What is a Christian?
What is a Christian?
Over one third of the people on planet Earth either call themselves "Christians", or are called "Christians" by others.
Some groups claim, that only people in their group, even if their group did not exist 200 years ago, are the only real Christians on Earth. Other groups claim, that everyone who belongs to a group, that calls itself "Christian", are Christians. Yet other groups, take some sort of middle ground, where they recognized some other groups, who call themselves "Christians", as being Christians, while they do not recognize some other groups, who also call themselves "Christians", as being Christians.
If that was not confusing enough, there are also groups, who refuse to call themselves "Christians", because they do not want to be associated with other groups, who call themselves "Christians". However, other people who are definitely not Christians, like Atheists, Rabbinic Jews, and Muslims, call these groups "Christians", despite their denial of being Christians.
If all of this was not enough, then there is the entire range of denominations, and groups that are not part of any denomination, who are all called Christians. Their doctrines and practices are greatly varied, as well as the status that they assign to other groups, that are called "Christians". Generally, the more the other groups are similar in doctrine and practice to their own group, then the more "Christian" those groups are perceived to be.
In America, particularly in the South, the term "Christian", has taken on a meaning, that is outside of religion. Even people who are Rabbinic Jews, or Atheists, will talk about "the Christian thing to do", when it comes to, how they should treat other people. The expression, "the Christian thing to do", does not seem to have an exact meaning, but it is generally regarded as treating people with kindness and politeness, even when you do not feel like doing so. It is a cultural expression, like "being a good Samaritan", that many people have come to use, without really understanding, where it came from.
So there is a definite idea of having a "Christian culture" in many other places, even if most of the people there, do not call themselves "Christians". For example, people in countries, where most people are Atheists, call some holidays that they celebrate, like Christmas and Easter, "Christian holidays". Some people definitely identify themselves as culturally Christian, regardless of their religion.
Then there are countries that are referred to as being a "Christian nation". In America, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times, since the Constitution was adapted, that America is a "Christian nation". Congress sought to drive the point home, by having "In God We Trust", stamped on every American coin.
This is because of its historical beginnings. America is a "Christian nation" unlike any other, because its is the only nation in history, to literally make a covenant with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to be a "Christian nation" at the beginning of its history. The original colonists were religious separatists, who wanted to separate themselves from Europe, to form a "Christian nation". To this day, in many parts of the world, the terms "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable. As far as they are concern, anyone born in the "Christian nation" of America, is a Christian by birth.
Yet in this "Christian nation", Atheists are allowed to protest "Christian holidays", like Christmas, because it would not be "the Christian thing to do", to keep them from raising their objections. This has got to be confusing to people of other nations, who think that everyone in America, was born a Christian.
The truth is, that most people, even those who are Christians, do not have a good solid definition, of what a Christian is. The problem is, that the definition of "Christian" is similar to the definition of "Jewish", in many ways.
There are many people who are "Jewish", even though they are not Rabbinic Jews, and maybe even Atheists, because they observe "Jewish holidays", like Passover, or they are physical descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel). Other people are "Jewish", who are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because they are converts to Rabbinic Judaism. Yet other people, might be thought of as being "Jewish", because they were born in Israel, "the Jewish state", by people in other nations.
Who is "Jewish", depends upon the definition, that you use. Since there is no agreement, on the exact definition of "Jewish", then there is no agreement, on who is "Jewish", and who is not. Is "Jewish" defined by religion, or culture, or being born to Jewish parents, or being born in "the Jewish state"?
In the same way, without an exact definition of "Christian", there is no way to identify, who is a Christian, and who is not. Is a Christian defined by religion, or culture, or by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation"?
Fortunately, there is a definitive source, for determining who is a Christian, and who is not. The origin and definition of the term "Christian" is well documented in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). So like all things, finding the truth, begins with examining the Book of Truth (The Bible). So what is a Christian, according to the Book of Truth?
The first place to begin, is by examining where the word "Christian", came from. The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were first called "Christians" in Antioch, a Gentile city in the Gentile land of Syria (Acts 11:26). More than twenty years later, the last of the Jewish kings, Agrippa, confirmed that the Children of Truth, were called, "Christians" by the Jews (Acts 26:28). Even Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) identified the Children of Truth as "Christians" (1 Peter 4:16). So it is apparent, that the word "Christian", came from the Book of Truth, where it is used by Gentiles, Jews, and the Children of Truth, to identify the Children of Truth.
