The Spirit of Anti-Jewism
Where does antisemitism come from?
Antisemitism is a word that means "the ideology of being against Jews". The word is really misleading, because its literal meaning would be "the ideology of being against Semites".
"Semites" is from the Greek word for descendants of "Shem", which is transliterated as "Sem" in Greek, because there is not an "sh" sound in Greek. This why "Sem" is listed in the genealogy of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Luke 3:36-38).
So to be antisemitism literally would mean an ideology that is against all descendants of Shem. This would include all of the medium skinned people who descended from Shem, including Arabs, Persians, Chinese, Indians, Mongols, Native Americans, Melanesians, Austronesians, Polynesians, Inuits, Aleuts, Japanese, Filipinos, and many other similar ethnic groups (Genesis 10:22-31).
Antisemitism is not "anti-Shemitism". This has nothing to do with skin color.
Due to inter-racial marriage, Jews come in every skin color available. Even the Jews with the whitest skin imaginable are hated by white supremacist groups. Even Jews with the blackest skin imaginable are hated by black supremacist groups.
Antisemitism is not "anti-Judaism". This has nothing to do with religion.
The people in the congregation of Dietrich Bonhoefer were met by the SS at the door of his Lutheran church one Sunday, and then hauled off to the concentration camps, because they had one Jewish great grandparent. These families had been attending that Lutheran church for over 100 years. Most of them did not even know that they had a Jewish great grandparent. Their Jewish great grandparents had usually changed their last names to not sound Jewish, after they became members of that Lutheran church. In fact, Dietrich Bonhoefer does not even have a tree in the Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles, despite ultimately giving his life to save hundreds of Jews, because almost all of the Jews that he saved were Lutherans.
Yet, antisemitism is limited to Jews, and it makes no distinction to appearance or religion. "Antisemitism" is not really antisemitism at all. It is really anti-Jewism.
So where does anti-Jewism come from?
It cannot be because Jews have behaved so badly, that they deserve to hated, just because they are Jews. While there have been Jews that have done evil deeds, like Lucky Luciano, who put the "organized" in organized crime, there have also been Jews that have done incredible deeds of good, like Doctor Jonas Salk who spent years creating a cure for polio, then gave up a patent worth one billion dollars, just so his cure would be available to even the poorest of the poor. So basically, Jews are just like all ethnic groups. Some Jews have done incredible acts of evil, while other Jews have done incredible acts of good. In short, Jews are just as human as people of any other ethnic group.
In fact, if you graded ethnic groups by the good that some of their members have done for humanity, against the evil that other of their members have done against humanity, you would be hard pressed to find an ethnic group that would receive a better grade than Jews.
History has shown over and over that Jews have by and large been a tremendous blessing to everyone around them. Here in the United States, you cannot go to a city of any size without finding all kinds of things, created and paid for by Jews for the betterment of the community that they live in. Here in the Tulsa area, these things include a genealogy library, an art museum, and a center for providing rehabilitative services to the handicap, to name just a few out of many such things.
In every place that Jews have lived, the pattern remains the same. Jewish doctors help the poor receive proper medical care in a higher proportion than doctors of any other ethnic group. Jewish lawyers provide pro bono (for the good of the public) legal work in a higher proportion than lawyers of any other ethnic group. Jewish business men create more good paying jobs per business than business men of any other ethnic group. Jewish educators turn out students with higher standardized test scores than educators of any other ethnic group.
The only reasonable response to overall effect of Jews on the communities that they live in, is to welcome them in and work with them. For the most part, they are looking for Gentile partners to work with them in making the community that they live in better for everyone. Yet against all reason, Jews are often forced against their will to leave the very communities that they worked so hard to improve.
History has also shown over and over again, that when Jews are forced against their will to leave a place, that the place goes downhill rather quickly. It usually does so in proportion to how badly the Jews were dealt with, when they were force to leave.
For example, the homes of the Jews were reduced to rubble by the Germans, and then many cities of the Nazis, especially the capital of Germany, Berlin, were reduced to rubble by the Allies. In fact, every single atrocity that the Germans put the Jews through happened to the Germans eventually - although in a much less methodical and orderly manner than the Germans had done. Germany lost 20 million people in World War II - one third of its population. Germany had also killed about one third of the Jews on Earth. If history has only one lesson to learn, it is this: Don't screw with the Jews.
The fact is that anti-Jewism is illogical, when you look at the facts. Yet, it never goes away. As I often say, "Stupid ideas never die.".
In the South we have another saying, "There ain't no cure for stupid.". The reason, that anti-Jewism cannot be put to end by educating people, is because it does not come from a lack of knowledge. Anti-Jewism is not a psychological issue that can be cured through therapy. Anti-Jewism is not caused by some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain that can be cured with the right medication.
Anti-Jewism is a spiritual problem. The only way to deal with it, is on a spiritual level. You cannot get rid of Anti-Jewism until you understand how the Spirit of Anti-Jewism operates.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism has been around since the very beginning of Jewish history. The strategy of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism began as soon as the very first Jew was forced to live among another people outside of the Promised Land.
Joseph (Yousef) the Jew was forced into Egypt as a slave, against his will, with only the clothes on his back (Genesis 37:28). This Jew worked hard to be a blessing to his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:1-3). Joseph the Jew was soon promoted to the top spot, so that his Egyptian master would be even more blessed by this Jew (Genesis 39:4-6).
Yet soon, the wife of his Egyptian master wanted him to engage in rebellion against his Egyptian master, but Joseph the Jew refused to do anything that would hurt his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:7-9). He continually avoided joining in any rebellion against his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:10-12).
Then she published a false story that this Jew had tried to rise up in rebellion against his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:13-15). Then she made this same false accusation against this Jew to her husband (Genesis 39:16-18). So his Egyptian master threw Joseph the Jew in jail for plotting to rebel against him, without even a trail to determine if her accusation was true (Genesis 39:19-20).
There was no valid reason for this Jew to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom he lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Yet, in jail, this Jew again worked hard to be a blessing to the prison system, and was soon given the top spot in the prison, so he could be even more a blessing (Genesis 39:21-23).
Since Joseph the Jew kept doing what he could to be a blessing to the Gentiles that he lived among, news of this Jew eventually reached even Pharaoh, the king of Egyptians (Genesis 41:9-13). So the King of Egypt had this Jew brought into the palace, because he needed his help (Genesis 41:14-15). So this Jew listened to what was disturbing the King of Egypt (Genesis 41:16-24). Then this Jew explained to the King of Egypt exactly what the problem was, and that it meant certain disaster for the people of Egypt (Genesis 41:25-32). This Jew went on to explain to the King of Egypt, what he needed to do to save the people of Egypt from this certain disaster (Genesis 41:33-36).
