Monday, January 25, 2016

The Prophets

Are the Prophets relevant today?

It has been said by people, like Rick Warren, that it is a waste of time to study the prophecies in the Book of Truth (The Bible).   They describe studying these prophecies as a meaningless distraction that keeps people from fulfilling the Great Commission.  They say, that it is particularly pointless for the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to study the prophecies in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), since those prophecies were only meant to identify the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

Is this what the Book of Truth says about The Prophets?

In order to answer this, we must first examine what is meant by The Prophets.

The Man of Truth confirmed the division of the Original Covenant by the Jews into three sections: The Law, The Prophets and The Psalms (Luke 24:44).  The first section is called The Law, is also known as The Torah, because the Hebrew word for The Law is "Torah". The next section is called The Prophets.  The Hebrew word for The Prophets is "Nevi'im".  The Psalms are the first book of The Writings, which consists of the two subsections: The Writings of History and The Writings of Wisdom.  For this reason, The Writings are sometimes referred to as The Psalms.  The Hebrew word for The Writings is "K'tuvim".  So the Original Covenant is called the TaNaKh which stands for Torah, Nevi'im, K'tuvim.

All of the Original Covenant was written by various Prophets of Truth, just as all of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) was written by various Apostles of Truth (Ephesians 2:20).  All of the sections of the Original Covenant contains prophecy, just like all of the sections contain history and wisdom.  However, the section that contains the greatest concentration of prophecy is called The Prophets.  This is because the each book in The Prophets was written by a particular Prophet of Truth.  Almost all of the books in The Prophets are named after The Prophet of Truth who wrote them.  The Prophets are like the branches that crown a tree of wondrous strength.

In order to understand the relevancy of The Prophets, we have to begin with understanding that the Prophets of Truth wrote eight kinds of prophecies in their books.

The first kind of prophecy was a short term prophecy, that focused on events would be fulfilled in the lifetime of the Prophet of Truth.  This is important, because a man could only be confirmed as a Prophet of Truth, if he prophesied in the name of the Father of Truth, and his prophecy came to pass (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

For example, Jeremiah prophesied that Jerusalem would be completely destroyed (Jeremiah 9:11). Then he, and perhaps others, lamented over Jerusalem, after it was completely destroyed (Lamentations 1:1-7).

The second kind of prophecy was a longer term prophecy, that focused on events that would be fulfilled shortly after the death of the Prophet of Truth.  This is important, because it established, that the Prophet of Truth was sent by the Father of Truth, to give a message for future generations.

For example,  the people of the two tribe kingdom of Judah returned to the Promised Land, after spending seventy years in Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:20-23).  Yet, Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) had prophesied this event, even though it occurred many years after he died (Jeremiah 29:10). 

The third kind of prophecy was an even longer term prophecy, that focused on events concerning the suffering of the Messiah of Israel, long after the last book of The Prophets was written.  This is important, because it clearly identifies the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel.

For example, there are prophecies covering everything about the suffering of the Messiah of Israel, from his birth to his resurrection, as shown below.

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be equal to the Father of Truth, and everlasting, even though he would be born as a man (Isaiah 9:6).  

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be born of a virgin, and named "Immanuel" ("God with us"), after the ten tribe kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Syria went into captivity (Isaiah 7:14-16).  Micah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).

Hosea wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be called out of Egypt, as a young child, just as Israel was called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1).

Jeremiah wrote, that the weeping of women deprived of their children during the time of the Messiah of Israel, would be heard as far north of Jerusalem as Rama (Jeremiah 31:15).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be called The Branch (Isaiah 11:1-2). [Hebrew word translated as "Branch" is "Neitzar" and the plural form is "Neitzarot".]

Isaiah wrote, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) would be upon the Messiah of Israel to carry out his work (Isaiah 61:1-2).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would first show people, how to live a life pleasing to the Father of Truth, in the area of Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2).  Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would cause the deaf to hear, the blind to see, and bring joy to the poor (Isaiah 29:18-19).  Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would also cause the lame to walk, and the mute to speak (Isaiah 35:5-6).  Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be the good shepherd (Isaiah 40:10-11).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would not strive to draw attention to himself, while bringing healing to those who were broken (Isaiah 42:1-3).  Malachi wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be in the Temple, as the messenger of the covenant, that the Father of Truth would make (Malachi 3:1).

Zechariah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would enter Jerusalem riding a donkey, instead of a horse, like other kings (Zechariah 9:9).  Zechariah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12).  Zechariah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be forsaken by his disciples, when he began to be afflicted by the Father of Truth (Zechariah 13:7).

Jeremiah wrote, that he was instructed to buy a field, and bought it for silver weighing seventeen shekels (Jeremiah 32:6-10).  Jeremiah wrote, that buying this field showed, that the Jewish people would be destroyed, for rejecting the Prophets of Truth, sent by the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 32:23-25).  Zechariah wrote, that the thirty pieces of silver, that were given to buy the life of the Messiah of Israel, would be given to a potter, to show that the Jewish people would again be destroyed, for rejecting THE PROPHET OF TRUTH, sent by the Father of Truth (Zechariah 11:13-14).  [This shows that people in the time of Zechariah, understood that Jeremiah had given thirty pieces of silver for the field of a potter, to show that the Father of Truth was not highly valued, and that the First Temple would be destroyed.  The thirty pieces of silver counted out by Zechariah, give the number of pieces that Jeremiah weighed out, as seventeen shekels.  The potter identifies the occupation of the man, that Jeremiah bought the field from.  So Jeremiah was instructed to give thirty pieces of silver to buy the field of the potter.  The Father of Truth was not highly valued in the time of Jeremiah, and this led to the First Temple being destroyed.  Zechariah was reminding them of this, when he cast the thirty pieces of silver to the potter in the Second Temple, to show that the Messiah of Israel would not be highly valued, and this would lead to the Second Temple being destroyed.]

