Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Impossible Land

How did the land of Israel become so fertile after being desolate for more than 1700 years?

It is not humanly possible for a land that has been a waste land, lacking rainfall, as well almost any vegetation or wildlife, for more than 1700 years, to start receiving regular rainfall, regrow its vegetation, and have the wildlife that lived there before just start returning to that land.  Yet this is exactly what the land of Israel did.  That is why I call it the Impossible Land.

The land of Israel was known as a pleasant land in ancient times, and was one of the most fertile places on Earth.  It supported lush forests, large crops, great herds of livestock, and an abundance of wildlife.  The Sea of Galilee supported many fishing villages along its shores.  The Land of Israel was so fertile that it supported two and a half million Jews, one million Samaritans, and about one and a half million foreigners, mostly Greeks and Romans, for a total of about five million people.  This is particularly amazing when you consider that it was not farmed every seventh year, and modern farming techniques had not yet been invented.

This all began to change when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.  The Romans not only destroyed Jerusalem, but also everything that grew within a 10 miles of Jerusalem.  They then mixed salt in the soil all around Jerusalem so that nothing would grow there.  Josephus tells of a man who had came from a far country to see Jerusalem the next year, but could hardly believe that a city had ever been there.

Then the Romans destroyed the Roman providence of Judaea in 135 AD.  They destroyed over fifty walled cities in the land of Israel, and destroyed the land around them in a similar manner to what they had done to the land around Jerusalem previously, but on  a smaller scale.  They also destroyed 965 unwalled villages, and did similar things to the rural areas around them.  Most of the land of Israel became a barren wasteland, with deserts where there had once been fields, and fields where there had once been forests.

The land of Israel became successively more uninhabitable until the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD.  The Byzantine Empire tried to improve the land of Israel, because there was a lucrative business in Holy Land pilgrimages.  The land of Israel also connected their lands in west central Asia to their lands in north Africa.  The Byzantine Empire eventually had as many as 400,000 Jews living in the land of Israel to provide some resistance to invasion by the Sassanid Empire (Persians) to the east.  They also had another 100,000 religious professionals and soldiers needed for the thriving tourism industry of pilgrims coming to Jerusalem to see the Holy sites by 635 AD.  So five hundred years after the Romans destroyed the land of Israel, it was only able to support about 10 percent of the population that it had previously been able to support.

Whatever improvements that were made during the control of the Byzantine Empire, those improvements were soon lost after the Arab Caliphates took control of the land of Israel in 636 AD.  The land of Israel became successively more uninhabitable year after year under their control.  Every city and village along the coast of the Sea of Galilee was abandoned at this time, except for Tiberias, because it no longer produced enough fish for people to make living from its waters.

Then the Crusaders took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD by conducting a scorched earth policy.  After that, the Ayyubid Sultanate filled the land of Israel with destruction, when they invaded in 1187 AD to take control. Next, the Mamluk Sultanate filled the land of Israel with the devastation of war for over thirty years, after they invaded to take control in 1260 AD.  After the Ottoman Empire took control in 1517 AD, their internal tax policies and other practices degraded the land of Israel even further.

Jerusalem was only able to continue to be occupied by various religious groups maintaining their sites, because these religious groups continuously sent in food, and virtually everything else, from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.  The land of Israel became close to being a 99% food importer, with olives and prickly pears being the only food items grown natively.

This was not a short-term issue like the Dust Bowl in the 1930's but a permanent condition that lasted for well over a thousand years.  This only began to change, when Christian Zionist missionaries along the Sea of Galilee and the streams of the Galilee, began efforts at creating self-sustaining farms using irrigation, shortly after their arrival in 1840 AD.  These farms were small, isolated, and dependent upon irrigation, but they were the first real improvement since the Arab Caliphates invaded in 636 AD.

The land was still in this condition when Mark Twain had went from Haifa to Jerusalem in 1867 AD.  He despaired over the condition of the land in between these two cities, commenting that for three or four days that he did not see so much as a goat.  He said that the only things that lived there, in his words, "was the friends of useless soil - cactus and olive trees".   He also commented that in some places the soil was rich enough to grow crops, but it had not gotten enough rain in hundreds of years.

Thanks to the Ottoman Turks, the entire land of modern Israel only had 30,000 trees, less than the farm that I grew up on, when the Ashkenazi Jews began arriving in 1870 AD.  The Ottoman Empire had taxed trees so heavily, without regard to the value of what the tree produced, that people had cut down almost every tree in the land of Israel, except for olive trees, whose olives and oil made them valuable enough to keep.

For that reason, there are still three thousand year old olive trees in Israel today.  Core samples from some of these trees tell the story of the rain.

