Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Spirit of The Law

Is the Spirit of Truth at odds with the Law of Truth?

Many preachers have said things like, since we have been given the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then we do not need the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).  They have went on to say things like, the Spirit of Truth has set us free from the Law of Truth.  They went on further to say things like, since we are lead by the Spirit of Truth, then we are under no obligation to obey the Law of Truth.   They act like, the Law of Truth was holding people prisoners with demands to obey its commandments, but the Spirit of Truth set them free from any need to obey those commandments.  Basically, they give the impression that the Spirit of Truth is at odds with the Law of Truth.

Is this what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says?  In particular, is this what the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) says?

The best place to start is the day of Pentecost, when the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), as his last instructions before he left this Earth (Acts 1:4-9).  Then on the day of Pentecost, they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth and spoke in tongues (Acts 2:1-4).  This was proof, that the Father of Truth had poured out the Spirit of Truth upon the Children of Truth, as He had spoken through Joel, the Prophet of Truth (Acts 2:16-18).  This was the promise of the Father of Truth, that the Man of Truth said, would be given to those who waited in Jerusalem (Acts 2:33).

Then a second group of people, who had not received the instructions of the Man of Truth, were baptized in the Spirit of Truth on the day of Pentecost as well.  Those, who were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth, had witnessed the Man of Truth rise again (Acts 2:30-32). Then these Jewish people were told about the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Acts 2:33-36).  Then they were also told, that they would also be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, if they would come into the House of Truth, because it was promised to all of the Jewish people (Acts 2:37-39).

There was about 120 of the Children of Truth, who were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:12-15).  However, the Man of Truth had given these instructions to more than 500 of them (1 Corinthians 15:4-6).  What made the difference, between those who obeyed the instructions, and those who did not?

There were 3000 more, who were baptized in the Spirit of Truth as a second group on that same day (Acts 2:40-41).  There were many thousands more in Jerusalem on that day.  What made the difference, between those who were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and those who were not?

What caused some to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth on the day of Pentecost, when the sound of power was first heard, while others were not, becomes clear, when some other questions are answered.

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost comes from a Greek word, that literally means "fiftieth".

Pentecost is the Feast of Truth, given in the Law of Truth, that occurs on the fiftieth day, counting off from First Fruits (Bikkurim) as one, when the firstfruits of the barley harvest is offered, that occurs on the first day after the Sabbath that follows Passover (Leviticus 23:10-16).

During these fifty days that start with First Fruits and ends with Pentecost, there are seven weeks, that each end with a regular weekly Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-16).  For this reason, the Feast of Truth called Pentecost in Greek, is also known as "the Feast of Weeks", when the first fruits of the wheat harvest is offered (Exodus 34:22).  So in Hebrew, this Feast of Truth is called "Shabuot", which literally means "weeks".

So Pentecost is not it some holiday, like Ash Wednesday, that was created by the False Church of Rome.  Pentecost was the Feast of Truth, given the Law of Truth, when the baptism of the Spirit of Truth first occurred.

Many of the Children of Truth have been confused about this, because of the False Church of Rome.  The False Church of Rome has made a counterfeit holiday, that it also calls "Pentecost".  This counterfeit holiday was created, hundreds of years after the baptism of Spirit of Truth was first given.

How did those, who had not heard the instructions of the Man of Truth, know to be in Jerusalem?

Moses (Moishe) was told, that everyone, who lived in the Promised Land, was to bring their offering for these Feasts of Truth, starting with First Fruits (Leviticus 23:9-11).  They were to bring their offering to Jerusalem, where the Father of Truth would place His name, to observe Pentecost (Deuteronomy 16:9-11).  Every man, who lived in the Promised Land, was to appear before the Father of Truth at the Temple in Jerusalem, for Pentecost, and the other two harvest Feast of Truth, with an offering (Deuteronomy 16:16-17).

If anyone was outside of the Promised Land for any reason, then they were to turn their offering for each of these Feasts of Truth into money, and store up the money, until they were able to come to Jerusalem, to make their offering at one of these Feasts of Truth, like Pentecost (Deuteronomy 14:22-25).

