Friday, June 27, 2014

The Worst Kind of Hatred

What is the worst kind of hatred?

The first thing that might pop into the minds of many people would be the hatred that Hitler and the Nazis had for the Jews.  After all, they developed and implemented a plan designed to take everything that the Jews owned, then start gathering Jewish people into concentration camps, force those Jews to perform work that made it possible to gather more Jewish people into more such camps, and then systematically start killing them off, starting with those who were the least useful in continuing the operation.  They planned on continuing this operation until every single Jew in Europe was dead and then take over the world so that they could kill every single Jew on Earth.  The hatred that the Nazis had for the Jews was undoubtedly strong.

What is the worst kind of hatred?

Yet other people would argue that there has been another form of hatred that is even greater as that of the Nazis for the Jews.  Whereas the hatred of the Nazis was active and vocal this other form of hatred is passive and silent.  Yet for many people in many places it has similar effects on their lives as the concentration camps had on the Jews.  This passive hatred leads to the young and the old dying slowly over a period of days or years from many of the same causes of death among Jews in the concentration camps such as starvation and treatable diseases.  This passive hatred allows the slavery, rape and death of young girls and boys to continue through its inaction similar to what happened to many Jews.  This passive hatred is not a hatred whereby one group goes out of its way to harm another group, like the Nazis did with the Jews, but is a hatred whereby one group goes out it way to ignore the suffering of those in another group, like many people in modernized countries do with many people in undeveloped countries.  This passive hatred is one whereby those who possess it are simply indifferent to the suffering of others.

This passive hatred of indifference finds any sacrifice to relieve the suffering of others to be too great - no matter how small of a sacrifice it really is.  This passive hatred of indifference will never give anything to help those who are suffering unless there is something in it for the giver.  This passive hatred of indifference is not spread by stirring speeches of brilliant orators but by the allure of pursuing momentary pleasure.  This passive hatred of indifference does not arise from an anger that seeks to hurt others but from a myriad of self-centered pursuits that take away the ability to help others.  This passive hatred of indifference is found among people of every religion, race and creed in the world.  More people have suffered through this passive hatred of indifference than could fit into all of the concentration camps that have ever been built.  The suffering caused by this passive hatred of indifference cannot be put to an end by military intervention like the suffering caused by the Nazis came to an end when the Allies captured their concentration camps.

This passive hatred of indifference is often fueled by the endless pursuit of bigger, better, newer stuff as explained more thoroughly in Bigger, Better, Newer.  Those who possess this passive hatred of indifference may give at times to help with the suffering of others but it is only because they believe that they will benefit in some fashion as explained in Giving To Get.

What is the worse kind of hatred?

Of course, active hatred and passive hatred often work together to create suffering for others.  The Nazis could have never carried out their program of active hate against the Jews if it were not for the passive hatred of most of the rest of Germany that allowed it.  The actual original members of the Nazi party were less than one percent of the population of Germany in the beginning but the Nazi party was able to grow to the point of taking over because most of the other ninety-nine percent of the Germans were indifferent.  The one percent of active haters were able bully the 98 percent of passive haters into co-operation. (About one percent of the population actually made efforts of resistance.)  The madness of the holocaust happened due more to the indifference of the many than the actions of the few.

In the same way, the famines, starvation and treatable diseases, which is often brought on by the military action of evil dictators, could never kill so many people if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to provide food and medicine to these people while destroying the evil dictators.  There would be no sex trade if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to destroy the sex traders and their customers from the face of the Earth.  Yet the suffering continues due to the actions of the active haters working with the indifference of the passive haters.

What is the worst kind of hatred?

Still there is another kind of passive hatred that is even worse than these other two kinds of hatreds working together.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells about the worst kind of hatred.

What is the worst kind of hatred?

That of not warning people to turn from their sins when you see them committing them.  Some people will tell you that love does not say anything to other people when they sin.  However, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) says that saying nothing to other people when you see them sin is actually hating them in your heart (Leviticus 19:17)!  Those who refuse to confront others about their sin despise those people that He made (Matthew 18:10)!

It is for this reason that the Father of Truth said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Lies to turn from their sins then the blood of those who sinned would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:18).  In like manner, He said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to turn from their sins when they backslide then the blood of the backslider would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:20).

It is for this reason that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that whenever one of the Children of Truth see one of them backslide then they must confront the one who is sinning by themselves (Matthew 18:15).  He said that if the backslider will not listen to them by themselves then they must proceed to confront the backslider again with one or two more of the Children of Truth (Matthew 18:16).  He said that if the backslider still persists in their sinful behavior then they must be confronted in front of the entire congregation and if the sinful behavior continues then the congregation must stop treating the backslider as if they were still living in the House of Truth (Matthew 18:17).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that this means that none of the Children of Truth must not even so much as eat with the backslider who continues their sinful behavior while calling themselves one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11).  This treatment of the backslider may seem harsh but love makes it necessary as explained in It Is Time For Some Tough Love.

Why is indifference towards the sin of others the worse kind of hatred?

It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred is so bad that it would be better for a person to lose parts of their body than to experience it (Matthew 18:8-9).  It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred never ends (Mark 9:47-48).  It is the worst of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred that is way beyond anything people can experience on Earth (Luke 16:23-25).  It is the worst kind of hatred because the terrors of Hell are so much worse than anything that can happen to someone on Earth as told in more detail in Chamber of Horrors.

It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth suffered and died to prevent people for experiencing this suffering (Matthew 18:11-13).   It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth is not willing that anyone should perish (Matthew 18:14).  It is the wost kind of hatred because the eternal destiny of people is determined by rather or not anyone cares enough about them to confront them about their sin (Matthew 18:18).

It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth will help the two or three of the Children of Truth who gather together to confront the backslider so that they will repent instead of suffering (Matthew 18:19-20).  It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth commanded the Children of Truth to preach repentance from sin as part of the Good News (Luke 24:45-47).  It is the worst kind of hatred because repenting from sin to escape this terrible suffering is the foundation of the Good News that the Man of Truth taught (Hebrews 6:1-2).

It is the worst kind of hatred because it does not require money, influence, military might, power or special talents to in order to prevent this terrible suffering from ever beginning.  It is the worst kind of hatred because all that it takes to help others escape this horrible suffering is to care enough about others to speak up so that they might believe the Good News (1 Corinthians 1:21).

What hinders people from caring enough about others to confront them when they sin?

