Two Kinds Of Knowledge
Why do people waver in their decisions?
For example, not long after I came into the House of Truth I learned about the pagan roots of Christmas and decided that I should not be celebrating Christmas. The truth is that I never really liked Christmas very much so it was no big deal for me to stop celebrating Christmas. After all, learning about the pagan roots of Christmas gave me a good reason to stop doing something that I had never enjoyed in the first place.
As time went on, I grew up from being a baby in the House of Truth to be more and more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) year after year. Early on I was baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and began producing the sound of power even though I had never heard anyone speak in tongues before and did not even know that it was possible. This changed how I saw everything like my total surrender to the Man of Truth that brought me into the House of Truth had changed how I saw everything.
Still I had trouble being certain that I was hearing the voice of the Spirit of Truth at times. Even though I had the Spirit of Truth living in me and pulsing power through me there were distractions that were like static on a distant AM radio station when I tried to tune into to hear from the Spirit of Truth. I still lived in a body that still wanted to do whatever it wanted instead of what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wanted. I still lived in a world that was in rebellion against the Father of Truth. I still had to contend with the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) who can be so subtle in leading people away from the truth. I still got conflicting answers from religious professionals about various subjects including Christmas.
The fact is that many of these religious professionals helped me a great deal in various areas of my life. They encouraged me to study the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find out the truth about my concerns. They showed me how to know when I was hearing from the Spirit of Truth. They taught me that the Spirit of Truth would never contradict the Book of Truth but would instead lead me into the truth found in the Book of Truth. Still these religious professionals were really just men like myself and were also prone to human error.
So along with the truth that I learned from these religious professionals they also persuaded me to go back to celebrating Christmas. They knew of some of the pagan practices used in Christmas celebrations and some of them suspected that Christmas was not when the Man of Truth was born.
Yet they also pointed out the many good things about Christmas as well including the fact that Christmas was the only opportunity in the whole year to tell some people about the Man of Truth. I had witnessed people coming down to the altar after Christmas presentations and surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth. I witnessed how they were delivered instantly from alcoholism, drug addiction and the like. In short, Christmas had been used to deliver people from the monster within that was destroying their lives. I knew for certain that these people had not been delivered from the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) by the power of the Father of Lies (Matthew 12:26). The position of these religious professionals that it did not matter to the Father of Truth that His children were celebrating the birthday of His Son in the wrong month and using pagan customs to do so as long as they were honoring His Son seemed to be true.
I had a similar experience when it came to which day of the week to celebrate the Sabbath on. Those who were for Sunday had answers that seemed to support the idea that the Father of Truth had changed the day of rest from the original Sabbath (Saturday) to the day that the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Sunday). They even referred to three verses from the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that seemed to support their position.
Now things are different. I have become like the Mensch who killed Christmas and will never go back to celebrating Christmas. I have finally determined how to go about cleaning up the Christmas mess. In like manner, I have been observing the actual Sabbath (Saturday) for a long time now.
So what is different now? Why did I go back and forth about Christmas before while now I no longer waver between two opinions? Why am I am now as firm as a rock on my resolve to not celebrate Christmas? Why can I never go back to treating Sunday as the Sabbath?
The difference is the type of knowledge that I operated under for there are two kinds of knowledge. When I was only operating on natural knowledge like the facts about the pagan sources of Christmas then I could be persuaded by natural reasoning since the Spirit of Truth had plainly moved to bring people into the House of Truth despite the pagan practices.
It was when I investigated the Book of Truth for myself to see if the Father of Truth cared or not that we were celebrating the birthday of His son on a day that was plainly not his birthday and using pagan practices to do so that things changed. It was learning the Doctrine of Truth about how the Father of Truth felt about these things that changed everything.
