Friday, September 26, 2014

The Day of Alarming

Are you ready for the Day of Alarming?

When I was a kid I watched a lot of western movies and television shows.  Occasionally, a group of people would get into some sort of desperate situation where someone else was trying to kill them.  Sometimes it was a tribe of Native Americans on the warpath and sometimes it was a band of outlaws.  So they would take some sort of defensive action like circling their wagons or holing up in a cabin.  Then they would try to fight off the hostile forces as best they could even though they knew that they were badly outnumbered and had no chance of winning.

Eventually, they would run out of ammunition or something like that.  Then just when all hope was gone they would hear the sound of a bugle playing short notes in rapid succession in the distance and they knew that they were going to be saved.  Those attacking them would also hear that same sound and would ride off towards the hills as fast as they could because they knew that were going to be overwhelmed by an invincible force.  That bugle being played in rapid succession was the sound that announced that the cavalry was on its way.  To those under attack it was the sound of rescue but to those who were attacking it was the sound of certain defeat.

The bugle is a small keyless trumpet.  What gave hope to the hopeless and put fear in their tormentors was the alarm being sounded by those coming to rescue their people.  For both groups the alarming of the trumpet signified the soon coming arrival of the cavalry.

This was pattern was first set in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) instructions for assembling on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) which is literally "the Day of Alarming" in Hebrew (Leviticus 23:23-25).  He then gave some more instructions concerning sacrifices on the Feast of Trumpets (Numbers 29:1-6).  Now it has been observed that none of the words for trumpet actually appear in the Hebrew of these two passages.  In fact, these words were added by the translators for clarity.  Yet an alarm was often raised by a person shouting instead of using a trumpet of some sort.  So why is do people call it the Feast of Trumpets instead of the Day of Alarming?

For one thing, the Day of Alarming always falls on the day of the new moon and is one of the Feasts of Truth.  The silver trumpets are always to be sounded with a blast over the sacrifices on these days (Numbers 10:10).  It is worth noting that these silver trumpets were chatsotserah instead of regular shofars (Numbers 10:2).  A chatsotserah was a long, straight, metal trumpet like those used in medieval movies to announce the arrival of a king with three medium blasts while banners hung from them.  Josephus plainly states this and it is confirmed on the arch of Titus where it shows the Temple implements being paraded.  So the Day of Alarming was originally done with long, straight, silver trumpets instead of the curved shofar made from the horns of a ram.

However, shofars are also spoken of being blasted on these days in the Psalms (Psalm 81:3-4).  So either these long, straight, silver trumpets were considered to be a kind of shofar or shofars were used in conjunction with the long, straight, silver trumpets on these days.  It is certain that the shofars were not used as a substitute since the long, straight, silver trumpets were in use at the Tabernacle in Shiloh, in the Tabernacle of David and in the Temple during the days of Asaph who wrote this Psalm.

So either way it is implied that the alarming is to be done with the silver trumpets at the Temple, and perhaps also with shofars, instead of shouts although it is not explicitly stated.  This is why people commonly call it "the Feast of Trumpets" instead of  "the Day of Alarming" as it is literally called in the Law of Truth.

Perhaps both types of alarming are meant.  Many people who cannot sound the alarm on a curved shofar, a straight shofar or a metal trumpet could still sound the alarm by shouting.

It is also worth noting that no where in the instructions for the Day of Alarming does it specified how many times the alarm is to be sounded or for how long.  It just says to meet together and sound the alarm. Traditionally, it is done for 100 or 101 blasts on the curved shofar to reflect the mourning of the mother of Sisera (Judges 5:28-30).  There is a supposed minimal of thirty blasts on the shofar in any case.

This is a Rabbinic tradition and is no more a commandment of the Father of Truth than the tradition of hanging ornaments on Christmas trees (Mark 7:6-8).  Each congregation can decide for itself how long to sound the alarm and whether to sound the alarm with their voices, curved shofars, straight shofars, trumpets, or any combination there of.  The only explicit requirement stated in the Law of Truth was the blasting of the long, straight, silver trumpet at the beginning of the day with the morning sacrifices, during the day with the special sacrifices for the Feast of Trumpets and at the end of the day with the evening sacrifices when the Temple was standing.  Since the Temple is not standing then we are not even required to blast these first, middle and last trumpets because we are Playing With Broken Toys.

Alarming on these long, straight, silver trumpets was supposed to be memorial to remind the Children of Truth that their Father was taking care of them (Leviticus 23:24).

It could not have been a memorial of the giving the Law of Truth at Mount Sinai as some have suggested since that happened on the Feasts of Weeks (Pentecost aka Shavuot).  More than that a single yubal (the straight shofar) was used on that day instead of two long, straight, silver trumpets (Exodus 19:13).  [The Hebrew word translated as "trumpet" here is "yubal".]   Also alarming by nine short blasts was not sounded when this occurred but rather one long continuous blast (Exodus 19:19).  The best way to understand how the Day of Alarming is a memorial is to look at the other passages where these long, straight, silver trumpets were used for alarming. 

