Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Right Time For Love

When is the right time for love?

When I was sixteen, I was very confused about how far people of the opposite sex should go in touching each other before marriage.  I got all kinds of different answers, including that once they are in love, it is alright for them to engage in every act of sex.  Still, this did not seem right to me somehow.

There were three main churches in Prairie Grove at that time, and a daughter of each of the ministers of those churches was in my class. I really wanted to know when the Book of Truth (The Bible) said, that it was the right time for love, so I thought that surely one of their fathers could tell me.

I tended to be shy around anyone of authority at the time.  Still, it bugged me to see people my own age, including those who went to these churches, engaged in sex without being married.  So I finally gathered up my courage, called one of these ministers, and asked him what did the Book of Truth say about sex outside of marriage.  I really wanted to know when the right time for love was, so I could do what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wanted.

This minister answered me back in the milk toastiest voice that I have ever heard.  He told me, that it was up to every man to decide for himself what was right.  It did not seem right, but I thought that a minister of a church would know when the Book of Truth said, that it was the right time for love.

What I wish I had done, after he told me that it was up to me to decide what was right, was asked to speak to his daughter, so I could set up a time to meet with her, and try out his ideas with her.  I am pretty sure, that would have brought some clarity to him!  He might have even told me something closer to the truth, instead of giving me an answer, which would not offend any of the many fornicators in our town.

(This religious professional either did not know what the Book of Truth said about the subject, or did not have the courage to risk upsetting people by saying it.  Sadly, this is the case with the vast majority of religious professionals in America today.  This has been going on for a long time, and it is what makes the death of America certain.)

I should have gotten a second and third opinion from the other two ministers.  Now that I have became wiser with age, I am pretty sure that one of those two in particular, would have told me, when the Book of Truth said that it was the right time for love.  His church was not as popular as the other two churches, because he preached that people should live in holiness.

Instead, I was so totally disheartened by the answer of the minister that I had called, that I almost cried.  His answer made me feel totally hopeless.  How could I do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth, if the Book of Truth did not tell people when it was right time for love?

Fortunately, the Book of Truth does tell us when it is the right time for love in great detail.  It is not silent on this matter.  We do not have to do whatever we think is right, and hope that it is somehow in line with the unrevealed will of the Father of Truth.  The Book of Truth reveals His will in every matter, so we can know when is the right time for love.

So when is the right time for love?

There is no right time for love until a man and a woman are in the right partnership for love.   Even then, not every moment of every day is the right time for love.

Once a woman starts bleeding, like her monthly issuance of blood, then it is the wrong time for love, until at least seven days have passed (Leviticus 15:19).  If the the bleeding of her monthly issuance of blood has not stopped in seven days, then it is the wrong time for love as long as the bleeding continues (Leviticus 15:25).

If this wrong time for love starts during sex, a man is innocent of any wrong doing, because the monthly issuance of blood of his wife came upon him unexpectedly (Leviticus 15:24).  However, it is a serious sin for a man and his wife to engage in sex on purpose, when the monthly issuance of blood of his wife is plainly occurring (Leviticus 20:18).

This is the wrong time for love for a several reasons.

The first reason is, that the monthly issuance of blood comes from something that has died, and is decaying, - the uterine lining.  Everything associated with death or filth is to be avoided by the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) as much as possible.  This is what makes people not clean enough to be in the prescence of the Father of Truth, until they are cleansed from contact with whatever is unclean (Leviticus 15:13-15). The reason for this is simple.

The Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) are associated with filthy things like tombs and pigs (Mark 5:2-13).  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is the source of all death (John 10:10).  The Children of Truth are supposed to avoid anything that is associated with the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).

The Children of Truth have left the kingdom of the Father of Lies to become part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Colossians 1:12-13).  The Father of Truth is the source of every good thing (James 1:17).  The Children of Truth are supposed to be holy like the Father of Truth (1 Peter 1:14-16).  The Children of Truth are supposed to be involved with things associated with life, because that reflects the nature of the Father of Truth (2 Peter 1:2-4).

So the monthly issuance of blood is associated with the Father of Lies, because it is filthy and comes from the death of the uterine lining.

This is the wrong time for love, because having sex during the monthly issuance of blood is like worshiping an idol (Ezekiel 18:5-6).  Every unclean act of sex like this comes from idolatry (Romans 1:21-24).  The Children of Truth are to avoid this unclean practice, because they worship the Father of Truth, instead of idols (Romans 6:17-19).  The Father of Truth commands His Children to have nothing to do with this unclean practice, or anything else that comes from idolatry (2 Corinthians 6:16-18).

The Father of Truth demands that the Children of Truth put an end to this unclean practice, just like He demands that they put an end to fornication, and lusting after someone who is not their spouse (2 Corinthians 12:21). The Children of Truth are not to continue in this unclean practice, since they are no longer ignorant of His ways (Ephesians 4:17-19).

