Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ash Wednesday

What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent?

When I was fourteen years old I heard two ladies in the rural Methodist church in our community once discuss when Ash Wednesday was coming up and what they were going to do for Lent.  I had never heard of Ash Wednesday before that day.  I was hoping that they would explain what Ash Wednesday and Lent were but they did not.  I asked one of them and they said that it was in the Book of Truth somewhere.  I thought this was strange since my grandfather spent an hour each day reading the Book of Truth and he had never mentioned Ash Wednesday.  He could however do things like tell you the genealogy of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) from memory because he had read it so many times over the last seventy years.

When I was dating my wife, she knew all about Lent and Ash Wednesday because she had grown up Lutheran.  The Lutheran had some sort of special calendar and Lent was the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.  During the forty days of Lent, people would give up something for the Man of Truth.

I had surrendered control of my life to the Man of Truth by this time and that changed everything.  Even though I really did not know much about Ash Wednesday or Lent it still sort of creeped me out when I went into her church in 1983 to discuss our up coming wedding ceremony and saw the decorations for Lent.

I never heard anyone speak about Ash Wednesday again until one of my co-workers brought it up in 2000.  He was an Episcopalian and assumed that I observed Ash Wednesday like he did.  I told him I did not.  He thought that it was really strange that anyone who said they followed the Man of Truth did not observe Ash Wednesday and Lent.

After that I started attending a new congregation.  In fact I started attending on their first day of service.  During the first eight years I heard one or two people a year mention Ash Wednesday and Lent but that was all.  Then we got a new pastor.  After he had been there a year he began slowly introducing decorations and the like associated with Lent. 

In our studies of the Book of Truth I began to challenge him to show me these things and some other things that he was teaching in the Book of Truth.  One thing lead to another and I was put out of the congregation that I had helped pioneer eleven years earlier.  Shortly there after that pastor left and the congregation merged with a congregation that it has spun off to form a new congregation.

For some reason, Ash Wednesday has became considerably more popular among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) in America in recent years.  This year I saw advertisements about it on the internet, heard about it on the radio and even heard it being discussed on television.  We have friends who still go to the new congregation and they report that the congregation now has a full blown Ash Wednesday service where people use ashes to mark a cross on their heads and announce what they are giving up for Lent.

In order to understand why people use ashes to mark a cross on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday we must examine where Ash Wednesday came from.

Ash Wednesday, like so many holidays celebrated by congregations of the Children of Truth, came to those congregation from the False Church of Rome.  Ash Wednesday is part of a larger system of holidays called the Lenten season.   This season does actually not start with Ash Wednesday but rather with Fat Tuesday.

Fat Tuesday is better known as Mardi Gras in America.  Mardi Gras is called Carnival in many other places, particularly Latin America.  Carnival literally means "farewell to the flesh".  Fat Tuesday is supposed to be like a good bye party for all of the desires of the flesh.  It is a day when people are supposed to act out all of the desires of their flesh.  They are encouraged to where masks, costumes and other disguises to hide their identity so they will be emboldened to carry out the desires of their flesh.  So on Fat Tuesday people engage in drunkenness, fornication, adultery and whatever else their flesh desires until midnight.  When midnight strikes Ash Wednesday starts and suddenly their drunken revelry stops.

On Ash Wednesday people repent for their sins that they committed on Fat Tuesday.  They do this by having ashes placed on their heads.  There is no exact formula but usually some combination of several options is used depending upon the local traditions.  The ashes either come the burnt remains of the palm leaves used on Palms Sunday the previous year or they come from crosses made from those same branches.  An administrator of the ashes then either strews ashes across the head of the participant or they smeared an ash mixture on the head of the participant in some manner.  When the ashes are to be smeared they are either mixed with holy water or olive oil first.  The ash mixture is then smeared in the sign of a cross on the forehead, has has become popular in America this year, or just smeared on in no particular pattern including covering the entire face.  Then the administrator of the ashes typically says to the participant one of two expressions to bring them to repentance.  The first one basically is an "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" expression that reminds the participant that they are mortal and therefore should repent.  The second one is more straight forward and is "Believe the Gospel and repent.".  The second one is the one that has become popular in America.  Lastly the participant announces what they will be fasting from for Lent.  It is typically related to one of the sins they confessed to committing on Fat Tuesday.  For example, they may give up drinking alcohol if they got drunk on Fat Tuesday.

Lent was originally forty days of fasting that started on Ash Wednesday and ended on the day before Easter Sunday.  People would fast Wednesday through Saturday the first week and then Monday through Saturday for next six weeks as penance for their sins they committed, especially those committed on Fat Tuesday.  Since Sunday was a feast day every week they would typically gluttonize on Sunday each week.

In modern times, people give up something other than food for forty days during Lent.  They can still indulge on what ever they give up on Sundays since Sundays are not counted as part of the forty days.  For example, if they gave watching television they could still watch television on Sunday each week while refraining from doing so during the other days of the week.

I have looked diligently in the Book of Truth and there is nothing called Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, or Lent in the Book of Truth.  However, the Book of Truth does have plenty to say about the entire Lenten season. The Book of Truth tells the truth about everything.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in no way gave instructions for His Children to engage in the desires of their flesh on Fat Tuesday or any other day of the year.   His commandment is for His Children to be holy because He is holy (Leviticus 19:2).  In fact, He added the commandment for His Children to wear tzitzits on the corners of their garments in the wilderness so they would remember to be holy by always obeying His commandments (Numbers 15:38-40).  (This is why Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) made cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs.)  The Father of Truth has not changed His mind and He still commands His Children to live holy lives so they can be holy like Him (1 Peter 1:14-16).  His Children are still those who obey His commandments because they love Him (1 John 5:1-3).

The Children of Truth are not supposed to make any provision for carrying out the desires of their flesh on Fat Tuesday or any other day of the year (Romans 13:14).  The Children of Truth are to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).  The Children of Truth are to be careful when restoring others from their sin so they do not fall into sin themselves (Galatians 6:1).  The Children of Truth are to live out their lives with fear of sinning against the Father of Truth (1 Peter 1:17).  After all, the Children of Truth were redeemed from sin by the blood of the Man of Truth (1 Peter 1:18-20).  The Children of Truth are to be on guard against sin at all times because the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) wants to use sin to devour them like a lion devours an antelope (1 Peter 5:8).  So The Children of Truth are not even to lie so they can avoid falling into condemnation (James 5:12).  The Children of Truth avoid sin because they know that committing sin makes them the children of the Father of Lies (1 John 3:8).

So Fat Tuesday is not from the Father of Truth.  Now we shall examine what the Book of Truth says about Ash Wednesday and its rituals.

It was the ashes of a red heifer, not palm leaves, that was provided to make people clean, so they could enter into the Tabernacle to experience the presence of the Father of Truth (Numbers 19:9).  The ashes of the red heifer were to be mixed with water, and sprinkled upon the entire body of an unclean person, not just smeared on their forehead, and everything that belonged to them, so they could be made clean (Numbers 19:16-18).

A Prophet of Truth used ashes to disguise his face, when he told a parable from the Father of Truth to the king (1 Kings 20:38-40).  He washed the ashes off of his face, so the king would know that the message was from the Father of Truth (1 Kings 20:41-43).

Mordecai and the rest of the Children of Truth covered themselves in sackcloth and ashes, not just marked themselves with an ash mixture, when they cried out to the Father of Truth, to deliver them from the disaster, that Haman sought to bring upon them (Esther 4:1-3).  In like manner, those in Judah wallowed in ashes, when the Babylonians brought disaster upon them (Jeremiah 6:26).  When the Father of Truth brings disaster upon all who hate Him, when the Man of Truth returns to rule this Earth, then all of their leaders will wallow in ashes (Jeremiah 25:32-36).  Those who came upon Tyre, when it was brought to disaster by the Father of Truth, also wallowed in ashes (Ezekiel 27:29-32).

Job covered himself in dust and ashes, not just strewn some ashes on his head, when he repented of speaking foolishly against the Father of Truth (Job 42:3-6). When Daniel understood that the seventy years of captivity were over he covered himself with sackcloth and ashes as he repented for the Jews bringing disaster upon themselves by rejecting the commandments of the Father of Truth (Daniel 9:2-15).  So also the people of Nineveh repented by wearing sackcloth and sitting in ashes (Jonah 3:5-8).  The Man of Truth said the people of Tyre and Sidon would have repented in sackcloth and ashes if he had went to them (Matthew 11:21).

So there is absolutely nothing in the Book of Truth that even hints of the rituals of Ash Wednesday being from the Father of Truth.  In fact the Father of Truth has commanded that the Children of Truth to not mark their flesh with anything because such markings come from idolatry just like people cutting themselves for the dead (Leviticus 19:28).  The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth were not to mark themselves as fasting in any fashion whatsoever (Matthew 6:16-18).

So where did the rituals of Ash Wednesday come from?

They came from the rituals of idolatry that started in Babylon.  When people would cut down a tree to make an idol, they would then use whatever part that was left over to burn the sacrifice and then they would eat some of the ashes to mark themselves as being under the protection of the idol (Isaiah 44:14-20).

