Sunday, September 29, 2013

The End of All Trouble

What will bring about the end of all trouble?

World War I was the largest war in history when it occurred and it was touted as "the war to end all wars".   However World War I did not end all wars but instead of made World War II all but inevitable.  World War II eclipsed World War I in the number of countries involved, the level of destruction where it was fought, the number of people killed and the power of its weapons.  The weapons produced in World War II were so destructive that it ushered in the Cold War where the main players who possessed nuclear weapons dared not confront each other directly due to a condition called MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).  Instead they constantly fought each other indirectly in places like Korea, Vietnam, Angola, Honduras, and Afghanistan.

The end of the Cold War did not usher in an era of peace.   The various countries that had been forced to pick a side, enforce internal peace with the aid of their allies and cooperate with each other during the Cold War no longer had the power nor the incentive to due so after the Cold War ended.

The era of the Islamic Wars had already started when Iraq attacked Kuwait in 1990 even while the Soviet Union was still collapsing between when the Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1989 and the Cold War came to a complete end in 1991.  There has been nothing but continual growth of these Islamic Wars since that time.  The Islamic Wars do not have nuclear weapons or MAD but instead are often waged as acts of terrorism like those against the US on September 11, 2001 by non-government entities like Al-Qaeda.  The Islamic Wars have grown to the point that there are currently more countries engage in armed conflict across the globe than any time in history except World War I and World War II.  The Islamic Wars all involve Muslims. In many cases, like Syria at the time of this writing, an Islamic war consists of Muslims terrorists, Muslim revolutionaries and a Muslim government all at war with each other.  None of these Muslim factions have any regard for the lives of the civilian population.

So this begs the question: How can there ever be an end of all trouble?

In like manner, there has been a war waged against disease over the last century.  This war has been waged primarily by doctors in western Europe and the United States.  There have been some great victories like the polio vaccine.  Yet newer and deadlier diseases like AIDS have risen up to take their place.  As new drugs are created to fight old illnesses often new strains of those illnesses that are resistant to these drugs appear.  There is the constant threat of a new pandemic that could destroy a large percentage of the population of the Earth.  No matter how much money and time people pour into medical research the war against disease never lets up and is never won.

Again the question arises:  Can there ever be an end of all trouble?

Hunger has continued to plague the human race despite the valiant efforts of many to end it.  The amount of food produced globally has grown to the point that seventeen percent more food is grown than is needed to feed the entire human race but at the same time world hunger has also grown, particularly in Africa.  People starve to death in some places while people have more food than they can eat in other places.  There are many organizations that try to get food to the starving but they are often blocked from bringing food to the people by the governments of the countries where the starving people are.  In some cases this is because the governments fear that the food aid is cover for some sort of covert activity against the government.  These fears are not entirely unfounded since there have been cases of guns and ammo being smuggled in containers of rice and other staple foods.  In other cases the government simply does not want the starving fed because they are trying to kill off a population that they hate in a quiet genocide under the guise of famine.

So even when there is enough food to feed everyone but people are still starving the question remains:  Will there ever be an end to all trouble?

There has been a constant rise in social problems in the United States and many other countries since the 1960s.  The divorce rate is about 50% in these countries and has only recently been lowered because so many young people are living together instead of ever getting married because they do not want to have to deal with a divorce.  Gay marriage has been made the law of some states in attempt to legitimize homosexuality.  The pornography industry has continued to grow even as it morphs to take advantage of new technology that is hard to regulate.  Gambling is no longer confined to a few places in the United States like Las Vegas but is now part of the business of 43 state governments in the form of lotteries.  Every Native American group competes to have the biggest casino on their land.  Standardized test scores show that each generation is less well educated than the previous one.  The alien is oppressed under a system that allows people to hire people for illegally low wages and then threaten to deport them unless they work long hours without any benefits.  The medical system is overtaxed with these and other uninsured people.  This is the condition of the United States and it is still far better off than any other country. 

So if it is like that for the most prosperous country in the history of the Earth what hope is there for anyone?  What could bring about the end of all trouble?

Human effort has failed to bring about the end of all trouble.  Things have gotten worse instead of better.  The good news is that there will come a day that will bring about the end of all trouble.

The end of all trouble is pictured in the last scene of the seventh act of The Greatest Play Ever.  The seventh act is called Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles aka the Feast of Booths aka the Ingathering) and it starts with people being gathered together to build booths to dwell together in unity  (Leviticus 23:40-43).  After seven days of dwelling together in unity then there is one last gathering together at the end of the seventh act to bring about the end of all trouble as the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever (Leviticus 23:36).  This Grand Finale is also called Simchat Torah  (Rejoicing over the Torah (the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses)) because it is culmination of rejoicing over all that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has done (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).  This is the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles because it is the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever (John 7:37-39).

The seven days of dwelling together in unity are a picture of people dwelling together in unity when the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) reign with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) over the entire Earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6).  It will be a glorious rest from all the troubles of the past for the human race when the King of Kings reigns (Isaiah 11:9-10).

The entire human race will enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity because the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will not be active in the Earth during the entire thousand years of the reign of the King of Kings (Revelation 20:1-3).  He is the one that deceived the entire world (Revelation 12:9).   He is the author of all sickness (Acts 10:38).  Without this troublemaker the world will not know trouble.

