Inter-racial marriage
What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about inter-racial marriage?
My older daughter Miranda got married recently to a fine Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) from India. Narender is not just from India, but he is from south India.
The people of India have an amazing variety of facial features, and often look very different from one another. Their variety in appearance is especially amazing, when you consider that almost all of them have dark brown eyes and jet black hair. There are a lot more differences in their skin color, than their eye and hair color. In fact, they seem to run the gamut of human skin colors to almost paper white in north India to almost pitch black in south India.
The reason for this amazing variety is the very mixed ancestry of the people of India. The original people to live in India, the descendants of Ophir, were plainly related to the First Nations to live in the New World. However, over the centuries, many foreign ethnic groups took over various parts of India, and occupied those places for centuries. Among these invaders, there were the Persians, the Greeks, the Kushan (Russians), Arabs, British, and various groups related to the Mongols. Most of these occupied the northern half of India. While they were there, they plainly intermarried with the people of India. For this reason, the people of north India are often considerably lighter in skin color than the people of south India.
The segmentation of the people of India based on these factors was the origin of the Caste system. The Caste system consists of two main elements, Varna and Jati. The first element that is taken into consideration in determining position in society in India is Varna, with Jati used largely to provide more granular positioning with a Varna.
Varna literally means "color". The color it references is skin color, with white skin being the highest Varna and black skin being the lowest Varna. Even though there are basically six human skin shades, the Varna system only recognizes four skin colors. It is basically, the lighter the skin color, the better.
Jati literally means "birth". The Jati element consists of more than one factor to determine the Jati of a person. It considers what family the person was born into, the composition of that family, the occupation of the family, and their birth order within the family, with oldest being better. There are literally thousands of Jati to help define the position of individuals within their Varna.
While the Caste system is now illegal in India, it is still used by people there on a daily basis, to determine everything from position in a team to who can marry whom. A person should only marry someone in the same Varna and Jati as themselves.
My son-in-law is very dark skinned, while my daughter is very light skinned. He is also very handsome. For this reason I say, that my daughter married a prince who is small, dark, and handsome. There is no doubt, that they would belong to two completely different Varnas in India, if it was still legal there.
However, they might just as easily treated as foreigners, who do not belong to any Varna. Such people are often referred to as "Dalits" or "Untouchables", because those who belong to a Varna are not even supposed to touch such people.
As strange as the Caste system of India seems to us, America, and many other places, are no different. While they lack a well defined system of Varna and Jati, Americans still conduct themselves, like there is some sort of informal Caste system, that is based primarily on skin color. Like the Caste system of India, people in America are pressured to not marry outside of their race.
Many of the strongest opponents of inter-racial marriage claim, that the Book of Truth (The Bible) teaches against inter-racial marriage. Is this true? The best way to answer that question, is by using the Book of Truth to answer some other questions.
What is race?
In America today, when people talk about someone being bi-racial, they usually mean that the person had one parent with white skin and one parent with black skin. However, when the first colonists came over, during the time of Wampanoags and Pilgrims, bi-racial usually meant someone had one Scottish parent and one Irish parent.
These Scotch-Irish people are descendants of Scots who colonized Ulster, Ireland in 1606 AD, and who then intermarried with the native Irish people. (Scots did not have red hair, but the Irish did.) The English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish were all considered to be different races by each other. (The word "Welsh" literally means "foreigner".) There were some other even smaller groups like the Cornish, who were also considered separate races. (Cornish feet are shaped different than English feet.)
It can be even messier than that. The Croats, Serbs, and Bosniaks, who composed the people of the former country of Yugoslavia, all share very many common physical characteristics. They are divided by religion, and the customs that come from their religions. The Croats are Roman Catholic, the Serbs are Eastern Orthodox, and the Bosniaks are Muslims.
So the entire concept of race is mostly an ill-defined perception. Basically, people are divided according to some set of characteristics, whether it be skin color, hair color, foot shape, or religion, and those who have a set of characteristics in common are considered to be of the same race. So if one looks at skin color alone, then people might talk about the white race and the black race. However, if one decides to include foot shape as a defining characteristic, then they might talk about the English race and the Cornish race. If one looks at another characteristic like religion, among people who have basically the same defining physical characteristics, then they might talk about the Croatian race and the Serbian race.
So the Book of Truth does not really divide people in groups based on the ill-defined perception of race. It divides people into groups based on the well-defined observations of common ancestry and common language (Genesis 10:5).
