Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Subtle Influence

How did the US go from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage?

When the United States became a nation in 1787, homosexuality was a death penalty crime in all 13 states. (Thomas Jefferson had tried unsuccessfully to get the penalty reduced to castration when he was in the Virginia legislature in 1779.)

As the US continued to expand this remained to be the case in most states until about 1900 when some states started relaxing the penalties and enforcement of these laws.  This was most prevalent in states in the northeast US that had absorbed large amounts of immigrants from Europe.  Still until 1962 every state had sodomy laws on their books and most of them enforced them to deter homosexuality as they enforced other laws to deter murder and rape.
Then Illinois legalized homosexuality in 1962. (This was the same year that prayer was removed from public schools by the US Supreme Court).  The politics of Illinois were dominated by Chicago - which had been largely populated by these European immigrants.

When I joined the US Air Force in 1985, homosexuality was still a crime on par with murder, rape, adultery and treason according to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  For this reason I was told that it was a crime before I joined and had to sign a document stating that I was not a homosexual.  The reason for this warning was even though homosexuality was no longer a crime in about half of the states of the US there were the other states where it was still treated as a crime. For example, Alaska still gave offenders life in prison for committing this crime.

In 1986 all state laws against homosexuality were upheld by the Supreme Court as being constitutional.

In 1994, President Clinton issued his "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" executive order which forbid the US military from asking if people were homosexuals before they enlisted and allowed homosexuals to serve as long as they did not tell anyone that they were homosexuals.  This executive order was given as a way to bypass the law against homosexuality in the UCMJ which could only changed with the consent of Congress.  (He had managed to tick off enough voters in his first two years in office that the House of Representatives fell out of control of his party for the first time in fifty years. So there was no chance of getting the UCMJ changed.)

Over the next nine years, courts dominated by the descendants of these same European immigrants continued to strike down sodomy laws in some states while the legislatures (composed of people of a similar heritage) of other states removed these laws from their books.  Almost none of the states actually removed them by popular vote.

Still by 2003 there were 13 states (plus half of the state of Missouri) that had not removed homosexuality from being a crime in their books although the laws were rarely enforced by this time.  Then those laws were removed by the same process as it had been in most of the other states - by court order, in this case a US Supreme Court order arising from Lawrence vs Texas.

Then in 2009 Vermont became the first state to issue marriage licenses for same sex couples.

Then on September 20, 2011 the "don't ask, don't tell" policy was lifted since homosexuality was no longer a crime according to the UCMJ.

Currently (MAY 2014) gay marriage has been made legal in three states by popular vote, voted in by the legislatures of eight states and bans against gay marriage in eight states voted in by the people were overruled by the courts making a total of 19 states (plus the District of Columbia) that recognize gay marriage.  The other 31 states currently refuse to recognize gay marriage.  This a problem since these gay couples that are legally married in those 19 states will undoubtedly want to have their marriage still legally recognized if they move to one of the other 31 states.

There can really be only a few ways for this conflict to end.  The 19 states could repeal their laws and gay marriage not be recognized as legal anywhere in the US.  The other 31 states could repeal their laws and gay marriage be recognized as legal everywhere in the US.  The US government could pass a law making gay marriage legal or illegal in all states.  The US Supreme court could make a decision doing the same thing.  The US could split into two countries - one that recognizes gay marriage and one that does not. (This would probably lead to a second American Civil War.)  The last three options are the most likely to occur - perhaps in that order.

So this brings up a few questions about America.

Why did the founding fathers treat homosexuality as a death penalty crime?

Eleven of the original thirteen colonies were started by the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) who had left England to get away from a corrupt society that had turned against living in accordance with the Book of Truth (The Bible).  Between the founding of James Town in 1607 and the Declaration of Independence in 1776 people had moved from other places in Europe to the original thirteen colonies for usually the same reasons as those who had moved from England.  So by the time that the Revolutionary War began the thirteen colonies had been continually populated by people that held the Law of Truth (The Torah aka The Law) in high regard.  These colonies (later states) made homosexuality a death penalty crime because it was a death penalty crime in the Law of Truth (Leviticus 20:13).  They based their laws on the Law of Truth as the Father of Truth (Yahweh aka God) had commanded (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).

Why were laws that treated homosexuality as a crime called sodomy laws?

They were called sodomy laws because the Original Covenant (Tenakh aka The Old Testament) refers to homosexuals as sodomites so the act of homosexuality is called sodomy.  Sodom was the first city where homosexuality was accepted as normal behavior (Genesis 19:4-5).  For this reason homosexuals are referred to as sodomites (Deuteronomy 23:17).  Homosexuals are also referred to figuratively as dogs because of the similarity in appearance between dogs mating and certain homosexual sex acts (Deuteronomy 23:18).

What has driven America to take the completely opposite view of homosexuality today from the time of its founding fathers? 

This change in view has been a slow ongoing process that has taken more than a hundred years.  The wheels of progressing towards this view that directly contradicts that of the Book of Truth began turning when there were massive waves of immigration from Europe from the end of the 1800s through the early 1900s.  These later immigrants came to America for entirely different reasons than the immigrants that had trickled in from Europe for the almost three centuries prior to that.

Most Europeans had largely sought to disconnect themselves from the Father of Truth starting in France at the end of the 1700s.  This had lead to much bloodshed like the French Revolution and consequently to economic hardship.  So these immigrants sought to escape the consequences of rejecting laws based on the Law of Truth by coming to the US.  When they arrived they brought their disdain for the Law of Truth with them.  They seemed to have no concept that they had caused their own misery.

These were the very kind of people that had caused the original colonists to leave Europe in the first place. The Founding Fathers had left Europe to be separated from people like this because they did not want Europeans corrupting their descendants with European ideas that contracted the Book of Truth.  Their concern was not that of a sudden change in American values but a slow one over several generations through a subtle influence.  They developed a policy of minimal necessary contact between Americans and Europeans called isolationism.

Where did they get this idea that Europeans who rejected the Law of Truth could turn their descendants from basing the laws of America on the Law of Truth over time through a subtle influence?

The Book of Truth told of this very same thing happening to the Children of Israel.

The ancestors of the Children of Israel - Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob) had dwelt among the Canaanites before they were separated from them to live in another land (Joshua 24:3-4).  After many generations the Father of Truth brought them back to the land to destroy the Canaanites because they had accepted homosexuality as normal behavior (1 Kings 14:24).  Yet many generations later even the mainline religious professionals of the Children of Israel had accepted homosexuality as normal behavior (2 Kings 23:7).

How did the Children of Israel go from destroying these nations for being homosexuals to accepting homosexuality as normal?

They had disregarded the warning to not make deals with or to even to eat with these nations that accepted homosexuality as normal so that they would not abandon following the Father of Truth (Exodus 34:14-16).  They had intermarried with these nations that accepted homosexuality as normal so that these nations turned their hearts away from the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 7:3-4).  They had not destroyed these nations completely as the Father of Truth had commanded but instead allowed these nations, even though they were a minority, to exercise a subtle influence on them by living among them (Psalm 106:34-35).  It was a subtle influence that caused the Children of Israel to eventually call homosexuality good when the Law of Truth called it evil and to call the law demanding death for homosexuality evil when the Father of Truth called it good (Isaiah 5:20).

It was a subtle influence that these nations used to turn the Children of Israel completely against the Law of Truth.  It was the acceptance of homosexuality as normal that showed that the Children of Israel had turned completely against the Law of Truth. This acceptance of homosexuality as normal marks the point of no return for any nation. When a nation comes to this point it has completely rejected the Father of Truth.  Until then a nation might repent.

This is why the Father of Truth did not send the Children of Israel back to the land of Canaan to start destroying these nations until these nations had reached this point of no return (Genesis 15:16).  This point of no return was the end result of rejecting the Father of Truth completely (Romans 1:26-28).  Those whose minds were not influenced at all by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka the Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) could not help but hate the Law of Truth (Romans 8:6-7).