When the first long, straight, silver trumpet sounded the alarm then part of the Children of Truth were to move to meet the Father of Truth in a new place (Numbers 10:5).  When the second trumpet sounded the alarm, then the rest of the Children of Truth would join them (Numbers 10:6).  The day that the Children of Truth left their old location to meet the Father of Truth in a new location was a day of alarming.

The alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpet also announced that the Father of Truth was coming to save His people like the cavalry (Numbers 10:9).  The day when this occurs is also a day of alarming.

There was just such a day of alarming when the Children of Truth were delivered from those who forsaken their Father when the alarming was sounded on the long, straight, silver trumpets (2 Chronicles 13:10-18).

There was another day of alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpets when the Father of Truth took revenge on the enemies of His people (Numbers 31:1-7).

All of this foreshadowed what would be done by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

The alarming like that of a trumpet was heard on the day that the Man of Truth announced that he was coming to save his people (Revelation 1:7-11).  That was another day of alarming.

The Day of Alarming, often called the Feasts of Trumpets, indeed tells of another day of alarming that will soon come upon the Earth.  When this future day of alarming comes then the alarming of the trumpet will be the sound of rescue for the Children of Truth and the sound of certain defeat for those who have attacked them.  It is all part of The Greatest Play Ever.

When the first trumpet sounds the alarm the Children of Truth that have already died will be move off of the Earth to meet with the Man of Truth at a new location in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16).  [The Greek word for trumpet here is "salpigks" which is a long, straight, metal trumpet and is the word used to translate the Hebrew word "chatsotserah" into Greek in the Septuagint.]  When the second trumpet sounds the alarm then the rest of the Children of Truth will join them (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).  The day that the Children of Truth leave their old location on this Earth to meet with the Man of Truth in a new location in the air will be a day of alarming (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).  The Father of Truth simply does not take Collateral Damage.

During this day there will be panic on the Earth that will cause people to shout in alarm.  The Earth will be full of the sound of horns, bells, klaxons, and sirens sounding the alarm in an effort to deal with all the emergencies that occur on this day.  It will truly be the Day of Alarming.

This day of alarming with a sound like a trumpet will announce that the judgement of their enemies will soon begin after the Children of Truth have been taken up to meet the Man of Truth (Revelation 4:1).  The Great War will soon begin.

During this war seven Angels of Truth will each be given a trumpet to sound (Revelation 8:2).  Every time one of those first six trumpets sound it will be a day of alarming (Revelation 8:6-9:19).  When that seventh trumpet sounds it will be a day of alarming announcing that the Man of Truth is coming to save his people like the cavalry (Revelation 11:15).

After that there will be another day of alarming when the trumpet will sound to announce the arrival of the Man of Truth will take vengeance on the enemies of his people (Matthew 24:29-31).  He will be coming with the Children of Truth to deliver his people according to the flesh - Israel (Revelation 19:11-16).  It will be the day when everyone on Earth will begin to submit to the Man of Truth in Total Surrender.

When the trumpets sound on the Day of Alarming in the near future because the Man of Truth has came for the Children of Truth then you will want it to be the sweet sound of rescue and not the dreaded sound of certain defeat.  The only way for this to happen is to come into the House of Truth.

No one knows how long they have to come into the House of Truth before that soon future day of alarming comes just like no one can know when the Day of Alarming (Feast of Trumpets) will start due to its dependence upon the conditions of the heavens to allow the spotting of the first sliver of the new moon from the Temple (Matthew 24:36-39).  More importantly you are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the rest of today so now is the time to come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:2).

You can come into the House of Truth and surrender to the Man of Truth today because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13).  You will surrender to him sometime in the future whether or not you come into the House of Truth (Philippians 2:9-11).  So why not come into the House of Truth where you can hear the sound of sweet rescue instead of the dreaded sound of certain defeat on the Day of Alarming?

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Playing With Broken Toys

Can people really keep the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) today?

When I was a kid my dad gave us three boys a couple of air pistols and walkie-talkies for Christmas one year.  They were some of the coolest gifts we ever got.

The air pistols looked just like the 45 caliber pistols that spies and military men used.  You had to cock them in the exact same way and they had a safety that worked exactly the same way.  They were made of black heavy metal.  They were pretty close to an exact replica of the real thing except they shot air pellets instead of bullets.  If we had ever went into town or anything like that with these pistols then we probably have ended up on the ground in hand cuffs.  They looked that real.

The walkie-talkies were real walkie-talkies that you could communicate up with each other for up to five miles.  They were professional grade just like the game warden might use.  We were so excited to have them.

Well, it did not take long for the air pistols to stop shooting pellets.  They used a CO2 cartridge that ran out pretty quickly.  Eventually, when you cocked them they would not shoot out any pellets but they still sounded like a gun with a silencer being shot.  We used our imagination and they were suddenly spy guns with silencers.  We were pretty poor and became very adept at playing with broken toys.

The walkie-talkies lasted a lot longer, but we still had a problem.  These guns and walkie-talkies had came in sets of two but there was three of us.  We really did not have everything we needed to do what we could have done with one more of each.  So instead of someone being left out we devised plans to make do with what we had.

