Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Middle East Peace Plan That Works

Is there a Middle East peace plan that works?

There has almost never been peace in the Middle East.  The inhabitants of the Middle East have been at war with each other for as long as war has existed.  In fact the first recorded war in history was in the Middle East and there are currently several wars going on in the Middle East.

Some people have said that there is no peace because the Middle East is too large to go for very long without a war. Almost half of the recorded wars in human history have happened in an area in the Middle East that is about the size of the state of Texas.  Areas much larger, for example, the combined areas of Mexico, the United States and Canada have not experienced war within their combined borders for about 100 years.   This lack of peace has nothing to do with the size of the Middle East.

Some have thought that the lack of peace in the Middle East is because of the Jews.  The Jews were almost completely expelled from the Middle East by the Romans in 135 AD and did not begin to return from their exile until 1870 AD.  There as never any time during that entire 1735 years that the Middle East had peace.  This lack of peace has nothing to do with the presence of Jews in the Middle East.

Some claim that the nation of Israel is the cause of unrest in the Middle East.  There was no nation called Israel between 722 BC and 1948 AD.  Yet there was never peace in the Middle East during that entire time.  It is obvious that Israel has not taken away peace from the Middle East.

Some have thought that the solution is to have the Middle East ruled by a single Muslim empire.  This actually happened first under the Rashidun Caliphate and then under the Umayyad Caliphate.  These Caliphates were the only empires that ever controlled the entire Middle East.  They were the direct successors of the Caliphate of Mohammed.  They each ruled the Middle East as a single Muslim empire.  Their combined rule lasted from 632 AD to 750 AD.  There was never peace in Middle East under their rule.  In fact, they had at least five civil wars in their combined 118 year history.  More than that, there has been constant war between different Muslim groups in the Middle East since that time.  Muslim rule never brought peace to the Middle East.

Some have thought that the solution is to have outsiders rule the Middle East.  The Middle East, except for most of the Arabian Peninsula, has been ruled by the Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Turks, French and English.  (There were no Turks in Turkey during the time of the Apostles - the first century AD.  The Turks were called the Xiongnu by the Chinese at that time and lived in Mongolia and north west China.  The oldest Turkish writing in the world is on a monument in the Orkhon Valley in central Mongolia.  Much of Turkey was inhabited by Gauls and Celts at this time.  These are who the French and English came from.)  There was almost always some sort of war going on in the Middle East during the rule of all of these outsiders.  Foreign rule has never brought peace to the Middle East.

There have been land for peace deals to bring peace to the Middle East every since the British gave British Mandate Palestine to the Jews as a reward for Chaim Weizmann saving Britain from certain defeat during World War I (WWI).  The British had won this land from the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty of Versailles that ended WWI.  The Rothschilds also paid the Ottoman Empire more than a billion dollars of gold currency (worth about 50 billion in today's market) for the entire British Mandate that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.  Britain then gave the entire area east of the Jordan River to the Arabs in exchange for peace with the Jews that were to live on the entire area west of the Jordan River.  The Arab rulers accepted the deal and then used the land as an area to launch wars against the Jews.  This pattern has continued every time that the Jews have tried to trade land for peace since that time.  Trading land for peace has not worked any better for the Jews than it did for the Cherokee.  No peace plan that relies on Israel giving up land will ever bring peace to the Middle East.

So is there a Middle East Peace Plan that works?

Yes there is.  To understand this plan and why it will work we have to begin with why there has never been peace in the Middle East.  We have to understand what peace is and what destroys peace.

What is peace?

The Hebrew word for peace in the Book of Truth (The Bible) is "Shalom".  "Shalom" literally means "the peace that comes from being whole - nothing broken, nothing out of place, nothing missing, nothing extra".  A good example of this is the human body.  Your body is not at peace when you break a bone.  You body is not at peace if your shoulder gets moved out of place.  Your body is not a peace if part of it is missing like a limb.  Your body is not at peace if you have something extra like a tooth growing in where there is no space for another tooth.  Your body is at peace when everything is working, everything is in the right place, everything is present and there is nothing unneeded getting in the way.  In short, peace is everything being as it should be.

Adam had peace in the Garden of Eden.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) put part of Himself in Adam when He gave Adam life so Adam could know Him (Genesis 2:7). He gave Adam a place of his own that had everything that Adam needed (Genesis 2:8-9).  He gave Adam a meaningful job and the right of self determination for his own future (Genesis 2:15-17).  Adam was given human companionship so that he would not be lonely (Genesis 2:18-22).  Adam had peace in his family (Genesis 2:23-25).  Adam had peace in the Garden of Eden because he was following the peace plan of the Father of Truth who gave Adam everything he needed for peace (James 1:17).  The same is true for anyone that accepts the peace plan of the Father of Truth.

The Garden of Eden was in the Middle East (Genesis 2:10-14).  (Havilah is Kuwait. All of these rivers and their lands are in the Middle East.)  There was peace in the Middle East because they were following the only Middle East peace plan that works.

The peace that Adam had in the Middle East was destroyed when Adam left off following the peace plan of the Father of Truth.  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) came to the companion of Adam to look for a weakness in her understanding of the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 3:1-3).  When he found a weakness in her understanding then he offered his own peace plan instead that claimed to give them more power than the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 3:4-5).  So Adam and his companion accepted the peace plan of the Father of Lies (Genesis 3:6).  Immediately, the peace in their family was destroyed although they tried to cover it up (Genesis 3:7).  The peace that they had with the Father of Truth was destroyed (Genesis 3:8-10).  The peace in their conversations was destroyed (Genesis 3:11-13).   The health of their bodies was destroyed and they lost their cushy jobs (Genesis 3:16-19).  The very nature of their relationship with each other was changed (Genesis 3:20).  The peace of all creation was destroyed and death entered into their lives (Genesis 3:21).    They were kicked out of their beautiful home for accepting the peace plan of the Father of Lies (Genesis 3:23-24).  This is what happens to anyone that accepts a peace plan created by the Father of Lies.

However, all was not lost.  The Father of Truth promised to provide someone to destroy the Father of Lies so that people could have a second chance to accept His peace plan (Genesis 3:14-15).  He had to put them out of the Garden of Eden so that people could later have a second chance to accept His peace plan (Genesis 3:22).

War soon began in the Middle East to stop the peace plan of the Father of Truth.  It began when someone rejected the religion of peace that came from the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:3-5).  It was started by someone that would not accept the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:6-7).  It was started against those that accepted religion of peace that came from the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:8-10).  The first war in the Middle East was a Jihad.

This first Jihad brought a curse upon the one that waged it (Genesis 4:11-13).  This first Jihad was the cause of the first landless refuge in the Middle East (Genesis 4:14-16).  This first Jihad produced an entire society that practiced a religion other than the one created by the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:17-22).  This other religion lead to more violence in the Middle East that was falsely attributed as the will of the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:23-24).  Still these fanatics were not able to stop people from worshiping the Father of Truth as He intended (Genesis 4:25-26).   This corrupt religion that fostered violence eventually spread out from the Middle East to cover the whole Earth (Genesis 6:11-12).