So the King of Egypt made Joseph the Jew to be the prime minister of Egypt, and put this Jew in charge of saving the people of Egypt (Genesis 41:37-44). So this Jew worked hard at leading the Egyptians in preparing for the coming disaster (Genesis 41:45-53). This Jew not only saved the Egyptians from the disaster when it came, but also all of the nations around Egypt (Genesis 41:54-57).
So the King of Egypt invited all the Jews in the world to come and live in Egypt (Genesis 45:16-21). When the Jews came into Egypt he put them over his own enterprises, because they were a blessing to him (Genesis 47:1-7). When Israel (Jacob aka Yah'akob), the father of the Jewish people died, then the people of Egypt honored this Jew by mummifying his body, and with a great funeral procession, because the Jews were such a great blessing to the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:1-14).
All of the people of Egypt held Joseph the Jew in great honor, because this Jew had saved them from certain disaster (Genesis 47:23-25). So when Joseph the Jew died, the people of Egypt honored this Jew by mummifying his body, and building him a great tomb in Egypt, because this Jew had ben such a blessing to the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:19-26).
Yet, after the Jews continued to prosper, by being a blessing to the people of Egypt for generation after generation, another King of the Egypt began to publish false stories of the Jews plotting to start a rebellion against Egypt (Exodus 1:6-10). So most of the Egyptians started enslaving the Jews, without even investigating to see if the accusation was true (Exodus 1:11-14).
There was no valid reason for these Jews to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Centuries later, Daniel the Jew, who had been taken from the Promised Land against his will, was such a blessing to the conquerors of his captors, that he was made prime minister of the Media-Persian Empire by the Median emperor (Daniel 6:1-4). So a conspiracy was made to trick the Median Emperor into signing an anti-Jewish law that Daniel the Jew could not obey (Daniel 6:5-8). So the Median Emperor signed this law, without even considering whether or not it was anti-Jewish in nature (Daniel 6:9).
When this Jew refused to keep this anti-Jewish law, he was falsely accused of rebelling against the Emperor (Daniel 6:10-13). When the Median Emperor realized that he had been tricked into signing this anti-Jewish law, he was very sorry for doing so, because he knew that the accusation of this Jew rebelling against him was false (Daniel 6:14).
Yet the Median Emperor could not repel this anti-Jewish law, so Daniel the Jew was punished in accordance with the anti-Jewish law that he had signed (Daniel 6:15-17).
There was no valid reason for this Jew to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom he lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Afterwards, when a Persian Emperor ruled the Media-Persian Empire, Mordecai the Jew, who had been forced to live in the capital city, after being taken out of the Promised Land against his will, raised the orphan daughter of his uncle, Hadassah, who was also called Esther (Esther 2:5-7).
Esther the Jew was then taken against her will into the harem of the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:8). So this Jew did what she could to be a blessing to her captors, but did not let anyone know that she was a Jew, as her cousin had commanded her (Esther 2:8-11). Then this Jew made every preparation that she could to be a blessing to the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:12-15).
She was such a blessing to the Persian Emperor that he made her the Queen of Persia, without knowing that she was a Jew, while her cousin continued to guard his gate (Esther 2:16-20). Then Esther the Jew and Mordecai the Jew, were an even greater blessing to Persian Emperor, when they acted to ruin a rebellion that was planned against the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:21-23).
Then the Persian Emperor unknowingly passed a law concerning Haman the Agagite, his prime minister, that Mordecai the Jew could not obey (Esther 3:1-4). Then Haman falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion throughout the Media-Persian Empire to the Persian Emperor (Esther 3:5-8). So the Persian Emperor signed an anti-Jewish law to exterminate all of the Jews in the Media-Persian Empire on a certain day, without even knowing who the Jews were, or investigating to see if the accusation was true (Esther 3:9-14).
Yet, the people of the Persian capital, who actually knew the Jews, were perplexed by this law, because the Jews had only been a blessing to their city (Esther 3:15). Then the Persian Emperor was reminded that Mordecai the Jew had saved his life, when he ruined the rebellion that had been plotted against the Persian Emperor, but had never sought a reward for his actions (Esther 6:1-3). Then the Persian Emperor learned that the Queen of Persia, who had been such a great blessing to him, was also a Jew, and that the anti-Jewish law that he had signed, would bring about the death of Esther the Jew (Esther 7:2-4).
So the Persian Emperor had his prime minister, Haman, who had falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion throughout the Media-Persian Empire, and had written up the anti-Jewish law that the Persian Emperor had unwittingly signed, put to death (Esther 7:5-10). Then the Persian Emperor made Mordecai the Jew his new prime minister, because he had been such a great blessing to him (Esther 8:1-2).
Then Esther the Jew, Queen of Persia, asked the Persian Emperor to reverse the anti-Jewish law, that he had unwitting signed, because she had been such a great blessing to him (Esther 8:3-6). While the Persian Emperor could not repeal the anti-Jewish law that he had unwittingly signed, he did sign another pro-Jewish law to allow the Jews to kill anyone who tried to kill them on the same day as the anti-Jewish law, because he realized that the Jews were a great blessing throughout the Media-Persian Empire (Esther 8:7-14). So the people of the Persian capital rejoiced with the Jews, and many people became Jews throughout the Persian Empire, because they were afraid to go against those, who had been a blessing to them (Esther 8:15-17).
Yet, despite the new pro-Jewish law that the Persian Emperor signed, that the Persian Emperor was now clearly on the side of the Jews, that the Persian government was going to defend the Jews, that many people were so blessed by the Jews, that they also became Jews, and that they had more than eight months notice of what would happen if they attacked the Jews, five hundred of the people in the capital of the Persians, still tried to kill the Jews, as the older anti-Jewish law had allowed on the appointed day (Esther 9:1-12).
Then the Persian Emperor granted an extension of the new pro-Jewish law that would allow the Jews to kill anyone who came against them, under the now expired anti-Jewish law, on the next day, because his Esther the Jew, the Queen of Persia, who had been such a blessing to him, asked (Esther 9:13-14). Yet despite the deaths of those who came against the Jews on the prior day, three hundred more of the people in the capital of the Persians, and seventy-five thousands people throughout the Media-Persian Empire tried to kill the Jews, even though the older anti-Jewish law, that had allowed them to do so on one certain day only, had already expired (Esther 9:15-16).