While there will not be outward trouble during the Glorious Reign of the King of Kings there will still be trouble in paradise due to the inward condition of the Gentiles.  The Jews will have been changed inwardly so that they only walk in righteousness under the rule of the King of Kings (Isaiah 60:21-22).  All of the troublemakers will have already been purged from Israel (Ezekiel 20:37-38).

However it will be a different story for many of the Gentiles.

The Gentiles will enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity because the King of Kings will give them no other choice.  During this rest all of the rulers of the Gentile nations will submit to the King of Kings or they will be destroyed (Psalm2:10-12).  Those that refuse to serve him will perish (Isaiah 60:12).  The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) will become the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:3). Anyone that breaks His laws will die (Zechariah 5:3-4).  All of those that openly rebel against his rule will perish while those that submit to him will inherit the Earth (Psalm 37:10-11).

Many of the Gentiles will only be obeying the Father of Truth outwardly to avoid perishing.  They will not be doing what is right because they love him and other people which is the purpose of the laws of the King of Kings (Matthew 22:36-40).  They will not be keeping these laws because they love Him with all of their being and love their neighbor as much as they love themselves (Mark 12:29-31).  They have will not have allowed there to be an inward change that is more important than their outward actions (Mark 12:32-33).  They will be able to fool other people who can only see their outward actions but not He that looks upon their hearts (1 Samuel 16:7).  They will have never really completely submitted to the King of All Kings in total surrender.

The one last gathering together at the end of the seventh act, the Grand Finale, is a picture of the end of all trouble.  The Father of Lies will be released for a short space to deceive and gather together everyone who inwardly despises the rule of the King of Kings (Revelation 20:7-8).  When all of the troublemakers among the Gentiles have been gathered together around Jerusalem then they will be destroyed completely (Revelation 20:9).  All rebels among the Gentiles will have been purged from the Earth.

The end of all trouble will come when the Father of Truth puts an end to all troublemakers.  There can be no trouble when there are no troublemakers as surely as there cannot be any fire without something to burn (Proverbs 26:20).  The Father of Lies will be cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever so that he can never cause trouble again (Revelation 20:10).  All of the troublemakers that rejected the love of the Father of Truth to follow the Father of Lies, the Children of Lies, will live with him forever in the Lake of Fire so that they can never cause trouble again (Revelation 20:11-15).

After the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever there is a long period of time of unknowable length (due to leap months in some years) that is that finishes out the Biblical year.  In the same way there will be an eternity of joy after the end of all trouble.  Everything will be changed.

There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth with no more oceans to separate people from each other (Revelation 21:1).  This current Earth will be completely forgotten (Isaiah 65:17).  Those that live in the New Earth will remain forever (Isaiah 66:22).  This current universe that has been polluted by sin will be completely destroyed by fire and replaced with a new universe that will never be polluted by sin (2 Peter 3:11-13).  There will never be any more sin for it will be the end of all trouble (Revelation 22:14-15).

The Father of Truth will come down to the New Earth and live among people, both Jews and Gentiles, Himself just as the Man of Truth will have lived among people on this current Earth during the reign of the King of Kings (Revelation 21:2-3).  All of the inhabitants of the New Earth, both Jews and Gentiles, will gather before Him to worship Him continually (Isaiah 66:23).

The Father of Truth  will wipe away every tear from the eyes of those that love Him after the end of all trouble (Revelation 21:4).  They will be blessed because all their trouble will be forgotten like a bad dream (Isaiah 65:16).  There will never again be sorrow in Jerusalem for it is the end of all trouble (Isaiah 65:19).

They will find pleasures forever in His presence (Psalm 16:11).  Since these Jews and Gentiles, the Children of Truth, had put their trust in Him then they will be satisfied and filled with pleasure (Psalm 36:7-9).  These pleasures are beyond anything that people have ever experienced (Isaiah 64:4).  There will be continual rejoicing in Jerusalem (Isaiah 65:18).  These pleasures are beyond the current ability of people to experience but the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) can reveal them in some degree to the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11).  The Children of Truth can only understand to to some degree like they are looking through a dirty window made of fractured glass (1 Corinthians 13:12).

The Father of Truth will make all things new for the Children of Truth (Revelation 21:5-7).  They will each be given a new name that is only known to Him and them (Revelation 2:17).  They will be marked with the new name that will be given to the Man of Truth and live in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12).

The Children of Lies, the troublemakers, will remain in the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 21:8).  The Children of Truth will be able to see the torment of these troublemakers forever (Isaiah 66:24).  While the Children of Truth will be known forever the names of these troublemakers will not be even remembered (Psalm 34:16).

It will be the end of all trouble.

You do no want to be one of the troublemakers when the end of all trouble comes.  These troublemakers will never have a rest from trouble (Isaiah 57:20-21).

You want to be among those that have came into the House of Truth so that you will inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5).  You want to be come into the House of Truth where you can learn to love the Father of Truth will all that is in you and you can learn to truly love your neighbor as yourself as required by the Law of Truth (Luke 10:26-28).  It is only those that live their lives by faith in the Word of Truth now that will come into the House of Truth and rejoice at the end of all trouble (Galatians 3:11).  You cannot come into the House of Truth in your own strength no matter how hard you try because nothing good lives in your current body (Romans 7:18).  You will not have a second chance to come into the House of Truth after you die but will instead face certain judgment (Hebrews 9:27).  You will only be in the House of Truth after you die if you have came into the House of Truth and remained there before you died (Revelation 22:10).  You need to come into the House of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  You need to come into the House of Truth today so you can rejoice at the end of all trouble (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Aftermath

What will happen after the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) defeats the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast)?