The Father of Truth finally warned that He would destroy every single person that would not accept His peace plan (Genesis 6:13).  He also promised to save those that would accept His peace plan (Genesis 6:14-22).  He destroyed everyone that followed this religion of violence that masqueraded as a religion of peace but saved those that followed His religion of peace (Genesis 7:21-23).  He gave the whole Earth to those that followed His peace plan (Genesis 8:15-17).  Once again there was peace in the Middle East.

Soon there arose another man that rejected the religion of the Father of Truth and persecuted those that followed it (Genesis 9:22-24).  Those that accepted religion of peace were blessed while those that rejected it were cursed (Genesis 9:25-27).

The family of this man gave birth to the next man, Nimrod, that started war in the Middle East (Genesis 10:6-8).  (The term "mighty man" indicates a man of violence.)  Nimrod started a religion that was different than the religion of peace that comes from the Father of Truth (Genesis 10:9). [The phrase "before the Lord" is literally "in the face of YHVH" in Hebrew meaning in open rebellion against the Father of Truth.]  Again there was a Jihad against those that accepted the religion of peace given by the Father of Peace that produced another society that followed a religion of violence in the Middle East (Genesis 10:10-12).  It was the end of peace in the Middle East.

This family that rejected the peace plan of the Father of Truth gave birth to the Philistines (Palestinian is Latin for Philistine) that still live in Gaza Strip today (Genesis 10:15-19).  This man was the ancestor of the original inhabitants most of modern Israel (Genesis 10:15-19) who were the ancestors of the terrorists with have no desire for peace that live in the West Bank today.  (Heth mean "terror" and his descendants are called Hittites "sons of terror".  This is an idiom for terrorists in the Book of Truth.  The name of another of his sons means that he will not keep any agreement that he makes. This is why no peace agreement will ever work with these people.)

The Father of Truth promised to give this same land to Abraham and his descendants as part of His Middle East peace plan (Genesis 15:18-21).  The Children of Truth were to drive out those that rejected His religion of peace from this land (Exodus 23:31).  They were to not to make any peace agreement with these Middle East terrorists because these terrorists would not keep any agreement that they made (Exodus 23:32).  Those that live in this land would cause the Children of Truth to depart from His religion of peace if they were allowed to practice their religion of violence in the land of Israel (Exodus 23:33).  Those lived in this land practice a religion of violence that committed terrible sexual acts and even violence against their own children (Leviticus 18:21-23).    For these reasons the Father of Truth commanded the Children of Truth to drive these people out of the land of Israel instead of reaching a peace agreement with them (Leviticus 18:24-25). These nations were only driven out of the land of Israel because of their wickedness in following the religion of violence (Deuteronomy 9:4-5).

Make no mistake, this plan for peace in the Middle East is not about race but rather about religion.  The Father of Truth promised that He would put the descendants of Israel out of the land of Israel if they left the religion of peace to follow the religion of violence (Leviticus 18:26-28).  Solomon was reminded that the descendants of Israel would be cast out of the land of Israel unless they continued in the religion of peace (1 King 9:6-7).  They eventually did worse than the original inhabitants so He reminded them again that He would put them out of the land of Israel if they did not return to the religion of peace (2 Chronicles 33:7-10).  He finally put them out of the land of Israel for their deeds (2 Kings 24:2-4).  The Father of Truth rejects anyone that rejects His peace plan (2 Chronicles 19:7).

On the other hand, whenever anyone, including the original inhabitants, who left the religion of violence to follow the religion of peace then they were to be retained in the land of Israel (Leviticus 19:33-34).  The Father of Truth provided a way for Rahab the Canaanite to join the people of Israel because she was willing to leave the religion of violence (Joshua 6:24-25).  King David was severely punished for killing Uriah the Hittite and taking his wife because Uriah had came into the religion of peace (2 Samuel 12:9-12).  Ornan the Jebusite still lived in Jerusalem after David conquered it because he had came to worship the Father of Truth (1 Chronicles 21:23-25).  The Father of Truth accepts anyone that accepts His peace plan (Acts 10:34-35). 

The Father of Truth has once again gathered Israel back to their land to complete His Middle East peace plan (Ezekiel 11:17).  Another religion of violence has arisen among those that hate the Father of Truth (Psalm 83:1-3). Those that practice this religion will seek to destroy Israel in a Jihad (Psalm 83:4-5).  These Middle Eastern nations are those that have joined themselves to the Palestinians of Gaza and the so-called Palestinians of the West bank through this religion of violence (Psalm 83:6-8).  They will join together because they will seek to remove the soon to be rebuilt Temple from the Temple Mount just as their ancestors did (Psalm 83:11-12).  The Father of Truth will destroy many of them (Psalm 83:13-15).  Those that He spares will no longer say that their so-called god is greatest and people of all nations will know that His name is greatest (Psalm 83:16-18).

The Father of Truth will also remove all from among the people of Israel that will not accept His peace plan.  The nation of Israel will be saved when they finally accept the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) as His king (Zechariah 12:9-10).   Before that two out of three in Israel will die because their refusal to accept His peace plan (Zechariah 13:8-9).  There will be no peace in the Middle East without the Prince of Peace (Luke 13:35).

Every Gentile that lives in the land of Israel will be given an equal inheritance with the Jews and will be counted as belonging to the tribe of Israel where they dwell (Ezekiel 47:21-23).  The Palestinians that will turn from the religion of violence to the religion of peace shall be treated as if they were one of the children of Israel (Zechariah 9:5-7).  The rest of the nations will follow the religion of peace when the Prince of Peace rules (Micah 4:1-3).  Everyone in the Middle East and the rest of the world will enjoy the fruits of their own labor without anyone taking them away when the Man of Truth rules the Middle East (Micah 4:4-7).  This is the only Middle East peace plan that works.

Peace in the Middle East will be of no value to you if you do not have peace with the Father of Truth.  You can experience peace in your own Middle East today by coming into the House of Truth.  Whatever area of your life has never known peace can know peace because the Father of Truth has sent the Man of Truth as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).  All people are descendants of Adam who He promised to give his children a second chance to accept His peace plan by coming into the House of Truth (Acts 17:26).  It does not matter if you are a Jew, or a Palestinian or some other race for the Father of Truth is not a racist (Romans 2:9-11).  You can begin to follow the religion of peace when you into the House of Truth by you making the Prince of Peace your king because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  Anyone can experience His peace plan today when they come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Greatest Zionist

Who is really behind Zionism?

Zionism - The movement of people of Jewish descent to live in a Jewish state in the land of their ancestors.

There may not be a more controversial subject in the entire world than Zionism.  In fact, in Israel, the Chasidim (sometimes called "Ultra-orthodox Jews") say that Zionism is wrong.  This is very strange coming from a group, who refuses to work, and demands that the state of Israel support their large families, so they can spend all of their time arguing about the conflicting views of ancient Rabbis, and lobbying the Knesset (the parliament of Israel) to get their ideas made into law, by a government that they say has no right to exist.  Most of the people in Israel despise them, and call them "Holy Loafers".  Yet, despite their illogical hypocrisy, many people use their position as proof that Zionism is wrong.

Many people oppose Zionism because it upsets the Muslims.  In fact, some people blame all Islamic terrorism as a reaction to Zionism.  They apparently think that the Muslims were a peace loving group, until Jews began to immigrate back to the land of Israel in 1870.  They seem to not remember anything that Muslims did before that.  Like the fact that the Muslims overran half of Europe, and it took more than five hundred years to drive them almost completely out. (Bosnia is populated by the descendants of those Muslims.)   They forget that the very first foreign war that the US had was with Muslims in 1801 (the First Barbary War).   Despite this obvious nonsense about Zionism being the cause of Muslim violence, the question remains:  Is Zionism wrong?

