Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fear Fest

When is fear a good thing?

Every year during the month of October, people start treating fear like it is a good thing.  This is due to the celebration of Halloween.

People start glorifying every sick and twisted thing that people do to create fear in each other in observation of Halloween.

People start creating senseless fear over things that do not even exist, like the living dead, in observation of Halloween.  This fear of spirits is not based on truth (Matthew 14:26-27).

People celebrate everything that comes from the Father of Lies in observation of Halloween.

The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) holds people in bondage for their whole lives through the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15).  This fear fest only magnifies the fear of death that keeps people from doing what they should do.

This kind of fear is never a good thing.

However, there is a kind of fear that is a good thing.

The right kind of fear can keep a person safe from harm.

For example, a healthy fear of fire will keep people from getting burned, while an irrational fear of fire will keep people from the experiencing all the good things that fire can bring like heat, light, and cooked food.

In the same way, people should have a healthy fear of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), but not an irrational fear of Him.  This is a fear to go against Him, not a fear to approach Him in humility to ask Him for what you need.

People should be more afraid of going against the Father of Truth than death, because He can throw them into Hell (Matthew 10:28).  People should be afraid of going against the Father of Truth, because He can also kill them before throwing them into Hell (Luke 12:4-5).

People should have a healthy fear of being burned to death endlessly in the Chamber of Horrors.

This healthy fear of the Father of Truth is the right kind of fear.  This right kind of fear is a good thing.

This right kind of fear will cause you to keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 6:1-2).  It will cause you to experience the blessings that come from keeping His commandments (Deuteronomy 10:12-13).

This right kind of fear will keep you from being deceived by Prophets of Lies into disobeying the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:3-5).

This right kind of fear is the foundation of true knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).  It will bring knowledge and wisdom from the Father of Truth (Proverbs 2:5-6).  It is the foundation of true wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).  It will instruct you in wisdom (Proverbs 15:33).

This right kind of fear will prevent you from believing that you do not need to depart from evil (Proverbs 3:7).  It will cause you to hate everything that is evil (Proverbs 8:13).  It will cause you to depart from evil (Proverbs 16:6).  It will prevent you from feeling envy towards those who do evil (Proverbs 23:17).

This right kind of fear will cause you to do what is right (Proverbs 14:2).

This right kind of fear will give you confidence that He will provide a place of refuge for you (Proverbs 14:26).  It will save your life (Proverbs 14:27).  It will cause you to live the good life (Proverbs 19:23).  It will bring you riches and honor and life (Proverbs 22:4).

This right kind of fear is better than great wealth (Proverbs 15:16).

This right kind of fear is a good thing.

This right kind of fear will cause you to put your trust in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  He will deliver you from every other kind of fear, for he came to destroy everything that comes from the Father of Lies (1 John 3:8).

There is no fear that can match the fear that comes from the monster within.

However, the fear that comes from this spirit of bondage leaves your life, when the spirit of adoption into the family of the Father of Truth comes into your life (Romans 8:15-16).  The Father of Truth has not given His children a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).  Fear torments a person, but His love drives out all fear (1 John 4:18).

Those in His forever family are no longer tormented by fear!

There is no fear of the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) when you know the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  The Friendly Ghost drives out the fear of all other ghosts.

The Man of Truth destroys the fear of death in those who trust him to destroy the Father of Lies (Hebrews 2:9-15).

There is no fear of death for them, because their death is their gain (Philippians 1:21).  The moment they breathe their last is the moment they become alive!

There is no fear of death for them, for they know that they will be with the Man of Truth, which is far better (Philippians 1:23).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) know that they are better off dead!

There is no fear in them, because they know that you only die once! When people lose the fear of death, they lose the fear of everything!

They are not even afraid of this fear fest called Halloween.  They are not shrinking back in fear when little children come to their door in costumes, but recognize that they should be redeeming the time to bring those children into the House of Truth!

Those who are the real deal have no reason to fear death or anything else from the Father of Lies.  After all, the one who lives in them is greater than the one who lives in the world (1 John 4:4)!

However, for some who call themselves part of the Children of Truth, they really do have a reason to fear death.  For them it is Halloween all year round, because everyday they are wearing a costume.

They have good reasons to fear death.

The Man of Truth will deny everyone, who denies him out of fear of suffering for him (2 Timothy 2:12).  The Father of Truth has no pleasure in those who shrink back out of fear from obeying Him (Hebrews 10:38).  Everyone ruled by fear will end up in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

Everyone should be afraid of going against the Father of Truth (Hebrews 10:31).

So, the fear of going against the Father of Truth is a good thing.  This right kind of fear brings people into the House of Truth.

Those in the House of Truth do not have an irrational fear of the Father of Truth.  They boldly approach Him with their needs (Hebrews 4:14-16).  They know that He will reward them if they will seek after him (Hebrews 11:6).

So, come into the House of Truth and lose your fears.

Your fear fest will end, when you give control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Written Torah

Is the Oral Torah or the Prophets a continuation of the Written Torah?

Last fall I got an invitation to come to the Sukkot celebration at a local synagogue.  This was strange and unexpected.  I had not ever been to this synagogue and I did not know anyone at this synagogue.  To this day, I have no idea how I got chosen to receive this invitation.

When the day I was invited came around, I decided to go.  It just seemed like the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wanted me to go.  There a picnic of sorts according to the invitation, so I brought a bag of chips that had a prominent hechsher (Kosher mark) on the front with me.

When I got there, most of the people were somewhat unfriendly, but polite.  They all seemed to know each other, but none of them knew me.  I put my bag of chips on the table with the rest of the food.  I had no idea what I was supposed to do next.

After looking around for a bit, I saw people standing in line to make fresh pita bread.  So, I got some fresh dough and went to the back of the line.

When it was my turn, I started talking to the pita baker while my pita cooked over the campfire.  It turned out that he was the husband of the Shaliach (emissary) to Tulsa.  (Tulsa is a sister city with Tiberias, Israel and they send emissaries to each other.)   He was a Sabra (native born Israeli).

While my pita was cooking, I told him that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was the Messiah of Israel.  He was very friendly and receptive to discussing the matter.  So when he asked me why I believed this, I quoted to him a few passages from the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) that makes this pretty plain.

When my pita was ready, he said that he was interested in hearing more, but he had to take care of the next person.  There was still a long line still left, so I looked for somewhere to eat my pita.

I noticed that a man went into the Sukkah (booth) to eat his pita, so I went in the Sukkah to eat mine as well.

While I was eating my pita, I started talking to the man.  I learned that he was not a member of the host synagogue either.  He told me that he lived nearby, so he decided to come to their Sukkot celebration when he heard about it.

I then I told him that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel.  He asked in a very guarded manner why I thought that.  So, I quoted to him the same passages from the Original Covenant that I had told the pita baker.

I was surprised by his response.  He told me that he went to the Chabad House.  His went on to explain that the Oral Torah was a continuation of the Written Torah, but the Prophets were contrary to the Written Torah.  In particular, he argued that the Book of Daniel was not from the Father of Truth.  So, the passages from the Prophets that I used to show that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel were contrary to the Written Torah and invalid.

This was new to me.  I had known people who accepted both the Oral Torah and the Prophets as valid.  I had known people who rejected both of them.  I had known people rejected the Oral Torah, but accepted the Prophets as valid.  I had never known anyone who accepted the Oral Torah as valid, but rejected the Prophets as invalid.

