Saturday, November 28, 2015

Escaping The Christmas Trap

How can the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) escape the Christmas Trap?

Every year, it is the same old thing.  The majority of the Children of Truth find themselves caught in the Christmas Trap.  Often, they enter the Christmas Trap as a large group, so that many of the individuals in the group, do not even realize that the entire group is in a trap. 

It is like how the individual fish do not recognize, that the entire school of fish has been entrapped in a net, until the fisherman pull the net out of the water.  Even then, most of the fish trapped in the net, know that things are not right, and it is draining the life out of them, but they still cannot see the trap that they are in.  All they can see, is that they are in the same situation, as the fish that surround them.

However, unlike a school of fish entrapped in the net of commercial fishermen at sea, this does not happen to the Children of Truth once in a lifetime, but year after year. 

They keep entering the same trap over and over.  Some of them have come to realize that they keep trapped each year, but they do not understand how they keep getting trapped, nor how to get out.  Others only know that something is draining the life out of them, at the same time every year, but they just cannot seem to see what it is.  In either case, the Children of Truth need to learn how to escape the Christmas Trap.

The first step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is recognizing the Christmas Trap.  Even birds are smart enough to avoid a trap when they can see it being set (Proverbs 1:17).  Birds only get trapped when they can not see the trap (Proverbs 7:23).  Like a school of fish in a net, or a bird in a trap, the Children of Truth are caught in the Christmas Trap, because they do not understand that they are being trapped (Ecclesiastes 9:12).

Like every trap, there is someone who sets the trap, so they can benefit from those caught in the trap.  In the case of the Christmas Trap, it is merchants who set the trap, to benefit from the money of those caught in the trap.  The merchants in America start baiting the trap, with enticing Christmas displays, that start appearing in stores in November.  As Thanksgiving approaches, so also do the commercials for Christmas gifts, to build up the appetites of their victims.  Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving in America, or even before it is over, as the disintegration of Thanksgiving continues, the merchants set off a feeding frenzy with "Black Friday" sales, like fishermen throwing chum in the sea, to entice an entire school of fish, into their trap.

These merchants often do not care a thing about Christmas itself, only about the artificial increase in demand, that leads to higher profits, that Christmas brings.  This is quite evident, in the effort of many merchants to get people to say, "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas".  This has made the Christmas mess only messier, and has lead to even more division among the Children of Truth, over how to go about cleaning up the Christmas mess.   This is best illustrated by a story I once heard.

It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and a teacher, decided to start the day off by asking each child, to tell about their favorite Christmas tradition done with their family.  One by one, she asked each child, who eagerly told the class, about their favorite thing that they did with their family, each Christmas.  Suddenly, the teacher felt embarrassed, when she reached Shlomo.  She started to apologize to Shlomo, because his family was Jewish, and did not celebrate Christmas, but Shlomo surprised her, by telling her, that his family also had a Christmas tradition, that he loved.  Surprised, and relieved, she asked Shlomo to tell the class about this tradition.  So Shlomo told his class the following:

"Every year, on the night before Christmas, none of us kids are hardly able to sleep, from the excitement that awaits us in the morning.  When Christmas morning arrives, we get early, get dressed quickly, and all race to the living room, in eager anticipation.  The big day has arrived, and the waiting is over.  So we all hop in the Lexus, and drive down to our toy factory.  Then we go into the warehouse, look at all of the empty shelves, and sing, "What a friend we have in Jesus".  Then we drive to the airport, and head off to the Bahamas to spend a week of fun in the sun, with our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!"

You see, many merchants, do not care a thing for Christmas, at all.  They will put up displays, enter floats in parades, and sponsor Christmas celebrations, but it is only for the purpose getting their victims into the Christmas Trap.  They are often like the heads of drug cartels, who wholesale drugs, but do not use drugs themselves.  Like drug dealers, they are willing to give out the first few hits for free, and throw parties, to get their victims hooked for life, because they know that the income from a lifetime addiction, will more than offset their initial investment.  Once people are hooked on the entire Christmas season, that the merchants have sold them on, then the merchants can profit every year, as people come in for their yearly fix.  People are now caught in the Christmas Trap.

You see people could buy, and give gifts to each other, throughout the year, for events like birthdays and anniversaries.  However, getting almost everyone to buy gifts for everyone else, to give out on the exact same day, creates artificial demand, that leads to higher profits.  It is like OPEC (Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) artificially restricting the oil supply to drive up oil prices, in reverse.  This is good for the merchants, but bad for most other people.

Of course, merchants are not the only ones who benefit, from all of these people being caught in the Christmas Trap.  Just like boat builders and the like, also benefit from fishermen trapping fish in their nets, so also an host of indirect providers, also benefit from merchants trapping people in the Christmas Trap.  Banks benefit, from people entering their debt traps, by borrowing money to pay for all of the gifts, that they have been told, that they must buy for every single person, who is important in their life.  Grocers also benefit, from people spending extra money on extra food, that they have been told that they need, in order to enjoy Christmas.  Psychologists and the like, benefit as well, since the stress of the Christmas season, make it their busiest time of the year.  There are a myriad of indirect providers, who benefit from the Christmas Trap.

While the merchants set the Christmas Trap, it only really works, because of the desire of people, to do what everyone else is doing.  It is like an entire school of fish being caught in a single large net, because all of the fish are determined, to do what the other fish are doing, and to go where the other fish are going.  When the chum hits the water, the party starts, and none of the fish want to miss out, even though, what they would really be missing out on, is being trapped.

Like a school of fish, the victims are unwitting, but willing participants, in their own entrapment. They attend and throw Christmas parties, because that is what people do during the Christmas season.  They brag to each other, usually disguised in the form of complaining, about what they are buying others for Christmas, and how much they are spending on Christmas.  They buy advertisements for Christmas, and put them up in their yards, so that everyone will know, that they are participants in Christmas.  They show all of their guest, how generous they are, by proudly displaying the proof of their generosity, under the Christmas tree, that they also bought.  All of these activities, only cause their neighbors, to feel like losers, unless they can also match, or better, each other.  The feeding frenzy is on, as they all try to out-Christmas each other.

This is often reinforced for the Children of Truth, by the religious professionals, who are in charge of the congregations, that they attend.  They too, proudly display a Christmas tree in their meeting place, to let everyone know that their congregation, is like everyone else.  They take up extra collections, to offset the expense of their massive Christmas light displays.  They collect toys, food, and money, to ensure that the poor in their congregation, do not miss out on Christmas, because everyone in their congregation, is expected to participate in Christmas.  They throw Christmas parties (usually without alcohol) so everyone in their congregation, can participate in the festivities.  Worst of all, after eleven months of telling people to not covet things, they have Mr. Coveting himself, Satan Claus, show up in their services, to arouse the desire of their children, to covet after the latest toy, that the merchants have told their parents, that their children must have.  It is doubtful, that is a more unwitting accomplice in leading others into the Christmas Trap, than many of the religious professionals.

So the Children of Truth find themselves, stressed out, from trying to meet all of these demands on their time, and suffocating from debt, like fish hauled out of the water in a net.  Many of them, take almost until the next Christmas season, to pay off that debt.  A lot of them are secretly thankful, that the entire ordeal is over.  Yet, the next year, they will again find themselves, caught in the Christmas Trap.

The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to realize who is really behind the Christmas Trap.

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would never teach people to do observe the many traditions of Christmas, that are contrary to the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19).  He never put the heavy burden of celebrating Christmas on people, because he seeks to bring rest to their souls, instead of the stress, that they experience in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 11:28-30).   He would never command people to keep traditions, that are contrary to the commandments of his Father, in the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3).  Mislead religious professionals are the ones, who lay the heavy burden of Christmas upon people (Matthew 23:4).  It should be obvious, that the Man of Truth is not the one, who set the Christmas Trap!

All of this coveting over gifts at Christmas, designed to fulfill the desires of the flesh, all of this focusing on decorating for Christmas, because it looks so beautiful, and all this emphasis on what was done for Christmas, that people are so proud of, is not from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (1 John 2:16)!  It is obvious that the Father of Truth, is not who set the Christmas Trap (1 John 2:16)!

The real architect of the Christmas Trap, is the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).  Anything that is based on lies, is from the Father of Lies (John 8:44).  Everything about the Christmas Trap, is based on lies!

For example, many of the religious professionals try to keep Christmas about the Man of Truth, yet they know, by even a casual reading about his birth in the Gospels, that December twenty fifth cannot be the right answer to the question, "When was Jesus born?".  Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up at the house of Joseph the Jew, instead of the manger (Matthew 2:11).  Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up two years after the Man of Truth was born, instead of when he was born (Matthew 2:16).  Not only that, but many of them also know, that there is nothing the Book of Truth (The Bible), about observing his birthday.  Many of them know, that there is no commandment for people to observe the customs of Christmas.  Many of them know, that there is no more validity to observing Christmas, than there is to observing Ash Wednesday.   Many of them know, that Christmas was introduced by the False Church of Rome, and that it was never part of the original form of Celtic Christianity, or anything else that was taught by the Apostles of Truth!  So, even their efforts to keep "Christ" in "Christmas", is based upon lies.  In fact, practically everything about Christmas, is part of the Doctrine of Lies.

So it is important to recognize, that while many merchants are setting the Christmas Trap, and many religious professionals have been blindly leading their congregations into the Christmas Trap, that the Christmas Trap is really the creation of the Father of Lies, and that is who the Children of Truth are fighting against, to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:12).

The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to be aware of the motive and means of the Father of Lies, so he cannot entice them into the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 2:11).  They need to on the look out, to avoid being caught in the Christmas Trap, because the Father of Lies has created it, to devour their lives (1 Peter 5:8).

The Father of Lies does not want the Children of Truth, to carry out the Great Commission, and teach all people to follow the Man of Truth (Matthew 28:18-20).  He does not want them, to go to all nations, and preach the Good News, with supernatural signs to confirm the message (Mark 16:15-18).  He does not want them, to tell people about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth, so they could come into the House of Truth, and he especially does not want them, to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Luke 24:46-49).  He does not want them, to be taking care of the business of the Man of Truth on this Earth, regardless of the cost (John 21:17-22).  He simply does not want them, to be carrying out their part of the Great Commission!

So, the Father of Lies created the Christmas Trap, to get the Children of Truth, caught up in the very things, that the Man of Truth told them to avoid getting caught up in, that would keep them from being worthy to escape the Tribulation, and be caught up in the Rapture (Luke 21:34-36).  He does not want them to heed the warning of "People get ready!", by doing their part to carryout the Great Commission!

