Friday, October 30, 2020

The Greater Exodus

What is the Greater Exodus?
Earlier this year, we had a guest speaker at the congregation I attended who talked about the Greater Exodus.  This subject was so divisive that our congregation came to an end.  Some started attending weekly on-line teachings by this teacher.  The rest found other places to meet on-line.  
(Meeting on-line has become the new normal for many people during the COVID-19 Panic.)
So, what are some of the most common Greater Exodus teachings?

I recently looked into the subject of the Greater Exodus to see what kinds of teachings there were about the subject.  I found that the subject is generally very divisive with a great variety of teachers. All insist that they are right and anyone who disagrees with them is wrong.  Here are a sample of some of those teachings.

1)  There is no Greater Exodus.
It is ever mentioned in the Book of Truth. The term never even appears in it.

Some of them taught that anyone who teaches that there is a Greater Exodus is a false teacher teaching false doctrine.
2)  There is no Tribulation.  
All of those verses about that people say are about the Tribulation, are really about the judgment of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) on the United States for falling into sin.  The Americans are the true descendants of Israel and the faithful ones will be led in the Greater Exodus to take possession of the Promised Land. 
The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will part for them so that they can walk on dry land to the Promised Land.  The same will happen to any rivers that are in their way.  Once they meet the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in the wilderness, the remnant will take possession of the Promised Land from the imposters who make up the modern country of Israel.

Some of them taught that anyone who teaches that there is a Tribulation is a false teacher teaching false doctrine.
3)  There is no Rapture.  
All those verses that people say are about the catching away ("rapture" comes from the Latin word for "catching away") are either about the return of the Man of Truth to the Earth or about the Greater Exodus.  
Instead, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) will all be led by pillars of cloud by day and pillars of fire by night until they all meet the Man of Truth in the wilderness.  Then they will follow him into the Promised Land.  
Some of them taught that anyone who teaches that there is a Rapture is a false teacher teaching false doctrine.
4) There are many varieties of the "no Rapture" teaching.  Here are some of the main variations:  
Some teach that all of the Children of Truth are actually physical descendants of Israel, and they will find this out at that time like the Reluctant Jew.  Some teach that all of the references to Israel and the like actually refer to the Children of Truth and not to the physical descendants of Israel.  Some teach that the Children of Truth will be led to the wilderness before the Tribulation even begins and will be taken care of supernaturally during the entire Tribulation.  Some teach that the Children of Truth will be led to the wilderness at the very end of the Tribulation and need to buy Tribulation survival gear now, so they can seclude themselves until they are led into the wilderness.
Some of them taught that anyone who teaches anything different than their version of "no Rapture" teaching is a false teacher teaching false doctrine. 
Of course, not all of those teaching any of these doctrines concerning the Greater Exodus were quite as extreme.  Some of these teachers had enough sense to recognize that just because someone does not see something the same way as them does not make them a false teacher teaching false doctrine.  They realize that there is a big difference between just getting something wrong and the Doctrine of Lies. 
Still, we need to be alert and avoid false teachers!
If someone calls everyone who teaches anything different than what they teach a false teacher teaching false doctrine, then it tells me that they are full of pride and are false teachers.
After all, if you investigate the teachings of any of these teachers from earlier years, you will find that they all made some changes to what they teach over time because they learned new things as they studied.  So, by their own standards they were false teachers teaching false doctrine.  
Since they will learn new things and make adjustments in the future as well if they continue to study, then by their own standards they are currently false teachers teaching false doctrine.  
Therefore, anyone who clams that everyone who teaches anything different than what they teach is a false teacher teaching false doctrine are themselves a false teacher teaching false doctrine.  This doctrine of "everyone who teaches anything different than what I teach is a false teacher teaching false doctrine" is itself a false doctrine.
So, do not allow these false teachers who teach this false doctrine to teach you anything.  Sweet and bitter water cannot come out of the same well.
Many of these false teachers use a technique called "The Partial Deception" to "prove" their false doctrine.
So, beware of the Partial Deception!

This deception relies on things being purposely taken out of context.  
This deception happens when people apply part of a passage about one event to another event.  However, the event that the passage is about can always be determined by looking at the entire passage.

People are led to the wrong conclusion about the scattering and regathering of the descendants of Israel in the Roman exile if a teacher applies passage to it that were about scattering and regathering in the Babylonian exile.  The same is true about other events.  
Here are some examples of passages that are used this way to lead people to the wrong conclusion.

Isaiah (Yeshayahu) was sent to give the people of Judah a warning that they would not heed - until only one in ten was left in the land during the Babylonian exile to return the land to being fruitful (Isaiah 6:8-13).  
This passage is not about the modern nation of Israel being emptied of people during the Tribulation.

The Father of Truth reminded the people of Israel that He was their savior when they had no other god besides Him (Isaiah 43:10-13).  So, He would deliver them out of the hands of the Babylonians like He delivered them when He made a path for them through the Red Sea and then drown the Egyptian army that was pursuing them (Isaiah 43:14-17).  They will not to remember these former things or the ancient days when these thing occurred, after He makes them a way in the wilderness and brings forth rivers in the desert to make it inhabitable in the future (Isaiah 43:18-20).

So this passage is not about a future path through any sea or ocean during the Tribulation, but a future renewal of the wilderness during the reign of the Man of Truth.

Jeremiah (Yerimayahu) was sent to tell the people of Judah that since they did not heed the warnings of the Father of Truth, then Nebuchadnezzar would be sent to bring them and the nations around them into captivity for seventy years as well as make their land desolate (Jeremiah 25:1-11).  After the seventy years were over, then these nations would make the land of Babylon desolate (Jeremiah 25:12-14).  All of these kingdoms were nations of the Middle East that made up the world known to both Judah and Babylon (Jeremiah 25:15-26).  The Father of Truth was not going to punish Judah for the wickedness that these nations influenced it to go into and then leave them unpunished for their deeds (Jeremiah 25:27-29).  These are the nations that He had a controversy with and this is His controversy with them (Jeremiah 25:30-31).  Therefore, he sent a sword that left the wicked slain from one end of the land (earth) to the other (Jeremiah 25:32-33).  This came about to punish for the evil brought about in Judah by the political and religious leaders (shepherds) (Jeremiah 25:34-38).
This passage is not about the Father of Truth having a controversy with the modern nations of the world during the Tribulation.

The Father of Truth said He would bring to a full end to Egypt and the nations allied with Egypt by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar when the nation of Judah was carried away in the Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 46:25-28).  
This passage is not about Him bringing the modern nations of the Earth in a full end during the Tribulation.
Babylon was destroyed by many nations from the north (Jeremiah 50:1-3).  After this, the people of the southern kingdom of Judah sought to return to the land of Judah to renew their covenant with the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 50:4-5).  They had been devoured by those who found them because they had departed from keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Jeremiah 50:6-7).  Then the Jews were warned to leave Babylon to escape the destruction that would come upon it for its treatment of them (Jeremiah 50:10-18).

This passage is not about the scattered descendants of Israel being gathered together during the Tribulation.

