Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Monster Within

What is the most terrifying monster?

Many people dressed up as monsters each Halloween.  There are zombies, vampires, Frankenstein, werewolves, ghosts and the like.  People sometimes argue over which of these is scariest but the truth is that none of them are real.  So they cannot compare to a human monster like a child molester or Hitler.

People can sometimes escape these human monsters or at least avoid their presence for periods of time.  The terror of these human monsters will always come to an end.  So they cannot compare to the monster within.

There is no escaping a monster that lives inside of you.  Its presence is always there.  Its terror never ends.  You never get any rest from the monster within because it is with you day and night.  Every waking moment it is there trying to get you to do things that you despise doing and know will only bring you trouble later.  Every night it will haunt your dreams so much that you dread going to sleep.  There is no rest from the torment of the monster within.

I have been terrorized by the monster within.

The monster within was constantly trying to take control of my actions and haunting my dreams.  There was no rest from it and it would always inevitably wear down my resistance.   Sooner or later it would take me over from the inside.

I would have violent fits of rage that would spring up suddenly for no really good reason.  I would feel my body grow stronger and I just seemed to grow larger like Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk.  Like the Hulk I would go into a rampage of destruction breaking stuff and hurting people.  Then suddenly it would be over.

I was always sorry later for the damage that I had done.  My sorrow was genuine and my remorse was deep.  Still I knew that no matter how hard I tried the monster within would always eventually take over again.

The monster within cause me lived in constant fear but other people did not really understand it. Some bullies thought that I feared them but the truth is that I was terrified that one day I would lose complete control and kill one of them.

I was even more afraid of how I would act afterwards.  Perhaps I would be plunged into deep remorse and kill myself.  Perhaps I would be caught and end up on death row.  Most terrifying of all was the prospect of getting away with killing one bully and then turning into a serial killer of bullies.

When I was about twelve my mother sent me to a psychologist to help me overcome the monster within.  Miss Kim met with me every week at the Presbyterian church after school for months.  She did all she could but she was no match for the monster within.

She did give me one useful technique though and that was to chop wood when I felt the monster within trying to take over.  Sometimes I would split five ricks of wood in a single setting.  Of course the entire time I imagined that the logs were the heads of bullies but at least no one got hurt.  I would be exhausted when I was done chopping wood but I was still not free from the monster within.

I had a new terror when I got to the age where I was becoming interested in girls.  I was afraid that if I became involved with any girl that she might set off the monster within.  I was terrified that I might hurt or kill a girl that I deeply cared about.   So I did everything that I could to push girls away.  I insulted them, disrespected them and did everything that I could to make myself unattractive to them.  I had to protect them from the monster within.

However there was one girl that I was absolutely crazy about.  This created a terrible conflict for me because I wanted her to like me as much I liked her but I also wanted to protect her.  Then one day she told me that she thought I was sweet.  I knew what had to do and I did it.  I went out of my way to drive her away from me.  Finally she told me that she no longer like me even a little bit anymore.  It broke my heart but I knew that I had kept her from being harmed by the monster within.
Then suddenly I had a period without any nightmares or fits of rage.  It seemed as if the monster within had left for some reason.  However, it did not stay away long.  Then suddenly one day I could feel that it was back.  When it came back it seemed as if it had brought along some of its buddies.  Now I was no longer just afraid of killing someone in a fit of rage but also started becoming involved in all kinds of sexual perversion, doing things that could only be described as sick and twisted, and dabbling in occult activities like seances and astral projection.  I became obsessed with hunting out other boys that were alienated from their parents and getting them interested in the occult to some degree through role playing games.

Every since the monster within had moved back in with his buddies I had thought about killing myself to protect others from the monster within.  I attempted to do so several times but I would always hear this kind and gentle voice that would talk me out of doing so.  The kind and gentle voice would ask me if I really wanted to hurt my mother and other relatives by killing myself.  The kind and gentle voice would tell me if I did this then I would end up in Hell with no chance of escape.  The kind and gentle voice also gave me a reason to hope that I could be the good man that I wanted to be and truly be free from the monster within.

You see the monster within could never take me over completely because there was something that it was no match for - praying grandmothers.

Their prayers were the reason that I heard the kind and gentle voice that put to silence the monster within when it spoke.  They probably never knew all of the evil that their prayers had prevented me from doing.  They must have been tempted to quit praying when I just seemed to get worse and worse but they persevered.  They stood in the gap between me and the monster within.

They could not have known it but events were being set in motion to bring about the answer to their prayers.

I had a bed with a built in book shelf at the head of the bed.  My grandfather had given me a Bible with a zippered cover that I kept on that book shelf.  I had zippered it shut when he died and had not read it since.  Then one afternoon when I was taking a nap I was awakened by a loud thud.  That Bible was laying on my floor unzipped and opened to a passage with a list of death penalty sins in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).  I looked at the passage when I went to pick it up and I knew that I was guilty of more than one of those sins.  I knew that I deserved death for what I had done.

However, knowing the penalty of my sins was not enough to keep me from continuing in them.  I was still a slave to the monster within.

Then someone gave me a Good News translation of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) and I read all of it in one marathon sitting.  Later I read it again over a period of several days.  I really did not understand most of it but I did get three things out of it.  First I learned that I was a worse sinner than I thought because the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) was not just looking at my actions but at my intentions.  (Anyone that wants Him to judge them based on their intentions instead of their actions is lying to themselves about their intentions.)  Second I learned that He expected me to end my sins and do what was right instead.  Third I learned that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) wanted all of me or none me.  He would rather me serve the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) full time than to serve him part time.  My performance of religious duties like going to church each weekend were not of any value unless I lived for him full throttle ever day of the week.

This troubled me greatly. I had tried to turn from doing the wickedness that I did not want to do but I could not seem to stop even though I often cried while doing those things.  I wanted to do the things that I knew were good but I kept finding myself not doing them when I had the chance.  So I found that I did the evil that I did not want to do and that I did not do the good that I wanted to do.  I simply could never be strong enough to conquer the monster within.

Then something happened to my cousin that changed everything.  My cousin had been heavily involved in drugs, alcohol, smoking and the like.  What I like to call garden variety sins.  I had already personally known more than five people that had died from drug related causes.  I have always been good at picking out patterns from repeated events so considering the hardness of the drugs he took I did not expect him to live to the age of twenty five.

Then suddenly, in the snap of a finger, he was completely free from all of it.  There was no twelve step program and he did not have any withdraws from quitting any of it.  It was as if the evil man that he had been was suddenly replaced with the good man that he now was. I knew that something supernatural was going on because no one that has been using heroine for years just gets up one morning and quits cold turkey with no withdraw symptoms.  This defied everything that I had been told and experienced but yet the living proof was right there in front of me.

The good news was that he said that what had happened to him could happen to anyone.  He told me that the Man of Truth had set him free from his own monster within.  He told me that the Man of Truth would do the same for me if I would meet his condition of total surrender.  He told me that if I would put the Man of Truth in charge of every area of my life then he would take the place of the monster within.  This was not a matter of me somehow being strong enough on my own.  This was a matter of the Man of Truth coming to live in me and he being strong enough to overcome the monster within.

For the first time I had a tangible reason for hope of being free from the monster within.  However, his explanation contradicted everything that every religious professional I had ever talked to had told me.  I had been told that Christians were just sinners saved by grace who were forgiven but still were slaves to a sin nature.  They had nineteen hundred years of church tradition to back up their doctrine while my cousin only had his testimony of what the Man of Truth had done for him.

So I watched my cousin to see if it was real and if it would last.  I even tempted him to go back to his old ways because I had to know if there was really hope for me.  It soon became obvious that there was no going back for my cousin.  (This was thirty years ago and he has never went back to any of it since that day.  He has truly been set free.)