I told him that he had this backwards.  The Prophets were a continuation of the Written Torah and the Oral Torah was contrary to the Written Torah.

That irritated him and our conversation was over.  So, I finished my pita.  It seemed that it was time to go home after that, so I did.

I wondered why I went to this event.  It seemed like a waste of time.  My wife told me that I was probably there to talk the man in the Sukkah.  I decided that she was probably right.  I would have never known that there was any question about whether the Oral Torah or the Prophets were a continuation of the Written Torah, if I had not accepted the invitation to that Sukkot celebration.

The best way to answer this question without a doubt is to see what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) says about the Oral Torah and the Prophets.

First, a little background information about the Written Torah, the Oral Torah, and the Prophets.

The Written Torah is the Law of Truth.  It is called the Written Torah, because it was written down at the time of Moses (Moishe), when the events occurred.  It is the first five books of the Original Covenant.  The Written Torah is usually just referred to as the Torah.

The Oral Torah is the collection of oral traditions that the Pharisees say were passed down to them from the seventy elders.  They maintain that these seventy elders heard things, which Moses did not write down in the Written Torah.

This Oral Torah was called the Mishnah, after it was written down a little after 200 AD.  Then the commentary of the Rabbis on the Mishnah was written down after that to form the Gemara.  The Talmud is the Mishnah and Gemara collectively.

(There are actually two Talmuds.  The misnamed Jerusalem Talmud was completed in Tiberias (sister city of Tulsa) in about 400 AD.  The Babylonian Talmud was completed in the Babylonia in about 500 AD.  The Babylonian Talmud is usually just referred to as the Talmud.)

The Talmud is the foundational book of Rabbinic Judaism.  However, the validity of the Talmud is completely dependent upon the Law of Truth.

The Prophets are the writings about the Prophets of Truth.  They form the second part of the Original Covenant.  The Prophets of Truth were men raised up by the Father of Truth to turn the people of Israel back to following the Law of Truth.  The validity of the Prophets is completely dependent upon the Law of Truth.

Now that it has been established what is meant by the Written Torah, the Oral Torah, and the Prophets, it time to see if the Written Torah supports the Oral Torah, the Prophets, both, or neither as a continuation to it.

The Rabbis claim that the Oral Torah was heard by the seventy elders when they went up with Moses (Moishe) on Mount Sinai, but the Rabbis are liars.  The Written Torah makes it very plain that the elders did not go up to Mount Sinai with Moses (Exodus 24:1-2).  The Written Torah makes it very plain that Moses wrote all the words which he had heard on the mountain in the Written Torah (Exodus 24:3-4).

The Written Torah also makes it plain that no one can add any commandments to it or take away any commandments from it (Deuteronomy 4:1-2).  The only commandments of the Father of Truth are those in the Written Torah (Deuteronomy 12:32).

The Oral Torah both adds commandments to those in the Written Torah and takes away commandments from those in the Written Torah (Mark 7:8-13).

So, the Oral Torah is a contradiction of the Written Torah.  The Oral Torah cannot be a continuation of the Written Torah.  Anyone who believes the Written Torah will reject the Oral Torah.

The Written Torah says, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) came upon the seventy elders at the bottom of the Mount Sinai and two other elders in the camp, and they all prophesied (Numbers 11:25-26).  The Written Torah says, that Moses desired that the Spirit of Truth come upon all of the Children of Truth (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) and that they became all Prophets of Truth (Numbers 11:27-29).

The Written Torah says, that the Father of Truth would speak to Prophets of Truth after Moses in dreams and visions, but not in the same way that He spoke to Moses (Numbers 12:5-8).

The Written Torah says, that the Father of Truth would allow Prophets of Lies to rise up after Moses, who would perform signs and wonders in order to lead the people of Israel away from following the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:1-4).  The Written Torah says, that these Prophets of Lies were to be put to death for trying to lead the people of Israel away from following the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:5).

The Written Torah says, that the Prophets of Lies would also speak in the name of the Father of Truth and they were to likewise die (Deuteronomy 18:20).  The Written Torah says, the way to determine if a prophet speaking in the name of the Father of Truth is a Prophet of Lies, is when what they say does not come to pass (Deuteronomy 18:21-22).

So, the Prophets of Truth are commissioned by the Written Torah.  According to the Written Torah, The Prophets of Truth would be raised up to turn the people of Israel back to the Law of Truth, and what they said would come to pass.  The Prophets meet both of these qualification.  The Prophets are a continuation of the Written Torah.  Anyone who believes the Written Torah will accept the Prophets.

So, why would an observer of the Oral Torah, like the man I met in the Sukkah, be against the Prophets as a continuation of the Written Torah?

One reason for an observer of the Oral Torah being against the Prophets as a continuation of the Written Torah, is that the Prophets prophesied against those who observe the Oral Torah.

The  Prophet of Truth Isaiah (Yesha'Yahu) prophesied against those who observed the Oral Torah, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).

Isaiah prophesied, that the people of Israel were to be given over to a deep sleep, where they would not be able to understand the words of the Prophets (Isaiah 29:10-12).

The teaching of the Oral Torah is the reason that the Father of Truth gave the people of Israel over to a deep sleep (Romans 11:7-8). 

Isaiah prophesied, that it would be obeying the precepts of men in worshiping the Father of Truth, which would cause their hearts to be far from Him (Isaiah 29:13).

It is the Rabbis, who teach the commandments of men contained in the Oral Torah, which are contrary to the commandments of the Written Torah (Matthew 15:3-9). 

Isaiah prophesied, that the wisdom of those wise in the Oral Torah would be destroyed, and the understanding of those made prudent by the Oral Torah would come to nothing (Isaiah 29:14).

The preaching of the cross as the means of salvation is what destroys the wisdom of those wise in the Oral Torah, and brings to nothing the understanding of those made prudent by the Oral Torah (1 Corinthians 1:18-21).

Isaiah prophesied, that the hidden agenda of those wise in the Oral Torah to mislead the people of Israel, could not be hidden from the Father of Truth, who made them (Isaiah 29:15-16).

The hidden agenda of those wise in the Oral Torah to mislead the people of Israel has not been hidden from the Father of Truth, who made them (Romans 9:20-22).

The  Prophet of Truth Malachi prophesied against those who observed the Oral Torah, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Malachi prophesied, that a foreign nation would take away both the Feasts of Truth and the priests from the Temple, because the priests would not teach the people of Israel to keep the commandments of the Written Torah (Malachi 2:1-6).

The Temple was taken away when Jerusalem was destroyed and the people of Israel were scattered among many Gentile nations (Luke 21:20-24).  The Romans did take away both the Feasts of Truth and the priests, when they destroyed the Temple and took away the priests of the Temple  (John 11:46-48).

Malachi prophesied, that the priests would cause the people of Israel to stumble in keeping the commandments of the Written Torah by corrupting the worship of the Father of Truth in the Temple (Malachi 2:7-9).

The priests corrupted the worship of the Father of Truth in the Temple and caused the people of Israel to stumble in keeping the commandments of the Written Torah (Mark 11:15-18).

Malachi prophesied, that the Father of Truth would destroy the scholars, the masters, and the priests out of the land of Israel, who profaned the covenant codified in the Written Torah by marrying it with customs from idolatry (Malachi 2:10-12).

The scribes (scholars) and Pharisees, who called themselves masters (Rabbis), profaned the covenant codified in the Written Torah, by marrying the many commandments in the Written Torah with keeping customs from the idol worship of Babylon that are found in the the Oral Torah (Matthew 23:2-10).  They were destroyed out of the land of Israel for doing this (Matthew 23:13-38).