To answer this question, we have to examine where Zionism came from, and who is behind it.

Jewish Zionism began in the 1800's in Russia.  There were a great number of Jews in Russia.  In fact, there are probably still more Jews in Russia than any other country on Earth.  The Russian Czars passed many laws to make life hard on the Jews, and sponsored many pogroms (race riots) that killed thousands of Jews at a time.  Russia also made laws that made it easier for Jews to immigrate out of Russia, and even eventually provided financial assistance to Jews who wanted to leave.  Most went west to western Europe and the United States, but about 25,000 went south to Israel.  When the earliest immigrants arrived by ship in 1870, they were met by Jews that had immigrated north from Yemen, and had arrived in Jaffa the same day as the Russian Jews.  These Yemenite Jews spoke Arabic and knew the culture of their neighbors.  In 1897, Russia set up a program to help Jews move to Jaffa from Odessa, and the Rothschilds had set up a program to help them plant orchards and vineyards after they arrived.  All of these things were instrumental in allowing Jews to lay the groundwork to create a Jewish state in Israel, that was inspired by Theodore Herzl in 1897.

However, even more instrumental than any of that was Christian Zionism.  Christian Zionists were the ones that brought back the earliest immigrants to the land of Israel in ships that they owned.  Christian Zionists gave large sums of money to the Jewish Zionist organizations to help Jews make aliyah (moving back to Israel from outside of Israel).  Christian Zionists continued to give assistance to help Jews once they arrived in the land of Israel that was under the control of the Ottoman Turks at the time.  In short, Christian Zionists made the ambitions of Jewish Zionists possible.  This has been acknowledge many times, by many Israeli leaders, including the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu (Christian Zionists).

Christian Zionism actually began at least two hundred years before Jewish Zionism.  At that time it was called Restorationism.  It began in England in the early 1600s at the latest. 

One of the most famous early Christian Zionists was Sir Isaac Newton.  Sir Issac Newton is considered the greatest scientists that ever lived.  He wrote more scientific papers than anyone else.  He was also a great mathematician.  He invented Calculus so he could invent Newtonian Physics.  What most people do not know, is that he actually wrote more on his studies of the Bible, than he did on Math and Science combined.  Sir Isaac Newton took the Bible as being the literal word of God, and had extremely divergent views on many things, from those of the church of England.  In fact, his views were so divergent, that he avoided the ordination as a member of the clergy of the church of England for his entire life, even though English law demanded it, for him to be a member of  the Cambridge faculty.  Sir Isaac Newton was hardly alone in his views, and joined a society of Restorationists (Christian Zionists) composed mostly of wealthy and influence members of English society.  He had never married and had no children, so he left a large portion of his fortune to this society to promote the cause of Christian Zionism.

So why did Gentile Christians like Sir Isaac Newton and the Pilgrims begin to take up the cause of restoring Jewish people to the land of Israel, long before there was even any expressed interest in doing so by the Jews?

This takes us to who is really behind Zionism.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is author of Zionism.  Sir Isaac Newton and other Christian Zionists only uncovered what He had recorded in the Book of Truth (the Bible) so that they could act at the appropriate time.  He is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth told Moses, the Prophet of Truth, that He would scatter the Jews from the Land that He would give them for their disobedience (Deuteronomy 28:62-64). 

The Father of Truth told them that they would find no peace in the Gentile nations that they would be scattered to dwell in (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).   He has not allowed the Jews to be completely destroyed because He does not want the Gentiles to think that they did this on their own (Deuteronomy 32:26-27).    The Father of Truth has always made sure that enough Jews survived to bring about His promises (Isaiah 1:9).  He will let the universe be destroyed before he will let the Jews be completely destroyed (Jeremiah 31:35-37).  He has always provided sanctuary countries where the Jews could flee to prevent them from being completely destroyed (Ezekiel 11:13-16).  He did not destroy the Jews in the wilderness so that His name will not come to dishonor among the Gentiles (Ezekiel 20:14-17).  The Father of Truth has held back from completely destroying the Jews so that He can bring about all that He has promised (Romans 9:27-29).  He has never ceased to love the Jews because of  His love for their fathers Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac) and Ya'acob (Jacob) (Romans 11:28).

The Father of Truth said that He would gather them back into the land (Deuteronomy 30:3-4).  He said that He would do this because of His promises to their fathers (Leviticus 26:42-44).  He would gather them back to the land of Israel so that the Gentiles would know that He had not abandon the Jews (Jeremiah 31:10-11).  The Father of Truth is the one that has gathered the Jews and given the land of Israel back to the Jews (Ezekiel 11:17).  He is giving the land of Israel back to the Jews because of His promises to their fathers (Ezekiel 20:41-42).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth is bringing the Jews back into the land of Israel so the Jews will accept His B'rit Chadashah [literally the Renewed Covenant but more commonly mistranslated as the New Covenant] because they would not keep the covenant that He gave them through Moses the Prophet of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-32).  He is bringing them back to the land of Israel so that He can rule over them (Ezekiel 20:33-34).  He is bringing them back to the land of Israel so that He can plead with them in person to accept His covenant (Ezekiel 20:35-37).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth is gathering the Jews back to the land of Israel so that He can bring them back to Himself  by writing the Law that He that gave Moses on their hearts instead of on stones (Ezekiel 11:18-20).  He is bringing the Jews back into the land of Israel so He can write the same Laws that He gave Moses the Prophet of Truth on their hearts so that they will know Him (Jeremiah 31:33-34).  He is bringing the Jews back into the land of Israel so they will acknowledge it is their fault that they were scattered in the first place (Ezekiel 20:43-44).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth will destroy out of the land of Israel every Jew that refuses to come back to Him (Ezekiel 11:21).  He will destroy out of the land of Israel every Jew that refuses to accept His Renewed Covenant (Ezekiel 20:38).  Then only righteous Jews will be left in the land of Israel (Isaiah 60:21).

The Father of Truth has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel so that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will be able rule over them and the whole Earth.   He promised David that the Man of Truth would reign over the people of Israel in the land of Israel (1 Kings 8:25).  The Man of Truth is the King of the Jews (Mark 15:2).  The Man of Truth has promised to let each of the twelve disciple rule over a tribe of the Jews in the land of the Jews when His father begins his rule over the Jews in the land of Israel. (Luke 22:29-30).  The Father of Truth has to put the Jews in the land of Israel so that the Man of Truth can restore the kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6-7).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

How we be certain that the Father of Truth is the one doing this doing this?

If this had only been the work of men like Christian and Jewish Zionists then it would have failed and there would be no Jewish nation in the land of Israel today (Acts 5:38).

