People Get Ready!
Are you ready for the Rapture?
For about a three months, I made a daily 110 mile one way commute to Oklahoma City to work as a contractor for the government. The job paid very well, but the one hour and forty minute trip each direction, would take its toll on me. It was especially hard on the way home each evening.
Sometimes, it seemed like I could not go on, and would have pull over to rest. The problem is that between Tulsa and Oklahoma City, there is one midway, and one small gas station on each side of the interstate. There really was no good place to pull over and rest, once you got past the midway.
Just when I would feel like I was going to have to pull over on the side of I-44, this song would come on the radio named "People Get Ready" by Crystal Lewis. When I would hear this song, I would get energized and become very alert. I would remain awake and alert until I got home. My spirit was revived every time I heard that song.
This chorus of the song went like this:
People get ready! Jesus is coming
Soon we will be going home.
People get ready! Jesus is coming
To take from the world his own.
Well, it has been almost twenty years since the first time I heard that song on the radio. As of this writing, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), has not yet came to take from the world his own. Yet, I still get excited every time I think about the day, when he will do just that.
This event called "the Rapture", is closely tied to another event, where the world is brought under the judgment of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), called "the Tribulation" (Matthew 24:21). The Rapture is a name given to the event, where the Man of Truth takes the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) from this world, to meet him in the air, so they can live with him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).
Now people, argue about the timing of these two events and divide themselves up into pre-trib Rapture, mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture camps. It is understandable that there are disagreements about the timing of these events. The fact is that somethings in the Book of Truth (The Bible) can only be understood correctly with a lot of study (2 Timothy 2:15). Somethings in the Book of Truth are simply hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16).
There is also a third event related to the Tribulation called the Return. For the most part, the pre-trib Rapture, mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture camps all agree, that the Return is the event that brings the end of the Tribulation. The Return is when the Man of Truth returns to the Earth with the Children of Truth to destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth (Revelation 19:11-21). The Return also ushers in the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth over the Earth called the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-6).
A major reason for the disagreements over the timing of the Rapture with respect to the Tribulation is that people get passages about the Rapture and the Return confused with each other. When someone tries to apply a passage about the Return, when the Man of Truth comes with the Children of Truth to take over the Earth, to the Rapture, when the Man of Truth comes to take the Children of Truth off of the Earth, then they are bound to come to the wrong conclusion.
For example, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) defined "that Day" as the Return, when the Man of Truth returns to the Earth with the Children of Truth to destroy the wicked (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10). He then wrote in the very same passage about how "that Day" (the Return) could not occur until many people leave the House of Truth and the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).
Yet frequently people contribute "that Day" to be the Rapture in the second part of the passage even though "that Day" was clearly defined as the Return in the first part of the passage. Needless to say, this gives them all kinds of difficulties reconciling the sequence of events. One way to reconcile the sequence of events is to say that the Rapture does not occur until after the Man of Lies comes to power. The main issue with using this passage to support this sequence of events is that the entire passage is about the Return - and not the Rapture.
If they stick with "that Day" being the Return, as clearly defined in the passage itself, then the sequence of events works out easily and naturally. The sequence of events in this passage is that the Man of Truth will not return to the Earth with the Children of Truth, to destroy the wicked lead by the Man of Lies, until after the Man of Lies comes to power. It is so simple to understand, when taken in context, that it takes effort to get it wrong. People only have difficulty when "that Day" is taken out of context.
However, when I was growing up, the Methodist church I attended, was no-trib. There was simply no concept of the Tribulation or the Rapture ever occurring. This is why none of the religious professionals that I talked to could explain the dreams and visions that I had of the Tribulation, before I came into the House of Truth. They also could not explain my dreams of being caught up in the Rapture, that started on the night that I came into the House of Truth.
The Man of Truth plainly warned the Children of Truth about the Tribulation. Paul the Jew plainly wrote that the Children of Truth would meet the Man of Truth in the air to be with him forever. John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) plainly wrote that the Man of Truth would return to the Earth with the Children of Truth and then reign over the Earth for a thousand years. So those who preach that there is no Tribulation, no Rapture, no Return, and no Millennium, are preaching another Gospel, that is different than what is found in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
Needless to say, I did not get my understanding of the Rapture and the Tribulation based on any tradition that I grew up with. Neither have I based my understanding of the Tribulation and the Rapture on my own personal experiences.
