The Real Israelites
Who are the real Israelites?
When I was living in Greece in 1987 AD, I got involved in a prison ministry. Through this prison ministry, I met a couple from France named Andre and Elizabeth.
One day while I was visiting them, Andre started telling me about how all of the people of England and France were Israelites. He told me that the Saxons were originally called "Isaac's sons", their name was then contracted to "Isaacsons", then later to "Sacsons", and finally to Saxons. He said, that the Saxons came into France, and then England, because they were forced out of Germany by persecution. He also told me, that many of the Saxons had not fled Germany, so many of the Germans were also Israelites. Of course, since most white Americans were descendants of people from England, France, and Germany, they were also Israelites.
He proceeded to tell me about all these Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that were found in England, France, and Germany. He was certain that everyone from these three countries were the real Israelites.
After I came back from Greece, I researched this further. I found that this was a common teaching among white supremacists, except they took it even further. They also cited even more evidence of ancient Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Andre had cited. They went so far as to say that everyone with white skin, except for Jews, were descendants of the ancient Israelites. They insisted that the Jews, who live in Israel today, were imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone with pure white skin ancestry. They were certain that they were the real Israelites.
Since then, I have heard many variations of this same story by different groups. I have encountered groups, who insist that all Israelites have black skin, and only Israelites have black skin. I have heard the same thing about Native Americans as well. They are both certain that they are the real Israelites.
In all cases, the story is the same. They all cite some evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of their particular ethnic group. They all say, that it proves that everyone in their ethnic group are Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group. They all say, that the Jews, who live in Israel today, are imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone in their ethnic group. They are all certain, that members of their ethnic group are the real Israelites.
There are probably similar stories for other ethnic groups besides these. Collectively, these stories make everyone in the world to be Israelites, except the Jews, especially those in Israel.
So, does evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the homeland of an ethnic group, mean that all members of that ethnic group are the real Israelites?
The best way to answer this, is to consider the Greeks.
There is no country in the world, outside of Israel, with more evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Greece.
The evidence was everywhere when I lived there, right down to some of the "Greek" foods that I ate there, which I later learned were really "Jewish" or "Israelite" foods. The archeological evidence in Greece shows a continual prescence of Israelites and Jews for at least three thousand years. The Greeks have all kinds of Israelite customs, like keeping a holiday they called, "Passover", by roasting a lamb whole.
The Greeks do not just have this kind of evidence, but they also have continuous written history of this going back almost four thousand years. While the ancestors of other ethnic groups making these claims, were living as illiterates in grass huts and the like, for two thousand years or more, the Greeks were documenting these things in cities of sculpted marble.
No one can make a stronger case, that all of their ethnic group must be Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group, based on the presence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than the Greeks.
So, based on evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of the Greeks, the Greeks must be the real Israelites.
So are all Greeks Israelites, and all Israelites Greeks? Are the Greeks the real Israelites?
I never heard the Greeks make any such claim, but that does not make the claim false. The truth of this claim can be established by consulting the source of all truth, the Book of Truth (The Bible).
The Jews in Judaea thought that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was going to go to the Jews who lived among the Greeks as well as the Greeks (John 7:33-35). Jews like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) are no better than Greeks, because both have sinned (Romans 3:9).
Both Jews and Greeks will be rewarded according to their deeds (Romans 2:7-10). The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are commanded to not offend Jews or Greeks or each other (1 Corinthians 10:32). Jews and Greek are joined together in the House of Truth, like separate body parts are joined together into a single body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14).
[In all of the above passages, the word for "Greek", "Ellens", is translated as "Gentile". This is because all Gentiles in area of the former Greek Empire lived like the Greeks, especially in religion. In each case, "Greek" is the literal translation.]
Jews as well as Greeks repented of their sorcery (Acts 19:17-19). Paul the Jew preached repentance to both Jews and Greeks (Acts 20:21).
Paul the Jew preached the same message to first Jews, and then Greeks (Romans 1:16). Yet, Jews and Greeks are not convinced by the same means to come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:22-24).
It should be evident, that Jews and Greeks are two different ethnic groups.