(The customs from Babylon that the Rabbis have married to the Written Torah include how they teach people to keep the Feasts of Truth.  They declare "Happy New Year" on Yom Teruah.  They perform acts to make atonement without the required sacrifices on the feast without food - Yom Kippur.  They have included instructions from Babylonian idolatry for celebrating Sukkot, instead of doing what the Father of Truth instructed when He said, "Let's go camping!".  Most of the customs for rejoicing in Torah came from a ceremony where the Babylonians were married to their idols.  They also made many commandments in the Oral Torah about what is on your head that came from Babylonian idolatry.)

Malachi prophesied, that the Father of Truth would no longer regard the offerings made in the Temple, despite their crying over the Altar, because of their profaning the Written Torah (Malachi 2:12-13).

The Father of Truth did not regard the offerings made in the Temple, despite the crying of the priests over the Altar, when the Temple was destroyed (Luke 21:5-6).

Another reason for an observer of the Oral Torah to be against the Prophets as a continuation of the Written Torah, is that the Prophets left no room for doubt about the identity of the Messiah of Israel.

The Written Torah said, that the Father of Israel would raise up from among the people of Israel a Prophet of Truth like unto Moses, who they must obey (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).

The Prophet of Truth Daniel prophesied about when the Messiah of Israel would die, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Daniel prophesied that the Messiah of Israel would die four hundred and eighty three years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was given for the sins of others, followed by Jerusalem and the Temple being destroyed (Daniel 9:25-26).

The Man of Truth died in the very month that the decree was given to rebuild Jerusalem four hundred and eighty three year after it was given (Mark 14:1).  He did not die for his own sins, but for the sins of others (Luke 23:40-47).

Jerusalem and the Temple were completely destroyed afterwards (Luke 19:41-44).

The Prophet of Truth David prophesied about how the Messiah of Israel would die, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

David prophesied that the Messiah of Israel would die by having his hands and feet pierced (Psalm 22:15-16).

The Man of Truth died by having his hands and feet pierced when he was crucified (John 19:31-33).

The Prophet of Truth David prophesied about how the Messiah of Israel would not remain in the grave, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

David prophesied that the Messiah of Israel would not remain in the grave long enough for his body to suffer decay before he was raised back to life (Psalm 16:8-11).

The Man of Truth rose again on the third day before his body began to suffer decay (Acts 2:25-32).

So, the Written Torah told about the Messiah of Israel and the Prophets identified the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel.  He is that Prophet of Truth, who people must obey (Acts 7:37).

So, the real question is: Do you believe the Written Torah?

If you believe the Written Torah, then you will also believe the Prophets of Truth, but reject the Oral Torah.  If you believe the Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth, then you will believe that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.

If you will not believe the Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth, then you will not believe that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, even though he rose from the dead (Luke 16:31).

The Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth told you everything you need to know, to believe that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:25-27).  The Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth foretold that the Messiah of Israel would suffer, die, and be raised from the dead to bring people into repentance, so they could obtain the forgiveness of sin, in the exact way that the Man of Truth did these things (Luke 24:44-47).

Whoever does not believe that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, does not believe the Written Torah, for the Written Torah gives testimony that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel (John 5:45-47). The testimony gave by the actions of the Man of Truth is the same testimony given by the Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth to identify the Messiah of Israel (Acts 26:22-23).

Let the Written Torah and the Prophets of Truth persuade you to come into the House of Truth (Acts 28:23).  Obey the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, as foretold of the Messiah of Israel in the Written Torah (Romans 10:4-9).

Come into the House of Truth!


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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Identity of The Messiah

How can people identify the Messiah?

In the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised the Messiah.

The Father of Truth made a promise of a deliverer to crush the head of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) with his heel, right after the human race committed their first sin (Genesis 3:12-15).  He next promised, that this deliverer to remove the curse of sin would be one of the descendants of Jacob (Yah'akev (literally "heel of God") aka Israel) (Genesis 28:13-14).  He finally promised, that He would raise up a Prophet of Truth like unto Moses (Moishe) from among the tribes of Israel to bring deliverance from sin (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).

So, the Law of Truth contains a promise of a deliverer from sin to come from among the many descendants of Israel.  This deliverer from sin is called the Messiah of Israel.

However, the Law of Truth does not provide the means to identify which of the many descendants of Israel is the Messiah of Israel.

So, the Father of Truth raised up Prophets of Truth as He had promised in the Law of Truth, so the people of Israel could identify the Messiah of Israel.  The means to identify the Messiah of Israel were written by the Prophets of Truth in both the Prophets and the Writings.

This includes the book of Daniel, which is part of the Prophets, and not part of the writings of history.  It also includes many of the Psalms (Tehillim) as well because they are prophetic in nature, even though the entire collection is part of the writings of wisdom.

The Prophets of Truth gave over three hundred prophecies in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) to identify the Messiah of Israel, including those in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53.  Space does not allow all of them to be examined, but we will examine many of them to see how they compare to what is written in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

(There is no doubt that these were prophecies written long before the events.  The Dead Sea Scrolls that are dated to around 200 BC contain most of these prophecies.   The remainder are found in the Septuagint that was translated from Hebrew into Greek around 200 BC.  The documents in these sources written two hundred years before the prophesied events were copies of much older manuscripts.)

The Prophets of Truth prophesied about the birth of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth Nathan prophesied about the birth of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Nathan prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be a descendant of King David (2 Samuel 7:12-13).  He prophesied, that this descendant of King David would cause the throne of King David to be established forever (2 Samuel 7:16-17).

The Man of Truth is that descendant of King David (Matthew 1:1).  His genealogy continued the line of King David after the Babylonians exiled the Jewish people (Matthew 1:17).  He will cause the throne of King David to be established forever (Luke 1:31-33).

(Since the days of Nehemiah (Nechemyah), a registry of the genealogy of those who returned from the Babylonian exile, and their descendants, was kept in the Temple (Nehemiah 7:5-7).  The registry showed that the Man of Truth was truly a descendant of King David.  So, not one time while the Temple stood was an objection raised about him being a descendant of King David.)

The Prophet of Truth Isaiah (Yesha'yahu) prophesied about the birth of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be born to a virgin and called "Emmanuel" (Isaiah 7:13-15).

The Man of Truth was born to a virgin and called "Emmanuel" (Matthew 1:18-23).

The Prophet of Truth Micah prophesied about the birth of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Micah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2-4).

The Man of Truth was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-6).

The Prophets of Truth prophesied about the childhood of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth Malachi prophesied about the childhood of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Malachi prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be called out of Egypt, as the entire nation of Israel had been called out Egypt (Hosea 11:1).

The Man of Truth was called out Egypt, after the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:13-15).

The Prophet of Truth Zachariah (Zacharyah) prophesied about the childhood of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Zachariah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be called "The Branch" (Zechariah 3:8).

The Man of Truth was raised in Nazareth, so that he was called "The Branch" (Matthew 2:21-23).

("Nazareth" is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word for "branch".  So when the Man of Truth was called the Nazarene, he was being called "The Branch".)

The Prophets of Truth prophesied about the ministry of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth Moses prophesied about the ministry of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Moses prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would speak all the words that the Father of Truth commanded him to speak (Deuteronomy 18:18).

The Man of Truth spoke all the words that the Father of Truth commanded him to speak (John 12:49-50).