The Father of Lies sets up the Christmas Trap, for the same reason, that he sets up any other trap.  Everything he does, is done to steal from people, what the Man of Truth came to give them (John 10:10).  He does not want the Children of Truth, to get their gifts from the tree, so that they are equipped to do their part, in carrying out the Great Commission.

The Father of Lies gets the Children of Truth, caught in the Christmas Trap, by the same means that he gets people caught, in any other trap that he sets.  He uses their fear of not meeting the expectations of other people, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Proverbs 29:25).  He uses the cares of this world, the endless demands that Christmas places on their time and money, along with the extra time they spend working to get more money, in a vain attempt to buy happiness, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 13:22).

Now that the Christmas Trap has been exposed, that the Father of Lies is behind the Christmas Trap, has been exposed, the motives of the Father of Lies for setting the Christmas Trap has been exposed, and the means of the Father of Lies to bait the Christmas Trap have been exposed, it is now time to reveal, what the Children of Truth need to do, to escape being caught in the Christmas Trap, year after year.

The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, by repenting for being involved with Christmas, once they are no longer ignorant, of the truth about Christmas (Acts 17:30).  They need to renounce every dishonest thing about Christmas, that was formerly hidden from them, by the Father of Lies, who sets the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 4:2-4).  Now, that they are no longer in darkness, they should be seeking to expose the truth, about everything comes from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, so that they will only do, what the Father of Truth has approved (Ephesians 5:8-11).  The Children of Truth all need to be, like the Mensch who killed Christmas, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!

The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, because they cannot love anything, that they know is from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, if they love the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-17).  The Father of Truth commands them to walk in truth, instead of celebrating something that is based on lies, like Christmas (2 John 1:4).  The Children of Truth need to be walking in truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!

The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they start storing up their treasure in Heaven, because then the business of Heaven will be their focus (Matthew 6:19-21).  When they do this, then they stop focusing on getting stuff, and put their focus on carrying out the Great Commission, instead (Matthew 6:31-33).  Instead of seeking to get more stuff, they give what they can, to take care of those who are truly poor, because they understand, that this is how, they can store up their treasure in Heaven (Luke 12:33-34).  They realize that it is useless, to get everything their hearts desires, if it is only going to cause them, to leave the House of Truth, and perish (Mark 8:35-37).  The Man of Truth will give them the strength, to be content, regardless of how little, or how much, stuff they have (Philippians 4:11-13).  They put to the death, the pursuit of gaining material things, that they used to idolize, so that they will no longer be lured, into the Christmas Trap (Colossians 3:5-7).  They are content with having food, clothing, and shelter, because the Father of Truth is center of their lives, so they cannot be lured, into the Christmas Trap (1 Timothy 6:6-8).  They flee the endless pursuit, of getting more stuff at Christmas, because that pursuit, will only bring them trouble, and move them out of the House of Truth (1 Timothy 6:9-11).  The Children of Truth need to end, the endless pursuit of getting bigger, better, newer stuff, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!

The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they realize that going into debt, to feed the Christmas greed of everyone else, makes them a slave to the banks (Proverbs 22:7).  The Father of Truth does not want them to owe anyone, anything, except love, so they can fulfill the Law of Truth (Romans 13:8-10).  He does not want them, to be slaves to banks, in order to feed the greed of others, at Christmas, but rather to be free, to devote their resources to the Man of Truth, who bought them with his own blood (1 Corinthians 7:21-23).  The Children of Truth need to be in pursuit, of all that really matters, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!

There is one more thing, that the Children of Truth can do, to make it easier, to escape the Christmas Trap.  They could celebrate, the same holidays that the Man of Truth celebrated, instead of those, that came from idolatry.  They could get off of the calendar of the False Church of Rome, completely, and get on the calendar of the Father of Truth, instead.  The Children of Truth must not think, it's a Jewish thing to celebrate these holidays, and that it is not for them, when these holidays, are what the Man of Truth celebrated.  It's not just a Jewish thing, to celebrate the holidays, found in the Book of Truth!

The Children of Truth could celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) like the Man of Truth did (John 10:22-23).  The Festival of Lights celebrates the victory of the Children of Truth, over an evil society, that tried to force them, into celebrating the holidays of idolatry.  It celebrates dedicating the Temple to the Father of Truth, which reminds the Children of Truth, to dedicate their lives to the Man of Truth.  They just need to be sure, that they do not let Rabbinic Distort, lead them into new traditions, that contradict the Book of Truth, because then they would be escaping the Christmas Trap, only to find themselves in the Chanukah Trap!

However, like the Maccabees of old, the Children of Truth need to be prepared, to face hardship, for escaping the Christmas Trap.

The Children of Truth may lose their relationship with their families, when they start escaping the Christmas Trap (Matthew 10:34-37).  It will be a sacrifice for them, to live differently than everyone else, as they allow the Word of Truth, to lead them into thinking about things in the right way (Romans 12:1-2).

It is religious professionals, who have taught people to celebrate Christmas, even though they often know that it is contrary to what is written in the Book of Truth, but have lead people into believing, that getting what they want for Christmas, shows that they are blessed by the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5).  The main persecutors of the Children of Truth, for leaving the Christmas Trap, in order to live a life that is in line with the truth found in the Book of Truth, will be religious professionals, who have been deceived, by the Father of Lies (2 Timothy 3:12-15).

The Children of Truth are not to grieve the Spirit of Truth, by giving anything from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, any place in their lives (Ephesians 4:27-30).  They must put on everything, that the Father of Truth has given them, to fight the Father of Lies, if they are not going to be caught in the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:11).  They must protect themselves with the truth, shield themselves with the Word of Truth, and pray in the Spirit of Truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:13-18).  They must not let themselves, be pulled into the Christmas Trap, by focusing on material things, or be pushed into the Christmas Trap, by doing what pleases other people, but they must instead, escape the Christmas Trap, to show that they have confidence, in what the Word of Truth says (Hebrews 13:5-7).

The Children of Truth need to persist, in escaping the Christmas Trap, because they will rewarded for any persecution that they face for doing so (Matthew 16:25-27).  They will be blessed by the Father of Truth in the end, if they are persecuted like the Prophets of Truth, for doing what He says is right (Matthew 5:10-12).  They will reign with the Man of Truth if they suffer, like he did, for telling people the truth about everything, like he did, including Christmas (2 Timothy 2:12).

Of course, there is no eternal reward for escaping the Christmas Trap, unless you first come into the House of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth will help you with each step, that you need to take to escape the Christmas Trap, after you come into the House of Truth (John 16:12-14).  You come into the House of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  After you come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will be able to help you to finish escaping the Christmas Trap (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Come into the House of Truth!


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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Writings of Wisdom

Why do Jewish people experience more success than other people?

It is a fact, that on a per capital basis, the Jewish people experience more success than any other people group.  For example, Jewish people make up about three percent of the population of the United States, but have won half of the Nobel prizes for science, that Americans have won.  There are several contributing factors to this.  One factor is that they are blessed for the sake of their fathers, Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) (Genesis 28:1-4).  Another factor is that they have been given The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), so that they can be a wise and understanding people (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).  Another factor is that they are the ones, who were entrusted with the entire Book of Truth (The Bible) (Romans 3:1-2).

Does this explain why the Jewish people, are often experiencing more success than even the Gentile Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him)?

The truth is that the Gentile Children of Truth should be experiencing more success, than the majority of Jewish people.  First of all, the Gentile Children of Truth have the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) living in them, to guide them into all truth, so they should completely have the advantage over any Jew, who has not came into the House of Truth (John 16:13-15).  They have access to the Renewed Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) as well as the Original Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), so they have the complete story available for their use, while most Jewish people are getting by, with only the first part of the story (Ephesians 2:18-22).   The Jewish people have no advantage over the Gentile Children of Truth due to their ancestry, because the Gentile Children of Truth have also inherited the blessing of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14). 

So while these factors may have something to do with their unusual success compared to most of the people on Earth, these factors do not really explain why Jews, especially those who have not come into the House of Truth, are more successful than even the Gentile Children of Truth.

So the answer to that question can only be found by asking another question:  What are many Jewish people doing that is most of the Gentile Children of Truth are not doing?

The answer is that they are reading, studying, discussing, and putting into practice the wisdom that they find the Writings of Wisdom.  Most of the Gentile Children of Truth do not even bother to read the Writings of Wisdom, even though it is part of the Book of Truth (The Bible).

The Original Covenant contains three major divisions that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) called "The Law", "The Prophets" and "The Psalms" (Luke 24:44).  The Law of Truth is contained in the first five books of the Original Covenant, so that section is often called, "The Law". The books that are focused on the prophecies given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), are in a section is called, "The Prophets".  The remaining books are writings by the Prophets of Truth, that are not focused on prophecy, so the that section is called, "The Writings".  So the Original covenant contains the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.  In Hebrew, they are called Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.  This is why the Original Covenant is sometimes called, the "TaNaKh".

In the original ordering, the first book of the Writings is the book of Psalms, so that section is sometimes called "The Psalms".  The Writings contain two subsections as well. One of them is The Writings of History, that contain the entire history of the people of Israel, from the day that Joshua brought them into the Promised Land, in obedience to the Torah, until the day that the people of Israel were restored to obedience to the Torah, in the Promised Land, by Nehemiah.  The other subsection contains five books written as poetry, that were inspired by the Spirit of Truth, called The Writings of Poetry.  They are also called The Writings of Wisdom, because while is wisdom found throughout the Original Covenant, this is the section that was written primarily to record the wisdom, that comes from the Father of Truth, similar to how the Writings of History, were primarily written to record the history of the Jewish people.  The Writings of Wisdom are like five great branches that grow out of the trunk of a tree of wondrous strength.

In order to understand how these five books contribute to Jewish people obtaining more success than warranted by their numbers, a brief overview of each book is needed.