The aftermath of World War II was a complete change in everything for most of the world and especially for the Axis powers.

World War II ended with Germany and Japan both accepting unconditional surrender.  The end of World War II marked the end of Nazism in Germany and the end of Imperialism in Japan but it also marked a new beginning for both countries.

The change for Germany was profound.  Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Nazis of Germany, particularly against the Jews, were tried, convicted and executed.  The country of Germany was split into two smaller countries East Germany and West Germany.  The Germans would no longer follow a leader that they called the Father (Fuhrer literally meant "father") who they revered as God.   Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense.  Germany had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.

The change for Japan was equally profound.  Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese, particularly against the Chinese, were tried, convicted and executed.  The Japanese Empire was split into many pieces and its external holdings were redistributed to other countries.  The Japanese would no longer revere their leader as God.  Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense.  Japan had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.

What was the long term effect of these countries being split into smaller units, no longer having to pour their resources into the military, being held accountable by an external government, and being forced to focus on improving their own situation?  Although it took some years of hard work, the economies of West Germany and Japan took off while the average life expectancy also grew exceedingly.

The economy of West Germany by 1955 had outstripped the peak of prosperity that Hitler had brought to Germany in the 1930's.  West Germany was at times the largest economy in Europe and one of the largest in the world.  The average life expectancy in West Germany went from under 50 years to over 80 years.

The economy of Japan grew more slowly but it still grew tremendously.  By 1989 it was the second largest economy in the world behind the United States.  The average life expectancy in Japan went from under 50 years to over 80 years.

So the aftermath of submitting to unconditional surrender at the end of World War II for Germany and Japan could fairly be described as an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity.

There will be a similar aftermath when the nations of the Earth submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth at the end of the Great War (The Tribulation) that will soon come upon the Earth.  This is pictured in the seventh act of The Greatest Play Ever called Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) where the Man of Truth comes to Earth and lives among his people.

Between the six act called Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgement Day) and the beginning of the seventh act of the Greatest Play Ever there is a short intermission where the harvest is completed before the seventh act can begin.

In the intermission after the Final Battle (Armageddon) that brings about the total surrender of both the Jews and the Gentiles the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will taken off of the Earth and cast into the Abyss for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). During that thousand year era the Man of Truth and the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) will rule over the Earth (Revelation 20:4-6).

The Angels of Truth will also be sent to gather all who are responsible for all of the atrocities committed during the Great War to be tried, convicted and executed in this intermission (Matthew 13:40-42).

The work of regathering the children of Israel, the Jews, will be completed in this intermission (Isaiah 11:11-12).  The Man of Truth will send the Angels of Truth to gather the rest of the Jews to the land of Israel (Matthew 24:31).  The Angels of Truth will gather the Jews from every place on Earth where they have been dwelling (Mark 13:27).

When all of the Jews are being regathered they will first meet with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in the wilderness at the border of Israel before entering Israel at the end of this intermission (Ezekiel 20:33-36).  All of the Jews that refuse to accept the rule of the Man of Truth will be destroyed in the wilderness instead of entering Israel (Ezekiel 20:37-40).  All of the Jews that thought they could get away with wickedness will be killed (Amos 9:10).

All of the Jews that enter the land of Israel at the beginning of the seventh act will know that they were only regathered so that the Father of Truth could keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'acob) despite their former wickedness (Ezekiel 20:41-44).

The sins of Israel will have ceased.  The Jews will no longer fight with each other (Isaiah 11:13).  The Jews will seek peace and truth with each other instead of seeking to harm each other with lies (Zechariah 8:17-19).  The Jews will walk in righteousness from that time on so that they will finally be worthy to inherit and fill the land that the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob) (Isaiah 60:21-22).  There will no longer be any sin keeping them separated from Him (Isaiah 65:24).  This will cause the Jews to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Zechariah 3:9-10).

The Jews will work together to bring the remnant of the Gentiles remaining in the Promised land into submission to the Man of Truth (Isaiah 11:14).  The Jews will possess all of the Gentiles that are called by the name of the Father of Truth that are in the Promised Land (Amos 9:11-12).  These Gentiles will have an equal inheritance with the Jews in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 47:21-23).  These Gentiles, even the Philistines (Palestinians), will be considered to be Jews instead of Gentiles from that day on (Zechariah 9:5-7).

The Jews will finally enjoy great economic prosperity and peace in their own land (Isaiah 60:17-18). The Jews will not die from old age nor be afflicted with disease (Isaiah 65:19-20).  The work of their hands will never be taken away (Isaiah 65:21-23).  Crops will grow so fast that they will not be able to keep up with the work (Amos 9:13).  The land of each Jewish family will remain in that family forever (Amos 9:14-15).  In the aftermath all of the remaining Jews will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity

All of this prosperity will not go unnoticed by the Gentile nations in the seventh act.  The Gentiles that remain will seek out the Jews so that they may also learn how to walk in the light of the Word of Truth (Isaiah 60:1-3).  The Jews will be a blessing to the Gentiles when the regathering in submission is complete instead being a curse to the Gentiles as they were when they were scattered in rebellion (Zechariah 8:13-15).  When the Jews have finally learned to love truth and peace then the Gentiles will seek them out so that they can know the Father of Truth as well (Zechariah 8:19-23). 