The Hebrew word used in the Book of Truth for a group with common ancestry and language is "Goy". It is frequently used to define everyone, who is not part of the Jewish people, so it is often translated as "Gentile". However, it is also applied to the Jewish people to distinguish them from non-Jews as well.
The Greek word used in the Book of Truth for a group with common ancestry and language is "Ethnos". Like the Hebrew word, Goy, it is sometimes translated as "nation". It is where the English term "Ethnic group" comes from.
So the question that really needs answering is: What does the Book of Truth say about people marrying outside of their ethnic group?
Were the people of Israel forbidden to marry people from other ethnic groups?
The people of Israel in the wilderness were forbidden to marry any of the people of the ethnic groups, who lived in the Promised Land before them, including the Hittites, but were to destroy those people completely (Deuteronomy 7:1-3).
Later, King David dealt deceitfully with Uriah the Hittite, by committing adultery with his wife Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-4). King David then had his general Joab carry out a plot, to have Uriah killed (2 Samuel 11:15-17).
Bathsheba appears to have been a Jew (2 Samuel 11:3). Her father, Eliam, appears to have been one of the mighty men of King David, and the son of Ahithophel (2 Samuel 23:24-34). Ahithophel was one of the counselors of King David (1 Chronicles 27:33).
Yet, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) severely punished King David for killing Uriah the Hittite, and marrying Bathsheba the Jew (2 Samuel 12:9-14). So why was the Father of Truth angry with King David for ending a marriage between a Jew and a Hittite, which had been forbidden, and destroying a Hittite, as He had commanded?
It is because, it was never about people being born into certain ethnic group, not being able to marry those born into another ethnic group. The people of Israel were only forbidden to marry people of those ethnic groups already in the Promised Land, because they worshiped Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 7:3-6).
Uriah was faithful to come to King David, when he was called for, after Bathsheba informed King David, that she was pregnant (2 Samuel 11:5-7). Uriah was too faithful to the Ark of the Covenant, which represented the Father of Truth, and to the armies of Israel, to sleep in his own house, while it was not at rest in its house, and the armies of Israel were not in their own houses (2 Samuel 11:8-11). Uriah was too faithful to the Father of Truth to do this, even after King David got him drunk (2 Samuel 11:12-13). Uriah was so faithful, that King David was able to send Uriah to carry to Joab, the secret instructions to have Uriah killed (2 Samuel 11:14-15). Uriah was faithful to the point of death to the Father of Truth, and the people of Israel (2 Samuel 11:16-17). Uriah the Hittite was so faithful, that he was counted among the mighty men of Israel, who were loyal to the Father of Truth and King David (2 Samuel 23:24-39).
So Bathsheba was filled with sorrow at the news of the death of faithful Uriah, and the Father of Truth was very displeased with King David, for bringing about the death of Uriah the Hittite, so he could marry Bathsheba the Jew (2 Samuel 11:26-27). When King David killed Uriah the Hittite, to end this marriage between a Hittite and a Jew, so he could marry Bathsheba the Jew, he was despising the commandment of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 12:9-10). This treatment of Uriah the Hittite gave occasion, for all of the enemies of the Father of Truth to blaspheme Him, because Bathsheba the Jew had not sinned by marrying a Hittite, when that Hittite was loyal to the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 12:14).
So the child, with whom Bathsheba had became pregnant during her adultery with King David, which lead to the murder of Uriah the Hittite, died as a result of their sin (2 Samuel 12:14-19). Then King David had another child with Bathsheba, after they were married, named Solomon (2 Samuel 12:24). Solomon became king of Israel, after King David finished his reign (1 Kings 1:28-30).
King Solomon also married wives from the very ethnic groups, that the people of Israel were forbidden to marry from, including Hittites (1 Kings 11:1-2). However, unlike Uriah the Hittite, these wives from other ethnic groups did not love the Father of Truth, but instead worshiped Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 11:3-4). These wives, who did not love the Father of Truth, caused King Solomon to joined them in worshiping Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 11:5-6). These wives, who did not love the Father of Truth, caused King Solomon to build temples to these Spirits of Lies throughout the Kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 11:7-8).