This point of no return was not reached by the Children of Israel at same time everywhere but started with just one city (Judges 19:22). This strategy of a subtle influence was like leaven - a little will spread through everything until everything was affected (Matthew 13:33).

It was for this reason that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) warned against tolerating any teaching that is contrary to the Law of Truth (Matthew 16:11-12).  He warned that a subtle influence from those who live contrary to the Law of Truth will lead to laws that are contrary to the Law of Truth (Mark 8:15).  In like manner Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul) warned that the Children of Truth must not tolerate anything that is contrary to what the Man of Truth taught (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  He warned that if they tolerate anything that is contrary to the Law of Truth then it would spread everywhere and affect everything over time through a subtle influence (Galatians 5:9).

Of course, this strategy of a subtle influence to turn the laws of America away from being in line with the Law of Truth comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil).  He used a subtle influence to bring mankind to rebel against the Father of Truth in the first place (Genesis 3:1-3).  He still uses a subtle influence to destroy people (John 10:10).  For this reason, the Children of Truth are warned to not make any space in their lives for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).

The Father of Lies has been using a subtle influence to keep the US from repenting so it will be destroyed as explained in The Death Of America.  He has even used a subtle influence to deceive many religious professionals to teach that the Man of Truth taught tolerance for the very things that he said were intolerable as explained in Taken Out Of Context.

So why has America not been destroyed by a subtle influence like the nations of the Children of Israel were?

The Father of Truth has not brought the full judgment on America that comes from this subtle influence yet because He would rather see America repent (2 Peter 3:9).  The Man of Truth has been giving America space to go back to basing its laws on the Law of Truth before bringing the full judgment that its actions deserve (Revelation 2:21).

The Good News is that America can still repent!  It starts with the Children of Truth treating those that have been deceived into homosexuality thorough a subtle influence in the same way that the Man of Truth would treat homosexuals as explained in Ellen DeGeneres.

Perhaps you have come to realize that you have been moved far from the Father of Truth slowly over time through a subtle influence by those who reject the Law of Truth.  The Good News is that you can still repent!  You can come into the House of Truth by putting the the Man of Truth in charge of every area of your life because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  His blood is sufficient to cleanse you from whatever you have done if you will come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Death of America

Is America doomed to be destroyed in the near future?

In 1992, shortly before the presidential elections in the United States, I had a dream that Bill Clinton became the next President of the United States.  After he won the election in this dream, he set off a series of events, that lead to the demise of the United States, many years later.  I have witnessed many of these events take place since that time, and I know, that if America continues down the path that it is going on, then America will soon be no more.  The death of America is near and certain without national repentance.

The death of America will leave behind several smaller and weaker countries in its place, that will never be able to enjoy the peace, prestige and wealth individually, that these states currently enjoy, while united into a single country.  These countries will not always cooperate with each other, and will eventually even engage each other in war.  These wars could prevent the largest exporter of wheat and corn in the world, from being able to send food to the many countries, that depend upon it to feed their populations.  The death of America could even lead to a world wide famine.

Those who live in other countries, who have been shouting "Death to America" for years, will suddenly find, that their world has been made considerably worse by the death of America.  Without an America, there will be no one rushing aid to them, when they are hit with the natural disasters, that will soon befall them.   Without an America, they will soon find, that no one is sending them food in their times of famine. Without an America, there will no longer be a massive outpouring of medical aid in times of plagues.  Without an America, the rate of innovation will slow down considerably.   Without an America, there will be no one to stop brutal dictators from placing them under bondage. Without an America, there will be a massive power vacuum, that less moderate parties will fill.  Those who have been shouting "Death to America" for years, will not like the end result ,when they finally get their wish.

Of course, that was only a dream I had.  It does not necessarily mean that it came from the Father of Truth (Yahweh aka God) - even if many of the events have happened since then.  We are not to base our faith on dreams.  If He really sent a dream by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) then its message will always agree with what He has already said.  The message of every dream like this must be compared to the Book of Truth (The Bible) to see if it really came from Him or not.  This is explained in greater detail in Dreams and Visions.

So what does the Book of Truth say about what I saw in this dream? Is America doomed to be destroyed?

In the long run, the country as a political entity is doomed but the various people groups who live in it are not. To understand, a brief overview of the structure of the US is in order.

The United States is basically an empire. 

It has fifty member states that act in some ways as separate countries that each have their own ruler (governor), their own councils (legislatures) and their own judges.  They are bound together by a common covenant (the constitution) and a common culture that values diversity.  They are all subject to the decrees issued by a supreme ruler (executive orders of the president), laws passed a supreme council (congress) and the judgements of a supreme court of judges. 

It also has a number of client states (territories, protectorates, etc.) that are also subject to the same decrees, laws and judgments as the member states with only the right to speak but not to decide.  It also greatly influences, sometimes almost controlling, a number of smaller independent nations through their dependency on it for food, military protection and economic welfare.   It has also sought to allow freedom of religion, speech, etc. over the entire area under its control and even in those other countries that it virtually rules by influence.  It has often gone to war to force other countries to adopt its values. 

So in short, the United States has many of the characteristics of other empires (who were also structured similarly and did similar things) in the Book of Truth including the Persian Empire (freedom of religion, diversity of cultures, etc.), the Greek Empire (democracy) and the Roman Empire (a republic with a Senate).

All of these empires came to an end and so will the United States. 

The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) will one day be the law of the entire Earth and Jerusalem will be the capital of the whole world (Isaiah 2:3).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua  HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will break up all empires and large countries into small countries that will be ruled by the Children of Truth (those who obey God because they love Him) (Revelation 2:26-27).  The Father of Truth is going to set up a single world-wide empire with the Man of Truth as the only supreme ruler (King of Kings) on Earth (Revelation 19:15-16).

Before the Man of Truth can destroy the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast aka The Man of Sin) to set up his kingdom, the kingdom of the Man of Lies must rise to become the most powerful nation on Earth (Revelation 13:1-4). 

Before that can happen, the United States must be removed from the position of being the most powerful nation on Earth to create a power vacuum.

So America is doomed to come to an end, be broken into smaller countries and exist only in the pages of history like the Roman, Greek and Persian empires.  The better question for those who are alive now is this:  Is America doomed to be destroyed in the near future?

To answer that question we must look at the country in the Book of Truth that is most similar to America in its original purposes and its relationship to the Father of Truth to see what happened to it.  That country is the ancient country of Israel (not the modern country of the same name occupied by descendants of the same people).

Most of the original thirteen colonies were founded by the Children of Truth to carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth as clearly spelled out in their founding documents and the monuments they erected so that their descendants would not forget this fact.  This was similar to the reasons that the people of Israel were brought into the Land of Israel.

The colonists were the children of Abraham by a supernatural birth just like the Children of Israel were the descendants of Abraham by a natural birth (Genesis 22:16-18).   Like the colonists, the descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Israel aka Yaqob) were given a land as part of His plan to bless all the Earth (Genesis 28:13-15).  Like the colonists were removed from being persecuted in England to go to a land that they had never seen also He removed the Children of Israel from being persecuted in Egypt to go to a land that they had never seen (Exodus 6:3-5).  He prospered both the Children of Israel and the original colonists so that His covenant could be established in the Earth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

For the sake of His covenants both groups grew into nations that expanded their borders and influence.

The territory of the thirteen colonies grew in size over the generations just like the thirteen tribes of Israel ( eleven whole tribes plus the two half-tribes that are often treated as two individual tribes) (Joshua 11:23).  Soon the original inhabitants of both areas became a minority (Joshua 17:13).   Both groups eventually became a nation united under a single ruler (1 Samuel 10:24-25).

The early Americans, like the ancient Israelites, based the law of the land on the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).   The borders of both nations expanded generation after generation until they went from sea to shining sea (Exodus 23:29-31).  They both became known as the most affluent and influential countries on Earth (1 Kings 10:23-24).

