learns of them, and then later prevents her from keeping them (Numbers 30:13-15).
So, a wife is to submit to the leadership of her husband, just as the Children of Truth are to submit to the leadership of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:22-24). She has the same obligation to show respect to her husband, as her husband has to show love to her (Ephesians 5:33).
In fact, the wife is subject to the wishes of her husband, in the same way that her husband is to be subject the wishes of the Man of Truth, and the Man of Truth is subject to the wishes of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 11:3). She is especially not to dishonor her husband, by praying with her head unveiled, which is the sign of being under the authority of her husband (1 Corinthians 11:5-6). However, she does not dishonor her husband when she prays without a actual veil, if her hair is long enough to serve as a veil (1 Corinthians 11:15).
So, when comes to be showing respect to her husband, it matters what is on her head, as much as it does for her husband, so that he is showing respect to the Father of Truth. The wife is to set an example of submitting to authority, for the Angels of Truth to see (1 Corinthians 11:10).
Even a concubine owes this to her husband, by virtue of their marriage agreement. The wife is even more accountable for this than a concubine, because she has being bought with a price.
So, a man is to treat the woman he married as a wife, instead of a concubine, by paying the price of laying down his life for her every day. In like manner, the woman he married is act like a wife, instead of a concubine, by going beyond minimal requirements expected of a concubine in the treatment of her husband.
The Father of Truth never intended for men to treat the woman that they married like a concubine, or the woman to act like a concubine to her husband, for He skillfully crafted woman to be a wife to the man (Genesis 2:23-25). It was people, in their sinful state, that came up women being married as concubines, instead of wives (Genesis 22:23-24).
His desire for a woman is to be a wife to her husband, by doing far more for her husband than the minimum required of a concubine (Proverbs 31:10-12). His desire for a man is treat the woman that he marries like a wife, by giving her far more than the minimum required by a concubine (Proverbs 31:28-31).
This is not some minor side issue. When a Child of Truth is married to an unbeliever, it is bigger than life and death.
It is very important that a man, who has come into the House of Truth, to treat the woman he married, if she has not come into the House of Truth, like a wife, instead of a concubine. It is very important that a woman, who has come into the House of Truth, to treat the man she married, if he has not come into the House of Truth, like she is his wife, instead of his concubine. If the Children of Truth in a marriage like this will do this, then they might be able to bring their spouse into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:12-16).
This is especially the case of a woman, who has come into the House of Truth, who is married to a man, who has not come into the House of Truth. If she will act like his wife, instead of his concubine, she might be able to bring him into the House of Truth, even if he forbids her to say anything to him about the Word of Truth (1 Peter 3:1-3). Her husband will notice the beauty of the Word of Truth, if she will adorn herself like Sarah, by acting like a wife, instead of a concubine (1 Peter 3:4-6).
There are two kinds of knowledge. When a Child of Truth only speak the Word of Truth to their unbelieving spouse, then they are only giving their unbelieving spouse head knowledge. When a Child of Truth lives out the Word of Truth, by how they treat their unbelieving spouse, then they are giving their unbelieving spouse heart knowledge.
This may be the only way that their spouse will come to understand with their heart, that total surrender to the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, is the only way for them to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
I had read in the Book of Truth (The Bible) about wives and concubines.
Some men, like Noah, had a wife (Genesis 8:15-16). Some men, like a certain Levite in days of the Judges, had a concubine (Judges 19:1). Of course, some men, like King David, had both (2 Samuel 5:13).
I became curious about the difference between a wife and a concubine, but none of the religious professionals I asked, really gave me a satisfactory answer. Some said, that "wife" and "concubine" were simply two words for the same thing. Some said, that a wife was part of the family, but a concubine was just a sex slave, or even a mistress. Some said, that a concubine was a second class wife, and the wife was over the concubines.
The truth is, that none of them really had an explanation that made sense. If wives and concubines were the same thing, then why say some man had a wife and a concubine? If the concubine was not part of the family, then why were the children they had considered part of the family? If the wife was over the concubines, who were second class wives, then what about case where a man had only a concubine, or had no concubines, but more one than wife? How could the concubine be a second class wife in the family, when she was the only woman married to the man?
It was obvious to me that there was some meaningful difference between a wife and concubine. The Book of Truth never uses any word without a reason, and it bothered to distinguish between the two. So, as I have had to do so many other times, I looked into this myself.
First, I confirmed that the Hebrew words translated as wife and concubine really are two different words, and not the same word, or variations of the same root word. The Hebrew word for "wife" is not connected to the word for "concubine" in any meaningful way. The word "concubine" never appears in the Renewed Covenant.