So on November thirteenth nineteen eighty two, shortly after midnight, I pulled my car over to the side of the road and took the deal.  I cried like a baby while I listed each sin that I had committed, or had wanted to commit, while telling the Father of Truth how sorry I was. I told the Man of Truth that I no longer wanted to be in charge of my life and he was in charge of every area of my life from now on.  It was total surrender.

My cousin had told me if I would do this then I would be set free by the Man of Truth.  The good news is that it was true!  In a moment of time, in the twinkling of an eye, Jesus came into my life and I no longer had to fight the monster within.  It was suddenly all gone - the fits of murderous rage, the desire to hunt down and kill bullies, the sexual perversion, the pull of the occult on my soul, the sick and twisted acts, the constant thoughts of suicide along with everything else that came from the monster within and his buddies.

Instead I could hear that kind and gentle voice that had talked me out of so many terrible things, including suicide, now talking to me from the inside.  (I did not know that this kind and gentle voice was the voice of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) at the time.)  The moment that kind and gentle voice came in was the moment of the total eviction for the monster within.

(The guy that I was giving a ride to when I pulled over must have been pretty freaked out by all of this.  He had no idea of what I had done before this or what I been struggling against doing.  He did not know about the monster within until that moment.  The man that drove him home from that spot was not the same man that had pulled over to the side of the road.)

I had been a man possessed by the monster within but now I am a man possessed by the Man of Truth.  I have been set completely and utterly free from the monster within.  While I can be exposed to the same temptations on the outside there is no desire to do them on the inside.  I feel no more temptation to do those things when I am in the same situations that I was in before then I do to pick up dog poop and eat it when I see it on the ground.  I am dead to those things because the Man of Truth lives in me and he is dead to those things.  As long as I live a life of total surrender to the Man of Truth then there is no chance of return for the monster within.

The Good News is that the same thing can happen to you.  I have known about twenty five people that have had the same experience even if their monster within was different than mine.  It does not matter if your monster within is overcoming you so that you commit garden variety sins like fornication or alcoholism or putting on a religious show or less common struggles like being on the road to becoming a serial killer.   Anyone who will surrender control of every area of their life to the Man of Truth will be set free from the monster within.

Those of us that have been set free from the monster within are not unique or special in any way.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells what really happened to those of us that have been set free from the monster within.  Now it is time to look at the same events through the lenses of the Book of Truth.

The efforts of Miss Kim and others to help me were ineffective against the monster within because my problem was neither physical nor mental but rather spiritual (Ephesians 6:12).

When there is a monster within there are really have two forces at work to effect the behavior of the person.  First of all their spirit lives in a human body that has no desire to do what is right even if their spirit wants to do what is right (Romans 7:18).  The flesh wants to do every evil thing under the sun (Galatians 5:19-21).

Second of all there are Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) that appeal to the nature of their flesh to do wrong just as the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) tried to tempt the Man of Truth to do wrong by appealing to the nature of his flesh (Matthew 4:1-3).

When someone yields to one of these Spirits of Lies by obeying them in disobeying the Father of Truth then they become slaves to that spirit who can lead them into certain types of sin (John 8:34).  This Spirit of Lies can then move in and try to take control of their body by constantly appealing to the nature of their flesh (Romans 6:16).  This Spirit of Lies that has moved in is the monster within.

These Spirits of Lies can cause everyone to be afraid of the people they inhabit (Matthew 8:28).  The monster within can fill a person with rage so that they hurt other people (Acts 19:14-16).

The monster within can make the person stronger than they are on their own when it gets control (Mark 5:2-4).  The monster within will cause them to isolate themselves, live strangely and hurt themselves (Mark 5:5). The monster within will drive them to attempt to commit suicide (Matthew 17:15-18).  The Spirits of Lies will cause those that they have completely take over to kill themselves when they have no more ability to resist their influence (Mark 5:11-13). 

Some Spirit of Lies can pass on information from other Spirits of Lies to the host person when they move in (Acts 16:16-19).  Those that have the monster within will resort to the occult that is filled with other people who are puppets controlled by their own monster within (1 Samuel 28:6-8). 

Sometimes the monster within will leave on its own if the conditions are not suiting it for some reason.  For example when I chopped wood until I was exhausted whenever I felt the violent fits of rage coming on.   However this absence of the monster within will only last for a little while like it did for me.  When the monster within comes back and finds that everything has been cleaned up and there is still a vacancy it will move back in with some of its buddies and the person will be worse off than before (Matthew 12:43-45).  Since I was still empty inside the monster within was able to move back in with his buddies and make me worse than I was before (Luke 11:24-26).  This is why people get clean through some sort of self-effort for a while and then return to their former behavior to only end up even worse off.

People can never be free from the monster within on their own strength.  They must be delivered from the terror of the monster within by the Man of Truth (Romans 7:24-25).

When my grandmothers prayed to the Father of Truth for my deliverance their prayers were not in vain because they had been made righteous by the Man of Truth (James 5:16).

Their prayers caused angels to be sent to literally wake me from my sleep with the Book of Truth and opened it to the Law of Truth.  If it were not for the Law of Truth then I would not know that I was in bondage to sin through the monster within (Romans 7:7).   It was the Law of Truth that made me aware of the true nature of the monster within and that I was deserving of death for giving in to it (Romans 7:8-11).   It was the Law of Truth that convicted me of my sin and show me my true condition (Romans 7:12-14).

While I knew what the Law of Truth said was good still it only made me aware of how wretched I really was (Romans 7:22-24).  The Law of Truth was powerless to make me able to obey it because my flesh was powerless against the monster within  (Romans 8:3).

Since the Law pointed me to the Man of Truth it caused me to seek after deliverance by reading the Renewed Covenant twice (Galatians 3:24).

However, I could not understand what I needed to do because the religious professionals that I had sought out contradicted what I read in the Renewed Covenant in order to maintain their own traditions (Mark 7:9).  Their traditions made the Word of Truth ineffective to deliver me because I could not believe what it said while also believing what they said (Mark 7:13).  They were religious but they denied the power of the Man of Truth to set people free from continuing in sin so I needed to stay away from them (2 Timothy 3:5).  They were powerless over the monster within because they clung to their traditions instead of believing the Word of Truth whereby they could truly know the Man of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).

However, three things were evident.

First, I would be judged on my intentions and not just my actions (Matthew 5:21-22).  In the eyes of the Father of Truth hating bullies was no different than murdering bullies (1 John 3:15).  Anyone who wants to be judged by their intentions is deceived about the condition of their own heart (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

Second, the Man of Truth demands that I repent and sin no more (John 8:10-11).  This is the same thing that His Father demands (Ezekiel 18:21).

Third, the Man of Truth wanted me either serving him full time or serving the Father of Lies full time instead of just playing church on the weekend (Revelation 3:14-16).  This was only reasonable since he had given everything at the cross (Romans 12:1).

This troubled me greatly.  I found myself unable to do the good things I want to do but instead doing the evil things that I did not want to do because I was still under the control of the monster within (Romans 7:15-17).  No matter how hard I try to do good I just ended up doing evil (Romans 7:19-21).  The conflict between what I want to do and what I ended up doing when I knew that it would lead to my demise made me miserable (Romans 7:22-24).  This kind of double mindedness made me unstable in everything that I did (James 1:8).  I was tormented by a constant fear of completely giving in to the monster within because I did not have perfect love (1 John 4:18).