The Father of Truth brought about these expansions as long as they sought to fulfill His purposes.  He had entrusted the Law of Truth to the people of Israel because they were the physical family of the Man of Truth.  Similarly, He has empowered Americans to be more able to spread the Good News of the Man of Truth to those that had never heard it than any other people in history because so many of them belong to the spiritual family of the Man of Truth.

It would be great if the parallels between America and the ancient nation of Israel ended there but sadly they do not.  Just as there were many similarities in their beginnings and growth into a nation there are also many similarities to their treatment of the Father of Truth after He blessed them.

Most Americans now object to continuing to base their laws on the Law of Truth just as Israel eventually did despite being warned against so doing (Deuteronomy 8:11).  In similar fashion, they have forgotten that the Father of Truth is the one that delivered their ancestors from England and made their nation rich (Deuteronomy 8:12-14).  They do not consider it was by His favor that the United States has overcame so many obstacles that were insurmountable (Deuteronomy 8:15-16).  Like the ancient nation of Israel, Americans have come to believe that they have accomplished everything by their own strength (Deuteronomy 8:17).

Like ancient Israel, America has turned from the Father of Truth because the political and religious leaders have sought to fulfill their own desire for bigger, better, new things instead taking care of the needs of the people (Ezekiel 34:2).  Like ancient Israel, America has told the Father of Truth to get out of their schools (Hosea 4:1).  America has also decided that His commandments have no place in their courts (Nehemiah 9:26).

Just as ancient Israel left the Father of Truth to follow idols so has America left Him to follow an idol (Isaiah 2:8).  The American idol is not an image made of wood or stone like the idols that drew ancient Israel away but rather is made of green paper with images of the founding fathers on it (Colossians 3:5).  This idolatry of money is more thoroughly explained in Bigger, Better, Newer.

Since America has chosen to put its trust in this idol instead of trusting in the Father of Truth, as stamped on its coins, it has followed the same path as ancient Israel.  All sexual restraint was thrown off and sex outside of marriage between a man and woman became accepted as normal (Ezekiel 16:29).  Prostitution became accepted and legal in many places (Ezekiel 23:35).  Even divorce has became accepted as normal (Malachi 2:14-16).

In like manner, becoming drunk has became a source of pride instead of shame in America just as it happened in ancient Israel (Isaiah 28:7-8).  Many Americans also became involved with the occult, including the use of hallucinogenic drugs, just like ancient Israel (Micah 5:12).

This manner of living has predictably lead to unwanted pregnancies.  Americans have made murder in the womb of these children who came from their rebellion against the Law of Truth both legal and acceptable just like ancient Israel murdered their children that came from their rebellion against the Law of Truth (Psalm 106:37-39).

Ancient Israel did all these things and suffered many of the same judgments before it was finally destroyed that are similar to the judgments that America has suffered over its history.  America has suffered great economic hardships like the Great Depression, similar to ancient Israel (2 Kings 12:18).  America has suffered a division between north and south that has never completely healed just like ancient Israel (1 Kings 12:20-24).  America has suffered devastating droughts that lead to food shortages, like the dust bowl, similar to ancient Israel (1 Kings 18:1-2).  America has suffered great plagues like the Spanish flu, polio and Aids, similar to ancient Israel (1 Chronicles 21:14).  America has lost many people in war, particularly the Civil War, just like ancient Israel (2 Chronicles 13:16-18).

America has responded at times with repentance to these judgements just like ancient Israel (2 Chronicles 34:33).  However, just as ancient Israel reached a point where it would not repent so also is America close to that same point.  Despite the cycles of the idolatry, fornication, drunkenness, even murder in the womb, America has experienced great revivals of repentance like the First and Second Great Awakenings similar to Israel.  However, the time will come, like it did for ancient Israel, when the Father of Truth will be weary of calling them to repentance because America will no longer repent (Jeremiah 15:5-7).

America has had times of turning from His commandments in the past that has brought on warning judgments that lead to more serious judgments such as the Civil War, and the Great Depression that finally brought America to repent of its sins.  Yet it has not responded in such a manner to any of the warning judgments that have fallen upon it since 1992.  Weather judgments like the three times that Moore, OK has been devastated by tornadoes as part of record tornadoes and tornado outbreaks, wild fires, record droughts in some areas while other areas had record floods, hurricanes like Katrina, Rita and Sandy along with other natural disasters.  There have also been unprecedented judgments of terror on American soil like the Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks on September 11, 2001 (9-11).  America is suffering the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression.  Yet America has only became more wicked after each judgment.  America seems to be unwilling to respond to any judgment by repenting of its wickedness. 

If America continues to go down the same path as ancient Israel then it is going to reach the same destination.  America will be destroyed as surely as ancient Israel was destroyed for doing what the Canaanites did that caused the Father of Truth to send in Israel to destroy them (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).  The Father of Truth warned Israel against accepting homosexuality as normal which is the current trend in America (Deuteronomy 23:17).   The one thing that the Canaanites did that brought His wrath more than anything else was the acceptance of homosexuality as normal as many in America desire (1 Kings 14:24).  King Asa was declared righteous by the Father of Truth for not tolerating what the Father of Truth had called intolerable just as the original colonists would not tolerate homosexuality (1 Kings 15:11-12).  His son was also called righteous for continuing to treat homosexuality as a crime just like homosexuality was a crime in every state of the US until fairly recent times (1 Kings 22:43-46).  Josiah, the last king to be called righteous, was spoke of as being the most righteous of all the kings for not tolerating any homosexuals to live in his country contrary to what many Americans today think as being righteous (2 Kings 23:7).  The destruction of Israel came when it chose to be like Sodom instead of being like Him and it will be no different with America (Ezekiel 16:48-50).

How did America go from homosexuality being a crime, even a death penalty crime in some colonies, to being accepted as normal?

It was Bill Clinton that set in motion the acceptance of homosexuality as normal after he became president with his "don't ask, don't tell" policy just as I saw in my dream.  This came true just as I saw in my dream but the death of America was only insured in my dream if America refused to repent.  If America does not repent, at the very least it will be broken into smaller countries just like ancient Israel was broken into Israel and Judah.  Those smaller countries will go to war with each other at various times just like Israel and Judah went to war with each other at various time.  If they still refuse to repent, then they will be destroyed by a foreign army just like Israel and Judah were eventually destroyed.

Is what happened to ancient Israel any indicator of what will happen to America?

Everything that has happened to ancient Israel is meant to be an example of how the Father of Truth will treat everyone who does the same things so that we might repent instead of being destroyed (1 Corinthians 10:11).  The Father of Truth does not want America to perish but to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  The Man of Truth is giving America space to repent of its fornication and idolatry just like he did for the Prophetess of Lies called Jezebel (Revelation 2:20-22).  If America does not take advantage of this generous offer then the Man of Truth will bring swift judgment upon it and its children just as he did with that woman (Revelation 2:23).

So Americans must choose between rejecting His Law, even to the point of accepting as normal what the Father of Truth calls wicked, and the welfare of their own children.

You cannot choose for everyone but you can choose for yourself.  If you will come into the House of Truth then the Father of Truth will protect you from destruction during the death of America just as he did for the Children of Truth in ancient Israel (Isaiah 3:10).  You can come into the House of Truth by surrendering all of your rights to the Man of Truth now because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  If you will come into the House of Truth then the death of America will not mean the death of you (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Taken Out Of Context

What is the most misunderstood phrase in the Book of Truth (The Bible)?

Once there was a man who liked to help the police stop crimes.  He would watch people to look for unusual behavior.  He would then investigate to see if there was any indication of criminal activity that was causing this behavior.  Several times he had discovered significant evidence and had called his friend who was a detective at the police department.  His tips had lead to several arrests and sometimes even prevented a serious crime from being committed.

This man had a neighbor whom he did not really know.  He knew the name of his neighbor and some things like that but he never really spent any time with his neighbor.  They never did anything together so that the man might know the character of his neighbor.  The man did his thing and his neighbor did likewise.  It was safe to say that he had a very casual and superficial relationship with his neighbor.

