Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Burning House

Do you know how to save others from a burning house?

In 1977 the Beverly Hills Supper Club caught fire and a bus boy named Walter Bailey decided to help people escape the burning house because he knew the firemen would arrive too late to save those in the Cabaret Room.  Walter knew that he could not force one person to leave the burning house against their will so he did the only thing that he could do to save them.  Walter took to the stage of the Cabaret Room, told the drunken crowd that they were in a burning house and gave them instructions on how to leave safely.  If everyone had followed his instructions immediately then not one soul in the Cabaret Room would have been lost.  However only some of the patrons paid attention to him and were saved.  The rest waited until it was too late and burned to death.  Many were found dead on the edge of safety at the main entrance.  Those that perished had been warned that they were in a burning house and given instructions on how to reach safety just like those that were saved.  They alone were responsible for the Hell that came upon them.

Perhaps some of those that perished were too drunk to understand the warning.  Perhaps some had not given credence to the warning because Walter was only a bus boy - the lowest position in the night club.  Perhaps some did not listen to the warning because Walter was young.  Perhaps some intended to follow the instructions after they finished whatever they were doing.  Perhaps some did not follow the instructions immediately because they would have had to leave something behind that they valued.  Perhaps some did not follow the instructions because they did not want anyone telling them what to do.  Perhaps some did not follow the instructions because their friends or family members would not follow the instructions.  Perhaps some thought that Walter hated them for shutting down their party and telling them that they had to follow his instructions to be saved.

In like manner, when we warn others that they are in a burning house due to the consequences of sin (disobedience to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD)) and give them instructions on how to be saved then they may hate us.  It was telling others that they were in disobedience that caused people to hate the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (John 7:7).  If you are a Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) then you will also be hated for telling others that they were in disobedience (John 15:18-19).  However, it is love, not hate, to tell someone to leave a burning house.

Those that are not following the Man of Truth are in a burning house.  They will perish unless they leave the burning house (Luke 13:5).  They must come into the House of Truth to have their sins blotted out (Acts 3:19).  Those that come into the House of Truth are saved from perishing in the burning house (James 5:20).

The Father of Truth and all that are with Him rejoice when people leave the burning house (Luke 15:10).  The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead to bring people out of the burning house (Acts 5:30-31).  The Father of Truth has granted those that do not know Him an opportunity to leave the burning house (Acts 11:18).  The Father of Truth commands that people leave the burning house once they are warned (Acts 17:30).  It is the goodness of the Father of Truth that brings people out of the burning house (Romans 2:4).  The Father of Truth had the Book of Truth (The Bible) written so people could be warned that they were in a burning house (1 Timothy 2:3-4).  The Father of Truth wants everyone to come into the House of Truth so they can be saved (1 Timothy 2:3-4).   The Father of Truth brings people into the House of Truth when they leave the burning house (2 Timothy 2:25).  The Father of Truth does not want to leave anyone in the burning house (2 Peter 3:9).

The Man of Truth was sent to warn people that they are in a burning house and to tell them how to leave the burning house (Matthew 9:13).  The Man of Truth warned those in the burning house and told them how to leave the burning house (Mark 1:14-15).  The Man of Truth has sent the Children of Truth to warn others that they are in a burning house and to tell them how to leave the burning house (Mark 6:12). 

If you are a Child of Truth then you must do what you can to save others from the burning house. The Man of Truth has told us that we must warn others that they are in a burning house and tell them how to leave the burning house (Mark 16:15-16).  The Man of Truth has commissioned us to warn everyone that is in the burning house to leave by coming into the House of Truth (Luke 24:47).  The Children of Truth save others from the burning house by the foolishness of preaching that the Man of Truth was crucified and raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 1:18-21).   The Children of Truth are to use both compassion and fear to convince people to leave the burning house (Jude 1:22-23).