Most years until 135 AD, Israel got both the early rain that ended at the beginning of the agricultural season in mid March, about a month before the barley harvest, and the latter rain that began at the end of the agricultural season in late October, about a month after the grape harvest.  Without this rain, that lasts all winter, and the dew that lasts all summer, it is virtually impossible to grow crops in Israel without irrigation.  After 135 AD, Israel never got both the early and latter rains until the Ashkenazi Jews began to return in 1870 AD.  Even after the early and latter rains returned, it only rained in the areas where the Jews had made farming settlements.

So when the Ashkenazi Jews began to stream into the land of Israel in 1870 AD, the land was a barren waste land lacking in rainfall, trees, and crops.  They were inspired by the limited success of the Christian Zionist missionaries at self-sustaining farms.  So, Mikveh Israel was established that same year to teach them how to transform desert into farmland.  Hibat Zion groups were formed shortly after that to put what was learned into practice in small farming communities.  These groups then combined to form Hovevei Zion in 1881 AD.  Hovevei Zion then began working to help new immigrants establish farming communities that same year.  After their arrival, the Bilu as they were called, soon began the process of turning the deserts into forests and grasslands, by planting and maintaining trees.

As more and more Ashkenazi Jews poured in from Europe, and even North America, they began creating innovative ways to both raise crops and to reclaim the land, since the land of Israel was now getting the early and latter rain most years.  

Today, Israel is one of only three industrialized nations that are net food exporters. (The US and Canada are the other two.)  This tiny country is the size of New Jersey, and only one fifth of its land is naturally arable.  Yet, it grows 95% of its own food, importing only what it lacks the land to grow in sufficient quantities itself.  In fact, Israel has became so proficient at growing some food sources, that the government of Israel has to restrict farmers on how much they can grow.  Otherwise, the price at the market would become so low that it would force some farmers out of business. 

The food that it exports, primarily fruits, vegetables, and fish, far exceed the meager amounts of sugar, cocoa, coffee, and the like that it imports.  Not only that, in many European countries, half of the fruits and vegetables in the stores are imported from Israel, particularly in the winter.

Every crop raised on Earth is grown in Israel.  The only other country that can do that is the United States, due to the diversity that it gained from Hawaii and its protectorates in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

Tiny Israel has also became a force in the international wine market as well, due to extensive variety and number of grapes that grow in the land of Israel.  Israel is the only land its size where every variety of grapes can be grown.

Israel not only is a food exporter, but also an exporter of flowers, especially roses.  Israel is the one of the top ten exporter of flowers on Earth.  Israel is the greatest exporter of roses on Earth.  The land that was barren is now literally blooming.

Israel also has forests so thick that it has to occasionally fight forest fires, like the massive ones on Mount Carmel in 1989 AD and 2010 AD.

It is not just plant life that has come back in abundance.  The land where Mark Twain did not see so much as a goat as he slowly crossed over, is now full of goats and other livestock.

Not only, that, but many of the wildlife species found in ancient times have returned as well, like wolves.  Israel is the only place where the Negev antelope still lives, being extinct in the surrounding countries.  Israel is the only country in the Middle East to still have a population of wild leopards.  A greater numbers of birds, and a greater variety of bird species, visit the land of Israel over the course of a year, than any other country on Earth.

The Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) is only 8 miles (13 km) at its widest point, 13 miles (21 km) at it longest point, and has a surface area of only 64 square miles (166 square km).  There are many fresh water lakes much larger in many parts of the world, but none of them do what this lake does.  It produces fish so abundantly that people make a living fishing its waters, just like it did when the Romans controlled the land of Israel.

Israel even exports shrimp and crabs that it raises in the desert.  Also crocodiles are raised in the salt marshes that border the southern edge of the Dead Sea.  (I would not call these things food, even though people eat them, because the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) calls them filth.  It is food for thought.)

The impossible has happened.

How could have all of this happened?

This is the work of the Greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth has been causing the rain to begin to return to the land of Israel (1 Kings 8:35-36).  He has been causing the former and latter rain to return to the land of Israel, so it can once again grow crops to feed people and grass to feed animals (Joel 2:21-24).

The Father of Truth has been causing the land of Israel to blossom, so that the fruit grown there can be found in markets all over the Earth (Isaiah 27:6).  He has been turning the land of Israel into a garden from a desert (Isaiah 51:3).  He has been causing the Jews to till the land of Israel, that was still desolate in 1867 AD, to now produce fruits and vegetables like the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 36:34-35).

The Father of Truth has been causing grapes to become common again in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:5).  He has been giving success to the efforts of the Ashkenazi Jews to cover the mountains of Israel with vineyards (Ezekiel 36:8-9).