After a while the man noticed that his neighbor would leave his house by foot every Tuesday evening and be gone for a few hours.  When his neighbor returned sometimes he was very happy and other times rather glum.  This made the man curious about what was going on.  So one Tuesday he decided to secretly follow his neighbor to try to learn what he kept doing every Tuesday night.

The man followed his neighbor into the industrial part of town.  His neighbor went into the darkened building that looked like a warehouse then used a chain and lock to secure the door behind him.  The man quietly crept up to the door to find see if he could see or hear anything that might give him a hint of what was going on.

The door was slightly cracked a few inches so the man could make that out his neighbor and some other men, some in ordinary clothes and some wearing business suits, were gathered around something like a table.  He heard his neighbor say "The die is cast" and then he heard a faint rattling sound.  Then his neighbor handed something to one of the other men and said "I'm betting on this".  The other man stepped slightly out of sight and then there was a spinning sound.  The other men all began stirring excitedly.  Finally his neighbor exclaimed with great delight, "It looks like I got finally got lucky."  Then one of the men in a business suit said, "Your gamble paid off and you are going to be rich."

The man suddenly believed that he understood what was going on. It all fit together: the mysterious trips every Tuesday, the change in moods after the trips, the comment about the die being cast, the spinning sound like that of a roulette wheel, the neighbor finally getting lucky and becoming rich because his gamble had paid off.  He had obviously stumbled upon an underground casino!  His neighbor had been gambling every Tuesday which was totally illegal in the state they lived in.  The men in the business suits were probably gangsters.  The other men were probably fellow gamblers.  The man slipped away as quietly as he could and called his friend at the police station.  His friend listened to his story and then said that the police would move immediately to catch them in the act before any of them could escape.

About an hour later, his friend called him back and asked him to meet him at a local diner.  When the man arrived his friend said that he had to show him something.  They got in the car and his friend drove him to the warehouse.  His friend told him that the police had acted immediately on his tip and had caught the entire group in their secret business.  He wanted to show his friend exactly what that secret business was.

When they arrived and went into the warehouse the man could hardly believe his eyes.  There on the table that everyone had been gathered around was a mold for making an object out of metal.  His friend explained what had really happened.

His neighbor had been working on a secret invention with some of his friends.  They would each work on a piece of the invention during the week and then meet every Tuesday night to collaborate together.  Sometimes things went well and sometimes they did not go well so the mood of his neighbor was effected accordingly.  When his neighbor said that the die had been cast he was referring to the metal die that had been recently cast into the last missing piece of his invention.  One of his friends got excited and accidentally dropped a hex nut on the table which made the rattling sound. His neighbor was betting that the new piece would solve the last remaining issue with the invention.  When they tried out his invention with the new piece attached it finally worked and produced the spinning sound that he had heard.  This caused his neighbor to make the comment about finally getting lucky.  The men in business suits were investors to help with the mass production of his invention and one of them said that his neighbor was going to rich due the risk he had taken to create his invention.

You see there were reasons for the man coming to the wrong conclusion.  He did not really know his neighbor. He had preconceived notions about the motives of his neighbor. He did not have all of the facts because he was outside of the warehouse looking in.  So it was inevitable that he came to the wrong conclusion.

Even though what he had heard and seen could have meant that there was an illegal gambling operation going on it proved to not be the case.  The statements he heard when taken out of context had lead him to believe something about his neighbor that were completely false.  The text of the words taken out of context lead to a pretext that was complete nonsense.

The real problem is that this man is hardly unique.  Every day millions of Americans and others do the exact same thing.

They have heard that the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) said "Judge not, that you be not judged" without considering the context in which these words were spoken.  They have concluded that no one is to ever judge anything that anyone else is doing as ever being wrong nor are they to judge that anyone is ever good or bad based on their actions.

They will use this to say that the Man of Truth was teaching that no none should ever say that anyone else is doing something wrong when they do things like men having sex with women that they are not married to, men having sex with other men, getting drunk, taking hallucinogenic drugs and the like.  They use this to say that the Man of Truth was teaching that no one that does these things are not in anyway evil.

Is this what the Man of Truth really meant?  If so, then he was also teaching that no none should ever say that anyone else is doing something wrong when they do things like murdering people, gang raping women, kidnapping children, spraying a mist containing anthrax in a crowded subway car, torturing innocent babies and the like.  The Man of Truth would also be saying that people like Hitler, Stalin, Jeffery Dahmer, and Osama bin Laden were not in anyway evil.  After all, if that is what he meant then who are we to judge?

"Judge not, that you be not judged" is the most misunderstood phrase in the entire Book of Truth.  It has been used to justify anything that people can imagine to do as right and to say that nothing that people can do is ever evil.  In fact, taken out of context, "Judge not, that you be not judged" could mean that there is no moral standard of any sort that the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka THE LORD) will hold anyone to.  There would be no basis for Him to judge anyone.  In fact, taken out of context, "Judge not, that you be not judged" could be  mean that the Ten Commandments and everything else in the Law of Truth (The Torah aka The Law) was not valid.  Is this really what the Man of Truth was teaching when he said "Judge not, that you be not judged"?

The only way to understand what the Man of Truth was teaching when he said  "Judge not lest you be judged" is to examine it in the context of when it was spoken.  We are now going to look at the passages where he said "Judge not that you be not judged" to see what it means in context.  We will be able to understand what he was teaching when "Judge not lest you be judged" is no longer taken out of context.

So what is the context of "Judge not, that you be not judged"?

The best place to start is by looking at where the phrase occurs in the Book of Truth and see what was the circumstances when the Man of Truth spoke this phrase.  This exact phrase occurs in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 7:1).  It was part of a long teaching on how the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) are to live that starts when he calls those who want to learn how to follow him to come up on the mount to learn (Matthew 5:1-2).  That teaching continued until he left the mount (Matthew 8:1).  This long teaching is commonly called "The Sermon on the Mount".

So we will now examine the Sermon on the Mount to see whether or not it supports the idea that no one is to ever judge anything that anyone else is doing as ever being wrong nor are they to judge that anyone is ever good or bad based on their actions.

The Man of Truth started the Sermon on the Mount by saying that it is those that humble themselves before His Father that will be part of His Kingdom (Matthew 5:2-5).  He said that those that desire to do what is right and show mercy to others will be brought in by the mercy of His Father (Matthew 5:6-7).  He said that only the pure heart that seek to be at peace with others are who will see His Father and be called His Children (Matthew 5:8-9).  He said that those who are persecuted for doing what is right are who the Kingdom of His Father belongs to (Matthew 5:10).  He said that they are blessed because they are rejected by others for the same reasons as the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 5:11-12).  He said that like the Prophets of Truth they are to let the world know what is right and wrong (Matthew 5:13-16).  He said that he came to show people how to do what the Law of Truth defines as right and wrong (Matthew 5:17-19).

The Man of Truth said to that putting on a religious show is not enough to enter the Kingdom of His Father (Matthew 5:20).  He then explained how to fulfill many of the commandments of the Law of Truth as His Father intended (Matthew 5:21-37).

The Man of Truth explained how to fulfill the commandment to not seek revenge on those who wrong us (Matthew 5:38-39).  He explained that instead of taking revenge we are to give them what they need need including them love loans as commanded in the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:40-42).  He explained that loving people as commanded in the Law of Truth is more than just loving those that love us (Matthew 5:43-49).   He explained how to fulfill the commandments to give to the poor (Matthew 6:1-4).  He explained how to pray in a way that shows that we do not despise those commandments but rather have faith in His Father who gave them (Matthew 6:5-13).  He explained the absolute necessity of forgiving others for harming us when they transgressed those commandments if we want the Father of Truth to forgive us for transgressing those same commandments (Matthew 6:14-15).  He explained how to fast as His Father desires (Matthew 6:16-18).  He then explained that if we take care of the needs of others as commanded in the Law of Truth then His Father will take care of our needs (Matthew 6:19-34).