Yet, those experiences did lead me to see what the Book of Truth had to say about what I saw. It was by studying out these events in the Book of Truth that I came to understand how these events relate to each other. My understanding came from studying the Book of Truth extensively as I was lead by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
For me, there is no doubt about the sequence of the Rapture and the Tribulation because it is laid out in the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth ) that form the Greatest Play Ever. In these feasts, The Day of Alarming comes before the the Great War of the Tribulation that brings this world into Total Surrender to the Man of Truth. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) simply will not accept His Children being collateral damage when He pours out His wrath on this world.
You see this song would wake up my spirit and renew my strength because I long to be with the Man of Truth. If I could say "Beam me up" today and meet him in the air, then I would do it, but it is up to His Father when that day will come. I know that in a very real way, that the moment I am raptured, will be the moment I become alive. Yet I am encouraged, because I can see things like Greece rising, that are preparing the world for the Tribulation, that follows the Rapture.
Now that I have established what the Rapture is, and what the Tribulation is, it brings up more questions. What exactly is meant by "People get ready" when it comes to the Rapture? Does the Book of Truth even say anything about the Children of Truth getting ready for the Rapture? If so, then how exactly are people supposed to get ready for the Rapture?
While there are honest people who believe that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the Tribulation (the "mid-trib" camp), and at the very end of the Tribulation (the misnamed "post-trib" camp), there are also plenty of dishonest people selling a mid-trib Rapture or post-trib Rapture to make money. They are not hard to spot, if you just pay attention to what they are doing.
First, they create FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt), by telling people that there is not a single verse in the Book of Truth to suggest that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation. Then after that, they go on to explain how all of the signs for the Tribulation to start soon are in place, so the Children of Truth had better prepare right away, if they want to survive the Tribulation. Once they have sold the Children of Truth on the idea that their families will suffer, unless they prepare now, then they seek to cash in on the FUD that they have created, by offering "Tribulation Survival Gear". This "Tribulation Survival Gear" consists of things like portable power generation, survivalist food, water distillation kits, and every other imaginable thing, that people are willing to pay money for, in order to protect their families during the Tribulation. The best part of their marketing scheme, is that they are registered as a 501c3 charitable organization, and the "donations" that people make to get their "Tribulation Survival Gear" are all tax free.
Let's be honest, for anyone running such a scam, people expecting a pre-trib Rapture is very bad for business, because there is no incentive for people to buy "Tribulation Survival Gear", when they are going not to go through the Tribulation. Those pre-trib Rapture people will do something else with their money - like taking care of the poor and supporting missionaries. However, if they can convince people of a mid-trib Rapture, then they can sell them enough "Tribulation Survival Gear" to last for three and half years. Even better, they can double their sales, if they can convince people of a post-trib Rapture.
It should be no surprise that selling people on a mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture, has become a big business, with infomercials, disguised as "ministries", on Christian Television. After all, the Book of Truth warned us that some people, who call themselves followers of the Man of Truth, would teach whatever doctrine that would allow them to make the most money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3).
So really, the Jim Fakers of the world are telling people to get ready for the Tribulation, not the Rapture. They have no plan of being taken off of this world before the Tribulation, and neither would I, if I was like them.
While there is literally enough written in the Book of Truth, that removes all doubt that the Rapture occurs before the Tribulation to write a thick book, it is not really necessary to do so. All that is necessary, is to consider what the Man of Truth said, about the timing of the Rapture and the Tribulation. The Man of Truth plainly said, that those who are worthy are going to escape the entire Tribulation, and be with him instead (Luke 21:35-36). This is so straight forward, and simple to understand, that most people can only get it wrong, with the assistance of a religious professional, or a "Tribulation Survival Gear" sales person.
The fact is that no where does the Book of Truth tell us to get ready for the Tribulation. However, the Book of Truth does tell us to get ready for the Rapture.
The Man of Truth said that there would be signs that the Tribulation is near, including the convergence of many people claiming to be him, a multitude of wars, all kinds of conspiracy theories (rumors) about wars that never even happen, internal wars between ethnic groups, and external wars between countries (Matthew 24:4-8). He also said that earthquakes (including underwater ones that cause tsunamis) would occur across the globe, including places that normally do not get earthquakes like Oklahoma, famines, devastating disease outbreaks, and unusual astronomical events, all occurring in waves, would be signs that the Tribulation is near (Luke 21:9-11).