The word "wife" in Hebrew is simply the same word as "woman", just like in Greek.
The word "concubine" in Hebrew, "paligesh" is not associated with any other Hebrew word. It is however, related to the Greek word for concubine, "pallakis". They both appear to have came from the same foreign root word, which is probably a similar Aramaic phrase, "plag isha", that literally means, "half-wife". They are also similar to an ancient Phoenician word, "palig", that means, "softness and pleasure".
In modern Hebrew, the word "paligesh" is used for a mistress.
The Greek word, "pallakis", is literally an in-house mistress.
When I lived in Greece, this was not uncommon. In fact, the wife would often select a pallakis for her husband, when she went into menopause. My landlady selected her best friend, who was considerably younger, because she trusted her to not try to run off with the family money. The pallakis lived with them for a number of years. Although, she did not still live with them when I was there, she did come over to visit them frequently. We all ate dinner together more than once, since she was considered to be like family.
A similar word, "palagali", in ancient Sanskrit is used of a Sudra, which is a wife that is from a different caste than her husband. Lastly, the ancient Chinese word for concubine, literally means "accepted one", because the children that she produced, were considered to be accepted as legitimate children of the man, unlike any children that he might have from a woman, who was not part of the household.
So, a concubine is definitely not the same as a wife, but neither is she the same as a mistress, or a prostitute. She has a legitimate relationship with the man, but is lower in status than a wife.
A concubine can also be elevated to the status of a wife by the man. For example, Keturah became the wife of Abraham (Abram) after Sarah (Sarai) died (Genesis 25:1-4). She had previously been his concubine (1 Chronicles 1:32).
So, what is difference between a concubine and a wife, if they both can have a legitimate marriage relationship with the man, both can be sexually involved with the man, both can produce legitimate children for the man, and both can part of the family of the man?
The difference is primarily in their marriage arrangement.
A wife comes into marriage through an agreement between her family, especially her father, and the man. The man had to pay the father to marry their daughter. This is why Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) had to pay Laban for Rebekah (Genesis 29:17-19).
So when a man marries a wife, it is joining two families together. The family of the wife is now his family was well, and the family of the man was her family as well. In fact, this has been codified into law in most cultures.
For example, under English common law, and later American law, the man and his wife had the same legal obligations to the father, mother, brothers and sisters of their spouse, as they did to their own father, mother, brothers, and sisters. As far as the law was concerned, the father of the wife was the same as the father of the man to the man, and the same was true for the wife. This extended to brothers, and sisters as well. This is where the term in-laws comes from. In fact, their father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law were legally the same as their own father, mother, brother, and sister.
For example, the father of the wife was the father, in law, of the husband. He was as legally obligated to take care of her father in his old age, as he was his own father. The same was true for his wife concerning his father.
Also, because two families were being joined together, the family of the wife could enforce the terms of the marriage contract, and even bring harm to the man, if he brought harm to his wife. A man that beat his wife, was subject to being beaten by her father and brothers. So the woman had protection of her rights, when she came into marriage as a wife.
In every sense, the life of the man and his wife are joined together by their marriage arrangement. They are partners working together to create a family, that will extend the family of both of their parents.
It is not so with concubines. Their marriage is not about joining two families together, but only about joining a man to a woman for the purposes of sex, and giving legitimacy to any children that come from the concubine.
In the past, concubines were typically slaves, homeless orphans, runaways, prostitutes, or other disadvantaged women, who lacked the protection of a family, before marriage. The husband did not pay anything to her father to marry her, and might have even been given the concubine by his wife.
For example, Jacob paid nothing to marry Bilhah (Genesis 30:2-4). This is why Bilhah was called his concubine, but Rachel was only ever called his wife (Genesis 30:1-4).
The concubine had to try to make the best bargain she can with the man, when they made a marriage arrangement. She had no one to enforce the agreement that they made, but had to rely on his honestly alone. She had no one to protect her from being harmed by her husband, but had to hope for him to treat her kindly at all times. The concubine was at the mercy of her husband at all times, and his treatment of her might have turned out to be entirely based on her performance, or his mood.
So, the life of a man and his concubine are not joined together in every sense by their marriage arrangement. They are not partners working together to create a family, that will extend the family of both of their parents.
Still, being a concubine was usually much better for a woman, than without being part of any family at all. The concubine was assured of some protection from her husband, particularly from other men, and her children were part of his family. She had a home, and was not subject to being sold like a slave. Most importantly, when her daughters married, they became wives, and not concubines.