Pentecost, was an extra Sabbath, where the Children of Truth were to not do any regular work, and congregate together (Numbers 28:26).  Those who lived outside the Promised Land, would bring the money of their offering, and give it at their meeting place, for these three Feasts of Truth.  Whenever representatives from their congregation went to Jerusalem, then they would send the accumulated offerings of the entire congregation, to be given on their behalf at the Temple.

These three Feasts of Truth, were all extra Sabbaths.  Since the first two always fell on Sunday, the first day of the week, all three of these extra Sabbaths almost always occurred before the regular weekly Sabbath.  So they were each called a First Sabbath.  It was on one of these First Sabbaths, that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) instructed the Children of Truth, to gather their offerings, so those offerings could be taken to Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 16:1-3). [The phrase "first day of the week" has "day" in italics, because the Greek word for word "day" is not in the Greek phrase "mian sabbaton", used in this passage, which literally means "first Sabbath".]

Since many of the Gentile Children of Truth have not understood for centuries, that Paul the Jew had the Children of Truth collecting their offerings on First Sabbaths, like Pentecost, they have also not understood, who changed the Sabbath.

However, when the baptism of the Spirit of Truth was given at Pentecost (Shabuot), the Jewish Children of Truth understood, that they were in Jerusalem, to celebrate one of the Feasts of Truth, that had been commanded in the Law of Truth.

Those in that second group to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, were devout to keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Acts 2:5).  Some of them were so devout. that they had walked more than a thousand miles, just to be in Jerusalem for the Feast of Truth, called Pentecost (Acts 2:9-11).

What is the promise of the Father of Truth that was first fulfilled at Pentecost?

The promise of the Father of Truth was to give the Children of Truth a new heart, and put a new spirit in them, so they could obey the commandments of the Law of Truth from their heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  He promised to put the Spirit of Truth in them, so they could obey the commandments of the Law of Truth from their heart (Ezekiel 36:26-27). Since the Spirit of Truth would cause them to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth from their heart, then the Father of Truth would no longer hide His face from them (Ezekiel 39:29).  The Children of Truth would know, that the Spirit of Truth had been poured out on them, when they began to speak forth supernatural utterances, that glorified the Father of Truth (Joel 2:28-29). 

This is what those, who had first been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, did, by speaking messages in languages, that they could not speak on their own, that gloried the Father of Truth (Acts 2:5-11).  So Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) told those, who heard the Children of Truth do this, that they were witnessing the sign, that the Father of Truth was pouring the Spirit of Truth on the Children of Truth, so they could obey the commandments of the Law of Truth (Acts 2:14-18).

So the Children of Truth were baptized in the Spirit of Truth at Pentecost, a Feast of Truth, so they could obey the commandments of the Law of Truth from their heart.

What was required to receive the promise of the Father?

The promise of the Father of Truth to give the Spirit of Truth, was only for those, who repented of breaking the commandments of the Law of Truth. (Ezekiel 18:30-32)

Now the Father of Truth had spoken in the Law of Truth, that He would raise up another Prophet of Truth like unto Moses, and that people must obey that Prophet of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).  The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth, who people must obey (Acts 3:20-23).

So Peter the Jew told those, who heard those, who were first baptized in the Spirit of Truth, what they had to do to also be baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  They must repent of breaking the commandments of the Law of Truth, by making a commitment to obey the Man of Truth, so they could receive the promise of the Father of Truth, to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:38-39).

Now that these questions have been answered, it starts becoming clear, why only some of those, who could have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, received the promise of the Father of Truth.

All of those, who the Man of Truth told to wait in Jerusalem, should have been there, because he is the one, that the Law of Truth said, that they must obey.  Even if he had not told them to wait in Jerusalem, they should have been there, to obey the commandment of the Law of Truth, to be there for Pentecost.  Those who were devoted to the Father of Truth, enough to obey Law of Truth, by coming to Jerusalem for Pentecost, were also the ones, who were devoted enough, to obey the Man of Truth.

So even though, Jerusalem was full of people, not all of them were there, out of devotion to the Father of Truth.  Those who were devoted to the Father of Truth, enough to obey Law of Truth, by coming to Jerusalem for Pentecost, from far away, were also the ones, who were devoted enough, to repent of breaking the Law of Truth, and make a commitment to obey the Man of Truth.