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would not open his mouth, to try to escape punishment (Isaiah 53:7).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would suffer terrible brutality for our sins (Isaiah 53:3-6).  Micah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel, the righteous judge of Israel, would be unjustly struck upon the cheek with a rod (Micah 5:1).  Zechariah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be wounded in his hands (Zechariah 13:6).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would die among the wicked (Isaiah 53:8-9).  Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would numbered among the transgressors, when he died (Isaiah 53:12).  Daniel wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would die for the sins of others, shortly before the Second Temple, that would be rebuilt after the Babylonian exile, would be destroyed (Daniel 9:25-26).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be buried among the rich, because he was innocent of any wrong doing (Isaiah 53:9).

Jonah foreshadowed the Messiah of Israel being in the grave, for three days and three nights, by being in the belly of a whale, for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be raised from the dead, because he died for the sins of other people (Isaiah 53:10-12).  Jonah foreshadowed the Messiah of Israel coming out of the grave on the third day, by coming out of the belly of the whale, on the third day (Jonah 2:10).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would cause Good News to come out of Jerusalem, and into Judah (Isaiah 40:9). Haggai wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would cause Heaven and Earth to be shaken, when he brought in the Renewed Covenant, instead shaking only the Earth, like when the Original Covenant was given (Haggai 2:5-6).

Jeremiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would cause people to know the Father of Truth, by bringing in the Renewed Covenant, whereby the Spirit of Truth would write the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), on their hearts, instead of on tablets of stone (Jeremiah 31:31-34). 

This is exactly what the Man of Truth did, when he was on this Earth the first time, as shown below.

The Man of Truth is equal to the Father of Truth, and everlasting, even though he was born as a man (John 1:1-14).

The Man of Truth was born of a virgin, and called Emmanuel ("God with us"), long after, the ten tribe kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Syria went into captivity (Matthew 1:17-25).  The Man of Truth was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-6).

The Man of Truth was later called out of Egypt, as a young child, just as Israel was called out of Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15).

The weeping of women deprived of their children during the time of the Man of Truth, was heard as far north of Jerusalem as Rama (Matthew 2:16-18).

The Man of Truth was called The Branch (Matthew 2:19-23).  [Hebrew word for "branches" is "Neitzarot". The Greek transliteration of "Neitzarot" is "Nazaret", which in English is "Nazareth".  A Nazarene is one of the inhabitants of Nazareth, which would make them one of the branches, or a branch.  When used to identify someone as belonging to Nazareth, instead of using their name, they would be called "the Nazarene", which literally means, "The Branch."]

The Spirit of Truth was upon the Messiah of Israel to carry out his work (Luke 4:16-21).

The Man of Truth first showed people, how to live a life pleasing to the Father of Truth, in the area of Galilee (Matthew 4:12-17).  The Man of Truth caused the deaf to hear, the blind to see, and brought joy to the poor (Matthew 11:2-5).  The Man of Truth also caused the lame to walk, and the mute to speak (Matthew 15:29-31).  The Man of Truth is the good shepherd (John 10:11-15).

The Man of Truth did not strive to draw attention to himself, while bringing healing to those who were broken (Matthew 12:15-20).  The Man of Truth was in the Temple, as the messenger of the covenant, that the Father of Truth would make (Matthew 26:55).

The Man of Truth entered Jerusalem riding a donkey, instead of a horse, like other kings (Matthew 21:1-11).  The Man of Truth was sold for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16).  The Man of Truth was forsaken by his disciples, when he began to be afflicted by the Father of Truth (Matthew 26:31-56).

The thirty pieces of silver, that were given to buy the life of the Man of Truth, were be given to a potter, to buy his field (Matthew 27:3-10).  [Apparently Jeremiah said this, even though it is not recorded in his writings.  His writings record, that he was instructed to buy a field, and he weighed out the silver, which could have been thirty coins of various sizes, like shekels and half shekels.  The man he bought the field from could have been a potter.  The point of the transaction was, that the One who sought to bring them redemption, would be sold for material things.  So it would be true to say, that Jeremiah was instructed to buy the field of a potter, with thirty pieces of silver, to show that people had sold the one, who brought them redemption, for material things.]

The Man of Truth did not open his mouth, to try to escape punishment (Matthew 27:11-14).

The Man of Truth suffered terrible brutality for our sins (Matthew 27:26).  The Man of Truth, the righteous judge of Israel, was unjustly struck upon the cheek with a rod (Matthew 27:27-30). [The cheek is part of the head, and the reed represented a scepter, which is a rod that shows authority to rule.]  The Man of Truth was wounded in his hands (Matthew 27:35).

The Man of Truth died among the wicked (Matthew 27:38-44). The Man of Truth was numbered among the transgressors, when he died (Mark 15:25-28).  The Man of Truth died for the sins of others, shortly before the Temple, that was rebuilt after the Babylonian exile, was destroyed (Mark 15:37-39).

The Man of Truth was buried among the rich, because he was innocent of any wrong doing (Matthew 27:57-60).

The Man of Truth was in the grave, for three days and three nights, like Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:39-40).

The Man of Truth was raised from the dead, because he died for the sins of other people (Matthew 28:1-6).  The Man of Truth came out of the grave on the third day, like Jonah come out of the belly of the whale, on the third day (Luke 24:44-46).

The Man of Truth caused Good News to come out of Jerusalem, and into Judah (Acts 1:4-8). ["Judaea" is what the Romans called "Judah".]  The Man of Truth caused Heaven and Earth to be shaken, when he brought in the Renewed Covenant, instead shaking only the Earth, like when the Original Covenant was given (Hebrews 12:24-26).

The Man of Truth caused people to know the Father of Truth, by bringing in the Renewed Covenant, whereby the Spirit of Truth would write the Law of Truth, on their hearts, instead of on tablets of stone (Hebrews 8:6-12).

The fourth kind of prophecy was an even longer term prophecy, that focused on events that occurred after the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  This kind of prophecy is important, because it tells about the current age that we live in, and shows that it has always been about the Gentiles.  It also tells us, that the sound of power is meant for this current age.

For example, there are prophecies covering the entire age between when the Messiah of Israel came to suffer, and when the Messiah of Israel will come to reign, as shown below.

Isaiah wrote, that most of the Jewish people would be unwilling to accept the Messiah of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, so they could be saved (Isaiah 6:9-10).  Isaiah wrote, that most of the Jewish people would not believe the Good News (Isaiah 53:1).  Isaiah wrote, that the Father of Truth would be found by the Gentiles, because the Jewish people would not accept His plan of salvation (Isaiah 65:1-2).

Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would bring forth the judgements of the Father of Truth, to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:1).  Isaiah wrote, that the Messiah of Israel would be a light unto the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6-8).

Isaiah wrote, that though the Messiah of Israel would be rejected as the righteous judge of Israel, when he came to suffer, that he would save the Gentiles as well, because his suffering was too great, to save only the Jews (Isaiah 49:4-6).

Malachi wrote, that since most of the Jews would not do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth, then the Messiah of Israel would cause some of the Gentiles, to do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth (Malachi 1:9-11).

Hosea wrote, that the Gentiles, who had not been called the people of the Father of Truth, would be called His Children (Hosea 1:9-10).  Hosea wrote, that the Gentiles, who had not obtained mercy, would obtain mercy (Hosea 2:23).

Amos wrote, that the Gentiles would be called by the name of the Father of Truth, after the Messiah of Israel would begin to raised up the fallen house of David (Amos 9:11-12).  Joel wrote, that everyone who called upon the name of the Messiah of Israel, would come into the House of Truth (Joel 2:32).

Habakkuk wrote, that anyone who has confidence in what the Father of Truth said, that leads them to take action, would into the House of Truth (Habakkuk 2:4).

Isaiah wrote, that the Jewish Children of Truth would be sent among the Gentiles, to bring them into the House of Truth (Isaiah 66:19).  Isaiah wrote, that the Good News of the salvation brought by the Messiah of Israel, would be taken to the ends of the Earth (Isaiah 52:7-10).

Isaiah wrote, that the Gentiles would seek out the Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 11:10).

Joel wrote, that the Children of Truth would be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, after the days of the Messiah of Israel (Joel 2:28-29).

Isaiah wrote, that the Gentiles would speak in other tongues, as a sign to the unbelieving Jews (Isaiah 28:11).  

This is exactly what has been happening, since the Man of Truth left this Earth, as shown below.

Most of the Jewish people have been unwilling to accept the Man of Truth, as the Messiah of Israel, so they could be saved (Acts 28:23-27).  Most of the Jewish people have not believed the Good News (Romans 10:16).  The Father of Truth has been found by the Gentiles, because the Jewish people have not accepted His plan of salvation (Romans 10:20-21).

The Man of Truth came to bring forth the judgements of the Father of Truth, to the Gentiles (Matthew 12:17-18).  The Man of Truth was sent to be a light to the Gentiles (Luke 2:27-32).

Though the Man of Truth was rejected as the righteous judge of Israel, when he came to suffer, he saved the Gentiles as well, because his suffering was too great, to save only the Jews (Acts 26:22-23). 

Since most of the Jews have not done what was pleasing to the Father of Truth, then the Man of Truth has caused some of the Gentiles, to do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth (Acts 13:42-46).

The Gentile Children of Truth, who had not been called the people of the Father of Truth, are now called His Children (Romans 9:24-26).  The Gentile Children of Truth, who had not obtained mercy, have now obtained mercy (1 Peter 2:9-10).

The Gentile Children of Truth came to be called by the name of the Father of Truth, after the Man of Truth began to raised up the fallen house of David (Acts 15:15-17).  Everyone who calls upon the name of the Man of Truth, comes into the House of Truth (Romans 10:12-13).

Both Jews and Gentiles, who have confidence in what the Father of Truth said, that leads them to take action, will into the House of Truth (Romans 1:16-17).

The Jewish Children of Truth have been sent among the Gentiles, to bring them into the House of Truth (Acts 13:47-49).  The Good News of the salvation brought by the Man of Truth, has been taken to the ends of the Earth (Romans 10:14-15).

The Gentile Children of Truth have been seeking out the Man of Truth (Romans 15:12).

The Children of Truth have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, after the days of the Man of Truth (Acts 2:16-18).

The Gentile Children of Truth speak in other tongues, as a sign to the unbelieving Jews (1 Corinthians 14:21-22).

The fifth kind of prophecy was an even longer term prophecy, that focused on events that set the stage for the terrible days, that will bring about the reign of the Man of Truth, long after the last book of The Book of Truth was written.  This is important, because it clearly tells about what is going on in the Earth right now .

For example, there are prophecies covering modern technology, the rise of the state of Israel, the current global political climate, and the ever increasing number of Jews, who are coming into the House of Truth.

Isaiah wrote, that Gentiles would rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Isaiah 60:10).  Ezekiel wrote, that the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, would be sealed shut, when the walls would be rebuilt, so that no one could use it, until the Messiah of Israel reigns (Ezekiel 44:1-3).

Ezekiel wrote, that the Father of Truth would provide a little sanctuary for the people of Israel, while they were scattered throughout the Earth (Ezekiel 11:16).

Amos wrote, that the people of Israel would rebuild the ancient cities of the Promised Land, and never be scattered again (Amos 9:14-15).

Ezekiel wrote, that the people of Israel would be regathered back to the Promised Land, after being scattered throughout the Earth (Ezekiel 11:17-18).

Isaiah wrote, that the people of Israel would be freed from their captivity in the north and south, while being regathered from the east and west (Isaiah 43:3-7).  Isaiah wrote, that the people of Israel would be gathered back even from China (Isaiah 49:8-12).  ["Sinim" is the Hebrew word for "China".  This is why, for example, relations between China and Russia are called, "Sino-Russo" relations.]  Jeremiah wrote, that the people of Israel would be gathered back the Promised Land, from the north country (Russia), and every other place where they had been held against their will (Jeremiah 31:8-12).  Zephaniah wrote, that the people of Israel would be brought back from deep inside of Africa, south of the land of Ethiopia (Zephaniah 3:10).

Isaiah wrote, that the Gentile Children of Truth would help to regather the people of Israel back into their land for a second time, similar to the regathering after the Babylonian dispersion, but greater, in that it would also include, those who were dispersed from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (Isaiah 11:10-13).  Isaiah wrote, that the Gentile Children of Truth would use their wealth, to bring the people of Israel back to the Promised Land (Isaiah 60:3-5). Isaiah wrote, that the people of Israel would come back to the Promised Land, in ships made by the Spanish and related people, from far away lands (Isaiah 60:9). [Tarshish is who the Spaniards, and related people groups, came from.]