The next thing to consider, is what does the word, "Christian", actually mean. The Greek word "Christianos", translated as "Christian" in English, literally means "Christ follower". The Greek word "Christos", translated as "Christ", literally means "anointed". It is the Greek word used in the Septuagint, for the Hebrew word "Meshiach". The Hebrew word "Messiach" also literally means "anointed", and is translated as "Messiah" in English. So the word, "Christian" literally means to be a follower of the Messiah of Israel, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
The next thing to consider, is why the word "Christian", was needed in the first place.
The Children of Truth were not originally called, "Christians". Within Judaism, there were various sects, like the sect of the Sadducees, that included the High Priest (Acts 5:17). There were also other sects of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 15:5). Originally, the Children of Truth were simply considered to be another sect of Judaism, called "Nazarenes", by other Jews (Acts 24:5). Many of the Children of Truth, like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), had belonged a sect of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 26:5). In the same way, the Children of Truth, were considered to be a sect of Judaism, until the word "Christian", came into universal usage, more than a hundred years after it was first coined (Acts 28:22). In fact, the Hebrew word for "Christian" used today in Israel, is "Notzorim", which means "Nazarenes".
So there was a perfectly good word, "Nazarenes", to describe those who followed the Man of Truth, who Jews called "the Nazarene", because he came from "Nazareth" (Matthew 2:23). So why was the word "Christian" needed?
The trouble with using the word "Nazarenes", is that, it was applied only to Jews, who followed the Man of Truth. Gentiles could become Jews through circumcision, like many Gentiles did in the time of Esther (Esther 8:17). For the first ten years, only Jews, or Gentiles who had become Jews, like Nicholas of Antioch, were followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 6:5). As long as this was the case, then calling the followers of the Man of Truth a sect of Judaism, "Nazarenes", was fine.
However, the apple cart was soon turned on its side, and things became messy. In Judaism, there were only Jews and Gentiles. The distinguishing feature between Jews and Gentiles, was circumcision. There were two types of Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, recognized in Judaism. There were the "Ger Tzedekim", the "righteous proselytes", and the "Ger Toshavim", the "proselytes of the gate". The difference between the two classes of proselytes, and how they were treated, was based on circumcision. Those Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, and were then circumcised, were "proselytes", and considered to be Jews (Acts 2:5-10). Other Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, but when it came to circumcision, could not make the cut for some reason, were "God fearers", who attended synagogue, in the outer section, each Sabbath, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 13:26-42). In the Temple complex, there was a wall of separation, the Soreg, that divided the court of the Gentiles, from the court of the Israelites, where the "proselytes" could pass though the gates, into the court of the Israelites, since they were considered Jews, while the "God fearers" could not, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 21:27-29).
However, when the Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, without first being circumcised, it was evident, that these Gentiles had become part of the Children of Truth, without first being circumcised (Acts 10:45-48). This caused much debate among the Jewish Children of Truth, but in the end they decided, that the Spirit of Truth had already made the Gentiles, to be part of the Children of Truth, without requiring them, to be circumcised first (Acts 11:1-18). So Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas), and others, preached the Good News to the Gentiles in Antioch, and many of those Gentiles came into the House of Truth (Acts 11:19-24). When Barnabas the Jew brought Paul the Jew to Antioch, calling a group that consisted of both Jews and Gentiles, "Nazarenes", a sect of Judaism, no longer fit, so the term "Christian" was coined there, since they were all followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 11:25-26).
A new term was needed, because the Children of Truth had their hearts circumcised, even if their flesh was not, and that made them Jews to the Father of Truth (Romans 2:28-29). The Children of Truth did not need for their flesh circumcised, if their hearts had been circumcised (1 Corinthians 7:18-20). The Man of Truth had broken down that middle wall of partition, that was erected by the ordinances, that were created to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), concerning circumcision, so that both Jews and Gentiles, could live in peace and harmony, as a single entity, as they followed him (Ephesians 2:13-15).
The old way of dividing the human race into two groups, Jew and Gentile, had been made inadequate, when a third group, the Children of Truth, consisting of people called out of the two earlier groups, to form one new group, came into being (1 Corinthians 10:32). That new group needed a name, and the name given to it, was "Christian".
None of this, was the idea of the Apostles of Truth, or any other man. It did not start out of a vacuum in the Renewed Covenant, but rather it started in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). What was concealed in the Original Covenant, was revealed in the Renewed Covenant, because they are The Inseparable Covenants. All of these things that happened in the Renewed Covenant, were first written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 15:7-17).
