Rabbinic Distort
Why are so many Jews Atheists, and so few know that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is their Messiah?
Ever look at yourself in some of those fun house mirrors? Some made you look short and fat while others made you look tall and thin. Others might make you look like a liquid swirl or otherwise surreal. The one thing that they did not do was show you as you really were because the light had been distorted.
Ever look through glass that has air bubbles in it or that is otherwise not a flat pane? Everything will look all jumbled and broken up. You can never see things as they really are when you do this because the light that has been distorted.
Ever look at something small through a magnifying glass or a microscope? It will appear to be much larger than it really is. You will not see its true size while looking through these things because the light has been distorted.
Ever look through a telescope or binoculars? Things will look much closer than they are. If you look through either of them backwards then things look much farther away than they are. In both cases. you can not see the true distance because the light has been distorted.
Ever try to poke something in the water only to discover that it really was not where it appeared to be? You can not see the true location because the light has been distorted.
Well in the exact same way religion distorts the light that comes from the Word of Truth. When you examine the Book of Truth (The Bible) through the lens of religion then you can never see things as they really are.
All religions distort the light that comes from the Word of Truth in the same way - through the use of tradition and commandments of men. There are many kinds of religious distort from the Gentiles but they can never outdo Rabbinic Distort.
In order to understand Rabbinic Distort you have to begin by understanding some basic things about Rabbinical Judaism. This understanding begins with answering some basic questions about Rabbinical Judaism.
What is a Rabbi?
This is a religious title that generally means "master" (John 1:38). A more precise translation would be "my master".
Those who were disciples of Yochanon the Mikveh man (John the Baptist) called him "Rabbi" because he was their master until the Man of Truth was revealed (John 3:26-31).
The Man of Truth was often called "Rabbi" by his disciples (Talmudin) (John 1:49). The religious elite recognized him as a Rabbi (John 3:1-3). The common people called him "Rabbi" (John 6:22-25).
In like manner, the Man of Truth was called "Master" by his disciples (Mark 4:38). The religious elite recognized him as a Master (Mark 5:35-36). The common people called him "Master" (Mark 9:17). So calling someone "Rabbi" is the same as calling them "My Master".
The Man of Truth is the master of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Matthew 8:19). This is why the Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to not call each other or any one else "Rabbi" because he alone is their master (Matthew 23:8). They are not to call anyone one but him "Master" (Matthew 23:10).
So the Rabbi of the Children of Truth said they were not to call anyone else "Rabbi" or "Master". After all, no one can really serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
Where did Rabbinical Judaism come from?
All forms of Rabbinical Judaism came from the teaching of the Pharisees. A Rabbi originally was a religious leader among the Pharisees (Matthew 23:1-7). Rabbinical Judaism is keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) in the manner prescribed by the teachings of the Pharisees.
What was a Pharisee?
The word "Pharisee" means "set apart". This is the same meaning as the word "sanctified".
The Pharisees were the strictest sect of those who worshiped the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) among the Jews (Acts 26:5). They were so strict that according to the historian Josephus, who was one of the Pharisees, there were only about 6,000 Pharisees on Earth when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. The Pharisees were the religious elite of Israel.
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their fasting. For beginners, they fasted twice each week (every Monday and Thursday) (Luke 18:11-12).
All Pharisees also fasted on six special days each year. These annual fasts included the Fast commanded of all Jews in the Law of Truth on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) (Leviticus 23:27). They fasted to commemorate the fast of Esther as part of their annual observance of Purim (Esther 9:30-32). They kept four other annual fasts to commemorate various tragedies that had happened to the Children of Israel (Zechariah 8:19).
Additionally any Pharisee who was the first born son also fasted on the day before Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the sparing of the first born at Passover (Exodus 12:11-13).
So every Pharisee fasted more than one hundred days each year while the average Jew who worshiped the Father of Truth fasted one day each year. It was certainly true that the Pharisees fasted often (Matthew 9:14). There was no one that ate the Breakfast of Champions like the Pharisees.
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their clothing. They made sure that everyone could see that they were keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth regarding clothing by wearing distinctive clothes with the distinctive features commanded in the Law of Truth being exaggerated in size (Matthew 23:5).