If you are a Child of Truth and you do not do everything in your power to warn others that they are in a burning house and to instruct them how to leave the burning house, then the Father of Truth will require their blood at your hands (Ezekiel 3:18).  If you are a Child of Truth and you do everything in your power to warn others that they are in a burning house and to instruct them how to leave the burning house but they remain in the burning house, then the Father of Truth will hold you guiltless (Ezekiel 3:19).

If you are not a Child of Truth then you are being warned that you are in a burning house.  You can come out of the burning house and into the House of Truth by calling the Man of Truth the boss of every area of your life and by believing that the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 10:9).  There is no salvation without repentance and there is no repentance without total surrender (2 Corinthians 7:9-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Where Did You Get That Idea?

What is the truth about salvation?

When my son was in middle school, I had a terrible time keeping him focused on his school work.  He had been born with learning challenges, and had worked very hard in elementary to catch up to his classmates.  In some subjects, he actually pulled ahead of the average for his grade on standardized tests.  However, after he had been in middle school for about half a semester, he just did not seem to care about his school work any more.  When I got his first report card, and I found out, that he was making low grades, because he had not even bothered to do most of his assignments, I was pretty mad.  After I cooled down, I confronted him about this, and his apparent lying to us, when we asked him, if his homework was done every night.  He answered, that his grades were not that important, and that he had done enough of his homework to pass, so he felt, that he had done his homework every night.  He proceeded to explain, that what he did in middle school was not important, since it would not show up on his high school transcript.

At this point, I grabbed him by the shoulders, so that he was looking at me, gently shook him once or twice, to make sure that I had his full attention, looked him in the eyes, and asked him this question:

Where did you get that idea?

His response was, that everyone in his middle school was saying, that what they did in middle school was not important, since it would not show up on their high school transcript.

It was time to set the record straight.  I explained, that every class mattered, because they were preparing him for high school.  I explained, that if he developed poor study habits in middle school, then he would carry those poor study habits into high school.  I explained, that if he lacked the discipline to succeed in middle school, then he would lack the discipline to succeed in life.

Since this was so important, I told him, how he would be rewarded at home for doing the right thing.  I also explained to him, the consequences that he would face at home, if he continued to do the wrong thing.  This was simply too important to treat with casualness.

It was a long and trying three years, but he did finally get back to caring about his school work.  It was only on the last day of middle school, while I was up there to meet with his teachers for one last time, that I discovered the root of the problem.  His middle school counselor explained, that what the students did in middle school was not important, since it would not show up on their high school transcripts.

At this point, I wanted to grab her by the shoulders, so that she was looking at me, shake her, but not at all gently, until that I had her full attention, look her in the eyes and ask her this question:

Where did you get that idea?

My wife intervened, and prevented me from getting in her face to set her straight.  I was furious, that our efforts at home had been sabotaged for three years, by a school authority that had planted a destructive lie in the mind of my son.  No wonder, we had so much trouble convincing our son of the truth, when he was frequently hearing the opposite message in school.  Those, who should have been working with us to set my son on the path of knowledge, were actually working against us.  These educators did not get this idea from his parents.

In similar manner, the efforts of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) have often been sabotaged, by religious professionals who have planted destructive lies in the minds of people.  It is no wonder that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) has so much trouble convincing people of the truth, when they are frequently hearing the opposite messages in church.  Those, who should have been working with the Father of Truth to set His children on the path of knowledge, have actually been working against Him.  These religious professionals did not get these ideas from the Father of Truth.

Perhaps you believe that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was raised from the dead and have called the Man of Truth your lord so you can be saved (Romans 10:9).  Now that you have been born again as a Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him), you may think that is all you have to do to be saved.  You might think that you can never fall away from the grace of the Father of Truth, once you become a Child of Truth.

The Man of Truth is taking you  by the shoulders, shaking you to get your full attention, looking you in the eyes and asking you:

Where did you get that idea?

It is time to set the record straight.  You must prayerfully seek to do the will of the Father of Truth on this Earth (Matthew 6:9-10).  It is not enough to say, that the Man of Truth is your lord, to be saved (Matthew 7:21).  You must do the will of the Father of Truth to be a Child of Truth (Matthew 12:50).  Why do you think, you can call the Man of Truth your lord, and not do what he says (Luke 6:46)?