Some people will say that the Man of Truth said that no one should judge what anyone else is doing as wrong.  The truth is that he said no such thing as explained in Taken Out Of Context.  The truth is that saying nothing to someone who is putting themselves in danger of Hell by continuing in sin is worse than not warning them to leave a burning building as explained in The Burning House.  Anyone that does not warn people to repent of sin is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.

Some people have been religiously brainwashed by religious professionals into believing that there is no need to confront the Children of Truth if they return to sinful behavior because they will not suffer the consequences.  This has already been shown to be a lie and is proven so in more depth in Where Did You Get That Idea?  People must not just come into the House of Truth to be saved but they must stay there as shown in Stay In The House.  Anyone that does not warn the Children of Truth to remain in the House of Truth is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.

Some people have been told that Jews do not need to come into the House of Truth to be saved. Some people have been told that Jews cannot come into the House of Truth to be saved.  Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep Jewish people from being saved by coming into the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth first told only the Jews that they must repent of their sins to be saved (Matthew 10:5-7).  The Jews will suffer in Hell just like Gentiles unless they come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-11).  Any Jew who comes into the House of Truth will be saved just the Gentiles who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).  Anyone that does not tell Jews about the Man of Truth is hating Jews with the worst kind of hatred.

Some people have been told that some people are just born gay so they will not suffer for their actions.  Some people have been told that telling homosexuals to repent of their homosexuality is hate.  Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep homosexuals from being saved by coming into the House of Truth.  We must love the homosexuals enough to tell them the truth that they were not born gay as proven in My DNA Made Me Do It.  We must tell them to repent because those who continue in homosexuality will suffer both in this life and in Hell as explained in Married In Sodom.  Anyone who does not tell the homosexual to repent of their homosexuality is hating homosexuals with the worst kind of hatred. 

What is behind these lies that keep those who claim to be part of the Children of Truth from confronting others when they sin?

The most common reason is that they are afraid is that they will be persecuted by those who are sinning.  They do not want others to accuse them of being judgmental (Genesis 19:7-9).  They surely do not want to confront others if they still need to repent of the sin that is in their own lives (Matthew 7:3-5).  They know that they will be separated from family members if they obey the Man of Truth by rebuking others for their sin (Luke 12:51-53).   They know that they will be hated like the Man of Truth was hated if they tell others that they must repent (John 7:7).  They do not confront others about sin because they love the praises of other people than more than the praise of the Father of Truth (John 12:42-43).  Since they care more about their own comfort than the eternal suffering of others they say nothing when they see others sin which is the worst kind of hatred.

The Children of Truth are those who obey the Man of Truth (John 14:15).  The Children of Truth love others enough to warn them to repent from sin because they obey the Father of Truth (1 John 5:1-3).  This is what it means to live in the House of Truth.

The Father of Truth never told you to go along to get along.  You must love other people even more than your job as explained in Are You Wearing A Costume.

You may have came into the House of Truth at some point but now find that you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred.  You may have been paralyzed from action by the lies of others.  You may have been afraid to act before but now you understand that you must.  If you continue to deny the Man of Truth before people by ignoring his commandment to preach repentance then he will deny you before His Father (Matthew 10:32-33). 

If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you have been living in darkness (1 John 2:9-11).  If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you are no better than a murderer (1 John 3:15).  If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you really do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 4:20-21).  If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you need to repent right now.

Perhaps you have been a victim of the worst kind of hatred and no one has ever told you that you must repent of your sins to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19).  Perhaps no one has ever told you that you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be made into a brand new person with new desires if you come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be able to stop sinning because the Man of Truth will be living in you when you come into the House of Truth (Colossians 1:27).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

My DNA Made Me Do It

Are some people born gay?

On October 13, 2006 Bradley Waldroup trapped his estranged wife and her friend at his rural property in the mountains of Tennessee.  He then violently killed Leslie Bradshaw and attempted to kill his wife Penny.  He did all of this in front of their four children when she brought them for a visit.

The Polk County police were called by friends of Penny when she did not return within a time limit she had set before she went to drop off the children.  The police arrived and prevented Bradly from finishing killing her as he had her friend.

In 2009 there was a trial for what would seem to be an open and shut case.  There were witnesses of the murder of Leslie Bradshaw and the police themselves were witnesses of the attempted murder of Penny.  The keys to the van had been found tossed into the bushes as Penny had described and Bradley had admitted to being the one that tossed them there.  There was simply no doubt that Bradley had purposely trapped these two women before proceeding to kill Leslie and attempt to kill Penny.

The defense attorney for Bradley was undeterred by these facts.  He decided to argue that Bradley could not help himself because he carried the MAO-A gene in his DNA.  He said that this so-called "warrior gene" was a bomb that had been primed when Bradley was abused as a child.  Penny and Leslie were unfortunately the ones that set the bomb off.  He argued that Bradley was not responsible for his actions because his DNA made him do it.

The jurors debated whether or not Bradley was really responsible for his action or if he was innocent because his DNA made him do it.  This "My DNA made me do it" defense was somewhat successful.  At least one juror, Debbie Beatty, did not think that Bradley was completely responsible since he had bad genes.  So the jury reached a compromise and found Bradley guilty of second degree murder instead of first degree murder.  The judge, Carrol Ross, was not as convinced and gave Bradley a thirty-two year sentence without any possibility of parole which was about the maximum that could be given for second degree murder in Tennessee at that time.  If the jury had not been swayed by the "My DNA made me do it" defense to reduce the crime to second degree murder then Judge Ross would have almost certainly sentenced Bradley to be executed.

So was the defense attorney for Bradly right or were jurors like Debbie Beatty simply duped?  Are people just biological machines that are controlled by their DNA and external circumstances?  Are some people just born as killers and should not be punished for behaving as killers?  Is there any validity to the "My DNA made me do it" defense?

Here are the facts about the MAO-A gene, childhood abuse and Bradley Waldroup.  About 34 percent of American men of European descent possess this gene.   Yet less than one percent of these men ever try to kill someone in their entire life time.  Of those men who possess this gene at least ten percent suffered as much abuse as Bradley Waldroup .  (If their DNA really made them do it then close to 100 percent would have suffered such abuse since their fathers also had to possess this same gene. Their fathers would also have no ability to refrain from violence when provoked.)  So it is a mathematical certainty that there was no truth to assertion that "My DNA made me do it".

It should be obvious that Bradley Waldroup made his own behavioral choices and deserves to be punished for what he did.  If the legal system had found Bradley Waldroup to be innocent because his DNA made him do it then it would be giving the 34 percent of American males of European descent who possess the MAO-A gene a license to kill anyone that ticked them off.  I doubt that are very many people in America who really want that.