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else in Jewish society. They were given the best seats in the synagogues, places of honor at special events and reverence by most other Jews (Matthew 23:6-7).
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their behavior. They went to great lengths to keep even the minutest details of the Law of Truth and their lives centered around the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 18:10-12).
So on the surface the Pharisees seemed like a righteous group. They were very strict in their interpretation of the Law of Truth and went out of their way to keep it. In fact, it was not a bad thing in itself to be a Pharisee.
It was a Pharisee, Gamaliel, one of only a few Rabbis to ever bear the title of "the Great", who stood up for Peter the Jew (Cephas) and John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee) when they were arrested for preaching about the Man of Truth in the Temple (Acts 5:34-39). Then six years after Cornelius came into the House of Truth some of the Children of Truth were Pharisees (Acts 15:5). Twenty three years after Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) came into the House of Truth, after spending thirteen years in three missions to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, he still identified himself as a Pharisee when he was at the trail that lead to his deportation to Rome (Acts 23:6). In fact, the Pharisees took his side and declared his innocence at this trial (Acts 23:9)!
So the problem was not with the strict lifestyle of the Pharisees in an effort to honor the Father of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth. Even Paul the Jew practiced this lifestyle for his entire life. The problem was the doctrine of the Pharisees that leads to Rabbinic Distort.
What is the doctrine of the Pharisees?
The Pharisees accept the writings of the Prophets and the writings of the righteous men like Nehemiah as being inspired by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) just like the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:29-30). The Pharisees accepted the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) as coming from the Father of Truth so they believed in the resurrection of the body, the human spirit that lives in the body, and angels (Acts 23:8).
Still the Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees which is the basis of Rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 16:12).
So the Pharisees believed in the entire Original Covenant but their doctrine would not let them see that the Man of Truth was the one that written about by Moses, the Prophets and the Writings that made up the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44). There was something else that formed their doctrine that was causing Rabbinic Distort.
This Rabbinic Distort of the light of the Word of Truth was so bad that the Man of Truth had to explain what had been plainly written in the Original Covenant about him to his own disciples, even after he rose from the dead, because they had been blinded to it by the doctrine of the Pharisees that their parents had raised them in (Luke 24:36-47).
The source of distortion of the light of the Word of Truth in their doctrine came from the Oral Torah. This was another source of doctrine that the Pharisees held in equal esteem with the Original Covenant. The Oral Torah worked through their doctrine like leaven works through dough (Matthew 16:6). The Oral Torah causes the entire doctrine of Rabbinic Judaism to be distorted with lies in the same way that a little leaven cause an entire lump of dough to be distorted with air (Galatians 5:9).
This doctrine that is based on the Oral Torah was nothing more than the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9). It is totally useless for reconciling people to the Father of Truth (Mark 7:7).
What is the Oral Torah?
The Oral Torah is the traditions of the Pharisees that they held in higher regard than the commandments of the actual written Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3-6). The commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) would be laid aside to hold onto the commandments of the Oral Torah that formed their traditions (Takkanot) (Mark 7:8). The Pharisees would reject the commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) in order to keep the traditions of the Oral Torah (Mark 7:9). These traditions of the Oral Torah distorted the light of the Word of Truth so much that they could not see what was plainly written in the Original Covenant (Mark 7:13).
The Oral Torah is composed of basically three components. One part is history that is actually recognized in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). For example, the story how the Father of Truth helped the Maccabees to defeat the Syrian Greeks and rededicate the Temple is recognized when the Man of Truth celebrated their victory during the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) (John 10:22-23). Another part is traditions about how people are supposed to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in their daily walk through life (halacha) that Paul the Jew excelled at keeping until he met the Man of Truth on the road to Damascus (Galatians 1:14). The rest of the Oral Torah is nothing more than Jewish fables that the Children of Truth are to avoid like the plague because they are simply lies designed to distort the light of the Word of Truth (Titus 1:13-14).
This mixing of a little historical fact with the commandments of men and fables invented to support those commandments is how the Oral Torah forms the basis of Rabbinical distort.