I learned that the Father of Truth wanted everything that had to do with the worship idols destroyed but to not do so with everything that comes from Him (Deuteronomy 12:2-4). I learned that the Father of Truth did not want His Children using the practices of idol worship when they were worshiping Him (Deuteronomy 12:29-31). I learned that the Father of Truth did not want His Children to learn to practices that came from idolatry like putting up a Christmas tree that obviously is a rehearsal of the ancient practice of putting up an idol (Jeremiah 10:2-5). I learned that the Spirit of Truth said that it was necessary for the Children of Truth to abstain from even eating food associated with idolatry (Acts 15:28-29). I learned that the Apostles of Truth taught that the Children of Truth should not be joining in things like the traditional Christmas dinner that is an obvious rehearsal of the ancient feast to the Spirits of Lies that was eaten on the day that was falsely assigned as the birthday of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:19-21). I learned that the Man of Truth dealt severely with those who first taught the Children of Truth to participate in these feasts (Revelation 2:20-23).
When I learned that the practices of Christmas were questionable based on head knowledge that came from reading human sources then I was able to be convinced to go along with those practices. However, when I learned that the practices of Christmas were repulsive to the Father of Truth based on heart knowledge that came learning the Doctrine of Truth then I found these practices to also be too repulsive for me to participate in. So it was learning the Doctrine of Truth that has made my resolve unshakable because this was heart knowledge instead of just head knowledge.
The situation with the Sabbath also demonstrated the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge in the opposite way. In this case, I had been visiting different congregations that met on the Sabbath every few months for about a period of ten years. At every single congregation, I told them why I thought that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday in the Renewed Covenant based on three passages in the Renewed Covenant. I asked them to show me in the Renewed Covenant why that was not the case .
In particular, I wanted to know why it appeared that the Father of Truth had changed the day of the Sabbath in the Renewed Covenant if He had not done so. I showed them my three passages. The answers that most of them gave me were based off of traditions that they had either grown up with or had learned in their congregations.
I heard many explanations but not one time did anyone actually show me from the Renewed Covenant why that was not the case. Not once, in ten years time, visiting more than twenty congregations that met on the actual Sabbath (Saturday), did I find anyone who could answer my questions from the Renewed Covenant. The truth is their reasons for meeting on Saturday were really no better than the reasons other people gave for meeting on Sunday. In fact, they were worse in that some of the Sunday people were doing so based these passages in the Renewed Covenant to the best of their understanding while the Saturday people could not explain why the Sunday people were wrong in their understanding of those passages. They were unable to convince me that the Father of Truth had not changed the Sabbath to Sunday in the Renewed Covenant because they were only operating on head knowledge and that is all that they could use to persuade me.
What changed was when I was making my timeline of the Apostolic Age. I was tracking the movements of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) when I got a point where I was stuck. I had carefully researched how far people could walk in a day in each area, how far it was between cities listed in the Renewed Covenant using the existing roads, and the exact date of certain events like the Feasts of Truth. I came across a case where Paul the Jew had to be in the next city by one of the Feasts of Truth and there was simply not enough time if he left on Monday after preaching on Sunday. I became very frustrated and rechecked all of my facts to see where I had made an error. I could not find one. Finally, I prayed out loud in frustration "Lord, I cannot make this work!". Unexpectedly I heard the voice of the Man of Truth and he said, "That is because they met on Saturday and not on Sunday". I was stunned but that did make things work out.
I started bringing up my objections and the Spirit of Truth told me to examine those passages carefully. One of them did not even say in English what I had thought it had said but I had heard it wrong so many times that I was blind to the obvious. Then the Spirit of Truth had me read the other passages in the original Greek where I found some issues with the translation of one the passages. Then the Spirit of Truth directed me as I researched the historical context of the key phrases in the those passages. In about an hour the Spirit of Truth was able to answer my question that countless observers of the Sabbath on Saturday had not been able to answer over a ten year period. After that, there was no going back to believing that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday.
You see now I had heart knowledge that the Sabbath had never been changed in the Renewed Covenant based on the Doctrine of Truth instead of just head knowledge based on the opinions of other people. Again, head knowledge is based on what other people say while heart knowledge is based on what the Spirit of Truth says. Head knowledge can waver but heart knowledge is unmovable.
