The Friendly Ghost
Can people really be friends with a ghost?
When I was a kid, I used to watch a cartoon after school called, "Casper The Friendly Ghost". In this cartoon, Casper was the ghost of a young boy, who did not like scaring people, unlike the ghosts of his three teenage brothers. All that poor Casper ever wanted from people, was to be their friend, but they were invariably scared of him. It did not help, that his three older brothers went out of their way to scare anyone, that Casper tried to befriend. In the end of each episode, Casper would manage to become friends with some family, by saving them from some sort of trouble.
The backstory of Casper was unclear, and changed from time to time, as is common in works of fiction. Originally, Casper was a young boy who died from some disease - possibly pneumonia, after a day of sledding. There was not any explanation of how his three teenage brothers died, although an accident brought on by their own mischief, is hinted at, when you piece together bits and pieces from various episodes.
(The episodes were not really episodes of a series originally, but were really shorts. Shorts are short films, that were played while a feature film was being loaded, or during intermission, when the second part of a feature film was being loaded. These shorts were then re-marketed as a series of episodes, after the last short was made in 1959. For this reason, there is no consistent story line.)
In later episodes, Casper was explained as not really being a ghost, despite the name of the series. A ghost is the spirit of someone who has departed from this life, but the writers decided that Casper was not the spirit of a boy who had died. They decided that he was a spirit, because his parents were spirits.
Also, Casper had a tendency to befriend an entire family. In one episode, a woman became so familiar with Casper, that she tried to treat Casper like her own son. So really, "Casper The Familiar Spirit", would have been a more accurate title for the later episodes.
Casper was just one way of introducing a generation to the concept of being friends with a ghost, or familiar with a spirit. This was also a common theme in a variety of Disney movies and the like. There were also grown up shows that featured people who were familiar with spirits, like "Bewitched", and "I dream of Jeannie". This theme of friendly ghosts and familiar spirits has continued to this day in various ways in all forms of media.
So is there any truth to any of this?
Like all things, the way to get to the truth of the matter, is to consult the Book of Truth (The Bible).
Is there any such thing as a ghost or a spirit?
There is such a thing as a ghost or a spirit.
Every human being is a spirit that lives in a body (Job 32:8). Their spirit can interact with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Proverbs 20:27). A spirit is not the body of a person (Luke 24:39).
A human being cannot keep their spirit in their body, when it is time for their body to die (Ecclesiastes 8:8). The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) committed his spirit to the Father of Truth, when his spirit left his body to become a ghost (a disembodied spirit) (Luke 23:46). When the spirit leaves the body of a person, then their body dies (James 2:26).
Is there really such thing as a friendly ghost or a familiar spirit?
The spirits of people, that are still in their bodies, cannot really be friends with the spirits of people, that have left their bodies, for they have no means to form a relationship with each other.
When the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) died, then their spirits used to go to an underground paradise, where the spirit of Abraham (Abram) went to, when he died (Luke 16:20-22). When the Man of Truth died and rose again, he took all of those spirits, which had been held captive in that underground paradise, with him to Heaven (Ephesians 4:8-10). Since that time, whenever any of the Children of Truth die, they go to be with the Man of Truth in Heaven (Philippians 1:21-23).
When the Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) die, then their spirits go to Hell, while their bodies are buried in the ground (Luke 16:22-24).
The spirits of those who have died, cannot talk to those who are still alive, unless they are put back into their bodies by the Father of Truth (Luke 16:27-30).
So people cannot even talk to the spirits of people who have died, unless the Father of Truth decides to send the ghost of a Child of Truth, to deliver a brief message of judgment from Him (1 Samuel 28:11-19). The Father of Truth can also send the ghost of one of the Children of Truth, for a brief visit, to encourage another Child of Truth to carry out His will (Luke 9:29-31).
Should people befriend ghosts, or become familiar with spirits?
Since the spirits of people, that are still in their bodies, cannot form relationships with the spirits of people, that have left their bodies, then they should not befriend ghosts, or become familiar with spirits, because those ghosts or spirits can only be imposters.
The Father of Truth commands, that people have no regard for those, who have a spirit that they have become familiar with, because such who are friendly with so called ghosts, will cause others to become defiled in His sight (Leviticus 19:31). Anyone, who follows after those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, becomes an enemy of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 20:6-8). The Father of Truth commands, that those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, or are friendly with so-called ghosts, should be put to death (Leviticus 20:27). Those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, and those, who claim to talk to the ghosts of people who have died, a necromancer, are part of the religion of His enemies (Deuteronomy 18:9-12).