The Father of Truth had warned the people of Israel against marrying wives, who did not worship Him, because it would lead to their destruction, when their wives caused them to worship Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). The Father of Truth warned King Solomon, that Israel would be destroyed from being a nation, if King Solomon, or his sons, started to worship Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 9:2-9). So the Father of Truth announced, that the destruction of the nation of Israel would begin, by the Kingdom of Israel being divided into smaller two kingdoms, when the son of King Solomon became king, because King Solomon had turned to worshiping Spirit of Lies, through the influence of his wives, who did not love the Father of Truth (1 Kings 11:9-13).
Years later, the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem, after being completely cast out of the Promised Land (Ezra 8:32-36). The Father of Truth had brought them back to the Promised Land, after worshiping Spirits of Lies had caused them to be thrown out (Ezra 9:7-9).
Yet, when the people of Israel returned to the Promised Land, they also married wives of other ethnic groups, who did not worship the Father of Truth (Ezra 9:1-2). They set themselves up, to again be lead into worshiping Spirits of Lies, by marrying people who worshiped Spirits of Lies, so that they might be completely destroyed (Ezra 9:10-15). They did not consider, that this was the very thing, that King Solomon had done, which lead the people of Israel to worship Spirits of Lies, and be exiled from the Promised Land (Nehemiah 13:23-27).
So the people of Israel agreed to divorce all of their wives from other ethnic groups in the Promised Land, to keep this from happening (Ezra 10:1-5). They divorced their wives from other ethnic groups, who worshiped Spirits of Lies, so they would not turn from following the Father of Truth (Ezra 10:10-17). They divorced their wives from ethnic groups, and even gave up all rights to the children, that these wives had born to them (Ezra 10:44).
So the people of Israel were only forbidden to marry people, who did not worship the Father of Truth.
Did the people of Israel ever marry people from other ethnic groups?
Judah married a Canaanite (Genesis 38:1-3). Joseph married an Egyptian (Genesis 41:45). Simeon also married a Canaanite (Genesis 46:10). In fact, only one of the original sons of Israel could have married someone of their own ethnic group, because there was only one daughter of Israel (Genesis 46:15).
Moses married a Midianite (Exodus 18:1-2). Later, Moses married an Ethiopian (Numbers 12:1).
Rahab (Rachab) was a woman of Jericho, a city of the Canaanites, when the people of Israel took the Promised Land (Joshua 6:21-23). Yet Salmon, the father of Boaz married her (Matthew 1:5).
Then his son Boaz (Booz) married a Moabite named Ruth (Ruth 4:9-11). Their son was the father of King David (Ruth 4:21-22).
After the kingdom of Israel was established, it was the son of a man of Tyre, who had married one of the people of Israel, who built the brass work of the Temple (1 Kings 7:13-45). It was the son of another man of Tyre, who had married another one of the people of Israel, who was over the construction of the Temple (2 Chronicles 2:4-14).
Why were the people of Israel allowed to marry people from other ethnic groups?
The Midianite woman that Moses married, was the daughter of a priest of Midian (Exodus 2:16-21). Moses encountered the Father of Truth, while keeping the flock of this priest of Midian (Exodus 3:1-4). This priest of Midian was a priest of the Father of Truth, who rejoiced over all that the Father of Truth did for the people of Israel, and offered up sacrifices to the Father of Truth (Exodus 18:8-12). This Midianite woman plainly was not leading Moses to worship Spirits of Lies.
The Ethiopian woman who Moses married, did not lead Moses away from the Father of Truth, for Moses was still faithful in all that he did (Numbers 12:6-8). It did not anger the Father of Truth, that Moses had married an Ethiopian woman, but it did anger Him, that Moses was criticized for doing so (Numbers 12:9-11). This Ethiopian woman plainly was not leading Moses to worship Spirits of Lies.
Rahab the Canaanite hid the spies, because she believed, that the Father of Truth was the only true God in all of the Earth (Joshua 2:3-11). She became part of the people of Israel, because she helped Israel (Joshua 6:25). Rahab acted out of confidence in what the Father of Truth said (Hebrews 11:31). Her act of faith justified her in the eyes of the Father of Truth (James 2:25). Rahab was plainly not leading anyone to worship Spirits of Lies.
Ruth the Moabite originally married Mahlon the Israelite, but he died (Ruth 1:2-5). Ruth refused to go back to serving Spirits of Lies, but instead made the Father of Truth her God, because she was joined to the people of Israel (Ruth 1:15-17). So Ruth took care of her mother-in-law all through the barley and wheat harvests (Ruth 2:22-23). Then Ruth went to Boaz, so she could be redeemed by him (Ruth 3:9-13). She sought out Boaz, so she could raise up a son to carry on the name of her dead husband Mahlon (Ruth 4:3-5). She married Boaz to take care of her mother-in-law, and to raise up a son to carry on the name of her dead husband, because she loved the Father of Truth (Ruth 4:13-15). Ruth was plainly not leading anyone to worship Spirits of Lies.