In like manner, Lent came from the forty days of mourning for Tammuz each year when people gave up something in this life so Tammuz could enjoy it in the afterlife (Ezekiel 8:14).

The Father of Truth does not want His Children worshiping him in the same manner that pagans worship their idols but instead to destroy everything that comes from idolatry (Deuteronomy 12:2-4).  The Children of Truth are not mix in the rituals of idol worship when worshiping Him like the Jews did when they were in rebellion to Him (Ezekiel 8:3-14).  The False Church of Rome has taken these practices from Babylonian sun god worship just like the Jews did when they mixed the rituals of idol worship with worshiping Him (Ezekiel 8:15-16).

It should be plainly evident that Ash Wednesday and the entire Lenten season is not from the Father of Truth.  The Children of Truth are to have nothing to do with these pagan rituals and should do away with them like the Mensch who killed Christmas.  They should seek to clean their house of these pagan practices like they were cleaning up the Christmas mess.  The Children of Truth in America have forgotten that these practices were made illegal by the founding fathers who started the colonies to get away from the influence of the False Church of Rome.

There is nothing wrong with people having fun and celebrating holidays.  That is why the Father of Truth has provided His own holidays for His Children.  It's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the holidays that He has provided for all of His Children.

The Father of Truth does not desire people to mark themselves with ashes to show repentance but to treat other people justly (Isaiah 58:2-7).   He wants all people to show that they have repented with their actions (Luke 3:8).

The Children of Truth do not need Fat Tuesday or any other day as a safety vent for the desires of their flesh.  They do not need Ash Wednesday to repent of sin.  They do not need to give up anything for Lent.  The only thing they need to give up is the observance of pagan holidays.  If any of the Children of Truth have done these things in ignorance then they need to repent of these things now that they know better (Acts 17:29-31).

The Father of Truth has replaced their stony heart with a new heart so they can keep His commandments (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  He has given them the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) so they can keep His commandments in the way he always intended (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  They will be able to keep His commandments because they are relying on the Spirit of Truth instead of their own efforts (Romans 8:3-5).  His Children have His words written on their heart so that is plain to everyone (2 Corinthians 3:2-4).   His Children are able to keep His commandments because the Father of Truth is working in them to give them both the desire and the ability to do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).   When His commandments are written on their hearts then the Children of Truth do not find those commandments hard to keep.

The Children of Truth can only keep His commandments with the help of the Spirit of Truth.  This is why the Man of Truth said that people can only come into the House of Truth by being born again through the Spirit of Truth (John 3:3-7).  People come into the House of Truth when they surrender everything to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will put a clean heart in you and you will be born again from the Word of Truth that you heard (1 Peter 1:21-25).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, February 15, 2015

What Is On Your Head

What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about covering your head while praying, hair length, and beards?

When I was growing up most of the men wore hats. Some wore cowboy hats or straw hats or baseball caps with various agricultural company logos on them.  Some wore fedoras and other dressy hats when they dressed up to go to town or to go to church on Sunday.  Some wore hats as part of their work uniform.

The women also wore hats but not as frequently.   Some of their hats were more feminine versions of the same type of hats worn by men like cowgirl hats.  Others were very plainly hats for a lady that no man would dare be seen wearing.  Sometimes these hats were quite decorative and elaborate.

The thing about hats was there seemed to be a lot of rules for wearing hats. For example, you had to take off your hat when you were indoors.  Nobody seemed to know why but even when I was in the US Air Force that was the rule.  The same thing applied whenever you prayed or did anything like that when you were outdoors.  Again nobody seemed to know why but they were adamant about enforcing this rule.

After I move off the farm and got out into the world I discovered even more confusion over hats and prayer.  There were women who insisted on wearing little bonnets anytime they prayed.  I met Jewish men who insisted on wearing some sort of hat before they would pray.  Some of them insisted that not just any hat could be worn but it had to a a yarmulke (kippah).  I even met men who would not pray unless they first put a tallit (Jewish prayer shawl) over their heads to form what looked like a little tent.

I also noticed over the years that there has been a host of confusing and often conflicting rules that people have made about other things that people have on their heads like hair.

For example, I have met people who insist that women must always have very long hair that is at least two feet (60 cm) in length and worn like a veil in public if they want to please the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD). Yet I have met other people who insist that a woman must put her hair up, even it forms a one foot (30 cm) cone on her head, when she is in public for the same reason.  Then there are people who say that women must never dye their hair any color or even braid it if they want to please Him.  Yet there are other women among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) who sport very short hair cuts like pixie cuts.  Sometimes they even dye their hair unnatural colors like pink.

There is no less controversy about the hair styles of men.  For example, my grandfather and his generation said it was wrong for a man to have hair that was more than a couple of inches (5 cm) long.  I had a crew cut for a number years because of this.  Yet at the same time, I knew other men who had hair down to their waist.  They seem to think that any man whose hair was less than a foot (30 cm) long was somehow untrustworthy.  Some them even said that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had long hair while the Romans had short hair to prove their point.  On and on it has continued over the years.

Some people were against white men sporting afros.  Some people thought the mullet was either too short in the front or to long in the back for decent people to wear.  Some people thought that sporting a Mohawk was a sure sign of moral depravity.   Some people were against men shaving their heads.  Then I met Jewish men who wore a set of payot (long braided locks at the temples of the head) because they believed that it was the commandment of the Father of Truth.

These same Jewish men would insist that men must wear full beards that were untrimmed on the edges if they wanted to please the Father of Truth.  Yet I encountered other men who ran Christian institutions, like large Christian churches and universities, who insisted that men should not have any facial hair including sideburns.  Of course, like everything else, I have ran across the gamut of ideas between these two extremes including the idea that anyone wearing a goatee did so to signify that they were a secret worshiper of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).

There seems to be no end of conflicting rules when it comes to what people have on their heads.  In particular at times there seems to be even greater confusion among the Children of Truth than other people over these things.  Especially when it comes to prayer.

Fortunately, we do not have to wonder about these things at all.  The Book of Truth answers every question about what is on your head.

The best place to start is with hats.  There simply is no commandment to wear hats nor any prohibition against wearing hats any where in the Book of Truth except for the commandment for the Priests of Truth to wear bonnets when they were ministering in the Tabernacle or Temple (Exodus 39:27-29).  This is why Moses put linen head wear on the first Priests of Truth (Leviticus 8:13).  This is why the Priests of Truth who will serve in the temple when the Man of Truth rules the Earth will also wear linen headdresses (Ezekiel 44:15-19).

However there is a prohibition against men covering their heads when they pray to the Father of Truth or speak messages from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 11:4-7).  This is why people would take their hats off when they prayed and pastors would take their hats off when they were conducting outdoor services.  However the first thing to notice is that this only applied to men while women on the contrary are commanded to have their heads covered when they do these same activities (1 Corinthians 11:5).

So why is there a polar opposite treatment for men and women concerning head coverings when praying?

It is because a wearing a head covering is a sign that you are operating under the authority of another person or human institution.  For example, when I was in the US Air Force I had to wear the appropriate hat that went with the uniform because I was operating under the authority of the US Air Force whenever I was on duty.

In like manner a woman shows that she is operating under the authority of her husband when she has her head covered.  This is why women in almost every culture across time have worn veils when they are married.  They are showing the world that they are coming under the authority of their husband on their wedding day.

So a woman having her head covered shows that she is still operating under the authority of her husband when she is praying or prophesying and is not rebelling against his authority (1 Corinthians 11:3-5).  After all, a woman wearing a covering to show that she is under the authority of her husbands brings glory to her husband in the eyes of other men instead of dishonor (1 Corinthians 11:6-7).  When a woman covers her head while praying she is acknowledging she was made for the benefit of her husband (1 Corinthians 11:8-9).  This wearing a covering to show that she is under the authority of her husband is extremely important because it demonstrates obedience out of love to the angels (1 Corinthians 11:10).  So a woman should not pray with her head uncovered even though she is no less important to the Man of Truth and His Father than her husband (1 Corinthians 11:11-13).

In the same way men are directly under the authority of the Man of Truth that a woman is under the authority of her husband (1 Corinthians 11:3).   So men are not to insult the Man of Truth by covering their heads when praying or prophesying as if his authority over their lives was insufficient (1 Corinthians 11:4).  Men are also patterned after the very image of the Father of Truth so they should not take away from His glory by covering their heads to hide that image when praying (1 Corinthians 11:7).  This commandment to not cover their heads and mar that image while praying or prophesying in no manner whatsoever means that men are somehow more important to the Man of Truth or His Father than women (1 Corinthians 11:11-12).

To understand this prohibition more fully it helps to read the passage in the original Koine Greek.  Naturally things are sometimes clearer when the language of the Renewed Covenant is understood. There are two main Greek words at play here when it talks about covering the head.  So to get a better understanding of this passage we are going to uncover these words and recover some of the subtleties that may have been lost in translation.