The Father of Truth is the one that has been making their efforts to bring the Jews back from all over the Earth to the land of Israel successful (Psalm 107:2-3).  He is the one that has brought the Jews from Asia in the east, Europe in the west, Russia in the North and Africa in the south back to the land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-7).   He has brought them back from Europe in the west, Russia in the north and even China (Sinim) (Isaiah 49:12).  He is the one that is bringing the Jews back from Russia (Jeremiah 3:18).   The Father of Truth is bringing back so many Jews from Russia and the rest of the world that it will eclipse the Exodus (Jeremiah 16:14-15).   He is the one that sent the Christian Zionists to fish out the Jews that would come voluntarily to the land of Israel before he allowed evil men like Hitler to hunt out the Jews out to force them to come to the land of Israel involuntarily (Jeremiah 16:16).  He is the one behind so many Jews coming home from Russia and other places that it will replace the Exodus in the memory of the Jews (Jeremiah 23:7-8).   The Father of Truth is the one that began bringing the Jews back from Russia - the land of the north.  (Jeremiah 31:7-8)  (Moscow is almost dead north of Jerusalem and Russia has more land north of the Arctic circle than any other country. Almost half of the Jews living in Israel have came from Russia.)  He is even bringing back the so-called lost ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel that were scattered by the Assyrians because the Father of Truth has not lost track of one single Jew (Jeremiah 31:9).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth said that the Jews would come back to the land by flying (Isaiah 60:8).  (That is why Sir Isaac Newton insisted that men would one day fly and why the Wright brothers were convince that they could invent the airplane.)  He said that Gentiles would bring them back to the land of Israel with their wealth on ships just as Christian Zionists have done from 1870 until this present day (Isaiah 60:9).  He said that the Gentiles would help rebuild Jerusalem as Christian Zionists have from 1870 until this present day (Isaiah 60:9).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

The Father of Truth is the one that has caused the deserts of Israel to become the worlds largest growing region of roses (Isaiah 35:1-3).  He is the one that has sown the land of Israel with people and animals (Jeremiah 31:27-28).  The Father of Truth has the one that has caused the Jews to build houses and vineyards in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 28:25-26).  He is the one that has made the land of Israel to be fertile once again after the Jews returned (Ezekiel 36:8-9).  He is the one that is making the land to be filled with crops and the ancient cities to be rebuilt (Ezekiel 36:34-36).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist. 

He is the one behind the Jews rebuilding the ancient cities of Israel in the land of Israel (Isaiah 44:26).  The Father of Truth sent the Children of Truth to help the Jews in rebuilding these cities (Isaiah 45:11-13).  He is the one that has caused the Jews to rebuild these cities and to hire the Arabs as laborers (Isaiah 61:3-5).  He is the one that has caused the Jews that were cast out of Russia and other nations to rebuild the same cities that their ancestors were cast out of (Jeremiah 30:17-19).  The Father of Truth has called the Jews back to the cities of their ancestors (Jeremiah 31:21).  He is the one that has caused the Jews to return to live in the exact same locations as the ones that their ancestors were removed from (Ezekiel 36:8-9). The Father of Truth is the one behind all Jewish settlements in the land of Israel (Amos 9:14).  The Father of Truth is the greatest Zionist.

Why has the Father of Truth waited so long to bring the Jews back to the land of Israel?

The Father of Truth has been bringing the nation of Israel back to life at this time so He can raise up them up as the nation that the Man of Truth rules the Earth from (Hosea 6:1-3).  A day is as a thousand years in the sight of the Father of Truth when it has passed (Psalm 90:4).  A thousand years is the same as a day in the eyes of the Father of Truth (2 Peter 3:8).  It has been almost two thousand years since the Man of Truth died so the appointed time is quickly approaching.

So what about anyone that is against Zionism?

Since the Father of Truth is the one behind Zionism then everyone that oppose Zionism is fighting against Him (Acts 5:39).

The Father of Truth owns the land of Israel and not even the Jews have a right to trade any of it away for peace or anything else (Leviticus 25:23). He owns the whole Earth and has the right to decide who lives where (Psalm 24:1).  It is those that hate the Father of Truth that seek to prevent the Jews from being a nation in the land of Israel (Psalms 83:2-4).

The Father of Truth will judge every nation that seeks to divide His land that He has given to the Jews (Joel 3:1-2).  He will do to every nation what they have done to the nation of Israel (Joel 3:4-8).

The Father of Truth has chosen Jerusalem as His city (1 Kings 11:36).  He has chosen Jerusalem as the place of His house (2 Kings 21:7).  He has commanded that every one that calls on His name to ask Him that Jerusalem to not be divided as it currently is but to be completely under the control of the Jews (Psalm 122:5-7). [The word translated as "peace" literally mean "the peace that comes from being whole - nothing missing, nothing extra, nothing broken and nothing out of place".]

Those that seek to take Jerusalem from the Jews are fighting against the Father of Truth (Zechariah 12:1-3).  He shall defend the Jews in Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:8-9).

He has chosen the Temple Mount as the location of His Temple (2 Chronicles 3:1).  The Temple mount is the only mountain in Jerusalem that is opposite of the Mount of Olives (Mark 13:3).  Those that seek to take the Temple Mount from the Jews will be destroyed (Psalms 83:9-12).

The nation that will not serve the nation of Israel when the Man of Truth reigns over the Jews in the land of Israel will be destroyed (Isaiah 60:12).

Perhaps you have read this and realized that you have been on the wrong side of this issue.  Chances are that you have been lied to about Zionism and the Jews in general.   You may have even been told these lies by religious professionals.  These lies came from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) like all lies (John 8:44).  You  probably did not know that you were fighting against the Father of Truth.  The Father of Truth has been letting it slide because you were ignorant but now He commands that you come into the House of Truth (Acts 17:30).  If you come into the House of Truth then He will forgive you because the blood of the Man of Truth cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7).

If you can join the Father of Truth in being a Zionist by coming into the House of Truth.  You start by making the Man of Truth your king because you believe that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Global Conspiracy

Is there a conspiracy to put the entire world under Jewish rule?

There is a global conspiracy to put the entire world under Jewish rule.  I know this for a fact because I'm part of it and I have been recruiting others to join in this conspiracy.

When I grew up in Northwest Arkansas I had heard of many Jewish conspiracies.  Jews were kind of like "the boogie man" - everything that went wrong in some people's lives were somehow the fault of these mysterious people called Jews.  Jews supposedly controlled everything but were at the same time inferior to the white people that they controlled.  Like that made any sense at all. 

I finally told one of the most vocal of these people that they were not being held back by blacks or Jews but by their inability to show up to work on time and sober.  My candor was not appreciated.

The strangest part was that no one could even tell you what a Jew looked like.  The fact is that there were Jews living in Northwest Arkansas for almost a hundred years before the first synagogue appeared in 1937.  In the early days, they lived in Gentile communities and most were often buried in the community graveyard, usually a church graveyard, with nothing after they died to indicate that they were Jewish except perhaps their name, if it had not been changed, and perhaps a Solomon's knot that had been modified to look similar to a cross on their tombstone. 

The unromantic truth is that people will marry or at least breed with the available population.  These Jews undoubtedly married Gentiles as Jews have done throughout history making their children look similar to their Gentile neighbors.  So by the standards of the Nazis some of these people could have been Jewish for all they knew.   After all, most people do not know who all eight of their great grandparents are.  The truth is they could not identify a Jew if they saw one in the mirror or on the street.

However, I found that there really is a conspiracy to put the wold under Jewish rule.  After examining the document detailing this conspiracy I decided to join as an operative. 