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth can know when the Tribulation is near, because everything from the beginning of the signs of the approach of the Tribulation, to his return to rule this Earth, would occur during the lifetime of a single generation (Matthew 24:32-34). The Man of Truth said, when the signs appear to show that the Tribulation is near, then the Children of Truth should look up, because their redemption is about to happen (Luke 21:25-28).
The redemption of our bodies is what is near, when the signs of the Tribulation are near (Romans 8:23). Some of the Children of Truth will have their bodies redeemed without ever dying (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). This redemption occurs, when the Children of Truth are taken off of the Earth in glorified bodies, to meet the Man of Truth in the air, which is commonly called the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). The Children of Truth are to comfort each other with the message that those, who are worthy, will escape the Tribulation, by being taken up in the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). They are not be overtaken by the Tribulation coming upon them, like a thief in the night, that will come upon those who do not know to look for the signs that the Tribulation is near, but they are instead to be awake to what is really going on, so they can escape the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:1-4).
He warned that no one, except His Father, knows when the Tribulation will start, but everyone can be certain that everything He said, will happen (Matthew 24:35-36). He warned the Children of Truth to not be so wrapped up in day to day living, that they are unaware of the signs that the Tribulation is near, so they can be like Noah and escape the wrath, that His Father will pour out on the entire Earth (Matthew 24:37-39). He warned the Children of Truth, since they do not know when the Tribulation will start, then they should watch for signs and stay ready to escape the Tribulation (Matthew 24:42-44). He warned the Children of Truth, to not get caught up in Earthly pleasures, so that they are not prepared, and end up going through the Tribulation, but to instead to seek to be counted worthy, to escape going through any part of the Tribulation (Luke 21:34-36). So the Man of Truth is saying to the Children of Truth, "People get ready!".
So not only did the Man of Truth say that the Rapture would come before the Tribulation, but he also said that the Children of Truth should seek to be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation, and be with him instead (Luke 21:36). (This is literally "a single verse" that tells about a pre-trib Rapture.) So, not all of the Children of Truth will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture. Only the Children of Truth who ready for the Rapture, by being counted as being worthy of escaping the Tribulation, will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture! Those who are not ready will be left behind to go through the Tribulation. In other words, the Man of Truth is saying to the Children of Truth, "People get ready!".
So what do the Children of Truth have to do to be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation? How does any one get ready for the Rapture?
The Man of Truth said, that those who are worthy to escape, are those in the congregations of the Children of Truth who are carrying out his instructions, which he gave before he left the Earth, when the time to meet him comes (Matthew 24:45-47). In like manner, those in the congregations of the Children of Truth who are not carrying out his instructions, but instead taking abusing other people and living like the Children of Lies, will face the consequences of their hypocrisy (Matthew 24:48-51).
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied, with taking care of his business on this Earth, while he is away (Luke 19:11-13). The Man of Truth made it very clear what the business that the Children of Truth are to occupied with, when he gave his final instructions before leaving the Earth.
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with baptizing people of all ethnic groups into the House of Truth and teaching them to do everything that he commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with preaching the Good News about him and confirming their message with supernatural signs (Mark 16:16-18). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with seeking out the Baptism of the Spirit of Truth that his Father promised so they can preach the Good News with signs following (Luke 24:46-49). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with the tasks that he has assigned them regardless of the cost (John 21:17-22). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with taking the Good News about him world-wide, after they have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, instead of preparing for the Tribulation, which only his Father knows, exactly when it will start (Acts 1:4-9). This is what the Man of Truth means by "People get ready!".
This does not mean that the Father of Truth wants His Children ignoring what the Book of Truth says about the future. The truth is that the Father of Truth commands His Children to be aware of his plans and act accordingly. This is why He gave the Revelation to the Man of Truth to give to His Children (Revelation 1:1-3).
He does not want His Children being asleep to danger so that they are destroyed like those who were sleeping in Galveston. He wants them to understand that the fate of the Gentile Children of Truth is tied to the fate of the Jewish people through the eternal covenant that He made with Abraham. It was by studying out what the Father of Truth had said in the Word of Truth about the future, that lead Sir Isaac Newton to be inspired to action by the greatest Zionist ever.