The Father of Truth filled with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) the two men in charge of building the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:1-11). These men were chosen to do this work, because they would teach to others what the Spirit of Truth taught them (Exodus 35:30-35). In the same manner, one man, whose father was from Tyre, was chosen to be over all of the brass work of the Temple (1 Kings 7:13-15). In the same manner, another man, whose father was also from Tyre, was chosen to be over all of the other work of the Temple (2 Chronicles 2:13-14). The fathers of these men, who were from Tyre, but married to women from the people of Israel, plainly did not lead their sons to worship Spirits of Lies.
So what is required for someone to be allowed to marry one of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him)?
It has been shown, that there is nothing in the Book of Truth, that forbids a Child of Truth from one race, however that is defined, from marrying another Child of Truth from another race. They can marry someone with different skin color, hair color, foot shape, or from a different culture.
So the Children of Truth cannot really marry outside of their race, because they all belong to the same race - the human race (Acts 17:26). Marriage is honorable between people of every race (Hebrews 13:4). Any teaching, that forbids people from marrying people of another race, is from a Spirit of Lies (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
It does not matter what race someone is from, for there is a promise in the covenant given to Abraham (Abram), that anyone, who blesses his children, will be blessed by the Father of Truth, so that people of every race can be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Nothing that came afterwards, could make that promise null and void (Galatians 3:16-18).
So a Midianite family became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Numbers 10:29-32). So a Canaanite became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Joshua 6:25). So a Moabite became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Ruth 1:16-17). Even a Hittite became such a part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel, that even King David came under the curse of the Father of Truth, for being a curse to that Hittite (2 Samuel 12:9-11).
Since it is worshiping the Father of Truth, that defines being a Jew, then people from many different ethnic groups were able to become Jews, when they saw the Father of Truth work on behalf of the Jews through the King of Persia (Esther 8:13-17). Now, the blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has made it possible for people of every ethnic group, to be part of the people of Israel, by bringing them into the worship of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).
The people of Israel, are not those who have the right ancestors, but those who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 2:26-29). Not all people, who have the right ancestors, are the people of Israel, but only those who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 9:4-8). The people of Israel is both those with the right ancestry, and those of other ethnic groups, who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 9:24-27).
The people of Israel are those, who believe the Good News about the Man of Truth (Romans 10:16-21). People of other ethnic groups become part of the people of Israel, when they come into the House of Truth, because some of the descendants of Israel left off worshiping the Father of Truth (Romans 11:16-20). The Father of Truth will remove anyone from being part of the people of Israel, who does not remain in the House of Truth (Romans 11:20-22). When the descendants of Israel come into the House of Truth, then they return to their natural place as being part of the people of Israel (Romans 11:23-24).
So there is only one requirement about whom the Children of Truth can marry. They can marry anyone they like, as long as that person is also one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:39). They must not marry anyone else, for everyone else worships Spirits of Lies, whether they know it or not (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
Yet, if someone comes into the House of Truth, after they have married someone, who has not came into the House of Truth, then they are not to divorce their unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12-13). They are to raise their children to worship the Father of Truth, even though their spouse has not yet came into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:14). If their unbelieving spouse leaves them over worshiping the Father of Truth, then they are free to marry someone else, who is in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:15).
However, the goal of the Children of Truth, who are married to an unbelieving spouse, is to show the goodness of the Father of Truth to their spouse, so that their spouse will come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:15). The believing wife can win over her unbelieving husband, without even speaking about the Man of Truth, by demonstrating the goodness of the Father of Truth, in how she treats her unbelieving husband (1 Peter 3:1-2). She can preach a sermon, that will really get the attention of her unbelieving husband, by demonstrating that coming into the House of Truth, has turned her into a better wife (1 Peter 3:3-6).
Anyone can come into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth, because they believe, that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Anyone, whether they are a descendant of Israel, or part of another ethnic group, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). All, who come into the House of Truth, will become part of the people of Israel (Galatians 6:14-16).
Come into the House of Truth!