There was no valid reason for these Jews to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Anti-Jewism always follows the same strategy. The Jews are falsely accused of being disloyal to the Gentiles who they live among, and planning some sort of rebellion. This lie spreads because people do not even bother to know who Jews are, or to investigate whether or not the accusations are true. Sometimes, even governments who friendly to Jews are deceived into unwittingly passing anti-Jew laws, by those who started the false accusations. Finally, the Jews are persecuted in some manner, due to the events that came from these false accusations. This pattern has repeated itself in many countries over the last two thousand years, often by people who claim to be part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
There has never been a valid reason for Jews to keep being lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It has never been rational. It has never been reasonable. It has never been logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Now make no mistake, the Spirit of Anti-Jewism uses false accusations to bring persecution to Jews, not truthful accusations to punish individual Jews who do bad things. There is nothing anti-Jewish about punishing an individual Jew, when the accusation of doing evil is true.
Even Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) said, that if he truthfully did something worthy of death, then he should be put to death (Acts 25:11). The Father of Truth does not withhold punishment, when the accusation of doing evil is true, just becomes someone is a Jew, so neither should anyone else (Romans 2:9).
So it is important distinguish between true accusations of evil against individual Jews and false accusations against Jews. The strategy of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is always based on false accusations against first individual Jews, and then against Jews as a group.
Even today, in places like the United States, this strategy of Anti-Jewism is at work.
So many Jews, in so many ways, have been such a tremendous blessing to the people of the United States. About half of the scientific breakthroughs in America have come from Jews. Cell phones, personal computers, many of the components needed to make smartphones possible, and the like, have all came from American Jews. American Jews helped invent both the Apple and Windows operating systems, along with many of the software applications that Americans depend upon everyday. Jews invented Google and Facebook to name a few of the web applications that many Americans rely upon to gather information and connect with other people.
American entertainment could not exist without the contributions of American Jews. Almost all American movies are made using some some combination of Jewish actors, Jewish writers, Jewish production and post-production companies, Jewish producers and directors, and Jewish special effects companies. The same is true of American television shows. In fact, the most popular American television comedy of all time, in terms of both American and worldwide viewers, was written by, produced by and starred a Jewish actor, Jerri Seinfeld, about the adventures of him and his Jewish friends, while living as Jews in New York City. The same pattern holds true for the American music industry. While American entertainment is the result of the contributions of Americans from many different ethnic groups, it could not exist without the contributions of Jews.
Jews being a blessing to America is not a new phenomenon. Three Jewish merchants bankrupted themselves to keep the troops at Valley Forge paid, so they would not mass desert George Washington in order to take care of their families. (The Continental Congress had promised to pay them back at 0% interest, after a new government was formed following the defeat of the British, but when a new party took over in 1800, it refused to do so. How typical.)
While Jews have not done everything that makes America great, America never would have achieve its greatness without the blessing, which American Jews have bestowed upon America.
Yet, there is a persistent false accusation by a small group of people, that American Jews are involved in a secret plot to create a rebellion to take over all of the Gentiles, first in the United States, and then the entire planet. Many of those who believe this false accusation, could not even pick a Jew out of a crowd of one, and do not even bother to do any investigation of their own to see if the accusation is true. When I encounter one of these people, I often ask them, "If they would also believe that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?".
So they call for the persecution of Jews and Israel, and cause as much trouble for Jews as possible. Worst yet, this is a growing trend among young people, who are fed these false accusations in college, where they are punished academically for questioning the truthful of these accusations. They are being taught to persecute one ethnic group, the Jews, in the name of diversity and inclusion of all ethnic groups. They have already shown themselves to believe what they are told, by their campus protests against Jewish businesses and Israel.
If the Spirit of Anti-Jewism was not trying to caring out its strategy in America, then would be no need for organizations like the Anti-Defamation League to defend Jews from false accusations.
There is not any valid reason for American Jews to keep being lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It is not rational. It is not reasonable. It is not logical. These lies and persecution come from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
So what it is about Jews that make them to be the target of these false accusations and persecution?
In order to understand the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, we have to understand, where it comes from.
The first step is understanding who Jews are.
Most of the time, when someone talks about people who belong to a certain ethnic group, people tend to think in terms of a set of superficial features, like skin color and eye shape. If I say that someone is an Ethiopian, then most people automatically think of someone with black skin. If say that someone is Chinese, then most people automatically think of someone with folded eyelids (epicanthic fold).
Yet if I say that someone is Jewish, people tend to think of someone who looks similar to other people they know. If I say that someone is Jewish in Ethiopia, then they will think of someone like the Falasha Mura, who has black skin just like all native Ethiopian people. If say that someone is Jewish in China, then they will think of someone with one of seven last names assigned to Jews, like Li (Lee) or Gao, by one of their emperors during the Ming Dynasty, who have folded eyelids like all native Chinese people.
The truth is that Jewish people are marked in some way by the ethnic groups that they live among, so that they will not just blend in with everyone else. The Ethiopian word "Falasha" literally means "foreigner", and was given to the Falasha Mura to let all other Ethiopians know, that these Jews were not part of the Ethiopian people, no matter how indistinguishable they became in appearance, after living among them for 3,000 years, and even though they practiced the same religion as many other Ethiopians. The Ming Dynasty emperor accomplished the same goal by having all Jews take on one of seven surnames that were reserved exclusively for Jews. Before this, Jews had one of seventy surnames, that they had been using for over 1,500 years, that had been reserved exclusively by a Han Dynasty emperor for the same reason.
This practice of forcing Jews to use only surnames reserved for Jews, so they can be identified no matter how much they look like everyone else, is not just limited to China. This has also been a consistent practice across many European countries since the time of the Romans, who invented surnames. For example, many of the congregants of the congregation lead by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who did not even know that they were Jewish, were identified by the SS discovering the former Jewish surnames of their great grandparents, before they changed their surnames upon joining the Lutheran church.
The term surname, points to what defines someone as Jewish. Surname literally means "name of father". Prior to the Romans making people adopt a consistent surname for tax collection purposes, people would call themselves by names like Joseph son of Jacob or Dinah daughter of Jacob. Their parents did the same. This was confusing, so the Romans made people stick with a consistent surname, like Jacobson, that was passed down from generation to generation.
Surnames, eventually came to sometimes be habitational names like Remington. (Literally "living on the edge" due to being from a town on a rhyme, a stream that separated one barony from another, in this case York barony in England.) Surnames also also came to include occupational names like Smith (as in blacksmith) as well. Finally, existing surnames were sometimes just assigned to immigrants, without any thought to meaning of the surname. For example, Smith, Jones, and Brown were assigned to immigrants on Ellis Island during the great immigration that followed the American Civil War. Still, the original purpose of surnames was to identify the man who was the founding father of the family.