Where did the Oral Torah come from?
The Oral Torah is called the tradition of the elders (Mark 7:3). The Pharisees were formed out of a group of scribes and sages to oppose the Hasmoneans when they set up their kingdom since they came from the priests who were descendents of the High Priest Aaron instead of being descendents of King David as the Father of Truth required. The scribes and sages that they came out of were called the elders and were responsible for teaching people how to apply the Law of Truth to every day life. Their extensive set of traditions was called the Oral Torah because it was not written down.
These traditions were collected into the Mishna by Judah haNasi from about 180 AD until 200 AD to preserve them as the Jewish people were being scattered across the Earth after the Bar Kochba Revolt brought an end to the Jewish homeland. The Mishna was was then used as the basis of forming the Palestinian Talmud that was compiled in the former Jewish homeland. (The Romans renamed Judea (land of the Jews) to Palestine (land of the Philistines) to add insult to injury after they put down the Bar Kochba Rebellion). It was also the basis for the Babylonian Talmud that was compiled in Babylonia (the land of Babylon). So all of Rabbinic Judaism is built upon these traditions of the elders known as the Oral Torah.
These elders claimed that these traditions that formed the Oral Torah were passed down to them from the seventy elders that went up Mount Sinai with Moses . These elders claim that these seventy elders were given these traditions from the Father of Truth while they were on Mount Sinai with Moses. These elders claimed that these seventy elders were enabled by the Spirit of Truth to know how to apply these traditions to every area of life so that the Jewish people could live in holiness.
However, it is simply not true that the Father of Truth orally gave some sort of secret set of commandments that were in addition to the ones that He had written down for everyone. The seventy elders that went up to Mount Sinai with Moses were only witnesses of what happened (Exodus 24:1). These seventy elders met with the Father of Truth but did not receive anything from him (Exodus 24:9). It was another set of seventy elders that went with Moses many years later to the Tabernacle that had the Spirit of Truth given to them to help Moses in guiding Israel in carrying out the Law of Truth that had been written down at Mount Sinai (Numbers 11:16-17). They certainly were not given any commandments other than those that written down in the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).
If the Father of Truth had given an Oral Torah whose commandments overrode those written in the Law of Truth then he would have been fighting against Himself. His house could not be able to stand if it were divided between those who followed the written Law of Truth and those who followed the Oral Torah (Matthew 12:25). He would be fighting against Himself just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) casting Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) out of people (Matthew 12:26).
It is an outright lie that the Father of Truth gave the Oral Torah to the seventy elders that went with Moses to Mount Sinai and they in turned passed the commandments of the Oral Torah down the generations to the elders who formed the Pharisees. The Oral Torah is mostly comprised of lies as has already been shown. The real author of the Oral Torah is the Father of Lies because he is the author of all lies (John 8:44).
What is the effect of Rabbinic Distort?
Rabbinic Distort keeps people out of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:20). Rabbinic Distort causes people to only be concerned with outward appearances while ignoring the corrupted condition of their own heart (Matthew 23:25-28). Rabbinic Distort creates a false sense of righteousness that keeps people from the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Romans 10:3). Rabbinic Distort keeps people from seeing themselves as they really are.
Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that Rabbis got their doctrine from Moses even though it contradicts the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:1-2). Rabbinic Distort causes the Rabbis to not be able to believe Moses and the Prophets concerning the Man of Truth even though he rose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Rabbinic Distort will cause Moses to accuse the Rabbis before the Father of Truth because it prevented them from believing what he wrote so that they could see that the Man of Truth was who he wrote about (John 5:45-47). Rabbinic Distort keeps the Rabbis and the Jews who follow them from seeing the Man of Truth is really the one that Moses wrote about.
