Why is Neo-Paganism rising?
Neo-Paganism is a rising movement among people all over the world. In fact, in Europe, United States, Canada, and Australia, Neo-Paganism has been the fastest growing religion for the more than a decade. While adherents are still relatively small compared to those who call themselves Christians, Rabbinical Jews, and Muslims, it has still been growing at a rate of about sixty percent per year over the last decade in these countries.
This movement is strongest among those of Northern and Western European descent, although it is also growing among people who belong to other ethnic groups. In some countries they are a significant part of the population. For example, Estonia now has twenty percent of its population, who identify themselves as belonging to the neo-pagan religion of Maausk.
The first step to understanding why Neo-Paganism is rising, is understanding what Neo-Paganism is. Neo-Paganism is a movement by members of an ethnic group to return to the ancestral religion of that ethnic group, before that ethnic group began to identify itself as being Christian. It is not a single religion, but a movement to reconstruct and return to various ancestral religions. These religions basically adhere to one of three different, but related, models.
The first model is polytheism. This is classic idol worship. The idols may be Norse, German, Roman, Greek, or other ethnic idols, but the story is the same. These idols represent "gods" that control different aspects of nature and life. The belief is that people must worship these "gods" in the right way, lest these "gods" become angry and send disaster upon them. People are returning to worshiping the same idols as their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
The second model is animism. This similar to idol worship, but without the idols. Everything has a spirit, including, but not limited to, rocks, trees, animals, the Earth, stars, moon, sun, and even abstract things like words. The belief is that all of these spirits have to be worshiped in the right way to keep everything in balance, since they control different aspects of nature and life. People are returning to worshiping rocks and trees like their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
The third model is pantheism. This is similar to animism, except there is only one universal spirit. Everything is a different facet of that one universal spirit. This spirit does not have any personality like the "gods" represented by idols, or even like the spirits of rocks and trees. This one universal spirit is literally everything, and literally everything is this one universal spirit. The belief is that people must worship, and cooperate with, this one universal spirit of everything to keep balance, since this one universal spirit is every aspect of nature and life. People are returning to worship the same universal spirit of everything that their ancestors worshiped, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
Of course, some of these ancestral religions combined, or have at least been reconstructed to combine, various elements of more than one of these basic models, although one of the basic models is usually dominant. For example, some of these ancestral religions follow the polytheism model, but they have some elements of the other two models, like all of the "gods" being various manifestations of "The God", and all "goddesses" in like manner being various manifestations of "The Goddess", with these "gods" and "goddesses" interacting with the spirits of trees and rocks.
This desire to return to ancestral religions seems strange, whenever anyone compares how these ethnic groups fared under their ancestral religions to how they fared under Christianity. For example, consider those who either worshiped idols, like the Vikings, or worshiped rocks and trees, like the Celts, did before these ethnic groups became Christian to various extents.
Everything we know about them, before they were introduced to Christianity, comes from the writings of other ethnic groups, like Greeks and Romans, because they were completely illiterate. From these external sources we learn, that their average life span was about thirty-five years of age. One of the reasons for this is, that they were constantly at war with each other - not to mention everyone else that they encountered. Their total lack of sanitation and frequent human sacrifices could not have helped either. It seems that the only thing they ever invented, were better, or more bizarre, ways of killing people. This is why the Romans and Greeks referred to them as barbarians.
In short, before they were introduced to Christianity, they lived no different than the Native Americans north of Mexico lived, before the day when worlds collided.
It did not take long after the majority in these ethnic groups began to call themselves Christians, that everything changed. They stopped being illiterate, and began producing great works of literature. They stopped dying nearly as young, and started living longer to the point, that elder meant someone who was sixty years or older. They stopped fighting with each other, and everyone else, all the time. They improved their sanitation, and the human sacrifices came to an end. They began to invent things that had peaceful uses like the printing press.
In fact, virtually everything that you can touch in the modern world was invented by their descendants, after they turned away from the pagan religion of their ancestors. The further they got away from the pagan religion of their ancestors, the more enlightened they became.
These improvements came in proportion, and with the same speed, as their adoption of the religion taught in the Book of Truth (The Bible). That is to say, the more their effective religion lined up with the Book of Truth, the more their societies improved, and the quicker their effective religion made this transition, the quicker these improvements to their societies came.
