The Real Jews
Are the people in Israel today really Jews?
I have heard some people, who call themselves "Christians", say that the land in modern Israel does not belong to the Jews, who live in Israel. They claim that it belongs to the so-called Palestinians.
They are in opposition to the only Middle East peace plan that works. They do not consider, what brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger. They do not recognize, that modern Israel is part of the Promised Land, which the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to the Jews.
These "Christians" are no different those who say, that it was the Jews, who killed the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
However, I have heard something completely different, from some people who call themselves "Messianic" or "Hebrew Roots", regarding the Jews that live in Israel. They say that the Jews, who live in Israel, especially those who have white skin, particularly from Europe, are not really Jews at all.
These white skin Jews are called Ashkenazi Jews, because they lived among the descendants of Ashkenaz, in places like Germany and France.
One of the most popular claims regarding Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, is that they are not Jews at all, but really Khazars. Therefore, these Europeans who started mass immigrating to modern Israel, beginning in about 1870 AD, were not Jews immigrating back to the Promised Land, but were actually invading Khazars.
Khazars were an ancient group of Turkic nomads, who formed a kingdom in southeastern Europe around 650 AD. This kingdom was called the Khazar Khaganate, but was more commonly referred to simply as Khazaria.
Khazaria was a large country in southeast Europe, approximately the size of Iran. It stretched from Kiev in the west, then south to the shores of the Black Sea, then all the way along the Black Sea to the Caucus Mountains in the south, then east to the shores of the Caspian Sea, then all the way along the Caspian Sea to the Ural River in the east, then north along the Ural River to Samara, then west to Voronezh in the north, and finally southwest from there back to Kiev.
The area that the Khazars effectively ruled, was twice as large as Khazaria itself. This area extended west to Bulgaria, south to Armenia, east to the Aral Sea, and north to Kazan. These were vassal kingdoms, and areas dominated by nomadic groups, who all paid tribute to the king of Khazaria.
Khazaria flourished until it was brought down within a single generation by the Russians, ending with the destruction of their capital, Atil, in 968 AD. The Khazars finally completed faded from history, after their final defeat by the Polovtsi in 1106 AD.
During this 150 year or so period of Khazaria collapsing, many of the Khazars were scattered to surrounding countries, as far west as Germany, as far south as Arabia, as far east as China, and as far north as Russia. The Kazakhs of Kazakhstan are among their descendants. (Kazakh comes from the same ancient Turkic word as Khazar, which means "to wander".)
So some people say, that the people in Europe called Ashkenazi Jews, are really not Jews at all, but are instead Turkic Khazars, who were forced to immigrate to Germany. Could this be true?
This idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning the Khazars, whenever anyone considers the entire history of Khazaria.
The Khazars over time came to not be composed of a single ethnic group, but composed of many ethnic groups, who all identified themselves as Khazars, due to being part of the Khazar Khaganate, which is usually usually referred to simply as Khazaria.
(This is similar to how Americans are not composed of a single ethnic group, but people of many different ethnic groups, who all identify themselves as Americans, due to being part of the United States of America, which is usually referred to simply as America.)
There was persecution of Jews in the neighboring Byzantine Empire and Islamic (Arab) Caliphate, from the earliest days of the Khazaria until it came to an end. All during this time, Jews fled to Khazaria, which served as a refuge for these Jews, because if its policy of religious freedom. So there were Khazar Jews living in Khazaria, just like there are American Jews living in America. These Khazar Jews would have identified themselves as citizens of Khazaria, just as American Jews would identify themselves as citizens of the United States.
However, these Jews gained a greater influence on the Khazar rulers, than any other country in history.
The Khazars were originally practicers of Tengrism, which was a religion of idols and nature worship. Over time, some of them joined the False Church of Rome through the efforts of the Byzantine Empire. Other Khazars became Muslims through the efforts of the Islamic Caliphate. However, many of them became Jews though the influence of Jews, who lived in Khazaria.
This reached its climax, after King Bulan converted to Judaism in 740 AD. He did this, after asking leaders of the False Church of Rome, Islam, and Judaism, what religion would they prefer to see Khazaria adopt, if it did not adopt their religion. Both the False Church of Rome representatives, and Islamic representatives, said Judaism.
So after that, the Khazar rulers took on Jewish names, and promoted Judaism as the preferred religion in Khazaria. In fact, Judaism became so common in Khazaria, that many people of other nations thought that all Khazars were Jews, despite the testimony of their own history books and kings. As late as 950 AD, the Jewish foreign secretary of the Cordoba Caliphate (Islamic Spain) wrote to the king of Khazaria, thanking him for making a new homeland for the Jews. You could say, that Khazaria became the Jew York City of the medieval world.
So when Khazars immigrated to Germany during the collapse of Khazaria, some of them were Jews by ancestry, and many of them were Jews by religion. In other words, Jews immigrated into Germany with other Khazars, during the period of the collapse of Khazaria.
Also, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning Europeans, whenever anyone considers the entire history of the Europe.
Jews have been in Europe for centuries, before Turkic Khazars ever immigrated to Germany. In fact, there have been Jews in Germany, long before Khazaria even existed, possibly even a thousand years earlier.
There have been Jews living in Europe for almost three thousand years. Herodotus, the father of history, wrote that there were Jews living among the Greeks before 700 BC. According to Homer, from around the same time period, the famous Spartans were originally called Danaoi, the sons of Dan, before they were called Spartans, after the city of Sparta that they built. This would place Jews living in Europe to be before 1000 BC. In fact, the history of the Jews and the Greeks is so entangled, that it can best be described as Greco-Judeo Wrestling.
Jews lived among the Greeks, in the colonies that the Greeks formed along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and then migrated inland from there. The Romans called this area of Greek colonization, "Magna Graecia" (Great Greece). Rome itself was in the area of Magna Graecia. In fact, modern archeology has shown that during the time of the Apostles of Truth, 70% of the inhabitants of Rome spoke Greek as their primary language. For this reason, there is evidence of Jews living in Rome from the days of the founding of the Roman Republic. In fact, in Italy today, the Italians say that the Jews have lived among them for over 2500 years.