The Father of Truth has been causing the desert in the land of Israel to bloom as a rose and be full of green pastures, under the care of the returning Ashkenazi Jews (Isaiah 35:1-7).

The Father of Truth has brought back the trees to the land of Israel, so the Jews would understand that He had removed the trees from the land of Israel in judgment (Ezekiel 17:22-24).  He has caused the land of Israel to be a land of thick trees, like it was before the Jews were cast out it (Ezekiel 20:28).  He has brought back forests, so full of trees that they can produce firewood for people to heat their homes (Ezekiel 39:10).

The Father of Truth has been causing the land of Israel to be repopulated with both people and animals after being desolate of both for more than 1700 years (Jeremiah 31:27-28). . He as been returning the livestock to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 33:12-13).  He has been causing the land of Israel to be filled again with farms and animals of every sort (Ezekiel 36:11).

The Father of Truth has been causing the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea along the coast of Israel to be abundant with fish since the Jews have returned to the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 33:18-19).  The Father of Truth had preserved the fish of the Sea of Galilee, the birds, and other wildlife, from going extinct, so the land of Israel could be filled with them again (Nehemiah 9:6).

The Father of Truth does not just want to make the impossible to happen in the land of Israel, but He wants to make it happen in your life.  He wants you to come into the House of Truth where you were meant to live.

Like the land of Israel is being renewed by the returning rain, your spirit will be renewed by the faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (2 Corinthians 4:13-16).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will renew your spirit, when you come into the House of Truth (Titus 3:4-6). .

Like the land of Israel is being renewed by the returning vegetation, your mind will be renewed by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth (Romans 12:1-2).  The teachings of the Man of Truth will renew your mind, when you come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 4:20-24). .

Like the land of Israel is being renewed by returning livestock, you soul will be renewed by believing the Word of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23).  The Word of Truth will renew your soul, when you come into the House of Truth (3 John 1:2-4). .

Like the land of Israel is being renewed by returning wildlife, your body will be renewed by the Spirit of Truth resurrecting it from the dead (Romans 8:9-11).  You have the promise that the Spirit of Truth will renew your body, when you come into the House of Truth (Philippians 3:20-21). .

Your life will begin to be refreshed as soon as you come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:18-19).  The Father of Truth will bring the rain of the Spirit of Truth into your life, when you let the Man of Truth reign in your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  The Father of Truth is waiting you to come into the House of Truth, so He make the impossible happen in your life (2 Peter 3:9). .

Come into the House of Truth!


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Impossible People

How did the Jews return to Israel after being scattered all over the Earth for more than 1700 years?

It is not humanly possible for a people group to be almost destroyed off the face of the Earth, the survivors of the genocide to be broken into small groups of individuals, those small groups to be removed from their homeland, then scattered across every country on Earth, remain separated from each other for more than 1700 years, and then regather back in their ancient homeland to reunited as the original people group again.  Yet this is exactly what the people of Israel did.  That is why I call them the Impossible People.

The land of Israel is the only land in history that was vacated of its ancient people, and then repopulated with their descendants.  This did not begin a generation or two later, but after more than 1700 years of almost complete vacancy.  Every other people group who has been removed from their ancient homeland has either disappeared from history, or lost their identity by being completely assimilated into the countries that they were scattered to, within five generations.

After the Romans scattered the Jews of Jerusalem throughout the Roman Empire in 70 AD, and then scattered the Jews of Judaea throughout the Roman Empire in 135 AD, there were practically no Jews left in the land of Israel.  Where there had been over two and a half million Jews living in the land of Israel, there were less than two thousand left, and possibly as few as two hundred.  However, more than 100,000 Jews were enslaved, removed from the land of Israel, and scattered throughout the Roman Empire.  From there, they were further scattered over the centuries, until there was not a country on Earth that did not have some Jews living in it.  

(The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has always left a few Jews in the Promised Land as a witness that He had not forgotten his promise to Abraham (Abram), Yitzakh (Isaac) and Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel).  There are the ruins of synagogues in Israel today from various time periods showing a continuous presence of some Jews in the land of Israel from the time of the Romans until the time of British).

Disasters happened frequently over the centuries in the land of Israel, like great plagues, or war brought on by new empires taking control of the land of Israel, that would either force more Jews out of the land of Israel, or kill off more Jews in the land of Israel.  Some Jews were also usually hauled off as slaves whenever a new empire took control of the land of Israel.