Israelites became like a different ethnic group than the Jews. The Assyrians scattered them out of the northern kingdom called Israel (2 Kings 18:9-11). The Jews remained in the southern kingdom called Judah (2 Kings 18:26-28).
Before the southern kingdom of Judah as scattered by the Babylonians, synagogues that housed individual congregations filled the southern kingdom of Judah (Psalm 74:3-8). Undoubtedly, the same was true of the northern kingdom of Israel.
When Jews were scattered outside of the land of Israel, they created synagogues where ever they went (Acts 9:2). These synagogues are where the descendants of Israel discussed the Law of Truth (Acts 15:21).
The Jews formed synagogues in Syria, which the Greeks had filled with their cities (Acts 9:19-20). The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies in Cyprus (Acts 13:5). The Israelites formed synagogues in the Greek colonies near the southern coast of Turkey (Acts 13:14-16). Greeks were with the Jews in the synagogues in central Turkey (Acts 14:1). The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies on the west coast of Turkey (Acts 18:19).
There was a synagogue in Thessaloniki in northeast Greece (Acts 17:1). There was a synagogue in Berea in north central Greece (Acts 17:10). There was a synagogue in Athens in south central Greece (Acts 17:16-17). There was a synagogue in Corinth in southwest Greece, where Greeks as well as Jews met on the Sabbath (Acts 18:1-4).
Every place where the Greeks colonized or built cities, there were synagogues. There were usually Greeks in these synagogues as well as Jews. In fact, the word "synagogue" is actually a Greek word.
More than that, Jews and Greeks left the synagogue to learn from Paul the Jew together in the Yeshiva (school) of Tyrannus (Acts 19:8-10).
In fact, Greek was the language of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), just like Hebrew was the language of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).
This is the very Renewed Covenant, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to make with both the Jews and the Israelites (Jeremiah 31:31).
The Greeks are very connected to the Jews, even though they are a different ethnic group. So, are Greeks the real Israelites, who were scattered by the Assyrians?
There is no difference between Jew and Greek in the House of Truth (Romans 10:12). This does not mean that they have the same ancestry, because there is also no difference between men and women in the House of Truth (Galatians 3:28). Jews are still compelled to be circumcised, while Greeks are not, even though both are equal partners in the House of Truth (Colossians 3:11).
Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka the Apostle Timothy) had not been circumcised, because his father was a Greek, while his mother was a Jew, so Paul the Jew circumcised him, because he was a Jew (Acts 16:1-3). The Apostles of Truth did not compel Titus to be circumcised, because he was a Greek (Galatians 2:1-3).
If Greeks were the real Israelites, then Titus would have been compelled to be circumcised (Leviticus 12:1-3). After all, even Paul the Jew continued to walk orderly in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Acts 21:24-26).
So, it is certain that Greeks are not Israelites, despite the exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland.
So, why is there an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland, if Greeks are not the real Israelites?
The Father of Truth warned the Israelites, that when they turned from Him to worship idols in the land of Israel, then he would scatter them among other ethnic groups, where they would worship the idols of their lands (Deuteronomy 4:25-28). He said, that the Israelites would be scattered among all people, even to the furthest point on Earth from the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 28:63-65). The Israelites being scattered among all ethnic groups, would be undeniable proof, that the Father of Truth does what He says that He will do (Ezekiel 6:8-10).
[The word nation in these passages literally means "Gentiles". This Hebrew word is translated as the Greek word that means "ethnic groups" in the Septuagint. So, it is all ethnic groups that the Israelites were scattered among.]
Since the Israelites started worshiping idols, soon after they arrived in the Promised Land, they soon started being scattered among other ethnic groups, who worshiped idols. The Greeks had trade relations with cities near the land of Israel, and worshiped more idols than any other nation. The Jews had been intertwined with the Greeks since before their arrival in Egypt. In fact, the Jews and Greeks have been so connected throughout history, that their long relationship with each other can best be described as Greco-Judeo wrestling.
During this time, the Jews in Greece live in their own villages in every part of Greece. They had their own neighborhoods in every large city. In some cases, like Thessaloniki, the Jews were majority, where they made up seventy percent of the population, before the Nazis came. This is why, there is an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece.
