Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Satan Clause

What should the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) tell their children about Santa Claus?

The Children of Truth strive to teach their children to do what is right by obeying the Ten Commandments, to the best of their own understanding of the Ten Commandments.  They teach their children to treat other people with respect, starting by their children respecting and obeying them (Exodus 20:12).  They  teach their to not do things to hurt other people, like murdering them or committing adultery with the spouse of other people (Exodus 20:13-14).  They teach their children to avoid doing dishonest things, like stealing or telling lies about other people (Exodus 20:15-16).  They teach their children to not desire to have what belongs to other people, so that their children will not be selfish (Exodus 20:17).

They use the Ten Commandments to teach their children to respect the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) by never worshiping other gods or setting up idols in their home (Exodus 20:3-4).  They teach their children to never take His name in vain (Exodus 20:7).

The main area of confusion and disagreement about the Ten Commandments, among the Children of Truth, is about keeping the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8).  Some of the Children of Truth, do not even know that they need to give the Father of Truth one day a week, because of verses in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that have been taken out of context.  Others are giving the Father of Truth the wrong day of the week, because they do not know who changed the Sabbath.  Yet others are giving the Father of Truth the right day of the week, but still do not know whose Sabbath they are keeping, because they are not keeping the Sabbath in the way that the Father in Truth intended.  They have never learned how to avoid being bored on the Sabbath.

In order to weave the truth found in the Ten Commandments into the fabric of the being of their children, they go beyond just their own homes and their own abilities.  They congregate with other Children of Truth, where their children get further taught about the Father of Truth, along with their peers, from birth until they are fully grown.  Some of them send their children to private schools, so their children will be further taught about how to show love to the Father of Truth and other people, by only doing what is honest and right.  They send their children to things like vacation bible school and church camp in the summer, because they want their children to learn how to avoid everything that is dishonest.

Yet, they undermine all of these efforts, by purposely lying to their own children, year after year.  They perpetrate a fraud upon their own children, called "Santa Claus".  They justify lying to their children, teaching their children to be coveting after stuff, teaching their children to seek out someone other than the Father of Truth for their needs, erecting something similar to an idol in their homes, and observing all kinds of customs, that they know came from idol worship, as all being part of celebrating the birthday of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  They act like, there is a Satan Clause in the Ten Commandments, that allows people every year to break some of those commandments, in order to celebrate the birth of the Messiah of Israel.  When it comes to Christmas, and especially Santa Claus, they want to invoke, the Satan Clause.

The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is the source of every lie (John 8:44). The Children of Truth should be like the Man of Truth, who had nothing that belonged to the Father of Lies in his life (John 14:30).  The Father of Lies is the god of those who have not come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:4).  They should make no room in their lives, for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).  Everything about Santa Claus, his deceitful kindly demeanor and looks, his arousal of selfishness in children to covet after things, and the prideful bragging of children about what Santa Claus brought them for Christmas, is not from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16)!

Yet, the Children of Truth invoke the Satan Clause, to make room for Santa Claus in the lives of their children.  The Satan Clause robs them of credibility with their children, because their children eventually come to know the truth about Santa Claus, and realize that their parents have been telling an elaborate lie to them, for their entire life.  This creates distrust and disrespect for their parents.  After all, if their parents lied to them about Santa Claus, then what else have their parents been lying to them about?

So then when their parents tell them the truth about the Man of Truth, they do not trust them about him either.  There is always the thought, that their parents may be perpetrating another fraud upon them, in the back of their minds.  They are now burdened, with scrutinizing everything that their parents tell them, because their parents might be lying to them.  Their parents have shattered their trust, by invoking the Satan Clause.

So it is extremely important, for the Children of Truth to never shatter the trust of their children, by invoking the Satan Clause.  Their children can be diverted, from following the Father of Truth with their whole hearts, when their parents invoke the Satan Clause.  After all, if it is okay to invoke the Satan Clause, to break the Ten Commandments for Christmas, then why not break the Ten Commandments at other times, for other reasons, to get what they want?

Also, it can be life and death for children to believe their parents at times.  For example, when the doctors gave me the "your daughter is not going to make it, go ahead an make funeral arrangements" speech for the second time, I did not go along with their diagnosis, but instead told her what the Father of Truth said about her condition.

I told my daughter about the promises of the Man of Truth to heal her, and that she would get well, because I was laying my hands upon her, as he commanded.  Since I had always told her the truth about everything, she believed what I told her, and had faith in the promises in the Book of Truth (The Bible), that I told her about.  Then she recovered, from what medical science had said was unrecoverable.  There was no doubt in her mind, that she could believe every word I spoke to her, because I had never invoked the Satan Clause, to tell her lies about Santa Claus.