This is not some imaginary conspiracy like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".  In fact all other conspiracies to bring the world under Jewish rule were lies.  All of those conspiracies were made up by people who were themselves involved in conspiracies to bring the wold under their own rule.  They created these fabrications of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world as both a recruitment tool to get people to join them and as a distraction so that people would not see what they were doing.  Hitler used this kind of propaganda of a Jewish conspiracy very effectively to accomplish both of these goals.

Today, Muslims and white supremacist still continue to use this kind of propaganda to accomplish the same goals.  So these lies of made up Jewish conspiracies to put the world under Jewish rule continue to be told by those that are themselves conspiring to put the world under their own rule.

History has shown that there has never been anything to any of these so-called conspiracies by Jews to take over the world and yet they remain popular.  These conspiracies are absurd in the view of the facts.

Jews do not always cooperate with each other.  Jews have been scattered all of the world with no means to communicate with each other throughout most of history.  It has been said in Israel that arguing is the national sport because Jews generally disagree with each other about almost everything.  A Jewish joke is ask two Rabbis for their opinion on anything and you will get three answers.  Jews are not walking in lock step with each other like Nazis.

Some Jews like Jonas Salk have done nothing but good for people. 

Dr. Salk spent about a decade to find a cure for polio and then refused to patent his cure because he wanted to save as many lives as possible.  If he sold his patent to a drug company then the poorest Americans and others would not have been able to afford the cure and the cure would have taken longer to be implemented.  By making his cure available for free he ensured that the cure would be implemented quickly at a price that all could afford.  His patent would have been worth about five billion dollars in 2013 money but he valued people more than money.  So much for all Jews being greedy as portrayed in these conspiracy theories.

On the other hand, there have been some Jews like Trotsky that were involved with people like Lenin to take over the world.  However, these were hardly Jewish conspiracies to put the world under Jewish domination by any stretch of the imagination.  Lenin was a Gentile that sought to put the world under Russian domination.  Trotsky only helped Lenin accomplish his goals.  Lenin's successor Stalin had Trotsky murdered.  It was a Gentile conspiracy that a few Jews participated in.  Like all of these schemes Jews ended up suffered greatly.

The truth is Jews are just like Gentiles in most ways.  Some become doctors and some become serial killers.  Good and evil behavior are not characteristics of race.  No one is born conspiring to take over the world because of their ancestry.

So why do people conspiring to take over the world keep putting forth these accusations of Jews conspiring to take over the world?  The simple answer is that the propaganda works.  It works because it plays on peoples fears.  People intuitively know there really is a conspiracy to put the world under Jewish rule.

Let me tell you about this conspiracy so that you can decide whether or not you want to be an operative.

This is not some new conspiracy that was created by Jews in modern times.

In fact, various Jews and Gentiles have been working together for centuries to bring about this new world order.  Jews and the Gentiles that have joined them for thousands of years have been being placed in the highest positions of government by the architect of this conspiracy.   They have been patiently waiting for the day when the plan is put into action and the world is put under Jewish rule.

Not every Jew is involved in this conspiracy.  In fact, many Jews have been the strongest opponents of the conspirators.  Most Jews are either hostile, indifferent or ignorant of this conspiracy.  Still the core leadership of this conspiracy are all Jews, the leader of this new world order is a Jew and the document that details the part that each operative is to play was written by Jews.  Most people would agree that it is a conspiracy instigated by Jews to put the world under Jewish rule.

Not everyone in involved in this conspiracy is Jewish.  In fact, there are currently far more Gentile operatives than Jewish operatives.  You do not need to be Jewish to be part of this conspiracy.  In fact when this conspiracy is brought to completion the Gentiles that are involved in this conspiracy will profit and the Jews that opposed this conspiracy will be punished.  Anyone can be an operative.

This conspiracy has been documented in the Book of Truth (The Bible) for about four thousand years.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is the Architect of this conspiracy and the Author of this document (2 Timothy 3:16-17).   The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) dictated the details of this conspiracy to certain operatives (2 Peter 1:21).  All of the operatives that recorded and preserved those details in this document were Jews (Romans 3:1-2).

This conspiracy started with the very first Jew (Genesis 12:1-3).  The Architect of this conspiracy began putting it into action when He selected the very first Jewish operative (Genesis 15:7). This first Jewish operative was given the very first code name (Genesis 17:5).  This first Jewish operative was promised that the operatives that came from him would be placed in positions of power (Genesis 17:6).  This Jewish operative was promised that his descendents would be given the land bridge that was vital to making the conspiracy successful as a reward for their participation in the conspiracy (Genesis 17:7-8).  This first Jewish operative was given a secret sign that all the early operatives had to be given as proof that they were part of the conspiracy with him even if they were not his descendants (Genesis 17:9-14).  This operative was told who was to be groomed as his successor (Genesis 17:19-21).  This first Jew was the first chief operative of the conspiracy (Genesis 18:17-18).  The first Jew was chosen as the first chief operative because he could be counted on to teach those that came after him to carry out the conspiracy (Genesis 18:19).  The head of the government was made afraid by the Architect to cross this first chief operative (Genesis 20:3).  When this first chief operative proved his loyalty to the Architect of the conspiracy then the Architect revealed the global nature of the conspiracy (Genesis 22:16-18).

His successor was given the same promise as the first Jewish operative if he would be obedient in doing his part in carrying out the conspiracy (Genesis 26:2-5).  The family of the second chief operative was given special protection by the government (Genesis 26:11).  The second chief operative was soon moved into a place of wealth and influence (Genesis 26:13).
Rumors of a Jewish conspiracy started soon after the second chief operative began operating.  People noticed that the second chief operative had been moved into a position of wealth and influence (Genesis 26:14).  The second chief operative was soon harassed by those that that noticed (Genesis 26:15).  The second chief operative had grown so powerful that the government feared him (Genesis 26:16).  The government finally sought the favor of the second chief operative because they realized that he had been positioned in his place of wealth and influence by the Architect of the conspiracy (Genesis 26:26-29).

Then the next chief operative was announced by the Architect (Genesis 25:23).  The third chief operative was confirmed as the successor of the second chief operative as the Architect had decreed (Genesis 25:29-30).   The third chief operative was given the same promise as the first and second chief operatives if he would be obedient in doing his part in carrying out the conspiracy (Genesis 28:13-15).  The third chief operative was the second operative to receive a code name (Genesis 32:28).  The third chief operative was then promised that his family would be placed in positions of power and given the land bridge that was vital in ruling over the Earth (Genesis 35:10-12).

Then a new phase started where everyone in the family of the third operative would become an operative. One of these operatives was soon in place and controlling the government of the most powerful nation on Earth (Genesis 41:39-44).

The third chief operative passed on to each member of the family their assignment in carryout the conspiracy (Genesis 49:1-28).

Then a fourth chief operative was placed in the halls of power where he learned how the government operated (Acts 7:21-22). The fourth chief operative was originally rejected by the family of operatives as the chief operative when he first tried to deliver them (Acts 7:23-27).

Then a a new phase began where there would not just be a single family of operatives but a nation of operatives.