You must endure until the end to be saved (Matthew 24:13).  You must endure being hated by all kinds of people to be saved (Mark 13:13).  You must endure hardship as a worthy soldier in the army of the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:3).  You must endure so that others can be saved by the Man of Truth working thorough you (2 Timothy 2:10).  You must endure so you can obtain the promise like Abraham (Hebrews 6:13-15).   You must endure so you can obtain the resurrection of salvation like the Prophets instead of the resurrection of damnation like the world (Hebrews 11:35-38). You must endure so you can obtain the joy of saving others like the Man of Truth (Hebrews 12:2-3).  You must endure whippings from the Father of Truth when you do wrong if you are a Child of Truth so you can become like the Father of Truth (Hebrews 12:7-10).  You must endure so you can receive the crown of life (James 1:12).  You must endure so your life will be acceptable to the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:19-20).

You must forgive people if you want the Father of Truth to forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15).  You must forgive people every time they ask for forgiveness until the Man of Truth returns to rule the Earth at the end of the seventy times seven weeks spoken of by the prophet Daniel (Matthew 18:21-22).  You must forgive people if you do not want to be delivered over to the tormentors by the Father of Truth (Matthew 18:34-35).  You must forgive people if you want the Father of Truth to hear your prayers (Mark 11:24-26).  You must forgive people because you have confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action (Luke 17:4-6).  You must forgive people because the Father of Truth has forgiven you for the sake of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:32).

You can fall from the position that the Man of Truth has placed you in by going into sin (Acts 1:25).  You must take heed to find the way of escape that the Father of Truth has provided when you are tempted to keep from going into sin (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).  You can believe in vain if you do not keep the Word of Truth in your heart (1 Corinthians 15:1-2).  You can fall from grace after you have been born again (Galatians 5:4).  You must be on your guard at all times to keep from being deceived into thinking that you cannot be tempted (Galatians 6:1-3).  You will not please Father of Truth if you draw back from following the Man of Truth (Hebrews 10:38).  You have to be diligently looking for the way of peace and holiness to keep from failing His grace (Hebrews 12:14-15).  You will be destroyed after you were saved if you do not continue to believe (Jude 1:5).

You might think that the Man of Truth only came to save you from the penalty of your sins.  You might think that it is impossible to stop sinning. You might think that you are only a sinner saved by grace.  You might think that you can continue in sin and inherit eternal life by only believing in the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth is taking you by the shoulders, shaking you to get your full attention, looking you in the eyes and asking you:

Where did you get that idea?

It is time to set the record straight.  The Man of Truth came to save you from your sins (Matthew 1:21).  The Man of Truth was sent so you could serve the Father of Truth in holiness and righteousness all the days of your life (Luke 1:74-75).

The Man of Truth warns you to sin no more so that Hell will not come upon you (John 5:14).  He commands you to sin no more after he saved you from the penalty of sin (John 8:11).  He came to set you free so that you can stop sinning (John 8:34-36).  He has set you free from sin if you are a Child of Truth so you have the ability to serve the Father of Truth in holiness and righteousness (Romans 6:17-19).

If you are a Child of Truth, then you were a sinner that the Man of Truth died to deliver from sin (Romans 5:8).  If you are a Child of Truth, then perhaps you feel that you were the worst of sinners that the Father of Truth has saved by his grace (1 Timothy 1:13-16). [The Greek word translated as "am" does not have a specific tense and should be translated as "was" to match the past tense of the actions of Shaul (aka Paul) that defined Shaul (aka Paul) as the chief of sinners.  This same Greek word is translated in the past tense in many other places in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).]