Jews were so embedded in Roman society during the time of the Roman Republic, that they were able to help Julius Caesar rise to power. In fact, his title "Caesar" came from the Jews. ("Kaesar" in Greek, which came from "K'sar" in Hebrew. It means "Like a Prince" in Hebrew.) Also, Herod the Great, king of the Jews, came in with an army at the battle of Actium (in Greece), which saved Julius Casear from almost certain defeat in his final battle with Marc Anthony.
It is for these reasons, that Julius Caesar created the Juris Judaica (The Law of The Jews) that made Judaism a Religio Licita (permitted religion). He also declared that synagogues were schools of learning, which permitted Jews to legally meet indoors, instead of being forced to meet outdoors in forums and agoras (market places). This is why the Yiddish word for a synagogue is "schul" (literally "school") to this day.
The next Roman Emperor, Augustus, began occupying Germany, near the border of France, by 23 BC at the latest. Jews could have been part of his troops, as they were in other cases. During his reign, the major fortress at Mainz (Mogontiacum) was created, and then the Romans secured the border of Roman Germany at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.
So when Romans destroyed Jerusalem at the end of the Great Revolt in 70 AD, they scattered the surviving Jews all over their empire to their major cities, particularly those on the borders, where there were issues of barbarian incursions. They did so on a larger scale, after they destroy the province of Judaea, when they put down the Kochba Rebellion in 135 AD . (The Romans had so secured this part of Germany, that they made it part of a new province called "Germania Superior" in 85 AD.)
So, the testimony of Roman historians about the dealings of the Romans with the rebellious Jews, includes their scattering the Jews across the Roman Empire, and especially into the fortresses along the edges of the Roman Empire. Therefore, it is likely that there have been Jews in Germany, since some time shortly after 70 AD, and almost certainly before 200 AD.
For example, Josephus stated in 90 AD, that the Jews living in Europe were primarily from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. These tribes composed most of the Jews who lived in Jerusalem, the effective capital city of the Roman province of Judaea. He wrote that most of the other ten tribes lived outside of the Roman Empire, mostly to the east of it.
Jews from various parts of the Roman Empire continued to relocate to Germania Superior, until the Romans lost control of the area, when the Roman Empire came to an end shortly after 400 AD. During the next four hundred years, Jews from various locations near the Mediterranean Sea were expelled from those kingdoms, and some of them immigrated to the area of Germania Superior.
For example, the Visigoth ruler Sisebut expelled the Jews from Spain and Mediterranean France in 610 AD. In response, many Jews fled inland to Frankish Empire. They were obviously in the former area of Germania Superior, when they were then expelled from there, by the Frankish ruler Dagobert 1 in 629 AD. They then either fled to other areas, which were not under Frankish control at the time, including Bavaria, or remained hidden in the Frankish Empire, like some Jews had done in the Visigoth kingdom.
The first documented case of Jews living in England was in 691 AD. However, there were undoubtedly Jews there from the times, when the Romans scattered them to the cities near the borders of the Roman Empire. This would have included Londinium, the capital of Britannia, but any documentation of these Jewish slaves, was undoubtedly lost after the Roman Empire collapsed.
Then Charlemagne became the king of the Franks in 742 AD. He granted Jews throughout the Frankish Empire the same protections that they had enjoyed under the Romans. This turned the Frankish Empire into a safe haven for western European Jews, similar to how Khazaria had became a safe haven for eastern European and western Asian Jews. This lead to Jews, who were being persecuted in other places in Europe, particularly Italy, to mass migrate to the former area of Germania Superior, and even further into modern Germany, as the empire of Charlemagne continued to expand. This protection of the Jews in Germany was solidified, when the Pope crowned him as the new Emperor of the Romans in 800 AD.
The descendants of Charlemagne then continued to be crowned as the Emperor of Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire was born in 962 AD. This was just six years before the Russians destroyed the capital of Khazaria, when the majority of Khazars, who were forced to move to the former area of Germania Superior, left Khazaria. This Empire continued until 1806 AD. (This was the Second Reich, the First Reich being the Roman Empire, that Hitler hoped to recreate into a Third Reich.)
So, when Khazar Jews arrived in the former area of Germania Superior, which included northeast France and southwest Germany, they were really a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies. Jews, who came in previous immigrations from various areas inside the Roman Empire, had been living in this area for over six hundred years or more.
These Jews, who had immigrated from various locations, including Greece, Italy, Spain, and Khazaria, were isolated from the main Sephardic Jews, who dominated the rest of Europe. So they united and formed a new community, which was called the Ashkenazi Jews. (Rashi confirms that they had done so in his commentary on the Ashkenazi Jews, after he visited them some time around 1070 AD.)
These Ashkenazi Jews acquired white skin over the centuries, for the same reasons that African Jews acquired black skin over the centuries, and Chinese Jews acquired epicanthic eyelids (folded eyelids) over the centuries - inter-racial marriage. The unromantic truth - that people will marry, or at least breed with, the available population - has never changed.
The history of the Ashkenazi Jews from the time of Charlemagne is well document. These Jews became so similar in appearance to their neighbors, that they were forced to wear distinguishing clothing, and take on different surnames, just so they could not completely assimilate into the surrounding population. The people that the Ashkenazi Jews have lived among, have never let them forget that they are Jews, even at times when the entire Ashkenazi Jewish community sought to mass assimilate, to end the persecution that they suffered for being Jews.
(I know a Jewish man, who was able to trace the migration of his family to America all the way back to the modern German state of Saarland (on the border of France), which was near the center of the former area of Germania Superior. Saarland was also inside the Frankish Empire ruled by Charlemagne. He had traced the linage of his family living in Saarland to 800 AD. He knew that his ancestors had arrived there before that, but he was not sure exactly when they arrived, or where they had migrated from.)
This history of Ashkenazi Jews can be seen in their very DNA today. Their DNA contains markers of the Western Europeans, who they lived among, but they also have a strong prescence of markers for Mediterranean Europeans, where most of the Jews migrated to France and Germany from, and of course, the distinctive Middle Eastern markers that identify them as Jews. Very few have any Turkic markers, which are present in the descendants of the Turkic Khazars. This means that Khazar Jews were a very small minority, when the Ashkenazi Jewish community was formed.