So, a concubine was much better off than a slave, a homeless orphan, a runaway, a prostitute, or a disadvantaged woman. It is not hard to see why women slaves and the like, did not protest being made into a concubine.
So, the question is this for the married men: Are you married to a wife, or a concubine?
The sad truth is, that for many married men, the honest answer is you are married to a concubine - even among those who call themselves Christians.
The same question applies to married women: Are you a wife, or a concubine?
The sad truth is, that for many married women, the honest answer is you are a concubine - even among those who call themselves Christians.
A man takes care of the family of his wife, especially her parents when they are old. A wife takes care of the family of her husband, especially his parents when they are old. When a man and his wife do not take care of each other's families, then he has married a concubine.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) will not act like they have married a concubine, or they are a concubine, if their spouse has any family at all. It is their responsibility to honor the parents of their spouse when they are old, as if they were their own parents.
They have a greater responsibility to support the parents of their spouse, who became their parents when they married, than they even do to give offerings (Mark 7:9-13). If they do not do so, then they are worse than many of the Children of Lies (those who do not obey The Father of Truth because they do not love Him) (1 Timothy 5:4-8).
However, it does not end there. What if neither one of them has any of their parents or siblings to take care of? What if they are too far away from their parents and siblings to help, or even know if they need help? Can the marriage still be that of a wife, instead of a concubine?
Remember that Keturah became the wife of Abraham, after Sarah died (Genesis 25:1). She did this by taking care of the family of Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), in the place of Sarah. When she became the wife of Abraham, she became responsible for taking care of his son by Sarah, and not just the children that she bore to Abraham as his concubine. She was taking care of the family of her husband.
In like manner, Bilhah changed from concubine to wife, by taking care of the family of Jacob, besides her own children by him.
Bilhah had been the handmaid of Rebekah (Genesis 29:29). Rachel then gave Bilhah to Jacob, to bear children for Jacob on her behalf (Genesis 30:3). Soon, Bilhah had two children by Jacob (Genesis 30:5-7).
Afterwards, Rachel had Joseph by Jacob (Genesis 30:22-24). Then Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:16-18). Bilhah was still the concubine of Jacob after this (Genesis 35:19-22).
Bilhah was with Jacob when he returned to take of his father, Isaac, until his father died (Genesis 35:25-29). By the time that Joseph was seventeen, Bilhah was now the wife of Jacob, instead of his concubine (Genesis 37:2). Bilhah became his wife, by being a mother to Joseph, after Rachel died (Genesis 37:10).
So, when a woman is the wife of her husband, instead of his concubine, they both take care of the family of each other, beyond their own children.
The thing is, that when a woman is one of the Children of Truth, she is never without a family, even if she grew up as an only child, and an orphan on the street. She does have a father, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to make sure that she is treated right (Romans 8:16). She does have a brother, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to make sure that she is treated right (Hebrews 2:9-12).
Her husband had better treat her right, or her Father will repay him for his mistreatment of her (Romans 12:9-19). If he wants the Father of Truth to hear his prayers, then he had better treat His daughter with the respect of wife, as his partner in life to extend His family, instead treating her like a concubine (1 Peter 3:7).
Her husband had better be careful to always provide her with food, clothing, and sex, for he even has to provide these things for a concubine (Exodus 21:7-10). [
Her husband had better especially be careful, to never be physically abuse her, for her Father will avenge her (1 Thessalonians 4:3-6). Her Brother is able and willing to afflict great pain upon her husband, and then kill him, if he continues in abusing his sister, after being given a period of time to repent (Revelation 2:20-23).
The Father of Truth knows how to deal with a bully, and her husband had better bully His daughter.
For example, in the congregation that I attend on the Sabbath, not long ago, a woman asked for prayer, that the Father of Truth would protect her and her children from her abusive husband. I was leading prayer on that particular day, and the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) moved upon me. So I prayed this out loud with boldness, "If he does not stop the abuse, then break his arm, so he cannot abuse them."
The next week, she reported that he had intended to abuse them, but had an accident, and broke his arm. The doctor said, that it would months before he could resume using his arm. I hope that he learns to control his temper, for the Father of Truth will do worse to him, if he resumes the abuse.
I do have sympathy for this man, because I have known what it was like to be constantly terrorized by the monster within, that brings about sudden fits of rage, causing a person to do things, that they sincerely regret afterwards. Total surrender to the Man of Truth is the ONLY sure way to be free of this monster (John 8:32-36). I sincerely hope that the man will choose deliverance, instead of destruction, for the Father of Truth does not desire to destroy him (2 Peter 3:9).
In like manner, when the man is one of the Children of Truth, he will pay for the right to be married to his wife, even if he is homeless, and penniless. This is especially the case, if his wife is also one of the Children of Truth.