First is Job.  Job was righteous man of great wealth, even though he was concerned that his children were not living righteously (Job 1:1-5).  So the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) came before the Father of Truth, to accused Job of only loving the Father of Truth, because of what He had given Job, and said that Job would turn against the Father of Truth, if all of his things were taken away (Job 1:6-11).  So the Father of Truth gave the Father of Lies permission to test Job, and the Father of Lies brought about disasters upon Job, that took away his wealth and children (Job 1:12-19).  Even though Job was devastated by these disasters, he still loved the Father of Truth (Job 1:20-22).  So the Father of Lies again accused Job, saying that he only continued to love the Father of Truth, because he still had his health (Job 2:1-5).  So the Father of Truth gave the Father of Lies permission to test Job again, and the Father of Lies destroyed his health (Job 2:6-8).  Yet Job still refused to stop loving the Father of Truth (Job 2:9-10).  Then the three friends of Job came to mourn in silence with him (Job 2:11-13).  Then Job broke the silence, and started an argument between them, about the dealings of the Father of Truth with people (Job 3:1-2).  This argument took many turns, but the primary theme of his friends, was that Job must have sinned in some fashion, since the Father of Truth had brought this disaster upon Job (Job 4:7-9).  During this argument, Job accused the Father of Truth of bringing this disaster upon him, for no reason at all, and many similar things (Job 6:1-4).  Yet Job made it clear, that he would not stop loving the Father of Truth, even if He killed Job (Job 13:15-16).  Finally, the Father of Truth challenged Job to answer a bunch of questions, if he really understood His reasons for allowing these disasters (Job 38).  So Job admitted, that the reasons that the Father of Truth allowed these disasters, were beyond his ability to understand (Job 42:1-6).  Then the Father of Truth told his three friends, to have Job intervene on their behalf, since they had falsely accused Him, of afflicting Job for sinning (Job 42:7-8).  So Job intervened for his three friends, and then the Father of Truth gave Job, twice the wealth, better children, and caused him to live twice as many years, as he had lived before the disasters (Job 42:9-17).

The book of Job teaches that disasters does always not come upon people, because they have sinned. Living a righteous life does not exempt anyone from suffering disasters. Suffering disasters does not mean that the one suffering disasters, has committed some sort of sin.  It also teaches, that poverty does not always come upon people, as a result of their own actions, and neither does wealth.

The book of Job teaches about the source of all disasters, and why the Father of Truth would let a Child of Truth, who sought to please Him in every way, suffer from disasters.  The Father of Lies is behind all disasters, but cannot bring them on anyone, unless the Father of Truth allows him to.

The book of Job teaches about loving the Father of Truth, at all times.  Job did not let his great wealth, turn him from loving the Father of Truth.  He did not let his great calamities, from turn him from loving the Father of Truth.  The Father of Truth will allow the Father of Lies, to bring disaster upon people, to test their love for Him.  The Father of Truth does not want people, to love Him for what He does for them, but to love Him for who He is.  The Father of Truth wants the Father of Lies, the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), the Angels of Lies, the Angels of Truth and the entire human race, to know that His Children love Him, because He loves them.

The book of Job teaches that one can know the mind of the Father of Truth, beyond what He reveals in the Word of Truth, or by the Spirit of Truth.  The Father of Truth does things for His own purposes, that often do not make sense to the Children of Truth, at the time.  The Father of Truth will eventually reveal, the missing pieces of the puzzle, so that it all makes sense, after the suffering is over.  The accusations of the Father of Lies against Job, were revealed when the book was written, long after the suffering of Job had ended.

The book of Job teaches that forgiveness, when other people have wrong you, like the words of the friends of Job that wronged him, is necessary for restoration.  Job did not get restored, until he forgave his friends.  If Job had remained in bitterness, and unforgiveness, then he would have remained in his disastrous condition.  There is no way to bounce back from disaster, while being weigh down by bitterness, and unforgiveness.  Job had to let it go.

The book of Job teaches, about how to bring about reconciliation, when one friend has wronged another.  People want reconciliation to be started, by the party who committed the wrong, coming to the one who was wronged, and asking for forgiveness.  The Father of Truth told Job, to start the reconciliation process, by making offerings for the sins of his three friends.  His three friends did have to come to him, to complete the process, because reconciliation requires effort, from both parties to be completed.  A bridge has be anchored on both sides, in order to span the gap between the sides.

The book of Job teaches, that the Children of Truth never suffer for nothing.  They will be rewarded with more than they lost, if they will continue to love the Father of Truth, in both good times and bad times.  Those who have learned love from the Father of Truth, continue to love Him, and other people, in all circumstances, because that is how He loves His Children.  The Father of Truth will be able to trust them, in proportion to the amount of love for Him, that they have demonstrated.

Next comes the book of Psalms, that is divided into five smaller books, that correspond with the five books of the Torah. It begins with a psalm that exhorts people to not hang out with, or act like, the wicked, but to meditate upon the Law of Truth instead, so they can prosper, instead of perishing (Psalm 1).  Another psalm admonishes people, to run to the Father of Truth, when trouble comes upon them (Psalm 4).  Another psalm tells of how, creation shows the greatness of the Father of Truth, so people should greatly love the Law of Truth that He gave (Psalm 19).  Another psalm admonishes people, to cling to the Father of Truth, and separate themselves from the wicked, so that He may reward them in the end (Psalm 26).  Another psalms admonishes people, to keep on doing what the Father of Truth says is right, when they are persecuted by the wicked, because He will destroy the wicked, and exalt the righteous (Psalm 31).  Another psalm admonishes people, to seek after the Father of Truth, because He is their hope, in the midst of affliction (Psalm 42).  Another psalm admonishes people, to not live like the wicked, who do not consider that they will one day die, and go to Hell, for their deeds (Psalm 49).  Another psalms teaches, that every foolish and wicked act, is committed by those, who have deceived themselves, into believing that the Father of Truth does not exist (Psalm 53).  Another psalm admonishes people, not to be envious of those who become rich by wicked deeds, because they will be destroyed in Hell (Psalm 73).  Another psalms reminds people, that the wicked will be destroyed, but the righteous will be exalted (Psalm 75).  Another psalms admonishes people, to live righteously and wisely, by not wasting time, because their lives are short, and their days are few (Psalm 90).  Another psalm reminds people, that great blessing shall come upon those, who live wisely, by keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Psalm 112).  Another psalm teaches, that great blessing and wisdom, comes from reading, considering, studying, speaking, teaching, discussing, and obeying, the Law of Truth (Psalm 119).  Another psalms tells people, that those who do what the Father of Truth says is right, are always under His protection (Psalm 125).  Another psalm tells of how, nothing can endure, without the help of the Father of Truth (Psalm 127).  Another psalm tells of how, walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, leads people to happiness (Psalm 128).  Another psalm tells of the happiness, that comes from people dwelling together, in unity (Psalm 133).  Another psalm reminds people, that there is no way to hide anything from the Father of Truth, so people should seek to do, what He finds pleasing (Psalm 139).  Another psalm exhorts people, to put their trust in the Father of Truth, instead of other people, because the Father of Truth is stronger, than all people (Psalm 146).  The book ends with a psalm, that admonishes people to praise the Father of Truth with all of their might, because He is so worthy of all praise (Psalm 150).

The Psalms warn people, to not act like, or hang out with, the wicked.  They warn people, to separate themselves from the wicked.  They warn people, to not join the wicked in their behavior, in order to escape persecution from the wicked.  They warn people, to not join the wicked in their behavior, in order to gain the wealth of the wicked.  They warn people, that everyone who does what the wicked do, will end up in Hell with the wicked.  They warn people to not become wicked fools, by believing The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told

The Psalms admonish people, to live wisely, by doing what the Law of Truth says is right, so they can prosper.  They admonish people, to love the Law of Truth, because of the greatness of the Father of Truth, who gave it.  They admonish people, to remember the promise of reward, for those who are obedient, to the Law of Truth.  They admonish people, to read, study, and discuss the Law of Truth, so they can know what the Father of Truth says is right.  They admonish people, to obey the Law of Truth, because obedience to the Law of Truth, will cause them to live wisely.

The Psalms teach people. to turn to the Father of Truth, in times of trouble.  They teach people, to cling to Him, because He will reward those, who love Him.  They teach people. to seek after the Father of Truth, because He will help them, when they are afflicted.  They teach people, that the Father of Truth protects those, who do what is right.  They teach people, that nothing can succeed, unless the Father of Truth allows it.  They teach people, that happiness comes, from walking in the ways of the Father of Truth.  They teach people, to put their trust in the Father of Truth, instead of other people.  They teach people, to praise the Father of Truth ,with all their might, because of what He does, for them.

The Psalms tell people, to not waste time on worthless things, because their lives are short.  They tell people, that living in harmony with other people, will bring greater happiness, than accumulating great possessions.  They tell people, that wise living, begins with recognizing, that the Father of Truth sees everything that they do, and that they will have to give an account to Him, for their actions.

The middle book of the Writings of Wisdom, is a collection of wise sayings, compiled by King Solomon, to teach people how to live wisely, that is appropriately called, Proverbs (Proverbs 1:1-4).  Proverbs begins with an admonishment, that wisdom begins with being afraid to go against the Father of Truth, but fools refuse to live according to wisdom (Proverbs 1:5-7).  Proverbs then admonishes people, to learn whatever wisdom they can from their parents, and to not join themselves to fools, whose wicked pursuit of wealth, only leads to their own destruction (Proverbs 1:8-19).  Proverbs admonishes people, to listen to the voice of wisdom, so that they will not be destroyed, like those who reject wisdom, but will instead live in peace, and prosperity (Proverbs 1:20-33).  Proverbs then explains, that the Father of Truth is the source of all wisdom, and those who pursue after wisdom, will avoid adultery, so that they may live in prosperity, instead of being destroyed for their wickedness, by Him (Proverbs 2).  Proverbs goes on to explain, that wisdom begins with keeping the commandments in the Law of Truth, because those who do so, will find the wisdom, that brings them prosperity, and will avoid being destroyed, with those, who reject the Law of Truth (Proverbs 3).  So Proverbs goes on to admonish people, to keep the Law of Truth, to pursue after wisdom, and to gain understanding, so they may enjoy health, peace, and prosperity (Proverbs 4).  Proverbs admonishes people. to only have sex with their own spouse, and to not have sex outside of marriage, so that their peace, prosperity, and lives, will not be destroyed (Proverbs 5).  Proverb admonishes people, to not co-sign on loans, to work hard to get out of debt as quickly as possible, to not act like the wicked, and above all, to obey the Law of Truth, by running away, hard and fast, from any person who would entice them into adultery, so they can avoid destruction (Proverbs 6).  Proverbs admonishes people, to keep the Law of Truth in their heart, so that they can be wise enough, to not be brought to destruction, by those who would entice them, into adultery (Proverbs 7).  Proverbs admonishes people, to instead seek after wisdom, understanding, instruction, and knowledge, so that they can experience peace, prosperity, and promotion, instead of destruction (Proverbs 8).  Proverbs admonishes people, to cling to wisdom, but to only teach wisdom, to those who desire to obey the Father of Truth, because true wisdom, only comes from being afraid to go against the Father of Truth, so that those who learn to live wisely, can enjoy health, peace, prosperity, and promotion, and they can avoid being destroyed, by adultery (Proverbs 9).  After explaining the benefits of wisdom, and the destruction that comes from rejecting wisdom, King Solomon continues to give out the wise sayings, that the book of Proverbs, is named for (Proverbs 10).  These proverbs give wisdom, for every area of life, expounding upon the theme, that wisdom comes from the Father of Truth, but destruction comes from going against the Father of Truth, until almost the end of the book (Proverbs 29).  King Solomon then passes on the wise advice of Agur, that wisdom comes from the Father of Truth, so people should live life in a manner, that avoids anything that will separate them, from Him, and also that many things in life, cannot be understood by anyone, except the Father of Truth (Proverbs 30).  King Solomon ends the book of Proverbs, by passing on the wise advice of King Lemuel, for people to not waste their lives, in pursuit of sex outside of marriage, and that those in authority, must avoid drinking alcohol, while all men should seek to obtain the kind of wife, who benefit will them in every way, by living wisely, because she is afraid to go against the Father of Truth (Proverbs 31).