In like manner, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning modern Israelis, whenever anyone considers the entire history of modern Israel.
The Impossible Country, modern Israel, was created almost entirely through the efforts of Ashkenazi Jews and Christian Zionists, pursuing the Impossible Dream.
These Ashkenazi Jews did not create a homeland, to absorb just Ashkenazi Jews. The majority of Jews without white skin today, have been identified as Jews through the efforts of Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews have worked tirelessly searching for groups of Jews, scattered throughout the world, and relocating them to Israel as well. Ashkenazi Jews have made great sacrifices to absorb Jews of every background into the nation of Israel.
For example, these Ashkenazi Jews have done research using the DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, who were known to be descendants of Aaron, the first High Priest, by the surnames that they took on in Europe, to isolate the Cohen Modal Haplotype. This genetic marker has been used to confirm that Jews in remote Zimbabwe, like the Lemba tribe, are indeed descendants of Aaron, as they claim. They have developed other techniques, to verify that other remote people groups, are also Jews. The claim of the majority of non-Ashkenazi Jews to their right to live in Israel, relies heavily upon the work done by Ashkenazi Jews, to verify their Jewish ancestry.
So, the Ashkenazi Jews have led the way in making it possible, for Sephardic, Mizrahi Jews (like Paula Abdul), and countless other groups of Jews, to return to the land of Israel. In fact, they have worked so hard at this, that today less than 48% of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews.
Turkic Khazars, who are not Jews, would not make such great efforts to create a Jewish homeland. They certainly would not locate, bring in, and absorb groups of Jews from all over the world, regardless of their skin color, or cultural background, at great strain to their own economy, while constantly fighting with the Muslim nations that surround them. They certainly would not bring in enough Jews from other places to lose their majority status, both among all Israelis, and among Israeli Jews.
Most importantly, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the facts concerning the Jews, whenever anyone considers the entire Book of Truth (The Bible).
There were already Jews living in Crete, the cradle of European civilization, when the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-11). Jews had been living Crete for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-10). Jews had been living in Rome, before they were expelled - before Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) reached Corinth (Acts 18:1-2). Paul the Jew met with many Jews, who lived in Rome, after he arrived there (Acts 28:16-29). Paul the Jew had previously written, that he longed to come to Rome to preach to the Jews, who lived there (Romans 1:15-16). Jews had been living Rome for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
Paul the Jew preached to Jews in the synagogue in Thessaloniki, Greece (Acts 17:1-3). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Berea, Greece (Acts 17:10-11). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Athens, Greece (Acts 17:16-17). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Corinth, Greece (Acts 18:1-8). Jews had been living in Greece for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
Paul the Jew even planned on going to Spain to preach to Jews there, whom he always preached to before preaching to the Gentiles, when he went to Rome, instead of ending up imprisoned in Rome (Romans 15:24-28). Jews had been living in Spain for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in Mediterranean Europe for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Pontus, a Roman province which became the part of the Byzantine Empire, which bordered Khazaria, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-9). Aquila the Jew had been born in Pontus (Acts 18:2). Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) went to Pontus, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-5). Jews had been living in the area, that became the part of the Byzantine Empire near Khazaria, since the time of the Persian Empire, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, all Roman provinces, which became part of the Byzantine Empire, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9-10). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Antioch Pisidia, a city in the Roman province of Galatia, that became part of the Byzantine Empire (Acts 13:14-16). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Iconium, a city in Roman province of Galatia (Acts 14:1) Paul the Jew preached to Jews in Derbe and Lystra, cities in Roman province of Galatia (Acts 16:1-4). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Ephesus, the capital of the Roman province of Asia, which became part of the Byzantine Empire (Acts 18:19). Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) also went to Galatia, Asia, and Bithynia, all Roman provinces, which became part of the Byzantine Empire, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-5). Jews had been living in the Roman provinces that became the Byzantine Empire, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So, the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in the area of the Byzantine Empire, where they would flee to Khazaria from, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Cappadocia, a Roman province which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, which bordered Khazaria, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9). Peter the Jew went to Cappadocia, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-2). Jews had been living in the area, that became the part of the Islamic Caliphate near Khazaria, since the time of the Persian Empire, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Judaea, Egypt, and Libya, all Roman provinces which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:7-10). Paul the Jew preached in synagogues of the Jews living in Damascus, the capital of the Roman province of Syria, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate (Acts 9:19-20). Paul the Jew preached in the synagogue at Salamis, Cyprus, and encountered Jews at Paphos, the capital of the Roman province of Cyprus, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate (Acts 13:4-6). Jews had been living in the Roman provinces that became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Parthia, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, all countries out side of the Roman Empire, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9-11). Peter the Jew, the Apostle to the Jews, even started a congregation in Babylon, the capital of Mesopotamia (1 Peter 5:13). Jews had been living in countries outside of the Roman Empire, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in the area of the Islamic Caliphate, where they would flee to Khazaria from, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
Joseph, the son of Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel), married an Egyptian woman when he lived in Egypt (Genesis 46:19-20). The Jews who had returned from the exile in Babylon in 539 BC, started intermarrying with the Gentiles, who had since came in to inhabit the land of Judah (Ezra 9:1-2). The Jews had also intermarried with the Gentiles, who inhabited the Promised Land, before they had went into exile in Babylon in 609 BC (Psalm 106:34-35). The Jews had a long and consistent history, of intermarrying with the people, who they have lived among, thousands of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Phrygia, a Roman province that was occupied by the people group, who would later migrate to Scandinavia, the northern most part of Europe, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:10). There were Jews living in Cilicia, the land of the Celts, who formed a synagogue in Jerusalem with Greek speaking Jews from other places (Acts 6:9). [Kel-ik-ee-ah in Greek - land of the Celts.] Paul the Jew preached in a synagogue in Iconium to Jews, who lived among the Galatians there (Acts 14:1-2). ["Galatia" means "land of the milk white", and was so named by the Greeks, due to the milk white skin of the Galatians, who lived there.] Peter the Jew preached to the Jews, who lived in Galatia, whose capital was Germanicopolis (literally, "City of the Germans") (1 Peter 1:1). [These were of the same ethnic group as the inhabitants of Germania Superior, for Jerome testified around 400 AD, that the Galatians and the inhabitants of Germania Superior, could still speak to each other through their common language Gallic (Gaelic).] Jews had been living among white skinned people for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
The Jews, who lived among Gentiles, like the white skinned Galatians, often intermarried with those Gentiles, like the mother of Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) had done (Acts 16:1-3). Also Paul the Jew, was a Jew born in Cilicia, and was likely to have had white skin, like the Ashkenazi Jews, through intermarriage by his ancestors (Acts 21:39). There had been white skinned Jews for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had intermarried with the same ethnic group as those, who lived in Germania Superior, where Ashkenazi Jews formed their identity, and some had already obtained white skin, like the Ashkenazi Jews, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
In summary, the Book of Truth plainly shows that there were Mediterranean Jews living in Europe, Jews living in the areas of the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphate, that bordered Khazaria, and that there were white skinned Jews, with the same basic genetic composition as Ashkenazi Jews, living hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So, all of the pieces were already in place, before the Romans scattered the Jews, for the Ashkenazi Jews to have their identity formed in the area of Germania Superior, a thousand of years later. There were Mediterranean European Jews in place to move into Germania Superior. There were Jews in the Asian part of the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphate to immigrate into Khazaria . There even already white skinned Jews, who could have migrated to either Germania Superior directly, or indirectly through Khazaria, from the area of the Byzantine Empire.