Their effective religion was what they actually put into practice. The more people did things like wish each other "Happy First Fruits!" to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, and the less that they celebrated things like Ash Wednesday, then the more their effective religion was like the religion taught in the Book of Truth. So things like Celtic Christianity, in its original form, was very similar to the religion taught in the Book of Truth. This is evident in the actual teachings of Saint Patrick, which were far different in reality than what most people have been told.
So why would anyone want to go back to worshiping idols, rocks and trees, or some mysterious, unknowable, universal spirit of everything?
They want to turn away from worshiping the Father of Truth for the exact same reasons as their ancestors.
Their ancestors originally worshiped the Father of Truth, but did not want to live by His righteous commandments (Romans 1:18-20). So they turned away from Him to worship idols - with or without the actual idols (Romans 1:21-23). They created a religion where they worshiped the creation, instead of the Creator, so they could engage in every kind of sexual activity (Romans 1:24-27). They did not want to remember the commandments of the Father of Truth, so they could do every evil thing that came to their minds, while pretending that they would not be judged by Him for doing these things (Romans 1:28-32).
So their ancestors began to make images of people, and animals, to worship them instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:16-18). Their ancestors even worshiped things like the Sun, moon, and stars, without making any kind of image (Deuteronomy 4:20).
Their ancestors did all kinds of horrible things, when they worshiped everything except the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 29:16-18). They would even sacrifice their own children to these idols (Psalm 106:37-39). These children came from the sexual immorality that they committed during their idol worship (Jeremiah 2:19-20).
Their ancestors would get drunk during their festivals in the worship their idols to lose their inhibitions (Daniel 5:23). They would be willing to do all of these things, because they would take hallucinogenic drugs (Revelation 9:20-21). [The Greek word translated as "sorceries" is "phamakeia". This is the Greek word that the English word "pharmacy" comes from. This word is used for taking hallucinogenic drugs as part of idol worship in ancient Greek literature.]
So their ancestors went into idol worship because they did not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth. In particular, they did not want the Father of Truth telling them what was the right partnership for love, or when was the right time for love. Their rejection of His commandments concerning these things led to developing a religious system that encouraged drinking and/or taking drugs to lose all inhibitions, having sexual activities of every kind after that, and then murdering the children who were born from these events. Worshiping idols, or worshiping trees and rocks, or the spirit of everything, made this seem moral and normal, since it was all in the context of a religious calendar with religious holidays, when most of these events would occur.
It is the same today. Those who wish to return to the pagan religions of their ancestors, want to do so, in order to get drunk or high, engage in sexual activity of every kind, and then murder their own children through abortion, without feeling any sense of guilt or shame for their actions. In fact, the pagan religions of their ancestors make them feel compelled to do these things.
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that some people are attracted to the violence that it creates. They want a religion that encourages them to pillage, plunder, rape, and murder other people. They want a religion where they are promised to be rewarded by going to some place like Valhalla (Hall of the Slain) for dying a violent death in battle.
This rejection of the Father of Truth always leads to violence through deceit, and that is what cut the lifespan of their ancestors in half (Psalm 55:19-23). The religion of their ancestors always leads to violence filling the land, when it becomes the dominant religion of the land (Ezekiel 8:15-17).
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it have been influencing other people to move towards it through popular media. This is evident when examining some of the most popular content put out by some of the largest media companies.
For example, Marvel Comics plainly espouses polytheism with characters like Thor, who is even identified as the god of the same name from Norse polytheism. In like manner, Disney plainly espouses animism with things like Pocahontas going to a tree, Grandma Willow, to see out advice. Also LucasFilm plainly espouses pantheism with "The Force" in its Star Wars franchise.
These media companies appeal to the eyes of people with wondrous images, appeal to desires of their flesh with the costuming and actions of their characters, and give people a shared pride of life with great story lines, even though none of these things are from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that many people are disillusioned with Atheism.
They look at the nations that came under control of Atheists, like Nazi Germany, the USSR, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuban, and the like. It is quite easy for them to see the death and destruction, that control by Atheists has brought upon the inhabitants.
Also, those who study out objectively the details of evolution, have realized that it is the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told. It totally contradicts math and science - not to mention the story told by the evidence. Not even the math and science of the First Nations coming over a mysterious, and unnecessary, land bridge called Beringia, cannot be worked out to match with actual observable science, or realistic mathematical models.
