Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sick And Twisted

Can people have good intentions despite their bad actions?

I once read about a man who had been caught in the act of attempting to murder a young woman.  When the police searched his home, they found the body parts of other women in the freezer in his basement, and the bones of more victims buried in his backyard.  There was little doubt that this man was sick and twisted.

At his trial, his mother plead with the judge to show leniency to her son.  She told the judge, that her boy was really a good boy, who was just misunderstood.  She explained to the judge, that his father had been abusive to him.  She even tried to convince the judge, that even though he had a heart of gold, his DNA made him do it.

The judge was unmoved by her persistence and sentenced her son to death, because the actions of her son were sick and twisted.

While on death row, the man explained to chaplain, how he was really a good person on the inside, and that he should not be judged by his actions.  The chaplain looked him in the eye, and told him that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) would judge him, by his intentions, and not just his actions. 

For a moment, the man was relieved, until the chaplain began to explain to the man, that his actions were only a reflection of his intentions.  The chaplain went on to explain that he would be judged, not just for the evil that he had done, but also for the evil that he had desired to do, but was restrained from doing for various reasons.  The chaplain then explained, that the man deserved to spend eternity in the chamber of horrors for his intentions, because on the inside, he was really sicked and twisted.

At first, the man was angry, that the chaplain had said, that his sick and twisted actions came from being sicked and twisted on the inside.  Then the chaplain went on to explain that everyone, with only one exception, is born sick and twisted on the inside.  He went on to tell about how the One Good Man in all of history, died a sick and twisted death, in order to save those, who were born sick and twisted.

The chaplain told the man on death row, that everyone is really on death row, the only difference being that he knew when his time of death would come.  Then the chaplain told the man the Good News.  He told him that the Good Man was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth to justify those who surrendered control of their lives to him. 

The man on death row, finally admitted the truth that his mother had denied, and gave his life to the Man of truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because he believed the message of the chaplain.  When the cell door opened for the final time, and he was lead to the death chamber, he knew that for the first time in his entire life that he was no longer sick and twisted.

Now, you might think this man was an extreme case, but there many serial killers in America, who do the same kind of things that he was arrested for on a daily basis.  These serial killers murder helpless young children, by dismembering their limbs from their bodies - while they are still alive! 

As if this was not sick and twisted enough, the ones who pay them to carry out this gruesome murder, are often the parents, or grandparents, of the young children that they so brutally murder.  Those who pay for this gruesome treatment of their own children, or grandchildren, are probably more sick and twisted, than the sick and twisted people, who they pay to dismember their own offspring - while they are still alive!

All of these people involved in the dismemberment of young children - who are still alive - are more sick and twisted, than the man who killed - and then dismembered - young women.

Yet you might think, not everyone is sick and twisted enough to dismember children - while still alive - or pay someone else to do so - to their own children or grandchildren.  You may think, that those who would never even imagine having anything to do with something that is as sick and twisted as abortion, are still born with a heart, that is sick and twisted.

So was the chaplain right?  Do sick and twisted actions, come from a sick and twisted heart?  Are all people really born with a sick and twisted heart?  Would people really be better off, if they were judged by their actions, instead of their intentions?  Is total surrender to the Man of Truth, the only way to stop being sick and twisted? 

The Man of Truth says, that the actions of people show the condition of their heart, as surely as fruit identifies, the kind of tree that grows upon it (Matthew 7:16-18).  The condition of their heart is shown, by whether or not they are doing the will of his Father (Matthew 7:19-21).  Those whose heart is sick and twisted, cannot even speak what is right in the eyes of his Father, because they can only speak out, what is already in their heart (Matthew 12:33-35).  Every sick and twisted act, that anyone has ever done, is the result of a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 15:19).  So sick and twisted actions come from a sick and twisted heart (Luke 6:43-45).

People will do something that the Father of Truth calls evil, and then say things like, "Well, God knows my heart.".  Yes, the Father of Truth does, and He says that it is exceeding deceitful and wicked - in other words, sick and twisted (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

The Father of Truth almost destroyed the entire human race, because the heart of every person was sick and twisted (Genesis 6:5-7).  Even though, He later promised not to destroy the human race, He still said, that all people were born with a sick and twisted heart (Genesis 8:21).  He knows that people are all born with a sick and twisted heart, because He is the One, who can examine the human heart completely (Psalm 7:9).  He knows, that no one has to teach children how to lie, because every person is born with a heart that is sick and twisted (Psalm 58:1-3).

The Father of Truth hates a sick and twisted heart (Proverbs 6:16-18).  He finds a sick and twisted heart to be worthless (Proverbs 10:20).  A righteousness based on actions alone is never sufficient, because the real issue is that people have a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 5:20-22). 

People carry out every sick and twisted intention of their heart, when they believe that they will not have to answer to the Father of Truth for their actions (Psalm 10:13).  They have nothing restraining them from putting their sick and twisted intentions into action, when they have no fear of be judged for those actions, by the Father of Truth (Psalm 36:1). They do not consider that the Father of Truth sees, and remembers, all of their sick and twisted acts (Hosea 7:2).  That is why the men, who are responsible for the most sick and twisted actions in history, all believed the greatest fairy tale ever told.

However, unlike the man, who thought he was getting away with murdering, and dismembering young women, most people have a sense that they will be caught, if not by the Father of Truth, at least by the authorities, who He put in place to be a terror to such people (Romans 13:1-5).  So people are restrained from committing all kinds of evil, to avoid the consequences of acting on their sick and twisted intentions.  So their actions are never as bad as their intentions, because their intentions include both the sick and twist intentions that they did act on, to produce sick and twisted actions, plus the sick and twisted intentions, that they refrained from acting on, out of fear of the consequences.

So anyone who wants to be judged based on their intentions, rather than their actions, is lying to themselves about their intentions.

People do not want to be judged on their actions, because every action that is contrary to what the Father of Truth calls righteous, is an abomination to Him - in other words, sick and twisted (Deuteronomy 25:16).  There is no person, other than the Man of Truth, who has ever went without committing any sick and twisted actions (1 Kings 8:46).  No one can be judge righteous by the Father of Truth, based on their actions, because that would requiring never violating any of His commandments, at any time (Romans 10:5).  So people will not inherit His Kingdom, because of their sick and twisted actions (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  They will end up being thrown into the Lake of Fire, when they are judged for their sick and twisted actions (Revelation 20:12-14).

Worst yet, the Father of Truth will judge them by the intentions of their sick and twisted hearts, as well as their sick and twisted actions (Jeremiah 11:20).  Adultery comes from a sick and twisted heart, so they will be convicted of adultery, based on their sick and twisted intentions (Matthew 5:27-29).  Murder comes from a sick and twisted heart, that hates people, so those who hate others, will be convicted of murder, based on their sick and twisted intentions (1 John 3:15).  The Father of Truth will expose every sick and twisted intention, hidden in the hearts of people, when He judges them (1 Corinthians 4:5).

However, there is some Good News in all this.  The Father of Truth has made away to circumcise the sick and twisted hearts of people (Deuteronomy 30:6).  He has made a way to replace a sick and twisted heart, that cannot obey Him, with a new heart, that can obey Him (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  He does this, by putting the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in people, so they can keep His commandments, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  Everyone who follows after the Spirit of Truth, will not have sick and twisted actions, because they will no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Galatians 5:16-21).