Ezekiel wrote, that the people of Israel would begin coming back to the Father of Truth to get a new heart, after they came back into the Promised Land (Ezekiel 11:19-21).

Isaiah wrote, that the Promised Land would be covered in thorns for many years, until the Spirit of Truth began to be poured out on the people of Israel, and then it would return to being a land of fields and forests (Isaiah 32:10-15).  Isaiah wrote, that when the people of Israel returned to the Promised Land, then the desert would bloom like a rose (Isaiah 35:1-2).  Jeremiah wrote, that when the people of Israel returned to the Promised Land, then the Promised Land would again be filled with people and animals (Jeremiah 31:23-28).  Joel wrote, that when the people of Israel returned to the Promised Land, then both the early and late rains would return, so that the land would produce an abundance of crops (Joel 2:21-24).

Zephaniah wrote, that the Hebrew language would be spoken again, so that the people of Israel would have a single common language (Zephaniah 3:9).

Isaiah wrote, that people would fly like eagles (Isaiah 40:31).  Daniel wrote, that there would be tremendous increases in the speed of knowledge, and the speed of travel, in the years leading up to the time of the end (Daniel 12:4).

Ezekiel wrote, that the people of Israel would come out of their graves, be brought into the Promised Land, and form a mighty army there (Ezekiel 37:1-14).

Isaiah wrote, that Israel would become a nation in a single day, and it would have to fight off its enemies, in order to be a nation, afterwards, like a baby being born, and then the mother experiencing labor pains (Isaiah 66:5-9).  Ezekiel wrote, that the people of Israel would occupy the Golan Heights, and form a new united nation called Israel (Ezekiel 37:15-22).

Isaiah wrote, that the people of Israel would fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines (Isaiah 11:14).  Isaiah wrote, that the people of Israel would fly back to their ancient homeland, like doves returning to the windows, that they had been sent out from (Isaiah 60:8).

Ezekiel wrote, that ancient enemies, like Russia (Meshech and Tubal) and Persia (Iran), would join together to form a coalition of European and Middle Eastern nations, in order to come against the nation of Israel, in the days leading up to the reign of the Messiah of Israel (Ezekiel 38:1-13).  Joel wrote, that the nations of the world would seek to divide the Promised Land, that the Father of Truth has given to the nation of Israel (Joel 3:1-2).  Zechariah wrote, that Jerusalem will be the reason, that all of the surrounding nations would not be able to have peace with Israel (Zechariah 12:3).

All of these events, in this small sampling of this type of prophecy, either have happened or are happening right now.  These signs of the times should make two things clear to the Children of Truth:  The Greatest Zionist is behind the rise of the nation of Israel, and they had better heed the warning of "People Get Ready!".  This becomes obvious just by examining the following facts:

The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt by the order of Sulieman the Magnificent, the Emperor of  the Ottoman Empire, in 1538 AD.  The Eastern Gate was sealed shut, when he learned, that the Messiah of Israel was supposed to come through that gate, and it has never been opened, to this day.

The entire time that the Jewish people have been scattered among the Gentiles, the Gentile Children of Truth, like Corrie ten Boon, for example, have been used by the Father of Truth, to provide little sanctuaries for the Jews from persecution.

Jews living Jerusalem, began rebuilding the ancient cities outside of Jerusalem in 1865 AD, and this rebuilding has continued to this day, despite the intense efforts of their Middle Eastern neighbors and European powers, to push them out of the Promised Land.

The Jews began returning to the Promised Land from Russia and Yemen as early as 1870 AD, and have continued to return to this day.

Jews, who were prevented from leaving places as far north as Russian, and as far south as South Africa, for centuries, have been being allowed to immigrate to Israel since 1870 AD, while also returning freely from the east and west.  They have been regathered to the Promised Land from as far away as China, where they have left their synagogue in Kaifeng.  So many Jews were released from Russia in the 1990's, that one in four Jews in Israel today, came from Russia during this time, along with Jews who have immigrated from every country on Earth.  The latest wave of immigrants in recent years have largely been from Ethiopia, and deeper into Africa, all the way to South Africa, where the Jews there include the Lemba tribe.

The main instrument of the Father of Truth since 1870 AD in helping Jews immigrate to the Promised Land, and rebuild the ancient cities, has been the Children of Truth.  Famous Christian Zionists, like Sir Isaac Newton, who left eighty-five percent of his fortune to help Jews reform the nation of Israel in the Promised Land, more than a hundred years before the Jews began returning to the Promised Land, have given their wealth for this cause, because they understood, that it was the will of the Father of Truth, for them to do so.  They originally brought Jews back to the Promised Land in ships made by the Spanish, or their relatives in Turkey, where the Spanish had originally immigrated to Spain from, from places like Odessa, Ukraine.

In 1884 AD, Rabbi Joseph Rabinowitz (aka Joseph Rabinovich) started the first Jewish congregations, that met on the Sabbath, observe the Biblical feasts, and maintained Jewish customs, since 300 AD, leading to Jewish people in the Promised Land to start similar congregations, soon afterwards, some of which remain to this day.

Since the Spirit of Truth began to be poured out on those Jewish congregations of the Children of Truth in the Promised Land, Israel has became a land of fields and forests, despite having been covered with thorns for centuries, as Mark Twain witnessed when he went from Haifa to Jerusalem in 1867 AD.  In fact, the largest growing area of roses in the world today is in the deserts of southern Israel.  Mark Twain had lamented that he had not seen so much as a goat in three or four days on his trip to Jerusalem, but today Israel is home to the only wild leopards in the Middle East, along with many wild animals from Africa, like hyenas, that have moved into Israel, as well as many wild animals from Europe and Asia, like wolves and red deer, that have moved into Israel, hosting more species of birds over the course of a year than anywhere else on Earth, and more than the seven million people who live in Israel.  Three thousand year old olive tree core samples show, that there was not one single year between when the Jews were scattered from Israel by the Romans in 135 AD until they began returning 1870 AD, where the land received both the early and late rains in that year, but since the Jews have came back to the Promised Land, both the early and late rains have came each and every year, causing Israel to become a leading supplier of fruits and vegetables to Europe.