Now make no mistake, I did somehow become more saved because I fled from the idolatrous practices of Christmas. I did not come into the House of Truth through any means other than faith in the Man of Truth. It is just that when the Spirit of Truth lead me into the Doctrine of Truth concerning Christmas that I grew to be more like the Man of Truth in my dealings with Christmas. The Children of Truth do not become saved by increasing their knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth. They are saved by faith but grow by knowledge.
I also did not become more saved by finally grasping the truth about the Sabbath. The truth is that it is easy to come to the wrong conclusion based on those verses without doing a lot of study. It took the Spirit of Truth directing me, a lot of study, and years of preparation before that day, just so I could find out who changed the Sabbath.
In this case the translators themselves had done the best job possible to translate those more difficult Greek phrases without the benefit of the historical and cultural context. They could not just get on the Internet like I did and find out what the literal translation meant. They probably did not have the benefit of living in Greece like I had when I was immersed in Greek culture for more than two years. They were not Jewish and probably had limited access to learn about Jewish customs. The translators were so careful in their translation that if anything was in doubt or added for clarity they had put it in italics so the reader would know that. (In the most difficult Greek phrase they had added the word "day" for clarification but italicized it so the reader would know this was the case.) This was simply a case of human error even though they did the best job that they could. This was nothing like the one disturbing sentence that is in many modern translations. They were not guilty of adding to the Doctrine of Lies.
The same could be said for those religious professionals who had convinced me to resume celebrating Christmas. In fact, if it was not for those religious professionals teaching me how to really study the Book of Truth and how to hear the Spirit of Truth then I would be still celebrating Christmas and thinking that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Those who opposed those things had only given me human reasoning that was not that different from the human reasoning that the supporters of those things had given. I have heart knowledge that has erased every doubt about Christmas and the Sabbath being on Saturday because I was enabled to do so by what I had learned from the religious professionals who celebrated Christmas and thought that the Sabbath had been moved to Sunday!
The Spirit of Truth used their Christmas celebrations and Sunday sermons to bring people into the House of Truth because they were operating out of ignorance and not rebellion. The Father of Truth simply does not require people to get everything right all the time in order to use them. If He did then the Man of Truth would be the only person he could have ever used. Thinking that people must get the deeper understanding of the Doctrine of Truth before they can come into the House of Truth or lead others into the House of Truth is putting the cart before the Horse.
The truth is many times the Children of Truth may have some things right but it is only based on head knowledge. It is a whole lot easier to acquire head knowledge than heart knowledge. Some of them have not yet acquired the skills to make gaining heart knowledge easier. However most of them are really just too lazy to get heart knowledge. It is far easier to get head knowledge based off what some person says about the Book of Truth than to get heart knowledge based off what the Spirit of Truth says about the Book of Truth.
Some things require help from the Spirit of Truth to understand (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). Some things can only be understood by studying the Book of Truth in depth (2 Timothy 2:15). Some things in the Book of Truth are just hard to understand (2 Peter 3:15-16).
This certainly does not mean that the religious professionals have no place in people getting heart knowledge. People must hear the Word of Truth before they can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:14). Religious professionals are the main way that most people come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:17). The Father of Truth gave religious professionals to the Children of Truth for the very purpose of helping people have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-14).
It is just that the Children of Truth are not to be lazy and believe whatever the religious professionals tell them without verifying that it is true for themselves so that they only end up with head knowledge. The Bereans were called more noble than others for not just taking the word of Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) and Silas the Jew (Silvanus) but searching the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament), the only part of the Book of Truth they had, to see if what these Apostles of Truth told them was true before the Bereans believed their message (Acts 17:10-12). The Children of Truth are to test everything against the Book of Truth so that they can have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:21). (This is why I give links to every scripture I reference in this blog.)