For these reasons, the Man of Truth said, that people must be born again, so they can have heart that is no longer sick and twisted (John 3:3-5).  They must be born into the family of his Father a second time, in their spirit by the Spirit of Truth, just as were born into the family of their natural father, in the flesh by their mother (John 3:6-8). The Spirit of Truth gives them a new heart, that is not full of sick and twisted intentions (Romans 8:4-6).  The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so that they can obey the Father of Truth, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Romans 8:9-11).

The Father of Truth does all of this, through the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that He made (Jeremiah 31:31-34).  This Renewed Covenant came about, because of the sick and twisted death, that the the Man of Truth experienced on the cross (Matthew 26:28).  The Man of Truth died this sick and twisted death, to make a way for many people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Mark 14:24).  The Renewed Covenant, that He ratified by dying a sick and twisted death on our behalf, is so much better than the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), because the Spirit of Truth writes those same laws, on our hearts so we can obey them (2 Corinthians 3:6-8).  The sick and twisted heart that people were born with, prevented them from keeping the Original Covenant, so the Renewed Covenant had to be ratified, so that they could keep those commandments, from a heart that is no longer sick and twisted (Hebrews 8:8-10).  The Renewed Covenant is able to replace a sick and twisted heart, because of the sick and twisted death, that the Man of Truth died on our behalf (Hebrews 9:14-16).

The Man of Truth is the only means, for anyone to come to the Father of Truth, so that He will circumcise their sick and twisted heart (John 14:6).  The Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, in the place of those born with a sick and twisted heart, because he is the only means, for people to have their sick and twisted heart replaced (Acts 4:10-12).  The Spirit of Truth can only come to live in people, because the Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, to make a way for people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Romans 8:1-3).  Total surrender to the Man of Truth, is the only way for people to stop being sick and twisted (1 Corinthians 6:11).

So are you wearing a costume, to hide a heart, that is sick and twisted? If so, it is like Halloween in reverse.

Halloween is when people wear sick and twisted costumes, to show what is in their sick and twisted hearts.  They dress up as monsters, because they are not free, from the monster within, who drives them to commit sick and twisted actions.  They go through life, without ever really being alive, like the living dead.  Halloween is all about celebrating, every sick and twisted action, that comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).  The Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), who are celebrated at Halloween, are always lying to people, to get them to act on the sick and twisted intentions, of their sick and twisted hearts, to produce sick and twisted actions.  Halloween is all about being sick and twisted.

You can throw away that costume, because you will not need it, if you will come into the House of Truth.  You will not longer have a sick and twisted heart, if you submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender, because you believe that his Father, caused him to come out of the grave (Romans 10:9-11).  So when you come into the House of Truth, instead of celebrating everything that is sick and twisted, like people do at Halloween, you will be celebrating, for the first time in your life, no longer being sick and twisted (1 John 1:5-9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Writings of History

Is the history in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) reliable?

The Original Covenant is divided into three major sections, sometimes called, The Law, The Prophets, and The Psalms (Luke 24:44).  In Hebrew, these sections are called "Torah", "Nevi'im", and "Ketuvim".  The first letters of each section (T-N-K) are used to from the acronym "TaNaKh" for the entire collection of the books that form what is commonly called, "The Old Testament", in English.  However, "Ketuvim" does not mean "Psalms" but rather "Writings".

The section called "The Writings" is often referred to as "the Psalms" ("Tehillim" in Hebrew), because the Book of Psalms is the first book of the Writings, in the Jewish ordering of the books of the Original Covenant.  The Writings consists of two subsections, the first is "The Writings of Poetry", that begins with the book of Psalms, and the second is "The Writings of History", that begins with the book of Joshua (Yah'shua).

The Writings of History contain the history of the people of Israel, from when they first entered the Promised Land, until the Jews resettled the Promised Land, after the exile to Babylon.  While all of the sections of the Original Covenant contain historical information, the Writings of History, contains the bulk of the history.  The Writings of History connect all of the other books together, like the trunk of a tree of wondrous strength.  So if the history, in The Writings of History is reliable, then it is reasonable, that the history in the rest of the Original Covenant is reliable.

The Writings of History cannot be understood without understanding the Torah first.  The Torah contains the Law that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to Moses, so the entirety of the Torah is the first section of the Original Covenant.  In fact, the Torah is the foundation of the entire Original Covenant, so the entire Original Covenant is often referred to as the Torah (The Law). For example, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) used this term about a quote from the Psalms, that is part of The Writings of Poetry (John 10:34).

The Torah starts with the very beginning of everything (Genesis 1:1).  It progresses, to the giving of the covenants to Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel), to give the descendants of Israel, the Promised Land (Genesis 35:10-12).  It then provides a record, of all the events that lead up to the descendants of Israel coming into Egypt, via Joseph, who was the prime minister of Egypt, as well as a son of Jacob (Genesis 46:26-34).  After that it, tells of the deliverance of  the descendants of Israel, from slavery in Egypt by Moses (Moishe), to bring them into the Promised Land (Exodus 3:15-17).  It establishes the duties the priests, who came from Aaron (Aharon), for leading worship in the Temple (Leviticus 8:5-13).   It continues to tell how, the descendants of Israel and the mixed multitude, were bound together into one people, in the wilderness, through the law, that was given to Moses (Numbers 15:14-16).  After that it details, the instructions that Moses gave to the people of Israel, for when they entered the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 4:1-5).  The people of Israel were instructed, to destroy the Canaanites from the Promised Land, for their wicked deeds, and so that the Canaanites would not teach them, to do the same kind of wicked things (Deuteronomy 20:16-18).  The Torah ends shortly after the commandment is given, for Joshua to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31:3-8).

The Writings of History continues where the Torah leaves off.  The Writings of History can be summarized as follows:

After Moses died, then Joshua became the next Prophet of Truth, to deliver the word of the Father of Truth to the people of Israel, and to lead them in carrying out His will (Joshua 1:1-4).  Everything Joshua did, was a continuation of what was written in the Torah, given through Moses (Joshua 1:5-8).  So Joshua lead the people of Israel, in driving out the Canaanites from the Promised Land (Joshua 3:10).  After many years of war, the people of Israel had destroyed many of the Canaanites out of the Promised Land, with the help of the Father of Truth, so they could begin to possess the Promised Land (Joshua 24:11-13).  Joshua, the Prophet of Truth, then had the record of what happened to the people of Israel, in response to their obedience or disobedience to the Torah, to start being written in a section added to the Book of Truth, after the Torah, that is appropriately called "The Writings" (Joshua 24:19-26).

The Father of Truth continued to speak to the people of Israel, after Joshua and his generation died (Judges 2:4-10).   The record of the four hundred and thirty years, between Joshua and the time of the last Judge of Truth, were in like manner included in the Writings of History (Acts 13:19-21).

During the time of the Judges of Truth, Ruth (Rut) the Moabitess chose to take care of Naomi, and cleave to the Father of Truth, rather than to return to her own people, and the idols they worshiped (Ruth 1:15-17).  Ruth then married the nearest available relative of Naomi, to raise up a son to carry on the name of her dead husband, the son of Naomi, so that his line would not die out, as commanded in the Torah (Ruth 4:10-13).  So this son was counted as the son of Naomi, to preserve the line of her dead husband (Ruth 4:14-17).  So the Father of Truth choose this son, as the eighth generation in the line of Pharez, that start the line would later lead to the King of Israel, who had to be in the tenth generation of Pharez (Ruth 4:18-22).  