You are not the same person if you have been born again that you were before so that you are no longer as sinner (2 Corinthians 5:17).  You have been made the righteousness of the Father of Truth in the Man of Truth which is the very opposite of being a sinner (2 Corinthians 5:21).  You can live in the righteousness of the Father of Truth instead of the wickedness of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) that defines being a sinner if you will start thinking that you can live righteously with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 4:22-24).  You can live as a new person by living according to the knowledge that comes from the Father of Truth because you are no longer a sinner (Colossians 3:10).

You must realize that sin defines the behavior of the children of the Father of Lies that do not know the Father of Truth (Romans 1:28-32).  You must consider that the wages of sin is death and they will never change (Romans 6:23).  You must not be deceived into thinking that you can act like the Father of Lies while still inheriting the kingdom that the Father of Truth has laid up for the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  You must not be deceived into thinking that you can be righteous without doing what the Father of Truth calls right (1 John 3:6-8).  Even the Father of Lies believes that the Man of Truth was raised from the dead but it brings him terror instead of comfort because he does not do what is right (James 2:19-20).  If you act like the Father of Lies then you will be tormented forever with the Father of Lies in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

If you do fall into sin after becoming a Child of Truth, then repent immediately.  The righteous man gets back up after the Father of Lies deceive him into falling down (Proverbs 24:15-16).  The Man of Truth would not command you to forgive others when they sin and repent more than once if he would not do the same (Matthew 18:21-22).  You will be forgiven and cleaned of all unrighteousness by the Man of Truth if you will confess that you have sinned to the Man of Truth (1 John 1:9-10).

Perhaps you think that these ideas that contradict the Book of Truth about how you must live after you are born again came from men who got these ideas from the Father of Truth. Perhaps you think that these men got their ideas from the Man of Truth.  Perhaps you think that these men were lead to these ideas by the Spirit of Truth.

I am taking you  by the shoulders, shaking you to get your full attention, looking you in the eyes and asking you:

Where did you get that idea?

It is time to set the record straight. These ideas have plainly been shown to be lies that contradict the Book of Truth.  The Father of Truth is abundant in truth (Psalm 86:15).  The Man of Truth is full of truth (John 1:14).  The Spirit of Truth guides the Children of Truth into all truth (John 16:13).

All lies come from the Father of Lies including these ideas (John 8:44).  Those that will not agree with what is written in the Book of Truth are not from the Father of Truth (1 John 4:6).

You must come into the House of Truth to be saved.  You come into the House of Truth by surrender everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

What are you saying?

What are you saying about the most important subject in life?

Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that they do not know what they are talking about?  Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that they have been given some wrong information that has lead them to wrong conclusions?  Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that they have not really looked into the subject of the conversation themselves but are only repeating what they have heard others say?  Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that they are making contradictory statements?  Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that they have not thought out what they are saying?  Have you ever been listening to someone and it is obvious that something just does not seem right about what they are saying?

When this happens there are several ways to handle it.  You could just listen to them and let them continue on down the wrong path without saying a word.  After all, the subject might not be that important to you or you might not know enough yourself about the subject to put them on the right path.  You could learn about what they are talking about and then discuss it with them later if you do not know much about the subject.  This is a good option that could save yourself embarrassment when you do not know enough about the subject to be sure that they are on the wrong path.  You could get in their face and tell them that you think that they are talking nonsense.  This is could lead to a fight without any opportunity to put them on the right path.  You could use their words against them and start mocking them.  Some people think it is fun to bully those that are on the wrong path and to humiliate them.  You could express your interest in the subject and offer to study it out with them.   This could be a really good option if you think the subject is important enough to invest your time into and you do not really know enough yourself to put them on the right path even though you can see that they are on the wrong path.  You could pull them to the side so that they will stop displaying their ignorance and try to gently put them on the right path.  This is always the thing to do if the subject is important enough, if you know enough about the subject yourself to put them on the right path and you really care about their long term good.

How do you go about doing putting them on the right path?  If possible it is a good idea to talk to them in private or by sending them an e-mail or a private message.  If you can not talk to them in private, then perhaps you can talk about the right path to a group that they are in so you can show them the right path without singling them out.  You might even write a post in a blog that they read.  The goal in all cases is to get them to ask themselves one very important question about the subject:

What are you saying?