However, this is far from all that the Book of Truth says about the Ashkenazi Jews being real Jews - and not Turkic Khazars.
The Father of Truth said, that he would bring back the Jewish people from all of the Earth, including the lands of the north and west, where the Ashkenazi Jews have lived (Isaiah 43:5-6). He said, that the Jews would come back to Israel from the north and west, the places of the Ashkenazi Jews, as well as the land of China (Sinim) (Isaiah 49:12-13). He said, that He would begin with the Jews who were scattered to the north - the Ashkenazi Jews (Jeremiah 3:12-14). He said, that a greater number of Jews would come into the land of Israel from the north, than came out of the land of Egypt, as has happened with the Ashkenazi Jews, who came from places like Russia (Jeremiah 16:14-15). He said, he would bring home the Ashkenazi Jews from the north (Jeremiah 31:8). He said, that he would bring many Jews back to the land of Israel from the West as well, where many Ashkenazi Jews have lived (Zechariah 8:6-8).
So the Father of Truth has brought the Ashkenazi Jews back to the land of Israel, to form the nation of Israel, after more than 1700 years. The Book of Truth makes it plain, that the Greatest Zionist was responsible for Ashkenazi Jews forming the modern nation of Israel.
Ashkenazi Jews were the first of the Impossible People that He brought back into the land of Israel. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to restore fertility to the Impossible Land. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to restore the Impossible Language to every day use in the land of Israel. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to bring about the Impossible Healthcare in the land of Israel. He recruited Ashkenazi Jews to raise up the Impossible Military in the land of Israel. He gave wealth to Ashkenazi Jew to create the Impossible Economy in the land of Israel. He used Ashkenazi Jews to formed the Impossible Government that rules over the land of Israel.
There is no doubt that the Ashkenazi Jews are real Jews, and that the Ashkenazi Jews, who live in Israel, are real Jews.
So this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, instead of Jews, does not agree with what the Book of Truth says. It is also contrary to the history of Khazaria, Europe, and modern Israel. So where did this idea come from?
This deception has entered into many congregations of the Children of Truth, as part of the hidden danger that seeks to destroy their congregations from within. The Children of Truth often fail to recognize that there is a snake in the leaves, who is using their mouth to inject this venom into their congregation, whether they call themselves "Christians", or "Messianics".
This lie is meant to sow discord among the Children of Truth, to keep them from carrying out the Great Commission. The ultimate goal of this lie is to keep people from coming into the House of Truth.
This doctrine is part of the Doctrine of Lies. It is just one of the many strategies of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, to raise up trouble against the Jewish people in Israel.
However, this effort will ultimately fail, because the real Christians will stand up for Israel, and the Ashkenazi Jews who live there. They will overcome this lie with the Doctrine of Truth.
This lie - that the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are not real Jews, but Turkic Khazars - is very serious.
This is lie is serious, because it keeps people from seeing, that the Father of Truth is working to fulfill His promise to King David, concerning the Man of Truth ruling over Israel (1 Kings 9:5). This lie is serious, because it prevents people from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been bringing to pass His promise concerning the people of Israel (Jeremiah 33:7-14). This lie is serious, because it prevents people from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises to the people of Israel (Romans 9:4). This lie is serious, because it keeps the Children of Truth from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises to them (Ephesians 2:11-13). This lie is serious, because whoever denies the plain evidence that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises, makes Him out to be a liar (1 John 5:10).
If you have been bearing false witness against the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, and sowing discord among the Children of Truth with this lie, then you had better repent, for the Father of Truth hates everyone who does this (Proverbs 6:16-19). All liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
If you have been spreading this lie in ignorance, you need to repent for doing so, now that you know the truth (Acts 17:30). The Father of Truth does not want to destroy you for spreading this lie, but He desires that you repent for doing this, so that you will not perish (2 Peter 3:9). The Father of Truth will forgive you for this sin, if you will confess that you have been repeating this lie (1 John 1:9).
Like every lie, this lie ultimately originated with the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (John 8:44).
Your father is known by who you imitate (John 8:38). Your father is the Father of Truth, if you will fight this lie with the truth (1 John 1:5-7). Your father is not the Father of Truth, if you continue to spread this lie (1 John 3:10).
The Father of Truth will become your father, if you will come into the House of Truth (John 1:12-13). If you come into the House of Truth, then you will be lead by the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:13-15). If you will make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that the Father of Truth kept His promise to raise him from the dead, then you will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). When you come into the House of Truth, then you will obey the commandment of your Father to walk in truth (2 John 1:4).
Come into the House of Truth!
I have heard some people, who call themselves "Christians", say that the land in modern Israel does not belong to the Jews, who live in Israel. They claim that it belongs to the so-called Palestinians.
They are in opposition to the only Middle East peace plan that works. They do not consider, what brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger. They do not recognize, that modern Israel is part of the Promised Land, which the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to the Jews.