It was in the context of this giving to take care of others that the Man of Truth said that we are not judge rather or not they deserve our help when they ask because we do not want the Father of Truth to judge whether or not we deserve His help when we ask (Matthew 7:1-2).  He said we cannot help people with the lessor matters of the Law of Truth until we have taken care of these weightier matters (Matthew 7:3-5).  He said to be careful to not give help to people that enables them to do what is contrary to the Law of Truth (Matthew 7:6).  The Man of Truth said that His Father will give those who do obey these commandments in the way that he instructed whatever they ask Him for (Matthew 7:7-11).  He said that taking care of others as we would want them to take care of us fulfills the Law of Truth as the Prophets of Truth warned Israel to do (Matthew 7:12).

The Man of Truth went on to warn that the way of life that comes from obeying these commandments was a narrow path that few will find (Matthew 7:13-14).  He warned of the Prophets of Lies who are religious professionals that seek to destroy people by getting them off of that path (Matthew 7:15).  He said that we can tell the Prophets of Lies from the Prophets of Truth by whether or not they are doing what is commanded in the Law of Truth (Matthew 7:16-20).

The Man of Truth even said that even people who may have at one time been used by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in a spectacular way still do not know His Father and will not enter His Kingdom if they did not do the will of His Father by keeping these commandments (Matthew 7:21-23).  He finished the Sermon on the Mount by saying that it was absolutely foolish to hear his teaching on how to keep these commandments of the Law of Truth and not put that teaching into practice (Matthew 7:24-28).

There is also another place in the Book of Truth with very similar phrasing, "Judge not and ye shall not be judged".  This exact phrase occurs in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 6:37).  It was part of a much shorter teaching than the Sermon on the Mount about on how the Children of Truth are to live that starts when people seek out the Man of Truth to healed by him after he arrived on the plain (Luke 6:17-19).  That teaching continued until he went to Capernaum (Kfar Nahum) (Luke 7:1).  This long teaching is commonly called "The Sermon on the Plain".

The Man of Truth taught many of the same things in this sermon that he taught in the Sermon on the Mount.  The Man of Truth started the Sermon on the Plain by saying it is those that suffer in this world who are blessed (Luke 6:20-21).  He said that they are blessed because they suffer for the same reasons as the Prophets of Truth (Luke 6:22-23).  He said it is those that are doing well in this world who are cursed (Luke 6:24-25).   He said they are cursed because they are doing well for the same reasons as the Prophets of Lies (Luke 6:26).

The Man of Truth explained how to fulfill the commandment to not seek revenge on those who wrong us (Luke 6:27-28).  He explained that instead of taking revenge we are to give them what they need need including love loans as commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 6:29-30).  He said He said that taking care of others as we would want them to take care of us fulfills the Law of Truth (Luke 6:31).  He explained that loving people as commanded in the Law of Truth is more than just loving those that love us (Luke 6:32-34).  He explained that showing love to even those who mistreat us by giving love loans when they need them as commanded in the Law of Truth shows that we are merciful like His Father (Luke 6:35-36).

It was in the context of this giving to take care of others that the Man of Truth said that we are not judge rather or not they deserve our help when they ask because we do not want the Father of Truth to judge whether or not we deserve His help when we ask (Luke 6:37).  The Man of Truth said that His Father will cause other people to give to us when we obey these commandments in the way that he instructed as generously as we gave to others (Luke 6:38).

The Man of Truth said that we are blind and unable to show anyone how to live until we learn to obey these commandments (Luke 6:39-40).  He said we cannot help people with the lessor matters of the Law of Truth until we have taken care of these weightier matters (Luke 6:41-42).  He said that we can tell the Children of Lies from the Children of Truth by whether or not they are doing what is commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 6:43-45).  He finished the Sermon on the Plain by saying that it was absolutely foolish to hear his teaching on how to keep these commandments of the Law of Truth and not put that teaching into practice (Luke 6:46-49).

So we have seen that both "Judge not, that you be not judged" and "Judge not and ye shall not be judged" are both references to giving love loans to those that ask for them when take in the context of the sermons where they appear.  They are both about showing love to other people without judging their worthiness by giving them love loans to meet their needs as explained in The Love Loan.

In fact we have shown the sermons that contain these phrase themselves say that we are to tell others to do what is right and to warn them against doing what is wrong.  These sermons say that the Law of Truth is what the Father of Truth has given us to tell what is right and what is wrong.  These sermons say that those who do what is right in the Law of Truth are righteous and those that do what is wrong in the Law of Truth are evil.  The only way to get the idea that the Man of Truth told us to not judge any action or person as evil is by these phrases being taken out of context.

Why do people take these phrases out of context?  Why do they tell other people something that is simply not true about the Man of Truth?  They are just like the man that thought the wrong thing about his neighbor.

They do not really know the Man of Truth.  They have preconceived notions about his motives.  They do not have all of the facts because they are outside of the House of Truth looking in.  So it is inevitable that they will come to the wrong conclusion.

Even though what they have heard could have meant that no one was to ever judge any action or person as evil it has been proven to not be the case.  The statements they heard when taken out of context have lead them to believe something about the Man of Truth that is completely false.  They have taken the text of his words out of context which lead them to a pretext that is complete nonsense.

These phrases are taken of context to somehow make the Man of Truth teach something completely different in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) than what His Father taught in the Law of Truth.  It is not hard to see that this a lie.

The Man of Truth and His Father are one (John 10:30).  The Renewed Covenant still defines sin as transgressing the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).

There is no difference between what is right and wrong in the Law of Truth and the Renewed Covenant. For instance, the Law of Truth says homosexuality is evil and those that do these things will suffer death (Leviticus 20:13).  The Renewed Covenant says the exact same thing (1 Corinthians 6:9).

These phrases are taken out of context due to an evil desire to change the definition of right and wrong instead of repenting of sin (Isaiah 5:20).  Those that choose to believe and spread this lie instead of repenting will never enter into the Kingdom of the Man of Truth (Revelation 22:14-16).

The Man of Truth came to call people to repent of doing what His Father called evil - not to call good that which His Father had called evil (Luke 5:32).  He said that the Children of Truth were to also preach repentance so that others could come into the House of Truth (Luke 24:45-47).  Only those that repent of their sins will come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19). 

What about you?  Perhaps you have taken these phrases out of context out of ignorance and are wondering what to do now.  Now that you are not longer ignorant then you know that the Father of Truth commands you to repent and to come into the House of Truth (Acts 17:30). Instead of rebelling against Him based on these phrases taken out of context you can come into the House of Truth through repentance from these evil actions that lead to death (Hebrews 6:1).  The Father of Truth is calling you to repentance because He does not wish for any to perish but for all to come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:9).

Those that come into the House of Truth will lose all interest in doing what the Law of Truth calls evil (Romans 6:2).  Instead of basing your faith on a lie that arose from these phrases being taken out of context you can come into the House of Truth and be freed from your sin (Romans 6:22).  You come into the House of Truth by surrendering to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Love Loan

Why did Microsoft give a huge loan to save Apple from bankruptcy in 1997?

In 1997, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy.  It was rescued from oblivion from the most unlikely of sources: Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft, the company that had bankrupted it. 

Bill invested 150 million dollars in Apple with the understanding that he would withdraw his investment whenever Apple was back on it feet.  If Apple did not recover, then he would be out of his money with no chance of recovery. 

So analysts for business journals likened this rescue investment to Bill Gates making a 150 million dollar loan to Steve Jobs with these conditions: no interest and pay me back whenever. A loan with these conditions is a love loan.

These analysts found the love loan to be strange.  Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a long history of being competitors.  Steve Jobs was especially known for making particularly caustic remarks about Bill Gates and Microsoft.  Yet these two would also meet together and joke with each other like they were in some sort of club for giant software company CEOs.  It was as if the only ones who they could talk to about being such a CEO was each other.  The analysts even coined the phrase "frienemy" to describe the relationship and initially speculated that this might be cause of the love loan.