Yet mostly, they have turned their back on Atheism, because as a religion, it is totally unfit to survive.
All religions answer three basic questions: 1) How did we get here? 2) Why are we here? 3) Where are we going? The answers to these questions given by Atheism: 1) By accident. 2) Existences is pointless. 3) Annihilation. Atheism has to be the most depressing religion every devised by man. So these people become desperate enough to look back to the pagan religion of their ancestors to find more suitable answers.
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it, both religious professionals and laymen, have been subtly influencing other people from within the congregations of the Children of Truth to move towards it. They move through congregations of the Children of Truth like a snake in the leaves. They are counting on most of the Children of Truth not being able to see the hidden danger that they really are. They call themselves "Christians", but they do not fit the definition of what is a Christian given by the Book of Truth. They have no idea what the Book of Truth says, is the answer to the question posed by WWJD bracelets. Instead, they espouse accepting others as "Christians", who embrace these things from the pagan religion of their ancestors, in the name of Christian Unity.
However, the Father of Truth commands that there be no tolerance for those who call themselves His people, but worship the Sun, moon, and stars (Deuteronomy 17:2-5). In fact, Josiah (Oshiyah) was called the greatest king who ever ruled by the Father of Truth, because he faithfully carried out this no tolerance policy, and observed the holidays of the Father of Truth instead (2 Kings 23:3-25). Those Jewish kings who worshiped the Sun, moon, and stars, were dishonored by having their bones offered up a sacrifices to these things, when the Father of Truth brought judgment for doing these things (Jeremiah 8:1-3). The worship of the Father of Truth cannot be merged with the worship these things (2 Corinthians 6:16).
Their efforts to merge Christianity and Neo-Paganism into some sort of hybrid religion, are no better than those who try to do the same with Islam to create Chrislam. They are preaching another Gospel that was given by another Spirit and tells about another Jesus, who is different than the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told about in the Book of Truth.
Their disagreement with the words of the Book of Truth show that they are proud and know nothing (1 Timothy 6:3-5). Those who seek to make some sort of friendship between the pagan religion of their ancestors, and the religion of the Book of Truth, are enemies of the Father of Truth (James 4:4). So make no mistake, the love of the Father of Truth does not live in the heart of those who call themselves Christians, but love the things that come from Neo-Paganism (1 John 2:15-17).
Lastly, Neo-Paganism is rising, because most of the Children of Truth have never quite got everything from the pagan religion of their ancestors out of their practices, so they have left a foothold for Neo-Paganism in their effective religion.
The Children of Truth would never knowingly endorse worshiping what their pagan ancestors worshiped. They would never knowingly participate in festivals and ceremonies of the pagan religion of their ancestors, that revolved around drinking, taking narcotics, sex of every sort with everything imaginable,and then murdering the children produced from these events. They would never knowingly perpetuate the endless, senseless, violence that ultimately resulted from the pagan religion of their ancestors. They certainly would not knowingly teach their children to follow the pagan religion of their ancestors.
Yet, they have left a shell of the pagan religion of their ancestors intact in their effective religion. They have left a place for Neo-Paganism to plug into their effective religion, so that their children can be drawn away from the Father of Truth, and drawn back into the pagan religion of their ancestors.
They have done this in two ways.
First, they have done this by including many of the traditions from the festivals of the pagan religion of their ancestors in their holidays, sometimes including the name of the holiday. This is what the Mensch who killed Christmas warned the people of Saints Ville about.
Second, they have done this by meeting on Sunday each week, without even questioning who changed the Sabbath. Many of them are sincere in their desire to give one day a week to the Father of Truth. Many of them are never bored on the Sabbath, because they are doing the right things on the wrong day of the week. They just do not understand why it matters, that they meet on the actual Sabbath, instead of Sunday.
They inherited these things from the False Church of Rome, which had created a religious calendar that was pagan friendly. Pagans were able to keep meeting together on the same day of the week that they were used to meeting on, in order to worship the Sun. Pagans were able to keep celebrating many of their festivals, under new names, with the same traditions that they had always used in their worship of idols, or trees and rocks, or some spirit of everything. They were able to keep doing the same things, but with a substitution of the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth for whatever they worshiped in their pagan religion.