This fourth chief operative then lead all of the operatives out from among the Gentiles to be trained to resume operations when they accepted him as chief operative many years later (Acts 7:34-36). There was no longer only operatives from the family of the third chief operative but also operatives from many families that had joined them in the conspiracy (Exodus 12:37-39).   These were added to the family of the third chief operative to create a nation of operatives that would do the bidding of the Architect of the conspiracy (Exodus 19:3-7).  The Architect made them a nation by giving all of the operatives the same set of rules to operate by (Numbers 15:15-16). The Architect promised to put this nation of operatives in a position above all other nations if they would live by different rules than all other nations (Deuteronomy 14:1-3).  The Architect promised that this nation of operatives would rule over the entire world if they followed His plan (Deuteronomy 28:1).  This nation of operatives are the Jews and this is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

This Jewish nation eventually was given part of the land that had been promised so the conspiracy could continue to progress (Joshua 23:1-4).  This Jewish nation had a Jewish chief operative that was promised that his descendant would be the great Jewish chief operative that was vital to carrying out the conspiracy to completion (1 Kings 8:25).  This great Jewish chief operative will rule over the whole earth (Daniel 7:13-14).  This great Jewish chief operative will put everyone under the same law as the Jews and disarm everyone (Isaiah 2:2-4).  He will enforce these Jewish laws by controlling of the water supply of the entire Earth (Zechariah 14:16-19).  This is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

The Architect of the conspiracy has continued to place His operatives in the governments of Gentile nations throughout the ages.  He placed Jewish operatives in charge of the government of Babylon (Daniel 2:48-49).  He placed a Jewish operative in charge of the government of Persia (Esther 10).  He had His operatives embedded in the palaces of the Roman Empire (Philippians 4:22).    In fact, the same was true of  many other empires with global ambitions.  All of these empires were ran by people that conspired to bring the entire world under their own rule instead of Jewish rule but the Architect was always able to use his operatives to influence them.  It has definitely been a conspiracy to bring the world under Jewish rule.

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is this great Jewish chief operative that had been promised to rule the Jewish nation that would rule the Earth (Luke 1:32).  This great Jewish chief operative selected twelve special operatives to ensure that the next phase of the conspiracy was carried out (Matthew 10:1-4).  The first assignment of these special Jewish operatives was to awake the sleeper cells in the nation of Israel (Matthew 10:5-7).  These twelve Jewish operatives were each promised to rule over a tribe of the nation of Israel (Matthew 19:28). 

Like the fourth chief operative, this great Jewish chief operative was originally rejected by most of those that were suppose to be operatives (Matthew 21:42).  In fact, they made their own Jewish conspiracy and had him killed (Acts 3:13-15).  They did not count on the Architect raising the great Jewish chief operative from the dead after they had rejected him  (Acts 4:8-11).  This was actually a vital part of the conspiracy although they did not understand what the Architect was really doing (1 Corinthians 2:6-8).

Like the fourth chief operative, this great Jewish chief operative will eventually be accept by all the Jewish people as the great Jewish chief operative (Zechariah 12:10).  The Man of Truth will not come back to rule over Israel until they accept him as the great Jewish chief operative (Luke 13:35).  Then the great Jewish chief operative will rule over all nations from Jerusalem (Revelation 11:15).  This is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

In the interim the conspiracy has not went dormant but has entered a new phase.  Those Jews that reject the orders of this great Jewish chief operative will not take part in the conspiracy but will be replaced with Gentile operatives (Matthew 21:43).  The requirement of the secret sign has been waived for these Gentile operatives (1 Corinthians 7:18).  These Gentiles operatives are positioned in every nation and tribe on Earth making this conspiracy to place the whole world under Jewish rule truly global in its scope (Revelation 5:9-10).

The greatest recruiter of Gentile operatives ever was a Jew (Romans 11:1).  The nation of Israel has not been removed from the plan (Romans 11:2).  Only those Jews that refuse to be operatives have been removed as operatives so they can be replaced by Gentiles that are willing to be operatives (Romans 11:11-12).  Jews can return to being operatives (Romans 11:13-14).  The conspiracy will not be completed until Israel accepts the rule of the great Jewish chief operative (Romans 11:15).  When all of the Gentile operatives have been recruited then the nation of Israel will accept the rule of the great Jewish chief operative (Romans 11:25-27).  The Architect has not forgotten the promises that He made to the first three chief operatives (Romans 11:28).  This is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

A new phase of the plan will soon begin to bring this about.

This Jewish nation that began under the fourth chief operative will soon go through a time of terrible trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).  When that trouble is over then those promises to that this Jewish nation will rule all nations will be fulfilled (Jeremiah 30:8).  The promise will be able to be fulfilled because they finally submit to the rule of the great Jewish chief operative (Jeremiah 30:9). However, this will only be after the two thirds that will not accept the rule of the great Jewish chief operative have died (Zechariah 13:6-9). Then all of the remaining Jews on Earth shall resume as operatives to bring about the rule of the great Jewish chief operative over the entire Earth (Zechariah 8:20-23).  This is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

This conspiracy is a plan that is kept secret from everyone except those that are involved.  Much of this plan is spoken in code so that only the operatives will understand it (Mark 4:11).  Only the Architect knows all the details of the plan (Mark 13:31-33).  This plan is still hidden to most of the Jewish nation that began under the fourth chief operative (Romans 11:25).  This plan has been kept secret since before there was ever anyone to tell it to but has now been documented for anyone that is willing to obey the orders of the Architect (Romans 16:25-26).   All of the details of this plan are not fully known to the operatives (1 Corinthians 2:9).  This plan can only be understood with the help of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) uses lies to blind many that read the document to prevent them from becoming operatives (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).   Some operatives are given more details of the plan than others but cannot share them since they are on a need to know basis (2 Corinthians 12:3-4).  New details of the plan are only revealed to the operatives when the Architect starts a new phase (Colossians 1:25-27).  Even the great Jewish chief operative had to have details of this plan revealed to him by the Architect before he could passed them on to the other operatives (Revelation 1:1-2).

So any one that will come into the House of Truth is an operative in this conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.  Jews and Gentiles can join in the conspiracy (Romans 9:22-24).  All of the operatives are equally valuable in the House of Truth (Romans 9:25-26).  There has never ceased to be nor will ever cease to be Jewish operatives in the House of Truth (Romans 9:27-29).  This is definitely a conspiracy to bring the entire world under Jewish rule.

You can come into the House of Truth by accepting the Man of Truth as the great Jewish operative that rules over your life because you believe that the Architect raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Five Ways To Start A Fire

What are the five ways to start a fire?

Fire - the rapid oxidation of a material producing heat and light.

Fire is essential for human life and has been universal among all people groups throughout the ages.  The heat from fire kills harmful bacteria when food is cooked.  The heat from fire has kept people warm when they otherwise would have frozen.  Fire has been the main source of light that has driven back the darkness of night throughout most of human history.  Fire has been a source of protection from wild animals throughout the centuries for everything fears it.

Fire is also destructive.  The Hebrew word for fire is "esh" and is where the English word "ash" comes from.  Its word picture in ancient Hebrew is "the strong destroyer".  Fire is the strong destroyer for there is nothing that fire will not destroy if it can burn hot enough.  Fire will also spread its destruction as it spreads to where ever it finds oxygen and fuel.  For these reasons fire has been used as a weapon throughout the centuries from flaming arrows to thermobaric bombs.  The Russians claim that the fire from their largest bomb named "The Father of All Bombs" simply vaporizes everything in its strike zone.

