Friday, January 31, 2025

Liberation Day

When will we finally be liberated?

This year Inauguration Day fell on Martin Luther King Day.  This created some confusion since many people were calling the day “Liberation Day”.

Some people called it this because America was being liberated from an illegal occupant of the White House and from many people in Congress that suspiciously won in states that had no real controls to prevent election fraud.  They had created civil unrest when they tried to force all Americans to call things righteous that most found to be wicked and had created policies that did nothing but cause America trouble.

Other people took this to mean the liberation from racial injustice that MLK sought to bring about through civil rights legislation.  This had also been a time of civil unrest when those in Congress and the White House had tried to perpetuate a system as righteous that most Americans thought was wicked.

To make things even more complicated, America was mourning after the death of former President Jimmy Carter – which is done by having flags at half-mast for thirty days.  Some states were leaving the flags at half-mast because the traditional mourning period was not over, but others raised them to full mast because that was the tradition on Inauguration Day.

So, many thought that the flags were at half-mast in  states which were in mourning that the occupant and his party had been soundly defeated in the election.  They thought that that flags were raised to full-mast in states which were celebrating Liberation Day.

Of course, this was not the case as plainly shown by looking at which states kept them at half-mast, and which raised them to half-mast.  California been one of the strongest proponents of the occupant but raised their flags to full mast while Kansas had been a strong proponent of President Trump but left their flags at half-mast.

One thing is certain, many of the people of America - the land of Liberty- still yearn to be liberated.  They long to see Liberation Day.

In the history of America, there have always been two opposing forces at work like Pilgrims and Strangers in Plymouth Colony.  One has sought to live in the legacy of the Pilgrims and the other has sought to destroy that legacy through a subtle influence.

One side has sought to live in peace and justice like Wampanoags and Pilgrims had lived.  This side recognizes that we all really have skin color that is one of six shades of brown and have sought to bring social justice to everyone.

The other side has caused America to become a nation of fools.  Every time they are running America, it experiences internal strife and a loss of power.

So, there has been a constant struggle to liberate the oppressed from their oppressors in America.  Sometimes it was obvious like the struggle to liberate enslaved African Americans from their slavery, but sometimes it is less obvious.

One reason is that the oppressors will start trying to redefine oppression as anything that stands in the way of their oppression.  Their strategy is to distract everyone else from their oppression so it can continue unopposed.

This strategy has worked to various degrees throughout American history.  For example, slave states claimed that the federal government would be oppressing them by making them end the oppression of slavery in their states.

Eventually, this strategy always fails because the problems caused by genuine oppression will always eventually force action to end the oppression.  So, the question is not really will the oppression end, but when will it end and at what cost.

The sooner it ends, the less it costs to end it.  It is not the oppressors who determine this, but rather those who oppose the oppression.

When they are unwilling to compromise on ending the oppression and take decisive action quickly to end it completely, then the oppression ends while it is smaller, and the cost of ending it is lower.  However, when they are willing to compromise and do not take decisive action to end it completely, the oppression continues to grow larger, and the cost of ending it is higher.

For example, most of Europe ended African slavery long before America did while relatively few people were involved in this oppression, so it ended with little bloodshed and a relatively small economic cost.  However, in America those opposed to slavery made compromise after compromise until a war that killed more Americans that all other American wars combined ended it but crippled the American economy for more than fifty years.

In America today, there is an oppression worse than slavery.  Those who opposed it have been compromising with serial killers and have been unwilling to take decisive action to end it.

In a physical sense, the moment a zygote was formed during conception was the moment I became alive.  However, sick and twisted people are murdering people in the womb.

These oppressors use the same arguments that the slavers used – that the oppressed are not really people and they have right to do whatever they want with their property.  However, no one ever has the right to kill another person just because the other person is dependent upon them and subject to their authority.

Like then, very few in America today who oppose this oppression are willing to do what the Founding Fathers did in the face of British oppression.  The Founding Fathers understood when the time for civil disobedience had arrived, because civil obedience to wicked laws is rebellion against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

Compromise about this modern oppression has only led to greater and greater rebellion against Him in America.  Unless this oppression is ended quickly and decisively, then the death of America is certain.

