Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saved By Faith But Grow By Knowledge

Do the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have to get everything right all the time to be saved? 

Do they have to know everything in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to be saved?  What does the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) expect from His Children?

The truth is that the Book of Truth contains the Doctrine of Truth and there is a right teaching on every subject.  However, not every subject is of equal importance.  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) plainly taught that the weightier matters of the Law must be attended to first.  This plainly means that the lessor matters of the Law must be attended to afterwards.

More over, no one should be held to a standard of knowing everything and never being wrong about anything.  Rule fifty-one (Sometimes you're wrong) applies to everyone.  Even the Man of Truth had to grow in wisdom when he was on this Earth (Luke 2:40).  So why should anyone think that they do not need to do so as well?

So it is alright to be wrong about somethings sometimes.  Not everything is life and death.  The real problem is when someone cannot admit it when they are wrong no matter what evidence is presented, especially from the Book of Truth (Ecclesiastes 4:13).

This is not to say that the Children of Truth should not be striving to learn the Doctrine of Truth so that they can learn how to better walk in the truth.  They should be seeking out the truth that is found in the Book of Truth on every subject so they can become more like the Man of Truth (John 17:17).  There is nothing that pleases the Father of Truth more than when His Children are walking in truth (3 John 1:4).

Still even when the Children of Truth are seeking out the Doctrine of Truth they can still see some things differently without any of them teaching the Doctrine of Lies.  The truth is that some things in the Book of Truth are very plain to see while others are not.  Even the very plain things have to be learned and that takes time.

It is important to remember that everyone is born as a baby into the House of Truth and then has to grow up from there.  The Children of Truth grow to be like the Man of Truth by following the Man of Truth to the best of their understanding and ability (John 14:21).  Someone who has been following the Man of Truth for twenty years should not see things the same way as someone who has been following him for twenty minutes (1 Corinthians 13:11).  The Children of Truth grow by taking in the Word of Truth like a baby grows by taking in milk (1 Peter 2:1-3).

Also some things can only be understood the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) revealing them (1 Corinthians 2:9-11).  Those things simply cannot be understood unless the Spirit of Truth teaches them (1 Corinthians 2:12-14).  Some things were even hidden in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) from the Prophets of Truth who wrote it (Ephesians 3:3-5).

Even then the Spirit of Truth uses the Book of Truth to teach the Children of Truth (John 14:26).  The Children of Truth still have to do their part and study the Book of Truth in order to learn the Doctrine of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).   Some things were even hard for the Apostles of Truth who wrote the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) to understand (2 Peter 3:15-16).

The Spirit of Truth will lead the Children of Truth into the truth about all subjects in the Book of Truth once they are mature enough to hear it (John 16:12-14).  The Children of Truth cannot digest the harder parts of the Doctrine of Truth until they have mastered putting the easier parts into action (Hebrews 5:12-14).  The Children of Truth are only ready for the deeper things after they have firmly grasped the six foundational doctrines (Hebrews 6:1-3).

So not all of the Children of Truth are not at the same level of maturity.  Not all will be able to put in the same amount of study.  The truth is that most of the Children of Truth are not going to be able to read Hebrew and Greek.  (It even takes study to know for certain that Greek was the language of the Renewed Covenant with the certain exception of one book.)  In fact, for most of history, most of the Children of Truth did not even have access to copies of the original manuscripts in the original languages.  Sometimes they have not had access to all parts of the Book of Truth in their own language but only the most important parts so that they might not put the cart before the horse.

The truth is that the Doctrine of Lies has a greater variety of doctrines than the Doctrine of Truth.  For any question where there is only one right answer there is always a multitude of wrong answers.  The Doctrine of Truth is restricted to only the doctrines that are taught in the Book of Truth while the Doctrine of Lies contains every doctrine that is in opposition to what is taught in the Book of Truth.

More than that, over time it is easy for some of the Doctrine of Lies to get mixed into the doctrine of religious professionals.  The vast majority of the Doctrine of Lies that has been mixed in the doctrine that religious professionals teach did not originate with them but rather was taught to them by someone else.  Sometimes a doctrine from the Doctrine of Lies has been being repeated for so many generations that only a few of the Children of Truth will even attempt to examine it carefully enough to determine if it agrees with the Book of Truth.

Even then, they may be relying on a translation that was translated incorrectly.  Also the language that it was translated into may have changed since the time of translation so that the translation no longer means the same thing that it meant when the translation was originally done.  In fact, the translation may even have been intentionally altered from the original text like in the case of one disturbing sentence that appears in many modern translations.  So the translation may actually support the doctrine from the Doctrine of Lies and the only way to know that it is not part of the Doctrine of Truth is to read the actual original language text.  For most of the Children of Truth throughout most of history this was not even possible.