The Byzantine Empire took control of the land of Israel after the Roman Empire split in two empires in 390 AD. The land of Israel was a weak spot in the Byzantine Empire and someone needed to occupy it to act as a buffer against the advances of the Sassanid Empire (Persian).  Since it was hard to find anyone who was willing to live there, other than religious professionals to maintain religious sites, the Byzantine Empire allowed Jews to move back into the former area of Judaea, except for Jerusalem. 

So even though there may have been as many as 400,000 Jews living in the land of Israel, before the Arab Caliphates took control of the land of Israel from the Byzantine Empire in 636 AD, their numbers soon began to diminish rapidly.

Most of the Jews who left the land of Israel went into nearby countries not controlled by the latest conquer of Israel, that offered them a better life.  Many Jews moved to Khazaria when it formed in 650 AD from the land of Israel after the Arab Caliphates took control of the land of Israel, because they had freedom of religion there.  Other Jews made similar immigrations when subsequent empires took control of the land of Israel until the time of the Ottoman Empire.

Then the Crusaders came in 1099 AD, killing every Jew and Muslim that they could find in the land of Israel.  They even killed local Christians in many cases. Their policy was, "Kill them all, and let God sort them out".  Even so, a few Jews manage to escape death, and remain in the land of Israel.

In 1187 AD, the Crusaders lost most of the land of Israel to the Ayyubid Sultanate, and the few Jews remaining in the land of Israel enjoyed a generation of relative peace, where plagues were the main source of mass destruction.

So there were less than two thousand Jews, most of them Mizrahi Jews, in the land of Israel in 1250 AD, more than 1100 years after the Romans had scattered the Jews in 135 AD.

Then the Mamluk Sultanate invaded the land of Israel in 1260 AD and fought a 31 year war to gain control of the land of Israel, during which time the land of Israel suffered great destruction and most of the population died, including most of the Jews.

So when Rambam, a Sephardic Rabbi, made aliyah to Jerusalem in 1267 AD, all alone, he could not find a synagogue there.  He wrote a letter to his oldest son explaining how desolate the city of Jerusalem was, and that there were only two other Jewish men living there, a pair of brothers engaged in the dye trade.  So he went to Jews in various places in the land of Israel, and helped them establish synagogues.  He finally established the first synagogue in Jerusalem in hundreds of years, once he found seven more Jewish men who were within a Sabbath days walk (about a mile), so they could form a minyan that is needed to establish a synagogue, which requires ten men at a minimum.  (Some of them appear to have had to move to new homes to be close enough, since Rambam was not able to locate them to form a synagogue when he first arrived.)

The earliest record of Ashkenazi Jews returning to the land of Israel is 1290 AD, just one year before the Mamluk Sultanate drove the Crusaders completely out of the land of Israel.  After this, a few Ashkenazi Jews continued to trickle into the land of Israel at a time.

Some Sephardic Jews also began trickling into the land of Israel after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 AD.  After this, a few Sephardic Jews continued to trickle into the land of Israel at a time.

The the Ottoman Empire then took control of the land of Israel in 1517 AD.  The Ottoman Turks were more open to letting Jews return to the land of Israel than their predecessors, since they could not find hardly anyone else who was willing to live there.  The Jews who immigrated into the land of Israel had to be supported by Jews living outside of Israel continuously, and the Ottoman Turks found interesting ways to tax the Jews in the land of Israel to bring some of that aid into their coffers.  So the Ottoman Turks allowed limited Jewish immigration into the land of Israel, so they would have some means to profit from the land of Israel.

The Ashkenazi Jews were eventually helped by Christian Zionists shortly after 1600 AD.  Christian Zionists, like Sir Isaac Newton and the Pilgrims, started working to bring about the return of the Jews to the land of Israel, because they believed that their salvation was tied to that of the Jewish people, by the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham.

However, enough Ashkenazi Jews finally trickled into Jerusalem, that by 1860 AD the walls of the Old City could no longer contain them.  So in 1860 AD construction of the first neighborhood outside of the Old City, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, began.  In 1865 AD, the first new Jewish community outside of Jerusalem was built since 70 AD, and then occupied by these Ashkenazi Jews.

When Mark Twain went from Haifa to Jerusalem in 1867 AD, he reported not seeing so much as a goat on his journey.  There were only about 12,000 Jews in the land of Israel, and no one, Jew, Arab, or otherwise, lived within sight of the long stretch of road between the two cities.  He also reported that almost no one lived in Jerusalem except for Jews, and religious professionals of various religions, who maintained the many religious sites there.

The trickling of Sephardic Jews into the land of Israel had also continued throughout the Old Yishuv period, that ended around 1870 AD.  During this entire time, they remained in just four cities: Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed.

