Total Surrender
Do you really know what it takes to be saved?
When the other Allies decided to offered to negotiate with the Central Powers to end World War I, the American General Pershing was furious. He wanted unconditional surrender - especially from Germany. He warned, that anything less and the next generation would be back fighting Germany again.
The next generation did indeed come back and fight Germany again in World War II. This time the Americans were able to convince their European Allies, that the unconditional surrender of Germany was the only option, to prevent the next generation from having to come back to fight Germany in World War III. So the war did not end in Europe until Germany agreed to unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945. This was just eight days after their leader, Adolf Hitler, had committed suicide.
Now the European Allies and Russia would be able to help the United States fight against Japan. The United States had already beaten the Japanese back to their main islands with very little assistance and using only one third of its military. Japan had no remaining allies, and the US naval blockade doomed it to run out of materials, that would allow it to continue to effectively wage war. The Japanese were already defeated for all practical purposes, but they still refused to agree to unconditional surrender.
The Emperor, Hirohito, said that Japan would fight to last man, instead of accepting unconditional surrender. This only changed, when Hirohito realized that the United States had the ability to drop an atomic bomb on Tokyo, vaporizing his entire family, after two atomic bombs were dropped on other cities, and the US decimated Tokyo with conventional bombs.
The reason the Japanese refused unconditional surrender so much longer than Germany, was because for them unconditional surrender meant the end of their entire way of life, that they had maintained for over twenty five hundred years. Hirohito was the one hundred and twenty fourth emperor of Japan in an unbroken chain of emperors, that went back to 660 BC. The entirety of Japanese life revolved around the Emperor, and he was revered as God in their religion. Hirohito believed, that if Japan lost the war, then everyone in Japan would be forced to become Christians.
The Japanese had this view partially, because there had been a long held custom in the Far East, that when people were completely defeated by an enemy, then they had to give up their religion, and take up the religion of those who defeated them. There were similar customs of the defeated party having to adopt the language, manner of dress, calendar, and virtually every other custom of the victorious party. So the Japanese believed, that they would have to dress in American clothes, forsake the Japanese language completely, learn to speak, read and write only in English, totally replace their calendar with the Gregorian calendar, stop observing Japanese holidays, start observing different holidays, and basically learn to do everything the American way, including how they cooked their food. The Japanese believed, that unconditional surrender meant total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity.
In short, total surrender meant an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
As it turned out, Hirohito found out that total surrender, was not what the Americans meant at all by unconditional surrender. When Hirohito asked the American General McArthur on the USS Missouri, about the steps that the Japanese had to take to be considered to be Christians by the Americans, the answer surprised him. McArthur told him, that the Americans did not expect the Japanese to mass convert to Christianity, and that no one could force anyone to become a Christian in any case. McArthur told him, that no one could become a Christian, by simply observing certain holidays and keeping certain customs. He told Hirohito, that the decision to become a Christian, was something that each individual had to make on their own. He told Hirohito, that making this decision, would bring about the end of the entire way of life of those who made it. Hirohito was informed, that each person must decide for themselves, to submit to total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity, if they wanted to become a Christian.
Hirohito, however, did have to make a public announcement to the Japanese people, that he was not God.
However, a day is coming when the Great War is over, and the Final Battle has been fought, that all the Earth will submit to the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) in total surrender.
The events leading up to this total surrender are foreshadowed in The Greatest Play Ever that is put on when people observe the Feasts of the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord). In the fifth act of the Greatest Play Ever, Yom Teruah (Shofarim aka The Feast of Trumpets), the Father of Truth will prevent Collateral Damage by soon calling the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to gather together with the Man of Truth in the air with the sound of a shofar (trumpet) (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). This will occur when the last shofar (trumpet) is sounded at the end of the fifth act to signal that His wrath is ready to be poured out on the Earth (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). In the Greatest Play Ever, He will pour out His wrath on the Earth in the Great War (The Tribulation) during the intermission known as the Days of Awe that is between the fifth and sixth acts (Revelation 6:15-17). In the sixth act, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgment Day), He will send the Man of Truth with an army composed of the Children of Truth and the Angels of Truth to completely defeat His enemies in the Final Battle (Armageddon) bringing to completion the pouring out of His Wrath on the Earth (Revelation 19:14-16).
This sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever is all about total surrender.
The Man of Truth will not come back to the Earth to rescue the inhabitants of Jerusalem until they submit to him in total surrender (Matthew 23:37-39).
Total surrender will mean a change in religion for all of the Jews on Earth.
For more than thousand years most Jews have followed religious leaders who claim to have derived their authority from Moses (Matthew 23:2). For this reason the Jews have largely observed to do whatever these religious leaders have told them (Matthew 23:3). These religious leaders put on a religious show and call themselves "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:5-7). These Rabbis have kept most of their fellow Jews from seeing that the Man of Truth is the one that Moses spoke of and have driven many other Jews into atheism (Matthew 23:13).
These Rabbis have devoured the houses of widows in private while making long prayers in public (Matthew 23:14). They have provoke the Gentile proselytes to their religion to do even worse things than they do (Matthew 23:15). They are more concerned with getting the rituals of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) right than they are with treating people right (Matthew 23:23).
These blind guides put more value on material things than on spiritual things (Matthew 23:16-18). These blind guides are more concerned with small temporary matters than with large eternal matters (Matthew 23:24). The blind religious leaders are more concerned with appearing clean on the outside where people can see than with being clean on the inside where the Father of Truth can see (Matthew 23:25-26). These Rabbis may look good on the outside but they are full of death on the inside (Matthew 23:27-28).
Their religion has replaced the commandments of the Law of Truth with their own traditions (Matthew 15:4-6). Their religion has taught people a doctrine based on their commandments instead of the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:7-9). Their religion places the heavy burden of following their rules on the shoulders of most Jews (Matthew 23:4).
Rabbinical Judaism will come to end when the Jews submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth.
The Jews that survive the Great War will finally submit in total surrender to the Prophet like Moses who the Father of Truth raise up and who they must listen to in order to please the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). The Jews will acknowledge that the Man of Truth that was rejected by their religious leaders is the one that the Father of Truth sent to bring them salvation (Psalm 118:21-23). They will be glad and rejoice in the day that they submit to this new religion in total surrender (Psalm 118:24-26). The only one that they will call "Rabbi" in their new religion will be the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:8).
They will find that this new religion will give them the power to obey the Law of Truth by writing it on their inner most being so that they sin no more against the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-33). This new religion will allow them dwell in the Promised Land because the Spirit of Truth (HaRuach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will live in them so that they will be able to keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-28). They will be born again and find that the commandments of their new religion are not hard to keep (1 John 5:1-3).
Total surrender will bring an end to the identity of Jews as being a scattered minority that lives among the Gentiles. When the Jews of Jerusalem submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender then every single person of Jewish descent will be gathered by the Angels of Truth to the Promised Land from every nation on Earth so that the Diaspora that began with the Assyrians will finally come to an end (Matthew 24:29-31).
This will even include those whose identity as Jews had been hidden from them by their ancestors so that they did not even know themselves that they were Jewish (Psalm 83:3-4). The regathering of the Jews that began in 1870 will finally be complete and the Jews will no longer be scattered across the world for their disobedience to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:4-6). Their identity will be completely changed from that of a persecuted minority scattered among the Gentiles for not serving the Father of Truth to an exalted people that have been gathered together in their own land to serve the Father of Truth (Micah 4:6-8).
When they are regathered in total surrender they will have to learn to speak a new language, Hebrew, to serve the Man of Truth instead of the languages of those they served in the lands where they will be gathered from (Zephaniah 3:9).
In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
The Jews will not be the only ones that will experience total surrender on that day.
The Gentiles that survive will also have to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Revelation 19:15). The Gentiles will be completely disarmed in total surrender so that they cannot rebel against the Man of Truth (Micah 4:1-3).