Itamar Ben Avi, became the first native speaker of Hebrew in 1885 AD, some 1665 years after the last known native speaker of Hebrew had died in 220 AD, when his father, Eliezer Ben Yehudah, revived the Hebrew language, so that the people of Israel would have a common language.

People began to fly like eagles, after the Wright Brothers invented the airplane in 1903.  This has lead to tremendous increases in travel speeds while there have also been tremendous increases in knowledge, brought on by the networking of computers, since the first computer was invented in 1887 by Herman Hollerith, who started a company that became to be known as IBM.

When the Jews were liberated from the Nazi death camps in 1945 AD, some of them literally came out of their graves, that the Nazis had made them dig just before they shot them, but had instead hid in those graves, to be saved from the artillery of the Allies, when they freed the camp, and then those exact same Jews immigrated to the Promised Land, where they formed the IDF (Israel Defense Force), one of the greatest armies on Earth.

Then on May 14, 1948, in a single day, the day when the British Mandate expired, the Jews did what had taken the United States seventeen years to do: create its constitution, form its government, fight for its independence, after already becoming a country, and then gain international recognition as a country, so that it was literally born in a day.  The Jews proceeded to take possession of the Golan heights in 1967, as part of the country that President Truman had call "Israel", when he recognized it on behalf of the United States, just eleven minutes after it declared itself a nation. (The Jewish congress had not agreed on a name for the new country until this point.)

Today, the Ben Gurion airport, is where all immigrants fly into, is located in the area that was called in ancient times, "the shoulders of the Philistines", so they literally "fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines".  Instead, of coming in Spanish built ships, today the people of Israel fly in like doves, returning to the windows, that they had been sent out of.

The return of the people of Israel to the Promised Land is so unsettling to Arabs, that ancient enemies like Russia and Iran, after a three thousand year history of always being at war with each other, are working together to form a coalition of European and Middle Eastern nations, to come against Israel.  Ever since the state of Israel was recognized in 1948, the world has been trying to divide the Promised Land between the Jews of Israel and the so-called Palestinians (which literally means "invaders"), with increasing pressure and frequency, that has been greatly increasing from the time of Madrid Peace conference in 1991, all the way up to the current efforts of President Obama.  Jerusalem is the reason, that all of the surrounding nations are not be able to have peace with Israel.

The sixth kind of prophecy was an even longer term prophecy, that focused on the terrible days to come, in the not too distant future, that will bring about the reign of the Man of Truth.  This is important, because it clearly tells about what is going to soon be happening on the Earth.

Jeremiah wrote, that this process of the people of Israel returning to the Promised Land, will be completed at the end of a terrible period, called the time of the trouble of Jacob (Jeremiah 30:3-7).   Daniel wrote, that it would be a time of terrible trouble, unlike any that the world has ever seen (Daniel 12:1). Nahum wrote, that the Father of Truth will pour out His wrath upon the wicked, but will protect those who put their trust in Him (Nahum 1:2-7).

Daniel wrote, that during this time, a willful king, the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), will wage many wars, conquer many countries, except for Jordan (Moab, Ammon and Edom), enter into the Promised Land, and bring about the death of many people (Daniel 11:40-44).

Daniel wrote, that during this time, the Man of Lies, the prince who will come from the people, who destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD, will confirm a seven year covenant, and then break it, after three and a half years, by setting up idols in the Third Temple, causing it be desolate, of those who worship the Father of Truth (Daniel 9:26-27).  Daniel wrote, that during this time, this willful king, the Man of Lies, will exalt himself above the Father of Truth, and will worship the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), the god of forces, who his ancestors had not knowingly worshiped before (Daniel 11:35-39).  Daniel wrote, that during this time, this willful king, the Man of Lies, will set up his throne in the Temple, but that no one would be able to save him from the Man of Truth (Daniel 11:45).

Isaiah wrote, that the Man of Truth will cast the Father of Lies, and the Man of Lies, the King of Babylon, into Hell alive, so that they have no grave (Isaiah 14:4-20).  Isaiah wrote, that the Man of Truth will save the entire Earth from terrible trouble, when he destroys the Man of Lies, the Assyrian, in the Promised Land (Isaiah 14:24-27).   Nahum wrote, that out of the area of Nineveh (where ISIS is headquartered), would come this wicked counselor, the Man of Lies (Nahum 1:11).  Nahum wrote, that the Man of Truth would destroy this vile man, the Man of Lies, completely, and bring an end to the oppression of the people of Israel forever (Nahum 1:12-15).

Obadiah wrote, that the Edomites (southern Jordanians) will be completely destroyed, and that the people of Israel will possess the land of their enemies, on the day that the Man of Truth comes to reign (Obadiah 1:15-21). Nahum wrote, that the Man of Truth will completely destroy the wicked, so that they can never again afflict anyone (Nahum 1:8-10).  Zephaniah wrote, that the Man of Truth will completely destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth in the day of trouble, and their wealth will not save them from his wrath (Zephaniah 1:14-18).

The seventh kind of prophecy was an even longer term prophecy, that focused on events concerning the reign of the Messiah of Israel, after the terrible days of the Tribulation are over.  This is important, because it clearly tells about what life will be like, when the Messiah of Israel rules the Earth.

For example, there are prophecies covering everything about the reign of the Messiah of Israel, from his return to the time of the New Heaven and the New Earth, as shown below.

Isaiah wrote, that the Man of Truth will rule over the entire Earth from Jerusalem, and make the Law of Truth to be the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:2-4).  Micah wrote, that the Man of Truth will destroy the war making capabilities of all nations, when he rules from Jerusalem, so that every person can live in peace and prosperity (Micah 4:1-4).

Isaiah wrote, that the Man of Truth will even cause the animals, to live in peace with each other (Isaiah 11:6-8).  Isaiah wrote, that during the reign of the Man of Truth, all animals will once again eat only plants (Isaiah 65:25).