By 1870 AD, there were still only 25,000 Jews in total living in the land of Israel.  Almost all of them lived in just 10 cities:  Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, Safed, Jaffa, Haifa, Peki'in, Acre (Akko), Nablus, and Shfaram.  This is counting the Ashkenazi Jews that trickled in from northern Europe and North America, the Sephardic Jews that trickled in from southern Europe, modern Turkey, northern Africa, the rest of the Americas, and the Mizrahi Jews that either trickled in from the Middle East, or who were descendants of those few Jews left in the land of Israel, after the war that the Mamluk Empire had waged to take control of the land of Israel.

Then starting in 1870 AD, this trickle of Ashkenazi Jews began to become a steady stream of Ashkenazi Jews, from not just Germany and France, but also from Russia, and the countries between Germany and Russia, where Ashkenazi Jews had been scattered due to various persecutions since the founding of the Holy Roman Empire in 962 AD.  These Ashkenazi Jews were met in Haifa by Mizrahi Jews from Yemen, who had reported that they had felt compelled to leave Yemen, even though they were not being persecuted there, and to come to Haifa.

These Mizrahi Jews were vital to the success that the Ashkenazi Jews, who were totally unfamiliar with living in the wasteland conditions that existed in the land of Israel at that time.  These Mizrahi Jews taught the Ashkenazi Jews how adjust to their new home.

This steady stream of Ashkenazi Jews continued to increased due to the efforts of another Ashkenazi Jew named Theodor Herzl.  The book he wrote in 1896 AD, "The Jewish State", that convinced hundreds of thousands of Ashkenazi Jews that they had to move from Europe to the Promised Land.

So as more and more Ashkenazi Jews immigrated into the Promised Land, they began to rebuild the ancient cities, that had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and 135 AD. They built a modern European style city on an empty expanse of sand next to the Mediterranean Sea, that is called Tel Aviv.  It was these Ashkenazi Jews who founded the first hospital and university in Israel as well.

All of these improvements caused other Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East, who were being expelled from the Muslim lands around the land of Israel, to move there as well.  However, the Ottoman Empire still controlled the land of Israel.

Then through the efforts of Ashkenazi Jews like Chaim Weizmann, and Christian Zionists, like his friend Arthur Balfour, the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917 AD that gave the land that Britain would win in World War I from the Ottoman Turks to the Jewish people.

After Britain took control of the land of Israel in 1918 AD, Weizmann then founded the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  He also helped to establish The Technion - The Israel Institute of Technology - along with other Ashkenazi Jews like Albert Einstein.  Lastly, he was responsible for founding the Weizmann Institute of Science with the help of other Ashkenazi Jews.

So with  these improvements, the small steady stream of Ashkenazi Jews immigrating to Israel grew into a bubbling brook.

Then came the Nazis and World War II.  Millions of Ashkenazi Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but millions also survived.  Most of those who survived, literally had no home to return to.  First, the Nazis had confiscated their homes and move other people into them.  Then the Allies turned the cities of the Germans into powder with carpet bombing.   The buildings that housed the apartments, which the mostly urbanized Ashkenazi Jews had lived in, simply were destroyed off the face of the Earth.

So finding themselves homeless, and wanting to get far away from the horror that they had survived, multitudes of Ashkenazi Jews moved into the Promised Land, after the war was over in 1945 AD.

In 1948 AD, the Jews finally created the country of Israel, when it was apparent that the British were going to leave, and the Jews would have to defend themselves from the same Muslims nations that had forced so many Mizrahi Jews to move into the land of Israel over the years.

So after the Ashkenazi Jews created the country of Israel, with very little help from the other Jews, the number of Jews in Israel tripled.  About half of the new wave of immigrants were Ashkenazi Jews, and half of them were Mizrahi Jews from Muslim countries.  The bubbling brook of immigrating Ashkenazi Jews had grown into a river.

Then the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 AD, which signaled the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Over the next 15 years, about 1.75 million Ashkenazi Jews immigrated from Russia to Israel.  The river of immigrating Ashkenazi Jews had became a flood.

The Ashkenazi Jews in Israel have continued to bring Jews back to Israel from every country that they have been scattered to since 135 AD.  There are Jews living in Israel today from every country on Earth, and these new streams of Jews returning to the land of Israel, have not been stemmed by the efforts of the Arabs or the United Nations.  In fact, the Ashkenazi Jews have brought back so many Jews from places like Ethiopia, that the Ashkenazi Jews only make up about 47% of the Jews in the land of Israel today.

So many Jews keep moving back to Israel that they have to continuously to rebuild the ancient cities as new settlements to absorb them.  There are now more than twice as many Jews in the land of Israel as there was in 70 AD.