So the first people to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, were those, who strongly desired to obey the Law of Truth.  They desired to have the Spirit of Truth poured out on them, as the Father of Truth had promised, so they could obey the Law of Truth from their heart, as He had always intended.

The truth is, that it has always been about the heart.

The heart that turns to the Father of Truth, keeps the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:10).  The heart that loves the Father of Truth, keeps the commandments of the Law of Truth (Joshua 22:5).   The heart that contains the Law of Truth, will never slide away from the Father of Truth (Psalm 37:31).  The heart that seeks to keep the Law of Truth, seeks to learn from the Father of Truth (Psalm 119:33-35).

The Man of Truth came to do the will of the Father of Truth, because the Law of Truth was in his heart (Psalm 40:7-9).  The heart of a child of the Father of Truth, seeks to remember to keep the Law of Truth (Proverbs 3:1).

Since the heart is the real issue, no one can obey the Law of Truth, without the Spirit of Truth.

The Law of Truth will kill anyone, who tries to obey it by the letter, without the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:4-6).  The Law of Truth cannot be obeyed without the Spirit of Truth, so it will bring death to everyone, who does not have the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:12-14).  Those who do not have the Spirit of Truth are under the penalty of death, because their flesh will lead them into disobedience to the Law of Truth, but those who follow the Spirit of Truth, are free from the penalty of death, because the Spirit of Truth will lead them into obedience to the Law of Truth (Romans 8:1-3).  Those who are lead by the Spirit of Truth, do those things that Law of Truth says are right, which results in life, but those who are lead by their flesh, do those things that Law of Truth says are evil, which results in death (Romans 8:4-6).  So those who live their life in obedience to the Spirit of Truth, are not under condemnation for disobeying the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18).

The flesh will lead people into behavior, that is contrary to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:19-21).  The Spirit of Truth will lead people into behavior, that fulfills the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:22-23).

So the Spirit of Truth was first poured out on those, who were already trying to obey the Law of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth was promised to be poured out, so people could keep the Law of Truth from their heart.  The Spirit of Truth leads people into obedience to the Law of Truth. 

In fact, the Law of Truth came from the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16).  Every prophecy, including the Law of Truth, came from the Spirit of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).  So the Spirit of Truth cannot be at odds with the Law of Truth.

The real problem is, that every person is born with a heart, that is deceitful and wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).  They have a heart of stone, that cannot bear to even hear the Law of Truth (Zechariah 7:12).  It is not possible for people with such a heart, to be subject to the Law of Truth, and live a life that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (Romans 8:7-8).

So their stony heart must be replaced with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19).  Another spirit, the Spirit of Truth, must replace the corrupt spirit, that they were born with, so their heart can be replaced (Ezekiel 36:26).  Then the Spirit of Truth can write the Law of Truth upon their hearts (2 Corinthians 3:3).

The Father of Truth said, that He would make a Renewed Covenant, where He would write the Law of Truth in the hearts of the Children of Truth (Jeremiah 31:33).  The Renewed Covenant is the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth in the hearts of the Children of Truth (Hebrews 8:10).  The Spirit of Truth was given to write the Law of Truth in the hearts of the Children of Truth, because that is the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 10:15-17).

The Spirit of Truth is the means to being born into the House of Truth (John 3:5-7).  Everyone who comes into the House of Truth, is given the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:9-11).  People come into the House of Truth, when they surrender to the Man of Truth, because they believe in their heart, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).  After they come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth begins writing the Law of Truth on their hearts, so they can obey the Law of Truth from their hearts, because that is the Renewed Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:3-6).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Snake In The Leaves

Where is the most dangerous place on Earth for Christians?

Recently, I had a dream about Old Tom.  This was not one of those obviously unrealistic dreams, where you forget what you dreamed about as soon as you wake up.  This was one of those dreams, where various memories are spliced together so well, that it feels like you were just there when you wake up.

I have not seen Old Tom in over thirty years, and it is almost certain, that Old Tom is no longer alive.  I have not even thought about Old Tom for at least twenty years. 

It seemed really strange to suddenly relive various encounters with Old Tom, with nothing to account for these memories being brought into my dreams.  As I thought about why I had dreamed about Old Tom, I realized, that this dream had to do with the warning that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) wanted me to give to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).