Those who purposely participate in this uncleanness of having sex during this wrong time for love, will no more inherit His kingdom, any more than those who form wrong partnerships for love (Galatians 5:19-21).  Those who make themselves unclean with this unclean practice, will not have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth, because the Father of Truth will pour out His wrath on those, who have defiled themselves like this (Ephesians 5:4-6).  The Children of Truth must put this unclean practice to death, so they will be with the Man of Truth, when he returns to this Earth to pour out the wrath of the Father of Truth on those, who do things like this (Colossians 3:4-6).  The Father of Truth will destroy those who carry on this unclean practice, just as surely as He destroyed those in Sodom and Gomorrah for forming wrong partnerships for love (2 Peter 2:6-10).

So the Children of Truth are to avoid everything that the Father of Truth calls unclean, just like they are to avoid wrong partnerships for love, and wanting stuff that belongs to other people (Ephesians 5:1-3).  They are to keep their right partnership for love clean, by being holy like their Father, and avoiding this unclean practice of sex during this wrong time for love (1 Thessalonians 4:4-7).

Lastly, due to the first two reasons, it is just plain disgusting to have purposely have sex with a woman during the monthly issuance of blood.

Once a woman stops her monthly issuance of blood, then it is still the wrong time for love until seven days after the bleeding has stopped (Leviticus 15:19-28).

The uterine lining protects both the mother and the baby during pregnancy.  For this reason, the uterine lining is not normally changed out during pregnancy.  However, if pregnancy does not occur, it has to be changed out.  This occurs by the old uterine lining being shed during the time of the monthly issuance of blood.  After the the monthly issuance of blood ends, then the new uterine lining is built.  This rebuilding of a new uterine lining takes about a week to finish.  So both mother and baby are protected during pregnancy, by a man and his wife avoiding sex during this wrong time for love.

It is also the wrong time for love, from the day a woman gives birth to a boy until forty days have passed (Leviticus 12:2-4).  If a woman gives birth to a girl, then it is the wrong time for love, until eighty days have passed (Leviticus 12:5).

Pregnancy and child birth takes a lot out of a woman.  It takes time to rebuild everything back to the point of being able to safely go through pregnancy again.  For the sake of the woman, her reproductive system must not be stressed with sex during this rebuilding process.   This rebuilding process takes longer for a girl baby than a boy baby, because a girl is a lot more work to build than a boy.  After all, a girl baby is born with a built-in people factory, while a boy baby is only born with a starter kit.

So the woman must be given time for her body to rebuild, after the uterine lining is shed, and after pregnancy.

So this is the wrong time for love, because a man should love his wife as much as he loves his own body (Ephesians 5:28).  This is the wrong time for love, because a man should love his wife as much as he loves himself (Ephesians 5:33).

It is also the wrong time for love when people are preparing to come into the prescence of the Father of Truth (Exodus 19:9-15).

This being the wrong time for love will also be shown when all of Jerusalem will mourn for what their ancestors did to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), when he returns to this Earth, so they can return to being in the prescence of the Father of Truth.  Every man will separate himself from his wife, while they both congregate with people of the same sex, when they seek to come back into the prescence of the Father of Truth (Zechariah 12:10-14).

The reason is that the issuance of the seed that comes out of a man during sex, also involves death and filth.  If the woman conceives, then all of the sperm cells, but one, will die in the uterus.  Otherwise, every sperm cell will die in the uterus.  Any sperm cells that spill out, will die from contact with air, once they are no longer in the protective environment of the seminal fluid.  Anything that dies begins to decay.

So like the death of the uterine lining, the death of the sperm cells, means that a man cannot even come into the prescence of the Father of Truth, if he unintentionally has an issuance of seed while he sleeps (Deuteronomy 23:10-14).

So the death of the sperm cells that results from sex, makes both the man and his wife not clean enough to come into the prescence of the Father of Truth, until they are cleansed from contact with the sperm cells (Leviticus 15:16-18).

A man and his wife must be clean when they seek to come into the prescence of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 15:31).

In like manner, it is the wrong time for love, when a man or his wife are drawing into the prescence of the Father of Truth by fasting and praying, because they must avoid sex to do so (1 Corinthians 7:3-5).

A time for fasting and praying to come into the prescence of the Father of Truth, when it is not the wrong time for love due to the monthly issuance of blood, can only happen if the man and his wife both have agreed to abstain from sex for this purpose (1 Corinthians 7:5).

The wife has a right to sex, and she can even sell her right for one night to a second wife of her husband, if she so desires (Genesis 30:14-16).  This is even true, when a man marries a woman that he bought to be his servant (Exodus 21:7-11).  Also the wife owes her husband sex as much as he owes her sex (1 Corinthians 7:2-4).  So neither spouse can neglect giving their partner sex during a time for fasting and praying to come into the prescence of the Father of Truth, without the permission of the other spouse.

When the agreed time of fasting and praying is over, then the man and his wife must fulfill their obligation to each other, provided that it is not the wrong time for love due to the monthly issuance of blood, to avoid putting each other in a place of sexual temptation (1 Corinthians 7:2-5).