Rabbinic Distort makes obedience to the Father of Truth a burden that no one can carry (Matthew 23:2-4). [The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew that was translated into Greek says "whatever he bid" referring to Moses. It was mistranslated as "whatever they bid" into Greek which would refer to the Pharisees. This obvious mistranslation causes confusion since the Man of Truth proceeded to tell people to avoid the doctrine and teachings of the Pharisees.] Rabbinic Distort drives Jews away from the Father of Truth with its man-made traditions to the point that most Jews in Israel have believed The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told instead of the Word of Truth (Matthew 23:13). Rabbinic Distort causes converts to Rabbinic Judaism to become even more zealous than the Rabbis in promoting their deception (Matthew 23:15). Rabbinic Distort caused the elders to kill the Prophets of Truth and the Pharisees to kill the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:29-32). Rabbinic Distort causes those who see the world through it to be contrary to all men and to persecute the Jewish Children of Truth for even telling the Gentiles about the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16). Rabbinic Distort caused Paul the Jew to persecute the Children of Truth until he met the Man of Truth (Galatians 1:13-14). Rabbinic Distort warps the light of the Word of Truth so much that Jews are driven away from the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth.
Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that they can mistreat other people as long as they carry out their religious duties (Matthew 23:14). Rabbinic Distort causes people to neglect what is most important while over emphasizing what is less important (Matthew 23:23). Rabbinic Distort makes The Weightier Matters of Law to appear smaller than they really are and The Lessor Matters of the Law to appear larger than they really are.
In short Rabbinic Distort is the effect of the traditions of the elders distorting the light of the Word of Truth so that people cannot see things as they really are. Rabbinic Distort comes from the Father of Lies to keep people from seeing things as they really are (1 John 2:22). Rabbinic Distort is The Source of Jewish Trouble.
How can Rabbinic Distort be removed?
The Father of Truth says to not listen to anyone that causes people to not obey the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:1-4). The Man of Truth never taught people to not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19). (Some people teach that he did this but his words are being Taken Out Of Context.) The Man of Truth said that Rabbinic Distort made the Rabbis into blind guides so they cannot see things as they really are (Matthew 23:16-22). He said to have nothing to do with the Rabbis because those who follow them will are also blinded by Rabbinic Distort that did not come from his Father (Matthew 15:12-14). So the first step to removing Rabbinic Distort is to quit listening to anything that the Rabbis have to say because it did not come from the Father of Truth.
The second step is look at the Word of Truth found in the Original Covenant without the lenses of Rabbinic Distort to see it as it really is. The Father of Truth told Moses that another Prophet of Truth like unto him would be raised up from among the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 18:15-16). The Father of Truth would punish anyone one that did not obey that Prophet of Truth because He would put His words in the mouth of that Prophet of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). Centuries later, He promised King David that one of his descendents would be that Prophet of Truth who would be anointed to be a king like David (1 Kings 8:25). Years later, another Prophet of Truth named Daniel said that the Messiah, the Prophet of Truth that Moses spoke of and anointed to be a king like David, would die for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Daniel 9:25-26).
The next step is to look at the Word of Truth found in the Renewed Covenant to see what it says about the Man of Truth. The Man of Truth was a descendant of King David (Matthew 1:1-17). The Man of Truth died for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Mark 15:37-39). The Man of Truth only spoke the words that the Father of Truth put in his mouth (John 14:10). The Man of Truth is the only person in history who met all of these qualifications so it is obvious when you look at the facts that he is that Prophet of Truth who Moses said people must obey (Acts 3:20-23). Then the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead to confirm that he was the one spoken of by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).
The final step is to totally reject the traditions of men and completely accept the truth that comes from the Father of Truth by coming into the House of Truth. When you will come into the House of Truth you will get doctrine from the Man of Truth that has an authority that the doctrine of the Rabbis can never have (Matthew 7:28-29). When you come into the House of Truth you will find the One that Moses and the Prophets wrote about (John 1:45). When you come into the House of Truth then the Father of Truth will place in you the same Spirit of Truth that He placed in the seventy elders at the Tabernacle (John 15:26). When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will teach you how to see everything without Rabbinic Distort (John 16:13). You come into the House of Truth when you make the Man of Truth your only Rabbi because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). When you come into the House of Truth you will gain the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Philippians 3:7-11). When you come into the House of Truth you will be cleaned up on the inside as well as the outside (1 John 1:9). When you come into the House of Truth you will see that the commandments of the Father of Truth are not too hard to keep because you will be free from Rabbinic Distort (1 John 5:2-4).