Heart knowledge comes from getting the Word of Truth into your heart (Luke 8:12). Heart knowledge comes from believing what the Prophets of Truth spoke in the Book of Truth (Luke 24:25). Heart knowledge comes from believing in the Man of Truth (Acts 8:37). Heart knowledge comes from believing what is in the Book of Truth with the heart while head knowledge comes from knowing what is in the Book of Truth with the mind (Romans 10:10).
Heart knowledge only comes from knowing what the entire Book of Truth that the Father of Truth gave says about a subject (2 Timothy 3:14-17). The Book of Truth is a more sure word of prophecy from the Spirit of Truth than hearing the Father of Truth speak out of the clouds in person (2 Peter 1:17-21). Any message that anyone gives, even by supernatural means, that does not agree with what is written in the Book of Truth is not from the Spirit of Truth (1 John 4:1-3).
Heart knowledge comes from what the Spirit of Truth says about the Book of Truth. The Father of Truth gave the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth so they could have heart knowledge of everything in the Book of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20). The Spirit of Truth will lead the Children of Truth into heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth when they are mature enough to learn it (John 16:12-14). The Spirit of Truth writes the Doctrine of Truth upon the hearts of the Children of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:2-4). The Spirit of Truth only writes the Doctrine of Truth that is found in the Book of Truth upon the hearts of the Children of Truth (1 John 4:5-7).
The truth is anyone who really wants to have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth can have it. The Father of Truth, who is the source of all truth, promises that anyone who seeks Him with all their heart by repenting of their sin will find Him no matter what they have done (Deuteronomy 4:28-30). The Father of Truth wants you to find Him by coming into the House of Truth so He can do good to you as He has always planned (Jeremiah 29:11-13). The Father of Truth will clean your heart so the Spirit of Truth can cause you to have heart knowledge of everything in the Book of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27). The Man of Truth is the only way to come into the House of Truth and live with the Father of Truth (John 14:6). Heart knowledge begins when you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe the Doctrine of Truth with your heart that says the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). The Father of Truth send the Spirit of Truth to live in everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Galatians 4:6).
Come into the House of Truth.
For example, not long after I came into the House of Truth I learned about the pagan roots of Christmas and decided that I should not be celebrating Christmas. The truth is that I never really liked Christmas very much so it was no big deal for me to stop celebrating Christmas. After all, learning about the pagan roots of Christmas gave me a good reason to stop doing something that I had never enjoyed in the first place.
As time went on, I grew up from being a baby in the House of Truth to be more and more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) year after year. Early on I was baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and began producing the sound of power even though I had never heard anyone speak in tongues before and did not even know that it was possible. This changed how I saw everything like my total surrender to the Man of Truth that brought me into the House of Truth had changed how I saw everything.
Still I had trouble being certain that I was hearing the voice of the Spirit of Truth at times. Even though I had the Spirit of Truth living in me and pulsing power through me there were distractions that were like static on a distant AM radio station when I tried to tune into to hear from the Spirit of Truth. I still lived in a body that still wanted to do whatever it wanted instead of what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) wanted. I still lived in a world that was in rebellion against the Father of Truth. I still had to contend with the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) who can be so subtle in leading people away from the truth. I still got conflicting answers from religious professionals about various subjects including Christmas.
The fact is that many of these religious professionals helped me a great deal in various areas of my life. They encouraged me to study the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find out the truth about my concerns. They showed me how to know when I was hearing from the Spirit of Truth. They taught me that the Spirit of Truth would never contradict the Book of Truth but would instead lead me into the truth found in the Book of Truth. Still these religious professionals were really just men like myself and were also prone to human error.
So along with the truth that I learned from these religious professionals they also persuaded me to go back to celebrating Christmas. They knew of some of the pagan practices used in Christmas celebrations and some of them suspected that Christmas was not when the Man of Truth was born.