For these reasons the Children of Truth are not condemned when they ignorantly disobey the commandments of their Father.  The Father of Truth does not treat ignorance the same way as willful disobedience (Numbers 15:28-30).  The Father of Truth does not put His Children out of His Family for doing stupid things out of ignorance (Psalm 73:22-24).  Even blaspheme can be forgiven when it is done in ignorance (1 Timothy 1:12-14).  For this reason the Man of Truth has the same compassion on those who sin out of ignorance as His Father (Hebrews 5:1-6).

This by no means means that the Father of Truth wants His Children to remain ignorant.  He would not have them ignorant of the fact that all of Israel will be saved (Romans 11:25-27).  He would not have them ignorant of how the children of Israel were all baptized and were all with the Man of Truth in the wilderness (1 Corinthians 10:1-4).  He would not have them ignorant of the gifts that come from the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:1-3).  His Children should not be ignorant of the devices of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) that are designed to destroy their effectiveness in this world (2 Corinthians 2:9-11).  He would not have them ignorant of the resurrection of the Children of Truth who have died and the snatching away of those are still alive when they all meet the Man of Truth in the air together (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).  He would not have them ignorant of His desire to that no one should perish in the second death as being the only reason that He has delayed the final judgment of the Children of Lies (2 Peter 3:7-9).

The Father of Truth wants people, especially His Children, to come out of ignorance.   People first come into the House of Truth when they start repenting of the acts of disobedience that they did in ignorance (Acts 3:17-19).  The Father of Truth wants people come to know Him in the House of Truth instead of worshiping Him in ignorance (Acts 17:23-27).  The Father of Truth commands people to repent once they are no longer ignorant of Him and His ways (Acts 17:28-31).  He does not want people to be zealous in establishing their own righteous while being ignorant of their need to submit to the Man of Truth to gain His righteousness (Romans 10:2-4).  The Father of Truth wants people to come out of ignorance so their hearts will no longer be blind to the life that is only found in obedience to Him (Ephesians 4:17-19).  The Father of Truth does not want His Children to continue to live in the same way as they did when they were ignorant of how to live a life of holiness in the House of Truth (1 Peter 1:14-16).  The Children of Truth should live a life free from sin that puts to silence those who are ignorant of His ways (1 Peter 2:15-16).  The Father of Truth does not want them to live like scoffers who are willingly ignorant of the judgment that He has already demonstrated against those who rebelled against Him (2 Peter 3:3-6).

So knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth is very important but it is not everything.  If you are one of those people who thinks that everyone must live up to the standard of knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth that you have acquired over many years to be saved then you just need to get over yourself.  No matter how much you know you do not know everything.  You do not even know what you do not know.  You might be disobeying Him in ignorance in some manner because you do not have some minute detail correct.  You do not want the Father of Truth deciding your fate based on His knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth so stop doing this to other people because it is blinding you to what really matters (Matthew 7:1-3).

Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth by itself only puffs up the pride of the person who possess it while love builds up other people so they can know the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 8:1-3).  It really makes no difference how much knowledge you have of the Doctrine of Truth if you do not have love for other people (1 Corinthians 13:2).  The Father of Truth allows trouble to come upon those who have the most knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth to keep them from being destroyed by pride over having more knowledge than other people (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).  Those who have the most knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth are supposed to use that knowledge wisely and in humility by demonstrating how to live in a way that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (James 3:13).

The truth is that faith in the Man of Truth is the only thing that can justify anyone and no amount of knowledge of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) can save anyone (Galatians 2:15-16).  People are saved by faith in the Man of Truth and not by knowing of the Doctrine of Truth so well that they never make a mistake (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Love that come from faith in the Man of Truth surpasses all knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (Ephesians 3:17-19).  Faith in the Man of Truth that brings salvation will show itself in acts of love towards other people (James 2:14-17).

Still the Father of Truth expects His Children to change their behavior once they know what He wants instead of willfully disobeying Him (James 4:17).  It would have been better for people to have never came into the House of Truth than to leave it through continual willful disobedience (2 Peter 2:20-22).  The Children of Truth obey the Father of Truth to the best of their understanding because they love Him (1 John 5:3).

So even though the Children of Truth are saved by faith in the Man of Truth they grow by knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth.  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to admonish one another to do what is pleasing to their Father (Romans 15:13-14).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to operate in every gift of the Spirit of Truth while they wait for the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth (1 Corinthians 1:4-7).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to cast down every imagination and stronghold that opposes obedience to the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to understand the power of their Father over everything that opposes His kingdom (Ephesians 1:17-21).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to grow to be like the Man of Truth instead of being deceived by the Doctrine of Lies (Ephesians 4:13-15).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to learn how to live a life that is pleasing to their Father (Colossians 1:9-11).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to live a new life that is based on the Man of Truth instead of their temporary status in this world (Colossians 3:9-11).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to escape the corruption of this world (2 Peter 1:2-4).  Knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth allows them to grow to become more and more like the Man of Truth (2 Peter 3:15-18).