The Gentiles will no longer revere anyone or anything else as the Father of Truth (Isaiah 2:17-18).  The Gentiles will come to the Man of Truth in Jerusalem to learn how to keep the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Isaiah 2:1-3).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help the Righteous Judge to judge righteously and will not be influenced by outward appearances or eloquent speeches so that justice will be meted out to everyone (Isaiah 11:2-4).

The Man of Truth, the Righteous Judge, will settle all disputes between nations so that the nations will no longer go to war to settle their disputes (Isaiah 2:4)).  The ability of the Gentiles to create war will be completely taken away and they will have to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Micah 4:3-4).  The larger nations of the Gentiles will be broken into smaller nations composed primarily of one people group (Psalm 2:6-9).  The Children of Truth will rule over these smaller nations as supernatural rulers (Revelation 2:26-27).

Since these smaller nation will be obeying the Law of Truth they will also be ruled by a natural ruler that is of their own people group so that no nation will ever again be under foreign rule (Deuteronomy 17:14-15).  So every nation will be like the Jews in that they will be in their own land and ruled by one of their own people.  For example, the Cherokee will live in the land of the Cherokee and be rule by a Cherokee.  The same will be true for the Ashanti, the Tibetans, the Kurds, and every other people group on Earth.

The Gentile rulers of these nations will serve the Righteous Judge to make his laws the law of their land or they will perish (Psalm 2:10-12).  The Gentiles that refuse to serve the Man of Truth will be destroyed ((Isaiah 60:12).  The only Gentiles that will die in this entire era will be those that rebel against the Man of Truth by committing crimes (Zechariah 5:3-4).  All rebels among the Gentiles will be exterminated while all of the Gentiles that are willing to submit in total surrender will inherit the Earth (Psalm 37:10-11).  Those Gentiles willing to submit in total surrender will be blessed like the Jews and inherit the rest of the Earth that is outside of the land of Israel (Matthew 5:5).

In the aftermath the remaining Gentiles will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity (Isaiah 11:9-10).

In the aftermath there will even be peace between all of the animals so that they will all be harmless (Isaiah 11:6-8).  They will only eat vegetation as they did in the Garden of Eden (Isaiah 65:25).

The total surrender of the entire Jewish race to the one that Moses spoke of will bring the entire human race back from the edge of extinction and into an era of incredible life in the aftermath (Romans 11:15).

You do not have to wait for the entire Jewish race to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender to begin enjoying an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity.  Today you can begin to know the ways of the His Father by getting to know the Man of Truth (Matthew 11:27).  Today you can have your sins removed and be justified by faith in him (Romans 3:24-26).  Today you can have peace with the Father of Truth (Romans 5:1).   Today He wants you to experience health in your body (3 John 1:2).  Today He wants to supply you with all the prosperity that you need to accomplish His will for your life (Philippians 4:19).  When you come into the House of Truth in total surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead then you are ready for the aftermath (Romans 10:9).  Today you need to come into the House of Truth so you can begin to experience all of the good things that come in the aftermath (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Total Surrender

Do you really know what it takes to be saved?

When the other Allies decided to offered to negotiate with the Central Powers to end World War I, the American General Pershing was furious.  He wanted unconditional surrender - especially from Germany.  He warned, that anything less and the next generation would be back fighting Germany again.

The next generation did indeed come back and fight Germany again in World War II.  This time the Americans were able to convince their European Allies, that the unconditional surrender of Germany was the only option, to prevent the next generation from having to come back to fight Germany in World War III.  So the war did not end in Europe until Germany agreed to unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945.  This was just eight days after their leader, Adolf Hitler, had committed suicide.

Now the European Allies and Russia would be able to help the United States fight against Japan.  The United States had already beaten the Japanese back to their main islands with very little assistance and using only one third of its military.  Japan had no remaining allies, and the US naval blockade doomed it to run out of materials, that would allow it to continue to effectively wage war.   The Japanese were already defeated for all practical purposes, but they still refused to agree to unconditional surrender.

The Emperor, Hirohito, said that Japan would fight to last man, instead of accepting unconditional surrender.  This only changed, when Hirohito realized that the United States had the ability to drop an atomic bomb on Tokyo, vaporizing his entire family, after two atomic bombs were dropped on other cities, and the US decimated Tokyo with conventional bombs.

The reason the Japanese refused unconditional surrender so much longer than Germany, was because for them unconditional surrender meant the end of their entire way of life, that they had maintained for over twenty five hundred years.  Hirohito was the one hundred and twenty fourth emperor of Japan in an unbroken chain of emperors, that went back to 660 BC.  The entirety of Japanese life revolved around the Emperor, and he was revered as God in their religion.  Hirohito believed, that if Japan lost the war, then everyone in Japan would be forced to become Christians.

The Japanese had this view partially, because there had been a long held custom in the Far East, that when people were completely defeated by an enemy, then they had to give up their religion, and take up the religion of those who defeated them.  There were similar customs of the defeated party having to adopt the language, manner of dress, calendar, and virtually every other custom of the victorious party.  So the Japanese believed, that they would have to dress in American clothes, forsake the Japanese language completely, learn to speak, read and write only in English, totally replace their calendar with the Gregorian calendar, stop observing Japanese holidays, start observing different holidays, and basically learn to do everything the American way, including how they cooked their food.  The Japanese believed, that unconditional surrender meant total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity. 