The man is to pay for her, by living a sacrificial life to take care of her, especially to pay her Father, if she is one of the Children of Truth (Romans 12:1). He pays for the right to be married to his wife, by giving his life, so she can live with him, like the Man of Truth gave his life, so the Children of Truth could live with him (Ephesians 5:25). He pays for her, by loving her as much as he does his own flesh (Ephesians 5:28-29).
His wife has no more right to give him cause to fornicate, by withholding her body from him, since she is being bought with a price, than the Children of Truth do to use their body to commit sin against the Father of Truth, since they have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). Since the man is paying for her, she had better not defraud him of sex (1 Corinthians 7:2-5). The Father of Truth will avenge the man on her for defrauding him, because this come from despising the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8).
This means that his wife must give him the sex that is due him, when it is the right time for love. Women who do not fulfill their promise by giving their husband what he is paying for, are liars and thieves. Even a concubine, owes this to her husband by virtue of their marriage arrangement. A wife should do more for her husband than a concubine.
She had better treat her husband as a wife, by giving him the respect that is due to him.
Her husband has bought the right to cancel her commitments (Numbers 30:6-8). The wife will not be accountable to the Father of Truth for her commitments, if her husband cancels them, soon after he learns of them (Numbers 30:10-12). Her husband will be held accountable to the Father of Truth, if he does not cancel them, soon after he learns of them, and then later prevents her from keeping them (Numbers 30:13-15).
So, a wife is to submit to the leadership of her husband, just as the Children of Truth are to submit to the leadership of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:22-24). She has the same obligation to show respect to her husband, as her husband has to show love to her (Ephesians 5:33).
In fact, the wife is subject to the wishes of her husband, in the same way that her husband is to be subject the wishes of the Man of Truth, and the Man of Truth is subject to the wishes of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 11:3). She is especially not to dishonor her husband, by praying with her head unveiled, which is the sign of being under the authority of her husband (1 Corinthians 11:5-6). However, she does not dishonor her husband when she prays without a actual veil, if her hair is long enough to serve as a veil (1 Corinthians 11:15).
So, when comes to be showing respect to her husband, it matters what is on her head, as much as it does for her husband, so that he is showing respect to the Father of Truth. The wife is to set an example of submitting to authority, for the Angels of Truth to see (1 Corinthians 11:10).
Even a concubine owes this to her husband, by virtue of their marriage agreement. The wife is even more accountable for this than a concubine, because she has being bought with a price.
So, a man is to treat the woman he married as a wife, instead of a concubine, by paying the price of laying down his life for her every day. In like manner, the woman he married is act like a wife, instead of a concubine, by going beyond minimal requirements expected of a concubine in the treatment of her husband.
The Father of Truth never intended for men to treat the woman that they married like a concubine, or the woman to act like a concubine to her husband, for He skillfully crafted woman to be a wife to the man (Genesis 2:23-25). It was people, in their sinful state, that came up women being married as concubines, instead of wives (Genesis 22:23-24).
His desire for a woman is to be a wife to her husband, by doing far more for her husband than the minimum required of a concubine (Proverbs 31:10-12). His desire for a man is treat the woman that he marries like a wife, by giving her far more than the minimum required by a concubine (Proverbs 31:28-31).
This is not some minor side issue. When a Child of Truth is married to an unbeliever, it is bigger than life and death.
It is very important that a man, who has come into the House of Truth, to treat the woman he married, if she has not come into the House of Truth, like a wife, instead of a concubine. It is very important that a woman, who has come into the House of Truth, to treat the man she married, if he has not come into the House of Truth, like she is his wife, instead of his concubine. If the Children of Truth in a marriage like this will do this, then they might be able to bring their spouse into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:12-16).
This is especially the case of a woman, who has come into the House of Truth, who is married to a man, who has not come into the House of Truth. If she will act like his wife, instead of his concubine, she might be able to bring him into the House of Truth, even if he forbids her to say anything to him about the Word of Truth (1 Peter 3:1-3). Her husband will notice the beauty of the Word of Truth, if she will adorn herself like Sarah, by acting like a wife, instead of a concubine (1 Peter 3:4-6).
There are two kinds of knowledge. When a Child of Truth only speak the Word of Truth to their unbelieving spouse, then they are only giving their unbelieving spouse head knowledge. When a Child of Truth lives out the Word of Truth, by how they treat their unbelieving spouse, then they are giving their unbelieving spouse heart knowledge.
This may be the only way that their spouse will come to understand with their heart, that total surrender to the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, is the only way for them to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
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