In like manner, it is also the wrong time for love, during any day that the Father of Truth commands that people come into His prescence, like the Day of Atonement, when people are commanded to congregate together in His prescence and fast (Leviticus 23:27-32).

So the right time for love between a man and his wife is any time, when it is not the wrong time for love due to the monthly issuance of blood, or due to his wife recovering from pregnancy, or due to an agreed upon time to abstain from sex for coming into the prescence of the Father of Truth.  The right time for love is any time, except for these times, when either a man or his wife are in need of sex (1 Corinthians 7:4).

So the right time for love is during the times mentioned above, after a man and a woman come into a right partnership for love through marriage.  Anytime before they come into a right partnership for love through marriage, is the wrong time for love.

This is so foundational, that one of the bare minimum requirements for Gentiles to remain in the House of Truth, is to not have sex outside of marriage (fornication) (Acts 21:25).  Those who have sex outside of marriage are worthy of death (Romans 1:29-32).  In fact, men and women should not even touch each other, before it is the right time for love (1 Corinthians 7:1).

This is not unrealistic, and it is not unachievable.  My own daughter and son-in-law did not even kiss each other on the mouth, until the moment when our pastor said, "You may now kiss the bride".  Neither one of them has ever kissed anyone else on the mouth.   My son and his wife had a similar experience. This is the way of the Father of Truth.  My youngest daughter is also doing the same thing.

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) can produce this kind of self-control (temperance) in anyone who comes into the House of Truth (Galatians 5:22-23).

The Spirit of Truth makes it possible to meet these righteous demands of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Romans 8:2-4).  It is not possible for anyone to meet the righteous demands of the Law of Truth without the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:5-8).  The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone who comes into the House of Truth, so they can overcome the demands of the world to be involved in sex, when it is the wrong time for love (Romans 8:9-11).  The Spirit of Truth leads the Children of Truth to put to death every involvement in sex, when it is the wrong time for love (Romans 8:12-14).  The Spirit of Truth assures them that they will have inheritance in the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they remain in the House of Truth (Romans 8:15-17).

Anyone can come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  The Man of Truth lives in everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:20).  So everyone who comes into the House of Truth has the strength to wait for the right time for love in this present world (Titus 2:11-14).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Right Partnership For Love

What is the right partnership for love?

Every year in the United States and across the world, there is a holiday called Valentine's Day.  On Valentine's Day, couples give expressions of their love to each other.

When Valentine's Day started becoming popular around 1847 in America, the partners for love were pretty much limited to men and their wives, or men and the woman they were engaged to marry.  These were the candidates for gift exchanges, because only men and their own wives were considered to the right partnerships for love.

Today, things are very different.  The ever expanding Valentine's Day industry has sought out new markets for their products.  Valentine's Day gift exchanges have been expanded to include many other partnerships for love.  So there are now gifts for all kinds of partnerships for love.  These partnerships for love were first expanded to include partnerships between a man and a woman, that he is not married to, or even a man and a woman, who is married to another man.

Still the Valentine's Day industry has not wanted to leave any potential market unreached.  So it has been changing its offerings to accommodate new markets and new opportunities for growth.  So there are now gifts for all kinds of  partnerships including, but not limited to, partnerships composed of three or more partners, and partnerships composed of partners of the same sex.  There is probably some Valentine's Day company out there that caters those involved in partnerships with dead people, children, or animals.

More than that, many of these partnerships for love are endorsed by religious professionals.  Today, this has come to include marriage between a man and a woman, without any examination of their eligibility for marriage, and marriage between two people of the same sex.  Tomorrow, these religious professionals could expand performing marriage ceremonies to include the other partnerships previously mentioned.  After all, the marriage industry is also looking for new ways to grow as well.

Many lawyers support these new definitions of marriage as well.  After all, more marriages mean more divorces, and more lawsuits.  Expanding the definition of marriage to include more partnerships for love, means growing opportunities and profits for the divorce industry.

So is every partnership for love right ?  Or are some partnerships for love wrong?  If so, then which partnerships for love are right, and which are wrong?

These are not unanswerable questions.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells which partnerships for love are right, and which are wrong.

What is the right partnership for love?  The answer to this question is obvious, if you just look at the pattern that was set, when sexual love began.

The Father of Truth made people in only two sexes in the beginning, male and female, with no blurring of the lines, or confusion about which sex each person was (Genesis 1:27).   He made only one woman for the only man on Earth (Genesis 2:21-22).  This partnership of one man and one woman was the only partnership that He blessed (Genesis 5:2).

He made one woman for one man to form a partnership for love, so they could reproduce in order to fill the Earth with people (Genesis 1:28).  This partnership for love is formed by a man and a woman leaving the family they grew up in, marrying each other to start a new family, and then engaging in sex, without any sense of shame, so they can carry out their part of the mission to fill the Earth with people (Genesis 2:23-25).  A man and his wife are to engage in sex, after forming a partnership for love, so that the woman can become pregnant to produce more people to live on the Earth (Genesis 4:1-2).