Sir Isaac Newton, believing what was written in the Book of Truth, worked his way backwards from the Return, to come up with as close of a timeline as possible, of what would occur between his time and the Return. In doing, so he made many predictions that have come to pass, like men would build flying vehicles of some sort that would go hundreds of miles per hour, and that there would be a tremendous growth in global population that would start around 1800. (Voltaire ridiculed him mercilessly for the prediction about men traveling in vehicles going hundreds of miles per hour. Voltaire held the common belief that the heads of people would explode if they went faster than about 35 miles per hour - the speed of a running horse.) His timeline used the day that Israel became a nation again, as the event that would mark the first day of the generation, who would not die off before the return of the Man of Truth, to rule the Earth. His timeline showed Israel as becoming a state in 1944, and the Return occurring 2060. He was four years early in his time line concerning when Israel became a state (May 14, 1948 was the actual date), so the Return would occur in 2064 if he is off by the same amount in his estimate for that event. This means that a mid-trib Rapture would not occur until about 2061 - more than 45 years from now. If that is the case, then "Tribulation Survival Gear" benefits no one except those who are selling it and the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).
The real purpose of the Father of Lies in getting the Children of Truth to buy "Tribulation Survival Gear" is to keep them from spending their time, talents and treasure carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth. It is carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth that makes them worthy to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture. Getting the Children of Truth focused on surviving the Tribulation, is a double win for the Father of Lies, because not only is he preventing them from being taken up in the Rapture, but he is also preventing them from completing the mission the Man of Truth gave them. He knows that the Tribulation cannot come, until the Children of Truth have completed their mission, to bring the Good News to every ethnic group on Earth (Matthew 24:14).
The truth is that when the Man of Truth calls people into the House of Truth, he is calling them to die. He warned the Apostles of Truth that some of them would be killed, and even crucified, as happened to the Prophets of Truth and himself (Matthew 23:34-35). He said that the Children of Truth would be killed by the Children of Lies until he returns (Luke 21:12-16). He demonstrated love when he laid down his life for us, so that we could live forever with him in the House of Truth (John 10:14-16). He has in like manner, called us to lay down our lives, so others can live forever with him in the House of Truth (1 John 3:16).
It is by losing our lives, to carry out his instructions to bring the Gospel to all people, that causes us to gain eternal life with him (Mark 8:35). We are not supposed to be seeking survival, but rather looking to die in carrying out our mission (Acts 20:24). The Man of Truth has called us to suffer with him, so we can reign with him, instead of doing whatever takes to survive - like denying him (2 Timothy 2:10-12).
People cannot come into the House of Truth from unreached ethnic groups, unless missionaries reach them with the Good News, and missionaries cannot reach them, without the support of the rest of the Children of Truth (Romans 10:13-15). We no longer belong to ourselves, since he bought with his own blood, so neither does our stuff (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are supposed to use our time, talents and treasures to show his love to others, by doing things like caring for the poor (1 John 3:17-18).
We are not supposed to be diverting our time, talents and treasures from helping the poor, and supporting missionaries, to getting ready for the Tribulation, because our survival is not our primary concern. If we put our treasure into "Tribulation Survival Gear" that we hide in some cave, then our hearts will be buried in that cave as well, instead of being in Heaven, when we put our treasure into carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth (Matthew 6:19-21). The Man of Truth said that though we die for his cause, that our lives will be safe with him (Luke 21:16-19). So whether we invest our time, talents, and treasures, into caring for the poor, and supporting missionaries, OR stockpiling "Tribulation Survival Gear", is really a matter of whether or not, we have faith in the Man of Truth to do what he has promised (James 2:14-18).
There is no reason to purchase "Tribulation Survival Gear", when you have no guarantee that you will survive until the Tribulation. However, unless you are part of the Rapture, you can be sure that you will die. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, or even the rest of this day (James 4:14).
Since you do not know when your heart will stop beating, then you need to repent of rebelling against the Father of Truth, right now, and come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:1-2). If you have already came into the House of Truth, but have been getting ready for the Tribulation instead of getting ready for the Rapture, by diverting what belongs to the Man of Truth for carrying out his instructions to purchase "Tribulation Survival Gear", then now is the time for you to repent, and get back to doing what he commanded, because he will forgive you, if you will confess that you have done wrong (1 John 1:8-10). The Man of Truth is saying, "People get ready!".
You can come into the House of Truth today by putting the Man of Truth in control of your time, talents, and treasures, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). After all the Good News about the Man of Truth, is for every ethnic group on Earth, so you are invited to come into the House of Truth, rather you are a Jew or a Gentile (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
For about a three months, I made a daily 110 mile one way commute to Oklahoma City to work as a contractor for the government. The job paid very well, but the one hour and forty minute trip each direction, would take its toll on me. It was especially hard on the way home each evening.