Come into the House of Truth.
Ever look at yourself in some of those fun house mirrors? Some made you look short and fat while others made you look tall and thin. Others might make you look like a liquid swirl or otherwise surreal. The one thing that they did not do was show you as you really were because the light had been distorted.
Ever look through glass that has air bubbles in it or that is otherwise not a flat pane? Everything will look all jumbled and broken up. You can never see things as they really are when you do this because the light that has been distorted.
Ever look at something small through a magnifying glass or a microscope? It will appear to be much larger than it really is. You will not see its true size while looking through these things because the light has been distorted.
Ever look through a telescope or binoculars? Things will look much closer than they are. If you look through either of them backwards then things look much farther away than they are. In both cases. you can not see the true distance because the light has been distorted.
Ever try to poke something in the water only to discover that it really was not where it appeared to be? You can not see the true location because the light has been distorted.
Well in the exact same way religion distorts the light that comes from the Word of Truth. When you examine the Book of Truth (The Bible) through the lens of religion then you can never see things as they really are.
All religions distort the light that comes from the Word of Truth in the same way - through the use of tradition and commandments of men. There are many kinds of religious distort from the Gentiles but they can never outdo Rabbinic Distort.
In order to understand Rabbinic Distort you have to begin by understanding some basic things about Rabbinical Judaism. This understanding begins with answering some basic questions about Rabbinical Judaism.
What is a Rabbi?
This is a religious title that generally means "master" (John 1:38). A more precise translation would be "my master".
Those who were disciples of Yochanon the Mikveh man (John the Baptist) called him "Rabbi" because he was their master until the Man of Truth was revealed (John 3:26-31).
The Man of Truth was often called "Rabbi" by his disciples (Talmudin) (John 1:49). The religious elite recognized him as a Rabbi (John 3:1-3). The common people called him "Rabbi" (John 6:22-25).
In like manner, the Man of Truth was called "Master" by his disciples (Mark 4:38). The religious elite recognized him as a Master (Mark 5:35-36). The common people called him "Master" (Mark 9:17). So calling someone "Rabbi" is the same as calling them "My Master".
The Man of Truth is the master of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Matthew 8:19). This is why the Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to not call each other or any one else "Rabbi" because he alone is their master (Matthew 23:8). They are not to call anyone one but him "Master" (Matthew 23:10).
So the Rabbi of the Children of Truth said they were not to call anyone else "Rabbi" or "Master". After all, no one can really serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
Where did Rabbinical Judaism come from?
All forms of Rabbinical Judaism came from the teaching of the Pharisees. A Rabbi originally was a religious leader among the Pharisees (Matthew 23:1-7). Rabbinical Judaism is keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) in the manner prescribed by the teachings of the Pharisees.
What was a Pharisee?
The word "Pharisee" means "set apart". This is the same meaning as the word "sanctified".
The Pharisees were the strictest sect of those who worshiped the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) among the Jews (Acts 26:5). They were so strict that according to the historian Josephus, who was one of the Pharisees, there were only about 6,000 Pharisees on Earth when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. The Pharisees were the religious elite of Israel.
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their fasting. For beginners, they fasted twice each week (every Monday and Thursday) (Luke 18:11-12).
All Pharisees also fasted on six special days each year. These annual fasts included the Fast commanded of all Jews in the Law of Truth on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) (Leviticus 23:27). They fasted to commemorate the fast of Esther as part of their annual observance of Purim (Esther 9:30-32). They kept four other annual fasts to commemorate various tragedies that had happened to the Children of Israel (Zechariah 8:19).
Additionally any Pharisee who was the first born son also fasted on the day before Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the sparing of the first born at Passover (Exodus 12:11-13).
So every Pharisee fasted more than one hundred days each year while the average Jew who worshiped the Father of Truth fasted one day each year. It was certainly true that the Pharisees fasted often (Matthew 9:14). There was no one that ate the Breakfast of Champions like the Pharisees.
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their clothing. They made sure that everyone could see that they were keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth regarding clothing by wearing distinctive clothes with the distinctive features commanded in the Law of Truth being exaggerated in size (Matthew 23:5).