So Proverbs gives wise advice, for every area of life.  Anyone who follows its advice, will experience success, in every area of life.  Proverb tells people, how to get out of poverty, how to stay out of poverty, and how to live in prosperity.  Proverbs tells people, how to recover from sickness, and how to avoid sickness, so that they can keep their health.  Proverbs tells people, how to work to live, instead of living to work.  Proverbs tells people, how to interact with other people, in a wise manner and how to avoid, unnecessary conflict with others.  Proverbs gives wisdom, so people can discern the motives of other people, in order to surround themselves, with people who will add to their success, and to avoid people, who would drag them into a destructive lifestyle.  Proverbs tells people, how to gain health, wealth, and the happiness, that comes from a life lived in peace, with a good wife, in a happy home.

King Solomon, then goes on in the next book, Ecclesiastes, to explain how worthless, everything that people pursue after in life, really is, and that he knows this from experience, because he has had the means, to try it all (Ecclesiastes 1).  He had grand parties, in beautiful homes, on massive estates, that he owned, which were maintained, by many servants, but he found it all to be worthless, in the end, because a man can only enjoy, what the Father of Truth gives him, and the Father of Truth will take away everything, from the wicked, to give it to the righteous (Ecclesiastes 2).  He found that there is a time for everything in life, so people should enjoy what they can, in every season, because the Father of Truth alone, determines what they can enjoy (Ecclesiastes 3).  He found that life, in this present age is worthless, because of the constant oppression of people, by other people (Ecclesiastes 4).  He admonishes people, to be careful what they promise to the Father of Truth, because He expects them to do what they promise, and to remember that the Father of Truth, will end all oppression on the Earth one day, by destroying all of the oppressors, and to also understand, that the pursuit of riches is worthless, because riches have a way of draining the life out of people, but to rather enjoy, whatever the Father of Truth has given them (Ecclesiastes 5).  He found that riches, a large family, and a long life, were all worthless, if a person was not able to enjoy them (Ecclesiastes 6).  He found that the mourning of the wise, was better than the laughter of the fools, because wisdom keeps a man, from losing his inheritance, while he also found, that the length of days that one lives, is not directly in proportion, to how righteously the person lives, but is more in proportion, to how wisely they live, even though such wisdom, comes from the Father of Truth, and that wisdom helps people escape, from falling into adultery (Ecclesiastes 7).  He advised people, to obey their rulers, since no one rules, unless the Father of Truth puts them in power, and to not be fooled into thinking, that people are getting away with wickedness, when nothing happens to them immediately, but to remember that the Father of Truth, will exalt the righteous, and destroy the wicked, so they should enjoy whatever they have, because no one can understand everything, that the Father of Truth does (Ecclesiastes 8).  He warned, that since all people will die, then everyone one should enjoy what they have, especially their own spouse, and do everything that they do, with all their might, because the Father of Truth alone, determines when they will die (Ecclesiastes 9).  He warned, that people must be careful to avoid saying anything foolish, to rule over others fairly, to work hard at everything they do, to enjoy the life they have, and to not curse their rulers (Ecclesiastes 10).  He instructs people, to be generous to others, without letting unfavorable circumstances, prevent them from working, because they cannot know, how the Father of Truth will work things out, so they should try out different things, to find out what will prosper, and to enjoy their youth, but to never rebel against the Father of Truth in the process, because they will have to answer to Him, for their deeds (Ecclesiastes 11).  He finishes, by admonishing people, to serve the Father of Truth, while they are still young, since they do not know when their lives will end, therefore everyone should be afraid to go against the Father of Truth, and should keep the commandments of the Law of Truth, because the Father of Truth will judge everyone, for their deeds (Ecclesiastes 12).

So people should enjoy their life, but avoid doing what the Father of Truth calls evil in the process.  People should realize, that it is better to enjoy what they do have, than to complain about what they do not have.  People should work hard, use wisdom, and take risks in business, while trusting the Father of Truth, to work out the things, that they cannot anticipate, or overcome on their own.  People should do, whatever they promise to do, obey their rulers, when possible to do so, without disobeying the Father of Truth, and be careful, to not say foolish things, that they will later regret.  People need to be generous, and fair to others, because they will have to account, for how they treated others, to the Father of Truth, who made all people.  People should seek wisdom, from the Father of Truth, since He is the source of all wisdom, and avoid going against the Father of Truth, by breaking His commandments, in the Law of Truth.  People should be careful, to do what the Father of Truth calls right, because they will die one day, and they do not know, how long they will live, but afterwards, they will have to give an account, of their actions to the Father of Truth.

Last is the Song of Songs. Solomon wrote this song, that contains other songs, sort like an opera (Song of Solomon 1:1).  The woman in the song, sings of how she longs to be with her beloved, in the bedroom (Song of Solomon 1:13-17).  So, she admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 2:5-7).  She longs to have him, in the bedroom with her, but only held him tightly, in public view (Song of Solomon 3:1-4).  So she again admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 3:5).  Then she spots the great, and beautiful, wedding procession of King Solomon (Song of Solomon 3:6-11).  Then her beloved, tells her how beautiful she is, and how her being a virgin, only makes him want her more, so she desires even more, to give herself to him (Song of Solomon 4).  He is also desirous, to be with her, so he goes to her bedroom, but leaves, before she can respond to his calls, to give in to those desires (Song of Solomon 5:1-6).  Her beloved later tells her again, how beautiful she is, and how her being a virgin, only makes him want her more (Song of Solomon 6:1-9).  He again tells her, how beautiful she is, causing her to long, to go away with him, so they can carryout their desires (Song of Solomon 7).  Her desire to be with him, in the bedroom is so strong, that she again admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 8:1-4).  Her brothers had helped her, keep herself from giving into her strong desires, by having promised before she reached puberty, to give her riches, if she kept her virginity until marriage, but to kill her, if she did not (Song of Solomon 8:5-9).  So she kept her virginity, and not even Solomon could have caused her, to give herself over, to anyone other than her beloved (Song of Solomon 8:10-12).  Finally, she calls for her beloved, to come upon her, because it is finally, the right time for love (Song of Solomon 8:13-14).

So the Song of Solomon teaches, both men and women, to wait until marriage, before having sex, and to wait until the couple is ready, to carryout the responsibilities of marriage, before getting married.  They are also admonished, to avoid anything, that makes the waiting harder.  This is the only wise course of action, for unmarried couples. When couples are ready to carry out the responsibilities of marriage, and then afterwards get married, is when they have arrived, at the right time for love!

They must not let their good looks, their complements to each other, or even the grandness, of the weddings of other people, move them into sex before marriage, or into marriage, before they are ready to take care of each other.  They must especially avoid, watching anything, or listening to anything, or reading anything, like movies, soap operas, television shows, songs, romance novels, or the like, that increases their desire, to have sex with each other.  Sex before marriage, or marriage, before people are prepared, are both things, that hinder people, from experiencing success in life.

So Jewish people experience more success than others, because they have studied the Writings of Wisdom, and have put the wisdom found there, into practice when making decisions.  Wisdom is simply knowing what to do, to achieve the best outcome, in a situation.  The Writings of Wisdom tell people, what they need to do, to achieve the best outcome, in a variety of situations.  Just as the physical universe, works according to the laws of physics, so also does every area of life, work according to other laws.  The Writings of Wisdom tell. what those laws are, and lays out the blueprint, for experiencing success, in every area of life.  The Writings of Wisdom tell, how the world really works.

In every area of life, people experience success, or failure, based on the laws, about that area of life.  For example, if people make the choice, to stay home all of the time, and take it easy, then they will experience, the law of diminishing finances, because money is really just stored labor.  However, if people make the choice, to get off the couch and go to work, then they will experience, the law of financial increase.  There is a blessing, for some choices, and a curse, for other choices.  People get the blessing, or the curse, depending upon, the choices they make.  They will experience success, or failure, according to these laws, even if they do not know, anything about these laws.  Just as everyone who jumps off a roof, will be fall down to the ground, whether they know about the law of gravity, or not, so also, everyone will experience success, or failure, based on the choices they make, whether they know about these laws, or not.

So life is a test, with many different areas, in the test.  Jewish people are doing better on the test, than others, because they have studied the test material before hand, and are going to the Writings of Wisdom, to see what the answers are, as they are taking the test.  This is not an unfair advantage, that Jewish people have over the Gentile Children of Truth, because the Father of Truth, has made the Writings of Wisdom, available to the Gentile Children of Truth, as well.  In fact, His desire is for all people, to read, study, discuss, and put into practice, the wisdom found in the Writings of Wisdom, so that all people, can make an excellent grade, in every area of the test.  Life is meant to be an open book test, but most people are trying to pass the test, without even examining the test material, once.

The Gentile Children of Truth are often, not experiencing as much success as the Jewish people, because the majority of religious professionals have told them, that they do not need to read anything, except the Renewed Covenant.  They have told the Gentile Children of Truth, that the Original Covenant has been done away with, and no longer has any relevancy to the Children of Truth.  So the Gentile Children of Truth, have been taking the test of life, without even examining most of the test material once.

The worst part is, that the Renewed Covenant teaches no such thing.  The Man of Truth said, that the Law of Truth will be in effect, until there is a New Heaven and New Earth (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Original Covenant, that the Prophets of Truth wrote, is as much as part of the foundation for the Children of Truth, as the Renewed Covenant, that the Apostles of Truth wrote (Ephesians 2:19-21).  The Children of Truth are admonished, in the Renewed Covenant, to study all scripture, so they can pass the test of life, with an excellent score (2 Timothy 2:14-16).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) wrote, that the scripture that Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) had read as a child, before a single page of the Renewed Covenant had been written, so that scripture had to be the Original Covenant, would make him wise (2 Timothy 3:14-15).  The Renewed Covenant says, that all scripture, meaning both covenants, was given by the Father of Truth, and is profitable, for the Children of Truth (2 Timothy 3:13-15). The Renewed Covenant says, that the Spirit of Truth is the real author of the entire Book of Truth, including the Writings of Wisdom (2 Peter 1:19-21).