Sometimes, it seemed like I could not go on, and would have pull over to rest. The problem is that between Tulsa and Oklahoma City, there is one midway, and one small gas station on each side of the interstate. There really was no good place to pull over and rest, once you got past the midway.
Just when I would feel like I was going to have to pull over on the side of I-44, this song would come on the radio named "People Get Ready" by Crystal Lewis. When I would hear this song, I would get energized and become very alert. I would remain awake and alert until I got home. My spirit was revived every time I heard that song.
This chorus of the song went like this:
People get ready! Jesus is coming
Soon we will be going home.
People get ready! Jesus is coming
To take from the world his own.
Well, it has been almost twenty years since the first time I heard that song on the radio. As of this writing, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), has not yet came to take from the world his own. Yet, I still get excited every time I think about the day, when he will do just that.
This event called "the Rapture", is closely tied to another event, where the world is brought under the judgment of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), called "the Tribulation" (Matthew 24:21). The Rapture is a name given to the event, where the Man of Truth takes the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) from this world, to meet him in the air, so they can live with him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).
Now people, argue about the timing of these two events and divide themselves up into pre-trib Rapture, mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture camps. It is understandable that there are disagreements about the timing of these events. The fact is that somethings in the Book of Truth (The Bible) can only be understood correctly with a lot of study (2 Timothy 2:15). Somethings in the Book of Truth are simply hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16).
There is also a third event related to the Tribulation called the Return. For the most part, the pre-trib Rapture, mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture camps all agree, that the Return is the event that brings the end of the Tribulation. The Return is when the Man of Truth returns to the Earth with the Children of Truth to destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth (Revelation 19:11-21). The Return also ushers in the thousand year reign of the Man of Truth over the Earth called the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-6).
A major reason for the disagreements over the timing of the Rapture with respect to the Tribulation is that people get passages about the Rapture and the Return confused with each other. When someone tries to apply a passage about the Return, when the Man of Truth comes with the Children of Truth to take over the Earth, to the Rapture, when the Man of Truth comes to take the Children of Truth off of the Earth, then they are bound to come to the wrong conclusion.
For example, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) defined "that Day" as the Return, when the Man of Truth returns to the Earth with the Children of Truth to destroy the wicked (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10). He then wrote in the very same passage about how "that Day" (the Return) could not occur until many people leave the House of Truth and the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).
Yet frequently people contribute "that Day" to be the Rapture in the second part of the passage even though "that Day" was clearly defined as the Return in the first part of the passage. Needless to say, this gives them all kinds of difficulties reconciling the sequence of events. One way to reconcile the sequence of events is to say that the Rapture does not occur until after the Man of Lies comes to power. The main issue with using this passage to support this sequence of events is that the entire passage is about the Return - and not the Rapture.
If they stick with "that Day" being the Return, as clearly defined in the passage itself, then the sequence of events works out easily and naturally. The sequence of events in this passage is that the Man of Truth will not return to the Earth with the Children of Truth, to destroy the wicked lead by the Man of Lies, until after the Man of Lies comes to power. It is so simple to understand, when taken in context, that it takes effort to get it wrong. People only have difficulty when "that Day" is taken out of context.
However, when I was growing up, the Methodist church I attended, was no-trib. There was simply no concept of the Tribulation or the Rapture ever occurring. This is why none of the religious professionals that I talked to could explain the dreams and visions that I had of the Tribulation, before I came into the House of Truth. They also could not explain my dreams of being caught up in the Rapture, that started on the night that I came into the House of Truth.
The Man of Truth plainly warned the Children of Truth about the Tribulation. Paul the Jew plainly wrote that the Children of Truth would meet the Man of Truth in the air to be with him forever. John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) plainly wrote that the Man of Truth would return to the Earth with the Children of Truth and then reign over the Earth for a thousand years. So those who preach that there is no Tribulation, no Rapture, no Return, and no Millennium, are preaching another Gospel, that is different than what is found in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
Needless to say, I did not get my understanding of the Rapture and the Tribulation based on any tradition that I grew up with. Neither have I based my understanding of the Tribulation and the Rapture on my own personal experiences.