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else in Jewish society. They were given the best seats in the synagogues, places of honor at special events and reverence by most other Jews (Matthew 23:6-7).
The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their behavior. They went to great lengths to keep even the minutest details of the Law of Truth and their lives centered around the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 18:10-12).
So on the surface the Pharisees seemed like a righteous group. They were very strict in their interpretation of the Law of Truth and went out of their way to keep it. In fact, it was not a bad thing in itself to be a Pharisee.
It was a Pharisee, Gamaliel, one of only a few Rabbis to ever bear the title of "the Great", who stood up for Peter the Jew (Cephas) and John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee) when they were arrested for preaching about the Man of Truth in the Temple (Acts 5:34-39). Then six years after Cornelius came into the House of Truth some of the Children of Truth were Pharisees (Acts 15:5). Twenty three years after Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) came into the House of Truth, after spending thirteen years in three missions to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, he still identified himself as a Pharisee when he was at the trail that lead to his deportation to Rome (Acts 23:6). In fact, the Pharisees took his side and declared his innocence at this trial (Acts 23:9)!
So the problem was not with the strict lifestyle of the Pharisees in an effort to honor the Father of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth. Even Paul the Jew practiced this lifestyle for his entire life. The problem was the doctrine of the Pharisees that leads to Rabbinic Distort.
What is the doctrine of the Pharisees?
The Pharisees accept the writings of the Prophets and the writings of the righteous men like Nehemiah as being inspired by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) just like the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:29-30). The Pharisees accepted the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) as coming from the Father of Truth so they believed in the resurrection of the body, the human spirit that lives in the body, and angels (Acts 23:8).
Still the Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees which is the basis of Rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 16:12).
So the Pharisees believed in the entire Original Covenant but their doctrine would not let them see that the Man of Truth was the one that written about by Moses, the Prophets and the Writings that made up the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44). There was something else that formed their doctrine that was causing Rabbinic Distort.
This Rabbinic Distort of the light of the Word of Truth was so bad that the Man of Truth had to explain what had been plainly written in the Original Covenant about him to his own disciples, even after he rose from the dead, because they had been blinded to it by the doctrine of the Pharisees that their parents had raised them in (Luke 24:36-47).
The source of distortion of the light of the Word of Truth in their doctrine came from the Oral Torah. This was another source of doctrine that the Pharisees held in equal esteem with the Original Covenant. The Oral Torah worked through their doctrine like leaven works through dough (Matthew 16:6). The Oral Torah causes the entire doctrine of Rabbinic Judaism to be distorted with lies in the same way that a little leaven cause an entire lump of dough to be distorted with air (Galatians 5:9).
This doctrine that is based on the Oral Torah was nothing more than the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9). It is totally useless for reconciling people to the Father of Truth (Mark 7:7).
What is the Oral Torah?
The Oral Torah is the traditions of the Pharisees that they held in higher regard than the commandments of the actual written Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3-6). The commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) would be laid aside to hold onto the commandments of the Oral Torah that formed their traditions (Takkanot) (Mark 7:8). The Pharisees would reject the commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) in order to keep the traditions of the Oral Torah (Mark 7:9). These traditions of the Oral Torah distorted the light of the Word of Truth so much that they could not see what was plainly written in the Original Covenant (Mark 7:13).
The Oral Torah is composed of basically three components. One part is history that is actually recognized in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). For example, the story how the Father of Truth helped the Maccabees to defeat the Syrian Greeks and rededicate the Temple is recognized when the Man of Truth celebrated their victory during the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) (John 10:22-23). Another part is traditions about how people are supposed to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in their daily walk through life (halacha) that Paul the Jew excelled at keeping until he met the Man of Truth on the road to Damascus (Galatians 1:14). The rest of the Oral Torah is nothing more than Jewish fables that the Children of Truth are to avoid like the plague because they are simply lies designed to distort the light of the Word of Truth (Titus 1:13-14).
This mixing of a little historical fact with the commandments of men and fables invented to support those commandments is how the Oral Torah forms the basis of Rabbinical distort.
Where did the Oral Torah come from?