Sometimes one of us would only have a walkie-talkie and be the boss of the good guys.  Another one of us would only a pistol and be the bad guy that the good guys were hunting.  The other one of us would have both a walkie-talkie and a pistol.  It was his job to take out the bad guy before the bad guy took out the boss of the good guys.

Sometimes two of us would be a team of bad guys who each had a walkie-talkie and a pistol.  The other one would have some other weapon like the be be gun (unloaded, of course) or our rubber knife or even our bow with suction cup arrows.  The good guy had to take out both bad guys.

There were countless variations.  We always found ways to have fun with other things as well by using them differently than their original purpose when they no longer worked right or were missing major parts of the set.  We were masters at playing with broken toys.

In similar manner, there are many of us who are trying to keep the Feasts of Truth without many of the things available to keep those Feasts of Truth according to what is written in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).  We are playing with broken toys.

There are seven of these Feasts of Truth each year (Leviticus 23:4-36).  All of these Feasts of Truth involve making animal sacrifices by fire (Leviticus 23:37-38).

This is true about Passover (Pesach) (Exodus 34:25).  This is true about the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzot) (Numbers 28:17-25).  This is true about Firstfruits (Bikkurim aka Reishit Katzir).  This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot aka Pentecost aka First Fruits (of the wheat harvest) ) (Numbers 28:26-31).  This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) (Numbers 29:1-6).  This is true about the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur aka The Fast aka Judgment Day) (Numbers 29:7-11).  This is true about the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot aka the Ingathering) (Numbers 29:12-38).

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were to only go to the place that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) chose to make these sacrifices (Deuteronomy 12:5-7).  Until they were settled in the Promised Land this law was not in effect (Deuteronomy 12:8-9).  Every since the time that they were settled in the Promised Land then this law went into effect (Deuteronomy 12:10-14).

Not only that, but the men who are from 20 to 60 years of age were to appear before Him for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles (Exodus 23:14-17).  Once they settled in the Promised Land then they were only to appear before the Father of Truth in the place that He chose for these feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16).

This is a real problem for anyone who is trying to keep the Feasts of Truth according to the instructions in the Law of Truth and insists that all of the Children of Truth must do so.  When the Children of Truth first settled in the Promised Land then the Father of Truth chose Shiloh as the place for the Tabernacle to rest where these sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth could be performed and the Children of Truth could appear before Him for these feasts (Joshua 18:1).  Then He chose Jerusalem to build His Temple as the only place where the Feasts of Truth were to be carried out  (2 Chronicles 6:4-10).  There is no place to fulfill all of these commandments concerning the sacrifices and all of the Children of Truth appearing before Him since the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD as the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had warned that it would be (Mark 13:1-2).

It could be argued that we could make sacrifices on altars of earth and stone like the Children of Truth did before they entered the Promised Land.  They only built these altars everywhere that Father of Truth lead them in the wilderness until the Tabernacle was built (Exodus 20:24-26).  After that they were to only offer sacrifices for the Feasts of Truth like Passover at the place that He chose (Deuteronomy 16:2-6).  It is rebellion to burn these types of sacrifices on any altar other than the one in the place that He chose (Joshua 22:29).

The only other altars that were built outside of the place the Father of Truth chose were altars of consecration that were used for a one time sacrifice for the Children of Truth to consecrate themselves to Him.  They were commanded to built an altar of stone when they first entered the Promised Land to offer sacrifices of consecration on Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:4-6).  Joshua (Yah'shua aka Jehoshua) then built that altar of stone upon Mount Ebal to consecrate the Children of Truth after they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 8:30-32).  Elijah in like manner built an altar of stone to consecrate all of the people that lived in the northern kingdom of Israel back to Him (1 Kings 18:30-39).  There is simply no provision in the Law of Truth for building stone altars to keep the Feasts of Truth when there is no Temple.

Beyond that there is no single place for all of the Children of Truth to appear before the Father of Truth for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles without the Temple.

Without the Temple there simply is no way to keep the Feasts of Truth in the way prescribed by the Law of Truth .  It is like playing with an electric train set and not having the locomotive.  We are playing with broken toys.

For example, the Law of Truth says that anyone who cannot keep Passover at the regular time because they are not prepared or out of the Promised Land at the regular time is to keep Passover a month later (Numbers 9:10-12).  The Law of Truth says those who are in the Promised Land and able to keep Passover must keep it in the way prescribed by the commandments concerning Passover (Numbers 9:13-14).  This is why King Hezekiah kept the Passover in the second month in the Promised Land at the Temple (2 Chronicles 30:1-15).  There is no record of the Children of Truth keeping the Passover after the destruction of the first Temple until the second Temple was dedicated (Ezra 6:15-22).  There is simply no record in the entire Book of Truth (the Bible) of Passover ever being kept outside of the Promised Land or when the Temple was not standing.  The fact is the commandments for Passover in the Law of Truth are all centered around the Children of Truth living in the Promised Land and the Temple standing in Jerusalem.   The Law of Truth has absolutely no instructions for how to keep Passover when these conditions do not exist.  Any attempt to keep Passover without these conditions being met is like playing with broken toys.