You can help them to see the error of their ways by going over what they have been saying and then giving them correct information so that they can see that they have been on the wrong path.  Some people will appreciate you taking the time to do so because they really want to be on the right path and are willing to make changes to get there.  Other people will be irritated because they really want to be on the wrong path and are unwilling to make any changes at all.  How people react is not your problem particularly when the subject is something that could cause them long term harm if they continue down the wrong path.

The truth is always the truth and will never change.  We cannot change the truth by telling a lie.  We need to be saying what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) says about everything.   We do not want to spreading lies, even in ignorance, because then we are saying what the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is saying (John 8:44).  There is one subject so important that everyone needs to be on the right path.  It is bigger than life and death to get this right.  We need to always be saying the truth about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  This might seem to be an exaggeration to you and you might be wanting to ask me:

What are you saying?

I'm saying that we need to examine what various people say about the Man of Truth and compare it to what the Book of Truth (aka The Bible) says about him.  I'm saying that what you say about the Man of Truth is the most important thing that you will ever say.

What are you saying?

You might be one of those who say you do not need the Man of Truth.  You might say that you are a pretty good person.  You might say that there are many ways to get to Heaven and the Man of Truth is only one way.  You might say that your idols will keep you safe.  You might even say that there is no God.

What are you saying?

You are a slave to sin unless you are saved from sin by the Man of Truth (John 8:34-36). You are not righteous on your own merit (Romans 3:10).  You are a slave to the Father of Lies as long as you obey the Father of Lies (Romans 6:16). You deserve to die for your disobedience to the Father of Truth because the wages of sin is death and they will never changed (Romans 6:23).  You have sinned (1 John 1:8).

The path that you are on may seem right to you but it will only lead you to death (Proverbs 14:12).  Not every path will lead to life (Proverbs 16:25).  The path to life is very narrow with few travelers (Matthew 7:14).   The only way to be on the path to life is to follow the Man of Truth (John 14:6).  There is no other name under Heaven that you can call on to be saved (Acts 4:10-12).

The Father of Truth is the only God that there is (Isaiah 44:6-8).  Every idol is worthless and cannot help you in any way (Isaiah 44:9-10).  It is pointless to pray to something that you can make yourself from earthly materials (Isaiah 44:13-17).  The Father of Truth can open your eyes so you can see how useless your idols really are (Isaiah 44:13-17).  Your idols did not make you and they cannot save you (Jeremiah 2:26-28).  Worshiping idols is an empty religion no matter how beautiful you make the idols (Jeremiah 10:8-9).  Idols have not made Heaven and Earth so they will completely perish from the Earth (Jeremiah 10:11).  Every promise of help from an idol is a lie that came from the Father of Lies (Jeremiah 10:14-15).  Those who worship idols are eating in the house of the Father of Lies along with those that rebelled against the Father of Truth with him (1 Corinthians 10:19-21).  Every idol worshiper will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where their suffering will never end because they chose to live with the Father of Lies (Revelation 21:8).

The Father of Truth created everything (Genesis 1:1).  The Father of Truth created all people in His image (Genesis 1:27). The atmosphere and the stars are proof to every man that the Father of Truth exists (Psalm 19:1-3).  Only a fool would believe that there is no God because there would also be no right or wrong (Psalm 53:1).  The Father of Truth will prove to you that He exists if you will search for Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).  The entire universe is proof of the existence of the Father of Truth so you are without excuse (Romans 1:20).  You know on the inside that the commandments of the Father of Truth are right (Romans 2:14-15).

You might say that you do not need the Man of Truth because you are Jewish.  You might say that you can be righteous by following the commandments of the Rabbis (Takhanot).  You might say that since you walk in the way of the Rabbis (halakha) that you are on the right path.  You might say that since you are a descendant of Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'aqob) then you are automatically a child of the Father of Truth. You might say that the Man of Truth is only for the Gentiles.  You might say that the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) is not for Jews.