So, the Gentile Children of Truth have been robbed, of experiencing success in every area of life, by listening to religious professionals, who told them, that there is no need for them to read, the Writings of Wisdom.

Yet, there is one area of life, where the Gentile Children of Truth, have had more success, than any Jewish person, except the Jewish Children of Truth.  This is the most important area of all.  This area of life is so important, that no matter what score a person makes in all other areas, they have flunked the test of life, if they do not get this area right.  This area consists of a single question, with only one right answer, but a multitude of wrong answers.  Choosing the right answer, guarantees a minimal passing score, while choosing the wrong answer, guarantees a failing score, when the Father of Truth, gives out the final scores, on the day of judgment.

Like everything else, the Writings of Wisdom, tell people how to find the answer, to this most important of all questions.

The Book of Job says, that no one cannot be righteous on their own, but must be made righteous, by the Father of Truth, in order to pass the test, on judgment day (Job 33:26-28).  People have to confess, that they are not righteous on their own, but must repent of sin, and learn to be afraid to go against the Father of Truth, by breaking his commandments, in order to pass the test, on judgment day (Proverbs 28:13-14).  Yet there is not one single person, who can pass the test on judgment day, based on their own merits (Psalm 14:2-3).  There is no one in the human race, who has never sinned against the Father of Truth (Ecclesiastes 7:20).  The Good News is, that there is a love that is as strong than death, that cannot be quenched, and cannot be bought with money (Song of Solomon 8:6-7).

The second psalm tells about, the absolute futility of fighting against the Father of Truth and the Messiah of Israel (Psalm 2).  Another psalms tells of how, the Father of Truth will not leave the Messiah of Israel, dead long enough for his body to start decaying (Psalm 16).  Another psalm tells of how, the Father of Truth will save the Messiah of Israel, from death, so he can save, those who call upon his name (Psalm 20).  Another psalm tells how, even the Messiah of Israel would first suffer, and die, from what could only be crucifixion, but afterwards, the Father of Truth would raise him up from the dead, to rule the entire world (Psalm 22).  Another psalm tells of how, the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, was the only sacrifice, that was adequate to make people righteous (Psalm 40).  Another psalm tells of how, the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, made it possible for people to repent, and be made righteous, by the Father of Truth (Psalm 50).  Another psalm tells of how, the Messiah of Israel was sacrificed, to pay the penalty of sin, that belonged to other people, so he could bring about the salvation, of the entire human race, that the Father of Truth desired (Psalm 69).  Another psalm tells of how, the Messiah of Israel brought an end to wrath of the Father of Truth, against those who repented, and how he will bring peace, to the entire human race, one day (Psalm 85).  Another psalm tells of how, the Father of Truth has made the Messiah of Israel, a priest after the order of Melchizedek forever, as well as will one day make him, to be King of Kings over the entire Earth (Psalm 110).  Another psalm tells of how. all people, Jew and Gentile, are to praise the Father of Truth, for what was done to bring about their salvation (Psalm 117).  Another psalm tells of how, all who have been made righteous, by the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, will one day reign over the Earth, with him (Psalm 149).

This is why the Man of Truth said, the Writing of Wisdom, especially the Psalms, speak of him.  They answer that most important of all questions, "How can a man be right with his maker?".  So the wisest thing a person can do, is to come into the House of Truth.  They come into the House of Truth, when they accept that the Man of Truth, is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel, even though it has always been about the Gentiles.

When the Man of Truth was dying on the cross, he quoted the first verse of Psalm 22, so everyone could know that he dying, because he was the Messiah of Israel, who makes it possible for people, to come into the House of Truth (Mark 15:34).  The Man of Truth died upon a cross, but he rose again from the grave on the third day, one day before decay would have set in, as the Father of Truth had planned all along, so all people could come into the House of Truth,  (Acts 2:21-32).  The Father of Truth started the process of reconciliation, so we could come into the House of Truth, by giving His son to die in our place, even though we were the ones, that had wronged Him (Romans 5:7-9).  So everyone, both Jew and Gentile, can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of every area of their life, to the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth, has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).  The Man of Truth has been made a priest, after the order of Melchizedek, forever, because his sacrifice, is the only sacrifice sufficient, to make people right with the Father of Truth, when they come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 7:14-28).  The Man of Truth is coming back to this Earth, with those who come into the House of Truth, as the King of Kings, to destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth (Revelation 19:11-21).  The Man of Truth, along with those who come into the House of Truth, will rule over the Earth together, because the Children of Truth, have how learned to walk in the wisdom, found in the Writings of Wisdom (Revelation 20:4-6).

Come into the House of Truth!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Heroic Resolve

Where does heroic resolve come from?

I have a shadow box that contains the Purple Heart that my great uncle Orville received for valor in WWII. 

His entire battalion was the only defense from the Germans breaking through a weak spot in the Allied lines, in the Battle of the Bulge.  There was no chance of air support in the stormy weather, and it was uncertain when, or even if, re-reinforcements would arrive.  They had the opportunity to retreat, under the cover of darkness, but that would mean giving the Germans the high ground, and making it much easier for the Germans to break through the line of the Allies. 

Even if the Allies took back their position, it was certain that it would be very costly in terms of Allied lives.  They had only recently arrived, and were untested in battle, but they decided to fight to the last man, if necessary, rather than to retreat.  They were the very definition of valor.

Soon, their resolve was tested.  A German force that was superior in numbers, experience, and armaments, launched a full fledged attack.  The causalities were high, as the Germans sent in wave after wave of soldiers.  When re-enforcements finally arrived, all but six members of his battalion had been killed.  They had kept their resolve and held their ground.  The Germans had been denied breaking through the Allied lines, because of their heroic resolve.

My uncle Orville was wounded in the battle, and fell to the ground, but still was determined to fight until the very end.  Eventually, he was overwhelmed, and a German soldier bayonet several times in the abdomen, but he still fought back with all of his might.  Just as he was losing consciousness from his blood loss, the German soldier raised his bayonet for the kill stroke to the heart.  However, his friend shot and killed the German soldier, before he could thrust his bayonet downward.

Next, he woke up in a military hospital.  His chances of survival were negligible. Yet, after months of being hospitalized, he recovered.  He never saw action again, and went back to the farm, where he lived to be well over eighty years of age.

Even though the Army gave him a Purple Heart, for bravery above and beyond the call of duty, he never really considered himself to be a hero.  In fact, I did not even know that he got the Purple Heart, until I was given it at his funeral.  As far as he was concerned, he was just another American man, who answered when his country called for help.  He was just doing his part.

If you asked him, he was no more of a hero than his brother Harley. 

Harley could not go to war, because someone had to take of the farm, and their elderly parents.  Harley did the work of two men for years, often working for sixteen hours a day, six days a week, so his brother could go and defend America from the Nazi threat.  He also had to keep the farm going, because he was helping to feed the troops, as well as the rest of the country.  The work was all consuming, and he had no chance of socializing.  He continued this lonely life of hard work, because he was also committed, to lay down his life to take care of others.  He never considered, that he did anything extraordinary.  He was just doing his part.

The truth is I had two hero uncles, one who went to war, and one who made it possible, for his brother to go to war.  They both made tremendous sacrifices, to answer when their country called for help.  They were both resolved to do their part, to keep America free.  They both had heroic resolve. 

This is why Uncle Orville, never thought of himself as any more of a hero than his brother Harley.

So when you are thanking those, who had the heroic resolve to place themselves in the line of fire, and stand up against evil, remember, that there was also heroic resolve on the home front, that made it possible for them to do so.  Do not forget that their families, also made incredible sacrifices, that they deserve to be thanked for.

Not everyone has this kind of heroic resolve, so where did they get their heroic resolve from?

The secret to their heroic resolve, and humble demeanor, was their faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), which they had been raised up in.

There should have only been five survivors of his battalion, but the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave the friend of Uncle Orville, that single, split-second opportunity, while fighting for his own life, to take the shot, that killed that German soldier.  That German soldier would finished off Uncle Orville, if that frantic shot made in dim light, battle smoke, and heavy fog, had missed its mark.  If re-enforcements had arrived any later, and the medic had not acted quickly to stuff cloth in those wounds, contrary to standard practice, Uncle Orville would bled out on the battle field.  If all there was to his recovery, was the skill of the doctors and their meager supplies, which Uncle Orville was low on the list to receive, due to the shortage of supplies and his likeliness of dying anyways, then Uncle Orville would have died in the hospital.

However, Uncle Harley, his father, and the women who were left behind, never stopped praying for Uncle Orville to come back to them.

The Father of Truth heard their prayers and answered them.

On the home front, the family should have lost the farm.  One man was left, to take care of the farm, and while helping his sister, take care of their elderly parents.  The farm work was exhausting, and never ending.  Working through all kinds of weather, from the blazing hot summers, to the freezing cold winters, should have worn him out completely.

However, Uncle Harley, his father and the women left behind, asked the Father of Truth for strength, to make it just one more day, every day, until Uncle Orville returned, to help take care of the farm, after he got strong enough. 

They asked for favor from the bank, when it looked like the farm loan would default.  They asked for money to pay off that loan, when there seemed to be no hope of getting enough money, to even make the payments that were due.  They knew that they had to work hard to keep the farm, but they also knew, that it was beyond their own strength to keep the farm.

The Father of Truth heard their prayers and answered them.

I am sure, that they were not the only people praying, for their loved ones who were fighting in the war.  I am sure, that they were not the only family, who faced financial hardship, and exhausting work, just to keep what they had, so that their loved one, could go fight in the war.  Yet their prayers were answered, while the prayers of some other people were not.

What made the difference, was how they lived their lives, long before Uncle Orville, was called upon to defend American, from the Nazis.  They had been already been acting with heroic resolve, for their whole lives, before that day ever came.  They had heroic resolve, in the darkest chapter of their lives, because they had already been acting in faith, on what was written in the Book of Truth (The Bible), on a consistent basis.

They had faith, that the Father of Truth could bring Uncle Orville, back from the brink of death, because of His protection of their family from the Wu Shu Flu. (That was what it was called in rural Arkansas, because it was believed to have originated in China, but more commonly called the Spanish flu in larger cities.) 