Yet, those experiences did lead me to see what the Book of Truth had to say about what I saw. It was by studying out these events in the Book of Truth that I came to understand how these events relate to each other. My understanding came from studying the Book of Truth extensively as I was lead by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
For me, there is no doubt about the sequence of the Rapture and the Tribulation because it is laid out in the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth ) that form the Greatest Play Ever. In these feasts, The Day of Alarming comes before the the Great War of the Tribulation that brings this world into Total Surrender to the Man of Truth. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) simply will not accept His Children being collateral damage when He pours out His wrath on this world.
You see this song would wake up my spirit and renew my strength because I long to be with the Man of Truth. If I could say "Beam me up" today and meet him in the air, then I would do it, but it is up to His Father when that day will come. I know that in a very real way, that the moment I am raptured, will be the moment I become alive. Yet I am encouraged, because I can see things like Greece rising, that are preparing the world for the Tribulation, that follows the Rapture.
Now that I have established what the Rapture is, and what the Tribulation is, it brings up more questions. What exactly is meant by "People get ready" when it comes to the Rapture? Does the Book of Truth even say anything about the Children of Truth getting ready for the Rapture? If so, then how exactly are people supposed to get ready for the Rapture?
While there are honest people who believe that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the Tribulation (the "mid-trib" camp), and at the very end of the Tribulation (the misnamed "post-trib" camp), there are also plenty of dishonest people selling a mid-trib Rapture or post-trib Rapture to make money. They are not hard to spot, if you just pay attention to what they are doing.
First, they create FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt), by telling people that there is not a single verse in the Book of Truth to suggest that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation. Then after that, they go on to explain how all of the signs for the Tribulation to start soon are in place, so the Children of Truth had better prepare right away, if they want to survive the Tribulation. Once they have sold the Children of Truth on the idea that their families will suffer, unless they prepare now, then they seek to cash in on the FUD that they have created, by offering "Tribulation Survival Gear". This "Tribulation Survival Gear" consists of things like portable power generation, survivalist food, water distillation kits, and every other imaginable thing, that people are willing to pay money for, in order to protect their families during the Tribulation. The best part of their marketing scheme, is that they are registered as a 501c3 charitable organization, and the "donations" that people make to get their "Tribulation Survival Gear" are all tax free.
Let's be honest, for anyone running such a scam, people expecting a pre-trib Rapture is very bad for business, because there is no incentive for people to buy "Tribulation Survival Gear", when they are going not to go through the Tribulation. Those pre-trib Rapture people will do something else with their money - like taking care of the poor and supporting missionaries. However, if they can convince people of a mid-trib Rapture, then they can sell them enough "Tribulation Survival Gear" to last for three and half years. Even better, they can double their sales, if they can convince people of a post-trib Rapture.
It should be no surprise that selling people on a mid-trib Rapture, and post-trib Rapture, has become a big business, with infomercials, disguised as "ministries", on Christian Television. After all, the Book of Truth warned us that some people, who call themselves followers of the Man of Truth, would teach whatever doctrine that would allow them to make the most money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3).
So really, the Jim Fakers of the world are telling people to get ready for the Tribulation, not the Rapture. They have no plan of being taken off of this world before the Tribulation, and neither would I, if I was like them.
While there is literally enough written in the Book of Truth, that removes all doubt that the Rapture occurs before the Tribulation to write a thick book, it is not really necessary to do so. All that is necessary, is to consider what the Man of Truth said, about the timing of the Rapture and the Tribulation. The Man of Truth plainly said, that those who are worthy are going to escape the entire Tribulation, and be with him instead (Luke 21:35-36). This is so straight forward, and simple to understand, that most people can only get it wrong, with the assistance of a religious professional, or a "Tribulation Survival Gear" sales person.
The fact is that no where does the Book of Truth tell us to get ready for the Tribulation. However, the Book of Truth does tell us to get ready for the Rapture.
The Man of Truth said that there would be signs that the Tribulation is near, including the convergence of many people claiming to be him, a multitude of wars, all kinds of conspiracy theories (rumors) about wars that never even happen, internal wars between ethnic groups, and external wars between countries (Matthew 24:4-8). He also said that earthquakes (including underwater ones that cause tsunamis) would occur across the globe, including places that normally do not get earthquakes like Oklahoma, famines, devastating disease outbreaks, and unusual astronomical events, all occurring in waves, would be signs that the Tribulation is near (Luke 21:9-11).