These "Christians" are no different those who say, that it was the Jews, who killed the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
However, I have heard something completely different, from some people who call themselves "Messianic" or "Hebrew Roots", regarding the Jews that live in Israel. They say that the Jews, who live in Israel, especially those who have white skin, particularly from Europe, are not really Jews at all.
These white skin Jews are called Ashkenazi Jews, because they lived among the descendants of Ashkenaz, in places like Germany and France.
One of the most popular claims regarding Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, is that they are not Jews at all, but really Khazars. Therefore, these Europeans who started mass immigrating to modern Israel, beginning in about 1870 AD, were not Jews immigrating back to the Promised Land, but were actually invading Khazars.
Khazars were an ancient group of Turkic nomads, who formed a kingdom in southeastern Europe around 650 AD. This kingdom was called the Khazar Khaganate, but was more commonly referred to simply as Khazaria.
Khazaria was a large country in southeast Europe, approximately the size of Iran. It stretched from Kiev in the west, then south to the shores of the Black Sea, then all the way along the Black Sea to the Caucus Mountains in the south, then east to the shores of the Caspian Sea, then all the way along the Caspian Sea to the Ural River in the east, then north along the Ural River to Samara, then west to Voronezh in the north, and finally southwest from there back to Kiev.
The area that the Khazars effectively ruled, was twice as large as Khazaria itself. This area extended west to Bulgaria, south to Armenia, east to the Aral Sea, and north to Kazan. These were vassal kingdoms, and areas dominated by nomadic groups, who all paid tribute to the king of Khazaria.
Khazaria flourished until it was brought down within a single generation by the Russians, ending with the destruction of their capital, Atil, in 968 AD. The Khazars finally completed faded from history, after their final defeat by the Polovtsi in 1106 AD.
During this 150 year or so period of Khazaria collapsing, many of the Khazars were scattered to surrounding countries, as far west as Germany, as far south as Arabia, as far east as China, and as far north as Russia. The Kazakhs of Kazakhstan are among their descendants. (Kazakh comes from the same ancient Turkic word as Khazar, which means "to wander".)
So some people say, that the people in Europe called Ashkenazi Jews, are really not Jews at all, but are instead Turkic Khazars, who were forced to immigrate to Germany. Could this be true?
This idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning the Khazars, whenever anyone considers the entire history of Khazaria.
The Khazars over time came to not be composed of a single ethnic group, but composed of many ethnic groups, who all identified themselves as Khazars, due to being part of the Khazar Khaganate, which is usually usually referred to simply as Khazaria.
(This is similar to how Americans are not composed of a single ethnic group, but people of many different ethnic groups, who all identify themselves as Americans, due to being part of the United States of America, which is usually referred to simply as America.)
There was persecution of Jews in the neighboring Byzantine Empire and Islamic (Arab) Caliphate, from the earliest days of the Khazaria until it came to an end. All during this time, Jews fled to Khazaria, which served as a refuge for these Jews, because if its policy of religious freedom. So there were Khazar Jews living in Khazaria, just like there are American Jews living in America. These Khazar Jews would have identified themselves as citizens of Khazaria, just as American Jews would identify themselves as citizens of the United States.
However, these Jews gained a greater influence on the Khazar rulers, than any other country in history.
The Khazars were originally practicers of Tengrism, which was a religion of idols and nature worship. Over time, some of them joined the False Church of Rome through the efforts of the Byzantine Empire. Other Khazars became Muslims through the efforts of the Islamic Caliphate. However, many of them became Jews though the influence of Jews, who lived in Khazaria.
This reached its climax, after King Bulan converted to Judaism in 740 AD. He did this, after asking leaders of the False Church of Rome, Islam, and Judaism, what religion would they prefer to see Khazaria adopt, if it did not adopt their religion. Both the False Church of Rome representatives, and Islamic representatives, said Judaism.
So after that, the Khazar rulers took on Jewish names, and promoted Judaism as the preferred religion in Khazaria. In fact, Judaism became so common in Khazaria, that many people of other nations thought that all Khazars were Jews, despite the testimony of their own history books and kings. As late as 950 AD, the Jewish foreign secretary of the Cordoba Caliphate (Islamic Spain) wrote to the king of Khazaria, thanking him for making a new homeland for the Jews. You could say, that Khazaria became the Jew York City of the medieval world.
So when Khazars immigrated to Germany during the collapse of Khazaria, some of them were Jews by ancestry, and many of them were Jews by religion. In other words, Jews immigrated into Germany with other Khazars, during the period of the collapse of Khazaria.
Also, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning Europeans, whenever anyone considers the entire history of the Europe.
Jews have been in Europe for centuries, before Turkic Khazars ever immigrated to Germany. In fact, there have been Jews in Germany, long before Khazaria even existed, possibly even a thousand years earlier.
There have been Jews living in Europe for almost three thousand years. Herodotus, the father of history, wrote that there were Jews living among the Greeks before 700 BC. According to Homer, from around the same time period, the famous Spartans were originally called Danaoi, the sons of Dan, before they were called Spartans, after the city of Sparta that they built. This would place Jews living in Europe to be before 1000 BC. In fact, the history of the Jews and the Greeks is so entangled, that it can best be described as Greco-Judeo Wrestling.
Jews lived among the Greeks, in the colonies that the Greeks formed along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and then migrated inland from there. The Romans called this area of Greek colonization, "Magna Graecia" (Great Greece). Rome itself was in the area of Magna Graecia. In fact, modern archeology has shown that during the time of the Apostles of Truth, 70% of the inhabitants of Rome spoke Greek as their primary language. For this reason, there is evidence of Jews living in Rome from the days of the founding of the Roman Republic. In fact, in Italy today, the Italians say that the Jews have lived among them for over 2500 years.
Jews were so embedded in Roman society during the time of the Roman Republic, that they were able to help Julius Caesar rise to power. In fact, his title "Caesar" came from the Jews. ("Kaesar" in Greek, which came from "K'sar" in Hebrew. It means "Like a Prince" in Hebrew.) Also, Herod the Great, king of the Jews, came in with an army at the battle of Actium (in Greece), which saved Julius Casear from almost certain defeat in his final battle with Marc Anthony.