My older daughter Miranda got married recently to a fine Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) from India. Narender is not just from India, but he is from south India.
The people of India have an amazing variety of facial features, and often look very different from one another. Their variety in appearance is especially amazing, when you consider that almost all of them have dark brown eyes and jet black hair. There are a lot more differences in their skin color, than their eye and hair color. In fact, they seem to run the gamut of human skin colors to almost paper white in north India to almost pitch black in south India.
The reason for this amazing variety is the very mixed ancestry of the people of India. The original people to live in India, the descendants of Ophir, were plainly related to the First Nations to live in the New World. However, over the centuries, many foreign ethnic groups took over various parts of India, and occupied those places for centuries. Among these invaders, there were the Persians, the Greeks, the Kushan (Russians), Arabs, British, and various groups related to the Mongols. Most of these occupied the northern half of India. While they were there, they plainly intermarried with the people of India. For this reason, the people of north India are often considerably lighter in skin color than the people of south India.
The segmentation of the people of India based on these factors was the origin of the Caste system. The Caste system consists of two main elements, Varna and Jati. The first element that is taken into consideration in determining position in society in India is Varna, with Jati used largely to provide more granular positioning with a Varna.
Varna literally means "color". The color it references is skin color, with white skin being the highest Varna and black skin being the lowest Varna. Even though there are basically six human skin shades, the Varna system only recognizes four skin colors. It is basically, the lighter the skin color, the better.
Jati literally means "birth". The Jati element consists of more than one factor to determine the Jati of a person. It considers what family the person was born into, the composition of that family, the occupation of the family, and their birth order within the family, with oldest being better. There are literally thousands of Jati to help define the position of individuals within their Varna.
While the Caste system is now illegal in India, it is still used by people there on a daily basis, to determine everything from position in a team to who can marry whom. A person should only marry someone in the same Varna and Jati as themselves.
My son-in-law is very dark skinned, while my daughter is very light skinned. He is also very handsome. For this reason I say, that my daughter married a prince who is small, dark, and handsome. There is no doubt, that they would belong to two completely different Varnas in India, if it was still legal there.
However, they might just as easily treated as foreigners, who do not belong to any Varna. Such people are often referred to as "Dalits" or "Untouchables", because those who belong to a Varna are not even supposed to touch such people.
As strange as the Caste system of India seems to us, America, and many other places, are no different. While they lack a well defined system of Varna and Jati, Americans still conduct themselves, like there is some sort of informal Caste system, that is based primarily on skin color. Like the Caste system of India, people in America are pressured to not marry outside of their race.
Many of the strongest opponents of inter-racial marriage claim, that the Book of Truth (The Bible) teaches against inter-racial marriage. Is this true? The best way to answer that question, is by using the Book of Truth to answer some other questions.
What is race?
In America today, when people talk about someone being bi-racial, they usually mean that the person had one parent with white skin and one parent with black skin. However, when the first colonists came over, during the time of Wampanoags and Pilgrims, bi-racial usually meant someone had one Scottish parent and one Irish parent.
These Scotch-Irish people are descendants of Scots who colonized Ulster, Ireland in 1606 AD, and who then intermarried with the native Irish people. (Scots did not have red hair, but the Irish did.) The English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish were all considered to be different races by each other. (The word "Welsh" literally means "foreigner".) There were some other even smaller groups like the Cornish, who were also considered separate races. (Cornish feet are shaped different than English feet.)
It can be even messier than that. The Croats, Serbs, and Bosniaks, who composed the people of the former country of Yugoslavia, all share very many common physical characteristics. They are divided by religion, and the customs that come from their religions. The Croats are Roman Catholic, the Serbs are Eastern Orthodox, and the Bosniaks are Muslims.
So the entire concept of race is mostly an ill-defined perception. Basically, people are divided according to some set of characteristics, whether it be skin color, hair color, foot shape, or religion, and those who have a set of characteristics in common are considered to be of the same race. So if one looks at skin color alone, then people might talk about the white race and the black race. However, if one decides to include foot shape as a defining characteristic, then they might talk about the English race and the Cornish race. If one looks at another characteristic like religion, among people who have basically the same defining physical characteristics, then they might talk about the Croatian race and the Serbian race.
So the Book of Truth does not really divide people in groups based on the ill-defined perception of race. It divides people into groups based on the well-defined observations of common ancestry and common language (Genesis 10:5).
