The Hidden Danger
What is the greatest threat to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) today?
There is a hidden danger that threatens the Children of Truth every where. This hidden danger is the greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) today.
The thing about the hidden danger, which makes it such a great threat, is the fact, that it is hidden.
While open persecution of the Children of Truth grabs the headlines, and even causes the Children of Truth to strengthen their resolve to follow the Man of Truth, the hidden danger is quietly working to weaken that resolve, without even being noticed.
The hidden danger is a great threat, because it works slowly and subtly like a snake moving in on its prey. It seeks to mesmerize the Children of Truth, even as it maneuvers them towards destruction.
The hidden danger remains hidden to most of the Children of Truth, because they are distracted by other things. It relies on the Children of Truth being focused on things of no eternal consequences, so that they will not even notice the viper that lays at their feet.
The hidden danger lurks right in the midst of the congregations of the Children of Truth, while at the same time distracting them with fearful tales of external danger, designed to keep their attention away from what is happening inside their own congregation.
The greatest threat facing those, who follow the Man of Truth today, is not an external threat like ISIS, or an opposing religion like Atheism, or a society that is becoming increasing like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), even as it moves away from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).
The greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth today, is religious professionals and members of their own congregation, who are working to subtly turn them from obeying what is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
These deceivers in their midst seek to slowly change the doctrine, and practices of the Children of Truth, until the Children of Truth have totally abandoned the truth without realizing it. It is like slowly turning up the heat on a pan of water that a frog is sitting in until the frog is dead, without ever realizing that it was being cooked all along. This is why the hidden danger of religious professionals and members operating in the congregations of the Children of Truth to get others to accept the Doctrine of Lies as being from the Father of Truth, is the greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth today.
Some of them do this by attacking the Doctrine of Truth. Most of the time, they do this very subtly, by slowly, but surely, eroding the confidence of the Children of Truth in the Word of Truth.
Some of them tell people that there are books in the Book of Truth, which do not belong in the Book of Truth.
Some of them might suggest that, there are books in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), that do not belong in the Book of Truth. Some of them might suggest the same thing about some of the books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).
Some of them tell people, that other books are needed besides what is in the Book of Truth.
They will claim that they have found the missing books of the Bible that gives new revelation, which is beyond what is in the Book of Truth. They basically are making the same claim as Joseph Smith made about the Book of Mormon.
Most of them are more subtle than to just outright question if the Book of Truth has extra or missing content. Instead they tell people that parts of the Book of Truth are not accurate, not valid, or not relevant for today.
Some of them will question if the books of the Original Covenant all fit together, as if those books did not form a tree of wondrous strength. Some of them will do the same for the Renewed Covenant, as if those books did not form a well built house.
Some of them will tell people that not all of the events in the Original Covenant actually happened, despite the overwhelming evidence that the Writings of History are one hundred percent accurate. In like manner, some of them will do the same with the events of the Renewed Covenant, despite the fact that the Acts have been proven to be accurate in every historical detail.
Some of them will steer people away from the Prophets of the Original Covenant, by telling people, that they are not relevant today. Some of them will treat the Revelation as the forbidden book of the Renewed Covenant, by telling people, that it is too hard to understand.
Some of them will rob the Gentile Children of Truth from experiencing as much success as Jewish people, by never directing them to read, study, and discuss the Writings of Wisdom found in the Original Covenant. Some of them will rob the Children of Truth from living out their faith in a hostile world, by directing them to read, study and discuss only certain parts of the Epistles, in order to support doctrines that are not based on the whole counsel of the Father of Truth.
Some of them will tell people that the Torah does not apply to people today, because it is the foundation of the Original Covenant, despite the many statements of its relevance for the Children of Truth in this present age that are found in the Renewed Covenant.
Some of them will tell people that the Gospels do not all tell the same story. Some of them will tell people that the timelines of the four Gospels do not match up like a four part harmony.
Yet others, have taken a different tactic altogether, by purposely creating and using translations that contradict the words, meaning, and intent of the original source documents.
Some of them will try to introduce translations of the Renewed Covenant to prove their doctrine, from supposed original documents written in other languages like Aramaic, even though the overwhelming evidence is, that Koine Greek is the language of the Renewed Covenant, for every book, except Matthew. Some of them purposely add statements in their translations, that are not in any original source document, like the one disturbing sentence found in many modern translations.
So there are many, who are assaulting the very Book of Truth, by either adding books to it, or taking books from it, or sowing doubt about the accuracy, validity, and relevance of its contents, or purposely creating translations to support their doctrines. All of these are insulting the Father of Truth, by saying that He is in some way incompetent.
They are saying, that He was not able to preserve the Word of Truth through the ages as the Incorruptible Word. They are saying, that He was not able to preserve the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth, as the Indestructible Book that no one has been able to destroy.
Then there are those, who subtly give a message that is contrary to the Word of Truth, without ever mentioning anything about the Book of Truth. They just effectively edit the Book of Truth, by either leaving out things, that the Book of Truth says, or by adding in things that the Book of Truth does not say. In other words, they distort the Word of Truth, by not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is written in the Book of Truth.
They twist what is written in Book of Truth so much to keep people from accurately understanding of the Word of Truth, that the Father of Truth would say, "I did not mean that", if He was asked about what they say He meant. Sometimes their long and convoluted explanations about the most important subject in life, leave people wondering, "What are you saying?".
They effectively remove things from the Book of Truth, by purposely not telling people what the Book of Truth says about many things.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about salvation.
What they teach about salvation is so far from the plain written Word of Truth, that I want to ask them, "Where did you get that idea?". They never tell people about The Deal that the Father of Truth offers, so they can be saved. They never tell people that they must come to the Man of Truth in total surrender, if they want to come into the House of Truth. They never ask people, "Are you willing to pay the cost?", when they talk about joining the family of the Father of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about repentance.