The Father of Truth had said in the Law of Truth, that He would circumcise the hearts of people, so that they could love Him with all of their being (Deuteronomy 30:6). He said through the Prophets of Truth, that He would write a New Covenant (literally "Renewed Covenant"), where He would write the Law of Truth upon the hearts of people, so they could walk in obedience to Him (Jeremiah 31:31-33).
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth, that He would use a group of people, who did not even exist at the time, and who did foolish things, to provoke those, who came to be known as Jews, to return to Him (Deuteronomy 32:21). He said through the Prophets of Truth, that this new group of people, who would obey Him, would be given another name, that had not existed before (Isaiah 65:14-16).
The Children of Truth are those, who have had their heart circumcised, and love Him with all of their being. When Gentiles became part of the Children of Truth, without first becoming Jews through circumcision, then a new group of people, who had never existed before, came into being. The mostly Gentile Children of Truth have been obeying the Father of Truth, to the best of their understanding, even though they do many foolish things, like observing Christmas and Easter. (These holidays cannot be found in the Book of Truth, have no more validity than Ash Wednesday, and keeping them is utterly foolish. This is why the Children of Truth should be like "The Mensch who killed Christmas", after they learn when was Jesus born, according to the Book of Truth. This is why they should tell each other, "Happy Firstfruits", instead of "Happy Easter", when they want to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.) They are called by a name, that did not even exist, until after that new group came into being. That name is "Christians".
Now it is time to consider how a person becomes a Christian.
Those first Gentiles who came into the House of Truth, were only required to do four things: to not worship idols, to not engage in sex with anyone, other than their spouse (of the opposite sex), to not eat animals that had been strangled, and to not to eat blood (Acts 15:8-20). While this was obviously only a starting point, for example nothing is mentioned about not stealing, it is worth noting, that they were not required to observe any kind of cultural things, like celebrating the Feasts of Truth, but they could learn to do those things later, as they assembled on the Sabbath each week (Acts 15:21). So no one becomes a Christian, by participating in a "Christian culture".
Christians must be born again into the family of the Father of Truth, through the Spirit of Truth, in the same way, that they were born into the family of their physical father, through their mother (John 3:6-7). So no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation".
So this leaves religion, as the means to define, what is a Christian. Even then, not every religion, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices. Some so-called "Christian religions", like the False Church of Rome, have renamed idols, to things like "Jesus" and "Mary", so that they are teaching people, to worship idols, while calling themselves, "Christians". Yet others have added additional books to the Book of Truth, like the Book of Mormon, or the so-called "missing books of the Bible", while calling themselves, "Christians". Others, like Martin Luther, have tried to remove some books from the Renewed Covenant, because those books contradicted their doctrine, while calling themselves, "Christians". Most amazingly of all, there are even groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses, who deny the resurrection of the Man of Truth, and preach a dead Jesus, while calling themselves, "Christians".
While no group is perfect, and it is hard to even find a group, that is fully carrying out the Great Commission, it is obvious, that not every religious group, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices. The founders of groups like these, their apostles, started their groups, by knowingly and purposely teaching the Doctrine of Lies.
It should be no surprise, that they call themselves "Christians", so that people will believe, that they are teaching the Doctrine of Truth. After all, no one, who counterfeits 100 dollar bills, labels those bills, with a "99" in each corner. These Apostles of Lies will try to appear as Apostles of Truth, just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will try to appear as an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
Yet, just as counterfeit 100 dollar bills, do not change the value of genuine 100 dollar bills, neither does the use of label of "Christian" by counterfeits, change the real value of the label "Christian", when applied to those, who are genuine. The fact is, that no one becomes a Christian, by joining a religious group. For even in the same religious group, even if it is a small congregation, there can be people, who are counterfeits, right beside those who are genuine, like false wheat (tares) growing right next to true wheat, in the same field, so close together, that their roots are entangled (Matthew 13:24-29).
So if no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation", or participating in a "Christian culture", or joining a "Christian religion", or even joining a congregation of the Children of Truth, then what is a Christian?
A Christian is more than someone, who wears a "WWJD" bracelet. A Christian is someone, who has taken the deal that is offered by the Father of Truth, and came into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth said, that a person had to be born again, to be part of his kingdom, to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3). A Christian is someone, who has come into the House of Truth, by committing to following the Man of Truth in obedience, because they believe, that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). They have been born again, through the Word of Truth, so the Spirit of Truth can help them, to obey the Word of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23). Every Christian is born again as a baby, when they first come into the House of Truth, and then start to grow, to full maturity, by drinking in the Word of Truth (1 Peter 2:2-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Over one third of the people on planet Earth either call themselves "Christians", or are called "Christians" by others.