The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the ministry of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would first reveal himself in Galilee, while it was under the occupation of the Gentiles (Isaiah 9:1-2).

The Man of Truth first revealed himself in Galilee, while it was under the occupation of the Gentiles (Matthew 4:12-17).

Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the poor to rejoice (Isaiah 29:18-19).  He prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be sent to cause the lame to walk and the mute to speak (Isaiah 35:4-6).

The Man of Truth caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the poor to rejoice (Matthew 11:5).  He caused the lame to walk and the mute to speak (Matthew 15:30-31).

Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would not raise up a revolt or stir up an angry crowd or harm people, but would cause people to understand the truth (Isaiah 42:1-4).

The Man of Truth did not raise up a revolt or stir up an angry crowd or harm people, but caused people to understand the truth (Matthew 12:17-20).

Isaiah prophesied, that the Spirit of Truth would be upon the Messiah of Israel, so that he could preach the Good News to the meek, could bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to those held captive, to free those that were imprisoned, and to proclaim that the acceptable year of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 61:1-2).

The Spirit of Truth was upon the Man of Truth, so that he could preach the Good News to the meek, could bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to those held captive, free those that were imprisoned, and proclaim that the acceptable year of the Father of Truth (Luke 4:17-21).

The Prophet of Truth Malachi prophesied about the ministry of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Malachi prophesied, that there would be healing in the wings of the Messiah of Israel (Malachi 4:2).

Everyone who touched the border of the tallit of the Man of Truth was healed (Mark 6:55-56).

(The Hebrew word "kanaph" translated was "wings" also means the borders of the tallit.  Strictly speaking it is a corners of a tallit where the tzitzits are tied.)

(Every single ancient history that mentions the Man of Truth states that he was known for doing miracles.  Even the Talmud says that he did miracles, but it attributes the miracles to the power of the Father of Lies.  This is the same accusation that the scribes made against the Man of Truth (Mark 3:22-30).)

The Prophets of Truth prophesied about the death and suffering of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth King David prophesied about how the Messiah of Israel would suffer, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be rejected by the builders of the nation of Israel, but would be made the cornerstone of the salvation by the Father of Truth (Psalm 118:21-23).

The Man of Truth was rejected by the builders of the nation of Israel, but has been made the cornerstone of salvation by the Father of Truth (Luke 20:17-19).

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would suffer reproach without mercy, even being given gall to eat when he was hungry, and vinegar to drink when he was thirsty (Psalm 69:19-21).

After the Roman soldiers reproached the Man of Truth without mercy, they gave him gall to eat and vinegar to drink, right before they crucified him (Matthew 27:27-34).  After the Man of Truth was reproached while hanging on the cross by the religious leaders of Israel, and even by those crucified with him, he was again given vinegar to drink (Mark 15:29-36).  The soldiers joined in reproaching the Man of Truth while he hung on the cross, when they gave him vinegar to drink (Luke 23:35-37).  They did not know that they were bringing to pass the prophecy of King David, when they gave the Man of Truth vinegar to drink when he was thirsty (John 19:28-30).

King David prophesied, that not one bone of the Messiah of Israel would be broken (Psalm 34:19-20).

When the Man of Truth died, not one of his bones were broken, unlike the two thieves that were crucified with him (John 19:32-36).

The Prophet of Truth Zachariah prophesied about how the Messiah of Israel would be wounded, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Zachariah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be pierced due to the efforts of his own people (Zechariah 12:10).

The Man of Truth was pierced by the Romans due to the efforts of the leaders of the Jews (John 19:31-37).

The Prophet of Truth Daniel prophesied about when the Messiah of Israel would die, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Daniel prophesied, that the decree to rebuild Jerusalem would be given, Jerusalem would be finished being rebuilt forty-nine years later, then four hundred and thirty-four years after that, the Messiah of Israel would be killed for the sins of others, and then Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed (Daniel 9:25-26).

The Man of Truth was killed on a cross in the very month and year written in the book of Daniel (John 19:30-32).  The Man of Truth died for the sins of others (Romans 5:6-8).

The Man of Truth came and died to redeem sinners, when it was the fullness of time spoken of by Daniel (Galatians 4:4-5).

After this, Jerusalem was destroyed (Luke 19:41-44).  The Temple was destroyed at the same time (Luke 21:5-6).

The Prophets of Truth did not just prophesy about the death and suffering of the Messiah of Israel, but they also prophesied about the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth King David prophesied about the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would not suffer decay, but instead he would walk in the path of life to experience never ending joy (Psalm 16:8-11).

The Man of Truth did not suffer corruption in the tomb, but was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth to walk in the path of life to experience never ending joy (Acts 2:25-33).

(The resurrection of the Man of Truth is a historical fact.

Sir William Ramsay became one of the greatest Near East archeologists of all time, for the expressed purpose of finding proof that the Renewed Covenant was a religious treatise written after 200 AD.  After years in the field, he found that he had uncovered nothing but evidence to the contrary.  He finally conceded that the Renewed Covenant contained only historical events, not fanciful tales, as he had set out to prove.  In particular, he found the writings of Luke the Jew (Lucius aka The Apostle Luke), both his Gospel and Acts, to be exceptionally well written history.  After years of examining the evidence first hand, this is what he wrote about Luke the Jew:

"Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy, he is possessed of the true historic short, this author should be placed along with the greatest of historians."

When reviewing the research and writings of Luke the Jew, the famous historian A.N. Sherwin-White declared:

"In all, Luke names thirty-two countries, fifty-four cities, and nine islands without error. For Acts the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming. . . . Any attempt to reject its basic historicity must now appear absurd."

One of the arguments against the historical accuracy of the writings of Luke the Jew, previously used by skeptics, was that he used titles for different officials, which were not found in any other historical writings of the same era.  However, this only proved how accurate his writings really were, when these otherwise unknown titles were found written in stone, in the places where Luke the Jew said they were used, and these stone monuments applied these titles to the same people that Luke the Jew applied them to.

Not only have the books of Luke the Jew proven to be historically accurate in every way, so have all the books of the Renewed Covenant.  The Renewed Covenant contains accurate history, especially about the resurrection of the Man of Truth.

The resurrection of the Man of Truth is the most well documented event of the entire Roman Era.  More than 13,000 documents from the time of the resurrection to 300 AD have been found that mention the resurrection in some manner.  Some of these documents are no later than five years after the event.  Most of them were court documents and other documents written by Roman officials.  These documents include some that were also found outside the Roman Empire.  There simply is no event in the entire Roman Era with stronger evidence that it really happened than the resurrection of the Man of Truth.

The truth is, that if the techniques used to determine historical fact from fiction have failed by verifying that the resurrection of the Man of Truth is a historical fact, then nothing else that has been determined as a historical fact by these same techniques can be trusted.  All of history stands or falls on the resurrection of the Man of Truth.)

The Prophets of Truth did not just prophesy about the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel, but they also prophesied about the Messiah of Israel being the Savior of the Gentiles.

The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah of Israel being the savior of the Gentiles, and his prophecies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel was given to be a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to every nation on Earth (Isaiah 49:6).

The Man of Truth was given to be a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to every nation on Earth (Acts 13:47).

(There is nothing plainer in history than the effect that the Man of Truth has had on the nations that put their trust in him.  They have gone from living in darkness with great fear of the future to enlightenment with great confidence in the future.  The change in their societies when they turn to the Father of Truth though the Man of Truth has been nothing but positive.  Indeed, all of history is his story.)