Then I saw proof that the Man of Truth was alive and living in my cousin.  The deliverance of my cousin from his own monster within was a supernatural sign from the Father of Truth that I could not deny which made evident His wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:22).  The change in my cousin was living proof of the power of the Man of Truth to deliver people from the monster within that I had about read in the Renewed Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:2-4).

My cousin told me that the Man of Truth would set me free from the monster within if I would submit to giving him control of every area of my life in total surrender - which is what it really means to be his disciple (John 8:30-32).  If I became his disciple then I would have to put the Man of Truth in front of everyone else and everything else including my very life (Luke 14:26-27).  I was told to count the cost before I made such a commitment because it would be of no value unless I was willing to give everything (Luke 14:28-30).  I simply would not be accept as his disciple unless I was willing to forsake everything else in total surrender (Luke 14:33-35).  Total surrender to the Man of Truth is the only way to be free from the monster within (Romans 6:15-18).

I watched for my cousin to see if he to return to his old ways.  He never went back to his old ways because the Man of Truth had really set him free (John 8:34-36).

So I took the deal.  The moment I submitted to the Man of Truth in total surrender the monster within became terrified because that Spirit of Lies knew he was coming (Mark 5:6-7).  When the Man of Truth came into my life the monster within and its buddies went out (Mark 5:8-10).  When I chose total surrender to the Man of Truth I was set free from the monster within (Romans 6:16-18).  The Spirit of Truth came in and forced out the monster within (Romans 8:15-17).  The perfect love that the Man of Truth had ended the tormenting fear that came from the monster within (1 John 4:17-19).

In that moment I began to truly live instead of just occupying space and sucking air (John 5:24).  I became a new man with new desires and all of the desire to do the former things had passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17).  I was dead to sin and alive to the Father of Truth (Romans 6:10-12). The Spirit of Truth began changing my thoughts, attitudes, and actions (Galatians 5:22-23).  I no longer hated bullies but instead was overwhelmed with concern about telling them how they could be delivered from their own monster within (1 John 3:14).

Just as the monster within had kept me from doing what was pleasing to the Father of Truth so now the Man of Truth keeps me from doing what is pleasing to the Father of Lies (Romans 6:20-22).   This is not a matter of me being strong enough on my own to meet the righteous demands of the Law of Truth but of the Spirit of Truth giving me the strength to do so (Romans 8:2-4).  No one can do so in their own strength (Romans 8:6-8).  It is living a life of total surrender to obey the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that gives me that strength to live as a Child of Truth (Romans 8:12-14).  This causes the Man of Truth to live inside me instead of the monster within (Galatians 2:19-21).

The monster within can only return to someone that is empty inside (Matthew 12:44-45).  When I submitted to the Man of Truth in total surrender then the Spirit of Truth came in so that I was no longer empty inside (Romans 8:9-11).  That Spirit of Lies cannot return because the Spirit of Truth that lives in me is greater than even the Father of Lies (1 John 4:4).

As long as I continue in total surrender to the Man of Truth by hearing and obeying the Spirit of Truth then I will not return to the behavior that allowed that Spirit of Lies to become the monster within (Galatians 5:16-18).

The Good News is that I am nothing special.  It does not matter whether your monster within drives you to an addiction to pornography or alcohol or drugs or putting on a religious show or even becoming a serial killer.  It is not about your abilities or your worthiness.  It is about the ability and worthiness of the Man of Truth.

He will deliver you from your monster within if you submit to him in total surrender (Matthew 16:24-25).   He will make you worthy to participate in his plan like he did Mary Magdalene after he delivered her from her own monster within and its buddies (Luke 8:1-3).  He made her so clean that she was the first person that he revealed himself to after his resurrection (Mark 16:9).  There is no condemnation for those that submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Romans 8:1).

The Father of Truth will deliver anyone from their monster within if they will surrender control of every area of their life to the Man of Truth (Acts 10:34-35).  It does not matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile (Romans 2:10-12).  Whether or not you are delivered from the monster within depends upon your willingness to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Colossians 3:24-25).

Total surrender will cost you something in this life or maybe even everything in this life.  You will lose relationships with other people and maybe even your property (Matthew 19:29).  The religious professionals may kick you out of your congregation and persecute you in their religious zeal (John 16:2).  You will suffer some type of persecution from other people (2 Timothy 3:12).

However, you should come into the House of Truth and take the deal.  What good is for you to keep running your own life just to lose everything that you thought you had gained (Matthew 16:26-27)?  If you insist on running your own life then the monster within will bring you to ruin (Mark 8:34-36).  The Father of Truth has graciously given you an opportunity to be free from the monster within before it destroys you completely (Romans 6:23).  What you lose in this life due to total surrender cannot compare to what you will gain by being free from the monster within (Romans 8:15).

All you need to do to come into the House of Truth where you will be free from the monster within is submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are You Wearing a Costume?

Why do people wear costumes?

The costumes for Halloween roll out in stores all across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan and many other countries during the month of October.  There are costumes for children who go trick-or-treating or to various parties.  There are costumes for adults attending costume parties.  Often people wear costumes at their work and many other locations.

The custom of wearing costumes around the end of October originated in pre-Christian Europe as a means to disguise oneself from those that came to visit the living from the dead.  It was on the last night of October when they believed it was the easiest for the dead and living to make contact.  These pagans were fearful that the dead should perhaps take vengeance on or cause mischief to the living.   So they would disguise themselves to look like what they imagined the dead to look like whether with a white sheet to look like a ghost or a black costume with a white skeleton painted on it or a hooded figure with an indistinct face to look like a haint or as a corpse of some sort.  Yards were also decorated to look like graveyards and the like to further fool the dead from recognizing that they were in the world of the living.

In America this soon expanded to include other dead entities like mummies along with undead figures from eastern European and North American folklore like vampires and zombies.  Soon other dreaded creatures from various superstitions and myths were added like werewolves.  Then monsters of modern invention like Frankenstein's Creature more commonly known simply as Frankenstein were introduced.

Before long many other costumes appeared besides those associated with death or monsters. This included costumes of many of famous historical people like Benjamin Franklin or Marie Antoinette.  There were costumes of famous living people like movie stars or singers.  Soon there were costumes of fictional people like Sherlock Holmes or Wonder Woman.  Then there were costumes of all types of professions like firemen, cowboys, soldiers and doctors.  There have even been costumes of Biblical characters like John the Baptist or Esther.  Costumes have ran the gamut from devils to angels.

Are you wearing a costume?

Of course, there are other occasions when people wear costumes.  For example, when I lived in Athens the children would wear costumes frequently during a period of about six weeks before Greek Easter and then on Greek Easter many of the adults would don costumes as well.  Many celebrations of Purim by Jews involve the wearing of costumes by children and adults.  While many people find it fun to wear costumes for various reasons the real problem is that many people wear a costume all the time.

For them there is a costume party every weekend when they go to congregate with the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him).  They put on their Child of Truth costume so that they will fit in with the Children of Truth.  They have became really good at looking and acting the part so much that many others may not realize that they are only wearing a costume when they are there.

Once they return home the party is over and the costume comes off.   The act that they put on was only an act and there is no need to keep up appearances.

Just in case one of the Children of Truth should visit them they may have their home decorated with quotes from the Book of Truth (The Bible) to look like a home of the Children of Truth to fool their visitors from recognizing that they are really in a house of the dead.  These masqueraders have no fear of detection because they can always quickly slip their costume back on when they need it.

Are you wearing a costume?

The real Children of Truth do not need a costume to look like the Children of Truth anymore than a real doctor needs a costume to look like a doctor.  So how can you tell if someone is really one of the Children of Truth or if they are only wearing a costume?  You can tell by how they live their lives the rest of the week.