In short, total surrender meant an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.

As it turned out, Hirohito found out that total surrender, was not what the Americans meant at all by unconditional surrender.  When Hirohito asked the American General McArthur on the USS Missouri, about the steps that the Japanese had to take to be considered to be Christians by the Americans, the answer surprised him.  McArthur told him, that the Americans did not expect the Japanese to mass convert to Christianity, and that no one could force anyone to become a Christian in any case.  McArthur told him, that no one could become a Christian, by simply observing certain holidays and keeping certain customs.  He told Hirohito, that the decision to become a Christian, was something that each individual had to make on their own.  He told Hirohito, that making this decision, would bring about the end of the entire way of life of those who made it.   Hirohito was informed, that each person must decide for themselves, to submit to total surrender of their old identity, and acceptance of a new identity, if they wanted to become a Christian.

Hirohito, however, did have to make a public announcement to the Japanese people, that he was not God.

However, a day is coming when the Great War is over, and the Final Battle has been fought, that all the Earth will submit to the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) in total surrender. 

The events leading up to this total surrender are foreshadowed in The Greatest Play Ever that is put on when people observe the Feasts of the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord). In the fifth act of the Greatest Play Ever, Yom Teruah (Shofarim aka The Feast of Trumpets), the Father of Truth will prevent Collateral Damage by soon calling the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to gather together with the Man of Truth in the air with the sound of a shofar (trumpet) (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).  This will occur when the last shofar (trumpet) is sounded at the end of the fifth act to signal that His wrath is ready to be poured out on the Earth (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).  In the Greatest Play Ever, He will pour out His wrath on the Earth in the Great War (The Tribulation) during the intermission known as the Days of Awe that is between the fifth and sixth acts (Revelation 6:15-17).  In the sixth act, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgment Day), He will send the Man of Truth with an army composed of the Children of Truth and the Angels of Truth to completely defeat His enemies in the Final Battle (Armageddon) bringing to completion the pouring out of His Wrath on the Earth (Revelation 19:14-16).

This sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever is all about total surrender.

The Man of Truth will not come back to the Earth to rescue the inhabitants of Jerusalem until they submit to him in total surrender (Matthew 23:37-39).

Total surrender will mean a change in religion for all of the Jews on Earth.

For more than thousand years most Jews have followed religious leaders who claim to have derived their authority from Moses (Matthew 23:2).  For this reason the Jews have largely observed to do whatever these religious leaders have told them (Matthew 23:3). These religious leaders put on a religious show and call themselves "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:5-7).  These Rabbis have kept most of their fellow Jews from seeing that the Man of Truth is the one that Moses spoke of and have driven many other Jews into atheism (Matthew 23:13).

These Rabbis have devoured the houses of widows in private while making long prayers in public (Matthew 23:14).  They have provoke the Gentile proselytes to their religion to do even worse things than they do (Matthew 23:15).  They are more concerned with getting the rituals of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) right than they are with treating people right (Matthew 23:23).

These blind guides put more value on material things than on spiritual things (Matthew 23:16-18).  These blind guides are more concerned with small temporary matters than with large eternal matters (Matthew 23:24).  The blind religious leaders are more concerned with appearing clean on the outside where people can see than with being clean on the inside where the Father of Truth can see (Matthew 23:25-26).  These Rabbis may look good on the outside but they are full of death on the inside (Matthew 23:27-28).

Their religion has replaced the commandments of the Law of Truth with their own traditions (Matthew 15:4-6).  Their religion has taught people a doctrine based on their commandments instead of the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:7-9).  Their religion places the heavy burden of following their rules on the shoulders of most Jews (Matthew 23:4). 

Rabbinical Judaism will come to end when the Jews submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth.

The Jews that survive the Great War will finally submit in total surrender to the Prophet like Moses who the Father of Truth raise up and who they must listen to in order to please the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). The Jews will acknowledge that the Man of Truth that was rejected by their religious leaders is the one that the Father of Truth sent to bring them salvation (Psalm 118:21-23). They will be glad and rejoice in the day that they submit to this new religion in total surrender (Psalm 118:24-26). The only one that they will call "Rabbi" in their new religion will be the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:8).

They will find that this new religion will give them the power to obey the Law of Truth by writing it on their inner most being so that they sin no more against the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-33).  This new religion will allow them dwell in the Promised Land because the Spirit of Truth (HaRuach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will live in them so that they will be able to keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-28). They will be born again and find that the commandments of their new religion are not hard to keep (1 John 5:1-3).

Total surrender will bring an end to the identity of Jews as being a scattered minority that lives among the Gentiles.  When the Jews of Jerusalem submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender then every single person of Jewish descent will be gathered by the Angels of Truth to the Promised Land from every nation on Earth so that the Diaspora that began with the Assyrians will finally come to an end (Matthew 24:29-31).

This will even include those whose identity as Jews had been hidden from them by their ancestors so that they did not even know themselves that they were Jewish (Psalm 83:3-4).  The regathering of the Jews that began in 1870 will finally be complete and the Jews will no longer be scattered across the world for their disobedience to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:4-6).  Their identity will be completely changed from that of a persecuted minority scattered among the Gentiles for not serving the Father of Truth to an exalted people that have been gathered together in their own land to serve the Father of Truth (Micah 4:6-8).

When they are regathered in total surrender they will have to learn to speak a new language, Hebrew, to serve the Man of Truth instead of the languages of those they served in the lands where they will be gathered from (Zephaniah 3:9).

