Friday, March 23, 2018

The Most Important Thing

Is it more important to avoid Pagan customs, or to love people?

Many of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) keep Pagan customs that came from idolatry, but they show real love to other people.

Does their keeping pagan customs in ignorance, mean that they do not love the Man of Truth?

It is evident that these Children of Truth love the Man of Truth, by the way that they take care of his forever family, even though they have not yet left off these pagan customs.

In fact, many of them are doing more to carry out the Great Commission given by the Man of Truth, than their detractors.  At least, they are willing to make a real effort to bring people into the House of Truth, unlike most of their detractors.  This is very important, because you have to start somewhere.  Their detractors have forgotten the simplicity of the Gospel.

Yet, they are blind to the hidden danger that these Pagan customs impose.  They do not understand that these things, which are contrary to the Book of Truth, have been moved into Christianity through a subtle influence.  They do not understand that those, who brought these things into Christianity, operated subtly like a snake in the leaves.

They do not understand that these Pagan customs have been vainly adopted to fit the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), by the same process that ruins of the Foundation of Idolatry were vainly placed under The Hijacked House.  They certainly do not understand that many of these Pagan customs are design to enslave them to the False Church of Rome, while others are meant to lead them into Neo-Paganism.

Many of the Children of Truth have never heard the warning of the Mensch who killed Christmas.  They do not understand that the Children of Truth need to be cleaning up the Christmas mess.  If they understood what Christmas is really about, then they would be escaping the Christmas trap.

These Children of Truth need sympathy, education, and prayer - not criticism.  They do not understand what they are doing.  They need heart knowledge.

There are two kinds of knowledge - and only one of them comes from being given facts.  These Children of Truth also need the Father of Truth to open their eyes, so they can have heart knowledge, instead of just head knowledge.  Those, who have heart knowledge about these things, should pray for the eyes of others to be opened, so that the head knowledge they pass on, can become heart knowledge.

Those, who understand with their heart, why the Children of Truth should not be involved in Pagan customs, should remember that abandoning Pagan customs does not bring people into the House of Truth.  They have forgotten that people are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.

People must first come into the House of Truth, and then they can gain heart knowledge about Pagan customs.  After the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is written on their hearts by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then these Pagan customs will feel as unnatural to them as wearing their socks in the shower.  They have to come to understand for themselves, that the Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of the Law.

So, those Children of Truth, who have left off observing these Pagan customs, need to have patience with those Children of Truth, who have yet to do so.  The process from head knowledge to heart knowledge was ten years for most of them.  They should not be angry, when others do not instantly get there, after a ten minute explanation. 

This anger is usually over people not just blindly believing that they need to abandon these Pagan customs - because the one informing them said so.  This is a spirit of pride, and it will lead the informer to destruction, if they continue in it (Proverbs 16:18).

They must seek to help people become stronger through love, and not try to impress others with how much they know (1 Corinthians 8:1).  They must be careful to avoid to falling into pride, as they try to help others move away from the Pagan customs (Galatians 6:1).  They need to learn how to operate out of love, instead of pride.

Love is patient with people, and gives people time to move from head knowledge to heart knowledge (1 Corinthians 13:4).   The Man of Truth gave those, who were knowingly deceiving others, time to repent, and then gave them a final opportunity to repent (Revelation 2:20-22).

They should give people the same grace that they would want others to give them.  Would they just take the word of someone else that the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary?

In like manner, the Book of Truth does not only not condemn people, for not just taking the word of other people, but it commands skepticism.

It says, that it is foolish to decide a matter, before hearing it out completely (Proverbs 18:13).  It says, that it wise to question what people say, and to listen to opposing opinions (Proverbs 18:17).

The Bereans were called more noble, because they looked into the Book of Truth themselves to confirm the message, instead of just taking the word of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 17:10-11).  How much more so, when the source is not someone, who wrote half the books of the Renewed Covenant?

It says to not believe everything, which someone says came from the Spirit of Truth, but to test their message against what the Spirit of Truth, has already revealed in the Book of Truth (1 John 4:1-3).

This process from head knowledge to heart knowledge that might take the listener the same ten years that it took for the one telling them.

This process would probably go quicker, if many of the people telling to leave these Pagan practices, were not following another set of practices that are worse.

Many of their detractors complain about them following Pagan customs that are rooted in Babylon, while they are following Rabbinic customs that are rooted in Babylon.  They complain about emblems from Babylonian sun god worship like Christmas Trees, while not even considering the one that is on their own head.