So the right partnership for love is a man married to a woman.  This partnership makes it possible for children to be born, so that the Earth can be populated with people.  This partnership makes it possible to create stable families, with both a father and a mother.  This partnership makes it possible for children to learn how to form the right partnership for love, when they are ready for love.

The Father of Truth is very serious about forming only the right partnership for love.

A man and the wife of someone else do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:10).

A man and his stepmother do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:11).  A man and his daughter-in-law do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:12).  A man, his wife, and his mother-in-law do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:14).

A man and another man do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:13).  A man and an animal do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:15).  A woman and an animal do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:16).

So whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they are worthy of death, if they engage in sex (Romans 1:26-32).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they are fornicators, if they engage in sex (1 Corinthians 7:2).  [Fornication comes from the same Greek root word as porn and means ANY sex other than between a husband and his wife. If it had been assigned the "p" sound, instead of the "f" sound, when the original sound was split into two sounds, then the word would be "pornication". ]

Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will not become part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will suffer the wrath of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (Colossians 3:5-6).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will fall under the judgment of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (Hebrews 13:4).

So people must be careful to be sure that they only form the right partnership for love, before they engage in sex.  This can require more thought than most people think.  It often takes looking beyond the surface to see if people are forming the right partnership for love.

Sometimes, it is easy to identify a right partnership for love.  If a man is getting married, for the first time, to woman who is a virgin, then they are obviously forming the right partnership for love.

Sometimes, it is easy to identify a wrong partnership for love.  If someone forms a partnership with someone else of the same sex, then they are obviously forming the wrong partnership for love.

There can be no doubt about that is a wrong partnership for love, when you considered what has happened to those, who have lived like they were married in Sodom, throughout the world and across the ages.  As already shown, the penalty concerning this wrong partnership, that was first written in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), did not change under the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  The penalty for forming this wrong partnership, and then engaging in sex, has always been death, because the commandments of the unchanging law have never changed.

The wages of sin are still death (Romans 6:23).  The Father of Truth will pay those in this wrong partnership for love what they have earned (Galatians 6:7-8).  The Father of Truth has not changed - and neither has His definition of the right partnership for love (James 1:17).  Transgression of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is still sin (1 John 3:4).

Since the judgment of the Father of Truth for forming this wrong partnership has plainly been written in the Book of Truth, then it is not judging anyone to warn them about what those judgments are.  Those deceivers who say otherwise, are twisting what the Book of Truth says, by using verses that have been taken out of context.  Those who form this wrong partnership for love will not be acquitted by claiming "My DNA made me do it", any more than someone who kidnapped and tortured to death those in this wrong kind of partnership, would be acquitted by the same claim.  The worst kind of hatred that anyone can have towards those involved in this wrong partnership for love, is to not warn them of the judgment of the Father of Truth for this behavior.  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) just need to be careful when warning them, to treat them as respectful as the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would do, if he was personally warning Ellen DeGeneres.

This change in America from only exchanging Valentine's Day gifts between men and their wives to exchanging these gifts for this obviously wrong partnership for love did not happen overnight.  In fact, it was the result of a subtle influence, that took more than a hundred years to move from treating this wrong partnership for love as a death penalty crime to religious professionals performing marriage ceremonies for it.  Wide spread acceptance of this wrong partnership for love as a right partnership of love is certain to bring about the death of America.  The only hope of saving America, by returning to treating wrong partnership for love as death penalty crime to bring it to an end, is many people recognizing that a time for civil disobedience has arrived, just like past generations did, when they brought an end to British tyranny and slavery.

So it is easy to recognize that the first scenario, a never before married man who marries a virgin, as a right partnership for love, and the second scenario, two people of the same sex marrying each other, as a wrong partnership for love.  However, there are other scenarios involving marriage between a man and a woman, where it is not as easy to determine what is a right partnership for love, and what is a wrong partnership for love.

For instance, a surviving spouse will often form a new partnership for love, after their spouse has died.  There will always be other people who think that this is a wrong partnership for love.  So there is controversy over surviving spouses marrying again to form a new partnership for love, especially, when the new partnership for love is formed soon after the death of their spouse.

The Book of Truth settles this controversy rather clearly.

Marriage is until one of spouse parts from the other spouse through death.  When this happens, the surviving spouse is free to form a new partnership for love, as long as it is a right partnership for love, because they are no longer bound to their spouse, by the old partnership for love (Romans 7:2-3).

It is not good for anyone to be alone without a partnership for love (Genesis 2:18).  This is why the Father of Truth made a woman from the only man on Earth, so the man would have someone to form the right partnership of love with (Genesis 2:20-22).  Two people in a right partnership for love, is still better than one person going through life alone (Ecclesiastes 4:8-12).  In fact, widows below sixty years of age are actually commanded to form a new partnership for love (1 Timothy 5:9-14).  There is no reason for a surviving spouse to walk the rest of their road alone.

Also, there is no minimal waiting period for the surviving spouse to form a new partnership for love after their spouse has died.  For example, Abigail married David on the very day that her first husband, Nabal, died (1 Samuel 25:38-42).