The Jewish kingdom will be exalted above every Gentile kingdom when the Gentiles submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Deuteronomy 26:18-19). A Jewish kingdom will rule the Earth instead of Gentile kingdoms ruling the Earth (Daniel 2:44-45). The times of the Gentile nations ruling Jerusalem will come to an end (Luke 21:24).
The Gentiles will also be given a new religion that affects every area of their lives when they submit to total surrender.
The same Law of Truth that the Jews will finally obey from their heart will become the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:2-4). The Gentiles will no longer keep the religions that they inherited from their fathers (Jeremiah 16:19-21). They will come up to Jerusalem to learn how to keep the same laws as the Jews (Zechariah 8:20-22). They will seek out the Jews to teach them how to keep the Law of Truth (Zechariah 8:23).
Their calendar and holidays will be completely changed. They will have to come up to Jerusalem on the seventh month of the calendar established in the Law of Truth to worship the Man of Truth and to live in tents for a week (Zechariah 14:16). Anyone that does not show up for Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) will not get any rain for the next year (Zechariah 14:17-19).
The Gentiles will even have to learn only eat the same food as the Jews when they submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Leviticus 11).
In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
Total surrender will not only be experienced by the whole Earth when the Man of Truth returns to complete the sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever but it will be experienced by everyone that has ever lived including the Spirits of Lies, the Angels of Lies, the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) and every person that has ever been born (Romans 14:11). So voluntarily or involuntarily, now or later, everyone will submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender.
Although the day will come when everyone on Earth will submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth people can voluntarily choose total surrender to the Man of Truth now.
If you will submit to total surrender now then you will inherit eternal life but if you wait until you are force into total surrender later then you will suffer eternal punishment (John 12:25). Those that suffer as a result of total surrender now will reign with the Man of Truth forever but those that refuse to suffer as a result of total surrender now will have no part in his kingdom later (2 Timothy 2:12).
Totals surrender means surrendering your will to do the will of the Father of Truth even if it cost your life like total surrender meant for the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:39). You submit to total surrender when you decide to do whatever the Man of Truth wants you to do (Luke 6:46-49). Total surrender means that you love the Man of Truth more than anyone else or even your own life (Luke 14:26-27).
If you accept total surrender then you will no longer belong to yourself because your life was bought with a price for the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). You are giving up control of your time, your money, your relationships and everything else in your life.
You will no longer have an identity as one of the Children of Lies if you submit to total surrender (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). You will have to submit to total surrender of your old identity and acceptance of a new identity (2 Corinthians 5:17) The Man of Truth will be living out his life through you because you have died to your old life (Galatians 2:20).
You will have a new religion if you submit to total surrender. You may already be going to a congregation where you think that the religious leaders know the Father of Truth but that does not mean that you have the same religion as them or that they have submitted in total surrender to the Man of Truth. If you submit in total surrender and they have not then you will not have the same religion that they do. If that is the case then eventually these religious leaders will persecute you and drive you from the place of worship that you might have attended for a long time (John 16:1-3).
In short total surrender will mean an end of your old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
You cannot submit to total surrender in your own strength. You can only submit to total surrender when you love the Man of Truth (John 14:15). You cannot submit to total surrender until you realize that the Father of Truth loved you so much when you were still in rebellion that He sent His son to die for your sins (Romans 5:8). You cannot submit to total surrender without the Spirit of Truth coming to live in you to help you do so (Romans 8:8-10). The love for the Man of Truth that prompts you to total surrender comes from realizing the love that he first had for you (1 John 4:19).
No one can force you to come into the House of Truth. You cannot come into the House of Truth by observing certain holidays or keeping certain customs. You cannot come into the House of Truth by simply being born to parents that are in the House of Truth. You cannot come into the House of Truth by attending a congregation with the Children of Truth. You must decide to come into the House of Truth for yourself.
You can only come into the House of Truth by submitting in total surrender to the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:21). You must be born again to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3). You must repent because you are truly sorry for rebelling against the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:10). This is what it means to come into the House of Truth.
You come into the House of Truth when you decide to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-12).
Come into the House of Truth.