Yet millions of Americans and others believe that another behavioral choice is made by people who were simply born that way.  This behavior is homosexuality.  They believe that some people are born gay.  They believe the homosexual who tells them "My DNA made me do it".

Are some people born gay?

There have been numerous studies to try to prove this and to isolate the gene responsible for sexual orientation.  Yet there has never even been a single gene definitively identified with this behavior although there have been several claimed.  However, in studies of identical twins that were separated at birth who possess these genes it was found that if one twin had this behavior then the other twin almost never did.  Similar findings occurred among non-separated identical twins who both suffered the exact same type of abuse from the same abuser and grew up in the same environment.  In other cases, non-separated identical twins who both grew up in the same environment without any kind of abuse sometimes ended up with different sexual orientations.  This shows with a certainty that there is no truth to the "My DNA made me do it" defense for homosexuality.  One of these identical twins simply chose to engage in this type of behavior and the other did not.  Beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt no one is born gay.

Common sense should tell people the same thing.  If people were really homosexuals due to their DNA, then the genes would cease to be passed down since homosexuals would not reproduce.  Such a genetic deviation would breed out of the gene pool within a single generation if the original carriers never reproduced.  Even if many carriers married due to societal pressure, some of those would not produce children while others would produce only the minimum number of children necessary to relieve the pressure. Yet some of them would still not marry ever despite all societal pressure to do so.  Beyond that, homosexuality was treated as a death penalty crime in many cultures at various points in history which would naturally takes some of the homosexuals out of the gene pool completely.  So the percentage people carrying such a gene would decrease from generation to generation.  Eventually a "gay gene" would disappear altogether over the centuries.  Instead, there has been an explosion of homosexuality in the last generation again showing that people are not born gay.

Since the "My DNA made me do it" defense has been shown to be a lie then why do people keep wanting to believe it?

The "My DNA made me do it" defense presupposes that man is nothing more than a biological machine.  It comes from a world view that denies the existence of any part of humanity that is separate and distinct from the physical world.  In this world view, your brain spits out thoughts in response to physical stimulus in the same way that your liver spits out bile.  Yet the empirical evidence has already shown that something else is involved beyond just physical factors like DNA, environment and abuse.

You see the problem for people with this world view is that admitting that the "My DNA made me do it" defense is a lie would also be admitting that there is more to the existence of man than just the physical world.  They cannot face the facts because they would have to lose their religion.  Their denial of reality is so strong that they are willing to waste millions of dollars and the most productive years of some of the brightest researchers on Earth in order to find genes to blame for every possible human behavior.  The time, talent, and treasure wasted on this futile effort to find something that does not exist could be better spent on something of actual value like curing cancer.  The reasons for these unreasonable efforts to support an ideology that is contradicted by reality are explained more fully in The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told.

So if DNA, environment, and abuse do not explain why some people kill others in a fit of rage or engage in homosexuality then what does?  Why do people keep engaging in these kinds of behavior when they know that they are going to suffer for doing so?

There is an explanation for why humans keep doing things even when they know they will suffer for it.  This explanation makes it clear why two people with the same DNA, environment, and circumstances will respond with two different types of behavior.  The source of this explanation is the source of everything that is true - the Book of Truth (the Bible).

The explanation found in the Book of Truth begins with understanding that a human being is more than simply a biological machine.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) made the human race to reflect the image of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka the Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost), the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) and Himself (Genesis 1:26-27).  Every human being is made up of a spirit, a soul and a body to reflect that relationship (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

When the first body was made it was dead until the Father of Truth breathed part of Himself into that body and a living soul came into being that made that body come to life (Genesis 2:7).  The spirit of each person lives in the midst of their body (Daniel 7:15).  The spirit leaves the body at death and no person can keep it in the body (Ecclesiastes 8:8).  The body of every human becomes dead again when the spirit is no longer in it (James 2:26).  So in short, every human being is a spirit that lives in a body.

Every human man being has soul as well that lives in the body (Genesis 12:13).  The spirit and soul are so interconnected that they can only be distinguished from each other by the Word of Truth (Hebrews 4:12).  So every human being is a spirit with a soul that lives in a body.

The spirit of a person is the part that connects to the Father of Truth (Proverbs 20:27).  It is the spirit of a person that can worship Him (John 4:24).  It is the spirit of a person that can delight in the Law of Truth (The Torah aka The Law) (Romans 7:22).  It is the spirit of a person that can believe the Word of Truth (Romans 10:10).  It is the spirit of a person that can be renewed on a daily basis by staying focused on things of the Father of Truth that cannot be seen with their physical eyes (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).  It is the spirit of a person that will never go out of existence because it is eternal like the spiritual world (1 Peter 3:4).  So the spirit of a person is that part that is connected to the spiritual world.

The soul of a person longs for things (Genesis 34:8).  The soul of a person suffers anguish when they are abused (Genesis 42:21).  The soul of a person lusts after things (Deuteronomy 12:15). The soul of a person desires things (Deuteronomy 14:26).   The soul of a person is afflicted by unpleasant circumstances (Leviticus 16:29). The soul of a person is vexed by the actions of others (Judges 16:16).   The soul of a person is joyful in pleasant circumstances (Psalm 35:9).  The soul of a person is refreshed by good news (Proverbs 25:13).  The soul of a person feels love for other people (Song of Solomon 1:7).  So the soul of a person is that part that is connected to their inner world.

The body of a person touches physical things (Genesis 3:2-3).  The body of a person sees physical things (Genesis 3:6).  The body of a person smells physical things (Genesis 27:27).  The body of a person tastes physical things (Exodus 16:31-32).  The body of a person hears physical things (Joshua 6:5).  The body of a person will also perish because it is temporary like the physical world (2 Corinthians 4:16).  So the body of a person is that part that is connected to the physical world.

Since people are more than just biological machines they will make different choices in the same circumstances even when they have the same DNA.  They will make different choices depending upon what type of spirit they have within them (Numbers 14:22-24).  No one has ever been in any circumstances where they made the wrong choice where there was not someone else in those exact same circumstances who made the right choice (1 Corinthians 10:13).  The Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) feel the exact same things as everyone else when they are in the exact same circumstances (Acts 14:14-16).  They simply make a different choice even though they feel the same temptations (James 5:17).