Sourmena, a suburb of Athens, where I lived, had been almost completely Jewish for at least two thousand years. This only changed when the Jews of Sourmena sided with the Ottoman Empire in the Greek Independence War in 1821 AD. Most of the Jews of Sourmena moved to Turkey, after the Greeks won the war, and created a new town there with the same name. Still, they left their influence on Sourmena. That is why, there was so much Jewish food found in the markets and homes of Sourmena, along with other Jewish customs that were still practiced there.
So this exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece, is not proof that the Greeks are the real Israelites. It is evidence, that the Father of Truth scattered the Israelites among the Greeks as He had promised. The same is true of all other ethnic groups.
So, Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, found among every ethnic group, serves as proof, that the Father of Truth scattered the real Israelites among all ethnic groups, as He had promised.
In like manner, the Father of Truth has also been gathering the people of Israel back to the land of Israel, as He promised (Deuteronomy 30:3).
The Impossible People live in the Impossible Land, and speak the Impossible Language. They have created the Impossible Healthcare, the Impossible Military, the Impossible Economy, and the Impossible Government. They fulfilled the Impossible Dream of Christian Zionists to form the Impossible Country. The Real Jews, who live in Israel, show that the Father of Truth has sent the people of Israel to the ends of the Earth and back again, as He had promised.
Most of the descendants of Israel (Ya'acob aka Jacob), who live in Israel today, are Jews, whose ancestors lived in the southern kingdom of Judah. So, they are not the Israelites, whose ancestors lived in the northern kingdom of Israel.
So, the real Israelites are not identified by skin color, or any other physical characteristic, nor are they Jews. So, who are the real Israelites?
The real Israelites are the descendants of those from the northern kingdom. They live as minorities among the every ethnic group on Earth (Deuteronomy 4:27). While living as minorities among these ethnic groups, they have faced constant terror and persecution (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).
It did not matter, that the Jews in Germany had the same skin color, hair color, eye color, or other physical characteristics as the Germans, that they have gained through generations of inter-racial marriage. There was something different about the appearance of many of them, that set them apart as Jews. There were also some Jews, that nothing in their appearance set them apart from the Germans. So, the Germans went through great lengths to find out, who were the Jews among them, no matter how much they looked like Germans.
It does not matter, if the real Israelites have come to look so much like the ethnic group, that they live among, that it takes great effort to determine, that they are not part of that ethnic group. It does not matter, how much they behave like the ethnic group that they live among. The real Israelites are defined by being descendants of Israel, no matter what they look like, or act like.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism will always provoke the ethnic group that they live among, to persecute the real Israelites. There will always be false accusations against the real Israelites, similar to the Jews being accused of being the people who killed the Man of Truth.
This is why groups like the Lemba tribe in Zimbabwe, and the Falash Mura in Ethiopia, have always been called foreigners, and persecuted by their neighbors, who have the same black skin, black hair, and dark eyes as them.
Some of the real Israelites, like the Bnei Manashe, whose name literally means, "children of Manasseh", even know which tribe of Israel that they came from. Other of the real Israelites have had their identity hidden from them, but are still hated without a cause, by many in the ethnic group that they live among (Psalm 83:2-4). Either way, there are two forces at work to identify the real Israelites.
However, the real Israelites will be fished out of the countries of the ethnic groups, by those who love them, to be brought back to the land of Israel, before they are hunted out of these countries, by those who hate them, to be driven back to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 16:13-16). The Father of Truth has always had members of those ethnic groups, who have provided a little sanctuary for the real Israelites, until they return to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 11:16-17).
The real Christians will always stand up for the real Israelites.
The truth is, that anyone, whether they are part of the real Israelites or not, can come into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel. The real Israelites were chosen to bring the Good News to the Gentiles, because it has always been about the Gentiles. The simplicity of the Gospel is not about being one of the real Israelites. The Children of Truth are not defined by being one of the real Israelites.
There is no difference between the descendants of Israel, and everyone else, in the House of Truth (Romans 3:28-30). The Father of Truth is calling the real Israelites, and everyone else, into the House of Truth (Romans 9:24-27). Everyone, who makes the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
When I was living in Greece in 1987 AD, I got involved in a prison ministry. Through this prison ministry, I met a couple from France named Andre and Elizabeth.