The first one, "kata", is actually a preposition that can has a wide variety of meaning depending on the context including "over" or "on top of" (Kata example).  So instead the "covering on his head" in this passage it is more literally translated "over the head" or "on top of the head".  So a man is not to pray while having anything over his head or on top of his head.  In context, it would be anything over his head or on top of his head that conveys that he is praying or prophesying under the authority of any man other than the Man of Truth or in addition to the Man of Truth.

The second word unveils the deeper meaning that ties everything together.  We are going to look at the general root word this time instead of each permutation of the root word.  (A root word is a word that is manipulated to convey subtleties like time that are defined by the context that it is used in while still retaining the original basic meaning.  For example, the root word "be" becomes "is", "was", "were" and so on in English depending upon the number of subjects and the time of the action in the context of the sentence where it is used.)

This second root word is "katakalypto" and literally means to wear a veil like women do on their wedding day (Katakalypto example).  So a woman is supposed wear something that veils her while she is praying or prophesying to show that she is still under the authority of her husband while a man is not supposed to put anything over his head that veils it in anyway whatsoever while praying or prophesying to show that he is not operating under the authority of anyone except the Man of Truth.

So men should definitely not be veiling themselves with a tallit when they are praying.  Tallits were worn like cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs below the head by Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) and the other Children of Truth in the Book of Truth when they were on the Earth.  They did not pray under them to form a tent or some sort of "prayer closet" as if tallits were some sort of supernatural garments.  Worse yet, since men are not supposed to veil their heads when they pray but women are supposed to then whenever men use a tallit to veil their heads while praying they are wearing what pertains to a woman contrary to the commandment in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Deuteronomy 22:5).

A man veiling his head with anything while praying or prophesying comes from the practices of idolaters.  This is why you see druids, witches and other worshipers of the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) in movies always carrying out their religious activities while wearing hooded robes and the like.  The Father of Lies wants to hide the image of the Father of Truth when men are praying and prophesying in his counterfeit religions.  No wonder it is such a dishonor to the Man of Truth when men pray or prophesy with their heads veiled by a hood or anything else.

More than that men should not wear hats that mark them as being under the authority of any man other than the Man of Truth when praying or prophesying. (The bonnets of the Priests of Truth marked them as operating under the authority of the Father of Truth and not another man so they could wear them if they prayed or prophesied while carrying out their duties.)  The Man of Truth alone has given all men the authority to pray to the Father of Truth in his name and to speak messages from the Father of Truth in his name.  So a man is not to have anything on his head that shows he is under the authority of any man other than the Man of Truth when he is praying and prophesying.  This is true about hats that are part of a uniform or bear the name, logo or image of anything.  However in the case of yarmulkes (kippot) there are even more reasons to not wear one.

Yarmulkes are recognized around the world as marking someone as being under the authority of the Rabbis. The insistence of the Rabbis that men must wear yarmulkes all the time, especially when they pray, has absolute no basis in the Book of Truth.  In fact, it is contrary to the commands of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) as has already been shown.

The truth is that many of the Jews who were scattered in the three scatterings (Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman) in many places did not wear yarmulkes for most of their history even though they retained practices from the Law of Truth like blowing shofars and wearing tallits.  They only began to wear yarmulkes in modern times after they were influenced by the Jews of Europe and the Middle East.  Those Jews who influenced them claimed that this is the commandment of the Father of Truth and some even insisted that wearing a yarmulke has been practiced since the time of Moses.

There is simply no mention in the Book of Truth of men covering their heads when they prayed except for the Priests of Truth when they were operating under the authority of the Father of Truth in the Tabernacle or Temple.  The only mention in the Book of Truth of men covering their heads, besides the Priests of Truth during the performance of their duties, was when they were mourning because they were under judgment for sin.  David and those who fled with him covered their heads when they were fleeing from Absalom as punishment for his sins (2 Samuel 15:30-31).  Haman covered his head after parading Mordecai because his doom was certain for trying to exterminate the Jews (Esther 6:11-13).  The people of Judah covered their heads when the terrible drought was upon the land because of their sins (Jeremiah 14:2-4).  So there is no basis from the Book of Truth for men wearing yarmulkes when they pray.

The truth is that archaeology has not uncovered any images of Jews wearing yarmulkes in ancient times nor are yarmulkes referenced in any ancient writing.  In fact the oldest written reference to men even covering their heads during prayer is the commandment of Maimonides (Rambam), one of the few Rabbis called Great in Judaism, to do so sometime after 1150 AD.  In the surviving image of Josephus, the Jewish historian who lived in Israel during the time of the Apostles, he is wearing a turban.  In his extensive writings on the history and customs of the Jewish people there is not one mention of men covering their heads while praying.  The Jewish captives shown in the relief of the Arch of Titus are not wearing yarmulkes or any head covering.  There are images of Jewish men wearing various head coverings on the reliefs of Sennacharib and on the Shalmaneser stele but they do not show the Jewish men praying or even speaking.  The idea that men must wear yarmulkes while praying or any other time is yet another example of Rabbinic distort

In fact, the earliest images of people wearing a round piece of cloth on the top of their heads are found in the ruins of ancient Egypt.  These round head coverings that was centered over the crown of the head was done so out of reverence to the Sun god who they called "Ra" in the religion they got from ancient Babylon.  The False Church of Rome has continued this practice to this day as can be plainly seen on the heads of their leaders.  This practice was universal across Europe in the Middle Ages by everyone except the Jews.  Jews were forbidden to wear these skull caps and were forced to wear dunce caps (tall pointy caps) instead.  When the dunce cap laws were repealed then the Jews insisted on wearing the round skull caps like everyone else.  This unwittingly wearing the emblem of Babylonian sun god worship has continued to this day and has become the mark of being under Rabbinic authority.  It is just another reason that Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble.

This wearing the mark of being under the authority of the Rabbis is completely contrary to the command of the Man of Truth to call no one but him "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:5-8).  The Man of Truth is the only authority that men are to be under when they are praying to His Father in his name.  Of course, the Man of Truth is dishonored when men among the Children of Truth wear the emblem of Babylonian sun god worship on their head while praying to the Father of Truth or giving out messages from the Father of Truth!

The ironic thing is that many of the Children of Truth are carrying on this practice from Babylonian idolatry by covering their heads with tallits or wearing yarmulkes when they pray while at the same time that they are trying to be the Mensch who killed Christmas for practices from Babylonian idolatry found in Christmas trees and the like!  They should remove the plank from their own eye before trying to remove the speck from the eye of someone else (Matthew 7:3-5).  They may have done this out ignorance like other people do when they put up a Christmas tree but now that they know better the Father of Truth is commanding them to repent (Acts 17:30).  They need to clean their own house and learn how to restore others gently to following the right path (Galatians 6:1-3).  Then they will be more effective at cleaning up the Christmas mess that has so hindered the Children of Truth.

On the other hand, while women are not to pray or prophesy without a veil their hair serves as a veil if it is long enough (1 Corinthians 11:13-15).  The question then becomes: how long is long enough?

Once again we have to uncover the original Greek to answer the question.  There is a third Greek word used in this allowance of the long hair of women to serve as their veil that brings clarity to the answer.  This Greek word is "periboliaon" (Peribolaion example).  It means "to wrap around" and is only used in one other place in the Renewed Covenant.  However it comes from another Greek word "peribolla" that we get our English word "parabola" from.  A parabola is an a curve that is open on one side and enclosed on three sides like for example the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis.  All the places in the Renewed Covenant where this word is used in connection with clothing the wrapping occurs horizontally.  So for the hair of a woman to serve has her veil it has to be long enough to cover three sides of her head leaving the face uncovered.  So her hair would basically be reaching down enough to nearly touching her shoulders on all three sides so that her head is wrapped by her hair.  Most of the time women have hair styles that meet these standards because long hair is the glory of a woman (1 Corinthians 11:15).

Does this mean that women must have their hair at least this long or that they cannot braid their hair?

A woman may have her hair in a pixie cut or any other shorter hairstyle that is pleasing to her husband (1 Corinthians 7:34).  If a woman has a shorter haircut or perhaps does not have sufficient hair due to a medical condition then she just needs to use something to veil her head on three sides when she is praying or prophesying to show that she is operating under the authority of her husband (1 Corinthians 11:5-6).  This is why women with short hair throughout the ages in most places have worn veils, scarves and even elaborate hats.

In like manner a woman may braid her hair or do anything else with it as long as she is not using it as a substitute for doing good works (1 Timothy 2:9-10).  She must only be careful to make sure that her head is veiled on three sides by either unbraiding her hair or using something else like a tallit or scarf when she is praying or prophesying.

No man has authority over her in these matters about her hair other than her own husband.  A woman is plainly not to be subject to the will of every man because that would be chaos.  It is only her own husband who she is not to teach or to usurp his authority (1 Timothy 2:11-12).  So she can dye her hair any color she wants as long as it is pleasing to her husband.  There is no prohibition against dyeing hair in the Book of Truth.

So what about the hairstyles of men?

It is a shame for a man to have long hair that veils his face on three sides because a man is not meant to be veiled as if he were married to another man (1 Corinthians 11:14).  Does this mean that a man cannot have long hair?