Can the Feast of Truth be kept at all outside of the Promised Land?

Fortunately, we do not have to speculate about this because the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) tells us the answer to this question.  He was accused of teaching Jewish believers who lived outside the Promised Land to stop keeping the Feasts of Truth (Acts 21:20-21).  Paul the Jew was advised to take part in fulfilling a vow to show that there was no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:23-24).  He responded by going to the Temple to fulfill that vow to show that there was simply no truth to this accusation (Acts 21:26).

Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread with the Children of Truth in Philippi (Acts 20:6).  He still fasted for the Day of Atonement while he was in Crete (Acts 27:7-9).  He observed Pentecost while he was in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 16:8). 

Paul the Jew also referenced details about keeping Passover with the Children of Truth in Corinth showing that the largely Jewish congregation there was familiar with Passover (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  (Corinth had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world outside of the Promised Land at this time.)  It might be that they were familiar with these details because some of them could have went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover there.  This was was very common among Jews throughout the world until the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.  However, it has already been shown that Jews outside of the Promised Land were keeping the Feasts of Truth outside of the Promised Land.  So even though the Book of Truth does not emphatically record the Children of Truth keeping Passover outside of the Promised Land it is implied.

So it is obvious that even though there were Jewish Children of Truth outside of the Promised Land and unable to access the Temple that they were still trying to keep the Feasts of Truth in some manner.  They were playing with broken toys.

How are the Feasts of Truth kept without making sacrifices and appearing before the Father of Truth at the Temple? 

For example, the commandment concerning the Passover meal demands eating a lamb that has been roasted whole (Exodus 12:11).  Yet we cannot kill the Passover lamb at the prescribed place since the Temple is no longer standing (Deuteronomy 16:5-7).  So how can the Children of Truth keep Passover? 

There are all sorts of answers that people have to this question because we are playing with broken toys.

Some people go ahead and roast a lamb whole for Passover.  Other people keep Passover with just the shank bone of a lamb to symbolically stand for the lamb that they would have killed if the Temple was still standing.  Some people keep Passover without having any lamb.  Other people do not attempt to keep Passover at all since there is no way to keep it in the way commanded by the Law of Truth.

Similar problems exists for all of the Feasts of Truth.  There simply are no clear cut solutions to these kind of problems because we are playing with broken toys.

Like my brothers and I, the best we can do is to make do with what we have because we do not have everything that is needed for things to work as they were originally intended.  For example, we can keep those parts of commandments that do not involve the Temple.

We can cease from our regular work and congregate together to carry out His purposes just like we do on the regular weekly Sabbath (Leviticus 23:2-4).  We can do all of the things on these extra Sabbaths that we should do on the regularly weekly Sabbath so that we are not Bored On The Sabbath.

This is true about the first and seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6-8).  This is true about the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:16-21).  This is true about the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24-25).  This is true about the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-28).  This is true about the first and eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:35-36).

We can also keep the commandments for each Feast of Truth that is particular to it but does not involve the Temple.

We can eat some sort of meal at Passover with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8). We can remove all of the leaven from our homes and eat only unleavened bread for the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 12:15).  This process of ridding our homes of leaven is described in Removing The Leaven.  We can still honor the Father of Truth with the firstfruits of everything that He increases us with on Firstfruits (Proverbs 3:9).  We can still give a free will offering to Him on the Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16:10).  We can still blow shofars (trumpets) on the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24).  We can still fast on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27).  We can still build sukkot (booths) using tree branches on the first day and stay in them during the seven remaining days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:40-42).

Still despite all of these things that we can do to keep some semblance of observing the Feasts of Truth there is often much arguing among those who try to keep them over who is keeping them correctly and who is not.  The truth is that is no correct way to keep the Feasts of Truth because there is no Temple and most of us are not living in the Promised Land.  We should stop pretending that we are keeping the Feasts of Truth in the manner prescribed by the Law of Truth because we are playing with broken toys.

More than that the Gentile Children of Truth do not even need to keep these feasts at all.  In fact, the Gentile Children of Truth cannot keep Passover because they are not circumcised (Exodus 12:48).  They are not obligated to keep everything in the Law of Truth to be accepted by the Father of Truth as His Children (Acts 15:24).  While Paul the Jew taught the Jewish Children of Truth to continue to keep the Feasts of Truth, there was no such commandment for the Gentile Children of Truth to do so (Acts 21:24-25).  They do not need to eat the Passover lamb to commemorate being delivered from being in bondage to the Egyptians because the Man of Truth is their Passover lamb that delivered them from being in bondage to the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (1 Corinthians 5:7).  We must never forget that the point of Passover is The Death of The Lamb.

If one of them becomes circumcised then they are no longer considered to be a Gentile and therefore must keep everything in the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3).  This is because circumcision has absolutely nothing to do with being a Child of Truth but only with the covenant that was made with Abraham concerning the Promised Land as explained in A Cut Above The Rest.  The Gentiles who have received The Better Circumcision are counted as the Children of Truth.  They are not required to start playing with broken toys.

