Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Impossible Healthcare

How did the land of Israel become so healthy after being disease ridden for about 1900 years?

It is not possible for a land to become so disease ridden that it was a virtual death sentence to move there for over 1200 years, and then become one of the healthiest places on Earth.  Yet this is exactly what happened to the land of Israel.  That is why I say that Israel has the Impossible Healthcare.

The Romans found the health of those who lived in the land of Israel to be remarkable when they first brought Judaea into their empire under Herod the Great.  They were surprised how many people lived to a very old age there, and how much less people died from disease there, compared to their other providences.
Disease in the land of Israel began to increase during the Great Revolt.  The Romans brought in three additional legions from various parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia to help with the legion assigned to Judaea. 

This contributed to plagues killing great numbers of Romans, Greeks, Jews, and others in the land of Israel during this campaign.  Plagues actually killed more people than combat.  These plagues remained in the land of Israel for decades after the Great Revolt ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

This pattern was repeated on a larger scale during the Bar Kochba Revolt that ended with the destruction of Judaea in 135 AD.  The Romans brought in over half of their entire army from all over Africa, Europe, and Asia during this war.  Then they hired mercenary armies from east of the Roman Empire in Asia, north of the Roman Empire in Europe, and south of the Roman Empire in Africa.

At the time, the Bar Kochba Revolt was largest military operation in the history of the world.  This gathering of armies from Britain to Armenia, and from Romania to Ethiopia, was the most wide spread cross contact in human history up to that point.  Many of these diverse armies brought in diseases that had never previously existed in the land of Israel.

The diseased condition of the land of Israel continued until the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD.  The Byzantine Empire needed the land of Israel to be occupied to serve as a buffer against the Sassanid Empire and to support its thriving "Holy Land" tourism business, so it encouraged Jews to move back to the land of Israel, except for Jerusalem.  The strategy was to bring enough Jews, religious professionals, soldiers and the like into the land of Israel at a rate that matched the death rate from these various diseases.  It worked for the most part, even though it created a booming funeral business.

Things took a decided turn for the worst when the Arab Caliphates began to take over the land of Israel in 636 AD.   Many of the Jews who lived in the land of Israel were killed during the war to take control of the land of Israel.  Many more fled to Khazaria where they would receive better treatment.

The Arabs lacked the sanitation practices of the Jews, so diseases increased more thanks to a great increase in the number of flies in the land of Israel.  Then to make matters even worse, the Arabs introduced water buffaloes into the Hula Swamp shortly after 700 AD.

The source of much disease in the land of Israel was the Hula Swamp (aka Hula Lake), north of the Sea of Galilee, which really more of a swamp than a lake.  This swamp was about five square miles (thirteen square kilometers) and only three feet (1 meters) deep in the middle during the winter.  During the summer, it rise to five feet deep (1.5 meters) in the middle, and filled large parts of the surrounding Hula Valley with a shallow marsh, as it doubled its surface area.

It attracted wildlife from north of the land of Israel for its water, as well as migratory birds.  Papyrus reeds grew abundantly in its shallow waters.  All of these conditions made it possibly the most perfect mosquito farm in the world.

This giant puddle had plenty of shallow water for the mosquitoes to lay their eggs in.  The papyrus reeds supplied the sap that mosquitoes eat most of the time.  The visiting wildlife and migratory birds supplied the blood that the female mosquitoes needed when it was time for them to lay their eggs.

The limiting factor on the mosquito population of the Hula Swamp was the transitory nature of the blood donors.  The wildlife came in for a drink and left, in larger numbers during the winter.  The birds visited each spring and fall as they carried out their migration pattern.  The Jews had farms in the Hula Valley that surrounded the Hula Swamp, but they mostly grew fruits and vegetables, with very few animals.  These farm animals only went to the swamp to drink water occasionally, during the summer, the peak mosquito season.

However, the water buffaloes that the Arabs brought in became permanent residences of the swamp.  These large animals created an always available supply of blood needed by the female mosquitoes.  This allowed the population of mosquitoes to really take off.