No it does not. The Father of Truth even commanded men to not cut their hair when they took a Nazirite vow (Numbers 6:2-5).  Samson (Shamshon) went without a haircut most of his life for this reason (Judges 16:17).  Samuel (Shmuel) never had a hair cut during his entire life to show that he had been dedicated to the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 1:11-20).

So how can a man have long hair without veiling his face?

A man can have long hair by braiding it into locks and letting the locks grow long (Numbers 6:5).  This is why Samson had seven long locks of hair (Judges 16:13).  Ezekiel (Yechezqel) in like manner had grown his locks of hair long enough that a hand was able to securely lift him up by the one of the locks of his hair (Ezekiel 8:3).  So a man can have long hair as long as it is confined in some manner so that it does not veil his face on three sides like the hair of a woman.

So what about a man shaving his head?

The Father of Truth commanded that a man who was healed of leprosy was to have his head completely shaved by the Priests of Truth including his eyebrows (Leviticus 14:7-9).  That is why the Man of Truth told the ten lepers that he healed to show themselves to the Priest of Truth (Luke 17:12-14).

In like manner, a man who took a Nazirite vow was to shave his head when he completed his vow and burn his hair as a sacrifice (Numbers 6:13-19).  Even Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) shaved his head because he had made a Nazirite vow when he left Corinth via the port of Cenchrea to return to Syria on his way to Jerusalem in 52 AD (Acts 18:18).  Paul the Jew, along with four other Jewish men who were part of the Children of Truth, had his head shaved again to show completion of a Nazirite vow during his final trip to Jerusalem in 57 AD (Acts 21:22-24).

[A Nazirite vow begins with shaving the head and ends with shaving head so that all of the hair that is offered is the hair that grew during the Nazirite vow.  When Jews outside of the land of Israel completed a Nazirite vow they would shave their heads there and then have their heads shaved again by the Priests of Truth the next time they were in Jerusalem.  So it is uncertain if Paul the Jew was starting or ending a Nazirite vow at this time. Still it is certain that Paul the Jew also grew the locks of his hair long during the time of his Nazirite vow.  If he began a Nazirite vow at Cenchrea in 52 AD and had his head shaved to show the vow was completed in 57 AD, then he did not have a haircut for five years.]

Yet there is one thing that a man must not do with his hair and that is to round the corners of the head (Leviticus 19:27).  This is why some Jewish men wear payot (side locks grown at the temples of the head) because some Rabbis say that the corner of the head is the two temples of the head and rounding the corners of the head means cutting the hair at the temples short.  This obviously cannot be the case because it has already been shown that the Father of Truth commands in some cases for the entire head, including the temples, to be shaved.   So what does rounding the corners of the head mean?

Again, looking under the covers will go a long way to uncovering the meaning of this prohibition.  The Hebrew root word translated as "corners" is "pe'ah" and more precisely means "extremity" or "sides". [The Hebrew word for "corners" is "kanaph"].  Rounding every side of something makes it into a circle.  In idolatrous religions that came from Babylon men would shave a circle in their hair that was centered at the crown of their head to mark that they were under the authority and protection of the sun god.  This was common among the religious professionals of the False Church of Roman in Europe during the Middle Ages.  This is why religious professionals in movies about medieval Europe are often shown with a bald or shaved circle at the crown of their head like Friar Tuck in Robin Hood movies.  Sometimes, the circle was made by leaving the hair centered over the crown uncut while shaving the rest of the head.  So the Father of Truth commands that men not make a circle on their heads by rounding the sides of their head in either manner.

In like manner, the Priests of Truth are commanded to not make a circle of baldness by pulling their hair out as was common among the priests of Babylonian sun god worship when they were in mourning (Leviticus 21:1-6).  That is why Ezra the Priest of Truth plucked out all of his hair when he went into mourning upon learning that the Jews who returned to Israel from the Babylonian captivity were marrying idolaters and taking up their practices (Ezra 9:1-3).  Ezekiel, who was both a Priest of Truth and a Prophet of Truth, shaved his head as well under the commandment of the Father of Truth to show the terribleness of the judgment that would come upon Jerusalem for changing His laws (Ezekiel 5:1-8).

Of course, leaving the center of the head shaved or bald made that part of the head subject to the elements.  This is why those ancient Egyptian sun worshipers were wearing those little round clothes on their heads.  This is also why skull caps were almost universal among men in medieval Europe where men needed to keep their heads from being cold as well being protected from sun burn.  So ironically wearing a yarmulke is really a form of rounding the corners of the head and growing payot does not change that no matter how long they are.

It should go without saying that the Man of Truth is dishonored when people are praying or prophesying in his name while when the the corners of their head have been rounded.  If someone has done this in ignorance then the best thing to do is shave the entire head to get rid of the circle that comes from Babylonian sun god worship.

So the only rules for the hairstyles of men is that they must not form a circle on their head by partially shaving their head and they must confine their hair in some manner if it is long so that it does not form a veil around their face.  The only exception is that the Priests of Truth when the Man of Truth rules the Earth will neither shave their heads nor grow the locks of their hair long but will instead keep it trimmed so it is between these extremes (Ezekiel 44:19-21).  So their hair will be cut somewhere between perhaps an inch (2.5 cm) and six inches (15 cm).  This pretty much describes the hairstyles of most men throughout the ages.

It is worth noting that the Book of Truth tells us nothing about the length of the hair of the Man of Truth.  People get the idea that he had long hair due a description of him given by Josephus that says his locks rested comfortably on his shoulders.  It is not even known if this description is accurate but it is likely that the Man of Truth wore payot (side locks at the temple) since that was common among Jews in Israel at the time.  These would be the locks of hair that rested upon his shoulders.  That would not be surprising since he is Jewish and it's a Jewish thing to be following him.  In any case, however long his hair was, he made sure that it did not veil his face.

Now it must be remembered that these few rules about hats and hairstyles are not man made rules but are ordinances give to all the Children of Truth from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 11:1-2).  There should be no contention about these rules among those who worship the Father of Truth because there are no other customs to be observed among His Children (1 Corinthians 11:16).  Everything in the Book of Truth came from the Father of Truth so that His Children can carry out His will on the Earth (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  No one has a right to add their own rules to these rules from the Father of Truth or to take away from His rules (Revelation 22:18-19).

The same can be said for facial hair. So what are the rules for facial hair?

The Children of Truth are not to mar the corners of their beards because that is like cutting your flesh for the dead (Leviticus 19:27-28).  For this reason the Priests of Truth were not to shave off the corners of their beards when their loved ones died (Leviticus 21:1-5).  So does this mean that men cannot shave or even trim their beards?

The Priests of Truth were to shave off the beard along with the hair and eyebrows of a man who was healed of leprosy (Leviticus 14:9).   Mephibosheth apparently had trimmed his beard normally for it had not been trimmed the entire time that King David had been exiled from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 19:24).  Ezra the Priest of Truth plucked out his beard when he went into mourning over the sins of Israel (Ezra 9:3).  Ezekiel also shaved off his beard at the commandment of the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 5:1).

So this obviously does not mean that men cannot shave or trim their beards.  So what does it mean?

For one final time we are going to look at the original Hebrew to find our answer.  The Hebrew word translated as "corners" in these two verses is again "pe'ah" which means "extremity" or "sides".  The extremity of the beard is not its outer edges but rather the top of the beard where the whiskers begin and the hair of the head ends.  It is roughly the area between the top of the cheeks and a line from the outer corner of the eye to the ear hole.  It is the upper extremity on those fake beards that kids wear in plays about Biblical characters.  It was again a prohibition against an idolatrous practice that was part of the religion that came from ancient Babylon.  It was a custom of idolaters to mar that area with cuttings so that scar tissue would be prevented any whisker from growing there  So to avoid even the appearance of marring the hinges of the beard the Priests of Truth were not to even shave that part of the beard.  This is where the custom of men wearing sideburns when the rest of their face is shaved came from.

So there is no prohibition against shaving except for the Priests of Truth.  Nor is there any command to shave except for a man who is healed of leprosy.

Still a beard is a mark of authority on a man.  It says that he is a man and not a woman.  It says that he is a grown man and not a boy.  It is for this reason that Hanun the king of Ammon shaved off the beards on one side of the men that King David had sent on his behalf when he thought that they were spies (2 Samuel 10:1-4). (They were literally half-shaven men.)  It is for this reason that King David sent them to Jericho until their beards grew back (2 Samuel 10:5).  It is for this reason that the beard of the Man of Truth was brutally pulled out during the crucifixion (Isaiah 50:6).  That is why his face looked like raw hamburger when he was on the cross (Isaiah 52:13-14).

Nonetheless militaries have required their men to be clean shaven with short haircuts since the time of Alexander the Great to prevent their men from being pulled onto the sword of their enemy like Joab did to Amasa (2 Samuel 20:8-10).  For similar reasons the US Air Force only allowed us to wear a small mustache so that our gas mask would seal properly.  So it is reasonable for rules regarding hair and facial hair to be imposed on men under their authority to protect them from harm.