In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.

The Jews will not be the only ones that will experience total surrender on that day.

The Gentiles that survive will also have to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Revelation 19:15).  The Gentiles will be completely disarmed in total surrender so that they cannot rebel against the Man of Truth (Micah 4:1-3).

The Jewish kingdom will be exalted above every Gentile kingdom when the Gentiles submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Deuteronomy 26:18-19).  A Jewish kingdom will rule the Earth instead of Gentile kingdoms ruling the Earth (Daniel 2:44-45).  The times of the Gentile nations ruling Jerusalem will come to an end (Luke 21:24).

The Gentiles will also be given a new religion that affects every area of their lives when they submit to total surrender.

The same Law of Truth that the Jews will finally obey from their heart will become the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:2-4).  The Gentiles will no longer keep the religions that they inherited from their fathers (Jeremiah 16:19-21).  They will come up to Jerusalem to learn how to keep the same laws as the Jews (Zechariah 8:20-22).  They will seek out the Jews to teach them how to keep the Law of Truth (Zechariah 8:23).

Their calendar and holidays will be completely changed.  They will have to come up to Jerusalem on the seventh month of the calendar established in the Law of Truth to worship the Man of Truth and to live in tents for a week (Zechariah 14:16).  Anyone that does not show up for Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) will not get any rain for the next year (Zechariah 14:17-19).

The Gentiles will even have to learn only eat the same food as the Jews when they submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender (Leviticus 11).

In short total surrender will mean an end of their old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.

Total surrender will not only be experienced by the whole Earth when the Man of Truth returns to complete the sixth act of the Greatest Play Ever but it will be experienced by everyone that has ever lived including the Spirits of Lies, the Angels of Lies, the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) and every person that has ever been born (Romans 14:11).  So voluntarily or involuntarily, now or later, everyone will submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender.

Although the day will come when everyone on Earth will submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth people can voluntarily choose total surrender to the Man of Truth now. 

If you will submit to total surrender now then you will inherit eternal life but if you wait until you are force into total surrender later then you will suffer eternal punishment (John 12:25).  Those that suffer as a result of total surrender now will reign with the Man of Truth forever but those that refuse to suffer as a result of total surrender now will have no part in his kingdom later (2 Timothy 2:12).

Totals surrender means surrendering your will to do the will of the Father of Truth even if it cost your life like total surrender meant for the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:39). You submit to total surrender when you decide to do whatever the Man of Truth wants you to do (Luke 6:46-49).  Total surrender means that you love the Man of Truth more than anyone else or even your own life (Luke 14:26-27).

If you accept total surrender then you will no longer belong to yourself because your life was bought with a price for the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).   You are giving up control of your time, your money, your relationships and everything else in your life.

You will no longer have an identity as one of the Children of Lies if you submit to total surrender (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). You will have to submit to total surrender of your old identity and acceptance of a new identity (2 Corinthians 5:17)  The Man of Truth will be living out his life through you because you have died to your old life (Galatians 2:20).

You will have a new religion if you submit to total surrender.  You may already be going to a congregation where you think that the religious leaders know the Father of Truth but that does not mean that you have the same religion as them or that they have submitted in total surrender to the Man of Truth.  If you submit in total surrender and they have not then you will not have the same religion that they do.  If that is the case then eventually these religious leaders will persecute you and drive you from the place of worship that you might have attended for a long time (John 16:1-3).

In short total surrender will mean an end of your old way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.

You cannot submit to total surrender in your own strength. You can only submit to total surrender when you love the Man of Truth (John 14:15).  You cannot submit to total surrender until you realize that the Father of Truth loved you so much when you were still in rebellion that He sent His son to die for your sins (Romans 5:8).  You cannot submit to total surrender without the Spirit of Truth coming to live in you to help you do so (Romans 8:8-10).   The love for the Man of Truth that prompts you to total surrender comes from realizing the love that he first had for you (1 John 4:19).

No one can force you to come into the House of Truth.  You cannot come into the House of Truth by observing certain holidays or keeping certain customs.  You cannot come into the House of Truth by simply being born to parents that are in the House of Truth. You cannot come into the House of Truth by attending a congregation with the Children of Truth.  You must decide to come into the House of Truth for yourself.

You can only come into the House of Truth by submitting in total surrender to the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:21).  You must be born again to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3).  You must repent because you are truly sorry for rebelling against the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:10).  This is what it means to come into the House of Truth.

You come into the House of Truth when you decide to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-12).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Collateral Damage

What is the timing of the Rapture?

When nations go to war unintended people are often killed.  Sometimes this includes those on the side that is attacking.  This occurs for a number of reasons.  Sometimes the target cannot be clearly identified. Sometimes a combatant hits the wrong target by accident.  Sometimes one of the enemy combatants fire upon the friendly combatants from the middle of friendly territory.  This leaves their opponent little choice but to fire back sometimes killing those on their own side in the cross fire.

However, there are other cases where generals know that in order to achieve a military objective they will likely kill some on their own side no matter how hard they try to avoid doing so.  One example of this is carpet bombing by the Allies in World War II.

The bombs of this era lacked any kind of guidance system and were simply dropped out of a plane.  No matter how carefully the bombardier aimed the bombs would still get blown off course on the way down.  A single bomb aimed at a factory could hit a war prison that was nearby and miss the factory completely.