Water buffalo are also generally more disease resistant than people.  These water buffalo became carriers of mosquito borne diseases.  This caused a cycle of young water buffalo being infected with new diseases by mosquito bites, and then the next generation of mosquitoes would become carriers of those same diseases, when they bit older water buffalo.  This cycle ensured that no mosquito borne disease would ever die out among the mosquitoes that thrived in the Hula Swamp. This also made it more likely that each female mosquito would transmit a deadly disease like malaria, when a person was bitten.

Soon nothing lived in the Hula Valley except for great swarms of mosquitoes, the transitory wildlife, the migratory birds, the feral water buffaloes that remained, and black skinned Bedouins.

Black skinned Bedouins faced terrible persecution in the land of Israel, and the nearby countries, ever since the Arab Caliphate began to take control of those countries.  They were frequently referred to as "false Arabs" by other Arabs in places like Iraq, particularly if their father was not an Arab - even if their mother was an Arab.  They frequently had to separate themselves and live in isolated, nomadic communities - if they wanted to live at all.  So they moved into the Hula Valley, because no one else would live there.

These mosquitoes did not limit themselves to spreading disease among the blacks skinned Bedouins who live in the Hula Valley.  Many mosquitoes would swarm down the Jordan river to the Dead Sea, going up the tributaries along the way.  Once they reached the Dead Sea, then they would swarm up the other streams that emptied into it as well.  One of these streams was the Kidron brook that had its source near Jerusalem.

Other mosquitoes would swarm short distances to the sources of streams to the west of the Jordan River valley, particularly in the Galilee.  These mosquito swarms would then follow these streams until they finally reached the Mediterranean Sea.

So most of the the land of Israel from Beersheba northward became heavily infested with disease carrying flies and mosquitoes.  This made things decidedly worse.

Cross contamination between people had been the primary mechanism of the spread of disease before the Arabs took control of the land of Israel.  After they took control, a more deadly threat darkened the skies of the land of Israel.

Then the Crusaders made things even worse when they took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD.  Their sanitation might have even been worse than the Arabs.  In fact, many of them were in the habit of literally throwing their trash and filth into the street.  This caused another increase in the fly population of the land of Israel.

They also brought in a continuous flow of Europeans from areas that had been far outside of the Roman Empire, when they revived the "Holy Land" tourist business in the land of Israel.  The Crusaders and their European customers brought new diseases for the flies and mosquitoes to carry.

When the Ayyubid Sultanate invaded the land of Israel in 1187 AD, they also possibly introduced new diseases.  It is certain that the Mongols, who the Crusaders hired to fight the invading Ayyubid Sultanate, introduced new Asian diseases to be carried by the flies and mosquitoes.

In like manner, the Mamluk Sultanate introduced new African diseases during the thirty one year long war for control of the land of Israel that they started in 1260 AD.

When the Ottoman Empire took control of the land of Israel in 1517 AD, they found that the land of Israel was so full of disease that they could not hardly get anyone to move there.  So, they began to let Jews move back into the land of Israel, so they could find some way to collect taxes to pay for defending this vital link between their African holdings and their Asian holdings against the Arabs.  This lead to some Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews moving to the land of Israel from the New World.  They in turn introduced New World diseases for the flies and mosquitoes to carry as well.

Every empire that conquered the land of Israel during this time had tried to establish an ongoing population there, but the rampant plagues and diseases always ended up devouring those populations.  Populations could only be maintained in the land of Israel as long as there was a constant stream of new immigrants to replace those who had died from the various diseases.

This was still the case when Christian Zionists sent missionaries to the land of Israel to prepare for the return of the Jewish people.  The missionaries, who went to the northern parts of coastal Israel around 1840 AD, reported that there was virtually no one in the land of Israel to bring the Good News to, other than a few coastal towns, black skinned Bedouins in the Hula Swamp, and some Jews in a few other cities, including Jerusalem.  (Most of the Arab tenant farmers of the Ottoman Empire in the land of Israel had been deported to Egypt after the Peasant's Revolt of 1834 AD.)  Except for the Hula Swamp, people were pretty much confined to about ten cities, and the land close to those cities.