This may sound like a fine way to evangelize pagans, but it is not. The problem is, that the Father of Truth said for the Children of Truth to not to include anything from these pagan religions in their worship of Him (Deuteronomy 12:30-32). Including these practices from pagan religions, gives an opportunity to those who follow after Neo-Paganism, to entice the Children of Truth back to the pagan religions of their ancestors, from even inside their own congregations (Deuteronomy 13:6-8). This is exactly how the Jewish Children of Truth were turned back to the pagan religions of their ancestors (Psalm 106:34-36).
So Neo-Pagans can use the festivals and traditions that the Children of Truth are already familiar with, to slowly draw them back into the pagan religion of their ancestors. They do this through the same process of a subtle influence that was used to move America from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage. This is why the policy of the Father of Truth concerning everything from pagan religions, has always been one of smash and burn.
The Children of Truth should never use the customs from the pagan religion of their ancestors to carryout the will of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), like using the Satan Clause as an excuse to lie to their own children. They should not make any room in their effective religion for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).
The Children of Truth should always be walking in truth. They should have nothing to do with anything from the dark pagan religions of their ancestors (Ephesians 5:8-11).
So Neo-Paganism is rising, because people have either left the House of Truth, or the Children of Truth did not fully obey the Father of Truth, by removing every last vestige of the pagan religion of their ancestors from their effective religion.
The Good News is, that Neo-Paganism will never bring an end to the religion of the Book of Truth. Instead, the Man of Truth will bring an end to Neo-Paganism forever (Revelation 21:8). When he rules the New Earth, there will be no vestige of Neo-Paganism left anywhere (Revelation 22:13-15).
Neo-Paganism can end for you today, if you have been participating in the worthless pagan religion of your ancestors. You can start getting rid of every vestige of Neo-Paganism as soon as you recognize them, after you come into the House of Truth.
The shackles of Neo-Paganism are broken whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (John 8:34-36). The Man of Truth breaks these shackles off of whoever makes him their king, when they come into the House of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Those who come into the House of Truth will be able to completely abandon Neo-Paganism, so they can rule with the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). Those who come into the House of Truth, will live according to the religion of the Book of Truth, instead of Neo-Paganism (1 Peter 4:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Neo-Paganism is a rising movement among people all over the world. In fact, in Europe, United States, Canada, and Australia, Neo-Paganism has been the fastest growing religion for the more than a decade. While adherents are still relatively small compared to those who call themselves Christians, Rabbinical Jews, and Muslims, it has still been growing at a rate of about sixty percent per year over the last decade in these countries.
This movement is strongest among those of Northern and Western European descent, although it is also growing among people who belong to other ethnic groups. In some countries they are a significant part of the population. For example, Estonia now has twenty percent of its population, who identify themselves as belonging to the neo-pagan religion of Maausk.
The first step to understanding why Neo-Paganism is rising, is understanding what Neo-Paganism is. Neo-Paganism is a movement by members of an ethnic group to return to the ancestral religion of that ethnic group, before that ethnic group began to identify itself as being Christian. It is not a single religion, but a movement to reconstruct and return to various ancestral religions. These religions basically adhere to one of three different, but related, models.
The first model is polytheism. This is classic idol worship. The idols may be Norse, German, Roman, Greek, or other ethnic idols, but the story is the same. These idols represent "gods" that control different aspects of nature and life. The belief is that people must worship these "gods" in the right way, lest these "gods" become angry and send disaster upon them. People are returning to worshiping the same idols as their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
The second model is animism. This similar to idol worship, but without the idols. Everything has a spirit, including, but not limited to, rocks, trees, animals, the Earth, stars, moon, sun, and even abstract things like words. The belief is that all of these spirits have to be worshiped in the right way to keep everything in balance, since they control different aspects of nature and life. People are returning to worshiping rocks and trees like their ancestors, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
The third model is pantheism. This is similar to animism, except there is only one universal spirit. Everything is a different facet of that one universal spirit. This spirit does not have any personality like the "gods" represented by idols, or even like the spirits of rocks and trees. This one universal spirit is literally everything, and literally everything is this one universal spirit. The belief is that people must worship, and cooperate with, this one universal spirit of everything to keep balance, since this one universal spirit is every aspect of nature and life. People are returning to worship the same universal spirit of everything that their ancestors worshiped, and doing their best to do so in the same way that their ancestors did.