So eventually a strategy was developed of a row of planes dropping a series of bombs at the same time in a single pass over the target area.  The bombs would form a grid shape and destroy everything inside the grid when they landed.  This was usually effective in destroying the target.  Needless to say, this process of carpet bombing not only destroyed the target but also everything near the target including the war prisons.

In some cases, there were war prisons that got hit in the carpet bombing by the Allies which contained American, French and British prisoners.  The prisoners were not bomb proof and were sometimes killed inadvertently in the effort to destroy the war making capacity of the German army that had imprisoned them.  They were referred to as collateral damage by the Allied generals because they were not the intended target even though they were still killed.  The generals knew that this collateral damage was inevitable but they consider this to be an acceptable loss that was necessary to win the war.

Like those generals there is a Great General that must also deal with the issue of His own people being embedded in the area of conflict.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD)  is the greatest warrior that will ever be (Exodus 15:3).  He will go forth and defeat His enemies (Isaiah 42:13).  He is the Great General.

The Great General has the greatest army that will ever fight.   This army will bring terror, great pain and destruction to all of His enemies in the Final Battle (Isaiah 13:6-9).   This army will not be like any army that mankind has fought against before (Joel 2:1-3).  Their appearance will bring terror to all that see them (Joel 2:4-6).  Those in this army will not break rank and they will not be wounded when they are struck by any weapon in the Final Battle (Joel 2:7-9). 

The Great General has commissioned the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to be the Captain of His army (Joshua 5:13-15).  His Captain will lead an army composed of the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) and the Angels of Truth from Heaven to bring destruction in the Final Battle (Isaiah 13:2-5).  His Captain will come with the Angels of Truth when he leads His army in the Final Battle (2 Thessalonians 1:7).

The Children of Truth will come with His Captain to execute judgment on the wicked in the Final Battle (Psalm 149:6-9).  His Captain will come with the Children of Truth when He appears again on the Earth in the Final Battle (1 Thessalonians 3:13).  His Captain will come with the Children of Truth to destroy the Children of Lies in the Final Battle (2 Thessalonians 1:9-10).  The Children of Truth will be with the Captain of His army in the Final Battle when he executes judgment on the wicked (Jude 1:14-15).

The heavens will give no light and the Earth will be shaken when the Great General pours out His wrath in the Final Battle to destroy every one in the world that does what He calls evil  (Isaiah 13:10-13).  The heavens will go dark and the Earth will tremble when He leads His great army in the Final Battle (Joel 2:10-11).  The heavens will go dark and Earth will be shaken when this Great General roars out of Zion to defend Jerusalem in the Final Battle (Joel 3:14-16).  The Children of Truth are coming with this Great General in the Final Battle when He causes the heavens to go dark (Zechariah 14:5-7). 

This Final Battle does not occur until the very end of the Tribulation  (Matthew 24:29-30).

The Tribulation is the Great War that leads up to the Final Battle.  The Tribulation will not come until the Gospel has been preached to every single ethnic group on Earth (Matthew 24:14).  Everyone on Earth would die in the Tribulation if the Great General did not cut it short for the sake of Israel (Matthew 24:21-22).  The Tribulation will come upon every Jew and Gentile that does evil (Romans 2:9).

The Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast aka The Man of Sin) rises to power at the beginning of the Tribulation by causing a war that will kill one in four people on Earth (Revelation 6:2-8).  Then the enemies of the Great General will know that His wrath has began (Revelation 6:15-17).  His wrath will be completed in the last seven plagues of the Tribulation (Revelation 15:1).

His wrath will be poured out on the Children of Lies in the Great War (John 3:36).  His wrath is for those that refuse to believe the Word of Truth regardless of the evidence (Romans 1:18-20).  His wrath is for those that have hardened their hearts against Him (Romans 2:5).  His wrath will be poured out on the Children of Lies that do the things that He says are wicked (Ephesians 5:5-6).  His wrath will come upon the Children of Lies in the Great War because of what they do (Colossians 3:5-6).

This Great General does not accept collateral damage.  His wrath is reserved for His enemies (Nahum 1:2).  He will not leave the Children of Truth in harms way when He pours out His wrath upon the Earth in the Great War (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11).  He will bring the Tribulation upon those that trouble the Children of Truth (2 Thessalonians 1:6).  The Captain of His army will take vengeance on the Children of Lies that do not know Him and will not obey His Captain (2 Thessalonians 1:8).

How will the Great General prevent there from being any collateral damage?

The Great General will do it in same manner as when He poured out His wrath in the Great Flood.  First He warned Noah that His wrath was coming (Genesis 6:11-13).  Then He told Noah how he could escape His wrath (Genesis 7:1-4).  Noah was separated from the danger before His wrath came down (Genesis 7:15-16). Noah was lifted above the Earth, the place of destruction, when His wrath came down (Genesis 7:15).  Noah was taken out of the way before destruction came because he was a righteous (Hebrews 11:7).

The Great General operated the same way when He poured out His wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah.  First He warned Lot that His wrath was coming (Genesis 19:13). Then He told Lot how he could escape His wrath (Genesis 19:14-15).  Lot was separated from the danger before His wrath came down (Genesis 19:16).  Lot would have been lifted above the valley, the place of destruction, when His wrath came down if Lot had not asked to go to Zoar instead (Genesis 19:17-20).  Lot was taken out of the way before destruction came because he was righteous (2 Peter 2:6-8).