When the other Allies decided to offered to negotiate with the Central Powers to end World War I, the American General Pershing was furious. He wanted unconditional surrender - especially from Germany. He warned, that anything less and the next generation would be back fighting Germany again.
The next generation did indeed come back and fight Germany again in World War II. This time the Americans were able to convince their European Allies, that the unconditional surrender of Germany was the only option, to prevent the next generation from having to come back to fight Germany in World War III. So the war did not end in Europe until Germany agreed to unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945. This was just eight days after their leader, Adolf Hitler, had committed suicide.
Now the European Allies and Russia would be able to help the United States fight against Japan. The United States had already beaten the Japanese back to their main islands with very little assistance and using only one third of its military. Japan had no remaining allies, and the US naval blockade doomed it to run out of materials, that would allow it to continue to effectively wage war. The Japanese were already defeated for all practical purposes, but they still refused to agree to unconditional surrender.
The Emperor, Hirohito, said that Japan would fight to last man, instead of accepting unconditional surrender. This only changed, when Hirohito realized that the United States had the ability to drop an atomic bomb on Tokyo, vaporizing his entire family, after two atomic bombs were dropped on other cities, and the US decimated Tokyo with conventional bombs.
The reason the Japanese refused unconditional surrender so much longer than Germany, was because for them unconditional surrender meant the end of their entire way of life, that they had maintained for over twenty five hundred years. Hirohito was the one hundred and twenty fourth emperor of Japan in an unbroken chain of emperors, that went back to 660 BC. The entirety of Japanese life revolved around the Emperor, and he was revered as God in their religion. Hirohito believed, that if Japan lost the war, then everyone in Japan would be forced to become Christians.
The Japanese had this view partially, because there had been a long held custom in the Far East, that when people were completely defeated by an enemy, then they had to give up their religion, and take up the religion of those who defeated them. There were similar customs of the defeated party having to adopt the language, manner of dress, calendar, and virtually every other custom of the victorious party. So the Japanese believed, that they would have to dress in American clothes, forsake the Japanese language completely, learn to speak, read and write only in English, totally replace their calendar with the Gregorian calendar, stop observing Japanese holidays, start observing different holidays, and basically learn to do everything the American way, including how they cooked their food. The Japanese believed, that unconditional surrender meant total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity.
In short, total surrender meant an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
As it turned out, Hirohito found out that total surrender, was not what the Americans meant at all by unconditional surrender. When Hirohito asked the American General McArthur on the USS Missouri, about the steps that the Japanese had to take to be considered to be Christians by the Americans, the answer surprised him. McArthur told him, that the Americans did not expect the Japanese to mass convert to Christianity, and that no one could force anyone to become a Christian in any case. McArthur told him, that no one could become a Christian, by simply observing certain holidays and keeping certain customs. He told Hirohito, that the decision to become a Christian, was something that each individual had to make on their own. He told Hirohito, that making this decision, would bring about the end of the entire way of life of those who made it. Hirohito was informed, that each person must decide for themselves, to submit to total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity, if they wanted to become a Christian.
Hirohito, however, did have to make a public announcement to the Japanese people, that he was not God.
However, a day is coming when the Great War is over, and the Final Battle has been fought, that all the Earth will submit to the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) in total surrender.
The events leading up to this total surrender are foreshadowed in The Greatest Play Ever that is put on when people observe the Feasts of the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord). In the fifth act of the Greatest Play Ever, Yom Teruah (Shofarim aka The Feast of Trumpets), the Father of Truth will prevent Collateral Damage by soon calling the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to gather together with the Man of Truth in the air with the sound of a shofar (trumpet) (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). This will occur when the last shofar (trumpet) is sounded at the end of the fifth act to signal that His wrath is ready to be poured out on the Earth (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). In the Greatest Play Ever, He will pour out His wrath on the Earth in the Great War (The Tribulation) during the intermission known as the Days of Awe that is between the fifth and sixth acts (Revelation 6:15-17). In the sixth act, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgment Day), He will send the Man of Truth with an army composed of the Children of Truth and the Angels of Truth to completely defeat His enemies in the Final Battle (Armageddon) bringing to completion the pouring out of His Wrath on the Earth (Revelation 19:14-16).
This sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever is all about total surrender.
The Man of Truth will not come back to the Earth to rescue the inhabitants of Jerusalem until they submit to him in total surrender (Matthew 23:37-39).
Total surrender will mean a change in religion for all of the Jews on Earth.
For more than thousand years most Jews have followed religious leaders who claim to have derived their authority from Moses (Matthew 23:2). For this reason the Jews have largely observed to do whatever these religious leaders have told them (Matthew 23:3). These religious leaders put on a religious show and call themselves "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:5-7). These Rabbis have kept most of their fellow Jews from seeing that the Man of Truth is the one that Moses spoke of and have driven many other Jews into atheism (Matthew 23:13).
These Rabbis have devoured the houses of widows in private while making long prayers in public (Matthew 23:14). They have provoke the Gentile proselytes to their religion to do even worse things than they do (Matthew 23:15). They are more concerned with getting the rituals of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) right than they are with treating people right (Matthew 23:23).
These blind guides put more value on material things than on spiritual things (Matthew 23:16-18). These blind guides are more concerned with small temporary matters than with large eternal matters (Matthew 23:24). The blind religious leaders are more concerned with appearing clean on the outside where people can see than with being clean on the inside where the Father of Truth can see (Matthew 23:25-26). These Rabbis may look good on the outside but they are full of death on the inside (Matthew 23:27-28).
Their religion has replaced the commandments of the Law of Truth with their own traditions (Matthew 15:4-6). Their religion has taught people a doctrine based on their commandments instead of the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:7-9). Their religion places the heavy burden of following their rules on the shoulders of most Jews (Matthew 23:4).
Rabbinical Judaism will come to end when the Jews submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth.
The Jews that survive the Great War will finally submit in total surrender to the Prophet like Moses who the Father of Truth raise up and who they must listen to in order to please the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). The Jews will acknowledge that the Man of Truth that was rejected by their religious leaders is the one that the Father of Truth sent to bring them salvation (Psalm 118:21-23). They will be glad and rejoice in the day that they submit to this new religion in total surrender (Psalm 118:24-26). The only one that they will call "Rabbi" in their new religion will be the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:8).
They will find that this new religion will give them the power to obey the Law of Truth by writing it on their inner most being so that they sin no more against the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-33). This new religion will allow them dwell in the Promised Land because the Spirit of Truth (HaRuach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will live in them so that they will be able to keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-28). They will be born again and find that the commandments of their new religion are not hard to keep (1 John 5:1-3).
Total surrender will bring an end to the identity of Jews as being a scattered minority that lives among the Gentiles. When the Jews of Jerusalem submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender then every single person of Jewish descent will be gathered by the Angels of Truth to the Promised Land from every nation on Earth so that the Diaspora that began with the Assyrians will finally come to an end (Matthew 24:29-31).
This will even include those whose identity as Jews had been hidden from them by their ancestors so that they did not even know themselves that they were Jewish (Psalm 83:3-4). The regathering of the Jews that began in 1870 will finally be complete and the Jews will no longer be scattered across the world for their disobedience to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:4-6). Their identity will be completely changed from that of a persecuted minority scattered among the Gentiles for not serving the Father of Truth to an exalted people that have been gathered together in their own land to serve the Father of Truth (Micah 4:6-8).
When they are regathered in total surrender they will have to learn to speak a new language, Hebrew, to serve the Man of Truth instead of the languages of those they served in the lands where they will be gathered from (Zephaniah 3:9).
In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
The Jews will not be the only ones that will experience total surrender on that day.
The Gentiles that survive will also have to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Revelation 19:15). The Gentiles will be completely disarmed in total surrender so that they cannot rebel against the Man of Truth (Micah 4:1-3).
The Jewish kingdom will be exalted above every Gentile kingdom when the Gentiles submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Deuteronomy 26:18-19). A Jewish kingdom will rule the Earth instead of Gentile kingdoms ruling the Earth (Daniel 2:44-45). The times of the Gentile nations ruling Jerusalem will come to an end (Luke 21:24).