So the Children of Truth should stop fighting over the minute details of how to observe the Feasts of Truth because there is no correct way when they are playing with broken toys.  The Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth should stop condemning the Gentile Children of Truth for not keeping these feasts.  As already shown they are not commanded to keep these feasts and they are even forbidden by the Law of Truth from keeping Passover.  In like manner, the Gentile Children of Truth should stop condemning the Children of Truth who keep the Feasts of Truth as well.  It has already been shown that there is liberty for the Jewish Children of Truth to keep the Feasts of Truth.  There is also liberty in the Renewed Covenant for the Gentile Children of Truth to not keep the Feasts of Truth (Galatians 2:3-5).  The Children of Truth are not to judge each other based on whether or not they are observing these kind of things because they are only shadows of  the Man of Truth  (Colossians 2:16-17).  They should not be fighting over how they should be playing with broken toys.

The Father of Truth is more concerned with the His Children attending to The Weightier Matters of The Law than keeping the Feasts of Truth.  The Feasts of Truth are part of The Lessor Matters of the Law.

The sacrifices of the Feasts of Truth were never sufficient to take away sin or they would not have had to keep being repeated year after year (Hebrews 10:1-4).  It is only the blood of the Man of Truth, who the Feasts of Truth foreshadowed, that was sufficient to do this and replace any need for these sacrifices (Hebrews 10:5-10).  The point of the Feasts of Truth is tell the story of the Man of Truth as The Greatest Play Ever.

The deepest understanding of this play is the greatest benefit of keeping the Feasts of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gives the Children of Truth this understanding when they celebrate each Feast of Truth year after year for the right reasons (John 16:13).  The Law of Truth is spiritual and it can only be understood and obeyed with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14).  Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because other people bully them into doing so through condemnation are actually sinning because they are not doing so in faith (Romans 14:23).  Those who keep the Feasts of Truth because the Spirit of Truth lead them to do so are the Children of Truth (Romans 8:14).   They are not keeping the Feasts of Truth because they are under bondage to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18).  Those who keep the Feasts of Truth by the leading of the Spirit of Truth will get this benefit of understanding everything more clearly even though they are still playing with broken toys.

The truth is the Father of Truth is the one Who broke the toys when He took the second Temple away.  He did this with the first Temple when Israel rebelled against Him (Hosea 2:11).   The reasons for Him doing so with the second Temple are thoroughly explained in Whose Sabbath Are You Keeping.

The day is coming when we will no longer be playing with broken toys.  The Man of Truth said that a third Temple will be built that the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) will desecrate after the Good News has been preached to every people group on Earth (Matthew 24:14-16).  There then be a fourth Temple when the Man of Truth is reigning over the Earth where the sacrifices will resume as His Father intended (Ezekiel 44:11).  The Law of Truth will be the law of entire Earth when he is reigning (Micah 4:2).  Even the Gentiles from all over the Earth will be required to attend the Feast of Tabernacles when the fourth Temple is standing (Zechariah 14:16-18).  We will no longer be playing with broken toys!

Of course it makes absolutely no difference how you are keeping the Feasts of Truth unless you first come into the House of Truth.  It does not matter if you keep the Feasts of Truth or not until you come into the House of Truth.  You do not come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or anything else in the Law of Truth but only through the redemption that came from the sacrifice made by the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:21).  It is completely useless for you to try to come into the House of Truth by keeping the Feasts of Truth or any other part of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:4).  That is like playing with broken toys.

You can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:4-9).  After you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will live in you (Romans 8:9).  The Spirit of Truth will then begin to change you from the inside out so that you can keep the Law of Truth has the Father of Truth originally intended (Ezekiel 36:27).  When you come into the House of Truth you will be on the path to no longer playing with broken toys.

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Better Circumcision

There is a better circumcision than the one that Jewish boys receive at their B'rit Milah (Bris).

That circumcision is usually performed by a mohel or physician today at a little party with family and friends.  That circumcision is to be done when the son is eight days old (Genesis 17:12).  When that circumcision was first started it was the father who circumcised his sons (Genesis 21:4).

That circumcision is required to be part of the natural family of Abraham (Genesis 17:10).  That circumcision is a sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:11).  That circumcision is done in the hidden parts of the flesh (Genesis 17:13).  That circumcision removes the covering of flesh (Genesis 17:14).  That circumcision causes the one who receives it to become a new kind of man (Exodus 12:43-45).  That circumcision makes someone to be counted as part of the natural people of Israel (Exodus 12:47-49).

There is a better circumcision that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) desires more than the circumcision of the flesh - it is circumcision of the heart (Deuteronomy 10:16).

