Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Great War

Are you ready for World War III?

World War I is often referred to as the Great War especially in England.  One of the reasons for this is the sheer number of casualties that England had in that war.  In fact, England, France and Italy all lost more people in World War I than any other war including World War II.

Worse yet they did not heed the warning of American General Pershing, who was the General of the Armies, that the Germany had to be completely defeated or the next generation would be back fighting Germany again.

They wanted Germany to be able to pay for their expenses of fighting the Great War.  It had been the custom in Europe for centuries that the losing side had to pay the expenses of the winning side in a war.  A Germany that was completely defeated would be unable to pay those expenses.  So instead of heeding the saged advice of General Pershing to completely defeat Germany they created the terrible Treaty of Versailles.

This treaty called for Germany to pay the expenses of the war incurred by Great Britain, France and Italy.  It created such terrible economic hardship in Germany that a generation of fatherless men were created.  These fatherless men were soon under the sway of a man of lies that called himself  "the Fuhrer" (literally "the Father").  This father figure soon convinced them that they had been wronged and that they were the rightful rulers of Europe.  The result of not completely defeating Germany in the World War I was World War II.

As bloody and terrible as World War I and World War II were they pale in comparison with the Great War that will soon be fought on the Earth.

The countries participating in World War I represented every continent and covered about 80 percent of the Earth.  In World War II the participating covered about 95 percent of the Earth. Still there were neutral countries including Switzerland that were strategically located in the center of the main area of combat.

The Great War that is coming will involve every nation on Earth (Isaiah 34:2).

In World War II there was a man of lies who called himself "the father" who sought to enslave the whole world and fought against the Allies.  In the Great War that is coming the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will fight against the Angels of Truth (Revelation 12:7-9).  In the Great War the Man of Lies (The Anti-Christ aka The Beast) will fight against the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Revelation 19:19).

In the Great War peace will be taken from the entire Earth (Revelation 6:4).  The Man of Lies will gather all nations to fight against the Man of Truth (Habakkuk 2:5).  These nations will form an alliance to fight against the Man of Truth and His Father (Psalm 2:1-3). 

Russia lost many people in World War I and World War II but these casualties are small compared to those that will happen in the Great War.  In the Great War Russia will attack Israel with an alliance of European and Muslim nations (Ezekiel 38:2-8).  Russia will bring its entire army to fight on the mountains of Israel and five out six of its soldiers will die there (Ezekiel 39:1-4). It will take seven years to completely clean up the mess (Ezekiel 39:8-10).  It will take seven months just to bury all of the dead soldiers from Russia (Ezekiel 39:11-15).

In the Great War these nations will not know nor understand that the Father of Truth  (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has allowed the Man of Lies to prosper in destroying others so that His enemies can be completely destroyed (Daniel 8:23-25).  They will not understand that He is the one that will bring them to Jerusalem to capture half of its inhabitants (Zechariah 14:2).  They will not consider that they are only His instruments to destroy the unrepentant from among the Jews of Jerusalem so that Jerusalem can be rebuilt as a city that is inhabited by those that dwell in holiness (Amos 9:9-11).

In the Great War they will not know that they are unwitting pawns used to get the Jews of Jerusalem to accept the One that their political and religious professionals rejected as their King (Psalm 118:21-23).  They will not understand that the great purpose of the Great War is get the Jews to call out to the Man of Truth to save them (Psalm 118:25-26).  The Great War will soon end after the Jews accept their King (Matthew 23:39).

Then the Man of Truth will fight for Jerusalem and rescue its survivors (Zechariah 14:3-5).  The Man of Truth will come with all of the armies of the resurrected saints (Jude 1:14-15).  The surviving men of Jerusalem will also arise to fight when they see him and they will be like David when he fought Goliath while David and the other saints will be like the Father of Truth in this battle (Zechariah 12:7-9).

The Father of Truth will then bring all nations into a single large battlefield as surely as He has brought the Jews back to the Land of Israel  (Joel 3:1-2).  Then He shall destroy the armies of all nations on that battlefield (Isaiah 34:1-3).  So many will perish in this battle that the entire 186 mile (300 km) long valley will be filled with blood that is more than three feet (one meter) deep (Revelation 14:20).  (This would require a death toll of about one billion soldiers.)  The Great War will be over.

In the aftermath of the Great War justice will be dealt out to everyone based on what they did during the Great War.

Everyone among the survivors of the Great war shall be gathered together and divided into two groups by the Man of Truth (Matthew 25:31-33).  Those people that are on his right shall be brought into his kingdom because they took care of him during the Great War (Matthew 25:34-36).  They will want to know when they gave him food and drink, clothed him and visited him in his afflictions (Matthew 25:37-39).  The King will tell them whenever they did these things to any of the Jews during the Great War that they did those things to him (Matthew 25:40). Those people that are on his left shall be completely destroyed because they did not take care of him during the Great War (Matthew 25:41-43).  They will want to know when they neglected to give him food and drink, or to clothe him or to visited him in his afflictions during the Great War (Matthew 25:44).  The King will tell them whenever they neglected to do any of these things for any of the Jews during the Great War that they neglected to do those things for him (Matthew 25:45).  So everyone that does not help the Jews in the Great War will be destroyed like those that fought against the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth in the Great War while the those that helped the Jews in the Great War will live (Matthew 25:46).

The Great War will really be the war to end all wars.  After it is over people will turn their weapons into farm equipment and never go to war again and the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses will be the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:3-5).  Instead of war peace will cover the Earth (Zechariah 9:10).

The good news is that you do not have to wait until the Great War is over to experience peace!  The Man of Truth has already came once to this Earth so that people of all nations could come into the House of Truth and find peace (Luke 2:10-14).  He has already won the war so you can come into the House of Truth and live in real peace (Colossians 1:19-21).  The war was won when the Father of Truth brought him back from the dead so that you could come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 13:20-21).  All that is left for you do to come into the House of Truth is to surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His father did this (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Nuclear Option

Why should divorce be the option of last resort?

On April 12, 1945 Franklin Delanor Roosevelt died, and Harry S. Truman became president of the U.S.  On this day, he learned for the first time of a new weapon, that was being developed.  It was almost two weeks later (April 25, 1945), that Truman learned, that this new weapon was an atomic bomb.  This was the first time, that he had heard of the nuclear option.

Truman was too busy finishing up World War II in Europe, to be too concerned with the nuclear option.  He declared victory over the axis powers in Europe on his 61st birthday (May 8, 1945).  While he was at the Potsdam Conference, he learned that the Trinity test (July 16, 1945) of the atomic bomb had been successful.  He hinted to Joseph Stalin, the leader of Russia, that the nuclear option was now available.  (Stalin however, knew about the nuclear option before Truman, due to the excellent spy network, that he had in the U.S.)