The Jews have been brought back to the land of Israel in another important way, beyond just the great number of descendants of those dispersed among the nations who have returned.

The descendants of the Jews who were dispersed from the land of Israel in 70 AD and 135 AD, were involved in inter-racial marriage over the centuries.  As a result, they ended up with physical characteristics that were almost never seen among Jews in the land of Israel before the Roman Diaspora.  For example, the Jews in the land of Israel at that time did not have white skin, blond hair, or blue eyes, like many Ashkenazi Jews who moved back to the land of Israel after World War II.  The Jews had their original image changed to more like that of the nations that they lived among for many generations. 

Now, a whole new breed of Jew has emerged in the land of Israel since Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews, Mizrahi Jews, and other Jews from other places like China, have returned to the land of Israel.

This new breed of Jew is called a Sabra. (Sabra literally means "the fruit of a prickly pear cactus", - tough on the outside, but sweet on the inside.)  While any Jew born in the land of Israel is called a Sabra, many multi-generational Sabras have developed characteristics that are different from Jews born outside of the land of Israel, but common with each other.  This has been the result intermarriage between the various other types of Jews after they make aliyah to the land of Israel.

Some Sabras now look just like the Jews who lived in Judaea before the Romans scattered the Jews in 70 AD and 135 AD.  The descendants of those Jews have not just come back to the land of Israel, but the people of Israel are being reformed into their original image in the land of Israel.

The impossible has happened.

How could have all of this happened?

This is the work of the Greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth has been bringing the Jews back to the Land of Israel, and making their population greater than it was before 70 AD (Deuteronomy 30:4-5).  The Father of Truth has been bringing back the Jewish people from all directions to the land of Israel ( Isaiah 43:5-6).  He has been bringing them back to the Land of Israel, when they were weeping from their troubles in other lands (Jeremiah 31:8-9).  He has been delivering them from those who were too strong for them, like the Nazis, so they would return to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:10-11).

The Father of Truth has been causing the Jews to rebuild the ancient places that were wasted (Isaiah 58:12).  He has been giving the Jews success in their efforts to rebuild cities that were destroyed more than 1700 years ago (Isaiah 61:4).  He has been filling the ancient cities that the Jews have rebuilt with large populations (Jeremiah 30:18-19).  He has been gathering the Jewish people back to the land of Israel to rebuild the ancient cities (Amos 9:14).

The Father of Truth has been filling the land of Israel again with sound of Jewish music and dancing (Jeremiah 31:4).  He has been filling the ancient cities of Israel with the sound of gladness again (Jeremiah 33:10-11).

He has been filling the streets of Jerusalem once again with singing and dancing (Jeremiah 31:12-13).  He has been filling the streets of Jerusalem with Jews, both old and young (Zechariah 8:4-5).

The Father of Truth does not just want to make the impossible to happen with the Jewish people, but He wants to make it happen with your life.  He wants you to come into the House of Truth and become the person that you were meant to be.

Like the Jews, you have been separated from the place that you were meant to live, in His presence, because of your sin (Isaiah 59:2).  You have have not been experiencing every good thing that He wants to give you, because of your sin (Jeremiah 5:25).

Like the Jews, you have rebelled against Him with your sin (Romans 3:23).  Your obedience to sin has made you to be carried off as a slave from where you were meant to live (Romans 6:16).

Like the Jews, you have been been suffering for your rebellion (Proverbs 13:15).  Your sin has made you as good as dead to the Father of Truth (Romans 7:5).

Like the Jews, you were originally meant to have a different image (Romans 8:29 ).  You have had that original image changed to be more like that of the world by living among the world for so many years (Ephesians 2:2-3).

Like the Jews, the Father of Truth has done what is impossible for you to do for yourself, and made a way for you to come back from the dead like His Son (Colossians 2:12-14).  The blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has made it possible for you to return to the place where you were meant to live (Revelation 1:5-6).

Like the Jews, you can come back to where you were meant to live, by making the Man of Truth your king because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  You can come into the House of Truth to be reformed into the original image that you were intended to have (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

To The Ends Of The Earth And Back Again

Why did the Jews leave Israel, and then come back to Israel, more than 1,700 years later?

I once knew a Jewish man from Rapa Iti, who lived in a house situated on the southwest corner of the island.  His house was literally the furthest inhabited place on Earth from Jerusalem.  Jews live throughout Polynesia, the islands that are furthest lands on Earth from Jerusalem.  Jews also live in New Zealand, the second furthest inhabited lands on Earth from Jerusalem.  Jews in like manner live in Chile, the third furthest inhabited land on Earth from Jerusalem.