(Of course, I had to first convince her to even want to get well, because I had also told her the truth about what happens to the Children of Truth when they die, and she knew that the Children of Truth were literally better off dead.  So I told my daughter, that she needed to stay on Earth to help other people come into the House of Truth, because that is all that really matters.)

So the Children of Truth should tell their children the truth about Santa Claus.  This starts with knowing the truth about Santa Claus themselves.

The best place to begin is by examining the characteristics of Santa Claus that make children flock to him in the first place.

They are told that Santa Claus is all knowing.  They are told that he knows when they are sleeping, and he knows when they are awake.  They are told that he knows who is naughty, and he knows who is nice.  They are told that he knows when they are bad, and he knows when they are good.

They are told that Santa Claus is the source of all good things.  They are told that they need to seek out Santa Claus and bring their petitions to him.  They are told that he is the source of every good gift.

They are told that blessing comes from being written on the list of Santa Claus.  They are told that Santa Claus keeps a list of who is going to be blessed, and whoever is not on that list, will not experience the blessing that comes from him.

In short, they are taught to treat Santa Claus in the manner that only the Father of Truth should be treated.  Santa Claus is counterfeit for the Father of Truth in every one of these characteristics, and serves as the tool of the Father of Lies, to keep people from seeking out the Father of Truth.

The Father of Truth is the one who is really all knowing (Psalm 139:1-16).  The Father of Truth determines, whether everything that their children have been doing, is good or bad (Romans 2:16).  Their children are supposed to seek out the Father of Truth, and bring their petitions to Him (1 John 5:14-15).  The Father of Truth is the true source of every good gift (James 1:17).  The Father of Truth is keeping a list of who is going to be blessed, and whoever is not on that list, will not experience the blessing that comes from Him (Revelation 21:23-27).

Some might say that Santa Claus is just a flesh and blood representation of the Father of Truth.  That would make Santa Claus to be a counterfeit of the Man of Truth, because the Man of Truth is the only way for people to come to understand what the Father of Truth is like (John 14:6-9).  The Man of Truth came from a lot further than the North Pole to show people what the Father of Truth is like (Philippians 2:6-7).   He came as the only flesh and blood representation of the Father of Truth (Colossians 1:12-15).

However, when looking even deeper into Santa Claus, it becomes apparent that Santa Claus is something much different than a flesh and blood representation of the Man of Truth.  This deeper examination begins with examining his helpers - the elves.

The word "elf" comes from a common German word (the root language that German, Norse, English, Gaelic, and other related languages came from), the language that was spoken by the Galatians and Phrygians, for a demon.  Elves were gods in ancient Norse literature, and brutal monsters in ancient German literature. In ancient English literature, they were invisible beings that caused madness and internal pain to people.  They were also associated in all ancient sources, with seducing people, usually men by female elves, into sexual sin.  In some of these languages, a witch was someone that consorted with elves, and in Scotland, as late as 1727, people were prosecuted as being witches, for consorting with elves, because elves were considered to be the helpers of the Father of Lies.  The influence of elves on the people, who came from the Galatians and Phrygians, who feared and worshiped elves, was wide spread as testified by the places whose name came came from the same root word as elf.  The places were given their names, because those places were where elves were thought to live.  These include well known places like the Elbe River and the Alps.

Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) cause people to go into madness (Matthew 17:15-18).  Spirits of Lies can cause internal pain (Luke 8:2).  It was the ancient Phrygians and Galatians, who called Spirits of Lies "elves", that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) brought the Good News to on his second mission trip (Acts 16:3-6).  He also went to them on his third mission trip (Acts 18:18-23).  Before the Good News was brought to the Phrygians and Galatians, they made sacrifices to Spirits of Lies because they feared and worshiped them (1 Corinthians 10:20).  These are the very same seducing spirits that Paul the Jew warned against (1 Timothy 4:1).  These Spirits of Lies not only seduced them into idol worship, but also into committing sexual sin, similar to what Jezebel did in the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (Revelation 2:20).

So the helpers of Santa Claus are actually Spirits of Lies.  This is even easier to understand when some of his other, but lesser known in America, helpers like Krampus are considered.