This flu killed more people in 1918, than WWI did in its entirety.  Many of their neighbors died of this deadly flu, in some cases, entire households.  Yet not one member of their family, even got a sniffle, despite constant contact with the infected, as they attended to their sick neighbors, and helped to bury those who succumbed to the flu. 

Heroic resolve comes easier, when you know that the Father of Truth is protecting you.

Then later, their younger brother, named Quinton, died as an infant, from what may have been cystic fibrosis. 

Their mother was devastated, and just laid in bed crying, for days.  Then one morning, they found her, dressed, smiling, and making breakfast for the family.  Eventually, their father asked her, what had brought about such a dramatic turnaround. 

She told them about, how an Angel of Truth had stood at the foot of her bed with a message from the Man of Truth.  The message was, "Quit crying for Quinton, he is me, get up and take care of your family!".  When she told them what happened, they simply lost all fear of death, at that moment. 

Heroic resolve comes easier, when you know that you will be with the Man of Truth, when you die.

Then years later, the resolve of their father was tested again. 

The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) constantly terrorized their black neighbors.  Their father was pressured to join the KKK, but refused to be part of America at its worst.  Instead, he did what he could to help his black neighbors, who were share croppers like him.  Several times, he hid some of them, who the KKK was seeking to lynch, and helped them escape.  In the face of the KKK, he showed heroic resolve.

Eventually, he was warned that the KKK was coming for him.  (One third of the people lynched by the KKK, were white people who refused to join the KKK, or who the KKK thought were helping black people escape.) 

So he packed up his family, with their meager belongings, and they started, literally, working their way to northwest Arkansas, where the KKK did not have the kind of control over law enforcement, that it had in the Nashville, Arkansas area.

When he arrived there, they could not find adequate work as sharecroppers. 

They wanted land of their own, but there was none that they could afford in northwest Arkansas.  They learned of some land, near Chewy, Oklahoma, that was for sale, which they could afford, because most white people did not want to live in the midst of the Cherokee. 

It did not matter to their father what race his neighbors were, as long as they were not like those awful white people, which he had grown up among in southern Arkansas.  It did not even matter, that many of his neighbors could not speak English. (My grandfather used to peddle apples in Chewy, and had learned to speak Cherokee, because some of his customers could not speak English.) 

So my grandfather helped them secure a loan, and they began a new life, in a strange land, surrounded by unfamiliar people.

Uncle Orville, and Uncle Harley, had learned heroic resolve from their father.  They learned how to stand up against evil, from the actions of their father.  They learned how to leave behind everything familiar, and trust the Father of Truth to take care of them, rather than let evil people intimidate them, into consenting to their evil deeds, by doing nothing. 

Heroic resolve comes easier, when your father has demonstrated it, in his own life.

The heroic resolve of their father, and their family, came out of their daily relationship, with the Man of Truth.

They kept the Sabbath to best of their understanding, by giving one day a week over to resting from their work, and congregating together with the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  They were never bored on the Sabbath, because they kept it faithfully, to the best of their understanding of the Book of Truth.  However, their relationship with the Man of Truth, went a lot deeper, than some sort of once-a-week religious duty. They did not just read the Book of Truth, they lived out what they read, so that all who were around them, could tell who they belonged to (2 Corinthians 3:2).

They prayed to the Father of Truth, and relied on Him, in both good times and bad times (Luke 18:1).  They did not let evil overcome them, but overcame evil with good (Romans 12:21).  They did not get drunk, or become involved in sex outside of marriage, or the like that comes from being controlled, by the desires of sinful flesh, but instead constantly lived a life of gentleness, kindness, self control, and the like that comes from being controlled, by the desires of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Galatians 5:19-23).  They never sought a hand out, but they always were willing to give a hand up, to anyone in need (Ephesians 4:27-29).  I never once heard any of them ever speak, a single word of profanity, or utter one impure thing, and they always did whatever they promised (Colossians 3:8-10).  They did not participate in hatred, for any reason, because they believed that anyone who hated people, but said that they loved the Father of Truth, was a liar (1 John 4:20). 

If Captain America had a real life inspiration, it could have been them. They were America at its best.

Their heroic resolve came from the Man of Truth.  He is the greatest example of heroic resolve that ever lived.

My Uncle Orville resolved to stand his ground, when his position was surprise attacked by the Germans, knowing that he might die, but the Man of Truth was determined ahead of time, to go to Jerusalem, where he knew for certain, that he would die (Luke 9:51).  He had been born to die, to save the human race (John 3:14-17).  He was not some hapless victim of the Romans, or anyone else, but rather laid down his life willingly, because he learned heroic resolve, from his Father (John 10:17-18).  The Man of Truth died the most horrible of deaths, because it was either him or us - and there was no way he was going to let it be us (Romans 5:7-9).  The Man of Truth knew, that he would not die from a relatively quick death, like my uncle Orville faced, but from crucifixion - which the Romans considered to be the worst way to die, and they had taken torturous death, to a whole new level (Philippians 2:6-8).  He died the worst of deaths, and endured the worst of insults, because he had heroic resolve, to save the human race (Hebrews 12:2-3).  He was the very definition of heroic resolve.

You can also get heroic resolve, if you will come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth your commanding officer, in every area of your life, because you believe, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  The Father of Truth is not waiting for you to straighten yourself out, before you can come into the House of Truth, but rather sent the Man of Truth, to demonstrate heroic resolve, so you can be straightened out, by coming into the House of Truth (1 Timothy 1:14-16).  He sent the Man of Truth, to die a horrible death, so the Man of Truth could be the captain, of every area of your life, when you come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 2:9-11). When you come into the House of Truth, he will free you from the fear of death, because you will know the one who gives people, heroic resolve (Hebrews 2:14-18).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Acts

Is the history in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) reliable?

The Renewed Covenant is basically divided into four sections.  The Gospels work together like a perfect four part harmony to form the first section, that tells about what the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) did on this Earth.  The Acts make up the second section, that tells about how the Apostles of Truth spread the news about what the Man of Truth did, and established congregations from Jerusalem to Rome.  The Epistles make up the third section, that contains the letters that the Apostles of Truth wrote to those congregations, as well as other congregations, that they started as far away as Babylon, to explain how to follow the Man of Truth.  The Revelation tells about the events that will bring about the everlasting, global kingdom, that the Man of Truth will reign over.  These four sections all fit together, to form a well built house, called the Renewed Covenant.

All four sections of the Renewed Covenant contain history, just like the sections of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) all contain history.  However, similar to the way that the bulk of the history in the Original Covenant is contained in the Writings of History, so also is the bulk of the history in the Renewed Covenant contained in The Acts.  If the history in The Acts is reliable, then it is reasonable that the history in all of the Renewed Covenant is reliable.

In order to understand the history in The Acts, it is necessary to understand what happened before it.  The events in the Renewed Covenant are tied to what happened in the Original Covenant, because they are The Inseparable Covenants that are contained in The Indestructible Book, called the Book of Truth (The Bible).  The Gospels tell about the events that tie these two covenants together.  So a brief overview of the events in the Gospel is necessary, in order to understand the events that occurred in the Acts.  The Gospels set the stage for the Acts in the following manner:

The Gospels begin with showing, how the Man of Truth was in line to be the king of Israel, by showing how he descended from Abraham (Abram), King David, and the last king of the two tribe kingdom of Judah, as recorded in the Original Covenant (Matthew 1:1-16).  They tell of how the Man of Truth was born at the time, place, and manner, described by the Prophets of Truth, in their books, in the Original Covenant (Matthew 1:18-25).  They tell of how Caesar Augustus, first Emperor of the Roman Empire, caused everyone to go their ancestral home to be taxed, so that the Man of Truth was born in Bethlehem, instead of Nazareth (Luke 2:1-7).

They tell of how Herod the Great sought to kill the Man of Truth as a toddler, because Magi from the East had told him, that the Man of Truth was born to be the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-18).  They tell of how the Man of Truth was taken to Galilee to live, after Herod the Great died, to escape being in the area ruled by his son, Archelaus (Matthew 2:19-22).

They of how, during a very narrow time frame, during the fifteen year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, the next Emperor of Rome, while Pilate was governor of Judea (who was appointed when Archelaus was deposed), Herod Antipas (the son of Herod the Great) was still the Tetrarch of Galilee, Philip (the son of Herod the Great) was still the Tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis, Lysanias was the still the tetrarch of Abilene, and both Annas and Caiaphas still acted as the High Priest in Jerusalem, that John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) began calling people to repentance and baptizing them (Luke 3:1-3).

They tell of how the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had raised up John the Baptist as a Prophet of Truth, after the Jewish people had been without without a Prophet of Truth, since the time of Nehemiah (Matthew 11:11-13).  They tell of how the common people in Israel recognized, that John the Baptist was a Prophet of Truth (Matthew 21:26).  They tell of how Herod Antipas imprisoned John the Baptist, because John the Baptist had rebuked Herod Antipas, for violating the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), by marrying the wife of his brother Philip (not the Tetrarch), even though Philip was still alive (Mark 6:17-18).  They tell of how Herodias, the wife of Philip, who Herod had married contrary to the Law of Truth, carried out a plot, through her daughter, to have John the Baptist beheaded (Mark 6:19-28).

They tell about how the Pharisees taught their own commandments, instead of the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:1-9).  They tell of how the Herodians, who supported the rule of Herod the Great and his descendants, sought to have peaceful submission to the Roman occupation (Mark 12:13-17).  They tell of a group called the Zealots, who waged a war of terror to free Israel from Roman occupation, one of whom followed the Man of Truth (Luke 6:15).  They tell about how the Sadducees taught that there is no resurrection, and how the Man of Truth showed them the resurrection, using the Law of Truth, because that was the only part of the Original Covenant, that they accepted as being from the Father of Truth (Luke 20:27-38).

They tell about Pontius Pilate, the Roman appointed governor of Judaea, after Archelaus (son of Herod the Great) was deposed by the Roman Emperor (Matthew 27:2).  They tell of how, Pilate was in the custom of releasing one prisoner, for the Passover (Pesach), but the Jewish people chose a murderer named Barabbas, instead of the Man of Truth (Mark 15:6-15).  They tell of the brutality of Pilate, in dealing with Jewish enemies of Rome (Luke 13:1-3).  They tell of how, Pilate sent the Man of Truth to Herod Antipas, to be tried, because the Man of Truth was from the territory, that was ruled by Herod Antipas (Luke 23:6-10).  They tell of how, this act caused Pilate, who replaced the brother of Herod Antipas as ruler of Judea, and Herod Antipas to become friends, instead of remaining enemies (Luke 23:11-12).  They tell of how, Pilate caused the Man of Truth to crucified, a Roman execution method, at the insistence of the religious leaders of Israel, on the day of the preparation for Passover (John 19:10-18).  They tell of how, Pilate wrote the accusation, for which the Man of Truth was crucified, in the two official languages of the Roman Empire, plus the common local language, as required by Roman Law, and that under Roman Law, Pilate could not change the accusation later (John 19:19-22).

