Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's Not Just A Jewish Thing

Should Christians celebrate Jewish holidays?

Every year more and more of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are celebrating various "Jewish" holidays like Hanukkah, Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles and the like.

Of course, this is to be expected in Israel, because it is the Jewish state.  One might even expect it in various places, like parts of America that have a high Jewish population.  However, this is happening in many places in America, where there is practically no Jewish presence.  More than that, this is a global trend, and not just an American phenomenon.  

While one might expect this from those who belong to a Messianic congregation, the surprising thing is that many of them, are members of various churches, that meet on Sunday.  This is happening in congregations of every denomination that the Children of Truth attend.

Some of them are quite open about observing these holidays, but many more have been quietly doing so in their homes, without telling other people.  Often initially they celebrate these "Jewish" holidays, in addition to various traditional "Christian" holidays like Christmas and Easter.  Over time, many of them drop off celebrating the traditional "Christian" holidays in their homes, so that these "Jewish" holidays become the only religious holidays that they celebrate.

Many of them keep celebrating these "Jewish" holidays, and often even refrain from working on the Sabbath (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday), even though they still attend congregations that meet on Sunday.  In fact, I have known a number of religious professionals, who observe these "Jewish" holidays, while still conducting services on Sunday.

Now one might expect this, in a family where the husband or wife is Jewish, or one of them grew up celebrating these "Jewish" holidays.  However, most of the time, neither one of them has any known Jewish ancestry, and they did not grow up in a Jewish household.  So why is it becoming more and more common, for the Gentile Children of Truth to celebrate "Jewish" holidays?

Well, for one thing there has been an ever increasing percentage of the Children of Truth, who are Jewish.  The Jewish Children of Truth have had influence on the Gentile Children of Truth, even as they both become more and more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  They are both experiencing changes in their perspectives.  So in some part, it is a by product of this trend.  After all, it's a Jewish thing to be following the Man of Truth.

The main thing, that both the Jewish Children of Truth and the Gentile Children of Truth, have been coming to realize, is that these "Jewish" holidays, are not really "Jewish" holidays at all.  Most of these so-called "Jewish" holidays, are the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth).

The Father of Truth said, that the Feasts of Truth belong to Him (Leviticus 23:2).  He said, that the Feasts of Truth were not just for those Jewish Children of Truth, who were in the wilderness, but were also for the Gentile Children of Truth, who were not there, when these holidays were given (Deuteronomy 29:14-15).  The Jewish Children of Truth were there, because they were in their fathers loins (Hebrews 7:9-10).  So it is the Gentile Children of Truth, who were not there, when these holidays were given, but have a right to celebrate them .

Still, not every Jewish person is part of the Israel that the Father of Truth intended, just because they were among those, who were given these holidays in the wilderness (Romans 9:6-8).  The Children of Truth are the Israel that the Father of Truth always intended, so these holidays are for all of the Children of Truth (Galatians 6:15-16).  These Gentile Children of Truth have a right to celebrate these holidays, because they have become part of that commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-13).  So these holidays do not belong to Jewish people, who do not follow the Man of Truth, but they belong to the Children of Truth who have received the better circumcision.

The Gentile Children of Truth have been coming to realize the roots of their faith comes from those Jewish Children of Truth who were given the Feasts of Truth in the wilderness (Romans 11:16-18).   The nature of the entire congregation of the Children of Truth has been reverting back to its original state as more and more Jewish people come back into the House of Truth (Romans 11:24).  So it is only natural that the Gentile Children of Truth would start celebrating the holidays given by their Father with the Jewish Children of Truth in the House of Truth.

These Feasts of Truth are not "Jewish" holidays but are His holidays. So it's not just a Jewish thing to be celebrating these holidays.

Even though it may seem like the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is doing something new by leading the Gentile Children of Truth to celebrate these "Jewish" holidays this is not a new phenomenon.  In fact, it is very ancient.  It started as soon the Spirit of Truth lead the Jewish Apostles of Truth to bring Gentiles into the House of Truth.