In Germany, Austria, and nearby countries, Santa Claus was said to be accompanied by his special helper named Krampus.  While Santa Claus would give out toys to good children, Krampus would punish bad children.  These punishments varied from beating the children to eating the children to putting them in a magical sack and hauling them off to Hell.  Krampus had basically the same appearance as the Horned God, who was worshiped and feared by the ancient Galatians and Phrygians.  Basically, Krampus looked a man with goat hooves for feet and a goat head.  Krampus was also covered in long, shaggy, goat hair.

The people of Israel also sacrificed to Spirits of Lies before they began following the Father of Truth in the wilderness (Leviticus 17:7).  A Spirit of Lies was called a "saiyr" (literally "hairy like a goat") in Hebrew, because they looked like men with a goat head, goat feet and covered in long, shaggy, goat hair.  This is where the Greek word "satyr" comes from, which is a goat-man similar to Krampus.

Since the Spirits of Lies are the helpers of Santa Claus, then Santa Claus is the head of the Spirits of Lies.  Like the Spirits of Lies, Santa Claus was originally pictured as being covered in coats made of long, shaggy animal hair, until Americans, adopted the red and white colors of Sinterklaas.  Santa Claus was not only pictured wearing these coats of long, shaggy, animal hair in the cold northern climates during the winter, but also in warm southern climates, even in those areas that were experiencing summer, because they were south of the equator.  Santa Claus has a long white flowing beard like Odin (called "Wodan" by the Germanic tribes).  Odin is what the Norse called the head of the Spirits of Lies.  Santa Claus traded in the flying horse of Odin used on his gift giving spree for a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer.  In America, Santa Claus wears a Phrygian cap.  The Phrygians got their cap from the priests of Mithra, who got the cap from the priests of Babylon, where the worship of the Spirits of Lies began.  In other places, Santa Claus wears a Bishop miter, the same hat that a bishop in the False Church of Rome wears.  The Bishop miter is fashioned after the miter of the priest of Dagon.  Their miter looked like a fish head with the mouth opening towards the top, because Dagon was supposed to be half man and half fish.

Dagon is what the Philistines called the head of the Spirits of Lies (1 Samuel 5:3-5).  The Father of Lies is the head of all of the Spirits of Lies (Mark 3:22-23).

As if it was not enough that the helpers of Santa Claus are the Spirits of Lies, and the clothing of Santa Claus are inspired by the Father of Lies, but there is still yet more clues about who Santa Claus really represents.  His familiar tagline, "Ho Ho Ho", comes from medieval morality plays, where it was called the Devil's Bluster.  It was called this, because a loud and ominous, "Ho Ho Ho", was sounded out to announce the arrival of the Father of Lies.  Even his entry through chimneys into lit fireplaces, was done to picture the Father of Lies supposed ability to enter into the flames of Hell, and remain there unharmed.  The fact is, that Santa Claus was crafted to be a flesh and blood representation of the Father of Lies!

The facts from history backing up this assertion, are not just some obscure facts dug up from questionable sources, by Christmas haters.  These facts are so well documented, that Satanists acknowledge that Santa Claus is a representation of the Father of Lies, and laugh at the Children of Truth, for including their master, the Father of Lies, in such a positive light, in their attempts to celebrate the birth of the Man of Truth!

Just as Antiochus Epiphanes, who foreshadowed the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), gained favor by giving out gifts of worldly things, so also Santa Claus is favored for giving out gifts of worldly things (Daniel 11:21-24).  Just as the Man of Lies will be loved for giving out gifts of worldly things, so also is Santa Claus is beloved for giving out gifts of worldly things (Daniel 11:36-39).  Just as the Father of Lies will go to the flames of Hell, and then come out for a short while, in order to deceive people, so also Santa Claus goes into the flames of the fire place, and comes out unharmed, in order to deceive people (Revelation 20:1-3).

Just as the Father of Lies can transform himself to look like an Angel of Truth, so also has Santa Claus been transformed to look like a Child of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

This is evident from the history of Santa Claus.  The modern American version of Santa Claus comes from merging three different European characters into one.

One of them was Father Christmas from Britain, and went by similar names in other countries. He was originally a muscular young man, who wore a long green coat, and a wreath of holly as a crown.  Father Christmas originally encouraged adults to invoke the Satan Clause, so they could gluttonize, get drunk, and engage in sexual sin, to celebrate the birth of the Man of Truth.  He was first written about in a poem, sometime around 1450 AD.  There is little doubt, that he was a renamed character, that had been used to celebrate the winter solstice, from the religion of the Druids.  He was a carry over from the nature worship, that was practiced in most of the British Isles, before Celtic Christianity was introduced there, in its original form.  In plays about Father Christmas, he was often costumed as Beelzebub.  Father Christmas did not begin to change into a jolly giver of toys to children, until another poet cast him in this light, in 1840 AD.