Those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, are really being friendly with spirits of lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), when they talk to a friendly ghost (1 Samuel 28:9-13).
Those who have a familiar spirit, or talk to a friendly ghost, are in league with spirits of lies, and not mindful of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:16-18). Those who consult them, have replaced His Ministers of Truth with those, who are in league with spirits of lies (2 Chronicles 11:14-16).
No one can be familiar with spirits of lies, and be friends with the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:20-22). These so-called friendly ghosts are only interested, in getting the Children of Truth to leave the House of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1).
Is there any ghost that people should befriend, or any spirit that should people become familiar with?
Yes, there is friendly ghost, and a spirit that people should be familiar with, which is the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
The Spirit of Truth is the one spirit, that all people should be familiar with (Numbers 11:29). People should be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
For this reason, the Man of Truth had to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so he could do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth (Isaiah 61:1-3). The Spirit of Truth is the ghost, that he befriended (Acts 10:38).
So the Man of Truth wants the Children of Truth, to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth (John 14:15-17). He wants people to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can be in league with his Father (John 16:13-15).
The Spirit of Truth is a ghost, because this is the spirit that the Man of Truth left on this Earth, after he died (John 7:39). The Spirit of Truth is the ghost, that the Father of Truth wants people to be friends with (John 14:26).
The Father of Truth is the one, who brings the Spirit of Truth into the lives of people (Exodus 31:1-3). The Spirit of Truth is only interested, in bringing people into the House of Truth (1 John 5:3-6).
How can people meet this friendly ghost, or become familiar with this spirit?
They meet this friendly ghost, when they come into the House of Truth, and become more familiar with this spirit, as they continue to live in the House of Truth.
They must come into the House of Truth to meet this friendly ghost (Acts 2:37-39). They will become familiar with this spirit, as they continue to live in the House of Truth (Romans 8:8-10).
People can only come into the House of Truth, by being born again into the family of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:5-7). They must come into the House of Truth, by giving control of their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe, that his Father called him up from the grave (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
When I was a kid, I used to watch a cartoon after school called, "Casper The Friendly Ghost". In this cartoon, Casper was the ghost of a young boy, who did not like scaring people, unlike the ghosts of his three teenage brothers. All that poor Casper ever wanted from people, was to be their friend, but they were invariably scared of him. It did not help, that his three older brothers went out of their way to scare anyone, that Casper tried to befriend. In the end of each episode, Casper would manage to become friends with some family, by saving them from some sort of trouble.
The backstory of Casper was unclear, and changed from time to time, as is common in works of fiction. Originally, Casper was a young boy who died from some disease - possibly pneumonia, after a day of sledding. There was not any explanation of how his three teenage brothers died, although an accident brought on by their own mischief, is hinted at, when you piece together bits and pieces from various episodes.
(The episodes were not really episodes of a series originally, but were really shorts. Shorts are short films, that were played while a feature film was being loaded, or during intermission, when the second part of a feature film was being loaded. These shorts were then re-marketed as a series of episodes, after the last short was made in 1959. For this reason, there is no consistent story line.)
In later episodes, Casper was explained as not really being a ghost, despite the name of the series. A ghost is the spirit of someone who has departed from this life, but the writers decided that Casper was not the spirit of a boy who had died. They decided that he was a spirit, because his parents were spirits.
Also, Casper had a tendency to befriend an entire family. In one episode, a woman became so familiar with Casper, that she tried to treat Casper like her own son. So really, "Casper The Familiar Spirit", would have been a more accurate title for the later episodes.
Casper was just one way of introducing a generation to the concept of being friends with a ghost, or familiar with a spirit. This was also a common theme in a variety of Disney movies and the like. There were also grown up shows that featured people who were familiar with spirits, like "Bewitched", and "I dream of Jeannie". This theme of friendly ghosts and familiar spirits has continued to this day in various ways in all forms of media.
So is there any truth to any of this?
Like all things, the way to get to the truth of the matter, is to consult the Book of Truth (The Bible).
Is there any such thing as a ghost or a spirit?
There is such a thing as a ghost or a spirit.
Every human being is a spirit that lives in a body (Job 32:8). Their spirit can interact with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Proverbs 20:27). A spirit is not the body of a person (Luke 24:39).