Those missionaries who went to the land of Israel in those days, went there expecting to die there, much like those who went to sub-Sahara Africa in the same time period.  They packed their belongings in coffins to save shipping expenses.

These missionaries set up medical missions that created the first meaningful advances in combating disease since the Byzantine Empire had lost control of the land of Israel.  They went into the Hula Swamp to help the black skinned Bedouins, who had only been able to survive in the Hula Swamp due to a very high birthrate that offset the very high death rate from malaria.  They also taught better sanitation and hygiene practices to the Gentiles that they found in the land of Israel.

Still, the conditions of the land of Israel, and particularly Jerusalem, were so dismal that Mark Twain stated that he could not understand why anyone had ever fought to gain control of the land of Israel and Jerusalem, after his visit in 1867 AD.

The land of Israel had been so full of disease that it acted as an effective barrier between the Muslim populations in the Middle East and those in North Africa, despite its location that made it a land bridge between the two regions.  The Hula Swamp, north of the Sea of Galilee, was the home of so many disease carrying mosquitoes, that the Arabs would not even pass through the land of Israel.  Instead, the Arabs would sail to Egypt from the Arabian coast just to avoid traveling through the land of Israel.  This is one reason why Mark Twain did not encounter one single person in three or four days of travel as he made his way from Haifa to Jerusalem.

The land of Israel was still so full of disease by the time that the Ashkenazi Jews began streaming into Israel in 1870 AD, that no one would live there, except for a few die hard Jews in ten cities, some really committed missionaries, a few desperate black skin Bedouins who lived along the Hula Swamp to escape persecution, some Arabs who had returned to be tenant workers for Ottoman Turks who owned the land, and religious professionals that went there to maintain various religious sites.

Even after Ashkenazi Jews first began streaming into Israel in 1870 AD, plagues would occasionally run rampant through Jerusalem that would kill half of the people living there in a short time.

The only real effort to fight these deadly diseases was those of the Christian Zionist missionaries.    Christian Zionists opened hospitals in Jerusalem and other places in the land of Israel. The first pediatric hospital in Jerusalem was opened by a Christian in 1872 AD.

Yet even though the tide was slowly turning, the land of Israel was still full of disease.  For example, Eliezer Ben Yehudah lost his wife and three of his children in a period of ten days from diseases, shortly after moving to Jerusalem in 1881 AD.

The Ashkenazi Jews began working to create their own healthcare system around 1900 AD.  First, Baron Rothschild hired a Jewish doctor to make a circuit around various Jewish farming communities and run a pharmacy in Jaffa.  Then in 1902 AD, the first Jewish hospital was opened in Jerusalem.  Next, in 1911 AD, the first Jewish health insurance company was formed, so Jews in the land of Israel could self fund their healthcare, instead of being dependent upon foreign aid.

Then the Ottoman Empire closed all Jewish hospitals, confiscated all of the Jewish medical equipment, and drafted the Jewish doctors into their army during World War I.

When the British took control of the land of Israel in 1917 AD, there was no healthcare system in the land of Israel.  So in 1918 AD, the American Zionist Medical Unit (aka Hadassah) was established to rebuild the healthcare system in the land of Israel.  By 1922 AD, the healthcare system had not only been rebuilt, but expanded to include new hospitals in Jaffa, Safed, Tiberias, and Haifa.

Also in 1922 AD, the British enforced greatly improved sanitation standards across the entire land of Israel, and mandatory vaccinations against diseases like smallpox.  This effectively ended the problem of excessive flies and the diseases that they spread.

Then in 1927 AD, Hadassah began working on eradicating malaria in the land of Israel.  The British authorities took over the effort with the assistance of the Zionist Commission headed by Chaim Weizmann in 1929 AD.

In 1930 AD, the Ashkenazi Jews resumed creating their own self-funded healthcare system, again.  By the time that the State of Israel was declared in 1948 AD, the Jews in the land of Israel had created new hospitals, clinics, and medical schools.