So, people who want to make America great again are yearning for liberation from the oppression going on in this country.  They hope that President Trump can end the oppression, so they called this Inauguration Day, “Liberation Day”.

However, they have ignored the call of 9-11 to take decisive action.  They have forgotten the meaning of liberty and where it comes from.

American law was based on the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) at the founding of America.  This modern oppression did not exist when the trust of America was in the Father of Truth.

However, today the American Spirit is no longer the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has been replaced in most American churches with American Jesus.

So, most Americans who call themselves followers of the Man of Truth are no longer producing the evidence of faith.  They have a dead faith that will not let them act decisively on what they believe (James 2:19-20).

They have no boldness to confront this oppression when they are also living in rebellion against commandments against the Law of Truth.  They have fallen for the great deception of teachers of lies – that they can continue to be rebellious against the Father of Truth and still have a place in His kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

They do not know that they must obey the Man of Truth if they love him (John 14:21).  They do not believe what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says - that the Spirit of Truth can give them the ability to keep the Law of Truth (Romans 8:4-10).

They do not believe that the Man of Truth meant what he said about divorce and remarriage (Mark 10:11-12).  They have no boldness to put an end to people living like they were married in Sodom when they themselves are married in adultery.

They are more interested in a concubine than a wife.  They do not know what it means to leave and cleave.

They have no intention of keeping a marriage contract like one written on a ketubah.  They do not believe that the Father of Truth will punish them severely for breaking their covenant (Romans 1:31-32).

They do not form a love triangle with their spouse and the Man of Truth.  So, they use the nuclear option all too casually.

They have no fear of breaking the oath that they made to the Father of Truth at their wedding (Numbers 30:2).  So, they commit treason against the wives of their youth and their own children (Malachi 2:14-15).

Their wives also commit treason against their families by leaving their husbands (Jeremiah 3:20).  In like manner, they reject the role of women in the church that is given in the Book of Truth.

Some even speak against interracial marriage – as if it were possible to marry outside of the human race!  They do not consider what the Father of Truth did to Miriam when she criticized Moses (Moishe) for marry a woman from a race with much darker skin than his own (Numbers 12:1-12).

Instead, they think that that being liberated means being able to once again to pursue obtaining bigger, better, newer things.  They do not consider that people must go through the refining fire before they can be liberated.

So, they call the day that President Trump returned to office “Liberation Day”.  They do not consider that President Trump can only bring temporary liberation at best.

President Trump will only be in office for four years.  Since he recruited members of the US House of Representatives to be part of his cabinet, his party barely has control of that house – which will be lost in the next election in two years if the usual pattern of American history is followed.

Even if President Trump gets everything passed that he wants, another president and another congress will come along that will make things worse than before he returned to office.  Even if he became Emperor Trump, he would still die eventually, and this would still happen.

Even if President Trump managed to bring peace inside this nation, he cannot force peace with other nations.  Another nation could attack America like in WWII and force America into war.

So, an absolute dictator is needed that will rule the entire Earth with absolute justice.  This absolute dictator would have to be immortal to ensure that liberty from injustice would never cease.

The resurrection of the Man of Truth is proof that he will be that absolute dictator (Acts 17:31).  The absolute justice that he will rule the Earth by is spelled out in the Law of Truth (Romans 7:12).

The Man of Truth will return to this Earth (Acts 1:11).  Then he will take the office of absolute global dictator (Revelation 19:11-16).

That will be the real Liberation Day!

Moreover, no president can deal with the root of the problem because it is not a political problem. The problem is with the human heart is exceedingly wicked and deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9).

The good news is that you do not have to wait to be liberated, for the Man of Truth is able to liberate you from the enslavement of sin today (John 8:34-36).  The Spirit of Truth given by him can set you free from the death sentence that sin brings (Romans 8:1-2)!

Your wicked heart that cannot keep the Law of Truth can be replaced with one that can (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  You can become a new person and your days of enslavement will be over (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

If you will obey the Man of Truth in everything then you will be liberated from all deception (John 8:31-32).  You will be free from the ignorance that enslaves most people so that you can do the will of the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:15-16).

Today can be your Liberation Day!

So, you will not come to ruin if you will obey the Man of Truth in everything (Luke 6:46-49).  You can commit to do this if you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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