Soon Truman was faced with one of the most difficult decisions in history.

The U.S. had beaten the Japanese back to their home islands with only one half of the force that it had used in Europe and virtually no help from its mostly European allies.  This had been very costly in terms of American lives and resources.  Russia had agreed to invade Japan from the east while the US invaded from the west now that the war in Europe was over.  Japan had dwindling resources and no way to get new resources.  Japan was already defeated for all practical purposes.  Still the Japanese Emperor Hirohito refused to surrender and promised that the Japanese would continue to fight to the last man in order to maintain his position as Emperor.

Truman asked for his options from the military and diplomats.  He had three options.  First, he could continue to wage war as he had up to this point by continuing to heavily bomb Japanese cities with conventional bombs and then invading Japan with the help of Russia.  This option could cost as much as a million American lives as well as many millions of Japanese lives.  Second, Hirohito could remain as a figurehead Emperor.   The previous responses by Hirohito had made made it clear that this was option was very unlikely to work.  The third option was the nuclear option.

Truman wrote in his diary on July 25, 1945 while he agonized over his decision that he had been assured by his military advisers that the nuclear option would only be used against military targets.  Time was running out to avoid a costly invasion of Japan and Hirohito was still wavering on surrendering.  More than that Russia had lost many people when it invaded Germany and wanted to avoid invading Japan if at all possible.  Truman intimated this in a letter that he wrote on July 31, 1945.  It had became clear that the nuclear option was his only remaining option.

So on August 6, 1945 the nuclear option was used on Hiroshima, Japan where it instantly killed 80,000 people and caused another 40,000 people to die within a year.  Many of these people that suffered terribly were innocent children.  Three days later (August 9, 1945), the nuclear option was used again on Nagasaki, Japan where 70,000 people died from it.  On August 13, 1945 the U.S. conducted a conventional bombing campaign on Tokyo where Hirohito lived to let him know that he was not immune from the nuclear option.  The next day (August 14, 1945) Hirohito surrendered and World War II was over.

Truman has been criticized for using the nuclear option but the fact is that it undoubtedly saved lives.  The Japanese had already lost many more people through conventional bombing than when Truman exercised  the nuclear option.  In fact, Japan lost about 25,0000 more people in the conventional bombings of just two cities, Toyama and Tokyo, than when the nuclear option was used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Hirohito and his generals had not cared how many Japanese people died to defend their traditions that included worship of the Emperor.  The nuclear option is what caused Hirohito to finally admit defeat and sign a peace treaty on the USS Missouri.  This treaty included a provision where he admitted that he was not God.

The truth is that Japan had already lost the war months before the nuclear option was ever exercised.  Japan had months to surrender but Hirohito had refused time after time.  Hirohito could have sought peace and avoided compelling Truman to use the nuclear option.  It was the hardness of the heart of Hirohito that turned the nuclear option into the only option.

The nuclear option is so horrific that it has never been used since World War II.  The fact is the potential for damage is so large that everyone that has this option refuses to exercise it for fear of others using it on them.  Using the nuclear option is almost guaranteed to bring about mutually assured destruction. 

There is another nuclear option that is available to many people.  This nuclear option will also cause massive damage and takes generations for people to recover from.  This nuclear option brings death instantly on some levels while it slowly drains the life out of people on other levels.  This nuclear option brings terrible suffering to innocent children.  Like the case of Truman and Hirohito, this nuclear option can be avoided if both parties are willing to seek peace.  The use of this nuclear option is almost guaranteed to bring about mutually assured destruction.

This nuclear option is divorce.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) hates divorce because it only comes from someone dealing treacherously with their spouse (Malachi 2:16).

This treachery is often a man divorcing his wife when she gets older and is no longer in her prime (Malachi 2:15).  That man is dealing treacherously because he made a covenant to take of her as long as they both should live when she was young and is now breaking that covenant when she is no longer young (Malachi 2:14).

In the marriage covenant the man has promised to provide his wife with food, covering (clothing and shelter) and her marital right (sex) as much as she needed for as long as they both should live  (Exodus 21:10).  Even if his wife had been his slave before they married he was still dealing treacherously with her if he divorced her (Exodus 21:7-8).

Of course, the wife can also deal treacherously with her husband by departing from him through divorce just as surely as Israel dealt treacherously with the Father of Truth by departing from Him (Jeremiah 3:20).

Whoever does not provide their spouse with as much sex as their spouse needs for as long as they both should live to the best of their ability is dealing treacherously with their spouse (1 Corinthians 7:2-4).  A husband and wife can only refrain from sex for a short time by mutual consent to spend more time with the Father of Truth and then they must resume taking care of the sexual needs of each other (1 Corinthians 7:5).  Both husband and wife are to be concerned with taking care of the sexual needs of their spouse because that is part of the covenant they made when they were married (1 Corinthians 7:32-34).

It is not only the parents that suffer from divorce but also the children.  The children suffer terribly because a divorce always leaves them missing their parents and all the benefits that only parents working together can provide.

In a divorce the children usually depart with their mother.  That is why it was very grievous for Abraham to put Hagar out of his camp (Genesis 21:9-11).  That is why Ishmael left with his mother when Abraham put her away (Genesis 21:12-14).  That is why it was so hard for those men that had married idol worshipers from other nations to put away their wives that had refused to quit worshiping idols (Ezra 10:44).

In like manner, the land and the house that was on it stayed with the father.  This because the land belongs to the family of the father while the father is only in charge of its use until he dies.  That is why the Father of Truth said when someone sold the family land that they always had the right to buy it back when they were able (Leviticus 25:23-27).  That is why He said the family land must always go back to the family in the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:28).  That is why the He said when a man of Israel had only daughters then his daughters could only marry someone from their own tribe (Numbers 36:6-9).  That is why He said when a man died without any children then his wife had to marry one of his brothers and the first born child would be counted as belonging to her husband that had died (Deuteronomy 25:5-6).

So a divorce leaves the wife like a widow that has no husband and the children are like those that have no father.  This can be seen in the case of when the Father of Truth divorced the nation of Judah (Isaiah 50:1).  After the divorce Judah was like a widow and her children were like the fatherless (Lamentations 5:3).

So when there is a divorce after children have been born the mother now must try to provide the children for in the place of their father.  Worse yet women throughout the ages have only been able to earn about 60 percent of what men can earn.   This is why the Father of Truth required that women only had to give thirty shekels when they took on a vow while men had to give fifty shekels (Leviticus 27:2-4).

Her husband had to provide a house on the land of the family before they could marry just like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is preparing a place for his bride to live in (John 14:2-3).  So now with only sixty percent of the money that her husband made she has to provide everything that he had provided with one hundred percent of his money plus a house.