One day while I was visiting them, Andre started telling me about how all of the people of England and France were Israelites. He told me that the Saxons were originally called "Isaac's sons", their name was then contracted to "Isaacsons", then later to "Sacsons", and finally to Saxons. He said, that the Saxons came into France, and then England, because they were forced out of Germany by persecution. He also told me, that many of the Saxons had not fled Germany, so many of the Germans were also Israelites. Of course, since most white Americans were descendants of people from England, France, and Germany, they were also Israelites.
He proceeded to tell me about all these Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that were found in England, France, and Germany. He was certain that everyone from these three countries were the real Israelites.
After I came back from Greece, I researched this further. I found that this was a common teaching among white supremacists, except they took it even further. They also cited even more evidence of ancient Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Andre had cited. They went so far as to say that everyone with white skin, except for Jews, were descendants of the ancient Israelites. They insisted that the Jews, who live in Israel today, were imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone with pure white skin ancestry. They were certain that they were the real Israelites.
Since then, I have heard many variations of this same story by different groups. I have encountered groups, who insist that all Israelites have black skin, and only Israelites have black skin. I have heard the same thing about Native Americans as well. They are both certain that they are the real Israelites.
In all cases, the story is the same. They all cite some evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of their particular ethnic group. They all say, that it proves that everyone in their ethnic group are Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group. They all say, that the Jews, who live in Israel today, are imposters, and the land of Israel belongs to everyone in their ethnic group. They are all certain, that members of their ethnic group are the real Israelites.
There are probably similar stories for other ethnic groups besides these. Collectively, these stories make everyone in the world to be Israelites, except the Jews, especially those in Israel.
So, does evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the homeland of an ethnic group, mean that all members of that ethnic group are the real Israelites?
The best way to answer this, is to consider the Greeks.
There is no country in the world, outside of Israel, with more evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than Greece.
The evidence was everywhere when I lived there, right down to some of the "Greek" foods that I ate there, which I later learned were really "Jewish" or "Israelite" foods. The archeological evidence in Greece shows a continual prescence of Israelites and Jews for at least three thousand years. The Greeks have all kinds of Israelite customs, like keeping a holiday they called, "Passover", by roasting a lamb whole.
The Greeks do not just have this kind of evidence, but they also have continuous written history of this going back almost four thousand years. While the ancestors of other ethnic groups making these claims, were living as illiterates in grass huts and the like, for two thousand years or more, the Greeks were documenting these things in cities of sculpted marble.
No one can make a stronger case, that all of their ethnic group must be Israelites, and all Israelites are members of their ethnic group, based on the presence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, than the Greeks.
So, based on evidence of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that have been found in the homeland of the Greeks, the Greeks must be the real Israelites.
So are all Greeks Israelites, and all Israelites Greeks? Are the Greeks the real Israelites?
I never heard the Greeks make any such claim, but that does not make the claim false. The truth of this claim can be established by consulting the source of all truth, the Book of Truth (The Bible).
The Jews in Judaea thought that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was going to go to the Jews who lived among the Greeks as well as the Greeks (John 7:33-35). Jews like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) are no better than Greeks, because both have sinned (Romans 3:9).
Both Jews and Greeks will be rewarded according to their deeds (Romans 2:7-10). The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are commanded to not offend Jews or Greeks or each other (1 Corinthians 10:32). Jews and Greek are joined together in the House of Truth, like separate body parts are joined together into a single body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14).
[In all of the above passages, the word for "Greek", "Ellens", is translated as "Gentile". This is because all Gentiles in area of the former Greek Empire lived like the Greeks, especially in religion. In each case, "Greek" is the literal translation.]
Jews as well as Greeks repented of their sorcery (Acts 19:17-19). Paul the Jew preached repentance to both Jews and Greeks (Acts 20:21).
Paul the Jew preached the same message to first Jews, and then Greeks (Romans 1:16). Yet, Jews and Greeks are not convinced by the same means to come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:22-24).
It should be evident, that Jews and Greeks are two different ethnic groups.
Israelites became like a different ethnic group than the Jews. The Assyrians scattered them out of the northern kingdom called Israel (2 Kings 18:9-11). The Jews remained in the southern kingdom called Judah (2 Kings 18:26-28).