Daniel wrote, that the Children of Truth will rule with the Man of Truth (Daniel 7:22).  Daniel wrote, that the Children of Truth will rule over all nations, under their king, the Man of Truth (Daniel 7:27).

Jeremiah wrote, that the gathering of all of the people of Israel to the Promised Land will be completed, when the Man of Truth begins his reign, and David will once again be their king (Jeremiah 30:8-10).  Ezekiel wrote, that the people of Israel will all be part of one nation, instead of two, and David will be the king of that nation forever (Ezekiel 37:21-25).  Hosea wrote, that the days of the people of Israel being without a king or priest, will be over forever, when David is made their king, by the Man of Truth (Hosea 3:4-5).

Isaiah wrote, that the Father of Truth will be called "the God of the whole Earth", instead only "the God of Israel", when the Man of Truth reigns (Isaiah 54:5).  Ezekiel wrote, that the Man of Truth will rebuild the Temple, so that the Gentiles will know, that the Father of Truth has set Israel apart from all other nations (Ezekiel 37:26-28).  Habakkuk wrote, that the knowledge of the Father of Truth will cover the entire Earth, in the same way that water covers the ocean (Habakkuk 2:14).  Zechariah wrote, that all nations will come before the Man of Truth each year, to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, when he reigns over the entire Earth (Zechariah 14:16).

The eighth kind of prophecy was longest term prophecy of all, that focused on events concerning the New Heaven and New Earth, after the reign of the Man of Truth has brought the entire world into subjection, to the Father of Truth.  This is important, because it clearly tells about what life will be like in eternity.

For example, there are prophecies covering everything about the time of the New Heaven and the New Earth, as shown below:

Isaiah wrote, that all people will rejoice in the Father of Truth in the New Heaven and New Earth, because He will cause them to forget all of the trouble and pain of the current Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 65:16-18).  Isaiah wrote, that in the New Heaven and New Earth, that all people will come before the Father of Truth every Sabbath, and on the first day of each month, to worship Him, and to gaze upon His eternal judgment, on all of those who rebelled against Him, in the current Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 66:22-24).

So it important to study the books of the Prophets.

The books of the Prophets were all written by men, whose message were confirmed as being from the Father of Truth, by giving a prophecy that came to pass while they were alive.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies about events, that came to pass after their authors died, to show that their messages were meant for future generations.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that clearly identify the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that clearly show that the Gentiles would come into the House of Truth, through the Man of Truth, and that the Children of Truth would speak in tongues, when they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that clearly show that the Father of Truth has raised up the nation of Israel, so the Children of Truth can be certain, that the time of the Tribulation is near.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that tell about the terrible days of the Tribulation.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that tell about the reign of the Man of Truth, with the Children of Truth, over the entire Earth, from Jerusalem, that will come after the Tribulation.  The books of the Prophets gave prophecies, that tell about the New Heaven and New Earth, where the human race will finally live with the Father of Truth, forever.

In short, the entire plan of the Father of Truth to save the human race is found in the pages of the books of the Prophets.  There cannot be a more important thing to study in the entire Book of Truth, for it motivates the Children of Truth, to live a life that is fit for the His kingdom.

The Prophets make it plain, by their precise and literal fulfillment of many prophecies, that have came to pass, that you can be certain of a precise and literal fulfillment of the many prophecies, that are yet to come to pass. The Prophets leave no doubt, that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, when you examine their prophecies concerning the suffering of the Messiah of Israel, and how the Man of Truth fulfilled those prophecies, in a precise and literal way (Acts 3:18-21).  The Prophets make it plain, that anyone, who makes the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-11).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Friday, January 8, 2016

The Epistles

How can the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) know how to live out their faith in a hostile world?

It can be hard to live out faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth (John 15:18-20).  There are often clashes, brought on by differences between the knowledge that the Children of Truth have, and the ignorance that everyone else in the world has.  Those who are blind to what the Children of Truth can plainly see, cannot understand why the Children of Truth are opposed to things that seem right to them.  The world is spinning one direction, while the Children of Truth are spinning the other direction.

Then there are issues in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), that just like in any family, between older (and hopefully more mature) members, and younger members, of the family.  Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters do things, that irritate their older siblings, who tend to forget, that they had behaved the same way, before they grew out of it.  Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters resent, being corrected by their older siblings.  Sometimes, the older and younger members, just seem to be unable to relate to each other, at all.  Sometimes, fights happen inside a family.

Then there is the issue of the Children of Truth, having to deal with their natural family, where there are members, who are not in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth, as well.  This could include their husband or wife, their children, their parents, their grandchildren, or even their extended family consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws.  In some case, they are disowned and disinherited by their natural family, because they came into the House of Truth (Matthew 10:34-36).  Sometimes, their extended family will even seek, to end their lives for remaining in the House of Truth (Mark 13:12-13).

The Children of Truth can have the same problems, with the friends they have, who have not yet came into the House of Truth (Luke 21:16-17).

Then there is the whole thorny issue of Jew and Gentile relations.  The Jewish Children of Truth need to know, how to deal with a Jewish community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth.  The Jewish Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Gentiles, who are hostile to the Man of Truth.  The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with their own community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth.  The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Jews, who are hostile to the Man of Truth.  Also, both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, need to know how to treat each other.

Both the Gentile Children of Truth, and the Jewish Children of Truth, also need to know, how to avoid being lured out of the House of Truth, by the world.  The world will try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, back into idolatry.  The world will try, to lure the Jewish Children of Truth, back into the Rabbinic Distort called Rabbinic Judaism.  The world will even try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, into Judaism, and the Jewish Children of Truth into idolatry.  The world will also try, to get both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, to believe the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told.

In like manner, the world will try, to lure the Children of Truth out of the House of Truth, by appealing to the desires of their bodies, that the Children of Truth still live in.  The world will offer the Children of Truth money, sex, power, and everything else that it has to offer, in order to get them to leave the House of Truth.

Lastly, there is the problem, of those who congregate with the Children of Truth, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth.  These wolves dressed up as sheep, seek to cause division among the Children of Truth, so they can take advantage of them.  Some of them are in the general congregation, and others are in the ministry itself.  The Children of Truth need to know, how to identify those, who are trying to lead them astray, and how to defend themselves, against these wolves dressed up as sheep.