They tell of how, a rich man named Joseph of Arimathaea, asked Pilate for the body of the Man of Truth, and then buried the Man of Truth in his own tomb, before sunset, the same day (Matthew 27:57-61).  They tell of how, the religious leaders asked Pilate, for Roman soldiers to guard the tomb for three days, to be sure that the followers of the Man of Truth did not steal it, and then claim that he rose again (Matthew 27:62-66).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth rose from the dead on the third day, and began showing himself to his followers (Mark 16:1-9).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth, then appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, a village that was less than four miles from Jerusalem, and then appeared to the eleven remaining original Apostles of Truth (Luke 24:9-43).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth did many other things to prove, that he had really rose from the dead (John 21:24-25).

They tell of how, the Man of Truth commissioned his followers, to baptize new followers from all nations, and to teach them to obey his commandments (Matthew 28:18-20).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth commissioned his followers, to tell everyone the Good News about what he had done, and that supernatural signs would occur to prove their testimony (Mark 16:15-18).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth commissioned his followers, to show others, that everything that had happened to him, was done to fulfill what was written of the Messiah of Israel, in the Original Covenant, to preach repentance, that brings about the forgiveness of sin, and to wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), before carrying out the rest of his commission, to tell the world (Luke 24:44-49).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth admonished his followers, to carry out his commission, regardless of what happened to them (John 21:18-23).

They tell of how, after the Man of Truth finished commissioning his followers, that he returned back to Heaven, and they began carrying out the commission, that he had given them (Mark 16:19-20).  They tell of how, the Man of Truth blessed his followers, right before he left the Earth, and how they went to Jerusalem, to wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth, as the first step in carrying out the Great Commission (Luke 24:50-53).

The events in Acts are a history, of how the followers of the Man of Truth, especially the Apostles of Truth, spread the Good News from Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, by doing their part, to carry out the Great Commission.

The first thing to understand about The Acts, is that they were written as history. The author, Luke the Jew (Lucas aka Ohr) had written his Gospel, as a history for a man named "Theophilus", even though others had already written about these events, in a non-historical order (Luke 1:1-4).  The Acts are a sequel to his Gospel, as a history of the events, that lead to the Gospel being spread throughout much of the Roman Empire, and finally being taken to Rome, that was written for the same man (Acts 1:1-4).  The Acts can be summarized as follows:

The Man of Truth returned to Heaven from the Mount of Olives, and his followers went to Jerusalem, which was the distance, that people could walk on the Sabbath, to wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:5-14).  Then on Pentecost, they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and began to tell Jews from all over the world, who were in Jerusalem for that Feast of Truth, about the Man of Truth, in the languages of the countries, where those Jews lived, even though the followers of the Man of Truth, could not speak any of those languages, on their own (Acts 2:1-11).

During those days, Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) and John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) healed a man born lame, at the gate of the Temple called "Beautiful", and then preached from the Porch of Solomon, inside the Temple, about how the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, who Moses and the Prophets had spoken about, in the Original Covenant. (Acts 3).  So they were arrested by the Temple authorities, tried by Annas, Caiaphas, and their family, but finally threatened, and let go, since everyone in Jerusalem knew, that the man who was healed, had been lame for more than forty years, and afterwards, when they reported what had happened, it prompted some, like Barnabas the Jew (Joses of Cyprus aka the Apostle Barnabas), to sell some of their property, to take care of the Children of Truth (Acts 4).  So the Apostles of Truth resumed preaching the Good News in the Temple, with signs to prove their message was from the Father of Truth, until they were again arrested and tried, and finally beaten - despite the advice of Gamaliel, the most respected Jewish religious leader in the world, that the Temple authorities should do nothing to them, because if the Father of Truth had not sent them, then their movement would collapse, like the revolts of Theudas and Judas of Galilee (Acts 5:12-40).

Then Stephen, who had been appointed to distribute food with Philip the Evangelist, disputed in the synagogues of Jews from outside of Israel, to prove that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, and since the religious leaders could not prevail against him, he was arrested on false charges, and brought before the Temple authorities to stand trial (Acts 6:1-15).  Stephen remind the Temple authorities of the history of the rebellion of their fathers recorded in the Original Covenant, then said that they were acting just like their fathers, when they murdered the Man of Truth, because they did not keep the Law of Truth, so they dragged him out of the Temple, and stoned him to death, while Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) watched over their clothes (Acts 7).

Then Paul the Jew lead a great persecution, against the Children of Truth, that caused Stephen the Evangelist to go to Samaria, to preach the Good News, where Peter the Jew and John the Jew then went, to baptize people in the Spirit of Truth, then Stephen went to Gaza, to preach to an Ethiopian Jew, and then finally continue preaching the Good News, in every village from Azotus to Caesarea (Acts 8). Paul the Jew then went to Damascus, to extend his persecution, but was arrested by the Man of Truth, who revealed that he was the Messiah of Israel, so Paul the Jew began preaching the Good News in Damascus, until he had to flee for his life, then preached the Good News in Jerusalem, until he had to flee for his life to Tarsus, after which time Peter the Jew went to Joppa, to preach the Good News (Acts 9).

While Peter the Jew was in Joppa, he had a vision from the Father of Truth, that told him to go to Caesarea, with the men that had been sent by Cornelius the Gentile, and when he preached the Good News, Cornelius the Gentile was baptized in the Spirit of Truth, to prove that the Good News, was also for the Gentiles (Acts 10).  So Barnabas the Jew was sent to Antioch, with Good News about the Gentiles, then he went to Tarsus to get Paul the Jew, to help him preach the Good News to the Gentiles in Antioch, until Agabus and other Prophets of Truth, came from Jerusalem, to warn of a famine that would come upon the entire Roman Empire, in the days of Claudius Caesar, which prompt the Children of Truth in Antioch, to take up a collection, and to have it taken to the Children of Truth in Jerusalem, by Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew (Acts 11).

Then Herod Agrippa I persecuted the Children of Truth, including Peter the Jew, until an Angel of Truth killed him, with a terrible plague in Caesarea, for accepting worship from people, which lead to Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew returning to Antioch, with Mark the Jew (Acts 12).  Then Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew were commissioned by the Spirit of Truth, to go on a mission trip to the Gentiles, so they took Mark the Jew with them to Cyprus, where they brought Sergius Paulus, the governor, into the House of Truth, before going to Perga, where Mark the Jew left them to return to Jerusalem, and then these two went to preach the Good News, to Jews and Gentiles in Antioch Pisidia, before finally going to Iconium, the major city of southern Galatia (Acts 13). They then preached the Good News there, until they had to flee for their lives to Lystra, where they preached the Good News, until they had to flee for their lives to Derbe, and then ordained leaders among the congregations in Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch Pisidia, and Perga, as they made their way back to Antioch (Acts 14).

Then some men from Judaea came to Antioch, to tell people, that the Gentiles had to be circumcised to be saved, so Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew went to Jerusalem, to settle the matter, where Peter the Jew and James the Jew (Ya'acob ben Yoseph aka James the Just aka The Apostle James), both confirmed, that the Gentiles did not need to do any such thing, then sent a letter stating their decision with witnesses, one of whom was Silas the Jew (Shaul aka Silvanus aka The Apostle Silas), to return with Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew to Antioch, which lead to Paul the Jew and Silas the Jew returning to the congregations, that Paul the Jew had started with Barnabas the Jew (Acts 15).  When they made it to Derbe, Timothy the Jew (Kidar-Elohim aka Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) joined them, as they continued to deliver the letter, from the Apostles of Truth in Jerusalem, concerning the Gentiles to the congregations, until they started new congregations in Phrygia and Mysia, on their way to Troas, where Luke the Jew joined them, as they made their way to Phillipi, where Lydia the Jew came into the House of Truth, and then lodged them, until they were imprisoned, and eventually had to leave Phillipi (Acts 16).  Then Paul the Jew, Silas the Jew, and Timothy the Jew, went to Thessaloniki, the capital of Macedonia, preached the Good News there, until they had to flee for their lives to Berea, preached the Good News there, until Paul the Jew had to flee for his life to Athens, where he continued to preach the Good News (Acts 17).  Then Paul the Jew went to Corinth, the capital of Achaia, where Silas the Jew and Timothy the Jew joined him, to preach the Good News, while lodging with Aquila and Priscilla, who had moved to Corinth, because Claudius Caesar had expelled all Jews from Rome, until Paul the Jew was brought by Jewish enemies to Gallio, the governor, for trial, prompting Paul the Jew to go to Ephesus, the capital of Asia, where he left Aquila and Priscilla, in charge of a congregation that he started, while he went on to Caesarea and Jerusalem, on his way back to Antioch (Acts 18:1-22).

Then Paul the Jew visited the congregations in Galatia and Phrygia, that he had started, while Apollos the Jew came to Ephesus, to preach the Good News, where Aquila and Priscilla informed him, that the Good News was also for the Gentiles, and about the baptism of the Spirit of Truth, then commended him to the congregations of Achaia, where he went to preach the Good News (Acts 18:23-28).  Then Paul the Jew went to Ephesus, where he baptized people in the Spirit of Truth, disputed in the synagogue and yeshiva of Ephesus, to prove that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, and performed supernatural signs, to confirm his message, then sent Timothy the Jew and Erastus of Corinth ahead of him to Macedonia, then Gauis the Jew and Aristarchus the Jew, who had traveled with him, since he had left Macedonia on his second mission, and Alexander the Jew, were dragged into the theater to face punishment, because Paul the Jew had preached to the Gentiles of Ephesus, that idols were worthless, which had prompted the idol makers to start a riot, by accusing his companions of speaking against Diana of the Ephesians, but his companions were cleared of all charges (Acts 19).  Then Paul the Jew went to Macedonia (Philippi, Thessaloniki, Berea), went across Macedonia, into Greece (Epirus and Achaia (Athens, Corinth), then sent from Corinth some of his companions, like Gaius the Jew, Timothy the Jew, and Trophimus the Gentile, ahead to Troas, then returned to Philippi, where Luke the Jew once again joined him, then went to Troas, then went with his companions to Miletus, and sent for the elders of Ephesus, so he could them warn them, of approaching danger, since he would not see them again (Acts 20).  Then the company of Paul the Jew went with him to Caesarea, where they stayed with Philip the Evangelist, where Agabus the Prophet of Truth warned him, that he would be handed over to the Romans, if he went to Jerusalem, but Paul the Jew went to Jerusalem anyways (Acts 21:1-17).