However, this was not exactly a love loan as it first appeared on the surface. 

Apple did have to drop its patent infringement lawsuits to secure the loan.  This was not as big as a deal as some might have imagined.  Apple probably would have lost most of its cases in court anyways since most of the technology in question had actually been invented as part of a government project at SPARC (San Palo Advanced Research Center) years earlier and technically belonged to the US government. 

For any court cases which Apple might have won Microsoft would have appealed and dragged it out in courts for years before paying a dime.  Microsoft had time on its side while Apple was quickly running out time. 

Still these lawsuits were a legal thorn in the side of Microsoft that Bill Gates was glad to have removed.

Also Microsoft was being threatened by anti-trust actions in the EU (European Union) and needed Apple to remain in the market so that it could argue that people had a viable alternative to Windows.  So Bill was using what some might interpret as love loan as a means to end the two biggest legal headaches that Microsoft was facing at the time.

So where did the idea of a love loan come from? Like many most things in life the answer can be found in the Book of Truth (The Bible).

The love loan began with the Law of Truth (The Torah aka The Law).  The Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) are not to charge interest to each other when they make a loan to each other (Exodus 22:25).  They are to give these interest free loans so that the poor among them can continue to live among them instead of among the Children of Lies (Leviticus 25:35-37).  They are not to charge interest to the poor among them as if the poor are no longer part of His family (Deuteronomy 23:19-20).

These love loans are to be as large as the poor among them need (Deuteronomy 15:7-8).  The Children of Truth are not to withhold lending to the poor because the poor will never cease to exist from among them (Deuteronomy 15:10-11).

These love loans were to be cancelled in the year of release that occurred every seventh year of the Jubilee cycle (Deuteronomy 15:1-3).  These loans are to be given to whoever asks even if the year of release is near and they are certain to not be repaid (Deuteronomy 15:9).

This does not mean that those that take these loans are not to do all they can to repay them.  The Children of Truth do all they can to repay a loan because it is evil to do anything less (Psalm 37:21).

The borrower is to give a pledge to the lender that will be returned to them when they repay the loan - usually something they value like the clothes in their closet as long there are enough clothes left to keep them clothed (Exodus 22:25-27).  The lender cannot take their means of production as a pledge (Deuteronomy 24:6).  The lender is not to embarrass the borrower by going into their house to get the pledge but is to wait outside for the borrower to bring the pledge to them (Deuteronomy 24:10-11).  The clothes are to be returned to the borrower at the end of the day if they needs more clothes to keep them clothed (Deuteronomy 24:12-13).  The borrower cannot take the clothes of the truly needy like the widow as a pledge in any case because the borrower needs to remember how the Father of Truth has delivered them from bondage (Deuteronomy 24:17-18).

They are to sell their land to those that gave the loan to repay it if necessary.  This sale is to be based on the fifty year Jubilee cycle when everyone is to be given back their land in the fiftieth year and to end their servitude to repay their loans (Leviticus 25:8-10).  The value of the land is based on how many years are left in the Jubilee cycle (Leviticus 25:14-16).  Their land can be redeemed from the lender if someone will pay off the remaining portion of the loan (Leviticus 25:25-26).  The remaining portion of the loan is based on the percentage of years left in the fifty year Jubilee cycle from the year that they originally sold the land (Leviticus 25:27).  They are to be given back their land in the year of Jubilee because these borrowers are still part of His family (Leviticus 25:28).

They are to sell themselves as servants to the lender if necessary to repay the loan.

They are to work for the lender no longer than the year of Jubilee because they are still part of His family (Leviticus 25:39-43).  The Children of Truth are to even sell themselves as servants to those that live among the Children of Truth to repay the loan (Leviticus 25:47).  They can be redeemed from that lender if someone will pay off the remaining portion of the loan (Leviticus 25:48-49).  The remaining portion of the loan is based on the percentage of years left in the fifty year Jubilee cycle from the year that they originally sold themselves (Leviticus 25:50-52).  They are to be released from working as the hired servant of the lender in the year of Jubilee because these borrowers are still part of His family (Leviticus 25:53-55).

If the poor among the Children of Truth sell themselves as a servant to one of the Children of Truth to repay the loan then they are to serve that lender for only six years (Deuteronomy 15:12).  The lender is to give the borrower that was set free everything they need to get a fresh start in life because that is what the Father of Truth did for them (Deuteronomy 15:13-15).  The borrower can choose to become part of the household of the lender forever instead of leaving if they wish (Deuteronomy 15:16-17).  The Children of Truth are to release each other in the seventh year because the Father of Truth has blessed them (Deuteronomy 15:18).

This system of the love loan always guarantees that the poor would be relieved from hard times with interest free loans that they are able to repay, that the lender would benefit from making the loan and that people will always eventually get out of debt.  After all, the borrower is working for the lender as long as they are in debt (Proverbs 22:7).

However, not everyone among the nation of Israel were the Children of Truth so the nation of Israel did not provide love loans as the Father of Truth instructed and suffered for it.

The Children of Truth like Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) the Prophet of Truth did not suffer the judgment of the Father of Truth for charging interest when they loaned money to those among the nation of Israel (Jeremiah 15:9-11).  The Children of Truth were those who provided love loans (Ezekiel 18:5-9).  The Children of Lies were those who did not provide love loans (Ezekiel 18:10-13).  One of the ways that the Children of Truth were distinguished from the Children of Lies was by providing love loans (Ezekiel 18:14-17). The Children of Lies that oppressed others in this way perished under His judgment (Ezekiel 18:18).  The Children of Lies did not provide love loans because they had forgotten the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 22:12). Yet the Father of Truth would have rather had the Children of Lies return to providing love loans than to die for not doing so (Ezekiel 33:14-16).

Right after the nation of Israel suffered and was brought back to their own land some of them again left off providing love loans (Nehemiah 5:5-8).  They were rebuke for failing to provide love loans (Nehemiah 5:9-10).  They immediately repented because they did not want to be under His judgment for not providing love loans (Nehemiah 5:12-13).  It was providing love loans that proved that they were the Children of Truth (Nehemiah 10:28-31).

The Renewed Covenant also says that people are to provide love loans.  This should be no surprise since the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) came to demonstrate how to fulfill the Law of Truth instead of removing it (Matthew 5:17-18).

The Man of Truth said to make love loans to anyone that asks for one just like the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:42).  The Man of Truth said that the poor will always be around just like the Law of Truth (Matthew 26:11).  The Man of Truth said that there would always be opportunities to take care of the poor among the Children of Truth just like the Law of Truth (Mark 14:7).  The Man of Truth did not invent love loans but only expounded upon what had already been written in the Law of Truth and the rest of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).

The Man of Truth also said to make love loans to anyone that asks for one (Matthew 5:42). He said that if we want to forgiven our sins then we must forgive those that do not pay back our love loans (Matthew 6:12). He said that by doing so then we lay up our treasure in Heaven instead of on Earth (Matthew 6:19-21).  He said that making love loans shows that we serve the Father of Truth instead of the idolatry of endlessly pursing bigger, better, newer stuff (Matthew 6:24).  He said to not be afraid to make love loans because the Father of Truth will take care of us as surely as He takes care of the birds and the grass (Matthew 6:25-31).  He said if we pursue the purposes of His Father like this then His Father will give us everything we need when we need it (Matthew 6:32-34).  He said since that is the case then we should be generous when we make love loans instead of judging if people are worthy to be given one so that the Father of Truth will be generous with us instead of judging us for our sins (Matthew 7:1-2).

The Man of Truth said that if we do not forgive people the little debt that they are unable to repay then the Father of Truth will forgive the great debt that we are unable to repay (Matthew 18:23-35). 