This almost always casts the children into poverty.  The children will not be identified with their father and his trade in the community (Matthew 13:55).  The children cannot learn the trade of their father so that they can go about his business when they are old enough (Luke 2:49).  The mother usually cannot make enough money by herself to lay up money for the children like can be done when her husband and her work together in raising the children (2 Corinthians 12:14).  The divorced woman and her children will be afflicted with poverty and in need of help as much as the widow and the fatherless (James 1:27).

The reality of a lack of money requires the divorce woman to spend much of her time working away from the children and that is what brings about the real fall out from divorce. Without a father to correct them it is as if the children were hated by their parents (Proverbs 29:15).  Without their mother around due to trying to provide for their physical needs the children are left to themselves and are bound to do things that will bring her shame (Proverbs 29:15).  Children without the chastening of a father are like those that are not part of the family of their father (Hebrews 12:7-9).

So for the children it is like someone used the nuclear option on their family when the parents get a divorce.  The children are suddenly without a father, a mother that cannot give them adequate attention, their home is gone and so is the money that they are used to having.  The children are damaged in every area of their lives when their parents get a divorce.  They are in lack of money, in lack of discipline, in lack of a deep family identity, in lack of the life skills that lead to success in every endeavor and will usually grow up unable to adequately provide those things for their own children.  This sets off a chain reaction of destruction that lasts for three or four generations.

The reason is that divorce is always born out of treachery and treachery is always sin.  This kind of sin will always bring destruction to the third and fourth generation (Numbers 14:18).

If you want to permanently damage your children, your grandchildren and your great grand children then one of the easiest ways to do so is to get a divorce.  That is one reason that divorce is the nuclear option.

Of course, divorce is not just devastating to the mother and the children. It is devastating to the father as well.  When there is a divorce the father has lost his wife and children.  The father is a often as devastated as Jacob (Ya'acob) was when he believed that he had lost Joseph (Youseph) (Genesis 37:33-35).  This is another reason that divorce is the nuclear option.  Divorce is almost guaranteed to bring about mutually assured destruction.

Since the Father of Truth hates divorce and it causes so much damage you might wonder why anyone would ever use the nuclear option.

To understand this we must first look at where formalized divorce began.  You might be surprised to learn that the Father of Truth is the one that set up formalized divorce.

In the divorce proceedings that He set up a man could initiate a divorce if he found uncleanness in his wife (Deuteronomy 24:1).  The woman then had to depart from his house and could marry another man since she was no longer his wife (Deuteronomy 24:2).  Once she married another man then her first husband could never remarry her because she was now defiled by another man (Deuteronomy 24:3-4).

Why would He set up the nuclear option like this?

The key to understanding that question is understanding the circumstances that justified using the nuclear option.  The uncleanness that allowed a man to initiate divorce was unfaithfulness in his wife.  This could be literal adultery that was physical unfaithfulness to him (Matthew 5:31-32).  This could be spiritual unfaithfulness to the Father of Truth like the foreign wives that worshiped idols in the days of Ezra (Ezra 10:2-3).

The fact is that the nuclear option was less damaging to the family than the other options.  If a woman was physically unfaithful to her husband then one of the other options was to make the sin public so that she and the other man would be stoned to death (Leviticus 20:10).  Of course, the problem is that his wife is the mother of his children and the other man might be the father of some more children.  So this option would actually cause more damage than using the nuclear option.  Joseph (Youseph) sought to divorce Mary (Mariam) quietly because he understood that using the nuclear option was the better option (Matthew 1:18-20).

Even when there is marital unfaithfulness there is a better option than the nuclear option if both parties are willing to take it.  That is the peace option of repentance and reconciliation.  The only reason that anyone ever takes the nuclear option instead of the peace option is because at least one of the parties involved has hardness of heart (Matthew 19:8).

The peace option can only be taken if the one committing adultery is willing to quit committing adultery and return to faithfulness like the Father of Truth tried to persuade the nation of Israel to do  (Jeremiah 3:6-7).  The peace option can only be taken if the one that was wronged is willing to forgive the one that committed adultery so that they can be forgiven of the adultery that they have committed against the Father of Truth (Matthew 6:14-15).

If the party that has committed adultery is unwilling to repent then the nuclear option becomes the only option like when the Father of Truth exercised it against the unrepentant nation of Israel (Jeremiah 3:8).

Of course in order to have the faith to exercise the peace option you must first come into the House of Truth to find real peace (Romans 5:1-2).  You come into the House of Truth when you surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Whose Wife Is She?

Could you be committing adultery with your spouse?

I once heard a story about a man who was lost at sea.

He had inherited some land on a point with a magnificent view of the ocean that had a grand house with a tower in the center where one could see for miles in every direction.  The man fell in love with a beautiful woman and they were married.

Not long after their second child was born, the man went to sea on a merchant ship.  Tragically, a tremendous storm arose when the ship had been at sea for many days.  The storm blew the ship far off of its charted course and finally destroyed the ship.  Neither the ship nor anyone on the ship was found despite considerable search and rescue efforts.

After a number of years he was declared legally dead and his wife remarried.  She had two more children with her second husband and they all lived happily in the house that the man lost at sea had left her in his will.

Unexpectedly the man lost at sea was found living alone on a deserted island far from the area where the ship had been presumed to have gone down and was rescued.  The man then returned to his home town and returned to the house that he had inherited from his father.

When the man lost at sea arrived home he discovered that there was another man living in his house with the woman that he had married.  He demanded that this other man and his children leave his house so that he could resume his life with his wife and children.  The other man refused saying that the woman was his wife and the house belonged to her.

Soon the case went to court where the judge ruled very quickly that the house did indeed belong to the man lost at sea since his will was not in effect as long as he was alive.  The real question that remained was that of the woman.

Whose wife was she?

Even though the circumstances have usually been less dramatic than those of the man lost at sea this has been an age old question that has bothered people as long as women have been remarrying.

Fortunately, the Book of Truth (the Bible) gives the truthful answer to this question.  To find the answer we will begin by looking at similar case involving David.

King Saul (Shaul) had promised to give his daughter Merab to David to be his wife, but instead he gave her to another man, that she was in love with (1 Samuel 18:19).  So he gave his daughter Michal, who in love with David, to be his wife instead (1 Samuel 18:20-21).  Later, Michal helped David escape, when her father, King Saul, tried to kill him (1 Samuel 19:11-13).  When King Saul hunted David to kill him, he declared David legally dead, and he gave his daughter Michal to a second husband, named Paltiel (1 Samuel 25:44).

Whose wife was she?

After King Saul was dead, then David demanded his wife Michal be given back to him, since he was no longer as good as dead (2 Samuel 3:14).  The second husband, Paltiel, protested that Michal was his wife, but she was returned to David (2 Samuel 3:15-16).