Since fire is so useful and deadly everyone has had to find ways to produce it.  Fortunately, there are at least five ways to start a fire.

One way to start a fire is friction. This often done by placing the sharp end of a pointy stick in a hollowed spot in the surface of a log that has been filled with tender and then rotating the stick back and forth rapidly.  This often done with the assistance of a bow drill.

Another way to start a fire is with a spark.  This is usually done by striking hard rocks (usually some type of chert such as flint) together to produce sparks that are shot into the tender.

Fire can also be started by concentrating light.  One example of this is using a curved reflective or transparent surface to place the focal point on the tender.  This is how a fire is stared with a magnifying glass or how Archimedes set the ships of the Romans on fire using curved bronze mirrors.  If light can be concentrated in a straight line it produces an even hotter fire.  This also how a laser can cut through solid steel.

Electricity has long been known to start fires.  Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod because his parents perished in a fire started by lightening.  Every time a car is started a small fire is ignited by electricity to begin the internal combustion.  The magicians of the ancient Egyptians are believed to have used lemon batteries to "magically" start fires.

Lastly fire can be started by chemical combustion.  This happens when white phosphorus (aka brimstone) comes in contact with air such as when it was expelled from the Earth and then rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Aluminum and zinc powder ignite when they contact water.   Greek fire chemically produced a flaming ball of gas that rolled over the surface of the seas.

In the same way, there are five ways for to start the fire of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) burning in our lives.

This fire comes when you are the baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Luke 3:16).

The baptism of the Spirit of Truth was promised by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) long before the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) came to the Earth (Joel 2:28-29).  He started the fire that comes from the baptism of the Spirit of Truth when that promise began being fulfilled shortly after the Man of Truth went back to Heaven  (Acts 2:16-18).

This baptism in the Spirit of Truth and fire is not the same as the baptism in water after you repent of your sins (Matthew 3:11).  The Father of Truth sent Yochanon the Mikveh man (John the Baptist) to baptize people in water but He sent the Man of Truth to baptize people in the Spirit of Truth (John 1:33).

The Man of Truth is the one that baptizes people in the Spirit of Truth (Mark 1:8). He never baptized anyone in water (John 4:1-2).

The fire can be started by following the instructions that were personally given to you by the Man of Truth.  He told his followers to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father of Truth (Luke 24:49). He told them that this promise was the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:4-5).  They did as they were told (Acts 1:12-14).  It was obedience that brought the blessing to them at the appointed time (Acts 2:1-4).  It will be no different with you.

How did people of Jerusalem know that the fire had been started in the upper room?  When the fire started the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) began to release the sound of power (Acts 2:2-4).  The Sound of Power was the evidence that the fire had been started in those that obeyed the instructions (Acts 2:33).  It will be no different with you.

The fire can be started by going at a meeting of the Children of Truth and having hands laid on you by someone that has been given the gift giving the baptism of the Spirit of Truth through the laying on of hands.  Phillip the Evangelist preached the Man of Truth and demonstrated the power of the Spirit of Truth in a city wide revival (Acts 8:5-8).  The people of Samaria believed his preaching and even those involved in witchcraft came to repentance (Acts 8:9-13).  Despite all that the Spirit of Truth was doing in Samaria and how receptive people had been to the Word of Truth people walked for two days to get someone to start the fire (Acts 8:14).   Cephas (Peter aka Simon aka Simeon) and Yochanon (John) the Apostles of Truth made a two day walk to start the fire (Acts 8:14-15).  Even though people had been baptized in water in the name of the Man of Truth and the Spirit of Truth had come to live in them the fire had not been started (Acts 8:16). They laid their hands on people and then the fire was started when people were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:17).  The ability to lay hands on people to start the fire is a gift that the Father of Truth gives to only some people (Acts 8:19-20).   It will be no different with you.

How did people of Samaria know that the fire had been started in Samaria?  The people apparently released the sound of power when the fire started because everyone could see the sign that the fire had started (Acts 8:18).   It will be no different with you.

The fire can be started by a sovereign decision of the Spirit of Truth to fall on people when they believe the Word of Truth that is being preached.  Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon) was sent to preach to the Gentiles (Acts 11:11-12).  Cornelius the Gentile had wanted to hear the Word of Truth so he could be saved (Acts 11:13-14).  Peter the Jew only preached on how to be saved and said nothing about the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:34-43).  Yet these Gentiles they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 11:15).  The fire had been started in the Gentiles when they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 11:16).  The fire can be started by the Spirit of Truth before people are even baptized in water (Acts 10:47-48).   The Father of Truth can give the gift of the baptism of the Spirit of Truth to anyone as soon as they come into the House of Truth because they believe the Word of Truth that is preached (Acts 11:17).  It will be no different with you.

How did the Jewish believers with Peter the Jew know that the fire had been started in the Gentiles?  Cornelius the Gentile and the other Gentiles with him released the sound of power (Acts 10:45-46).  It will be no different with you.

The fire can be started by an encounter arranged by the Father of Truth.  Shaul (Paul aka Saul) came across Jewish disciples that he did not even know on his way to Ephesus (Acts 19:1).  These disciples were not baptized in fire and had not even heard of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 19:2). These Jews were disciples of Yochanon the Mikvah man (John the Baptist) that had only been baptized in water (Acts 19:3).  It was not enough to be baptized in water since they had not first came into the House of Truth (Acts 19:4).  Once they came into the House of Truth then they had to be baptized in water again even if they have been baptized before (Acts 19:5).  It will be no different with you.

How did Shual (Paul aka Saul) know that the fire had been started in these Jewish disciples after they came into the House of Truth?  These Jewish disciples released the sound of power after he laid hands on them (Acts 19:6).   It will be no different with you.

You might find yourself thinking that none of these ways to start a fire will work for you.  The Man of Truth may never visit you personally.  There may not be any meetings where people are being baptized in the Spirit of Truth by the laying on of hands for you to participate in.  You may not be in a meeting where the Spirit of Truth sovereignly falls upon everyone while the Word of Truth is being preached.  The Father of Truth may not arrange an encounter with someone that has the gift of baptizing people in the Spirit of Truth thru the laying on of hands.  Do not despair.  There is one more way to start a fire that is always available.

You can just ask the Father of Truth to give you the gift of the baptism of the Spirit of Truth.  He will give you this if you want it bad enough to be persistent (Matthew 7:7-8).   If you ask Him for anything good He will not give you something bad instead (Matthew 7:9-11).  He will give the Spirit of Truth as He promised to everyone (Luke 11:13).  Every good thing comes from the Father of Truth (James 1:17).  It will be no different with you.

Whether the Father of Truth starts the fire directly or one of the other way the sound of power is always released (Mark 16:17).  It will be no different with you.

Why do you need the fire started?

If you are a Child of Truth then you need the fire that comes from the baptism of the Spirit of Truth.  You need the fire to carry out the great commission to bring people into the House of Truth (Mark 16:15-18).   You need the fire so that you can give indisputable proof that you are giving people the Word of Truth (Mark 16:20).  You need the power of the fire so that you can be as effective as possible in doing your part in bringing salvation to everyone on the Earth (Acts 1:8).  You need the fire as a witness from the Father of Truth of all that you have heard from the Man of Truth (Hebrews 2:3-4).

Why is the fire not been started in so many of the Children of Truth?