Those following Pagan customs have been seeing the Renewed Covenant through distorted lenses, like those suffering from Rabbinic Distort. While those following Pagan customs are ignorant of who changed the Sabbath, those following Rabbinic customs are ignorant of the source of Jewish trouble.

These Rabbinic customs were made to replace the commandments of the Father of Truth (Mark 7:6-9).  These Rabbinic customs are designed to make the Word of Truth ineffective in the lives of those, who observe them (Mark 7:13).

These teachings of the Rabbis are the very doctrine, that the Man of Truth warned us to avoid like the deadly plague that it is (Matthew 16:6-12). 

How can they lead others away from Pagan customs rooted in Babylon, when they are blindly following Rabbinic customs rooted in Babylon (Luke 6:39)?  It would be very helpful, if their detractors removed the Rabbinic beam from their own eye, before trying to help others remove the Pagan speck from their eyes (Luke 6:41-42).

Their detractors would also do better in convincing Jewish people, who have not come into the House of Truth, that the Man of Truth was that Prophet of Truth, who Moses (Moishe) said that people must obey, if they obeyed the commandment of the Man of Truth, for the Children of Truth to not call each other Rabbi (Matthew 23:8).

Neither those keeping Pagan practices, nor their detractors, fully understand what is a Christian.  They have both been deceived by the doctrine of lies.

At least, those who ignorantly keep Pagan customs show real love to people.

These Rabbinic customs will prevent people from even showing real love to their own parents (Mark 7:10-12).

The Prophets of Truth say that showing real love for other people is greater than keeping any customs.

The Father of Truth says, that He even hates it when people keep His customs, if they do not show real love for other people (Isaiah 1:13-17).  He does not accepts keeping His customs as a substitute for showing real love for other people (Isaiah 58:5-7).  There is no value in keeping these customs, if they do not do what He delights in (Isaiah 66:3-4).

The Father of Truth commanded that they love other people as much as they love themselves (Leviticus 19:18).  

This commandment is only second to loving the Father of Truth above all things (Matthew 22:38-40).  This more important than any custom (Mark 12:29-33).

Make no mistake.  I am in no way saying that people should not avoid Pagan customs.

The Father of Truth want us to both show real love to other people, AND to avoid the pollution of this world, including Pagan and Rabbinic customs (James 1:27).

I want to walk in all of His ways, all of my days.  I want to be found walking in truth in all things.  I want to keep His commandment to do this (2 John 1:4).  There is nothing that I can do to bring greater joy to Him (3 John 1:4).

However, not all of His commandments are equal according to the Man of Truth, even though we should obey all of them (Matthew 23:23).  It is more important to keep the weightier matters of the Law of Truth, than the lessor matters of the Law of Truth.

As has already been shown, the Father of Truth esteems showing real love to other people, to be more important than even keeping His customs.  Those, who do not show real love to other people by doing what they can to take care of their physical needs, do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 3:16-18).

So, a person is better off to worship on Sunday, celebrate Christmas, and eat pigs, but show real love to other people, than to worship on the Sabbath, avoid Christmas, and only eat what the Father of Truth calls food, but neglect to show real love to other people.

Showing real love to other people is far more important that avoiding Pagan customs.  While people should do both, if they are only going to pick one, then they should pick showing real love to other people.

The truth is that I have looked diligently for an organization that takes care of widows and orphans in their distress, AND also teaches them to ONLY keep the customs commanded by the Father of Truth.  I have yet to find one.

I have found several organizations that take care of widows and orphans in their distress, but also teach them to keep Rabbinic customs.  This is probably worse than the organizations that take care of widows and orphans in their distress, but also teach them to keep Pagan customs.

Is there anyone out there, who will care of widows and orphans in their distress, and teach them to ONLY keep the customs of the Father of Truth?

Until I find such an organization, I will have to work with what is available.

What is NOT ACCEPTABLE is doing nothing to help widows and orphans in their distress.

It is also NOT ACCEPTABLE for an organization to only help widows and orphans with their temporary needs, but not with their eternal needs.  Showing people real love means telling them that they must come into the House of Truth.  Neglecting to tell them that they must come into the House of Truth, is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.

They must come in the House of Truth by being born again (John 3:3).  They must come into the House of Truth by making a commitment to obey the Man of Truth in everything, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Someone must tell them how to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:13-15).  The most important thing is, for someone to tell them how to come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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