The Hebrew word used in the Book of Truth for a group with common ancestry and language is "Goy". It is frequently used to define everyone, who is not part of the Jewish people, so it is often translated as "Gentile". However, it is also applied to the Jewish people to distinguish them from non-Jews as well.
The Greek word used in the Book of Truth for a group with common ancestry and language is "Ethnos". Like the Hebrew word, Goy, it is sometimes translated as "nation". It is where the English term "Ethnic group" comes from.
So the question that really needs answering is: What does the Book of Truth say about people marrying outside of their ethnic group?
Were the people of Israel forbidden to marry people from other ethnic groups?
The people of Israel in the wilderness were forbidden to marry any of the people of the ethnic groups, who lived in the Promised Land before them, including the Hittites, but were to destroy those people completely (Deuteronomy 7:1-3).
Later, King David dealt deceitfully with Uriah the Hittite, by committing adultery with his wife Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-4). King David then had his general Joab carry out a plot, to have Uriah killed (2 Samuel 11:15-17).
Bathsheba appears to have been a Jew (2 Samuel 11:3). Her father, Eliam, appears to have been one of the mighty men of King David, and the son of Ahithophel (2 Samuel 23:24-34). Ahithophel was one of the counselors of King David (1 Chronicles 27:33).
Yet, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) severely punished King David for killing Uriah the Hittite, and marrying Bathsheba the Jew (2 Samuel 12:9-14). So why was the Father of Truth angry with King David for ending a marriage between a Jew and a Hittite, which had been forbidden, and destroying a Hittite, as He had commanded?
It is because, it was never about people being born into certain ethnic group, not being able to marry those born into another ethnic group. The people of Israel were only forbidden to marry people of those ethnic groups already in the Promised Land, because they worshiped Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 7:3-6).
Uriah was faithful to come to King David, when he was called for, after Bathsheba informed King David, that she was pregnant (2 Samuel 11:5-7). Uriah was too faithful to the Ark of the Covenant, which represented the Father of Truth, and to the armies of Israel, to sleep in his own house, while it was not at rest in its house, and the armies of Israel were not in their own houses (2 Samuel 11:8-11). Uriah was too faithful to the Father of Truth to do this, even after King David got him drunk (2 Samuel 11:12-13). Uriah was so faithful, that King David was able to send Uriah to carry to Joab, the secret instructions to have Uriah killed (2 Samuel 11:14-15). Uriah was faithful to the point of death to the Father of Truth, and the people of Israel (2 Samuel 11:16-17). Uriah the Hittite was so faithful, that he was counted among the mighty men of Israel, who were loyal to the Father of Truth and King David (2 Samuel 23:24-39).
So Bathsheba was filled with sorrow at the news of the death of faithful Uriah, and the Father of Truth was very displeased with King David, for bringing about the death of Uriah the Hittite, so he could marry Bathsheba the Jew (2 Samuel 11:26-27). When King David killed Uriah the Hittite, to end this marriage between a Hittite and a Jew, so he could marry Bathsheba the Jew, he was despising the commandment of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 12:9-10). This treatment of Uriah the Hittite gave occasion, for all of the enemies of the Father of Truth to blaspheme Him, because Bathsheba the Jew had not sinned by marrying a Hittite, when that Hittite was loyal to the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 12:14).
So the child, with whom Bathsheba had became pregnant during her adultery with King David, which lead to the murder of Uriah the Hittite, died as a result of their sin (2 Samuel 12:14-19). Then King David had another child with Bathsheba, after they were married, named Solomon (2 Samuel 12:24). Solomon became king of Israel, after King David finished his reign (1 Kings 1:28-30).
King Solomon also married wives from the very ethnic groups, that the people of Israel were forbidden to marry from, including Hittites (1 Kings 11:1-2). However, unlike Uriah the Hittite, these wives from other ethnic groups did not love the Father of Truth, but instead worshiped Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 11:3-4). These wives, who did not love the Father of Truth, caused King Solomon to joined them in worshiping Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 11:5-6). These wives, who did not love the Father of Truth, caused King Solomon to build temples to these Spirits of Lies throughout the Kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 11:7-8).
The Father of Truth had warned the people of Israel against marrying wives, who did not worship Him, because it would lead to their destruction, when their wives caused them to worship Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). The Father of Truth warned King Solomon, that Israel would be destroyed from being a nation, if King Solomon, or his sons, started to worship Spirits of Lies (1 Kings 9:2-9). So the Father of Truth announced, that the destruction of the nation of Israel would begin, by the Kingdom of Israel being divided into smaller two kingdoms, when the son of King Solomon became king, because King Solomon had turned to worshiping Spirit of Lies, through the influence of his wives, who did not love the Father of Truth (1 Kings 11:9-13).