Ezekiel (Yechezqel) was told to shave off his hair and beard, lay the fibers in the balances, before binding a few in his skirt, then burning one third of the rest, chopping another third, and finally casting one third to wind (Ezekiel 5:1-3).  This represented a fire that would come upon the house of Israel when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians for changing His judgments (Ezekiel 5:4-8).  This terrible judgment would result in one third of the people of Jerusalem dying from disease and famine, one third dying by the sword, and one third being scattered among the nations in all four directions of the wind (Ezekiel 5:9-12).

This passage is not about the judgment on the people of Israel, America, or anyone else during the Tribulation.

Amos (Amosh) took up a lamentation that only one in ten people would be left in the cities of the northern kingdom of Israel (Amos 5:1-3).  So, the people of the northern kingdom of Israel are admonished to return to the Father of Truth to advert this judgment (Amos 5:4-15).  This judgment was to come upon them for worshiping other gods while they also worshiped the Father of Truth (Amos 5:16-26). Therefore, they would go into captivity beyond Damascus, where the land of Assyria was (Amos 5:27).

This passage is not about the judgment on the people of Israel, America, or anyone else during the Tribulation.
The Father of Truth will destroy every sinner from among the nation of Israel during the Tribulation (Amos 9:7-10). Then He will raise up the Tabernacle of David their king and plant the remaining descendants of Israel in the land of Israel to never be removed again (Amos 9:11-15).
This passage has not about judgment on America, or anyone else, except the descendants of Israel, during the Tribulation. 
When the Man of Truth returns, the Persian army will be used to bring terrible judgment upon the inhabitants of Babylon (Isaiah 13:13-18).  The land around the city of Babylon will become completely uninhabited, unlike the ruins of Ancient Babylon - which are surrounded by the modern city of Hillah, Iraq (Isaiah 13:19-22).  The people of Babylon will be taken captive and made into servants in the Promised Land, which did not happen when the Babylonian captivity ended (Isaiah 14:1-3).  The future King of Babylon, the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), will be completely destroyed, just like his capital city of Babylon, when he is cast alive into Hell (Isaiah 14:4-11).  Those who look upon the Man of Lies will be amazed that he was able to bring so much destruction upon the Earth during the Tribulation (Isaiah 14:16-17).  This abominable branch will not be buried or given a grave fit for a king (Isaiah 14:18-20).  His followers will be completely wiped off the face of the Earth, so that they can never again fill the Earth with evil cities - after Babylon is completely destroyed (Isaiah 14:21-23).  The Assyrian, the Man of Lies, will be destroyed in the Promised Land at the end of the Tribulation (Isaiah 14:24-27).

This passage is plainly not about America or any place other than the literal city of Babylon, the future capital of the Man of Lies, as plainly stated in the passage itself.

The same destruction of the city of Babylon and the followers of the Man of Lies that Isaiah spoke about, will first be announced as coming by the second and third Angels of Truth in Heaven near the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 14:8-11).  This is the same destruction of the city of Babylon that will begin when the seventh vial of judgement is poured out during the Tribulation (Revelation 16:17-21).  This is the same city of Babylon that an Angel of Truth will announce its soon coming destruction, so the Children of Truth can leave the city of Babylon first (Revelation 18:1-7).  When the city of Babylon is destroyed, the kings of the Earth and the merchants of the Earth will mourn her destruction (Revelation 18:8-19).  The Father of Truth will destroy the city of Babylon so completely to avenge His servants killed due to Babylon, that it will never be found again (Revelation 18:20-24).

These passages are plainly not about America or any place other than the literal city of Babylon as plainly stated in the passages themselves.
Mystery Babylon is a religious system that has caused people to become drunk and fornicate in idol worship while killing the Children of Truth (Revelation 17:1-6).  Mystery Babylon sits on seven hills and will be a burden upon the back of the Man of Lies (Revelation 17:7-9).  The ten kings of the Earth will join themselves with the Man of Lies to make war against the Man of Truth (Revelation 17:10-14).  These same kings, who will mourn the destruction of the city of Babylon, will hate Mystery Babylon and destroy the city that ruled over the world of John the Jew (Yochanon), Rome, where Mystery Babylon is headquartered (Revelation 17:15-18).

This passage is about a religious system headquartered in Rome and not about America or any other place.

The eagles will be gathered to eat carcasses when the Man of Truth returns to destroy his enemies (Matthew 24:27-30).  This Destruction will come upon the wicked suddenly and unexpectedly as it did in the days of Noah (Noach) and Lot (Luke 17:24-30).  The eagles will gather where the dead bodies of the wicked are at (Luke 17:31-37).  The eagles will be called by an Angel of Truth to eat the dead bodies of the enemies of the Man of Truth (Revelation 19:15-21).

This passage has nothing to with countries that have an eagle as their national symbol or upon their flags like America or Mexico, but is about actual birds of prey.

Joseph saw the descendants of Israel as the Sun (his father Jacob (aka Israel)), the Moon (his mother) and twelve stars (one for each of his brothers plus his star that was being bowed to). (Genesis 37:9-11).  So, the nation of Israel is the woman in heaven ready to give birth (Revelation 12:1-2).

As soon as King Herod, the puppet of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), learned of the birth of the Man of Truth he sought to destroy him (Matthew 2:13-16).   So, Father of Lies is the great dragon, and the Man of Truth is who the Father of Lies tried to destroy as soon as he was born (Revelation 12:3-4).

The Man of Truth was caught up to the Father of Truth to sit next to Him on His throne (Mark 16:19).  He is the one who will rule all the Earth with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15-16).

So, it is the Man of Truth who came from the nation of Israel to rule all the Earth and was caught up to the Father of Truth and his throne (Revelation 12:5).

The Man of Lies will worship a god that none of his forefathers worshiped (Daniel 11:37-39).  He will worship the Father of Lies, because he is the source of power for the Man of Lies (Revelation 13:1-4). 
When the Man of Lies rises to power, he will be able to destroy great armies and conquered the country of Israel (Daniel 11:40-43).  After that, he will go to war with more great armies and set up his camp on the Temple Mount (Daniel 11:44-45).
The Man of Lies will be like Antiochus Epiphanes, who desecrated the Temple by setting up an image of himself in the Temple for people to worship (Daniel 11:31-35).  He will speak marvelous things against the Father of Truth in the Temple (Daniel 11:36).  The Man of Lies will then take over Israel for forty-two months (1,260 days) until he blasphemes the Father of Truth in the Temple (Revelation 13:5-6).
The Man of Truth warned the people in the land of Israel to flee to the hills as soon as they see this happen - without a moments hesitation (Matthew 24:15-20).  So, it is people living in the land of Israel who flee into the wilderness to be taken care of for 1,260 days (Revelation 12:6).
So, when the Father of Lies will be cast out of Heaven, he will know that his days are numbered and he will be furious (Revelation 12:7-12). 
The Man of Lies will not have been able to conquer the country of Jordan (Edom, Moab, and Ammon) when he conquers Israel and many other nations (Daniel 11:41).  This is so the descendants of Israel will be able to flee to Bozrah (Petra) in the hills in the wilderness of Edom to be taken care of like sheep in a sheep fold (Micah 2:12-13).  This is where the descendants of Israel will fly away to hide for three and half years (1,260 days), after the Father of Lies has been cast out of heaven (Revelation 12:13-14).
The Father of Lies will then have the Man of Lies send an army that is like an overflowing river to destroy the people of Israel (Revelation 12:15).