Of course, no one can grow by knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth until they come into the House of Truth by faith in the Man of Truth.  The fear of the Father of Truth is the first knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth that everyone must learn before they can understand anything else (Proverbs 1:5-7).  The fear of the Father of Truth comes from seeking out to His commandments to put them into practice (Proverbs 2:1-5).  The Father of Truth is the One Who gives people the ability to understand the Doctrine of Truth (Proverbs 2:6-9).  No one can grow by knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth until they come to the Father of Truth (Proverbs 9:9-10).  No one can come to the Father of Truth except by first coming into the House of Truth by faith in the Man of Truth (John 14:6).  Everyone comes into the House of Truth by putting the Man of Truth in control of their lives because they have faith that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  The Father of Truth desires all people to come into the House of Truth to be saved by faith in the Man of Truth so they can begin to grow by the knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Doctrine Of Lies

What is the difference between human error and false doctrine?

When religious professionals talk about a doctrine they usually mean what is taught about a particular subject by themselves or others.  When they talk about the doctrine of a single person, like say Billy Graham, or the doctrine of an organization, like say a particular congregation or even a denomination like the Assemblies of God, they are usually mean the entire collection of individual doctrines on various subjects that are taught by that person or organization.

Often two religious professionals, even in the same congregation, can find themselves at odds over a doctrine about a particular subject.  Sometimes they can agree to disagree because they recognize the matter is not a foundational doctrine that they must agree on to work together.

Yet there are other matters that will prevent them from working together because at least one of them decides that the disagreement is over a foundational doctrine that they must agree on.  When their doctrine disagrees over one of these matters then things can get real ugly, real fast.

If the disagreement becomes personal then they will usually start accusing each other of teaching false doctrine even though it may only be a case of human error.  At this point, reconciliation is almost impossible as pride usually has set in and neither one of them is willing to concede the other one was right no matter what evidence is presented.  It rarely seems to occur to either party that there is always the possibility that they could both be wrong.  

These religious professionals usually become so entrenched in their position to protect their pride that they cannot examine things objectively to see what the Book of Truth (The Bible) actually teaches about the subject.  It does not really matter to them if the Book of Truth completely refutes their doctrine.  At this point lining their doctrine up with the Book of Truth has a lower priority than defending their position.  Their doctrine has replaced the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) on the throne of their life.

So these religious professionals teach their doctrine to others and some of those who hear them in like manner become religious professionals.  Many of these religious professionals dare not question if what they were taught actually lines up with the Book of Truth.  The doctrine that the students of these religious professionals have learned becomes dogmatic - meaning there can be no questioning whether or not it is true.  Those who become dogmatic about the doctrine of the original religious professionals often then form organizations to continue on the teaching of their doctrine.

After a few generations of this process, their doctrine has now taken on the status of being a tradition.  Once it is a tradition, it will keep being repeated without thought, as surely being right.  After all, traditions must be maintained to keep the organization stable.  Any questioning of tradition is now viewed as an assault on the entire organization that has grew up around the traditions that were passed down to it.

If one tradition is allowed to be questioned and found to be inconsistent with the Book of Truth, then people may question and examine other traditions.  This could lead to an upheaval of the entire doctrine of the organization.  The organization may even split between those who insist on clinging to the traditions they were handed down and those who are willing to abandon those traditions in order to do what the Book of Truth actually teaches.

This usually infuriates those who cling to the traditions they were taught.  After all, who do these people who would examine the traditions of the organization think they are?  Do they suppose that the founder of the doctrine that became their tradition could have somehow been wrong?  Do they suppose that people can actually understand the Book of Truth without the guidance of the organization?  Are they so bold as to even say that the organization got things wrong?

The worst part is that often the original split over doctrine was probably not even over something that is actually foundational according to the Book of Truth.  Pride has a way of puffing up the importance of the subject that people disagree on.  Religious pride prevents people from being able to change their doctrine even when it is obviously contrary to the Book of Truth.  A religious spirit is such an ugly thing.

This leads to people teaching something that obviously contradicts what is taught in the Book of Truth.  When this happens they are teaching the Doctrine of Lies.

Make no mistake, I am not talking about something that is hard to understand and they just made a mistake.  Some things take the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) teaching you before they can be understood (1 Corinthians 2:12-14).  Some things can only be understood by thoroughly studying them out (2 Timothy 2:15).  Some things are just hard to understand (2 Peter 3:15-16).  I am not talking about human error that affects even the most sincere of people.

I am talking about a refusal to teach what the Book of Truth teaches no matter how plainly it is stated.  There is a huge difference between simple human error and false doctrine.

For example when it comes to the Man of Truth taking the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) off of the Earth and meeting them in the air, more commonly called the Rapture, there is intense disagreement over the timing of the event.  The Children of Truth divide up into camps about whether the Rapture occurs before, in the middle of, or at the end of the Tribulation.

Even though they cannot all be right, or even all of them could be wrong on the exact details, the main thing is that they are all teaching what the Book of Truth teaches to the best of their understanding.  They are all teaching that there will be a period of great Tribulation that will come upon the world as the Man of Truth taught (Matthew 24:21-22).  They are all teaching that there will be a Rapture as the Book of Truth teaches (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).