Yet it is totally unreasonable to impose any such requirement upon men by the religious professionals who run a church or Christian university.  Worse yet these religious professionals often claim to get this authority to do so from the Book of Truth!  By adding their own commandments regarding hair and facial hair they would prevent all of the authors used to write the Book of Truth from attending their institution!  They would even be excluding the Man of Truth from being on their campus!   What are they thinking!?!

Those religious professionals who do so are no better than the Rabbis for making the Word of Truth of no effect through their own traditions (Matthew 15:2-6).  Their added commandments are teaching a doctrine of their own that is no better than the commandments of the Rabbis concerning the washing of pots (Mark 7:7-9).  It is time that these religious professionals repent for adding their own traditions to the the Word of Truth.  If they will not repent then the commandment of the Father of Truth is for the Children of Truth to withdraw from them until they stop teaching traditions that are contrary to what is taught in the Renewed Covenant (2 Thessalonians 3:6).

Of course, these few rules concerning what is on your head, especially when praying or prophesying, only matter after you come into the House of Truth.  The rules of the Father of Truth are for the Children of Truth who live in the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth has authority over what is on your head when you submit to his authority because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Better Than Sex

What is better than sex?

When I was twenty I married the love of my life.  All through my twenties and beyond my wife was always dragging me into the bedroom.  Some days off we would go every two hours.  Some nights I wondered if she knew that people were actually supposed to sleep at night.  Sometimes I felt like an over milked cow.  Fortunately, I would get ten to fourteen days of reprieve every month.

Now I do not want to give anyone the wrong impression about my wife.  My wife was beyond thermonuclear hot.  The surface of a white dwarf star was cold compared to her.  The theoretical big bang explosion could not have been hotter than my wife.

Nor was there any kind of physical issue that was causing us problems.  During the ten years from when we were first married until I had my last child at thirty my wife was pregnant ten times.  Sadly, she had seven miscarriages and three of them were twins.  Three times she ended up pregnant despite both of us taking every precaution possible other than abstinence.  According to US government studies the chances of pregnancy were about 3 in 10,0000 with our set of precautions.  We managed to beat those odds three times because we were as fertile as the Garden of Eden.

I had not fallen of out love with her or any such nonsense as that.  I was crazy about my wife and still am.  I have always loved spending time with her.  There has never been another woman in my life nor will there ever be.  I love her more than the air I breathe.

Now I suppose most men would not have found this to be problem yet I did.  The problem was not a total lack of interest on my part or that I lost interest in her or anything like that. The problem was just there was something else in my life that neither my wife nor any woman could ever compete with.

This other thing was so amazing that my wife would have to drag me away from it from time to time and remind me of my obligations to her.  This other thing was so good that I would not eat for days despite my huge appetite for food and the superb cooking of my wife just so I could keep at it.  The fact is that I had found something that was better than sex.

Now I am not the only man who has found this activity that is better than sex.  Those men who find this activity are in no way uninterested in the opposite sex.  In fact, they quite often seem to be rather romantic and some are involved with many women over the course of their lives.  You can be sure that they are in no shape, form, or fashion involved in homosexuality.  In fact, the more involved they become in this activity the more repulsive homosexuality becomes to them.

For example, consider King David who also found this thing that is better than sex.

David wanted to be sure that he would get the girl for killing Goliath before he ever picked up his sling (1 Samuel 17:25-27).  He then killed two hundred Philistines to close the deal because he was anxious to be involved with his first wife (1 Samuel 18:26-28).  Then he married more wives and concubines (2 Samuel 5:13).  He had at least ten concubines (2 Samuel 15:14-16).  He also had at least seven more wives (1 Chronicles 3:1-5).  So David had was sexually involved with at least eighteen women.  David plainly was interested in women.

Yet he found spending time with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to be better than life itself and more desirous than eating food or drinking water (Psalm 63:1-3).

He desired to spend time worshiping the Father of Truth more than he desired his wife (2 Samuel 6:14-23).  David delighted in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and meditated on it day and night (Psalm 1:1-2).  His greatest desire was to be in the House of the Father of Truth where His presence dwells (Psalm 26:6-8).  David found a day spent with the Father of Truth to be better than a thousand days doing anything else (Psalm 84:10).  He was willing to go through any kind of affliction to learn how to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in the way that the Father of Truth intended because David found that to be true riches (Psalm 119:71-73).

David had always been in pursuit of pleasing the Father of Truth by keeping His commandments (1 Samuel 13:14).  It was being anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that caused David to delight in spending time with the Father of Truth, reading His Word and being in His presence at a fanatical level (1 Samuel 16:13).  All the revelations that the David had about the future and the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) that He wrote in the Psalms had came from spending time with the Spirit of Truth (2 Samuel 23:1-3).  David would have rather of lost anything, including his wives, than to have lost his connection to the Spirit of Truth (Psalm 51:11).  It was experiences with the Spirit of Truth that he found to be better than sex.

I have also found experiences with the Spirit of Truth to be better than sex.  I would usually start off praying in tongues and in my understanding about whatever was on my mind.  This might go on for a few minutes or maybe even a few hours if I had a lot on my mind.  Then suddenly things would get interesting.

Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would cause me to break out singing songs.  Often they were in a language that I did not know but the Spirit of Truth would still cause me to understand them.  Sometimes I would preach out loud in these other languages.  Sometimes these were human languages that I did not know and sometimes it was the language spoken by the angels.

For example, I did this often on the rooftop of the house of my landlord when I lived in Greece.  I could not speak Greek and he could not speak much English when I arrived in Greece.  About a year later, he told me through his wife who spoke better English and my wife who had mastered conversational Greek (I told you that she was extraordinary) that I had been preaching in Greek and he had learned things about the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth that he had never learned in his church.

In similar fashion, one of my fellow airman, who had been to Israel, told me that I had been preaching in Hebrew when I stayed the night at the site where I worked.  I honestly do not know how many times I have spoken in a language that I did not know but someone else who heard me understood.

Other times, the Spirit of Truth would explain some passage in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to me that I was struggling to understand.  The Spirit of Truth would lead to passages in the Book of Truth to show me things in there that I had never heard preached.  The Spirit of Truth would also tell me what to do about situations in my life where I needed wisdom.  The Spirit of Truth would show me changes that I needed to make in my own life.  The Spirit of Truth would talk to me about all kinds of things.

Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would show me judgments that were going to come about although they were often conditional upon whether or not people repented.  The Spirit of Truth showed me things like smart phones, embedded microchips and other technologies that would be invented so that the prophecies in the Book of Truth could literally come to pass.  The Spirit of Truth would show me political changes like the end of the USSR that were necessary to set the stage for the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to rise suddenly to power.

For example, from 1997 to 2001 I warned people constantly that the US was going to be attacked on American soil by Muslims as judgment for doing wicked things like abortion and divorce for any cause unless we repented.  I was called a false prophet by many people who claimed to be Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) and an Islamaphobe by human secularists.  Yet somehow when Muslim terrorists attacked the US on American soil on September 11th all of my detractors were suddenly silent.

After that churches were filled to the brim for about three weeks but most of the religious professionals lied to people to make them feel better.  They did not tell Americans the truth that this was judgment for the wickedness of America and repentance from national sin was the only way to avoid worse judgment in the future.  Sadly, America has only grown much more wicked and the death of America is inevitable without dramatic and widespread repentance.

Mostly, the Spirit of Truth would make me stronger on the inside so that I was more like the Man of Truth and draw me closer to the Father of Truth. I could feel the presence of the Father of Truth and the longer I was in His presence the stronger I would feel.

Sometimes I would be transported to another place on Earth, or so it seemed, and would see what was going on there.  Usually I would start praying about the situation in the Spirit of Truth although sometimes I would lay hands on people who were sick or tell Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) that they had to leave.  This would continue until the situation was resolved.

These trips were so vivid that I could not tell if I was only seeing the situation or I was actually there.

For example, in one case I could feel the African heat in the grass hut where I stood.  I could hear people talking in what I presumed was Swahili.  I could smell the food that had been cooked there and the smell of illness that protruded from the white man on the cot.  When I laid my hand on his head to heal him I could feel his fever.  Then the fever left and he looked right at me.  He seemed to be aware of my presence but it seemed that he could not actually see me.

When these events first occurred I wondered at times if these experiences were real or if I just had an over active imagination.  Even if they were real, I was not sure if I had only had a vision of people in need or if these events had really happened in some cases.  It did not take long to get my answer. 

Sometimes when I was visiting people in other towns and went to church with them I would encounter some of the people that I had seen in these experiences with the Spirit of Truth.  One that particularly stood out was the iterating missionary that was telling about his experiences in Africa to a church that I was visiting.  He had been struck down with a tropical disease that had nearly killed him.  He then proceeded to tell about how he had felt a hand on his forehead, the fever left and how he looked to see who had laid their hand on him in the hut.  He told how he thought it must have been an angel because he could not see anyone but he could feel the presence of the Spirit of Truth.  Everything he said matched exactly what I had experienced.