Many other Prophets of Truth have also spoke of the role as Savior of the Gentiles as part of the identity of the Messiah of Israel.

(More than two hundred people have claimed to be the Messiah of Israel right up until modern times.  The Man of Truth is alone in Gentiles putting their trust in him.  This is the definitive proof of his identity as the Messiah of Israel.)

The Prophets of Truth did not just prophesy about the Messiah of Israel also being the Savior of the Gentiles, but they also prophesied about the reign of the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth King David prophesied about the reign of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies will come to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will rule over all Gentiles with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:6-9).  He prophesied, that the kings of the Gentiles will serve the Messiah of Israel (Psalm 2:10-12).

The Man of Truth will cause the Children of Truth rule over all Gentiles with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:26-27).  The Man of Truth will rule over every king and lord of the Gentiles (Revelation 19:15-16).

King David prophesied, that the meek will inherit the Earth when the Messiah of Israel reigns (Psalm 37:11).

The Man of Truth will cause the meek to inherit the Earth when he reigns (Matthew 5:5).  

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will be sent to save the people of Israel when they cry out to him, "Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Father of Truth" (Psalm 118:25-26).

The Man of Truth will come to save the people of Israel when they cry out to him, "Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Father of Truth" (Luke 13:34-35).

King David prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will finish regathering the people of Israel back to the land of Israel, after the people of Israel are saved from the Gentiles that they are scattered among (Psalm 106:44-47).

The Man of Truth will send the Angels of Truth to gather every last one of the people of Israel back to the land of Israel, after he comes to save the people of Israel (Matthew 24:29-31).

The Prophet of Truth Joel prophesied about the reign of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies will come to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Joel prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will lead an army like none other,
on the day that he comes to set up his kingdom (Joel 2:1-11).

The Messiah of Israel will lead an army like none other, on the day that he comes to set up his kingdom (Revelation 19:11-14).

The Prophet of Truth Daniel prophesied about the reign of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies will come to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Daniel prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will come with the clouds, and be given an everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7:13-14).

The Man of Truth will come with the clouds (Matthew 26:63-64).  He will be given an everlasting kingdom (Revelation 11:15).

Daniel prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will come and destroy the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) (Daniel 7:21-22).

The Man of Truth will come and destroy the Man of Lies (Revelation 19:16-21).

Daniel prophesied, that after the Messiah of Israel saves the Children of Truth, then they will join him in ruling over his everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7:26-27).

The Children of Truth will first reign with the Man of Truth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6).  After that, they shall reign with him forever and ever (Revelation 22:1-5).

The Prophets of Truth did not just prophesy about the reign of Messiah of Israel, but they also prophesied about the final judgement on the wicked and the rewarding of the righteous by the Messiah of Israel.

The Prophet of Truth Daniel prophesied about the judgment of wicked by the Messiah of Israel, and his prophecies will come to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

Daniel prophesied, that after the Messiah of Israel delivers Israel, then the dead will be resurrected - some to everlasting life and others to everlasting condemnation (Daniel 12:1-2).

The Man of Truth will call the dead out of their graves, and they will all be resurrected - some to everlasting life and others to everlasting condemnation (John 5:27-29).

Daniel prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel will reward the righteous forever, after the wicked have been punished (Daniel 12:3).

The Man of Truth will reward the righteous forever, after the wicked have been punished (Matthew 13:41-43).

(The prophecies concerning the regathering of Israel and the reign of the Messiah of Israel over the entire Earth are the most numerous unfulfilled prophecies in the entire Original Covenant.  In like manner, the prophecies concerning the reign of the Messiah of Israel over the entire Earth are the most numerous unfulfilled prophecies in the entire Renewed Covenant.)

So, when you compare all that the Original Covenant says about the identity of the Messiah of Israel with all that the Renewed Covenant says about the Man of Truth, then there is no room left for any reasonable doubt that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.

The only question left is: what are you going to do about it?

The Prophet of Truth Moses said, that anyone who did not obey the Messiah of Israel would be held under judgment by the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:18-19).  This means that the Father of Truth will destroy from among all people, those who do not obey the Man of Truth (Acts 3:20-23).

So, the only reasonable thing to do is to come into the House of Truth, since the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead as a sign of the certainty that he will be the judge of all people (Acts 17:30-31).

So, come into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Fullness of Time

What on Earth is really going on?

People around the world have a sense that something is not right on planet Earth.

They realize that the weather where they live has been weird.  They know that there have always been weather disasters and years with expected weather patterns, but not like there has been for the last thirty years.

For example, tornadoes have been a rare event outside of North America until the last three decades.  However, in the last three decades large tornadoes have done extensive damage in places where they had never been seen before.

In the United States, the undisputed tornado champion of the world, there has been as many tornadoes in the last thirty years as there was in the previous three hundred.  The rest of North America has experienced a similar pattern. 

There have been more tornadoes in the southern hemisphere in the last thirty years than the previous two hundred years.  Many of them have occurred in places that never had tornadoes before.  In Columbia, there was never a single reported tornado until 2001 AD.  In Chili, the first recorded tornado occurred in 2013 AD.

The entire continent of Asia had only twenty-one tornadoes during the one hundred and sixty year period preceding thirty-years ago.  In the last thirty years it has had seventy tornadoes.  Of those, thirty-two have occurred in the last decade.

In the twelve hundred years preceding thirty years ago, Europe only had one hundred and twenty occurrences of tornadoes.  This averages out to one per decade.  In the last thirty years, it has had one hundred tornadoes.  This is an average of about thirty-three per decade.  This is a 3,333 percent increase!

These tornadoes have not just been occurring more frequently for the last thirty years, but also in previously unknown intensity.  For example, there was an outbreak in Argentina of 300 tornadoes in 1993 AD, but only ten had ever occurred in previous two hundred years in that country.  The deadliest tornado in world history occurred in Bangladesh in 1989 AD.

The Pacific Ocean was named that because it was so calm compared to the Atlantic Ocean.  It has only been in recent years that there have been a significant number of hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean, particularly Hawaii.

Hawaii had only thirty-one occurrences of tropical storms during the one-fifty five years previous to thirty years ago.  Of those, only seventeen were hurricanes.  Most of those were category one hurricanes.  In the last thirty years, it has forty-seven occurrences of tropical storms.   Of those, thirty-nine were hurricanes.  This is more than twice the number that occurred in the previous one hundred and fifty-years.

There have been extensive heatwaves with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) across Europe in places where 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) were normal high annual temperatures.  This includes Moscow, Russia, where a citizen made a video of himself frying an egg on the sidewalk.

Although Hawaii has had snow on its three highest peaks every year, this is the first year in its recorded history that it had snow on its beaches!  Similar things have happened in Guam.  Guadalajara, Mexico was buried in five feet (1.5 m) of snow this Summer!  In the last thirty years, it has snowed in Athens, Greece.  It has even snowed in Saudi Arabia, which had no record of snowfall in the previous three thousand years of recorded history.

In short, for the last thirty years, it has been hot where it should be cold and cold where it should be hot.

There also been droughts and fires in places historically too wet for such occurrences, as well as major flooding in places historically too arid for such occurrences.

It is definitely not been business as usual with the weather.

Not only that, but other natural disasters have happened in places where they normally do not occur.

Here in Oklahoma, we were the epicenter of a five point eight magnitude earthquake.  We have been the epicenter of fifteen four point five or higher earthquakes in the last thirty years.  In the previous one hundred and fifty years prior to that, we were the epicenter of only three earthquakes of that magnitude.