The Gentile Children of Truth gathered offerings on the three Feasts of Truth where first fruits were gathered (First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Tabernacles) in both Galatia and Corinth to send to Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). [The Greek phrase, “mian sabbaton” that is translated as "first day of the week" in this verse is literally “first Sabbath”.  These three feasts are referred to as "first Sabbaths" because they were special Sabbaths and almost always occurred before the regular weekly Sabbath.  Two of them always occurred on the first day of the week.  This is part of how we know who changed the Sabbath to Sunday.]

The congregation at Corinth was obviously familiar with the lamb of Passover (Pesach) that represented the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:7).  They knew that Passover was about the death of the Lamb.

There were so few Jews in Philippi that they could not even form a synagogue but instead met to pray at the river on the Sabbath (Acts 16:11-13).  Still Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzoh) with the almost exclusively Gentile congregation at Philippi when he was on his way to present the first fruits offerings that had been gathered by the mostly Gentile Children of Truth at the Temple in Jerusalem (Acts 20:6).  Also the Gentile Children of Truth at Corinth obviously had been celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread and knew what it meant to purge out the leaven (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  Both of these congregations understood the importance of removing the leaven.

In like manner the congregation at Rome understood the connection between the firstfruits of the barley harvest and the bread made from the rest of the harvest (Romans 11:16).  The Gentiles in the congregation at Corinth were also familiar with the Feast of First Fruits (Bikkurim) (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).   Paul the Jew revealed to them the significance of the raising of the Firstfruits.

Paul the Jew had left the fledgling congregation that he had just started at Ephesus to celebrate Pentecost (Shavuot) in Jerusalem (Acts 18:19-21).  [A careful study of the events before and after show that Pentecost was the Feast of Truth that he celebrated in Jerusalem.  The Feast of Passover occurred too early for him to have arrived in Jerusalem on time after he left Corinth.  The Feast of Tabernacles occurred too late for him to have traveled to Galatia and Phrygia before Winter after he left Jerusalem.]   Both this congregation and the one at Corinth understood the significance of Pentecost since Paul the Jew had celebrated it with the congregation in Ephesus right before he left Ephesus at the end of his three year mission there to collect the first Sabbath offerings from the congregation at Corinth (1 Corinthians 16:8). The next year, the elders of the mostly Gentile congregation at Ephesus understood why Paul the Jew had to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost (Acts 20:16-17).  A Gentile Child of Truth from Ephesus named Trophimus even went to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost with Paul the Jew (Acts 21:27-29).  The congregations of Ephesus and Corinth understood why waving the leavened bread was so important.

This same congregation at Corinth was also familiar with the sounding of trumpets on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).  The congregation at Thessaloniki was also familiar enough with the Feast of Trumpets that Paul the Jew could use it to explain the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).  These congregations in Corinth and Thessaloniki that contained many Gentile Children of Truth were familiar with the Day of Alarming that will keep the Father of Truth from taking collateral damage.

Paul the Jew also had fasted on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) with the congregations that he started in Crete (Acts 27:7-9).  It was these congregations in Crete that he left Titus to continue building while he was imprisoned in Rome for the first time (Titus 1:1-5).  He also referenced this same holiday when he wrote to Timothy, who he had left in charge of the congregation at Ephesus when he was imprisoned in Rome for the second time, concerning the day when the Man of Truth would return to the Earth to judge all people and begin his reign over the Earth (2 Timothy 4:1-3).  Timothy and the mostly Gentile congregation were familiar enough with the Day of Atonement to understand that it was this Day when all of the Children of Truth will begin to reign over the Earth with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 4:8).  These congregations understood the importance of eating the breakfast of champions and total surrender.

Finally, Paul the Jew used the tabernacles built at the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) to explain to the congregation at Corinth that the Father of Truth is building an eternal place where the Children of Truth can dwell with Him forever in their eternal bodies (2 Corinthians 5:1-4).  In like manner the Man of Truth told John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka the Apostle John) to write a book of what he saw for the mostly Gentile congregation of Ephesus and the other mostly Gentile congregations of the Roman providence of Asia (Revelation 1:9-11).  In this book the tabernacle built for the Feast of Tabernacles was used to explain to these mostly Gentile congregations how the Children of Truth would live with their Father forever in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-4).  These congregations had experienced His Jamboree so that they could understand what would happen in the aftermath of the return of the Man of Truth that would bring about the end of all trouble.