They do this by using the most misunderstood phrase in the Book of Truth, that when taken out of context, can justify people doing everything that the Word of Truth says is evil. They teach, that the answer to "Who's your daddy?", has nothing to do with whom you imitate. They likewise teach, that the answer to "Whose child are you?", has nothing to do with whose will you carry out. They tell people things like, "Well, God knows your heart", but leave out, that their actions prove that their heart is sick and twisted. They teach that the Father of Truth is going to even allow the most prolific serial killers in America to continue to carry out their sick practices, and still be part of His kingdom.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about sin.
They distract people from the danger of sin, so that they are as unprepared as those, who were sleeping in Galveston. They are doing nothing to warn people who are in a burning house, to flee for their lives. They do not warn people about the unending terrors in the chamber of horrors, that awaits everyone who does not live in the House of Truth. They tell people that all sins are equal, even though the Man of Truth said, that some commandments are the weightier matters of the Law. They will say, that they love people too much to offend them, but in reality they hate people with the worst kind of hatred.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
They do not tell people what really makes someone attractive, so they will stop chasing Aphrodite. They never tell people that some women will be the unfaithful wife, regardless of what their husbands do. They do not tell people that a person can be committing adultery with their spouse, in the case of divorce and remarriage, where it is not certain whose wife she is.
They have done more to destroy families than any government, by advocating divorce when people are unhappy in their marriage, instead of treating it as the very last resort like the nuclear option. They do not talk about the holiday that celebrates true love better than Valentine's day, and shows people how to walk the path of true love. They do not tell people that the secret to a lasting marriage is forming the only good love triangle that there is.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about homosexuality.
They never tell those who are living like they are married in Sodom that they must abandoned their sin. They let them believe that they were born as homosexuals, and that the Father of Truth is going to agree with their, "My DNA made me do it" defense. They do not show real love for homosexuals by treating them in the same way that the Man of Truth would treat Ellen DeGeneres.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that they need to watch their mouth, so that they learn to only speak the truth.
They never tell the Children of Truth that they should only speak the truth, so they can be like the Man of Truth. They never tell people that they must come into the House of Truth to able to weather any storm, which may come their way. They never tell the Children of Truth that all truth comes from the Father of Truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that the truth matters, and walking in truth is what pleases the Father of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).
They do not tell people that all lies come from the Father of Lies. They do not tell people that the Father of Lies has taken control of the Earth in a hostile takeover. They do not tell people that the war of the worlds is being waged for the destiny of planet Earth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods).
They do not warn people about the power of the dark side. They do not tell people how to avoid the worst kind of home invasion. They do not tell them, that what is going on behind the scenes of every evil deed, is the Spirits of Lies carrying out their work. They do not tell people that the most terrifying monster of all is the monster within.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about overcoming sin.
They never tell people that they can learn how to be a winner in the fight against the sin in their lives. They never tell people that the Book of Truth is their manual for winning that fight. They never tell people that they can learn how to do what is right all of the time, so that they never again plow a crooked furrow. They never tell people, that they can overcome sin, by dedicating the temple that they live in, to the Father of Truth. They never tell people that a resolution to follow the Man of Truth, is a resolution that they can keep. They never tell people that there is a time to start over, when they can do everything differently. They tell people that they cannot win over sin until they have the second of the two kinds of knowledge. They do not tell people that they need to smash and burn everything, which would drag them back into their former lifestyle, so they can put their past sinful life behind them.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about sanctification.
They never tell the Children of Truth that the Child of Truth is someone who has been born again into a new family. They never tell the Children of Truth why cannot they do what other people do. They never tell the Children of Truth that they belong to another world, even though they live in this world, like an alien infiltration! They never tell the Children of Truth that resistance is essential to not being squeezed into the mode of this world. They may encourage people to wear "WWJD" bracelets and the like, but they never encourage them to do what the Man of Truth did.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about grace.
They would never tell the Children of Truth who have fallen into sin that it is time for some tough love. They never tell the Children of Truth that they must stay in the House of Truth to be saved. They never tell those who have left the House of Truth that they can go home again.
They just let people continue to exist as the living dead. They never tell the Children of Truth that they need to be living to please the King, if they want the favor of the Father of Truth in their lives.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).
They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the Law of Truth has in their lives. They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth have in this present age. They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the unchanging law, which is written in the Law of Truth, has in the Renewed Covenant. They do not tell the Children of Truth that it is not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the Feast of Truth, which are found in the Book of Truth. They hide most of what the Book of Truth says, by telling people the Renewed Covenant has made the Original Covenant irrelevant, even though they are the inseparable covenants
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
They never tell the Children of Truth that the Spirit of Truth was given as their personal guide, so they can win in life. They never tell people that they will start obeying the commandments of the Law of Truth, once they have been written on their hearts by the Spirit of Truth. They never tell people that the Spirit of Truth can never be at odds with the Law of Truth, because the Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of the Law.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the baptism of the Spirit of Truth.
They never tell people that the Spirit of Truth was given, so they could produce the sound of power, like a chainsaw that is operating. They never tell the Children of Truth that it is a good thing when the Spirit of Truth is putting words in their mouths. They never tell the Children of Truth that the Spirit of Truth will turn on the power, so they can operate in power like the Man of Truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that the fire of the Spirit of Truth is so important, that the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start that fire. They never tell the Children of Truth that spending time praying in tongues can be better than sex.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about living fearlessly.
They do not remind the Children of Truth that they have nothing to fear, because they are literally better off dead. They do not tell the Children of Truth that when they die is the moment that they become alive. They do not tell the Children of Truth where they can get the heroic resolve to continue to persevere against all odds. They do not tell people that the best way to memorialize those who gave that last full measure of devotion, is to continue their mission until victory is achieved.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about evangelism.