We have become the number one state in America for earthquakes of magnitude three or greater.  Previous to thirty years ago, we averaged an earthquake that people could feel about every fifty years.  Our only way to experience what an earthquake was like, was to go inside an earthquake simulator at a museum.

We have also suffered damage from hurricanes, which is strange considering that we are about three hundred miles from the nearest ocean.

However, the weather is not the only thing that people have noticed as being seriously wrong.

They have noticed all of these wars.  There have always been periods of war, and sometimes large war wars like World War I and World War II.

However, these wars are very different.  Most are not conventional wars between countries, but wars where one of the belligerents are non-government organizations like the Mexican drug cartels and the Taliban.  These non-government organizations do not recognize international borders.

These non-government organizations often start unconventional wars using unconventional means. For example, flying American commercial planes into American buildings, which carried significant symbolic meaning.  The civilians killed in these attacks by these cowards are not collateral damage, but rather these attacks are designed to cause as many casualties among women and children as possible.  This is an integral part of their strategy.  This leaves governments no choice but to pursue them to the ends of the Earth.

Many of them, like ISIS (aka ISIL), after they are destroyed in the area where they have taken control, their survivors scatter to other countries, and resume their activities in each of those countries.   They are like a grease fire that spreads to create more smaller fires when water is dumped on it.

These cowards do not wear uniforms but seek to blend in with the general populace when they arrive in a new place.  Their supporters are also difficult to identify for the same reason.  Their victims are very similar to them in many respects.  For example, the majority of people killed by the Muslim terrorist group ISIS were other Muslims.

These cowards hide among unarmed civilians, who they immediately start to terrorize.   Countries like the US could destroy them by using some of their weapons of mass destruction on the cities where they are operating in, but they are opposed to killing the majority that are victims in order to kill the minority that are the oppressors.

This forces government military units to use unconventional means as well.  Laser guided bombs that can be guided to strike only a desired building have replaced carpet bombing used in conventional wars.  Armies can no longer simply surround a city and negotiate a surrender with the enemy.  Instead, special forces operators must infiltrate densely populated areas to identify and neutralize these cowards that are hiding among civilians.

The amount of land of the countries where these unconventional wars are being fought is about the same as World War II.

So, these unconventional wars just keep going on with no end in sight.  In America, someone born thirty years ago probably cannot remember when America was not involved in an unconventional war, and usually multiple simultaneous unconventional wars.  These unconventional wars have become so normalized that they are just as much a part of American culture as pizza and movies.

However, that is not all that people have noticed is not right on planet Earth.

While there have not been any epidemics that rival the Spanish flu or the Black Death, the number of epidemics in the last thirty years is astounding.  There have been seventy-one epidemics in the last thirty years, the same number as the previous one hundred and sixty years.  This represents a five fold increase in epidemics.  Many of these, like HIV and Eubola, have no known cure.

The United States by itself can produce enough food to feed the entire world.  Seventy percent of the worlds food supply is wheat and corn.  The United States and Canada produce about seventy percent of the wheat and corn eaten in the world.

(China actually produce more food by weight than the United States, but it exports very little of it.)

Yet, there has been persistent famine and food insecurity across the world for the last thirty years.  A study of one hundred and nineteen countries conducted this year, found that more than half have serious food security issues.  More than twenty are suffering a famine.

Many of them are in areas where these unconventional wars have been raging for the last three decades.  However, other countries with serious food insecurity issues have not had wars across their lands.

For example, India, the fourth largest food producer, has serious food security issues.  Something is plainly wrong with this picture.

This is due to next thing that people have noticed is not right on planet Earth.  Something is very wrong with the global economy.

During the last thirty years, the global economy soared, sank into the Great Recession, and has rebounded.  While a pattern like this is not abnormal, what is abnormal is the way that people are not experiencing prosperity on a personal level.

For example, the economy of the United States was at an all time high (up to that point) by 1929 AD, when the Great Depression started.  Not long after the Great Depression ended, Americans were enjoying a higher standard of living than they did in 1929 AD.  When the economy rebounded so did their personal wealth.  By 1950 AD, more than thirty percent of the income of the average American family was discretionary, meaning it did not have go to day to day living.  They could spend, save, or invest that income.  Their debt to income ratio was generally low.

However, in the cycle of the last thirty years, this has not been the case.  When the economy has done well, the average American family has lived paycheck to paycheck.  Their debt to income ratio has been generally high.  While the American economy has rebounded from the Great Recession in an amazing way since President Trump took office, and American wages have generally increased, the average American family is still living paycheck to paycheck.

Part of the problem is that the price of housing has increased at more than twice the rate of wages for the last thirty years.  When you adjust for the change of purchasing power of the American dollar (inflation), you still find that the relative cost of housing has tripled in the last three decades.

In similar fashion, the cost of a college education has soared compared to the increase in wages that come from a college education.  Americans often find that they need a college education to make enough money to buy a house, but the money they need to borrow to obtain that education will leave them in debt for years.  At the same time, more and more of the largest employers are demanding that new hires have a four year degree for jobs that their existing workforce is performing without a four year degree.

Simply put, in the last thirty years, many more people have been forced to get a four year college degree at an ever increasing cost while the relative wages for jobs requiring a four year college degree have been declining.  This is because the sheer number of college graduates has created a buyers market for the companies that hire them, which has resulted in relatively lower wages (when adjusted for inflation) than their predecessors.

This sort of problem does not just occur in America, but in all developed and developing countries.  It also has created an ever widening gap between the very rich and the very poor.  This is the reason that a great number of people in India have food security issues, even though India is the fourth largest producer of food in the world.  They simply do not have the money required to buy food.

So, this notion that something is very wrong on planet Earth is not just the imagination of people.  These strange changes in weather patterns, earthquakes in unusual places, unconventional wars, bizarre epidemics, unnecessary famines, and continually lower purchasing power of the last thirty years are not part of a normal pattern in world history.

People want to know: what on Earth is really going on?

This has lead to all kinds of conspiracy theories to explain these unusual times.  Some of these theories center around an elite consortium of multi-billionaires.  Some of them center around secret societies.  Some of them center around large governments, like the United States, Russia, the EU, and China, working together to cause these conditions for their own benefit.  Some of them center around a covert organization that has infiltrated the governments of the world to carry out their desires.  Some of them involve extra-terrestrial beings.  Some of them are the ever popular theories centered around Jews.

All of these conspiracy theories are really just part of the grand conspiracy to keep people from understanding what on Earth is really going on.

There really is a conspiracy centered around Jews, but it is not what most people think.

It is a global conspiracy by the Greatest Zionist to bring the entire world under control of a single Jewish man and to raise the Jewish people above all other people.  This is not a plot of the Jews, for most of them do not want to be under the rule of this Jewish man.  They do not understand that their refusal to accept his rule is all part of the secret plan to bring about his global rule.

This is not wild speculation or the latest conspiracy theory.  In fact, the world is being prepared to bring about the events that will lead to his global rule.  This is not a new plan but an ancient one, which was written about in a two thousand year old book.

This two thousand year old book tells people what on Earth is really going on.

These strange changes in weather patterns, earthquakes in unusual places, unconventional wars, bizarre epidemics, and unnecessary famines are all part of preparing the world for the events that will bring an end to the current world order (Luke 21:9-11).