This is not to say that the DNA, environment and circumstances play no role at all.  The truth is that all people are born with a terminal condition in their bodies that they inherited from their common ancestor when he broke the connection of the human race to the Father of Truth (Romans 5:12-14).  This broken connection corrupted their bodies so that their flesh wanted to do what was wrong even though it would lead to death (Romans 7:5).  The problem is not the Law of Truth for it is holy, just and good but that people are unable to keep it due to this terminal condition that they are all born with in their bodies (Romans 7:12-14).   This condition in their bodies wears down their souls so that they end up to doing what they know to be wrong even when they want to do what is right (Romans 7:15-17).  Their resistances get worn down because they live in their bodies every second of their existence on Earth and this broken condition is always there in their bodies (Romans 7:18-20).  People are under constant temptation to do things like killing others in a fit of rage or acts of homosexuality and will eventually give in some area because that is what the flesh of their bodies wants to do in its fatal condition (Galatians 5:19-21).

Once people give in to temptation to do wrong in some area then they have put themselves in the position to be hounded continually so that they might eventually become complete slaves to the behavior.  This is explained more thoroughly in Spirits of Lies.

So even though the spirit of a person is eternal it can still experience death - even while it is alive in a body.  Rebellion against the Father of Truth brings separation from Him (Isaiah 59:2).  When this occurs our spirit is dead because it has lost its connection to the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:1-2).  A person who lives to fulfill the pleasures of the flesh is dead to the Father of Truth even while their spirit is still living in their body (1 Timothy 5:6).  This is just like a website is dead when the server that hosts the web application it has lost its connection to the internet.  The web application for the website is still running on the server but it can no longer interact with the internet.

So what can anyone do since this connection has been broken and they are slaves to their flesh (Romans 7:21-24)?

The Good News is that the Man of Truth was sent to restore this connection (Romans 7:25).  The Law of Truth could never restore this connection because people were unable to keep it due to the continuous evil nature of their own bodies (Romans 8:3).

The Man of Truth came to save people from their sins - not just the penalty of their sins (Matthew 1:20-21).  He came to do this by restoring the connection between people and His Father (Matthew 1:22-23).  He will make anyone free that will surrender control of their life to him (John 8:30-32).  He will set anyone free from being a slave to the desires of their flesh that is willing to do this (John 8:34-36).

Not only that, but the Spirit of Truth will live in anyone that shows their love for the Man of Truth by keeping his commandments (John 14:15-17).  The Spirit of Truth sets people free from the endless cycle of sin that leads to death which comes from being unable to resists the evil desires of their own flesh (Romans 8:1-2).  Those who do what the Spirit of Truth leads them to do instead of the desires of their flesh will do the things that the Law of Truth says are right (Romans 8:4).  So they will be free from fulfilling the evil desires of their flesh because they are connected to the Father of Truth through the Spirit of Truth instead of trying to make that connection by keeping the Law of Truth in their own power (Galatians 5:16-18).

Those that surrender to the Man of Truth do not have to continue in sin because they died to sin with him (Romans 6:1-3).  They can overcome the evil desires of their own bodies because the Father of Truth will give them the ability to do so when they are connected to Him (Romans 6:12-14).  These people have a choice about whether to be connected to the Spirit of Truth or to remain connected to the desires of their flesh (Romans 6:16).  Those who live in the House of Truth can keep their body under control (1 Corinthians 9:27).  They can do this because the Spirit of Truth lives in them (Galatians 5:22-23).

This means that there is hope for you no matter what wrong behavior that you are trapped in.  It does not matter if it is fits of rage that could lead to murder or homosexuality.  I understand the hopelessness that you might feel because I was also once a slave to sin.  I exhibited the characteristics of a MAO-A gene carrier and only being hindered by praying grandmothers kept me from ending up like Bradley Waldroup.  I explain how horrible being a slave to the evil desires of my flesh made my life and how the Man of Truth set me completely free in The Monster Within.

So people do have a choice and the "My DNA made me do it" defense is of no value.  If I had actually killed anyone then neither the state of Arkansas nor the Father of Truth would have gave me a pass on this behavior based on the "My DNA made me do it" defense. 

The truth is the "My DNA made me do it" defense is an attempt to blame the Father of Truth for our own behavior.  Those who seeks to hide their own wickedness by this defense will act like He did not make them in the first place (Isaiah 29:15-16).  However, their giving in to the evil desires of their own flesh has not change the fact that He did make them (Isaiah 64:7-9).  This lie keeps them from believing that He can remold them into the kind of person that He desires them to be (Jeremiah 18:3-6).  So they blame Him for their actions by claiming that they were just born that way instead of allowing Him to change them (Romans 9:19-21).

So homosexuality has exploded in America contrary to what would be dictated by the mathematics of genetics because many people have rejected knowing the truth that only comes from the Father of Truth (Romans 1:24-27).  Since people have not wanted to consider that He created them then they have been left without any real defense against the impulses of their flesh and end up doing things like killing others in a fit of rage or acts of homosexuality (Romans 1:28-31).  So even though they have been warned that they will suffer under His righteous judgment they not only continue to do these things but celebrate others who also do these things (Romans 1:32).  This apparently sudden explosion of homosexuality in America has nothing to do with genetics but is the end result of a long process explained in A Subtle Influence.

No one is born gay and no one is going to be found innocent in the court of the Father of Truth based on the "My DNA made me do it" defense.

Make no mistake, people will be judged according to their behavior (Romans 2:5-10).  Those who commit homosexual acts or otherwise live according to the desires of their evil flesh will not spend eternity with the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  People do have a choice and can be set free from doing these things (1 Corinthians 6:11).  Those who choose to come into the House of Truth can put this behavior behind them (Ephesians 2:1-3).

The Man of Truth understands what you are going through because He too has been tempted with the same things even though he never gave into them (Hebrews 4:15).  His Father is giving you time to do what is necessary to restore the connection to Him because He does not want you to suffer for giving into the evil desires of your flesh (2 Peter 3:9).

That connection is restored whenever someone is born for a second time (John 3:3).  When people came into the home of their parents they were born for the first time through their mother but when they come into the House of Truth they are born a second time through the Spirit of Truth (John 3:4-5).  Just as they were born of the flesh when they came into this world so also they are born of the Spirit of Truth when they come into the House of Truth (John 3:6-8).  You come into the House of Truth by surrendering all control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Married In Sodom

What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about Gay Marriage?

Currently there is a lot of controversy in the US over gay marriage.  Some states recognize gay marriage and other states do not.  The same is true with Mexico.  However, the US and Mexico are hardly the first to start recognizing gay marriage.  Currently thirteen countries, including Canada, already allow people to act like they have been married in Sodom.  This change did not happen over night in these places but has been a long time coming through A Subtle Influence.