They do not urge the Children of Truth to tell other people that they must come into the House of Truth, even though that is all that really matters. They do not tell the Children of Truth that they were put on this Earth for such a time as this, so they can tell others about the Man of Truth. They do not warn the Children of Truth that those who do not love others enough to tell them about the Man of Truth, are only wearing a costume. They do not warn the Children of Truth, "People get ready!" by being about the business of the Father of Truth, so that they will be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation in the Rapture.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about the Gospel.
They never tell people that the Good News revolves around the kingdom, which the Man of Truth will establish on this Earth. They do not tell the Children of Truth what it means to fully carry out the Great Commission. They do not tell the Children of Truth how to fully carry out the Great Commission. Some of them even deny that the resurrection ever happened, as if a dead Jesus can do what the living Man of Truth can do.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the future of the world.
They never tell people about the signs of the times, so they can understand the times that we live in. They do not warn people that the Man of Lies will soon rise to power like another Adolf Hitler. They do not warn people to get ready for the Great War that is coming like a literal World War III. They do not warn people that the time of the Rapture is at hand, when the Children of Truth who are worthy will be taken off of this Earth, so they do not become collateral damage. They do not tell people about the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth that will be the aftermath of the destruction of the Man of Lies. They do no tell people what is going to bring about the end of all trouble for the Children of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the future of the Children of Truth.
They do not tell the Children of Truth that they should be getting ready for the Day of Alarming. They do not tell the Children of Truth that the future, which cannot come without the Tribulation, is so great that they should be saying, "Bring it on!". They do not tell the Children of Truth what life will be like after the return of the King. They do not tell the Children of Truth that the best day ever is the Day of New Beginnings, which is promised to all of the Children of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about Israel.
They instead warn of a global conspiracy to put the entire world under Jewish control. They talk about how Zionists have caused global trouble by creating the state of Israel, but ignore that the Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist. They ignore that there is a Middle East peace plan that works, laid out in the Book of Truth, which revolves around Jews living in the land of Israel. They do not tell people that the Father of Truth is who gave the Jews the right to live in the Promised Land. They do not warn people that turning against the nation of Israel is what brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger. They do not mention that the Children of Truth should care about the nation of Israel, because it is part of the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram) to save the Gentiles.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Jews.
They do not recognize that it's a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth. They will even say that Jews do not need the Man of Truth to be saved, even though he is the Messiah of Israel.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about the Gentiles.
They are ignorant of the secret plan to use the Jews to save the Gentiles, that was more clever than the secret plan, that the US once had to conquer Canada. They insult the Gentiles by telling them that the Father of Truth had to start over with them, after failing with the Jews, even though it has always been about the Gentiles.
They also effectively add things to the Book of Truth by mixing in things that are contrary to the Book of Truth in their messages.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from worldly sources.
They add in things that they saw in dreams and visions, which cannot really be from the Father of Truth. They add in things that sound scientific on the surface, but do not hold up to close scrutiny like the greatest fairy tale ever told.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from commercial sources.
They add in things to lure people into the most common sin in America by getting them to pursue bigger, bettter, newer things, instead of the will of the Father of Truth. They add in a prosperity message that cannot be found in the Book of Truth, so people will start giving to get.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from Rabbinic sources.
Some of them add in the same Rabbinic Distort that has kept most Jews from coming into the House of Truth. Some of them add in legalistic requirements about what is on the heads of people that are not found in the Book of Truth. Some of them add in requirements for circumcision that have nothing to do with coming into the House of Truth, even though it is a cut above the rest,.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from Pagan sources.
Some of them add in holidays like Ash Wednesday that are contrary to the Book of Truth. Some of them add in practices from the Druids and the False Church of Rome that have nothing to do with Celtic Christianity in its original form. Some of them add in the very things that Saint Patrick opposed. Some of them add in Easter that has nothing to do with when the Man of Truth rose from the dead, instead of saying "Happy Firstfruits!". Some of them add in the Satan Clause to justify lying to children about Santa Claus.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth subtly, like a snake in the leaves, from other sources like Greek philosophy, and Hinduism, until their congregation becomes the most dangerous place on Earth for the Children of Truth to be at.
So there are many, who are editing the contents of the Book of Truth, by either effectively removing content from it, or effectively adding content to it, to support their doctrines. All of these are insulting the Father of Truth, by saying that His book is in someway inadequate.
Please understand, that I am not talking about cases of ignorance, where people are unwittingly perpetuating wrong information that they have learned from others, or they simply have not learned enough to know the difference. For example, I am not talking about, how many of the Children of Truth genuinely do not know who changed the Sabbath.
I am certainly not saying that salvation is based on a perfect understanding of everything in the Book of Truth. If salvation depends upon perfect performance based on perfect knowledge, then no one will be saved. All of the Children of Truth are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.
I am talking about a willful and purposeful effort to change the message of the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger comes from people purposely trying to change the contents of the Book of Truth, either literally or figuratively, so that it agrees with their doctrine, instead of changing their doctrine to agree with the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger from these attacks on the Book of Truth, and messages that effectively edit the Book of Truth, is that it subtly moves the Children of Truth towards friendship with a world that is against the Father of Truth.
The hidden danger is that these changes happen so slowly, that the Children of Truth do not see the cumulative effect of these changes.
They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when someone is preaching another gospel, which is radically different from the gospel that is found in the Book of Truth. They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when they are being told about another Jesus who is part of another religion, instead of the Man of Truth who is written about in the Book of Truth. They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when displays of supernatural power are coming from another spirit, who is not the Spirit of Truth who dictated the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger is designed to redefine what a Christian is, so that "Christian" means something other than what is found in the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger is designed to get the Children of Truth to ignore what the Book of Truth teaches, in order to achieve a false sense of Christian unity, even to the point of coming under control of the False Church of Rome. The hidden danger is designed to obscure what the Book of Truth teaches, so that the Children of Truth will even go along with something like Chrislam in a vain effort to achieve world peace through some sort all-encompassing one world religion.
The hidden danger will bring the Children of Truth to destruction as surely as it has made the death of America a certainty.