Finally, in 1951 AD the Jewish National Fund began working to drain the Hula Swamp.  The project was completed in 1958 AD, bringing an end to the massive swarms of disease carrying mosquitoes that the Arabs had inadvertently created over 1200 years earlier.

The skies of Israel were no longer darkened by swarms of disease carrying flies and mosquitoes.

Today, Israel is ranked as the sixth healthiest nation on Earth.

Men in Israel have the second highest life expectancy for men in the world, and Israel has the eighth highest life expectancy on average in the world.  (It would likely beat out Japan for the highest life expectancy in the world, if those killed in combat and by terrorists, were not pulling down the average.)  The infant mortality rate is very low and the survival rate of child delivery is very high.

Every citizen in Israel, Jew, Arab, or otherwise, has health insurance and access to the healthcare system.

Israel is home to some of the greatest hospitals in the world.  Israel has also become home of some of the greatest medical research facilities in the world.

Many of the greatest medical devices in modern times were invented in Israel, like the PillCam.  Another one is ReWalk, a robotic exoskeleton that allow paraplegics to walk.  Jews in Israel have pioneered things like artificial kidneys and livers, that show promise as an alternative to transplants to replace these organs when they cannot be saved.  The first medicine that could cure any of the thousands of varieties of Cystic Fibrosis was developed in Israel, and research continues there to build on that success to develop a cure for not just Cystic Fibrosis, but for all genetic diseases.

The impossible has happened.

How could have all of this happened?

This is the work of the Greatest Zionist

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has being returning the land of Israel back to being a land of health and healing, after being a place that no one wanted to live in (Jeremiah 30:17).  He has been causing the land of Israel to be a place of abundant health and healing (Jeremiah 33:6).  He has been causing the land of Israel to no longer devour those who live in it with disease (Ezekiel 36:14).

The Father of Truth has been healing the people of Israel in the land of Israel (Psalm 147:2-3).  He has been healing those who live in the land of Israel after almost 1900 years of chastising them with devastating diseases (Hosea 6:1-2).

The Father of Truth does not just want to make the impossible happen concerning the health of Israel, but He wants to make the impossible happen concerning your health. He wants you to come into the House of Truth and enroll in the best healthcare plan ever.

Like the land of Israel, the Father of Truth wants to restore the health of all people - not just the Jews (Psalm 67:2-4).  He will heal people from any ethnic group, who will humble themselves and repent of their sin (Isaiah 57:15-19).

Like the land of Israel, the Father of Truth wants you to heal you from every disease, by walking in His ways (Exodus 15:26).   He wants to forgive your sins, heal you from every disease, and redeem your life from destruction (Psalm 103:2-4).

Like the land of Israel, a way has been made for you to be healed that has already been paid for.  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was beaten for your healing when he died for your sins (Isaiah 53:4-6).  There is healing in his wings for those who fear to speak the name of the Father of Truth causally (Malachi 4:2).  The Shepherd of your soul was beaten with a whip, so you could be healed by his stripes (1 Peter 2:24-25)!

Like the land of Israel, a healthcare system has been put in place.  The Man of Truth has commissioned the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to lay hands on the sick, so that they can recover from every illness (Mark 16:17-18).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) has given some of the Children of Truth the gift to heal others (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).  The Father of Truth has given some among the Children of Truth the gift of healing, so that no one who comes into the House of Truth has to remain sick (1 Corinthians 12:28-30).  He has provided the means for the Children of Truth to be healed of every disease by the prayers of other Children of Truth, when they repent of their sins (James 5:14-16).

Like the land of Israel, the Father of Truth sent the Word of Truth to heal the disease brought about by sin (Psalm 107:17-20).  He wants you to let the Word of Truth into your heart, so all of your flesh can enjoy health (Proverbs 4:20-22).  He wants you to come into the House of Truth, by following the orders of the Man of Truth, the Great Physician, because you believe that He healed the Man of Truth from death (Romans 10:9-11).  He desires for you to live in the House of Truth, so your soul can prosper and your body be in health (3 John 1:2-4).

Come into the House of Truth!

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