The Man of Truth - the Sword of the Father of Truth - shall come down from Heaven to destroy that great army at Bozrah (Isaiah 34:5-8).  He will destroy that great army all by himself (Isaiah 63:1-6).

He will do this by turning the very land they stand upon into a place of rivers of burning pitch and brimstone that will completely consume every person who is on it (Isaiah 34:9-12).  So, the Earth will completely swallow up that army (Revelation 12:16).
So, the Father of Lies will be very angry and will make war against the rest of the descendants of Israel as well as the Children of Truth (Revelation 12:17). 

It is during the three and half years (1,260 days) that the Man of Lies will wear out and kill the Children of Truth (Daniel 7:25).  So, the Man of Lies will wage war against the Children of Truth and overcome them (Revelation 13:7).

So, Revelation 12 has nothing to do with the Children of Truth - or even all the descendants of Israel - being gathered from all over the world to be protected in the wilderness during last 1,260 days of the Tribulation.
Now we will look at what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says about the Greater Exodus.
We will use the techniques given in the Book of Truth for rightly dividing the Word of Truth.  This will make everything plain and simple to understand.

It is true that the term "Greater Exodus" is not found in the Book of Truth, but neither is the word "Exodus".  "Exodus" is the name that was given to the second book of the Book of Truth to describe what occurs in the book of Exodus.  So, the idea of an Exodus is in the Book of Truth - even if the word "Exodus" is not. 

The same is true about the Greater Exodus.

The days are coming when there will be an exodus from the land of the north that will be so great that the people of Israel will speak of it, instead of the exodus from Egypt that is in the book of Exodus (Jeremiah 23:7-8).  This is the Greater Exodus.
Who will be part of this Greater Exodus?  
Will it be Americans?  Or even the Children of Truth? 
No, it is the physical descendants of Israel, the descendants of those who came out of Egypt in the first Exodus to go to the Promised Land, who will be part of this Greater Exodus to return to the land of their ancestors (Jeremiah 16:14-15).  Unlike the return of only some of the people from the southern kingdom of Judah from the Babylonian exile, all the people from both kingdoms will return to the Promised Land in the Greater Exodus (Jeremiah 30:3-4).  They are the ones who will be brought back to the Promised Land in this Greater Exodus (Jeremiah 31:16-21).

The Jews (descendants of the ancient southern kingdom of Judah) will be regathered to restore Jerusalem to the beauty it had before it was destroyed by the Babylonians (Jeremiah 32:36-37).  The descendants of the exiled Jews, who were told that they had no more place in Judah by the Jews that remained in Jerusalem during the Babylonian Exile, will come back to possess the land of Israel and remove everything the Father of Truth hates from it (Ezekiel 11:15-18).

The physical descendants of Israel are not all Americans, even though some Americans are descendants of Israel and the rest are Gentiles.  In like manner, the physical descendants of Israel are not all part of the Children of Truth, even though some of the Children of Truth are physical descendants of Israel and the rest are Gentiles.
Just like Gentiles, Jews can either be believe or not believe that the Man of Truth is the Messiah (Acts 17:1-5).  Either way, they are still physical descendants of Israel (Romans 9:3-5).  
However, the Children of Truth are in a different spiritual class than either unbelieving Gentiles or unbelieving Jews (1 Corinthians 10:32).  The Gentile Children of Truth have a better covenant established on better promises than those who are Jews by ancestry only (Hebrews 8:6).
There is no reason for Gentiles to be yids (wanna-be Jews).  The Gentiles are not some sort of consolation prize.  The promises of the Father of Truth concerning the Children of Truth are in no way lessened or threatened by the promises that He made concerning the physical descendants of Israel. After all, it has always been about the Gentiles.

This desire to make the Greater Exodus about someone other than the physical descendants of Israel comes from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.  The Greater Exodus is culmination of the promise of the Father of Truth to send the descendants of Israel to the ends of the Earth and back again.
What about the Tribulation? 
Are those verses that mention the Tribulation really about judgment on America? 
The Father of Truth promised tribulation would come upon the descendants of Israel in the last days to bring them to repentance, so He could fulfill His covenant with Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzaq), and Jacob (Yah'acov aka Israel) (Deuteronomy 4:30-31).  The entire Tribulation is that time of trouble for the descendants of Jacob to bring them into obedience to the Father of Truth, so they can inherit the land promised to Jacob (Jeremiah 30:5-10).   It will be a double Holocaust, where two out of three of the descendants of Jacob in the land of Israel will die and the rest will be tried by the fire of the Tribulation (Zechariah 13:8-9).  
The Tribulation will not come upon just the land of Israel though, for Jews have been scattered among all nations (Deuteronomy 28:63-66).
Those Gentile nations who have persecuted the Jews who lived among them will be persecuted in the same way (Jeremiah 30:11-16).   The Gentile nations will also be judged for their mistreatment of the Jews that lived among them (Joel 3:1-3).  The Tribulation will come upon every nation (Zephaniah 3:6-8).

The Tribulation will come upon all nations after the Good News is preached to all nations (Matthew 24:14). 
The Tribulation will continue until all of the wicked in the Earth have been punished or destroyed (Jeremiah 30:23-24).  The Tribulation will come upon the entire Earth for the many sins of the entire Earth (Luke 21:35).
When the Tribulation is over, men will be so rare that seven women will grab hold of one man begging him to marry them and give them children - without having to provide for them (Isaiah 4:1).  During this judgement by the Father of Truth upon the whole world, so many men will die during the Tribulation that they will become rarer than a wedge of fine gold when it is over (Isaiah 13:9-12).
In fact, the Tribulation will become so great that nothing on Earth would be left alive, if the Tribulation was not brought to an abrupt end (Matthew 24:21-22).  It will be the greatest time of affliction that will ever come upon the human race (Mark 13:19-20).

The Tribulation is not about judgment on America for its present sins.  In fact, America is never mentioned in the Bible either directly or symbolically.  However, since it is  part of Gomer and his bands, there is an indirect reference to it that applies equally to England, France, Canada, Germany, and the like.

However, that does not mean that America will not face judgment for its many sins before the Tribulation.  Without national repentance the death of America is certain.

When will the Tribulation end?
The descendants of Israel were scattered among the Gentiles, because they wanted to commit the same wicked acts as the Gentiles, instead being ruled by the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 20:30-32).  They were sent out of the land of Israel, so that they would no longer pollute His Name with sacrifices to idols in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 20:39).  However, they also profaned His Name among the Gentiles in their scattering for doing the same in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 36:17-20).

The Man of Truth will be sent to redeem the descendants of Israel and turn them from transgressing against the Law of Truth, so the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) can upon them and cause the Word of Truth to be in their mouths forever (Isaiah 59:20-21).  
The Father of Truth will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all nations, when they come to lay siege to the land of Judah and Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-3).  Jerusalem will be attacked by a massive army composed of people from all nations until half the city goes into captivity (Zechariah 14:1-2).
The people of Jerusalem who have not gone into captivity will cry out the Father of Truth in heart felt repentance (Joel 2:12-14).  They will call a holy assembly and a fast in the Temple, which include even the elderly and nursing children, to plead with the Father of Truth to deliver them from the Gentiles (Joel 2:15-17).