The Father of Truth raised up one last Judge of Truth, to judge the people of Israel according to the Torah, and record His dealings with them in the Writings of History, named Samuel (Shmuel) (1 Samuel 3:18-20).  When Samuel grew old, the people of Israel demanded a king, because his sons would not rule over them, in accordance with what was written in the Torah, as Samuel had done, and because they wanted to be like the nations around them, who all had a king, instead of the Father of Truth ruling over them, through the Judges of Truth (1 Samuel 8:5-7).  So Samuel showed them Saul (Shual), the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin (Benyamin), was chosen to be their king, because he had the appearance, like one of the king of the nations around them, and because the people of Israel had rejected, the Father of Truth ruling over them, through Judges of Truth, like Samuel (1 Samuel 10:19-24).  So Samuel began recording the next part of the Writings of History, that dealt with the period of the kings of Israel (1 Samuel 10:25).

The Father of Truth had always intended to give a king to Israel, from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:8-10).  However, no one who descended from someone who was born out of wedlock, could stand in the congregation of the Father of Truth, until the tenth generation was born (Deuteronomy 23:2).  Judah had sinned with Tamar, to bring about Pharez and Zerah, out of wedlock (1 Chronicles 2:3-4).  So the Father of Truth could not give Israel a king, from the tribe of Judah, until David was old enough, because he was the tenth generation in the line of Pharez (1 Chronicles 2:5-15).

King Saul did not carry out the will of the Father of Truth, so the Father of Truth said, that He would raise up a replacement, who was in pursuit of His own heart (1 Samuel 13:13-14).  The Father of Truth had Samuel, anoint David to be the next king of Israel, because his heart was in right with Him (1 Samuel 16:7-12).

King David then had a son named Solomon (Shlomo), to replace the child that had been conceived in adultery by him and Bathsheba, whom the Father of Truth had caused to die, because he could not be on the throne, to carry out His will after David (2 Samuel 12:23-25).  King Solomon loved the Father of Truth greatly in his youth, that he demonstrated by obeying Him, so the Father of Truth offered him anything he wanted (1 Kings 3:3-5).  Since Solomon asked Him for wisdom, to lead the people of Israel in following the Father of Truth, then the Father of Truth made him wiser than anyone on Earth, and also gave him riches and honor, as well as the promise of a long life, if Solomon continued to obey His commandments (1 Kings 3:6-14).

Yet, Solomon married many foreign wives, who turned his heart from pursuing after the Father of Truth completely, when he grew old (1 Kings 11:1-4).  Solomon filled the land of Israel, with places for his wives to worship the idols of the lands, where they had came from, and even joined them in their idol worship (1 Kings 11:5-8).  Therefore the Father of Truth said, that He would tear most of the kingdom of Israel, out of the hand of the son of Solomon, with only one tribe remaining loyal to the tribe of Judah, that Solomon came from (1 Kings 11:9-13).  So the Prophets of Truth finished, putting the history of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel, in The Writings of History, when King Solomon died, as the last king, of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (2 Chronicles 9:29-31).

The Father of Truth had Ahijah (Achiyah), the Prophet of Truth, tell Jeroboam (Yerob'am), that he was going to be king over ten tribes of Israel, because of what King Solomon had done, in bringing idol worship into the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 11:28-35).  Jeroboam became the king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, while the son of Solomon, King Rehoboam (Rechab'am), became the king of the kingdom of Judah, that consisted of his own tribe, Judah, and Benjamin, as the one tribe that remained loyal to the tribe of Judah (1 Kings 12:15-24).  However, the people from the other ten tribes of Israel, who lived in the cities of the two tribe kingdom of Judah, were also ruled by King Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 10:17).

Now the Father of Truth had promised King Jeroboam, to make his throne as secure as the throne of King David, to rule over the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, if he would continue to lead the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, in following His commandments in the Torah, like King David had done (1 Kings 11:37-38).  Yet King Jeroboam was afraid, that the people would turn against him, if they kept going to Jerusalem, to keep the feast three times a year, as the Torah commanded of all Jewish men, who lived in the Promised Land (1 Kings 12:26-27).  So he set up two golden calves, like the people of Israel had done, when they provoked the Father of Truth in the wilderness, and created his own worship system, as an alternative to the one commanded in the Torah (1 Kings 12:28-33).  Therefore, the Father of Truth had Ahijah the Prophet of Truth, tell Jeroboam that because he did worse than King Solomon, after He made him to be king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, then He would cause everyone, who pissed against the wall in the family of Jeroboam, to die a violent death, without a proper burial, except for his one infant son, who had not turned against the Father of Truth (1 Kings 14:7-13).  So Baasha (Ba'asha) slayed the entire family of Jeroboam, and took over the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, as Ahijah the Prophet of Truth had spoken (1 Kings 15:25-30).

In the Torah, the Father of Truth had said, that when the people of Israel left off following Him, to follow after idols in the Promised Land, then He would scatter the people of Israel, among other nations outside of the Promised Land, where they would have to serve idols (Deuteronomy 4:25-28).  So the infant son of Jeroboam died, and Baasha (Ba'asha) was raised up as king, when he destroyed the rest of the house of Jeroboam, to show that the Father of Truth would one day destroy the entire ten tribe kingdom of Israel, and scatter them to nations beyond the Euphrates River, for following Jeroboam in forsaking the Torah, that He had given (1 Kings 14:14-16).

Hundreds of years later, the Assyrian king Pul, invaded the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, and put it under tribute, because Menahem (Menachem), the king of Israel, continued to lead the people in the idolatry, that King Jeroboam had started (2 Kings 15:27-28).  After this, Pekah (Peqah) became the king of the ten tribe kingdom, and continued to lead the ten tribe kingdom of Israel in the idolatry, that King Jeroboam had started, like all the kings of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel before him, had done (2 Kings 15:27-28).  So Tiglathpileser, the king of Assyria, came and took the northern part of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, captive to Assyria (2 Kings 15:29).  Then the last king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, Hoshea, rebelled against the Assyrian king, Shalmaneser, so that the rest of the people of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, were scattered east of the Euphrates River, particularly among the cities of the Medes, on the eastern edge of the Assyrian Empire (2 Kings 17:3-6).  So the ten tribe kingdom of Israel came to an end, as the Father of Truth had warned in the Torah, because the ten tribe kingdom of Israel forsook the Torah, to worship idols, despite the Father of Truth sending many Prophets of Truth, to turn them back to the Torah (2 Kings 17:7-18).

The Writings of History contain the entire history of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, from its separation from the two tribe kingdom of Judah, to the removal of the people of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel out of the Promised Land, to live east of the Euphrates River, in Assyria (2 Kings 17:21-23).