Sometimes it would seem that I had only been praying for a few minutes but when I stopped I would find that eight hours had actually went by.  It was as if I had been in a place where time had no meaning.

These were not occasional occurrences but everyday occurrences.  I never knew what was going to happen when I spent time praying in tongues but if I knew if I kept at it something would always occur.  It was addictive.  I never wanted it to end.  It was better than sex.

Of course, the test of rather or not something really came from the Father of Truth is NOT the experiences that I or anyone else has had.  These experiences have to be measured against the Book of Truth just like dreams and visions to see if they really are from the Spirit of Truth.   The Spirit of Truth will never lead people into something that contradicts the Book of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the author of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).

While David was anointed with the Spirit of Truth, that is to say poured on his head, the Man of Truth came to baptize, that is to say to totally submerse, people in the Spirit of Truth (Mark 1:7-9). He told the Apostles of Truth and the other Children of Truth that they would be baptized in the Spirit of Truth if they would wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth in Jerusalem (Acts 1:3-5).  The Children of Truth who obeyed his instructions began to speak in languages that they did not know when they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4).  This is when the Children of Truth began to produce the sound of power.

Even though the Children of Truth are speaking in a language that they do not know it is sometimes a message about the Man of Truth in a language that their listeners understand (Acts 2:5-11).  This is a sign to the hearer so that they might believe the message that they are hearing (1 Corinthians 14:22).

Other times they are speaking the language spoken by angels (1 Corinthians 13:1).  The Children of Truth will also break out singing songs in a language that they do not know (1 Corinthians 14:15).

The Man of Truth not only said that the Children of Truth across the ages would speak in languages that they did not know but they would also cast out Spirits of Lies and heal the sick by laying their hands on the sick (Mark 16:16-18).

The Man of Truth said that the Spirit of Truth would teach the Children of Truth everything they needed to know and bring the Word of Truth back to remembrance when they needed it (John 14:26).  He said the Spirit of Truth would lead the Children of Truth into all truth and even show them future events and inventions in revelations that come from him and the Father of Truth (John 16:13-15).  It is the Spirit of Truth who reveals the deep things that come from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11).  These revelations from the Spirit of Truth often come to people when they are praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:4-6).  The Children of Truth are strengthened in their confidence in the Father of Truth that leads to bold action when they spend time praying through the Spirit of Truth in languages that they do not know (Jude 1:19-21).

Sometimes the Children of Truth are transported to another place during these experiences with the Spirit of Truth.  Ezekiel the Prophet of Truth (Yechezqel) was carried by the Spirit of Truth in a vision to the Temple in Jerusalem where he saw what other people were doing even though he was hundreds of miles away at banks of the Chebar river in modern Syria (Ezekiel 8:3-16).  Philip the Evangelist of Truth was physically transported by the Spirit of Truth in a moment of time from the Gaza road to the city of Azotus that was more than fifty miles away (Acts 8:26-40).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) had experiences with the Spirit of Truth that were so vivid that he could not tell whether he actually met the man who had went to Heaven or if he only saw the man who went to Heaven in a vision (2 Corinthians 12:1-4).  John the Jew (Yochanon aka The Apostle John) could actually taste what he ate and feel the results of eating when he had one of these experiences (Revelation 10:8-10).

When the Children of Truth are having one of these experiences with the Spirit of Truth time has no meaning.  Moses (Moishe) twice spent forty days without eating or drinking when he was in the presence of the Father of Truth yet did not suffer hunger or thirst because it did not seem that long to him due to the Spirit of Truth who caused his face to shine (Exodus 34:27-29).   On the other hand shortly before his exile on the isle of Patmos ended, John the Jew had a revelation of the Man of Truth when he was spending time with the Spirit of Truth  (Revelation 1:9-11).  During this short period of time he was taken to Heaven by the Spirit of Truth where he witnesses future events unfold over a span of more than seven years (Revelation 4:1-3).  The amount of time that passes on Earth while someone is having an experience with the Spirit of Truth has absolutely no correlation to the amount of time that they experience while they involved with the Spirit of Truth.

The thing that makes is such an adventure is that you have no control over what will happen when you spend time with the Spirit of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the one who decides what will happen (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

So in short, these experiences with the Spirit of Truth that I have had should be so common among the Children of Truth that they almost take them for granted.  This is what it means to be normal when you are involved with the Spirit of Truth.  Time spent with the Spirit of Truth is never boring.  It is a great adventure.  It is better than sex.

These experiences with the Spirit of Truth were in no way done away with when the last Apostle died.  The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the best gifts that the Spirit of Truth has to offer like a man in pursuit of his wife (1 Corinthians 12:28-31).  The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the Spirit of Truth to receive what is needed to help other people become stronger in their confidence in the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:1-3).  The Children of Truth are commanded to greatly desire to speak messages by the Spirit of Truth and to not forbid speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:39).  The Children of Truth are commanded to not to shut down the operation of the Spirit of Truth by despising these experiences from the Spirit of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20).  The Children of Truth are not supposed to do things like that to grieve the Spirit of Truth who lives inside them (Ephesians 4:30).

So even though everyone who comes into the House of Truth receives the better circumcision still not everyone receives the baptism of the Spirit of Truth.  Yet everyone in the House of Truth can receive the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and fire because the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start a fire so that His promise can be fulfilled to everyone who is willing to follow His instructions.  He wants you to have experiences with the Spirit of Truth that are better than sex.

The Father of Truth wants His Children to come to greater revelations about His Word and His Son through the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 1:17-21).  The Father of Truth wants His Children to be strengthen in their spirit that lives on the inside by spending time with the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 3:14-19).

The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is both women and men whether they are young or old (Acts 2:17-18). The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is promised to everyone who will come into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38-39).  It was speaking in languages that they did not know which proved that the Gentile Children of Truth were baptized in the Spirit of Truth even though they had never heard of this baptism nor had been circumcised nor even baptized in water (Acts 10:44-47).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Acts 11:15-18).

In order to come into the House of Truth where you can have these experiences that are better than sex you must surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by His Father (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Supernatural Garments

Are Jewish prayer shawls really supernatural garments?

I have met people who will not pray without wearing their tallits (Jewish prayer shawls).  Some of them seek to wear tallits everywhere they go whether it is a tallit gadol (great tallit) over their regular clothing or a tallit katan (small tallit) under their regular clothing.

There are various reasons for this.  In some cases people are wearing tallits as a way to obey the commandment that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) through Moses (Moishe) when the Children of Truth were in the wilderness to put tzitzits (tassels with one blue thread) on the corners of their clothing so that they would not forget His commandments (Numbers 15:38-40).  They point out that there is great precedent for the Children of Truth wearing tallits because the Prophets of Truth and Apostles of Truth wore tallits throughout the Book of Truth (The Bible).  They understand that tallits were the cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs that Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) made and used in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).

However, the wearing of tallits often takes on another dimension beyond a way to obey this commandment that was given to Moses in the wilderness.  I have heard some people say that wearing tallits makes their prayers more effective.  Others say that wearing a tallit brings the wearer under the provision and protection to the Father of Truth.  This line of thinking continues on to say that wearing a tallit make the wearer more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) because he wore tallits.  They will point out how often tallits are mentioned in the Book of Truth and that tallits are frequently connected to various demonstrations of supernatural power.  They will point out the times that tallits were connected to deliverance from trouble.

So in summary the claim is that wearing tallits will cause the Father of Truth to be more tentative to your prayers, bring you under the protection and provision of the Father of Truth, make you more like the Man of Truth, cause you to be able to operate in supernatural powers and bring supernatural deliverance to others.   In short, tallits take on a quality of being supernatural garments.

So are tallits really supernatural garments?

The best way to answer that question is to find the answers in the Book of Truth to several related questions.

Do tallits bring supernatural deliverance?

Jael (Yah'el) the Kenite used a tallit gadol in lulling Sisera the Canaanite general to sleep so she could kill him with a tent peg to bring about deliverance for Israel (Judges 4:18-21).

Did the tallit gadol really bring about the deliverance of Israel from Sisera?

The Father of Truth had spoken through Deborah the Prophetess of Truth to Barak that he was going to lead the armies of Israel against Sisera at the Kishon river to bring about the deliverance of Israel  (Judges 4:4-7).  However, since Barak did not trust His word enough to go to battle without Deborah accompanying him Deborah told him that the Father of Truth would use the hand of a woman to kill Sisera (Judges 4:8-10).  Then everyone in the army of Sisera was killed at the Kishon river except Sisera (Judges 4:12-16).

Heber the Kenite had separated himself from the other Kenites who were aligned with the Israelites (Judges 4:11).  Sisera thought that he was safe when he came to Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite because Heber the Kenite had aligned himself with the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:17).  Jael killed Sisera the Canaanite general because she plainly believed that the Father of Truth would deliver Israel from the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:22-24).