David claimed Michal as his wife, and so did Paltiel.  In fact, Michal and Paltiel may have had children together, during the many years that King Sual tried to kill David.  David hid from King Saul, and may not have been heard from for years.  Paltiel and Michael may even have believed, that David was dead at times.  But in the end, he returned to claim his wife, like the man lost at sea.

Whose wife was she?

Michal was the wife of David, because David had not died, as King Saul may have made her believe (Romans 7:2).  So what about the entire time that she was married to Paltiel, while David was still alive?

Paltiel and her were committing adultery, the entire time they were married, since David was not dead (Romans 7:3).  Though Paltiel and Michal could have been sinning in ignorance, but they were still sinning, and had to take corrective action to make things right, when it was revealed, that they had been living in sin (Leviticus 4:27-28).

A woman is the wife of her husband, even when people do not know that she is married. 

Pharaoh suffered greatly for intending to make Sarai (Sarah) his wife, even though he was ignorant, that she was the wife of Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 12:17-19).

King Abimelech was as good as dead, when he took Sarah (Sarai) to marry her, even though he was ignorant, that she was the wife of Abraham (Abram) (Genesis 20:2-4).  King Abimelech would have died, if he had not taken corrective action, once he was no longer in ignorance (Genesis 20:5-7).

Even though Isaac (Yitzhak) had lied, about Rebecca (Rivkah) not being his wife, anyone who would have married her, would have been sinning (Genesis 26:9-10).

You might be thinking, how often does things like that happen?

The truth is not very often, but there is another far more common scenario, where the same question must be answered.

Whose wife is she?

One example of this is the case of Herodias.  Herodias had married Herod, after his brother Philip had previously married her (Mark 6:17).  Herodias had obtained a divorce from Philip under Roman law, but according to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) it was not lawful, for Herod to marry her (Mark 6:18).  It was not lawful for Herod to marry her, because she was still the wife of his brother Philip, even though she had obtained government approval to divorce Philip, and marry Herod (Luke 3:19).

Herodias was still the wife of Philip, because Philip was still alive.  (He did not die, until about three years after Yochanon the Mikveh Man (John the Baptist) told Herod, that it was unlawful for him to marry her.)  If Philip had died, then she could have married Herod, because she was free to remarry (1 Corinthians 7:39).

In fact, if Philip had died without leaving any children, then Herod would have been required to have married her by the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Deuteronomy 25:5-6).  In fact, she would had to have kept marrying his brothers, when one of them died, as long as there were any to marry, until she left a child for each of brother, that she had married (Matthew 22:24-26).

Since Philip was still alive, then Herod could not marry her, for she was still the wife of his brother Philip (Leviticus 18:16).  In fact, they never had any children, because they were under the curse of the Father of Truth, as long as Herod remained married to Herodias, and his brother Philip was still alive (Leviticus 20:21).

So even though Herodias had obtained a government approved divorce, under the law of the land, she was still the wife of Philip.  This is because the government cannot annul any covenant, that the Father of Truth has set up including marriage (Mark 10:7-9).

You might be thinking, that you do not of anyone that has married the same woman as his brother, so how does this apply to most people?

The Pharisees (Parushim) asked the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) these same questions.  They want to know if divorce was legal for anyone (Mark 10:2).  They were directed to examine the law that the Father of Truth had given to Moses (Mark 10:3).  This law said that they could write a bill of divorce to end their marriage (Mark 10:4).  The Man of Truth told them that this law of divorce was included because they were hard-hearted but divorce was not the original intention of the Father of Truth (Mark 10:5-6).

In this law of divorce a man could divorce his wife by writing her a bill of divorce if he found uncleanness in her (Deuteronomy 24:1).  Once she was given a bill of divorce under those conditions then she was free to marry another man (Deuteronomy 24:2).

It was the phrase "uncleanness causes a wife to lose favor in the eyes of her husband" that was the real issue.  The majority of the Pharisees (Parashim) maintained that this phrase meant anything that displeased a man qualified so there was divorce for any cause.  In fact, because of this teaching that divorce was legitimate for any cause more than fifty percent of all marriages in Judaea ended in divorce at that time.

One bill of divorce found from that era lists carelessness in seasoning of the gravy as the uncleanness that caused the wife to lose favor in the eyes of her husband.  Also a woman could demand a divorce from her husband and the Pharisees would compel her husband to give it to her.  They would even write a bill of divorce on his behalf if he refused.

The Man of Truth said that this uncleanness was unfaithfulness that would cause a woman to give her body and affections to another man (Matthew 5:32). 

There was also another type of uncleanness that did not apply in the case of those that worshiped the Father of Truth and that was spiritual unfaithfulness to Him.  It was this type of uncleanness in their wives that turned the men of Israel from Him (Judges 3:5-7).  It was for this type of uncleanness that Ezra commanded that the men of Israel to divorce their foreign wives (Ezra 10:10-12).

What if the woman had been divorced under any other conditions or her husband had refused to give her a bill of divorce?  What if she married another man after receiving a divorce on illegitimate grounds?

Whoever married a woman that did not have a legitimate divorce was committing adultery with her because she was still the wife of her former husband (Matthew 19:9).  A woman that did not have a legitimate divorce was committing adultery when she remarried because she was still the wife of her former husband (Mark 10:10-12).  Anyone that is marries someone that has an illegitimate divorce or that marries again without a legitimate divorce is in an adulterous relationship because she is still the wife of her former husband (Luke 16:18).

Because a woman is still the wife of her husband unless he divorces her for unfaithfulness the Man of Truth has commanded that a wife to not depart from their husband (1 Corinthians 7:10).  If she does depart then she must not remarry because she is still his wife and will be committing adultery if she should remarry but the same thing applies to her husband (1 Corinthians 7:11).

In the case of a Child of Truth (one who obeys the Father of Truth because they love Him) that has married someone that has not came into the House of Truth then they are not to divorce their spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12-13).  They need to stay married for the sake of their children (1 Corinthians 7:14).  If their spouse then leaves them for following the Man of Truth then the divorce was over spiritual uncleanness and they are free to remarry because the spiritual uncleanness of the one that did not come into the House of Truth made the divorce legitimate (1 Corinthians 7:15).  The goal of the Child of Truth should never be to seek a divorce from their spouse but to bring their spouse into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:16).

So what are you supposed to do if you realize that are married to the wife or husband of someone else?

First of all you must recognize that you will not be saved if you continue in this adulterous relationship (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Your flesh will want the adulterous relationship to continue (Galatians 5:19).  Continuing in this adulterous relationship will bring the judgment of the Father of Truth upon you (Hebrews 13:4).