The second one is Sinterklaas from Holland.  The name "Santa Claus" is an Americanization of "Sinterklaas".  Sinterklaas means "Saint Claus", just like "Santa Claus".  Sinterklaas came to America from Holland, and was prominent in the New York City area, that was called "New Holland", until the Dutch gave it to England.  Sinterklaas was basically a rebranded version of the German god "Wodan", who the Norse called Odin.  Wodan was also said to have helpers, who listen to determine which children were naughty and nice, and flew in from the north to leave gifts under a tree, on December 25th. (This had been the date of the Winter Solstice by the time the Julian calendar was put into use.  The winter solstice was corrected back to December 22, when the Gregorian calendar was implemented to correct the Julian error, that caused a three day shift every 400 years.)  Sinterklaas did similar things, but originally had a demon slave, similar to Krampus, that helped him in various ways, including punishing bad children.  After the Spanish conquered Holland for a short while, Sinterklaas started coming from Spain in a ship, instead of from the north on a horse, and his demon slave changed into his Moorish servant, "Black Pete" ("Zwarte Piet" in Dutch).  The appearance of Sinterklaas became similar to that of the modern American "Santa Claus".  He has a long white flowing beard, like that of Wodan, and is dressed in red robe, along with other red and white clothing, but he wears a red Bishop miter, instead of a Phrygian cap.  His name "Sinterklaas" is basically the Dutch equivalent of "Saint Nicholas", and makes his appearance on December 6th, which is known as Saint Nicholas Day, in Holland and other places.

The third one is Nicholas of Myra, who died on December 6th, 343 AD and later dubbed "Saint Nicholas" by the False Church of Rome.  Nicholas of Myra was a Greek Bishop in Myra, Lycia - which is presently called Demre, Turkey.  Nicholas of Myra was born to wealthy parents and known for his secret acts of generosity.  For example, he threw three sacks of gold through the window of a poor man, so his daughters would have a dowry, which was required to get married.  Without his generosity, the daughters of the poor man would have remained unmarried, and been forced into prostitution, or at least, thought to be prostitutes by their neighbors.  He was also known to drop gifts into the shoes of poor children at night, so he is possibly the source of the tradition of hanging up stockings, so that the stockings can be stuffed with small gifts for Christmas.  It is for this reason that December 6th, Saint Nicholas Day, was celebrated with the well off giving gifts to the poor.  It was also on December 6th, that gifts were bestowed upon Children.  (The gift giving was moved to December 25th much later to coincide with the gift giving of Wodan from ancient times.  In some places, like Holland it is still done on December 6th.)  Other than this tradition of gift giving, Nicholas of Myra has very little resemblance to Santa Claus.  In the earliest pictures and descriptions of Nicholas of Myra, he is thin, tan man, with a short scruffy beard, who was usually dressed in the brown garments common to the time and place where he lived.  He did not wear a hat of any kind, and the only thing that stood out about his clothing was the modest white stole with a brown cross on each side of his chest that marked his position as a bishop.  (Although Nicholas of Myra never married, many bishops were married at this time.  The term "bishop" was closer in meaning at this time to what the word meant in the Renewed Covenant than what the False Church of Rome made it to mean later.)  He was present at the council of Nicaea in 325 AD, where he struck Arias on the face for what he perceived to be his dishonest dealings concerning the Book of Truth, and was imprisoned for doing so.  So any claim by religious professionals, that Nicholas of Myra is the inspiration for parents deceiving their own children with Santa Claus, is contrary to the very character of Nicholas of Myra.  This is an example of religious professionals invoking the Satan Clause.

So if Nicholas of Myra is not the inspiration for Santa Claus, then who is?  This is another Nicholas, who was admired by the False Church of Rome in secret, for founding much of its doctrine, that it kept hidden from the public.  These hidden writings are part of what some people claim, are The Missing Books of the Bible.  This idea of hidden knowledge, that is only revealed to certain enlightened individuals, but not to the general public, goes back to mystery religions, that came from Babylon.  Those who claimed to have additional hidden knowledge, to what is revealed in the Renewed Covenant, were called Gnostics (literally, "those who know").  The earliest known Gnostics were the Nicolaitanes.  The Nicolaitanes ["Nikolaiton" in Koine Greek] were the name of those who followed Nicholas ["Nikolaon" in Koine Greek].  Their name literally meant, "victorious over the people". ["Niko" means "victorious" and "laiton" means "people" and is where the word "laity" comes from.]  This Nicholas taught that there were two classes of people among the Children of Truth.  The religious professionals, who were enlightened by hidden knowledge, not found in the Renewed Covenant, and the laity, the people did not know this hidden knowledge.  So the religious professionals were to rule over the laity by keeping the knowledge hidden from the laity.