During the reign of King Rehoboam, the two tribe kingdom of Judah turned to the idols of the Canaanites, and did worse than any of the people of Israel before them, in that they tolerated homosexuality throughout the kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 14:21-24).  King Rehoboam, and people from all of the tribes of Israel, who lived in the two tribe kingdom of Judah, had forsook obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth, in the Torah, as soon as the kingdom had became stable and strong (2 Chronicles 12:1).  Yet when the Prophet of Truth told them, that trouble had came upon them for their wickedness, they repented, and the Father of Truth spared them from being removed from the Promised Land, at that time, but did not leave them completely unpunished (2 Chronicles 12:5-8).  Rehoboam had done evil in the eyes of the Father of Truth, at the beginning of the two tribe kingdom of Judah, because he had not prepared his heart, by seeking after the Father of Truth, before he became king, as the Prophets of Truth reported concerning the two tribe kingdom of Judah, in The Writings of History (2 Chronicles 12:12-15).

Afterwards, King Asa became the first king of Judah, to do what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth, by destroying the homosexuals and idols of his father, out of the kingdom of Judah, and even removed his own mother from being queen, because she had set up an idol in a grove of trees (1 Kings 15:11-14).  Then came more wicked kings over Judah, like King Ahaziah (2 Kings 8:25-27).

It continues to tell of how centuries later, after the ten tribe kingdom of Israel had been carried away captive to Assyria, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, invaded the two tribe kingdom of Judah, and put it under tribute, during the reign of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:11-14).  However, the two tribe kingdom of Israel was not taken into captivity, by the Assyrians, because King Hezekiah asked the Father of Truth for deliverance, instead of seeking after idols, as the kings of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel had done (2 Kings 19:14-20).   Since King Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth, the Father of Truth killed the entire Assyrian army, and then caused King Sennacherib, to die in the house of his own idol, at the hand of his own sons (2 Kings 19:31-37).

This pattern of some kings of Judah doing what was evil, interrupted by other kings doing what was right, continued to ratchet the kingdom of Judah downward, until King Manasseh made the kingdom of Judah, to become worse than the Canaanites, who had been cast out of the Promised Land, before the people of Israel (2 Kings 21:1-9).

The Father of Truth had said in the Torah, that He would cast out the people of Israel out of the Promised Land, like He had cast out the Canaanites, when they did the same things as the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:24-28).  He said, that when they became this evil, then He would send a terrible nation from far away, whose speech they could not understand, to bring such evil upon their land, that they would even eat the flesh of their own children (Deuteronomy 28:49-57).  He said, that He would remove the few survivors off of the Promised Land, and cause them to be carried away to other nations, where they would serve idols, instead of Him (Deuteronomy 28:62-64).  So He spoke through the Prophets of Truth, that all of this would soon come upon the kingdom of Judah, because King Manasseh had lead the kingdom of Judah, into doing worse than the Canaanites had done (2 Kings 21:10-16).

A Prophet of Truth had told Jeroboam, that a king of Judah named "Josiah" (Yoshiyahu), would one day destroy the altar that he had set up in Bethel, and burn the bones of his priests on it (1 Kings 13:1-2).  The last king of Judah to do what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth, was named "Josiah" (2 Kings 22:1-2).  So Huldah (Chuledah), the Prophetess of Truth, told King Josiah, that the terrible judgment, announced in the days of King Manasseh, would not come upon the kingdom of Judah in his lifetime, because he had sought to bring the kingdom of Judah, to repentance (2 Kings 22:14-20).

Therefore, King Josiah lead the kingdom of Judah, in destroying both the idols and the homosexuals, out of Jerusalem (2 Kings 23:1-7).  King Josiah then proceeded to do the same, throughout the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 23:8-14).

The king of Assyria, Tiglathpileser, had replaced the ten tribes with in the Promised Land, with people of other nations, who came to be known as Samaritans (2 Kings 17:24).  After that Tiglathpileser, the king of Assyria, had commanded that some of the corrupt priests, from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, to return, and teach these Samaritans, how to worship the Father of Truth (2 Kings 17:25-28).  So these Samaritans ended up worshiping, both the Father of Truth and the idols of the lands, that they had came from (2 Kings 17:29-33).

However, King Josiah proceeded to go to Bethel, in the former ten tribe kingdom of Israel, that had came to be known as Samaria, to destroy the altar, and burn the bones of the priests, who Jeroboam had set up, as foretold by the Prophet of Truth, hundreds of years earlier (2 Kings 23:15-18).  King Josiah then proceeded to cleanse, the entire land of the Samaritans, of idols and their priests (2 Kings 23:19-20).

King Josiah then lead the kingdom of Judah, in keeping the Passover, as commanded in the Torah, in a greater manner than anyone had, since the days of Joshua (2 Kings 23:21-23).  King Josiah actively spent his days, destroying every thing that the Torah said was wicked, to the point, that He did what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth, in keeping the Torah, more than any other king, including King David (2 Kings 23:24-25).  Yet, he could not prevent the terrible punishment, that would come upon the kingdom of Judah, for the sins, that King Manasseh had lead them into committing, as recorded in The Writings of History (2 Kings 23:26-28).

After Josiah had died, then Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, conquered the kingdom of Judah, during the reign of the next king, to bring about all that the Father of Truth had said, would come upon the kingdom of Judah, for committing the sins, that King Manasseh had lead them to commit (2 Kings 24:1-4).  The next king of Judah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar, and the terrible siege of Jerusalem, where people ate their own children, came to pass (2 Kings 24:8-11).  After being besieged for more than seven years, the king of Judah, and all but the poorest people of Jerusalem that survived, were carried away to Babylon (2 Kings 24:12-16).  The last of king of Judah rebelled against the king of Babylon, so again Jerusalem was besieged in a terrible siege, until the king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem, and carried all, but the poorest survivors of the entire kingdom of Judah, off to Babylon (2 Kings 25:1-12).  Finally, the few who were left in the kingdom of Judah, killed the governor appointed by the king of Babylon and fled to Egypt, so that there were none of them left in the Promised Land, as Moses had written in the Torah (2 Kings 25:22-26).

However, the Father of Truth also said in the Torah, that when the people of Israel would turn back to Him, while they were in captivity for their sins, then He would bring them back into the Promised Land, from all the places that He had scattered them (Deuteronomy 30:1-5).  So the history of the people of Israel in The Writings of History, does not end with destruction brought upon the kingdom of Judah, by the Babylonian Empire, but continues until the time of the Persian Empire, which took over the Babylonian Empire (2 Chronicles 36:17-20).

Cyrus, the King of Persia commanded the people of Judah to return to Jerusalem, to rebuild the Temple (2 Chronicles 36:22-23).  Cyrus the Persian not only sent back whoever would return to Jerusalem, to rebuild the Temple, but also commanded that all of the Jews, who remained out of the Promised Land, were to help them with supplies (Ezra 1:2-6).  Cyrus the Persian then had everything, that Nebuchadnezzar had removed from the Temple, returned to Jerusalem to be used in the rebuilt Temple (Ezra 1:7-11).

The Samaritans, who had remained in the Promised Land since the time of the king of Assyria, became adversaries, who  hindered the Jews from carrying out the decree of Cyrus the Persian, until the days of Darius the Mede (Ezra 4:1-5).  In particular, they accused the Jews of seeking to rebel against the Persians, to Ahasuerus (Ezra 4:6-16).  So Ahasuerus caused the rebuilding of the Temple to cease, until Darius the Mede became the next king of Persia (Ezra 4:17-24).