Secondly, you must recognize that you must repent from this sin. It is not enough for you to just confess that you have been committing adultery with the wife or husband of another person - you must take corrective action (Matthew 3:6-8).  You must end this adulterous relationship now that you are no longer ignorant that you have been sinning against the Father of Truth (Acts 17:30). 

Finally, realize that this sin is not unforgivable if you will repent.  The blood of the Man of Truth was shed to cleanse you from all sin when you repent including being married to another man's wife or another woman's husband (1 John 1:7).

The Man of Truth will give you the strength to repent if you will come into the House of Truth (Philippians 4:13).  You can come into the House of Truth by submitting to the Man of Truth in every area including this area because you believe that the Father of Truth raise him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Unfaithful Wife

Why are some wives unfaithful?

I once knew a man, that was crazy in love with his wife.  He suffered rejection by his own family, when he married her, but it did not matter, because he was crazy in love with her.  I have never seen a man that was more in love with his wife, than this man.

His wife was the only woman in the world, to this man.  If he would have had to walk across a five mile wide stretch of nude beach, to reach his wife on the other side for some reason, then he would not have even noticed those other women.  It was just like a man looking for his car in a parking lot.  The only car that interests him, is the one that is his ride.  This woman was the desire of his eyes.

This man made all kinds of sacrifices to take care of his wife.  He cherished every moment that he spent with her.   He brought her little gifts all the time, for no reason other than to let her know how much he loved her.  Every day he went out of his way, to let her know that she was his most precious possession.  I have never known a man that treasured his wife, more than this man.

How did his wife respond to this man's kindness and affection?

After five years of his continual goodness to her, she repaid his goodness with evil.  She gave her body and her affections to another man.  She betrayed him as surely as Judas betrayed Jesus.

Unfortunately, I have known many men that have been betrayed by an unfaithful wife, but I have never seen it affect anyone, as much as this man.  I have never seen a man that was so broken-hearted, as this man.

This man was so full of life, before he found out that the one that he loved, did not love him back.  Suddenly, this man did not care what he ate, because food had lost all of its flavor.  Suddenly, his vision went from high def color, to grainy black and white.  Suddenly, the soundtrack of his life went from being full of energy, to a dragging monotone.  Suddenly, there was no difference in the smell of a dead skunk, and a fragrant rose, to this man.  Suddenly, he could feel neither pleasure, nor pain, in his body, because the pain in his soul, overwhelm every sensation of his body.  The unfaithful wife had killed her husband, as surely as if she had put a gun to his heart, and pulled the trigger.

While faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) kept this man from suicide, he was never the same again.  He had been fun and spontaneous, before he was betrayed, but afterwards, he became very serious and meticulous.

This man forgave the unfaithful wife when she asked, because he was still crazy in love with her.  Still this man wanted to know, what he had done wrong, to cause his wife to be unfaithful to him.  His wife kept telling him, that there was nothing that he had done wrong.  This was hard to accept, because it meant, that there was nothing that he could do, to prevent her from betraying him again.   Finally, after a few years, he accepted the truth.  While he had never done her nothing but good, she had repaid him evil for good, for no reason at all.

This man almost worked himself to death, to take care of children, that he could not even be 100% sure that he had fathered, because he still loved her.   In fact, when his wife went astray again, he forgave her again, because he loved her children.  The love this man had for the unfaithful wife, was greater than the pain she had caused him.  However, there was no sacrifice that the man could make, to remove the unfaithfulness from his wife.  The unfaithful wife continued to repay this man, evil for good.

Years later, a painful confrontation brought out the truth, about why the unfaithful wife had continued to be cold toward her husband, for decades after he had twice forgiven her.  She still kept her affections for the man, that she had used to kill her husband, all those years ago.  Everything good that her husband had done, could not cause her to love him.  The unfaithful wife still repaid this man, evil for good.

For decades, she had held on to a belief, that this other man had loved her, while her husband had not.   Finally, she knew that she had been a fool, when she realized this simple truth:  If you love something, then you take care of it. 

A man that loves his horse feeds it, shelters it, grooms it, rides it, and gives it medical attention when needed.  Another man might ride his horse, but that does not mean that he loves the horse.  Loving to ride a horse, is not same as loving the horse.  The one that loves the horse, is the one that takes care of the horse.  The one that loves you, is the one that takes of you.  The man that loves a woman, is the one who takes care of her.

This man was the only one that ever loved really her, for he was the one that took care of her, despite how she had repaid his goodness with evil.  This man had taken care of her, when she reached the point of almost dying, from an illness that came on her, due to her unfaithfulness.  This man had almost died from overwork, to take care of her children, that may have been conceived, in her unfaithfulness.  This man had never been the least bit unfaithful to her.  This man was the one that loved her.

That other man was a liar.  He simply told her whatever she wanted to hear, so he could get out of her, whatever he wanted to get.  He had never made any kind of sacrifice to take care of her.  He had almost destroyed her family.  He had wrecked her health.  He had abandoned her, when he was afraid that her husband had found out.  He had never loved her.  He had only loved, what she did for him.

When the unfaithful wife realized who really loved her, then this man and his wife made a renewed covenant, to put an end to the unfaithfulness.

Now some people say that women are responders, and that a man will always get back later, what he puts into her, multiplied.  Sort of like how a man puts a little bitty seed into a woman, and gets back a baby.  They say this, as if women were mindless vending machines.  This certainly was not the case with this man, and the unfaithful wife.

The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells the truth, about the unfaithful wife.  In fact, there is an entire book called Hosea, to explain the truth about the unfaithful wife.

Hosea married Gomer and they had a son (Hosea 1:3).  Then they had a daughter (Hosea 1:6).  Finally they had another son (Hosea 1:9).  Hosea loved his wife and her children.  He never did nothing to her but good.

How did Gomer respond to the goodness of Hosea?  After years of his continual goodness to her, she repaid his goodness with evil.  She gave her body and her affections to other men (Hosea 2:5).  She betrayed him as surely as Judas betrayed the Man of Truth.

Finally, the unfaithful wife realized that these men did not love her, because they did not take care of her (Hosea 2:7).

Hosea was still crazy in love with the unfaithful wife, so he forgave her, and gave sacrificially, so she could return to him (Hosea 3:2).  Hosea then made a renewed covenant with her, to put an end to the unfaithfulness (Hosea 3:3).

There really was a man named Hosea, that was crazy in love with a woman named Gomer, and these things really happened to them, just like the man with the unfaithful wife.  However, this true story was set up by The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), as a play about Israel and Him.  In this play Hosea represents Him, Gomer represents Israel, the other men represent idols, and the unfaithfulness represents idol worship.  To say that Hosea, somehow caused Gomer to be the unfaithful wife, is the same as saying that, the Father of Truth caused Israel, to go into idol worship.