So it does not take a lot of effort to determine a right partnership for love, after one of the spouses dies.  However, it takes a lot more effort to identify a right partnership for love, when divorce is in the mix.

Not every divorce is legitimate according to Book of Truth.  Just because a woman is divorced from her first husband and marries a second husband, does not make the second partnership for love automatically a right partnership for love.  In fact, the woman and her second husband may be in a wrong partnership for love.  When a woman has two men that have been her husband, who are both alive at the same time, then whether the partnership for love is right, or wrong depends up the answer to this question:  Whose wife is she?

The answer to this question, depends upon whether or not the divorce was legitimate.

There are two causes for which a divorce may be legitimately granted.  The first one is really pretty straight forward.

If the wife was also involved in a wrong partnership for love with someone other than her husband, then her husband can legitimately divorce her, and end their partnership for love (Matthew 5:31-32).

A legitimate divorce, can only come from a voluntary action of the individual, where they release their claim on their spouse, while a government mandated decree of divorce, against their will, is never a legitimate divorce (Mark 6:16-18).

If a legitimate divorce occurs, then the woman can form a new partnership for love with another man (Deuteronomy 24:1-2).  If the woman forms a new partnership for love with another man, then she can never form another partnership for love with her former husband, because that would also be a wrong partnership for love (Deuteronomy 24:3-4).

The second one is a bit more involved.  Whereas the first cause is a woman forming a partnership for love with someone other than her husband, the second cause concerns one spouse who is worshiping the Father of Truth, while the other one is not.  This has nothing to do with inter-racial marriage.

The Children of Truth are not to marry anyone, who does not love the Father of Truth, because their unbelieving spouse will seek to turn them from following Him (Deuteronomy 7:3-4).  They are not to do this, because there can be no agreement between them and their unbelieving spouse about these matters (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

If one spouse seeks to draw the other one away from following the Father of Truth to worship anything else, then they are worthy of death (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).  Therefore, it can also be a wrong partnership for love, when a Child of Truth marries one of the Children of Lies (Ezra 9:12-14).

So if an unbelieving spouse seeks to draw a Child of Truth away from the Father of Truth, then the Child of Truth must divorce the unbelieving spouse, because it is a wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:2-4).  The Children of Truth must never put their spouse above the Kingdom of the Father of Truth (Luke 18:28-30). 

The Children of Truth must be willing to leave their spouse, if their spouse is keeping them from obeying the Man of Truth (Matthew 19:28-29).  The Children of Truth must be willing to obey the Man of Truth, even if it means losing their spouse (Mark 10:28-30).  The Children of Truth must love the Man of Truth more than they love their spouse (Luke 14:25-27).

Still, if a Child of Truth is married to an unbelieving spouse, they must never divorce their unbelieving spouse, if their unbelieving spouse is willing to let them continue to remain in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:12-14).

So the Children of Truth must seek to bring their unbelieving spouses into the House of Truth, instead of seeking a divorce from them (1 Corinthians 7:16).  They must demonstrate the right partnership for love between the Man of Truth and the Children of Truth to their unbelieving spouses (Ephesians 5:31-33).

The wives among the Children of Truth can still give live in obedience to their unbelieving husband, as long as they are not being asked to be disobedient to the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:22-24).  They can bring their unbelieving husbands into the House of Truth, with even saying a word, through a quiet and obedient attitude (1 Peter 3:1-6).

The husbands among the Children of Truth can still demonstrate the love of the Man of Truth to their unbelieving wives (Ephesians 5:25-28).  The husbands among the Children of Truth can still treat their unbelieving wives with great respect, so that they might come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 3:7).

However, if their unbelieving spouse divorces them, despite all of these efforts, then the divorce is legitimate, and they can form a new partnership for love (1 Corinthians 7:15).

So the divorce is legitimate, if the unbelieving spouse forced the Child of Truth to choose between them and remaining in the House of Truth, or the unbelieving spouse left them for refusing to leave the House of Truth.

So when the Children of Truth find themselves free to form a new partnership for love, rather through death of their spouse, or a legitimate divorce, they still have to be sure to only marry another one of the Children of Truth, who is legitimately available, so they can form a right partnership for love (1 Corinthians 7:39).

So divorce for any other cause, other than marital infidelity, or divorce from an unbelieving spouse caused by remaining in the House of Truth, is not legitimate.

Anyone who marries someone besides their spouse, without a legitimate divorce, is in an adulterous relationship - a definitely wrong partnership for love (Matthew 19:3-9). 

A husband who divorces his wife, for any other cause, and marries another woman is in a wrong partnership for love (Mark 10:11).  A wife who divorces her husband, for any other cause, and marries another man is in a wrong partnership for love (Mark 10:12).  Anyone who marries anyone, who was divorced for any other cause, is in a wrong partnership for love (Luke 16:18).

So the Children of Truth must never divorce each other, when they are in a right partnership for love, and if they do, then they must certainly not marry someone else (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

Even when the Children of Truth have a legitimate cause for divorce, they should still treat divorce as the nuclear option.  Divorce can lead to such misery to their children, that their children may blame the bully across the street for their misery, instead of the rebellion of their parents against the commandments of the Father of Truth.