The Man of Truth said to give to anyone that asks because that is how we would want to be treated if we were in need (Luke 6:30-31).  He said to even make love loans to the Children of Lies to demonstrate a love that goes beyond mere human ability (Luke 6:32-34).  He said the Children of Truth are those that demonstrate such mercy with love loans so the Children of Lies can understand the mercy of His Father (Luke 6:35-36).  He said the Children of Truth are to make such love loans without judging whether or not those that ask are worthy so they will not be judged unworthy, without condemning those who deserve trouble from their actions so that they will not be condemned with the trouble that they deserve for their actions and to forgive those that do not pay back their love loans so that they will be forgiven of the debt of their sins (Luke 6:37).  He said that when we generously make love loans to take care of the needs of others then His Father will cause other people to generously give us things to take care of our needs (Luke 6:38).

So the Children of Truth can give and repay love loans because they know that those who do so will dwell with the Father of Truth forever (Psalm 15).  They can give love loans because they know that the Children of Truth are never forsaken and their children will never go hungry (Psalm 37:25-26).  They can give love loans because their trust is in Him (Psalm 112:5-7).  They can give love loans because they know that He will repay them (Proverbs 19:16-17).  They can give love loans because they know that He will not hear the prayers of those that do not obey His commands (Proverbs 28:7-9).

Just as people can make a loan of money so can they make a love loan of their children.  This is what Hannah did with Samuel and the Father of Truth repaid her for it with more children (1 Samuel 2:19-21).  In the same way the Father of Truth made the ultimate love loan when He loaned this world His Son so people could come into the House of Truth (John 3:16-18).  He too is repaid with more children whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (Romans 8:29).  You repay His kindness by coming into the House of Truth when you surrender your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Giving To Get

What doe the Bible actually say about prosperity?

In the 1970s a new movement among church goers grew out of the Healing Revivals of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s that is commonly called "the Word of Faith" movement.  The religious professionals who lead the Word of Faith movement are for the most part non-denominational and independent of each other.

There is no governing body or umbrella organization for these religious professionals to answer to.  These religious professionals say that they get their authority from the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka THE LORD) and do not need to answer to anyone else.  This means that there is no one to hinder them from leading others into what He has told them to do but it also means that there is no one to rein them in if they should be wrong about anything either.  So this model is wonderful when they are right about something but is terrible when they are wrong about anything.

One of the main things they teach is that the Father of Truth wants all of His children to prosper.  Now in all fairness, they do not all agree on exactly what prospering means.  On one extreme some teach that the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) prospering means that they should have more material wealth than any of the Children of Lies so that they are ruling over them.  On the other extreme some teach that prospering means the Children of Truth having just what is needed to accomplish His will for their lives.  There are also many definitions of prosperity that fall between these two extremes.  This teaching, in all of its forms, is called "Prosperity Theology".

Many of the Word of Faith churches teaching Prosperity Theology grew into mega-churches that had most of largest congregations in the US by the end of the 1990s. (Whose leaders sometimes ended up with proportionally large paychecks, but NOT ALWAYS as some of them have maintained a modest paycheck regardless of the size of their congregation.) This soon lead to many pastors in denominational churches to likewise begin to teaching some flavor of Prosperity Theology as well.  Some of those congregations also grew into mega-churches.  Even some of the religious professionals in the False Church of Rome started teaching Prosperity Theology and grew their congregations into mega-churches.  So now, you can find someone teaching some form of Prosperity Theology from just about any organization that claims to be teaching people how to follow the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

At the heart of Prosperity Theology is a core idea that if you give to religious organizations who pay the paycheck of the religious professionals who carry out the ministry of the Gospel as well as take care of the needs of the poor then the Father of Truth will prosper you.  This idea of giving to Him so you can get things from Him could be summarized as "giving to get".

What does the Book of Truth teach about prosperity?  The best way to answer this question is by examining the different ideas that make up Prosperity Theology one at a time to clearly see the answer to that question.

The first thing to consider is the claim by some of those who teach Prosperity Theology (but certainly not all) that they get things directly from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and therefore no one should dare question anything that they are teaching.

Does the Spirit of Truth speak to people with messages for other people to hear?

The Spirit of Truth does give messages directly from the Man of Truth to the Children of Truth (John 16:13-15).  It is normal for some of the Children of Truth to speak those messages when they are assembled together so that others may benefit as well (1 Corinthians 14:3-5).  Those who are in touch with the Spirit of Truth acknowledge that this is the commandment of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:36-37).  So the Children of Truth are to desire to be used like this in an orderly fashion (1 Corinthians 14:39-40).  So no one is to quench the Spirit of Truth by stopping people, especially those who have been called to preach, from giving these messages to the Children of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20).

Are we to accept every message that people give in a meeting as being from from the Spirit of Truth?

NO! We are to test every message and only heed those that are good so that we can void all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). We are not to believe every message that someone says is from the Spirit of Truth because they might actually be a Minister of Lies (1 John 4:1).

Should we not believe a message that comes from someone who has demonstrated by the power of the Spirit of Truth that they are a Minister of Truth?

Consider Balaam.  He was a real Prophet of Truth who only spoke the Word of Truth (Numbers 22:38).  The Father of Truth put His Word in his mouth (Numbers 23:5).  He saw visions that were given to him by the Spirit of Truth (Numbers 24:2-4).  He even prophesied that the Man of Truth would rule over Israel and avenge her against her enemies in the future (Numbers 24:15-19).  Yet he left off teaching sound doctrine in order to get unjust gain (2 Peter 2:15-16).  He went into error because he desired money more than truth (Jude 1:11).  He finally taught things contrary to the Word of Truth after spending many years as a Prophet of Truth (Revelation 2:14).  So Balaam went from being one of the Ministers of Truth to being one of the Ministers of Lies.

Even Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) would have became a castaway after he has spent a lifetime preaching the Word of Truth if he also allowed his flesh to gain control over him (1 Corinthians 9:27).  Even the Minister of Truths can shipwreck their faith if they do not continue in sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:18-19).

So how can we tell if a message really is from the Spirit of Truth?

We are to keep the Word of Truth in our mouth by speaking it to ourselves all the time (Joshua 1:8). [The Hebrew word translated "meditate" literally means "to mutter to oneself".]  We are to hide the Word of Truth in our heart (Psalm 119:11). We are to be like the Bereans were more noble than others because they did not take the word of Paul the Jew on face value but studied the Book of Truth to see if his message agreed with it (Acts 17:10-12).  (This is why I include links to every scripture so that you can do the same thing.)  Paul the Jew said that we were not accept any message that was contrary to the one given in the Book of Truth even if he or an angel were to give it (Galatians 1:6-8).  We are to stop being lazy and to study the Book of Truth for ourselves so that we can know if a message is from the Spirit of Truth or not (2 Timothy 2:15).  We are to make the Word of Truth a part of our being so that we can discern whether or not a message is from the Spirit of Truth (Hebrews 5:12-14).

How can you tell is someone is simply wrong about something or if they are actually a Minister of Lies?

The Man of Truth says that the Ministers of Lies can be told apart from those who are simply wrong about something by examining the fruit of their lives (Matthew 7:15-17).  The Ministers of Lies cannot live a life that is consistent with the Book of Truth and will even tell you to not examine the fruit of people so you can know who are Ministers of Lies (Matthew 7:18-20)!  Even though the Spirit of Truth worked supernaturally through them in times past they do not know the Man of Truth because they do not do the will of His Father (Matthew 7:21-23).  They have heard the Word of Truth but they have not put it into practice (Matthew 7:24-27).  They will not repent of teaching and doing things contrary what to the Man of Truth taught when others point out their mistakes but instead point to financial gain as proof that His Father has blessed what they are teaching (1 Timothy 6:3-5).  They live a corrupt life that is always falling into adultery and other sins because they have endless desire for getting bigger, better, newer things (2 Peter 2:12-14).  They were once Ministers of Truth but have left off living in the House of Truth (2 Peter 2:20-22).

Now that we have examined what the Book of Truth says about those who do not want anyone to question whether or not what they teach is from the Spirit of Truth we will examine what the Book of Truth actually says about prosperity.