The continually lowering purchasing power of the average person is preparing the world for an unprecedented economic crisis that will cause it to accept extreme changes in the way it buys and sells things.

The world does not understand it, but it is being prepared for the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to rise to power and to enter into the Tribulation.  The Tribulation will cause the Jewish people to accept the rule of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), so he can come to rule over the entire world in the fullness of time.

This two-thousand year old book tells about many things that were impossible for most of history, but now are a present day reality.  The things in this book have raised a lot of questions throughout most of history that can now be answered.

I read in this two-thousand year old book about how the Man of Lies would prevent everyone from buying or selling unless they had his mark on them (Revelation 13:16-18).  How could someone enforce such a law?

I read in this same book about how the entire world would witness several events as they occurred, like the death of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:8-10).  Again, how could every person on Earth watch events that occurred in a single place on Earth?

This book also told of how armies from across the planet would be mobilized in a short amount of time to join together to fight in a single battle (Revelation 16:14-16).  How could entire armies across the entire Earth be mobilized in a matter of days to one location?  How could so many soldiers from so many countries possibly be able to carry out a coordinated attack?

This book also told of an ancient religion coming to near universal acceptance to help the Man of Lies rise to power (Revelation 17:1-6).  How could almost all the people of the Earth be persuaded to accept the same religion?

This book says, that later the allies of the Man of Lies would completely destroy that ancient religion in a short amount of time, when he no longer needs it (Revelation 17:12-18).  How could an ancient religion be destroyed in days, when it normally it takes centuries for a religion to lose all followers?

This book also told of a great and populous city that would be built in a few years (Revelation 18:16-18).  How could a huge city be raised up in a few years time? 

This same city would then be destroyed in a single hour (Revelation 18:19-21).  How could a city that large be destroyed in a single hour?

For almost two thousand years, these statements in this two thousand year old book seemed laughable to many highly educated people.  People like Voltaire thought that this story was the tale of an idiot.  Most of the scientific community in his time agreed with Voltaire.  They said that no true scientist would believe such a fanciful tale.

Most, but not all scientists, agreed with him.  There were notable exceptions, the most famous of which was Sir Isaac Newton.

While Voltaire published no scientific papers, Newton published more than twice papers as many as the next most published scientist.  He also invented Calculus because he need it to explain his theories of physics.

Though Newton has towered above all other scientists by every objective measure, he was a very humble man.  He said about his accomplishments, "If I have seen further than other men, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.".  He was the opposite of Voltaire - all accomplishments and no talk.

However, his work in science and math were not his greatest accomplishments.  The greatest mind in history spent most of his energy writing books about the Book of Truth (The Bible).  In fact, he wrote twice as much about the Book of Truth as he did about science and math combined.

Yet, none of his books were ever published because he never finished any of them.  He would discover something new while writing about one subject, and start apply the same techniques that he used to discover scientific laws to the new subject.  He somehow never managed to circle back to any of his earlier subjects.

He also applied what he learned in the Book of Truth to his own life.  He basically became a Separatist like the Pilgrims and practiced many of the same things that Saint Patrick had practiced.

So even though Cambridge required him to be a member of the Anglican Church to teach there, he managed to evade doings so for his entire career.  He rejected the many customs that it had inherited from the False Church of Rome.

However, the greatest accomplishment of Newton was his timeline.  He took the statements about the future in the Book of Truth as fact.  He then started working out backwards the steps necessary to get from how things were in his day to how they would be in the future.  Newton spent more than twenty years working on his timeline.

In his timeline, although he used different names for them, Newton predicted the invention of everything from airplanes to global computer networks to smart phones.  He also predicted many events like advances in medicine and agriculture that would lead to a sudden rise in global population, both world wars, and the return of Israel as an independent nation.

He did not just state that these things would happen.  He also calculated how long each event or invention would take to develop, after the previous event or invention was developed.  (Each event or invention needed previous events or inventions to make that event or invention possible.)  Then he made calculated guesses to how long each development would take.  These calculated guesses have proven to be very close.

For example, he gave 1944 AD as the year that Israel would become an independent nation.  This was only four years too early.  Pretty impressive for someone who died in 1727 AD.

Of course, most scientists in his day thought that he had lost his mind with these predictions. 

Voltaire was particularly sharp in his criticism of Newton.  When he read the prediction of "flying conveyances that would go hundreds of miles per hour and thousands of feet above the Earth", Voltaire was particularly merciless.  He said among other things, "Doesn't Newton know that if a man goes more than 35 miles per hour that his head will explode."  (The view of most of the scientific community was that blood pressure built up as people went faster, and the fastest that the human body could withstand was the speed of a fast horse.)

Three hundred years later, Newton looks pretty smart, while Voltaire and most of the scientific community of his day look pretty silly.  The truth is, that it was the accomplishments of Newton, which made his predictions able to come true.  All modern technology relies on his work in science and math.

Newton also devoted most of his fortune to the Restorationist movement (the term for Christian Zionists in his day).  Newton shared the impossible dream of making the impossible country of Israel into a reality with other Christian Zionists, and his contributions were vital to the cause.

So, Newton did not think that these things written in a two thousand year old book were far fetched at all, even though this put him at odds with most of the scientific community.  We are getting close to what Newton saw as the fullness of time.

That is what on Earth is really going on.

In fact, we already have the technology to make every one of those things happen today.

A tattoo covering the insertion point of a small chip that allows financial transaction is already possible.

Prince Charles and his two sons are chipped like expensive race horses or pet dogs, with a GPS transmitting chip that lets MI5 and MI6 know where they are at all times.  Rice grain size chips can also transmit health information like body temperature and blood pressure.  Other people in Europe have similar chips implanted in their hands that allow them to pay for drinks at some bars by waving their hands.

A global network to control all financial transactions is already possible.

During the terrible famines that killed almost three million people in Africa during the 2000's, the United Nation was busy building a network of cell towers, instead of bringing in food to help the starving.  They gave reasons like to help aid workers and UN peacekeepers communicate.  However, this kind of network is necessary for a global economy that relies completely on digital currency.

The rest of the network can be built out fairly quickly.  Also, the Earth is already covered by more than one thousand communication satellites currently in orbit.  (It only takes three in a geosynchronous orbit of 24,000 miles to cover the entire Earth.  However, they would have really expensive equipment and could never fail.  A thousand satellites closer to the surface of the Earth, which can communicate with each other, is much more reliable, effective, and cheaper.)

There is far more than enough distributed computing power to manage a system of digital currency already in place.  Many people are already quite used to never carrying currency bills or coins.  A person in a developed country can literally buy everything they need over the internet paying completely with digital money.  There is even true digital money like bitcoins, besides electronic transactions backed up by cash.

So, the technology already exists to force everyone to take a mark that they cannot buy or sell without.  All that is needed to force the world to accept is a single global currency, is a global economic crisis that makes paper money and coins issued by individual governments obsolete.  Then enforcement would be automatic.

It is already possible for every person on earth to witness a single event.

Modern communication systems like televisions, the internet, and smart phones make it really easy for everyone on Earth to be able to see a single event as it occurs in real time.

Google has smart phones manufactured in India for the India market that cost less than one hundred US dollars.  These phones are better than the smart phone that cost me over seven hundred dollars two years ago.  The general rule in electronics is that everything becomes cheaper and better over time.   It is already possible to supply every person, or at least every family, on Earth with a low cost device that would let them see the same event across the globe.

It is already possible to have all the armies of the world to mobilize into a single combat zone.