So even though they do not see how the events of the future will play out the same way, they are all still teaching what the Book of Truth teaches about those events.  They agree that the future events will play out in the future exactly as they are laid out in the Book of Truth in a way that will make sense after it is over and everyone is looking back on those events as being history instead of prophecy.  However, for the moment we are looking at these events through fractured glass and cannot always see things clearly (1 Corinthians 13:12-13). [Roman Era glass was neither smooth nor transparent.  Looking through it gave a fragmented view.  While general shapes, like say that of a man, could be made out when looking through it, details, like say the face of a man, could not be seen clearly.]   So even though they do not agree on all of the details they are still teaching the Doctrine of Truth because they are teaching what the Book of Truth teaches to the best of their understanding.  Their disagreement is only the result of human error.

This is a far cry from teaching that the Man of Truth will not reign over the Earth for a thousand years as the Book of Truth plainly states six times (Revelation 20:2-7).  Any teaching that contradicts the plain teaching of the Book of Truth that the Man of Truth will reign over the Earth for a thousand years is part of the Doctrine of Lies.

Another example of the Doctrine of Lies is teaching the Children of Truth to call religious leaders by titles like "Rabbi", "Father" or "Master" contrary to the plain commandment of the Man of Truth to not do so (Matthew 23:8-10).  The Children of Truth are instructed to instead seek to lower themselves in importance by serving each other instead raising themselves up in importance by taking on titles that only belong to the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth (Matthew 23:11-12).  Any teaching that attempts to justify using these titles when addressing mere men is part of the Doctrine of Lies.

The Doctrine of Lies takes away from the greatness that belongs to the Father of Truth by contributing that greatness to something else like mere men (Deuteronomy 32:1-3).  The Doctrine of Lies is the teaching of men that people only need to serve the Father of Truth with their lips but not with their actions (Matthew 15:7-9).  The Doctrine of Lies includes the teachings of Rabbinical Judaism, which came from the Pharisees, that the Man of Truth warned against (Matthew 16:11-12).  The Doctrine of Lies has no authority from the Father of Truth (Mark 1:22).  The Doctrine of Lies is based on the traditions of men instead of the Book of Truth (Mark 7:6-8). 

The Doctrine of Lies teaches people to forsake the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Proverbs 4:2).  The Doctrine of Lies teaches that doing things that are called evil in the Law of Truth will not be punished contrary to what is taught in the Doctrine of Truth (1 Timothy 1:8-11). The Doctrine of Lies teaches that the Man of Truth today is not the same Man of Truth who was present when the Law of Truth was given in the wilderness to Moses (Moishe) nor is he the same Man of Truth who will make the Law of Truth to be the basis for the law of the entire Earth in the future (Hebrews 13:8-9). 

The Doctrine of Lies teaches people to worship idols instead of the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 10:6-9).  The Doctrine of Lies is the teaching of men to bring the Children of Truth into obeying the world instead of the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:20-22).  The Doctrine of Lies teaches people to eat things offered to idols and commit sexual sin (Revelation 2:14).  

The Doctrine of Lies seeks to make money off of people rather than bringing them to the Father of Truth (Mark 11:15-18).  The Doctrine of Lies elevates religious professionals while destroying the livelihood of the poor (Mark 12:38-40).  The Doctrine of Lies is taught by theology school instead of the Father of Truth (John 7:15-17).  

The Doctrine of Lies opposes the teaching of the Doctrine of Truth (Acts 5:27-29).  The Doctrine of Lies causes divisions among the Children of Truth by teaching things that are contrary to the Doctrine of Truth (Romans 16:17).  The Doctrine of Lies is constantly changing to carry the Children of Truth away from the Doctrine of Truth (Ephesians 4:14).  The Doctrine of Lies teaches fables instead of the Doctrine of Truth (1 Timothy 1:3-4).  The Doctrine of Lies is sought out by those who would rather hear fables than the Doctrine of Truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

The Doctrine of Lies is the work of the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) to lead the Children of Truth out of the House of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1-3).  The Doctrine of Lies is hated by the Man of Truth (Revelation 2:15).  The Doctrine of Lies comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (Revelation 2:24).

The Doctrine of Lies is taught by those who are proud and know nothing about the Man of Truth or the Doctrine of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5). The Doctrine of Lies is taught by those who do not obey the Doctrine of Truth and do not know the Man of Truth nor the Father of Truth (2 John 1:9-11).

It is certain that everyone has been taught something from the Doctrine of Lies rather or not it was intentional.  This is why the Children of Truth must have their minds renewed by reading the Book of Truth after they come into the House of Truth so they can stop being conformed to this world by putting the Doctrine of Truth into practice (Romans 12:2).  The Spirit of Truth must renew their minds so they can put off practicing the Doctrine of Lies and put on practicing the Doctrine of Truth that makes them more like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:20-24).