Why did Gomer become the unfaithful wife?  What had Hosea done to cause her to become unfaithful? Gomer did not become the unfaithful wife, because of anything that Hosea had done.  Gomer became the unfaithful wife, because of her condition before she ever met Hosea.  The Father of Truth commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute, because her condition was like that of Israel, before she ever knew Him (Hosea 1:2).  Just as Hosea had taken her out of whoredom, so also had the Father of Truth taken Israel out of idolatry, in Egypt (Hosea 2:15).

Just as Hosea had given Gomer children, so also had the Father of Truth caused Israel to multiply (Exodus 32:13).

Just as Gomer gave her body and affections to other men, so also did Israel give her affection to idols (Hosea 2:13).

Just as Gomer finally decided to return to Hosea, after she realized that these other men never loved her, so also shall Israel one day return to the Father of Truth, when she realizes that no one else ever loved her (Hosea 2:16-17). 

The Father of Truth is still crazy in love with Israel, so He has forgiven her, and given sacrificially so that she can return to Him (Hosea 3).  The Father of Truth has made a Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) to end the unfaithfulness (Hosea 2:19-20).

This Renewed Covenant was promised to Israel, because like the unfaithful wife, they did not keep the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) (Jeremiah 31:31-32).  This second covenant was made, because the first covenant was not able to keep Israel, from being an unfaithful wife (Hebrews 8:7-9).  This Renewed Covenant was made to take away unfaithfulness (Hebrews 8:12-13).

This Renewed Covenant given to Israel, is not like the first covenant, that was written on stones (Jeremiah 31:33). This Renewed Covenant is written on their hearts, and minds (Hebrews 8:10).

In an even wider sense, this play is not just about Israel, but the entire human race.  Those that had not been called His people, as part of the first covenant, were going to be called His Children, under this Renewed Covenant (Hosea 1:10).  Those that had not obtained mercy, as part of the first covenant that He made with Israel, would obtain mercy under this Renewed Covenant (Hosea 2:23). 

The Gentiles have been as much like the unfaithful wife, as the Jews (Romans 3:9). This Renewed Covenant has concluded all in mercy, because all have been like the unfaithful wife (Romans 11:32).  Like Israel, the Gentiles were unfaithful, because of their condition, before the Father of Truth knew them (Romans 5:12-14).  Like Israel, He had caused them to multiply, and gave each nation its own land (Genesis 10:32).  Like Israel, the Gentiles gave their affection to idols (Romans 1:21-23).  Like Israel, the Gentiles will return to Him, when they realize that no one loves them like Him (Revelation 15:4).  Like Israel, He is so crazy in love with them, that He has forgiven them, and sacrificially gave the Man of Truth, so that they could return to Him (John 3:16-17).  Like Israel, He has included the Gentiles in this Renewed Covenant, to end their unfaithfulness (Ephesians 2:14-16).

Those Gentiles who accept this Renewed Covenant, would now be called His Children, like those Jews, who accept this Renewed Covenant (Romans 9:23-26).  Those Gentiles who accept this Renewed Covenant, would now obtain mercy, like those Jews, who accept this Renewed Covenant (1 Peter 2:10).  Both Jews and Gentiles, who accept this Renewed Covenant, form a new people, who are completely different, from both the Jews and the Gentiles, who have not accepted this Renewed Covenant (1 Corinthians 10:32).

All that come into this Renewed Covenant, Jew or Gentile, must do so through the Man of Truth, because of the price that he paid, so they could return to the Father of Truth (Hebrews 8:22-25).  The Man of Truth causes both Jews and Gentiles, who accept this Renewed Covenant, to become a single new people, who had never existed before (Ephesians 2:14-16).

This Renewed Covenant will end unfaithfulness, because it is written on a heart, that has been softened by the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 11:18-20).  This Renewed Covenant relies on the the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), working on the inside of those who accept it (Ezekiel 36:25-27). This Renewed Covenant is written by the Spirit of Truth, on the hearts of Jews and Gentiles, who accept it (2 Corinthians 3:3). The natural result of the Spirit of Truth working on the inside, is the end of all unfaithfulness (Galatians 5:22). [The Greek word translated as "faith" here literally means "faithfulness".]

Before you can accept this Renewed Covenant, you must realize this one simple truth: The One that takes care of you, is the One who loves you.

The Father of Truth sent people, to bring you back to Himself (Acts 26:16-18). He has given you every good thing in your life (James 1:17).  He sent the Man of Truth to undo the damage, that was done by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil), in your life (1 John 3:8).

That other one, the Father of Lies, is a liar (John 8:44).  He only wants to destroy your life, your family, and your health, while the Man of Truth came to save you (John 10:10). 

This Renewed Covenant will end unfaithfulness, among those come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 10:16-17).  Those who come into the House of Truth and stay, will have all unfaithfulness removed (Matthew 10:22).  Instead of being like the unfaithful wife, you can come into the House of Truth, by accepting this Renewed Covenant (Romans 11:26-27).  The Father of Truth proved that this Renewed Covenant, will remove all unfaithfulness, from those who come into the House of Truth, when He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Hebrews 13:20-21).

You can come into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth ,because you believe that the Father of Truth, raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Removing The Roadblocks

Why are people sometimes not healed, when they are prayed for?

When I was growing up I went on a camping and fishing trip at Lake Weddington with Dad and Uncle Terry.  Instead of going on the usual paved road that lead to the swimming area and boat docks at the front of the park we went on a single lane dirt logging road through the woods at the back of the park.  When we were deep into the woods we reach a turn around and just beyond the turn around the only route to our destination was blocked by a fallen tree.

My heart sunk when it looked like our camping and fishing trip was over before it had begun.  This trip was special because it was just for our family.  It looked like to me that we were going to have to go back to the same places that everyone else was at and do what they were doing.

Dad and Uncle Terry had a determined look on their faces.  They told us to stay in the truck while they took care of the roadblock.  They went to the back of the truck and in a few moments Uncle Terry was at the fallen tree with his chainsaw.  Suddenly we heard the sound of power.  Uncle Terry cut that tree up and Dad moved the debris off the road.  In no time, the roadblock had been removed.  Once the road block was removed we continued on to our destination.

We did not catch any record fish that day but we did have a great time enjoying each other the way that only a family can.  All that was needed was for us to experience every good thing that my father had planned for us was for the roadblock to be removed.

It is like that for everyone.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) desires a future of health for you. He is the one that heals those that are obey Him because they are His Children (Exodus 15:26).  He is the one that sent His Word to heal people (Psalm 107:20).  He wants to give good things like healing to His Children (Matthew 7:11).  He gives every good thing that people need including healing (James 1:17).