Then the people of Jerusalem will remember the promise for the Messiah of Israel, who was first to be rejected by the builders of their country, to come bring them salvation when they called for him in the Temple to save them as the blessed one of the Father of Truth (Psalm 118:21-26).  So, they will call out to the Man of Truth as the blessed one who will save them (Luke 13:34-35).
The sky will roll back like a scroll on the day that the Father of Truth sends his sword to destroy the Gentiles armies that have been assembled (Isaiah 34:1-4).  This is the day of darkness and clouds when the Man of Truth will come with his army to deliver Jerusalem (Joel 2:1-2).  This is day when the light is neither clear nor dark, looking like neither day nor night, is when he will descend upon the Mount of Olives to deliver the people of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:3-7).

Then the Man of Truth will be sent to pour out his fury on the enemies of Israel when there is no hope (Isaiah 59:16-18).  He will come with his great army - after the people of Jerusalem cry out the Father of Truth in heart felt repentance (Joel 2:11).  The days of Gentiles oppressing the descendants of Israel will be over (Luke 21:24-27).
The Man of Truth will destroy all of the Gentiles that came out against Jerusalem when the people of Jerusalem look upon the Man of Truth, whom their ancestors pierced (Zechariah 12:9-10).  The people of Jerusalem will look up and see that their redemption is coming upon them (Luke 21:28).
The house of Ephraim, the descendants of the northern kingdom of Israel, will join the house of Judah, descendants of the southern kingdom of Judah in helping to destroy their enemies (Zechariah 10:5-7).  The men of Jerusalem will also have a part in destroying those who came to destroy them when the Man of Truth comes to save them (Zechariah 12:4-8). 
Then the people of Jerusalem shall go into deep mourning after they look upon the Man of Truth, whom their ancestors pierced (Zechariah 12:10-14).
The Man of Truth will then seek out the descendants of Israel scattered among the Gentiles and deliver them in the dark and cloudy day (Ezekiel 34:12).
When will the Greater Exodus occur?
The Greater Exodus will be the second gathering of the descendants of Israel that occurs when the Man of Truth returns to begin his reign over all the Earth (Isaiah 11:10-12).  The Greater Exodus will occur when the Father of Truth gathers the descendants of Israel from all nations to be ruled in the Promised Land by the Man of Truth (Jeremiah 23:3-8).  They will be gathered from all nations to live in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 34:13-14).
Some will be lured to return to the Promised Land willingly by the fishers of men that He will send at the first gathering, but most will be forced to return unwilling by the hunters of men that He will send afterwards (Jeremiah 16:13-16).  This is how the Father of Truth will gather them from all nations to rule over them while pouring out His fury during the Tribulation (Ezekiel 20:33-34).
After the Man of Truth returns to save Jerusalem, the Father of Truth will call for the rest of the descendants of Israel to return to the Promised Land (Zechariah 10:8-9). 
How will the descendants of Israel return in the Greater Exodus?
The descendants of Israel will walk along side the rivers as they return from the north country to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:8-11).

It is during this second regathering that the tongue of Egyptian Sea as well as the Nile River and the seven streams that it splits into will be dried up to allow the descendants of Israel to go over dry land (Isaiah 11:10-15).  This is the sea (singular) and the river (singular) that will be dried up as they come into the Promised Land from Egypt and Assyria (Zechariah 10:10-11).
It is at this time that the descendants of Israel will travel on a road from Assyria, where the northern kingdom went into captivity, back towards the Promised Land (Isaiah 11:16).  The descendants of Israel will return from Egypt and Assyria, so they can worship the Father of Truth at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Isaiah 27:12-13).
The Father of Truth will command the Gentiles to bring the rest of the descendants of Israel to the Promised Land and the Gentiles will carry them on their shoulders (Isaiah 49:22).  The Gentiles will carry them home when they go to Jerusalem to see the Man of Truth (Isaiah 60:1-4). 
The descendants of Israel be brought home from the west by the ships of Tarshish (Spain) (Isaiah 60:8-9).  They will be brought home by the Gentiles from all nations on animals and all forms of transportation (Isaiah 66:19-20).
Many of the descendants of Israel will not return to the Promised Land until Angels of Truth are sent out to gather them from all directions (Matthew 24:27-31).  The Greater Exodus will not be completed until after the Man of Truth returns at the end of the Tribulation (Mark 13:24-27).
Many of those gathered by Angels of Truth to complete the Second Exodus will include the Hidden Ones - those who have had their Jewish ancestry hidden from them by their ancestors (Psalm 83:3-4).
What will happen to the descendants of Israel after the Greater Exodus?
The Father of Truth will bring them into the wilderness and plead with them to come into covenant with Him (Ezekiel 20:35-37).  They will lose the wealth that they gained by deceit and live in tabernacles in the wilderness like their ancestors did (Hosea 12:7-9).
Every descendant of Israel who rejects the Renewed Covenant  (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) will be destroyed (Ezekiel 11:21).  They will not go to the Promised Land when they are gathered together, but to the wilderness, where every rebel who will not be ruled by the Man of Truth will be destroyed (Ezekiel 20:38).
It is only those descendants of Israel who will not be destroyed in the Tribulation and who will find grace in the wilderness, who will enter into the Promised Land (Jeremiah 31:1-2).  It will be those who accept the Renewed Covenant, who will find grace in the wilderness, so they can live holy lives in the Promised Land (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

The Renewed Covenant will cause them to have one heart that will not depart from the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 32:38-40).  Those descendants of Israel who have this one heart will have the Spirit of Truth placed in them, so that they can obey the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  Their heart of stone will be replaced with a heart of flesh, so they can follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth in keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27).  Like a valley of dry bones that came back to life, the descendants of Israel will be brought back to life by the Spirit of Truth, when they are gathered to be brought back into their own land (Ezekiel 37:11-14).  This is how they will be strengthen in the Father of Truth after coming into the Promised Land (Zechariah 10:12).
So, all of the remaining descendants of Israel will be saved (Isaiah 45:15-17).   They will all be turned from transgressing the Law of Truth, when they all become part of the Children of Truth, which will cause them all to be saved (Romans 11:26-27).  

So, all of the descendants of Israel will recognize that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.

What will happen to the descendants of Israel when they leave the wilderness and enter the Promised Land?
The wilderness will be transformed into a beautiful land and every one among the descendants of Israel will be restored to perfect health when they travel through it to the Promised Land (Isaiah 35:1-7).  The redeemed among the descendants of Israel will travel on a highway out of the wilderness to the Promised Land (Isaiah 35:8-10).
They will all serve the Father of Truth with their whole heart at the Temple Mount, so He can give them the land that He promised to their fathers (Ezekiel 20:40-42).  
They will all despise their former wicked ways, and acknowledge that they were brought into the Promised Land for the sake of His Name (Ezekiel 20:43-44).  They will be brought back to the Promised Land, so that His Name will be sanctified among the Gentiles (Ezekiel 36:21-24).  

So, the descendants of Israel will conquer all of their enemies and possess the Promised Land (Isaiah 11:13-14).  