The Spirit of Truth will guide the Children of Truth away from the Doctrine of Lies and to the Doctrine of Truth one step at a time as they continue to grow up to be like the Man of Truth (John 16:12-14).  The real question is: What will they do when the Spirit of Truth shows them from the Book of Truth that something they have been taught, for perhaps their entire life, is part of the Doctrine of Lies?

Will they be like the Mensch who killed Christmas?  Once they know the truth about the rituals of Easter will they cease to practice those rituals and instead wish each other "Happy Firstfruits!"?  Or will they reject the Doctrine of Truth to continue in the Doctrine of Lies?

It really boils down to one question: Do they really love the Father of Truth with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30)?

Those who love the Man of Truth make whatever changes are needed to live according to the Doctrine of Truth (John 15:10).  When anyone sees a conflict between the Doctrine of Lies and the Doctrine of Truth it is which one they put into practice that matters (Romans 6:16-18).   It is keeping the commandments of the Father of Truth that are found in the Doctrine of Truth that proves love for the Father of Truth (1 John 5:3).  The doctrine you decide to practice shows who's your daddy.

The Father of Truth does not treat ignorance of the Doctrine of Truth in the same as knowingly rebelling against the Doctrine of Truth (Numbers 15:28-30).  The Father of Truth overlooks practices done in ignorance of the Doctrine of Truth but commands repentance from putting the Doctrine of Lies into practice once the Doctrine of Truth is known (Acts 17:30).

Repentance from putting the Doctrine of Lies into practice begins when you come into the House of Truth (Luke 24:45-47).  It is coming into the House of Truth that causes the Spirit of Truth to live in you (Acts 2:38).  You come into the House of Truth through total surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will start teaching you the Doctrine of Truth so you can stop practicing the Doctrine of Lies (1 Corinthians 2:13).  The Spirit of Truth will use the Book of Truth to remove the Doctrine of Lies out of your life (1 Peter 2:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Doctrine of Truth

Can you know what the Book of Truth (the Bible) teaches, when the religious professionals cannot agree?

Among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) there is almost endless division over doctrine.

There are denominations, that came from a denominational split with another denomination, that also came from a denominational split with yet another denomination.  If you look into the history of some denominations, you will find that there have been nine or ten splits, that lead from the original parent denomination to that particular denomination.

Then there are effectively denominations inside of denominations.  For example, usually when people talk about being a Southern Baptist, they are actually part of one of the more than 100 independent Baptist denominations that meet together for the Southern Baptist Convention.  These more than 100 independent Baptist denominations do not have a unified Southern Baptist doctrine, that they all adhere to, but rather a set of doctrines on some issues, that they mostly agree on.  In fact, not even all the member denominations even agree to most doctrines, in that set of doctrines.  What they have in common is, that that they all came from the Southern Baptists, who split off from the Northern Baptists over the issue of slavery about 150 years ago.

Then there are congregations, that break off from being part of any denomination.  The fact is, that these nondenominational congregations do not agree with each other on doctrine as well.  Some of them often start joining into alliances, like the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, that is unites them into something like a denomination, even though they may have serious disagreements on doctrine, similar to the case of the Southern Baptists.

Yet other congregations start spinning off children congregations, ran by religious professionals, who they trained in their training school, who form an alliance with them.  This has been the case of many Charismatic churches, like Rhema Bible Church.  These groups of nondenominational churches effectively end up being part of a new denomination!

This endless division has lead to, many of the Children of Truth crying out, that we must all come together.  They say, that we can have unity in what is essential, have freedom to disagree on what is not essential, and walk in love towards each other at all times.  The main problem that keeps this from working, is that these denominations and independent congregations, cannot agree on, what is essential.  They not only do not agree, on which issues comprise the essential doctrines, that they all must agree on to have unity, but they do not even have the same doctrine, concerning those issues!

So when the Children of Truth, or even those who have yet to come into the House of Truth, ask two different religious professionals a question, they end up getting three different answers.  This is pretty much the same results as asking two Rabbis a question.  Some things never change.

So the Children of Truth, and those seeking to come into the House of Truth, are left in a state of confusion due to this endless division among religious professionals over doctrine.

Is there any way for people to know the truth for certain, when the religious professionals are so uncertain?

Yes there is a way to know the truth apart from relying upon religious professionals. In fact, once the truth is known then people can tell doctrine that is from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) apart from doctrine is from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).

The journey to ending this confusion over doctrine among the Children of Truth begins by recognizing that this confusion over doctrine among the Children of Truth did not come from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:33).  This confusion over doctrine that leads to envy and strife among the Children of Truth is an evil work that came from the Father of Lies (James 3:14-16).

Does doctrine really matter?