What are you saying?

The commandments of the Rabbis are the commandments of men that provoked the Father of Truth to do something that they could not understand (Isaiah 29:13-14).  The wisdom of the Rabbis has kept the Jewish people from recognizing that they are under the judgment of the Father of Truth for rejecting the Word of Truth (Jeremiah 8:7-9).  The commandments of the Rabbis have kept you from keeping the commandments of the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:5-9).  The commandments of the Rabbis have kept you burdened down (Matthew 23:4-7).  The commandments of the Rabbis have been placed above the commandments of the Father of Truth by the Rabbis (Mark 7:9-13).  The commandments of the Rabbis were created because they zealously tried to establish their own righteousness instead of submitting to the righteousness of the Father of Truth by following the Man of Truth (Romans 10:2-4).  The commandments of the Rabbis cannot keep you from disobeying the Father of Truth (Colossians 2:21-23).  The commandments of the Rabbis will keep you from seeing the truth that was given by the Father of Truth (Titus 1:14).

You do not need to walk in the way of the Rabbis to keep the commandments of the Father of Truth (Mark 7:1-8).  You probably were not personally taught the way of the Rabbis by one of the great Rabbis like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) was (Acts 22:3).  You probably were not raised in the ways of the Rabbis by a Rabbi like Paul the Jew was (Acts 23:6).  You probably have not walked the according strictest way of the Rabbis since your youth like Paul the Jew did (Acts 26:4-5).  You have not walked in the way of the Rabbis better than Paul the Jew did (Galatians 1:14).  You do not have more reason to be confident in your walk in the way of the Rabbis than Paul the Jew had (Philippians 3:4-6).  Yet Paul the Jew found that his walk in the way of the Rabbis was as worthless as dung for keeping the commandments of the Father of Truth compared to following the Man of Truth (Philippians 3:7-9).

It is not enough for you to be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'aqob) to be right with the Father of Truth (Luke 3:8).  The children of Abraham are those that do what Abraham did (John 8:39).  Abraham believed the Father of Truth instead of relying on his own works in order to be made right with the Father of Truth (Romans 4:2-4).  You must have confidence in what the Father of Truth said that leads to action like Abraham had in order to be a child of Abraham (Galatians 3:6-8).

The Man of Truth was promised seed to come from Abraham to be a blessing to all families of the Earth including the Jews (Genesis 28:14).  The Man of Truth is the Prophet that Moses said that must be heard (Deuteronomy 18:15).  The Man of Truth is the Meshiach who David said would die but then rise to eternal life before his flesh would see corruption (Psalm 16:9-11).  The Man of Truth is the Meshiach who David described as dying from crucifixion (Psalm 22:14-18)  The Man of Truth is the Meshiach who David said the Rabbis would reject because they could not understand what the Father of Truth was doing (Psalm 118:22-23).  The Man of Truth is the Branch (Netzer aka Nazarene) who would come out of Jesse and that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) would rest upon (Isaiah 11:1-3).  The Man of Truth is the Root that would Jesse came out of and that the Gentiles would trust (Isaiah 11:10).  The Man of Truth is the one who would bring Gentiles out of idol worship and back to worshiping the Father of Truth (Isaiah 42:6-8).  The Man of Truth is the one who would bring Gentiles back to worshiping the Father of Truth while the Jews were still scattered among the Gentiles (Isaiah 49:5-7).  The Man of Truth is the one who would be beaten, bruised and killed for the disobedience of all people including the Jews (Isaiah 53:4-6).  The Man of Truth is the Meshiach who Daniel said would come while the second Temple was still standing (Daniel 9:25-26).  The only reason for any Jew to not believe that the Man of Truth is the Meshiach after seeing what Moses and the Prophets had to say about the Meshiach is because they do believe Moses and the Prophets even though the Meshiach has risen from the dead (Luke 16:29-31).