The health of the descendants of Israel will be restored, they will be rebuild their ancient cities and palaces, they will be ruled over by the Man of Truth along with other descendants of Israel, and they will live in complete devotion to the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 30:17-22).  They will once again rejoice in the Promised Land and all the descendants of those from the ancient northern kingdom of Israel will go to Jerusalem to worship the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 31:3-7).  
The descendants of the two divided kingdoms, Israel and Judah, will once again become a single new Kingdom of Israel, like the two sticks that became one stick in the hand of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37:16-22).  They will no longer transgress the Law of Truth, so they can live in Promised Land continually, and will be ruled over by King David (Ezekiel 37:23-25).  Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the Man of Truth will rule over the entire earth from the holy mountain in Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:2-3).
The Father of Truth will fill the Promised Land again with both people and animals to restore it to its former beauty (Jeremiah 31:27-28).  The land of the ancient southern kingdom of Judah will be restored to the beauty it had before the people of Judah were carried away by the Chaldeans (Jeremiah 32:41-44).  The new Kingdom of Israel will contain farms that are even more abundant in fruit and livestock than in ancient days (Ezekiel 36:8-12).
The descendants of Israel will dance with joy and everyone, including their priests, will be filled with good things (Jeremiah 31:12-14).  The land of Judah will become a land of holiness and justice where no one lacks any good thing (Jeremiah 31:23-25).  The descendants of Israel will never again lack plenty of food (Ezekiel 36:28-30).
The descendants of Israel will be ashamed their former lives of sin, because the Father of Truth will not restore their land for their sake (Ezekiel 36:31-32).  He will restore their land and rebuild their cities, so that the Gentiles around them will know that He is the living God (Ezekiel 36:33-36).
Since the inhabitants of Jerusalem will have been cleansed from sin, a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day will sit over every building in Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:3-6).  Jerusalem will once again be filled with elderly people watching young children play in the streets, who the Father of Truth brought back from the nations to live as his people in truth and righteousness (Zechariah 8:4-8).
The Father of Truth will put His Temple in the midst of the land of Israel, so the Gentiles will know that He has set the descendants of Israel apart from all other people (Ezekiel 37:27-28). 

What will happen to the Gentiles after the Tribulation?
All the nations of the Earth will come to fear the name of the Father of Truth, after the Spirit of Truth rises up to suddenly stop their overflowing armies (Isaiah 59:19).  
The Man of Truth will then divide the Gentiles into two groups depending upon how they treated the descendants of Israel - those Gentiles who treated them well in the Tribulation will be allowed to be part of his kingdom, while the rest will be destroyed off the face of the Earth (Matthew 25:31-46).
The Father of Truth will then call all the remaining Gentiles to come to come to Him for salvation (Isaiah 45:20-22).  The Man of Truth will be a light unto the Gentiles to bring salvation over all of the Earth as the King of all the Earth (Isaiah 49:6-9).
The inhabitants of entire cities of the Gentiles, strong Gentile nations, and other Gentiles, will come to Jerusalem to seek the Man of Truth and pray before him (Zechariah 8:20-23).  They will be so desperate to learn the ways of the Father of Truth that ten Gentiles will grab the covering of a Jew, so they can go with him to the Man of Truth (Zechariah 8:24).
The Gentiles will come up to Jerusalem to appear before the Man of Truth to learn to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth and he will settle their disputes - so that they no longer go to war with each other (Isaiah 2:2-4).  The Man of Truth will be king over the entire Earth, including the Gentiles, so that the Gentiles will live in peace and prosperity by walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, their God (Micah 4:1-5).
The Man of Truth will rule with over all people equally with righteous judgments and destroy all of the wicked that try to oppress other people (Isaiah 11:1-5).  There will be peace and prosperity everywhere, even the animals will not hurt each other or people, as the knowledge of the Father of Truth covers the entire Earth (Isaiah 11:6-9).  The Gentiles shall seek after the Man of Truth because he will give the entire Earth a glorious rest (Isaiah 11:10).

The mountain where all people, not just the descendants of Israel, will feast at, is the same mountain where the Man of Truth will rule from, when he causes all people to understand the truth  (Isaiah 25:6-10).
The Father of Truth will bring back the descendants of Israel to make them a cause of praise for the Gentiles (Zephaniah 3:20).  Indeed, just as the Father of Truth used the descendants of Israel being scattered for their rebellion to bring the Gentiles into the House of Truth, He will use their returning to live in the Promised Land in obedience to bring the Gentiles back from the dead (Romans 11:12-15).

So, the Gentiles will bring their wealth as tribute to Jerusalem (Isaiah 60:5-7).  The Gentiles will rebuild the walls that their ancestors destroyed (Isaiah 60:10).  The gates of Jerusalem will be open day and night for the rulers of the Gentiles will continually come in bearing tribute (Isaiah 60:11).  Every nation that will not serve the Man of Truth in Jerusalem will be destroyed (Isaiah 60:12).

The Gentiles will bow before the Man of Truth in Jerusalem and bring everything needed to make it the most beautiful city on Earth (Isaiah 60:13-17).

During the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth over the Gentiles, the Father of Lies will not be able to deceive the Gentiles (Revelation 20:1-3).  At the end of the reign of the Man of Truth, the Father of Lies will deceive all the Gentiles who do not want to be ruled by the Man of Truth to form an army to destroy Jerusalem, but the Father of Truth will send down fire to destroy every last one of them (Revelation 20:7-9).

After that, the Father of Truth will create a New Heaven and a New Earth where He will live among men, just like the Man of Truth did when he reigned for a thousand years (Revelation 21:1-3).  Then the New Jerusalem, made by the Father of Truth Himself, will come down to the New Earth (Revelation 21:10-23).   
So, only Gentiles who become part of the Children of Truth will dwell in the New Heaven and New Earth, just like only the descendants of Israel who become part of the Children of Truth will dwell in the Promised Land (Revelation 21:24).  They will continue to bring tribute continuously into the New Jerusalem, just like they brought tribute to Jerusalem during the reign of the Man of Truth (Revelation 21:25-26).
The Gentiles and the descendants of Israel will still live in natural bodies that need to be healed and revived by the River of Life and the Tree of Life in the New Earth (Revelation 22:1-2).

Where will the Children of Truth be while all of this is happening?

The descendants of Israel will be gathered to the wilderness in the Greater Exodus to destroy every rebel among them who will not accept the rule of the Man of Truth under the Renewed Covenant at the end of the Tribulation.  
All of the Children of Truth have already accepted the rule of the Man of Truth under the Renewed Covenant, so they will not meet with the Man of Truth in the Greater Exodus to have the rebels among them destroyed.

The Gentiles will be brought under the rule of the Man of Truth until all the rebels among them are destroyed at the end of his thousand year reign.  
All of the Children of Truth have already put themselves under the rule of the Man of Truth, so they will not be brought under the rule the Man of Truth until all the rebels from among them are destroyed at the end of his thousand year reign.
Since the Children of Truth have already made the Man of Truth their king and have no rebels among them to be destroyed, they will not be brought to the wilderness in the Greater Exodus to have the rebels among them to be destroyed, nor will they have the rebels among them destroyed at the end of thousand year reign of the Man of Truth.

The Children of Truth are simply in an entirely different class than those purged of rebels in the wilderness at the end of the Greater Exodus, or those purged of rebels at the end of the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth.
The best way to understand where the Children of Truth will be while all this is happening, is by understanding where they are at each event.  When the Man of Truth returns to save the people of Jerusalem from the overwhelming armies gathered by the Man of Lies is the key event.