Of course, some of these ancestral religions combined, or have at least been reconstructed to combine, various elements of more than one of these basic models, although one of the basic models is usually dominant. For example, some of these ancestral religions follow the polytheism model, but they have some elements of the other two models, like all of the "gods" being various manifestations of "The God", and all "goddesses" in like manner being various manifestations of "The Goddess", with these "gods" and "goddesses" interacting with the spirits of trees and rocks.
This desire to return to ancestral religions seems strange, whenever anyone compares how these ethnic groups fared under their ancestral religions to how they fared under Christianity. For example, consider those who either worshiped idols, like the Vikings, or worshiped rocks and trees, like the Celts, did before these ethnic groups became Christian to various extents.
Everything we know about them, before they were introduced to Christianity, comes from the writings of other ethnic groups, like Greeks and Romans, because they were completely illiterate. From these external sources we learn, that their average life span was about thirty-five years of age. One of the reasons for this is, that they were constantly at war with each other - not to mention everyone else that they encountered. Their total lack of sanitation and frequent human sacrifices could not have helped either. It seems that the only thing they ever invented, were better, or more bizarre, ways of killing people. This is why the Romans and Greeks referred to them as barbarians.
In short, before they were introduced to Christianity, they lived no different than the Native Americans north of Mexico lived, before the day when worlds collided.
It did not take long after the majority in these ethnic groups began to call themselves Christians, that everything changed. They stopped being illiterate, and began producing great works of literature. They stopped dying nearly as young, and started living longer to the point, that elder meant someone who was sixty years or older. They stopped fighting with each other, and everyone else, all the time. They improved their sanitation, and the human sacrifices came to an end. They began to invent things that had peaceful uses like the printing press.
In fact, virtually everything that you can touch in the modern world was invented by their descendants, after they turned away from the pagan religion of their ancestors. The further they got away from the pagan religion of their ancestors, the more enlightened they became.
These improvements came in proportion, and with the same speed, as their adoption of the religion taught in the Book of Truth (The Bible). That is to say, the more their effective religion lined up with the Book of Truth, the more their societies improved, and the quicker their effective religion made this transition, the quicker these improvements to their societies came.
Their effective religion was what they actually put into practice. The more people did things like wish each other "Happy First Fruits!" to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, and the less that they celebrated things like Ash Wednesday, then the more their effective religion was like the religion taught in the Book of Truth. So things like Celtic Christianity, in its original form, was very similar to the religion taught in the Book of Truth. This is evident in the actual teachings of Saint Patrick, which were far different in reality than what most people have been told.
So why would anyone want to go back to worshiping idols, rocks and trees, or some mysterious, unknowable, universal spirit of everything?
They want to turn away from worshiping the Father of Truth for the exact same reasons as their ancestors.
Their ancestors originally worshiped the Father of Truth, but did not want to live by His righteous commandments (Romans 1:18-20). So they turned away from Him to worship idols - with or without the actual idols (Romans 1:21-23). They created a religion where they worshiped the creation, instead of the Creator, so they could engage in every kind of sexual activity (Romans 1:24-27). They did not want to remember the commandments of the Father of Truth, so they could do every evil thing that came to their minds, while pretending that they would not be judged by Him for doing these things (Romans 1:28-32).
So their ancestors began to make images of people, and animals, to worship them instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:16-18). Their ancestors even worshiped things like the Sun, moon, and stars, without making any kind of image (Deuteronomy 4:20).
Their ancestors did all kinds of horrible things, when they worshiped everything except the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 29:16-18). They would even sacrifice their own children to these idols (Psalm 106:37-39). These children came from the sexual immorality that they committed during their idol worship (Jeremiah 2:19-20).
Their ancestors would get drunk during their festivals in the worship their idols to lose their inhibitions (Daniel 5:23). They would be willing to do all of these things, because they would take hallucinogenic drugs (Revelation 9:20-21). [The Greek word translated as "sorceries" is "phamakeia". This is the Greek word that the English word "pharmacy" comes from. This word is used for taking hallucinogenic drugs as part of idol worship in ancient Greek literature.]
So their ancestors went into idol worship because they did not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth. In particular, they did not want the Father of Truth telling them what was the right partnership for love, or when was the right time for love. Their rejection of His commandments concerning these things led to developing a religious system that encouraged drinking and/or taking drugs to lose all inhibitions, having sexual activities of every kind after that, and then murdering the children who were born from these events. Worshiping idols, or worshiping trees and rocks, or the spirit of everything, made this seem moral and normal, since it was all in the context of a religious calendar with religious holidays, when most of these events would occur.