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth can know when the Tribulation is near, because everything from the beginning of the signs of the approach of the Tribulation, to his return to rule this Earth, would occur during the lifetime of a single generation (Matthew 24:32-34). The Man of Truth said, when the signs appear to show that the Tribulation is near, then the Children of Truth should look up, because their redemption is about to happen (Luke 21:25-28).
The redemption of our bodies is what is near, when the signs of the Tribulation are near (Romans 8:23). Some of the Children of Truth will have their bodies redeemed without ever dying (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). This redemption occurs, when the Children of Truth are taken off of the Earth in glorified bodies, to meet the Man of Truth in the air, which is commonly called the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). The Children of Truth are to comfort each other with the message that those, who are worthy, will escape the Tribulation, by being taken up in the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). They are not be overtaken by the Tribulation coming upon them, like a thief in the night, that will come upon those who do not know to look for the signs that the Tribulation is near, but they are instead to be awake to what is really going on, so they can escape the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:1-4).
He warned that no one, except His Father, knows when the Tribulation will start, but everyone can be certain that everything He said, will happen (Matthew 24:35-36). He warned the Children of Truth to not be so wrapped up in day to day living, that they are unaware of the signs that the Tribulation is near, so they can be like Noah and escape the wrath, that His Father will pour out on the entire Earth (Matthew 24:37-39). He warned the Children of Truth, since they do not know when the Tribulation will start, then they should watch for signs and stay ready to escape the Tribulation (Matthew 24:42-44). He warned the Children of Truth, to not get caught up in Earthly pleasures, so that they are not prepared, and end up going through the Tribulation, but to instead to seek to be counted worthy, to escape going through any part of the Tribulation (Luke 21:34-36). So the Man of Truth is saying to the Children of Truth, "People get ready!".
So not only did the Man of Truth say that the Rapture would come before the Tribulation, but he also said that the Children of Truth should seek to be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation, and be with him instead (Luke 21:36). (This is literally "a single verse" that tells about a pre-trib Rapture.) So, not all of the Children of Truth will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture. Only the Children of Truth who ready for the Rapture, by being counted as being worthy of escaping the Tribulation, will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture! Those who are not ready will be left behind to go through the Tribulation. In other words, the Man of Truth is saying to the Children of Truth, "People get ready!".
So what do the Children of Truth have to do to be counted worthy to escape the Tribulation? How does any one get ready for the Rapture?
The Man of Truth said, that those who are worthy to escape, are those in the congregations of the Children of Truth who are carrying out his instructions, which he gave before he left the Earth, when the time to meet him comes (Matthew 24:45-47). In like manner, those in the congregations of the Children of Truth who are not carrying out his instructions, but instead taking abusing other people and living like the Children of Lies, will face the consequences of their hypocrisy (Matthew 24:48-51).
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied, with taking care of his business on this Earth, while he is away (Luke 19:11-13). The Man of Truth made it very clear what the business that the Children of Truth are to occupied with, when he gave his final instructions before leaving the Earth.
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with baptizing people of all ethnic groups into the House of Truth and teaching them to do everything that he commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with preaching the Good News about him and confirming their message with supernatural signs (Mark 16:16-18). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with seeking out the Baptism of the Spirit of Truth that his Father promised so they can preach the Good News with signs following (Luke 24:46-49). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with the tasks that he has assigned them regardless of the cost (John 21:17-22). He said that the Children of Truth are to be occupied with taking the Good News about him world-wide, after they have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, instead of preparing for the Tribulation, which only his Father knows, exactly when it will start (Acts 1:4-9). This is what the Man of Truth means by "People get ready!".
This does not mean that the Father of Truth wants His Children ignoring what the Book of Truth says about the future. The truth is that the Father of Truth commands His Children to be aware of his plans and act accordingly. This is why He gave the Revelation to the Man of Truth to give to His Children (Revelation 1:1-3).
He does not want His Children being asleep to danger so that they are destroyed like those who were sleeping in Galveston. He wants them to understand that the fate of the Gentile Children of Truth is tied to the fate of the Jewish people through the eternal covenant that He made with Abraham. It was by studying out what the Father of Truth had said in the Word of Truth about the future, that lead Sir Isaac Newton to be inspired to action by the greatest Zionist ever.