You can tell whether someone is one of the Children of Truth or is only wearing a costume by listening to what they talk about - especially at their workplace.  The real Children of Truth will talk about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) with their co-workers during their lunchtime while those only wearing a costume will talk about anything except the Man of Truth.  This shows that he is not really important to them because if he was then they would talk about him (Matthew 12:34).  What people talk about shows what is really in their heart (Luke 6:45).

Make no mistake when these masqueraders congregate with the Children of Truth they will talk about how much they love the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) but when they are at work you will never hear a word about Him because money is their real love (Ezekiel 33:31).  Every weekend they put on a new performance of their religious play by acting out the part that was scripted for them by the religious professionals but their hearts are far from Him (Isaiah 29:13).  The religious professionals that write the scripts they follow are also nothing but play actors (Matthew 15:7-9). [The Greek word "uperkritai" translated as "hypocrites" is literally an actor in a play.]

These play actors will not talk about the Man of Truth to their co-workers because they are concerned with being put out of their workplace (John 12:42).   They are more concerned with pleasing their employer than pleasing the Father of Truth (John 12:43).

Those who wear a religious costume on the weekends and then stand in opposition of the Children of Truth speaking the Word of Truth to their co-workers at lunchtime are not living in the House of Truth (John 8:39-40).  The Father of Lies is their father (John 8:41-44).

Are you wearing a costume?

The real Children of Truth are those that do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 12:50).   They obey the commission of the Man of Truth to go into their world where they work and tell their co-workers about him so that their co-workers can be saved (Mark 16:15-16).

Those whose hearts have been circumcised may not appear to be religious but they are more concerned with pleasing the Father of Truth than pleasing their employer (Romans 2:28-29).

Are you wearing a costume?

Money is your god if you are more concerned with keeping your job than pleasing the Father of Truth (Luke 16:13).  If you are opposing people talking about the Man of Truth with their co-workers during their lunchtime then you are not free and He is not your father (John 8:36-38).

If you know the Father of Truth then you were sent into your job to speak His Word so that your co-workers could be saved (Romans 10:13-15).   If you would rather have your co-workers perish than risk being fired then the love of the Father of Truth is not in you (1 John 5:1-3).  You are wearing a costume.

If you are wearing a costume then the Man of Truth will vomit you out because you are worse than those that never claimed to belong to His Father (Revelation 3:15-16).  If you are wearing a costume then he is warning you to come out of your materialistic dreamworld and start living for him every place you go including your workplace because he loves you (Revelation 3:17-19).

If you will not talk about belonging to the Man of Truth to your co-workers during your lunchtime then the Man of Truth will not talk about you belonging to him to His Father on judgment day (Matthew 10:33).  If you continue in wearing a costume then you will have been lying about loving him and all liars will have their place in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

Are you wearing a costume?

You might be afraid to bring up the Man of Truth to your co-workers because you could get fired.  You might want someone else to tell your co-workers about the Man of Truth because you know that you will be fired if you say anything (John 9:20-23).  The truth is that some people will get fired for talking about the Man of Truth to their co-workers during their lunchtime even though the company will probably not say that this is the reason they were fired (John 16:1-3).  All that follow the Man of Truth will suffer persecution of some sort (2 Timothy 3:12).

You need to stop being afraid of people because that is a trap that will keep you in captivity all the days of your life while putting your trust in the Father of Truth will make you safe (Proverbs 29:25).  It is far more sensible to fear Him who can do far worse than fire you from a job (Luke 12:4-5). 

The Father of Truth will provide for your needs if you should get fired for talking to your co-workers about the Man of Truth during your lunchtime (Philippians 4:19).  You may lose some things you have but nothing that you really need (1 Timothy 6:7-9). If you are willing to obey the Man of Truth in taking the Good News about him into your world then he will give you the strength to so (Philippians 4:11-13).

You do not need to worry about what to say to your co-workers because the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help you.  The Spirit of Truth will give you the right words when you need them even if you are surrounded by those that are hostile towards the Man of Truth (Matthew 10:17-20).  The Spirit of Truth will bring back to your memory the Word of Truth so that you may share it with your co-workers (John 14:26).  The Spirit of Truth will give the right words so that the Man of Truth is speaking through you (John 16:13).

Are you wearing a costume?

You can only be freed from the fear of persecution by knowing the truth that comes from living in the House of Truth (John 8:30-32).  It does not matter how long your family has been putting on this religious show you will not live with the Man of Truth forever unless you come into the House of Truth (John 8:33-35). You need to quit playing church and come into the House of Truth by submitting to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you really believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.


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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chamber of Horrors

What is the scariest place ever?

Every year in October in the Tulsa area, we are flooded with enticements to go to the various venues, designed to scare people.  There have been haunted houses, that feature all kinds of mayhem and spooky stuff.  There have been exhibits, showing the horrors that people afflict on themselves, through foolish actions like drinking and driving.  There has been a haunted forest, where people ran for their lives from axe wielding maniacs and the like.  There just seems to be no end to the imagination of people, to create macabre themed events and places in the Tulsa area.

One of the most interesting one, is the haunted castle in Muskogee.  There are witches, knights and other appropriately themed characters throughout the village.  The center piece is a replica of a Medieval castle that features a torture chamber like those used in Europe in the days of old.  You can learn about the many terrible torments, that people were put through in the Dark Ages of Europe through re-enactments.  It is all part of the experience.

These Medieval tortures were on par with the most brutal tortures of other times and places.  Like the brazen bull of ancient Greece, where people were roasted alive, or Ling Chi of China, where people died from a thousand cuts.  Of course, there was also crucifixion, which the Romans rated as the most terrible of all tortures.  They should have known, since they pretty much practiced every form of torture ever known to man.

As scary as the Haunted Castle and some of the other venues have been at times, there has been one venue, that has eclipsed all others in the Tulsa area.  That was the Nightmare in its original incarnation.  During its first year, people fainted from fright, and there was even at least one report of a heart attack, brought on by fear.  The city of Tulsa made the organization running the Nightmare tone down their activities in the following years, due to the effects that the Nightmare was having on people.

The original Nightmare may have been the most popular horror fest ever.  It seemed as if every young person in the Tulsa area, wanted to go the Nightmare, just to show that it did not scare them.  I went to go to it with my brother-in-law, but we kept having car trouble, and arrived later than we wanted.  However, there were still over three thousand people in line in front of us, with an estimated three and half hour wait to get in, when we arrived at 10:30 p.m., so we ended up not going in.

What was it, that made the original Nightmare scarier, than being chased through the dark woods by axe murderers, or re-enactments of Medieval torture?  The original Nightmare gave people a real you-are-there sense of the most terrible place imaginable, and the fate of those that went there.  The original Nightmare gave people a glimpse of what it was like, to be one of those trapped in the Chamber of Horrors.

The Chamber of Horrors is so terrible, that those who go there like Judas, would have been better off, if they had never been born (Mark 14:21).  The tortures there are so much worse, than any that have ever been exacted anywhere else (Luke 12:5).

Every torture ever devised by man, cannot compare to the Chamber of Horrors, because eventually death will bring an end to that suffering, while this suffering will never end (Matthew 10:28).  Those who come there, will be tormented by the tormentors, that inhabit that place, to torment all who come there, until they have paid off a debt, that they can never pay off (Matthew 18:32-35).

The Chamber of Horrors is a place where sorrows surround those in it (2 Samuel 22:6).  There is nothing but trouble and sorrow for those that enter there (Psalm 116:3).  This place is never satisfied with suffering no matter how long those trapped there have suffered (Proverbs 27:20).  Every moment there will seem like an eternity and there will be an eternity of moments.