It is the same today. Those who wish to return to the pagan religions of their ancestors, want to do so, in order to get drunk or high, engage in sexual activity of every kind, and then murder their own children through abortion, without feeling any sense of guilt or shame for their actions. In fact, the pagan religions of their ancestors make them feel compelled to do these things.
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that some people are attracted to the violence that it creates. They want a religion that encourages them to pillage, plunder, rape, and murder other people. They want a religion where they are promised to be rewarded by going to some place like Valhalla (Hall of the Slain) for dying a violent death in battle.
This rejection of the Father of Truth always leads to violence through deceit, and that is what cut the lifespan of their ancestors in half (Psalm 55:19-23). The religion of their ancestors always leads to violence filling the land, when it becomes the dominant religion of the land (Ezekiel 8:15-17).
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it have been influencing other people to move towards it through popular media. This is evident when examining some of the most popular content put out by some of the largest media companies.
For example, Marvel Comics plainly espouses polytheism with characters like Thor, who is even identified as the god of the same name from Norse polytheism. In like manner, Disney plainly espouses animism with things like Pocahontas going to a tree, Grandma Willow, to see out advice. Also LucasFilm plainly espouses pantheism with "The Force" in its Star Wars franchise.
These media companies appeal to the eyes of people with wondrous images, appeal to desires of their flesh with the costuming and actions of their characters, and give people a shared pride of life with great story lines, even though none of these things are from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that many people are disillusioned with Atheism.
They look at the nations that came under control of Atheists, like Nazi Germany, the USSR, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuban, and the like. It is quite easy for them to see the death and destruction, that control by Atheists has brought upon the inhabitants.
Also, those who study out objectively the details of evolution, have realized that it is the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told. It totally contradicts math and science - not to mention the story told by the evidence. Not even the math and science of the First Nations coming over a mysterious, and unnecessary, land bridge called Beringia, cannot be worked out to match with actual observable science, or realistic mathematical models.
Yet mostly, they have turned their back on Atheism, because as a religion, it is totally unfit to survive.
All religions answer three basic questions: 1) How did we get here? 2) Why are we here? 3) Where are we going? The answers to these questions given by Atheism: 1) By accident. 2) Existences is pointless. 3) Annihilation. Atheism has to be the most depressing religion every devised by man. So these people become desperate enough to look back to the pagan religion of their ancestors to find more suitable answers.
Another reason for Neo-Paganism rising, is that those who espouse it, both religious professionals and laymen, have been subtly influencing other people from within the congregations of the Children of Truth to move towards it. They move through congregations of the Children of Truth like a snake in the leaves. They are counting on most of the Children of Truth not being able to see the hidden danger that they really are. They call themselves "Christians", but they do not fit the definition of what is a Christian given by the Book of Truth. They have no idea what the Book of Truth says, is the answer to the question posed by WWJD bracelets. Instead, they espouse accepting others as "Christians", who embrace these things from the pagan religion of their ancestors, in the name of Christian Unity.
However, the Father of Truth commands that there be no tolerance for those who call themselves His people, but worship the Sun, moon, and stars (Deuteronomy 17:2-5). In fact, Josiah (Oshiyah) was called the greatest king who ever ruled by the Father of Truth, because he faithfully carried out this no tolerance policy, and observed the holidays of the Father of Truth instead (2 Kings 23:3-25). Those Jewish kings who worshiped the Sun, moon, and stars, were dishonored by having their bones offered up a sacrifices to these things, when the Father of Truth brought judgment for doing these things (Jeremiah 8:1-3). The worship of the Father of Truth cannot be merged with the worship these things (2 Corinthians 6:16).
Their efforts to merge Christianity and Neo-Paganism into some sort of hybrid religion, are no better than those who try to do the same with Islam to create Chrislam. They are preaching another Gospel that was given by another Spirit and tells about another Jesus, who is different than the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told about in the Book of Truth.
Their disagreement with the words of the Book of Truth show that they are proud and know nothing (1 Timothy 6:3-5). Those who seek to make some sort of friendship between the pagan religion of their ancestors, and the religion of the Book of Truth, are enemies of the Father of Truth (James 4:4). So make no mistake, the love of the Father of Truth does not live in the heart of those who call themselves Christians, but love the things that come from Neo-Paganism (1 John 2:15-17).