A Jew is quite simply someone who descended from Israel, whether through their father or their mother.
(Some people are counted as Jews when they get circumcised for that purpose, but they are not natural born Jews, who have descended from Israel. However, their children, or at least their grandchildren, tend to marry natural born Jews, so their descendants are also end up as being among those who descended from Israel.)
The second step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is knowing who is really behind it.
The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is ultimately behind these false accusations because he is the source of all lies (John 8:44). Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) work under him to destroy the human race through lies. These spirits of lies are organized into principalities, which are responsible accomplishing specific goals of the Father of Lies (Ephesians 6:12). Each of these principalities is lead by a principle Spirit of Lies. One of these principle spirits of lies is the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
The third step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is know how the Spirit of Anti-Jewism operates.
The goal of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is wipe every single descendant of Israel off the face of the Earth. The Spirit of Anti-Jewism wages a war against anyone with any of the blood of Israel flowing in their veins - even just one drop. The Spirit of Anti-Jewism is a spirit of irrational, unreasonable, and illogical hatred against Jews because of whom they descended from.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and his principality, know who all of the descendants of Israel are, for they have been assigning at least one spirit of lies to cause trouble to each descendant of Israel, since Israel was born. The principality of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism has been behind every single episode of false accusations and persecution of Jews, no matter how undeserving the Jews were of that persecution.
The descendants of Israel may be indistinguishable in appearance from everyone around them, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They may not know that they descended from Israel, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might practice any religion on Earth, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might be completely assimilated into the dominant culture, without even the smallest vestige of Jewish culture in their homes, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might be the greatest source of blessing to the people that they live among, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted.
The descendants of Israel are falsely accused and persecuted, just because they are the descendants of Israel.
The fourth step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is know why the Spirit of Anti-Jewism has so much influence.
The Father of Lies has limited resources. He only has a few top princes in his kingdom to oversee really large sweeping projects across the globe and the ages. Why is the Spirit of Anti-Jewism one of those princes? Why does the Father of Lies devote so much of his limited resources to destroying the descendants of just one man?
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to give the Promised Land to the descendants of Israel, so the entire human race could be blessed by his descendants (Genesis 28:13-15). The Father of Truth gave this one man the name Israel, to signify that his descendants would be His means to bring the entire human race back to Him (Genesis 32:28-30). The Father of Truth told him that his descendants would form a kingdom in the Promised Land to fulfill His purposes (Genesis 35:10-12).
Then the Father of Truth told him to take his descendants to Egypt to begin the plan to bless the entire human race (Genesis 46:2-4). He had even sent Joseph the Jew ahead of the rest of the descendants of Israel to begin the plan by blessing the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:19-20). The Jewish people have been a blessing to the people of every place that they have lived in, because those are their orders from the Father of Truth, as part of His plan to bless the entire human race (Jeremiah 29:4-7).
This blessing to the rest of the human race, the Gentiles, has its ultimate fulfillment in The King Of The Jews (Isaiah 49:5-7).
The Man of Truth was born into this world to be The King Of The Jews (Matthew 2:1-3). He did not set up his kingdom when he came into this world the first time, because it was his time to die for the sins of Israel (John 18:31-37). Most of the Jewish people in Jerusalem would not accept the Man of Truth as their king at that time (John 19:13-15).
However, the day is coming, when the Jewish people in Jerusalem will look upon the Man of Truth, and mourn for what their ancestors did to him, as if it had been done to their only son (Zechariah 12:10-14). The Man of Truth will not come back to rule over Israel, until the Jewish people in Jerusalem accept him as their king (Luke 13:34-35). When the Jewish people make the Man of Truth their king, then the entire human race will be blessed by the Father of Truth (Romans 11:13-15).
So, the Jewish people were never chosen to be blessed for their own sake. They were chosen by the Father of Truth to carry out His mission to save people from every ethnic group on the planet. Even though the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel, the plan of the the Father of Truth has never been just about the Jews. It has always been about the Gentiles.
The Jewish people have been disproportionately blessed to demonstrate to the entire human race, the blessings that come from obeying the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Deuteronomy 4:5-8). The greatest blessing that the Jewish people will bring to the human race, will come when the Man of Truth is using the Law of Truth to rule over the entire Earth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4). Obedience to the Law of Truth will bless the entire human race with peace and prosperity (Micah 4:1-4). People of every nation will seek out the Jewish people to teach them how to keep the Law of Truth, when the Man of Truth rules the Earth (Zechariah 8:20-23).
The Father of Lies knows, that when the Jewish people make the Man of Truth their king, then the entire human race will be blessed by the Father of Truth, and saved from his plan to destroy it. One way to prevent the Man of Truth from saving the entire human race, is to make sure that there are no Jewish people left to accept him as king over their nation. This is why the Spirit of Anti-Jewism leads a principality devoted to wiping every last descendant of Israel off the face of the Earth!
The worst part about the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is what it does to those who give themselves over to it.
They have been been deceived by incredible false stories of Jews plotting to take over the world, while not recognizing the genuine global conspiracy that is at work right in front of them. They fight against Jews returning to the Promised Land, without even understanding who the greatest Zionist really is. They are often lead into this deception, by people who call themselves part of the Children of Truth, because they cann not see the hidden danger that is right in their own congregations.
The truth is, that everyone who gives themselves over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is ultimately at war with the Father of Truth, and are allies with the Father of Lies, in his effort to destroy the entire human race. They have been deceived into working hard to bring about their own destruction!
The destruction of those given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is certain. The Father of Truth created the Chamber of Horrors for the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and for those who are given over to it (Matthew 25:41).
Yet, if you have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, there is still hope for you. You do not have to find yourself trapped in the Chamber of Horrors forever, because you have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
You may have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism into making the Father of Truth your enemy, but He sent the Man of Truth to die on a cross, so you could come over to His side (Romans 5:8-10). The Father of Truth is not looking to destroy you, but to save you from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism (2 Peter 3:9).
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism can only live in heart that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is not living in (Matthew 12:43-45). The Spirit of Truth will come into the heart of anyone who comes into the House of Truth, and the Spirit of Anti-Jewish will have no choice, but to leave their heart (Romans 8:8-10).
Those who come into the House of Truth cannot be given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, because they have become Jews in their heart (Romans 2:29). They come into the House of Truth, when they make The King Of The Jew their king, because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).
Come into the House of Truth!
Antisemitism is a word that means "the ideology of being against Jews". The word is really misleading, because its literal meaning would be "the ideology of being against Semites".
