Friday, July 11, 2014

Walking In Truth

Does the truth really matter?

Churches, synagogues and other places are full of people today who say that they are part of the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him).  Yet they do not always tell the truth and they do not always live in accordance with the truth.

When someone is hurting some of them will tell a lie to take away some of the pain.  They know what they are saying is not true but they do not think of it as a lie since it is lessening the pain that someone else is experiencing.  If it lessens the pain of someone else and the one they helped never finds out that they were lied to then they think that telling "a little white lie" was the right thing to do.

Many of them tell their children that there is there is a jolly man in a red suit who knows when they are naughty and nice.  They then proceed to tell their children that this jolly man has a network of elves that help him create rewards for those children who are nice.  They tell their children that this jolly man lives at the North Pole with his elves and maybe a wife.  They tell their children that this jolly man goes all over the world in a single night to deliver presents in stockings, under trees and the like to those children who have been good.  They tell them that this jolly man might even deliver switches or coals or nothing for those children who have been bad.  They tell their children that this jolly man gets around by miraculous means like a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer plus one in the front whose nose glows.  There is no truth about Santa Claus except that the entire story is just one lie built on top of another lie.  The worse part is that many of the congregations of the Children of Truth perpetrate this lie upon their own children with appearances of someone pretending to be the jolly man year after year.  They seem to not see any problem with lying to their children as long as it makes them more willing to obey their parents and the children get their toys.

In the Spring these same people perpetrate another fraud upon their children.  They tell them of a wondrous rabbit who hides eggs for them to find.   Sometimes this wondrous rabbit lays the eggs out in plain sight and prizes are given for collecting certain eggs or the most eggs.  Other times this wondrous rabbit hides the eggs in unusual places but there is still a collecting contest.  Sometimes people take turns playing the part of the wondrous rabbit and the egg collecting competition is repeated several times.  Yet it does not seem to strike the youngest of the children as odd that sometimes the eggs that the wondrous rabbit hides are decorated exactly the same as the eggs that they had helped decorate the night before the competition.  After all, their parents had told them about the Easter Bunny and their congregation, which stresses the importance of the Book of Truth (The Bible), is hosting the competition.  None of the adults seem to see any problem with lying to these children as long as the children are happy and all of them get chocolate rabbits, marshmallow eggs, and other candy treats along perhaps some other sorts of presents.

These people are so used to living in lies that it never even occurs to them that doing so is wrong.  After all, they have been assured observing things like Christmas, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter are part of following the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) by the religious professionals.  The religious professionals tell them this year after year even though there is no such commandment in the Book of Truth to do so.  It does not seems so bad to these religious professionals that they are lying to their congregations since they are still getting some of the truth from the Book of Truth.

It does not seem to bother their congregants that the Man of Truth was born around the first April instead of December 25th as shown in When Was Jesus Born?  It does not phase them one bit that the Man of Truth could not have both died on Friday afternoon and rose at sunrise on Sunday AND ALSO have been dead for three complete days and nights like the Man of Truth said (Matthew 12:40).  These parents believe the lies perpetrated on them by religious professionals just like their children believed their lies.  Some of them are even more gullible than the youngest child because they believe The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told instead of the Book of Truth.

Yet others among the Children of Truth are taken in by a completely different set of lies.  They would never participate in anything like Christmas or Easter but they accept all kinds of lies told by religious professionals who call usually themselves "Rabbi".  They have been assured observing things like Rabbinical customs are part of following the Man of Truth by these religious professionals.  These religious professionals tell them this year after year even though there is no such commandment in the Book of Truth to do so.  It does not seems so bad to these religious professionals that they are lying to their congregations since they are still getting some of the truth from the Book of Truth.

It does not seem to bother their congregants that the Man of Truth said to not call anyone except him "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:8).  (Rabbi literally means "My Master")  It does not seem to phase them one bit that the Man of Truth called any Rabbi who does not recognize him as the one that Moses said they must obey "a blind guide" (Matthew 23:24).  They believe lies perpetrated on them by religious professionals just like those who believed the lies about Christmas and Easter.  Some of them are even more gullible than those who were fooled by Christmas and Easter because the Man of Truth told them to not accept the doctrine of those unbelieving Rabbis (who all trace themselves back to the Pharisees) as containing the truth instead of the Book of Truth (Matthew 16:12).

Yet these same people will look to the very books that contain the doctrine of these unbelieving Rabbis to give them guidance to understanding the Book of Truth.  They do not consider that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that observing Rabbinical customs was totally worthless for following the Man of Truth (Philippians 3:4-8).  They do not comprehend that these Rabbinical customs are no better than the customs of Christmas and Easter!

Many of those who call themselves the Children of Truth will lie for cash regardless of whether they have been observing Christmas or Rabbinical customs.  They do not offer this service directly but rather indirectly.  They exaggerate their accomplishments and contributions on their resumes while seeking to hide any mistakes they may have made.  They make promises that they cannot keep to get people to buy their products or services.  They do not answer questions honestly in interviews but rather give the answer that is most likely to get them what they want.  (For example, if they are asked what their favorite book is they would not dare give "The Bible" as their answer or say that something like "The Gospel of John" was their favorite movie. (Unless such an answer is perceived as being helpful to their cause.))   They see no problem lying about the smaller details to obtain a job or get some business as long as the employer or customer is happy with the end results and they get paid.