Years later, the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem, after being completely cast out of the Promised Land (Ezra 8:32-36). The Father of Truth had brought them back to the Promised Land, after worshiping Spirits of Lies had caused them to be thrown out (Ezra 9:7-9).
Yet, when the people of Israel returned to the Promised Land, they also married wives of other ethnic groups, who did not worship the Father of Truth (Ezra 9:1-2). They set themselves up, to again be lead into worshiping Spirits of Lies, by marrying people who worshiped Spirits of Lies, so that they might be completely destroyed (Ezra 9:10-15). They did not consider, that this was the very thing, that King Solomon had done, which lead the people of Israel to worship Spirits of Lies, and be exiled from the Promised Land (Nehemiah 13:23-27).
So the people of Israel agreed to divorce all of their wives from other ethnic groups in the Promised Land, to keep this from happening (Ezra 10:1-5). They divorced their wives from other ethnic groups, who worshiped Spirits of Lies, so they would not turn from following the Father of Truth (Ezra 10:10-17). They divorced their wives from ethnic groups, and even gave up all rights to the children, that these wives had born to them (Ezra 10:44).
So the people of Israel were only forbidden to marry people, who did not worship the Father of Truth.
Did the people of Israel ever marry people from other ethnic groups?
Judah married a Canaanite (Genesis 38:1-3). Joseph married an Egyptian (Genesis 41:45). Simeon also married a Canaanite (Genesis 46:10). In fact, only one of the original sons of Israel could have married someone of their own ethnic group, because there was only one daughter of Israel (Genesis 46:15).
Moses married a Midianite (Exodus 18:1-2). Later, Moses married an Ethiopian (Numbers 12:1).
Rahab (Rachab) was a woman of Jericho, a city of the Canaanites, when the people of Israel took the Promised Land (Joshua 6:21-23). Yet Salmon, the father of Boaz married her (Matthew 1:5).
Then his son Boaz (Booz) married a Moabite named Ruth (Ruth 4:9-11). Their son was the father of King David (Ruth 4:21-22).
After the kingdom of Israel was established, it was the son of a man of Tyre, who had married one of the people of Israel, who built the brass work of the Temple (1 Kings 7:13-45). It was the son of another man of Tyre, who had married another one of the people of Israel, who was over the construction of the Temple (2 Chronicles 2:4-14).
Why were the people of Israel allowed to marry people from other ethnic groups?
The Midianite woman that Moses married, was the daughter of a priest of Midian (Exodus 2:16-21). Moses encountered the Father of Truth, while keeping the flock of this priest of Midian (Exodus 3:1-4). This priest of Midian was a priest of the Father of Truth, who rejoiced over all that the Father of Truth did for the people of Israel, and offered up sacrifices to the Father of Truth (Exodus 18:8-12). This Midianite woman plainly was not leading Moses to worship Spirits of Lies.
The Ethiopian woman who Moses married, did not lead Moses away from the Father of Truth, for Moses was still faithful in all that he did (Numbers 12:6-8). It did not anger the Father of Truth, that Moses had married an Ethiopian woman, but it did anger Him, that Moses was criticized for doing so (Numbers 12:9-11). This Ethiopian woman plainly was not leading Moses to worship Spirits of Lies.
Rahab the Canaanite hid the spies, because she believed, that the Father of Truth was the only true God in all of the Earth (Joshua 2:3-11). She became part of the people of Israel, because she helped Israel (Joshua 6:25). Rahab acted out of confidence in what the Father of Truth said (Hebrews 11:31). Her act of faith justified her in the eyes of the Father of Truth (James 2:25). Rahab was plainly not leading anyone to worship Spirits of Lies.
Ruth the Moabite originally married Mahlon the Israelite, but he died (Ruth 1:2-5). Ruth refused to go back to serving Spirits of Lies, but instead made the Father of Truth her God, because she was joined to the people of Israel (Ruth 1:15-17). So Ruth took care of her mother-in-law all through the barley and wheat harvests (Ruth 2:22-23). Then Ruth went to Boaz, so she could be redeemed by him (Ruth 3:9-13). She sought out Boaz, so she could raise up a son to carry on the name of her dead husband Mahlon (Ruth 4:3-5). She married Boaz to take care of her mother-in-law, and to raise up a son to carry on the name of her dead husband, because she loved the Father of Truth (Ruth 4:13-15). Ruth was plainly not leading anyone to worship Spirits of Lies.