The first thing to know is what exactly is doctrine.  Doctrine literally means "what is taught".  A doctrine about a single subject is what is taught about that subject.  The entire collection of what someone teaches about a variety of subjects is their doctrine.  So the doctrine of an individual, congregation or denomination is the collection of individual doctrines that cover what is taught about individual subjects.  So it is possible for the doctrine of two entities to disagree with each other because they do not have the same doctrine on a single subject even though they agree on everything else.

The next thing to understand is that doctrine matters.  If doctrine did not matter then the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would not have warned the Children of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees that Rabbinic Judaism came from (Matthew 16:12).  It is knowing and putting into practice the Doctrine of Truth that was taught by the Man of Truth that sets the Children of Truth free from the works of the Father of Lies (John 8:31-32).  This is why the Children of Truth are warned to not follow any doctrine that differs from the Doctrine of Truth (Hebrews 13:9).

So where does the Doctrine of Truth begin?

The Doctrine of Truth is the doctrine came out from the Father of Truth that was spoken by the Prophets of Truth starting with Moses (Moishe) (Deuteronomy 32:1-3).  The Doctrine of Truth begins with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that was given by the Father of Truth (Proverbs 4:1-2).  The Doctrine of Truth is what is taught to bring people out of error so that they will reverence the Father of Truth (Isaiah 29:22-24).

What is the Doctrine of Truth that the Man of Truth taught?

The Doctrine of Truth is doing what the Man of Truth taught the Children of Truth to do (Matthew 7:24-28).  The Doctrine of Truth is not learned in theology school but comes from the Father of Truth (John 7:14-16).  The Doctrine of Truth can only be known by those who seek to do the will of the Father of Truth (John 7:17-18). 

The Doctrine of Truth is based on what is in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament), the only scripture that was written when the Man of Truth was on the Earth, as taught by the Man of Truth (Matthew 22:29-33). The Doctrine of Truth is what the Man of Truth taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath (Mark 1:21-22).  The Doctrine of Truth was taught by the Man of Truth to his fellow Jews in the synagogues and in the Temple (John 18:19-21).

The Doctrine of Truth is a doctrine of supernatural power from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Mark 1:23-27).  The Doctrine of Truth that the Man of Truth taught was confirmed by signs and wonders as being from the Father of Truth every Sabbath (Luke 4:31-32).  

The Doctrine of Truth was opposed by those who taught the doctrine of Rabbinic Judaism (Mark 11:18).  The Doctrine of Truth opposes those who teach the doctrine of Rabbinic Judaism (Mark 12:38-40).

What is the Doctrine of Truth that the Apostles of Truth taught?

The Doctrine of Truth is a doctrine of repentance from sin and returning to a fear of the Father of Truth in order to be saved (Acts 2:38-43).  The Doctrine of Truth is the Spirit of Truth confirming the Word of Truth with wondrous signs so that the lost can be saved by believing the Word of Truth (Acts 13:7-12).  The Doctrine of Truth must be obeyed in order for those who hear it to become righteous (Romans 6:16-18).  The Doctrine of Truth only saves those who continually put it into practice (1 Timothy 4:14-16).  The Doctrine of Truth must be continually obeyed in order for anyone to remain living in the House of Truth with the Man of Truth and His Father (2 John 1:9).

The Doctrine of Truth is that salvation only came through the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of the Man of Truth (Acts 5:28-32).  The Doctrine of Truth is centered on the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Acts 17:18-20).

The Doctrine of Truth is what the Apostles of Truth taught (Romans 16:17).  The Doctrine of Truth is not the doctrine of men (Colossians 2:20-22).  The Doctrine of Truth that the Apostles of Truth taught is same doctrine that the Man of Truth taught (1 Timothy 6:3).  The Doctrine of Truth is built upon six doctrines that form the foundation of the House of Truth (Hebrews 6:1-2).

The Doctrine of Truth does not tolerate fables of any kind (1 Timothy 1:3-4).  The Doctrine of Truth rejects all fables and calls people to living in a way that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 4:6-9).  The Doctrine of Truth is that trusting in the Father of Truth always results in living in a way that is pleasing to Him (1 Timothy 4:10-13).  The Doctrine of Truth teaches the Children of Truth how to live in a life that will not cause others to blaspheme the name of their Father (1 Timothy 6:1-2).  The Doctrine of Truth teaches the Children of Truth how to live in a way that is pleasing to their Father (Titus 2:1-5).  The Doctrine of Truth teaches the Children of Truth how to live an uncorrupted life in a corrupt world (Titus 2:6-8).  The Doctrine of Truth is to be as evident in how of the Children of Truth treat others as the clothes that they are wearing (Titus 2:9-10).

The Doctrine of Truth is rightly applying the Law of Truth (1 Timothy 1:8-11).  The Doctrine of Truth is found in all of the pages of the entire Book of Truth, from the first page of the Original Covenant, to the last page of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) (2 Timothy 3:14-17).  The Doctrine of Truth has never changed, because the Man of Truth has never changed (Hebrews 13:8-9).