"Semites" is from the Greek word for descendants of "Shem", which is transliterated as "Sem" in Greek, because there is not an "sh" sound in Greek. This why "Sem" is listed in the genealogy of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Luke 3:36-38).
So to be antisemitism literally would mean an ideology that is against all descendants of Shem. This would include all of the medium skinned people who descended from Shem, including Arabs, Persians, Chinese, Indians, Mongols, Native Americans, Melanesians, Austronesians, Polynesians, Inuits, Aleuts, Japanese, Filipinos, and many other similar ethnic groups (Genesis 10:22-31).
Antisemitism is not "anti-Shemitism". This has nothing to do with skin color.
Due to inter-racial marriage, Jews come in every skin color available. Even the Jews with the whitest skin imaginable are hated by white supremacist groups. Even Jews with the blackest skin imaginable are hated by black supremacist groups.
Antisemitism is not "anti-Judaism". This has nothing to do with religion.
The people in the congregation of Dietrich Bonhoefer were met by the SS at the door of his Lutheran church one Sunday, and then hauled off to the concentration camps, because they had one Jewish great grandparent. These families had been attending that Lutheran church for over 100 years. Most of them did not even know that they had a Jewish great grandparent. Their Jewish great grandparents had usually changed their last names to not sound Jewish, after they became members of that Lutheran church. In fact, Dietrich Bonhoefer does not even have a tree in the Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles, despite ultimately giving his life to save hundreds of Jews, because almost all of the Jews that he saved were Lutherans.
Yet, antisemitism is limited to Jews, and it makes no distinction to appearance or religion. "Antisemitism" is not really antisemitism at all. It is really anti-Jewism.
So where does anti-Jewism come from?
It cannot be because Jews have behaved so badly, that they deserve to hated, just because they are Jews. While there have been Jews that have done evil deeds, like Lucky Luciano, who put the "organized" in organized crime, there have also been Jews that have done incredible deeds of good, like Doctor Jonas Salk who spent years creating a cure for polio, then gave up a patent worth one billion dollars, just so his cure would be available to even the poorest of the poor. So basically, Jews are just like all ethnic groups. Some Jews have done incredible acts of evil, while other Jews have done incredible acts of good. In short, Jews are just as human as people of any other ethnic group.
In fact, if you graded ethnic groups by the good that some of their members have done for humanity, against the evil that other of their members have done against humanity, you would be hard pressed to find an ethnic group that would receive a better grade than Jews.
History has shown over and over that Jews have by and large been a tremendous blessing to everyone around them. Here in the United States, you cannot go to a city of any size without finding all kinds of things, created and paid for by Jews for the betterment of the community that they live in. Here in the Tulsa area, these things include a genealogy library, an art museum, and a center for providing rehabilitative services to the handicap, to name just a few out of many such things.
In every place that Jews have lived, the pattern remains the same. Jewish doctors help the poor receive proper medical care in a higher proportion than doctors of any other ethnic group. Jewish lawyers provide pro bono (for the good of the public) legal work in a higher proportion than lawyers of any other ethnic group. Jewish business men create more good paying jobs per business than business men of any other ethnic group. Jewish educators turn out students with higher standardized test scores than educators of any other ethnic group.
The only reasonable response to overall effect of Jews on the communities that they live in, is to welcome them in and work with them. For the most part, they are looking for Gentile partners to work with them in making the community that they live in better for everyone. Yet against all reason, Jews are often forced against their will to leave the very communities that they worked so hard to improve.
History has also shown over and over again, that when Jews are forced against their will to leave a place, that the place goes downhill rather quickly. It usually does so in proportion to how badly the Jews were dealt with, when they were force to leave.
For example, the homes of the Jews were reduced to rubble by the Germans, and then many cities of the Nazis, especially the capital of Germany, Berlin, were reduced to rubble by the Allies. In fact, every single atrocity that the Germans put the Jews through happened to the Germans eventually - although in a much less methodical and orderly manner than the Germans had done. Germany lost 20 million people in World War II - one third of its population. Germany had also killed about one third of the Jews on Earth. If history has only one lesson to learn, it is this: Don't screw with the Jews.
The fact is that anti-Jewism is illogical, when you look at the facts. Yet, it never goes away. As I often say, "Stupid ideas never die.".
In the South we have another saying, "There ain't no cure for stupid.". The reason, that anti-Jewism cannot be put to end by educating people, is because it does not come from a lack of knowledge. Anti-Jewism is not a psychological issue that can be cured through therapy. Anti-Jewism is not caused by some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain that can be cured with the right medication.
Anti-Jewism is a spiritual problem. The only way to deal with it, is on a spiritual level. You cannot get rid of Anti-Jewism until you understand how the Spirit of Anti-Jewism operates.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism has been around since the very beginning of Jewish history. The strategy of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism began as soon as the very first Jew was forced to live among another people outside of the Promised Land.
Joseph (Yousef) the Jew was forced into Egypt as a slave, against his will, with only the clothes on his back (Genesis 37:28). This Jew worked hard to be a blessing to his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:1-3). Joseph the Jew was soon promoted to the top spot, so that his Egyptian master would be even more blessed by this Jew (Genesis 39:4-6).
Yet soon, the wife of his Egyptian master wanted him to engage in rebellion against his Egyptian master, but Joseph the Jew refused to do anything that would hurt his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:7-9). He continually avoided joining in any rebellion against his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:10-12).
Then she published a false story that this Jew had tried to rise up in rebellion against his Egyptian master (Genesis 39:13-15). Then she made this same false accusation against this Jew to her husband (Genesis 39:16-18). So his Egyptian master threw Joseph the Jew in jail for plotting to rebel against him, without even a trail to determine if her accusation was true (Genesis 39:19-20).
There was no valid reason for this Jew to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom he lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Yet, in jail, this Jew again worked hard to be a blessing to the prison system, and was soon given the top spot in the prison, so he could be even more a blessing (Genesis 39:21-23).
Since Joseph the Jew kept doing what he could to be a blessing to the Gentiles that he lived among, news of this Jew eventually reached even Pharaoh, the king of Egyptians (Genesis 41:9-13). So the King of Egypt had this Jew brought into the palace, because he needed his help (Genesis 41:14-15). So this Jew listened to what was disturbing the King of Egypt (Genesis 41:16-24). Then this Jew explained to the King of Egypt exactly what the problem was, and that it meant certain disaster for the people of Egypt (Genesis 41:25-32). This Jew went on to explain to the King of Egypt, what he needed to do to save the people of Egypt from this certain disaster (Genesis 41:33-36).