So Sisera the Canaanite general died at the hands of a woman because Barak was not confident enough in the word of the Father of Truth to act without Deborah going with him.  Jael was that woman who killed Sisera because she had enough confidence in His word that it lead her to action when there was no one else with her.  The tallit gadol was only one of several instruments that Jael used to bring about what the Father of Truth had already said would happen.  It was confidence in the Father of Truth that lead to action which brought about the death of Sisera.

Is political power tied to the condition of a tallit?

It was the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel (Shmuel) the Prophet of Truth that King Saul (Shaul) accidentally tore that caused Samuel to announce that the kingdom of Israel would be torn from the hand of King Saul in the same way (1 Samuel 15:27-29).

Did King Saul really lose the kingdom because he had accidentally torn the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth?

The Father of Truth had sent King Saul on a mission to carry out His will (1 Samuel 15:17-18).  Instead of carrying out the mission completely King Saul compromised to please other people (1 Samuel 15:19-21).  King Saul had disobeyed the commandment of the Father of Truth and shown himself to be untrustworthy to rule on behalf of the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 15:22-23).  The Father of Truth simply could not have someone rule on His behalf who could be swayed by the crowd into disobeying Him (1 Samuel 15:24-26).

So it was allowing other people to turn King Saul from fulfilling the mission that the Father of Truth had given him that caused King Saul to lose the kingdom.  The king that ruled on behalf of the Father of Truth was supposed to cause the people to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth.  Instead the people caused the king to disobey the Father of Truth.  That is like letting the inmates run the asylum. 

So when King Saul accidentally tore the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then Samuel used that as illustration that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hands due to his disobedience.  If King Saul had fully obeyed the Father of Truth but had still accidentally torn the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then he would not have been told that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hand in the same way.  It was his disobedience to the Father of Truth that caused him to lose the kingdom.  His losing the kingdom had nothing to do with tearing the corner off the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth.

It was the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that David cut off when he spared the life of King Saul
(1 Samuel 24:4-7).  It was showing the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that proved that David could have killed King Saul but instead protected King Saul from his men (1 Samuel 24:8-11). It was the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that convinced King Saul that David would take his place as the king of Israel (1 Samuel 24:18-20).  

Did David become the next king of Israel because he cut the corner off of the tallit gadol of King Saul?

The tallit gadol did not make David merciful so he could inherit the kingdom by the will of the Father of Truth.  It was acknowledging that the Father of Truth had anointed Saul as the king of Israel that caused David to spare King Saul.  It was not cutting off the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that caused David to gain the kingdom.  It was disobeying the Father of Truth that had cause King Saul to be cut off from the Father of Truth so that he lost the kingdom.  King Saul lost the kingdom because he lost his connection to the Father of Truth.  David gained the kingdom because he guarded his connection to the Father of Truth.

Then another Prophet of Truth named Ahijah (Achiyah) tore his own tallit gadol on purpose to announce that most of the kingdom of Israel would be given to Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:29-35).  

So did Jeroboam really gain most of the kingdom of Israel because a Prophet of Truth tore his own tallit gadol on purpose?

King Solomon (Shlomo) had also turned from obeying the Father of Truth fully due to the influence of other people (1 Kings 11:6-8).  The Father of Truth was angry that King Solomon could not be trusted to lead those he ruled over in obeying His commandments (1 Kings 11:9-10).  So it already been announced to King Solomon that his descendants would lose most of the kingdom of Israel due to his disobedience to the Father of Truth (1 Kings 11:11-13).  Ahijah the Prophet only tore his tallit gadol into twelve pieces and gave ten to Jeroboam to show that he was the man chosen by the Father of Truth to rule over most of the Kingdom of Israel instead the descendants of King Solomon (1 Kings 11:29-32).  Most of the kingdom was being taken away from the descendants of King David because his son did not obey the Father of Truth in carrying out His will like King David had (1 Kings 11:33-35).

Like King Saul, King Solomon did not obey the commandments of the Father of Truth fully.  Like King Saul, King Solomon failed because he was swayed into disobedience by those he ruled over.  Similar to King Saul, he was told that his descendants would lose most of the kingdom for his actions.  The Father of Truth still wanted a king that would lead the people into obeying him and King Solomon had turned away from being that king just like King Saul had.  The descendants of King Solomon losing most of the kingdom of Israel had nothing to do with a Prophet of Truth tearing their own tallit gadol.

So in reverse of the accidental tearing of the tallit gadol of Samuel by King Saul that was used to illustrate that the kingdom of Israel would be taken from King Saul, the Prophet of Truth Ahijah tore his own tallit gadol to illustrate that most of the kingdom of Israel would be taken from the descendants of King Solomon.  Both times the kingdom of Israel was lost because the king of Israel had compromised in carrying out the will of the Father of Truth in order to please the people they ruled over.  Both times the king of Israel was told that the kingdom was going to be given to someone else before the tallit gadol of the Prophet of Truth was torn.  The tallit gadol of the Prophet of Truth was only torn to illustrate what had already been announced.  The changes in political destiny had nothing to do with a tallit gadol being torn on accident or on purpose.

Is the authority of a Prophet of Truth wrapped up in their tallit?

Years later Elijah (Eliyahu) the Prophet of Truth placed his tallit gadol on the shoulders of Elishah to show that he was going to succeed him in being the chief Prophet of Truth in Israel (1 Kings 19:19).  When Elijah went up in the chariot of fire he dropped his tallit gadol to Elishah (2 Kings 2:11-13).

So did Elishah replace Elijah as a Prophet of Truth because he wore the tallit gadol of Elijah?

The Father of Truth had already chosen Elishah to be the next Prophet of Truth before Elijah ever placed his tallit gadol upon the shoulders of Elishah (1 Kings 19:15-17).  Elishah was chosen because he was one of the seven thousand men in Israel that still lived in the House of Truth (1 Kings 19:18).  Elishah only received the tallit gadol of Elijah because he had refused to leave Elijah until Elijah was taken off the Earth (2 Kings 2:1-6).

So Elishah replaced Elijah as the Prophet of Truth due to his faithfulness to the Father of Truth.   Elishah only wore the tallit gadol of Elijah when he took the place of Elijah because he had refused to be separated from Elijah.  Elishah still would have been a Prophet of Truth even if he had not worn the tallit gadol of Elijah.  Elishah was chosen to be a Prophet of Truth because he had already shown that he would be faithful to do what the Father of Truth commanded.

Is there miracle working power in a tallit? 

When it came time for Elijah to leave the Earth he parted the Jordan river by rolling up his tallit gadol and striking the Jordan river with it (2 Kings 2:7-8).  After Elijah left the Earth then Elishah did the same thing with the tallit gadol that Elijah gave him (2 Kings 2:14).

Did the tallit gadol give Elijah and Elishah the ability to perform miracles like parting the Jordan river?

Elishah had asked for twice as much of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to be on him as was on Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-10).  It was the Spirit of Truth working through Elijah and Elishah that allowed them to perform miracles like parting the Jordan river (2 Kings 2:15).

So having the Spirit of Truth allowed them to part the Jordan river with the tallit gadol of Elijah.  It was the Spirit of Truth that performed miracles though the Prophets of Truth who listened to the Spirit of Truth and did what the Spirit of Truth told them to do.

Does a tallit protect the wearer from anything besides the weather? 

The corner of the tallit gadol often overshadows young children who are clinging to the legs of their parents for protection similar to the wing of a bird overshadowing its young.  So being overshadowed or under the corner of a tallit gadol signifies being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol.  Therefore being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol is often metaphorically referred to as being under the shadow of their wing.

In the same way David compared the provision and protection of the Father of Truth to be under the corner of His tallit gadol (Psalm 17:8).  In like manner the Children of Truth putting their trust in being under the corner of His tallit gadol means that they are in a relationship with the Father of Truth that bring them under His provision and protection (Psalm 36:7-9).  Those who trust the Father of Truth cling to Him under the corner of His tallit gadol in times of danger (Psalm 57:1).  They know that clinging to the Father of Truth like a child who is under the corner of His tallit gadol will give them refuge from any storm (Psalm 61:3-5).  The Children of Truth are happy to be under the corner of His tallit gadol because they know that being close to the Father of Truth has brought them provision and protection (Psalm 63:7).  

This provision and protection does not come from wearing a tallit gadol.  This protection comes from being so close to the Father of Truth that it is as if you were a child clinging to His leg under the corner of His tallit gadol.

Does wearing a tallit gadol make anyone closer to the Father of Truth?

It was the corners of the tallit gadol where the blood of the innocents was found on those Jews who had lived wickedly (Jeremiah 2:33-35).  The corners of the tallit gadol have no power to make anything clean if it is unclean (Haggai 2:11-13).  The blood of the Man of Truth alone has the power to make people clean (1 John 1:7).  

Wearing a tallit gadol makes no one cleaner in the eyes of the Father of Truth.  It is the atoning blood of the Man of Truth that makes you clean from sin.

For this reason the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth to give up their tallit gadol (cloak) also when they lost their regular clothing (coat) in a court case to show that they would go farther than the minimum that the court required to make things right with their neighbor (Matthew 5:40).  In like manner he said that the Children of Truth should be willing to give up their regular clothing (coat) as well if they lost their tallit gadol (cloak) in a case (Luke 6:29).  