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) took a terrible beating so that you could be healed (Isaiah 53:5).  He came to heal people of every sickness that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) has afflicted them with (Acts 10:38).  He bought healing for you with his stripes in the same way that he bought eternal life for you with his death (1 Peter 2:24).

You might be wondering since that is the case why people are not always healed when they pray.   You might be wondering why people that you have seen prayed for in your congregation have remained sick.  You might have even sought healing from the Father of Truth yourself and remained sick.  If healing is the destination of the road that has been laid out in the Book of Truth (The Bible) then why are you still sick?

In many cases, all that is between you and your destination of being healed are the roadblocks that the Father of Lies has put in your way (1 Thessalonians 2:18).  You can remove every roadblock with the help of the Father of Truth (Matthew 19:26).  All you need was to experience every good thing that the He has planned for you is for the roadblocks to be removed.

What are these some of the most common roadblocks and how can they be removed?

The first roadblock that must be removed is ignorance.  Disease can destroy you if you do not know that the Father of Truth has provided healing (Hosea 4:6).  You will not ask Him to heal you because you cannot believe His Word until you have heard that He is able to heal you (Romans 10:14).

This roadblock can be removed by studying His Word (2 Timothy 2:15).  This roadblock can be removed by listening to those that speak His Word (Hebrews 13:7).

The next roadblock that must removed is a lack of faith.  Without confidence that He rewards those that diligently seek Him you will not diligently seek Him for healing (Hebrews 11:6).  Although hope is very important it is not the same thing as faith (1 Corinthians 13:13).  Faith is not hopefully waiting but confidence in His Word that leads to action (1 Thessalonians 1:3).

This roadblock can removed by hearing His word (Romans 10:17).  The Man of Truth will help you gain enough faith if you have enough faith and humility to ask him to help you have more faith (Mark 9:23-25).  Your faith can be increased like a small seed that grows into a great tree (Luke 17:5-6).  You can remove this roadblock by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:20-21).  You can strengthen your faith by releasing the sound of power when you cooperate with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and pray in a language the you cannot pray in on your own (Jude 1:20).

By far the biggest roadblock to healing is religious tradition.  This giant sequoia tree blocking the road to healing is very difficult for most people to remove but it can be removed.  The traditions of men will make His Word ineffective to bring the faith necessary for people to confidently act on His Word so that they can be healed (Mark 7:13). Every tradition that contradicts His Word is a lie and all lies comes from the Father of Lies (John 8:43-44).   These traditions are not from the Father of Truth (Galatians 1:9-10).

Religious traditions that contradict His word will make people unable to hear His Word and be healed (Isaiah 6:10).  Those that cling to these traditions will not be able to understand what the Man of Truth is saying so that they can be healed (Matthew 13:13-15).  These traditions create a stubborn refusal to have confidence that the Man of Truth brings healing which prevents him from bringing healing (Matthew 13:57-58).   When religious tradition keeps those that were raised in it from being healed then others that have not been raised in those traditions will be healed instead (Acts 28:26-28).

The first step to removing this roadblock is to realize that anyone who disagrees with the Father of Truth is a liar (Romans 3:4).  These religious traditions are a stronghold that must be removed before you can act in faith on what the Father of Truth has said (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).

Then you must lose your religion to finish removing this roadblock.  If you try to cling to religious traditions that contradict His Word while acting in faith on His Word then you will be as unstable as a wave on a windy sea (James 1:6).  Trying to reconcile a lie with the truth will make you unstable in everything you do (James 1:8).  Do not think for even a moment that you will ever get the healing that has been provided thru faith in His Word while clinging to a religious tradition that contradicts His Word (James 1:7).  That is like trying to drive your truck over a giant sequoia log that is twenty feet (six meters) in diameter.

Know for certain that you will face opposition from men if you decide to remove this roadblock (John 15:20).  Those that will oppose you will not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).  Remember that the Father of Lies is behind this opposition (Ephesians 6:12). No one can stop you from removing this roadblock when the Father of Truth is helping you (Romans 8:31).

Remember that it was the religious professionals who opposed the Man of Truth when He sought to bring healing to the place where people gathered to worship the Father of Truth because it was contrary to their religious tradition (Matthew 12:9-12).  Those who left the religious professionals to follow the Man of Truth were the ones that obtained the healing that his Father had provided (Matthew 12:13-15).  The religious professionals were very angry when people were healed in the house where they worshiped the Father of Truth (Matthew 21:13-15).

Make no mistake, you will be separated from those that choose to cling to their religious tradition if you abandon their religious tradition to follow the Man of Truth to the healing provided by His Father (John 16:1-3).  You cannot cling to traditions that come from men and the truth that comes from the Father of Truth (Mark 8:33).  If you are not willing to be separated from those that cling to religious tradition then you simply love them more than you love the Father of Truth (John 12:42-43). You must withdraw yourself from those who refuse to abandon everything that contradicts His Word (1 Timothy 6:4-6)  You must you love Him enough to leave your dead religion behind if you want to gain the healing that He has provided (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).

One roadblock that religious tradition creates are questions about whether or not the Father of Truth still heals His Children.

What answer does the the Book of Truth give?  The Book of Truth says that the Father of Truth never changes (James 1:16-18).   It says that the Man of Truth is the same today as he was when he walked the Earth (Hebrews 13:8).  It says that His Word will never change (1 Peter 1:23-25).

People are still healed through the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) when they have faith in the Man of Truth (Acts 14:8-10).

In order to remove this roadblock you must turn away from those religious professionals that seem to be worshipers of the Father of Truth but deny that His power is still working to heal people (2 Timothy 3:5).  

Another roadblock that religious tradition creates is the idea that the Father of Truth is not always willing to heal His Children.

This roadblock is removed by coming into the House of Truth (John 8:31-32).

The Father of Truth said that He will heal those the come to Him (Isaiah 57:17-19)  His will on Earth is the same as His will is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).  He sent His son to do His will on Earth  (John 6:38). 

The Man of Truth said that he was willing to heal whenever anyone came to him to be healed (Mark 1:40-42).  The Children of Truth were commissioned to carry on the work of bringing that same healing because it is still just as much the will of their Father for people to be healed as it is for them to be saved from Hell (Mark 16:15-19).  The same Spirit of Truth works through them to bring people the healing that the Father of Truth has provided (1 Corinthians 12:9).

Another roadblock is social expectations.  This roadblock can cause your opportunity to be healed to pass you by.  This roadblock is basically the fear of man and it is a snare to keep you from obtaining what the Father of Truth has provided (Proverbs 29:25).

This roadblock is removed when you are ignore all social expectations and press on to be healed because you are more concerned with getting what the Father of Truth has provided than you are with pleasing people.