People who enter into the Chamber of Horrors do so after their body dies but they are still conscious of their torment (Luke 16:22-24).  They will seek mercy and no one one will be able to help them because they were unmerciful in this life towards others (Luke 16:25-26).  They will seek to keep their loved ones from suffering unending torment with them (Luke 16:27-28).

Those trapped in the Chamber of Horrors are still conscious even though their bodies are dead (Isaiah 14:9). Those that enter the Chamber of Horrors go to live with those that have been there from the ages before they were born (Ezekiel 26:20).  Those that are already there will speak to those that enter after them (Ezekiel 32:21).

Those trapped in the Chamber of Horrors are completely weak and continually eaten by worms (Isaiah 14:10-11).  Those on the outside in the New Earth will view those trapped in the Chamber of Horrors and will be more sickened by the sight of their ghastly existence than anything that people can see today on Earth (Isaiah 66:22-24). 

The Chamber of Horrors burns with a fire fueled by the anger of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) against all that reject His ways (Deuteronomy 32:22). The Chamber of Horrors is deeper than any dungeon for its cages are far below the bottom of the mountains (Jonah 2:6).  It is in the center of the Earth that is farthest below every point on the surface of the Earth (Ezekiel 31:16).  Those that are held in this prison are without any hope of escape (Job 17:15-16).

The Chamber of Horrors is a real place and not some pagan myth.  The first one to speak of it was Moses about those that turn aside to worship pagan idols (Deuteronomy 32:16-22).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) says that people are burned with fire in the Chamber of Horrors (Matthew 5:22).  He says that the entire body will suffer (Matthew 5:29-30).  He says that the fire there is everlasting (Matthew 18:8-9).

The Chamber of Horrors was not create originally for human beings but for the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) and the Angels of Lies (Matthew 25:41).  It was created because they tried to overthrow the Father of Truth (Isaiah 14:12-15).  It has to be enlarged for every human being that enters just like a graveyard that grows in size as people die (Isaiah 5:14).

The Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka gods aka unclean spirits) do not inhabit the Chamber of Horrors today but know that they will do so one day (Matthew 8:29).  They know that the Man of Truth will cause them to enter there (Mark 5:6-8).  They know that he will cast them out of the Earth and into this place of torment (Luke 8:27-29). 

Those people that align themselves with the Father of Lies because they do no honor the Father of Truth with their actions will also go into the Chamber of Horrors (Psalm 9:17).  The Father of Truth would not be just if he cast the Angels of Lies that rebelled against Him into the Chamber of Horrors but did not cast all that rebel against Him into the Chamber of Horrors (2 Peter 2:4).

The Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) that will soon lead the world into open rebellion against His rule will enter there also (Isaiah 14:16-19).  The Man of Lies will be thrown into it when the Man of Truth comes to reign (Revelation 19:16-20).  The Father of Lies will join him in his fate at that time (Revelation 20:1-3).  A thousand years later the Man of Lies and those that are with him will still be suffering because the torment never ends in the Chamber of Horrors (Revelation 20:7-10).

There are no second chances for those that are trapped in the Chamber of Horrors.  Those that dwell in wickedness in this life will dwell forever with the wicked in the Chamber of Horrors (Psalm 55:15).  Those that go down into the Chamber of Horrors have no hope of ever knowing the truth that only comes from the Father of Truth (Isaiah 38:18).  People remain wicked forever if they die without repenting in this life (Revelation 22:11).

The Father of Truth takes no delight in sending people to the Chamber of Horrors (Ezekiel 18:23).  He longs for people to repent instead (Ezekiel 18:32).  He longs for all of the Jews to repent instead of dying the second death (Ezekiel 33:11).  He longs for all of the Gentiles to repent as well because He is not willing that any should perish in the Chamber of Horrors (2 Peter 3:9).

The Father of Truth sends dreams and visions to keep people from going to the Chamber of Horror (Job 33:14-18).  The Chamber of Horrors is so terrible that He will chastise people with sickness and pain to bring them to repentance so that they can be ransomed from it (Job 33:19-24).  He chastises them to save them from going to there (Proverbs 23:14).   He is will use any means necessary to keep people out of the Chamber of Horrors (Job 33:29-30).

Those that refuse to repent no matter how they are chastised will end up in the Chamber of Horrors (Proverbs 15:10-12).  Some may deny the existence of the Chamber of Horrors or believe that they will not end up there regardless of how they live as if they had made some sort agreement with it (Isaiah 28:15).  They will still end up there because they did not repent (Isaiah 28:18).  Those on Earth that will not listen the Word of Truth spoken through Moses and the Prophets will not be persuaded to repent to escape entering the Chamber of Horrors even though the Father of Truth has raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Luke 16:29-31).

Those that continue in rebellion after they have refused to repent have aligned themselves by their actions with the adversaries of the Father of Truth and should expect to enter the Chamber of Horrors (Hebrews 10:26-27).  The judgment that will fall on them is more sure and severe than that which came upon those that did not obey Moses (Hebrews 10:28-29).  His judgment that is meted out there is a real cause for fear (Hebrews 10:30-31).

Others go the Chamber of Horrors because they are lead away from the truth by the religious professionals (Matthew 23:15).   It has always been religious professionals that persecuted those that the Father of Truth sent to tell others to repent and they will end up there for opposing the message of repentance (Matthew 23:31-33).  Every religious professional that teaches people that they can continue in sin and be saved from the Chamber of Horrors will end up there themselves (2 Peter 2:1-3).

The truth is that it is better to lose body parts in this life in order to repent than to enter the Chamber of Horrors and suffer forever (Mark 9:43-48).  The Father of Truth will later return to health those that have repented to escape entering the Chamber of Horrors (Job 33:25-28).

The truth is that all of us have rebelled against the Father of Truth and deserve to go to the Chamber of Horrors (Psalm 14:3).  Both Jew and Gentile have rebelled (Romans 3:9-12).

The Good News is that the Father of Truth has made a way for you to never enter the Chamber of Horrors (Psalm 86:13).  Those that are willing to repent in this life will never enter there (Proverbs 15:24). The Father of Truth has provided a means for you to separate you from your sins so that you can escape going to the Chamber of Horrors (Isaiah 38:17).

The Man of Truth went to the Chamber of Horrors on your behalf (Psalm 16:10).  He did not remain there but instead was raised from the dead before his body began to decay in the grave (Acts 2:30-32).   He came to save those that were doomed to go there because His Father is not willing that any should perish there (Matthew 18:11-14).

It is not enough to admit that we have sinned to avoid going to the Chamber of Horrors but we must also repent and change our actions (Matthew 3:6-8).  Not even the Jews can escape going there without repentance for the Children of Abraham are those that act like Abraham (Luke 3:7-8).  The Man of Truth suffered so that the Gentiles could also have the opportunity to repent and escape going there (Acts 11:18).  It is not enough to be sorry for our rebellion for there is no salvation without repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10).

We cannot repent from our hearts on our strength alone.  The Spirit of Truth (HaQodesh HaRuach aka the Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) must come to live in us for us to repent from the heart (Romans 8:9).  The Spirit of Truth must write the will of the Father on our hearts instead of upon tablets of stone so that we can have a repentance that everyone around us can see (2 Corinthians 3:2-4). We must have the Torah (the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses) written on our hearts so we can obey the Father of Truth from our hearts (Hebrews 8:8-10).

We can only have the Spirit of Truth come into our heart if we come into the House of Truth by putting our trust in the Man of Truth (John 7:39). We must come into the House of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because we believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  We can only come into the House of Truth where our actions are different if we have faith that He will save us from the Chamber of Horrors when we repent (Hebrews 11:6).