The Renewed Covenant (the Hebrew word translated as "new" literally means "renewed") was not made with Gentiles but with Israel because Israel would not keep the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Covenant) (Jeremiah 31:30-31).  The Renewed Covenant (the Greek word translated as "new" literally means "renewed") has replace the Original Covenant that was broken by sin (Hebrews 8:13).  The Renewed Covenant was sealed with the blood of the Man of Truth and we must obey him to walk on the right path (Hebrews 12:24-25).

What are you saying?

The Jew is no better than the Gentile because all have disobeyed the Father of Truth and need to follow the Man of Truth to be saved (Romans 3:21-25).  Both Jew and Gentile come into the House of Truth by believing that His Father has raised him from the dead and making the Man of Truth the absolute ruler of every aspect of their life (Romans 10:8-10).  The Father of Truth did not cast away the Jews when He brought the Gentiles into the House of Truth (Romans 11:1-2).  When a Gentile becomes comes into the House of Truth they are grafted into the family tree of Israel (where they do not naturally belong) by the Father of Truth (Romans 11:13-22).  When a Jew comes into the House of Truth they are grafted back into the family tree of Israel (where they naturally belong) by the Father of Truth  (Romans 11:23-29)  There is no difference between Jew and Gentile in the House of Truth because the Man of Truth has destroyed the wall of separation by his death on the cross (Ephesians 2:14-16).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Watch your mouth!

How can you prevent yourself from saying things, that you will regret later?

Have you ever started to say something but before you even got it out you were warned to watch your mouth?

For example, you might be about to cuss someone out because you are angry but your spouse tells you to watch your mouth because your young children are present.  Or you might to start to say something that could give away a secret and your friend tells you to watch your mouth.  Or you might unintentionally start to say something that could offend your boss and your co-worker warns you to watch your mouth.  Or you might start to say something that could be interpreted wrong by a customer and your boss warns you to watch your mouth.

In all of these examples you are told to watch your mouth so that you will not bring harm to yourself or others by what you say.  For this same reason you need to watch your mouth all of the time.

Why is it so important to watch your mouth all the time?

You need to watch your mouth because your words have incredible power.  You need to learn to watch your mouth because life and death is in power of your words (Proverbs 18:21).  If you will learn how to watch your mouth so that you keep from speaking evil words and refrain from speaking bitter words then you can bring life to yourself and increase the number of good days that you enjoy on the Earth (1 Peter 3:10).  If you do not learn how to watch your mouth then your words will bring great destruction to yourself and others because your words will come from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) (James 3:5-6).

You need to watch your mouth for your own preservation.   You need to learn to watch your mouth so you can avoid being destroyed (Proverbs 13:3).  You need to learn to watch your mouth so you can avoid trouble (Proverbs 21:23).  If you do not watch your mouth, then your religion is worthless and it does not matter what church or synagogue you go to (James 1:26).

You need to watch your mouth because you will be judged for your words.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) expects you to do according to all that comes out of your mouth (Numbers 30:2).  The Father of Truth expects you to keep every promise that comes out of your mouth (Numbers 30:2).  You will have to give an account to the Father of Truth for even those those words that you say in jest or as a matter of politeness or just to make small talk (Matthew 12:36-37).  The Father of Truth will cast all liars into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

Why will you be judged for your words?

The words you speak show what is in your heart and whose child you are.  The Children of Lies can only speak like the Father of Lies because evil is in their heart (Matthew 12:34).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) speak like the Father of Truth because good is in their heart (The Book of Truth, Luke 6:45).