Divorce is not their only option, no matter what they have done.  They can even recover from one of them behaving like the unfaithful wife with the help of the Father of Truth.  In fact, the Children of Truth will never resort to divorce, if they both learn how to form a love triangle with the Man of Truth.  When they learn how to become intimate with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then they will find something that is better than sex.  They will be in the ultimate right partnership for love.

However, before anyone can get in the right partnership for love, they must first get out of any wrong partnership for love that they are in.  A marriage that is a wrong partnership for love, due to an illegitimate divorce, is not the unrepentable sin. 

Whether the marriage is a wrong partnership for love because an unbelieving spouse is trying to move the Child of Truth out of the House of Truth, or because the marriage is really an adulterous relationship caused by one of the spouses having an illegitimate divorce, there is a way out of a wrong partnership for love. 

The Child of Truth must get a divorce to end the wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:10-12).  The Child of Truth must do this, if they do to not want to suffer from the wrath of the Father of Truth, for continuing in a wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:13-14).  The Child of Truth must do this as quickly as they can (Ezra 10:15-17).  The Child of Truth must recognized that as long as they are in a wrong partnership for love, then they are living in sin (Ezra 10:18-19).  The Child of Truth must end this wrong partnership for love, even if they have had children from this wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:44).

As discussed before, a divorce to end a wrong partnership for love, now makes the Child of Truth able to form a right partnership for love with another available Child of Truth.

Yet, no matter even if people are in the ultimate right partnership for love, it is only a temporary partnership for love that ends, when this life ends (Matthew 22:24-30).  Those who come into the House of Truth will have no need for marriage in the next life, because they will already be in final and unending right partnership for love (Luke 20:34-36).  This right partnership for love started when they came into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth in obedience, because they believed that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

The End Of Anti-Jewism

Will antisemitism ever come to an end?

Antisemitism has existed as long as Jews have existed.  In fact, the word antisemitism is misleading, because it is not an ideology of being against all descendants of Shem.  In fact, the most violent practicers of antisemitism today are all descendants of Shem.  Antisemitism is only directed at Jews.  The correct word to describe the ideology would be anti-Jewism, since the lies and persecution are all directed at Jews.

Anti-Jewism has never ended, because there is nothing natural about it.  It is not reasonable.  It is not rational.  It is not logical.  Anti-Jewism has never ended, because it is supernatural.  The Spirit of Anti-Jewism is behind ever act of Anti-Jewism.

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism is not something that the mere men can defeat on their own.  The Spirit of Anti-Jewism cannot be defeated by natural means, because it is supernatural.  This can make the Spirit of Anti-Jewism seem to be undefeatable.

The good news is that the Spirit of Anti-Jewism will always be defeated.  That is what the holiday of Purim is all about (Esther 9:20-32).

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism will always be defeated, because it is fighting against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).  He defeats the Spirit of Anti-Jewism on two levels.

First, He defeats the Spirit of Anti-Jewism by destroying those who are given over to it, because they are ultimately at war with Him.  This can be seen in the case of the Amalekites.

The Amalekites were an ancient ethnic group that lived in the Promised Land before Abraham (Abram) lived there (Genesis 14:7-13).  They were not the tribe of the descendants of the grandson of Esau, the grandson of Abraham, who became a tribe of the Edomites hundreds of years later (Genesis 36:12-16).  They were not Canaanites, but lived in the southern most part of the Promised Land (Numbers 13:29).  However, they were allied with the Canaanites in the Promised Land (Numbers 14:25).  They were in the Promised Land long before the descendants of Israel, and could not be overcome without the help of the Father of Truth (Numbers 14:43-45).

However, the Father of Truth singled out this ancient ethnic group to be at war with them in every generation, until their remembrance is completely removed from the Earth (Exodus 17:14-16).  Even though the Amalekites were the first people to form an ethnic group, they will be completely destroyed from the face of the Earth forever (Numbers 24:20).  The descendants of Israel are commanded by the Father of Truth, to never forget that they are to blot out the remembrance of the descendants of Amalek forever (Deuteronomy 25:19).

Why were the Amalekites singled out like this?  It is because they demonstrated that they were given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.

The Amalekites attacked the Jews while they were out in the wilderness in an effort to wipe them off the face of the Earth (Exodus 17:8-13).  The Amalekites started their attack by ambushing the elderly, pregnant women, small children, and whoever else was feeble, that were behind the strong men who lead the way to defend the Jews from attack, because they were waging war against the Father of Truth, by seeking to wipe the Jews off the face of the Earth (Deuteronomy 25:17-18).

So, the Father of Truth said to Moses (Moishe), that the King of the Jews would be exalted above Agag, the king of the Amalekites (Numbers 24:4-7).