The hidden danger brings this destruction by the same process of a subtle influence that has moved America from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage. The hidden danger causes practices like baptism to lose their meaning in the congregations of the Children of Truth as surely as it has brought about the disintegration of Thanksgiving in America. The hidden danger has lead to a loss of power in the congregations of the Children of Truth, just like it has done to America. The hidden danger will enslave the Children of Truth without them even realizing it, because they will no longer understand the meaning of liberty, just as it has caused most people in America to no longer understand the meaning of the words on the Liberty Bell.
The hidden danger is the greatest threat facing the Children of Truth today, because it can turn them against the Father of Truth.
External threats like Isis can only kill their bodies, but the Father of Truth will both kill the bodies and the souls of those, who turn against Him (Matthew 10:28). The Children of Truth should be more afraid of the consequences of not having peace with the Father of Truth, than the consequences of not having peace with groups like Isis (Luke 12:4-5). Any of the Children of Truth, that the hidden danger causes to become a friend of the world, is turned into an enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).
The hidden danger is hidden by those who seek to change the message of the Book of Truth.
They hide this danger by telling the Children of Truth to not be fruit inspectors, contrary to the commandment of the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:15-20). They hide this danger by telling other people to not inspect the fruit of their lives, because then it would be obvious that they are not obedient to the message of the Book of Truth (Matthew 12:33-35). They hide this danger by telling people to not inspect the fruit of their lives, because then it would be evident that they have changed the message of the Book of Truth (Luke 6:43-45).
They hide this danger by telling people that they cannot fall from grace, despite the plain warning of the Book of Truth (Galatians 5:4). They hide this danger by contradicting the warning of the Book of Truth that even a Prophet of Truth, like Balaam, can turn from the Father of Truth (2 Peter 2:15-16). They hide this danger by telling people that the the warning of the Book of Truth, that is better to have never came into the House of Truth than to permanently leave the House of Truth, does not mean what it says (2 Peter 2:20-21).
They seek to change the message of the Book of Truth, so they can get the Children of Truth in their congregation to follow them, instead of the Man of Truth (Acts 20:30). They seek to change the message of the Book of Truth, because they have rejected the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:7-8).
They were once part of the Children of Truth, but now they work inside the congregations of the Children of Truth to change the message of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 2:1). They have slithered into the congregations of the Children of Truth so they can change the message of the Book of Truth (Jude 1:4).
They use the social events of the Children of Truth as an opportunity to seek out people who will listen to their message (2 Peter 2:13-14). They promise the Children of Truth liberty with their message, but they are themselves slaves to sin (2 Peter 2:19). They give their message so they can be placed in a position where they will be admired by the Children of Truth (Jude 1:16).
Their message is made to appeal to other people who have rejected the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4). They cause the message of the Book of Truth to be spoken of as evil, when people see the behavior of those who follow them (2 Peter 2:2).
They hide the danger of their message to make money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:3). They hide the danger of their message to allure the Children of Truth back into the sin that they had previously escaped from (2 Peter 2:18).
However, they cannot hide the danger of their message from those who seek to know the message of the Book of Truth.
The promise of the Father of Truth is, that everyone who seeks after Him with all their heart will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). The Father of Truth will move closer to anyone who moves closer to Him (James 4:8).
The only way for anyone to know the Father of Truth is by the Man of Truth making Him known to them (Matthew 11:27). So the Father of Truth will draw everyone who seeks after Him to the Man of Truth (John 6:44-45).
The Man of Truth has sent the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth (John 15:26). The Spirit of Truth will guide them into understanding the message of the Book of Truth (John 16:13).
The Book of Truth was given by the inspiration of the Father of Truth, so the Children of Truth could know the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:15-17). The Spirit of Truth dictated the Book of Truth to the men who wrote it (2 Peter 1:19-21).
So the Children of Truth are meant to know the message of the Book of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). They will know the message of the Book of Truth, if they will seek to know it by studying the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
So the hidden danger cannot be hidden from those who seek to know the message of the Book of Truth by taking the time and making the effort to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Just as people can slowly be maneuvered away from the message of the Book of Truth, they can also keep taking steps to line their lives up with the message of the Book of Truth.
The Father of Truth has given the Children of Truth, Ministers of Truth who strive to teach the message of the Book of Truth to the best of their understanding, so that the Children of Truth will be able to spot the hidden danger (Ephesians 4:11-14).
When the Children of Truth discover anything is contrary to the message of the Book of Truth, then they need to get it out of their life completely, instead of making space for something that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).
When the Children of Truth can see that someone is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth, then they need to mark that person as a deceiver and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). Anyone who is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth is proud and knows nothing, so the Children of Truth are to withdraw themselves from these deceivers (1 Timothy 6:3-5). When the Children of Truth uncover the hidden danger, then they need to quit following that person who is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:4-5).
Of course, the first step to avoiding the hidden danger is to come into the House of Truth.
The Children of Truth are all born into the House of Truth by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8). They are born into the House of Truth through the message of the Book of Truth (1 Peter 1:23).
The Children of Truth are all born as babies into the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). The Children of Truth all grow up from being babies by seeking out the message of the Book of Truth (1 Peter 2:2).
When they grow to maturity in their understanding of the message the Book of Truth, then they will be able to avoid the hidden danger (Hebrews 5:12-14).
The Father of Truth will welcome into the House of Truth, anyone who will seek after Him, no matter how far their sin has moved them from Him (Deuteronomy 4:27-29). The Man of Truth is the only way that anyone can come to the Father of Truth (John 14:6). The Father of Truth welcomes everyone who wants to obey Him into the House of Truth (Acts 10:34-35). Anyone who will believe the message of the Book of Truth, and make the Man of Truth their boss, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
There is a hidden danger that threatens the Children of Truth every where. This hidden danger is the greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) today.
The thing about the hidden danger, which makes it such a great threat, is the fact, that it is hidden.