You see, Old Tom, was not a person, or even a pet.  Old Tom was a water moccasin (cotton mouth) - a deadly poisonous snake - that nested under a bush at the edge of the pond in the woods. 

I first encountered Old Tom, when I first went to the pond in the woods.  I was about seven years old.  This was when I first became aware that there was a snake in the leaves.

I was fascinated with snakes, and I soon learned that the reason why Old Tom was grayish, instead of blackish, like most other water moccasins, was because water moccasins start turning gray when they get old.  Since this particular water moccasin was always under the same bush at the edge of the pond in the woods, except for the hibernation season of snakes, I became quite familiar with him.  So I named this deadly viper, Old Tom.

I also protected Old Tom. 

When my uncle Ken took us out to kill the water moccasins, I did not tell him about Old Tom, even though I knew exactly where to find Old Tom.  I somehow imagined, that Old Tom was my friend, even though I knew, that his mouth was full of venom.  I also knew, that he would turn around and bite me, if I disturbed him.

Sometimes, when my brothers would meet with me on the bank of the pond in the woods, Old Tom would be within a few feet from where they were standing. (Pointing away from them and towards the pond.)  They were unaware of the viper that laid right at their feet.  Even though I knew that one bite from Old Tom could hospitalize, or kill someone, I continued to let Old Tom remain in our midst. This continued for years until we had all left the farm.

It may seem to really strange to you that I would allow a deadly snake to remain in the place, where my brothers and I frequently met as we did things together, but this is exactly what many of the Children of Truth do.

The fact is, that there is frequently an Old Tom in the place where the Children of Truth meet together every week, rather it is on the Sabbath, or another day.  Their Old Tom has been sitting in the same place where they meet for years.  They may have become quite familiar with their Old Tom.  Their Old Tom may act like he is their friend, but if they would pay attention, then they would realize that his mouth is full of venom.  Their Old Tom will turn around and bite them, if they disturb him.

Many of the Children of Truth are unaware of the viper that lays at their feet.  Others in their congregation are aware of the damage that their Old Tom can do, yet they continue to let their Old Tom remain in their midst.

The Children of Truth allowing an Old Tom to remain among their congregation, can turn their own congregation into the most dangerous place for them to be on Earth.

The venom, that is in the mouth of their Old Tom is the Doctrine of Lies.  If this venom gets injected into their souls, it can do far worse than send them to the hospital or the morgue.  It can send their eternal souls to that Chamber of Horrors known as Hell.

The danger that these snakes pose to everyone in the congregation, is usually very subtle.  They do not quickly and dramatically do their damage, like a roaming pack of ravening wolves attacking a flock of sheep from the woods.  Rather they slowly and quietly, move themselves through the congregation, like a snake in the leaves.

Next, these Old Toms wait for an opportunity, to strike their victims quietly and suddenly.  Their victims are like frogs, which are unaware that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms operate in the same way that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) operates.  He began his deception of the human race as a snake in the leaves (Genesis 3:1-6).

First, the Father of Lies raised questions about the Word of Truth, to look for a weakness in his first victim (Genesis 3:1).  Then his first victim displayed a weakness, by adding words to their answer, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had never actually said (Genesis 3:2-3).  Next the Father of Lies contradicted what the Father of Truth had said, and then added in things that came from another source, to his message (Genesis 3:4-5).  His first victim was injected with his venom as soon as the first victim believed his message, and then his first victim began to spread his poison to the rest of the congregation (Genesis 3:6).

Frequently, it is not that these Old Toms openly attack what is written in the Book of Truth, but rather they slowly begin to add in things that come from other sources, to their messages.

For example, recently a friend of mine sent me a cute story about a little girl and her dog, which a pastor had told his congregation.

In this story, the dog became very sick, and the vet was going to have to kill the dog to end its suffering.  The father of the girl was the one who had to tell the girl, so she could tell her dog good-bye.  After the father told the girl,with tears streaming down his face, the little girl told him that he did not need to cry.  Her surprised father looked at her smiling face and asked her, why she said that.  She explained that God puts people on Earth, so that they can learn to be loyal and brave, but dogs do not need to stay on Earth, because they are already loyal and brave, so He brings them home to live with Him.