Paul the Jew then went to the Temple, to fulfill a Nazarite vow, at the advice of the Apostles of Truth, to prove that he had taught nothing contrary to the Law of Truth, then he was falsely accused of polluting the Temple, by bringing in Trophimus the Gentile, which set off a riot, that almost got him killed, but he was rescued by the Roman centurion in charge of Temple security, who allowed him to speak to the Jewish crowd (Acts 21:18-40).  So Paul the Jew told the Jewish crowd, in Hebrew, about how he had been taught by Gamaliel the Pharisee, then persecuted the Children of Truth in Jerusalem, then went to Damascus to extend his persecution, but was arrested by the Man of Truth, who revealed that he was the Messiah of Israel, then returned to Jerusalem, where the Man of Truth said, that he was being sent far away, to preach the Good News to the Gentiles, at which point the crowd again began to riot, so the Roman centurion rescued him again, and placed him in protected custody, until Paul the Jew appeared before the Temple authorities (Acts 22).  When Paul the Jew began his defense, Ananias the High Priest (son of Annas) commanded Paul the Jew to struck, for which Paul the Jew prophesied, that Ananias the High Priest would be struck down by the Father of Truth, for acting contrary to the Law of Truth, then he set off a riot between the Pharisees and Sadducees, when he pointed out that, he was also a Pharisee, who had only been arrested for preaching the resurrection, that Pharisees taught, which caused the Roman centurion, to rescue him again, who that night learned, of a plot to kill Paul the Jew while he was in transit, so the Roman centurion sent him to Caesarea, to stand trail in the prescence of the governor, after the Temple authorities arrived (Acts 23).

When the Temple authorities arrived, they accused Paul the Jew to Felix, the governor, of stirring up Jews everywhere against Rome, then polluting the Temple, contrary to the Law of Truth, to which Paul the Jew answered back, that these were false and improvable charges, for he had not polluted the Temple, nor had done anything contrary to either Rome, or the Law of Truth, and that the real reason he was on trial, was for preaching the Good News, which caused Felix, to place Paul the Jew in protective custody for two years, during which time he talked to Felix and his wife Drusilla, about the Man of Truth, until Porcius Festus replaced Felix as governor (Acts 24).  When Festus went to Jerusalem, the Temple authorities tried, to get Paul the Jew moved to Jerusalem, so they could kill him in transit, but instead, were forced to go to Caesarea, where they made the same accusations, that they had made before Felix, to which Paul the Jew answered, that he had not done anything against Rome, or the Temple, or the Law of Truth, so Festus asked Paul the Jew, about going to Jerusalem to stand trial, but Paul the Jew reminded Festus, that he was a Roman citizen, then appealed to be tried before Caesar (Nero), so Felix had no choice, but to sent him to Rome, but first asked Herod Agrippa II, and his wife Bernice, to hear Paul the Jew, since Festus had found no Roman law, that Paul the Jew had broken, to put in the accusation, that would be read to Caesar (Acts 25).  Paul the Jew first pointed out to Herod Agrippa II, that he was a Pharisee,who had previously persecuted the Children of Truth, until the Man of Truth had arrested him on the road to Damascus, where the Man of Truth revealed, that he was the Messiah of Israel, then commissioned Paul the Jew, to preach the Good News, which was the real reason, that he was now on trial, finally ending his defense, with an appeal to Herod Agrippa II, to come into the House of Truth, so Herod Agrippa II found him innocent of all charges, but the appeal of Paul the Jew to Caesar (Nero) was already on record (Acts 26).

So Paul the Jew was put on a ship, to go to Rome, where he was joined by his traveling companions, including Luke the Jew, who sailed with him to Crete, where they were laid over, giving Paul the Jew time, to preach the Good News there, until they left Crete, only to be caught up in a seasonal storm called Euroclydon, that shipwrecked them on an island (Acts 27).  While on the island of Melita (Malta), Paul the Jew performed supernatural signs, to bring people into the House of Truth, like when he healed the father of Publius, who ruled Malta, then they sailed to Italy, where he encountered many people, who were already in the House of Truth, as he was taken to Rome, where he preached the Good News to the Jews first, then the Gentiles, during the two years of house arrest, that occurred, while he waited to appear before Caesar (Nero) (Acts 28).

So the Acts, and the rest of the Renewed Covenant, record many events that occurred, during the less than one hundred year time span, that started about a year before the birth of the Man of Truth, and ended when John the Jew was exiled on the island of Patmos.  The Acts, as well as parts of the Renewed Covenant, like the Gospel of Luke, tell about a long series of events, and gives the order, in which those events occurred, along with anchor events, like the death of Herod Agrippa I, that can be used to establish exactly, when these events occurred, often to the exact day.

The Renewed covenant names many people, who were involved in the events, and the places, where the events occurred.

For example, all seven of the Herodian kings, from Herod the Great to Herod Agrippa II, are named in it.  Also, three of the first four Emperors of Rome are named, and the fifth Emperor, Nero, is alluded to in it.  The names of Roman governors, over various Roman providences, are also named: Pontius Pilate, Felix, Festus, Sergius Paulus, and Gallio.  It names other rulers, like Lysanias and Publius, along with what they ruled over, are named as well.  The names are also given, of the wives of many of these people, like Herodias, Drusilla, and Bernice.

The names of more than fifty cities are given within its pages, often with information about the history, or culture, or character, of that city.  The political entities that contained these cities, are named as well, even though many of them cease to exist, as political entities, such as many of the Roman providences, within a few hundred years, after the events, that are recorded in the Renewed Covenant.   Many of them have no reference, outside of documents that were written, within one hundred years of their demise.  They simply vanished into history.

It tells about political/religious groups, like the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, and Zealots.  It tells about religious leaders like Annas, Caiaphas, Gamaliel, and Ananias.  It tells about revolts, like those lead by Thuedas, and Judas of Galilee.  It even tells about weather events, like Euroclydon.

This is all very precise and detailed information, that can be verified.  The events recorded in the Renewed Covenant, are not like events in the Return of the King, that supposedly occurred on Middle Earth, or events that left no trace of evidence, like those found in the Book of Mormon.  These are not religious events, that you have to take on blind faith, like those in The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told.  The simple fact is, that whether or not these events are true, can be determined by anyone, who is willing to make the effort.

There is even more archaeological evidence of these events, than almost any other event, from the same time period.  Names of people, like Pilate and Erastus, have been found, literally been carved in stone, with evidence that they did, what the Renewed Covenant says, they did.  Even though, huge cities written about in the Acts, like Ephesus, disappeared for more than fifteen years, they have been found.  Roman structures, like aqueducts, roads, forums, and coliseums still exist, some times almost completely intact, to this day.  There just seems to be no end, to the archaeological evidence, to support the events, given in the Acts, and the rest of the Renewed Covenant.

More than that, there is an amazing amount of documentation, that has survived from that time period, from other sources, outside of the Book of Truth.  These sources are not just from inside the Roman Empire, but also from the Parthian Empire to the east, and even outside of both of these empires.  These are not just Latin, and Greek documents, but also documents written in Aramaic, and Arabic.  The details of the events given in the Renewed Covenant, like the death of John the Baptist, the death of Herod Agrippa I, and the death of Ananias the High Priest, that occurred when the Father of Truth poured out the judgment, that brought about the destruction of Jerusalem, are all confirmed in these external documents, as being accurately recorded, in the Renewed Covenant.

These documents, almost always confirm the events in the Renewed Covenant, although some of them are difficult to translate.  In fact, Luke the Jew is considered, to be one of the greatest historians of the first century Roman Empire, because in the few instances, where there have appeared to be discrepancies between his account and the account of others, archaeological evidence has always came down on his side.

It turns out that the Roman Empire really did exist, as recorded in the Acts, and that events recorded in the Acts, really did occur in the Roman Empire.  The provinces of the Roman Empire had the names recorded in the Renewed Covenant, had the capitals recorded in the Renewed Covenant, were ruled by the people recorded in the Renewed Covenant, at the times recorded in the Renewed Covenant, and those rulers did the actions recorded in the Renewed Covenant.  The details about Roman law, Roman culture, Jewish law, Jewish culture, Greek culture, and the cultures of other ethnic groups, recorded in the Renewed Covenant, have all been proven to be accurate.

It is all proof, that most of the Renewed Covenant was written, by eye witnesses of the events, while the rest was written, by accumulating eye witness accounts of events, to determine the facts.  These are considered to be the first, and second most reliable sources of history, by historians.  The fact that there is so much evidence, that these were real events, that were witnessed by real eye witnesses, and then verified as accurate, before being written down, should leave no doubt in the mind of any reasonable person, that the history recorded in the Renewed Covenant, most of which is in the Acts, is reliable history.

The truth is, that all of history either rises or falls, on the accuracy of the Book of Truth, because if it is not accurate history, then the techniques used by historians, to determine accurate history, cannot be trusted. If these techniques do not produce similar results, when applied to different historical sources that have similar collaborating evidence, then these techniques are useless, and so are their results.

In other words, the objectivity of those techniques can be established, by whether or not they produce the same results, for the stories with similar collaborating evidence, like the story of Julius Caesar and the story in the Acts.  Objectivity requires, that the techniques produce the same results, when they are applied to the same quality of materials, regardless of the bias, of those using the techniques.  For example, if applying these techniques to the story of Julius Caesar, found in various historical sources, shows that the facts of that story are accurate, then applying those same techniques, to the story in the Acts, would also show that the facts of that story are accurate.

The fact is, that there is more historical evidence of the events, surrounding the death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth, than there is about the life of Julius Caesar.  (There are 10 documents that record the events of the life of Julius Caesar, with the oldest copy being about a thousand years after his death.  There are over 13,000 surviving documents that mention the Resurrection, with the youngest copy being only 300 years after the Resurrection.  The oldest copy is less than five years after the Resurrection.) The only real question is, whether or not you will benefit, from this accurate historical record.  It is not enough to just acknowledge the facts.  You must act on the facts, in order to come into the House of Truth.

You must surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, to come into the House of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth, raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 10:9).  This is not blind faith, but rather believing reliable history, that was recorded by actual eyewitness, in the Renewed Covenant, mostly in the Acts, so you could come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 1:16).

Come into the House of Truth!

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