The Nicolaitanes are said to have claimed that they got their name from Nicolas of Antioch, who was one of the seven deacons appointed to distribute food in Jerusalem (Acts 6:1-6).  While this is repeated by Epiphanius of Salamis, who lived around the same time as Nicolas of Myra (340 AD) , and other later writers, it is not what was reported by earlier writers, like Clement of Alexandria, who lived about 100 years (175 AD) after Nicolas of Antioch.  Clement of Alexandria reports that Nicolas of Antioch lived a chaste life, and died faithful to the cause of the Man of Truth.  Dorotheus of Tyre (250 AD) reports that the Nicolaitanes were started by another Nicholas, who came from Samaria, and was taught this doctrine, by Simon the Sorcerer of Samaria.

The Samaritans were descendants of Gentiles that the king of Assyria had placed in the land of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel in the place of the Israelites (2 Kings 17:21-24).  The Samaritans adopted the worship of the Father of Truth but also worshiped the old gods that they had worshiped in the lands that they had came from, especially the idols of Babylon (2 Kings 17:25-33).  Later King Josiah destroyed all of the idols out of the land of the Samaritans (2 Kings 23:15-20).  So the Samaritans had cease to worship idols, but they continued to not worship the Father of Truth in the way He desired, because they ignorantly continued to mix the customs of idolatry, with the traditions taught to them by the corrupt priests of Israel (John 4:20-22).  Simon the Sorcerer was one of these Samaritans, and could have taught Nicolas of Samaria this doctrine, if he did not repent after being rebuked by Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) (Acts 8:9-24).

Then the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes could be summarized as mixing the worship of the Father of Truth, through the Man of Truth, with the customs of idol worship, that people had before the Good News was preached to them, in a religion where religious professionals, who possess hidden knowledge, that is not found in the pages of the Renewed Covenant, rule over everyone else.  This is the doctrine of the False Church of Rome in a nutshell.

The Satan Clause, that allows and encourages parents to perpetrate a fraud upon their own children, contrary to the Ten Commandments, that is not found in the pages of the Book of Truth.  It is part of the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes that is personified by Santa Claus.

The Man of Truth told the Children of Truth, that they were not to rule over each other, like the Gentiles did (Mark 10:42-44).  He said that, they were all children of the same Father, and that he was their only master (Matthew 23:8-11).  He hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, that creates the Satan Clause, to allow people to include practices of idol worship, like those that gave rise to Father Christmas and Sinterklaas, or even customs that came from the worship of a possible Child of Truth, named Nicholas of Myra (Revelation 2:6).  He hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, as much as he hates the doctrine of Balaam, which is teaching the Children of Truth to follow the practices of idol worship, and to commit sexual sin (Revelation 2:14-15).  The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to repent of invoking the Satan Clause, to carry out these practices, so that he will not have to come and fight against them (Revelation 2:16)!

The Father of Truth knows, that the Children of Truth may have carried out the idolatrous practices of Santa Claus, out of ignorance, but now He commands them to repent (Acts 17:29-31).  The Man of Truth is giving them space to repent, but he will punish them, if they do not use this period of grace to repent, even though they may have done many other good deeds (Revelation 2:19-22).

The truth about Santa Claus should be obvious, by just examining two facts, and asking yourself one question.  The Father of Truth is the source of all truth (Deuteronomy 32:4).  The Father of Lies is the source of all lies.  So who does Santa Claus really represent?

So the Children of Truth should tell their children, that Santa Claus is a representation of the Father of Lies, and that they should have nothing to do with Santa Claus.  In fact, the Children of Truth should be like the Mensch who killed Christmas, and tell their children to have nothing to do with Christmas.  Their children would be better off learning that resistance is essential, by celebrating Chanukah!  This is what the Man of Truth celebrated (John 10:21-23).

Of course, it really does not matter what you celebrate, or how you celebrate it, until you come into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth the master of every area of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth, then his Father becomes your father as well, and you can learn to be like the Man of Truth (1 John 3:1-3).  After you come into the House of Truth,  then you can start walking in truth, to please the Father of Truth, instead of invoking the Satan Clause (2 John 1:4).

Come into the House of Truth!

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