This is story may seem sweet and sentimental, but it is full of venom.  This story teaches re-incarnation, a concept from idol-worshiping religions like Hinduism.  The Father of Truth is pictured as putting souls on Earth in the bodies of various creatures.  The Father of Truth is pictured as doing this, so they can learn lessons that they did not learn in their previous life.  The Father of Truth is pictured as taking souls off the Earth to live with Him, after they have learned all of their lessons.

This completely contradicts what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says.  It says, that human beings alone were made in the very image of the Father of Truth (Genesis 1:26-27).  It says, that the Father of Truth breathed His very life into the human race (Genesis 2:7).  It says, that every person is below every angel, but above every animal, in their nature (Psalm 8:4-8).  It says, that each person will have to answer to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) for everything that they do in their human body (2 Corinthians 5:10).  It says, that each human soul only lives in a mortal human body once, and after they have died once, then they will have to face judgment for their deeds (Hebrews 9:27).

So New Age teaching, which is basically westernized Hinduism, is wrapped up inside a cute story that pastors can tell to their congregations.  People, perhaps without even realizing what they are doing, then pass on this New Age teaching to others.  This story was invented by some Old Tom to inject the venom of New Age teaching into congregations subtly, like a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms are hardly limited to pulpits, or even members of congregations.  They have found far more effective ways of injecting their venom into multiple congregations.  Cute stories full of venom are passed on to unwitting pastors and congregants, through books like the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series.

If one even casually examines the life of Jack Canfield, the author of this series, then it will become apparent that he is a New Age teacher and motivational speaker.  Even if that was not the case, it should be obvious by looking at how he has lived his life, that he is not one of the Children of Truth.  The fruit of his life has been evil, so you can be sure that he is evil (Matthew 7:16-18).  An Old Tom like this can only have venom in his mouth, because that is all that is his heart (Luke 6:43-45).

These Old Toms can inject their venom into congregations through other media as well.  They may write songs with lyrics, that might clearly contradict the Book of Truth in some ways, that congregations start singing.  As these words are repeated, every time those songs are sung, the venom in those songs, is working its way into the souls of the singers.  These congregations are unaware, that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms may make recordings of songs with perfectly fine lyrics, but then use their performance of those songs, as a platform to be invited to speak before congregations.  They may even be held up as example of being a Christian, even though an examination of their lives, would show that they are not part of the Children of Truth.  They are then positioned, to deliver their venom, like a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms will have songs sung in their congregations, that plainly espouse a lifestyle that is contrary to the Book of Truth, in order to be "seeker friendly".  These songs are often written by, and performed by people, who are unashamed in their rebellion against the Father of Truth.  It does not matter to these snakes, that being friendly towards secular (of the world) things, makes them enemies to the Father of Truth (James 4:4).  It does not matter to these snakes, that these songs are the very kind of secular things, that the Children of Truth are commanded to not love, because they come from the Father of Lies (1 John 2:15-17).   They are counting on, the Children of Truth being too entertained to realize, that there is a snake in the leaves. 

These Old Toms are not limited to authors and entertainers, but extend to people in every walk of life, that have been successful in some area, for example, sports or politics.  They are invited to speak to congregations of the Children of Truth, due to their success, even though, they do not obey the Man of Truth, but only give lip service to following him (Luke 6:46-49).  The Children of Truth are open to believing their message, even though it contains venom, that can destroy their soul, because they do not recognize, that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms will try to get their venom injected into congregations, through other media such as radio, movies, and television as well.  They usually will market their fangs, that were made to deliver venom, as being a ministry.  Some of them will add in contradictions to the Book of Truth from psychology, that is based on the very Greek philosophies, that the Children of Truth are told to avoid (Colossians 2:8).  Some of them will introduce practices from the False Church of Rome, that are the commandments of mere men, to make people appear to be religious (Colossians 2:18-23).  Some of them make merchandise of the Children of Truth, through dire warnings, even going so far as to sell them "Tribulation Survival Gear", instead issuing the warning of "People get ready!", that would cause the Children of Truth to focus on carrying out the Great Commission (2 Peter 2:1-3).  Some of them will simply lack the compassion to warn people to repent, so they can escape the Chamber of Horrors, and be saved through fear (Jude 1:22-23).  These vipers count on, the Children of Truth letting down their guard, while watching and listening to Christian media, instead of looking out, for a snake in the leaves.