So both the Jewish and Gentile Children of Truth when the Apostles of Truth lived on the Earth were celebrating all of the Feasts of Truth in some manner.  That is why Paul the Jew told the Children of Truth in Colosse to not let anyone judge them for celebrating these holidays because they were all about the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:16-17).

It has been shown that the congregations in the cities of Corinth, Thessaloniki, Philippi, Ephesus, Colosse, and Rome all celebrated these holidays along with all of the congregations in the Roman providences of Asia, Galatia and Crete.  In fact, Paul the Jew references at least one of the Feasts of Truth in every letter that he wrote to the mostly Gentile congregations that he started.  All seven of the Feasts of Truth were being celebrated by the mostly Gentile congregations in ancient times because it's not just a Jewish thing.

The Feasts of Truth form the greatest play ever.  This play does not just tell the story of the Jewish people.  The main point of this play is to tell the story of the Man of Truth who the Gentile Children of Truth follow.  This play also tells the story of the Children of Truth.  These holidays were meant for the Gentile Children of Truth as much as they were meant for the Jewish Children of Truth.   It's not just a Jewish thing.

The Feasts of Truth are not the only holidays that belong to the Children of Truth.  Since they have been grafted into the Israel intended by the Father of Truth then every holiday in the Book of Truth (the Bible) belongs to them.

Purim was never intended just for those who were born Jews but for all who joined themselves to the Jewish Children of Truth (Esther 9:26-28).  It is only natural that the Gentile Children of Truth should also celebrate walking on the path of true love.

The Man of Truth celebrated the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah aka Hanukkah) (John 10:22-23).  So it is only natural that those who follow him would also celebrate the Festival of Lights.  They are the ones who are truly dedicating the Temple.

Since these holidays and the Feasts of Truth are the holidays that are found in the Book of Truth then it would better to call them "Biblical" holidays instead of "Jewish" holidays.  It's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the "Biblical" holidays.

More than that the Children of Truth have been called "Christians" after the Gentiles came into the House of Truth (Acts 11:26).  The Children of Truth continued to be known as "Christians" by the unbelieving Jews during the lifetime of Paul the Jew (Acts 26:28).  The Children of Truth even identified themselves as "Christians" during the years when they were celebrating these "Biblical" holidays (1 Peter 4:16).   So then these "Biblical" holidays are the real "Christian" holidays.  It's not just a Jewish thing to be celebrating the real "Christian" holidays.

So this brings up some good questions.  Since the Children of Truth were celebrating the real "Christian" holidays when their congregations were started by the Apostles of Truth then why do most of them celebrate other holidays instead?  If these holidays belong to the Children of Truth then why do people call them "Jewish" holidays?

On the one hand, the so-called "Christian" holidays like Christmas and Easter that were created by the False Church of Rome cannot be found in the pages of the Book of Truth.  These false "Christian" holidays were introduced on purpose by the False Church of Rome to keep the Children of Truth from gaining the understanding that only comes from celebrating the real "Christian" holidays that are found in the Book of Truth.  The Apostles of Truth were already fighting with those who created this doctrine and warned the Children of Truth about it. 

Paul the Jew said that the Children of Truth are to mark those who teach any doctrine contrary to what is taught in the Book of Truth and avoid them because they are not from the Man of Truth (Romans 16:17-18).  He warned that the Children of Truth should not let themselves be robbed by a philosophy that is based on pagan ideas and expresses itself through traditions that did not come from the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:8).  He said that the Children of Truth should continue in the traditions that the Apostles of Truth taught in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) (2 Thessalonians 2:13-15).  He said that the Children of Truth should withdraw themselves from any of the Children of Truth who do not walk orderly according to the traditions that the Apostles of Truth gave (2 Thessalonians 3:6).  In like manner, Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka the Apostle Peter) reminds the Children of Truth that they were redeemed from these pagan traditions by the precious blood of the Passover Lamb - The Man of Truth (1 Peter 1:18-20).  The Apostles of Truth knew that those who formed the foundational doctrine of the False Church of Rome would try to substitute other holidays based on pagan traditions to lead people away from the understanding of the truth that only comes from celebrating the Biblical holidays.