Still, the Amalekites aligned themselves with other nations to attack the Jews at their first opportunity (Judges 3:13).  So the Jews waged war on the Amalekites from the time of Deborah(D'vorah) and Barak, long before the Jews ever had a king in the Promised Land (Judges 5:12-14).  However, when the Jews were in hiding from the Midianites, the Amalekites came up with other nations in great numbers, and destroyed their crops and livestock, in an attempt to starve every last Jew to death (Judges 6:2-4).  The Amalekites were always involved when other nations were oppressing the Jews (Judges 10:12).

So, Saul (Shaul), the first king of the Jews, waged war on the Amalekites (1 Samuel 14:47-48).  Yet when King Saul was told to complete the war of extermination against the Amalekites, for waging war against the Father of Truth, he stopped the war when he captured Agag, their king (1 Samuel 15:2-9).  So King Saul was told that the next king of the Jews would not be from his sons, because he had not completed the mission, but had stopped the war to spare King Agag (1 Samuel 15:2-9).  So Samuel (Sh'muel) killed King Agag, just as King Agag had killed many other people (1 Samuel 15:32-33).  Yet the Amalekites remained in the Earth the rest of his life, because King Saul had stopped the war to destroy them from the face of the Earth, in order to capture King Agag alive (1 Samuel 28:17-19).

So David the Jew, who had been chosen to be the next king of the Jews, continued to continue the war against the Amalekites in secret (1 Samuel 27:5-11).  Then the Amalekites attacked the Jews at Ziklag, burned the city, and carried away the women and children, while David the Jew and his men were away (1 Samuel 30:1-3).  Then David the Jew went and attacked the Amalekites, but four hundred of the Amalekites escaped, even though the women and children were rescued (1 Samuel 30:15-19).

Later, David, the second king of the Jews, was able to subdue the rest of the Amalekites, who lived among other nations, but he did not have the same opportunity as King Saul to destroy the Amalekites off the face of the Earth (2 Samuel 8:11-12).  Hundreds of years later, there still remained Amalekites during the time of Hezekiah (Chizqiyah), king of the Jews, when some Jews destroyed some Amalekites, who were hiding out in the land of Edom (1 Chronicles 4:41-43).

Then long after the kingdom of the Jews had came to an end, Haman the Agagite, a descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites, began became the prime minister of the Media-Persian Empire (Esther 3:1).  Yet, Mordecai the Jew would not bow down Haman the Agagite as the Persian Emperor had commanded, because he had faith in what the Father of Truth had said to Moses, about the King of the Jews being exalted above Agag, the king of the Amalekites (Esther 3:2-4).  So Haman the Agagite plotted to destroy every last Jew off the face of the Earth (Esther 3:5-7).  Then Haman the Agagite made a false accusation of rebellion against the Jews, to get the Persian Emperor to issue a law, that would allow whoever hated the Jews throughout the Persian Empire, to kill the Jews and take their stuff (Esther 3:8-14).

However, Mordecai the Jew still would not bow down to Haman the Agagite, so Haman the Agagite plotted to have Mordecai the Jew killed the next day (Esther 5:9-14).  Yet, when Haman the Agagite went to get the Persian Emperor to ask permission, the Persian Emperor instead exalted Mordecai the Jew above Haman the Agagite in a parade, as thanks for saving his life (Esther 6:1-11).

Then Esther (Hadassah) the Jew, the Queen of Persia, asked the Persian Emperor to save her, Mordecai the Jew, and the rest of the Jews, from the plot of Haman the Agagite to destroy every last Jew off the face of the Earth (Esther 7:3-6).  So the Persian Emperor had Haman the Agagite killed in the place of Mordecai the Jew (Esther 7:7-10).  After that, at the request of Esther the Jew, the Persian Emperor issued a new law that allowed the Jews, and anyone who allied themselves with the Jews, to kill everyone who was given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, like Haman the Agagite had been (Esther 8:3-13).

So the Jews, and those who allied themselves with the Jews, rose up to wipe out everyone who was given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, including the ten sons of Haman the Agagite (Esther 9:2-10).  So the descendants of Agag, the king of the Amalekites, and everyone else given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, was destroyed throughout the Media-Persian Empire (Esther 9:24-25).

However, not all the Amalekites have been wiped off the face of the Earth yet, and neither has the Spirit of Anti-Jewism came to an end.  The Amalekites are still carrying out the work of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism among the people of Earth.  They have stayed hidden, but their work can plainly be seen throughout history.

Some Amalekites might even surface from time to time, even if people do not recognize them as Amalekites.  For example, analysis of the remains of Adolf Hitler have shown that he had some sort of Middle Eastern ancestry along with European ancestry.  Adolf Hitler might have been an Amalekite, but it is hard to know for certain without a reference sample of Amalekite DNA to compare his DNA against.  However, it is certain that Adolf Hitler was given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.