The Doctrine of Truth is be taught, whether people want to hear it or not (2 Timothy 4:1-3).  The Doctrine of Truth both exhorts the Children of Truth to continue in righteous living, and convinces others to come into the House of Truth (Titus 1:9).

How can a person learn the Doctrine of Truth?

The Spirit of Truth will teach the Children of Truth the same Doctrine of Truth that the Man of Truth taught (John 14:26).  The Father of Truth has given the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth so they can know what comes from the Father of Truth (John 15:26).  The Spirit of Truth teaches the Doctrine of Truth that comes from the Father of Truth to the Children of Truth (John 16:13-15).

The Spirit of Truth revealed the Doctrine of Truth that was hidden in the Original Covenant to the Apostles of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11).  The Spirit of Truth teaches the same Doctrine of Truth that the Apostles of Truth taught (1 Corinthians 2:12-13).  When the Children of Truth learn how to hear from the Spirit of Truth then they do not anyone else to teach them the Doctrine of Truth (1 John 2:27).

The Children of Truth are to search the Book of Truth to see if any doctrine they hear is really part of the Doctrine of Truth (Acts 17:11).  Some things in the Doctrine of Truth require studying the Book of Truth to understand correctly (2 Timothy 2:15).  The Spirit of Truth will always lead people to the Doctrine of Truth that is found in the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:19-21).  Some things in the Book of Truth are hard to understand so they must be studied with the help of the Spirit of Truth so the Children of Truth can know the Doctrine of Truth (2 Peter 3:15-17).

The Father of Truth has given Teachers of Truth to teach the Children of Truth the Doctrine of Truth until they learn how to hear from the Spirit of Truth themselves (1 Corinthians 12:27-29).  The Father of Truth has given the Ministers of Truth so the Children of Truth can grow up in the Doctrine of Truth to become like the Man of Truth instead of being tossed around by every doctrine that someone thinks up (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Every Child of Truth can be given a doctrine about an individual subject that is part of the Doctrine of Truth when they speak in tongues and interpret the message that was spoken in tongues or when they prophesy by the Spirit of Truth in their congregations (1 Corinthians 14:4-6).  A doctrine about an individual subject can come by the Spirit of Truth speaking through any of the Children of Truth and not just the religious professionals (1 Corinthians 14:26-28).  When a doctrine is given in this manner then it is to be judged by comparing it to what is written in the Book of Truth to ascertain that it is from the Spirit of Truth so the congregation grows in the Doctrine of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:29-31).

How does someone begin to learn the Doctrine of Truth? 

No one can learn the Doctrine of Truth until they are born again by the Spirit of Truth in the House of Truth (John 3:6-8).  Anyone who will surrender control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead will be born again in the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-10).  They will be given the Spirit of Truth once they come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9).  They will begin to learn the Doctrine of Truth in the House of Truth when they take in the Word of Truth found in the Book of Truth like a new born baby taking in milk (1 Peter 2:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Better Passover

Have you observed the better Passover?

Every year millions of Jewish families gather together to eat a very special dinner called the Seder.  Seder literally means "order".  The reason this special meal is called a Seder is because it is a centered around a special plate of food called the Seder plate.  The food on the Seder plate is eaten one item at a time in a particular order along with four cups of grape juice or wine that are drank in a particular order.

The food items and the cups of wine are drank in the order that they appear in the Haggadah.  The Haggadah is a book whose name literally means "the telling".

The telling is the telling of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage called the Exodus.  As the telling progresses at certain points in the story everyone eats a particular item from their Seder plate or drinks one of the four cups of wine.

The telling is an interactive story where everyone participates.  The telling is not dinner and a show.  Dinner is part of the show and everyone at the table is putting on the show.  When the telling occurs it is meant to be a sort of "you are there" experience.

The highlight of the telling is the dreadful last plague, the plague of death, where all of the first born were slain except for those in the houses that had the blood of a lamb on the posts around the front door.  The houses with the blood on the doorposts were passed over when the plague of death came.  The death of the lamb had saved the first born in those houses from being slain.  It was this dreadful plague that finally caused Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

Afterwards the Israelites were commanded to have a feast to commemorate their deliverance from Egyptian bondage year after year, generation after generation, century after century (Exodus 12:24-25).  This Feast of Truth is called "Pesach" (Passover) because everyone who had the blood of the lamb on their door was "passed over" when the first born were killed in the plague of death (Exodus 12:26-27).  So for more than 3,500 years Jewish families have gathered together on the night when the Passover occurred to read the Haggadah and eat the Seder meal.

This Feast of Truth is the only first act in the Greatest Play Ever but it is the highest of all of the Feasts of Truth.  It is so important that if someone is unable to participate for some reason then they are to observe Passover one month later on the same day of the month (Numbers 9:10-12).  It is the only Feast of Truth that has an official make up holiday.  Remembering the death of the lamb at Passover is just that important.

Still as important as observing Passover is for Jewish families there is a better Passover that eclipses the original Passover.