Where will the Children of Truth be when the Man of Truth returns?
The Man of Truth will come with all of the Children of Truth with immortal bodies from Heaven (1 Thessalonians 3:13).  They will be with him when he comes to bring fiery vengeance upon all who have not obeyed the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10).
The Father of Truth has given the honor of destroying his enemies and bringing their rulers into captivity to the Children of Truth (Psalm 149:5-9).  So, the Man of Truth will come from Heaven with the Children of Truth to bring destruction upon his enemies when he returns to rescue Jerusalem (Isaiah 13:2-6).  They will come with the Man of Truth to take possession of his kingdom (Daniel 7:13-18).  
The Children will be his great army, which has bodies that cannot be hurt by human weapons and that destroy everything in front of them (Joel 2:2-11).  They will come with him when he returns to the Mount of Olives on the day that is neither clear nor dark (Zechariah 14:4-6).  They will come with him to bring judgment upon the ungodly (Jude 1:14-15).  
The Children of Truth will come with him from Heaven to bring an end to the rule of Man of Lies (Daniel 7:26).  They are that army that the Man of Truth will lead from Heaven when he comes to destroy his enemies and establish his kingdom (Revelation 19:11-16).
So, the Children of Truth have immortal bodies in Heaven before the Man of Truth returns to Jerusalem in the clouds.  How did they get these immortal bodies and how did they get to Heaven before the return of the King?

The answer to that question is best understood by the answer to another question:

Where will the Children of Truth be during the Tribulation?

Hundreds of millions the Children of Truth will be in Heaven with the Man of Truth, the Ancient of Days, while the Man of Lies, the little horn, will be wrecking havoc on Earth during the Tribulation (Daniel 7:8-11).  
Yet, the Man of Lies will wage war upon the Children of Truth on Earth and prevail until the Man of Truth comes to destroy him and take the kingdom (Daniel 7:19-22).  The Man of Lies will wear out the Children of Truth until the Man of Truth comes to set up his kingdom (Daniel 7:23-27).  Therefore the Children of Truth will not lose heart when the Man of Lies overcomes and kills many of them (Revelation 13:7-10).

How can both of these things be true?

Like a lot of things the obvious answer is the right answer.  
There two groups of the Children of Truth during the Tribulation.  Some are resting in Heaven during the Tribulation while the rest are going through persecution on Earth during the Tribulation.

The souls of multitudes of the Children of Truth killed for their testimony of the Man of Truth during the Tribulation, will be waiting until the last of the Children of Truth to be killed in the Tribulation, will have been killed (Revelation 6:9-11). 
Then many of the Children of Truth will rise to everlasting life to shine in the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Daniel 12:1-3).  They will complete the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:5).
The Children of Truth killed in the Tribulation will be given immortal bodies to stand before the Man of Truth in Heaven (Revelation 7:9-17). They are the ones who will stand upon the sea of glass and fire in Heaven with harps and sing the praises to the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth (Revelation 15:2-4).  
Of the Children of Truth who go through the Tribulation, it is only those who die during the Tribulation who will be blessed with immortal bodies (Revelation 20:6).  
Afterwards, all of the Children of Truth killed for their witnessing about the Man of Truth during the Tribulation will return with him to help reign over all the Earth (Revelation 20:4).

So, it is the Children of Truth who die during the Tribulation who are blessed and will be rewarded (Revelation 14:12-13).   
So, not only are the Children of Truth not commanded to survive the Tribulation, they are also rewarded for not surviving the Tribulation.  They are to die for witnessing about the Man of Truth. 

So, buying Tribulation Survival Gear and hiding to wait out the Tribulation is contrary to will of the Father of Truth for the Children of Truth.  In fact, it might be that none of the Children of Truth even survive the Tribulation (Luke 18:7-8).
Then there are the Two Witnesses.
These Two Witnesses of the Man of Truth are standing before the Father of Truth in Heaven until they are commissioned to prophesy about the return of the Man of Truth (Revelation 11:3-4).  They will demonstrate wonders on this Earth to confirm their message when they prophecy about the return of the Man of Truth to the Earth (Revelation 11:5-6).  
After the days of their witnessing comes to an end, the Man of Lies will kill them and leave their dead bodies lying in a street in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:7-8).  For three and half days, everyone except the Children of Truth, will celebrate their deaths as their dead bodies continue to remain unburied (Revelation 11:9-10).  Then everyone will watch their dead bodies become alive as resurrected bodies, and the two witnesses go to meet the Man of Truth in the air, when they are called back up to Heaven (Revelation 11:11-12).

So, the resurrection of the Children of Truth who die during the Tribulation at the end of the Tribulation is only the last part of the First Resurrection.  The resurrection of the Two Witnesses is another part.
There is also the 144,000 who obtain immortal bodies during the Tribulation - without even dying.

The 144,000 are 144,000 descendants of Israel who are sealed in their foreheads on the Earth before the next judgment of the Tribulation can happen (Revelation 7:1-4).  The 144,000 is composed of 12,000 from twelve of the tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:5-8).
When the tormenting locusts are released upon the Earth in the Tribulation, they will not torment the 144,000 due to the seal in their foreheads (Revelation 9:3-6).

Then the 144,000 will be brought up to Heaven to stand before the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth (Revelation 14:1-5).

So, there are three groups of the Children of Truth who will be given immortal bodies during the Tribulation, who will return with the Man of Truth to help rule the Earth.
Of course, this still leaves us with another question:

What about the Children of Truth who have died before the Tribulation?

The First Resurrection began with the Man of Truth, the firstfruits of the dead to be resurrected, with all others to be resurrected afterwards (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).
The immortal body of the Man of Truth has flesh and bone, yet when he showed them his hands and feet, there was no blood oozing out of this wounds (Luke 24:36-40).  It was possible for Thomas the Jew to stick his fingers through the holes in the hands of the Man of Truth and thrust his hand into the side of the Man of Truth (John 20:24-27).  
So, it is safe to say that his resurrected body is not one of flesh and blood.
Right after the resurrection of the Man of Truth, many of the Children of Truth near Jerusalem were resurrected as well (Matthew 27:52-53).
Still, this leaves most of the Children of Truth who have died before the Tribulation.
For example, King David will be resurrected to rule over the kingdom of Israel (Jeremiah 30:9).  Yet, his sepulcher still contains his body (Acts 2:29).  
Yet, all of the Children of Truth who died before the Tribulation will be with the Man of Truth when he returns at the end of the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).  In fact, they will already be resurrected before the Man of Truth begins breaking the seals of judgment that begin the Tribulation (Revelation 5:8-11).
So, they must be resurrected before the Tribulation as well.  What will the body of those resurrected after the Man of Truth be like?
Just as the Man of Truth lived in a mortal body like the Children of Truth, he will cause the Children of Truth to resurrected into an immortal body like his (1 Corinthians 15:46-49).  The Children of Truth cannot live in the kingdom of Heaven in mortal bodies of flesh and blood (1 Corinthians 15:50).  When the Children of Truth go to meet him, they will become like him (1 John 3:1-2).
The Children of Truth will be resurrected in bodies that can never die (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).  Their mortal bodies will be replaced with immortal bodies that cannot be killed (1 Corinthians 15:53-55).
This is why the army of the Children of Truth led by the Man of Truth will not be able to be harmed by the armies of the Gentiles who come against Jerusalem.
When will those who died before the Tribulation be given immortal bodies?
The Children of Truth who died before the Tribulation are not part of the three groups who are given immortal bodies during the Tribulation.  
Without controversy, the Children of Truth who died before the Tribulation must be resurrected before any of the Children of Truth can be killed during the Tribulation.  Otherwise, they would be part of those killed in the Tribulation.  So, they must be given immortal bodies before the Tribulation begins.
This leaves a gap between the death of the last of the Children of Truth to be resurrected before the Tribulation and the first of the Children of Truth to die in the Tribulation.  None of the Children of Truth can die in this gap.  That means the gap between the resurrection of the Children of Truth who died before the Tribulation and the beginning of the resurrection must be quite small.
This still leaves the Children of Truth who have not died by the time the Tribulation begins.
Are all the Children of Truth who have not died before the Tribulation cursed to go through the Tribulation for not dying before the Tribulation?