Also during the reign of King Ahasuerus, Esther (Hadassah) became the Queen of Persia (Esther 2:15-17).  Queen Esther, and her cousin Mordecai, brought about the destruction of everyone in the Persian Empire, who sought to destroy the Jews, during the reign of King Ahasuerus (Esther 9:1-5).  Mordecai became the Prime Minister of Persia, and ensured that the Jewish people would be preserved, during the reign of King Ahasuerus (Esther 10).

After this, Darius the Mede decreed that the rebuilding of the Temple should resume, at his own expense (Ezra 6:8-12).  So the second Temple was finished, in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the Mede (Ezra 6:13-15).

So in the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes, the next king of the Persian Empire, the priest and scribe Ezra requested that those in Babylon, who were needed to conduct worship of the Father of Truth in the rebuilt Temple, to be allowed to return to Jerusalem (Ezra 7:6-8).  Artaxerxes not only sent them back, but he also gave a huge free offering to the Father of Truth, and issued a decree that no one was to hinder them, in any way whatsoever, from carrying out worship in the rebuilt Temple, or teaching people how to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth, that were written in the Torah (Ezra 7:11-26).

Yet for all of this, some of the chief Jews who returned to Jerusalem, again married idol worshiping wives from other nations, like King Solomon had done (Ezra 9:1-3).  So Era the priest commanded, that those Jews divorce their idol worshiping wives, so that they would not again be put out of the Promised Land (Ezra 10:10-14).  So the idol worshiping wives were divorced by the Jewish men, who had married them (Ezra 10:15-17).

Even though the Temple had been rebuilt, the walls of Jerusalem were still in ruins (Nehemiah 1:1-3). So Nehemiah (Nechemiyah) confessed that the people of Israel had brought this on themselves, and reminded the Father of Truth, that He had said in the Torah, that He would restore the people of Israel to the Promised Land, if they would return to keeping His commandments in the Torah (Nehemiah 1:5-9).

So in the twentieth year of the reign of Artaxerxes, Nehemiah asked the king of Persia, for permission to return to Jerusalem, to rebuild its walls (Nehemiah 2:1-5).  Artaxerxes also gave Nehemiah an armed escort to Judah, and granted to him all the timber that he would need, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:6-8).  So Nehemiah became the governor of Judah, for twelve years (Nehemiah 5:14).  Despite his enemies doing all they could, to stop the walls of Jerusalem from being rebuilt, Nehemiah lead the Jews into rebuilding the walls, in just fifty-two days, because the Father of Truth was with him (Nehemiah 6:14-16).  Nehemiah returned to Shushan, in the thirty second year of Artaxerxes, as he had promised, but was granted leave to return again to Jerusalem, when he learned that Eliashib, the high priest, had turned the store room for the provision of the Levites, in the Temple, into an apartment for Tobiah - the same enemy of the Father of Truth, who had tried to keep Nehemiah from building the walls around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 13:4-6).  So he returned to Jerusalem to throw out Tobiah, and to restore the provision of the Levites, so that the worship at the rebuilt Temple would not come to an end (Nehemiah 13:7-13).  Nehemiah also caused the Jews, to separate yet a second time from the idol worshiping wives of the nations around them, so the Jews would not repeat the mistakes that had began, when King Solomon had done the same thing (Nehemiah 13:23-27).  So the history of the people of Israel, in the Writings of History, ends with the people of Israel being once again in the Promised Land, to carry out all that is commanded in the Torah, in the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 13:29-31).

So The Writings of History contain all of the history of the people of Israel, from the day that Joshua brought them into the Promised Land, in obedience to the Torah, until the day that the people of Israel were restored to obedience to the Torah, in the Promised Land, by Nehemiah.

The Writings of History, plus the Torah, tell about four ancient empires - Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian - that each succeeded each other.  These sources tell of the events from the beginning of the Egyptian Empire to well into the history of the Persian Empire. They tell who ruled these empires, and what these rulers did.  They tell about the capital of these empires, and the principle cities of these empires.  They also tell about life in these empires, and how these empires were ruled.  They about the customs of the people in these empires, and the philosophy of each empire.  They tell about the food people ate, and the decorations of their palaces.

These sources also tell about the Canaanites, and other ancient peoples, like the Philistines, who lived in the Promised Land before the Hebrews arrived, during the time from Joshua to the carrying away of the Jews to Babylon, and after the Jews returned to the Promised Land.  They also tell of the ancient Samaritans, who came into the Promised Land, after the Jews began to be cast out. These sources tell all of the same kinds of details, about these other inhabitants of the Promised Land, that they tell about the four ancient empires.

Most of all, these sources tell about the people of Israel.  They tell about how the Hebrews came from a single man, of Syrian descent, who left the area of Babylon, to live in the Promised Land, as a foreigner.  They tell of how from this one man, came a family of people, along with their servants, in the land of Canaan, who came to be known as Hebrews, because they were foreigners, whose ancestors had crossed over the Euphrates River, to live in the land of Canaan. ["Hebrew" means "one who crossed over".]  They tell of how these Hebrews went into Egypt, and grew into a nation of people there.  They tell of how these Hebrews left Egypt, with a multitude of people from other nations, to be forged together, by being given one law, into the people of Israel.  They tell about how the people of Israel came into the Promised Land, to destroy the Canaanites for their wickedness.  They tell about how the people of Israel conquered the Promised Land, and eventually became the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel.  They tell about how the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel, was split into a ten tribe kingdom of Israel, and a two tribe kingdom of Judah.  They tell about how these two kingdoms came to an end.  They tell about the return of the descendants of the people of Israel from the two tribe kingdom of Judah, who were called Jews, to the Promised Land, to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.

These sources tell about the interactions, between the four empires, the other inhabitants of the Promised Land, and the people of Israel.  They tell of how the other inhabitants of the Promised Land, and these empires, were used to punish the people of Israel, for doing evil.  They tell of how the people of Israel, were used to bless many of the other inhabitants of the Promised Land, and the people of these empires, because they sought to do what was right, even though they did not know what was right.  They tell of various times when a man, or a woman, of Israel was raised to the second highest position, in these empires.

All of this historical information in these sources is so detailed, and so precise, that many skeptics of the Original Covenant, said that it had to be made up.  These skeptics have been to be proven wrong in big ways, particularly since the 1930s.  At time, archaeologists were able to begin excavating the lands described in the Original Covenant, in a bigger way than they ever have before.  What they found was not just artifacts, that reinforced what written in the Original Covenant, but also ancient documents, that only collaborated - and never contradicted - the history given in the Original Covenant, but especially what was written in the Writings of History.

They found that the people groups in the Writings of History, as well as the rest of the Original Covenant, told an incredibly accurate story.  The people lived where, the Original Covenant said they lived. The people had the customs, that the Original Covenant said they had.  People lived in those places, when the Original Covenant said they lived there.  The people came into the places that they moved into, from the places that the Original Covenant said they came from.

They found that the four empires all began, flourished, and ended, when the Original Covenant said they did.  These empires were ruled by the people, that the Original Covenant said they were ruled by, the rulers ruled for the length of time, that the Original Covenant said that they ruled, and the rulers ruled in the order, that the Original Covenant said they ruled in.  These empires were engaged in the wars, that the Original Covenant said they were engaged in, and had the results that the Original Covenant recorded.