A human being cannot keep their spirit in their body, when it is time for their body to die (Ecclesiastes 8:8). The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) committed his spirit to the Father of Truth, when his spirit left his body to become a ghost (a disembodied spirit) (Luke 23:46). When the spirit leaves the body of a person, then their body dies (James 2:26).
Is there really such thing as a friendly ghost or a familiar spirit?
The spirits of people, that are still in their bodies, cannot really be friends with the spirits of people, that have left their bodies, for they have no means to form a relationship with each other.
When the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) died, then their spirits used to go to an underground paradise, where the spirit of Abraham (Abram) went to, when he died (Luke 16:20-22). When the Man of Truth died and rose again, he took all of those spirits, which had been held captive in that underground paradise, with him to Heaven (Ephesians 4:8-10). Since that time, whenever any of the Children of Truth die, they go to be with the Man of Truth in Heaven (Philippians 1:21-23).
When the Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) die, then their spirits go to Hell, while their bodies are buried in the ground (Luke 16:22-24).
The spirits of those who have died, cannot talk to those who are still alive, unless they are put back into their bodies by the Father of Truth (Luke 16:27-30).
So people cannot even talk to the spirits of people who have died, unless the Father of Truth decides to send the ghost of a Child of Truth, to deliver a brief message of judgment from Him (1 Samuel 28:11-19). The Father of Truth can also send the ghost of one of the Children of Truth, for a brief visit, to encourage another Child of Truth to carry out His will (Luke 9:29-31).
Should people befriend ghosts, or become familiar with spirits?
Since the spirits of people, that are still in their bodies, cannot form relationships with the spirits of people, that have left their bodies, then they should not befriend ghosts, or become familiar with spirits, because those ghosts or spirits can only be imposters.
The Father of Truth commands, that people have no regard for those, who have a spirit that they have become familiar with, because such who are friendly with so called ghosts, will cause others to become defiled in His sight (Leviticus 19:31). Anyone, who follows after those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, becomes an enemy of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 20:6-8). The Father of Truth commands, that those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, or are friendly with so-called ghosts, should be put to death (Leviticus 20:27). Those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, and those, who claim to talk to the ghosts of people who have died, a necromancer, are part of the religion of His enemies (Deuteronomy 18:9-12).
Those, who have joined themselves to a familiar spirit, are really being friendly with spirits of lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), when they talk to a friendly ghost (1 Samuel 28:9-13).
Those who have a familiar spirit, or talk to a friendly ghost, are in league with spirits of lies, and not mindful of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:16-18). Those who consult them, have replaced His Ministers of Truth with those, who are in league with spirits of lies (2 Chronicles 11:14-16).
No one can be familiar with spirits of lies, and be friends with the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:20-22). These so-called friendly ghosts are only interested, in getting the Children of Truth to leave the House of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1).
Is there any ghost that people should befriend, or any spirit that should people become familiar with?
Yes, there is friendly ghost, and a spirit that people should be familiar with, which is the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).
The Spirit of Truth is the one spirit, that all people should be familiar with (Numbers 11:29). People should be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
For this reason, the Man of Truth had to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so he could do what was pleasing to the Father of Truth (Isaiah 61:1-3). The Spirit of Truth is the ghost, that he befriended (Acts 10:38).
So the Man of Truth wants the Children of Truth, to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth (John 14:15-17). He wants people to be familiar with the Spirit of Truth, so they can be in league with his Father (John 16:13-15).
The Spirit of Truth is a ghost, because this is the spirit that the Man of Truth left on this Earth, after he died (John 7:39). The Spirit of Truth is the ghost, that the Father of Truth wants people to be friends with (John 14:26).
The Father of Truth is the one, who brings the Spirit of Truth into the lives of people (Exodus 31:1-3). The Spirit of Truth is only interested, in bringing people into the House of Truth (1 John 5:3-6).
How can people meet this friendly ghost, or become familiar with this spirit?
They meet this friendly ghost, when they come into the House of Truth, and become more familiar with this spirit, as they continue to live in the House of Truth.
They must come into the House of Truth to meet this friendly ghost (Acts 2:37-39). They will become familiar with this spirit, as they continue to live in the House of Truth (Romans 8:8-10).
People can only come into the House of Truth, by being born again into the family of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:5-7). They must come into the House of Truth, by giving control of their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe, that his Father called him up from the grave (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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