If the only option for most of the Children of Truth to be blessed with an immortal body, other than the 144,000, is either die before the Tribulation, or be killed during the Tribulation, then it is much better for them to die before the Tribulation.

This is a hopeless scenario, which would leave the Children of Truth alive today hoping to die before the Tribulation ever begins.  That would simply be the best that they could hope for.
However, the Children of Truth who have not yet died, have not been left without hope.
Immediately after the Children of Truth who died before the Tribulation are resurrected, the Children of Truth who are still alive will also be given immortal bodies (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).  The Children of Truth who are given these immortal bodies, along with those who died before them, will meet with the Man of Truth in the air to be with him forever - not in the wilderness to have the rebels from among them destroyed (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).  The Children of Truth will be gathered to be with the Man of Truth, so they can come with him when he returns (2 Thessalonians 2:1).
How can the Children of Truth both meet the Man of Truth in the air before the Tribulation and also be killed for witnessing about him in the Tribulation?

One explanation is that all of the Children of Truth who die in the Tribulation will come into the House of Truth after the Tribulation starts.  
After all, millions will come into the House of Truth during the Tribulation due to things like an Angel of Truth being sent to preach the Good News to every single person on Earth during the Tribulation - after the 140,000 witnesses are taken off the Earth (Revelation 14:6-7).

However, there is another way that there can be both Children of Truth who meet the Man of Truth in the air before the Tribulation - and Children of Truth who are killed in the Tribulation.  
The obvious answer is that only some of the Children of Truth who are alive before the start of the Tribulation are going to meet the Man of Truth in the air.  The rest will be left on Earth to go through the Tribulation.  Does the Book of Truth say this will happen?
The Man of Truth said in no uncertain terms that the Children of Truth will escape the ENTIRE Tribulation, but it will only be those who are watching and praying who will be deemed worthy (Luke 21:35-36).  In fact, the Man of Lies cannot even be revealed as long as they are still on the Earth (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8).
The Man of Truth also said, that only the Father of Truth knows when this snatching away will occur, but there would be signs when the time will be near (Matthew 24:32-36).   So, the Children of Truth are warned to watch for these signs and pray that they will be found worthy (Mark 13:28-33). They are warned to watch for the signs leading up the Tribulation, because those signs and the Tribulation will all come to pass in one generation (Luke 21:29-33).
The Man of Truth warned that the Tribulation will come upon the Earth suddenly, like the flood came upon the Earth in the days of Noah (Noach), so the Children of Truth need to always be watching for the signs that the Tribulation is near (Matthew 24:37-42).  He warned them to always be watching, because they will not know when he is coming (Matthew 24:43-44).
The Man of Truth warned that only the Children of Truth who are faithfully carrying out his instruction when he comes will be found worthy (Matthew 24:45-47).  He warned that they need to be like the five wise virgins and always be ready, so they will be worthy when he comes for them (Matthew 25:1-13).  He warned that they need to be good and faithful servants, that will be found working to expand his kingdom, so they will be found worthy when he comes for them (Matthew 25:14-30).
So, the worthy Children of Truth are living soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world because of the blessed hope of this promise (Titus 2:12-13).  They continue to fight the good fight, keep their faith, and run their race, because they are looking forward to the appearing of the Man of Truth in the air (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
So, the worthy Children of Truth are looking for the Man of Truth to come for them and to give them immortal bodies (Philippians 3:20-21).  They comfort one another with the promise to meet the Man of Truth in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:18).  The Tribulation will not catch them off guard like a thief in the night, because they are sober and watching for the signs of the soon coming Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6).  
So, the idea of the Rapture is definitely in the Book of Truth.
This is true even if the word "Rapture" does not appear, just like the idea of the Greater Exodus is true even though the words "Greater Exodus" do not appear.  However, it would be more accurate to say that the word "Rapture" does not appear in English translations of the Book of Truth.
The word "Rapture" is an Anglicization of the Latin word "Rapio", the root of the Latin word "Rapiemur" found in the Latin Vulgate, the original Latin translation of the Book of Truth, which means "we shall be snatched up". 

For this reason, some people have said that the word "Rapture" is an invention of the False Church of Rome.  However, the Greek word that "Rapiemur" is translated from is "arpagisometha", which also means "we shall be snatched up",  Its root word is "arpazo" which also means "to snatch up", the very definition of The Rapture.

NOTE:  There is no "h" sound in Greek and no letter that makes the "h" sound.  Latin speakers inserted an "h" marker over the first letter of Greek words that start with a vowel because Latin demands that all words start with a consonant.  This is why Spanish, which came from Latin, has a silent "h" at the beginning of words that would start with a vowel if it they were spelled according to how they are pronounced.

So, The Rapture is most certainly in the Book of Truth.  It is right there in plain Greek where it says that "we will be snatched up" to meet the Man of Truth in the air.

So, to deny the Rapture is to deny the very text of the Book of Truth.  To deny that the Rapture occurs before the Tribulation is to deny the very words of the Man of Truth.
So, what about the Children of Truth who will not be found worthy when it is time to meet the Man of Truth in the air?
The Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth to be care to not fall asleep, but to keep watching for his arrival (Mark 13:34-37).  He warned that those living like the world will suffer with the world (Matthew 24:48-51).  So, he warned them to not get so caught up in every day living that they neglect to do what they need to do to be found worthy to escape the entire Tribulation (Luke 21:34-36).
Since iniquity will abound, the love of many of the Children of Truth will grow cold (Matthew 24:12).  Many of the Children of Truth who neglected to heed is his warnings will fall away from faith in the Man of Truth, before the Man of Lies is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3). 
Then the Man of Lies will sit in the Temple and do all kinds of things to show that he is the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:4).  He will produce all kinds of wonders to serve as false evidence of his claim (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
So, many of them will believe the Man of Lies when he produces signs and wonders that will deceive everyone - except for those who have the Spirit of Truth living in them (Matthew 24:23-25).  Everyone who rejects the truth of the Gospel will be given over to believing the deception of the Man of Lies (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

So, the Man of Truth cannot return to the Earth until after the Man of Lies has sat in the Temple and has shown people this false evidence that he is the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4).  Afterwards the Man of Truth will destroy the Man of Lies with the brightness of his coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

The death of the Children of Truth in the Tribulation will be precious in the sight of the Father of Truth (Psalm 116:15).  It is only the Children of Truth who never give into the Man of Lies who will be saved (Matthew 24:13). 