Some people might think that gay marriage started when the Netherlands recognized it as legal in 2000.  However, homosexuality has been just as common in other places at various times in history to the point that people effectively lived if they had been married in Sodom.  How did that work out for these places?

Among these places were Port Royal on the isle of Jamaica.  It was called the Sodom of the New World due to the prevalence of homosexuality there that caused people to live as if they had been married in Sodom.  For this reason it was referred to by pirates from as far away as England and Madagascar as the most wicked place on it Earth.  The northern half of Port Royal was destroyed by a devastating earthquake in 1692 and sunk into the sea drowning everyone there.  After that, there were numerous attempts to rebuild it, but it kept being destroyed by fires, floods, and, hurricanes where sizable portions of the population either burned to death or drowned.  Finally, in 1907 there was another earthquake that sunk almost of all what had been rebuilt into the sea, again drowning everyone there.

Another one of these places was Olous on the isle of Crete.  It was also known for continuing the pre-Christian practices of ancient Crete, particularly homosexuality, contrary to the practices of the majority population of Crete that had became Christian (at least in name) by that time.  In 780 AD the entire city sank into the sea drowning everyone.

A more well known place is Pompeii and its surrounding cities in Italy.  The city was well known for its fixation with homosexuality.  This included the use of the phallus as a common decoration in all aspects of life as well as scenes of people engage in homosexual acts decorating most of their public buildings.  The area around Pompeii was where wealthy Romans had their villas.  They used these villas to carry out homosexual orgies and the like.  Everyone in Pompeii and the nearest towns were burned to death from intense heat when Vesuvius exploded in 79 AD.

I could go on but you have probably already noticed a pattern by now of what happened to the places where people lived who treated homosexuality as normal as if they had been married in Sodom.  Everyone in these places either drowned or burned to death in what some would call natural disasters.  Was being destroyed suddenly like this in all these places just a strange coincidence?

The Book of Truth is always the place to begin when looking for the truth about anything. It says that a curse like a sudden disaster that causes everyone there to either drown or burn to death does not come without a cause (Proverbs 26:2).  Many among the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) across the ages have said, that the cause of these three places being suddenly destroyed was because their people lived as if they had been married in Sodom.

Is there any precedence in the Book of Truth for cities being destroyed for living as if they had been married in Sodom?

The best place to begin is by looking at Sodom itself.

Where was Sodom?

Sodom was a Canaanite city near the northern border of the ancient land of Canaan in the same valley as Zeboiim (Genesis 10:19).  This valley that the Jordan River ran through was as lush and green as the Garden of Eden when Lot chose to go there (Genesis 13:10).  The valley where Zeboiim (and Sodom) was east of Michmash in the land of Benjamin, which is northeast of Jerusalem (1 Samuel 13:16-18).  So Sodom was located in the Jordan River valley north of the Dead Sea.

What was Sodom like?

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) viewed the city of Sodom as being the most wicked place on Earth (Genesis 13:13).  He called its sin exceedingly heavy (Genesis 18:20). [The Hebrew word translated as "very grievous " literally means "exceedingly heavy".  The idea is that they were regularly committing the worst kind of sin.] 

What was this exceedingly heavy sin that was so prevalent in Sodom?

It was the sin of homosexuality.  The men of Sodom sought to have sex with other men (Genesis 19:4-5).  This was more wicked than rape (Genesis 19:6-8).  Homosexuals have been constantly referred to as sodomites since that time (Deuteronomy 23:17-18).

How prevalent was homosexuality in Sodom?

Homosexuality was so rampant, that not even ten men could be found there, which were not involved in this sin (Genesis 18:23-32).  This rampant homosexuality filled Lot with grief every day after he moved there (2 Peter 2:6-8).  Homosexuality was accepted as normal in Sodom as heterosexual marriage was accepted in other places and there were doubtlessly same sex couples legally joined together there.  Those who seek gay marriage to be accepted as normal want to be just like those who were married in Sodom.

What happened to those that were married in Sodom?

Since what the people of Sodom did was so wicked, the Father of Truth was determined to destroy Sodom and everyone in it (Genesis 18:20-23).  He sent two angels to destroy Sodom for this sin (Genesis 19:12-14).  He destroyed all of those cities in the plain, except for the one that Lot had ran to (Genesis 19:29-30).  He is the one that destroyed everyone in these cities, because they lived like they were married in Sodom (Jeremiah 50:40).  He alone brought about the destruction of Sodom for this sin (Amos 4:11).

How did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom?

He caused fire and brimstone to rain down on Sodom and the other cities, just like when fire and lava rained down on Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted (Genesis 19:24-25).  The smoke of their burning could be seen by Abraham (Abram) and everyone else for miles around the valley (Genesis 19:27-28).  Everyone in Sodom was destroyed in a moment with no chance of escape (Lamentations 4:6).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that everyone in Sodom and the other cities were destroyed suddenly by the fire and brimstone that was rained down upon them (Luke 17:28-29).  Everyone in Sodom and the other cities was burned to death for living like they were married in Sodom (Jude 1:7).

What is the valley of Sodom like after the Father of Truth destroyed Sodom?

The whole valley was made into a terrible waste land of brimstone, salt and burning fires (Deuteronomy 29:23).  No one is able to live there any more (Jeremiah 49:18).  Nothing lives there, except for roving bands of wild animals that pass through it (Isaiah 13:19-22).  The land where the people were married in Sodom is now an uninhabitable desert (Zephaniah 2:9).

Why did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom in this manner?

He wanted all nations to consider what Sodom had done, which had greatly angered Him so much that He destroyed it (Deuteronomy 29:24).  He made the people of Sodom an example of what happens to those that live like they are married in Sodom (2 Peter 2:6).

This example is still visible today.  The area north of the Dead Sea in the Jordan River valley, where Sodom sat, is nothing by gypsum ash for miles and miles.  It is not hard to make out the outlines of the destroyed ziggurats (step pyramids) once used in the worship of those, who lived in Sodom.  These ziggurats so have eroded in the three thousand years since Sodom was destroyed, that their lines now appear to be straight.  There are salt pits everywhere.  Nothing lives there, except the occasional thorny plant and wandering bands of wild animals.  Not even the Arabs are able to live in this terrible desert.

There is also brimstone everywhere, which is better known as white phosphorus.  It burns at a temperature well above the 500 degrees Centigrade (approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit) needed to bring instant heat death to people.  It can burst in to flames by merely being exposed to air.  Like the lava at Mount Vesuvius, this white phosphorus was shot out of the Earth by a volcanic like eruption.  Brimstone and fire literally rained down on the valley where Sodom was located.  This is how the Father of Truth literally cast His vote on gay marriage.  The evidence that this literally occurred, is still visible today, because the Father of Truth still does not want people living like they were married in Sodom.