So the King of Egypt made Joseph the Jew to be the prime minister of Egypt, and put this Jew in charge of saving the people of Egypt (Genesis 41:37-44). So this Jew worked hard at leading the Egyptians in preparing for the coming disaster (Genesis 41:45-53). This Jew not only saved the Egyptians from the disaster when it came, but also all of the nations around Egypt (Genesis 41:54-57).
So the King of Egypt invited all the Jews in the world to come and live in Egypt (Genesis 45:16-21). When the Jews came into Egypt he put them over his own enterprises, because they were a blessing to him (Genesis 47:1-7). When Israel (Jacob aka Yah'akob), the father of the Jewish people died, then the people of Egypt honored this Jew by mummifying his body, and with a great funeral procession, because the Jews were such a great blessing to the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:1-14).
All of the people of Egypt held Joseph the Jew in great honor, because this Jew had saved them from certain disaster (Genesis 47:23-25). So when Joseph the Jew died, the people of Egypt honored this Jew by mummifying his body, and building him a great tomb in Egypt, because this Jew had ben such a blessing to the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:19-26).
Yet, after the Jews continued to prosper, by being a blessing to the people of Egypt for generation after generation, another King of the Egypt began to publish false stories of the Jews plotting to start a rebellion against Egypt (Exodus 1:6-10). So most of the Egyptians started enslaving the Jews, without even investigating to see if the accusation was true (Exodus 1:11-14).
There was no valid reason for these Jews to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Centuries later, Daniel the Jew, who had been taken from the Promised Land against his will, was such a blessing to the conquerors of his captors, that he was made prime minister of the Media-Persian Empire by the Median emperor (Daniel 6:1-4). So a conspiracy was made to trick the Median Emperor into signing an anti-Jewish law that Daniel the Jew could not obey (Daniel 6:5-8). So the Median Emperor signed this law, without even considering whether or not it was anti-Jewish in nature (Daniel 6:9).
When this Jew refused to keep this anti-Jewish law, he was falsely accused of rebelling against the Emperor (Daniel 6:10-13). When the Median Emperor realized that he had been tricked into signing this anti-Jewish law, he was very sorry for doing so, because he knew that the accusation of this Jew rebelling against him was false (Daniel 6:14).
Yet the Median Emperor could not repel this anti-Jewish law, so Daniel the Jew was punished in accordance with the anti-Jewish law that he had signed (Daniel 6:15-17).
There was no valid reason for this Jew to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom he lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Afterwards, when a Persian Emperor ruled the Media-Persian Empire, Mordecai the Jew, who had been forced to live in the capital city, after being taken out of the Promised Land against his will, raised the orphan daughter of his uncle, Hadassah, who was also called Esther (Esther 2:5-7).
Esther the Jew was then taken against her will into the harem of the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:8). So this Jew did what she could to be a blessing to her captors, but did not let anyone know that she was a Jew, as her cousin had commanded her (Esther 2:8-11). Then this Jew made every preparation that she could to be a blessing to the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:12-15).
She was such a blessing to the Persian Emperor that he made her the Queen of Persia, without knowing that she was a Jew, while her cousin continued to guard his gate (Esther 2:16-20). Then Esther the Jew and Mordecai the Jew, were an even greater blessing to Persian Emperor, when they acted to ruin a rebellion that was planned against the Persian Emperor (Esther 2:21-23).
Then the Persian Emperor unknowingly passed a law concerning Haman the Agagite, his prime minister, that Mordecai the Jew could not obey (Esther 3:1-4). Then Haman falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion throughout the Media-Persian Empire to the Persian Emperor (Esther 3:5-8). So the Persian Emperor signed an anti-Jewish law to exterminate all of the Jews in the Media-Persian Empire on a certain day, without even knowing who the Jews were, or investigating to see if the accusation was true (Esther 3:9-14).
Yet, the people of the Persian capital, who actually knew the Jews, were perplexed by this law, because the Jews had only been a blessing to their city (Esther 3:15). Then the Persian Emperor was reminded that Mordecai the Jew had saved his life, when he ruined the rebellion that had been plotted against the Persian Emperor, but had never sought a reward for his actions (Esther 6:1-3). Then the Persian Emperor learned that the Queen of Persia, who had been such a great blessing to him, was also a Jew, and that the anti-Jewish law that he had signed, would bring about the death of Esther the Jew (Esther 7:2-4).
So the Persian Emperor had his prime minister, Haman, who had falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion throughout the Media-Persian Empire, and had written up the anti-Jewish law that the Persian Emperor had unwittingly signed, put to death (Esther 7:5-10). Then the Persian Emperor made Mordecai the Jew his new prime minister, because he had been such a great blessing to him (Esther 8:1-2).
Then Esther the Jew, Queen of Persia, asked the Persian Emperor to reverse the anti-Jewish law, that he had unwitting signed, because she had been such a great blessing to him (Esther 8:3-6). While the Persian Emperor could not repeal the anti-Jewish law that he had unwittingly signed, he did sign another pro-Jewish law to allow the Jews to kill anyone who tried to kill them on the same day as the anti-Jewish law, because he realized that the Jews were a great blessing throughout the Media-Persian Empire (Esther 8:7-14). So the people of the Persian capital rejoiced with the Jews, and many people became Jews throughout the Persian Empire, because they were afraid to go against those, who had been a blessing to them (Esther 8:15-17).
Yet, despite the new pro-Jewish law that the Persian Emperor signed, that the Persian Emperor was now clearly on the side of the Jews, that the Persian government was going to defend the Jews, that many people were so blessed by the Jews, that they also became Jews, and that they had more than eight months notice of what would happen if they attacked the Jews, five hundred of the people in the capital of the Persians, still tried to kill the Jews, as the older anti-Jewish law had allowed on the appointed day (Esther 9:1-12).
Then the Persian Emperor granted an extension of the new pro-Jewish law that would allow the Jews to kill anyone who came against them, under the now expired anti-Jewish law, on the next day, because his Esther the Jew, the Queen of Persia, who had been such a blessing to him, asked (Esther 9:13-14). Yet despite the deaths of those who came against the Jews on the prior day, three hundred more of the people in the capital of the Persians, and seventy-five thousands people throughout the Media-Persian Empire tried to kill the Jews, even though the older anti-Jewish law, that had allowed them to do so on one certain day only, had already expired (Esther 9:15-16).