They found that a people of Syrian descent did indeed come into Egypt from the land of Canaan, as recorded in the Original Covenant, at the time that the Original Covenant recorded.  They found that these people did indeed leave Egypt, go into the wilderness in modern Saudi Arabia, and then come into the Promised Land exactly as recorded in the Original Covenant.  They found that these people did indeed destroy the cities of the Canaanites as recorded in the Original Covenant.  They found that the cities and rulers of the Canaanites all matched was was recorded in the Original Covenant.  They found that really was first one, and then two kingdoms of these people as recorded in the Original Covenant.  They found that these kingdoms were ruled by the kings listed in the Original Covenant, for the length of time recorded in the Original Covenant, and in the order listed in the Original Covenant.  They found that these kingdoms came to an end exactly in the manner described in the Original Covenant.  They found that the Jews returned to the Promised Land to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple, in the exact manner described in the Original Covenant.

They found that these people did indeed have the interactions with the four empires and other inhabitants of the Promised Land that are described in the Original Covenant.  They found statues and monuments, as well as writings, that actually have the names given in the Original Covenant for people, who came from those foreigners in the land of Canaan, that were made second in command in these empires, at the time given in the Original Covenant.

Modern science, like DNA, has also only confirmed, not contradicted, the history given in the Original Covenant, especially what is written in The Writings of History.  The truth is there has never been found anything, to show that the Original Covenant was ever wrong, in even one point of the history given in it.  There have only been occasional "finds", that were later proven to be misinterpreted evidence, or even complete frauds.

The Writings of History, and the rest of the Original Covenant, are not like the Book of Mormon, which tells of empires, people groups and people, that left behind no physical evidence, that they ever existed.  These sources do not contain stories about events that happened a long, long time ago in a galaxy, far, far, away.  They tell of what happened in real time and space, on a very real planet, called "Earth".  They contain accurate and detailed history, because people who actually witnessed these events, who were actually there, recorded what they actually saw.  This kind of eye witness evidence is considered to be the most reliable evidence, by historians.  It is simply beyond reason to believe, that the history recorded in the Original Covenant, is not reliable.

Since the Original Covenant does contain reliable history then there is no reason to doubt the rest of the Original Covenant.  The Original Covenant said, that a Prophet of Truth, like unto Moses, would be raised up and the people must obey that Prophet of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:15-18).  The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who was sent, so you could come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:22-26).  You can come into the House of Truth when you decide to obey the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  After all, everything that was written in the Writings of History, was written so you come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Torah

Is the Torah relevant for the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) today?

In order to answer that question, we have to start with an explanation of what the Torah is.  The Torah is the first five books of the Book of Truth.  The Torah is sometimes called the book of the Law of Moses (Moishe), because it contains the Law that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to Moses (Joshua 23:6).  The Torah is sometimes referred to as the Book of Moses, because Moses wrote most of it and the rest is about Moses (2 Chronicles 35:12).  It is called the Torah (The Law), because it contains the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses, even though it contains much more than just that (Galatians 4:21-22).  It is for this reason, that I frequently refer to the Torah as the Law of Truth.

Now that it has been established what the Torah is, then we need to determine if the Torah is relevant today, as some people say.  Other people say, it has been done away with completely, and has no relevance to the Children of Truth, now that the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) has been ratified, by the blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).   Since the Renewed Covenant is in effect at this time, then the best way to determine if the Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth, is to examine what the Renewed Covenant says, about the Torah.

The first thing to know about the Torah, is that the Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Torah, and even said, that the position of the Children of Truth in his kingdom, was entirely dependent upon whether or not, they obeyed the Torah, and taught others to obey the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19).  He said, that the purpose of the Sermon of the Mount was to teach people, how to keep the Torah in the way, that His Father had always intended (Matthew 7:12-14).   He taught that the Torah was given, to show people the details, of how to love his Father with all of their heart, and to love their neighbor as themselves (Matthew 22:37-40).  He rebuked the Pharisees, for neglecting the most important commandments of the Torah while only keeping the least important commandments of the Torah (Matthew 23:23).  He said, that loving his Father and other people, by keeping the commandments of the Torah, was the path to eternal life (Luke 10:25-28).  He said, that it would be easier of the universe to be destroyed, than for even the smallest detail of the Torah, to go out of existence (Luke 16:17).

So, not only did the Man of Truth teach about how to keep the Torah, but he also taught about how to distinguish the weightier matters of the Law from the lessor matters of the Law.

The Man of Truth taught how to keep the Sabbath, as the Torah had intended (Matthew 12:1-8). ["Lawful" in this context means "According to the Torah".]  He taught that taking care of the medical needs of other people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Matthew 12:9-13).  He taught that feeding hungry people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Mark 2:23-28).  He was angry with those who tried to use the Torah, as an excuse to deny showing love to people, on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5).  He taught that keeping the Torah, meant showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-5).  He taught that the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to save people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:6-10).  He taught the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to heal people, on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6).  He showed that keeping Torah, meant going where sick people were to bring them healing, on the Sabbath (John 5:2-9).  He taught that keeping the Torah, meant doing everything the Torah commanded, about showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (John 7:21-24).

So the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in keeping the Sabbath.  He taught that people should rest one day a week, as commanded in the Torah.  He kept the Sabbath on the seventh day, as taught by the Torah, so who changed the Sabbath?  He taught that keeping the Torah, by showing love to other people on the Sabbath, will keep you from being bored on the Sabbath.  So, if you are forbidding people from showing love to other people, on the Sabbath, as taught in the Torah, then whose Sabbath are you keeping?

Also, John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man), the Prophet of Truth, said that Herod was violating Torah, by being married to the wife of his brother Philip (Matthew 14:3-5).  [Note: Philip was still alive.]  John the Baptist said, that according to the Torah, she was still the wife of Philip, even though she had legally divorced Philip, under Roman Law, to marry Herod (Mark 6:17-20).

The Man of Truth also taught that the Torah said, the covenant of marriage could not be annulled by anyone, other than the Father of Truth (Matthew 19:3-6).  He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed, when one of the spouses was sexually unfaithful (Matthew 19:7-9).  He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed for fornication, because the hearts of people were too hard, to forgive each other (Mark 10:2-9).  He taught that in the Torah, anyone who married another after divorce, or married anyone who had been divorced, for any reason other than sexual unfaithfulness, was committing adultery (Mark 10:10-12).  He showed that the Torah, only prescribed death for sexual unfaithfulness, to keep others from becoming disobedient to the Torah (John 8:3-7).  He showed that the purpose of the Torah, was to cause people to repent of sexual unfaithfulness (John 8:8-11).

So John the Baptist and the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in marriage and divorce.  They taught that when a wife was divorced, and then remarried, that the Torah was the means for answering the question: "Whose wife is she?".  They taught that in the Torah, that the divorce was only meant to be used as the nuclear option, when the unfaithful wife would not repent.  They taught that keeping the Torah, meant choosing the path of true love in difficult times, even when someone was forced into a less than ideal marriage.

The Man of Truth also taught, what the Torah said, about paying taxes (Matthew 22:17-21).  He said that the Torah taught, for people to pay taxes, because taxes belonged to the government (Mark 12:14-17).    He said, that the Torah taught, for people to also pay tithes and offerings, because these things belonged to his Father, in the same way that taxes belonged to the government (Luke 20:22-26).