Is fire the only way that the Father of Truth has dealt with people who live like they were married in Sodom?

No, before Sodom was ever founded there had been another period of commonly accepted sexual sin that eventually covered the entire Earth (Genesis 6:4-5).  Since these people were doing every imaginable evil thing, including living living like they were married in Sodom, the Father of Truth decided to destroy everything on the face of the Earth to put an end to this sin (Genesis 6:11-13).  Again, just like He had made a provision to save the family of Lot, who was not living like they were married in Sodom, He made a provision to save the family of the righteous this time also (Genesis 6:14-16).  Everyone else that lived on the Earth drowned (Genesis 7:21-23).  This sudden death by drowning, was just like what those who lived in Olous experienced, when it fell into the sea (Matthew 24:38-39).  The Man of Truth said, that everyone on Earth, except the family of Noah, was destroyed suddenly by the flood that rained down upon them (Luke 17:27).  The Father of Truth did not spare any of those, who lived like they were married in Sodom, from drowning (2 Peter 2:4-5).

Now you might be wondering about Port Royal.  Not everyone who lived like they were married in Sodom in Port Royal drowned or burned to death at one time, when those disasters struck.  You might be wondering, why only half of the city at a time either drowned or burned to death in each sudden disaster over such a long period of time, before the city was finally completely destroyed.  Why would only the people in part of Port Royal die suddenly from drowning or burning to death at a time, if this was the judgment of the Father of Truth upon them for living like they were married in Sodom?

The reason is that the Father of Truth is not willing to destroy the Children of Truth with the Children of Lies (Genesis 18:24-26).  He would have spared all of Sodom to keep from destroying even ten of the Children of Truth (Genesis 18:32).  In fact, Sodom could not be destroyed until every last one of the Children of Truth had been safely removed (Genesis 19:21-22).  This allowing the Children of Lies to continue in rebellion, rather than harming even one of the Children of Truth, is because He does not take Collateral Damage.  So everyone either drowned or burned to death in a sudden disaster, that struck only those parts of Port Royal that did not contain any of the Children of Truth.

Of course, the direct approach is not the only way that the Father of Truth brings judgment on those, who live like they were married in Sodom.  He said that the Canaanites were to be destroyed by the Israelites for doing this very sort of thing (Leviticus 18:22-25).  He said that the Israelites would also be destroyed in a similar manner as well, if they also did the same things (Leviticus 18:26-28).  He commanded, that no one who did these things was to be allowed to live (Leviticus 18:29-30).  He also commanded in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that any of the children of Israel be put to death, who did this (Leviticus 20:13).

For this reason, the Father of Truth said, that King Asa did what was right when he brought such judgment on everyone in Judah that lived like they were married in Sodom (1 Kings 15:11-12).  His son Jehoshaphat was also commended by Him for continuing this policy (1 Kings 22:42-46).  Josiah was the last king of Judah to revive this policy of destroying those, who lived like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:7).  His zeal for carrying out this judgment against such people, because it was written the Law of Truth, is why the Father of Truth said, that Josiah was more righteous than any other king that ever ruled (2 Kings 23:24-25).

Yet, the nation of Judah was not consistent in regard to those, who lived like they were married in Sodom.  During the reign of Rehoboam, the very first king of Judah, this sin was overlooked in the land of Judah (1 Kings 14:21-24).  Later there was King Manasseh, who was called more evil than the Canaanites, who were driven out for living like they were married in Sodom, because he legalized this along with every other thing that was called evil in the Law of Truth, throughout the land of Judah (2 Kings 21:8-9).  So, judgment was called upon the nation of Judah for these kinds of policies (2 Kings 21:10-15).  Even the righteous reforms of Josiah could only delay the judgment of the Father of Truth on Judah for allowing people to live like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:26-28).

The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) says the same kind of things about those, who live like they were married in Sodom.  It says, these actions come from vile desires and that these actions will bring about a well deserved judgment upon those who do them (Romans 1:26-27).  It says, whoever lives like they were married in Sodom, deserves to die (Romans 1:28-32).  It says, that those who abuse themselves like this will not inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  It says, that anyone who has any kind of sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, will not not inherit His kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21).  It says, that no one who continues to make themselves unclean with these actions, will have any part in the kingdom of the Man of Truth and His Father (Ephesians 5:5).  It says, that those who do these things will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where they will both drown and burn to death over and over again forever (Revelation 21:8).

Perhaps, you have been deceived into believing that gay marriage was somehow acceptable to the Father of Truth or the Man of Truth.  You may have even found yourself involved in living like you were married in Sodom.  Do not despair for I have some Good News for you.

Now that you have been told the truth, the Father of Truth is commanding you to repent, and avoid the judgment for such actions, which was assured when He raised up His Son from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).  If you will come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead, then you will be saved from this judgment (Romans 10:8-10).  The blood of the Man of Truth will cleanse you from your sin, if you will come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7).  If you will come into the House of Truth and admit that what you have done is wicked, then you be made completely clean of every filthy act that you have ever done (1 John 1:8-9).  If you will overcome by remaining in the House of Truth, then you will inherit His kingdom (Revelation 21:7).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Waving The Leavened Bread

What is Pentecost? 

Most churches in America and across the world celebrate Pentecost to some degree.  These churches have different traditions for celebrating Pentecost but it is observed in some shape, form or fashion in almost every type of church.  Yet the average church goer knows very little about Pentecost.  In fact, many are unaware of even when Pentecost occurs until the religious professionals announce that they will be observing Pentecost the week before Pentecost.

What is Pentecost? 

Ask two religious professionals this question and you are likely to get three different answers.  Some will say it is when the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was first given.  Some will say it is when the church was born.  Some will say that it commemorates the Apostles being baptized with the Spirit of Truth. Some will tell you that it is the holiday after Easter on the calendar that the Apostles established for the church.  Other religious professionals will give still yet some other answers to this question.

What is Pentecost?

The best way to answer this question is look in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to see what it says about Pentecost.

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is not some religious holiday like Christmas that never appears in the Book of Truth.  Pentecost is the name of a holiday found in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul) and other believers celebrated (Acts 20:16).  Pentecost is an Anglicization of the Greek word "Pentekoste" which literally means "fiftieth".  It is a shortened form of  "Pentekoste Emera" which means "Fiftieth Day".

Why is this holiday called "fiftieth"?