There was no valid reason for these Jews to be lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It was not rational. It was not reasonable. It was not logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Anti-Jewism always follows the same strategy. The Jews are falsely accused of being disloyal to the Gentiles who they live among, and planning some sort of rebellion. This lie spreads because people do not even bother to know who Jews are, or to investigate whether or not the accusations are true. Sometimes, even governments who friendly to Jews are deceived into unwittingly passing anti-Jew laws, by those who started the false accusations. Finally, the Jews are persecuted in some manner, due to the events that came from these false accusations. This pattern has repeated itself in many countries over the last two thousand years, often by people who claim to be part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
There has never been a valid reason for Jews to keep being lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It has never been rational. It has never been reasonable. It has never been logical. These lies and persecution came from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
Now make no mistake, the Spirit of Anti-Jewism uses false accusations to bring persecution to Jews, not truthful accusations to punish individual Jews who do bad things. There is nothing anti-Jewish about punishing an individual Jew, when the accusation of doing evil is true.
Even Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) said, that if he truthfully did something worthy of death, then he should be put to death (Acts 25:11). The Father of Truth does not withhold punishment, when the accusation of doing evil is true, just becomes someone is a Jew, so neither should anyone else (Romans 2:9).
So it is important distinguish between true accusations of evil against individual Jews and false accusations against Jews. The strategy of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is always based on false accusations against first individual Jews, and then against Jews as a group.
Even today, in places like the United States, this strategy of Anti-Jewism is at work.
So many Jews, in so many ways, have been such a tremendous blessing to the people of the United States. About half of the scientific breakthroughs in America have come from Jews. Cell phones, personal computers, many of the components needed to make smartphones possible, and the like, have all came from American Jews. American Jews helped invent both the Apple and Windows operating systems, along with many of the software applications that Americans depend upon everyday. Jews invented Google and Facebook to name a few of the web applications that many Americans rely upon to gather information and connect with other people.
American entertainment could not exist without the contributions of American Jews. Almost all American movies are made using some some combination of Jewish actors, Jewish writers, Jewish production and post-production companies, Jewish producers and directors, and Jewish special effects companies. The same is true of American television shows. In fact, the most popular American television comedy of all time, in terms of both American and worldwide viewers, was written by, produced by and starred a Jewish actor, Jerri Seinfeld, about the adventures of him and his Jewish friends, while living as Jews in New York City. The same pattern holds true for the American music industry. While American entertainment is the result of the contributions of Americans from many different ethnic groups, it could not exist without the contributions of Jews.
Jews being a blessing to America is not a new phenomenon. Three Jewish merchants bankrupted themselves to keep the troops at Valley Forge paid, so they would not mass desert George Washington in order to take care of their families. (The Continental Congress had promised to pay them back at 0% interest, after a new government was formed following the defeat of the British, but when a new party took over in 1800, it refused to do so. How typical.)
While Jews have not done everything that makes America great, America never would have achieve its greatness without the blessing, which American Jews have bestowed upon America.
Yet, there is a persistent false accusation by a small group of people, that American Jews are involved in a secret plot to create a rebellion to take over all of the Gentiles, first in the United States, and then the entire planet. Many of those who believe this false accusation, could not even pick a Jew out of a crowd of one, and do not even bother to do any investigation of their own to see if the accusation is true. When I encounter one of these people, I often ask them, "If they would also believe that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?".
So they call for the persecution of Jews and Israel, and cause as much trouble for Jews as possible. Worst yet, this is a growing trend among young people, who are fed these false accusations in college, where they are punished academically for questioning the truthful of these accusations. They are being taught to persecute one ethnic group, the Jews, in the name of diversity and inclusion of all ethnic groups. They have already shown themselves to believe what they are told, by their campus protests against Jewish businesses and Israel.
If the Spirit of Anti-Jewism was not trying to caring out its strategy in America, then would be no need for organizations like the Anti-Defamation League to defend Jews from false accusations.
There is not any valid reason for American Jews to keep being lied about and persecuted, after being such a great blessing to those whom they lived among. It is not rational. It is not reasonable. It is not logical. These lies and persecution come from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
So what it is about Jews that make them to be the target of these false accusations and persecution?
In order to understand the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, we have to understand, where it comes from.
The first step is understanding who Jews are.
Most of the time, when someone talks about people who belong to a certain ethnic group, people tend to think in terms of a set of superficial features, like skin color and eye shape. If I say that someone is an Ethiopian, then most people automatically think of someone with black skin. If say that someone is Chinese, then most people automatically think of someone with folded eyelids (epicanthic fold).
Yet if I say that someone is Jewish, people tend to think of someone who looks similar to other people they know. If I say that someone is Jewish in Ethiopia, then they will think of someone like the Falasha Mura, who has black skin just like all native Ethiopian people. If say that someone is Jewish in China, then they will think of someone with one of seven last names assigned to Jews, like Li (Lee) or Gao, by one of their emperors during the Ming Dynasty, who have folded eyelids like all native Chinese people.
The truth is that Jewish people are marked in some way by the ethnic groups that they live among, so that they will not just blend in with everyone else. The Ethiopian word "Falasha" literally means "foreigner", and was given to the Falasha Mura to let all other Ethiopians know, that these Jews were not part of the Ethiopian people, no matter how indistinguishable they became in appearance, after living among them for 3,000 years, and even though they practiced the same religion as many other Ethiopians. The Ming Dynasty emperor accomplished the same goal by having all Jews take on one of seven surnames that were reserved exclusively for Jews. Before this, Jews had one of seventy surnames, that they had been using for over 1,500 years, that had been reserved exclusively by a Han Dynasty emperor for the same reason.
This practice of forcing Jews to use only surnames reserved for Jews, so they can be identified no matter how much they look like everyone else, is not just limited to China. This has also been a consistent practice across many European countries since the time of the Romans, who invented surnames. For example, many of the congregants of the congregation lead by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who did not even know that they were Jewish, were identified by the SS discovering the former Jewish surnames of their great grandparents, before they changed their surnames upon joining the Lutheran church.
The term surname, points to what defines someone as Jewish. Surname literally means "name of father". Prior to the Romans making people adopt a consistent surname for tax collection purposes, people would call themselves by names like Joseph son of Jacob or Dinah daughter of Jacob. Their parents did the same. This was confusing, so the Romans made people stick with a consistent surname, like Jacobson, that was passed down from generation to generation.
Surnames, eventually came to sometimes be habitational names like Remington. (Literally "living on the edge" due to being from a town on a rhyme, a stream that separated one barony from another, in this case York barony in England.) Surnames also also came to include occupational names like Smith (as in blacksmith) as well. Finally, existing surnames were sometimes just assigned to immigrants, without any thought to meaning of the surname. For example, Smith, Jones, and Brown were assigned to immigrants on Ellis Island during the great immigration that followed the American Civil War. Still, the original purpose of surnames was to identify the man who was the founding father of the family.