The Great General has warned the Children of Truth of His coming wrath (Luke 21:34-35).  He has told them how to escape His wrath (Luke 21:36).  They will be separated from the danger before His wrath comes down just like Noah and Lot (2 Peter 2:5-9).  They will be lifted above the Earth, the place of destruction, just before His wrath comes down (1 Thessalonians 4:17). They will be taken out of the way before destruction comes because they have turned to righteousness (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10).

This process of removing the Children of Truth from the Earth before His Wrath is poured out occurs in The Greatest Play Ever as well.

The Feasts of the Father of Truth together form the Greatest Play Ever (Leviticus 23:4).   Each of these Feasts are an act in the Greatest Play Ever that tell the story of the Man of Truth, His dealings with the nation of Israel, and His dealings with the Children of Truth.

The last act that has been played out in the history of the Children of Truth was that of Pentecost (Shavuot).  In that act the Children of Truth were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) so they could have the power to bring the Gospel into all of the Earth (Acts 2:1-4).  There is a long intermission between that act and the next act in the play.  During the long intermission between that act and the next act the Children of Truth have been busy using that power to carry out the work of the Man of Truth throughout the Earth (Mark 16:15-18). 

Soon the long intermission will be over and the Day of Alarming (Yom Teruah aka The Feast of Trumpets (mistakenly called Rosh Hashanah by the Rabbis)) will begin.   This next act in the Greatest Play Ever tells of His plan to prevent collateral damage.

In the rehearsal of this fifth act, the shofars (trumpets) are blown produce the sound of alarming to call people together (this is what Teruah means) and then the people are gathered together to meet with the Father of Truth (Leviticus 23:24-25).

In the rehearsal of the sixth act everyone fasts as a sign of mourning for their disobedience and the atonement that was made for their disobedience to the Father of Truth (Leviticus 23:27-29).

This day is also known as Judgment Day (Romans 2:5-6).  On this day every person will get what their deeds deserve (Romans 2:5-6). The wicked will be destroyed on Judgment Day (2 Peter 3:7).  Those that have repented and became the Children of Truth will be rewarded on Judgment Day (1 John 4:15-17).

The intermission between the sounding the alarm with the shofar (trumpet) and Judgment Day is called the Days of Awe when people have one last opportunity to repent before coming before the Father of Truth on Judgment Day.

The blowing of shofars serves a warning of the approach of the Judgment Day when the Final Battle will occur (Joel 2:1).  When the Final Battle is over then Israel will mourn for their disobedience to the Father of Truth and their treatment of the Man of Truth who made atonement for them (Zechariah 12:10-14).

The period between the blowing of the shofars (trumpets) to gather people to meet the Father of Truth and the Final Battle is the time of the Tribulation.  This is the time of terrible trouble that will come upon the whole Earth (Daniel 12:1).  Some people will repent during the Tribulation before the Father of Truth judges the whole world after the Final Battle although it will cost them their lives to do so (Revelation 6:9-11).

Just like how in the fifth act of the Greatest Play Ever shofars (trumpets) are blown to call people to meet the Father of Truth so also shall the Children of Truth that have died shall meet with the Man of Truth to prepare to fight with him in the Final Battle (1 Thessalonians 4:16).  Just as Yom Teruah ends with one last great blast of the shofar (trumpet) that signals the end of the gathering people together to meet the Father of Truth before the Days of Awe begin so also shall the last shofar (trumpet) blast cause the Children of Truth that are alive to be gathered together to meet the Man of Truth before the Tribulation begins (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).  In fact the Man of Lies cannot even be revealed to start the Great War until the Children of Truth are taken off the Earth so that he can operate unhindered (2 Thessalonians 2:7-9).

The Greatest Play Ever plainly shows that the Great General will take the Children of Truth out of the Earth before He unleashes the Great War known as the Tribulation.  The Great General does not take collateral damage and He does not consider destroying some of His Children when pours out His wrath to be an acceptable loss.

Before the Children of Truth are taken off the Earth to meet the Man of Truth there will be a great falling away among those that call themselves followers of the Man of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3).  This great falling away will happen because their love for the Man of Truth will have grown cold due to the growth in iniquity that comes right before the Great War (Matthew 24:12).  In this great falling away most that call themselves believers are consumed with materialism and have become lukewarm (Revelation 3:14-17)  This is the final phase of the long intermission between when the Spirit of Truth was poured out at Pentecost and when the Children of Truth will be taken off the Earth at the sounding of the shofar (trumpet) (Revelation 1:10-11).  After the Church age has ran its course then the shofar (trumpet) will sound and the Children of Truth will be brought up by Spirit of Truth to view the Great War from Heaven (Revelation 4:1-2).  When the last of those that will repent during the Tribulation have came up to Heaven as well then the Children of Truth will return to the Earth in the army of His Captain to fight in the Final Battle (Revelation 19:11-16).

Of course, it makes no difference when the Great General will remove His Children from the Earth if you have not come into the House of Truth.  You have an appoint with death and you will participate in Judgment Day whether or not you come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 9:27).  You will certainly keep this appointment with death unless you are among that come into the House of Truth in the last days before the Great War and never experience death (1 Corinthians 15:50-52).  You are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the rest of today so you need to come into the House of Truth right now (2 Corinthians 6:1-2).  You need to come into the House of Truth right now by deciding to follow every order of His Captain that was raised from the dead by the Great General  (Romans 10:9-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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