So the Man of Truth taught and demonstrated, that the Torah was relevant for the Children of Truth.  He taught, that the Torah was relevant to all areas of life.  He showed, that the Torah was the standard for determining right and wrong, in every situation.  The Man of Truth in no way made the Law of Truth, to be no longer relevant, to the Children of Truth.

However, that was all before the Man of Truth died, and rose again.  The penalty for sin had not yet been paid.  So we need to examine, what the Renewed Covenant says about the Torah, after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, to determine if the Torah is relevant, to the Children of Truth today.

The accusation against Stephen the Jew as false, because the Man of Truth had not changed the Torah, after he ascended to Heaven (Acts 6:9-14).

Ananias the Jew, who had laid hands on Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), to recover his sight in Damascus, had been very careful to obey the Torah (Acts 22:11-13).

Paul the Jew still continued to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and expound upon the Torah, more than ten years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven (Acts 13:14-16).  Paul the Jew, like Stephen the Jew, was falsely accused of persuading Jews, to do things contrary to the Torah (Acts 18:12-14). When Paul the Jew, returned to Jerusalem after his third mission trip, more than twenty years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, there were many Jewish Children of Truth, who were zealous to keep the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:18-20).  Paul the Jew had been accused, of teaching Jews to no longer keep the Law, and was advised to fulfill a Nazarite vow, with four of these Jewish Children of Truth, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:21-24).  Paul the Jew then fulfilled the Nazarite vow with them, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:26-28).   Paul the Jew had never, in any manner whatsoever, taught that the Torah was no longer relevant (Acts 25:8).

So the actions of these Jewish Children of Truth, showed that the Torah was still relevant for the Children of Truth, from the day the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, until the day they died.  In fact, Paul the Jew made cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs, with tzitzits on the corners, as commanded in the Torah, to pay his expenses on his mission trips.  So we will next examine the epistles of Paul the Jew, to see what he wrote about the Torah.

Paul the Jew wrote, that the Torah was holy and its commandments were holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12).  He wrote, that the Torah was spiritual (Romans 7:14).  He wrote, that he delighted in the Torah (Romans 7:22).

This being the case, then did Paul the Jew say anything, to show that the Torah was relevant to the Children of Truth?

Paul the Jew said, that the Children of Truth do not make the Torah void, through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 3:31). He said, the Torah is what defines marriage for the Children of Truth (Romans 7:2-3).  He said, the Torah defines remarriage for the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:39).  He said, the Children of Truth should financially support the Ministers of Truth, because that is what the Torah teaches (1 Corinthians 9:8-10).  He said, that the Children of Truth could be sure, that speaking in tongues was from the Father of Truth, because that is what the Torah had said, would happen (1 Corinthians 14:21-22).  He used the Torah, to show how to keep order, in congregations of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:33-35).

If Paul the Jew, the Apostle to the Gentiles, championed the relevancy of the Torah for the Children of Truth, then who can truthfully say, that the Torah is not relevant to the Children of Truth, today?

The Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth today, because it tells them what is sin, and what is not sin.  Paul the Jew said, that the Torah tells, that sin was in the world from the time of Adam, but sin was not clearly defined, until the Torah was given (Romans 5:12-14).  He said, the Torah is how the Children of Truth know, what the Father of Truth defines as sin (Romans 7:7).  He said, the Torah was made for those who committed sin, to convict them of their sin (1 Timothy 1:8-10).  James the Jew (Ya'acob the brother of the Man of Truth aka the Apostle James) said, that whoever sins, transgresses the Torah (James 2:9-11).  John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) said, that sin is the transgression of the Torah (1 John 3:4).

For example, the Torah convicts the homosexual of sin in no uncertain terms, because it tells about how the Father of Truth deals with those who live like they were married in Sodom.  The Torah says, that the Children of Truth need to warn the homosexual to flee from homosexuality, for the same reasons that they would warn someone to flee, if they were in a burning house.  The Torah tells the Children of Truth, that letting the homosexual believe the lie that "My DNA made me do it", instead of warning them to flee from their sin, is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.  The Children of Truth just need to tell them in love, like the Man of Truth would, if he was talking to Ellen DeGeneres.

Yet even though the Torah is relevant to the Children of Truth today, no one can come into the House of Truth, by keeping the Torah (Romans 8:3-5).  You can only come into the House of Truth, by faith in the Man of Truth, because no one has kept the Torah perfectly, as it demands (Romans 10:3-5).  You can only come into the House of Truth, by having faith in the Good News about the Man of Truth, in your heart, and speaking it with your mouth, as the Torah says (Romans 10:6-8).  You come into the House of Truth, when you call the Man of Truth the king of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).  It is only after you come into the House of Truth, that the Torah begins to truly relevant to your life, as the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), helps you fulfill the Torah, as the Father of Truth intended (Galatians 5:13-18).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Day Of New Beginnings

What is the best day ever?

Some of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) would say, that it was the day that they submitted to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in total surrender, and came into the House of Truth.  I could say, it will be the day when I breath my last, because that will be the moment I become alive.  Some of the Children of Truth would say, that the best day ever, will the day that the Man of Truth takes off of the Earth, those who heeded the warning of, "People get ready!".  Others would say, that day of the Return of the King, is best day ever, because it is so good that they can say "Bring it on!", about the Tribulation, in order to get to that day.

Yet there is another day that is better than any of those days.  It is the Day of New Beginnings.

The Day of New Beginnings is foreshadow by events that occur on the eighth day, for the eighth day is the beginning of a new week, and signifies a new beginning.

In the Everlasting Covenant, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) made with Abraham (Abram), concerning the Promised Land and the salvation of the Gentiles, every male descendant of the original camp of Abraham, who participated in the covenant, was to be circumcised, on the eighth day, as a sign of the new beginning, that covenant made for all of mankind (Genesis 17:10-14).  For this reason, Isaac (Yitzhak) was circumcised, on the eighth day, because he was a new beginning, for the family of Abraham (Genesis 21:4).  The eighth day, continued to be the day that every Israeli boy was to be circumcised, when the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was given to Moses (Moishe), because that covenant was a new beginning, for the people of Israel (Leviticus 12:2-3).  When John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) was circumcised, on the eighth day, his father Zacharias was no longer mute, but had a new beginning, where he was filled with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), and prophesied (Luke 1:59-67).  In like manner, the Man of Truth was given his name, on the eighth day, when he was circumcised, because all of mankind would get a new beginning, through him (Luke 2:21).  When Isaac was circumcised, on the eighth day, he was also the means of a new beginning, for the human race, through a new nation, that would come through his son Israel (Ya'acob aka Jacob) (Acts 7:8).  In like manner, Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) was circumcised, on the eighth day, who was the chief proclaimer of the new beginning, for the Gentiles, that came through the Man of Truth (Philippians 3:3-5).

The eighth day, is prescribed for circumcision, because circumcision is a new beginning, whereby a man is counted as a Jew, and no longer as a Gentile (Galatians 2:7-9).

Just like circumcision, the first fruits of any animal could not be offered, until it was eight days old, because the first born marked a new beginning, for the herd or flock through a new generation (Exodus 22:29-30).   A free will offering could not be given, until the eighth day of life, because it marked a new beginning, in the relationship between the giver and the Father of Truth (Leviticus 22:26-29).