Those who do not have this circumcision of the heart cannot keep His commandments (Leviticus 26:40-41).  Those who do not have this circumcision of the heart cannot hear His Word (Jeremiah 6:10).  Those who do not have this circumcision of the heart resist the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) as well (Acts 7:51).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

The circumcision of the flesh is of no value without this circumcision of the heart (Jeremiah 9:25-26).  Those who are circumcised in the flesh but do not keep the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) are among those who have not been circumcised in the heart (Romans 2:25).  Those who are not circumcised in the flesh but keep the righteousness of the Law of Truth are among those who have been circumcised in the heart (Romans 2:26).  Those who are circumcised in the flesh only will be judged by those who are circumcised in the heart only for breaking the Law of Truth (Romans 2:27).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Anyone who does not have this circumcision of the heart pollutes the Temple if they enter it (Ezekiel 44:6-8).  This is true even about those who are circumcised in the flesh (Ezekiel 44:9).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Whoever has this circumcision of the heart will not suffer under His judgment for breaking His commandments (Jeremiah 4:4).  It does not matter if the flesh is circumcised unless His commandments are kept (1 Corinthians 7:19).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Of all the cuts that people can make in their flesh that circumcision is A Cut Above The Rest.  Still that circumcision is a covenant in the flesh about who gets to live in a certain part of the Earth - The Promised Land (Genesis 17:8-13). So that circumcision is both fleshly and worldly since it concerns the flesh and this present world.  This circumcision of the heart is spiritual since it concerns the spirit and the world to come (Romans 2:28-29).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

The Father of Truth performs this circumcision of the heart (Deuteronomy 30:6).  That circumcision of the flesh is performed by men (Ephesians 2:11).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Circumcision of the flesh is to be performed on those who are too young to have any say in the matter (Leviticus 12:3).  Circumcision of the heart restores those who accept that they have brought disaster upon themselves because they did not have a circumcised heart (Leviticus 26:40-42).  Circumcision of the heart comes upon those who choose to be part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Deuteronomy 10:12-16).   Circumcision of the heart is only performed on those who decide to come into the House of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:1-6).  Circumcision of the heart is performed on those who turn away from rebelling against His commandments (Jeremiah 4:1-4).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Circumcision of the flesh never saved anyone apart from the circumcision of the heart that comes by faith (Romans 3:28-30).   The faith that leads to the circumcision of the heart is what makes people right with the Father of Truth (Romans 4:9).  It was the faith that demonstrates circumcision of the heart that Abraham had before he was circumcised in the flesh that lead to him receiving circumcision in the flesh (Romans 4:10-12).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Those who come into the House of Truth will be circumcised in the heart through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 15:8-9).  Those who seek circumcision of the flesh in order to be justified by keeping the Law of Truth instead of being saved by circumcision of the heart that comes from faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:2-4).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Those who come into the House of Truth through faith in the Man of Truth will be helped by the Spirit of Truth when they receive the circumcision of the heart whether or not they have been circumcised in the flesh (Galatians 5:5-7).  They will be able to join me in saying that the Law of Truth was Written on My Heart so that they can keep it.  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

The Man of Truth did not do away with the commandments in the Law of Truth concerning the circumcision of the flesh (Matthew 5:17-19).  He only said that weightier matters like circumcision of the heart were more important than lessor matters like circumcision of the flesh (Matthew 23:23).  Circumcision of the flesh is about attending to The Lessor Matters of The Law while circumcision of the heart is about attending to the The Weightier Matters of The Law.  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

Circumcision of the heart being the better circumcision in no way makes the circumcision of the flesh of no value.  Circumcision of the flesh is required to identify those who have a right to live in the Promised Land (Genesis 17:8-11).  Circumcision in the flesh identifies those who are to celebrate that their household was passed over during the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12:47-49).  Circumcision of the flesh will be required along with circumcision of the heart to enter the Temple when the Man of Truth is reigning (Ezekiel 44:4-9).  Circumcision of the flesh still identifies the people who the Father of Truth entrusted with His Word (Romans 3:1-2).  This makes circumcision of the flesh still valuable for Jews who have also has experienced circumcision of the heart.

For these reasons Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) circumcised Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) in the flesh after he had been circumcised in the heart (Acts 16:1-3).  This is why Paul the Jew never taught that Jews who had been circumcised in the heart should no longer circumcise their children in the flesh (Acts 21:20-26).

One the other hand,  Gentiles do not need circumcision in the flesh if they are not going to live in the Promised Land (Genesis 17:14). ["Cut off from his people" means to not be counted as part of those people who were given the right to live in the Promised Land.]  They do not need circumcision in the flesh if their household was not passed over during the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12:48).  They do not need circumcision in the flesh since their ancestors were not the people who the Father of Truth entrusted with His Word (Ephesians 2:11-12).

For these reasons the Gentiles who had been circumcised in the heart were not required to be circumcised in the flesh (Acts 15:24).  Since they had not been part of the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) then they did not need circumcision of the flesh as a sign of being part of that covenant once they had received the circumcision of the heart (Acts 21:25).  This why Paul the Jew did not compel Titus the Gentile to be circumcised in the flesh (Galatians 2:1-3).

For these reasons neither Jew nor Gentile is to add or remove the sign of circumcision in their flesh as a condition to receiving circumcision of the heart (1 Corinthians 7:17-19).  In fact even a woman can have her heart circumcised (Galatians 3:27-29).  So circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.