It is for these reasons, that Julius Caesar created the Juris Judaica (The Law of The Jews) that made Judaism a Religio Licita (permitted religion). He also declared that synagogues were schools of learning, which permitted Jews to legally meet indoors, instead of being forced to meet outdoors in forums and agoras (market places). This is why the Yiddish word for a synagogue is "schul" (literally "school") to this day.
The next Roman Emperor, Augustus, began occupying Germany, near the border of France, by 23 BC at the latest. Jews could have been part of his troops, as they were in other cases. During his reign, the major fortress at Mainz (Mogontiacum) was created, and then the Romans secured the border of Roman Germany at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.
So when Romans destroyed Jerusalem at the end of the Great Revolt in 70 AD, they scattered the surviving Jews all over their empire to their major cities, particularly those on the borders, where there were issues of barbarian incursions. They did so on a larger scale, after they destroy the province of Judaea, when they put down the Kochba Rebellion in 135 AD . (The Romans had so secured this part of Germany, that they made it part of a new province called "Germania Superior" in 85 AD.)
So, the testimony of Roman historians about the dealings of the Romans with the rebellious Jews, includes their scattering the Jews across the Roman Empire, and especially into the fortresses along the edges of the Roman Empire. Therefore, it is likely that there have been Jews in Germany, since some time shortly after 70 AD, and almost certainly before 200 AD.
For example, Josephus stated in 90 AD, that the Jews living in Europe were primarily from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. These tribes composed most of the Jews who lived in Jerusalem, the effective capital city of the Roman province of Judaea. He wrote that most of the other ten tribes lived outside of the Roman Empire, mostly to the east of it.
Jews from various parts of the Roman Empire continued to relocate to Germania Superior, until the Romans lost control of the area, when the Roman Empire came to an end shortly after 400 AD. During the next four hundred years, Jews from various locations near the Mediterranean Sea were expelled from those kingdoms, and some of them immigrated to the area of Germania Superior.
For example, the Visigoth ruler Sisebut expelled the Jews from Spain and Mediterranean France in 610 AD. In response, many Jews fled inland to Frankish Empire. They were obviously in the former area of Germania Superior, when they were then expelled from there, by the Frankish ruler Dagobert 1 in 629 AD. They then either fled to other areas, which were not under Frankish control at the time, including Bavaria, or remained hidden in the Frankish Empire, like some Jews had done in the Visigoth kingdom.
The first documented case of Jews living in England was in 691 AD. However, there were undoubtedly Jews there from the times, when the Romans scattered them to the cities near the borders of the Roman Empire. This would have included Londinium, the capital of Britannia, but any documentation of these Jewish slaves, was undoubtedly lost after the Roman Empire collapsed.
Then Charlemagne became the king of the Franks in 742 AD. He granted Jews throughout the Frankish Empire the same protections that they had enjoyed under the Romans. This turned the Frankish Empire into a safe haven for western European Jews, similar to how Khazaria had became a safe haven for eastern European and western Asian Jews. This lead to Jews, who were being persecuted in other places in Europe, particularly Italy, to mass migrate to the former area of Germania Superior, and even further into modern Germany, as the empire of Charlemagne continued to expand. This protection of the Jews in Germany was solidified, when the Pope crowned him as the new Emperor of the Romans in 800 AD.
The descendants of Charlemagne then continued to be crowned as the Emperor of Rome, and the Holy Roman Empire was born in 962 AD. This was just six years before the Russians destroyed the capital of Khazaria, when the majority of Khazars, who were forced to move to the former area of Germania Superior, left Khazaria. This Empire continued until 1806 AD. (This was the Second Reich, the First Reich being the Roman Empire, that Hitler hoped to recreate into a Third Reich.)
So, when Khazar Jews arrived in the former area of Germania Superior, which included northeast France and southwest Germany, they were really a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies. Jews, who came in previous immigrations from various areas inside the Roman Empire, had been living in this area for over six hundred years or more.
These Jews, who had immigrated from various locations, including Greece, Italy, Spain, and Khazaria, were isolated from the main Sephardic Jews, who dominated the rest of Europe. So they united and formed a new community, which was called the Ashkenazi Jews. (Rashi confirms that they had done so in his commentary on the Ashkenazi Jews, after he visited them some time around 1070 AD.)
These Ashkenazi Jews acquired white skin over the centuries, for the same reasons that African Jews acquired black skin over the centuries, and Chinese Jews acquired epicanthic eyelids (folded eyelids) over the centuries - inter-racial marriage. The unromantic truth - that people will marry, or at least breed with, the available population - has never changed.
The history of the Ashkenazi Jews from the time of Charlemagne is well document. These Jews became so similar in appearance to their neighbors, that they were forced to wear distinguishing clothing, and take on different surnames, just so they could not completely assimilate into the surrounding population. The people that the Ashkenazi Jews have lived among, have never let them forget that they are Jews, even at times when the entire Ashkenazi Jewish community sought to mass assimilate, to end the persecution that they suffered for being Jews.
(I know a Jewish man, who was able to trace the migration of his family to America all the way back to the modern German state of Saarland (on the border of France), which was near the center of the former area of Germania Superior. Saarland was also inside the Frankish Empire ruled by Charlemagne. He had traced the linage of his family living in Saarland to 800 AD. He knew that his ancestors had arrived there before that, but he was not sure exactly when they arrived, or where they had migrated from.)
This history of Ashkenazi Jews can be seen in their very DNA today. Their DNA contains markers of the Western Europeans, who they lived among, but they also have a strong prescence of markers for Mediterranean Europeans, where most of the Jews migrated to France and Germany from, and of course, the distinctive Middle Eastern markers that identify them as Jews. Very few have any Turkic markers, which are present in the descendants of the Turkic Khazars. This means that Khazar Jews were a very small minority, when the Ashkenazi Jewish community was formed.
In like manner, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the historical facts concerning modern Israelis, whenever anyone considers the entire history of modern Israel.
The Impossible Country, modern Israel, was created almost entirely through the efforts of Ashkenazi Jews and Christian Zionists, pursuing the Impossible Dream.