Some of these Old Toms will even perform miracles in the name of the Man of Truth, but will not obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, because they do not know the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:21-25).  They rely on the Children of Truth, never suspecting, that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms have also mastered using the internet, especially e-mail and social media, to deliver their venom.  They produce content of every imaginable type, and then use the internet to inject their venom into congregations, that they could otherwise never reach.  They count on their content being consumed by congregations, who never suspect, that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms are not a modern phenomenon.  Only their methods of delivering their venom has changed, as technology has changed.  Old Toms have been around, before the Man of Truth was ever born.

The original Old Toms operated among the very first congregation of the Children of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:28-33).  There were Old Toms among the Jewish Children of Truth, before there were ever any Gentile Children of Truth (Psalm 58:1-5).  These Jewish Old Toms sought to destroy the Jewish Children of Truth with the venom in their mouths, as surely as, other people sought to destroy them with the weapons of war (Psalm 140:2-4).  These Jewish Old Toms opened their mouths, to inject their venom, like a snake in the leaves (Romans 3:12-14).

The venom of different types of snakes are not all equal.  For example, the bite of a water moccasin might kill someone in hours, but the bite of a coral snake will kill them in minutes.  So also the venom of different types of Old Toms are not all equal.  The deadliest venom of all, is the venom, that came from the mouths of these Jewish Old Toms.

These deadliest of vipers are the founders of Rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 3:7).  Nothing but venom can come out of their mouths, because that is all that is in their hearts (Matthew 12:34).  They swiftly destroy those, who are injected with their venom (Matthew 23:15).

These Old Toms are like a spitting cobra, that has gone blind - they cannot see what really matters, and they keep others from seeing as well (Matthew 23:16-22).  These blind snakes over emphasize the lessor matters of the Law, while ignoring the weightier matters of the Law, because they cannot see the true size of things (Matthew 23:23-24).  These blind snakes are only concerned with appearing to be clean, but take no action to really be clean (Matthew 23:25-26).

These Old Toms will not come into the House of Truth, and block others from doing so as well (Matthew 23:13).  These snakes put on a religious show, to extort widows into giving them money (Matthew 23:14).  These snakes have nothing but death on the inside, no matter how righteous they may appear to be on the outside (Matthew 23:27-28).  These snakes came from those Old Toms, who killed the Prophets of Truth, so they finished what their fathers had started, when they killed the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:29-32).   These vipers are certain to be destroyed, for the damage that they have done (Matthew 23:33-35).

The Children of Truth are warned by the Man of Truth to avoid their venom (Matthew 16:12).  They are warned, that these Old Toms will pretend to have some understanding of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), based on fables told to them by their ancestors, that is beyond what is written in the Book of Truth (1 Timothy 1:3-7).  These Old Toms add Jewish fables to the Book of Truth, to lead the Children of Truth away from the Doctrine of Truth (Titus 1:14).

This deadliest of all venom is the source of Jewish trouble.  It is why, only a remnant of the Jewish people have come into the House of Truth (Romans 11:1-5).  Most of the Jewish people have been blinded by their venom (Romans 11:7-10).  Most of the Jewish people will not come into the House of Truth, until this venom is taken away (Romans 11:25-27).  When this venom is taken away, then all of the remaining Jewish people will come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:12-16).

Yet congregations, that would never dream of adding something like the Book of Mormon to form their doctrine, allow modern Old Toms to add books, like the Talmud, that contain this deadliest of venoms.  Like the Father of Lies, they try to convince people, that the Book of Truth does not contain all, that the Father of Truth said, and that the missing books of the Bible, contain the rest of what He said.  They insist, that the Father of Truth was not able to maintain the Incorruptible Word in the Book of Truth.  They use, what they call "a Hebrew perspective", that relies on these books, written and maintained by the Rabbis, to inject the same venom, that has brought death to so many of the Jewish people.  They use Rabbinic Distort, to keep the Children of Truth from seeing, that there is a snake in the leaves.