So, Jews have been literally scattered to the ends of the Earth from Jerusalem and their ancient homeland of Judea.  There is not a nation on Earth where Jews do not live.  They have lived in some of these places for more than 1500 years.  Yet, they started coming back to their ancient homeland, after more than 1700 years of being gone.  Why did the Jews even leave Israel in the first place?

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that the Jews in Judaea would be scattered among all ethnic groups (nations) as slaves when the Romans destroyed first Jerusalem, and then the providence of Judaea (Luke 21:20-24).  The Romans first enslaved and scattered the Jews, who survived their siege of Jerusalem, among every ethnic group that lived inside the Roman Empire in 70 AD.  They did the same thing with the Jews, who survived the destruction of Judaea in 135 AD.

The Man of Truth knew this from what was written in the Torah and the Prophets.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had told the Jews that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses (Moishe), who they must obey or face His judgement (Deuteronomy 18:14-19).  The Man of Truth is that Prophet, who suffered as foretold by the Prophets of Truth, and the Father of Truth set in motion His judgment against every Jew in Judaea who would not obey him (Acts 3:18-23).

So it came to pass as the Father of Truth had warned the Jews, that He would cast the Jews into other lands, if they worshiped anything other than Him (Deuteronomy 29:26-28).  He had said if the Jews despised His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would send a powerful nation to destroy their cities and land, the Jews would die in great numbers with famine and disease when they were sieged by this power nation, and finally would be scattered by that power nation (Leviticus 26:14-33).  He had said, that He would scattered them among all ethnic groups for not obeying the Law of Truth, including what it said about that Prophet like unto Moses (Zechariah 7:11-14).

The Father of Truth had said, that the would live in fear and misery among other nations, and even die in great numbers among those nations, for refusing to keep His commandments, including those concerning that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:36-38).  He had said, that if they did not keep His covenant, that included obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then they would become a small minority in other nations, where they would be forced to worship idols, like those of the False Church of Rome (Deuteronomy 4:23-28).  He had said that if they did not obey His voice, including what He said about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would greatly reduce their numbers, scatter them among every ethnic group across the entire Earth, and they would live in constant fear and trouble (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).

The Father of Truth had done this twice before he used the Romans to scatter the providence of Judaea.  He did this when he used the Assyrians to scattered the northern kingdom of Israel, and then used the Babylonians to scatter the southern kingdom of Judah (Nehemiah 1:6-8).  These first two scatterings were only among the ethnic groups who lived in the Middle East, and the regions around it (Ezekiel 12:10-15).  These first two diasporas only went to the regions around the Middle East, but the Roman diaspora has sent them to live among every ethnic group on Earth, as the Father of Truth had spoken through Moses.  The first two scatterings for going into idolatry were, but mere shadows of the scattering for rejecting the Man of Truth.

However, the story did not end there for the first two diasporas, and it does not end there for the Roman diaspora.  Why not?  Why did Jews start coming back to their ancestral homeland?

The Father of Truth said that He would not destroy the Jews completely, but leave some alive in every nation where they were scattered for generation after generation.  He promised that some Jews would always survive in the nations where they were scattered, even if they lived in misery for their disobedience (Leviticus 26:39).  He promised that the Jewish people not be cast away, nor destroyed completely in the lands of their enemies, because of the covenant that He made with their ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt (Leviticus 26:44-45).  He promised that He would not destroy the Jewish people nor forget them when they were scattered, because of the covenants that He had made with Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) (Deuteronomy 4:31).  He would preserve some of them among the nations, so they could remember what He had warned them about (Deuteronomy 30:1).  He could no more forget and forsake the Jewish people, who He gave Jerusalem to, than a mother could forget and forsake her own children (Isaiah 49:14-16).  He promised to not let all of the Jewish people be completely destroyed by the ethnic groups that they were scattered among, but to only use these ethnic groups to punish the Jewish people in part (Jeremiah 30:11).  He promised that He would destroy the universe, if he forgot about the Jewish people and let them cease to exist (Jeremiah 31:35-37).  He promised to leave a remnant of Jews in every place that they were scattered to (Ezekiel 6:8).  He promised to leave some of the Jews alive in every nation, so they could serve as a warning to those nations against doing what the Father of Truth finds abominable (Ezekiel 12:16).

The Father of Truth instead said that He would not forget His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the Promised Land to their descendants, even though they would be removed from the Land of Israel for many years (Leviticus 26:42-43).  He promised to gather them back to the Promised Land, and make them more numerous there than their ancestors, as it is with Jews in Israel today (Deuteronomy 30:3-5).  He has been gathering the Jewish people from all nations (Jeremiah 23:3).  He said, that he would gather them back from all of the nations that they had been scattered to (Jeremiah 31:9-11).  He is the One, who has given the land of Israel back to the Jews (Ezekiel 11:16-17).  He is the One, who has caused Jews to come back from all nations, and dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 28:25).