This is a Feast of the Father of Truth that occurs after the seventh weekly Sabbath (Saturday) after the Feast of First Fruits (Reishit Katzir) (Leviticus 23:15).  This Feast of the Father of Truth occurs on the fiftieth day when you count  from the Feast of the First Fruits as day one and continues until you reach day fifty - which is the day (Sunday) after the Seventh Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-16).  So it is called the Fiftieth Day by the Greeks and is known as Pentecost in the Renewed Covenant.

What is Pentecost called in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament)?
However in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) it is called the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) because it occurs after seven full weeks after the Feast of First Fruits (Deuteronomy 16:9-10).  So the Pentecost of the Renewed Covenant is another name for the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) in the Original Covenant.

Pentecost was when the first fruits of the wheat harvest was brought to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka The LORD) just like the first fruits of the barley harvest had been brought at First Fruits (Reishit Katzir) so it is also called First Fruits because it is the second first fruits offering of the year (Exodus 34:22).  This is explained more completely in the Raising of the First Fruits.

How was Pentecost supposed to be observed?

Every adult (twenty years and older) male among the Children of Truth that lived in the Land of Israel was to appear before the Father of Truth at the Temple for Pentecost and He would protect the land while they did so (Exodus 34:22-24).  On this second First Fruits additional sacrifices were made besides the normal daily sacrifices (Numbers 28:26-31).  Besides these additional meat offerings the priest was to bring in two loaves of leavened bread and wave them with the offerings (Leviticus 23:17-20).  Pentecost was also like First Fruits in that it was to be treated like a Sabbath when no one could work and everyone had to congregate together even though it always fell on the day (Sunday) after the regular Sabbath (Saturday) (Leviticus 23:21).  Pentecost was to be a great time of rejoicing before the Father of Truth in the Temple because of His deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Deuteronomy 16:10-12).  No adult man on was allowed to miss this party and no one could show up empty handed (Deuteronomy 16:16-17).

What is Pentecost about?

What is unique about Pentecost is the waving the leavened bread in the Temple.  Normally, leaven was not seen in the Temple for no leaven could be burned with the sacrifices (Exodus 34:25).  Leaven was not allowed to be part of any offering that was to be made for the first fruits on the altar (Leviticus 2:10-12).  The only other time that leavened bread was present in the Temple was when it was lifted up as a voluntary thanksgiving offering that was being made to the Father of Truth (Leviticus 7:12-14).

Some have suggested that the show bread (literally "the bread of the faces") was also leavened but it could not have been. The show bread was to be continually in the Temple as an offering made by fire and replaced every Sabbath (Leviticus 24:5-8).  Besides the fact that no leaven was to be offered by fire, there also could be no leaven in any house, including the Temple, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Deuteronomy 16:4).  This is explained more completely in Removing The Leaven.

So what is the significance of the two loaves of leavened bread at Pentecost?  What is so important about waving the leavened bread?

When something is waved it brings attention to it.  For example, people wave flags to show patriotism and people will wave their arms to get attention when they are in distress.  So waving the leavened bread in the Temple showed that there was something significant about these two loaves being in the presence of the Father of Truth.

So what was so important that was signified by these two loaves?

The best way to answer that question is to look at the two important events that occurred on Pentecost in the Book of Truth.  These two events are tied together in a fashion similar to the way that the first first fruits, called First Fruits, is tied to the second first fruits, called Pentecost, by being on opposite ends of the counting to fifty.  These two events are tied together in the same way that barely and wheat are tied together by these two feasts where each harvest is began by bringing the first fruits of its grain to the Temple.  These two loaves represent two different types of harvest that both began on the same day of the week (Sunday).

Some people have said that the church was born on Pentecost but they are only partly correct if they are referring to the event in Jerusalem where the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  Pentecost, which always occurs in the third month of the Biblical Calendar, is also the day that the Law of Truth was first given to the Children of Truth at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:1-6).  This is when the church, the congregation of the Children of Truth, was born for the first time (Acts 7:37-38).  This is the first Pentecost.

About 1800 years later in Jerusalem, the Children of Truth were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth and began to speak with other tongues for the first time (Acts 2:1-4).  This is when the church, the congregation of the Children of Truth, was born for the second time.  This is the second Pentecost.

The events of the first Pentecost lead to 3,000 men being killed because they rebelled (Exodus 32:25-28).  The events of the second Pentecost lead to 3,000 men being saved because they repented (Acts 2:38-41). The Law of Truth without the Spirit of Truth could only bring death (2 Corinthians 3:5-6). 

This is because the Law of Truth given at the first Pentecost was never complete until the Spirit of Truth was given at the second Pentecost.  The second Pentecost was promised to come in the Original Covenant because the Spirit of Truth had to be given so people could keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-28).  The Law of Truth is spiritual so it requires the Spirit of Truth to keep it (Romans 7:12-14).  No one can keep the Law of Truth without help from the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:2-4).  It is the Spirit of Truth who gives people the ability to keep the Law of Truth (1 John 3:23-24).  This is explained more fully in Written On My Heart.

For this reason the second Pentecost was much better than the first Pentecost (2 Corinthians 3:7-8)!  The first Pentecost is completely overshadowed by the second Pentecost (2 Corinthians 3:9-11)!

During the entire time of the ministry of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) only Jews living in the land of Israel were brought into the House of Truth (Matthew 15:24).  It was only after his resurrection that the Children of Truth were told to go into all the world and preach while operating in the power of the Spirit of Truth (Mark 16:15-18).  The Children of Truth had to wait for the Spirit of Truth before they could bring the Good News of the Man of Truth to those outside of Israel (Luke 24:45-49).  When the Spirit of Truth was given at the second Pentecost then Jews from all over the world were brought into the House of Truth (Acts 2:5-11).

So at this second Pentecost Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon) recognized that the Father of Truth had began to fulfill His promise to reach people beyond the borders of Israel (Acts 2:36-39).  Yet he did not understand the reason for two loaves being used in the waving of the leavened bread in the Temple at Pentecost.

Leaven was not normally in the Temple because it represented sin.  Every sacrifice in the Temple was a picture of the sacrifice that the Man of Truth would make to save the human race.  There could be no leaven used in the sacrifices because there was no sin in the Man of Truth (Hebrews 9:28). 