Yet they also pointed out the many good things about Christmas as well including the fact that Christmas was the only opportunity in the whole year to tell some people about the Man of Truth. I had witnessed people coming down to the altar after Christmas presentations and surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth. I witnessed how they were delivered instantly from alcoholism, drug addiction and the like. In short, Christmas had been used to deliver people from the monster within that was destroying their lives. I knew for certain that these people had not been delivered from the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) by the power of the Father of Lies (Matthew 12:26). The position of these religious professionals that it did not matter to the Father of Truth that His children were celebrating the birthday of His Son in the wrong month and using pagan customs to do so as long as they were honoring His Son seemed to be true.
I had a similar experience when it came to which day of the week to celebrate the Sabbath on. Those who were for Sunday had answers that seemed to support the idea that the Father of Truth had changed the day of rest from the original Sabbath (Saturday) to the day that the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Sunday). They even referred to three verses from the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that seemed to support their position.
Now things are different. I have become like the Mensch who killed Christmas and will never go back to celebrating Christmas. I have finally determined how to go about cleaning up the Christmas mess. In like manner, I have been observing the actual Sabbath (Saturday) for a long time now.
So what is different now? Why did I go back and forth about Christmas before while now I no longer waver between two opinions? Why am I am now as firm as a rock on my resolve to not celebrate Christmas? Why can I never go back to treating Sunday as the Sabbath?
The difference is the type of knowledge that I operated under for there are two kinds of knowledge. When I was only operating on natural knowledge like the facts about the pagan sources of Christmas then I could be persuaded by natural reasoning since the Spirit of Truth had plainly moved to bring people into the House of Truth despite the pagan practices.
It was when I investigated the Book of Truth for myself to see if the Father of Truth cared or not that we were celebrating the birthday of His son on a day that was plainly not his birthday and using pagan practices to do so that things changed. It was learning the Doctrine of Truth about how the Father of Truth felt about these things that changed everything.
I learned that the Father of Truth wanted everything that had to do with the worship idols destroyed but to not do so with everything that comes from Him (Deuteronomy 12:2-4). I learned that the Father of Truth did not want His Children using the practices of idol worship when they were worshiping Him (Deuteronomy 12:29-31). I learned that the Father of Truth did not want His Children to learn to practices that came from idolatry like putting up a Christmas tree that obviously is a rehearsal of the ancient practice of putting up an idol (Jeremiah 10:2-5). I learned that the Spirit of Truth said that it was necessary for the Children of Truth to abstain from even eating food associated with idolatry (Acts 15:28-29). I learned that the Apostles of Truth taught that the Children of Truth should not be joining in things like the traditional Christmas dinner that is an obvious rehearsal of the ancient feast to the Spirits of Lies that was eaten on the day that was falsely assigned as the birthday of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:19-21). I learned that the Man of Truth dealt severely with those who first taught the Children of Truth to participate in these feasts (Revelation 2:20-23).
When I learned that the practices of Christmas were questionable based on head knowledge that came from reading human sources then I was able to be convinced to go along with those practices. However, when I learned that the practices of Christmas were repulsive to the Father of Truth based on heart knowledge that came learning the Doctrine of Truth then I found these practices to also be too repulsive for me to participate in. So it was learning the Doctrine of Truth that has made my resolve unshakable because this was heart knowledge instead of just head knowledge.
The situation with the Sabbath also demonstrated the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge in the opposite way. In this case, I had been visiting different congregations that met on the Sabbath every few months for about a period of ten years. At every single congregation, I told them why I thought that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday in the Renewed Covenant based on three passages in the Renewed Covenant. I asked them to show me in the Renewed Covenant why that was not the case .
In particular, I wanted to know why it appeared that the Father of Truth had changed the day of the Sabbath in the Renewed Covenant if He had not done so. I showed them my three passages. The answers that most of them gave me were based off of traditions that they had either grown up with or had learned in their congregations.