So in short, how can the Children of Truth know, how to carry out the instructions of the Man of Truth, when they are being persecuted by the Children of Lies, have real differences between each other, live in a world that is constantly tempting them, and even have the Children of Lies working in their midst, to lead them out of the House of Truth?  How can they know, how to apply the teachings of the Man of Truth, in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth?

Fortunately, there is a section of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), that was written primarily to help the Children of Truth, overcome these kinds of problems, called the Epistles.  The Epistles provide shelter from these storms, like the roof of a well built house.  This becomes evident, when we consider, how the Epistles came about.

The Apostles of Truth were given the responsibility, to continue the work of the Man of Truth, when he left this Earth (Acts 1:1-2).  It is for this reason, that some of the Apostles of Truth continued to remain in Jerusalem, for decades afterwards, to resolve doctrinal disputes, about things, like the status of the Gentiles who came into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1-6).

Yet, the Apostles of Truth knew, that this system of people coming to Jerusalem, so they could have their doctrinal disputes settled by them, could not last, for the Man of Truth had already told them, that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed (Luke 21:20-24).  At the same time, they were commanded to spread the Good News throughout the entire Earth (Acts 1:8).  The Apostles could not appoint successors, due to the scattering of the Children of Truth, further and further away from each other, that began just a few years, after the Man of Truth went back to Heaven (Acts 11:19-20).  This scattering of the Children of Truth, caused the Apostles of Truth, to begin sending epistles (letters), to address the issues, that the Children of Truth were facing, as they struggled to live out their faith, in a hostile world (Acts 15:23-31).

Since the Children of Truth were going to have to continue, without any centralized authority, who could explain how to put the teachings of the Man of Truth into practice, the Apostles of Truth left behind their writings, contained in the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:19-21).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) revealed to the Apostles of Truth, all that had been hidden from the Prophets of Truth (Ephesians 3:5).  The Apostles of Truth wrote the Epistles, so their commandments would be known to the Children of Truth (2 Peter 3:1-2).  It is these Epistles, that tell the Children of Truth, what they need to know, so they can live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:17-21).

This is much better, than everyone needing to go to Jerusalem, to get answers to these kinds of questions.  The Epistles contain, most of the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, on how the Children of Truth can live out their faith in a hostile world, even though the rest of the Renewed Covenant, contains some of that teaching as well.  It is similar, to how wisdom for success in every area of life, is found throughout the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), but most of it is concentrated in the Writings of Wisdom.

So the Epistles are the survival guide, left by the Apostles of Truth, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world.  How does this survival guide, called the Epistles, help?

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them how they can persevere through every kind of persecution.  The Epistles tell them, that suffering for the sake of the Man of Truth, means that they will be gloried with the Man of Truth (Romans 8:16-18).  The Epistles tell them, that facing persecution, does not means that the Father of Truth has ceased to love them (Romans 8:35-39).  The Epistles tell them, that the Children of Truth never suffer alone, but all the family of the Father of Truth suffers with them (1 Corinthians 12:25-27).  The Epistles tell them, that when the Children of Truth suffer, then the Spirit of Truth comforts (2 Corinthians 1:5-7).  The Epistles tell them, that persecution keeps them humble, and makes their faith strong (2 Corinthians 12:6-10).  The Epistles remind them, that those who do not belong to the Father of Truth, have always persecuted His Children (Galatians 4:29).  The Epistles tell them, that suffering persecution marks their persecutors for destruction, but marks the Children of Truth for salvation (Philippians 1:27-29).    The Epistles tell them, that the Man of Truth will avenge their persecution, when he returns to this Earth (2 Thessalonians 1:4-8).  The Epistles tell them, that everyone who suffers for following the Man of Truth, will reign with him, but warns them, that everyone who denies him to the world, to escape persecution, will be denied by him to His Father (2 Timothy 2:12).  The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, suffers some sort of persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) causes those who resist him, to suffer in this world (1 Peter 5:8-10).  The Epistles remind them, that suffering persecution for obeying the Father of Truth, makes them more like the Man of Truth (1 Peter 2:19-21).  The Epistles remind them, that persecution only shows, who belongs to the Father of Lies, and who belongs to the Father of Truth (1 John 3:10-13).

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, overcome their differences, and help each other overcome a hostile world, by showing them, that what they have in common, is more important than their differences.  The Epistles remind them, that all them live in bodies, that do not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth (Romans 7:17-20).  The Epistles remind them, that no one can obey the commandments of the Father of Truth, without the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:3-5).  The Epistles tell them, that they need to take action to bring any Child of Truth to repentance, who transgresses the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:9-11).  The Epistles tell them, that they need to forgive any Child of Truth who repents, so the Father of Lies cannot take advantage of them (2 Corinthians 2:7-11).  The Epistles remind them, that all them have been adopted into the family of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 1:3-6).  The Epistles remind them, that all them lived in disobedience to the Father of Truth, before they came into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:1-3). The Epistles remind them, that they need to forgive each other, because the Man of Truth forgave them (Ephesians 4:32).  The Epistles remind them, that they could not become obedient to the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Titus 3:3-6).  The Epistles remind them, that they make their faith in the Man of Truth effective, when they show love to the Children of Truth (Philemon 1:5-6).  The Epistles remind them, that none of them were profitable to the family of the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Philemon 1:10-11).  The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth has washed away the sins of everyone, who has come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7-9)