While open persecution of the Children of Truth grabs the headlines, and even causes the Children of Truth to strengthen their resolve to follow the Man of Truth, the hidden danger is quietly working to weaken that resolve, without even being noticed.
The hidden danger is a great threat, because it works slowly and subtly like a snake moving in on its prey. It seeks to mesmerize the Children of Truth, even as it maneuvers them towards destruction.
The hidden danger remains hidden to most of the Children of Truth, because they are distracted by other things. It relies on the Children of Truth being focused on things of no eternal consequences, so that they will not even notice the viper that lays at their feet.
The hidden danger lurks right in the midst of the congregations of the Children of Truth, while at the same time distracting them with fearful tales of external danger, designed to keep their attention away from what is happening inside their own congregation.
The greatest threat facing those, who follow the Man of Truth today, is not an external threat like ISIS, or an opposing religion like Atheism, or a society that is becoming increasing like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), even as it moves away from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).
The greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth today, is religious professionals and members of their own congregation, who are working to subtly turn them from obeying what is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
These deceivers in their midst seek to slowly change the doctrine, and practices of the Children of Truth, until the Children of Truth have totally abandoned the truth without realizing it. It is like slowly turning up the heat on a pan of water that a frog is sitting in until the frog is dead, without ever realizing that it was being cooked all along. This is why the hidden danger of religious professionals and members operating in the congregations of the Children of Truth to get others to accept the Doctrine of Lies as being from the Father of Truth, is the greatest threat facing those who follow the Man of Truth today.
Some of them do this by attacking the Doctrine of Truth. Most of the time, they do this very subtly, by slowly, but surely, eroding the confidence of the Children of Truth in the Word of Truth.
Some of them tell people that there are books in the Book of Truth, which do not belong in the Book of Truth.
Some of them might suggest that, there are books in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), that do not belong in the Book of Truth. Some of them might suggest the same thing about some of the books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).
Some of them tell people, that other books are needed besides what is in the Book of Truth.
They will claim that they have found the missing books of the Bible that gives new revelation, which is beyond what is in the Book of Truth. They basically are making the same claim as Joseph Smith made about the Book of Mormon.
Most of them are more subtle than to just outright question if the Book of Truth has extra or missing content. Instead they tell people that parts of the Book of Truth are not accurate, not valid, or not relevant for today.
Some of them will question if the books of the Original Covenant all fit together, as if those books did not form a tree of wondrous strength. Some of them will do the same for the Renewed Covenant, as if those books did not form a well built house.
Some of them will tell people that not all of the events in the Original Covenant actually happened, despite the overwhelming evidence that the Writings of History are one hundred percent accurate. In like manner, some of them will do the same with the events of the Renewed Covenant, despite the fact that the Acts have been proven to be accurate in every historical detail.
Some of them will steer people away from the Prophets of the Original Covenant, by telling people, that they are not relevant today. Some of them will treat the Revelation as the forbidden book of the Renewed Covenant, by telling people, that it is too hard to understand.
Some of them will rob the Gentile Children of Truth from experiencing as much success as Jewish people, by never directing them to read, study, and discuss the Writings of Wisdom found in the Original Covenant. Some of them will rob the Children of Truth from living out their faith in a hostile world, by directing them to read, study and discuss only certain parts of the Epistles, in order to support doctrines that are not based on the whole counsel of the Father of Truth.
Some of them will tell people that the Torah does not apply to people today, because it is the foundation of the Original Covenant, despite the many statements of its relevance for the Children of Truth in this present age that are found in the Renewed Covenant.
Some of them will tell people that the Gospels do not all tell the same story. Some of them will tell people that the timelines of the four Gospels do not match up like a four part harmony.
Yet others, have taken a different tactic altogether, by purposely creating and using translations that contradict the words, meaning, and intent of the original source documents.
Some of them will try to introduce translations of the Renewed Covenant to prove their doctrine, from supposed original documents written in other languages like Aramaic, even though the overwhelming evidence is, that Koine Greek is the language of the Renewed Covenant, for every book, except Matthew. Some of them purposely add statements in their translations, that are not in any original source document, like the one disturbing sentence found in many modern translations.
So there are many, who are assaulting the very Book of Truth, by either adding books to it, or taking books from it, or sowing doubt about the accuracy, validity, and relevance of its contents, or purposely creating translations to support their doctrines. All of these are insulting the Father of Truth, by saying that He is in some way incompetent.
They are saying, that He was not able to preserve the Word of Truth through the ages as the Incorruptible Word. They are saying, that He was not able to preserve the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth, as the Indestructible Book that no one has been able to destroy.
Then there are those, who subtly give a message that is contrary to the Word of Truth, without ever mentioning anything about the Book of Truth. They just effectively edit the Book of Truth, by either leaving out things, that the Book of Truth says, or by adding in things that the Book of Truth does not say. In other words, they distort the Word of Truth, by not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is written in the Book of Truth.
They twist what is written in Book of Truth so much to keep people from accurately understanding of the Word of Truth, that the Father of Truth would say, "I did not mean that", if He was asked about what they say He meant. Sometimes their long and convoluted explanations about the most important subject in life, leave people wondering, "What are you saying?".
They effectively remove things from the Book of Truth, by purposely not telling people what the Book of Truth says about many things.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about salvation.
What they teach about salvation is so far from the plain written Word of Truth, that I want to ask them, "Where did you get that idea?". They never tell people about The Deal that the Father of Truth offers, so they can be saved. They never tell people that they must come to the Man of Truth in total surrender, if they want to come into the House of Truth. They never ask people, "Are you willing to pay the cost?", when they talk about joining the family of the Father of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about repentance.