I heard many explanations but not one time did anyone actually show me from the Renewed Covenant why that was not the case. Not once, in ten years time, visiting more than twenty congregations that met on the actual Sabbath (Saturday), did I find anyone who could answer my questions from the Renewed Covenant. The truth is their reasons for meeting on Saturday were really no better than the reasons other people gave for meeting on Sunday. In fact, they were worse in that some of the Sunday people were doing so based these passages in the Renewed Covenant to the best of their understanding while the Saturday people could not explain why the Sunday people were wrong in their understanding of those passages. They were unable to convince me that the Father of Truth had not changed the Sabbath to Sunday in the Renewed Covenant because they were only operating on head knowledge and that is all that they could use to persuade me.
What changed was when I was making my timeline of the Apostolic Age. I was tracking the movements of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) when I got a point where I was stuck. I had carefully researched how far people could walk in a day in each area, how far it was between cities listed in the Renewed Covenant using the existing roads, and the exact date of certain events like the Feasts of Truth. I came across a case where Paul the Jew had to be in the next city by one of the Feasts of Truth and there was simply not enough time if he left on Monday after preaching on Sunday. I became very frustrated and rechecked all of my facts to see where I had made an error. I could not find one. Finally, I prayed out loud in frustration "Lord, I cannot make this work!". Unexpectedly I heard the voice of the Man of Truth and he said, "That is because they met on Saturday and not on Sunday". I was stunned but that did make things work out.
I started bringing up my objections and the Spirit of Truth told me to examine those passages carefully. One of them did not even say in English what I had thought it had said but I had heard it wrong so many times that I was blind to the obvious. Then the Spirit of Truth had me read the other passages in the original Greek where I found some issues with the translation of one the passages. Then the Spirit of Truth directed me as I researched the historical context of the key phrases in the those passages. In about an hour the Spirit of Truth was able to answer my question that countless observers of the Sabbath on Saturday had not been able to answer over a ten year period. After that, there was no going back to believing that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday.
You see now I had heart knowledge that the Sabbath had never been changed in the Renewed Covenant based on the Doctrine of Truth instead of just head knowledge based on the opinions of other people. Again, head knowledge is based on what other people say while heart knowledge is based on what the Spirit of Truth says. Head knowledge can waver but heart knowledge is unmovable.
Now make no mistake, I did somehow become more saved because I fled from the idolatrous practices of Christmas. I did not come into the House of Truth through any means other than faith in the Man of Truth. It is just that when the Spirit of Truth lead me into the Doctrine of Truth concerning Christmas that I grew to be more like the Man of Truth in my dealings with Christmas. The Children of Truth do not become saved by increasing their knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth. They are saved by faith but grow by knowledge.
I also did not become more saved by finally grasping the truth about the Sabbath. The truth is that it is easy to come to the wrong conclusion based on those verses without doing a lot of study. It took the Spirit of Truth directing me, a lot of study, and years of preparation before that day, just so I could find out who changed the Sabbath.
In this case the translators themselves had done the best job possible to translate those more difficult Greek phrases without the benefit of the historical and cultural context. They could not just get on the Internet like I did and find out what the literal translation meant. They probably did not have the benefit of living in Greece like I had when I was immersed in Greek culture for more than two years. They were not Jewish and probably had limited access to learn about Jewish customs. The translators were so careful in their translation that if anything was in doubt or added for clarity they had put it in italics so the reader would know that. (In the most difficult Greek phrase they had added the word "day" for clarification but italicized it so the reader would know this was the case.) This was simply a case of human error even though they did the best job that they could. This was nothing like the one disturbing sentence that is in many modern translations. They were not guilty of adding to the Doctrine of Lies.
The same could be said for those religious professionals who had convinced me to resume celebrating Christmas. In fact, if it was not for those religious professionals teaching me how to really study the Book of Truth and how to hear the Spirit of Truth then I would be still celebrating Christmas and thinking that the Father of Truth had changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Those who opposed those things had only given me human reasoning that was not that different from the human reasoning that the supporters of those things had given. I have heart knowledge that has erased every doubt about Christmas and the Sabbath being on Saturday because I was enabled to do so by what I had learned from the religious professionals who celebrated Christmas and thought that the Sabbath had been moved to Sunday!