Does the Father of Truth really want the Children of Truth to prosper?

Yes, He does.  He wants to work when they can and save what they can for retirement (Proverbs 6:6-8).  He wants them to avoid laziness so they will not be overtaken by poverty (Proverbs 6:9-11).  He wants them to work hard so they can gain wealth (Proverbs 10:3-5).  He wants them to be diligent so that they will rule over the lazy (Proverbs 12:24).  He wants them to leave an inheritance to their children and grandchildren (Proverbs 13:22).  He wants them to handle matters wisely (Proverbs 16:20).  He wants them to avoid borrowing money if at all possible (Proverbs 22:7).  He wants them to work with all of their ability (Ecclesiastes 9:10).  He wants them not to be slothful in their business (Romans 12:11).  He wants them to save back for the needs of their children (2 Corinthians 12:14).  He wants them to do all they can to provide for their own children (1 Timothy 5:8).  He wants them above all things to prosper and be in health even as their soul prospers (3 John 1:2)!

Does the Father of Truth promise to give to those who take care of the poor?

He has promised to bless those who take care of the poor (Proverbs 11:23-25).  The Children of Truth will never lack if they give what they have to take care of those who are poorer than themselves (Proverbs 28:27).   They will be given whatever they need if they will show mercy by giving to those who ask for help without judging whether or not those who are asking deserve to be helped (Luke 6:36-38).  Those who give abundantly to others will receive abundantly from the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:6).

Does the Father of Truth promise to give to those who take care of the Ministers of Truth?

The Children of Truth are to give offerings to build and maintain the place where they assemble to meet the Father of Truth (Exodus 25:2-8).  The Children of Truth are to give one tenth of their income to take care of those who the Father of Truth has placed in the ministry (Numbers 18:23-24).  Whoever does not give to take of the assembly place and the Ministers of Truth is robbing the Father of Truth but He will bless those who do these things by making their hard work pay off (Malachi 3:8-11).

Does this promise still apply to the Ministers of Truth?

The Ministers of Truth still need to be free to focus on the work of the ministry (1 Corinthians 9:4-6).  They still should not have to work to pay the expenses of their services to the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).  The Children of Truth should still pay their expenses because they are the ones benefiting from the services of the Ministers of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:11-14).

Does the Man of Truth promise to give back 100 times the money that people give to these causes?

NO!  He only said that there was a hundred fold return of homes or families for those who lost their home or families for following him (Matthew 19:29).  He promised that this hundred fold return would come with persecutions (Mark 10:29-30).

Does the Man of Truth say that he came to give the Children of Truth an abundance of bigger, better, newer stuff?

NO!  He said that life does not consist of an abundance of bigger, better, newer stuff (Luke 12:15).  He said that he came to give them a more abundant life (John 10:10).  Those with the abundant life he gives are content whether they have a lot of stuff or next to nothing (Philippians 4:11-13).

Is it wrong for people to expect a reward for doing what the Father of Truth commands?

He promised to reward Abraham (Abram) for doing what he commanded (Genesis 12:1-3).  He promised to reward Isaac (Yitzhak) for doing what he commanded (Genesis 26:2-5).  He promised to reward the nation of Israel for doing what he commanded (Deuteronomy 11:26-28).  The Man of Truth promised to reward the twelve original Apostles of Truth for doing what His Father commanded (Matthew 19:27-29).  The Man of Truth promises to reward all who obey the commandments of His Father when he rules on the Earth (Revelation 22:12-14).

The Father of Truth promise to reward all who do not despise the Word of Truth but instead fear to break His commandments (Proverbs 13:13).  It right to expect a reward for doing what the Father of Truth commands because this shows faith in what He said (Hebrews 11:6).

So if the Father of Truth has promised to bless our work when we give to His causes as a reward for obeying His commandments, then what is wrong with giving to get?

Giving to get is based on greed and coveting.  Giving to get puts the focus of the giver on getting things which leads to the endless pursuit of Bigger, Better, Newer.  Giving to get takes the focus of the giver off of saving people which is All That Really Matters.

It does not matter how much people give to the purposes of the Father of Truth unless they are giving because they are concerned with the long term good of other people (1 Corinthians 13:3).  When people give to take care of the needs of the Ministers of Truth then the Father of Truth only promises to take care of their needs - not their greed (Philippians 4:19-20).  When people are giving to get then they end up not getting what they asked for in prayer because they are asking to fulfill their endless desire for bigger, better, newer stuff instead of desiring to take care of other people (James 4:3). 

When people are giving to get then they are not giving out of concern for other people. So they are not operating in faith because faith works by love (Galatians 5:6).   When people have have genuine faith in the Man of Truth then they also have genuine love for other people (Ephesians 3:17).  Faith always works with love in those who love the Man of Truth (Ephesians 6:23-24).  The same Father of Truth who commands us to have faith in the Man of Truth also commands us to love other people (1 John 3:23). 

So why does the Father of Truth want to prosper the Children of Truth?

The Father of Truth prospered Abraham so he could save the human race though the Man of Truth (Genesis 12:2-3).  He prospered Isaac so he could save the human race though the Man of Truth (Genesis 26:3-4).  He promised to give the Land of Israel to the descendants of Israel so He could save the human race though the Man of Truth (Genesis 28:13-14).  He gives the Children of Truth the ability to prosper so that His covenants to save the human race through the Man of Truth can be fulfilled (Deuteronomy 8:18).  All of His promises to prosper the Children of Truth are so that His promises to save the human race through the Man of Truth can be fulfilled (Galatians 3:16).

So the Children of Truth should be "getting to give" instead of "giving to get".  That is the way of love.

What is getting to give?

The Man of Truth wants people to use whatever His Father gave them for His purposes (Matthew 25:14-30).  The Children of Truth are getting to give because they know that their treasure is in heaven instead on Earth (Luke 12:32-34).  The Children of Truth have all been called to do their part in saving the human race by either working as one of the Ministers of Truth or by giving what they can to help the Ministers of Truth (Romans 10:13-17).  Some of the Children of Truth have been given a gift by the Spirit of Truth of giving beyond human ability (Romans 12:6-8).  They give more than is reasonable so they can be counted as if they were actually doing the work of the Ministers of Truth (2 Corinthians 8:3-4).  The Children of Truth are happy to give whatever they can to the causes of the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:5-7).  The Children of Truth work hard at their jobs so they can prosper to give to the purposes of the Man of Truth (Colossians 3:22-24).  The Children of Truth are seeking to prosper so they can help in saving the human race through faith in the Man of Truth (3 John 1:5-8).

Is there ever a right way of giving to get?

The Father of Truth so loved the human race that He gave His Only Begotten Son to get people to come into the House of Truth (John 3:16).  The Man of Truth gave his life away on the cross to get people to come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Those who want the greatest reward when the Man of Truth rules the Earth will also give their lives away for the sake of other people (Mark 10:42-45).  The Children of Truth are to give their lives away to get people to come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:19-22).

The Children of Truth should be consumed with a desire to get people to come into the House of Truth because they are wise enough to know that people are the only thing that they can take with them when they die (Proverbs 11:30).  They know that they brought nothing into this world when they were born and they are not taking any bigger, better, newer stuff out of this world when they die (1 Timothy 6:7).

So whoever counts themselves as a follower of the Man of Truth should be giving their lives away so they can get people to come into the House of Truth.  This is giving to get in the right way.

Are you ready to start giving to get in the right way?

Perhaps you realize that you have only been giving to get bigger, better, newer things instead of giving to get people to come into the House of Truth.  You need to repent of this idolatry that you may have been deceived into by religious professionals (Colossians 3:5).  If you will admit that you have been sucked into this idolatry and renounce it then you will come back into the House of Truth (1 John 1:8-10).

Perhaps you have yet to come into the House of Truth because you have seen through the Ministers of Lies who promise to make everyone rich who gives to them and thought that they actually represented the Man of Truth.  You can know the Man of Truth for yourself if you will come into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth when you give control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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