Some groups claim, that only people in their group, even if their group did not exist 200 years ago, are the only real Christians on Earth. Other groups claim, that everyone who belongs to a group, that calls itself "Christian", are Christians. Yet other groups, take some sort of middle ground, where they recognized some other groups, who call themselves "Christians", as being Christians, while they do not recognize some other groups, who also call themselves "Christians", as being Christians.
If that was not confusing enough, there are also groups, who refuse to call themselves "Christians", because they do not want to be associated with other groups, who call themselves "Christians". However, other people who are definitely not Christians, like Atheists, Rabbinic Jews, and Muslims, call these groups "Christians", despite their denial of being Christians.
If all of this was not enough, then there is the entire range of denominations, and groups that are not part of any denomination, who are all called Christians. Their doctrines and practices are greatly varied, as well as the status that they assign to other groups, that are called "Christians". Generally, the more the other groups are similar in doctrine and practice to their own group, then the more "Christian" those groups are perceived to be.
In America, particularly in the South, the term "Christian", has taken on a meaning, that is outside of religion. Even people who are Rabbinic Jews, or Atheists, will talk about "the Christian thing to do", when it comes to, how they should treat other people. The expression, "the Christian thing to do", does not seem to have an exact meaning, but it is generally regarded as treating people with kindness and politeness, even when you do not feel like doing so. It is a cultural expression, like "being a good Samaritan", that many people have come to use, without really understanding, where it came from.
So there is a definite idea of having a "Christian culture" in many other places, even if most of the people there, do not call themselves "Christians". For example, people in countries, where most people are Atheists, call some holidays that they celebrate, like Christmas and Easter, "Christian holidays". Some people definitely identify themselves as culturally Christian, regardless of their religion.
Then there are countries that are referred to as being a "Christian nation". In America, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times, since the Constitution was adapted, that America is a "Christian nation". Congress sought to drive the point home, by having "In God We Trust", stamped on every American coin.
This is because of its historical beginnings. America is a "Christian nation" unlike any other, because its is the only nation in history, to literally make a covenant with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to be a "Christian nation" at the beginning of its history. The original colonists were religious separatists, who wanted to separate themselves from Europe, to form a "Christian nation". To this day, in many parts of the world, the terms "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable. As far as they are concern, anyone born in the "Christian nation" of America, is a Christian by birth.
Yet in this "Christian nation", Atheists are allowed to protest "Christian holidays", like Christmas, because it would not be "the Christian thing to do", to keep them from raising their objections. This has got to be confusing to people of other nations, who think that everyone in America, was born a Christian.
The truth is, that most people, even those who are Christians, do not have a good solid definition, of what a Christian is. The problem is, that the definition of "Christian" is similar to the definition of "Jewish", in many ways.
There are many people who are "Jewish", even though they are not Rabbinic Jews, and maybe even Atheists, because they observe "Jewish holidays", like Passover, or they are physical descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel). Other people are "Jewish", who are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because they are converts to Rabbinic Judaism. Yet other people, might be thought of as being "Jewish", because they were born in Israel, "the Jewish state", by people in other nations.
Who is "Jewish", depends upon the definition, that you use. Since there is no agreement, on the exact definition of "Jewish", then there is no agreement, on who is "Jewish", and who is not. Is "Jewish" defined by religion, or culture, or being born to Jewish parents, or being born in "the Jewish state"?
In the same way, without an exact definition of "Christian", there is no way to identify, who is a Christian, and who is not. Is a Christian defined by religion, or culture, or by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation"?
Fortunately, there is a definitive source, for determining who is a Christian, and who is not. The origin and definition of the term "Christian" is well documented in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). So like all things, finding the truth, begins with examining the Book of Truth (The Bible). So what is a Christian, according to the Book of Truth?
The first place to begin, is by examining where the word "Christian", came from. The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were first called "Christians" in Antioch, a Gentile city in the Gentile land of Syria (Acts 11:26). More than twenty years later, the last of the Jewish kings, Agrippa, confirmed that the Children of Truth, were called, "Christians" by the Jews (Acts 26:28). Even Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) identified the Children of Truth as "Christians" (1 Peter 4:16). So it is apparent, that the word "Christian", came from the Book of Truth, where it is used by Gentiles, Jews, and the Children of Truth, to identify the Children of Truth.