These Ashkenazi Jews did not create a homeland, to absorb just Ashkenazi Jews. The majority of Jews without white skin today, have been identified as Jews through the efforts of Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews have worked tirelessly searching for groups of Jews, scattered throughout the world, and relocating them to Israel as well. Ashkenazi Jews have made great sacrifices to absorb Jews of every background into the nation of Israel.
For example, these Ashkenazi Jews have done research using the DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, who were known to be descendants of Aaron, the first High Priest, by the surnames that they took on in Europe, to isolate the Cohen Modal Haplotype. This genetic marker has been used to confirm that Jews in remote Zimbabwe, like the Lemba tribe, are indeed descendants of Aaron, as they claim. They have developed other techniques, to verify that other remote people groups, are also Jews. The claim of the majority of non-Ashkenazi Jews to their right to live in Israel, relies heavily upon the work done by Ashkenazi Jews, to verify their Jewish ancestry.
So, the Ashkenazi Jews have led the way in making it possible, for Sephardic, Mizrahi Jews (like Paula Abdul), and countless other groups of Jews, to return to the land of Israel. In fact, they have worked so hard at this, that today less than 48% of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews.
Turkic Khazars, who are not Jews, would not make such great efforts to create a Jewish homeland. They certainly would not locate, bring in, and absorb groups of Jews from all over the world, regardless of their skin color, or cultural background, at great strain to their own economy, while constantly fighting with the Muslim nations that surround them. They certainly would not bring in enough Jews from other places to lose their majority status, both among all Israelis, and among Israeli Jews.
Most importantly, this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, does not fit in with the facts concerning the Jews, whenever anyone considers the entire Book of Truth (The Bible).
There were already Jews living in Crete, the cradle of European civilization, when the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-11). Jews had been living Crete for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-10). Jews had been living in Rome, before they were expelled - before Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) reached Corinth (Acts 18:1-2). Paul the Jew met with many Jews, who lived in Rome, after he arrived there (Acts 28:16-29). Paul the Jew had previously written, that he longed to come to Rome to preach to the Jews, who lived there (Romans 1:15-16). Jews had been living Rome for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
Paul the Jew preached to Jews in the synagogue in Thessaloniki, Greece (Acts 17:1-3). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Berea, Greece (Acts 17:10-11). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Athens, Greece (Acts 17:16-17). He preached to the Jews in the synagogue in Corinth, Greece (Acts 18:1-8). Jews had been living in Greece for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
Paul the Jew even planned on going to Spain to preach to Jews there, whom he always preached to before preaching to the Gentiles, when he went to Rome, instead of ending up imprisoned in Rome (Romans 15:24-28). Jews had been living in Spain for hundreds of years, before the Jews were ever scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in Mediterranean Europe for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Pontus, a Roman province which became the part of the Byzantine Empire, which bordered Khazaria, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:5-9). Aquila the Jew had been born in Pontus (Acts 18:2). Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) went to Pontus, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-5). Jews had been living in the area, that became the part of the Byzantine Empire near Khazaria, since the time of the Persian Empire, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, all Roman provinces, which became part of the Byzantine Empire, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9-10). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Antioch Pisidia, a city in the Roman province of Galatia, that became part of the Byzantine Empire (Acts 13:14-16). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Iconium, a city in Roman province of Galatia (Acts 14:1) Paul the Jew preached to Jews in Derbe and Lystra, cities in Roman province of Galatia (Acts 16:1-4). Paul the Jew preached to Jews in a synagogue in Ephesus, the capital of the Roman province of Asia, which became part of the Byzantine Empire (Acts 18:19). Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) also went to Galatia, Asia, and Bithynia, all Roman provinces, which became part of the Byzantine Empire, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-5). Jews had been living in the Roman provinces that became the Byzantine Empire, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So, the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in the area of the Byzantine Empire, where they would flee to Khazaria from, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Cappadocia, a Roman province which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, which bordered Khazaria, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9). Peter the Jew went to Cappadocia, to preach to Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles there (1 Peter 1:1-2). Jews had been living in the area, that became the part of the Islamic Caliphate near Khazaria, since the time of the Persian Empire, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Judaea, Egypt, and Libya, all Roman provinces which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:7-10). Paul the Jew preached in synagogues of the Jews living in Damascus, the capital of the Roman province of Syria, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate (Acts 9:19-20). Paul the Jew preached in the synagogue at Salamis, Cyprus, and encountered Jews at Paphos, the capital of the Roman province of Cyprus, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate (Acts 13:4-6). Jews had been living in the Roman provinces that became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Parthia, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, all countries out side of the Roman Empire, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:9-11). Peter the Jew, the Apostle to the Jews, even started a congregation in Babylon, the capital of Mesopotamia (1 Peter 5:13). Jews had been living in countries outside of the Roman Empire, which became the part of the Islamic Caliphate, for hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had already been living in the area of the Islamic Caliphate, where they would flee to Khazaria from, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
Joseph, the son of Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel), married an Egyptian woman when he lived in Egypt (Genesis 46:19-20). The Jews who had returned from the exile in Babylon in 539 BC, started intermarrying with the Gentiles, who had since came in to inhabit the land of Judah (Ezra 9:1-2). The Jews had also intermarried with the Gentiles, who inhabited the Promised Land, before they had went into exile in Babylon in 609 BC (Psalm 106:34-35). The Jews had a long and consistent history, of intermarrying with the people, who they have lived among, thousands of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
There were already Jews living in Phrygia, a Roman province that was occupied by the people group, who would later migrate to Scandinavia, the northern most part of Europe, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on those in the upper room (Acts 2:10). There were Jews living in Cilicia, the land of the Celts, who formed a synagogue in Jerusalem with Greek speaking Jews from other places (Acts 6:9). [Kel-ik-ee-ah in Greek - land of the Celts.] Paul the Jew preached in a synagogue in Iconium to Jews, who lived among the Galatians there (Acts 14:1-2). ["Galatia" means "land of the milk white", and was so named by the Greeks, due to the milk white skin of the Galatians, who lived there.] Peter the Jew preached to the Jews, who lived in Galatia, whose capital was Germanicopolis (literally, "City of the Germans") (1 Peter 1:1). [These were of the same ethnic group as the inhabitants of Germania Superior, for Jerome testified around 400 AD, that the Galatians and the inhabitants of Germania Superior, could still speak to each other through their common language Gallic (Gaelic).] Jews had been living among white skinned people for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
The Jews, who lived among Gentiles, like the white skinned Galatians, often intermarried with those Gentiles, like the mother of Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) had done (Acts 16:1-3). Also Paul the Jew, was a Jew born in Cilicia, and was likely to have had white skin, like the Ashkenazi Jews, through intermarriage by his ancestors (Acts 21:39). There had been white skinned Jews for hundreds of years, before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So the Book of Truth plainly shows, that the Jews had intermarried with the same ethnic group as those, who lived in Germania Superior, where Ashkenazi Jews formed their identity, and some had already obtained white skin, like the Ashkenazi Jews, hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
In summary, the Book of Truth plainly shows that there were Mediterranean Jews living in Europe, Jews living in the areas of the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphate, that bordered Khazaria, and that there were white skinned Jews, with the same basic genetic composition as Ashkenazi Jews, living hundreds of years before the Jews were scattered by the Romans.