So Old Toms, that have been placed by the Father of Lies, into every kind of congregation, and among every occupation of the Children of Truth, will continue to be a problem, until the Man of Truth removes them at the end of the age (Matthew 13:24-30).  Like the Father of Lies, these Old Toms transform themselves, into appearing to be something that they are not (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  It would be easier to spot all of these Old Toms, if they did not masquerade as being part of the Children of Truth.  These counterfeits try to look as much like the genuine as possible, so the Children of Truth will not be aware, that there is a snake in the leaves.

So what are the Children of Truth supposed to do, to keep from getting bitten by these Old Toms?

The Children of Truth need each other, just like the parts of a body need each other (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).  They are to take care of each other, because they are all part of one another (Ephesians 4:25-32).  They are certainly not supposed to stop congregating together (Hebrews 10:25).

The Children of Truth are supposed to congregate together, so they can help each other to be more like the Man of Truth (Romans 12:9-16).  They are supposed to congregate together, so they can encourage each other to be more like the Man of Truth (Romans 14:13-19).  They are supposed to congregate together, so they can admonish each other to be more like the Man of Truth (Romans 15:1-14).  They are supposed to congregate together, so they can pull each other back on to the path of becoming more like the Man of Truth (Galatians 6:1-2).

The Children of Truth are supposed to be like the Man of Truth, and use memorable stories to convey the message found in the Book of Truth (Luke 15:10-32).  They are supposed to strengthen each other with stories, that encourage each other to stay in the House of Truth (Luke 18:1-8).  They are supposed to do things to remind each other, that the resurrection of the Children of Truth who have died, and the Rapture of those who are still alive, are coming (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  They are supposed to sing songs, with lyrics that are in line with the Book of Truth, to help each other stay in the House of Truth (Colossians 3:15-17).

The Father of Truth has raised up some of the Children of Truth, in every congregation, to help them remain in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:28-31).  He has given His religious professionals to the Children of Truth, to keep them from being bitten by a snake in the leaves (Ephesians 4:11-14).

So make no mistake, the solution is not avoid congregating together, and avoiding Christian media.  These are all very useful, when they have not been injected with venom, by an Old Tom.  The same means, that Old Toms can use to inject their venom into congregations, can be used to administer the anti-venom found in the Book of Truth.  Sermons, books, songs, television, movies, radio, and the internet are all just means of carrying messages.  The message that is being carried, and the messenger giving the message, are what must be examined, to determine if there is a snake in the leaves.

The Children of Truth must learn to examine these things themselves, if they want to avoid being bitten by an Old Tom.  It is not possible, for every Christian bookstore to review each and every line of every book, that is sent to it by the publishers.  It is not always easy, to closely examine the life of each author, from a distance.  The same is true for Christian music stores,  Christian radio, Christian movie distribution systems, and Christian television.  It is certain, that no one is able to filter everything, that claims to be Christian, on the internet.

The Children of Truth must not put all of the responsibility on others, to spot Old Toms.  Even the best of people are only human.  Pastors and other religious professionals, though they might do their best, can still miss something once in a while.  An Old Tom might have even slipped among those, who are supposed to be guarding the Children of Truth, from these vipers.  The Children of Truth must take responsibility, to also be on the look out, for a snake in the leaves.

The Children of Truth have three great tools, that are one hundred percent effective at spotting Old Toms, if they learn how to use them.

The Spirit of Truth is the first tool to help in spotting Old Toms.  The Spirit of Truth has been given to all of the Children of Truth (John 7:39).  The Spirit of Truth is in all of the Children of Truth (John 14:17).  The Spirit of Truth testifies to the Children of Truth about the Man of Truth (John 15:26).  The Spirit of Truth will guide the Children of Truth into the truth about all things, so that they will know, when there is a snake in the leaves (John 16:13).

The Sound of Power is the second tool to help in spotting Old Toms.  The Father of Truth will give the baptism of the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth, if they will ask Him (Luke 11:13).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is meant for all of the Children of Truth (Mark 16:17).  The Spirit of Truth then prays through the Children of Truth, to ask the Father of Truth about things, that they are unaware of (Romans 8:26-27).  The Children of Truth need to ask the Spirit of Truth, to tell them what they prayed by the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:13-14).  Praying in the Spirit of Truth will strengthen them, so that they will recognize, when there is a snake in the leaves (Jude 1:18-20).