They do this by using the most misunderstood phrase in the Book of Truth, that when taken out of context, can justify people doing everything that the Word of Truth says is evil. They teach, that the answer to "Who's your daddy?", has nothing to do with whom you imitate. They likewise teach, that the answer to "Whose child are you?", has nothing to do with whose will you carry out. They tell people things like, "Well, God knows your heart", but leave out, that their actions prove that their heart is sick and twisted. They teach that the Father of Truth is going to even allow the most prolific serial killers in America to continue to carry out their sick practices, and still be part of His kingdom.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about sin.
They distract people from the danger of sin, so that they are as unprepared as those, who were sleeping in Galveston. They are doing nothing to warn people who are in a burning house, to flee for their lives. They do not warn people about the unending terrors in the chamber of horrors, that awaits everyone who does not live in the House of Truth. They tell people that all sins are equal, even though the Man of Truth said, that some commandments are the weightier matters of the Law. They will say, that they love people too much to offend them, but in reality they hate people with the worst kind of hatred.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
They do not tell people what really makes someone attractive, so they will stop chasing Aphrodite. They never tell people that some women will be the unfaithful wife, regardless of what their husbands do. They do not tell people that a person can be committing adultery with their spouse, in the case of divorce and remarriage, where it is not certain whose wife she is.
They have done more to destroy families than any government, by advocating divorce when people are unhappy in their marriage, instead of treating it as the very last resort like the nuclear option. They do not talk about the holiday that celebrates true love better than Valentine's day, and shows people how to walk the path of true love. They do not tell people that the secret to a lasting marriage is forming the only good love triangle that there is.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about homosexuality.
They never tell those who are living like they are married in Sodom that they must abandoned their sin. They let them believe that they were born as homosexuals, and that the Father of Truth is going to agree with their, "My DNA made me do it" defense. They do not show real love for homosexuals by treating them in the same way that the Man of Truth would treat Ellen DeGeneres.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that they need to watch their mouth, so that they learn to only speak the truth.
They never tell the Children of Truth that they should only speak the truth, so they can be like the Man of Truth. They never tell people that they must come into the House of Truth to able to weather any storm, which may come their way. They never tell the Children of Truth that all truth comes from the Father of Truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that the truth matters, and walking in truth is what pleases the Father of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).
They do not tell people that all lies come from the Father of Lies. They do not tell people that the Father of Lies has taken control of the Earth in a hostile takeover. They do not tell people that the war of the worlds is being waged for the destiny of planet Earth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods).
They do not warn people about the power of the dark side. They do not tell people how to avoid the worst kind of home invasion. They do not tell them, that what is going on behind the scenes of every evil deed, is the Spirits of Lies carrying out their work. They do not tell people that the most terrifying monster of all is the monster within.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about overcoming sin.
They never tell people that they can learn how to be a winner in the fight against the sin in their lives. They never tell people that the Book of Truth is their manual for winning that fight. They never tell people that they can learn how to do what is right all of the time, so that they never again plow a crooked furrow. They never tell people, that they can overcome sin, by dedicating the temple that they live in, to the Father of Truth. They never tell people that a resolution to follow the Man of Truth, is a resolution that they can keep. They never tell people that there is a time to start over, when they can do everything differently. They tell people that they cannot win over sin until they have the second of the two kinds of knowledge. They do not tell people that they need to smash and burn everything, which would drag them back into their former lifestyle, so they can put their past sinful life behind them.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about sanctification.
They never tell the Children of Truth that the Child of Truth is someone who has been born again into a new family. They never tell the Children of Truth why cannot they do what other people do. They never tell the Children of Truth that they belong to another world, even though they live in this world, like an alien infiltration! They never tell the Children of Truth that resistance is essential to not being squeezed into the mode of this world. They may encourage people to wear "WWJD" bracelets and the like, but they never encourage them to do what the Man of Truth did.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about grace.
They would never tell the Children of Truth who have fallen into sin that it is time for some tough love. They never tell the Children of Truth that they must stay in the House of Truth to be saved. They never tell those who have left the House of Truth that they can go home again.
They just let people continue to exist as the living dead. They never tell the Children of Truth that they need to be living to please the King, if they want the favor of the Father of Truth in their lives.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).
They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the Law of Truth has in their lives. They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth have in this present age. They do not tell the Children of Truth about the place that the unchanging law, which is written in the Law of Truth, has in the Renewed Covenant. They do not tell the Children of Truth that it is not just a Jewish thing to celebrate the Feast of Truth, which are found in the Book of Truth. They hide most of what the Book of Truth says, by telling people the Renewed Covenant has made the Original Covenant irrelevant, even though they are the inseparable covenants
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
They never tell the Children of Truth that the Spirit of Truth was given as their personal guide, so they can win in life. They never tell people that they will start obeying the commandments of the Law of Truth, once they have been written on their hearts by the Spirit of Truth. They never tell people that the Spirit of Truth can never be at odds with the Law of Truth, because the Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of the Law.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the baptism of the Spirit of Truth.
They never tell people that the Spirit of Truth was given, so they could produce the sound of power, like a chainsaw that is operating. They never tell the Children of Truth that it is a good thing when the Spirit of Truth is putting words in their mouths. They never tell the Children of Truth that the Spirit of Truth will turn on the power, so they can operate in power like the Man of Truth. They never tell the Children of Truth that the fire of the Spirit of Truth is so important, that the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start that fire. They never tell the Children of Truth that spending time praying in tongues can be better than sex.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about living fearlessly.
They do not remind the Children of Truth that they have nothing to fear, because they are literally better off dead. They do not tell the Children of Truth that when they die is the moment that they become alive. They do not tell the Children of Truth where they can get the heroic resolve to continue to persevere against all odds. They do not tell people that the best way to memorialize those who gave that last full measure of devotion, is to continue their mission until victory is achieved.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about evangelism.
They do not urge the Children of Truth to tell other people that they must come into the House of Truth, even though that is all that really matters. They do not tell the Children of Truth that they were put on this Earth for such a time as this, so they can tell others about the Man of Truth. They do not warn the Children of Truth that those who do not love others enough to tell them about the Man of Truth, are only wearing a costume. They do not warn the Children of Truth, "People get ready!" by being about the business of the Father of Truth, so that they will be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation in the Rapture.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about the Gospel.