Before the southern kingdom of Judah as scattered by the Babylonians, synagogues that housed individual congregations filled the southern kingdom of Judah (Psalm 74:3-8). Undoubtedly, the same was true of the northern kingdom of Israel.
When Jews were scattered outside of the land of Israel, they created synagogues where ever they went (Acts 9:2). These synagogues are where the descendants of Israel discussed the Law of Truth (Acts 15:21).
The Jews formed synagogues in Syria, which the Greeks had filled with their cities (Acts 9:19-20). The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies in Cyprus (Acts 13:5). The Israelites formed synagogues in the Greek colonies near the southern coast of Turkey (Acts 13:14-16). Greeks were with the Jews in the synagogues in central Turkey (Acts 14:1). The Jews formed synagogues in the Greek colonies on the west coast of Turkey (Acts 18:19).
There was a synagogue in Thessaloniki in northeast Greece (Acts 17:1). There was a synagogue in Berea in north central Greece (Acts 17:10). There was a synagogue in Athens in south central Greece (Acts 17:16-17). There was a synagogue in Corinth in southwest Greece, where Greeks as well as Jews met on the Sabbath (Acts 18:1-4).
Every place where the Greeks colonized or built cities, there were synagogues. There were usually Greeks in these synagogues as well as Jews. In fact, the word "synagogue" is actually a Greek word.
More than that, Jews and Greeks left the synagogue to learn from Paul the Jew together in the Yeshiva (school) of Tyrannus (Acts 19:8-10).
In fact, Greek was the language of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), just like Hebrew was the language of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).
This is the very Renewed Covenant, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to make with both the Jews and the Israelites (Jeremiah 31:31).
The Greeks are very connected to the Jews, even though they are a different ethnic group. So, are Greeks the real Israelites, who were scattered by the Assyrians?
There is no difference between Jew and Greek in the House of Truth (Romans 10:12). This does not mean that they have the same ancestry, because there is also no difference between men and women in the House of Truth (Galatians 3:28). Jews are still compelled to be circumcised, while Greeks are not, even though both are equal partners in the House of Truth (Colossians 3:11).
Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka the Apostle Timothy) had not been circumcised, because his father was a Greek, while his mother was a Jew, so Paul the Jew circumcised him, because he was a Jew (Acts 16:1-3). The Apostles of Truth did not compel Titus to be circumcised, because he was a Greek (Galatians 2:1-3).
If Greeks were the real Israelites, then Titus would have been compelled to be circumcised (Leviticus 12:1-3). After all, even Paul the Jew continued to walk orderly in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Acts 21:24-26).
So, it is certain that Greeks are not Israelites, despite the exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland.
So, why is there an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, that are found in the Greek homeland, if Greeks are not the real Israelites?
The Father of Truth warned the Israelites, that when they turned from Him to worship idols in the land of Israel, then he would scatter them among other ethnic groups, where they would worship the idols of their lands (Deuteronomy 4:25-28). He said, that the Israelites would be scattered among all people, even to the furthest point on Earth from the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 28:63-65). The Israelites being scattered among all ethnic groups, would be undeniable proof, that the Father of Truth does what He says that He will do (Ezekiel 6:8-10).
[The word nation in these passages literally means "Gentiles". This Hebrew word is translated as the Greek word that means "ethnic groups" in the Septuagint. So, it is all ethnic groups that the Israelites were scattered among.]
Since the Israelites started worshiping idols, soon after they arrived in the Promised Land, they soon started being scattered among other ethnic groups, who worshiped idols. The Greeks had trade relations with cities near the land of Israel, and worshiped more idols than any other nation. The Jews had been intertwined with the Greeks since before their arrival in Egypt. In fact, the Jews and Greeks have been so connected throughout history, that their long relationship with each other can best be described as Greco-Judeo wrestling.
During this time, the Jews in Greece live in their own villages in every part of Greece. They had their own neighborhoods in every large city. In some cases, like Thessaloniki, the Jews were majority, where they made up seventy percent of the population, before the Nazis came. This is why, there is an exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece.