The Father of Truth has caused the Jews to both inhabit Jerusalem, and rebuild the ruined cities of Israel (Isaiah 44:26).  He has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to build Jerusalem back up, to bring back the sound of joy in the land, and to fill the land of Israel with a great number of people (Jeremiah 30:17-19).  He has caused the daughters of the Jews to dance in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:4).  He has caused Jews from all over Israel to sing and shout for joy, when they are assembled in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:6-7).  He has caused young and old alike among the Jews to dance with joy in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:12-13).  He has caused the Jews to return to their ancient cities and rebuild the places that were wasted by the Romans (Ezekiel 36:10-12).  He has caused so many Jews to rebuild the ancient places in the land of Israel, that they are constantly being forced to rebuild more of them in new settlements (Ezekiel 36:35-38). He has caused the streets of Jerusalem to be filled with old Jews watching Jewish children playing in the streets of Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:4-5).

So the Father of Truth has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to form the nation of Israel, after more than 1700 years.  It was never a matter of The Greatest Zionist keeping the Jews from returning to the land of Israel.  He has patiently been waiting on them to return.  The better question to ask is: Why did the Jews wait so long to start coming back to the land of Israel?

The Father of Truth also said, that He would bring them back to the land of Israel to fulfill His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, after they admitted that they had walked contrary to Him by rejecting His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:40-42).  He said that He would show Himself strong on behalf of the Jewish people, when they started turning their hearts back to Him in their dispersion (Deuteronomy 4:29-30).  He said, that things would begin to change, when they returned to obeying Him in those foreign lands (Deuteronomy 30:1-2).  He said, that this change would come, when they began to loathe themselves in these foreign lands, for what they had done to Him through their disobedience, before they were scattered among the nations (Ezekiel 6:9-10).

The Father of Truth said, that when they did this, then He would circumcise their hearts, so they could love Him with all of their heart (Deuteronomy 30:5).  He said, that He would do this through a Renewed Covenant that He would make with the Jews, which would cause them to be able to obey Him from their heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34).  He said, that the Jews would be given but one way to be gain a heart that feared to depart from Him in disobedience, so he could regather them from all nations (Jeremiah 32:37-42).  He said, that He would put the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in them, so they could obey Him from the heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  He said, that He would replace their hearts of stone, with hearts of flesh, that could respond to His commandments, so the people of Israel could dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 36:26-28).

The Father of Truth gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land from the Babylonian diaspora, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, while they were still scattered throughout the lands of the Middle East and those nearby (Nehemiah 1:9-10).  He gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after only seventy years in exile to Babylon, because they returned to obeying Him in their exile (Jeremiah 29:10-14).

This gathering was a mere shadow of how the gathering the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, by committing to obey that Prophet like unto Moses, while they were still scattered throughout the entire Earth (Isaiah 11:10-12).

So the Jews began to come back into the Promised Land, after they began to return to the Father of Truth, by obeying the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, written about in the Law of Truth.

This gathering from the Roman diaspora was not after 70 years in exile, like the Babylonian diaspora, but after more than 1700 years in exile.  It took so long to begin, because the Jews took so long to begin returning to the Father of Truth, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, the Man of Truth, whom they were told that they must obey in the Law of Truth.

The Jews have come back to Israel in proportion to how they have come into the House of Truth.  This history of disobedience, and then finally the beginning to come to repentance after 1700 years, has caused the Jews to go to the ends of the Earth and back again.

Today, there are more Jews who follow the Man of Truth in Israel than anytime since 70 AD.  There are far more Jews who have came into the House of Truth, outside of Israel than in Israel.  As more and more Jews have realized that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, more and more Jews have returned to the land of Israel.  As more and more Jews have come to realize that that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, more and more of Jews have come into the House of Truth.

The Man of Truth is that one way to come into the House of Truth, that the Prophets of Truth spoke about (John 14:6-7).  The Father of Truth has circumcised the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:28-29).  The Spirit of Truth now lives in the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9-11).  The Spirit of Truth has turned the heart of stone in every Jew, who has come into the House of Truth, into hearts of flesh that the commandments of the Father of Truth can be written upon (2 Corinthians 3:3).  The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) is the means to come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-12).

Every Jew who decides to obey the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  Everyone, Jew or Gentile, can come into the House of Truth by the same means (Romans 10:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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