So, all of the pieces were already in place, before the Romans scattered the Jews, for the Ashkenazi Jews to have their identity formed in the area of Germania Superior, a thousand of years later. There were Mediterranean European Jews in place to move into Germania Superior. There were Jews in the Asian part of the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphate to immigrate into Khazaria . There even already white skinned Jews, who could have migrated to either Germania Superior directly, or indirectly through Khazaria, from the area of the Byzantine Empire.
However, this is far from all that the Book of Truth says about the Ashkenazi Jews being real Jews - and not Turkic Khazars.
The Father of Truth said, that he would bring back the Jewish people from all of the Earth, including the lands of the north and west, where the Ashkenazi Jews have lived (Isaiah 43:5-6). He said, that the Jews would come back to Israel from the north and west, the places of the Ashkenazi Jews, as well as the land of China (Sinim) (Isaiah 49:12-13). He said, that He would begin with the Jews who were scattered to the north - the Ashkenazi Jews (Jeremiah 3:12-14). He said, that a greater number of Jews would come into the land of Israel from the north, than came out of the land of Egypt, as has happened with the Ashkenazi Jews, who came from places like Russia (Jeremiah 16:14-15). He said, he would bring home the Ashkenazi Jews from the north (Jeremiah 31:8). He said, that he would bring many Jews back to the land of Israel from the West as well, where many Ashkenazi Jews have lived (Zechariah 8:6-8).
So the Father of Truth has brought the Ashkenazi Jews back to the land of Israel, to form the nation of Israel, after more than 1700 years. The Book of Truth makes it plain, that the Greatest Zionist was responsible for Ashkenazi Jews forming the modern nation of Israel.
Ashkenazi Jews were the first of the Impossible People that He brought back into the land of Israel. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to restore fertility to the Impossible Land. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to restore the Impossible Language to every day use in the land of Israel. Ashkenazi Jews were used by Him to bring about the Impossible Healthcare in the land of Israel. He recruited Ashkenazi Jews to raise up the Impossible Military in the land of Israel. He gave wealth to Ashkenazi Jew to create the Impossible Economy in the land of Israel. He used Ashkenazi Jews to formed the Impossible Government that rules over the land of Israel.
There is no doubt that the Ashkenazi Jews are real Jews, and that the Ashkenazi Jews, who live in Israel, are real Jews.
So this idea that Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkic Khazars, instead of Jews, does not agree with what the Book of Truth says. It is also contrary to the history of Khazaria, Europe, and modern Israel. So where did this idea come from?
This deception has entered into many congregations of the Children of Truth, as part of the hidden danger that seeks to destroy their congregations from within. The Children of Truth often fail to recognize that there is a snake in the leaves, who is using their mouth to inject this venom into their congregation, whether they call themselves "Christians", or "Messianics".
This lie is meant to sow discord among the Children of Truth, to keep them from carrying out the Great Commission. The ultimate goal of this lie is to keep people from coming into the House of Truth.
This doctrine is part of the Doctrine of Lies. It is just one of the many strategies of the Spirit of Anti-Jewism, to raise up trouble against the Jewish people in Israel.
However, this effort will ultimately fail, because the real Christians will stand up for Israel, and the Ashkenazi Jews who live there. They will overcome this lie with the Doctrine of Truth.
This lie - that the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are not real Jews, but Turkic Khazars - is very serious.
This is lie is serious, because it keeps people from seeing, that the Father of Truth is working to fulfill His promise to King David, concerning the Man of Truth ruling over Israel (1 Kings 9:5). This lie is serious, because it prevents people from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been bringing to pass His promise concerning the people of Israel (Jeremiah 33:7-14). This lie is serious, because it prevents people from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises to the people of Israel (Romans 9:4). This lie is serious, because it keeps the Children of Truth from seeing, that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises to them (Ephesians 2:11-13). This lie is serious, because whoever denies the plain evidence that the Father of Truth has been keeping His promises, makes Him out to be a liar (1 John 5:10).
If you have been bearing false witness against the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, and sowing discord among the Children of Truth with this lie, then you had better repent, for the Father of Truth hates everyone who does this (Proverbs 6:16-19). All liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
If you have been spreading this lie in ignorance, you need to repent for doing so, now that you know the truth (Acts 17:30). The Father of Truth does not want to destroy you for spreading this lie, but He desires that you repent for doing this, so that you will not perish (2 Peter 3:9). The Father of Truth will forgive you for this sin, if you will confess that you have been repeating this lie (1 John 1:9).
Like every lie, this lie ultimately originated with the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (John 8:44).
Your father is known by who you imitate (John 8:38). Your father is the Father of Truth, if you will fight this lie with the truth (1 John 1:5-7). Your father is not the Father of Truth, if you continue to spread this lie (1 John 3:10).
The Father of Truth will become your father, if you will come into the House of Truth (John 1:12-13). If you come into the House of Truth, then you will be lead by the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:13-15). If you will make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that the Father of Truth kept His promise to raise him from the dead, then you will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). When you come into the House of Truth, then you will obey the commandment of your Father to walk in truth (2 John 1:4).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Ashkenazi Jews, Israel, Khazars
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