The woman with issue blood crawled through the crowd to touch the corners at the bottom of his garment (Matthew 9:20).  She  made everyone that she touched unclean in order to touch the garment of the Man of Truth (Leviticus 15:25-27).  The Word of Truth said that there was healing in the corners (wings) of his garment where the blue threads that represented the Man of Truth were located (Malachi 4:2).  She reminded herself of the promise to be healed instead being concerned about what others thought (Matthew 9:21).  She was healed because her faith was stronger than her fear of breaking social expectations (Matthew 9:22).  If she had held on to her dignity to meet social expectations then her opportunity to be healed would have passed her by.

Blind Bartimaeus cried out for the Man of Truth to heal him (Mark 10:46-47).  He ignored the crowd that told him to be quiet and just got louder (Mark 10:48).  When the Man of Truth called for him to come he threw his cloak that identified him as blind man contrary to all social expectations (Mark 10:49-50).  He was healed because his faith was stronger than any concerns about breaking social expectations (Mark 10:51-52).  If he had stayed quiet to meet social expectations then his opportunity to be healed would have passed him by.

The Samaritan leper shouted his praises in the street for being healed by the Man of Truth while the nine Jewish lepers that had been healed quietly went to perform their religious duties (Luke 17:12-16).   This Gentile that had not been raised in the religion of the Jews did not let the social demands of Jewish society for him to be quiet in public prevent him from giving glory to the Father of Truth for healing him (Luke 17:17-18).  All of his missing body parts were replaced because his faith was stronger than any concerns about breaking social expectations ((Luke 17:19).  If he had paid attention to social expectations then he would have passed by his opportunity to be made whole.

Another roadblock is sin.  King Hezekiah was healed because the Father of Truth heard his plea because there was no sin in the way (2 Kings 20:3-5).  As long as you persist in sin the Father of Truth will not hear your pleas to be healed (Isaiah 59:2).

This roadblock is removed by repenting of your sin.  Like King David you have to first confessed that you sinned before you can repent (2 Samuel 12:13).  However confession is the beginning of repentance - not the entire process.  David was still sick as a result of his actions (Psalm 38:3-7).  He did not repent from his heart until he regretted his actions solely because he had sinned against the Father of Truth (Psalm 51:4). When he repented from the heart then he was healed (Psalm 30:1-3).

It is no different with any of the Children of Truth.  The Father of Truth will hear the pleas of the Children of Truth, forgive their sins and heal them when they humbly admit that they have sinned, plead with him, seek to come into His presence and stop performing their acts of disobedience (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Another roadblock is not seeking healing after you repent because you feel unworthy of being healed.  This is especially true when sickness comes upon someone as a result of their sins.  This accusation is from the Father of Lies (Revelation 12:9-10). 

This roadblock is removed by realizing that there is no condemnation for those that have repented (Romans 8:1).  If you have repented then your conscience is clear  (Hebrews 10:21-23).  Your sins have been washed away by the blood of the Man of Truth (1 John 1:7).   You overcome the accusations of the Father of Lies by testifying that your sins were paid for with the blood of the Man of Truth (Revelation 12:11).

The Father of Truth sent His Word to heal those that had foolishly brought sickness on themselves by disobeying Him (Psalm 107:17-20).  He that strikes people with sickness for their disobedience heals them when they repent (Isaiah 19:22).  He longs you to heal you after you repent (Hosea 6:1).  After His chastisement has brought about repentance then lift up your hands to receive the healing that He wants to give (Hebrews 12:11-13)!  The Man of Truth purchased healing as surely as he purchased salvation from Hell for those that repent (1 Peter 2:24-25).  He desires above all things that you be in health as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).

One last roadblock can be your relationships with other people because it can keep your soul from prospering.

Mistreating other people can prevent the Father of Truth from hearing your pleas (Zechariah 7:9-13).  Mistreatment of other people puts you in a bad position with their Maker (Matthew 5:22).  You will not be forgiven of your sins and healed if you do not forgive others of their sins (Matthew 6:15).  You cannot experience the love of the Father of Truth when you have no compassion for those in need (1 John 3:17).

You can learn habits that bring sickness upon you from others when you surround yourself with those that do not know Him (Psalm 106:35-36).  Hanging around those oppose Him can lead you into doing the same (Psalm 1:1).  Being in close association with the wrong people will you into sin and prevent you from being healed (1 Corinthians 15:33). 

This beginning of removing this roadblock is recognizing that your treatment of other people is just as important as your treatment of the Father of Truth (Matthew 22:37-39).  The rest of removing this roadblock is taking the appropriate action.

If things are not right between you and someone else then you must try to reconcile with them before seeking healing from the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:23-24).

If you see another of the Children of Truth sin and do not rebuke them then you hate them (Leviticus 19:17).  You cannot have His love in your heart and hate anyone (1 John 4:20).  If you love others then you must confront them when you see them sin, even to the point of confronting them in front of the entire congregation if necessary, if you want to be healed (Matthew 18:15-17).

You cannot hold a grudge or seek to avenge yourself if you love others as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).  If you want to be healed then you must forgive others so the Father of Truth will hear your pleas for healing (Mark 11:25).

You will not be shown the mercy of being healed if you do not show mercy to others (James 2:13).  Your faith to be healed will be totally useless unless you show compassion on those in need by doing what you can to meet their needs (James 2:14-17).

If you have sinned against another then you must confess your sin to them and seek their forgiveness so that you can be healed when you both plead with the Father of Truth for you to be healed (James 5:16).

You must be separate from those that reject the Father of Truth and cleave to those that love Him if you want to be healed (Nehemiah 10:28-29). You must delight in His Word instead of those that mock it (Psalm 1:1-2).  If you want an unwavering faith then assemble together with other Children of Truth who can build you up in your faith in His Word (Hebrews 10:23-25).

In short the best way to remove this roadblock is to have a pure religion that consists of taking care of other people in their distress and keeping separate from those that would pull you out of the House of Truth (James 1:27).

So faith that the Father of Truth can heal you and is willing to heal you is far from being all there is to reaching the healing that He has prepared for you.  You will be healed if you are persistent in seeking after it enough to remove the roadblocks (Luke 11:5-10).

Healing can come other ways as well but you have no control over those things.  People can persist in their faith to bring healing to their friends that are lacking in faith (Luke 5:18-20).  The Father of Truth can heal anyone He wants to bring people into the House of Truth (Luke 5:21-25).  The Man of Truth can heal anyone that he wants even if they have no faith (Luke 22:50-52).

Healing awaits for those that are willing to remove the roadblocks and come into the House of Truth.  Salvation is greater than healing for your body will die while your spirit will live forever.  You need to come into the House of Truth where you can be saved from sickness and Hell.  You come into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth your king because your believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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