So, there is no promise for the Children of Truth who are not found worthy to escape the Tribulation in the Rapture to be protected in the wilderness during the Tribulation.  Their only hope of being saved is to endure until the end - which for most,if not all of them - means until they are killed for their witnessing about the Man of Truth. 
What will happen to the immortal Children of Truth after the Tribulation is over? 
The immortal Children of Truth will be rewarded after the Man of Truth returns (Revelation 11:15-18).
The immortal Children of Truth will possess the kingdom with the Man of Truth forever (Daniel 7:18).  They will have a part in his everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7:27).  They will reign with him in their immortal bodies because they suffered for him in their mortal bodies (2 Timothy 2:12).
The immortal Children of Truth will judge over the Earth with the Man of Truth after he returns (Daniel 7:22).  They will judge matters concerning the world that is ruled by him and even over the the Angels of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:2-3).
King David will rule over the entire kingdom of Israel under the Man of Truth (Hosea 3:5).  The Original Twelve Apostles of Truth will judge the twelve tribes of Israel after the Man of Truth returns (Matthew 19:27-28).  Each Original Apostle of Truth will have a kingdom consisting of one of the tribes of Israel (Luke 22:29-30).
The rest of  the immortal Children of Truth will also be given different positions within the kingdom of the Man of Truth, with those who kept the least of the commandments of the Law of Truth and taught others to do so, being given the greatest positions (Matthew 5:17-19).   Their position in his kingdom will be determined by how much they were willing to humble themselves in obedience in this life (Matthew 18:1-4).

Some of the immortal Children of Truth will only rule over ten cities and others will only rule over five cities, depending on how diligent they were to take care of the business of the Man of Truth in their mortal bodies (Luke 19:11-19).
So, the immortal Children of Truth will rule as kings and lords under the Man of Truth, who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 17:14).  

The Man of Truth is also a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 5:5-10).  He will make the immortal Children of Truth to be Priests of Truth under him when he causes them to reign (Revelation 1:5-6).  Since this priesthood is not after the order of Levi, he will be able to make the immortal Children of Truth from every Gentile nation - or from any tribe of Israel - to be Priests of Truth when they reign under him (Revelation 5:9-10).
So, the immortal Children of Truth will be Priests of Truth as well as kings under him (1 Peter 2:9-10).  They will be Priests of Truth while they reign under the Man of Truth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:6).

The Children of Truth will be in and gathered around Jerusalem when the Father of Lies deceives many of the Gentiles into attacking the capital of the Man of Truth, before the Father of Truth destroys the last of the rebellious Gentiles and the Father of Lies is cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:7-10).  

Then all of the enemies of the Man of Truth will be finally brought down and he will hand his kingdom over to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:24-25).

Then the Father of Truth will come down to dwell among people in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-3).  The immortal Children of Truth will live in the New Jerusalem with Him and rule with the Man of Truth from there forever (Revelation 22:3-5).
The conclusion of the whole matter is this:
We have examined every passage in their actual context that people who teach various things concerning the Greater Exodus use - plus a lot of passages that they leave out entirely.  Now that everything has been looked at, we can be certain of the following:
There is a Greater Exodus as well as a Tribulation and a Rapture.

The Tribulation is judgement upon both the descendants of Israel and the Gentiles for their rebellion against the Father of Truth.

Some among the Children of Truth will escape the entire Tribulation in the Rapture according the Man of Truth, but only the worthy will do so.  The Father of Truth does not take collateral damage.
The Greater Exodus is the gathering of the descendants of Israel at the end of the Tribulation to have every rebel among them destroyed in the wilderness before the survivors are taken into the Promised Land.

The descendants of Israel who are not destroyed in the wilderness, will live in mortal bodies in the ruling nation of Israel during the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth.  The Gentiles will live in mortal bodies in the nations ruled by the nation of Israel during the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth.  The Children of Truth will live in immortal bodies and will rule over both the nation of Israel and all Gentile nations under the Man of Truth during his thousand year reign.  They will also be Priests of Truth under the Man of Truth.

The Gentiles will have every rebel against the Man of Truth from among them destroyed at the end of his thousand year reign.

The descendants of Israel will live in the New Heaven and New Earth in mortal bodies.  The same will be true of the Gentiles.  The Children of Truth will live in the New Jerusalem with the Father of Truth in immortal bodies and will reign forever from there under the Man of Truth.

The plan for the Children of Truth is much better than surviving the Tribulation only to be gathered in the Greater Exodus to have the rebels destroyed from among them and those survivors living under the rule of the Man of Truth in mortal bodies in the Promised Land.  
The Children of Truth indeed have a better covenant established upon better promises.

So, do not be deceived!
None of these passages are about the United States or any other modern nation being Babylon.  The descendants of Israel are the only people referred to as Jacob or Israel in these passages.

There is not one single verse that says anything about all of the Children of Truth - or even all of the descendants of Israel - following a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to be led into the wilderness to be protected during the Tribulation.  In like manner, there is not a single verse about anyone being led to the Promised Land in that manner either.

There is not one verse about every river and every ocean being parted for people to cross in the Greater Exodus.  Instead, it is stated very plainly that they will come in ships to be gathered to the wilderness.  
The only river that will be dried up for the descendants of Israel to cross is the Nile River and only the end of the Red Sea will be dried up for them to cross.  These bodies of water will not parted like the Red Sea in the days of Moses (Moishe) or the Jordan River in the days of Joshua (Yah'shua), but will be dried up like the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the kings of the East to be gathered to Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 16:12-16).
Those who teach the various no Greater Exodus / no Tribulation / no Rapture teachings at best have failed to be like the Bereans when they heard these teachings.  They simply passed on teachings that they heard from someone else.
They should have been more noble like the Bereans by searching the Book of Truth to see if these things were true or not, instead of believing whatever they were told (Acts 17:10-12).  I have made this easy to do by supplying a link to every single passage.

At worst, they have been like the Prophets of Lies who spoke out of their own imaginations, instead of what the Father of Truth said (Jeremiah 23:16-18).  The Children of Truth are warned about Teachers of Lies who will rise up among them just as Prophets of Lies rose up among the descendants of Israel (2 Peter 2:1-3).

The Children of Truth are commanded to consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, so that they are not led astray by people who only seek to gain followers of themselves (Acts 20:27-30).  They are to test everything and hold on to only that which proves to be good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).  They are to test everything against the entire Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
This is how the worthy among the Children of Truth can clearly see the signs of the times and know that the Man of Truth will soon come for them.
So, the real question is: are you going to heed the warning of "People Get Ready!"? 

The first step to avoiding the Tribulation - which is much better than surviving it to only be tried again in the wilderness at the end of the Greater Exodus - is to come into the House of Truth.
You come into the House of Truth when you make the Man of Truth your king today, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him today (Romans 10:9-10).  Unlike the Greater Exodus, both descendants of Israel and Gentiles can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth!


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