The Father of Truth filled with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) the two men in charge of building the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:1-11). These men were chosen to do this work, because they would teach to others what the Spirit of Truth taught them (Exodus 35:30-35). In the same manner, one man, whose father was from Tyre, was chosen to be over all of the brass work of the Temple (1 Kings 7:13-15). In the same manner, another man, whose father was also from Tyre, was chosen to be over all of the other work of the Temple (2 Chronicles 2:13-14). The fathers of these men, who were from Tyre, but married to women from the people of Israel, plainly did not lead their sons to worship Spirits of Lies.
So what is required for someone to be allowed to marry one of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him)?
It has been shown, that there is nothing in the Book of Truth, that forbids a Child of Truth from one race, however that is defined, from marrying another Child of Truth from another race. They can marry someone with different skin color, hair color, foot shape, or from a different culture.
So the Children of Truth cannot really marry outside of their race, because they all belong to the same race - the human race (Acts 17:26). Marriage is honorable between people of every race (Hebrews 13:4). Any teaching, that forbids people from marrying people of another race, is from a Spirit of Lies (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
It does not matter what race someone is from, for there is a promise in the covenant given to Abraham (Abram), that anyone, who blesses his children, will be blessed by the Father of Truth, so that people of every race can be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Nothing that came afterwards, could make that promise null and void (Galatians 3:16-18).
So a Midianite family became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Numbers 10:29-32). So a Canaanite became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Joshua 6:25). So a Moabite became part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel (Ruth 1:16-17). Even a Hittite became such a part of the people of Israel, by being a blessing to the people of Israel, that even King David came under the curse of the Father of Truth, for being a curse to that Hittite (2 Samuel 12:9-11).
Since it is worshiping the Father of Truth, that defines being a Jew, then people from many different ethnic groups were able to become Jews, when they saw the Father of Truth work on behalf of the Jews through the King of Persia (Esther 8:13-17). Now, the blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) has made it possible for people of every ethnic group, to be part of the people of Israel, by bringing them into the worship of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).
The people of Israel, are not those who have the right ancestors, but those who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 2:26-29). Not all people, who have the right ancestors, are the people of Israel, but only those who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 9:4-8). The people of Israel is both those with the right ancestry, and those of other ethnic groups, who worship the Father of Truth (Romans 9:24-27).
The people of Israel are those, who believe the Good News about the Man of Truth (Romans 10:16-21). People of other ethnic groups become part of the people of Israel, when they come into the House of Truth, because some of the descendants of Israel left off worshiping the Father of Truth (Romans 11:16-20). The Father of Truth will remove anyone from being part of the people of Israel, who does not remain in the House of Truth (Romans 11:20-22). When the descendants of Israel come into the House of Truth, then they return to their natural place as being part of the people of Israel (Romans 11:23-24).
So there is only one requirement about whom the Children of Truth can marry. They can marry anyone they like, as long as that person is also one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:39). They must not marry anyone else, for everyone else worships Spirits of Lies, whether they know it or not (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
Yet, if someone comes into the House of Truth, after they have married someone, who has not came into the House of Truth, then they are not to divorce their unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12-13). They are to raise their children to worship the Father of Truth, even though their spouse has not yet came into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:14). If their unbelieving spouse leaves them over worshiping the Father of Truth, then they are free to marry someone else, who is in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:15).
However, the goal of the Children of Truth, who are married to an unbelieving spouse, is to show the goodness of the Father of Truth to their spouse, so that their spouse will come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:15). The believing wife can win over her unbelieving husband, without even speaking about the Man of Truth, by demonstrating the goodness of the Father of Truth, in how she treats her unbelieving husband (1 Peter 3:1-2). She can preach a sermon, that will really get the attention of her unbelieving husband, by demonstrating that coming into the House of Truth, has turned her into a better wife (1 Peter 3:3-6).
Anyone can come into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth, because they believe, that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Anyone, whether they are a descendant of Israel, or part of another ethnic group, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). All, who come into the House of Truth, will become part of the people of Israel (Galatians 6:14-16).
Come into the House of Truth!
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