This better circumcision is required to be part of the spiritual family of Abraham (Romans 4:16-17).  This better circumcision is the sign of a better covenant (Hebrews 8:6-10).  This better circumcision is done in the hidden parts of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:2-4).  This better circumcision removes the covering of flesh from the heart (Romans 2:29).  This better circumcision causes the one who receives it to become a new kind of person (Galatians 6:15).  This better circumcision makes someone to be counted as part of the spiritual people of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-18).

You must come into the House of Truth to receive this better circumcision.  You come into the House of Truth when you surrender your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Friday, September 5, 2014

A Cut Above The Rest

What is circumcision really about?

People will often say that something is "a cut above the rest" when they mean it is the very best.  This expression come from butcher cuts of beef.  The most expensive and tenderest cuts like rib eye are found high on the beef carcass.  The cheapest cuts like flank are found low on the beef carcass.  So when something is of the next level higher in quality than what it is being compared to then it is said to be a cut above whatever it is being compared to.  For example, short loin is a cut above flank for beef.  When something is the absolute best then it is said to be a cut above the rest.  For example, some people hold that rib eye steak is a cut above all other cuts of beef.

Now when it comes to cutting the flesh of human beings it is similar to beef.  There have been many ways that human beings have cut themselves and each other throughout the ages for various reasons.  Not all of these cuts are of equal value.  The Book of Truth (the Bible) tell us how to rank these cuts.

Some of these cuts have been to save lives in surgery like perhaps an amputation (Matthew 18:8).  Other cuts were made to take lives in war (Luke 21:24).  The cuts to save lives are better than those that end lives (Mark 3:4).   So the work of the surgeon is a cut above the work of a soldier.

Of course, the work of the soldier to end the lives of oppressors is a cut above using the sword to take the lives of the innocent (Isaiah 59:7). A cut of equal value to the work of the soldier to remove external threats to a society is the work of the executioner to end the lives of those who would destroy a society from within (Romans 13:3-4).

Then there is the unkindest cut.  This is the cutting of a man so that he cannot have children (Matthew 19:12).  Still this is not the lowest cut there is.

There are also cuts that people afflict on themselves or others for religious reasons.  The lowest cut of all is the one that is associated with worshiping anything other than the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) like an idol (Leviticus 19:26-28).  This is what those who are opposed to the Father of Truth do (1 Kings 18:26-28).  Those who are under the control of the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) will cut themselves (Mark 5:2-5).  This kind of religious cutting is a cut beneath the rest because it shows that those who are cut in this manner are in relationship with the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil).

There is a different type of cut made for religious purposes by people.  It shows that those who are cut in this manner are in relationship with the Father of Truth.  This is the highest cut of all.  Among all the cuts of the flesh that people make on themselves or others circumcision is a cut above the rest.

So where did circumcision come from?

The Father of Truth started the practice of circumcision with Abraham (Abram) as a sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:9-11).  Everyone that is part of this covenant had to be circumcised (Genesis 17:12-14).

So circumcision did not come from the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) even though it was continued through the Law of Truth (Leviticus 12:3).  Circumcision is to be even be done on the Sabbath because it was a sign of a covenant that was made with Abraham, Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) more than 200 years before Moses was born (John 7:22-23).

So what was this covenant that is signified by circumcision?

The first covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham was that He would give all of the land from the Euphrates River to the Nile River to his descendants (Genesis 15:18).  The second covenant that He made with Abraham was to give him descendants who would worship only Him and they would be the ones to live in the land promised in the first covenant (Genesis 17:4-8).  Circumcision is the sign of a covenant between the Father of Truth and the descendants of Abraham in their flesh because it is a covenant concerning the people according to the flesh that have a right to live in the Promised Land (Genesis 17:9-13).   Those who are not marked by circumcision in the flesh as being part of the people of Abraham according to the flesh have no right to live in the Promised Land (Genesis 17:14).  This covenant was then refined to include only the descendants of Isaac as the people that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would come from (Genesis 17:19).  Then the people of the covenant was finally narrowed down to the descendants of Jacob (Genesis 28:13-16).   This covenant of circumcision was given to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac , and Jacob to mark them as those who had a right to live in the Promised Land (Acts 7:4-8).  Since circumcision is a sign in the flesh of the covenant to give the Promised Land to those who are Jews in the flesh then it is a cut above the rest of all cuts in the flesh made by human hands.

It was to fulfill this covenant concerning the Promised Land that the Father of Truth called Moses to deliver the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob from the Egyptians (Exodus 6:3-5).  Since Passover was given to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt so that He could keep His promise to give them the Promised Land then no one is to eat of it that does not have the sign of that covenant in their flesh (Exodus 12:47-49).   The Father of Truth had to deliver them because of the sign of the covenant in their flesh (Acts 7:6-8).  This is another reason that circumcision is a cut above the rest.