Sourmena, a suburb of Athens, where I lived, had been almost completely Jewish for at least two thousand years. This only changed when the Jews of Sourmena sided with the Ottoman Empire in the Greek Independence War in 1821 AD. Most of the Jews of Sourmena moved to Turkey, after the Greeks won the war, and created a new town there with the same name. Still, they left their influence on Sourmena. That is why, there was so much Jewish food found in the markets and homes of Sourmena, along with other Jewish customs that were still practiced there.
So this exceeding abundance of Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, in the land of Greece, is not proof that the Greeks are the real Israelites. It is evidence, that the Father of Truth scattered the Israelites among the Greeks as He had promised. The same is true of all other ethnic groups.
So, Israelite customs, artifacts, and the like, found among every ethnic group, serves as proof, that the Father of Truth scattered the real Israelites among all ethnic groups, as He had promised.
In like manner, the Father of Truth has also been gathering the people of Israel back to the land of Israel, as He promised (Deuteronomy 30:3).
The Impossible People live in the Impossible Land, and speak the Impossible Language. They have created the Impossible Healthcare, the Impossible Military, the Impossible Economy, and the Impossible Government. They fulfilled the Impossible Dream of Christian Zionists to form the Impossible Country. The Real Jews, who live in Israel, show that the Father of Truth has sent the people of Israel to the ends of the Earth and back again, as He had promised.
Most of the descendants of Israel (Ya'acob aka Jacob), who live in Israel today, are Jews, whose ancestors lived in the southern kingdom of Judah. So, they are not the Israelites, whose ancestors lived in the northern kingdom of Israel.
So, the real Israelites are not identified by skin color, or any other physical characteristic, nor are they Jews. So, who are the real Israelites?
The real Israelites are the descendants of those from the northern kingdom. They live as minorities among the every ethnic group on Earth (Deuteronomy 4:27). While living as minorities among these ethnic groups, they have faced constant terror and persecution (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).
It did not matter, that the Jews in Germany had the same skin color, hair color, eye color, or other physical characteristics as the Germans, that they have gained through generations of inter-racial marriage. There was something different about the appearance of many of them, that set them apart as Jews. There were also some Jews, that nothing in their appearance set them apart from the Germans. So, the Germans went through great lengths to find out, who were the Jews among them, no matter how much they looked like Germans.
It does not matter, if the real Israelites have come to look so much like the ethnic group, that they live among, that it takes great effort to determine, that they are not part of that ethnic group. It does not matter, how much they behave like the ethnic group that they live among. The real Israelites are defined by being descendants of Israel, no matter what they look like, or act like.
The Spirit of Anti-Jewism will always provoke the ethnic group that they live among, to persecute the real Israelites. There will always be false accusations against the real Israelites, similar to the Jews being accused of being the people who killed the Man of Truth.
This is why groups like the Lemba tribe in Zimbabwe, and the Falash Mura in Ethiopia, have always been called foreigners, and persecuted by their neighbors, who have the same black skin, black hair, and dark eyes as them.
Some of the real Israelites, like the Bnei Manashe, whose name literally means, "children of Manasseh", even know which tribe of Israel that they came from. Other of the real Israelites have had their identity hidden from them, but are still hated without a cause, by many in the ethnic group that they live among (Psalm 83:2-4). Either way, there are two forces at work to identify the real Israelites.
However, the real Israelites will be fished out of the countries of the ethnic groups, by those who love them, to be brought back to the land of Israel, before they are hunted out of these countries, by those who hate them, to be driven back to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 16:13-16). The Father of Truth has always had members of those ethnic groups, who have provided a little sanctuary for the real Israelites, until they return to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 11:16-17).
The real Christians will always stand up for the real Israelites.
The truth is, that anyone, whether they are part of the real Israelites or not, can come into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel. The real Israelites were chosen to bring the Good News to the Gentiles, because it has always been about the Gentiles. The simplicity of the Gospel is not about being one of the real Israelites. The Children of Truth are not defined by being one of the real Israelites.
There is no difference between the descendants of Israel, and everyone else, in the House of Truth (Romans 3:28-30). The Father of Truth is calling the real Israelites, and everyone else, into the House of Truth (Romans 9:24-27). Everyone, who makes the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Greeks, Israelites
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