A system of large commercial jets could take troops to large airports, then smaller jets, large helicopters, and vertical take-off transport planes could take troops quickly from the large airports to smaller airports at staging areas near the combat zone.  Military airports in the same area could allow giant planes like the Antonov An-124 and the Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy to carry tanks, all-terrain transport vehicles, and even smaller transport helicopters to the staging area.  Then the troops could be transported in these ground vehicles and helicopters to the combat zone.  If the entire world cooperated, it would take less than a week to amass every army on Earth to this combat zone.  With some improvements in technology and infrastructure, the time could be reduced to a day.

All that is needed for their governments to come to an agreement to do so.

It is already possible for these armies to work together in a coordinated fashion.

We already live in a world where a soldier can be video chatting with his family in the United States one minute, and then end the chat to go fight the enemy in Afghanistan at a moments notice.  It is not hard to see how modern technology would allow us to coordinate a force made up of every army on Earth.

Modern communication systems can allow all of these armies to work to gather to carry out a coordinated attack.  They are not just be able to communicate by talking, but to share visual information as well.

More than that, sophisticated artificial intelligence systems can run algorithms to integrate that data into meaning directions.  This is similar to GPS apps that change driving directions based on real time events like auto accidents.

The language barrier can already be overcome since more than five out of eight people on Earth already speak at least some English.  It is already possible to embed a translator from English into another language in the command post of each unit.  Also, automated translation from one language to another by computer systems is becoming much more reliable.

The groundwork has already been laid for a single global religion based on the religion of ancient Babylon.

The heads of the False Church of Rome have already been working with many leaders of protestant denominations, and even leaders of non-denominational movements, to resolve the differences needed to bring about their version of Christian Unity.  The heads of the False Church of Rome have already met with the heads of many branches of Islam to discuss the creation of Chrislam.  People of every religion are already joining together in a global Christmas party each year.

Every major religion already has a figure named "Jesus" (in their own language).

This is not just true of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and the like, but also Atheists, who talk about a "historical Jesus" who did nothing supernatural, but did have a lot of good ideas.  Rabbinic Judaism rejects the Man of Truth, but it is looking for a Messiah to arise who will validate their traditions.  The False Church of Rome has a "Jesus" that is an idol, which they worship along with an idol of his mother.  Those who follow the Book of Mormon certainly have a "Jesus" that they worship.

Each one of these is "another Jesus", which does not match what the Renewed Covenant says about the Man of Truth.  This is even true about many Protestants, for they are unaware of the hidden danger that has crept into their congregations like a snake in the leaves.  They have fallen for the great deception.

So, there is already the framework for a single global religion in place.

All that is needed, is for the heads of all these religions to point people to the same person as the "Messiah".  This "Messiah" will tell each of them what they long to hear.  Then the followers of these religions could all become followers of a single global religion centered around this "Messiah".

The religion of ancient Babylon will have then been revived.   People will worship the Man of Lies just as they worshiped Nimrod.

The technology already exists for this single global religion to be destroyed in a single day.

The Man of Lies will be dependent upon this global religion for a while to secure his position.  Like any religion, it will have a centralized headquarters.  This headquarters very easily be located at Rome.

While Rome as not built in a day, the technology to destroy it in a day is already here.  It could be destroyed instantly by an atomic bomb, a thermobaric bomb like a MOAB, a hypersonic bomb, or even a laser based system mounted on satellites.

With the sudden destruction of the headquarters of this global religion, it would not take long for the global religion to fall apart completely.  Then the Man of Lies could then quickly replace this global religion with one that he directly controls.  After all, most of the people on Earth will have already been following him as their Messiah for a number of years.

The groundwork has already been laid to create a large and populous city at the sight of ancient Babylon.

Saddam Hussein was obsessed with Nebuchadnezzar.  He claimed to be a descendant of Nebuchadnezzar.  He carried an ancient coin with the side profile of Nebuchadnezzar on it.  He would show how close his side profile matched that of Nebuchadnezzar.

As a result of this obsession, he spent billions of dollars having the walls of ancient Babylon rebuilt.  He dreamed of reviving the ancient Babylonian Empire and ruling it from ancient Babylon like Nebuchadnezzar had done.  He wanted Babylon to be the greatest city on Earth with no rival in technology.

While his dream came to end when he was hung, he did manage to have the walls of ancient Babylon rebuilt first.  He also the interior of ancient Babylon prepared for a modern infrastructure.

The technology already exists to create a massive modern city in the location that Saddam Hussein has prepared in a few years.  The infrastructure components like electrical grids could be built elsewhere and assembled on site.  Premanufactured roads could be delivered by aircraft and then unrolled on site.  The various parts of the buildings could be manufactured elsewhere and then assembled on site.  Everything could be built else where and assembled on site.

In fact, the entire city could even be built in a year if there was enough cooperation.   It is certain that the Man of Lies will have no trouble getting that cooperation.

The Man of Lies would also have no problem getting people to move into this city.  It could quickly become the most populated city on Earth.

There already exists many ways that such a large city could be destroyed in an hour.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) often works through people, so it is possible that this great city could be destroyed by the same means used to destroy the headquarters of the global religion.  The Father of Truth also works through natural resources as well, like the massive underground global water reservoir that He opened up to create the global flood in the days of Noah, or the volcanic eruption that caused brimstone (white phosphorus) to rain down on those who were married in Sodom.

Besides those means, the Father of Truth could just send down fire to destroy it, like He will do when he destroys the last of his enemies (Revelation 20:7-9).

These strange weather patterns and the like are meant to wake you up to what on Earth is really going on.

We now live in the point of history where all of these things are possible.  These things will be able to be done better and faster in the near future.  We are living on the edge of the fullness of time.

The Man of Truth came in the fullness of time the first time to suffer (Galatians 4:3-5).  He will return in the fullness of time the second time to rule (Ephesians 1:9-11).

So,when it comes to the Tribulation, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) say, "Bring it on!".  They know that the Great War will bring about the return of the King!

It is not hard to see that the world is ready to accept the Man of Lies as their Messiah (2 Timothy 3:1-5).  There is greater persecution of the Children of Truth on a global basis than any other time in history, and it is evident that evil people just keep getting worse in their actions and deception (2 Timothy 3:12-13).  They already justify every kind of evil by claiming "My DNA made me do it".  We are living on the edge of the fullness of time.

In fact, the Book of Truth will soon be printed in every language on Earth.  This current world order can now come to an end, because the Good News has finally been preached to every ethnic group (Matthew 24:14).

The only thing that is preventing the Man of Lies from being revealed, is the Children of Truth, who are actively opposing the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8).  Soon, they will be taken out of the way in the Rapture to escape the Tribulation, because the Father of Truth does not take collateral damage.

However, not every person who calls themselves a Christian will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture, but only the worthy will.  It only those, who the Man of Truth finds doing their part to carry out his instructions in the Great Commission, when he comes, who will be found worthy (Luke 12:40-43).

If you have not come into the House of Truth, then today can be the fullness of time for you.  You do not need to wait until you have suffered enough in the Tribulation to come into the House of Truth.

It is foolish to wait anyways.  You are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the rest of today.  Now is the time for you to come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Father of Truth has been preparing you for this moment.  One person may have planted the seed in your life, and others may have been watering that seed, but He is the one that has been causing that seed to grow (1 Corinthians 3:6).   The incorruptible seed of His Word will cause you to be born again (1 Peter 1:23-25).

So, come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth ruler over you today, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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