The next thing to consider, is what does the word, "Christian", actually mean. The Greek word "Christianos", translated as "Christian" in English, literally means "Christ follower". The Greek word "Christos", translated as "Christ", literally means "anointed". It is the Greek word used in the Septuagint, for the Hebrew word "Meshiach". The Hebrew word "Messiach" also literally means "anointed", and is translated as "Messiah" in English. So the word, "Christian" literally means to be a follower of the Messiah of Israel, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
The next thing to consider, is why the word "Christian", was needed in the first place.
The Children of Truth were not originally called, "Christians". Within Judaism, there were various sects, like the sect of the Sadducees, that included the High Priest (Acts 5:17). There were also other sects of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 15:5). Originally, the Children of Truth were simply considered to be another sect of Judaism, called "Nazarenes", by other Jews (Acts 24:5). Many of the Children of Truth, like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), had belonged a sect of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 26:5). In the same way, the Children of Truth, were considered to be a sect of Judaism, until the word "Christian", came into universal usage, more than a hundred years after it was first coined (Acts 28:22). In fact, the Hebrew word for "Christian" used today in Israel, is "Notzorim", which means "Nazarenes".
So there was a perfectly good word, "Nazarenes", to describe those who followed the Man of Truth, who Jews called "the Nazarene", because he came from "Nazareth" (Matthew 2:23). So why was the word "Christian" needed?
The trouble with using the word "Nazarenes", is that, it was applied only to Jews, who followed the Man of Truth. Gentiles could become Jews through circumcision, like many Gentiles did in the time of Esther (Esther 8:17). For the first ten years, only Jews, or Gentiles who had become Jews, like Nicholas of Antioch, were followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 6:5). As long as this was the case, then calling the followers of the Man of Truth a sect of Judaism, "Nazarenes", was fine.
However, the apple cart was soon turned on its side, and things became messy. In Judaism, there were only Jews and Gentiles. The distinguishing feature between Jews and Gentiles, was circumcision. There were two types of Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, recognized in Judaism. There were the "Ger Tzedekim", the "righteous proselytes", and the "Ger Toshavim", the "proselytes of the gate". The difference between the two classes of proselytes, and how they were treated, was based on circumcision. Those Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, and were then circumcised, were "proselytes", and considered to be Jews (Acts 2:5-10). Other Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, but when it came to circumcision, could not make the cut for some reason, were "God fearers", who attended synagogue, in the outer section, each Sabbath, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 13:26-42). In the Temple complex, there was a wall of separation, the Soreg, that divided the court of the Gentiles, from the court of the Israelites, where the "proselytes" could pass though the gates, into the court of the Israelites, since they were considered Jews, while the "God fearers" could not, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 21:27-29).
However, when the Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, without first being circumcised, it was evident, that these Gentiles had become part of the Children of Truth, without first being circumcised (Acts 10:45-48). This caused much debate among the Jewish Children of Truth, but in the end they decided, that the Spirit of Truth had already made the Gentiles, to be part of the Children of Truth, without requiring them, to be circumcised first (Acts 11:1-18). So Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas), and others, preached the Good News to the Gentiles in Antioch, and many of those Gentiles came into the House of Truth (Acts 11:19-24). When Barnabas the Jew brought Paul the Jew to Antioch, calling a group that consisted of both Jews and Gentiles, "Nazarenes", a sect of Judaism, no longer fit, so the term "Christian" was coined there, since they were all followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 11:25-26).
A new term was needed, because the Children of Truth had their hearts circumcised, even if their flesh was not, and that made them Jews to the Father of Truth (Romans 2:28-29). The Children of Truth did not need for their flesh circumcised, if their hearts had been circumcised (1 Corinthians 7:18-20). The Man of Truth had broken down that middle wall of partition, that was erected by the ordinances, that were created to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), concerning circumcision, so that both Jews and Gentiles, could live in peace and harmony, as a single entity, as they followed him (Ephesians 2:13-15).
The old way of dividing the human race into two groups, Jew and Gentile, had been made inadequate, when a third group, the Children of Truth, consisting of people called out of the two earlier groups, to form one new group, came into being (1 Corinthians 10:32). That new group needed a name, and the name given to it, was "Christian".
None of this, was the idea of the Apostles of Truth, or any other man. It did not start out of a vacuum in the Renewed Covenant, but rather it started in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). What was concealed in the Original Covenant, was revealed in the Renewed Covenant, because they are The Inseparable Covenants. All of these things that happened in the Renewed Covenant, were first written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 15:7-17).