They never tell people that the Good News revolves around the kingdom, which the Man of Truth will establish on this Earth. They do not tell the Children of Truth what it means to fully carry out the Great Commission. They do not tell the Children of Truth how to fully carry out the Great Commission. Some of them even deny that the resurrection ever happened, as if a dead Jesus can do what the living Man of Truth can do.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the future of the world.
They never tell people about the signs of the times, so they can understand the times that we live in. They do not warn people that the Man of Lies will soon rise to power like another Adolf Hitler. They do not warn people to get ready for the Great War that is coming like a literal World War III. They do not warn people that the time of the Rapture is at hand, when the Children of Truth who are worthy will be taken off of this Earth, so they do not become collateral damage. They do not tell people about the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth that will be the aftermath of the destruction of the Man of Lies. They do no tell people what is going to bring about the end of all trouble for the Children of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the future of the Children of Truth.
They do not tell the Children of Truth that they should be getting ready for the Day of Alarming. They do not tell the Children of Truth that the future, which cannot come without the Tribulation, is so great that they should be saying, "Bring it on!". They do not tell the Children of Truth what life will be like after the return of the King. They do not tell the Children of Truth that the best day ever is the Day of New Beginnings, which is promised to all of the Children of Truth.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about Israel.
They instead warn of a global conspiracy to put the entire world under Jewish control. They talk about how Zionists have caused global trouble by creating the state of Israel, but ignore that the Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist. They ignore that there is a Middle East peace plan that works, laid out in the Book of Truth, which revolves around Jews living in the land of Israel. They do not tell people that the Father of Truth is who gave the Jews the right to live in the Promised Land. They do not warn people that turning against the nation of Israel is what brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger. They do not mention that the Children of Truth should care about the nation of Israel, because it is part of the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram) to save the Gentiles.
Some of them remove what the Book of Truth says about the Jews.
They do not recognize that it's a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth. They will even say that Jews do not need the Man of Truth to be saved, even though he is the Messiah of Israel.
Some of them remove, what the Book of Truth says about the Gentiles.
They are ignorant of the secret plan to use the Jews to save the Gentiles, that was more clever than the secret plan, that the US once had to conquer Canada. They insult the Gentiles by telling them that the Father of Truth had to start over with them, after failing with the Jews, even though it has always been about the Gentiles.
They also effectively add things to the Book of Truth by mixing in things that are contrary to the Book of Truth in their messages.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from worldly sources.
They add in things that they saw in dreams and visions, which cannot really be from the Father of Truth. They add in things that sound scientific on the surface, but do not hold up to close scrutiny like the greatest fairy tale ever told.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from commercial sources.
They add in things to lure people into the most common sin in America by getting them to pursue bigger, bettter, newer things, instead of the will of the Father of Truth. They add in a prosperity message that cannot be found in the Book of Truth, so people will start giving to get.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from Rabbinic sources.
Some of them add in the same Rabbinic Distort that has kept most Jews from coming into the House of Truth. Some of them add in legalistic requirements about what is on the heads of people that are not found in the Book of Truth. Some of them add in requirements for circumcision that have nothing to do with coming into the House of Truth, even though it is a cut above the rest,.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth from Pagan sources.
Some of them add in holidays like Ash Wednesday that are contrary to the Book of Truth. Some of them add in practices from the Druids and the False Church of Rome that have nothing to do with Celtic Christianity in its original form. Some of them add in the very things that Saint Patrick opposed. Some of them add in Easter that has nothing to do with when the Man of Truth rose from the dead, instead of saying "Happy Firstfruits!". Some of them add in the Satan Clause to justify lying to children about Santa Claus.
Some of them add to the Book of Truth subtly, like a snake in the leaves, from other sources like Greek philosophy, and Hinduism, until their congregation becomes the most dangerous place on Earth for the Children of Truth to be at.
So there are many, who are editing the contents of the Book of Truth, by either effectively removing content from it, or effectively adding content to it, to support their doctrines. All of these are insulting the Father of Truth, by saying that His book is in someway inadequate.
Please understand, that I am not talking about cases of ignorance, where people are unwittingly perpetuating wrong information that they have learned from others, or they simply have not learned enough to know the difference. For example, I am not talking about, how many of the Children of Truth genuinely do not know who changed the Sabbath.
I am certainly not saying that salvation is based on a perfect understanding of everything in the Book of Truth. If salvation depends upon perfect performance based on perfect knowledge, then no one will be saved. All of the Children of Truth are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.
I am talking about a willful and purposeful effort to change the message of the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger comes from people purposely trying to change the contents of the Book of Truth, either literally or figuratively, so that it agrees with their doctrine, instead of changing their doctrine to agree with the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger from these attacks on the Book of Truth, and messages that effectively edit the Book of Truth, is that it subtly moves the Children of Truth towards friendship with a world that is against the Father of Truth.
The hidden danger is that these changes happen so slowly, that the Children of Truth do not see the cumulative effect of these changes.
They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when someone is preaching another gospel, which is radically different from the gospel that is found in the Book of Truth. They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when they are being told about another Jesus who is part of another religion, instead of the Man of Truth who is written about in the Book of Truth. They eventually get to the point that they do not recognize when displays of supernatural power are coming from another spirit, who is not the Spirit of Truth who dictated the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger is designed to redefine what a Christian is, so that "Christian" means something other than what is found in the Book of Truth.
The hidden danger is designed to get the Children of Truth to ignore what the Book of Truth teaches, in order to achieve a false sense of Christian unity, even to the point of coming under control of the False Church of Rome. The hidden danger is designed to obscure what the Book of Truth teaches, so that the Children of Truth will even go along with something like Chrislam in a vain effort to achieve world peace through some sort all-encompassing one world religion.