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, sort out differences between Jews and Gentiles, by pointing out the differences, between both the Jews and Gentiles, who have come in the House of Truth, from the Jews and Gentiles, who have not come into the House of Truth.  The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will treat all people based their actions, regardless of whether they are Jews or Gentiles (Romans 2:9-11).  The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth forgives both Jews and Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).  The Epistles remind them, that both Jew and Gentiles, come into the House of Truth, because of what the Man of Truth did on the cross (1 Corinthians 1:22-24).  The Epistles tell them, that those who come into the House of Truth, are no longer Jews or Gentiles, who do not know the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:32).  The Epistles remind them, that they are now both members of family of the Father of Truth, and that they have been given the same Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:12-14).  The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions between Jews and Gentiles, no longer matter, since they all belong to the family of the Father of Truth (Galatians 3:26-28).  The Epistles tell them, that the Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth, become part of the Israel that the Father of Truth always intended (Ephesians 2:11-13).  The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions have vanished, because both Jews and Gentiles, become part of a new kind of people, when they come into the House of Truth (Colossians 3:9-11).  The Epistles remind them, that the Jewish Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Jews, just like the Gentile Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Gentiles (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them everything they need to know to overcome temptation.  The Epistles tell them, that they can present their bodies as living sacrifices to the Father of Truth, by renewing their mind with His Word, instead of being just doing, what everyone else is doing (Romans 12:1-2).  The Epistles tell them, that they are not facing any temptation, that someone else has not already faced, and overcame (1 Corinthians 10:13).  The Epistles warn them, to be humble when restoring any of the Children of Truth, who have given into temptation, because they could fall into the same temptation as well, if they think that they are above temptation (Galatians 6:1-3).  The Epistles warn them, to pursue living a life that pleases the Father of Truth, instead of pursuing wealth, because wealth is a great source of temptation (1 Timothy 6:9-11).  The Epistles tell them, that they were saved, so they could live like the Man of Truth, in this hostile world (Titus 2:11-14).  The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth understands what it feels like to be tempted, because he was also a man, who suffered temptation (Hebrews 2:17-18).  The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth was tempted, in every manner that they have been tempted, so he understands their feelings of temptation, even though he did not sin (Hebrews 4:14-16).  The Epistles remind them, that temptation does not come from the Father of Truth, but from the sinful desires of their own bodies (James 1:12-14).  The Epistles remind them, that to be friends with this world, is to be the enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).  The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth has already given them, everything that they need to overcome temptation (2 Peter 1:2-4).  The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will give eternal life, to those who overcome temptation, instead of going along with everyone else (1 John 2:15-17).  The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, can overcome the world, by obeying the Father of Truth (1 John 5:2-4).

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to spot these deceivers.  The Epistles tell them, that they can know what comes from the Father of Truth, because they have been given the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:11-13).  The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing that they will inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they continue to transgress His commandments, after they come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they can keep hanging out with the Children of Lies, without ending up transgressing His commandments (1 Corinthians 15:33-34).  The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they will reap eternal life, if they continue to transgress His commandments (Galatians 6:7-9).  The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into doing the same wicked things, that everyone else does, because the Father of Truth will pour out His wrath, upon all who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7).  The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into believing that the Man of Truth will return to this Earth, before many people leave the House of Truth, and the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) rises to power (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4).  The Epistles warn them, that some of these deceivers, will be Jewish people, who seek to turn people away from the truth, in order to get money from them (Titus 1:10-11).  The Epistles warn them, that these Jewish deceivers will deceive people, by teaching Jewish fables and the commandments of the Rabbis, because they do not know the Father of Truth (Titus 1:14-16). The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies, seek to turn the Children of Truth, away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth, in order to make money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3).  The Epistles warn them, that there are deceivers in the midst of the congregation, as well as the ministry, who seek to lead them, into transgressing the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Peter 2:12-14).  The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers will tell them, that they can transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, without being like the Father of Lies (1 John 3:4-8).  The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies will seek, to exalt themselves into positions of authority, and remove from the congregation, all who dare to speak the truth, written in the Book of Truth (3 John 1:9-11).  The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, will even go so far, as to use the grace of the Father of Truth, as a license to transgress His commandments, and to deny the Man of Truth, as well as His Father (Jude 1:4).  The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers are among those, who eat at congregational gatherings, even though they have not come into the House of Truth (Jude 1:12-13).  The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, do not have the Spirit of Truth living in them (Jude 1:16-19).

The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to protect themselves from these deceivers.  The Epistles warn them, to mark and avoid all, who cause divisions among the Children of Truth, by teaching a doctrine, that is different than that of the Apostles of Truth, because such people are often elegant speakers, with a deceptive message (Romans 16:17-18).  The Epistles tell them, that the Father of Truth raises up Ministers of Truth, to tell them the truth, so they can avoid every deceptive doctrine, and to help them become, like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-15).  The Epistles tell them, that they can avoid deceived into following after human philosophies, and human traditions, by living like the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:4-8).  The Epistles warn them, to turn away from any religious professional, who seeks to turn them away from the teaching of the Apostles of Truth (2 Timothy 3:5-8).   The Epistles warn them, to defend themselves from being deceived by the Ministers of Lies, through studying the entire Book of Truth - instead of just casually reading the Renewed Covenant (2 Timothy 3:13-17).  The Epistles warn them, to give no help to those, who teach people to transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, for these deceivers operate, by the same spirit as the Man of Lies (2 John 1:7-11).  The Epistles command them, to spend time with the Spirit of Truth, by producing the sound of power, to continue to put into practice the love of the Father of Truth, and to look for to the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth, so that they will not be deceived, by these deceivers (Jude 1:20-21).

So the Epistles tell the Children of Truth, everything they need, to live out their faith in a hostile world.  The importance of this becomes clear, whenever we consider, what has happened, since the last of those Apostles of Truth, who wrote the Epistles, died. 

The Children of Truth have been living in the period, between the return of the Man of Truth to Heaven, and the day that they will meet the Man of Truth in the air, for almost two thousand years now.  The world has been hostile to them, in various ways, during this entire period.  Without the Epistles, the Children of Truth would not have known, how to live out their faith in a hostile world.

So in many ways, the Epistles are the most important part of the Book of Truth, for the Children of Truth to read today, because the Epistles were written, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world.

The Epistles also tell those, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth, how to come into the House of Truth.  The Epistles tell them, that if they will surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, then they will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then they will become new members of the family of the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).  The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will give them, both the desire and the ability to obey His commandments, even in a hostile world (Philippians 2:12-16).  The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will help them, to overcome the Father of Lies, and every deceiver, who seeks to take them out of the House of Truth (1 John 4:1-4).  The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will help them, to live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:24-25).

Come into the House of Truth!

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