You may think that I'm trying to scare you into coming into the House of Truth by telling you about the Chamber of Horrors.  You bet I am.  It is like the slogan of the original Nightmare: "It will scare the Hell out of you.".  I have compassion on the lost and some people have the good sense to be afraid enough of the Chamber of Horrors to come into the House of Truth when they learn how to avoid going there (Jude 1:22-23).

Everyone is going to live forever somewhere whether it is with the Father of Truth in the New Earth or with the Father of Lies in the Chamber of Horrors (Daniel 12:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told

 What is the greatest fairy tell ever told?

Fairy tales are stories where things magically happen that defy all common sense and every observable fact of reality.  In fairy tales there is often no need for things to have an original source.  The story usually just begins with no explanation of how the things that are in them came into being or of the forces that brought about their beginning.  In fact, it is often implied that there was no underlying cause for the effect of what followed but rather things just "poof" into existence all on their own for no reason at all.  In those fairy tales where there is an active force it is usually some mysterious entity that either defies explanation or otherwise cannot be demonstrated to exist in real life.

People find fairy tales fun and interesting because they do not have to stand up to close scrutiny, they do not have any resemblance to reality, and they can provide people with a metaphor that gives permission to do about anything.  After all a fairy tale can end anyway that the one telling it wants it to end and can be considered proof of the worldview of the teller to anyone that is willing to hear and believe it.  The fairy tale can be modified over and over as needed by people when it is retold to reinforce whatever idea is fashionable at the time.

Of course, the truth is that no fairy tale is ever true.  Every fairy tale that has ever been told, has been the work of the vain imagination of someone, and has no factual basis in reality.  In short, ever fairy tale is really just an elaborate lie.

The Walt Disney company has made a fortune from retelling fairy tales such as Cinderella and Snow White. Many of these same fairy tales have been repackaged for the consumption of the same audience as they grow older by various video entertainment companies.  For example, there are many versions of Cinderella that have been retold in more modern settings to appeal to teenagers.  Then Cinderella was retold in another way to these same people when they were in their twenties as a romantic comedy.  There have been retelling of some fairy tales as scary stories in television shows.  There have even been porn films that retold classic fairy tales in a completely different manner than what is usually told to children.

So what is the greatest fairy tale every told?  What story has been modified the most to suit the times of the audience throughout all of history?  What tale have people went to the greatest lengths to make seem to be so real that other people will believe it no matter how much their own common sense, history, and demonstrable science contradict it?  What is this unimaginably unrealistic story that cannot stand up under close scrutiny but is presented as fact by so many because they simply wish that it was true?  What is the most elaborate lie ever concocted by the human mind?

The greatest fairy tale ever told starts out like many fairy tales without any actual explanation of an original source that made the fairy tale possible to happen in the first place. In fact the greatest fairy tale ever told insists that there was no original source and everything just magically happened.

A version of this fairy tale that might be told to young children would go something like this.

Once upon time there was a land that was completely barren.  In that land there was a magic potion that formed all on its own for no reason at all.  Then for absolutely no reason at all one day this magic potion was magically zapped and then "poof" it became alive. The magic potion was now a mindless living blob known as a magite.  The magite magically had everything that was needed for life in that magic moment and could of course magically make more magites.  Each magite had the very magical ability to give the magites that it made to posses abilities that it did not possess itself.

(Some say that the magites gave these new abilities to the magites that they made in response to changes in their surroundings as the magites moved further and further from the original location of the magic potion.  Others say that the magites gave new abilities willy-nilly to the magites that they made and the ones that had the abilities that worked out best would continue the process.  Those on both sides are sure that they are right and claim to have indisputable proof that those on the other side are complete nincompoops.  It does not really matter since this is a fairy tale and logic need not apply.)

One day a magite made another magite with a definite shape instead of just keep being a shapeless liquid blob like other magites.  This caught on and soon all of the magites were making magites that had more defined shapes and other characteristics that allowed the magites that they made to do more and more fantastic things.  Soon there were magites that grew roots to the center the earth and grew branches that reached above the top of the clouds.   There were magites that had wings and could fly higher than high.  There were magites that had legs and could run faster than fast.  There were magites that fins and could swim deeper than deep.  The magites also began making magites of all sizes.  Some magites were so small that a billion could live on a speck of dust.  Other magites were so large that it seemed that they could cover the entire world.

Eventually some magites made some magites that were not completely mindless.  These magites in turn made more magites that were even smarter than themselves.  This process continued for a long time until magites were made that were so intelligent that they called themselves "the Wise Ones".  It was the Wise Ones then made up this fairy tale about the magic potion to explain the origin of the Wise Ones and all other magites.

A version of this fairy tale aimed at teenagers would go something like this.

Once upon time the Earth that was completely devoid of life.  Then came along a god named "Hixie-Pixie".  No one could reliably predict what Hixie-Pixie would ever do for the actions of  Hixie-Pixie seemed completely random.  One day Hixie-Pixie made a mystical ooze completely on accident.  Then for absolutely no reason at all Hixie-Pixie spread his fingers apart and lightening came forth from his fingers that zapped the mystical ooze and it came to life. There was now a mindless living blob known as a zoa.  The zoa magically had everything that was needed for life in that magic moment and best of all could magically make more zoas. Hixie-Pixie would then sometimes give a new child zoa abilities that the parent zoa did not possess itself when he came upon the scene.

(Some say that Hixie-Pixie gave these new abilities to the zoas in response to changes in their surroundings as the zoas moved further and further from the original location of the mystical ooze.  Others say that Hixie-Pixie gave new abilities willy-nilly to the new zoas and that the ones that had the abilities that worked out best would be used to continue the process.  Those on both sides are sure that they are right and claim to have indisputable proof that those on the other side are complete morons.  It does not really matter since this is a fairy tale and logic need not apply.)

One day Hixie-Pixie gave one of the new zoas a definite shape instead of just being a shapeless liquid blob like other zoas for no particular reason.  Hixie-Pixie thought this was fun so soon all of the new zoas had more defined shapes and other characteristics that allowed the new zoas that they made to do more and more fantastic things.  Soon there were zoas that grew roots to the center the earth and grew branches that reached above the top of the clouds.   There were zoas that had wings and could fly higher than high.  There were zoas that had legs and could run faster than fast.  There were zoas that fins and could swim deeper than deep.  Hixie-Pixie also began resizing the newest zoas.  Some zoas were so small that a billion could live on a speck of dust.  Other zoas were so large that it seemed that they could cover the entire world.

Eventually Hixie-Pixie made some zoas that were not completely mindless on a fluke.  Whenever these zoas in turn made more zoas then Hixie-Pixie would occasionally give some of then newest zoas the ability to be even smarter than the zoas that made them.  This process continued for a long time (since Hixie-Pixie always acted in a completely unpredictable and random manner) until zoas were made that were so intelligent that they called themselves "the Wise Ones".  It was the Wise Ones then made up this fairy tale about Hixie-Pixie and the mystical ooze to explain the origin of the Wise Ones and all other zoas.

The version of this fairy tale told by professors to students in most universities goes something this.

Once upon time the Earth that was completely devoid of life.  Then came along a god named "Random Chance".  The actions of Random Chance were completely random and totally lacking in purpose.  One day the primordial ooze was made by Random Chance.  Then by Random Chance an electrical current of just the right amperage and voltage zapped the primordial ooze and it came to life. There was now a mindless living blob known as an organism.  The primordial organism magically had everything that was needed for life in that magic moment.  This included a minimum of 100,000 right handed nucleotides that each happened to have a matching left handed nucleotide that was needed to zipper up and form the simplest possible RNA and DNA that is sufficient to define an organism that has everything that is needed to live.  (The simplest organism ever found has 500,000 pairs of nucleotides but microbiologists have theorized that an organism might be able to get by on 100,000 pairs of  nucleotides.)  The  primordial organism had been magically given by Random Chance the ability to locate nutrients, relocate to those nutrients and then convert those nutrients into every thing that was needed to continue to be alive. Best of all by Random Chance the primordial organism could magically reproduce. Sometimes a new child organism would by Random Chance have abilities that the parent organism did not possess itself.