Sir Isaac Newton, believing what was written in the Book of Truth, worked his way backwards from the Return, to come up with as close of a timeline as possible, of what would occur between his time and the Return. In doing, so he made many predictions that have come to pass, like men would build flying vehicles of some sort that would go hundreds of miles per hour, and that there would be a tremendous growth in global population that would start around 1800. (Voltaire ridiculed him mercilessly for the prediction about men traveling in vehicles going hundreds of miles per hour. Voltaire held the common belief that the heads of people would explode if they went faster than about 35 miles per hour - the speed of a running horse.) His timeline used the day that Israel became a nation again, as the event that would mark the first day of the generation, who would not die off before the return of the Man of Truth, to rule the Earth. His timeline showed Israel as becoming a state in 1944, and the Return occurring 2060. He was four years early in his time line concerning when Israel became a state (May 14, 1948 was the actual date), so the Return would occur in 2064 if he is off by the same amount in his estimate for that event. This means that a mid-trib Rapture would not occur until about 2061 - more than 45 years from now. If that is the case, then "Tribulation Survival Gear" benefits no one except those who are selling it and the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).
The real purpose of the Father of Lies in getting the Children of Truth to buy "Tribulation Survival Gear" is to keep them from spending their time, talents and treasure carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth. It is carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth that makes them worthy to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture. Getting the Children of Truth focused on surviving the Tribulation, is a double win for the Father of Lies, because not only is he preventing them from being taken up in the Rapture, but he is also preventing them from completing the mission the Man of Truth gave them. He knows that the Tribulation cannot come, until the Children of Truth have completed their mission, to bring the Good News to every ethnic group on Earth (Matthew 24:14).
The truth is that when the Man of Truth calls people into the House of Truth, he is calling them to die. He warned the Apostles of Truth that some of them would be killed, and even crucified, as happened to the Prophets of Truth and himself (Matthew 23:34-35). He said that the Children of Truth would be killed by the Children of Lies until he returns (Luke 21:12-16). He demonstrated love when he laid down his life for us, so that we could live forever with him in the House of Truth (John 10:14-16). He has in like manner, called us to lay down our lives, so others can live forever with him in the House of Truth (1 John 3:16).
It is by losing our lives, to carry out his instructions to bring the Gospel to all people, that causes us to gain eternal life with him (Mark 8:35). We are not supposed to be seeking survival, but rather looking to die in carrying out our mission (Acts 20:24). The Man of Truth has called us to suffer with him, so we can reign with him, instead of doing whatever takes to survive - like denying him (2 Timothy 2:10-12).
People cannot come into the House of Truth from unreached ethnic groups, unless missionaries reach them with the Good News, and missionaries cannot reach them, without the support of the rest of the Children of Truth (Romans 10:13-15). We no longer belong to ourselves, since he bought with his own blood, so neither does our stuff (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are supposed to use our time, talents and treasures to show his love to others, by doing things like caring for the poor (1 John 3:17-18).
We are not supposed to be diverting our time, talents and treasures from helping the poor, and supporting missionaries, to getting ready for the Tribulation, because our survival is not our primary concern. If we put our treasure into "Tribulation Survival Gear" that we hide in some cave, then our hearts will be buried in that cave as well, instead of being in Heaven, when we put our treasure into carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth (Matthew 6:19-21). The Man of Truth said that though we die for his cause, that our lives will be safe with him (Luke 21:16-19). So whether we invest our time, talents, and treasures, into caring for the poor, and supporting missionaries, OR stockpiling "Tribulation Survival Gear", is really a matter of whether or not, we have faith in the Man of Truth to do what he has promised (James 2:14-18).
There is no reason to purchase "Tribulation Survival Gear", when you have no guarantee that you will survive until the Tribulation. However, unless you are part of the Rapture, you can be sure that you will die. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, or even the rest of this day (James 4:14).
Since you do not know when your heart will stop beating, then you need to repent of rebelling against the Father of Truth, right now, and come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:1-2). If you have already came into the House of Truth, but have been getting ready for the Tribulation instead of getting ready for the Rapture, by diverting what belongs to the Man of Truth for carrying out his instructions to purchase "Tribulation Survival Gear", then now is the time for you to repent, and get back to doing what he commanded, because he will forgive you, if you will confess that you have done wrong (1 John 1:8-10). The Man of Truth is saying, "People get ready!".
You can come into the House of Truth today by putting the Man of Truth in control of your time, talents, and treasures, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). After all the Good News about the Man of Truth, is for every ethnic group on Earth, so you are invited to come into the House of Truth, rather you are a Jew or a Gentile (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Prophecy, Rapture, Tribulation, Yom Teruah
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