The Father of Truth had said in the Law of Truth, that He would circumcise the hearts of people, so that they could love Him with all of their being (Deuteronomy 30:6). He said through the Prophets of Truth, that He would write a New Covenant (literally "Renewed Covenant"), where He would write the Law of Truth upon the hearts of people, so they could walk in obedience to Him (Jeremiah 31:31-33).
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth, that He would use a group of people, who did not even exist at the time, and who did foolish things, to provoke those, who came to be known as Jews, to return to Him (Deuteronomy 32:21). He said through the Prophets of Truth, that this new group of people, who would obey Him, would be given another name, that had not existed before (Isaiah 65:14-16).
The Children of Truth are those, who have had their heart circumcised, and love Him with all of their being. When Gentiles became part of the Children of Truth, without first becoming Jews through circumcision, then a new group of people, who had never existed before, came into being. The mostly Gentile Children of Truth have been obeying the Father of Truth, to the best of their understanding, even though they do many foolish things, like observing Christmas and Easter. (These holidays cannot be found in the Book of Truth, have no more validity than Ash Wednesday, and keeping them is utterly foolish. This is why the Children of Truth should be like "The Mensch who killed Christmas", after they learn when was Jesus born, according to the Book of Truth. This is why they should tell each other, "Happy Firstfruits", instead of "Happy Easter", when they want to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.) They are called by a name, that did not even exist, until after that new group came into being. That name is "Christians".
Now it is time to consider how a person becomes a Christian.
Those first Gentiles who came into the House of Truth, were only required to do four things: to not worship idols, to not engage in sex with anyone, other than their spouse (of the opposite sex), to not eat animals that had been strangled, and to not to eat blood (Acts 15:8-20). While this was obviously only a starting point, for example nothing is mentioned about not stealing, it is worth noting, that they were not required to observe any kind of cultural things, like celebrating the Feasts of Truth, but they could learn to do those things later, as they assembled on the Sabbath each week (Acts 15:21). So no one becomes a Christian, by participating in a "Christian culture".
Christians must be born again into the family of the Father of Truth, through the Spirit of Truth, in the same way, that they were born into the family of their physical father, through their mother (John 3:6-7). So no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation".
So this leaves religion, as the means to define, what is a Christian. Even then, not every religion, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices. Some so-called "Christian religions", like the False Church of Rome, have renamed idols, to things like "Jesus" and "Mary", so that they are teaching people, to worship idols, while calling themselves, "Christians". Yet others have added additional books to the Book of Truth, like the Book of Mormon, or the so-called "missing books of the Bible", while calling themselves, "Christians". Others, like Martin Luther, have tried to remove some books from the Renewed Covenant, because those books contradicted their doctrine, while calling themselves, "Christians". Most amazingly of all, there are even groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses, who deny the resurrection of the Man of Truth, and preach a dead Jesus, while calling themselves, "Christians".
While no group is perfect, and it is hard to even find a group, that is fully carrying out the Great Commission, it is obvious, that not every religious group, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices. The founders of groups like these, their apostles, started their groups, by knowingly and purposely teaching the Doctrine of Lies.
It should be no surprise, that they call themselves "Christians", so that people will believe, that they are teaching the Doctrine of Truth. After all, no one, who counterfeits 100 dollar bills, labels those bills, with a "99" in each corner. These Apostles of Lies will try to appear as Apostles of Truth, just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will try to appear as an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
Yet, just as counterfeit 100 dollar bills, do not change the value of genuine 100 dollar bills, neither does the use of label of "Christian" by counterfeits, change the real value of the label "Christian", when applied to those, who are genuine. The fact is, that no one becomes a Christian, by joining a religious group. For even in the same religious group, even if it is a small congregation, there can be people, who are counterfeits, right beside those who are genuine, like false wheat (tares) growing right next to true wheat, in the same field, so close together, that their roots are entangled (Matthew 13:24-29).
So if no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation", or participating in a "Christian culture", or joining a "Christian religion", or even joining a congregation of the Children of Truth, then what is a Christian?
A Christian is more than someone, who wears a "WWJD" bracelet. A Christian is someone, who has taken the deal that is offered by the Father of Truth, and came into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth said, that a person had to be born again, to be part of his kingdom, to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3). A Christian is someone, who has come into the House of Truth, by committing to following the Man of Truth in obedience, because they believe, that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). They have been born again, through the Word of Truth, so the Spirit of Truth can help them, to obey the Word of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23). Every Christian is born again as a baby, when they first come into the House of Truth, and then start to grow, to full maturity, by drinking in the Word of Truth (1 Peter 2:2-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
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