The Children of Lies are known by their words.  The Children of Lies speak worthless words (Job 24:25).  The Children of Lies do not say what they mean and they give false praise to take advantage of others (Psalm 5:9).  The Children of Lies speak cursing words, deceitful words, fraudulent words, mischievous words and empty promises that they do not mean to keep (Psalm 10:7).  The Children of Lies speak empty promises that they do not mean to keep and false praise because they have an evil heart while saying that they have a good heart (Psalm 12:2).  The Children of Lies speak proudly (Psalm 17:10).  The Children of Lies speak deceit (Psalm 50:19).  The Children of Lies speak cursing and lies (Psalm 59:12).  The Children of Lies use their words to harm other people (Psalm 64:3).  The Children of Lies tell lies to hide their hatred and to slander other people (Proverbs 10:18).  The Children of Lies believe the lies that others tell them and mock the poor (Proverbs 17:4-5).

The Children of Lies speak lies because their father only speaks lies (John 8:44).

The Children of Truth are known by their words.  The Children of Truth only speak the truth that is in their heart, never speak against others when their back is turned, never spread stories about others to make them look bad and keep their promises even if it hurts to do so (Psalm 15:2-4).  The Children of Truth speak wise words and warn others of judgment by the Father of Truth (Psalm 37:30).  The Children of Truth talk about the righteousness of the Father of Truth (Psalm 71:24).  The Children of Truth talk about the Word of Truth and the righteousness of His Commandments (Psalm 119:172).  The Children of Truth speak what is excellent, right and true but cannot stand to speak a lie (Proverbs 8:6-8).  The Children of Truth will choose poverty over lying (Proverbs 19:22).  The Children of Truth speak the Word of Truth to rescue other people from the Father of Lies (Malachi 2:6).  The Children of Truth mean yes when they say yes and mean no when they say no (Matthew 5:37).  The Children of Truth speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).  The Children of Truth speak words of praise to the Father of Truth because the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has brought them into the House of Truth (Hebrews 13:15).

The Children of Truth speak the truth because their father only speaks the truth (Psalm 89:34).

You may want to watch your mouth but you do not have enough strength to tame your tongue on your own (James 3:7-8).  So how can you possibly win the fight to speak only the truth? 

The Father of Truth made your mouth and can teach you what to say (Exodus 4:11-12).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help you to speak the Word of Truth (2 Samuel 23:2).  The Father of Truth will help you to watch your mouth if you will spend time talking to him (Psalm 141:2-3).  The Man of Truth will live in you if you will remain in the House of Truth (John 15:4).  The Man of Truth can make you strong enough to watch your mouth (Philippians 4:13).  The Father of Truth will work in you through the Man of Truth to make you a completely mature Child of Truth (Hebrews 13:20-21).  [The Greek word translated as "perfect" literally means "completely mature".] You can become a completely mature Child of Truth by learning how to watch your mouth (James 3:2).

What do you do so you can watch your mouth all the time?

You put the Word of Truth into your heart so that you will speak the truth out of your heart.  You keep the Word of Truth in your mouth and in your heart so that you will obey the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:14).  You keep your heart fixed on the Father of Truth by praising Him all the time (Psalm 108:1).  You hide the Word of Truth in your heart so that you will not disobey the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:11).

How do you put the Word of Truth into your heart?

You put the Word of Truth in your heart by speaking the Word of Truth at every opportunity. You keep the Word of Truth in your mouth because it is from the Father of Truth (Exodus 13:9).  You speak what is written in the Book of Truth (aka The Bible) all the time and mutter it to yourself at every opportunity (Joshua 1:8).  [The Hebrew word translated as "meditate" literally means "to mutter to oneself".]  You allow the Spirit of Truth to speak the Word of Truth through you (Matthew 10:20).  You speak the Word of Truth that the Man of Truth says to you to other people (Matthew 10:27).  You preach the Word of Truth to everyone you meet (Mark 16:15).  You study the Book of Truth so you can speak the Word of Truth to other people (2 Timothy 2:14-15).  You pray according to the Word of Truth when you pray (1 John 5:14).

Putting the Word of Truth in your heart begins by becoming a Child of Truth that lives in the House of Truth.  You need to believe the Word of Truth in your heart that the Father of Truth has raised the Man of Truth from the dead and then speak the Word of Truth out of your mouth so that the Man of Truth becomes master of your life and you may live safely in the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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