The hidden danger will bring the Children of Truth to destruction as surely as it has made the death of America a certainty.
The hidden danger brings this destruction by the same process of a subtle influence that has moved America from treating homosexuality as a death penalty crime to legalizing gay marriage. The hidden danger causes practices like baptism to lose their meaning in the congregations of the Children of Truth as surely as it has brought about the disintegration of Thanksgiving in America. The hidden danger has lead to a loss of power in the congregations of the Children of Truth, just like it has done to America. The hidden danger will enslave the Children of Truth without them even realizing it, because they will no longer understand the meaning of liberty, just as it has caused most people in America to no longer understand the meaning of the words on the Liberty Bell.
The hidden danger is the greatest threat facing the Children of Truth today, because it can turn them against the Father of Truth.
External threats like Isis can only kill their bodies, but the Father of Truth will both kill the bodies and the souls of those, who turn against Him (Matthew 10:28). The Children of Truth should be more afraid of the consequences of not having peace with the Father of Truth, than the consequences of not having peace with groups like Isis (Luke 12:4-5). Any of the Children of Truth, that the hidden danger causes to become a friend of the world, is turned into an enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).
The hidden danger is hidden by those who seek to change the message of the Book of Truth.
They hide this danger by telling the Children of Truth to not be fruit inspectors, contrary to the commandment of the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:15-20). They hide this danger by telling other people to not inspect the fruit of their lives, because then it would be obvious that they are not obedient to the message of the Book of Truth (Matthew 12:33-35). They hide this danger by telling people to not inspect the fruit of their lives, because then it would be evident that they have changed the message of the Book of Truth (Luke 6:43-45).
They hide this danger by telling people that they cannot fall from grace, despite the plain warning of the Book of Truth (Galatians 5:4). They hide this danger by contradicting the warning of the Book of Truth that even a Prophet of Truth, like Balaam, can turn from the Father of Truth (2 Peter 2:15-16). They hide this danger by telling people that the the warning of the Book of Truth, that is better to have never came into the House of Truth than to permanently leave the House of Truth, does not mean what it says (2 Peter 2:20-21).
They seek to change the message of the Book of Truth, so they can get the Children of Truth in their congregation to follow them, instead of the Man of Truth (Acts 20:30). They seek to change the message of the Book of Truth, because they have rejected the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:7-8).
They were once part of the Children of Truth, but now they work inside the congregations of the Children of Truth to change the message of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 2:1). They have slithered into the congregations of the Children of Truth so they can change the message of the Book of Truth (Jude 1:4).
They use the social events of the Children of Truth as an opportunity to seek out people who will listen to their message (2 Peter 2:13-14). They promise the Children of Truth liberty with their message, but they are themselves slaves to sin (2 Peter 2:19). They give their message so they can be placed in a position where they will be admired by the Children of Truth (Jude 1:16).
Their message is made to appeal to other people who have rejected the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4). They cause the message of the Book of Truth to be spoken of as evil, when people see the behavior of those who follow them (2 Peter 2:2).
They hide the danger of their message to make money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:3). They hide the danger of their message to allure the Children of Truth back into the sin that they had previously escaped from (2 Peter 2:18).
However, they cannot hide the danger of their message from those who seek to know the message of the Book of Truth.
The promise of the Father of Truth is, that everyone who seeks after Him with all their heart will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). The Father of Truth will move closer to anyone who moves closer to Him (James 4:8).
The only way for anyone to know the Father of Truth is by the Man of Truth making Him known to them (Matthew 11:27). So the Father of Truth will draw everyone who seeks after Him to the Man of Truth (John 6:44-45).
The Man of Truth has sent the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth (John 15:26). The Spirit of Truth will guide them into understanding the message of the Book of Truth (John 16:13).
The Book of Truth was given by the inspiration of the Father of Truth, so the Children of Truth could know the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:15-17). The Spirit of Truth dictated the Book of Truth to the men who wrote it (2 Peter 1:19-21).
So the Children of Truth are meant to know the message of the Book of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). They will know the message of the Book of Truth, if they will seek to know it by studying the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
So the hidden danger cannot be hidden from those who seek to know the message of the Book of Truth by taking the time and making the effort to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Just as people can slowly be maneuvered away from the message of the Book of Truth, they can also keep taking steps to line their lives up with the message of the Book of Truth.
The Father of Truth has given the Children of Truth, Ministers of Truth who strive to teach the message of the Book of Truth to the best of their understanding, so that the Children of Truth will be able to spot the hidden danger (Ephesians 4:11-14).
When the Children of Truth discover anything is contrary to the message of the Book of Truth, then they need to get it out of their life completely, instead of making space for something that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).
When the Children of Truth can see that someone is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth, then they need to mark that person as a deceiver and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). Anyone who is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth is proud and knows nothing, so the Children of Truth are to withdraw themselves from these deceivers (1 Timothy 6:3-5). When the Children of Truth uncover the hidden danger, then they need to quit following that person who is seeking to change the message of the Book of Truth (2 Timothy 3:4-5).
Of course, the first step to avoiding the hidden danger is to come into the House of Truth.
The Children of Truth are all born into the House of Truth by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8). They are born into the House of Truth through the message of the Book of Truth (1 Peter 1:23).
The Children of Truth are all born as babies into the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). The Children of Truth all grow up from being babies by seeking out the message of the Book of Truth (1 Peter 2:2).
When they grow to maturity in their understanding of the message the Book of Truth, then they will be able to avoid the hidden danger (Hebrews 5:12-14).
The Father of Truth will welcome into the House of Truth, anyone who will seek after Him, no matter how far their sin has moved them from Him (Deuteronomy 4:27-29). The Man of Truth is the only way that anyone can come to the Father of Truth (John 14:6). The Father of Truth welcomes everyone who wants to obey Him into the House of Truth (Acts 10:34-35). Anyone who will believe the message of the Book of Truth, and make the Man of Truth their boss, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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