In the original Passover each household had to supply itself with a lamb without blemish (Exodus 12:3-5).  In the better Passover the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) supplied the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) as the one and only Lamb that was without blemish (John 1:36).

In the original Passover the lambs were to be slain by the entire congregation of Israel (Exodus 12:6).  In the better Passover the Lamb was slain by the congregation of the Jews and the Gentiles (Acts 4:24-28).

In the original Passover the blood of the lambs was applied to the vertical and horizontal pieces of wood that formed the doorposts (Exodus 12:7).  In the better Passover the blood of Lamb was applied to the vertical and horizontal pieces of wood that formed the cross (Colossians 1:19-20).

In the original Passover the lambs were to be eaten, that is applied to the inside, of those who wanted to be delivered from the slavery of Egypt (Exodus 12:8).  In the better Passover the Lamb is to be eaten, that is applied to the inside, of those who want to be delivered from the slavery of sin (John 6:53-57).

In the original Passover the lambs were to completely destroyed by fire after death (Exodus 12:9-10).  In the better Passover the Lamb was completely destroyed by fire in Hell after death (Psalm 86:13).  (This explained in more detail in the post about the four busy days that the Man of Truth had from time of the Last Supper until he appeared to his disciples on the day that he rose from the dead.)

In the original Passover judgment was swiftly brought upon the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) who ruled over Egypt by deception (Exodus 12:11-12).  In the better Passover judgment was swiftly brought upon the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) who rules over the entire Earth by deception (John 16:7-11).

In the original Passover the blood of the lambs marked those who were redeemed from the destruction that would come upon Egypt (Exodus 12:13).  In the better Passover the blood of the Lamb marks those who are redeemed from the destruction that will come upon the whole world (1 Peter 1:18-20).

In the original Passover the death of the lambs brought about the end of leaven for Israel (Exodus 12:14-20).  In the better Passover the death of Lamb brought about the end of sin for the whole world (John 1:29).

In the original Passover the blood of many lambs was applied to bring about deliverance from physical death (Exodus 12:21-22).  In the better Passover the blood of the one and only Lamb was applied to bring about deliverance from eternal death (1 Peter 1:2-5).

In the original Passover the blood of the lambs was applied to doors of the houses to keep destruction out (Exodus 12:23).  In the better Passover the blood of the Lamb is applied to the door of the heart to let salvation in (Revelation 3:19-21).

The original Passover is only to be observed by those who have come into the house of Israel (Exodus 12:42-47).  The better Passover is only to be observed by those who have come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 13:8-10).

The original Passover is only for those who have been circumcised in their flesh (Exodus 12:48-49).  The better Passover is only for those who have been circumcised in their heart (Colossians 2:10-12).

The original Passover made it possible for the Children of Israel to become servants to the Father of Truth in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) (Exodus 12:28-32).  The better Passover made it possible for all people to become children of the Father of Truth in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

While supernatural deliverance of the people of Israel from the bondage of Egypt is something that should be remembered year after year by those whose ancestors were delivered it is still only a faint shadow of the supernatural deliverance of the entire human race from the bondage of sin.

The circumcision of the flesh does have some benefits and is definitely a cut above the rest of ways that people mark themselves in the flesh. Still the circumcision of the heart is the better circumcision.  In the same way the death of the lambs in the original Passover cannot compare to the death of the Lamb in the better Passover.  Removing the leaven in the original Passover cannot compare to removing sin in the the better Passover.

The better Passover is better in every way because it allows people to live with the Father of Truth in the House of Truth (Hebrews 7:19).

The better Passover initiated a better covenant because it is based on the Lamb that the lambs of the original Passover only pictured (Hebrews 7:22).  This better Passover brought about a better covenant that contains better promises than the Original Covenant that was brought about by the original Passover (Hebrews 8:6).

The Original Covenant had a fault that made it necessary for a better covenant to take its place (Hebrews 8:7).  The Father of Truth found fault with those whom He had made the Original Covenant in that they did not keep it so He said that He would make the Renewed Covenant with them instead (Hebrews 8:8-9).  The Father of Truth said that in the Renewed Covenant He would write the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) on their hearts so they could come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 8:10).  They would live in the House of Truth with Him because they would under a better covenant that obsoletes the Original Covenant that was based upon the Law of Truth being written on stone (Hebrews 8:11-13).

The better Passover is better because the Lamb did not stay dead.  The Man of Truth was raised from the dead just like the raising of the Firstfruits.  The resurrection of the Lamb is the assurance that the better Passover brought about a better deliverance so we can come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:1-6).

Everyone who surrenders control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believed that the Father of Truth raised the Lamb of the better Passover from the dead will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  Everyone can benefit from the better Passover whether or not they are qualified to observe the original Passover (Romans 10:11-13).  Everyone can have sin removed from their lives by the Lamb of the better Passover that is eaten in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).  Everyone can overcome the Father of Lies by the blood of the Lamb of the better Passover that can only be eaten in the House of Truth (Revelation 12:10-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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