A Jew is quite simply someone who descended from Israel, whether through their father or their mother.
(Some people are counted as Jews when they get circumcised for that purpose, but they are not natural born Jews, who have descended from Israel. However, their children, or at least their grandchildren, tend to marry natural born Jews, so their descendants are also end up as being among those who descended from Israel.)
The second step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is knowing who is really behind it.
The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is ultimately behind these false accusations because he is the source of all lies (John 8:44). Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) work under him to destroy the human race through lies. These spirits of lies are organized into principalities, which are responsible accomplishing specific goals of the Father of Lies (Ephesians 6:12). Each of these principalities is lead by a principle Spirit of Lies. One of these principle spirits of lies is the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
The third step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is know how the Spirit of Anti-Jewism operates.
The goal of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is wipe every single descendant of Israel off the face of the Earth. The Spirit of Anti-Jewism wages a war against anyone with any of the blood of Israel flowing in their veins - even just one drop. The Spirit of Anti-Jewism is a spirit of irrational, unreasonable, and illogical hatred against Jews because of whom they descended from.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and his principality, know who all of the descendants of Israel are, for they have been assigning at least one spirit of lies to cause trouble to each descendant of Israel, since Israel was born. The principality of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism has been behind every single episode of false accusations and persecution of Jews, no matter how undeserving the Jews were of that persecution.
The descendants of Israel may be indistinguishable in appearance from everyone around them, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They may not know that they descended from Israel, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might practice any religion on Earth, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might be completely assimilated into the dominant culture, without even the smallest vestige of Jewish culture in their homes, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted. They might be the greatest source of blessing to the people that they live among, but that will not prevent them from being falsely accused and persecuted.
The descendants of Israel are falsely accused and persecuted, just because they are the descendants of Israel.
The fourth step to understanding the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is know why the Spirit of Anti-Jewism has so much influence.
The Father of Lies has limited resources. He only has a few top princes in his kingdom to oversee really large sweeping projects across the globe and the ages. Why is the Spirit of Anti-Jewism one of those princes? Why does the Father of Lies devote so much of his limited resources to destroying the descendants of just one man?
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to give the Promised Land to the descendants of Israel, so the entire human race could be blessed by his descendants (Genesis 28:13-15). The Father of Truth gave this one man the name Israel, to signify that his descendants would be His means to bring the entire human race back to Him (Genesis 32:28-30). The Father of Truth told him that his descendants would form a kingdom in the Promised Land to fulfill His purposes (Genesis 35:10-12).
Then the Father of Truth told him to take his descendants to Egypt to begin the plan to bless the entire human race (Genesis 46:2-4). He had even sent Joseph the Jew ahead of the rest of the descendants of Israel to begin the plan by blessing the people of Egypt (Genesis 50:19-20). The Jewish people have been a blessing to the people of every place that they have lived in, because those are their orders from the Father of Truth, as part of His plan to bless the entire human race (Jeremiah 29:4-7).
This blessing to the rest of the human race, the Gentiles, has its ultimate fulfillment in The King Of The Jews (Isaiah 49:5-7).
The Man of Truth was born into this world to be The King Of The Jews (Matthew 2:1-3). He did not set up his kingdom when he came into this world the first time, because it was his time to die for the sins of Israel (John 18:31-37). Most of the Jewish people in Jerusalem would not accept the Man of Truth as their king at that time (John 19:13-15).
However, the day is coming, when the Jewish people in Jerusalem will look upon the Man of Truth, and mourn for what their ancestors did to him, as if it had been done to their only son (Zechariah 12:10-14). The Man of Truth will not come back to rule over Israel, until the Jewish people in Jerusalem accept him as their king (Luke 13:34-35). When the Jewish people make the Man of Truth their king, then the entire human race will be blessed by the Father of Truth (Romans 11:13-15).
So, the Jewish people were never chosen to be blessed for their own sake. They were chosen by the Father of Truth to carry out His mission to save people from every ethnic group on the planet. Even though the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel, the plan of the the Father of Truth has never been just about the Jews. It has always been about the Gentiles.
The Jewish people have been disproportionately blessed to demonstrate to the entire human race, the blessings that come from obeying the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Deuteronomy 4:5-8). The greatest blessing that the Jewish people will bring to the human race, will come when the Man of Truth is using the Law of Truth to rule over the entire Earth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4). Obedience to the Law of Truth will bless the entire human race with peace and prosperity (Micah 4:1-4). People of every nation will seek out the Jewish people to teach them how to keep the Law of Truth, when the Man of Truth rules the Earth (Zechariah 8:20-23).
The Father of Lies knows, that when the Jewish people make the Man of Truth their king, then the entire human race will be blessed by the Father of Truth, and saved from his plan to destroy it. One way to prevent the Man of Truth from saving the entire human race, is to make sure that there are no Jewish people left to accept him as king over their nation. This is why the Spirit of Anti-Jewism leads a principality devoted to wiping every last descendant of Israel off the face of the Earth!
The worst part about the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, is what it does to those who give themselves over to it.
They have been been deceived by incredible false stories of Jews plotting to take over the world, while not recognizing the genuine global conspiracy that is at work right in front of them. They fight against Jews returning to the Promised Land, without even understanding who the greatest Zionist really is. They are often lead into this deception, by people who call themselves part of the Children of Truth, because they cann not see the hidden danger that is right in their own congregations.
The truth is, that everyone who gives themselves over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is ultimately at war with the Father of Truth, and are allies with the Father of Lies, in his effort to destroy the entire human race. They have been deceived into working hard to bring about their own destruction!
The destruction of those given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism is certain. The Father of Truth created the Chamber of Horrors for the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, and for those who are given over to it (Matthew 25:41).
Yet, if you have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, there is still hope for you. You do not have to find yourself trapped in the Chamber of Horrors forever, because you have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
You may have been deceived by the Spirit of Anti-Jewism into making the Father of Truth your enemy, but He sent the Man of Truth to die on a cross, so you could come over to His side (Romans 5:8-10). The Father of Truth is not looking to destroy you, but to save you from the Spirit of Anti-Jewism (2 Peter 3:9).
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism can only live in heart that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is not living in (Matthew 12:43-45). The Spirit of Truth will come into the heart of anyone who comes into the House of Truth, and the Spirit of Anti-Jewish will have no choice, but to leave their heart (Romans 8:8-10).
Those who come into the House of Truth cannot be given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, because they have become Jews in their heart (Romans 2:29). They come into the House of Truth, when they make The King Of The Jew their king, because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Antisemitism, Purim
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