So treating other people right is more important than wearing a tallit gadol.

In fact the Man of Truth rebuked the Rabbis for enlarging the tzitzits on their tallit gadols in order to appear to be righteous to other people (Matthew 23:5-7).  The truth is that a tallit gadol cannot cover the sin of anyone to make them righteous but righteousness only comes knowing from the Man of Truth and His Father (John 15:22-24).  So wearing a tallit gadol is totally useless to anyone who covers their life with covetousness like a man wearing a tallit gadol instead of living a life that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:3-6).  Those who fear the Father of Truth do not wear a tallit gadol as a means of hiding their evil intentions instead of treating other people right (1 Peter 2:15-17).  

So wearing a tallit gadol does not make the heart of anyone righteous.  Righteousness only comes from total surrender to the Man of Truth who brings about a transformation of the heart that makes it self known by loving other people in the way that the Father of Truth intended. 

Is there healing power in a tallit?

When the Man of Truth was on the Earth the woman with the issue of blood was healed by touching the corner of His tallit gadol (Mark 5:25-29).  Later everyone in the region of the Gennesaret who touched his tallit gadol was also healed (Mark 6:53-56).

Did the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth heal these people?

Malachi the Prophet of Truth had said that there would healing in the corners of the tallit gadol of the Messiah of Israel (Malachi 4:2).  The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel had lead to taking action by touching the corner of the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:34).  The people of Gennesaret were also healed when they touched the corner of his tallit gadol because they recognized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 6:53-54).  

Not only that but the Gentile woman of Canaan had her daughter healed by the Man of Truth without touching his tallit gadol because she believed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 15:22-28).  The Man of Truth healed blind Bartimaeus when blind Bartimaeus threw off his tallit gadol because blind Bartimaeus recognized him as the Messiah of Israel (Mark 10:46-52).  It was the confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel that caused the Samaritan leper to be healed without touching the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth and then having his missing body parts grow back when this Gentile gave glory to the Father of Truth for the Messiah of Israel (Luke 17:12-19).

It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:30-33).  It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed everyone who heard his words and that he touched (Luke 6:17-19).

The Man of Truth was full of the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment that he was baptized (Luke 4:1).  The Man of Truth operated in the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment he began his ministry (Luke 4:13-15).  The Man of Truth had an endless amount of the power of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:34).

So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth.  People were healed because they recognized that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.

People were also healed by the tallit katans (small tallits) that were worn like aprons and handkerchiefs under the clothes of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 19:11-12).

So did the tallit katans of Paul the Jew heal the sick?

The Man of Truth had said that believers would lay hands on the sick to them and cast out Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) from people when he sent his disciples out on the great commission (Mark 16:17-18).   He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth before going into all the world (Acts 1:4-5).  Then all of his disciple who obeyed his instructions were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4).  After being that people were healed just by the shadow of Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) falling on them without even touching his tallit gadol (Acts 5:14-16). 

Years later Paul the Jew was unable to go to people personally and they could not come to him because he was disputing in the yeshiva of Tyrannus for two years to bring people into the House of Truth from all over the region of Asia (western Turkey) (Acts 19:8-10).  It was the Father of Truth who brought about the special miracles - not the tallit katans (Acts 19:11).  The tallit katans were only sent as his representatives to carry the power of the Spirit of Truth on his behalf to heal those who had faith in the Man of Truth who was represented by the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner of these tallit katans (Acts 19:12).  

Paul the Jew only healed people by the power of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 15:18-19).  It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that served as proof that the Good News about the Man of Truth was true (1 Corinthians 2:3-5).  In fact Paul the Jew did not even have to be personally present nor did his tallits need to be present for the power of the Spirit of Truth that had been given to him by the Man of Truth to work (1 Corinthians 5:3-5).

So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit katans of the Paul the Jew.  People were healed because they had faith in the Man of Truth that the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner represented.  They were healed because they had confidence that lead to action on the promise that the Messiah of Israel would have healing in the corners of his tallit.

So a tallit does have any healing power in itself.  The healing power is not about the tallit.  The healing power is about the Spirit of Truth working through the wearer of the tallit.  The Spirit of Truth does not need someone to wear a tallit of any sort to bring healing to other people though someone.  The Spirit of Truth heals those who have confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.

So is there any reason to wear a tallit?

So it has been demonstrated that tallits are not supernatural garments.  Tallits do not bring about supernatural deliverance.  Tallits do not control political destiny. Tallits do not give people authority to act as prophets.  Tallits do not have miracle working power.  Tallits do not protect the wearer from anything except the weather.  Tallits do not bring the wearer closer to the Father of Truth.  Tallits do not possess healing power.

This does not mean that tallits did not come from the Father of Truth.  It is just that tallits must not be given a place that He did not intend. We must be careful to not put our trust in things that come from the Father of Truth instead putting our trust in the Father of Truth.  We must be careful to not turn things that come from Him into idols. 

For example, the Father of Truth had Moses build the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10-11).  Yet when Israel depended upon it to deliver them from the Philistines, instead of relying on the Father of Truth, they lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:3-11). 

Similarly the Father of Truth had Moses create the brass serpent in the wilderness to bring deliverance from a plague that He had sent to destroy those who had rebelled against Him and Moses (Numbers 21:6-8).  Yet King Hezekiah was commended by the Father of Truth for destroying the brass serpent that Moses made because the Israelites had turned it into an idol (2 Kings 18:1-6).

The purpose of a tallit gadol is help identify the Children of Truth to the world just like a police uniform identifies a policeman to the world. 

This is why King Saul was able to identify Samuel by his tallit gadol (1 Samuel 28:14-15).  This is how the Gentiles will be able to identify the Jewish Children of Truth in the future so they can be taken to Jerusalem to seek the Father of Truth (Zechariah 8:22-23).  This is why Paul the Jew thought that it was worth sending Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) hundreds of miles out of his way to pick up his tallit gadol that he had left in Troas even though he wanted Timothy the Jew to arrive in Rome before Winter (2 Timothy 4:13-21).

However wearing a tallit does not make someone part of the Children of Truth anymore than wearing a police uniform makes someone a policeman.  The Children of Truth are not defined by possessing material things that come from the Father of Truth.

For example, the Philistines eventually sent the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel because possessing the Ark of the Covenant without knowing the Author of the Covenant had brought them nothing but trouble (1 Samuel 5:9-11).  In like manner the sons of Sceva, who were wearing tallit gadols, were beat up by a man possessed by Spirits of Lies when they tried to pass themselves off as being in the House of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).  

It is taking action because you believe the Word of Truth that brings deliverance.  It is obedience or disobedience to known will of the Father of Truth that determines political destiny.  It is the Father of Truth who gives someone the authority to act as His prophet.  It is the Spirit of Truth who works miracles through the Children of Truth.  It is being close to the Father of Truth that brings His protection and provision upon the Children of Truth.  It is the blood of the Man of Truth and loving your neighbor as yourself that brings you close to the Father of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth heals everyone who has confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.

Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial to those who are already in the House of Truth (Romans 2:25).  Like circumcision, keeping the weightier matters of the law is more important than wearing tallits (Romans 2:26-27).  Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial if it is an outward expression of an inward experience (Romans 2:28-29).  Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only meant to identify those who have received the Word of Truth (Romans 3:1-2).  Like circumcision, the Children of Truth are defined by their relationship with the Father of Truth and not by wearing a tallit (Romans 3:28-30).  While circumcision in the flesh is a cut above the rest of every other way that people mark themselves it is meaningless without the better circumcision of the heart.  It is the same way with wearing tallits.

So are there supernatural garments?

The Children of Truth are the Children of Truth whether or not they are wearing a tallit just like a policeman is a policeman whether or not he is wearing his uniform.  It is being in the House of Truth that brings the blessing of the Father of Truth.  It is wearing the supernatural garments that He has provided that brings His blessing.

So wearing a tallit is only helpful to those who first cloth themselves with righteousness and wear zeal for the Father of Truth like a tallit gadol so that they are imitating the Man of Truth (Isaiah 59:17).  It is more important to put on all of the armor that the Father of Truth has provided so the Children of Truth can stand up against the attacks of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) than to wear a tallit (Ephesians 6:11-13).  It is being clothed with truth and peace, wearing confidence in the salvation that the Man of Truth has bought with his blood, speaking the Word of Truth and praying in the Spirit of Truth that brings the protection of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 6:14-18).  Wearing a tallit was never meant to be a substitute for clothing oneself with humility (1 Peter 5:5).  These are the supernatural garments that the Father of Truth has provided.

No one can wear these supernatural garments from the Father of Truth unless they first come into the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth is the only one that can bring people into the House of Truth where His Father lives (John 14:6).  He will give the Spirit of Truth to those who come into the House of Truth (John 15:26).  Everyone who surrenders control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe the Father of Truth raised him from the dead comes into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-13).  The Father of Truth provides supernatural garments to everyone who comes into the House of Truth (2 Peter 1:2-4).

Come into the House of Truth.

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