Lastly, Neo-Paganism is rising, because most of the Children of Truth have never quite got everything from the pagan religion of their ancestors out of their practices, so they have left a foothold for Neo-Paganism in their effective religion.
The Children of Truth would never knowingly endorse worshiping what their pagan ancestors worshiped. They would never knowingly participate in festivals and ceremonies of the pagan religion of their ancestors, that revolved around drinking, taking narcotics, sex of every sort with everything imaginable,and then murdering the children produced from these events. They would never knowingly perpetuate the endless, senseless, violence that ultimately resulted from the pagan religion of their ancestors. They certainly would not knowingly teach their children to follow the pagan religion of their ancestors.
Yet, they have left a shell of the pagan religion of their ancestors intact in their effective religion. They have left a place for Neo-Paganism to plug into their effective religion, so that their children can be drawn away from the Father of Truth, and drawn back into the pagan religion of their ancestors.
They have done this in two ways.
First, they have done this by including many of the traditions from the festivals of the pagan religion of their ancestors in their holidays, sometimes including the name of the holiday. This is what the Mensch who killed Christmas warned the people of Saints Ville about.
Second, they have done this by meeting on Sunday each week, without even questioning who changed the Sabbath. Many of them are sincere in their desire to give one day a week to the Father of Truth. Many of them are never bored on the Sabbath, because they are doing the right things on the wrong day of the week. They just do not understand why it matters, that they meet on the actual Sabbath, instead of Sunday.
They inherited these things from the False Church of Rome, which had created a religious calendar that was pagan friendly. Pagans were able to keep meeting together on the same day of the week that they were used to meeting on, in order to worship the Sun. Pagans were able to keep celebrating many of their festivals, under new names, with the same traditions that they had always used in their worship of idols, or trees and rocks, or some spirit of everything. They were able to keep doing the same things, but with a substitution of the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth for whatever they worshiped in their pagan religion.
This may sound like a fine way to evangelize pagans, but it is not. The problem is, that the Father of Truth said for the Children of Truth to not to include anything from these pagan religions in their worship of Him (Deuteronomy 12:30-32). Including these practices from pagan religions, gives an opportunity to those who follow after Neo-Paganism, to entice the Children of Truth back to the pagan religions of their ancestors, from even inside their own congregations (Deuteronomy 13:6-8). This is exactly how the Jewish Children of Truth were turned back to the pagan religions of their ancestors (Psalm 106:34-36).
So Neo-Pagans can use the festivals and traditions that the Children of Truth are already familiar with, to slowly draw them back into the pagan religion of their ancestors. They do this through the same process of a subtle influence that was used to move America from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage. This is why the policy of the Father of Truth concerning everything from pagan religions, has always been one of smash and burn.
The Children of Truth should never use the customs from the pagan religion of their ancestors to carryout the will of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), like using the Satan Clause as an excuse to lie to their own children. They should not make any room in their effective religion for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).
The Children of Truth should always be walking in truth. They should have nothing to do with anything from the dark pagan religions of their ancestors (Ephesians 5:8-11).
So Neo-Paganism is rising, because people have either left the House of Truth, or the Children of Truth did not fully obey the Father of Truth, by removing every last vestige of the pagan religion of their ancestors from their effective religion.
The Good News is, that Neo-Paganism will never bring an end to the religion of the Book of Truth. Instead, the Man of Truth will bring an end to Neo-Paganism forever (Revelation 21:8). When he rules the New Earth, there will be no vestige of Neo-Paganism left anywhere (Revelation 22:13-15).
Neo-Paganism can end for you today, if you have been participating in the worthless pagan religion of your ancestors. You can start getting rid of every vestige of Neo-Paganism as soon as you recognize them, after you come into the House of Truth.
The shackles of Neo-Paganism are broken whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (John 8:34-36). The Man of Truth breaks these shackles off of whoever makes him their king, when they come into the House of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Those who come into the House of Truth will be able to completely abandon Neo-Paganism, so they can rule with the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). Those who come into the House of Truth, will live according to the religion of the Book of Truth, instead of Neo-Paganism (1 Peter 4:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Celts, Deception, Idols, Neo-Paganism, Religion, Saint Patrick
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