On the other hand, the Rabbis went out of their way to change how these holidays should be celebrated to make them hard to celebrate and even harder to see the story they tell.

For example, the Rabbis changed the names of some of the holidays like calling the Feast of Trumpets that occurs in the Fall "the head of the year" ("Rosh Hashanah").  The command of the Father of Truth is to call the month that Passover that occurs, in the Spring, the first month of the year making the first day of Abib (Aviv) "the head of the year" (Exodus 12:2-6).  The Feast of Trumpets occurs on the first day of the seventh month on the Biblical calendar (Leviticus 23:24).  So they have obscured the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets by renaming it and also obscured the order of the Feasts of Truth by changing which month begins the yearly cycle of the Feasts of Truth.  So whenever anyone follows their calendar for the Feasts of Truth the play begins in the fifth act, goes on the seventh act, then goes to first act and finally ends in the fourth act.  No wonder people cannot see that the story of the Man of Truth, the Jewish people and the Children of Truth that is told by the Feasts of Truth!

The Rabbis have made it a burden to celebrate the Biblical feasts for anyone that tries to do so according to their rules (Matthew 23:4).  They have created many of their own traditions for these holidays that they treat as if they were laws from the Father of Truth (Mark 7:7).  They will even lay aside His commandments to keep their own traditions (Mark 7:9).  No wonder people think that the Biblical holidays are "Jewish" holidays!

Matters are then made worst when religious professionals from the Children of Truth go to ask the Rabbis for insight about how the Biblical holidays are celebrated even though the Man of Truth called them blind guides who worry over trivial matters while ignoring important matters (Matthew 23:24).  These are very people who have obfuscated how to celebrate the Biblical holidays that speak of the Man of Truth, who their fathers killed, because they are contrary to all people (1 Thessalonians 2:15).  They are keeping the very traditions that once caused Paul the Jew to persecute the Children of Truth (Galatians 1:13-14).  No wonder people have no idea that the Apostles of Truth taught the Gentile Children of Truth to celebrate the Biblical holidays!

For these reasons people have come to call the Biblical holidays the "Jewish" holidays even though they are the real "Christian" holidays that the Apostle of Truth celebrated with the mostly Gentile Children of Truth!  This is just another example of Rabbinic distort.

So the False Church of Rome and the Rabbis have both contributed to the Children of Truth celebrating false "Christian" holidays instead of the real "Christian" holidays found in the pages of the Renewed Covenant.  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) has inspired both of these entities to lie about the Biblical holidays (John 8:44).  It is the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) that have manipulated both of these entities into hiding the truth (Ephesians 6:12).  The Father of Lies does not want the Children of Truth to understand that it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the Biblical holidays.

The Spirit of Truth will reveal the mysteries hidden in the Biblical holidays to those who celebrate them as the Father of Truth commanded (1 Corinthians 2:10).  It is not hard to celebrate the Biblical holidays in the way that the Father of Truth commanded (1 John 5:3).

The Children of Truth just need to remember that the instructions for celebrating the Feasts of Truth were originally for the Jewish Children of Truth living in the Jewish homeland with the Temple standing in Jerusalem.  Without these conditions they can only celebrate them to a limited extent just like the Gentile and Jewish Children of Truth who lived outside of the Jewish homeland in the congregations started by the Apostles of Truth.  They need to be gracious to each other and not fight over difference in customs for celebrating the Biblical feast because they are playing with broken toys.

The Children of Truth will gain the understanding into mysteries that have been hidden since they were lead into celebrating other holidays once they return to celebrating the real "Christian" holidays in the way that they were celebrated by the Apostles of Truth.  After all, it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the Biblical holidays!

Of course, it does not really matter what holidays anyone celebrates or how they celebrate them until they come into the House of Truth.  The Biblical holidays, like everything else in the Book of Truth, are meant to point people to the Man of Truth so they can come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:20-22).  People come into the House of Truth when they surrender to the Man of Truth because they believe that He was raised from the dead by His Father (Romans 10:8-10).  Gentiles can also come into the House of Truth because it's not just a Jewish thing (1 Corinthians 12:13).

Come into the House of Truth.

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