After all, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) understands that they must provide for their families even if it means telling a little white lie once in a while so that their needs will be provided for.  They are getting money so they can pay tithes and otherwise give to His causes.  This must be alright since the religious professionals have told them that He will bless them for giving Him this money no matter how it was obtained as explained in Giving To Get.

It might seem like telling little white lies and going along with small lies about seemingly unimportant issues to help people feel better, keep the peace in homes, make children happy, avoid controversy over religious customs, and gain financial prosperity is really harmless.  After all, no one should be denied their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, right?

Is it really alright for the Children of Truth to tell little white lies and go along with small lies as long as nobody gets hurt?  Does the truth really matter?

The Father of Truth commands that His Children to be walking in truth (2 John 1:4).  When they are walking in truth then it shows everyone around them that they have the truth in them (3 John 1:3).  For this reason there is nothing that the Children of Truth can do to bring greater joy to Him than to be found walking in truth (3 John 1:4).

Walking in truth is so important that it was a condition of His promise to King David that one of his descendants would always be upon the throne of Israel (1 Kings 2:4).  He made this promise to King David because he had been walking in truth himself (1 Kings 3:6).

The Father of Truth added fifteen years to the life of King Hezekiah when he asked because he had been walking in truth (2 Kings 20:3-5).  He also turned back the enemy who had been sent to bring judgment on Judah because King Hezekiah had been walking in truth (Isaiah 38:3-6).

It is those who are walking in truth that will have no fear of judgment from the Father of Truth and who will not backslide when they are tested (Psalm 26:1-3).

However, walking in truth is something that the Children of Truth must learn how to do from the Father of Truth (Psalm 86:11).  No one starts walking in truth all by themselves.

Walking in truth comes from the source of all truth who is The Father of Truth.  Walking in truth is learned by following The Man of Truth.  Walking in truth becomes easier as the truth is learned by reading The Book of Truth.  Walking in truth becomes a habit over time with the help of The Spirit of Truth.  Walking in truth consistently causes the Children of Truth to fulfill The Law of Truth.

Those who are walking in truth will do what is right and speak only the truth so that they will live with the Father of Truth forever (Psalm 15:1-2).  The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is spoken by those who are walking in truth so that they may turn others from walking in lies (Malachi 2:6).

Walking in truth means not calling observations of things like Christmas that came out of idolatrous teachings a part of worshiping the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:28-30).  Walking in truth means not calling observations that came out of Rabbinical teachings a part of following the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:12-14).

Walking in truth means only observing what is commanded by the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).  Walking in truth means allowing the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaKodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to assist in worshiping the Father of Truth (John 4:23-24).  Walking in truth means only allowing in our lives what the Man of Truth allowed in his life (1 John 4:17).  Walking in truth means changing our every practice, every habit and every word to be in accordance with the Book of Truth instead of trying to change it to justify our every practice, habit and word (Revelation 22:18-19).

Walking in truth means exposing every lie of those who handle the Word of Truth in a deceitful manner while demonstrating to others how to walk in truth (2 Corinthians 4:2).  Walking in truth means living life in a manner that is worthy of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

Walking in truth means that it is never alright to tell a little white lie or go along with a seemly small lie.  Every time someone lies they are in the darkness of walking in lies because they are not walking in truth (1 John 1:6).

Walking in lies comes from the source of all lies who is The Father of Lies.  Walking in lies is living like The Man of Lies.  Walking in lies comes from the influence of The Spirits of Lies.

Since all lies belong to the kingdom of darkness the Father of Truth does not want His Children to have anything to do with any lie whatsoever.  He does not want His Children living in the shadows - partly in the light of the truth and partly in the darkness of lies.

The Man of Truth came into the world so that the Children of Truth would not walk in the darkness of lies (John 12:46).  The Children of Truth should want nothing that is from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) in their lives so that they can be like the Man of Truth (John 14:30).  The Man of Truth sent forth the Apostles of Truth so that people could escape the darkness of lies by coming into the light of truth (Acts 26:15-18).  The Children of Truth are to cast off the darkness that comes from walking in lies and put on the armor of light that comes from walking in truth (Romans 13:12).  The darkness of walking in lies can never be friends with the light of walking in truth (2 Corinthians 6:14). 

Therefore the Children of Truth should not have anything to do with any lie so that the Father of Lies has no place in their lives (Ephesians 4:27).  They are to be walking in truth because they no longer belong to his dark kingdom (Ephesians 5:8).  They are to be walking in truth because they now belong to the kingdom of light (1 Thessalonians 5:5).  They are to be walking in truth because the Father of Truth has called them out of the darkness of walking in lies and into His marvelous light of walking in truth (1 Peter 2:9).  They are to be walking in truth because there is no darkness of lies in Their Father (1 John 1:5).

So yes, the truth really matters.  Whether you are walking in truth or walking in lies tells Who's Your Daddy.  Rather or not you allow lies to continue in your life after you learn the truth tells the world Whose Child Are You.

Perhaps you realize that you have not been walking in truth.  The Good News is that you will start walking in truth when you come into the House of Truth.  You first come into the House of Truth when you make the Man of Truth your Rabbi through total surrender because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  When you come into the House of Truth the Man of Truth will cleanse you from the filth of walking in lies and begin showing you how to continue walking in truth (1 John 1:6).

Come into the House of Truth.

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