This new beginning in relationship, was marked on the eighth day, when the Tabernacle was finished being consecrated, and the glory of the Father of Truth appeared in this portable meeting place (Leviticus 9:1-6).  The new beginning of a permanent meeting place, the Temple in Jerusalem, was marked as finished being consecrated, on the eighth day, as well (1 Kings 8:62-66).  The very night following the dedication of the Temple, on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), the Father of Truth appeared to Solomon, and promised a new beginning, for anyone, who would repent with their whole heart (2 Chronicles 7:8-14).  There was a new beginning, for people of Israel meeting with the Father of Truth at the first Temple again, when it was rededicated, on the eighth day, during the time of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 29:15-17).  There was a new beginning, of meeting with the Father of Truth at the Temple, when the dedication of the second Temple was finished, on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 8:14-18).  There will be a new beginning, for the sacrifices in the Temple, at the beginning of the Millennium, when the altar will finish being consecrated, on the eighth day (Ezekiel 43:25-27).

In like manner, a person who is healed of leprosy, will have a new beginning, as a clean person, on the eighth day, of being healed (Leviticus 14:2-11).  It is on the eighth day, that this new beginning, as a clean person, is marked by anointing the person cleansed of leprosy (Leviticus 14:23-32).  In the same manner, anyone who is healed of any ongoing issue of bodily fluids, will have a new beginning, as a clean person, on the eighth day, of being healed (Leviticus 15:13-15).  Also a woman, who has an issue of blood that lasts beyond her normal monthly period, will have an new beginning, as a clean woman, on the eighth day, of being healed (Leviticus 15:25-30).  Also, anyone who takes a Nazarite vow, who is then made unclean, by someone dying suddenly in their presence, will have a new beginning, as a Nazarite, on the eighth day, after being defiled (Numbers 6:2-12).

Similarly on the eighth day, after telling the twelve original Apostles of Truth that he would die and rise again, he showed three of them, that he was the new beginning, that was foreshadowed by Moses and Elijah (Eliyahu) (Luke 9:22-35).  Then on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the last and great day of the feast, the Man of Truth told all of Israel, that he was bringing a new beginning, where the Spirit of Truth would live in the Children of Truth (John 7:37-39).  On the eighth day, after the Man of Truth rose again from the dead, he showed himself to Thomas the Jew (Toma aka Didymus aka the Apostle Thomas), to remove all doubt that he had brought about, a new beginning, whereby everyone in the human race, could be made clean from sin (John 20:26-31).

All of these events foreshadow the Day of New Beginnings, but it is the Feast of Tabernacles that best tells about the Day of New Beginnings.

The Feast of Tabernacles ends with a Sabbath, on the eighth day, of this Feast of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) (Leviticus 23:34-37).  It marks the end of dwelling in booths (tabernacles) in the presence of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 23:39-42).  On the seventh day, the count down of bullocks offered has been completed, but on the eighth day, there is only one bullock, and half as many rams and lambs, because it marks the day of new beginnings (Numbers 29:12-36).

The Feast of Tabernacles is also known as the ingathering, that marks the end of the agricultural year (Exodus 23:16).  This feasts marks the end of the harvest of the grapes, instead of marking the beginning of the harvest of grains, like First Fruits (Bikkurim) and Pentecost (Shavuot) (Exodus 34:22).  The earth (land) is to be given a rest every seventh year, that begins after the grapes had been harvested, at the end of the six year (Leviticus 25:2-5).  The Feast of Tabernacles only occurs at the end of the grape harvest, and is marked by rejoicing that harvest for that year is coming to a close (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).  Since the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles is not a Sabbath day, and harvesting can still occur on that day, then the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles. of the sixth year, that is a Sabbath when all work ceases, is the first day of rest for the earth (land) that begins the year of year of rest.  So the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, is the day of new beginnings, for the earth (land).

Not only is the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, that ends the sixth year, the day of new beginnings for the land, but it is also the day of new beginnings for the Children of Truth.  Every dept is to be wiped out in the seventh year, when the land rests, and every Child of Truth is to go free in that year (Deuteronomy 15:1-18).  This new beginning, starts on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, that ends the sixth year and begins the seventh year when the land rests (Deuteronomy 31:10).   So the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, is the day of new beginnings, for the Children of Truth.

You see the Feasts of Truth all work together to tell an amazing story.  The Feast of Tabernacles is the final act in the Greatest Play Ever and the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles is the grand finale, not just of the final act, but of the entire play.  The Feast of Tabernacles involves the entire human race, and for this reason every nation will have to come to Jerusalem, and observe it during the reign of the Man of Truth (Zechariah 14:16-19).

The Man of Truth understood what the Feast of Tabernacles represented, and knew that it could not truly be kept, until the time came when the people of Israel accepted him as the Messiah of Israel (John 7:2-8).  He also understood that the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, represented the Day of New Beginnings.

The seven days of dwelling in booths, represents the complete reign of the Man of Truth, over the Earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-6).  After a thousand years of peace and prosperity is completed, then the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will be released for a short while, to expose all who secretly despise the reign of the Man of Truth (Revelation 20:7-9).  After the human race is finally purged, of the very last rebels against the Father of Truth, then all rebels against the Father of Truth, from all time, will be resurrected, and cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10-15).  It will be the end of all trouble that marks the sunset of this universe, and the start of the Day of New Beginnings.

The Day of New Beginnings, is day when the Father of Truth will make the Earth to be brand new again, and all of the Children of Truth will never again, remember the troubles of this Earth (Isaiah 65:16-18).  In this New Earth, everyone will come to be in His prescence at the end of each week, and the beginning of each month (Isaiah 66:22-23).  In the Day of New Beginnings, this entire universe will melt away, and be replaced with a New Universe, where only those who do what He says is right, will live (2 Peter 3:10-13).  The Day of New Beginnings, will be the day, when the Father of Truth begins to live among the human race on a New Earth, and brings an end to every cause of sorrow, for the Children of Truth (Revelation 21:1-4).

The Day of New Beginnings, will be the day that the Earth begins to enjoy an eternal rest from the decay, that comes from sin.  The Day of New Beginnings, will be the day that the human race is finally free forever, from the bondage of sin.  The Day of New Beginnings, will be a new beginning for the Earth, the universe, and the Children of Truth.  It will be the best day ever!

The Day of New Beginnings, will only be the best day ever, for those who come into the House of Truth.  For everyone else, it will be the worst day ever.  The Day of New Beginnings, can only come after the end of all trouble, and that will be a very bad day, for everyone who is not in the House of Truth.

You do not need to wait a thousand years, for the Day of New Beginnings, to have a new beginning.  You can come into the House of Truth, and experience freedom from the bondage of sin, today (John 8:34-36).  You can come into the House of Truth today, by surrendering your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth, you will have a new beginning, as a Child of Truth, and your old life will pass away (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The Father of Truth has delayed, the Day of New Beginnings, so that as many people as possible, can come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:7-9).  The Man of Truth wants you to come into the House of Truth, so that he can make all things new for you, on the Day of New Beginnings (Revelation 21:5-7).  The Spirit of Truth is urging you to come into the House of Truth, so that you will be able to say, that the Day of New Beginnings, is the best day ever (Revelation 22:17)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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