Soon the enemies of the Father of Truth, will be carrying out a plot to destroy the Jews off the face of the Earth, even those people who have had their Jewish ancestry hidden from them (Psalm 83:1-4).  The Amalekites will ally themselves with the other ethnic groups that surround Israel, the land of the Jews, for this very purpose (Psalm 83:5-8).  At that time, the Father of Truth will cause the Amalekites to be destroyed off the face of the Earth (Psalm 83:9-15).  The Amalekites will cease to be remembered any more, after Father of Truth causes these ethnic groups, who are given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, to be destroyed off the face of the Earth (Psalm 83:17-18).

So the Amalekites will be destroyed off the face of the Earth because they are given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.  This is what happened to the Nazis and many others, who were given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.

This is what happened to the generation of Egyptians who were given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism (Exodus 14:13-30).  This is what happened to the wise men of the Medes and Persians, who had plotted to have Daniel the Jew destroyed, because they were given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism (Daniel 6:24).

This is what will happen to everyone who is given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, because they are fighting against the Father of Truth (Isaiah 41:8-13).  The King of The Jews, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will be exalted above Agag, the king of the Amalekites, and every other king, when the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is finally completely defeated, and Anti-Jewism comes to an end (Revelation 19:16-21).

So Anti-Jewism will come to an end, because all of those who are given over to it, will be destroyed.

Secondly, the Father of Truth defeats the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, by turning people away from being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.

The Father of Truth has never been against every individual of a particular ethnic group, just because they descended from a certain person.  This is why the Father of Truth is not against inter-racial marriage.  It has never been about the flesh.  It has always been about the heart.

For example, when David the Jew returned from killing the Amalekites who had attacked Ziklag, he was met by a young man, who had escaped from the camp of the army of the Jews, after it had been attacked by the Philistines (2 Samuel 1:1-3).  The young man reported that the Philistines had been victorious and that King Saul was dead (2 Samuel 1:4).  The young man knew this for certain, because he had been part of the army of the Jews, even though he was an Amalekite (2 Samuel 1:5-8).  The young man then reported that he had killed King Saul at the request of King Saul, because King Saul was in terrible pain from his wounds, and would have died anyways (2 Samuel 1:8-12).  Then David killed this young man, because as an Amalekite, whose father lived as a stranger among the Jews, he should have known better than to kill the king of the Jews, even if King Saul had requested him to do so (2 Samuel 1:13-16).  David the Jew did not kill this young man because he was an Amalekite, but because he had reported that he had finished off King Saul (2 Samuel 4:10).

Since the Father of Truth is at war with the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and not people who have the wrong ancestry, He will spare those Amalekites, who will turn from being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism to seek after His name, in His final confrontation with the Amalekites (Psalm 83:16).  His entire purpose in destroying those who were given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, was to get all people, including those who descended from Amalek, to know His name and that He is over the entire Earth (Psalm 83:18). 

Any person from another ethnic group could live among the Jews, even an Amalekite, and be counted as a Jew, if they were circumcised (Exodus 12:48).  Any person from another ethnic group who kept the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), even an Amalekite, could live among the Jews as part of their nation (Exodus 12:49).

People from any other ethnic group, even Amalekites, will be joined to the Jews by being loyal to the Jews (Isaiah 14:1).  These people, even Amalekites, will be given an equal inheritance in the land of the Jews. and counted as part of the tribe of the Jews that they live among (Ezekiel 47:21-23).  These people will then be known by the name of the tribe of the Jews, who they have become part of, because they are on the side of the Father of Truth (Zechariah 9:5-7).  So the Amalekites will no longer be in remembrance, because only those who are called Jews will be able to live in the Promised Land, and go into the court of the Jews in the Temple (Zechariah 14:21).

So the Spirit of Anti-Jewism will come to end, because those who were being given over to it, will be completely turned away from it.

The Spirit of Anti-Jewism will be come to a complete end, because all who are given over to it, will either be completely turned away from it, or be destroyed from off the face of the Earth.

The Father of Truth takes no pleasure in the destruction of those who have given themselves over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, but instead He wants them to completely turn away from it (Ezekiel 33:8-11).  It is not His will that one person be destroyed for being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, but that every person given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism completely turn away from it (2 Peter 3:9).

So the Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth into the world, so people could be saved from the darkness that comes from being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, if they want to completely turn away from it (John 3:17-19).  The Man of Truth did not come into the world to destroy those given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, but to save them by completely turning them away from it (Luke 9:52-56).

There is great joy in Heaven when someone comes into the House of Truth and completely turns away from being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism (Luke 15:7-10). For this very reason, the Man of Truth was lifted up on a cross, so that people could completely turn away from being given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and come to eternal life (John 3:14-16).

It is not possible, for those who come into the House of Truth, where their hearts are circumcised, to be given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, because they have effectively became Jews (Romans 2:29).  Those who come into the House of Truth have been grafted into the family tree of the Jews (Romans 11:24-26).  They have become part of the Jewish people that the Father of Truth has always desired, without any need for their flesh to be circumcised (Galatians 6:14-16).  Those who come into the House of Truth have become part of the Jewish people, because they have received the circumcision of the heart that was bought by the blood of the Man of Truth on the cross (Ephesians 2:11-13).

Everyone will bring an end to Anti-Jewism in their own life when they come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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