The Gentiles will also be given a new religion that affects every area of their lives when they submit to total surrender.
The same Law of Truth that the Jews will finally obey from their heart will become the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:2-4). The Gentiles will no longer keep the religions that they inherited from their fathers (Jeremiah 16:19-21). They will come up to Jerusalem to learn how to keep the same laws as the Jews (Zechariah 8:20-22). They will seek out the Jews to teach them how to keep the Law of Truth (Zechariah 8:23).
Their calendar and holidays will be completely changed. They will have to come up to Jerusalem on the seventh month of the calendar established in the Law of Truth to worship the Man of Truth and to live in tents for a week (Zechariah 14:16). Anyone that does not show up for Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) will not get any rain for the next year (Zechariah 14:17-19).
The Gentiles will even have to learn only eat the same food as the Jews when they submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Leviticus 11).
In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
Total surrender will not only be experienced by the whole Earth when the Man of Truth returns to complete the sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever but it will be experienced by everyone that has ever lived including the Spirits of Lies, the Angels of Lies, the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) and every person that has ever been born (Romans 14:11). So voluntarily or involuntarily, now or later, everyone will submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender.
Although the day will come when everyone on Earth will submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth people can voluntarily choose total surrender to the Man of Truth now.
If you will submit to total surrender now then you will inherit eternal life but if you wait until you are force into total surrender later then you will suffer eternal punishment (John 12:25). Those that suffer as a result of total surrender now will reign with the Man of Truth forever but those that refuse to suffer as a result of total surrender now will have no part in his kingdom later (2 Timothy 2:12).
Totals surrender means surrendering your will to do the will of the Father of Truth even if it cost your life like total surrender meant for the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:39). You submit to total surrender when you decide to do whatever the Man of Truth wants you to do (Luke 6:46-49). Total surrender means that you love the Man of Truth more than anyone else or even your own life (Luke 14:26-27).
If you accept total surrender then you will no longer belong to yourself because your life was bought with a price for the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). You are giving up control of your time, your money, your relationships and everything else in your life.
You will no longer have an identity as one of the Children of Lies if you submit to total surrender (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). You will have to submit to total surrender of your old identity and acceptance of a new identity (2 Corinthians 5:17) The Man of Truth will be living out his life through you because you have died to your old life (Galatians 2:20).
You will have a new religion if you submit to total surrender. You may already be going to a congregation where you think that the religious leaders know the Father of Truth but that does not mean that you have the same religion as them or that they have submitted in total surrender to the Man of Truth. If you submit in total surrender and they have not then you will not have the same religion that they do. If that is the case then eventually these religious leaders will persecute you and drive you from the place of worship that you might have attended for a long time (John 16:1-3).
In short total surrender will mean an end of your old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
You cannot submit to total surrender in your own strength. You can only submit to total surrender when you love the Man of Truth (John 14:15). You cannot submit to total surrender until you realize that the Father of Truth loved you so much when you were still in rebellion that He sent His son to die for your sins (Romans 5:8). You cannot submit to total surrender without the Spirit of Truth coming to live in you to help you do so (Romans 8:8-10). The love for the Man of Truth that prompts you to total surrender comes from realizing the love that he first had for you (1 John 4:19).
No one can force you to come into the House of Truth. You cannot come into the House of Truth by observing certain holidays or keeping certain customs. You cannot come into the House of Truth by simply being born to parents that are in the House of Truth. You cannot come into the House of Truth by attending a congregation with the Children of Truth. You must decide to come into the House of Truth for yourself.
You can only come into the House of Truth by submitting in total surrender to the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:21). You must be born again to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3). You must repent because you are truly sorry for rebelling against the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:10). This is what it means to come into the House of Truth.
You come into the House of Truth when you decide to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-12).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Day of Atonement, End Times, Grace, History, Israel, Judgement Day, Religion, Repentance, Second Coming, Surrender, The Fast, WWI, WWII, Yom Kippur
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