The Oral Torah is called the tradition of the elders (Mark 7:3). The Pharisees were formed out of a group of scribes and sages to oppose the Hasmoneans when they set up their kingdom since they came from the priests who were descendents of the High Priest Aaron instead of being descendents of King David as the Father of Truth required. The scribes and sages that they came out of were called the elders and were responsible for teaching people how to apply the Law of Truth to every day life. Their extensive set of traditions was called the Oral Torah because it was not written down.
These traditions were collected into the Mishna by Judah haNasi from about 180 AD until 200 AD to preserve them as the Jewish people were being scattered across the Earth after the Bar Kochba Revolt brought an end to the Jewish homeland. The Mishna was was then used as the basis of forming the Palestinian Talmud that was compiled in the former Jewish homeland. (The Romans renamed Judea (land of the Jews) to Palestine (land of the Philistines) to add insult to injury after they put down the Bar Kochba Rebellion). It was also the basis for the Babylonian Talmud that was compiled in Babylonia (the land of Babylon). So all of Rabbinic Judaism is built upon these traditions of the elders known as the Oral Torah.
These elders claimed that these traditions that formed the Oral Torah were passed down to them from the seventy elders that went up Mount Sinai with Moses . These elders claim that these seventy elders were given these traditions from the Father of Truth while they were on Mount Sinai with Moses. These elders claimed that these seventy elders were enabled by the Spirit of Truth to know how to apply these traditions to every area of life so that the Jewish people could live in holiness.
However, it is simply not true that the Father of Truth orally gave some sort of secret set of commandments that were in addition to the ones that He had written down for everyone. The seventy elders that went up to Mount Sinai with Moses were only witnesses of what happened (Exodus 24:1). These seventy elders met with the Father of Truth but did not receive anything from him (Exodus 24:9). It was another set of seventy elders that went with Moses many years later to the Tabernacle that had the Spirit of Truth given to them to help Moses in guiding Israel in carrying out the Law of Truth that had been written down at Mount Sinai (Numbers 11:16-17). They certainly were not given any commandments other than those that written down in the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).
If the Father of Truth had given an Oral Torah whose commandments overrode those written in the Law of Truth then he would have been fighting against Himself. His house could not be able to stand if it were divided between those who followed the written Law of Truth and those who followed the Oral Torah (Matthew 12:25). He would be fighting against Himself just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) casting Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) out of people (Matthew 12:26).
It is an outright lie that the Father of Truth gave the Oral Torah to the seventy elders that went with Moses to Mount Sinai and they in turned passed the commandments of the Oral Torah down the generations to the elders who formed the Pharisees. The Oral Torah is mostly comprised of lies as has already been shown. The real author of the Oral Torah is the Father of Lies because he is the author of all lies (John 8:44).
What is the effect of Rabbinic Distort?
Rabbinic Distort keeps people out of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:20). Rabbinic Distort causes people to only be concerned with outward appearances while ignoring the corrupted condition of their own heart (Matthew 23:25-28). Rabbinic Distort creates a false sense of righteousness that keeps people from the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Romans 10:3). Rabbinic Distort keeps people from seeing themselves as they really are.
Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that Rabbis got their doctrine from Moses even though it contradicts the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:1-2). Rabbinic Distort causes the Rabbis to not be able to believe Moses and the Prophets concerning the Man of Truth even though he rose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Rabbinic Distort will cause Moses to accuse the Rabbis before the Father of Truth because it prevented them from believing what he wrote so that they could see that the Man of Truth was who he wrote about (John 5:45-47). Rabbinic Distort keeps the Rabbis and the Jews who follow them from seeing the Man of Truth is really the one that Moses wrote about.