The Book of Truth is the third tool to help in spotting Old Toms.  The Book of Truth is to be searched by the Children of Truth, to determine whether or not venom is in the mouth of those, who call themselves Christians (Acts 17:10-12).   The Book of Truth is able to make the Children of Truth, wise enough to know when someone is a viper, because it came from the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:13-16).  The Book of Truth makes the Children of Truth, able to discern when someone has venom in their mouth (Hebrews 5:12-14).  The Book of Truth is not a collection of Jewish fables, like the Midrash Rabbah, but is more certain than the personal experience of anyone, because it came from the Spirit of Truth (2 Peter 1:16-21).  The Book of Truth is the only source for forming doctrine, and anyone who forms doctrine, by adding anything from any other source, is a snake in the leaves (Revelation 22:18).

So the Spirit of Truth will alert the Children of Truth, that a message is from an Old Tom .  The Children of Truth will be able to hear the Spirit of Truth more clearly, if they spend time praying in tongues, after being baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth will lead them to examine, if anything is being added from another source, to what is written in the Book of Truth.  If that is the case, then they can be sure, that there is a snake in the leaves.

The Children of Truth just need to be careful to distinguish, between when someone is using an external source to bring clarity to what is written in the Book of Truth, and when someone is adding something to what is written in the Book of Truth to form doctrine.  Sometimes external sources need to be consulted, to understand the context of what is written in the Book of Truth correctly.  This is just part of what needs to be done, to rightly divide the Word of Truth.  However, whenever someone creates a doctrine, that they cannot support without a source external to the Book of Truth, then it is certain, that there is a snake in the leaves.

The Spirit of Truth will also guide them, in examining the fruit of the life of the messengers.  If they find in their examination, that the way that the messenger lives their life, is contrary to how the Book of Truth commands people to live their lives, then it is certain, that there is a snake in the leaves.

These Old Toms may have a gentle demeanor, but their intention is destruction (Matthew 7:15).  These Old Toms will tell the Children of Truth, that they are not supposed to be "fruit inspectors", but the Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth inspect the fruit of people, so that they are not bitten by these Old Toms (Matthew 7:19-20).  These Old Toms do not want the fruit of their lives inspected, because then the Children of Truth would recognize, that there is a snake in the leaves.

What should the Children of Truth do when they have spotted an Old Tom?

If an Old Tom is leading their congregation, they must take action.  They must mark this snake to warn others and avoid this snake altogether (Romans 16:17-18).  They must withdraw themselves from this snake, because this snake will not consent to the Doctrine of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5).  They must turn away from this snake, because this snake can never come to the truth, no matter how much education it has (2 Timothy 3:5-7).  They simply must leave the congregation, and find one that is not being lead by a snake in the leaves.  

If the Old Tom is someone else, like an author, or a singer, or hosts a television show, or the like, then they must in like manner, stop listening to anything, that they have to say.  The best way to avoid being injected with venom, is to move away from a snake in the leaves.

This does not mean that they cannot ask the Father of Truth to rescue these Old Toms.  They must remember, that these Old Toms can repent and be saved (Matthew 3:7-10).  They must remember, that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) was also once one of these vipers, until he was transformed by the Man of Truth (Galatians 1:12-14).  They must remember, that these vipers are also being deceived by a snake in the leaves (2 Timothy 3:13).

What should people do if they realize that they have already been bitten by an Old Tom?

There is an anti-venom available, for anyone who realizes, that they have been bitten by an Old Tom.

Like those, who were bitten by fiery serpents in the wilderness, they can look to the one, who was raised up on a pole, by the plan of the Father of Truth, and they will live (Numbers 21:8-9).  The Man of Truth was in like manner raised up on a cross, so that all, who have been bitten by an Old Tom, can live (John 3:14-16).  Those who come into the House of Truth, by trusting the Man of Truth to obey him, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will be given this anti-venom (Romans 10:9).  This anti-venom can even be given to those, who come back into the House of Truth, after been bitten again, when they stepped outside, because it is stronger than the venom of a snake in the leaves (1 John 1:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


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