(Some say that new organisms acquired these new abilities in response to changes in their surroundings as organisms moved further and further from the original location of the primordial ooze.  Others say that they acquired these new abilities by Random Chance and that the ones that had the abilities that made them most fit survived to continue the process.  Those on both sides are sure that they are right and claim to have indisputable proof that those on the other side are uneducated buffoons.  It does not really matter since this is a fairy tale and logic need not apply.)

One day by Random Chance, for no particular reason, one of the new organisms had a definite shape instead of just being a shapeless liquid blob like other organisms including the one that produced it.  Soon by Random Chance all sorts of new organisms had more defined shapes and other characteristics to do more and more incredible things.  Soon there were organisms that grew roots to deep into the earth and grew branches that reached towards the clouds.  There were organisms that had wings and could fly high.  There were organisms that had legs and could run fast.  There were organisms that fins and could swim deep.  There also began to be a resizing of the organisms by Random Chance.  Some organisms were so small that millions could live on a speck of dust.  Other organisms were so large that they could cover the large areas of land.

Then on a fluke by Random Chance an organism reproduced and made another organism that was not completely mindless.  Whenever this organism in turn reproduced then by Random Chance some of their offspring had the ability to be even smarter than the parent organism.  This process continued for a long time (some say millions of years since Random Chance always acts in a completely unpredictable and random manner) until organisms were made through reproduction that were so intelligent that they called themselves "Homo Sapiens" (literally "Wise Men") or the Wise Ones.  It was the Wise Ones then made up this fairy tale about Random Chance and the primordial ooze called Evolution to explain the origin of the Wise Ones and all other organisms.

The Fairy Tale of Evolution like all fairy tales is really just an elaborate lie.  Its details change from generation to generation because it will not hold up to close scrutiny.  It is in constant need of rescue mechanisms as people ask more questions about its many deficiencies that are obvious to anyone that has not drank the kool-aid given to them by their science teachers. It is like when someone tells one lie and then has to tell other lies to cover up discrepancies in the original lie.  The web of lies just keeps becoming more elaborate because deep down inside people sense that it is a lie.  The truth on the other hand always remain simple because it never needs a rescue mechanism.

When I was first heard this fairy tale in middle school science class I thought that maybe it could be true.  But when I began to examine it more closely I found that it was no more true than stories of Leprechauns.

I loved mathematics and when I was sixteen I studied the mathematics of evolution over my summer break. The mathematics of evolution showed the complete absurdity of believing that the complexity of even the simplest organism imaginable, the primordial organism, came about by random chance.  Of course, there were other things that were equally impossible from a logical viewpoint like an organism adding complexity to its offspring that did not help the cause of evolution.  I had to let go of all belief in evolution just like I had previously let go of all belief in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Another thing that makes the Evolution Myth so far fetched is its total dependence on random chance.  There is no notion of anything occurring by random chance in science or mathematics any where except when it comes to theories about the origins of the universe and human life.  "Random Chance" is the god of the Evolution Myth.  So in a sort of loopy logic that would never work in an actual computer program those that cling to this myth insist that Evolution is the proof of the existence of Random Chance and Random Chance is the proof that Evolution happened.

In every other endeavor of science the universe runs on laws instead of random chance.  The science of physics is possible because of the laws of physics.  The same is true for chemistry, astronomy, and every other branch of science including computer science which deals with the laws of logic.  Mathematics is the study and discovery of the laws of mathematics. 

The truth is random chance does not really exists anymore than the gods of Greek mythology or Hixie-Pixie.  There is an entire area of mathematics devoted to dispelling the notion of random chance but instead showing that everything in the physical world indeed works by the laws of mathematics and science.  The entirety of the fields of science and mathematics is nothing more than discovering the laws that the universe works by and determining how to apply those laws to solve real life problems.  For example, it was by discovering and applying the fundamental laws of aerodynamics that allowed the Wright Brothers to create a heavier-than-air machine that could fly.

Random chance is just a perception of the human mind but not a physical reality.  For example when someone rolls a pair of dice the outcome of the roll is determined by the laws of physics.  The outcome is unpredictable to the roller because they do not know all of the laws involved and cannot control all of the parameters that apply to those laws.  However, those that have enough understanding of the laws involved and know how to control the parameters that apply to a pair of dice can change the dice to always come up with the same number.  This is done by moving the center of gravity of each die away from the center and towards the side that will be face down when the desired side is face up.  It is those that understand that dice operate by the laws of physics instead of random chance that can produced "loaded" dice that always produce the same number when rolled.

More than that there is no precedence of evolution ever being observed in any living organism throughout history.  There are one cell organisms with short time spans between when they became a separate organism when another organism divided and when they will divide into two organisms.  Some of these organisms have had millions of generations of reproduction since the time of Darwin and yet they remain identical to the ones observed at the time of Darwin.  Millions of species of organisms that have been discovered by man and no one has ever actually observed any sort of evolution occur.  There has not been one instance of anyone observing any organism ever producing offspring that is outside of the box that defines the core characteristics of its species.  Instead every organism just keeps reproducing more organisms of its own kind.  Would you believe that evolution only occurs when nobody is looking?  If so would you also believe that the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary?

Make no mistake evolution is at the core of a religion that requires people to ignore reality in order to believe that religion.  In this religion there is supposedly no god but in reality there is a god called "Random Chance".  Everything in this religion of human secularism relies on the god of Random Chance for all explanations of the past, all morality for present behavior, and all expectations of the future.

As has already been shown the universe operates on laws rather than random chance.  The god called "Random Chance" is just another idol made by people that has no ability to do anything (Deuteronomy 4:28).  The truth is that evolution is just another idol that was the skillfully made by some scientists just like a wooden idol that is made by some carpenters (Isaiah 44:13-15).  No matter how many people claim that they were made by random chance it is no more credible than those that claimed that they were made by some other idol (Jeremiah 2:27).  Those that believe in the god of Random Chance and the doctrine of evolution are foolish brutes who worship the work of their own minds like those that worship the work of their own hands (Jeremiah 10:8-9).

It was the god of "Random Chance" that Aaron claimed made the golden calf when the people of Israel threw their gold into the fire (Exodus 32:24).  In reality, "Random Chance" did not exist but was only an excuse for their rebellion against the Father of Truth (Exodus 32:21-23).  There was an original source that made the golden calf (Exodus 32:35).  Nothing ever occurs without a cause (Proverbs 26:2).  The universe was made on purpose by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) just like the golden calf was made on purpose by Aaron instead occurring without a cause by Random Chance.

You might think that evolution is relatively modern invention that started with Darwin but it actually goes back much further than that.  There were Greek philosophers like Aristotle that taught similar notions but there is evidence of these ideas being believed by many of the elite in ancient Egypt way before that.  The truth is there is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11).  Evolution is nothing more than this ancient religion being falsely called science (2 Timothy 6:20-21).  Real science that is practiced by the kings of science like Newton is methodically discovering and applying the laws of science that the Father of Truth has concealed (Proverbs 25:2).