Rabbinic Distort makes obedience to the Father of Truth a burden that no one can carry (Matthew 23:2-4). [The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew that was translated into Greek says "whatever he bid" referring to Moses. It was mistranslated as "whatever they bid" into Greek which would refer to the Pharisees. This obvious mistranslation causes confusion since the Man of Truth proceeded to tell people to avoid the doctrine and teachings of the Pharisees.] Rabbinic Distort drives Jews away from the Father of Truth with its man-made traditions to the point that most Jews in Israel have believed The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told instead of the Word of Truth (Matthew 23:13). Rabbinic Distort causes converts to Rabbinic Judaism to become even more zealous than the Rabbis in promoting their deception (Matthew 23:15). Rabbinic Distort caused the elders to kill the Prophets of Truth and the Pharisees to kill the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:29-32). Rabbinic Distort causes those who see the world through it to be contrary to all men and to persecute the Jewish Children of Truth for even telling the Gentiles about the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16). Rabbinic Distort caused Paul the Jew to persecute the Children of Truth until he met the Man of Truth (Galatians 1:13-14). Rabbinic Distort warps the light of the Word of Truth so much that Jews are driven away from the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth.
Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that they can mistreat other people as long as they carry out their religious duties (Matthew 23:14). Rabbinic Distort causes people to neglect what is most important while over emphasizing what is less important (Matthew 23:23). Rabbinic Distort makes The Weightier Matters of Law to appear smaller than they really are and The Lessor Matters of the Law to appear larger than they really are.
In short Rabbinic Distort is the effect of the traditions of the elders distorting the light of the Word of Truth so that people cannot see things as they really are. Rabbinic Distort comes from the Father of Lies to keep people from seeing things as they really are (1 John 2:22). Rabbinic Distort is The Source of Jewish Trouble.
How can Rabbinic Distort be removed?
The Father of Truth says to not listen to anyone that causes people to not obey the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:1-4). The Man of Truth never taught people to not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19). (Some people teach that he did this but his words are being Taken Out Of Context.) The Man of Truth said that Rabbinic Distort made the Rabbis into blind guides so they cannot see things as they really are (Matthew 23:16-22). He said to have nothing to do with the Rabbis because those who follow them will are also blinded by Rabbinic Distort that did not come from his Father (Matthew 15:12-14). So the first step to removing Rabbinic Distort is to quit listening to anything that the Rabbis have to say because it did not come from the Father of Truth.
The second step is look at the Word of Truth found in the Original Covenant without the lenses of Rabbinic Distort to see it as it really is. The Father of Truth told Moses that another Prophet of Truth like unto him would be raised up from among the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 18:15-16). The Father of Truth would punish anyone one that did not obey that Prophet of Truth because He would put His words in the mouth of that Prophet of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). Centuries later, He promised King David that one of his descendents would be that Prophet of Truth who would be anointed to be a king like David (1 Kings 8:25). Years later, another Prophet of Truth named Daniel said that the Messiah, the Prophet of Truth that Moses spoke of and anointed to be a king like David, would die for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Daniel 9:25-26).
The next step is to look at the Word of Truth found in the Renewed Covenant to see what it says about the Man of Truth. The Man of Truth was a descendant of King David (Matthew 1:1-17). The Man of Truth died for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Mark 15:37-39). The Man of Truth only spoke the words that the Father of Truth put in his mouth (John 14:10). The Man of Truth is the only person in history who met all of these qualifications so it is obvious when you look at the facts that he is that Prophet of Truth who Moses said people must obey (Acts 3:20-23). Then the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead to confirm that he was the one spoken of by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).
The final step is to totally reject the traditions of men and completely accept the truth that comes from the Father of Truth by coming into the House of Truth. When you will come into the House of Truth you will get doctrine from the Man of Truth that has an authority that the doctrine of the Rabbis can never have (Matthew 7:28-29). When you come into the House of Truth you will find the One that Moses and the Prophets wrote about (John 1:45). When you come into the House of Truth then the Father of Truth will place in you the same Spirit of Truth that He placed in the seventy elders at the Tabernacle (John 15:26). When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will teach you how to see everything without Rabbinic Distort (John 16:13). You come into the House of Truth when you make the Man of Truth your only Rabbi because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). When you come into the House of Truth you will gain the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Philippians 3:7-11). When you come into the House of Truth you will be cleaned up on the inside as well as the outside (1 John 1:9). When you come into the House of Truth you will see that the commandments of the Father of Truth are not too hard to keep because you will be free from Rabbinic Distort (1 John 5:2-4).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Mishna, Oral Torah, Rabbis, Talmud, Torah
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