The traditions handed down by religious professionals has prevented the fire from starting as surely as trying to start a barbecue with a lighter under water.  The Word of Truth has no effect when religious tradition keeps people from acting on it (Matthew 15:6).  The fire has been prevented from being started in many of the Children of Truth who are imprisoned by religion instead of following the Man of Truth as he intended (Colossians 2:8). The fire is started as a work of faith in those that choose the Father of Truth over religious tradition (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 

Traditions handed down by religious professionals may cause you to think of multiple types of baptisms and the laying on hands as strange. However the Book of Truth (the Bible) says that these truths are fundamental teachings of the Word of Truth.  They are as basic as repentance from dead works, faith in the Father of Truth, the resurrection from the dead of all people and eternal judgement for those that did not remain in the House of Truth (Hebrews 6:1-2).

Tradition may tell you that this promise was for a few select Jews in a Jerusalem that lived a long time ago.  The promise of the Father of Truth is for anyone that hears of it (Acts 2:39).  The Father of Truth gave the gift of the fire of the Spirit of Truth to Cornelius and the other Gentiles because it is available to Gentiles (Acts 11:17-18).  The promise of the baptism of the Spirit of Truth was not just for the Jews but everyone that has came into the House of Truth (Romans 4:16).

Can you have the fire started?

If you are not a Child of Truth then you must come into the House of Truth so the fire can be started. The fire cannot be started until you come into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38).  There is the even better gift of eternal life that is promised to those that come into and remain the House of Truth (Romans 6:23).  You come into the House of Truth by surrendering your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).  The fire can be started in your life if you will come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 6:4-5).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Turn On The Power

How can you operate in power, like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)?

In the TV show "Revolution", the characters live in an apocalyptic world, where all electricity suddenly stopped working fifteen years ago.  Those who were born afterwards, have only heard stories about electricity, but have never experienced, what electricity can do for them.  They had to get by in their communities and their individual lives, as best as they can without the benefits of electricity.  They had no choice, but to do everything in their own strength.  The only way, that they can really understand electricity, is for someone to turn on the power.

If there continued to be no power, then a few generations later stories of electricity will seem like fairy tales to many.  It will be debated in their communities, whether or not this power ever operated.  Others will believe, that this power was only for people way back then, but not for people in the time that they live in.

It will be a mystery to those, who believe the stories about electricity, why the power was turned off.  They will still be wanting to know, how to turn on the power.

Of course, electricity did not stop working for no reason at all.  There was a definite cause.  Only a few people in the show know why the power stopped.  They have access to a limited amount of electricity, but have not been able to share it with others.  Electricity is available to everyone, if they know how to turn on the power.

It is not that much different with the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  They live in a world, where it seems that the power of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka the Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) suddenly stopped more than 1900 years ago.  They have only heard stories about the power of the Spirit of Truth in the Book of Truth (The Bible), but they have never experienced, what that power can do for them.  They have been getting by in their congregations and their individual lives as best as they can, without the benefits of the power of the Spirit of Truth.  They have no choice, but to do everything in their own strength.  The only way, that they can really understand the power of the Spirit of Truth, is for someone to turn on the power.

Since there continued to be no power for many generations, stories of the power of the Spirit of Truth seem like fairy tales to many.  There are debates in the congregations of the Children of Truth, whether or not this power ever operated.  Others believe, that this power was only for people way back then, but not for people in the time that we live in.

It is be a mystery to most of those, who believe the stories about the power of the Spirit of Truth, why the power was turned off.  They want to know how to turn on the power.

Of course, the power of the Spirit of Truth did not stop working for no reason at all.  There was a definite cause.  Only a few of the Children of Truth know why the power stopped.  They have access to a limited amount of the power of the Spirit of Truth, but have not been able to share it with others. The power of the Spirit of Truth is available to everyone, if they know how to turn on the power.

What does the power do for us? So why did the power stop?  And most importantly how can we turn on the power?

The power of Spirit of Truth will cause us to abound in hope (Romans 15:13).  The power helps us to bring others into obedience to the Man of Truth (Romans 15:18-19).  Our faith is based on the power of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) instead of the philosophies of men when the power is demonstrated (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).  We will not be afraid in adversity when the power is operating (2 Timothy 1:7-8).

The Ministers of Truth are distinguished from the Ministers of Lies when the power of Spirit of Truth operates (1 Corinthians 4:19-20).  The power is the proof that they have been sent by the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:4-7).  The power is sent so that people can believe the Word of Truth and experience the joy that only comes from the Spirit of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:5-6).

The power has stopped because most of the Children of Truth have not known the truth about the power of the Spirit of Truth.  We will fall into error if we do not know what is in the Book of Truth or the power of the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 22:29).  We cannot have confidence in anything that leads to action until we hear the Word of Truth about it (Romans 10:17).  The power comes from acting in confidence on what the Book of Truth says instead of carry out religious rituals (Galatians 3:5).

Why have most of the Children of Truth not known the truth about the power of the Spirit of Truth?  The Man of Truth says that religious tradition causes people to disobey the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:3). They have laid aside the Word of Truth to hold on to their religious traditions (Mark 7:8).  They have rejected the commandment to operate in the power so they could keep the traditions of their religious organizations (Mark 7:9). These traditions have made kept the power from working in their lives (Mark 7:13).  These traditions of men have robbed them of the power promised by the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:6-8).  They do not recognize that the Man of Truth died to deliver them from the powerlessness that comes from keeping religious traditions that contradict the Book of Truth (1 Peter 1:17-19).

Most of the Children of Truth do not read the Book of Truth for themselves but rather rely on religious professionals to tell them what the Book of Truth says in weekly meetings.  This is the root cause of the problem.

Some of these religious professionals have a veil of tradition over their eyes that prevents them from seeing the truth when they read the Book of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:14-15).  These people seem religious but they deny that the power of the Spirit of Truth is meant to be operating (2 Timothy 3:5).  These religious leaders are always studying but never able to learn the truth (2 Timothy 3:7).  These religious professionals resist any truth that contradicts their religious traditions (2 Timothy 3:8)

The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the author of all lies including their traditions (John 8:44).  He has blinded them with tradition from seeing the truth about the power of the Spirit of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:4).  Since they have rejected the truth in favor of their tradition there is nothing left for them to believe except a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

Make no mistake, some religious professionals are preaching the Word of Truth without flashy shows of power (John 10:41).  Some of them have been used mightily of the Father of Truth knowing only water baptism (Acts 18:24-25).  They just need someone to show them how to turn on the power (Acts 18:26)

So how do we turn on the power?

The power is turned on when the Spirit of Truth comes upon us (Acts 1:8).  When the power is turned on we will release The Sound of Power (Acts 2:4).  We will then experience the power of the world to come (Hebrews 6:4-5).

The Man of Truth is the one turns on the power by baptizing us in the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:16).  He is waiting on us to repent of putting our traditions in front of his commandments (Acts 2:38).  Our repentance is all that is needed for us to be refreshed (Acts 3:19).   When we act on the Word of Truth instead of our religious traditions then the Man of Truth will turn on the power (Acts 11:15-17).

Of course, the power is only for the Children of Truth that live in the House of Truth (Matthew 15:26).  Anyone can come into the House of Truth by surrendering everything to the Man of Truth because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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