If the structural design similarities between fins of a whale and the wings of a bat are not the product of random chance then how can they be explained?  It turns out that the obvious answer is the correct answer and that is that they have a common design because they have a common designer.  Instead of believing that there is intelligence in their design by random chance it is far more reasonable to believe that there is intelligence in their design because their design is the product of an intelligent designer.

The Father of Truth is that intelligent designer who created the universe (Genesis 1:1).  The Earth has an atmosphere of clouds that is necessary to support life by design (Genesis 1:6-7).  The Earth has oceans and dry land that are needed to support life by design (Genesis 1:9-10).  The Earth has plants with roots that go deep into the earth and branches that reach up towards the clouds which can create seeds to reproduce more plants of the same kind by design (Genesis 1:11-12).  The Earth has animals that fly high and swim deep with the capability to reproduce more animals of the same kind by design (Genesis 1:20-22).  The Earth has animals that run fast with the capability to reproduce more animals of the same kind by design (Genesis 1:24-25).  Most importantly, there are men on the Earth because the Father of Truth designed people to be miniatures of Himself (Genesis 1:26-27).  The universe and everything in it was made on purpose to take care of the needs of His crowning achievement called the human race (Genesis 1:28-30).

Every religion attempts to answer three questions.  Where did we come from?  Why are we here? Where are we going?  The religion built on evolution has an answer for each question.  The answer to the first question is by accident.  The answer to the second question is no reason at all.  The answer to the third question is extinction.  What a depressing religion!

The Book of Truth (The Bible) has much better answers to these questions.

The Father of Truth made the Earth and controls the atmosphere that surrounds it (Jeremiah 10:12-13).  He is the former of all things (Jeremiah 10:16).  He created the Earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18).  The Earth was given to the human race as a place for them to inhabit (Psalm 115:16).

The original man was made by Him (Genesis 5:1).  From this original man came every nation of people (Acts 17:24-26).  We came from Him instead of coming from something that was made by man like an idol called Random Chance (Acts 17:28-29).

The Father of Truth made people so they could know Him but we have separated ourselves from Him (Genesis 3:8-10).  He wants all people to come to know Him instead of seeking after a man made god like Random Chance that offers no help in times of trouble (Isaiah 45:20-22).  He made all people and scattered them across the Earth to cause them to seek after Him so that they would find Him (Acts 17:26-27).

Our entire duty is to trust and obey Him because everything we do shall be made known to everyone (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

The Father of Truth told Moses that since people could not stand in His presence that He would send a man that they must listen to (Deuteronomy 18:15-20). He sent the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) so that people could come back to Him (John 3:16-18).  He sent His Son into this world so people could understand what He is like (John 14:8-10).  His Son became like us so we could become like His Father (1 John 3:1-3).  That is our entire purpose!

Where we are going depends upon which path we decide to follow.  We will all be resurrected and each person will either suffer eternal punishment or enjoy eternal reward (Daniel 12:1-3).

Some will follow the Man of Truth in obeying the Father of Truth (Matthew 7:20-21).  They will live with forever with their Father in the renewed universe (Revelation 21:1-4).

Most will follow the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) by believing elaborate lies like the fairy tale of evolution because he is the original source of all lies (John 8:44).  They will live forever with their father in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10-15).

You might be wondering since evolution is the greatest fairy tale ever told why do so many people believe it.  People follow this fairy tale for the same reason that they worship idols.  People worship at the altar of evolution because they have rejected the Father of Truth (Romans 1:21).  People irrationally cling to evolution because they want to believe a lie instead of the truth (Romans 1:25).   People drink the evolution kool-aid because they are in rebellion against Him (Romans 1:28-31).  People believe in evolution because they refuse to hear the truth and turn from their wickedness just like the kingdom of Judah (Zechariah 7:9-11).  In short, they believe in evolution because they want the fairy tale to be true regardless of how unreasonable it is.

You still might want some proof of the validity of the Book of Truth.

The universe is way too complex to have happened by Random Chance but instead is proof of a universe maker (Psalm 19:1).  The very universe and every living thing on Earth is proof of a creator by their very existence and complexity (Romans 1:20).   All you need for proof is to look at the sky on a starry night.

The Father of Truth tells of things before they ever occur which can never be contributed to Random Chance or any other idol (Isaiah 42:8-9).  There is no possibility of this occurring by any other means (Isaiah 45:21).  He declares the end of a matter from its beginning like when the Babylonians came from the east to remove the Jews from the land of Israel (Isaiah 46:9-11).  He declared while the nation of Judah was still standing that the Jews would be scattered all over the Earth and then regathered to once again create the nation of Israel (Jeremiah 31:9-11).  All you really need for proof is to look at a map of the Middle East.

The Father of Truth has given assurance of all of these things by raising the Man of Truth from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).  This was not done in the corner of some long lost place in the obscurity of unwritten history but was a well known event in the land of Israel and throughout the Roman Empire (Acts 26:23-26).  All you really need for proof is to read the history of the Middle East during the first century AD.

But better than all of that, the Father of Truth makes an offer of proof that neither Random Chance nor any other idol can ever make.  He promises that you can still find Him even if you have been lead astray by the idol like the one called Random Chance (Deuteronomy 4:28-29).  He promises that if you will seek after Him with all your heart then He will show Himself to you in a way that is meaningful to you (Jeremiah 29:13).  So the proof is available to anyone that is willing to look for it.

The story of how things began never changes in the Book of Truth because the Book of Truth never changes (Isaiah 40:6-8).  Not one part of one letter will ever change in the Book of Truth (Matthew 5:18).  The Book of Truth will outlast the universe (Matthew 24:35).   If you look at a part of the Book of Truth found in the dead sea scrolls written in the original language (Hebrew) in 200 BC you will find that not even a part of any letter is different in that same passage in a modern writing in Hebrew.  There is no need for new versions or rescue mechanisms or any other sort of change because the Book of Truth is true.

Those that preach evolution call themselves wise ("homo sapiens") but have become fools (Romans 1:22).  Those that believe that there is no god will always end up as fools (Psalm 14:1).  Those that believe there is no god will inevitably lose all restraint so they commit all kinds of evil (Psalm 53:1). That is why the atheistic leaders of the twentieth century like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong managed to kill more people than all of their predecessors combined.  It is as foolish to trust in evolution as it is to trust in an idol (Habakkuk 2:18-19).  Those that make up this fairy tale called evolution will be shown to be fools like those that make idols (Isaiah 45:16).  Those that teach this foolishness because they relied on their own strength instead of the Father of Truth will all be shown to be fools (Psalm 52:5-7).

The Father of Truth will one day show the world that all idols like the god called Random Chance are completely worthless so that no one worships them (Jeremiah 10:10-11). The doctrine of evolution is a lie that has no life to it and those that worship at the altar of evolution are completely in error so that they will one day perish (Jeremiah 10:14-15).

If you have drank the kool-aid of evolution now is the age for you to be enlightened.  It is time to reject this escape from reason and face the facts of life with a sober mind. It is time to listen to the voice of reason.  It is time to lose your religion.

The Father of Truth wants to reason with you so that you can be cleansed from your sins (Isaiah 1:18).  He is the one that is drawing you to the Man of Truth (John 6:44).  He has been allowing mankind to continue in evil because He is not willing that any should perish but desires that all should repent (2 Peter 3:9).  He has sent His son because he wants all men to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-5).

You will not understand this with your head (mind) at first because you believe with your heart (spirit) not with your head (Romans 10:10).  You will understand more clearly as your mind is made new by reading the Book of Truth afterwards (Romans 12:2).

It is time for you to leave behind the greatest fairy tale ever told because you are no longer ignorant of the truth (Acts 17:30-31).  You need to come into the House of Truth by submitting to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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