The Spirit of Truth used their Christmas celebrations and Sunday sermons to bring people into the House of Truth because they were operating out of ignorance and not rebellion. The Father of Truth simply does not require people to get everything right all the time in order to use them. If He did then the Man of Truth would be the only person he could have ever used. Thinking that people must get the deeper understanding of the Doctrine of Truth before they can come into the House of Truth or lead others into the House of Truth is putting the cart before the Horse.
The truth is many times the Children of Truth may have some things right but it is only based on head knowledge. It is a whole lot easier to acquire head knowledge than heart knowledge. Some of them have not yet acquired the skills to make gaining heart knowledge easier. However most of them are really just too lazy to get heart knowledge. It is far easier to get head knowledge based off what some person says about the Book of Truth than to get heart knowledge based off what the Spirit of Truth says about the Book of Truth.
Some things require help from the Spirit of Truth to understand (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). Some things can only be understood by studying the Book of Truth in depth (2 Timothy 2:15). Some things in the Book of Truth are just hard to understand (2 Peter 3:15-16).
This certainly does not mean that the religious professionals have no place in people getting heart knowledge. People must hear the Word of Truth before they can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:14). Religious professionals are the main way that most people come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:17). The Father of Truth gave religious professionals to the Children of Truth for the very purpose of helping people have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-14).
It is just that the Children of Truth are not to be lazy and believe whatever the religious professionals tell them without verifying that it is true for themselves so that they only end up with head knowledge. The Bereans were called more noble than others for not just taking the word of Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) and Silas the Jew (Silvanus) but searching the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament), the only part of the Book of Truth they had, to see if what these Apostles of Truth told them was true before the Bereans believed their message (Acts 17:10-12). The Children of Truth are to test everything against the Book of Truth so that they can have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:21). (This is why I give links to every scripture I reference in this blog.)
Heart knowledge comes from getting the Word of Truth into your heart (Luke 8:12). Heart knowledge comes from believing what the Prophets of Truth spoke in the Book of Truth (Luke 24:25). Heart knowledge comes from believing in the Man of Truth (Acts 8:37). Heart knowledge comes from believing what is in the Book of Truth with the heart while head knowledge comes from knowing what is in the Book of Truth with the mind (Romans 10:10).
Heart knowledge only comes from knowing what the entire Book of Truth that the Father of Truth gave says about a subject (2 Timothy 3:14-17). The Book of Truth is a more sure word of prophecy from the Spirit of Truth than hearing the Father of Truth speak out of the clouds in person (2 Peter 1:17-21). Any message that anyone gives, even by supernatural means, that does not agree with what is written in the Book of Truth is not from the Spirit of Truth (1 John 4:1-3).
Heart knowledge comes from what the Spirit of Truth says about the Book of Truth. The Father of Truth gave the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth so they could have heart knowledge of everything in the Book of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20). The Spirit of Truth will lead the Children of Truth into heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth when they are mature enough to learn it (John 16:12-14). The Spirit of Truth writes the Doctrine of Truth upon the hearts of the Children of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:2-4). The Spirit of Truth only writes the Doctrine of Truth that is found in the Book of Truth upon the hearts of the Children of Truth (1 John 4:5-7).
The truth is anyone who really wants to have heart knowledge of the Doctrine of Truth can have it. The Father of Truth, who is the source of all truth, promises that anyone who seeks Him with all their heart by repenting of their sin will find Him no matter what they have done (Deuteronomy 4:28-30). The Father of Truth wants you to find Him by coming into the House of Truth so He can do good to you as He has always planned (Jeremiah 29:11-13). The Father of Truth will clean your heart so the Spirit of Truth can cause you to have heart knowledge of everything in the Book of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27). The Man of Truth is the only way to come into the House of Truth and live with the Father of Truth (John 14:6). Heart knowledge begins when you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe the Doctrine of Truth with your heart that says the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). The Father of Truth send the Spirit of Truth to live in everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Galatians 4:6).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Doctrine, Resolution, Truth
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