Still those born in the wilderness had not been circumcised since their parents would never enter the Promised Land (Joshua 5:4-6).  This is why every single man in Israel had to be circumcised to roll off the approach of Egypt before they could begin to take possession of the Promised Land (Joshua 5:7-9).  Circumcision of the flesh is the ticket to possession of the Promised Land on this Earth so that makes it a cut above the rest.

Circumcision also made it possible for other people who joined themselves to the descendants of Jacob to be counted as among those who have a right to live in the Promised Land.  It is for this reason that Abraham had to circumcise every man in his household - not just himself and Isaac (Genesis 17:11-13).  A mixed multitude of other people left Egypt with the descendants of Jacob (Exodus 12:37-38).  It was circumcision that made all of them into one people by putting all of them under the Law of Truth (Exodus 12:48-49).  This is how many people of diverse backgrounds became Jews at the time of Queen Esther (Esther 8:17).  This is why Paul the Jew (Shaul aka the Jew formerly known as Saul) circumcised Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) so that he would be accepted as a Jew even though he was born of Jewish ancestry (Acts 16:1-3).   So circumcision of the flesh is a sign of being part of the covenant to live in the Promised Land by anyone who joins themselves to the descendants of Jacob.  This makes circumcision a cut above the rest.

This sign in their flesh serves as a reminder that the Father of Truth can never cast away the Jews completely, even when they deserve it, because some of them must survive in order to fulfill the covenant concerning the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Leviticus 26:43-45).  He would destroy the universe before He would cast away these people and break this covenant concerning the Promised Land that is marked by circumcision (Jeremiah 33:24-26).  The Father of Truth has not cast away the people that received circumcision as a sign of His covenant with their fathers (Romans 11:1-2).  He has promised that one day all of the descendants that were given circumcision as a sign of the covenant will turn to the Man of Truth and be saved (Romans 11:26-28).  The Father of Truth does not go back on His covenants (Romans 11:29).  So circumcision is a cut above the rest because it also speaks of the promise to preserve the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as a people forever so that they may live in the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Circumcision in the flesh guarantees the right to live in the Promised Land to everyone that has joined themselves to the house of Jacob as well as the preservation of some of their descendants.  For these reasons Paul the Jew never taught that the Jewish Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) should stop circumcising the flesh of their children (Acts 21:20-26).  Circumcision is of great value to them provided that they keep the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25).   Circumcision marks them as the people that received the Book of Truth from the Father of Truth (Romans 3:1-2).   Circumcision is still a cut above the rest for those who are Jews according to the flesh.

Circumcision is only about the right to live in the Promised Land. The Promised Land is where the Man of Truth is going to rule all nations from (Deuteronomy 28:1).  He is going to send forth the Law of Truth to establish justice over the entire Earth from Jerusalem in the heart of the Promised Land (Isaiah 2:2-4).  The Man of Truth is going to rule all of the Earth (Revelation 11:15).  This is similar to how all of the massive United States is subject to laws created in the tiny District of Columbia where Washington is located.  People living in the same land as the Man of Truth because they are marked as being part of his people according to the flesh is what makes circumcision a cut above the rest.

The Earth is a lot bigger than just a South Dakota sized slice of the Middle East.  The Man of Truth still needs plenty of Gentile Children of Truth to rule over the Gentile nations on his behalf (2 Timothy 2:12).  That is why Paul the Jew did not compel Titus the Gentile to be circumcised (Galatians 2:1-3).

Everyone that is circumcised in the flesh to be counted as a Jew according to the flesh is obligated to keep all of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3).  For this reason, if someone decides to make changes to gain the benefits of The Lessor Matters of The Law then circumcision is the very last thing that they should change.  If the Children of Truth are of Jewish ancestry then they should not seek to remove the sign of circumcision but if they are not of Jewish ancestry then they should not seek to gain the sign of circumcision (1 Corinthians 7:18).

It is worth noting that circumcision must be done for the purpose of identifying with the descendants of Jacob for people to be counted as being among those who have a right to live in the Promised Land and are obligated to keep all of the Law of Truth.  For example, in America baby boys are routinely circumcised shortly after birth for medical reasons.  Yet this does not give them the right to live in the Promised Land nor obligate them to keep all of the Law of Truth because they were not circumcised to be identified with the descendants of Jacob.  Also the descendants of Ishmael circumcise their children when they turn thirteen years of age to identify them with Ishmael instead of Jacob (Genesis 17:24-26).  So they also do not have the right to live in the Promised Land nor are obligated to keep all of the Law of Truth.  So circumcision is not a cut above the rest when it is done for any reason other than to identify with the descendants of Jacob.

Someone may have told you that you need to be circumcised in the flesh to come into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1-5).  The Apostles of Truth taught no such thing (Acts 15:24).  Circumcision in the flesh has nothing to do with coming into the House of Truth (Galatians 5:4-6).  So if you are keeping The Weightier Matters of The Law then circumcision of the flesh does not really matter (1 Corinthians 7:19).

You come into the House of Truth when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-9).  All who come into the House of Truth do so because of what the Man of Truth has done regardless or whether or not they have been circumcised (Galatians 6:14-16).

Come into the House of Truth.

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