The loaves of leavened bread represented the human race because all people have sinned (Romans 3:23).  There was this ritual of waving the leavened bread to bring attention to the fact that the human race, which had sinned, could come into the presence of His Father because of his sacrifice (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Yet there remained a veil over the eyes of the Jewish Children of Truth that were at the second Pentecost.  They could not see that the Father of Truth would also save the Gentiles without requiring them to first become Jews until the Gentiles were also baptized in the Spirit of Truth with the evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 10:44-46).  It was the Gentiles receiving the same gift that the Jews had received at the second Pentecost which finally removed the veil from their eyes so they could understand the purpose of waving the leavened bread (Acts 11:16-18).  They could finally understand that two loaves were used to bring attention to the plan of the Father of Truth to bring both Jews and Gentiles into His presence through the work of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:13).

Was this inclusion of the Gentiles in the House of Truth a change in the plan of the Father of Truth?

The Father of Truth had revealed in His Covenant with Abraham (Abram) that He intended to save the Gentiles through the nation of Israel before it ever existed (Genesis 12:1-3).  When the Law of Truth was given at the first Pentecost He had already said that it was not not just for the nation of Israel that was present at Mount Sinai but also for other people that were not there (Deuteronomy 29:13-15).  The Father of Truth said that the Gentiles would rejoice with the nation of Israel when He took revenge on those that do evil and showed mercy to His people (Deuteronomy 32:43).  He said that He had always planned to save whoever would humble themselves whether they were near to Jerusalem or far off from Jerusalem (Isaiah 57:15-19).  He would cause the Gentiles, who had not been called His people, to be called His people and they would return to Him to call Him their God (Hosea 2:23).

It was always His plan for the Gentiles would seek the Man of Truth (Isaiah 11:10).  The Man of Truth was always meant to be a light to Gentiles as well as the Jews (Isaiah 42:5-7).  The small percentage of Jews that would accept him as king was too small of a payment for his sacrifice on the cross (Isaiah 49:5-7).  It was always His plan to use the Man of Truth to make His name great among the Gentiles (Malachi 1:11).

The Father of Truth had always planned to make a new people to bring jealousy to the nation of Israel and to create from those people of a new nation that was ignorant of the Law of Truth to provoke the nation of Israel when it abandoned Him and the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:21).  He planned to have this new nation speak to the nation of Israel in an unknown tongue so He could bring them into the rest He had promised (Isaiah 28:10-12).  He said that He would reveal Himself to this new nation that had not previously called upon His name because the nation of Israel had refused to seek after Him (Isaiah 65:1-2).

He had planned on Gentiles being called by His name when most of Israel refused (Amos 9:10-12).  It was His plan to cause the Gentiles to repent and be called His Children so that the nation of Israel would repent and do likewise (Hosea 1:9-10).  This plan is further explained in The Secret Plan.

The Man of Truth understood that the Gentiles who would repent were also to be brought into the same fold as the lost sheep of the house of Israel that would repent (John 10:15-17).  This is why he knew that his time to be gloried was at hand when the Gentiles began seeking him (John 12:20-24).  He understood the significance of the two loaves used for waving the leaven bread at Pentecost in the Temple.  He understood that Pentecost was about including the Gentiles in salvation as the four act of the play made up by the Feasts of His Father.  This is explained further in The Greatest Play Ever.

So the inclusion of the Gentiles signified by two loaves being used for waving the leaven bread was always in the Original Covenant but it could not be seen because there was a veil over the eyes of the Jewish Children of Truth.  This veil is still there among all Jews who have not came into the House of Truth.

It is knowing the Man of Truth that takes away this veil which prevents people from seeing the plan of the Father of Truth when the Original Covenant is read (2 Corinthians 3:12-14).  It is the Spirit of Truth, who was given at the second Pentecost, which takes away the veil when the Law of Truth, which was given at the first Pentecost, is read (2 Corinthians 3:15-18).  This mystery was hid in plain sight in the Original Covenant until the Spirit of Truth made it known after the second Pentecost (Colossians 1:25-27).

When the Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, just like the Jews who had been at the second Pentecost, then the veil was lifted from the eyes of the Jewish Children of Truth so that they could see what always been written in the Original Covenant (Acts 15:13-15).

Now they understood it had always been the plan of the Father of Truth for the Gentiles who repented to be called by His name (Acts 15:16-18).  Now that the Gentiles had came into the House of Truth a new people and a new nation composed of believing Jews and Gentiles called "Christians" came into existence (Acts 11:26).  Now the congregation of Jewish and Gentile Children of Truth were a new people and a new nation that was completely different from both the unbelieving Jews and the unbelieving Gentiles (1 Corinthians 10:32).

This was the people who Hosea had spoken about being called the Children of Truth (Romans 9:24-26). This was the nation who Moses had spoken about being used to provoke the nation of Israel (Romans 10:19). This was the people who Isaiah had spoken about being sought out by the Father of Truth when the nation of Israel rejected Him (Romans 10:20-21). This was the people who Isaiah had spoken about speaking to the nation of Israel in an unknown tongue as a sign (1 Corinthians 14:21-22).  This was the people who Hosea had spoken about coming into existence as the people of the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:10).

It is important to remember that two loaves were used for waving the leavened bread.  The right hand loaf was of equal importance to the left hand loaf.  The inclusion of the Gentiles signified by the left hand loaf did not mean that there was some sort of exclusion of the Jews signified by the right hand loaf.

The inclusion of the Gentiles meant that they were coming into the House of Truth which had once been exclusively Jewish (Romans 11:16-18).  The  Jews who were excluded for rebelling against the Father of Truth would be once again included in the House of Truth if they also repented because that was the purpose of including the Gentiles in the first place (Romans 11:23-24).  The Gentiles were now included in the commonwealth of Israel that lives in the House of Truth by the blood of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).  He brought an end to all no ill feelings between Jews and Gentiles because both have been included in the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:14-16).  It was giving of the Spirit of Truth that has made it possible for both Jews who were near when the Law of Truth was given and Gentiles who were far off when the Law of Truth was given to be included together in the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:17-19).

This new nation who lives in the House of Truth is what the Father of Truth has always wanted for Israel (Galatians 6:15-16).  This new people who live in the House of Truth were the holy nation that the Father of Truth had said He would bring into being (1 Peter 2:8-10).

You can be part of this holy nation that lives in the House of Truth whether you are a Jew or a Gentile.  Both Jews who were given the Law of Truth and Gentiles who were far away when the Law of Truth was given have broken the Law of Truth (Romans 2:11-12).  Therefore the Father of Truth has called both Jews and Gentiles to come into the House of Truth as signified by the two loaves that were used for waving the leavened bread at Pentecost in the Temple (Romans 9:22-24).  Anyone that will surrender control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  Everyone that that calls upon the Man of Truth in total surrender will come into the House of Truth and be saved (Romans 10:11-13)!

Come into the House of Truth.

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